HomeMy WebLinkAboutMD Packet 2-07-~~ ~-a7 L~tOTICE OF EXII~~'I'ION Appendix I TO: (~ Off ice. of Planning and Research 1400 Tenth Street, Room 121 Sacramento, CA 95814 X County Clerk ~~ County of Kern 1415 Truxtun Ave. Bakersfield, CA 93301. ~,~~~~ ;';, ~,. ~ ~~~~..~ try ~ ~;~ t ~~ ~, a ;~ j~ ~ ., 'xn• ' n' 's ~ , ~~ ~ ~~ City of ,Bakersfield ~ ~ ~"~ 1541 Truxtun ?venue Bakersfield, CA 93301 Project Title: Maintenance District No. 7 Amended map and assessr~ent diagram Project Location-Specific: generally bound by Stockdale HWy. on the north, the east line of section ~ on the east, Camino r~~edia on t e sout an ever oa on e west Project Location-pity: Bakersfield:. Description of Project: Assessment District for the miantenance of public street median landscaping, public par an ov er ru lc stree an scaping. ing errs ory to existing district. Name of Public en rove Project: City of Bakersfield-Public Works Department ~ ~ ~p g ~ Name of Person or Agency Carrying Out Project: DeWayne Starnes_ Exempt Status: X (Check One) Ministerial (Sec.21080(b)(1); 15268); Declared ~lnergency (Sec.21080(b)(3); 15269(a)); Emergency Project (Sec.21080(b)(4); 15269(b)(c)); Categorical bcemp~ion. State type and section number. Statutory Exemptions. State code rnm~ber. Reasons why pro jc-ct is e~xer~pt: ~~7inor alteration in land. use limitations ~~ith addition of territor to existin maintenance district. 107-86 Sec. III Lead Agency Contact Person: DeWayne_Starnes~^ Area.Code/Telephone/Extension: 805/326/3581 _..., If filed by applicant: 1. Attach certified doccunent of exemption finding. 2. Has a notice of ex tion been filed by the public agency approving the project? Yes x No ,~ . ~ ,~,,~ 4 Date: ~ ~ ~ -~ I Title: ~~.~~ ~~~ c~~.~. S ~ ~~ S1 ture.~ - t (~ Signed by Lead Agency Date received for filing at OPR: ~ I Signed by Applicant ~ ~' ~`~~ Revised October 1989 ~ ~~ ~~~ . ~ ~ ~'~ ~ , ~~ ~ . .. ~~~~ ~ ~, . Project Location-County: kern Sec. 15305 ,~ ', Y' ~ ~~~~ .~ '/- `/ a e ~/ LAND SURVEYING • CIVIL ENGINEERING City of Bakersfield Public Warks Department, 150`1 Truxtun Avenue Bakersfield, California 93301 Attn: Dwayne Starnes May 11, 1990 Re: Maintenance Districts 7 & 23 Dear Dwayne; Please find attached copies of three maps which -reflect Oceanic Communities, lnc.'s intent to modify two existing districts and create a new one. Maintenance District No. 7: Oceanic desires to have 118.40 acres annexed to this district. The areas that are 1scaped are those portions of Old River Road in the median~~~` on the west side adjacent to the Buena Vista Cana. Please refer to the .attached map for details. Ma~it~ ance District No . 