HomeMy WebLinkAboutMD Packet 2-05Z-~~. Recording requested by and when recorded mail to: City of Bakersfield City Clerk's Office 1501 Truxtun Avenue Bakersfield, CA 93301 THIS SPACE FOR RECORDER'S USE ONLY Tract 5464 Lot Nos. 1 through 63 COVENANT DISCLOSING INCLUSION IN MAINTENANCE DISTRICT THIS COVENANT is executed on this day of ,199_, by Castle and Cooke Homes. Inc. (hereinafter, "Owner"), in connection with the Consolidated Maintenance District, located in the City of Bakersfield, California. The real property herein described is located within Tier 4 of the Consolidated Maintenance District, and may be assessed for maintenance of public landscaping on public rights-of way within the district. Although this property may have been assessed a lesser amount in the present tax year, the ultimate estimated annual assessment for maintenance of public landscaping within this tier, based on full buildout of this district, is $200.00 per single family dwelling, based on 1994 dollars and labor costs of the district. This covenant may not be amended or modified without the prior approval of the City of Bakersfield. This covenant shall run with the land. Property description: Dated this day of ,199 Owner(s)/Developer(s): City of Bakersfield: Raul M. Rojas Public Works Director NOTE: All owner(s)Ideveloper(s) signatures must be notarized. PW-jas P:~cov1.COV Recording requested by and when recorded mail to: City of Bakersfield City Clerk's Office 1501 Truxtun Avenue Bakersfield, CA 93301 THIS SPACE FOR RECORDER'S USE ONLY Tract 5464 Lot Nos. 1 through 63 COVENANT DISCLOSING INCLUSION IN MAINTENANCE DISTRICT THIS COVENANT is executed on this day of ,199_, by Castle and Cooke Homes, Inc. (hereinafter, "Owner"), in connection with the Consolidated Maintenance District, located in the City of Bakersfield, California. The real property herein described is located within Tier 4 of the Consolidated Maintenance District, and may be assessed for maintenance of public landscaping on public rights-of way within the district. Although this property may have been assessed a lesser amount in the present tax year, the ultimate estimated annual assessment for maintenance of public landscaping within this tier, based on full buildout of this district, is $200.00 per single family dwelling, based on 1994 dollars and labor costs of the district. This covenant may not be amended or modified without the prior approval of the City of Bakersfield. This covenant shall run with the land. Property description: Dated this day of ,199 Owner(s)JDeveloper(s): City of Bakersfield: Raul M. Rojas Public Works Director NOTE: All owner(s)Jdeveloper(s) signatures must be notarized. PW-jas P:~cov1.COV ZONE OF BENEFIT EXKIBIT "A" ALL THAT PORTION OF THE NORTHEAST QUARTER OF SECTION 8, TOWNSHIP 30 SOUTH, RANGE 27 EAST, M.D.M., CITY OF BAKERSFIELD, COUNTY OF KERN, STATE OF CALIFORNIA, ACCORDING TO THE OFFICIAL PLAT THEREOF, LYING SOUTHERLY OF THE SOUTHERLY LINE OF MING AVENUE AS DESCRIBED PER DOCUMENT RECORDED IN BOOK 5487, PAGE 297, O.R.; LYING WESTERLY OF THE WESTERLY LINE OF THE ARVIN-EDISON CANAL AS DESCRIBED IN THE FINAL ORDER OF CONDEMNATION RECORDED IN BOOK 3840, PAGE 291, O.R. AND THE FIRST AMENDED FINAL ORDER OF CONDEMNATION RECORD IN BOOK 4000, PAGE 17, O.R.; AND LYING NORTHERLY AND EASTERLY OF VERSAILLES DRIVE AND HAGGIN OAKS BOULEVARD A5 SHOWN ON TRACT N0. 44?2 AS FILED IN MAP BOOK 32 AT PAGES 51, 52 AND 53 IN~THE OFFICE OF THE KERN COUNTY RECORDER. r EXCEPTING THEREFROM THAT PORTION OF SAID LAND DESCRIBED AS PARCEL 7 IN THE GRANT DEED TO THE CITY OF BAKERSFIELD RECORDED IN BOOK 5673, PAGE 389, O.R. R~~ `~SS~~;- ~ ,~ ~9 ~0 U D, 1 . f w . ,~, ,~, ~, ~ ~~ ~. ~4: '~• r~ - ~~i i .~ `~ ~ ~~o 2~~04 '~, y ~: 7,,.3, ~ g~ ~ T G~~ `~~ ~ C!`~11, ~ ~'`~ qT ., ~~ F pF ~1F0 CA ~ ! $ r CITY OF J~ '~ --~ . a, ~~~~~~~~~~~~ CALIFORNIA su ~O~~N~~1D4~1 ~[~QdDC~~~ ~C~pQ~~'~ `'~~' p~1(~~ ©DdD~OC~~J ~~~I'I 1990 -4- ~s Martin-McIntosh c/o Roger McIntosh 2001 Wheelan Court Bakersfield, California 93309 RE: REVISED TRACT 5464 (LANDSCAPING) Dear Roger: I received you letter, dated December 2?, 1994 regarding the landscape- maintenance along Versailles Drive for the above tract. When the Planning Commission approved the revised. tract at the December 1, 1994 meeting the letter I have attached was included in the packet. I interpreted the letter too read the Homeowners Association would maintain the landscaping on Versailles Drive. When I spoke to .Vernon Burke he indicated Castle and Cooke's intention was to keep the landscape conditions the same as the original approved tract. He indicated you would send me a letter clarify their intent. The. City will continue to manage the maintenance of the landscaping on Versailles Drive through the Consolidated Maintenance District and charge the additional maintenance cost to the homeowners within revised tract 5464. If this. is not what you intended, please let me know. Sincerely, .RANK FABBRI Parks Superintendent cc: Vernon Burke, Castle and Cooke Lee Andersen, Community Services Manager Jack Hardisty, Planning Director Georgina Lorenzi, Business Manager Lauren-Dimberg, Public Works Marian Shaw, Public Works 4101 TRUXTUN AVENUE BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA 93309 (805 32fi•3117 J. ~.., ~J.~~L.~.~ ~nw suwvevNO . uv~. eno~~o .ENO . un~oseww ~wa+rttc~n.