HomeMy WebLinkAboutMD Packet 2-13` ~~ r - ji _ 1 A~pend~.x I ~~C~ of ~~~rzo~ ry. ~~, r . ~.~~ o ~a '~ : ~ Off .ice of planning and ~esearc'~ 1400 Tenth Stzeet, Room 1~1 Sacramento, CA 95814 X County Clerk County of ~ Kern 1415 Tru~tun Ave. Bakersfield, CA 93301 a" ~~. ~~ y~ J ~'Y. • } ~ 4p. ~g ~~pp ~ ~ N~ ~~ k ~ ~ ~ ' R~tl .~. a; <<J h~ i+Qi%1:. MM``Ec1 n _ ~~.. R r' ~ Publ~.c agcy} City Of Bakersfield. 1541 Truxtun .~ve.~ue ~akezsf field,- CA 93301 R~oj~t Title: r~Iaintenance District ~o. 30 map and assessment dia, ram. Fro'ect Location--Specific: ~enerall bound b Stockdale Hw on the north A11en Rd. J on the east Tract 4445 on the south and Tract 4444 on the west. Rroject T.~ocacian-City: Bakersfield Kern r~ ~ t; Assessment District for tie maintenance of public street ~esc.~lptlon of ~ra3ec median landscaping, public park and other public street landscaping. f Public ~ en rovin Project: City of Bakersfield - Publ.is Works De~artmen Fame a ~ oY g tame of Person or .Agency Carzying Out. Project: tempt status: (c'h~~cx one) DeWayne Starnes e Ministerial ~5ec.2108~(b}~1}~ 1528}; I~clared ~iergency ~sec.214Sa~b~~31; 15269~a}~~ ~:genc~ Project ~5ec.21'C~BQtb~{4); 152~9~b~ tc}) j Cat orical ~e~npti,on. State type and section nu~r. .Statutory Exe~ptir~ns . state code nu~ez • ~, ~ Minor alteration in land use 11mlt~,tlons with forMaton P~~s~r~s ~y pro ~ ec ~. l s exe~~pt . of maintenance district 1D~-S6 Sec. lII L~.d Agency erson De~Va~ne Starnes Azea Ccde~Telephone~~xt~nsiar~: X345-32b-5581 Cc~nta~t P Tf fi~.ed ~ applicant: . 1. Attach certified c~~c~ent of e,~~npti~n firming. ~. ' n ,, n f i led ~ the ublic agency apPr+~vng 2. Has. a r~atlce of exec tlo ~1 ~ the- r ~' .~..? Yes . No ~~ ,.~ ., 4 t ~ ~~t ~ ~t V . ~ P Vim' VM ~ ~ ~ t ~ V • ~ ~ ~~ ~ ~i~ wr~rwr~w~w`M-gl+wrr 4 ~~ ,ead A en Date received far f~.n~g at OPT: Signed by g ~ --'- ~~~~ ~ ~~~ iced October 1989 ~ ~ Si ed ~ Applicant ~~ 'N~i ~~~ Rev ~ ~ ~ ~~~ ~~ ~ pE~~~ ~~~~ TY . ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ P~,~~~~ a~~ y .. K . Rroject Location--County: Sec. 153x5 SIM('SON~UANCUREN INC. CIVIL ENGINEERING • PLANNING • SURVEYING 2020 K STREET ~ BAKERSFIELD, CA 93301 ~ 805!327.1112 ~ FAX 8051327.1273 November 30, 1989 City of Bakersfield Dept. of Public Works 1 ~ Truxtun Avenue Bo~rsf field, CA 93 301 Attn: Mr. Don Hoggat Re: Zone Change 4900 Dear Mr. Hoggat: ~~~~ ~ ~ y, ~ FHG~NFEq'~ Q~p89 // l~. /L J Oepg9TMeNT As peer conditions of Zone Change 4900 Exhibit 1 Item ~-. 14, on behalf of the developer; "Topa Real Estee Manage~ent", we would request that the landscaped Med Tslan,d ~~o-posed for that portion of Stockdale Highway West ~~~ South. Alen Road for a ds ante of 658.12' be annex =1nto existing maintenance District No. 9 in the City ~~f Bakersfe d. ~'or ~~:~ purpose of maintaining landscaping to be installed during: development of the AM%PM Minima~t & Shopping Center complex. Sin a ~ely, ~,.'` ~- ~, ~~ ~'` ~~ '~ ance L.