HomeMy WebLinkAboutRES NO 036-08 RESOLUTION NO. 036 08 RESOLUTION MAKING FINDINGS, ADOPTING THE FINAL ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT REPORT FOR THE TEN SECTION PROJECT, UPHOLDING THE APPEAL AND APPROVING GENERAL PLAN AMENDMENT NO. 05-1580, AN AMENDMENT TO THE LAND USE AND CIRCULATION ELEMENTS OF THE METROPOLITAN BAKERSFIELD GENERAL PLAN, LOCATED SOUTH OF PANAMA LANE AND EAST OF NORD AVENUE. (WARD 5, UPON ANNEXATION) WHEREAS, the Planning Commission of the City of Bakersfield in accordance with the provisions of Section 65353 of the Government Code, held a public hearing on Monday, JUrle 18,2007 and on Thursday, June 21, 2007, on General Plan Amendment No. 05-1580 of the proposed amendment to the Land Use and Circulation Elements of the Metropolitan Bakersfield General Plan, notice of the time and place of hearing having been given at least ten (1 0) .calendar days betore Mid hearing by publication in The Bakersfield Californian, a local newspaper of gerleral ci~ulation; and WHEREAS, Jim Manley, 10 Section LLC, made an application for a general plan amendment tor property generally located along the south side of Panama Lane between Nord Avenue on the west and the Kern County Water Bank Authority on the east and to the south, as shown in attached Exhibit "A, n to allow development of single family developments on approximately 220 acres, morespeciflC8l1ystMd as follows: General Plan Amendment 05.1580: Jim Manley, 1{) Section LLC, has applied to amend the Land Use and Cir.culation Elements of the Metropolitan Bakersfield Gerleral Plan from R-MP (Resource - Mirleral and Petroleum) and OS (Open Space) to LR (Low Density Residential) on 220 acres of land; and a General Plan Circulation Element Amendment eliminating an unnamed existing east-west collector road that currently transverses the site, reclassifying the arterial designation for Nord Avenue to both a collector road {Chamaeleon Road) and a local road (Alea Road) approximately 140 feet south of Panama Larle, and pr.oposing a collector road (Canfield Parkway) from Panama Larle through theoentral portion.of the Project site. WHEREAS, for the above described project, an Initial Study was oonduded and it was determined that the proposed project would have a significant effect on the.environment and ther.efOfe, an Environmental Impact Report (EIR) for the project was prepared in accor.cJance with the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA); and WHEREAS, the applicant/property oWrler has indicated the purpose of the request is to facilitate development of single family land uses within the City of Bakersfield; and WHEREAS, the project site lies within a path of development with approved urban development projects in progress; and WHEREAS, adjacent urban development projects as well as local government agency efforts have extended or will extend supporting utilities and infrastrudure adjaoent to the property; and WHEREAS, the applicant appealed the Planning Comrntssion decision to deny the pr<oject; ,?>Mt-9 WHER-EAS, the Council has .oonsKier.ed and hereby makes the following findings: ~ ~\ 1- .. ;::) 0 ORIGINAL 1. The laws and regulations relating to the preparation and adoption of tnvironmental Impact Reports as set forth in CEQA, the State CEQA Guidelirles, and the City of Bakersfield CECA Implementation Procedures, have been duly followed by city staff and the Planning Commission; and 2. All required notices have been given; and 3. The provisions of CEQA ha.ve been followed; and 4. Based on the initial study and comments. received, staff has <ietermifled that the proposed project could have a signifICant effect on the environment. An .environmental Impact Report known as the Ten Section Development ProjectEIR, was'Certifiec:l for the project in accordance with CEQA; and 5. The amendment to the General Plan Land Use Element from R-MP{Resouroe-Mirleral and Petroleum) and OS (Open Space) to LR (Low Oensity'Residential) on 220 acr.es of land; and a request to amend the Circulation Element Amendment eliminating an unnamed existing east-west collector road that currently transverses the 'Site, reclassifying the arterial designation for Nord Avenue to both a .collector road (Chamaeleon Road) and a local road (Alea Road) approximately 140 feet -south of Panama Lane, and proposing a collector road (Canfield Parkway) from Panama Lane through the central portion of the Project site is consistent with the Metropolitan Bakersfield General Plan. 6. The City Council upholds the appeal. NOW, THEREFORE, IT IS HEREBY FOUND AND RESOLVeD as follows: 1. The above recitals and findings incorporated herein by r:eference are true and correct and constitute the Findings of the City Council in this maUer. 2. The report of the Planning Commission, including maps and all reports and papers relevant thereto, transmitted by the Secretary of the Planning Commtssion to the City Council, is hereby received, accepted and approved. 3. The City Council upholds the appeal. 4. That General Plan Amendment No. 05-1580 to the Land Use andCipculation.elements is hereby approved to amendment to the Gerleral Plan Land Use-Element from R-MP (Resource - Mineral and Petroleum) and OS (Open Space) to LR (Low Oen'Sity Residential) on 220 acres of land; and a request to amend the >Circulation Element Amendment eliminating an unnamed exrsting .east-west .collector road that .currently transverses the site, reclassifying the arterial designation for Nord Avenue to both a collector road (Chamaeleon Road) and a local road (Alea Road) approximately 140 feet south of Panama Lane, and proposing a collector road {Canfield 'Parkway) from Panama Lane through the central portion of the Project 'Site as shown on the attached maps in Exhibit "Bn subject to the conditions of approval/mitigation measur:es for the project as shown in Exhibit "Cn and Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Checklist adopted in the Final Environmental Impact Report as shown in Exhibit '"Fn. 5. Attached Exhibit "Dn -containing the "Statement of Facts and"Findingsn are appropri%~t~ and incorporated into the project. ~<.v~ ::>- rn I::: r- u C) 2 ORICIN/\L 6. Attached Exhibit "En containing the "Statement ofOverridingConsiderationsn related 1:0 significant unavoidable impacts for aesthetics, light and glare, and traffIC and circulation impacts is appropriate and adopted for the project. 7. That the infrastructure exists or can easily be provided to accommodate the types of density and intensity of the development. .-000-- 3 ~p.,Kt-9 <<. ,,'1 o '<\ >- r1 I- .. ;::) 0 ORIGINAL I HEREBY CERTIFY that the foregoing Resolution was passed and adopted by the Council of the City of Bakersfield at a regular meeting thereof held on the 27th day of'F.ebruary, 2008 by the following vote: ~ -cOUNCILMEMBER CAR~, BEN~, wEIR: ge~ell. HA~N. SULLw;;:;:" 'SC~R ~ COUNCILMEMBER i\ fh;.JJ ABSTAIN: "COUNCILMEMBER_r\ ..F5VLe.....- ABSENT: COUNCILMEMBER ~ U c L- PAMELA A. McCARTHY, CM CITY CLERK and Ex OffICio C rk of the Council of the City of Bakersfield HARVEY L. L MAYOR of the City of Bakersfield APPROVED as to form: VIRGINIA GENNARO City Attorney By: ~ 7/ L~.(iA- EXHIBIT A Location Map B Land Use and Circulation Element Arrlendment Maps C Conditions of Approval/Mitigation Measures D Statement of Facts and Findings E Statement of Overriding Considerations F Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Checklist JS:\\S:\GPA 2nd 2007\05-1580 (Ten Section EIR)\Resolutions\CC_GPA Resolution 05-1580.Approval.doc 4 <0 p..K t-9 ~ ~ >- r; f- r- o CJ ORIGl!'JAL Exhibit A Location Map '?> i\K i':'/y 6- c7" >- i-; f- r- o v OFilG:r Jf,L I I ~I~ !II=' 88 ""I~ il::. ~:_------ Ducor California Hot Sprlnp _ TULARE COUNTY ----~RNOOUiiTv---------------- McFarland Stockdale Bakersfield Project SIt8 Llmont Arvin lelllchapl SAN LUIS OPISPO COUNTY KERN COUNTY -------LOS_LiScOO~--- DRI= I ,. Not to ecaJe I~ "'" eoN.ULTIN. _.lIl,.,_'1II7 MANLEY PROJECT · GPAlZC 05-1580 Regional V!p~ >- &hlbffi1 f- r o CJ ORIGINAL Exhibit B Land Use and Circulation Element Amendment Maps t<-. '0 1\ Kt-9,.., o V~'\ 1'1 !-- f .~ () 0 O;::\!GINAL .. ..-.............-....-......-...................-............................ -...... ... ................---..-....-............--..........--- en ..... ~ ..... (\')<0 f, ,,\ ~ CITY OF BAKERSFIELD GENERAL PLAN LAND USE DESIGNATIONS General Plan Street ClassifICation Freewavs provide service to through traffic exclusively with no acGeSS to abutting property and no at-grade intersections. EXDresswavs are arterial highways with partial.control of aooess which mayor may not be divided or have grade separations at intersections, and may be an interim facility for an ultimate freeway. Arterials are used primarily by through traffic with a minimal function to provide acoess to abutting property. function to connect local streets with arterials and to provide access to abutting property. are exclusively for property a0C8SS and through traffic is discouraged. 'S:\Forms\zone-gp.doc . " .j v t:2" n f.- r- U CJ Cjll!Gl~\l/\L ! I .. ,y ... I ~y: I ~ K ! ~ l- I II I; ~ z -. :::::;l~ S z ~, J ~ u. I ~ ~ W " I B : il ~ ~- 0 Cl ~ . z l w ~ I <( ;# Z ;# ,,(, 0 -----.---- - -----,.