~a~ City of Bakersfield Planning Department 1715 Chester Avenue Bakersf eld, California 93301 A1'TN: Dear Mike: RE• Mike~Lee Revised Tentative Tract 5464 Martin-McIntosh Project #6808.28 ~]E ~ ]E ~ ~ lE~, NOV 1 0 1994 c~~r of eAKEASF~~~Q P~,4NNING OEPAAtMENT Pursuant to our meeting last week I am enclosing five (5) copies of Revised Tentative Tract 5464 showing the following items. 1. Clarification of the property line location on the sidewalk side of the street and. setback of 25' front yard from the property line at back of walk or flowline, as the case may be. 2. Representative floor plan of a unit that can be constructed on some of the shorter lots. 3. Verification of lot widths around cul-de-sacs with 35' frontage. 4. Extraordinary Amenities for this revised tentative tract optional design include a secure. gated communi with walls and controlled aces to ty g deter the increase in crime that is plaguing the area. In addition, we have installed 15' of landscaping along Versaille and Haggin Oaks Blvd. Both ~ of these landscape stri s are above and be and Cit minimum P Y Y standards. The landscape strip. on ~ Versalle is to be: maintained by a homeowners... . . assoc~a~on within the tract; VVe hope this provides you with the informati you nested. If y questions please feel free to contact me. ~ RAM: rm November ~$, 1994 Roger A~1VIcIntoslU . d:lrjm108281tr 2001 WHEELAN COURT • BAKERSFiELD, CA • 805/834.4814 ~ FAX 8051834-0972 • B A K E R S F I E L D MEMORANDUM T0: ALAN TANDY, CITY MANAGER FROM: ANDREA L. BRITT, ADMINISTRATIV AIDE F~ December 29, 1992 SUBJECT: LIGHTING. OF ENTRY SIGNS AT HAGGIN OAKS COUNCILMEMBER BRUNNI'S INQUIRY TO ADD TO MAINTENANCE DISTRICT ~_ A couple of weeks ago, I received a phone call from Councilmember Brunni askin 9 how to go about addi n an additional cost to an exi sti n maintenance district 9 9 ~~~ sp 'fically, to light the Haggin-Oaks entry signsj. Councilmember Brunni~had already contacted the Parks Division to, verbally, get a "rough" estimate of what. the i nstal l at~on and maintenance of the 1 i ghti ng woul d cost. She brought this information back to the group of property owners she had been working with ~n Hagg~n Oaks, and they have decided to request this be included in the maintenance district for Fiscal Year 1993-94. With your approval, I would like to send a copy of the attached "cost estimate" memo from Frank f Fabbri to Counci 1 member Brunni . At my request, Larry Lun~ardini reviewed the Maintenance District Agreement and determined that this could, i n fact, be accompl i~shed without any modification to .the existing Agreement letter to Ed Schulz from Larry is attachedj. Ed Schulz has su ested that a written re u est for the addition to the distr g pct be g q submitted and signed by at least ten of the property owners in Haggin Oaks. Councilmember Brunni is in the process of obtaining this written request. -When notices are sent out Ito all property owners in the districtj, prior to the Budget Hearings in June, 1993, a notation will be made -that the maintenance district fee wi 11 be increased to provide for this 1 i ghtl ng. Any property owners objecting to the increase can do so at the Budget Hearings. If you need any additional information, please let me know. .alb Attachments ~y _# ZZ-5~ C1UN 1b; 16 ~AKEKSh1~LU t'AKKS D1V FAX N0, 18058610864 B A K E R S F I E L D MEMORANDUM P. 02 ~Q~i January 21, 1993 To: LEE ANDERsEN, CQMMUNYTY SERVICES MANAG CAROL ~1ILLYA~IS, CITY CL~~K FROM: ALAN TANDY, CITY MANAGER . SUB~JECT~ ENTRY SIGN LIGHTING AT ~iA6GIN OAK At the Cauneil Meeting of January 20th,~Mr. Glenn J, Gregory presented me with the attached petitions, I assured him that the lighting for the signage at Naggi r~ aaks wou~ d be i nc1 uded i n the next set of assessment numbers that goes out fog the di stri ~t.: Y a,r passing this an to Carol for the f i 1 e~, aid a copy to Lee for assurance that this wi Z 1, in fact a be incorporated into the maintenance di ~tri ct f a~ this area, AT+alb Attachments ~c; Gouncilmember Brunni ~'~ K6 CZ-~~ CIUN 1 ~ ~ 1 1 ' ~ TU: ~xv~t; 6AK~K~~ 1 LLI~ 1'AKKS U 1 W 2~ BAS' City ~ot~ncilper9or~ ~~~ ors ~a~ov~r~s N AX N0, 16066610664 9~BJ~CT; ~iaht~~a Q~ ~ntrv SiQ~s ~t ~aa~in Oaks P. 03 ~ ° ~ 9 ~ 5 S V ~~ ~ rr 1 M ~• ~r 11 ~ u ~ ~^ ~ y~ ~a~ggin osk~s homeovnets a~o~3d be vaty gratefu.t tf the m8antenarice dt,strict fa co~unzzy ~o~1d ~ata~Il eritr 1i hta ors the x$ r our Y 9 gg~ Oaks entt'y ~-igns. We undetstand the instai~Iatio~ cost is approYi~ately ~a~, 000 to $3, 404 (s~ to $6 per homeo~rr~er ~r~d SI00 r er year ~~zncena~ce, ~ ~ P fie, the v~der~igr~ed, approve of this expenditure. i ~ e t ure Prin d dame 1 ' A ~ ~~ ~. '~ . ~ ~ ~ ~ .~- l 4 . ~' T- ~,~., ,l ~ / /+ ~/' ~'~ ~~~ ~ l~ tl~~ 8. 9. .. ~o, ~~. ~~. 13+ 14. 1~. Street Address ~1 l~~sc~l/.s 1~,~ S~D~ Y~.r ~~; ~I~s ,fir ~3c~ U~.E-~.~ r'l~s ~~-: '$ o ~ Urn Arc<< 9io~ p~ g ~ o ~ ~/x.~~.~,C,e~-, M• , City Co~r~ci~Iperson ~~oM: ~ac~~r ors 8o~r~x~,s ~. +~., ~ ~„ . SD'$J~CT; ~i~htina of Entry S~o~.e at Fla~ysn Oaks `' '" ~Ta~g.~ra Qaks l~omeo~nere vouid be very grateful if the ~,a,tt~tenarics dis~ttict for or~r co~rrt~~tity voold ~sta~1 entry lights on the t~aggin oaks entry signs. ire t~nderst8nd tote ~nsta~Ilatioa cost zs approx~atate~iy ;2, 000 to S3, 000 (~4 to SS per homeo~-aez1 and $~ 4o pes ,feat ~rainte~nance. fie, the. ~tndessigned, approve a~ this expenditure. at~re Printed Ndrlte ~~t address :. ~llzi(y f1o~ X41 ,~Qrrf~ la)ce.~ ~. ~et~~ L. l~,esi 9213 ~~T~~PS B~ v~, a. l ;i u ~ ~I i fl .~ i r~ ~T~FF ~ZD ~ r'I~n,.es p 1 iW +. re-~-S a ~ ~n c~ ~ NQ~e s I,tl s.6~.