HomeMy WebLinkAboutMD Packet 1-01~,,, PROPOSITION 218 BALLOT CITY OF BAKERSFIELD CONSOLIDATED MAINTENANCE DISTRICT This assessment ballot is for the use of the property owner of the parcels} identified below, which are proposed to be included in the City of Bakersfield Consolidated Maintenance District ~CMD}. This assessment ballot maybe used to express either support for or opposition to inclusion within the CMD. To be counted, this assessment ballot must be signed below by the owner or, if the owner is not an individual, by an authorized representative of the owner. [TO CAST THIS BALLOT, PLEASE RETURN THIS ENTIRE PAGE] OFFICIAL ASSESSMENT BALLOT o.~~: +~on~,vv ~oYv ~/2' Pro e descri t~onv ~ M ~~~ ~/ P ~Y p (address, lot/blocl/tract r~r other legal Individual annual assessments shall not exceed $12_5.44_. per equivalent dwelling unit. ASSESSMENT BALLOT MEASURE Shall the City Council of the City of Bakersfield include the above described ,~ Yes property within the Consolidated Maintenance District and levy an assessment not to exceed ^ No the amount set forth above? Owner Signature: T1tle {if representing owne~~ a Datea r- -~ .4PPLlC.gTl4h' PACKET - L414~ D(VIEIOh'Si1PPLEt4fENT DOC ~~larch S, ?009 r'.~' ;t a, ,~, ~.~ :~ CITY OF BAKERSFIELD R ESa L U TIO N 24-- 7 7 APPENDIX H Date Filed ~,Z~ l~(~ Environmental .Information Form (To be completed b~ applicant) H~1 r: GENERAL INFnRbiATION 1. Name and address of developer or project sponsor: ~~ ~ ~ ~~ 2 . Address of project : ~ X12 01., ~~t at ~o ~~Z n~, ~~~~ Z( '[ 2~ 5 ; (Z 2'~ ~. Assessor's Block and Lot I~umbe. 3. Name, address, and telephone number of person to be contacted concerning this project: _ 4. Indicate number of-the permit application for the project to which this form pertains: _ f- ~~`~~, ~5. List and describe any other related permits ,and. other public approvals required for this project, including :those required by city,- regional, state and federal ,agencies: __~__ 6. Existin zon~in district :~ ~ ~ ~ ~ g g 7r 'l, Proposed use of site (Project for which this form is filed) : PRGJECT DESCRIPTION 8. Site size. ~,~ ~,~ ~~ 9. Square footage. ~;'~ ,,~ ~ ~ 10. Number of floors of construct ion . ~ ~~ 11. Amount of off -street. parking provided . ~ ~,~ `~ ~~,. 12, Attach plans. ~ ,~ 13 . Proposed scheduling . ; ~.I ~ 14. .Associated projects. 15. Anticipated increm~rtal development. ; ~~ ~ ~° :; ~` ,~; ~• r.., ~. Cont. YES NO ____ 30. H-3 ~~. Substantial.. change in demand for municipal services (police, fire, water, sewage, etc.). 31. Will the proposal result in; Water service from any public or private entity? (If so, give the name of the entity and provide a letter from that entity outlining its current and future water supply and demand requirements). 32. Substantially Increase fossil fuel consumption _~_._ (electricity, oil, natural gas, etc.). '~ 33. Relationshi to a lar er ro'ect or series of p g p J projects. ENVIRONMENTAL SETTING 34. Describe the project site as it exists before the project, includ- ing information on topography, soil stabilty,plants and animals, and any cultural, historical or scenic ripects. .Describe any existing structures on the site, and the use of the structures. ,Attach photographs of the site... Snapshots or polaroid photos will be accepted. 