HomeMy WebLinkAboutMD Packet 2-16e-L~ ~-iG CITY OF BAKERSFIELD CONSOLIDATED MAINTENANCE DISTRICT IMPORTANT -OFFICIAL PROPERTY OWNER ASSESSMENT BALLOT This assessment ballot is for the use of the property owner of the parcel(s) identified below, which parcel(s) is proposed, to be included in the City of Bakersfield Consolidated Maintenance District (hereinafter CNID). This assessment ballot may be used to express either support for or opposition to inclusion within the CMD. In order to be counted, this assessment ballot must be signed below by an owner or, if the owner is not an individual, by an authorized representative of the owner. TO CAST THIS BALLOT, PLEASE RETURN THIS ENTIRE PACrE OFFICIAL ASSESSMENT BALLOT Owner J . 0 . ~ B„ARB~F. Pro ert descri tion PM 10 2 9 6 P Y p Individual assessments shall not exceed 125 0.~,..~ per equivalent dwelling unit. ASSESSMENT BALLOT MEASURE Shall the City Council of the City of Bakersfield include the above described Yes ~x , ..Property within the Consolidated Maintenance District and bevy an assessment not to exceed . the amount set forth above? No _____. ~0/~~/99 Date , 1999 ,. Owner Signature ... _ , .. . _. .. 'e must ~~ advised bey any plans are ~~e gyred for an dividor from . ~ Y _ ~~.te .. sane _ ~o -the Railroad l'r~,ek~- @ ~~,oheoo Road., S:IPROJECTSIMAINDISTtMisclBallot.wpd 6101!99 \ ~ /, 1 E~~YiI ~~~~ ~~Ui'~~ ~; NOTICE OF EXEMPTION -~ _ ~~ Appendix ~ ~ T0. County Clerk ~~~~ ~~~~-~; t. COUNTY OF KERN ~~ 1415 Truxtun Avenue Bakersfield, CA 93301 Project Title: Adding Territor~(Area 2-16, Wible, Prairies to the Consolidated Maintenance District. Project Location-Specific: ae,_ nerally bounded by a line 490 feet north of Prairie Lane on the north Rudnick Court on the east. Prairie Lane on the south and Wible Road on the west. Project Location-City: Bakersfield Project Location-County: Kern Description of Project: Maintenance of public street and median landscaping~provements. Name of Public Agency Approving Project: CITY OF BAKERSFIELD Name of Person orAgency Carrying Out Project: DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS Exempt Status: (Check One) _ Ministerial (Sec. 21080 (b) (1); 15268 (a); _ Declared Emergency (Sec. 21080 (b) (4); 15269 (b) (c); _ Emergency Project (Sec. 21080 (b) (4); 15269 (b) (c); x Categorical Exemption. State type and section number. Section 15305(f~ _ Statutory Exemptions. State code number. Reasons why project is exempt: Minor alteration in land use limitations with addition of territory to an existing Maintenance District, CEQA guideline~City of Bakersfield Resolution No. 212-92. Lead Agency Contact Person: Marian Shaw Area Code/Telephone/Extension: (661) 326-3579 If filed by applicant: 1. Attach certified document of exemption finding. 2. Has a Notice of Exemption en filed by the public agency approving the project? Yes x No _ ,. Si nature: Date: ~ ~~° ` 9 .~, Title: ~ , x Signed by Lead gency Date received for filing at OPR: x Signed by Applicant 1 ~- . ~~-- ~~~~~c~ ~~ C~~nt~ ~~~xk an ~-~~ ~~r ~ ~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~, ~rsu~~t ~~ ~.~~~~~~~~~ ~~ ~~~~, ~s~ ~s~aurc~s ~e BARBER PONTIAC-ISUZU-KIA 4600 Wible Road P.O. Box 45001 Bakersfield, CA 93384-5001 (805)834-3400 Qctober 03,1997 pity of Bakersfield Public Works Department 101 Truxtun A v e nu e Bakersfield, CA 93301 Attn: Marian P. Shaw AUTOMOTIVE GROUI~ BAKERSFIELD, CA 93384-5001 BARBER HONDA 4500 Wible Road P.O. Box 45001 Bakersfield, CA 93384-5001 (805)834-6632 G`'-IMP BARBER VALLEY MOTORS 4600 Rudnick Court P.O. Box 40430 Bakersfield, CA 93384-0430 (805)831-2800 „~ ~S 4 ~?8 ~~ ?6 t ' ~ kip ~ p~~~ ~r~ ~~~f~~~am it ~ ;... `G-~a ~ ~ ~ q `F. `~ c"~ ~y ~ i, °A~ hrs ~ L f..