HomeMy WebLinkAboutMD Packet 2-11M~ a-~ EXHIBIT "A" BoONt~RIES of DISTRICT MAI1~'fE~~ANCE DISTRICT No. 23 A parcel of land situated in the City of Bakersfield, County of Kern, State of California, being a portion of Section 6, Section 7, and the Southwest quarter of Section 8, Township 30 South, Range 27 East M.D.B. & M., more particularly described as follows: Beginning at the Southwest corner of Section 7, the South line of the Southwest quarter of Section 7 being the centerline of White Lane, the West line of Section 7 being the centerline of Buena Vista Road; THENCE (1) North 00°49'49" East along the West line of the Southwest quarter of Section 7, a distance of 2655.57 feet, more or less, to the West quarter corner of Section 7, as shown in record of survey recorded in Book 15 of Record of Surveys at Page 66, January 19, 1989 in the off ice of the Kern County Recorder; THENCE (2) North 00°49'47" East along the West line of the Northeast quarter of Section 7, a distance of 2655.23 feet, more or less, to the North line of the Northwest quarter of fiction 7, said North line also being the centerline of Ming Avenue; THEl~1CE (3) North 00°49'46" East along the West line of the Southwest quarter of Section 6, a distance of 2389.05 feet, more or less, to a point which lies 266.93 feet Southerly, as measured along last narr~d West line, from the Northwest corner of the Southwest quarter of said Section 6, said point also being the beginning of a tangent curve, concave to the East having a radius of 2000.00 feet; THENCE (4} Northerly along said curve, through a central angle of 15°12'13", an arc distance of 530.71 feet, said curve also being the centerline of the-Buena Vista Realig~~ment; " THENCE (5) North 16°01'59" East along said centerline a distance of 401.02 feet, more or less, to a point on the centerline of Stockdale Highway Realig~lment, said point also being the beginning of a curve, concave Northerly with a radius of 2000.00 feet; THENCE (6) Easterly along said curve, through a central angle of 59°17'52", an arc distance of 2069.88 feet, said curve also being the centerline of the said Stockdale Highway Realignment; THENCE (7) North 46°44'07" East along said centerline a distance of 928.07 feet, more or less, to the beginning of a tangent curve, concave to the Southeast with a radius of 1105.00 feet; THENCE (8) Easterly along said curve, through a central angle of 28°52'46", an arc distance of 556.97 feet, said curve also being the centerline of the said Stockdale Highway Realignment; 4:EA.MD23 LT:wrn THENCE (9} North 75°36'53" East along the said centerline a distance of 676.17 feet, more or less, to the centerline of Old River Road; THENCE (10) South 14°23'15 ~1est along the centerline of Old River Road, a ds- tance of 274.45 feet, more or less., to the beginning of a tangent curve, concave to the West with a radius of 1800.00 feet; THENCE (11) Southerly along said curve, through a central angle of 14°45'04", an arc distance of 463.42 feet, said curve also being the centerline of said Old River Road; THENCE (12} South 00°21'49" West along the said centerline a distance of 2499.54 feet, more or less, to the centerline of Camino Media; THENCE (13) continuing South 00°21'49 "West along the said centerline a distance of 1685.00 feet, more or less, to the centerline- of Ming Avenue; THENCE (14) continuing South 00°21'49 "West along the said centerline a dis- tance of 500.00 feet, more or less, to the beginning of a tangent curve, concave to the East with a radius of 2000.00 feet; THENCE (15} Southerly along said curve, through a central angle of 19°57'41", an arc distance of 696.78 feet,, said curve also being the centerline of said Old River Road; THENCE (16) South 19°35'52" East along the said centerline a distance of 695.00 feet, more or less, to the centerline of White Oak Drive; THENCE (17) continuing South 19°35'52" East along the said centerline a distance of 1970.00. feet, more or less,. to the centerline of Ridge Oak Drive; THENCE (18} continuing South 19°35'52" East along the said centerline a distance of 928.01 feet, more or less, to the beginning of a tangent curve, concave to the west with a radius of 2000.00 feet; THENCE (19) Southerly along -said curve, through a central angle of 19°57'26n, an arc distance of 696.64 feet, said curve also being the centerline of said Old River Road; THENCE (20) South 00°2l'24" West along the said centerline a distance of 74.10 feet, more or less, to the South line of Southwest quarter of Section 8, said South line also being the centerline of White Lane; THENCE (21) North 89°16'14" West along the said South line a distance of 155.26 feet, more or less, to the Southwest corner of Section 8; TH~1CE (22)`Nor~h II9°15'23" West a14ng the South line of the Southeast quarter of Section 7, a distance of 2538.02. feet., more or less, to the West line of the said southeast quarter.:of Section 7, said South line also being the centerline of white I~ne; T~~ENCE (23) North 89°15'04" West along the South line of the Southwest quarter of Section 7, a distance of 2769.86 feet, more or less, to the Point of Beginning. Containing 959.22 acres of land, more or less. 4:EA.MD23B LT:wrn NAB :N~ ASS~SSIJi~WT DIl+vFi FO R tJ~AINTENANCE DISTRICT N0.23 BA~;ERSF/c LD, CAL /r"OR//lA i0P fI5G4l YEAR 1988 1989 ~~ SS-tt!NT MAS l.l!YIpU it 11tY. c1Tr CuuNC:ll uh me wrs, AND PAACI!LJ OP IaND SIIUMN ON THIS AlSrSS-IENT DlA• tA14 Al~t:SSMf!w! MA!I LEVI(!P Ow 111P MY OP l4t9; SAIU ASSf•SSNBNT ~~AM AND 1`~~1?fl~Ll MENC• RECOkOEG Ih TIIE OFFICE OF 11iL ENT OP FUILiC MOkKS OF SAID C11Y ON 111E DAY IY19. R8PER8NCE 1S kAt>t ~r1Y' ~''~~j['x~kDtD IM 11tE OPFIC! OP 1HE DlPAkTMENT ~1C MOACS FOk T11C 81lACf AMOUNT OF lAgt ASSESSNPtt'I AGAINST lACN PAkCEI OF LANG SIIOMtI ON T111S ASSESS- ACR/W, Z`~~~Lf AK~~'11~.`~'fY~bl`' ItAKE1tSFIEIJl, ULIpOkN1A FOR RECORD 11t1S DAY OP IT _;A. , TN HOOK ~~':jll' ?S~ 1N 711E OPF~S~T1iE COUNTY ED OF 1114 COI~TP4'~N CORN, STATE OF CALIFORNIA, tY~~U1Y'~~I111~i"'~ AD IN TIIE OPPICI OP 71st ~UI!PAIT1N21lT OF FUILIC MORCS DAY OP 1110 1 C tACBRtiPI1L0, GLIPORNIA IM T?qt OPF1C1 OP 1118 CITY CLtiRC 1'Hl/ DAY 10/G. CITY CLGR1( bl~ij(ZT~'~~P IACEASpIEID, GLIPORNlA ~ ~ EXHIBIT C 11 ~~