35. Describe the surrounding properties, including information on plants and animals and any. cultural, historical or scenic aspects.. Indicate the type of land use (res.idential, commercial, etc.), intensity of land use (one family, apartment houses, shops, department. stores, etc..), and scale of development (height, frontage, setback, rear. yard, etc.). .Attach photographs of the vicinity. Snapshots or polaroid photos will be accepted. CERTIFICATION: I hereby certify that the statements furnished above and in the attached exhibits present the data and information required for this initial evalhation to the best of my ability, and that the facts, statements, and information presented are true and correct to the best of my knov~ledge and belief . Date ~~ (Signature) For: November 10, 1994 Marian Shaw Public Works Department City, of Bakersfield 1501 Truxton Avenue Bakersfield, CA 93301 RE: Parcel Map Waiver No. 26-94 Dear Marian, Pineview Limited, A California Limited Partnership as owner of the property included within Parcel Map Waiver No. 26-94, hereby request the formation of a new temporary maintenance district for the property. This request is pursuant to Condition No. 6.1 of the "Notice of Decision and Findings" dated October 25, 1994, which states that the subdivider shall pay all costs for establishing a new maintenance district, or inclusion of the subdivision into an existing. maintenance district. Enclosed is a check in the amount of $1,356.00 to cover the costs mentiond above. Further, Yamabe & Horn Engineering will supply you with a disc copy of the parcel map waiver for your use. Lastly, as the sole owner of the property involved in this request, we hereby waive the public hearing portion of this district formation, which should help to expedite this process. Your assistance with this matter is greatly appreciated. Sincerely, PINEVIEW LIMITED, A California Limited Partnership BY: 5113/93-217 DEWALT • ENGINEERING • PLANNING • SURVEYING • LANDDEVELOPiNENT • CONSTRUCTIONMANAGEMENT ~~ August 13, 2009 {~~~g M ~ ~~a~ian S~a.~r Cry of Eakersfeld. Public U~lorks Department 15Q 1 Tru~un Avenue Bakersfield, CA 9330 ~ Attu; Deliver letter to Marian Shaw or Dame! Graves Re: Ves~ng ~~"en~ve ~`re+~~ M~Ip No~ 606 Dear Ms, S#~aw, On behalf of Prabuiit ~evel~pn~ent ~ ~~-nstr~cti~n~ i~c~, ~~~ in accordance ~h Bakersfield M~ni~ipal Code Chapter ~ 3,04 1, Kathryn ~~ M~~Uhorter, as agent t~ the l~evel~per ~f pr4per~r I~cated ~rithin proposed V~sf ~n~ Tentative ~'ract Map Na~ GO$0~ hereby re~ue~t inclusion into the e~asting maintenance district for the property being subdivided. At the ti~~ of final Map recordation, any applicable fees to cover the casts of pressing. related to district inclusion v~rill be paid, ~Ue Mill provide ah electronic fie of the Final Map for your use, as requestede Please da not hesitate to call me at 323-4600x120 if you have any questions, ar need any additional infor~ation to procass this re~uestn Sincerely, Kathryn ~e erg ! le~eEt~, Pslee:~e Vice President 1 Director of Engineering kath~dewaltcorp.com ~` /_ D! V ~ ~ ~ cc: Louise Palmer, CC7B Planning Department Mark Shuman, Probuilt Development & construction Dennis U~1. DeWalt! DeWalt Corporation KFP~A~IUVPDOCS'Wwco1101.49bnai~enanco-dis5r'c~~quest.wpd 1930 22ND STREET BAKERSFIELD, CA 93301 (661) 323-4600 FAX (661) 323-4674 ~"' °'~~ ~ ~ ~~ email: dwd@dewallcorp.com i 202S WESTWIND DRIVE SUITE 1 BAKERSFIELD, CA 93301 661.322.329.1 TE L 061.322.3392 FAX October 6, 2004 City ofBakersfield- Public Works Department Attn: