HomeMy WebLinkAboutMD Packet 2-12n~ z-~2 TR 5~y~ EXHIBIT "A" . MAINTENANCE DISTRICT No. 24 (BUENA VISTA) BOUNDARIES of DISTRICT LEGAL DESCRIPTION A parcel of land situated in the City of Bakersfield, County of Kern, State of California, being a portion of the Northwest quar- ter and the Southwest quarter of Section 18, Township 30 South, Range 27 East, also being a portion of the Northeast quarter and the Southeast quarter of Section 13, Township 30 South, Range 26 East, M.D.B. & M., more pa~ticu.larly described as follows: ~;~e.g~'n~ring at the Southeast corner of the said Southwest quarter of Section 18, Thence North 00°56'06" East along the East line of the said Southwest quarter of Section 1$, a distance of 96.80 feet more car less, to a point of intersection on the North right of way line of the Southern Pacific Railroad as shown in parcel Map 8415 recorded in Book 36 of Parcel Maps at Page 1.67, September 13, 1988 in the office of the Kern County Recorder, said North right of way line being on the Corporation Boundary of the City of Bakersfield, said point being the True Point of Beginning; THENCE (1) North 89°08'4'1"West along, said North right of way line, a distance of 2802.15 feet, more or less, to then°~ line of the said Southeast quarter of Section l3; THENCE (2) North 00°57'38" East along said West line a distance of 2540.64 feet, more or less, to the North line of the said Southeast quarter of Section 13; THENCE (3) North 00°57'34" East along the West line of the East 30 feet of the Northeast quarter of Section 13, ` a distance of 1064.46 feet, more or less to a point on the Westerly prolongation of the South line of the. North 1575.01 feet of Section l8; Page 1 of 2 EXHIBIT "A" BOUNDARIES OF DISTRICT MAINTENANCE DISTRICT N0. 24 A parcel of land situated in the City of Bakersfield, County of Kern, State of California, being a portion of the Northwest quarter and the Southwest quarter of Section 18, Township 30 South, Range 27 East, also being a portion of the Northeast quarter and the Southeast quarter of Section 13, Township 30 South, Range, 26 East, M.D.B. & M., more particularly described as follows: Beginning. at the Southeast corner of the said Southwest quarter of Section 18, Thence North 00°56'06" East along-the East line of the said Southwest quarter of Section 18, a distance of 96.80 feet more or less, to a point of intersection on the North right of way line of the Southern Pacific Railroad as shown in parcel riap 815 recorded in Book 36 of Parcel Maps at Page 167, September 13, 1988 in the office of the Kern County Recorder, said North right of way line being on .the Corporation Boundary of the City of Bakersfield, said point being the True Paint of Beginning.; '~~ENCE (1) North 89°08'47" hest along said North right of way line, a distance of 2$02.15 feet, more or less, to the North line of the said Southeast quarter of Section 13; T~~ENCE (2) North 00° 57' 38" East along said West line a distance of 2540.60 feet, mare or less, to the North line of the said Southeast quarter of Section 13; THENCE (3) North 00°57'34" East along the West line of the East 30 feet of the Northeast quarter of Section 13, a distance of 1064.46 feet, more or less to a point on the Westerly prolongation of the South line of the North 1575.01 feet of Section 18; THENCE (4) Department from said corporate boundary, South 89°15'17" East along said Westerly prolongation and said South line, a distance of 2800.45 feet, more or less, to the East line of the Northwest quarter of Section 18. THENCE (5) South 00°56'06" West along the said East line and the East line of the Southwest quarter of Section 18, a distance of 3610.17 feet, more or less, to the True Point of Beginning; CONTAINING 232.00 acres of land, more or less 4: E. MD. 24 LT:wrn Maintenance District No. 24 - Legal Description EXHIBIT "A" - Continued ~..