~,~~o ~~ 1~ r~~~n. C2,~-~ G2b5 rnc~ s` ,iY~ ~ . ~ ,e ~rl~,.~ve,.pm-i' <~SOV C1~:~r~~ S-}: ~. c ~ ~ ! . ~, l . ~ac;~•i~. ~13/dPeu~ ~~,~ ~ / iy' ~.:tir~`ir /f e. ~ /~ _ J~nr"sue Brr e/ 9 11 /YJ- - 1nnFj e l u~, "~~ ~'~ / ~~ [-/`5 A C. F2~5F. ! ~ C/ / / 2- ~ G,.L ni(y0 ~l~J~ ,o. l Y~t~C men n i ~Fe r ONea ~. l~/ rle5 ~ ~~, 3 1 N4K4 [~J2s~. ~~0~ ~J~1 ihEn.~. ~ ~~~~ zSv9 C~~~o~ ~~ 1~~' /Jr~.c7~2dx 9zag /x `Z-~Nes g~,.a. ~'~~ a V<<4x~Ert _~z~~, 1nA'~~~e5 ~~,lo~ ~ __"~,~ ~. ~~, FEB-2-93 MaN 15 ,17 BRKERSF I ELB PRRKS B I ~ FRX N~, 18058fi 108fi4 P. 05 ~; ,~~. b 1 `~o: ~x~r~8 err ~~, ~ . City Co~nci3pe.~so~ ~~. -~.~ ~~~~ '' ~~- FROX: ~1~GC ,'~~~ r~r ors gox~ ~~1~8JLCT: ~ ~i~rhtinQ of Ent y Siang a~~ KaQain OB,ks Xaggi~ a$k9 homeQ~~ters ~ovld be very gr$tefai if the maintenance district for our ~arrtmu~ity ~o~id znsta~I er~tay 1~ghts on the ~aqg~ OSks entry sighs ~ We ~nderstdnd the instailatio~ cost is approx~ate3y ~,~, 004 to 5.3, 400 ($~ to ;6 per hor~eo~ner and I00 er year ~ai~tenance. ~ ~ S p ~'e, tie ~r~de~signed, approve of this expenditure, 5~onature 4 ~. . ~ ~' .. ~. ~~ ~' / ~ ~ / 1 rfI ~~ r J l '' f r ' ~ ~' ~ + ~ ~ ~• ' ~+ ~ , 9. .~' ~ . i Y M % r~ r 1~. 12. r,~ . ~¢+ .. ~t~ Printed Name w~ d~~ ~~e~~Q~~ ~ ~ ) ~ ~~ ~ t~ 1 - ,,, ~; ~ Stzee Address 9io ,~.~p E5 ~~ ~' 1 ~ o ~ ~ ~, o es rc.t~ n _ 1 r, c. ,~~ ~~ ~ 1 ,~~ ,_ + r , 1 ~ '~ ^ ~ I ,_. ~ ~~ , S 1~ no\ ~J v ~ e-- ~)Cls ~ ~ v I /c~~~ /I /1 biA LOViPJ i nw Fln ~n~,~a~ I ff ~ r ~ + ' /~ ~/ ~' t~ j •J ,• - ~ ; , r J• ~ ~~ r 8~9 ~,:,mc~~ rA ~~~ nri ~m/JaP~~~~j~ ~~s L~.o,,~~L~ R~ha ir...~UG l..i I5~ .~ FEB-22-93 MON 15.18 ~o: PROX: SUB.7ECT BAKERSFIELD PARKS D[V ~~ mar= City Courici,tperao~ ~i~+GIJ~t 0~ Bo~I~R.4 FAX N0, 18058610864 a Lioht~a o~ Entzy Spa 9 at t~aaai» Oaks P, Ofi ~. ~~:. JYaggin Ca~C9 ho~eoVn~r~ voUld be verb grate,~~~ ~f .the ~as~tensnce dust ' cort~tunity vou~d ~~rtal~ entry ltght~ as the ~a ire O~,kS eatr s ' rzct for vUr ~st$1~lation coat is a roxir~atel ~ a00 to 99 Y ~gr~s' We r~nderstaad the PP Y ~ ~ 53,000 ~~4 to S6 goer homeot~ner~ and X104 par year m~inter~ance. We', tl~e ut~dersagr~ed, ap~arove of this espe~ditr~re 3ianatVre ~ irate a eat Add 1. ~y~(r ~, . -~c rt s r .~- ,~~ .~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~~~~ ~~ ~~~ ~ ~ o 1 -~~S ~ ~ ~ ~. ~ , i~ ~. ~~ = ~ ~ ~u ~~ ~ ~~~~ ~ • s ~ ;. ~ ~ ~ i a ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~_ . ~ ~ e. 9. 10* I1. 1~. ~~`, 14. ~3. P 07 _~ ~o . avx~~s si City ~ovr~a,~.Ipersor~ P,~a~ e ~~CG~ 0~3 gQ~X~i S~~J`EC? + ~ of ~n tr Si a in 0$~a ~laggin ©aks bomeo~ness eou~Id be very grateful if the ma~:ntenance d~stz~ict for our cor~m~tttft~-.vovld ~9tali antsy 3ighta on t1~e Xaggin oaks ®nzry stgna. We under9~tand the sn,~tal3atioa cost ~s approxutratel~ ,fib, 000 to ~3, D00 l $¢ zo ,~6 per ho~eow~aer) and 5104 per ~ea~ mair~tenance+ We, the. t~ndetsigried, ~gprove of this eYpe~d3t~re 3ionature .~ A ~ ~ ~~ ~~ ~ ~ ~ ,~ S~ ~~ -t ' j~' (- ''~"t~~~ ~ G 4 .. ~, v~ -•~ e ~ s ~ ~' ., n t ~ ~~ ~.,~ ~' 1~'+l 14. ~~ ,15 , ~~ ~ ~ ~+a' ~+ ~~~. Printed ame f ~ (/ ' ' ~~~ ~ G . ~U ~~ V4 f ~~~ ~! r a ~ ~ c~~ ~~~ a~~ ~, A~~~~`. ~ ~I `4 ~.~Trn ~, i~r~w. ~ I ~ateef ~~~ L ~r ~~ _.... ~ ~ ~, ~ , / Tau 13.co~ t~ Tk I~-oStcT I~l~ur7M5 ~uSr3-~ b~1t;r~1~~5 3tree~t Address - ~. ~ ~~, + ~~' 1 ~ / l-~C~f~~ J~ ~ ~ ~ 3~~f /~;'~"pit ~:~s z2v`S f1r1L-(niw ~ c~A~5 2 Zoo (~~(,~' n Gh~s . ~ ~,,: ~~ . p~ VV ~/ Z«~~ ~/~~~~~,~J t3~~ 2 ~ C~° 1~y~/ti l~/c s~ a~ a 9 l~n~in ~' Ks z~~ ~~•ae6~,v v~res -.M E' r ~ c a ..~ c ~.. ~. '~,- .~ ~3 1805$6106fi4 City Cor~nri3per~or~ ~ROx : g~r~ ~s 80,~.~ St18~~EC2: Liyhtina of Sr~try, 3ians ~t Ha~Qin Qa~C,~ Hagg~.n Oaks ho~eowners would ~e vary gratafu~ if the mainten$~ce district for our` co~u~3ty , ~ou1a~ .ir~sta~1 entry fights orgy the Xagg}~ Oa1cs en~ry signs, We understd~d the ~etaii~t~on cost =8 approY.u~ately S2,a40 to ~~,ooo «¢ to ,~6 per homeot~ner~ aad ~'~~'0 er year ma~te~ance. P Wei the undersigned, approve of this experidiLure. ,Street Address 2. T1 ~~ v._Z.--h-G. IL 10. 11. ~~ . ~~~, U nl67h- Q-E~~Z 2e~og' rC~,G in1 O ~ ~, ~l~~r L 1, l c./G. ~ooo t7R ~~I •~ bps SJS~r /~~'11£4 ~r1_~~~r C~/~' r e~ r~e ' ~o~~~S~/~i nt ...,~L ZAdT7y'.n ~.Fi.) (J~1 r ~7?~/a --~a~NP GPr0.a~a~~ zaoy~--a -o~ . -~, (~. S s~oo Clow L~~ i4, I5, Si~-na~ Painted Name 'FEB-22-93 MON 15 ~ 19 1 ~. ~~ _ ~~o~: SCBJ`ECT C~I~AZ$ BR~A'1~"2 City eov~ci~pesaon 8~~ o~ go~XS~ ~ri~ of ~ntrv Si~n~ at Xaaq%ks . ~ I -P .i~t . A ~'' rr . I '~ ~. Xagg~ Oaks homeoyners ~-o~Id .be, Wert gratefu~I if the ~a,intenanoe a~istrfct fot oc~r co~~tnsty , mould 3neta~l eatsy ~ig~ts on the Xaggia oaks entry signs . We undet9tand the znetallatjor~ cost is approxsmate,~y $2,000 to ,3,000 ($4 ~Q S6 per homev~ner) and SI00 per ' year ma~tena~ce. We, the undersigned, approve Qf this expe~dttura i nature 1 2 p~ Printed ~aate _,._ V 1 e ti n ~ v°e,9c-~,/ s~T~ street ~ ess g$~~ Q~CR ra C~ ZR~ (~un~ ~v g' D' G c ( ~ 8 t a5 D' ~QF,~i ~~'vL J~ri'S rCJ vr' .1~. ~QQ ( 0~2~tV;Gi.- ~~~~ ~~ P~~~~ .~. 88 o a M c~~ C~- ~. v•ka.-c cc ~G,poo~a ~o«~Fiv .P.9ni .~ok~ W l~~°larcJ~( ~ ~~2iNo~ 13 i l i~. ~s. ._ ~- r ~-- ~ ~. ~~ ~ ~ ~ `w ~. ' • f • .. ,.. , ,~ ., ~, ~ ' C . ., ~ • ` e ' 9 ~ ~~ ~ • . . a 1 ~. 1 ~~(Zr~ CT So Acl~irJ s l~ ~s~ ~~,~ arcs ~,- 2~o~;v ,~ /~,r-- ~ ~ ~ ~' C 1 ~ ~ , ~ `~'31 L _. ., ~ r ~ ., ti~ A • • ~ ~. e ~FEB-~~-93 MaN i5~~a .. ~- . '~ ~o: ~ROrr: S~~BJEC~': ao~rl$ ~x1 ~~ty Cour~di.~pers~~ ~ 0~ 8a~t8R3 L~~~ Qf entry Sidns at Ha~ac~~ Oaks ~taggi.~ Oa~CB ~tomeovnerq vould be verb grateful ,r.