~ aG~~ey Project Coor~~','; nator VLH/jc 1-89487 RAUL GALLO, JR., President JERRY VaNCUREN, Secretary-Treasurer JERRY PRIGMORE, Vice President DON G, SIMPSON, Special Consultant ~t ~ T~ ~ t ~ ~~ +~~~»~~~ ~~~~w~T AT~.A~ t ~ I.t ~ i. ~,t ~~ ~ ~~ ~~~ ~~~ ~~~ ~~~~~~t ~~ ~~~~ 'lair prapa~ed a~~e~ament far l~~i~~~ i~ ~~~~. ~7. #~~'~~~ I~ N~R~~Y ~~'~~ly that the Pcsblic ~#ark~ Director of the City of ~a~ceraf ie ld has ca~~ed to be prepared and filed psi th the ~ i ty C Ier~c a depart in ~ritingr Which pra~ridea the ba~i~ far the benefit aa~ea~ment far maintaining neighborhood pare: street landscaping and other local p~~iic impra~rement~ to be borne by all parcels of property Within ~#aintenance District a.~~, i~ generally d~~cribed as a district Within the City of Ba~Ceref field bo~snded by tackdale #~igh~ay an the narthr Ail n ~aad are the eaatr ~"ract ~44~ on the ~a#~thr and ~'ract 4~4~ on the ~e~t©r ~ncl~d~ng ya~sr property. ~ laid Director's Report seta forth the ama~snta to be pra~rided in the budget far maintenance and operation, a description of each ~ar~el of property in the proposed Maintenance ~i~trict by ~ description sufficient to identify the same, and the ama~nt of assessment to be le~ried far the fiscal year l~`~1--9~ against each parcel of property. laid report shall be open to public inspection at the P~b1ic darks 1#irectar's officer l~Dl Truxtun A~en#~er ~akersfieldr California. Any interested o~tner ob,#ecting to the an~o~nt of the assessment an any of his or her parcel ar parcels of property to be assessed, ar the fairness o~ the benefit formula or farM~slaer May file pith the City C~er~ at ar b~fare the hoer fixed far hearing a protest, in ~ritingr signed. by hiM1'herr describing the parcel of property so that it may be identified, and stating the gr~~nds of his~'her protest, and may appear at said hearing and be heard in regard thereto. laid Director's Report u~i11 be heard by the Coctncil at its meeting to be held an ~3 ~need~ay, the nth day of ,l+~ne, 15~~1 at '~: ~~ p. m. r ar as ~saa~ thereafter as the ~att~er may be heard, in the~unc i i Chambers: ~ ity Ha 1 i, 1D1 ~"r~xt~n Avenue, Sakersfieldr Califor~-ia, at Which time and puce said Counc i 1 wi 11 examine said Report and hear protests, if any. if you need additional infarmationr please contact the City Parks Division at ~~~~~11~'. Dated: D~~~~~~1 Coral Williams Cl~"Y CC»E~tI+Cr City, of ~akersf field . EXHIBIT "A" . .BEGINNING AT THE NORTHEAST :.CORNER OF~SECTION 2, T.305., R.26E., M.D.B. & M., ASS SHOWN ON .PARCEL MAP NO. --9105 RECORDED IN $OOK 40 AT PAGE $ IN -THE OFFICE . OF THE KERN COUNTY RECORDER, ALSO BEING A POINT ON THE CENTER LINE OF ALLEN ROAD.. THENCE (1) .S. 89° 22' pg'~ E. , a distance of 55 feet; TH~TCE (2) S. 00° 31' 36" ~. , a distance, of 524.41 feet.; T~iENCE (3) N, 89° 25' 12:" . .._. .. W. , a distance of 731.61 ,feet, TIaENCE t 4) °N. OOo 34 ~ _48~~ _. _~, ~ a distance of525.00 :fee.t; _ .. _.. T~3ENCE (5) N. 89° 2' 08" .. . . :: W. , a distance of 658.12 feet; to the point of beginning. .. f . _ , . Page 1 of 1 .