2 3 &___Form New District Thi district basically consists of those areas south of the ~~`~.+er Canal anal west of Old River Road in Sections b and 7. Oceanic desires to detach those lands in Section 7. The Section 6 portion would remain in M.D. 23. The Section 7 portion would then form a new district. oceanic desires to form a new district for Section .7 because the landscaping theses and lot densities will be substantially different than Section 6. I have attached maps of the proposed detaohmeht and d-istrict to be formed for your review and comment. 4130 ARDMORE AVE., SUITE 101 • BAKERSFIELD, CA. 93309 • 805/834-4814 _• { • ,f !~ Thank you for your help in this matter. If you have any quest~.ons please feel free to call me . Very truly yours, Martin - McIntosh . ,,,,,,,,r. b~ Richard Me RM:tg Attachment cc: Becky Ullman, OCI Roger McIntosh e3, 1 i ~EEQ~T. REFflRT. CL~U~tC I€. ITY F BA~CERSF Y ELA i. ~~E : 1 • 47~M~ ii. ~~4~CEREF LE€.I~ ~~ I ~TE~~~iC E A I ETR I C T5 ATE: ~6-i3-41 Ri1h~ A ~~, T~TaL A~~T# PARCEL#........ ~L~1T/EEC ... , TRACT Na. aCR~EE.. Ah~C#U{~T.. . 7 .~ _ _ .. ~9~ ~ ~ i a a7 a~ 8 6547 1 ~ 24~. 38 7 X94-4 i t~- i 3-UA- 5 #. P #~6 547 i s. 4E ~ S, i 99.7 7 ~~~~--air-~~~-oo-~ ~~ 771..54 7 ~ ~9{~-Qit~-~1~-AA-E ~Pt~6547 ~. ~5 99E. 35 7 ~9A~~Ai~-~2-4t~-~1 ~ ~Pt~6~47 ~. ~t~6 914. ~A4 -7 ~~a--~ ~ +~-~~-oa-a ~ ~ ~~~ ~~ ~. ~~ ~ a ~ s97. ~~ 7 ~~~~-o ~ a-3~-4a~~ ~, ~a ~~ ~~. f ~t ~b , ~ i ~. ~ ~ 7 ~9~~~ 14-34~At~-6 6547 ~ 4 ~ 9~ 1.95 7 ~~a-~a~~-~~-Qa~.~ ~~~~ :gib, ~~~. ~~ i~~11~.11D r.M.~.11~NN~M 96~ 77~. OQ 7 .~rw.~i. u~~.~i~~irsii+rw~ 96 ~ ~~~ . C`~ 9 TECflF~S ~ 15~£~. BXHIBI'I' ~ E ~ ~, i ~~~'I~~'~IT ~OF ~IAI~.I~G ~T~T~ U~ CA~~.I~"O~R~lI~ ~ ~ ss. C~3~f~iT'Y ~~' ~CE~N J0#~~! STIN~~D~l, being first du1~} swore, de~dses and says: That he is na~v and during all the time herein mentioned an- empley~ee of the Public worf~s Depart~ent of the Cit~r of Bakersfield, California. ~`~"' ~ ''~ 1~~1 he de osited in the That on the ~. dad oT ,~ ,~. ~ ~ ~Jnited Mates fail, with ~~astage prepaid= r~~t~.ce, a copy of which is attached hereto, addressed to each person whose name and address appears on the attached .lieu which list contains the names and address~~ ~f the owners of all ~rapert~ along each and e~er~ street upon which theproperty pr~~ose~ to be assessed for the