---- ----- . ~ ,# ,# Cl: I ::J . .12 I () I fd ~ ,~ ~ Co) I - ~~ ~ () ~ 'N :s I 0 ~~ i I ex) ~~ It) ;~, ~ I , .. I It) ._---~ ---- 0 I- ....- -----..... ------- Z W ... ~ I e~ I Cl h Z .!&! 0 W I ~ <( I z ::s (l. I -J <( ~ ---- -------- ---- -------- -------- w z w I C> sP, C,0 I~~,\ -'" I ~- n r- L) v (JFlIGlrJ/\L Exhibit C Conditions of Approval/Mitigation Measures 'QMc/> ::-c () '-....) ....-'."'\ >- 1';\ f- ,- ,j C.J CnIG:rJAL EXHIBIT C TEN SECTION DEVELOPMENT PROJECT - GENERAL PLAN AMENDMENT NO. 05-1'580 CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL PLANNING 1. Prior to approval of a grading plan and any land disturbance, the developer -shall provide endangered species habitat mitigation lands and associated fees to the MBHCP program pursuant to BMC Section 15.78.060. Mitigation for potentially significant biological impacts. Note: The land to be transferred requires approval from the wildlife agencies and the MBHCP Trust Group. The process could take several months. The developer should become more familiar with 15. 78.060 and allow sufficient time to complete the process. No grading plans will be approved unti/15. 78. 060 is satisfied. 2. Prior to recordation of final tract map, the project applicant shall 'Submit to the Planning Department, for approval, a perpetual conservation easement for the buffer area outside -of the project development foot-print, prohibit project related construction activities within the easement area and require that the conservation easement be recorded prior to r.ecordation of any phase of the final tract map. For publiC health, safety, and welfare. 3. Prior to recordation of final tract map, the project applicant shall 'Submit to the Planning Department, for approval, a Perpetual Management and Monitoring Agreement (PMMA) to manage, monitor and maintain the conservation easement lands in -peropetuity. For public health, safety, and welfare. 4. Prohibit residential uses, specifically the .construction of homes within a "buffer" area of approximately 18 acres within the project boundaries adjacent to the 'Southerly and southeasterly borders separating the Project and Kern Water Bank Authority OW/SA) property. The final configuration of the 18 acres of buffering lands shall 'Substantially oonform to the attached exhibit labeled "City Council Exhibitn. For public health,safety, and welfare. 5. Prior to recordation of a final tract map a block wall no less than 'f)-feet in height be constructed along the southern, southeastern, and southwestern portions of the Project foot- print, including easterly areas where rods border the proposed buffer areas and KWeA property. The construction of the walls shall coincide with the development of .each .phase-of the project. For public health, safety, and welfare. 6. Prior to recordation of final tract map for any phase of the development, the applicant 'Shall provide evidence that it has entered into a reimbursement agreement with KWBA for the purpose of mitigating potential devaluation of habitat credit for no more than .20 acr.es of KWBA lands adjacent to the project. The above -stated .condition and the requirements thereto shall expire one year from the date of approval of a vesting tentative tract map for any portion of the property. The condition and the requirements thereto shall remain in full for.ce and effect provided that a written determination detrimental to habitat credit valuation of KWBA lands adjacent to the project is made by the California Department of 'Fish and -Game within the time period stated above. For public health,safety, and welfare. 7. Prior to recordation of final tract map, the project applicant shall 'Submit to the 'Planning Department, for approval, disclosure notice to project homeowrlers that contains thetf~~ language: 5s \..;;-: ;. r'~ <...) u (JG!GH'J/\L Exhibit'C project ilI05-1'580 Page 2 of 20 "Due to the periodic inundations of Kern Water Bank Authority recharge areas known as K1 and K2, residents may be subject to conditions that may result in increased populations of mosquitoes and increased exposure to mosquito borrle illnesses relative to other ar:eas in Metropolitan Bakersfield. Residents may also be exposed to fish odors arising from ~mall fISh die-off as recharge water is absorbed into the ground and ponds dry upn. The disclosure notice shall be recorded as a covenant running with the land. For public health, safety, and welfare. RECREATION AND PARKS 8. Prior to approval of a final subdivision for urban development, the subdivider shallemer into an Agreement with the City of Bakersfield related to provision of parks. For orderly development and to satisfy park land requir.ement (BMC Ch 15.80) and park development requirement (BMC Ch. 15.82) 9. Prior to recordation of any phase containing a public park the subdivider shall-construct curbs, gutters and sidewalks and landscaping to City standards on all 'Sides of the park(s). For orderly development. PUBLIC WORKS OEPARTMENT 10. Along with the submittal of any development plan, prior to approval improvement plans, or with the application for a lot line adjustment or parcel merger, the following shall oocur: a. Provide fully executed dedication for Panama Lane to arterial standards for the full frontage of the area within the <3P A request. Oedications shall include 'SuffICient widths for expanded intersections and additional areas for landscaping as direded by the City Engineer. Submit a 'Current title report with the dedication documents. If a tentative subdivision map over the entire GPAlZC area is submitted, dedication.can be provided with the map. For orderly development. b. Submit a comprehensive drainage study to be reviewed and appr<oved by the City Engineer. No more than 2 sumps may be utilized to serve this area. The 'Study 'Shall be approved and any required retention ~ites and necessary easements dedicated to the City. For orderly development. c. In order to preserve the permeability of the sump and to prevent the introduction of sediments from construction or from storm events, all retention and detention -basins (sumps) shall have a mechanical device in the storm drain system to remove or minimize the introduction of oil, grease, trash, and sediments to the sump. This (jevioe 'Shall be reviewed and approved by the City Engineer, and shall provide the greatest-berlefrt to the storm drain system with the least maintenance cost. For ord.erly<ievelopment. d. Sewer ~ervice must be provided to the GPAlZC area. A portion of this site is within the McAllister Planrled Sewer Area, and a sewer main line is being installed in Panama Lane for the PSA. Submit a <comprehensive ~ewer study for the .entire GPAlZC area to be reviewed and approved by the City Engineer to determine if the etCisting lirle has 'SuffICient -capacity for this project. If requir:ed, the developer shall be responsible f.or the ~ns!pr.k~ an additional sewer line to-serve the portion of the property that 'Cannot be aooom~ ') ,':...... c.....~ c-- U r-1 r- U C:':~fG;!'J/\~_ &hibit C Project #05-1580 Page 3 of 20 in the McAllister line. The City is willing to aid the developer in the formation of a Planned Sewer Area for the area outside the existing PSA and/or an A'Sses'Srrlent District to provide a mechanism for the reimbursement of oversizing .costs to the developer. 'For orderly development. e. The project applicant shall provide the City of Bakersfield with a phasing .plan of the onsite and required offsite roadway improvements to be reviewed and approv.ed by the City Engineer. If the project area is developed with a single tentative tract map, then the phasing of improvements will be delirleated with the tract <conditions. For orderly development. f. Developer is responsible for the construction of all infrastructure, both public and private, within the boundary of the GPAlZC ar.ea. This includes the construction of any and all boundary streets to the boundary of the property, unless otherwise specified. The developer is also responsible for the construction of any off 'Site infrastructure required to support this development, as identified in these conditions. The .phasing of the construction all infrastructure will be addr.essed at the subdivision map 'Stage. Fororderly development. 11. Along with the development of this GPAlZC area, the improvement of the 'South half of Panama Lane on the Water Bank frontage will be r:equir.ed. Improvements shall include, but not be limited to, paving, curb,. gutter, sidewalk, streetlights, and storm drainage facilities. If it becomes necessary to obtain any off site right of way and if the developer is unable to obtain the required right of way, then he shall pay to the City the up-front costs for eminent domain proceedings and enter into an agreement and post 'security for the purchase and improvement of said right of way. For orderly development. 12. The development is responsible for and shall pay.a fee for a portion of the West Beltway construction. For orderly development. 13. The entire area covered by this General Plan Amendment 'Shall be included in the Consolidated Maintenance District. The applicant. 'Shall pay all fees for inclusion in the Consolidated Maintenance District with submittal of any development plan, tentative subdivision map, Site Plan Review, or application for a tot line adjustment for any portion of this GPA area. For orderly development. 