Marian Shaw 1501 Truxtun Avenue Bakersfield, Ca 93301 Dear Ms. Shaw, RE: Inclusion of Tract Map # 6421 in a Maintenance District. We, the undersigned, as owners of the property included within Tract Map No. 6421 hereby request that the property be included within the Consolidated Maintenance DlstrlCt. This request is in accordance with the requirements of Bakersfield Municipal Code section 13.04.021. . Enclosed is a check in xhe amount of $1792.35 as required by the City to cover the costs of this inclusion into the Consolidated Maintenance District. Furthermore, our en ineer g will supply you with a computer disk copy of the map for your use. We also waive our right to any and all hearings in accordance with the Brown Act, the Bakersfield Municipal Code, and / or any other law, concerning the formation of or inclusion in the maintenance district. We have signed and are returning the enclosed Proposition 218 ballot (4~cial Assessment Ballot) indicating our consent to the assessment. Thank You, ~ Konny L. Boyd Y ~ ~~ President ~ 1~4 u ~,~~-~ ~ ~~ ~ 4 ~~ :111 ~ ~1 V\ ~' ` q ; '.:, 4 ~~` :.~~ . J ~~~~{Sl iv1 i1.s~~~N{~~ February 24, lJBf~ -~~ Troy Young, .Assessment Service! County of Kern FR(7Ni Arthur Lee Moore, Engineer- ~v-Design ~,., S~18JECT REQUEST OWNER'S NAME, ADDRESS, AND MAILING LABELS ~, . Please provide this. of~ic~e With a name and address list names in alphabetical :order) and malling labels fc~r the fol lowing A, P.N, s .and RDP, '.; RANCHO LABORDE :ANNEXATION (ROSEDALE H~~~Y. SOUTH 3b8-010-03-00--3c .. . 3b8-O10-07-00-Sc ~3b8-O1o-08-00-8c _ - 368~020-08-OU-~Ic ~ to 3b8~020=18-00-0c 36$-040-O1-00--6c to 3~8-440-X04-00-5c _ ~ ~ _ 3~8-040-12-00-8c to~ 368--Q40-16~p0~Oc ~ ; X68-X40-20-OQ-1c to :368-.040-23-00-0c . 3~i$-060-QI~-OU~-2c to 3h8-0~0-05-~00-4c 1. } . 368-070-01-00-5c 3~8-070-OZ-00-$c 3b8-070-05-O1~6c 3b9-030-'Ol-(00-Oc to 369-030-17-02--Sc ~ . ,,: 369-040- ~ 1-~~0.0-2c 36g::050,~g~.OD~~c to 369-050-26-00-9c 359-050-42-00-5c to . 3b9-050-43-Q0=$c .. .. . RANCH LA$URliE .ANNEX. (RO~EJA.LE HWY~ NORTH t,.. RERUN RDPb 0171';'~~lfs~ .and l~.a~e~ls~ '~ Please also place the(Rosedale HWy, South lzst in memor far Y possible future recall., ~ ~ , .. . . Any questions can be direc~ec~ ,to Roi~~Young;~~~ity.Dept:~`..c~fi,~~ . Public Works, 326-3?24. .: . _ ~ :.~ . ,_ 4 .. .. .. ,. .. '. ~' i 1 .. ,i. ~ ,~.~ :. .'. - ". .. ~. , . ~ ;', C~ ~~~ZD~'G~~ ~~~ • ~ro Bakersfield, - .Public works Attn: Don Hoggatt FRO~s Troy Young, Chief Assessment Services Division SUB CT; JE Printout KERN COUNTY DATE; February 3, 1986 T elephonP No, RDP 0171 Here is the printout you requested covering Tax Area Codes 070-014, 070-O1S, 099-028 and 070-010.- when requesting reruns of this .area, please refer to the RDP number shown above. TY: m b PAS 5801151 95-5005 (Rev. 1-841 . TQ: Ernie Reynolds FROM: Jim h1enagh DATE: 6/.11/86. R, E,: LATEST ON PROPOSED MAINTENAIUCE DISTRACT # 16 Dear Ea rn i e , 1 ~ Tat ked to Don: Hoggatt, Public ~dorks Dept. , 11 A.M. this date, he is park anal landscape planner for City. . 2 ~ Purpose of his cal l a. To inform us that the earliest that # 16 could come before the counci 1 for vote on the primary initiative was 7/x/86, 1st Wednesday in July, b. Could not make the June 1`8 meeting because of deadline far putting items on the agenda had passed, c. Could not go June 25 because no meeting. The July 2nd is a tentativeda al o because July lest .starts the counci 1 s new p ys~`ca year and the new scedul e has not been made public, d, There is a 15=20 day period for response after. initiative is voted on, tentatively July 2nd, so theactual adoption vote could not occur until .July 23rd at the earliest. He also said he intends to put ours 7n with similar issues so w~e' re .not alone. 