maintenance of certain local impro~+ements within Maintenance ~~.strict ~o.. ~` ~ as shown in the re~erds of the Assessor of the bounty of ~Cern. That such rnailin~ was completed not less than ten days prior to the .date set far hearing on this matter before the Cour~c~. of the City of Bakersfield. ~~ ~~#~ ~TIi~~~N, PUB ~.IC ~~~~~ D~PAi~TM~~#T City of Bakersfield S bs~crbed and sworn tQ before me this day of 1'91 y f i~:QT~I~Y PUS L.Z~ i n and for the you my of fern, State of California r-~ a,r ,~ f __ i TE~I ~~ T +~ ~ w~.~. ~° ~SSE~S#~ET ~~ THR~~}~~ ,~~3R ~R~~~~TY TA~t~S I C i T'~ ~F BAi~~~~F 1~~13 ~~T ~ ~ ~ ~3F SEAR I N~ ~~# ~~ ~ hlT~~~~C~ ~3 ~ ~~'~ I ~ T ~~?. ? C ~ST~.~ ~.~ ~ ~~~C DES C ~~~ ~~~~~~I~L~~ ~~ ~13~~ ~~~~4 i ~~-47--4~--~ Ya~sr pr~op~~ed a~~e~~~ent f,~r 1~~'1-~~ i~ ~#:, ~~~. 37. ~~TIC I~ ~#~~E~Y ~~~~~# that the ~vb i i ~ i~~r ~c ~ ~ire~ tar of the City ~f ~a#~Qr~field hay ra~~~ed t~ be prepared and filed pith the pity Clerk a ate art in writing, which pr~~rde~ the ba~i~ f'~r the benefit a~5es~~ent far maintaining neighbnrh~~d park, street Iand~caping and ether ~~~al p~sblic i~ ~~~eme~t~ t~ he b~rn~e by a~i par~el~ ~f property ~sithin Maintenance ~i~tr is t ~~. ~', bounded ~~ the north by the renter l fine ~rf ~a~ina ~€ed ia, ~~ the east by the ~se~t ~ b~undary~ rf the ~r~in-~die~n canal, ~n the eauth by a dine ~araiiei with and ?'~ feet s~utf~ a~ ~eaeured at right anglee try the p centerline ~~ #~.ing ~~renue and ~~ the Beet b.y the center3 fine rf ~l~d Riper ad~and ai~Q an area enerai~y bounded ~~ the north by the centerline of ~~ g ~t~ckdaie ~ighway~ rn the eaet ~y the east line of Section ~, T3~S, ~t~7~, . ~. ~. ~~#. , ~~ the ~~~rth by the renter i fine of Cac~inc ~d is and ~n the ~~e~t the centerline ~f ~~~ diver Rc~d, inc lud ink y~~sr property. Said b ~ r m~~nt~ t~ be r~vided in the b~sdget fir ~~rect~r ~ Report ~et~ firth the a p maintenance ands t~ ~rati~n, ~ de~dript~,~n ref each parcel ref property in the r~p~~~d maintenance d~atrict by a de~crpti~n sufficient t~ identify the game, and the ~mcunt cf a~~e~~ment t~ be levied far the fiscal year ~,~~~,-~~ againet each parcel ~f property. Said report .hall be ~-pen to u~lic i~epe~ti~n at t~e~ R~t~li~ Wcrk~ ~rectar ~~ ~#~~fice, 141 Tr~sxt~n p Avenue, ~aker~field, Cal if~~nia. Any ~ interested ~~sner ~b,#e~~ inch t~ the am~~nt ~f the ae~ee~ment ~n any ~~ hip ~r hey pa~ce~ ~r parcele cif pr~pe~ty t~ ~e a~eee~~ed, ar .the farne~~ ~f the b ~en~+f i t f ~rm~ la ar f ~rmu