14. Construction of the landscaped median for the Panama Larle (arterial) frontage of the pr<Operty within the GPAlZC request is required with the construction of Panama Lane. For orderly development. 12. At opening day, mitigation items 5.5-2a, 5.5..2d and 5:5-2fshall be implemented. Fororderly development. 13. At opening day, Panama Lane from the west project boundary to Buena Vista Rd, shall be widened to 4 lanes with and 4 foot shoulders. Width 'Shall be designed to aooommodate a standard median. For orderly development. 14. Prior to recordation, provide and have approved a fee schedule, based upon approved estimates, using the fair shares from the traffic-study of all other items not listed above from sections 5.5.7 and 8.5.2. In the 2030 -cumulative scenario, the 'Study identified items that would be r.equired beyond .'Standard, including 5 irKersections and -several S lane aFteriat~.'0 p, Ii C--9 () u~ .::.-- ~ f- o n r-- C:J OI~~GI:\j/\.L f:xhibit<C project tKl5-1580 Page 4 of 20 Their feasibility should be more closely consideFed and included in the estimates. Fer oF(jerly development. 15. Credits against the RTIF will be-considered for any items constructed that are on the RTtF list at time of improvement. For orderly development. 16. Regional Transportation Impact Fee - Regional Mitigation: Prior to the issuance of building permits, the project applicant shall participate in the RTIF program. The applicant 'Shall "Submit funding calculations for all improvements associated with the RTIF program pursuant to the current policy of the Public Works Departfrlent for 'Said -calculations. Said calculations shall be updated based upon the adopted RTIF at time of further subdivision. ForeRierly cJevelopment. CITY ATTORNEY 17. In consideration by the City of Bakersfield for land use entitlements, including but not limited to related environmental approvals related to or arising from this project, the applicant, and/or property owner and/or subdivider ("Applicant" herein) agrees to indemnify, defend, and hold harmless the City of Bakersfield, its officers, agents, employees, departments, commissioners or boards ("City" herein) against any and all liability, claims, actions, -causes of action or demands whatsoever against them, or any of them, before administrative or judicial tribunals of any kind whatsoever, in any way arising from, the terms and provisions of this application, including without limitation any CEQA approval or any related development approvals or conditions whether imposed by the City, or not, e~ept for CITY's 'Sole active negligence or willful misconduct This indemnification condition does not prevent the Applicant from -challenging any decision by the City related to this project and the obligations of this -condition apply r.egardle'Ss of whether any other permits or entitlements are issued. The City will promptly notify Applicant of any such -claim, action or prooeeding, falling under this condition within thirty (30) days of actually receiving such -claim. The City, in its 1;01e discretion, shall be allowed to choose the attorney or outside law firm to defend the City at the sole cost and expense of the Applicant and the City is not obligated to use any law firm or attorney chosen by another entity or party. MITIGATION MEASURES FROM ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT REPORT MINERAL RESOURCES Mineral Resource Availability 18. (5.2-1a) Prior to tentative tract approval, the Project Applicant 'Shall either aoquire all subsurface rights (Le., mirleral, oil, .etc.) oWrled by private parties, or avoid the plaoement of structures within known 'Subsurface estates owned by other parties, or obtain a waiver from such subsurface .estate owner consenting to the development activity and attesting it will not substantially interfere with the mineral.extraction activities. 19. (5.2-1b) With submittal of the tentative tract map, an oil well.easement shall be included.on the tract map of adequate size to allow for access for any drilling or maintenance activities. Additionally, the tract map shall provide for the rerouting or easements for mineral pipelines within the Project 'Site. 'Dp./{c"o /-.< '(;') ',", ~, ,~ 1- <..) r.', roo. C:J C\'~lr';I"1 '1-"11\:211\1, \1._ exhibit C project 105-1'580 Page 5 of 20 Oil Well Abandonment 20. (5.2-3a) Prior to recordation of final map, all abandoned oil wells shall be located and .exposed for inspection and leakage testing. Proof of proper abandonfrlent shall be obtaifled from DOGGR. Said proof, shall be submitted to the Planning 'Director prior to recordation of final maps. 21. (5.2-3b) Prior to the approval of grading plan all abandoned oil wells shall be $urve~d and accurately plotted on the proposed tentative tract map with a ten-foot no-build radius. A legible copy of a map showing final tract design shall be submitted to the DOGGR. 22. (5.2-3c) Prior to approval of grading plans OOGGR shall be contacted to obtain inf<Ormation on the requirements for and approval to perform remedial plugging operations if any other abandoned or unrecorded wells are uncovered or damaged during E>fCavation or grading. 23. (5.2-3d) Prior to recordation of final map on-site abandoned oil wells $hall be eKamined for contaminated soils. If such soils exist, the soil will be treated in place with best available technology or capped in place. PUBLIC HEALTH AND SAFETY Short-Term (Construction) Impacts Soil Contamination 24. (5.3-1 a) Prior to r:ecordation of final map, the developer shall.conductsoil characterization and sampling of the stained soil within the Project site within the areas of the former oilfield sumps, barren land, the former natural gas facility and all other areas of "Stained $oils within the Project site as needed to determine the presence or absence of hazardous materials. If concentrations of materials are detected above regulatory 'Cleanup levels during -demolition or construction activities, the following mitigation measure shall include: . Excavation and disposal at a permitted, off-site facility; . On-site treatment; or . Other measures as appropriate. Prior to recordation of final map, the Applicant shall r.efrlediate all oil..contaminated -soils to the satisfaction of the Local Unified Program Agency (the Office of Environmental 'Servioes Bakersfield City Fire Departfrlent) in conjunction with the State Regional Water Quality Control Board and/or the California Department of Toxic Substances Control. 25. (5.3-1 b) Prior to recordation of final map, the barren patches of land in the south-.oentral portion of the site shall be sampled for salt content along with pH and metals. 'Prior to grading, soil from these barren patches, if determined to contain elevated 'Salt content, pH and metals, shall be thoroughly mi>Ged with on-site soil to r:educe the .chloride and "Sulfate concentrations to near background concentrations. 26. (5.3-1c) Prior to recordation of final map, the 260 tons of "Stockpiled tar-impacted $oil $hall ~ transpor1ed to a permitted facility for disposal/recycling. The e>fC8vation CKea "Sh~lrb'&~-9" backfilled and -compacted with .clean-soil to match ex.isting-surfaoes. r-' L~:: f- 'j (:.J () ;:-~; G; ~'J/\L- Exhibit C project #05-1580 page S of 20 27. (5.3-1d) During grading and construction activities, if any unknown areas of petroleum- impacted soil are uncovered on-site, the area(s) shall be thoroughly assessed and remediated, if warranted. On-Site Facilities 28. (5.3-1e) Prior to recordation of final map the three pole mounted transformers shall be properly removed from the Project site and disposed of at an approved disposal location. Hazardous Materials Users/Facilities 29. (5.3-3a) With submittal of any tentative tract map, or any phase that includes a pipelirle easement or portions thereof, the subdivider shall show the pipelines have been J:erouted or easements have been incorporated into the final map with a notation that structures, including accessory buildings and swimming pools, are prohibited within the .easements and r.ecord a corresponding covenant. 30. (5.3-3b) With submittal of the tentative tract map, or any phase that includes a pipeline easement or portion thereof, the 'Subdivider shall show that no habitable portion of a 'Structure shall be built within 50 feet of a gas main or high pressure transmission line with 36 inches of cover, and record a corresponding covenant. 31. (5.3-3c) With submittal of the tentative tract map the Project Applicant 'Shall.ensure that no structures are located within 40 feet of a hazardous liquids pipeline bearing refined product with 48 inches or more of cover.. If a pipeline meets this criteria, the Project applicant "Shall incorporate the 40 foot setback line on the final map and a corr.esponding -<:ovenant 'Shall be recorded prior to or concurrently with r-ecordation of any phase that is affected. 32. (5.3-3d) With submittal of the tract map the Project Applicant 'Shall ensure that for any subdivision within 250 feet of the pipeline .easements, a eovenant is r.ecorded with the -City disclosing the location of all pipelines. 