HomeMy WebLinkAboutMD Packet 2-09r Ter~~V°~ W~ ` ~ A 7enneca Company r' Y .. ~ w.r+wr..w.._,. ,. ~- ~,,. ~, . ~aker~fi~l~l, California ~ ~•9 ~; ~ ~ •°~ ~sos~ ~~s~~ooa , ~ ~ :, .~ ,. ~~~::. SAN ~ 1~ CfTY ATTUftNEY'S OFFICE January 2, 198 ~~ ~-_U~ 4 Arth~~ f ?.J . ~C~~~ ~ ~ '~ E~ Assistant City Attor~~~ey ~~ ty Attorney ~ s (off i c~ ' 1501 ~ruxtun Avenue Bakersf i e~ d, CA 93~D1 Re * tai ntenar~ce District for ~~ent~ati ve Tract Nu m X1712 Dear ~1r. saaifielda As was done in ~9~~, ~`enneco is once again interested in setting up another iandscape maintenance district ~~~r the subject tract, x believe you worked extensively with sues 1 en Andersa~ dh ~~e project for District Numbers 3, 4, 5, b and i two years ago. the ha~.since i~~'~ the Company and I am now attempting to reconstruct the process from her f~i~~. I would greatiy appreciate it ~ f you could advise me what documents `and i nforma- tion need to be prepared prior t~ going before the City Counci 1. If there have been any changes i n Chapter X8.44 of `~itl a 14 of the Muni ci pa1 Code since 1983, I wauld also be gratef~~ if you could provide these changes for me as we11. The area invoived is ~ reiatvei small arcei of iand 19.12 acres located at P ~ ~ the corner of ~i ~ort~l Drive end ~1Z ng Avenue. It wi i i be devei oiled as a res i - denti~l area with one ~~ual residential im rovements. p Any assistance or i nfo~mati an you: can rovi de on the rocedure wi i i be reatl q P A vP 9, y apprec~ ated. If you have .any questions or w~ sh to dz scuss the s further, please da not hesitate to jai i me at ~3~~60~4 Very truly yours, Nancy a . ai i Corporate ..Attorney NJN/mn . ~~~. ~~ 'r6~.t~ +~ .a .cry. ».. ,..~ •i,:4. ,M, ..,.. e1Nix+~«~: .>„..„y vi w. s•v ~ . :~i` r"~y~g.~.i«r*~pp ~ 4 v~e1"1"+F~mlp`d'~1Y"!~'DPUcYS+~tAS:'9~8^+4!!~'f±e;'u~t , "~~ ~, ~~+i~t''~''*:r!:P~3~'r~' ,...~ `~Y'"~••IM.''..~`,~'~~p~'~'.~,r ^ ,.•. ~.. I~ I l i ILi i' 1 L r ~ : AP AND AS~E~S M ~.~~. • ENT ~AGRAM MAINTENANCE D1STRI~T N~, I2 flAK~RSFI~LD CAL1~'~RNIA FAR FISCAL YEAR -1985 -1986 I ~~~I~~~~~ 1 MiN6 AVENlaE Ts a/ `W`--' ~~ R' v N. il• O!' I!~ NI. NN. M' MS - ~g m ~g 2Z 21 ?0 f9 l~ 17 f8 r : •~ ~ ~ t ~ 24 ^~ ~ 4= ~ ; i ~' ..x•+frie rar~* `, `.. ~. .rr~r a:w•w ~. r.n s.w.w r.Na~ ~ CALLE DE ~'"~« rD- ( SA 0 _ ~ ~.w•a'a'~.+am' awoa Mead ,~ ~.~rs'~t'r-, -a.5~~ ~° ` r •. ~ ~ i w ~ ~g~ 2S R~ Y~~-. s~~~ r ~ •~ d O r.,..-- i ~ > 41 ~~ ` _ ~ ~ 26 f~ P4~4CEL "p " "4 i ~'. NORTH SCALE: I"=eo' . ~ y .. `..... ~ N3. AM ASSESSMENT 1NAS LEVIED 81f THE CITY COUNCIL ON Tr1E' LATE, PIECES,AND PARCELS OF LAND SHOWN OK THIS MAP ANO ASSESSME T DIAGRAM. SAlO AS$ SMENT WAS LEY- !EO oN n+E ,..~8~. o~-Y aF~ ,4~ ~ sAlo -MAP AND ASSESSMENT' DIAGRAM AN0 THE ASSE~SME~IT ROI,.L WERE RECQROED IN TNE...OFFICE Of Tyy~~DEPARTMENT • OF PUB I RKS-OF SAID CITY, ON THE.~rL.~DAY OF MENT ROLL RECORDE6RN~THE~OFFICEAOF THE ~fl1EMT OF PUBLIC WORKS POR 'THE EXALT AMOUNT OF EACH ASSE5MENT LEVIED AGAINST EACH ~AARCEL OF LAND SIIOMRi ON THIS MAP ANO ASSESSMENT DIAGRAM. ./L///T //~/L, / , CITY CLERK OF THE CITY OF BAKERSFIE~O, CALIFORNIA FILED IN FFICE OF THE CITY CLERK THIS~L.. OA1t. OF .,.,,. ..1.., 198!1 ~..._. - CITY• CLERK OF THE CITY OF BA.KERSFIELD, CALlFORNM RECOROEp rN TNE_~iF1Ct OF Tf1E OE,p~RiMEN~ ~~. WDRKi TNIf ~ ,.~1.1. oAY oF..,~,~(~j,~,,,,~ DIRECTOR Of PUBLIC S SAK ERSFI ELO , CAL! fO RNIA F1 D F'OR THE RECORO THIS. Y OF r ~ _~i~I~At,~.;o IN BOOK~..OF ASSESS ENT DISTRICTS AT PIfr6E .1L,.. !N THE O FFICE OF THE COUNTY RECOROIiI OF THE COUNTY OF KERN, STATE 01 CALIFORNIA, GALE S. ENSTAO COUNTY CLERK-RECONOER w 0 4 b 0 A e A