~ the mainteaanre district for Q~r coma~~sr~tty , ~ovld stall entry ISghts ors tie Hagg,~,ti yaks er~tr~ signs. we undezst~d the .u~stallati©r~ coat is apprvx~ate~y ~~ ~ ~4o to ;3, 00~ (S4 to ~b per hom~ovr~er~ aid 51.04 per year ~rai~ter~a~ce. 1. 9. ~e, the undersigr~$c~ approve of this ex~ea~itt~re, Si na ire t r~ ~~ w rr ~ ~{. ~,! 12. . ~ ~~ ~~ ~' ~"~ ~~. ~ f ~J~. f~. Printed Name l' ' ~ ~' ~ t f' ~ ~~ ~ 8~as ~F ~Ci~,,~ ~v~l~ ~: QL~ ~~~ ~~ i ~•, ~ ~~~ ~ {~~` a 4 .. ~~ Cdr ~- y Street A ess ~~r .~ ~~~~~ ~~ o .~ ,~ ~ ~ ~~.~ ~/b/3 ST l'~rx/~i~l ~ y~ , ~ ~cn.,a...~ w~ •~ . ~80/ dT~ ("Lu'clE~ BgC~ S~I, Cl.Ou.D l.A;. '~/ ~~' ~~ ~ 1 ;,vim X7'00/ ~~-~/0~1~~. ' ~ I ~rQ L~5' ~-~. ~l ~uc,~~ 1~~~ . 17. ~ f./ ~FEB-X2--93 MON 1520 0 .~a + P ,, BAKERSF I ELF PARKS ~ I ~ ~ AX N0. 1 ~06~610664 ~~^^ ~'~ l5y ~ ~ +' L t . +~;,. T4: gRax: CRIB BRF~I City C4uncilpersor~ 81~QGII~T 4~3 8OaB~N$~ B~BJECT : ~iaht~~ of entry Szcr~s at ~a¢a~ Oaks ~~~~ I~ f r r ., ~laggin oaks home0~+ner9 ~ov3Q be verb gra~etui if tie maintenance district for o~ r ooa~r~n.~~y , a~ouid install er~tr~ ~tghts on the ~taggi,n Oaks emery signs * ~ We ~r~dersza~d the ~sta.I~at~on cost =s approY~ate3,~ Sa,000 to ,3,040 ($4 to ~a per homeo~+ner~ and ~'1~p per year ma~tenar~ce. ~'®, the t~adersigr~ed, approve of .this expenditure. S~~atvre minted N~ a Stgeat old cgs ., 1 2 3 4 s. r 6+ _. ~* ,~ . ~~ 8* r .. I ~o. ~~ 1~. 13t 14+ ~2eu f ~i~ti 2 I MFRS q 10 4 ST • C.~C r ci ~-+~ . ~~-- Sandi mkt+hew5 d4i'z3 Narlfes iua~l a are-~SwQi ZS o`f 4n e Wu ~~~ ~ ~r-~ `~. ~~ .~ r I5. . -- - ~- PUBLIC WORKS MANAGER'S REPC)RT MAINTENANCE DISTRICTNO. 5 City of Bakersfield Fiscal Year 1988-89 City of Bakersfield Maintenance District No. 5 is generally described as adistrict within the City of Bakersfield in that portion of Section 8, Township 30 South, Range 27 East, M.D.M., described as follows: Beginning at the point of intersection of the west right of way line of the Arvin-Edison Canal, with a .point 79.01 feet south of the. centerline of Ming Avenue; thence along thewesterly Tine of said Arvin-Edison Canal the following courses and distances: (1) South O1°45'24" west, 541.354feet to the beginning of a curve, concave easterly of radius of 1,050.00 feet; thence (2 ~ southerly along said curve, through a central angle of 00°51'03", an arc distance of 15.59 -feet, thence (3} South 00°54'21" West, 371.709 feet to the beginning of a curve, concave easterly of radius of 950.00 feet; thence (4) southerly along said curve,. through a central angle of O1°09'30", an arc distanceof 19.21 feet; thence (5} South 02°03'51"~West~ 2,931.14 feet; thence leaving said right of way 1ineNorth89°.17'27" West, 2,507.68 feet; 4hence~North 00°42'36" East., 216.00 feet;~thence~North 02°12'13" East, 69.77 feet; thence N/rth 05°04'34".East, 70.8 feet; thence North05°13'00" East, 72.00 feet; thence North04°09'10" East, 78.60. feet; thence .North 00°28'10" West, 8~2.91feet; thence North 05°28'55 "West, 8.2.91 feet; thence North 10°29'40" West,82.91 feet; thence North 15°30'25" West, 82.91 feet; thence North 20°31'10" West, 82.91 feet; thence North 25°31'55"West,~82.91 feet; thence North 30°32'.40" West, 82.91. feet; thence~North 34°35'22" West, 76.54 feet; thence North 35°00'00" West, 146.00 feet; thence North 42°01'13 "West, 133.67 feet tothe beginning of a curve, concave westerly of radius of 1, 200.00 feet; thence northerly along said curve, through a central angle of 63°12'47", an arc distance of 1,323.934 feet, thence North 15°.14'00" West, 400.811 feet to the beginning of a curve, concave easterly of radius of 1,200..00 feet, the radial point North 74°46.'00" East, thence northerly along said curve, through a central angle of 16°04'08", an arc distance of 336.546 feetto a point, thence North 00°50'08".East,. 564.14 feet; more or less to a point 135..86 feet ~ southerly of the centerine of said Ming Avenue; thenceSouth89°09'52" East., 72.00 feet, thence North 45°50'08"East, 73.34 feet; thence South 89°09'52" East, 995.14 feet; thence South 84°24'03" East, 120.42 feet; thence South 89°09' 52" East, 151.50 feet; thence South 44°09'52" East,70.00 feet thence South 89°09'52" East 60.00 feet; thence. North04°50'08" East, .10..00 feet; thence South 89°09'52" East, 72.00 feet; thence North 45°50'.08" East, 70.0.0 feet; thence South~89°09'52" East, 259.50 feet; thence North 89°58'03" East,~330.44 feet; thence South 89°09'52" East, 555.03 feet, more or less to the point of beginning. MD5.1 -1- (e) (ii ), in the case of a lot or parcel for which a building permit or `\~ - permits indicating the actual number of detached dwelling units to be constructed on the lot or parcel has been issued by the City, or for which the actual number of detached dwelling units to be constructed on the lot or parcel has been otherwise approved by the City, and evi- dence thereof has been filed in the County Recorder's Office, and pro- vided that said approval and filings occurred before the date set for the annual hearing on the assessment district before the City Council, the number of detached dwelling units permitted to be constructed on the lot or parcel, pursuant to said approval; and (d) The total number of dollars budgeted by the district for maintenance and operation of parks (including any improven~nts therein and/or incident thereto) in the assessment district for the year in which the assessment is levied (and this sum shall equal the remainder of funds budgeted by the district for a year ,after subtraction of the sum. described