33. (5.3-3f) Prior to issuance of building permits, the applicant shall inform future residents that residents may be subject to potential health risk associated with the .presence of mosquitoes in close proximity to the Project site at groundwater banking .projects and KWB lands thFOugh a covenant filed on the Project site (diSClosed to residents through tl"le pUl'Chase process), or through disclosure forms that shall be signed by new residents. The disclosure forms 'Shall indicate that the residents acknowledges that the Project site is in close proximity to the KWB lands and other groundwater banking projects which may subject residents to potential nuisance and potential health risks, such as vector-borne diseases, -caused by the pr:esenoe of mosquitoes. Oil Production Facilities 34. (5.3-4b) Prior to recordation of a final map, the Project contractor shall ooordinate with DOGGR to verify that the existing abandorled wells meet current <closure requirements. Should abandonment or r:eabandonment be required, appropriate <closure activities "Shall be completed under consultation with the DOGGR. VerifICation <of adequate abandonment or reabandonment shall be pr<ovided to the Planning Director prior to the raooFClation <of any 'final map affected. 'OM(' ()~ -9<) u~" >- - f- r'1 r-- c:> G OHIGlliAL Exhibit C projea #05-1580 Page 7 of 20 35. (5.3-4c) Prior to or concurrent with filing of a final map the applicant -shall inform future residents about adjacent oil production activities through a -covenant filed on the Project 'Site (disclosed to residents through the purchase process), or through disclosur.e forms that -shall be signed by new residents. The disclosure forms shall indicate that the resident acknowledges that adjacent land uses consist of petroleum production and that -such activities can cause inconveniences or discomforts arising from such operations on any 24-hour basis. 36. (5.3-4d) Prior to recordation of final map, each well shall be located and inspeded. The on- site idle wells shall be properly abandoned. Valley Fever 37. (5.3-7) Refer to Section 5.7, AIR QUALITY, regarding fugitive dust mitigation measures. AESTHETICS, LIGHT, AND GLARE Short-Term (Construction) Aesthetic Impacts 38. (5.4-1a) Prior to the issuance of grading permits, the developer shall show the -temporary construction equipment staging areas within the Project "Site through the .duration of construction. Appropriate screening {e.g., temporary opaque fencing {'Six feet in height)) 'Shall be used to buffer views of construction equipment and material, when feasible. Staging locations are subject to review and approval of the City Planning Department. Additionally, all construction activities would be required to be consistent with the Bakersfield Municipal Code requirements and conditions of approval. Light and Glare 39. (5.4-3) With submittal of a tentative tract map, the Project Appltcant 'Shall .ensure that the Project's exterior lighting does not spill over onto the adjacent uses, all.exterior light fi)dures, including street lighting, shall be shielded or directed away from adjoining uses, pursuant to all applicable lighting standards and requirements of the City of Bakersfield Municipal Code and Zoning Code. TRAFFIC AND CIRCULATION Short-Term (Construction) Impacts 40. (5.5-1a) Prior to grading permit issuance, a Traffic Management Plan {TMP) "Shall be submitted for review and approved by the City of Bakersfield Public Works 'Department. Such plan shall consist of prior notices, adequate sign posting, and detours ~including for pedestrians and bicyclists). The TMP shall specify implementation timing of .each plan element (prior notices, sign-posting, detours, etc.) as determined appropriate by the City Engineer. Adequate access to and from adjacent residential areas "Shall be provided at all times. The TMP shall be reviewed and approved by the City PoJice and Fire Departments so that construction does not interfere with any emergency r:esponse -or evacuation plans. Construction activities shall proceed in a timely manner to minimize impacts. 41. (5.5-1b) Prior to issuance of grading permits the Project Contractor -shall-establish proper detours and warning 'Signs to .ensure public 'Safety. This includes the use of proper lighting (where appropriate); fencing and shielding; proper storage of .equipment and construction 'Supplies; and-covering loose piles of soil, silt, .c1ay, "Sand debris, or <other.earthen mcKerial. ,?>f\Kc c!i -9~"\ >- r~' S r-- o t.) (:-n1c:r',J/\.L &hibit<C Project #05-1'580 Page 8 of 20 Project Trip Generation 42. Prior to recordation of final tract map, the following improvements shall be implemented, with the exception of measures 5.5-2a, 5.5-2d, and 5.5-2f, which shall be implemented on opening day: (5.5-2a) Install a traffic signal at 1-5 northbound rampslTaft Highway. (5.5-2b) Install a traffic signal at South Allen Road/Ming Avenue. (5.5-2c) Construct the following at Buena Vista RoadlWhite Lane. . Add a second (dual) left turn lane to the southbound approach on Buena VISta Road. . Add an additional through lane to the southbound approach and departure on Buena Vista Road. (5.5-2d) Install a traffic signal at Buena Vista Road/Campus Park Drive-(RTtF improvement). (5.5-2e) Install a traffic signal at Buena Vista Road/Pacheco Road {RTIF improvement). (5.5-2f) Install a traffIC signal at Buena Vista Road/Harris Road (RTIF improvement). (5.5-2g) Construct the following at Buena Vista Road/Panama Lane: . Install traffIC signal (RTIF improvement) . Add a left turn lane to the northbound approach . Add a right turn lane to the northbound approach . Add a left turn lane to the southbound approach . Add a right turn larle to the southbound appr<oach . Add a left turn lane to the eastbound approach . Add an additional trough lane to the eastbound approach and departure . Add a shared through-right turn lane to the westbound approach . Coordinate the traffIC signals along Panama Lane (5.5-2h) Construct the following at Old River Road/Panama Lane: . Install traffic signal (RTIF improvement) . Add a left turn lane to the northbound approach . Add a left turn lane to the southbound approach . Add a left turn lane to the eastbound approach . Add a left turn lane to the westbound approach . Coordinate the traffIC signals along Panama Lane (5.5-2i) Construct the following at Ashe Road/Panama Lane: . Install a traffic signal (RTIF improvement) . Add a left turn lane to the northbound approach . Add a through lane to the northbound approach and departure {RTIF improvement) . Add a right turn lane to the northbound approach . Add an additional (dual) left turn lane to the-southbound approach . Add an additional through lane to the -southbound approach and departur.e (RTIF improvement) . Add an additional (dual) left turn lane to the.eastbound approach . Add an additional through lane to the.eastbound appFOach and depaRure 'OMc-)> ~( v;" >- (1 I- 1"- o CJ OR\G\r~!\L Exhibit <: Project #05-1'580 Page 9 of 20 . Add an additional left turn larle to the westbound approach . Add an additional through lane to the westbound approach and departure . Coordinate the traffic signals along Panama lane (5.5-2j) Construct the following at Wible Road/Panama Larle: . Add an additional (dual) left turn lane to the northbound approach . Provide overlap phase for northbound right turn larle and prohibit west bound U-turn movements . Add an additional through lane to the southbound approach and departure (RTIF improvement) . Add an additional (dual) left turn larle to the westbound approach . Coordinate the traffic signals along Panama Lane Roadways (5.5-2k) Add four lanes to South Allen Road, between Brimhall Road and {future) Westside Parkway. (5.5-21) Add four lanes to South Allen Road between (future) Westside Parkway and Stockdale Highway. (5.5-2m) Add two lanes to Buena Vista Road, between Pacheco Road and Pensinger Road. (5.5-2n) Add two lanes to Buena Vista Road, between Pensinger 'Road and Panama Larle. (5.5-.20) Add two lanes to Calloway Road, between Brimhall Road and {future) Westside Parkway. (5.5-2p) Add one lane to Gosford Road, between Harris Road and Panama Lane. (5.5-2q) Add two lanes to Panama Lane, between Buena vista 'Road and Old River Road. (5.5-2r) Add two larles to Panama Lane, between Old River Road and {3osford Road {RTtF improvement). (5.5-2s) Add two lanes to Panama Lane, between Gosfor.cJ Road and Ashe Road. (5.5-2t) Add two lanes to Panama Lane, between Stine Road and Wible R<oad ~RTIF improvement). (5.5-2u) At opening day, Panama Lane from the west project boundary to Buena Vista road, shall be widened to 4 lanes with and 4 foot shoulders. Widths ~hall be desigrled to accommodate a standard median. 