3~ Jim DelMarter will prepare maps, legals, list of parcel numbers ~~ for the meetings and get them to the city by Friday June 13, 198:6. j a, He will use existing parcel #`s to set up district . 16-- S`hul z agreed, b, There will be zero ~o) assesment` for 1986-- S~ulz . agreed. c. Borth S~u1z and DelMarter agreed doing the above would e~p+~di to ~ormi ng the district ar~d that changes coin d be made at a later date with no problems... I ha e told all involved to keep me informed as to any changes . Thais i t for now. ,.,i ~ + Best t r f Regard-s", f .r ~ j r~ ~f.. r- ~~'P, - ., ..w.~. v v S,l V 1 w+ `~ i 1 I 1 f 4. ~ j1 4. s .1. , ll V 1L. V V 'tonj~ailloc~f, C~ 93206 .cl~rY c~~FZI; I3al~ers-f field City Council Rollie-Moore 211 El Tavar. Ct . Bal~ersf field, Cat 93309 llear Council r ire the hearing for. l~iaintenance District No. 2, we obi ect Concern g formula used to set our assessment far the park. We own to the -- es at 7016 and 7024 cling Ave. that are effected by this 5 Alex . tae have been charged $176, 45, or 5 'ti.mes the rate charged assessment. r of a sin le family dwelling for each 5--plex. ~d~ feel a homeowne g it is wrong to charge each apartment unit tie same amount as a single family home. 'ect to tY~is formula because apartment dwellers are normally we obi ler households. Less people per unit will use -the parr t~~an smal r. ~~rom sin 71e famil ~ dwellings. j~e understand this formula .people L g Y 's one of the older formulas used- ~,n Bakersfield with the newer 1 ' is usiix 7 a .different formula. .The newer for_mul.a rate. is da.stric g . ~~ statistics that 3.24 people reside in single family based on ~.1 e dwe11.1.n.s w~~i~e only 2.people usually reside in an apartment. ~; s the formula is f i ured at 3.24 t irises the rate for single family Thu g dwellin`s and 2 times the rate for each apartment unit. g new '-~~•• ula is fair as it assesses the people who actually we feel. thl~ form ' m the ar~~ their fair amount ..without over br~rdening the benefit fro p oc~ners of a artment complexes. ~~e appreciate tY~e opportunity to p respond -to this proposed assessment. Sincerely, r ' lerk Chra,stine Romanini cc: C~.ty C u: .r ~. _~'.t.:4 1...+........er..r.viur~~J :..~•~vr.w •/...i ~.. ~~w.. wl 'W J...+Y-... Wlwn.w.Y1N!YM'W'7^x~wwr. N'rMtiJ w.~M nnYYru.Y.v....1n .•~ 1. ... ~...r rn.rw]~ <lr.~: h....r ,~: Yr.~•+x .w?~.x. r.Je-:.v Mr.r.+~Y'•Mw~n•t~`> Mw+ 4 Y.ru:Y"/~.n zs bounded b~ two (1) major arterial.s~: Because or the nacura ~ , ,r..~..~~~~ ~ x ... _Y. area, occ~.sioned in part by the character and timing of surrounding development., the area within the district will receive the greatest benef~.t from the conten~- pl.aed imprQVements and maintenance thereof. Ben~fxts from maintenance and CITY OF BAKERSFIELD BENEFIT FORMULA ,1 The various lots and parcels within the district shall be assessed at the f.ol- lowing rate: For each assessable lot or parcel the assessment shall equal the dollar amount determined by: (a} the total number of dollars budgeted by the dis- trict for maintenance and operation of.the assess- meat district for the year in which the assessment is levied; multiplied by fib} in the case of a lot or parcel fo~~ which a.subdi~ e? .