lae, may file with .the ~ i ty C l er ~C a~ ~r ~ef~re the hour fixed fir hearing a prot~eet, ire u~riting, eigned by ~,~~h~r, de~cribin the parcel ~f property ~c~ that it may be identified, h 9 and et~atin~ the gr~~nde ~sf ~i~~her pr~ote~t, and may appear at paid hearing and ~e heard in regard thereto. Sa~.d ~ire~t~r r~ Report wi l ~ be heard by the C~unc i l at its meeting t be h-el~d ~n ~fiedne~day, the lath day ~f hunt, i~~'i at T: 4~ p. m. , Qr ae Haan ther~aft~er a~ the matter may #~~ heard, in the C~untii Cham~er~, City fall, n Avenue, ~aker~f field, Cal ifarnia, at ~shich time end p la~c~ paid f ~~i Trux tit C~until will examina paid ~ep~rt and hear pr~te~te,-if ang. if y~~ need additional inf~rmati~n, pleae~e contact the City Park ~~.vi~i~n at ~~~-~~11~. ~attd: ~bf~#~~'41 Carfll~ Wi l 1 i,~~~ CIT4' C~.~R~C, City of ~aker~f field ALL T~IAT PORTIONS~OF SECTION 5,~, 7 and 8 T. 30S., R.27E,, M.D.M,, CITY OF BAKEPSFIELD, CQUNTY OF KERN, STATE OF CALIFORNIA, BEING DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: CQ~~SMENCING AT THE NoR~T CORNER OF SAID SECTION 6, '~~ENCE SOUTH 00°21'23" ~~'EST ALONG ~ EAST LINE OF SAID SECTION 6 A DISTANCE OF 30.41 FEET TO THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING; SCE (1} continuing along said east line South 00°21'23" west, a distance of 4139.92 feet to the center line of Camino Media; T~SNCE ~2} South 89°11' 10" east, along said center line a distance of 3893.79 feet to the west. line of the Arvin--Edision Canal; SCE t3} southerly along said west line South 00°34'22" west, 107.81 feet to the beginning of a curve concave to the west, having a radius of 950.00 feet; SCE (4} southerly along said curve through a central angle of Ol°10'30" an arc distance of 19.48 feet; SCE (5} South O1°44'52" west, 295.7.8 feet to the beginning of a curve concave to the east, having a radius o~ 1050.00 feet; - T~~ENCE (~} southerly along said curve through a central angle of 05°00'00" an arc distance of 91.63 feet; '~EN~E (7} South 03°15'00" east. 199.52 feet to the beginning of a curve concave to the west, having a radius of 950.00 feet; T~IE~CE (8} southerly a~.ong said curve through a central angle of 05°00' 00" an are distance. of 82.90 feet; T~~IE~ICE (9) South Ol°44' S2" west, 422.77 feet to a line parallel with and 79.00 feet south as measured at right angles to said center line of Ming Avenue; T~I~NCE 10 North' 89°l0' 35" west, along said line of distance of 3884.65 feet ( ) to the west