2030 Cumulative Plus Proiect 43. Prior to recordation of final tract map, the following improvements "Shall be implemented: Intersections {5.5-2V) Install a traffIC ~ignal at South Enos lane/Panama Lane and -coordination along Panama Lane. pr.ovide "Signal <oMc-9 c!; c~ >-- ['1 I- r- ;::) D CRIGI;'J/\L &hibit C Project #05-1580 Page 100f20 (5.5-2w) Install a traffic signal at 1-5 ~outhbound fampslTaft Highway{SR 119). (5.5-2x) Install a traffic signal at Canfield ParkwaylPanama Lane. This will also result in satisfactory LOS at Canis Drive/Panama Lane due to rerouting of vehicles. (5.5-2y) Construct the following at South Allen Road/Campus Park Orive: . Add a second eastbound though lane . Add a second westbound though lane . Coordinate signal timing along South Allen Road (5.5-2z) Provide for coordinated signal timing at South Allen Road/Pacheco Road; no additional lane geometrics are required. (5.5-2aa) Provide for coordinated ~ignal timing at South Allen Road/Panama larle; no additional lane geometrics are required. (5.5-2bb) Construct the following at Buena Vista RoadlStockdale Highway . Convert a northbound through lane to a third northbound left turn larle and provide a return lane on the westbound departure. (5.5-2cc) Construct the following at Buena Vista Road/Harris Road: . Add a second (dual) eastbound left turn lane (5.5-2dd) Construct the following at Calloway DriveIWestside Parkway westbound ramps: . Add a southbound right turn lane (5.5-2ee) Provide for coordinated signal timing at Old River Road/Panama Larle; no additional lane geometrics are required. (5.5-2ft) Construct the following at-Gosford RoadlDistrict Boulevard: . Add a second (dual) eastbound left turn lane (5.5-2gg) Provide for coordinated signal timing at Ashe RoadlPanamaLane; no additional lane geometrics are required. (5.5-2hh) Provide for coordinated signal timing at New Stine R<>ad/Panama Lane; no additional lane geometries are required. (5.5-2ii) Construct the following at West Beltway northbound ramps/Panama Lane: . Add a second (dual) eastbound left turn lane . Coordinate signal timing along Panama Larle {5.5-2ll) Prior to the issuance of building permits, the project applicant shall participate in the RTIF program. The applicant 'Shall ~ubmit funding .cabJlations for all improvements associated with the 'RTIF program pursuant -to the .current policy of he Public W~kc1' (} v~'\ >- ~ 1--- [" o CJ OR1GirJM. &hibit C Project #05-1580 Page 11 of 20 Department for said calculations. Said calculations shall be updated based upon the ad~ RTIF at time of further subdivision. (5.5-2kk) Prior to recordation of a tract map, the Project Applicant shall provide and have approved a fee schedule, based upon approved estimates using the fair shares from the Traffic Impact Study, for all other mitigation frleasur:es listed in the TraffIC Impact Study that are not listed in Sections 5.5.7 and 8.5.2 of the EIR. Additionally, the feasibility of mitigation for the intersections and roadways with significant and unavoidable impacts, listed below, "Shall be more reevaluated and included n the fair share .estimates. Intersections Allen Road/Westside Parkways eastbound ramps Allen Road/Pensinger Road Calloway Drive/Stockdale Highway Gosford Road/Panama Lane Wible Road/Panama Lane Roadwav Seoments Buena Vista Road, between Stockdale Highway and Ming Avenue Calloway Drive, between Brimhall Road and Wests ide Parkway Calloway Drive, between Wests ide Parkway and Stockdale Highway Old River Road, between Stockdale Highway and Ming Avenue Old River Road, between Ming Avenue and White Lane Gosford Road, between District Boulevard and Harris Road Gosford Road, between Harris Road and Panama Lane Stine Road, between Harris Road and Panama Lane Wible Road, between Harris Road and Panama Lane Ming Avenue, between Buena Vista Road and Old River Road Panama Lane, between Buena Vista Road and Ashe Road Panama Lane, between Gosford Road and Ashe Road Panama Lane, between Ashe Road and Stine Road Panama Lane, between Stine Road and Wible Road Panama Lane, between Wible Road and SR-99 Cumulative Impacts (2020 Conditions) 44. (5.5-5) Refer to mitigation measures 5.5-2a through 5.5-.2gg. NOISE Short-Term (Construction) Impacts 45. (5.6-1) Prior to issuance of grading permits, the contractor shall provide .evidence aoceptable to the City Building Department that, pursuant to the City's Municipal Code Section 9.22.050, construction activities shall be limited to the designated daytime hours (.currently 6:00 AM to 9:00 PM on weekdays and 8:00 AM and 9:00 PM on weekends). No construction is allowed on Federal holidays. On-Site Mobile Source Impacts 46. (5.e-3a) Prior to recordation of a final map noise barriers shall be oonstfl.lded at #le follo~~c propO'Sed single-family r.esidentiallocations: /j 'Z~ '>- ~\ ~- r--- c) 0 ()nIGli~/\L Exhibit-C project ~1580 Page 12 of 2{) . 7.0-foot high sound wall for all lots backing up to Panama Larle, and . 6.0-foot high sound wall for all lots backing up to Canfield Parkway. The noise barriers' weight (i.e., walls and/or earthen berms) shall be at lent 3.'5 pounds per square foot of face area and have no decorative -cutoffs or Iirle-of"'5ite openings between shielded area and the roadway. 47. (5.6-3b) Prior to issuance of building permits the applicant 'Shall provide a windows-closed condition for all homes backing up to Canfield Parkway and Panama Lane. A windows clo'Sed conditions requires a means of mechanical ventilation per the Uniform Building Code standards. This shall be achieved with standard air .conditioning or a fr.esh air intake system. 48. (5.6-3c) Prior to issuance of building permits the applicant shall ensur.e that the air intake ducts for all homes backing up to Canfield Parkway and Panama Lane will be orien~d away from the roads and shall incorporate at least six feet of flexible fiberglass ducting and at least one 90 degree bend. There shall be no other openings (i.e., mail slots, vents, .etc.) in the exterior walls. 49. (5.6-3d) Prior to recordation of a final map the applicant shall providee>derior walls with a minimum Sound Transmission Class {STC) rating of 46. Typical walls with this rating have 2X4 studs or greater, 16 inches o.c. with R-13 insulation, a minimum 7/8 inch exterior~urface of cement plaster and a minimum interior surface of % inch gypsum board. 50. (5.6-3e) Prior to the approval of grading plans, the applicant shall provide window and door assemblies used throughout the Project that are fr:ee of cut outs and openings, well fitted and well weather-stripped. 51. (5.6-3f) Prior to the approval of grading plans, the applk:antshall provide upgraded windows with a Sound Transmission Class {STC) rating 3S or higher for homes backing up to Panama . Lane. The 35 STC rating would cover a worst-case noise impact, whk:h may be reduced through performing an architectural acoustical analysis when the architectural plans are completed. Stationary Source Impacts 52. (5.6-4) Prior to recordation of a final map, plans shall iIIU'Strate that an 8.{)..foot 'SOund ~arrier is provided around the perimeter of the pump station. The sound barrier''S weight shall be at least 3.5 pounds per square foot of face area and have no decorative .cutouts or lirle-of-site openings between the r1earest residences and the.equiprrlent. The 8.0-foot-sound wall height should be adequate to cover a worst-case pump --station noise impact, however, the wall height may be reduced through performing a pump station acoustical analysis when the pump station plans are comple~d. AIR QUALITY Short-Term (Construction) Emissions 53. (5.7-1a) Prior to grading plan approval the Applicant shall implerrlent the following measures to minimize ..engine exhaust.emissions and developer 'Shall provide a written statement .to the Planning Departrrlent prior to the issuance of building -permits that they willoomply wit~frifC-9') . a ~ follOWing: >- [.1 I- r- o l.J ORIG::,l:\L &hibit C Project #05-1580 Page 13 of 20 . Properly and routinely maintain all construction equipment, as recommended by manufacturer's manuals, to control exhaust emissions. . Shut down equipment when not in use for extended periods of time, to reduce ..exhaust emissions associated with idling engirles. . Encourage ride-sharing and use of transit transportation for construction .empioyees commuting to the Project site. . Use electric equipment for construction whenever possible in lieu of fossil fuel-fired equipment. . Curtail construction during periods of high ambient pollutant coooentrations. . Construction equipment shall operate no longer than eight<:umulative hours per day. . All construction vehicles shall be equipped with proper emission .control equipment and kept in good and proper running order to reduce NOx,emissions. . On-road and off-road diesel equipment shall use aqueous diesel fuel if permitted under manufacturer's guidelines. . On-road and off-road diesel equipment shall use diesel particulate filters if permitted under manufacturer's guidelines. . On-road and off-road diesel equipment shall use cooled exhaust gas reciFCulation o{EGR) if permitted under manufacturer's guidelines. . Use of Caterpillar pre-chamber diesel engines or equivalent shall be utilized if .economic and available to reduce NOx emissions. . All construction activities within the Project area shall be discontinued during the first 'Stage smog alerts. . Construction and grading activities shall not be allowed during first stage ozone alerts. First stage ozone alerts are declared when the ozone level e~s 0..20 ppm -(one-hour average). 