~. THENCE f De artmen-from said corporate boundary, South 89°15'17" as~~~long said westerly prolongation and said South line, a distance of. 2800.45 feet, more or less, to the East line of the Northwest quarter of Section 18. THENCE f5} South 00°56'06" west along the said East line and the East line of the Southwest quarter of Section 18, a distance of 3610.17 feet, more or less, to the True Point of Beginning; e CONTAINING 232.00 acres of land, more ar less IMPRQVEMENTS All of the following improvement items may or may not be appli- cable. for this maintenance district. However, the improvements generally are parks, street and median landscaping including, but not limited to, walls, signs, landscape drainage basins and all drainage facilities, irrigation systems and equipment, structures and fixtures necessary or incidental to the installation, mainte - nance or use of the above mentioned items; anal certain walls, fences,. plant forms, trees, shrubs, ground covers, hedges, sidewalks, walkways, parking areas, landscaping, landscape appurtenances, poles, posts and signs, and security lighting. DAH/meg M MAIN 4 , MD24.EXA.1 5/19/89 Page 2 of 2 EXHIBIT "B" CITY OF BAKERSFIELD MAINTENANCE DISTRICT N0. 24 (BUENA VISTAy BENEFIT FORMULA The various lots and parcels within the district shall be assessed at the following rates: For each assessable lot or parcels the assessment shall be: 1. Non-Residential Zone or Use Assessment shall equal the dollar amount determined by: A portion of the total number of dollars budgeted by the district for maintenance and operatian of the assessment district for the year in which the assessment is levied equal to the dollar amount allocated to maintenance and operation for that year of any and all improvements in the district except__~_arks and except any improvements in or on any parks ar incident thereto (MT~~ multiplied by: the number of assessable acres, or portion thereof, in the lot or parcel ; ( AI, y ~ and divided by: the number of assessable acres in the district (ATE Assessment - Mm Y nr AT 2. R-1 Residential Zone or Use Assessment shall equal the dollar amount determined by: A portion of the total number of dollars budgeted by the district for maintenance and operation of the assessment Page 1 of 3 Maintenance District No. 24 Benefit Formula EXHIBIT "B" - Continued district for the year in which the assessment is levied equal to the dollar amount allocated to maintenance and operation for that year of any and all improvements in the district including parks and any improvements in or on any parks or incident thereto, less the total amount from tl) above, (MR + P), multiplied by~~the numeral 1.4, divided by the sum of : the number of detached dwelling units constructed or - permitted to be constructed in the district* tDl)~ multiplied by the numeral 1.4, and the number of attached dwelling. units constructed o.r permitted to be constructed in the district ** tD2)~ Assessment = tMR + P x 1.4) 1.4 D1 + D2 3. R-2 Residential Zone or USe Assessment shall equal the dollar amount determined by: A portion of the total number of dollars budgeted by the district for maintenance and operation of the assessment district .for the year in which the assessment is levied equal to the dollar amount allocated to maintenance and operation for that year of any and all improvements in the district including parks and any improvements in or on any parks or incident thereto, less the total amount amount from t 1) above, tMR + P ) , multiplied by: the number of dwelling units constructed or permitted to be constructed on the lot or parcel; (DL)- Page 2 of 3 Maintenance District No. 24 Benefit Formula EXHIBIT "B" - Continued divided by the sum of: the number of detached dwelling units constructed or per- mitted to be constructed in the district*, tDl), multiplied by the numeral 1.4, . and the number of attached dwelling units constructed or per- mitted to be constructed in the district**, tD2), Assessment = (MR + P) DL 1.4 D1 + D2 * Detached dwellin units (those dwelling units not joined to any others by any Gammon walls) are deemed permissible in areas zoned R-1. The number of detached dwelling units permitted to be constructed on a lot or parcel shall be deemed to be~the numeral 5 multiplied by the number of assessable acres, or portion thereof, in the parcel or lot, rounded off to the nearest whole number. ** Attached dwellingunits (those joined to.another by one or more common walls) are deemed permissible in area zoned R-2. The number of attached dwelling units permit- ted to be constructed on a lot or parcel shall be deemed to be the numeral 12 multiplied by the number of assess- able acres, or portion thereof, in the parcel or lot, rounded off to the nearest whole number, DH/meg M MAIN 4 MD24.EXB.1 5/19/89 Page 3 of 3 ~Jl AND ASSESSMEfVT DIAL ~M FOR MAINTENANCE DISTRICT N0.24 " ,° BAKERSFIELD, CAL/FOf7N/A ~n Me FOR FISCRL YEAR 19 Bp-1981 ~ ~tautH t~HE OF THE NORTH IS75.0/ FfE1' OF s£CTlON Id ftTt4~R4W oAr1VC ---- - ~rraa~t~r or~uvlC. wcsT u~ coRA~R .