line of said Section 8; '~IENCE 11 North 89°11'47" west, along a line parallel with and 79,00 feet ~ } south as measured at right angles to the south l~.ne of said Section 6 a distance of 1331.94 feet to the center line of Old River Road; T~~ENCE (12} North 00°21'49" east, along said line a distance of 4263.4.5 feet to the beginning of a curve concave to the west, having a radius of 1800.00 feet; '~~ENCE (13} Northerly along said cure through a central angle of 14°18' S~" an arc distance of 449.70 feet.;,^~ T~~1CE (14} North 14°23' 15" west, a distance of 274.55 feet to the soothe. rly right-of-way of ~tockdale Highway as shown on said record of survey; D33:MD.7 JS.wrn I 15 Easterl along said southerly right-of -way north 70°22'30" east, AGE ( ) y et to the ~e innin of a curve concave to the. south, having a radius of 9x5.43 fs 9 9 1800. ~2 feet; . sterl alor~ said curve through a central. angle of 19°18'2.9" an ~ (~.~) ea y g arc distance of 606.79 feet; alon the east line of Section 6, South 00°21'23" east a 'I+I~E (17) Southerly q distance of 24.68 feat to the Point of beginning. JS:wrn D33:MD.7B The following are descriptions of property subject to assessment and the amount if the proposed assessment aginst said parcel of property as set forth in the report. Assessment Parcel No. as shown on Map Exhibit "A": 390-010-07-00-8 390-010-13-00-5 390-010-15-00-1 390-010-21-00-8 390-010-22-00-1 390-010-32-00-0 390-010-33-00-3 390-010-34-00-6 390-010-35-00-9 DATE: Total Assessment CITY CLERK and Ex Officio Clerk of the Council of the City of Bakersfield M.D. N0. 07 o ~, ,A a D m 1 ~D ;~~ x ~. ~ o ~V ^ V y m Uz n ~ ~ 0 C ~ Z m El . • ~- I" 1 ~ z ~ m ~ N 1 _ R, ` N UN .~ 6 ~~ z O r` ~ - ~ ~ -- ~ `" CO ~ ~, ~ ° 4 ~, ~. ,~ ~ ~- m ~ ~ ~ `~ o ~ .. d ~ o -~ Ci1 .~ ~ -- /~ o a ~ p 7'''. A ~ ~-.. o ~ ~ ~ ~ -- b ~ r ~ ~ ~ z `~ ~ z Q .. ~ rn ..~ z -- ~. z o ~' CD ~~ ~~-~ D ~. o ~ ~ ~- ---~ ~ ' ro o ~ ~ `° ~ ~ ~7 T A ~ ~' ~ ~ frl ~ ~ ~ -~ ~ ~ ~ __.. 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E~~ fait ~ thaw ~ ~ ~ ~. ~~~~~' ~fi~ E. ~ ~. ~ feat t~ the ba~.r~~~.r3~ ~f a r~~r~-tarse~ar~t c~~~a ~c~r~ca~a t~ the ra~r~th~ ha~is~~ a ~~adi~a ~f '~~~. ~~ feat aid t~ which ha~i.r~r~~.r~g a radial lira haa:~a ~. ~'~ ~i~'~~-'~ ~ the~~ca t 4 ~ ~o~thaaatar1~ alar~g said ~~s•°wa t~i:r°a~h a ~ar~t:r°al ars~la ~f ~'~ ~~ p ~~ ~ are a~cc diatars~a ~f 4'~~. ~~ feat tc~ the wait lira ~f said aa~tior~ 5; then+~e ~. f~~~~~~' ~.9"~. ~ al~~ said °~aat lira a diatan~~a ~f 4~. ~0 feat t~ the ~a~ta~~li~a oaf ~a~in~ Nadia ~ thar,~~ ~. ~~~~~. ~ ~~E. ~ alc~r~~ said ~ar~ta~•l~.r~a a diatarace ~f ~~~~. ?