54. (5.7-1b) Prior to grading plan approval the applicant shall demonstrate to the City of Bakersfield & SJV APCD the all construction shall .comply with control measur:es "Set forth under Regulation VIII of the SJVUAPCD Fugitive PM10 Prohibition. The Project Contractor shall implement the following mitigation measures, in addition to those r:equired under Regulation VIII of the SJVUAPCD, to reduce fugitive dust emtssions: . Water previously disturbed exposed surfaces (soil) a minimum of three-times/day or whenever visible dust is capable of drifting from the site or approaches -20 .p8r:cent -opacity. . Water all haul roads (unpaved) a minimum of three-times/day or wherle'Jer visibie Oust from such roads is capable of drifting from the "Site or appFOaches-20 per.aent opacity. ,?>P-Kt.s> () c} v", >- ~1 ..... r- -0 D Op,\GH~J\L Exhibit C Project 1\105-1'580 Page 14 of 20 . All acoess roads and parking areas shall be covered with asphalt--concrete paving or WcHer sprayed regularly. . Dust from all on-site and off-site unpaved access roads shall be effectively stabilimd by applying water or using a chemical stabilizer or 'Suppressant. . Reduce speed on unpaved roads to less than 15 miles per hour. . Install and maintain a trackout control device that meets the specifications of SJVUAPCO Rule 8041 if the site exceeds 150 vehicle trips per day or more than .2() vehicle trips per day by vehicle with three or more axles . Stabilize all disturbed areas, including storage piles, which are not being actively utilized for construction purposes using water, chemical stabilizers or by ~overing with a tarp, other suitable cover or vegetative ground cover. . Control fugitive dust emissions during land clearing, grubbing, scraping,eJ<oCavation, leveling, grading or cut and fill operations with application of wa&er or by pr:esoaking. . When transporting materials offsite, maintain a freeboard limit of at least six inches and cover or effectively wet to limit visible dust emissions. . Limit and remove the accumulation of mud and/or dirt from adjaoent public roadways at the end of each workday. (Use of dry rotary brushes is prohibited .exoept when preceded or accompanied by sufficient wetting to limit visible dust emissions and use of blowers is expressly forbidden). . Stabilize the surface of storage piles following the addition or removal of materials using water or chemical stabilizer/suppressants. . Remove visible track-out from the site at the end of each workday. . Cease grading activities during periods of high winds {greater than 20 rnph over a ,()rIe- hour period). . Asphalt-concrete paving shall comply with SJVUAPCD Rule 4641 and restrict use 'Of cutback, slow-cure and emulsified a'Sphalt paving ma&erials. . Grading shall be conducted in phases. . Project site shall not be cleared of existing vegetation 'Cover until required by construcUon. . The Project developer shall revegetate graded areas as 'Soon as it is feasible after construction is completed. 55. (5.7-1c) Prior to issuance of grading permits, the Project Contractor and/or Developer 'Shall submit a written statement to the City of Bakersfield Planning Department stating that they shall maintain records documenting .compliance with all mitigation measures as requif;ed and shall make such records available to the SJVUAPCD upon request. 56. (5.7-1d) Prior to approval of grading plans, the Project Contractor and/or Developer 'Shall submit a written statement that they will allow an authorized repr.esentative -of the "SJVUA'PCD to review -construction equipment activity and mitigation measure recor:ds Jar the pur~~-9,., () c"" .>... r.' f- r-- U t.J Cil!Gi>J.\l.. ExhibitC Project #05-1580 "Page 15 of 20 assuring compliance with the applicable requirements of these mitigation measur..es and all tract development requirements. Long-Term (Operational) Impacts 57. (5.7-2) Prior to tentative tract map approval, the Project Applicant shall demonstrate that the following features have been incorporated into the Project design: . Provide electrical outlets in the front and rear yar.cJs for landscape,equipment; . Limit the number of solid fuel burning fir..eplaaes per SJVUAPCD Rule 4901 ; . Provide sidewalks shall alongside roadways; and . Provide bike lanes on arterials and collectors. 58. (5.7-2b) Prior to approval of building permits, the applicant -shall <comply in all r.espects with developer's obligations under that certain Air Quality Mitigation Agr:eement approved by the San Joaquin Valley Air Pollution Control District and developer. Developers compliance with the Air Quality Mitigation Agr..eement will result in a reduction of ROO, NOx, and PM10 rlet emissions to zero or in quantities sufficient to fully mitigate the projects air quality impacts to the extent that the development of the project will result in no f1et incFease emissions over the criteria pollutant emissions which would otherwise exist without the development of the project, all as verified by the San Joaquin Valley Air Pollution Control District. The Air Quality Mitigation Agreement approved by the San Joaquin Valley Air Pollution Control District, and entered into by and between the District and developer is a voluntary emission reduction program in line with Air District goals, and 'Similar in nature to other agreements entered into by the Air District. BIOLOGICAL RESOURCES Short-Term (Construction) Impacts 59. (5.8-1a) Refer to the mitigation measures provided in 'Section 5.7, AIR QUALITY. 60. (5.8-1 b) During grading activities, the Project Applicant 'Shall ensure that.'Construction vehicle speed limits do not exceed 20 miles per hour (mph) and the speed limit is posted throughout the site for the duration of construction activities. 61. (5.8-1 c) Refer to the mitigation frleasures provided in 'Section 5.6, NOISE. 62. {5.8-1 d) Prior to site grading or construction, site boundaries shall be fenoed to prevent construction equipment and vehicles from impacting adja08nt habitat ar:eas potentially occupied by special-status species. Special-Status Wildlife 63. (5.8-3a) Prior to approval of grading plans, the Project Applicant shall hire a qualified biologist acceptable to the USFWS and CDFG to conduct a pre-activity SUNeY prior to any ground disturbance in areas subject to development to determine whether any known San Joaquin kit fox dens or .other evidence of special-status 'Species site occupation aRa pfl8Sent or have subsequently been established. The pre-activity survey -shall -be a>nduded between 30 and '60 days befOf..e ground disturbing activities are initiated. '0"'kf' ~ 1,,, >-. -<\ ~-- n <..) D OF1IGiN/\L &hibitoC Project #05-1580 Page 16 of 20 64. (5.S-3b) Prior to grading plan approval the applicant shall implement avoidance measur.es for San Joaquin kit fox dens, follow all agency guidelirles regarding kit fox tracking and excavation to prevent entrapment of animals in potential dens, as required by the Metropolitan Bakersfield Habitat Conservation Plan (MBHCP). 65. (5.S-3c) Prior to the approval of grading plans and grading activities all pipes, culverts <or similar structures with a diameter greater than four inches shall be capped or blocked to prevent entry by San Joaquin kit fox and other wildlife. If a pipe is not capped, it 'Shall be inspected for kit fox. If any kit fox are observed within the pipe, they shall be allowed to escape unimpeded. . 66. (5.8-3d) Prior to grading plan approval the applicant 'Shall ensure that all trenches or steep- walled excavations greater than three feet deep shall include escape ramps to allow wildlife to escape. Each excavation 'Shall contain at least Orle ramp, with long trenches containing at least one ramp every % mile. The ramps shall be no 'Steeper than a ratio of 1:1. 67. (5.8-3e) Prior to grading plan approval all employees, .contractors or other persons involved in the construction of the Project shall attend a "tailgaten session informing them of the biological resource protection measures that shall be implemented for the Project. The orientation 'Shall be conducted by a qualified biologist and shall include information regarding the life history of the protected species, reasons for special status, a summary of applicable environmental law and measures intended to reduce impacts. 68. ~5.S-3f) Prior to grading plan, the Project Contractor -shall ensure all pets 'Shall be .confifled to on-site areas either by remaining leashed or confined within a 'Suitable fenced area. 69. (5.8-3g) Prior to approval of grading plans and grading activities the Project .contractor 'Shall conduct pre-construction surveys prior to ground disturbance to .ensure that no burrowing .owls are present on-site and to ensure avoidance of direct take or accidental .entrapment of burrowing owls. If nests are encountered, use agency-approved buffer zones and avoid nests until the young have fledged. Additionally, the following measures, taken from the Staff Report on Burrowing Owl Mitigation (CDFG 1995) should be followed in or:der to minim~ impacts, preserve habitat, and reduce potential impacts to burrowing owts to a level of ~ than significant: . Occupied burrows shall not be disturbed during .the r1esting season (F~bruary 1 through August 31) unless a qualified biologist approved by the COFG verifieS through noninvasive methods that either: (1) the birds have not begun egg-laying and incubation; or {2) that juveniles from the occupied burrows are foraging independently and are <CaPable of independent survival. . If owls must be moved away from the disturbance area, .passive relocation Wchniques as described in the Staff Report on Burrowing Owl Mitigation 'Shall be used rather than trapping. At least one or more weeks will be ne08SSary to aocomplish this and allow the owls to acclimate to altemative burrows. 