~ GAMI'v~ PARK DitIVG ~. i ti t V W PILED f0R RECORD TIIIS DAY Ok' ~'• S.W. COVQN~R ~ ~tClO ~v/YP7 ~w7i n t~or .r ~u--n1 annr ttr`Y'r~rcCu sEC. ,a ~ `~ 1 AN A9SE931tENT MA9 LEVIED BY THE CITY COUNCIL ON TH>< IAT9, PIECED AND PARCELS 0!' LAND BHONN ON THIS A89>r89llE1f'I' DIA- GRAM. 6AID AB9E9911ENT 1lAS LEVIED ON THE DAY OT IBBS-; SAID A95ESSltENT SAM AND 7'f~~E~SA~'T-A~fLL i<ERE RECORDED IN TItE OFFICE OF TIDE DEPAATgEKT OF PllBLIC MORK9 OP $AJD CITY ON THE DAY OF 19tl1-. REFERENCE 19 WADC ~E A9S7r~3T1Efi'J'-1[~L~~RDED IN THE OFFICE OP T1iE DEVART{tENT OF PUBLIC NORK9 TOA THE ExACT ApOUNT OF EACH A99ES3UENT LEVIED AGAINST EACH PARCEL OP LAND BHOtIN OH THIB A88E99- friNT DIAGRAM. I.ITF LERK OF HE J F BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA h y ,~ Q t DISTRICTS~~ ._ IN THE OFFI~~~O~'`7}IE COUNTY RECORDED OF THE C0I1AT4-~F KERN, STATE OF CALIFORNIA. GAGE s cNStaD C~iiAT''PCilII7~'R~Ci~fib~'Tc ~" gY"LAitTJ![ , RECORDED IN THE OFk'ICE OF T}{E DEPARTMENT Ok' PUBLIC WORKS THIS DAY OF 19B~ BAKERSFIELp, CALIFORNIA FILED IN THE OFFICE OF TIIE CITY CLERK THIS DAY OF I989~. `SIR BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA SnfiT lot 1 EXHIBIT "D" MAINTENANCE DISTRICT No. 24 FISCAL YEAR 1988-1989 B U D G E T ~.____-. Source of Funds Beginning Fund Balance Gross Amount Required Amount of Contribution by City Amount of Advances by City Net Balance, to be Assessed Total Use of Funds City Staff Services Supplies, Material, Utilities Estimated Maintenance Cost °I'otal ASSESSMENT ROLL FISCAL YEAR 1988-1989 Assessment Parcel No. as Shown on Map Exhibit "C" 394-O10-07--00-6 394-010-08-00-9 394-010-10-00-4 394-010-11-00-7 DH/meg M MAIN 4 MD24.EXD.1 5/11/89 0.00 0.00 0.00 o . 00 o.oo 0.00 O.OU 0.00. 0.00 0.00 Total Assessment 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1 PUBLfC WORKS D~PARTME1dT CITY OF BAKERSFlELD CITY HALL. 1501 TRUXTUN AVENUE BAKERSFIELO. CALIFORNIA x3301 ~.: ..~:~~ ,~ 394-014- 7-04-C~ F # TZGERA LD BEN fV# ~ BATS 944 V#STA VERDE WY BAKERSF # E~.D GA 93339 GL ! NE NAI. P ~x GLAUGETTE RT '1 Ba34 ~7~ SAKERSF#ELD ~A X3307 894-414-10-40-4 f~IYERS R CHANC~LER .3343 VJ#LSH#RE BLVD. #~44 LaS ANGELES GA 94410 394-010-1 1--00-? KERN GaLLEGE LANQ CO PGBp3iB3B1 BAKERSF I ELI CA 95803 MAP AND ASSESSMENT DIAGRAM FOR MAINTENANCE DISTRICT NO. 2 DIVISION 12 BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA (AMENDMENT NUMBER 1) ~.''. ~` r 's a Oi mx Ng W N '~ I _~ I/ ~ I i SS9'f 5'11'E 2170.45' n O t0 n w ~n 0 ~o N Z ....., .....,~..........., .w -- .... ,. ~ couc.~~ T. ~p S. R. 27 E. AN ASSESSMENT WAS LEVIED BY THE CITY COUNCIL ON THE LOTS, PIECES ANO PARCELS OF LAND SHOWN ON THIS ASSESSMENT DIAGRAM. SAID ASSESSMENT WAS lE1AED ON THE DAY OF . 1992 ; SAID ASSESSMENT DIAGRAM ANO THE ASSESSMENT ROLL WERE RECORDED IN THE ,OFFICE OF THE DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS OF SA10 CITY ON THE DAY OF .1992. REFERENCE IS MADE TO'THE ASSESSMENT ROLL RECORDED IN THE OFFICE OF THE DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS FOR THE EXACT AMOUNT OF EACH ASSESSMENT LEVIED AGAINST EACH PARCEL OF LAND SHOWN ON THIS ASSESSMENT DIAGRAM. CITY CLERK OF THE CITY OF ' BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA FILED IN THE OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK THIS DAY OF .1992 . GTY CLERK OF THE CITY OF BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA SCALE: 1"= 300' FILED FOR RECORD THIS DAY OF 1992 , AT _.M., IN BOOK OF ASSESSMENT DISTRICTS AT PAGE IN THE OFFICE OF THE COUNTY RECORDER OF THE COUNTY OF KERN, STATE OF CALIFORNIA. COUNTY CLERK RECORDER BY CHIEF DEPUTY RECORDER RECORDED IN THE OFFICE OF THE DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS THIS OAY OF :1492 . DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC WORKS BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA EXHIBIT ~B~ FlU:: 012rlJOIMI SHEET 1 of 1