in (a) above for that year), multiplied by the numeral 2, and r~ultiplied by: (f)(i), the number of attached dwelling units permitted to be con- structed (even if not constructed) on the lot or parcel pursuant to the then currently effective zoning and/or City of Bakersfield State College Area General Plan as amended,*** or multiplied by: (f)(ii), in the case of a lot or parcel for which a building permit or permits indicating the actual number of attached dwelling units to be constructed on the lot or parcel has been issued by the City, or for which the actual number of attached dwelling units to be constructed on the lot or parcel has been otherwise approved by the City, and evi- dence thereof has been filed in the County Recorder's Office, and pro- vided that said approvals and filings occurred before the date set for the annual hearing on the assessment district before the City Council, the number of attached dwelling units permitted to be constructed on the lot. or parcel, pursuant to said approval; divided by the sum of: (g), the number of detached dwelling units permitted to be constructed in the district.,**** multiplied by the numeral 3.24; and (h), the number of attached dwelling units permitted to be constructed in the district, multiplied by the numeral 2. Paae 2 of 3 A _ a x b + d(3.24 x e(i)) + d(2 x f (i) ) (g x 3.24) + (h x 2) ~= OR A a x b + d(3.24 x e(ii)) + d(2 x f (ii}) =Assessment for . c (g x 3.24} + (h x 2} each lot or parcel * The number of assessable acres shall be determined by subtracting from the total acreage in the district or parcel or lot, the acreage of public. streets, and other government owned land within the district or parcel or lot. " ** Detached dwelling units (those dwelling uni~ by any comn~n walls } are deemed permissible, number of detacheddwelling units permitted or parcel shall be deen~d to be the nun~ral of assessable acres, or portion thereof, in of f to the nearest whole number. ds not joined to any others in areas zoned R-1. The to be constructed on a lot 4 multiplied by the number the parcel or lot., rounded *** Attached dwelling units (those joined to another by one or more common walls) are deemed permissible in areas zoned R-2 or R-3 and in areas not yet zoned. The number of attached dwelling units permitted to be ,constructed on a lot or parcel shall be deen~d to be the numeral 12 multiplied by the :number of assessable acres, or portion thereof , in the parcel or lot, rounded of f to the nearest whole number. **** The numbers of attached-and detached dwelling units permitted to be constructed in the district shall be deemed to be the sum of each such type of units permitted to be constructed on all lots or parcels within the district, except that if the number of detached or attached dwelling units. permitted on a lot or parcel is varied pursuant to Paragraphs (e) (i i } or (f } (i i } , then the number of dwelling units .permitted to be constructed in the district shall be deemed to be the sum of the number of dwelling units determined for any such lots or parcels pursuant to Paragraphs.{e) (ii) and (f} (ii) and the remaining numbers of dwelling units determined as in ** and *** above. Para ~ ~f ~ RUN 05-25-88 CITY OF BA~CERBF I ELD B AI~CER BF I ELD CIA I NTENAIwG E D I BTR 1 C TS TOTAL ., F'VND... PARCEL#........ DEBCRIPTION ............. AhIOUNT... 391-014-02-04-0 LOT , TRACT NO. 0.00 391-014-03-00-3 LOT TRACT NO. 15.OC~ 15, 752.88 aGREB 391--014-07-00- 5 LOT TRACT NO. 23. 64 b, 913. 53 ACREB . 391-014-08-00-8 LOT TRACT NO . 3. t55~ 1, 240.89 AGREB 391-010-09-04-1 LOT P TNA, TRAGT NO. 0.00 P6722 3.28 AGREE 391--014-14-44-3 LOT P TNA, TRACT NO. 4.00 P6722 5. 5~9 AGREB 39 i -014-11-~Oa-~4 LC~T TRAGT NQ. 3.4fl 1, 24th. 89 AGREB 391-010-12-00-9 LOT TRACT NO. 0.00 391-014-13-~OC~-2 LOT TRAGT NCB. E~C3. 30 18, 081. 54 AGREB 391-010-25-04-7 L~3T TRACT NC3. . 91 0.00 AGREB . 391-424-41-44-4 LOT 1, TRAGT NO. Pb7~7 177.27 341-024-02-04-3 LOT 2, TRAGT NO. P67~7 f 77.27 39 f -031-01-00-{~ LOT 1, TRAGT NO. 4472 177.27 3.9 i -431-42-44-3 LOT 2, T~ AG T NO. 4472 i 77.27 391--031-03-00-~4 LOT 3, TRAGT NO. 4472 177.2.7 39 i -031-04-00-9 LOT 4, TRAGT NO. 44?~ 177.27 391--432-4 ~. -44-7 LOT 25, TRACT NO. 4472 177.27 391-032-02-QO-O LOT 2l~, TRAGT NO. 4472 177.27 391 -032-03-{34-3 LOT 27, TRAGT NO. 4472 177.27 391--432-44--04-~ LOT 28, TRAGT NO. 4472 177.27 391--032-05-04-9 LOT 29, TRAGT NO. 447 177.27 391-{332-0~-00-2 LOT 30, TRACT NO. 4472 177.2? 391-432-47-44-~ LOT 31, TRACT NO. 4472 177.27 391-032-08-04-8 LOT 32, TRAGT NO. 4472 177.27 39 i --032-09-00-1 LCIT 33, TRACT NO. 4472 ~ i 77.27 391--432-14-44-3 LOT 34, TRAGT NO. 4472 177.27 391-03~- i 1-44-~4 LOT 35, TRACT NO. 4472 177. 27 391-032-12-Ot3-9 LOT 3~, TRAGT NO. 4472 1 ?7.27 39 ~. -032-13-44-2 LOT 37, TRAGT NO. 4472 i 77.27 391--032"-14-t30- 5~ LQT 3~3~, TRACT NC1. 4472 177.27 391-032-15-40-8 LOT 39, TRAGT NO. 4472 177.27 391-033-01-04-4 LOT ~2, TRAGT NO. 4472 177.27 391-033-02-00-7 LOT t53, TRAGT NO. 4472 177. ~?" 341-03.3-03-00-0 LOT 64, TRACT NO. 4472 177. 27 391-033-44-44-3 LOT b~, TRAGT NO. 4472 177.27 391-033-05-40-~ LQT fib, TRAGT NCB. 4472 177.27 391-033-0~-00-9 LOT t~7, TRAGT N©. 4472 177. 27 391-033-07-04-2 LOT ~8, TRACT NO. 4472 177.27 391.-033-08-~Qt3-5 LOT ~~, TRAGT NO. 4472 177.27 391-034-01-00-1 LOT 70, TRAGT NO. 4472 177.27 391-034-02-04-4 LOT 7#., TRAGT NO. 4472 177.27 391-034-03-00-7 LOT 72, TRACT NO. 4472 177.27 391-034-04--00-{3 LQT 73, TRAGT NO. 4472 177. 