HomeMy WebLinkAboutMD Packet 2-10KERN COLLEGE LAND COMPANY Post Office Box 2321 v Bakersfield, California 93303 February 17, 1988 ,.__ „~ ~. f. r ~ ~ ~ ~, b., ~ TI CITY OF BAKERSFIELD DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS 1501 Truxtun Avenue Bakersfield, California 93301 RE: Parcel Map 8415 File No. 86313 To Whom It May Concern: N'~ 2.-lb We, the undersigned., hereby certify that we are the owners: of the property being divided by the subject map, said property 9~~f\; having a total area, of 93.74 acres. We hereb re uest that either Y q ~1.~~ a Landscape and Park Maintenance District be instituted .for the 4~._,.a property or that the land be annexed to an existing District. Please send copies of all correspondence regarding this ` matter to R. D. Richwood care of Alta Engineering/Hughes Surveying, 218 South "H" Street, Suite 203, Bakersfield, California 93304. Respectfully submitted, KERN C0 GE LAND COMPANY By RICHARD L. ARNETT, General Partner RLB:vr Enclosure cc R. D. Richwood STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) ss COUNTY OF KERN ) On February 17, 1988, before me, the undersigned, a Notary Public in and for said State, personally appeared RICHARD L. BARNETT, known to me (or proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence) to be the general partner of the partnership that executed the within instrument, and acknow7~edged to me that such partnership executed the same. WITNESS my hand and official seal. -~: o~ . ~4~ .,~.., N.~.~ ~u~~~~~~ ~«I~on v~ta ,~, _ ^~ ~ ~K 4 Y .~'k ~.~~~~ ~e~~~~; ~;~:;~~~~yr, C~di~~ornia ~r; ~`-~~`~ ~~~ c~m~. ~~p. ray ~~ ~~~ Notary Public .~:..o.......~....,.~....~..~.~... COMMUNITY CONSTRUCTION, INC. 531 California Ave., Bakersfield, CA 93304 - 8051321-7912 July 26, 1985 City of Bakersfield Public Works Department Truxtun and Chester Bakersfield, Ca 93301 Re: Landscaping - Tract 4.345 Gentlemen: Community Construction, Inc.., hereby, proposes to provide and install the following items concerning the subject tract: l.) Provide additional dedication on Saddle Drive to allow 15.00 feet of landscaping .behind curb face and an ad- ditional 5.00 feet more for sidewalks behind landscaping area. (Total of 20.00~feet parkway both sides of Saddle Drive, from North lines of existing residential lots to White Lane.) 2.) Request., waiver of construction of sidewalks on Saddle Drive until such time as plans are formulated for the adjacent property. 3.) .Agree to remove existing rail fence along both sides of Saddle Drive (located 15.00 feet from curb face) upon construction of sidewalks and to modify irrigation system if necessary. 4.) Provide additional dedication on the South side of White Lane to allow 15.00 feet of landscaping behind curb face and an additional 5.00 feet more for sidewalks behind landscaping area. ( Total of .20.00 feet of park- way from Saddle Drive to .Old. RiverRoad.) 5.) Request waiver. of construction of sidewalks on White Lane until such time as plans . are formulated for the adjacent property. . continued . liVllllltUiil.l.Y VV11.~7 LL UV 1.1V11, 111V • City of Bakersfield Public Works Department Bakersfield, CA Re: Landscaping - Tract 4345 Propos a1 Dat.ed ~ 7/ 2 b/ 8 5 Page 2 of 2 6.) Agree to remove existing rail fence (located 15.00 feet from curb face} along White Lane upon construction, of sidewalks. and to modify irrigation system if neces- sary. 7.) Request that the following areas be included in the proposed maintenance dish: median strip in Saddle Drive anal White Lane;. entry walls and monuments; 15.00 feet landscaping strip on both s ides of Saddle Drive and South side of White Lane. Submitted by: COMMUNITY CONSTRUCTION, INC. Herb Hull, Engineer ~iH : Lh COM~IUNITY CONSTRUCTIOd, INC. 531 California