~ feat t~ the west lirsa ~f the ~°r~°~~.r~-~dis~~ ~ar~al ~ thar~Ga a~~tha:c~°~. alc~r~g said wait lira the f~llowir~g aa~a~ t7~ ~~a~:r•aaa: ~ ~. 3 ~. ~~C~~~'~~~'W. ~ 1~7. ~3 feat t~ the ba~inr~in~ ~f a c~r••~ra ~cc~r~~ava t~ the waat~ ~ia~ir~~ a ~ad~.~a ~f ~~~. ~~ faEt # thar~~a ~ ~~ a~~tha~•.~~ al~~n~ aa~.d ~~:c°~a t~~:r•~~~~i a ~ar3t:~ai ar~~ia ~f ~~. ~.~ ~ ~~~ are as••~ diatar~~a ~f .'~. 4~ f eat ~ thar~~a ~ ~ } S. ~-~. ~•4~' ~~ ~ 1~. ~ ~~~, ~'~ feat t~- the ha~ir~r~~.r~g ~f a ct~:~~a ~~~~a~a tc~ the seat, ha~i~~ a ~r°ad~.ua cif 1~~~. ~~ feat ~ the~ra~a :a 'F~ ~ .. ~~ ~a~~1~ Ia~n~ ~~id ~~~~ t~~a~~~ a~~t~~~. ~1~ of -~~ ' ~ ~ ors ~~~ t~i~t~rsa~ of ~1. E~~ f ~~t ~ t~~rs~~ ~ ~ ~ ~. ~~a~~ ~ ~~ ~ E. ~ ~.~. ~~ f ~~t to t~~ ~~~irsrsirsg of ~ ~~~~ ~an~~~~ to t~s~ ~-~~t, l~~~irs~ ~ ~~di~~ of ~. ~ f ~~t ~ t~~r~a~e ~ ~~ ~a~t~e:~l~ ~lars~ ~~id pug°~~ t~s~•a°~~~s ~ a~rst:~~~. ~rs~~.e a~ ~~ i~Q~' ~ ~ ars ~:~G di~t~rsce~ of ~~` ~~ f ~~t ~ t~~na~ ~'~ ~ ~. ~.a~~' ~~'~ . f ~~~. ?~` f~~t to ~ lirs~ ~~r•~ll~el wit's ~rsd '~9. ~ f eat ~auth a~ m~~~~:~~d at ~•ig~st ~rs~l~-~ to said ~e~t~~~lir~~ of M~.r~~r A~r+er~~~; t~~~~~ ~~~~,~' ~5'~ . ~ ~~.an yid lire ~ di~ta~~~ of X84. ~~ ~+~~~ ~a t~~ w~~~ li~~ of ~~id ~'~atia~ 8, t~sersa~- . ~~ ~~.'~?~1~. ~ ~lars~ ~ lirs~ ~~~°~llel wits ~~d ~'~. ~ feet ~aut~'s a~ ~~~~~~Ed ~t :cic~~st ~rsgl~~ to t~~ ~a~t~s lirs~ of ~~id ~~eatiars ~ a divt~rs~~ of ~~~~. ~~ f~e~t to lirs~ ~~ra~ll~l wits ~rsd ~.~. t~ f~~t w~-~t a~ ~~~~~~~d at ~i~st ~rs~~~ to t~s~- ~~erst~e:r•lirs~e of old F~i~~:r° ~aad ~ t~~rs~~ . ~~.'~~~. ~ $larsg ~$id lirs~ ~ di~t$rs~~ of '~`~. f~~t to the faint of begirsrsirsg. arst~iriirsg 1~~.. ?'~ a~r•~~~ ~a~~ of ~.~~` PRO~`OSED ANNEXATION MAINTENANCE DISTRICT NO. 7 ALL THAT I~ORTION OF SECTION b, T. 3~5. , R. 27E. , ~. ~. . , CITY GF BAEER~FIELD, COUNTY OF BERN, STATE OF CALIFORNIA, HEING DESCRIHED AS F~ILLOWS: COM~RENCING AT THE NORTHEAST CORNER OF SAID SECTION S, THENCE S. ~~~~1' ~~"~`. ALONG THE EAST LINE OF SAID SECTION +~. A DISTANCE OF ~~.4I FEET TO THE TEUE FOINT~OF BEGINNING; THENCE CONTINUING ALONG SAID EAST LIFE 5.~~~~1'~3"~f., X531.49 FEET TO THE EAST QUARTER CORNER OF SAID SECTION ~,; THENCE CONTINUING ALONG SAID EAST LINE S. 0~~~2' ~.'~" ~. , 1~C3.43 FEET TO THE NORTHERLY EIGHT-OF-WAY OF CAMINO MEDIA A~iD THE BEGINNING OF A NOI~-TANGENT CURVE CONCAVE TC~ THE NORTH, HAVING A RADIUS OF ?