~ ~, :~ ~3N~D. 30 JS/lh W S z w rf x N b. r M 'AND ASSESSMENT DIAL iAM FOR MAIM'ENANCE DISTRICT NO.30 BAI~RSFIELD, CALIFORNIA FOR FlSCAL YEM 1991 - 1992 EXHIBIT "B" aSTrocT BaxroRY ~01.~1' N M'!2'Ot' IC N.L OOwIER EC ~, 30/1 _ _ ` STOCKDALE HwY ~Oi~1' N N'!!'Or N ~ I i .-~_ -- ~>~ .. ~.e~ aoss 41/J Ap1Ef NET 1 ~W . J ~ J ,~ ±'~`JC Q ~r~ AdE3 d10R! _ 1`N1 ACJEI.NET w • }~ 1 = I 1 f- M ~J ~~ bar N M'ri'iZ' w AN Ass~pkT was LEvIED eY THE C1TY CouNaL ON THE LOTS, PIECES AND PARCELS OF LAND SHOIM~I ON THIS Ass~MENT-aACRA~1. SAID !T WAS LE1rtD ON 1FE __.,, -DAY OF 1991 ~ SAb AS'SESSIIOiT OIACRAM ANO THE ASSESSMDrT ROLL WERE RE00RDED M 111E OFFICE OF THE DEPARTMENT OF `PUBtJC WORKS OF SAD CITY ON THE _~ DAY OF 1941. REF1c'RENCE IS :MADE TO THE ASSf55110dT ROLL RECORDED w THE OfF1CE OF THE DEPARTIAENT OF PUBLIC WORK5 FOR 1HE EXACT AMOUNT OF EACH . ASSE5SWIENT l.E1ilED AGAINST EACH PARCEL OF LAND 5l~OMAi ON TMS ASSESSMENT 01ACRAM. • aT>• cut:RK of -THE am of BN(ERS~IELD. CAIJFORNIA scams; ~'= so~ FILED FOR .RECORD THIS. __^ DAY Of 1941 , AT _„_,,,__ ~,_,Y., IN 800K ~ OF AS5E.5S~1T OISIRICIS AT PACE ^_ IN THE OFFICE OF THE COUNTY RECDRDER OF THE CDIJNTY OF KERN, STATE OF CAUFDRNIA. COUNTY CLERK RECORDER BY .. CHIEF DEPUTY RECORDER 'RECORDED IN THE OFFICE Of THE DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS THIS DAY OF 1991 . DIRECTOR OF PUBLK: WORKS • BAKERSFfEID, CALIFORNIA FlLED IN THE OFFICE OF THE pTY CLERK"THIS __ DAY... OF 1941 . 1 '" '' .~ r,.;, ~~ an d~IC aF THE an of ~-- BAKERSFiLRD. CAIJFORNIA ~ ~ may. `~ -,, AFFIDAVIT ~~OF MA I LI ~NG STATE OF CALIFORNIA) . )ss. COU N'TY OF KERN CAROL WILLIAMS bein~ first duly:sworn, deposes and .says: g That-she is now and during all the time herein mentioned the ointed $nd actin Clerk of the City of Bakersfield, said duly app g County and St-ate. __ .. ____ _. ,, 6th June ~1 g 91 s h e That on .,the daY of ._.., _ _ _ osit:ed in the United States Maid, with postage prepaid, a .d e,p . ~o~t i ce, ~:a copy bf .~vh_~.ch ..~ at.-tached fiereto, addressed _to each se name and 8ddre s a pears on the attached list, which person who P mains he name and addresses of the owner of all property co subject .to the -asses menu t ~sinch ~mai in was -c~omplQ~-ted noa .le s han 10 days Th a g __~_._ _ .~l _ , .. _ _ __ su-bsequent to the date a for hearing on thi matter be ore he Counci o#' the Ci y of Bakersfield. . ~. ~~ e. ~, I ~~' ~F' .~Al~ES ~ ApnRESSESS F'UR ~4 I HT'EhtAHC E D I STR I C T# 3~ . ~'b ~ -~ ~ t~~-48-{~{~-~7 A~'~.~4~T I C R I G HF I Ei.D G 0 P Q~ 0~ 2~4~3 5 ~~ ~~~~~...~5, ~ a ~ao~ i ~'~~ f t~-~~~t~a-{~ BED ~1 I R '~' I A€A~€C I AL f Bt~U AVE ~F T~~ STARS ~L I ~ ~.€~ A~~~~~5 ~ ~ a ~ao~~ . "hy ~., r ~ \\ k ~ _ ASSPDT. REP~3~T. CQU~C I~. CITY OF BAKERSFIEL~ #, ~ : ~4P~ BAKER SF I E~.G ~A I ~TE~A~C E ~ I STR I C T5 I~I~T~ PARCEi.~........ LQTISEC... TRACT E~IU. ACRES. . 34 f b 1-~Q 14=X48-G~~-7 ~a ~ ~ ~ -o ~ Q-4g--acs-o ~{3 2 retord5 tieted. PAGE : 1 R Vhf DATE : 0~-13-91 T~TA~. 35g. b~ ~r 417.35 -rraw~-wr~r.~w~u+ 2, 777.OQ ~, 777 , 04 EXHIBIT 'E'