~a ~ 'iq u Subject:. Inclusion ~ of PM 10296 in a Maintenance district Gentlemen: We the undersigned, as owners of Parcel map 10296 hereby waive our right to any and all hearings (whether pursuant to the Brown ~.ct, proposition 218, its enab~in le islation, the Bakersfield Nlunicl al Code or an law) concerning :-_ ~ p Y the f orm~ation of and assessment for a traf f is signal maintenance district). W e also waive all rights u~:der Proposition 218 to formally vote far these assessments and, si nin this letter, i~.dicate our consent to the above ~' g g assessments.. Ve truly yours ~~ .~ ~~ .~:~. Barber ~vner S WE'LL CUT YOU A GREAT DEAL! CIVIL ENGINEERING • LAND SURVEYING FRANK A. SLINKARD Marian P, Shaw City of Bakersfield Public .Works Dept. -1501 Truxtun Ave. Bakersfield,. ~a. 93~a1 Re; Parcel Map No. 10296 Dear Marian 4118197 John ~. Barber, as owner of the property included within Parse# !Ills No.1029fiher r p eby equests the formation of a new temporary maintenance district for the pro ert .This . p Y request as pursuant to Section 13.x4.022 City of Bakersfield Municipal Code which states that the subdivider shal# pay all costs for establishing a new maintenance district 4r ins#usion of the subdivision into an existing maintenance district. Inc#osed ~is a check in the amount of $1443.40 to cover the casts mentioned above, Further, our engineer will supply you with a disc copy of Parcel Ma No. 10298 far our ~ y use. Lastly es sole owner of the property involved in this request, we hereb waive the u li ~ ~ Y p b c hearing. part~on of this distract formation, which should help to ex edits thi$ p process. Your assistance with this matter is greatly appreciated. .Sin.~erey~ ~. ~' ' :. ~- ~.~ s ~, J. -John ~. Surber ~~3 2dih S#nee~ 9ak~reffeld~ CA 8341 (~} ~~~ NG~~ TQ SCALE c~ 0 z ai U ~JJ~ ~L ..~ Ui ..y~* . '~•~•~ ~+. y.+~^ ~' J ~Q .G.. E~ ~ ,,,,,,,....-~- ~J 8~ 24 ..~5 ~ W 2~0. CO ~ ~,~ fir.. ~.~..~......_...~..._. ~ , . -C~"~C4, ..... PaR. PAI"t. ? P.M. N~. 714 BK.31, F'G. i09 h~LEa IN "IriE ONCE OF' THE CITY CLERK THIS ,~, aAY CITY GL<~iK Of THE CITY !~ BAKERS~IELa, CAl~~'ORNIA AN ASSIwSS#RENr WAS LEVIEa BY THE CITY Ct~lNCIL ON THE LOTa, PIECES ANO PARCELS OF LANG SHOWN ON THIS ASSESSMENT aIAGRAM. SAIa ~IENT WAS LE1REa ON THE ,~„ pAY OF . 19,,,,,; SAID ASSES~uIENT aiAGRAM ANa 'fHE AS5ESSMENT ROIL. W~ RECQRaEa !N THE OF"I'ICE OF THE DEPARiitIENT OF PElBIIC w~tKS OF SAIa t~TY ON '€HE aAY ~' ~ 19~ REFERENCE IS MAaE TO TIRE ASSESSMENT ROLL RECOROEa IN THE OF'Flt~ OF' THE aEPAR~IENT OF PUBLiC WORKS I"OR THE EXACT AMOEINT OF EACH ASSESSMENT LEVIEa AGAINST EACM PARCEL OF LANG SHOWN ON TIRiS A~5SMENT aIAGRAM. CITY CLERK Of THE CITY Of BAKER5~1ELa, CAIJI:ORNIA ~" CON~~ FILLED I.F' MK'Q K.C.S. MAF~.1~J~„ LJ LAfi~ll~f•ii~l.E I°Uh~ YJ 1 /4 COF. SEC. i 3, T. 30 S., I~. 2i E. ~.L~. M. ~'Ef~ P.M. ^J0. 714 LET 2~ t~F ~ALE~ MAP Nt3. 1 i,AP;DS OF J.B. HAGGItJ 1 tt 1 Us O "~ ~f ~.+ ~~' ~~' 6 ~ ~,,. I N I"~~ ~~ ~ ~~~ ~~ i ~~ ~'~~ J ',. ,~ ~ ~"'~ ~~ ~. ~~ ...~--~ FlLEa !"OR RECORa 'GRIS . aAY OI" #9,,,,,, AT ~ ,,,w,,,,M., IN GOOK ,~,,,,_„ Off' ASSESSM~+IT I~ST'RICTS AT PAGE IN T#1E ONCE OF THE Ct~1NTY RECORaEI~ OI: THE COUNTY OF KERN, STATE OI:' +CAIi~'ORNIA. uaM~s w. MAl~l~s COUNTY ASS .~cR 8Y ~IIEF aEPUTY RECORDER RECORpEa IN THE OI`FICE ~ THE aEPART1~lENT OF PU~„IG wf,~KS THIS . aAY OF - - -~--------~ ~~ ~--- ~ i 9.... aIRECTOR OI: PUBLIC WORKS BAKERSFIEIa, CALlfORNIA ~~~~~ ~ 'R FILE: PM._1~2~6 5HEET S of 1