~25. ~~ FEET AND T~ WHICH HEGINNIG A RADIAL LANE BEARS 5.~~~49'S3"W.; THENCE NORTHWESTERLY ALONG SAID RIGHT-OF-WAY AND THE WESTERLY EXTENSION THEREOF THE FOLLOWING FIVE ~~} COURSES. ~1} NORTHWESTERLY ALONG SAID CURVE THROUGH A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 3'9a~.~'4?" AN ARC DISTANCE OF 494.~~ FEET; THENCE 4~} N. 4B°53'~S"W., 3~~.~~ FEET TO THE BEGINNING OF A NON-TANGENT GUHVE CONCAVE TO THE SOUTH, HAVING A RADIUS OF ~~i.~~ FEET AND TO WHICH BEGINNING A RADIAL LINE HEARS N. 4I°~~'~~"E.r THENCE t3} NORTHWESTERLY ALONG SAID CURVE THROUGH A CENTRAL ANGLE OF ~~~43'41" AN ARC DISTANCE OF 39.54 FEET TO THE BEGINNING OF ANON-TANGENT COMPOUND CURVE HAVING A RADIUS OF 83i.~~ FEET AND TO WHICH BEGINNING A RADIAL LINE~BEARS N. I?°`~1' S3"E. , THENCE t4} NORTHWESTERLY ALONG SAID CURVE THROUGH A CENTRAL ANGLE OF IS°4'04" AN ARC DISTANCE OF X41.?4 FEET; THENCE ~ 5 } N. B~~'38' 1 ~. "W. , 1~4. ~~ FEET TO A- POINT ON A LINE ~'ARALLEL WITH AND 13.~~ FEET WEST AS MEASURED AT MIGHT ANGLES TO THE CENTERLINE OF OLD RIVER ROAD AS SHOWN ON PARCEL MAP NO. 5~4? AS FILED IN PARCEL MAP BOOS ~9 AT FADE 83 INS THE OFFICE OF THE XERN COUNTY RECORDER; THENCE 5.~~ X1'49"W. ALONG SAID LINE A DISTANCE OF 1?4~.9~ FEET TO THE SOUTH LINE OF SAID SECTION 5; THENCE K. ~'~ 11' S?'~W. ALONG SAID~SaUTH LIME A DISTANCE OF 77.t~0 FEET; THENCE ~I. ~t0, ~1' 49"E. , ~£~9~. 31 FEET; THENCE N. 05 O?' 38"E. , 10.42 FEET THENCE N. @i 13' S4"E. , 330.04 FEET THENCE N. ~~ 21' 4'~"E. , 24~. ~~ FEET; THENCE N. ~~ 3~' 15"W. , 33~. 04 FEET THENCE N. 00 21'49"E. , 329. f~1 FEET~~THENCE N. ~~ ~1' 3~"W. , '~.~~-. 45 FEET; THENCE N. ~~, ~1' 4S"E. , ~~~. ~~ FEE'S ~ THENCE N. ~~~f~?' 35"E. , 1~f~. 42 FEET ~ THENCE N ~1~13' ~-4"E. 330. ~4 FEET ~ THENCE N. ~~~~~.' 49"E. 1??9.53 r - r FEET TO THE BEGINNING+OF A CURVE CONCAVE TO THE WEST, HAVING A RADIUS OF 1?25.00 FEET; THENCE NORTHERLY ALONG SAID CURVE THROUGH A CENTRAL ANGLE ~F ~i~~~l;~~~' AN ARC ~IETAHEE OF ~~.37 FEET TO THE BEGINNING OF A NON-TANGENT CONFOUND CURi~E CONCAVE TO THE WEST HAVING A RADIUS OF i7~O. ~~ FEET AND TO WHICH A RADIAL. LINE HEARS fit. ~~~°4~-' O~!"E. ~ THEi~CE NORTHERLY ALONG EA I D CURt~E THROUGH A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 1 ~~45 r i'~ ~' AN ARC DISTANCE OF 4i~. ~~ FEET; THENCE N. i4`~~3' i5"W. , iC~~. 44 FEET TO THE SOUTHERLY RIGHT-OF-WAY OF THE KERN RIPER CANAL; THENCE N. 7~~GG `"~9'~E. { ALONG SAID EIGHT-OF-I~AY A DISTANCE OF 8~.