27 391--434-05--a4-3 LOT 74~, TRAGT Na. 4472 177.27 391--034-0~-00-~6 LOT 75, TRAGT NCI. 4472 177. 27 PAGE 74 RUB 45'""25-38 CITY QF BA~CERS~' I ELI3 PA4E 75 B A~CER E~ I ELU MA I ~iTE~ANC E 4 I 5TR I C TS J TOTAL. , .. F~3~D... PARCEL#........ OEOCRIPTIO~I ............. A~aUNT... 24144 391-434-47-44-9 LOT 76, TRACT NO. 4472 177.27 24#.44 39 f -034-OQ-00-2 LQT 77, TRACT ~Q. 4472 177.27 24 ~, 44 391-034-09-QC~- 5 L~JT 78, TRACT ~Q. 4472 177.27 213144 391-03410-Q0~-7 LQT 79, TRACT h~Q. 4472. 177.27 24144 391-034-11-00-0 LQT 80, TRACT ~fQ. 44'72 t 77.2? 20144 391-034-12-40-3 LOT 81, TRACT hfQ. 4472 177.27 20144 391-441-01-00-3 LOT 5, TRACT hfO. 4472 177.27 24144 391 -041-02-00-6 LQT 6, TRACT NQ. 4472 177.27 24#.44 391-{342-01-~00-4 LQT 7, TRACT ~lQ. 4472 177.27 24144 391-442-42-44-3 LOT O, TRACT NO. 4472 X77.27 24144 391-042-03-Oak-~6 LQT 9, TRACT NQ. 4472 .177.27 2{3144 391-{342--04-413--9 LQT 14, TRACT ~1Q. 4472 177.27 24144 39 i --443-41-44-7 LOT 24, TRACT h#Q. 4472 177.27 20144 391--443-02-00-0 LQT 21, TRACT t~Q. 4472 177.27 24144 391-043-03-{313-3 LQT 22, TRACT ~#Q. 4472 177.27 24144 391-443--{34-~44-~ LOT 42, .TRACT ~~. 4472. 177.27 20#.44 ~ 391-443-~}5-00-9 LQT 43, TRACT ~Q. 4472 177.27 20144 391-~Q43-{36-OU-2 LQT 44, TRACT hfQ. 4472 177.27 213144 391--444-41-44-4 LQT 23, TRACT X40. 4472 17?. 27 24:144 391-444-02-00-7 LQT 24, TRACT ~Q. 4472 177.27 20144 ~ 391-1344-03-134-~ LQT 40, TRACT l~Q. 4472 177.27 2£~ ~ 44 391-•'444-44--44-3 LC3T 41, TRACT ~O. 44?2 177.27 2t 44 391-045'-01-00-1 LQT 5 f , TRACT l~O. 4472 177.27 24-144 391-~445~-02-f34-4 LCIT 52, TRACT fin. 4472 177.27 24144 391--445-43-403-7 LQT 53, TRACT ~O. 4472 177.27 24144 391--045-44-~00-~3 LOT 54, TRACT ~{n. 4472. 177.27 24144 391045-05-04_3 LQT 55, TRACT ~©. 4472 177.27 2{3144 ~ 391.445-4~-4Q-~ LOT ~~, TRACT l~0. 4472 177.27 213144 391--445-07-00-9 LQT 57, .TRACT ~iQ. 4472 177.27 24144 391-445~-0~-00-2 LQT 5O, TRACT h1Q. 4472 1?7.27 24144 39~,-445.49-40--5 LOT 59, TRACT ~{O. 4472, 177.27 2{3144 391-045-10-04-7 L~#T ~4, TRACT lea. 4472 177.27 24 f 44 391-045-11-OC3--0 L~3T f~ 1, TRACT l~Q. 4472 177.27 24144 391-45 ~. -41-44-~ LQT 11, TRACT ~1D. 4472 177.27 203144 391-051-02-00-9 LQT 12, TRACT ~Q, 4472 177.27 24144 391-051-0340_2 Lt3T 13, TRACT ~{Q. 4472. 177.27 24 ~. 44 391 -051-04-00- 5 LQT 14, TRACT #~Q. 4472 177.27 20144 391-{352-131-40-3 LQT 15, TRACT ~Q. 4472 177.27 24144 391-052-0200-6 LQT 16, TRACT ISO. 4472 i 77.27 24144 391-452-43-44-9 LQT 17, TRACT h1O. 4472 177.27 2{3144 391-052-0400-2 LQT 18, TRACT MCI. 4472 177.27 20144 391--052-05-00--5' LQT 19, TRACT l~lQ. 4472 177.27 24144 391-4 52-036-00-~0 LQT 4 5, TRACT h~Q. 4472 177.27 20144 391-{~ 52-07-00--1 LOT 4~, TRACT h~Q. 4472 177.27 20144 391-052-4~-00-4 .LQT 47, TRACT h~Q, 4472 177.27 24144 391-C3~2-49-44--7 LOT 48, TRACT ~Q. 4472. 1.77.27 20144 391-{352-14-40-9 LQT 49, TRACT h~Q. 4472 177.27 2~'~4 391-C3~2- l i --00-2 LQT 50, TRACT h~Q. 4472 177. 27 2~t ~ 44 391-311-42-44-4 LOT E 1, TRACT ~O. 4639 177.27 24144 391--311-03-04-7 LQT S0, TRACT ~Q. 4639 1 ?7.27 213144 391.--311--04-00--0 LQT 79, TRACT ~O. 4639 i 77, 27 20 ~. 44 391--311-4 5-44-3 LOT 7O, TRACT ~O. 4639 177.27 213#, 44 391-311-06-00-6 LQT 77, TRACT NQ. 4639 177. 27 R~ 45-25-88 CITY QF BAi~ERSf I ELD BA~CERSFIELD MAINTENANCE DISTRICTS TQTAL .. FUND... PARCEL#........ DESCRIPTIQN ............. AMQUNT... 391-311-47-44-9 LQT 76, TRACT NQ. 4639 17?. 27 39i-311-45-44-2 LQT 75, TRACT NQ. 4639 177.27 391--311-t39-44- 5 Li3T 74, TRACT Nq. 4639 177.27 391-311--14-00-7 LQT 73, TRACT NQ. 4639 177.27 391-~3 i 1- i i -44-4 LqT 72, TRACT NQ. 4639 1'77. 27 391-311-12-G4-3 LqT 7i, TRACT NQ. 4639 177.27 39 i -312--4 i -G4--8 LqT 64, TRACT ~1q. 4539 177.27 391-312-42--C~q-1 LqT 59, TRACT l~q, 4#39 177.27 391-312-43-4G-4 LqT 58, TRACT NQ. 4639 177.27 39 i --312-44-04-7 LQT 57, TRACT Nq. 4639 177.27 _._ 391-312-{#5-40-C# LQT 56, TRACT Nq. 439 177..27 X39 t --3:12-t3~={~Q~3 LQT 55, TRACT ~q. 4#39 177.2 391-312-47-44-6 LqT 54, TRACT NQ. 4639 177.27 391--312-45-44-9 LQT 53, TRACT Nq. 4639 177.27 39.1-312-49-44-2 LQT 52, TRACT NQ. 4639` 177.27 391-312-14-44-4 LQT 51, TRACT NQ. 4f~3.9 177.2~7~ 391-312-i3-44-3 LqT 49 ~ 54, TRACT NQ. 177.27 4639 . 391-313-~} 1-44- 5 LqT 39, TRACT ~Q. 4639 177.27 391 _313-42-4th-8 LOT 35, TRACT NQ. 4639 177.27 391--3 f 3-43-44-1 LQT 37, TRACT NA. 4639 i 77. 27 391--3 ~. 3--44-44-4 LQT 36, TRACT ~fQ. 4639 177.27 391-313-45-44-7 LQT 35, TRACT NQ. 4639 1??. 27 391-32 i -41-44-4 LQT 44~, TRACT NQ. 463'9 177.2? 391--321-41--44-7 LqT 45, TRACT ~iQ. 469 177.27 391-321-Q3-44-4 LQT 46, TR AG T 3~Q. 4639 17?. 27 391-32 ~, --44-OQ--3 LQT 47, TRACT NQ. 4639 177. 27 391-321-45-44-6 ~ LqT 62, TRACT h~q. 4639 177.. 27 391-321-G6-44-9 .LqT 63, TRACT NQ. 4639 177.27 39 i -~32 #. --47-G4-~ LQT 64, TRACT NQ. 4639 177.27 391321-48-44-~ LqT 65, TRACT Nq. 4639 177.27 391-321-49-44-$ LQT 66, TRACT Nq. 4639 177.27 391--321- i 4-44-4 LQT 67, TRACT NQ. 4639 177. 27 391--321-11-44-3 LqT 68, TRACT Nq. 4539 177.27 391-321-12-~t3C--6 LqT 69, TRACT hfq. 4639 177'. 27 391--32 #. -13-44-9 LQT 74, TRACT NQ. 4f~3'9 177.27 391-322-4 f -44-1 LDT 61, TRACT Nq. 4639 177.27 391-322-{32-44-4 LqT 45, TRACT Nq. 4639 177.27 391-323-41-44-8 ~ LQT 44, TRACT NQ. 4639 177. 27 391-323-42-44-1 LQT 41, TRACT NQ. 4639 177.27 391-323-43-44-4 LqT 42, TRACT NQ. 4639 177.27 391-323--44-44-7 LQT 43, TRACT NQ. 4539 17T. 27 391-331-41-44-7 LqT 24, TRACT NQ. 4639 177.27 391-331-42-Q4-4 LQT 21, TRACT Nq. 4639 ~ 177.27 391--331-43-Q4-3 LqT 22, TRACT NQ. 4639 177.27 391-331-44-~44-6 LqT 23, TRACT ~1q. 4639 17?. 