~ and divided by (c) `~ vision map, indicating t~-e actual number of dwell- ing units to be constructed on the lot or parcel, has been appro~red by the City~or has been filed in the. County Recorder`s Office, or for which the actual number of dwelling units to be constructed on the lot or parcel has been otherwise approved by the City and provided that ,said approvals and filings occurred before the date set for the annual hearing on .the assessment district before the City Council, the number of dwelling units permitted to be constructed on the lot or parcel pursuant to said approval; the number of dwelling units permitted. to be con- structed in the district. axb =Assessment for each lot o~~ parcel c r ` -w iMY,ns t~ I'v«•R P t L.r+'S,..... ~.:. (.Y.~.-'~~~'~._ ~.. i„+~ \..1 ~~`~./ ! f „d ~ ~ ,, ~y.~~ra ~ •nt ~ %~,~Lj ~ ~ ~'^~ ~!'~•rM~..'„,; ~,,.,;. i 1 wrr ,al _ ~~.~m+ ~~ £ , ~ K s *. se^••..u~, ! ~ ~a"'~ ~ a~:~ s ' r 4 ~: ,i ~ d i . r~za.l 1 j t',/~J ~'1 . f~ {, '~Iar~y ,,~~ ~ I g °" '".'.-x. ~ W' ~. 0. ~~ S } a y ~ :r fir, ~ h ~ ~ ~~ f"~~ ~ ~!h w ~ ~. ~' e ~ ~~ ~~ ~~ '~ ! yr~ ~'+~'' ~'~ ~^~ $. w. ~ -'y 'q„~ti.:.°•• ~'~ ~,~1,~ f•<r. ~ ~ta:•i Jar-},w..~;~~ ~ #~'' ' ~ ~ ~~~,,,~ ~+~,f ~~s t.as cw~ ~ ~'r, y ~r~~. ~ e } r v. ~1, uW x: ,p k ~. f~ ~ F~ ~~,~~ ,J ~~ ~~tonwillow, CA 93.206 ,C11"Y ~~~~~~t I3akers~f ie~.d City Gauncil _ . Rollie ~~oore 217-~1 Tovar Ct. ~~akersffield, CA 93309 Dear Counc ~.l ~nin the hearing for l~iaintenance District Na. 2, we object Conce~. g the formula llsed t0 set our assessment for the paxk. we own. to 6 and 7024 rein Aare , that are effected by this 5--plexes at 701 g . t. we have been charged $176,45,- or 5 times the rate charged assessmen .~leowner of a single family dwelling for each 5--~plex. tie ~e~el a ho it ~.s tiaror~g to charge each apartment unit the same amount as a single family home. obi ' ect to this formula because apartment dwellers are normal~.y td e ~ alley ~~ausel~lolds , less people per unit will use the parr. t~lan sm le froir~ sin le family. dwellings. tiJe understand this formula peop g is one of the older formulas used in Ba~~ersf field with the ne~~~er ' ie~~s usi_r~ a different formula. The newer formula rate. is distr g n the stat~.stics that 3, 24 people reside in single fam~:ly based ~ dwelli_~~~s,while only 2~people usually reside in an apartment. Thus the formula is figured at 3.2~~ times the rate for single f a~~~.l~r d~aell~.rl rs and 2 .times the .rate for each apartment unit. g new this`formula is fair as it assesses the people who actually ode feel -r • from the ark their fair amount ~aa.thout over burdenir~~ the bene.~ ~t p oclners of a artment complexes . j~e appreciate t~xe op~~artunity ~. p respo~1d ~ro this proposed assessment. .Sincerely, .~ ~ .~ 4 ~ ,,~ cc; Cit Clerk Chr~,stii1e Ramanini Y . . ;. ii +...... T nY'....9~ V~Cr... K - 0 ~'rT ^l ,. ..... .•. '4. .t.~y...v ~•: N... . ..~ .. ... ~..,.r .....r.y,..y.:~r.l~r. •.~...m.+ +n. r~ .+n.-! .. vi e~A-,i ~ Wn~!.^v+. ... _.. r. _...... ~... i.s bo~~ded by two (l) major arterzals~: ~eca~xs~e az tt~~e ~a~urd ~ -,~ :c-~" ~ . _ area, orcasi~}neck ~.n part by the character and tir.~~_ng of surrounding deve~:t~pmen~ 3 the area wzthz.n the di.str~.ct wi1.l receive the greatest. her~efi.t from the corEtem- p~.