~~ FEET TG THE CENTERLINE OF COLD EIYEE EOAD AE SHOWN ON EECOED OF SUEVEY HOOK i~ AT FADES ~G AND 6~ AS FILED IN THE OFFICE OF THE FERN COUNTY RECORDER; THENCE N: 14~~0' i~~W. ALONG SAID. CENTERLINE A DISTANCE OF ii9.O2 FEET TO THE SOUTHERLY RIGHT-OF'~-WAY OF STOC~DALE HIGHWAY AS SHOWN ON SAID. RECORD OF SURVEY; THENCE EASTERLY ALONG SAID SOUTHERLY RIGHT-OF-WAY THE FOLLOWING TWO ~f~~ COURSES: ~ i ~ N. 7~~~~ ` 3~ ~ E. ~ 55.43 FEET TO THE ~EGI Nl~ I NG O~F ,~ CUEVE CONCAVE TO THE SOUTH~~HAVING A EADIUS OF i~45.5G FEET; THENCE ~~) EASTERLY ALONG SAID CUR~tE THROUGH A CENTRAL ANGLE OF l'~ ~.~' ~S" ~ AN ARC DISTANCE OF ~~~. ~ FEET TO THE FOINT OF BEGINNING. CONTAINING i1~.i4 ACEESf MORE OR LESS. AMENDED MAP AND ASSESSMENT DIAGRAM I FOR MAINTENANCE DISTRICT NO.7 a BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA FOR FISCAL YEAR 1991 - 1992 xntc. i . wo utot. ~ ~>o~ ttt .{r A~'~ N~G~W.~ .l01lYl Sl~v O ~~ ~i"M~ ~r~~I MQ. I t +I' i~ ~~~ r ' 4 ~ i ~ ~~ ~ ~ ~~~ C~~ w i r~ ~~ /~ i • ~' /,' ~• ~ DISTRICT BOUNDRY SEC. 6, 30/27 o Q O D; ~ ~ OgM~N ~ 0 CAL STATE BAKERSFIELD o~ ,~ ~ I Fps t tnnr t twr I I o ~ '~ CAMINO MEDIA N ~ , ~~ ~ ter IFGEND <I t ~s~t ® ADDITIONAL ~ t: TERRITORY ~ 01 ~ ~ a.~ I •fbi t "~'"`~" ~ MING AVENUE ttLr M111111'f t~ /' -- -~+ll ~t011MII~tlltil/!7 ~I ~t 110(6 rA 4 il/~ t tlM'O' f 111Y/ / t 111Ox t I _•---_ •_ SOUTH LINE SECTION 6 ~~ '~ I i (E of AANA AVENUE IS s SouTN aF SECTION LINq AN ASSESSMENT WAS LEVIED BY THE qTY COUNCIL ON THE LOTS, PIECES ANO PARCELS OF LAND SHOWN ON THIS ASSESSMENT DIAGRAM. SAID ASSESSMENT WAS LEVIED ON THE DAY OF . 1991 ;SAID ASSESSMENT DIAGRAM AND THE ASSESSMENT ROIL WERE RECORDED IN THE OFFICE OF THE DEPARTMENT OF PUBUC WORKS OF SAID qTY ON THE DAY OF .1991. REFERENCE IS MADE TO THE ASSESSMENT ROLL RECORDED IN THE OFFCE OF THE DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS FOR THE EXACT AMOUNT OF EACH ASSESSMENT LEVIED AGAINST EACH PARCEL OF LAND SHOWN ON THIS ASSESSMENT DIAGRAM. CITY CLERK OF THE qTY OF BAKERSFlELD, CALIFORNIA FlLED fOR RECORD THIS DAY OF 1991 , AT _,M., IN 800K OF ASSESSMENT DISTRICTS AT PAGE IN 1HE OFFCE OF THE COUNTY RECORDER OF THE COUNTY OF KERN, STATE OF CALIFORNIA. GALE S. ENSTAD COUNTY CLERIf RECORDER 8Y CHIEF DEPUTY RECORDER RECORDED IN THE OFFICE OF THE DEPARTMENT OF PUBUC WORKS THIS DAY OF .1991.. DIRECTOR OF PUBUC WORKS BAKERSFlELD, CALIFORNIA FlIED IN THE OFFCE OF THE dTY CLERK THIS DAY OF .1991 . qTY CLERK OF THE qTY OF BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA