HomeMy WebLinkAboutMD Packet 1-02n~ I-o2 PROPOSITION 218 BALLOT CITY OF BAKERSFIELD CONSOLIDATED MAINTENANCE DISTRICT This assessment ballot is fior the use of the property owner of the parcels} identified below, which are proposed to be included in the City ofi Bakersfield Consolidated Maintenance District ~CMD). This assessment ballot may be used to express either support fior or apposition to inclusion within the CMD. To be counted, this assessment ballot must be signed below by the owner or, if the owner is not an individual, by an authorized representative of the owner. [TO CAST THIS BALLOT, PLEASE RETURN TH/S ENTIRE PAGE] OFFICIAL ASSESSMENT BALLOT Property Owner: Property description: ~~ V .~..+..+....a~~ ~r b' 1. lotiblvcklfracf or ofher legal descripfl The individual annual assessments fior fiscal year 2g04~2g05 shall not exceed $146.70 per equivalent dwelling unit, In each subsequent year, annual assessments may increase by the cost ofi living reflected in the Los Angeles-Riverside-Orange County All Urban Consumer's Consumer price Index. ASSESSMENT BALLOT MEASURE Sha11 the City Council of the City of ; Bakersfield include the above described Yes property within the Consolidated Maintenance District and levy an assessment not to exceed 4 No the amount set forth above? Owner signature: I ~4~ _ 1"itle cif representin~- owner); _~,__ ~~ S ~ __ a 3 ~~ ate ~ PLANNING APPLICAI`lON PACKET -LAND DIVISIQN SUPPLEMENT.DOC February 5, 2007 P~ v~r o~- ~ o ., ~.: NaTIC~ a~ ~x~-M~' 1 ~Ut nnin and Research ~~ Ta Oif ice of F'la ~ ~n~- h ~"N ._ ....~.- Room 1 ~ 1 140D Tenth Street, ~'~~ ~ Sacramento, CA g581 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ . ~~' ~' M Covnty Clerk --" ~ t o i ,~ .- C• Y o e c t T 1 t }e ~~~, J`'~~ l ill T~N~ ~ M~ ~' ~ rs ~ 0.2# ~~- .'~ . . ocatlon-S~~iilc ` ~~~p~ ~}w~N~~~ .~o~l~ ~ra)ect L NN ~ >.~~3~ ~~ ~5~~ ~~ ~/~ ~ ~~ a ~ ~~ N o ~~+ n ~' ~ ~ ~. tr eation--~oUntY C~ P~~~~ ~' Project Lo Urp jest ~,pCatlOn--Clt y ~~--~~-~ ~ L'" , ~s o~ Project azure Purp~e, ar~d ~eneiiciara.. ~ .~, ,,,,,,a~ ~~w aescriptlon of N , G~ I~~~ o~ ~ S ~~5~ 5 ~ ~1~5 n ~'~~ ~l~ ~ L ~Q hl~lc A enC}- ~~pprovn.~, ~'roje t Name o~ Pu ~~~ ~~ . ~..!`1~`1' ~ ~ ut Pro ect ,Person or .Agency Carrying d l ~1ame of :A ~~ ~ ~~ xem t Status: lCheck C~e~ ~ P ' ' aerial (SPc. ~SDi 3) ~~ __.._--- ~ I n LS ~ p o~ G ~ 1 ~a )) i~clar~d Lmerl,,nc} (S.-~. ~,~ ----- .p Sec. ~3D71 fib) and (c)) Amer envy Pro~..ct ( potion number. ---,---~- ~ ~ m t~ on. State t} pe and. s.. Categorical axe p . ,~, ~ ~ ~, ~. Cc-~ ' P *' Reasons whY Pro~e~t is e~,pm t• Q M ~~. ~T7~ ~ xtpns~on a Tele none ~ S Cod P hrea Contact Person ~- t if ~ileo b}' aPpli~ant: p em ton f inding• Attach Gerti~ipd do~ur~ent of ..x p r ,~ a envy approYjng 1. m tlon .been f ~Ied b} the pubU g 2 Nas a notice o~ exe p the pro' eat ? Yes ate Received .for filing ~ /// .C . r p Sl~,r~atur.. ...