~~ted mprt~uements and maintenc~r~ee thereof. ~ae:~~~ef its f~ om maintenance anc~ . CrTY 4F BAI~ERSFLELI~ ~ ~' BENEFIT FORMULA t` ~- The various lots and parcels .within the district shall be assessed at the fol- y lowzn.g rate: ~~ For each assessable lot or parcel the assessment shall equal the dollar amount t m' d b de er ine y: (a) the total number of dollars budgeted by the dis~ trict for maintenance anal operation of .the assess meat district for the year in which the assessment is levied; multiplied by (b) in the case of a lot or parcel for which a subdi- vision map, xndicatin.g the actual. number of dwell-- ing units to be constructed on the lot or parcel, - has been approved by the City or has been filed in the County Recorder's office, or for which the actual number of dwelling units to be constructed on the-lot or parcel has been otherwise approved by the City and provided that said approvals and filings occurred before the date set for the °' ~ annual hearing. on the assess~~nent district before the City Council, the number of dwelling units ~ permitted to be constructed on the lot or parcel pursuant to said apprav~al; and .divided by (c) the number of dwelling units permitted to be con- structed in .the district. - axb =Assessment for each lc~t ~:ar parcel c ~~ i ,;~,,. , ~.,: ~, 4 f fl ~'j^M7~ S,f? 1 t,~,,~ k ~~ Pv- l,lti )R" t S ~nro 9 ~^+, f :., 'r u : m i. t.,,.:.h, c ~~ ~ ~,~ ~ ~ .~3 `.:~. +~~ 4.~~:,rW - ~4 y ~T~, f~~.' r ~ ~ J'-~ ,• ~ ~ _ - ~~ A K E R~~ E L D PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT 1501. TRUXTUN AVENUE BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA 93301 . X8051 3?6-37?~ . ED ~~. SCHL~LZ. DIRECTOR ~ CITE` FtiGitiEER June 17, 1993 Riverlakes Ranch Limited Partnership Uni-bell International Co. 131 No. Tustin Ave., #100 Tustin, CA 92680. . ~~~ ~~ r°~~~ '` '~. ~ [} r°'Fs P~ ~ ~. ~~ ~~`,~ ~~ ~~ Re: 1991-92 Maintenance DistrictAssessments for~parcels 360-130-01-00-6~and 360-130-1~1-00-5 Gentlemen: J The 2 subject parcels in Maintenance District 1, Division 1 (formerly Maintenance District 167 had their 1991-92 assessments reduced by the County Auditor-Controller's office due to the dedication of an easement over a proposed lake site. The assessments were reduced based on the lake site being dedicated to the City. The actual dedication was for a flowage easement with th,e fee ownership of the lake site remaining with Riverlakes Ranch Limited Partnership. The Auditor-Controller's office has recalculated the assessments forthese parcels and has asked the City to bill you directly. These parcels have since been subdivided and are no longer on the assessment roll. The balances due on the revised assessments are as follows: 360-130-01-00-6 $2,761.54 . 360-1.30-11-00-5 , $164,23 ~ . Please remit checks to City of Bakersfield, Public Works Department,1501 Truxtun Ave., Bakersfield, CA 93301, Attn: Lauren Dimberg. ~ If you have any questions please cal! Lauren Dimberg at 326-3585 or Sue Benson of the County Auditor-Controller's office at 861-2331 Ext. 3539, Thank you for your cooperation in this matter. Very truly .yours, E. W, SCHULZ Public W~ . __ .~ irector . ~ h l ~~ ~, r i /, ^\ B ~~ --,o DeWayne Starnes Civi! Engineer /KI i cc: ~ Sue Benson, Auditor-Controller's Office r ~j EWSIDSIId EXHIBIT "A" MAINTENANCE DISTRICT N0. 