27 39 i -331-45-44--9 LQT 24, TRACT NQ. 4639 1 ?7.27 391-331--06-44-2 LQT 2 ~, TRACT NQ. 4639 177. 27 39 i -331-C7-~QC~--5 LQT 2Q, TRACT ~lq. 4#39 1 T7.27 391- 331-48-44-8 LQT 29, TR AC.T N0. 4b~39 177. 2.7 391--331-49-Q4-1 LqT 34, TRACT NQ. 469 177. 27 391- 33 ~. --14-44-3 LQT 31, TRACT #~q. 4639 177.27 391-331-11--0G-f~ LqT 32, TRACT h~Q. 4E~3:9 177. 27 PAGE 76 RUN 05-25-83 CITY OF I3A~CERS~' I~LD PAGE 77 8 A~CER 3F I ELO hfA I NTENANC E 0 13'T'R 1 C TS TOTAL ., FUC~11... PAR C ELF........ DEC R I P T I QN ............. At~IQUNT.. . 20144 391-33~.-12-00-9 LOT 33, TRACT NQ. 4639 177.27 20,44 391-331-13-00-2 LQT 34, TRACT NQ. 4639 177.27 20 #, 44 391-332-01-00-4 LQT E2, TRACT NQ. 4639 177. 27 20144 391-332-02-00-7 LQT Q3, TRACT NQ. 4639 177.27 20144 391-332-03-{30-0 LQT Q4, TRACT NQ. 4fa39 1'77. 2.7 20144 391--332-04-{30-3 LOT 85, TRACT Nfl. 4639 177. 27 20144 391-332-05-00-6 LQT 86~ TRACT NQ. 4639 177.27 20144 391-332-Oar--00-9 LflT 87, TRACT NQ. 4639 177.27 20144 391-332-07-00-2 LQT 83, TRACT Nfl. 4639 177.27 20144 391-333-01-00-1 LOT 1, TRACT NO. 4b39 177.27 20#.44 39 i -333-02-~00-4 LQT 2, TRACT Nt3. 4b39 177. 27 20144 391-333-03-40-7 LOT 3, TRACT Nfl. 4639 ~ 177. 27 2014 391-333-04-00-0 LOT 4, TRACT NO. 4639 177.27 20#.44 391--34 i -01-00-0 Lt3T 19 ~ TRACT NQ. 4f~.39 i 77.2' 20144 391--341-02-00-3 LOT 13, TRACT Nfl. 463'9 177. 27 20144 391-341-03-00-6 LQT 17, TRACT NQ. 4639 177.27 20144 39 i -34 i -04-00-9 ~.DT i b- TRACT NQ. 4b39 177.27 20144 391-342-01-00-7 LQT 15, ?RACY NO. 4639 177.27 203144 391-342-02-00--0 LQT 14, TRACT NO. 4639 177.27 20144. 391--342-03-00-3 LOT 13, TRACT NO. 4639 177.27 20144 391-342-04-00-6 LQT 12, TRACT NQ. 439 -177. 27 20 ~ 44 391--342-05-00-9 LQT 11, TRACT NQ. 4639 177.27 2G '4 391-342-06-00-2 LOT 10, TRACT N0. 4639 177.27 20144 391-342-07-00- 5 LOT 9, TRACT Nfl. 4639 177.27 201.44 391-342-03-00-8 LQT 3, TRACT NQ. 4639 177.27 20 ~, 44 39 i -342-09-~00-1 Lt~T 7, TRACT Nfl. 4639 177..27 20144 391--342-10-00-3 LflT 6, TRACT Nfl. 4639 177.27 20 ~. 44 391-342-11-00-6 LOT 5, TR AC T ~ NO. 4639 3.77.2?" 20144 39 ~. -343-01-Qt#-4 LQT 27, TRACT NQ. 463.9 177.27 20144 391--343-02-00-7 LOT 26, TRACT NQ. 4639 177.27 20144. 391-3.70-01~-00-2 LOT 1, TRACT NO. 4721 1 ?7.27 20144 391-370-02-00- 5 LOT 2, TRACT ~lQ. 472 i 177. 27 20144 391--370-03--00-5 LQT 3, TRACT Nfl. 472#. 177. 27 20144 391M370-04-00-1 LQT 4, TRACT NQ. 4721 1?7.27 20144 391--370-0 5-00-4 LQT 5, TRACT Nfl. 472 i 177.2.7 20144 391-370-06-00-7 LQT 6, TRACT NQ. 4721 177.27 .20144 391-370-47--04-0 LOT 7, TRACT NO. 4721 177.27 20144 391370-08-00-3 LOT 8, TRACT Nfl. 4721 177.27 20144 391 -370-09-00-6 LQT 9, TRACT N.fl. 4721. 177. 27 2{3144 391-370-10-00-8 LOT 10, TRACT NO. 4721 177.27 20144 391-401-01-00-7 LQT 1, TRACT Nfl. 4720 177.27 20144 391-401-02-00-0 LQT 2, TRACT Nfl. 4720 177.27 20144 391 -402-01-00--4 LtiT 3, TRACT NO. 4720 177.27 2{3144 391-403-01-00-1 LQT 4, TRACT Nfl. 4720 177.27 20144 391-403-02-00-4 LQT 5, TRACT Nfl. 4720 177.27 203.44 391-403-03--OC3-7 LOT 6, TRACT NO. 472U 177.27 20144 391-403-04-00-0 LQT ?, TRACT Nfl. 4730 177.27 20 `,4 391-403-05-00-3 LOT Q, TRACT NO. 4?2fl 177.27 20 ~ ~4 391-403-06-00-6 LOT' 9, TRACT NO. 4720 177..27 20144 391-403-07-00-9 LQT 10, TRACT NO. 47203 177.27 20144 391--403-08--00-2 LQT 11, TRACT NO. 4720 177. 27 20144 391-403-09-00-5 LQT 12, TRACT Nfl. 4720 177.27 20144 39 i 403-10-00-7 LflT 13, TRACT NQ. 4720 177. 27 -1 ~ ,., 4 R~lh# 45-2~-88 ~ ~ I TY Q~ BAKERSF I ELt~ A~CER ~~' 1 ELD MA I ~1TENANC E D I STR 1 C TE Ti3TA~. . , PARCEL#........ DEECRIPTIQt~ .. .... ....... . A1~aUhiT... 391-444-41 ~-4©-~3 Lt3T 14, TRACT h~Q. 4?24 177. ~7 391-404--4-00- #, CDT 15, TRACT ~Q. 47.0 - 1 ??. 27 391-444-43--t34-4 L.C1T~ ~. ~, TRACT #~Cl. 4?~{3 177.27 391--404-44-00-? L.QT 1.?, TRACT h~Q. 472a 1 ??. 2T 391-420-41-~0C~-b ~.QT 1, TRACT ~#Q. P?~5b 1 ??: 2? . 391424-02-00-9 LQT 2, TRACT ~#Q. P7256 1??.2~' 391-424-43-aC~-~ ~.OT 3, TRACT ~Q. P725~ 17?. 2? 391-420-04-04--5 L.C~T 4, TRACT ~i~. P?25f~ 17?. 2? 7~, 8~ 1.44 PACE ?a FILED ~: . . CITY OF BAKE RSFIELD NOTICE OF HEARING ,~3 ~~~~ ~ ~ P~ ~ • S1 ON PROPOSED MAINTENANCE DISTRICT N0. 5 NOTICE IS HFr,EBY GIVEN that the Director of Pu~~.~YWb~c~'b'f the City of Bakersfield has ,ryused to be prepared and filed with the City Clerk a Report in writing, ~~ich provides the basis for the benefit assessment for maintaining street and parkway landscaping, walls, signs and parks to be borne by all parcels or property within proposed Maintenance, District No. 5, in that portion of Sectiou $, Township 30 South, Range 27 East, M.D.M., described as follows: Beginning at the point of intersection of the.west right-of-way line of the Arvin-Edison Canal, with a point 79.00 feet south of the centerline of Ming Avenue; thence along the westerly line of said Arvin-Edison Canal the fol- lowing courses and distances: (1) South O1° 45' 24" West, 541.350 feet to the beginning of a curve, concave easterly of radius of 1,050.00 feet; thence (2) southerly along said curve, through a central angle of 00° 51' 03", an arc distance of 15.59 feet; thence {3~ South 00° 54' 21" West, 37I.709~feet to the ~~ beginning of a curve, concave easterly of radius of 950.00 feet; thence {4} southerly along said curve, through a central angle of O1° 09' 30", an arc distance of 19.21 feet; thence {5) South 02° 03' S1" West, 2,93Y.14 feet; thence leaving said right-of-way line North $9° 17' 27" West, 2,507.68 feet; thence North 00° 42' 36" East, 216.00 feet; thence North 02° 12' 13" East, 69.77 feet; thence North 05° 04' 34" East,. 70.6$ feet; thence North 05° 13i 00" East, 72.00 feet; thence North 04° 09' 10" Fast, 78.60 feet; thence .North 00° 28' 10" West, 82.91 feet; thence North 05° 28' S5" West, 82.91 feet; thence North 10° 29' 40" West, 82.91 feet; thence North 15° 30` 25" West,. 82.91 feet; thence North 20° 31' 10" West, 82.91 feet; thence North 25° 31' 55" West, 82.91 feet; thence North 30° 32` 40" West, $2.91 feet; thence North 34° 35' 22" West, 76.54 feet; thence North 35° 00' 00'! West, 146.00 feet; thence North 42° O1' 13" West, 133.67 feet to the beginning of'.a curve, concave westerly of radius of 1,200.00 feet; thence northerly along said curve, through a central angle of 63° l2' 47", an arc distance of 1,323,934 feet to a point, the radial point being North 74° 46' 00" East; thence North 15° 14' 00" West, 400.$11 feet to the beginning of a curve, concave easterly of radius of 1,200.C0 feet, the radial point being North 74° 46' 00" East; .thence northerly along said curve, through a central angle of 16° 04' 0$", an~ arc. distance~of 336.546 feet to a point, the radial point bearing North $9° 09' S2" West; thence North 00.° 50' 08" Fast, 621.00 feet, more or ,.less to a point 79.00 feet southerly of the centerline of said Ming Avenue; thence South. $9° 09' S2" East, 2,766.034 feet, more or less to the POINT OF BEGINNING. Said Director's Report sets forth the amounts to be provided in the budget far maintenance and operation, descriptions of the improvements to be maintained by the district, a description of each parcel of property in the proposed maintenance district by a description sufficient to identify the same, and the amount of assessment to be levied for the fiscal year 19$3 -1984 against each parcel of property. Said report shall be open to public inspection at the Public Works Director's office, 1501 Truxtun Avenue, Bakersfield, California. -3- .. ... .5 Any interested o4nzer objecting; to establisrment of t'r~e district or t}~-~: bot~:l~aries of t~~e district or tie fairness of the benefit formula or the amo,~nt of the assessment on any of his or her parcel or parcels of~property to be assessed, or the reservation by the City of its right to elect to perform the work of maintenance by City forces, may file with the City Clerk at or before- the hour fixed .for hearing a protest, in writing, signed by him~her, describir_g the parcel of property so that it may be identified, and stating . the grounds of his/her protest, and may appear at said hearing and be heard in regard thereto. Said Director's Report will be heard by the Council at its meeting to be held on Wednesday, on the 9th day of Febr~;ary, 15$3, at the ;hour of 7 - o'clock p.m., or as soon thereafter as may be heard, in the regular, meeting place of said. Council, Council Chambers, City Hall, 1501, Truxtun Avenue., Bakersfield, California, at which time and place said Council will examin e said Report and hear protests, if any. The following are descriptions of the parcels of property subject to assessment and the amount of the proposed assessment against said parcel of property as set forth in the report. Assessment Assessor's Total Assessment No. Parcel No. . i PTN 357-020-10 _ 0.00 ~~~ 2 PTN 357-020-07 0.00' Dated: January 19, 1983 _ Philip Kelmar~,~_w___~__ "~"`+"'~ C1 y Clerk, City of Bakersfield -4- r 7 I HEREBY CERTIFY that the forego'n~; ??esolution was passed and adopted by the Cou:~ci.l of the City of Rak~r~fiela ai: a regular. meeting t.he,reo~ h~:ld on the 19th day of January, 1983 by the fol~.owing vote: AYES; CCUNCI~MEN: ~ - ~, CHRISiENSEN, MEANS, PAYNE, RATTY, ROCKOFF, STRONG NOES: ccu,~Cl~r~nC~: `'Z ~,.,.~., ---- A65EN1: COliNCII~~EN: ABSTAlNENG: COUNCILMEN .-~'~ ~l ~ . ~ PHILIP KELMAR ir.~ w~.~~+.a~rww.~.w~.rr«.~ ~w..+ CITY CLERK and Ex Officio Clerk of the Council of the City of Bakersfield APPROVED this 19_th day of Ja~nuar~~, 19 83 ~~ MARY K. SHELL MAYOR of the City of Bakersfield APPROVED as to form: RICHARD J. OBERHOLZER CITY ATTORNEY of the City of Bakersfield 1w r L AND SURVEYING • CIVIL ENGINEERING JUNE 17, 1993 CITY OF BAKERSFIELD PUBLIC WORKS DEPT. 1501 TRUXTUN AVENUE BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA 93301 ATTN: DEWAYNE STARNES SUBJECT: REQUEST FOR CREATION OF ZONE OF BENEFIT DEAR DEWAYNE: ON BEHALF OF OUR~CLIENT, CASTLE & CC~OKE HOMES, INC.., WE HEREBY REQUEST THAT YOUR DEPARTMENT INITIATE THE PROCESS OF FORMING A ZONE OF BENEFIT FOR THE LAND INCLUDED WITHIN THE BOUNDARY OF TENTATIVE TRACT N0. 5464, WHICH WAS APPROVED BY THE PLANNING COMMISSION ON FEBRUARY 4, 1993. THIS ~vILL BE A "SUB-BENEFIT" ZONE CONTAINED WITHIN THE LARGER ZONE OF BENEFIT ALREADY EXISTING OVER THE HAGGIiJ OAKS RESIDENTIAL AREA. THE PURPOSE OF THIS NEW ZONE WILL BE TO COLLECT ASSESSMENTS FROM ALL OF THE PROPERTY OWNERS IN THIS SUBDIVISION TO PROVIDE THE MAINTENANCE ON THE SPECIAL LANDSCAPE AMENITIES WHICH WILL BE INSTALLED WITH THIS PROJECT. WE ENCLOSE A LEGAL DESCRIPTION ANI~~2 BLUELINES OF THE ZONE OF BENEFIT EXHIBIT MAP' FOR YOUR RE~r'IEW. PLEASE REVIEW THE5E `~ MATERIALS AND LET ME KNOW IF YOU NEED ANY ADDITIONAL MATERIALS. WE WILL. FORWARD A DISK OF ~I~HE DRAWING FOR YOUR USE AFTER THE MAP IS APPROVED BY YOUR DEPARTMENT. THAN~:K-YOU . SINCERELY, ~,:. MARTIN-McINTOSH ,,,.,..,w~.,,~ ,,: ;,. ~- RICHARD D. MEYER cc: ROGER MCINTOSH BOB HIBRaS 2001 WH~ELAN COURT • BAKERSFIELD, CA 93309 • 8051834-4814