Ave., Bakersfield, CA 93304 - 805!327-7912 August 14, 1985 City of Bakersfi el d Public Works Department Truxtun & Cheste r Bakersfield, CA 93301 Re: Landscaping Tract 4345 (Tevis Ranch) Gentlemen, Community Construction, Inc, hereby requests that on~l rr the median strips ~n Saddle Drive and White Lane shai1 be maintained by the City of Bakersfield. The "parkways" on both sides of Saddle .Drive and the south- side of White Lane will be maintained by Communit Construction . y until such time as a development plan es formuiated for the adjacent properties and approved by the Public Works Department. All other conditions set forth in our letter dated July 26, 1985 and approved by the Planning Commission shall remain the same . Submitted by: COMMUNITY CONSTRUCTION, INC. Herb Hu l HH/dfm i DAVID F GOLDBERG* ARTHUR F. FISHER* EDWARD J. QUIRK, JR. ARTHUR B. HAMPTON CYNTHIA L. CURRY *A PROFESSIONAL CORPORATION ~~~~~~~D MAY 2 ~ t9~8 m.t~MRRVN111=MFYV+K~t...a • . ..~ ,..:t . ~,~rr7R Wr..` ~~~5~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~ May 16, 1986 City of Bakersfield ..1501 Truxtun Avenue ~B~akersf field, California 93301 AREA CODE (805) TELEPHONE 327-2231 PATRICIA J. DEMON D LEGAL ASSISTANT ~, ,~ AAA ~ ~s ~~~ Dp~e Attn; Mr. Don Haggatt Re: Tevis Ranch Landscape Maintenance District Dear Mr. Haggatt: Back in August, 1985, I worked with you in getting the Tevis Ranch Landscape Maintenance District formed on behalf of CommunityT Construction, Inc. This was a landscape main- . tenance district ~~13 out on the corner of ~'ra2ier Road and 41d Rier Road. I would like to have copies of the resolutins passed regarding this assessment district .for our file so that we may complete this and send copies to our client. It was my understanding that there would be a meeting on August 28, 1985, when these resolutins would have been passed. I appreciate your cooperation in this matter and if there are any problems, plese give me a call. ~~~` Sincerely a {r%~_] M .~/ ~ ~:. 0 ~ ~~~ CYNTHIA L. CURR 2 ,5 ~- ~ _ _ ~~~ ~.~ ~ ~~a ~~ ~~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~ , , g ,~~ s °~ .s.:. - ~ '~ ~ ~~~ .~ `~~~ ~~ ` V i LAW OFFICES OF GOLDBf RG, fISHf R ~ QU I RK A PARTNERSHIP INCLUDING PROFESSIONAL CORPORATIONS 1600 "M" STREET BflKfRSfIfLD, CflLIfORlllfl 93301-4630 ~~ r ",~' ~!'• ,~ `•, , ,,~? ~W.i.~•"' 1. t 'wwav d~ f l ~.., i ` y i• No. 2148 NOTICE OF DETERMINATION Maintenance D TO; Office of Planning and Research FROM: (Public Agency) _.__. 1400 Tenth Street, Room 121 Bakersf i ei dd;~~~l '~n ~~ epa men • Sacramento, CA 95814 rux u .'e-: ~~ or Ba ers ~e , x County Clerk ~~ _,, ~. . ~, Comity of Kern ~..,~ ., ,....~~:~u ,, _ ~~~~~ . ~ ._ ~; .y ~ •~ r 2:..~ r R` `' ~ ~ „, ~ ~ t J p~ ~ ;, e~., ~ , f. , l • • . • • • ~ • ~.. ~ yet SUBJECT: Film of Notice of Determination ~n com fiance with S~~ff~r~~~~~1~~~$ ~o~~ 1152 g P ~, ,., of the Pu lic Resources Code, b.~ ~~~...~......_,.~. ~,,~~~~~~} ~ , . Project Title Maintenance District No.13 State Clearinghouse Number Contact Person Telephone Number (If submitted to Clearinghouse) N/A Project Location ~ . Southwest corner. of O1 d River Road and Fraser Road Project Description ~~ . Proposed formation of Mai ntenance~ Di strict No. 13 and park site This is to advise that the Bakersfield Ci t Counci l Lead Agency or Responsible Agency has approved the' above. described. project and has made the .following determinations regarding the above described project: 1. The project ~ will, x will not, have a signif icant effect on the environment. Y ~ ' . Z. An Environmental Impact Report was prepared for this project pursuant . to the provisions , of CEQA. x A Negative Declaration was prepared for this project pursuant to the ___. provisions of CEQA. The EIR or Negative Declaration and record of project approval may be examined att . Bakersfield Pl anni n Department Truxtun ve. . a ers ie 3, .Mitigation measures ___. were, x were not, made a condition of the approval of the project. 