70. (5.8-3h) Prior to approval of grading plans, the Project grading and constAJction plans shall indicate that grading and construction activities, which could potentially impact -native bird and/or raptor nests (including burrowing owl), shall be conducted between 'September 1 and January 31, during the non-breeding season for most bir.cJ 'Species. The following measur.es shall be implemented to reduce potential impacts to native birds and raptors: <r'DAKc1> ()' c<'l ,).... "",,\ f-- i':l r- U {;.J OFl!GlrJAL Exhibit C Project #05-1'580 Page 17 of 20 . In compliance with Section 3503 and 3503.5 of the California -Fish and Game Code and the Migratory Bird Treaty Act, if grading is to occur during the native bird and raptor nesting breeding season (February 1 through August 31), a quatifled biologist ~hall determine the presef1C8 of any native bird and raptor nests prior to orooncurFent with grading activities. This determination can be made during the pre-activity survey. CDFG and USFWS shall be contacted to obtain and comply with all appropriate procedures relative to grading operations in proximity to any active nests identified, if -construction activities are to occur prior to fledging of young. . The pre-activity survey shall. include a survey for burrowing owl. If active burrowing owl burrows are detected outside the breeding season (September 1 through January 31), burrows shall be avoided by a suitable buffer distance as determined by a qualified biologist. During the nesting season, burrow avoidance shall continue until young have fledged. 71. (5.8-3i) Prior to the approval of grading plans site boundaries shall be fenced to pre'Jent construction equipment and vehicles from impacting adjacent habitat areas potentially occupied by special-status species. 72. (5.8-3j) During grading and construction if any previously unidentified -protected species that is not addressed in the MBHCP is found to be present, the Project Applicant shall avoid the species and have it evaluated by a qualified biologist. Notify the U.S. 'Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS) and the California Department of Fish and Game {CDFG) any previously unreported protected species. Any take of protected wildlife shall be r.eported immediately to the CDFG and USFWS. Long-Term Impacts 73. (5.8-4) During construction, the Project Contractor and -construction workers shall dispose of all food, garbage and plastic in closed -containers and r:egularly remove the containers from the site to minimize attracting ranging kit fox or other animals to the site where they may be harmed. Absolutely no deliberate feeding of wildlife 'Shall be allowed. 74. (5.8-4b) Prior to issuance of building permits, project landscaping-shall not incorporate plants listed as invasive exotics by the US Department of Agriculture and the California E*Dtic Plant Pest Council for the Central Valley region. In addition, vegetation on the Project site shall be managed in such as way that none of the invasive exotic .plants listed by the Department of Agriculture are allowed to become established. Typical invasive exotic ptants that -can become problematic in this region include water hyacinth and.pampas.grass. CULTURAL RESOURCES Archaeological Resources 75. (5.9-1a) During grading and construction, if human remains are discovered during construction, the State of California Public Resources Code (CEQA) r.equir.es that further work or disturbance of site be halted. The discovery will be inspected and remains be handled in a manrler consistent with Public Code 5097.98-99, Health and 'Safety Code 7050.5 and CEQA Section 15064.5. These procedur.es require notifICation <of the appropriate Comer's offlO8. If the Corner determirles that the r.emains are those of Native American, they are ....equired to notify the Native American Heritage Commission by telephorle within 24 hours. ~$~" () ~~\ >-- i~\ ~- . -- ' c> CJ ORIG!NI\L Exhibit.c Project .05-1'580 Page 18 of 20 5097.94.and 5097.98 of the State Public Resour~ Code-describe the procedures that should be followed after notification of the Native Arrlerican Heritage-commission. 76. (5.9-1b) Prior to ground-disturbance activities associated with this project, personrlel associated with the grading effort shall be informed of the importance of the potential 'Cultural and archaeological resources (i.e. archaeological -sites, artifacts, featur:es, burials, etc.) that may be encountered during -site preparation activities, how to identify those r.esOUFOeS in the field, and of the regulatory protections afforded to those resouFCeS. The.personrlel -shall M informed of procedures relating to the discovery of archaeological remains during grading activities and cautioned to avoid archaeological finds with equipment and not .collect artifacts. The applicant/developer of the project site 'Shall 'submit documentation to the Planning Department that they have met this requirerrlent prior to .commenoement of ground- disturbance activities. This documentation should include information on the date(s) of training activities, the individual{s) that conducted the training, a description of the training, and a list of names of those who were trained. Should .cultural remains be uncovered, the on- site supervisor shall immediately notify a qualified archaeologist. PUBLIC SERVICES AND UTILITIES Fire Protection 77. (5.1 0-1 a) Prior to recordation of final map the Project plans 'Shall be reviewed by the City 'Of Bakersfield Fire Department. Specific Departrrlent requirements for aooess, fire flow, hydrants or other fire and life safety requirements shall be addrased. 78. (5.10-1b) Refer to Section 5.5, TRAFFIC AND CIRCULATION, for -short...term -construction mitigation measures. Police Protection 79. {5.1 0-2a) Refer to Section 5.5, TRAFFIC AND CIRCULATION, for -short-term .construction mitigation measures. Schools 80. (5.10-3) Pursuant to Government Code Sections ~995, 85996 and 65997, mitigation of the Project's impacts on public school facilities will be limited to the oollection of 'Statutory fees authorized under Education Code Section ~17'620 and Government Code Sections ~S5995, 65995.6 and 65995.7 at the time that building permits are issued. Currently, these fees are set a $2.63 per square foot, and the amount is subject to adjustment.every two ysars. Parks and Recreation 81. (5.10-4) Prior to or concurrent with the submittal of the first 'Subdivision map within the Project site, developer/applicant shall submit application for a Master Parks and Trails plan for the Project area. The plan must be approved by the Planning Commission prior to or .concurrent with the consideration of the first subdivision map within the Project 'Site. The plan 'Shall be in the format as determined by the Planning DiFector. o.1\Kt" <<,V, () >- I:::: <..) ORIG1flt, Exhibit C Project ilI05-11580 Page 19 of 20 Water Resources 82. (5.10-5) Prior to or concurrent with filing a final tract or para!1 map, the Developer shall FeCord a covenant for each lot in the subdivision that prohibits the export of groundwater from the subdivision except by the water purveyor that is serving the subdivision. Additionally, the Developer shall pay City fees for inspection of installation of water facilities and City Water Availability Fees. Payment of fees shall be made to the City on a pro-rata basis prior to final acceptance and recordation of each phase of the Project, based on the per.centage of the gross acreage contained in the particular phase to be aocepted and recorded, as <compared with the total gross acreage within the entire Project. All water main, service .confl8Ctions and fire hydrants shall be installed by the developer and dedicated to the City. Plans and specifications for such water mains and appurtenances shall be prepared by and/or approval of plans for installation shall be by the City of Bakersfield. All improvements must be installed or bonded for prior to the City issuing a letter guaranteeing a watersupply. Solid Waste 83. (5.10-7a) During construction, the Contractor shall separate all Project.construction debris and construction-related debris into recyclable and non recyclable items. All recyclable debris shall be transported to appropriate recycling facilities to r.educe waste disposed of at County landfills. Additionally, recyclable materials as well as materials -consistent with the waste- reducing goals of the City shall be used in all aspects of .construction , when possible. 84. (5.10-7b) Prior to approval of grading plans, the Project Applicant shall submit, for review, a Construction and Demolition Recycling Plan to the Kern County Waste Management Development. The Recycling Plan shall include a plan to -separatei'ecyclable/rellSable construction debris. The plan shall include the method to be implemented by the Contrador to haul recyclable materials and shall include the method and location of material disposal. 