1 DIVISION 1 LEGAL DESCRIPTION All those portions of the South half of Section 8, the South half of Section 16, Section 17, Section 20 and Lots 5-8 of Section 21, all in Township 29 South, Range 27 East, Mount Diablo Meridian in the City of Bakersfield, County of Kern, State of California, being more particularly described as follows: Beginning at the northeast corner of said South half of Section 8, Thence: ~1} S 0°32'12" W, along the East line of said-South half, 2649.26 feet to the Northeast corner of said Section 17; thence (:2) S 0°37'57" W, along the East line of the Northeast Quarter of said Section 17, a distance of 2645.05 feet to the Northwest corner. of said South half of said Section 16; thence (3 } S 89 ° 09' 10 " E, along the North line of said South half , 53 03.40 feet to the Northeast corner of the Southeast Quarter of said Section 16;.thence (4} S 0 ° 00' 11" W, along the East line of said Southeast Quarter, 26.51.78 feet to the Southeast cornier of said Section 16; thence (5} N 89°03'41" W, along the South line of said Southeast Quarter, 2665.56 feet to the Northeast corner of Lot 5, as shown on the "Sales Map, of Lands of Kern County Land~Company" filed in the Office of he Kern County Recorder, July 15, 1891;~thence . (6} S 0°38'30." W, along the East line of said Lot 5, a distance~of 1337.19 feet to the Southeast corner of said Lot 5; thence (7 } N 8~9 ° 08' 26" W, .along the South line of Lots 5-8 of said Sales Map, 2632.21 feet to the Southwest corner of said Lot 8; thence (8) S 0°25'09" W, along the East Right of Way of Coffee Road a distance of 1329..74 feet; thence (9 } S 0 ° 25' 39" W, a distance of 537.89 feet; thence (10} S 50°22'21" E, a distance of 187.80 -feet; thence (11} N 89°09'21" W, a distance of 99.10 .feet; thence (12 } S 49 ° 25' 21" E, a distance of 69.90 feet; thence (13} S 39°32'21" E, a~distance of 87.90 feet; thence (14) S 30°00'21" E, a distance of 144.60 feet; thence (15}.S 3°08'39" W, a distance of 82.30 feet; thence (16 } S 84 ° 32'21" E, a distance of 51.60 feet; thence (17) S 00°25'39" W, a distance of 301.00 feet; thence (18) S 12°31'39" W, a distance of 142.10 feet; thence (19) S 06°32'39" W, a distance of 100.50 feet; thence (20) S 00°.49'39" W, a distance of 1032.13 feet; thence (21} N 89°08'14" W, along said existing Corp-orate boundary and being 80.00 feet north of, as measured at right angles to, the South line of Section 20, a distance of 260 feet (mare or less); (22) N 89°08'14" W, along the South lines of Parcels 24 and 25 of said Parcel Map, No. 6521, recorded September 15, 1983 in Book 30, Page 6 in the Office of the Kern county Recorders, a distance of 1331.50 feet to the Southwest corner of said Parcel 25; thence (23) N 0°47'47" E, along the West line of said Parcel 25; a distance of 1062.60 feet, to an angle point in said West line of said parcel 2.5; thence (24) N 28°20'17" E, along said West line of Parcel 25, a distance of 233.40 feet to an angle point in the South line of Parcel 23 .of said parcel Map; thence. (2.5} S 79°26'17" W, along said South .line of Parcel 23, a distance of 223.59-feet to an angle point in said South line of said Parcel 23; thence (2 6 ) S 82 ° 25' 47 " W, along said. South. line of said Parcel 23 and the South. line of Parcel 22 of said Parcel Map, 327.20 feet to an angle point in said South line of said Parcel 22; thence (27) S 0°47'47" W, along said South line of said Parcel 22 and the East line of Parcel 26 of said Parcel Map, 1177..40 feet to the Southeast corner of said Parcel 26; thence (28} N 89 ° 08' 14" W along the South lines of Parcels 26, 2 and 1 of said Parcel Map, being 80..00 feet north of, as measured at right angles to, said South line of Section 20, a distance of 2681.54 feet to the Southwest corner of said Parcel 1; thence (29) N 0 °29' 05" E, along the West line of said Parcel 1, a distance of 150.00 feet to an angle point in said West line of said Parcel 1; thence ~ . 