4. A statement of Overriding Conside i s __.. was, X was not, adopted .,for this .project. Date Received for Filing . Si re Title Revised January 1985 C'' cy y~r. iW~~ ' ~ ~ 1:5 1 s PROPOSED ~ NEGATIVE bECL11R11TI0N ., ,, , No. 2148 ~, . Our File N -~ ~~~. 1 ~ ~ ~Q U ~ ~ , ' 1. Name and address of Sponsor(s) of project: ~:,.n, . ~ ~,= _,_„,~,City of gakersfi.eid ~ '' '~~, ,~. ~ .: .1501 7ruxtun 1lvenue ~ ~.~`#..~ ~~ `,: ``f ~ ~ ! ~ ° s ., .. '.. ~ .. t r Bakersfield Ga 93341 ~ ~~ .. ~ ~ ~{~~,~ .!~ ~ ~;' ~+L.. ~~~} Z. Location of Projects Generally south o f Whi to lan `~'~' ~of Old -i,.~~~~~~-H.~ . , ~ ~. }~~`~' ~~ ~ Ni er load and east of E3uena Vista Goad, ,~ 3. bescriptfon of Project as Proposed: ~ d ~ ~ `~ impose formation of Ir~~yiy Hiaintenance District No. 13 and bar.ic site. . ,,: ~;~ , ..~ ,- 4. Tire undersigned, having considered the matters rovided in City Council Resolution No. 13283, Cl,ty'of nakersfield does hereby find and determine that the above described projecE will not have a significant effect. on the environ- ment. .. Tire ~~hitial Study (refer to Appendices "f~" and "L" which comprises part of the ro osed Ne ative ' ~ ' p p g ~; beclaration, may be inspected at the office of the Planning birector at City i~a11, 1501 Truxtun lwenue, dakersfie'd, California. 11ny member of the public is invited to provide comments on the proposed ~~ action, in writing, on or before the 26th day of l~uc~ust , 198 5 at the above office. City Coutic consl.dera~.on of the Negative beclaration ,; is scheduled for _ ~ugust 2~_.____~ - 1985 . .. :~ .~ ~~ ~~ _. ;~ .1 ~/wtat sec. ~ ,, ----,- ~r:1 ~~rrw~.rw~~. +, -i ~~ ~ ~ ! ~o~ ~3~ I }+ ~.~ I + I I+ Q +I 1 I I I 1 I ~ I { ~ i ()2) I fr I ;~ + C~;~ 1 I 1 I +, 1 + 1 +~ +, I . Qt II O 1~1 .. I I + I I I f 1 1 1 + + ~ I 1 I I ~IRIT ,R,~ ~" ° AND ASSESSMENT DI/ ~ AM FO R MAINTENANCE DISTRICT N0.13 BAKERSF/ELD, CAL/PORN/A FORFISCAL YEAR 1983-1986 1 I I + 1; C9) . ~~ L r- t 1 r~ 1 1 1 1~ ,~ . Iq Iw ~~ . -~ ~~ Vii) 1 14 i i I + ; ~ ~ 1 I • ; 1 +. i I ~ ~ i I t ~ ~~ ~ i 1 F C?) ` i i i 1 ~ ~ 1 ._ ~ ~,~~ ._ ~ _ ~ .. ~• i 1 1 1 1 I ~ i . ~ i 1 1 1 I + ~.ri.w ~~r~M~w ~~~rrL ~ ~ ~ ~* { ...____.__-~ _.~~~. •r _..._ .__ __..--__.._..Mr~IrM ~w.Y + ~ i ~ ~ 1 , 1 .~w~a- ''~ # `w~ac. ~,~~ - ~ -S~QtlTH~RN ACIFIC RA1LROa~', ~ .~ru>~ ~+c.u ~~ P O ~ i -+ ' I ~. 1 • ~ 1f I{/ All ABSESSM1rlIT •AS~ LEVIED BY TAE CI?T COUI(CIL OI! 'THE .LOTS,. PTECE$' AHD PARCEI3 Ol LAUD SHOIRt Olt T$IS AS81rS>xlt8ll'P DIA- ~ -. . GRAtt.: uAID aSSESSIIBKT' ItA3 LEVIED Olt` TH8 Z 'M DAT Ot SAID -A~4ESSYE1tT ~. AIID 1986,: AuGU3i' RECORDED THE 0!lICE OT Tli. DiTAtTtQlR 0! PUDLIC WORKS ~ . , . #~IE REC01<DEg• Ill TH>E OBlICE: O!. THE' . , TSIS D~AY 0! AL16il~ 1986.. ~~._. ..~..."~~...~ DEPAATIiE14T Ot PU9LIC •ORKS O!' SAID- CITY"' 01t. THt ~DA? 01- bL~frtAtiT ~. I88'~~':~ AEPERE1tC6 I9` IiA~DE __. ASSE~I~ATE`~RDED IM THE Oir'!IC! 01- TI;E DEPIATIFE1tT OF PUBLIC 1rORIG4 !OS 'CHE EXACT AM011I1T Ot EACB A33&481BR'1' LEVIED AGAIR3T SACS PARCEL Ot LARD 380'811 OR TltIQ ASSESar DA>fZDSlIELD, CALI><ORNL# f1ENT DIAG1tAli. • ~ ,, OF~s~~-~ BAiEA3lIBLD, CALI>1ORMIA _.. ~t,...,. , J . • ~' ~ ! ~ ~~} IRIS ~DA~ 0! 11,p , ,~; • • DIST>tICTS~ IX Ti 0 COU1tTY ~ e Nv ~ ~• - RECORDED Oi THE ><iU, STATE 0! CALIYORNU. ~ ~ ~. ~ ' JQ w ////"/"~~.~~~~~~ FILED Ilt THE OFlICE 0! TlQ CiTX CLZDZ THIS ~ DAY •, ~'.... • ~ •. +~ ~~~ ~ " / ~ GALE ~ ENSTAp 01r .....o~~~..~._.~ 1986. ~ • ~ » P n~ERSlI~ua, cwlzlautlA ~ •~* ~~~ b 1 1~1 1 1 t t 1 + 1 j i~ 1 ~ 1 1 1 .1 1 I t I. I f 1 + 1 1 f~j 1 t. 1 _I.. . I ~ I i I t t I 1 t 1