85. (5.10-7 c) Prior to recordation of the final tract map, the Project Applicant shall provide universal waste collection to the Project site along with potential mandatory .collection "for curbside recycling. Electrical Services 86. (5.10-8a) Prior to recordation of final map, the Project Applicant shall bring all main Iirles adjacent to roadways to the ultimate width. In addition, utility .easements shall -be readily available as needed. 87. (5.10-8b) Prior to the approval of a tract map the Project Applicant -shall coordinate with PG&E staff early in the planning -stages to ensure that adequate facilities ar.e incorpormed into the Project as soon as possible. In addition, the Project Developer shall coordinate with PG&E staff prior to construction regarding any potential service or facility issues. GEOLOGIC AND SEISMIC HAZARDS n~Kt:' <<. v ..../) () ''-~\ >-. I- r u t, ORIGin/'ll tJchibit<: project #05-1'580 'Page 20 of 20 HYDROLOGY AND WATER QUALITY Flood Hazards 88. (5.12-1) Prior to approval of the tract map the Applicant shall provide the drainage 'Sys~m design for future developments and all future roadways, which 'Shall include, but not be limited to the following requirements: . Future on-site roadways shall be designed to accommodate adequate flow.capacity; . Appropriate minimum stormdrain pipe size diameter shall be specified by the City Engineer; and . Stormdrain flow velocity limitations shall be specified by the City Engineer. Water Quality 89. (5.12-3a) Prior to approval of the tract map the Director of Public Works or his/her.designee shall confirm that the Project plans stipulate that prior to issuance of any grading permits, the Project Applicant shall file a Notice of Intent (NOI) and pay the appropriate fees, pursuant to the NPDES program. 90. (5.12-3b) Refer to Mitigation Measure 5.11-1. 91. (5.12-3c) Prior to approval of grading plans, the Project applicant shall prevent any off"Site erosion impacts during construction. Erosion control measur:es and ~mporary basins for desiltation and detention shall be specified on the grading plans and shall be oonstn.tded -to the satisfaction of the Director of Public Works prior to the state of grading .operations. CUMULATIVE IMPACTS 92. Prior to approval of grading plans the Project Applicant shall obtain a SUSMP for the proposed Project, as required in the NPDES permit for areas draining to the Kern 'River, and provide evidence of the SUSMP to the City. 93. Prior to issuance of a building permit, the developer shall pay a major transportation facility fee in the amount of $2487 per dwelling unit for residential use and 35~ per square foot for commercial/industrial use or the fees in effect at the time of building permit approval. If prior to issuance of a building permit said fee is merged into the regional TIF program then payment of the regional TIF fee will be deemed to have satisfied the intent of this 'COndition. This fee is imposed per City Council approved action plan to pursue funds needed to ...complete construction of major transportation facilities to serve growth and developfrlent within Metropolitan Bakersfield. For orderly development. ',-'OAKcA; () 't:;, :>- f-- f'1 , (-) t j OiI!OI~ll\1 Exhibit Tentative Subdivision '0 "'~ (" ,<) d ..~~ ;:.... ,:, I- f... -0 CJ Oil!G:fL^L .....1'....."" 'UlI "'.n1lllllt'l.......... _. _._ _.. __.~.. __ ..._.. .______. _____. ._.__.._ - .__...__. _,,_~.~....._ .... ___'._._,.._. _._.._.. .__..._... - ..._....._._~._.. __..~ ____._._ _._____. _._.___._.__'__'._.' ..~n ___..._ .._..~_ . ,,~.._._._ _...._ _ _. ____. ...._._... __.n... I~ ,'11"_ ... -...,. -.... ;. _ ......,.. -....... w ~~ :~ ~f ~ ~ II) o II( a g~ E! ~~O~ .""" II) a, U L~' o C4 i ~ ~ 'C B .s ~ ~ Q .~ u en .0 - I.., f\V,... /).0' 'Z/) ()'>j '<..;, 2'>-. 1-_ I r'l ._ 1 r- U . c, Cn!GliJAL Exhibit 0 Statement of Facts and Findings This document is the same as shown in Exhibit "B" attached to the Resolution for the Certification of the Environmental Impact Report. A complete copy of this document will be provided with the signed resolution. n r>- K [", ~ v",;,,.., () ~^' >- f:. I- f' <:> C.J ORIGIN/\!..- Exhibit E Statement of Overriding Considerations :0 p, /\t>~ .~ r" r- C:J (\0IG:~'J/\L ,-- BA&:ERSFJII1.D 4 . - CITY OF BAK~RSFIELD Ten"Sectlon Project GPAlZC 05-1580 SCH NO. 2007101007 EXHIBIT B STATEMENT OF OVERRIDING CONSIDERATIONS Pursuant to Section 15093 of the CEQA<3uidelines, decision-makers are I8qui!:8d to balance the benefits of a project against its unavoidable environmental risks in determining whether to approve a project. In the event the benefits of a project outweigh the unavoidable adverse effects, the adverse environrrlental effBcts may be .consider.ed "acceptablen. The CECA Guidelines require that; when a public agency allows for the occurrence of significant effects which are identified in the 'Final €IR but are not at .least substantially mitigated, the agency shall state in writing the specific reasons the action was supported. Any statement of overriding considerations should be included in the record of project approval and should be mentioned in the Notice of Determination. To the extent the significant effects of the project are not avoided or substantially lessened to a level of insignificance, the City of Bakersfield, having reviewed and considered the information contained in the Final Environmental Impact Report for the project, and having reviewed and considered the information contained in the public record, and having balanced the benefits of the project against the unavoidable effects which remain, finds that such unmitigated effects to be acceptable in consideration of the · following overriding considerations discussion. The City finds that all feasible mitigation measures have been imposed to lessen project impacts to less than significant, and furthermore, that altematives to the project are infeasible because they have greater environmental impacts, do not provide the benefits of the project, or are otherwise socially or economically infeasible as fully described in the project findings. The environmental analysis undertaken for the Tan Section Project indicated the Project would result in contributions to aesthetic, light and glare (cumulative impacls) and traffIC and circulation (cumulative traffic) that would represent a signiflC8nt adverse environmental effect on a project basis. The City of Bakersfield, as Lead Agency and decision-maker for the project, has reviewed and considered the information contained in both the Draft and 'final -eIRs prepared for Ten Section Project and the public record. The project beflefrts include the following: . Provide residential uses to meet the housing demand specifl8Cl in the Metropolitan Bakersfield General Plan Land Use Element. . Provide a residential development of sufficient scale \0 permit master-planning of infrastructure, parks and public services to achieve the greatest possible efficiencies and synergies. . Provide development similar to and oonsistent with existing and approved development on nearby parcets to maintain and enhance property values and enhance compatibility of neighborhood character. IN 10-104963 n ~ ?;AKt'-)> C) <..'1 :>- -<\ June -2007 '= r o 0 ORIGii'J/\L -. CITY OF BAKERSFIELD Ten Section Project GPAlZC05-ts80 'SCH NO. 2007101007 BAKERSfIELD ~ . . Provide, single-family residential homes at a variety of densities on the Project site. . Locate development in areas of relatively lesser environmental sensitivity, accommodating growth while balancing environmental considerations. . Located housing adjacent to major arterials to better promote effICient traffIC flows and minimize traffic demands on local and collective streets. . Promote growth in areas with existing or developing residential neighborhoods and adequate commercial services. . Provide residential housing for a range of homebuyers. . Provide landscaping and roadway improvements along Panama lane that will benefit the community, make the road safer for vehicles and pedestrians, and satisfy the circulation element requirements of the Metropolitan Bakersfield General Plan. The Lead Agency makes the following finding, pursuant to Section 1'5093 of the CECA Guidelines, with regard to the Statement of Overriding Considerations for the Ten Section Project: Califomia Administrative Code, Title 14, Section 15093(a) states: -If the benefits of a proposed project outweigh the . unavoidable adverse environmental effects, the adverse environmental effects may be considered 'acceptable'. II Based on the above discussion and on the evidence presented, the City of Bakersfield therefore finds that the benefits of the proposed project outweigh the adverse impacts to aesthetic, light and glare (cumulative impacts) and traffic and circulation (cumulative traffiC) associated with the Ten Section Project, which <Cannot be eliminated or reduced to a level less than significant. IN 10-104963 78 <o~Kc/> J' '<..<1 June 2001. ::: n r- t.J C';l!G'NAL r- Exhibit F Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Checklist This document is the same as shown in Exhibit "C" attached to the Resolution for the Certification of the Environmental Impact 'Report. A complete copy of this document will be provided with the signed resolution. (, 'OMc/,J 0' '-~"\ >- r;' f-- r- C) tJ C'Il!Glr~l\L