2 X30} N 89°08'14." W, along the South line. of said~Parcel 1, a distance of 150.00 feet to an angle point in said South line; thence (31 } N 0 ° 29' 05" E, ~ along the West line of said Parcel 1, and the East line of Parcel 6~of said Parcel Map, 1134.35 feet to an angle point in the South line of said Parcel 6; thence X32} N 89°08'14" W, along said South line of said Parcel 6, a distance of 690.77 feet to the Southwest corner~of said Parcel 6, being a point on the West line of the Southwest Quarter of said Section 20; thence (33) N 0°29'05" E, along the West line of said Parcel 6, being the West line of said Southwest Quarter, 1307.55 feet to the. Southwest corner of Parcel 7 of said parcel Map being the Southwest corner of the Northwest Quarter of said Section 20; thence (34) N 0°28'15" E, along the West line of said Parcel 7 and the West line of Parcel 11 of said Parcel Map, being the West line of said Northwest Quarter, 2670.29 feet to the Southwest corner of said Section 17; thence (35) N 0°35'09" E, along the West line of said Section 17, a distance of 5280.50 feet to the Southwest corner of said Section 8; thence X36) N 0°37'47" E, along the West line of the Southwest Quarter of said Section 8, a distance of 1977.30 feet to the intersection of said West line with the westerly prolongation of the North line of Parcel 3 of Parcel Map No . 3 2 4 9 recorded May 21, 197 6 in Book 16 of Parcel Maps at Page 7 in the Office of the Kern. County Recorder; thence (37 } S 88 ° 54'39 "~ E, along .said North line and westerly. prolongation thereof, 1321.50 feet to the Northeast corner of said Parcel 3, being a point on the West line of the East half of said Southwest . Quarter of Se~ctlon ~ 8 ; thence > (38) N 0°36'12" E, along said West line of the East half, 659.75 feet to the Northwest corner of said East half.; thence X39) S 88°54'39" E, along the North line of said East half, 360.58 feet to the Northwest corner of the East 300.00 feet of the West half of said East half of the. Southwest Quarter of Section 8; thence (40) S 0°35'24" W, along the. West line of said East 300:00 feet, 145.01 ,feet to the Southwest corner of the North 145.00 feet of said East 300.00 feet of the West half of the East half of the Southwest Quarter; thence 3 X4.1 } S 88 ° 54' 39" E, .along the South line of said North 145.00 feet, 300.01 feet to a paint on the East line of said West half of the East half of the Southwest Quarter; thence X42} N 0°35'24" E, along said East line,. 145.01 feet to the Northwest corner of ,the East half of the East half of said Southwest Quarter; thence (43 } S 88. ° 54' 3 9 " E, along the North line of said East hal f of the East half, 660.59 feet to the Northwest corner of the Southeast Quarter of said Section 8; thence.- (44} S 88 ° 54'.40" E, along the North line of said Southeast Quarter, 2642.74 feet to the point of beginning.. Excepting therefrom the Friant-Kern Canal in said Sections 8, 17 and 2 0 . JS:lh D 6:EXH22493 4