~-- title Revised ~anvary ~9~5 ,~ (~ , . ~1OT 4. research F'RO~: Office of planning and ~~ TC?: ~ ~ T~oom 121 ~.~.~--.~-~- 1400 Tenth ~t~ eet, ~~".~ cramento, C~ Q5814 Sa ~,~ ~C .. ~ot~nty clerk ~t of ~ ~o y pra~ject Title ~f7~ ~~ ~~~f~h'1 ~2- ~v ~~s~~~~ ~~~~ "~": ~~ ~{ ~~ ~ ''1"' ~,~. q 3 3a I ~. 1 ~' ~ 7-- r `~ g g ~,q P ~~ ~v ~ c~L ~t Location-5pec~~ic -V~~ 7~ /~d5~"~,~-~ bra 1 e ~ p 2?7-f v F ~'~~'~ ~ ~~ ~~Y N ,2 ~ ~f~~~" 77~ I ~~~~1 r2vM C.,~~~~~ Y .~ t v ,~NI~ ~ Project LQCation•-Cou~nty ~rq'~~ Loution~-~CitY ;l ~~ w ~~ ~. i~iaries of Project azure Purpose, and ~enef ~~ cr ~ p ti on v ~ N ~ ~ ~, 5 -~,~ °~~ n~ ~ rovi~~~ Project ~1ame o~ Public Rge Y PP 4 ~~~ ~ ect ~~ rr ,~n put Pro) one of ,~ersan ar Rgency Ca ~ g ~ `~ ~ ~~ ~I~S ~~' ~ ~~~~~~ .. 'm t S+,;atus: lChe~k .~1ne) ~x~ P . ~ al (Sec. i5~73) ~~ N~~n~ster~ ~ p ~ - (Soc, iSQi l ta)) Declared F~rn~rg~-n } ~p71 (b) and tc)) --~= Pro' ect (Sec. l5 FmergenGX 1 ~ e t - e a.nd section number. .~""~` sate orical i*xemption. 5 gat } P __.~- g ~ ,~~~ ~' o ~- ~~ ~ `~ ns wh roje~t is oxpmpt: Reaso Y P ~~J~7~~~~ ~~ ~ j~ ,mil 0~ . ,~ ~ ~ '~ ~ _ p ~,Kt ens io n L'S7~~ d~ ~ ~ non.. ~. ~ area Co Con -act Person ~,, ~~~.~ ~~~ ~G1-t , , I~ filed ay applicant: e tion ~inding• teach cert~~l°d document of ex mp ubi'ic a envy apprav~ng 1' ~ ~ m tion been ~~led by the p g ~, Nas a nonce of exe p the ra j ect ? ~ °S _..~.. N° ----- P ate Re'~eivad .for Filing U ~ignatur° .~ ~~~ ;, ~~ll`1 ~~ Title s ~Avised ~anuar~' 195 ~D, ~t<~~~~y ~, a~ ~y.~Ml'~lc.~r~ NOTI~ . (Public ~~genc}') ~-~-- ~eSearoh r~OM. ~,A N 1 ``dice of Manning anal ~ ~ TQ: Ol r ._ .~..:-. Tenth Street, Tloom 121 ~~pp 9514 ~~ Sacramento, C1~ /~ ~~K. ~ bounty Clerk .r._.. Comity o~ cx No,1~ o'eCt Title ~` h'I~tIN~r"~~-~~~'~ ~+~~~~ Pr l 5~5~~~~`~ ~~ MAp AND ~5 ~, 1, $ .~ ~~ ~~ ~. ~( cat~or~-Slaeciiic ~ ~ -~ pG~/V~ D~~ ~ro~ect Lo ~ ~ ~ Q ' ~ ~ - ` ~ ~ ovation-County R. ~ Proyect ~- ~ro jest Location~jt Y r~l" ~J~ PrA eCt . ~~'~ ° iC~ar yes of ) ~` and ~ene~ of Nature, Purpose, q u~~~~ ~o~'/~S ~e5 cx ~P ti on ~c~ ~s~e A env}~ f~ppro~'~ing Project ,, Name o~ ~ubi1e g . ~, ~ . ~~'`~~ ~~ ~ ~ -Out Frole~t of Person Qr Agency CarrY~n~ ~, have. r ~/~~' l ~'L~ ''~ ~~ ~'' ~~ ~ 1 Unel k hec ~Xempt Status. lC i isterial ~Spc. i~G73) ~'n (~ac• 15G7i ~a)) """"...`. declared ~ergpn~y 0i 1 (b) and (c)) ---- r env project ~Se=• i5 ection number. _..~._.- ~,me g y ion. State t}'pe and s C,ategoc~~a~ exempt A~ L ~~ ~ ~ S T ,~ pasons why proj`~t is ex°mP ~° ~a ~ ~ ~ (LT7oN a ~ o ~xtpn5lon f ~.,~ ~'~ e 1 e non.. S~~ ~ tea Cone ~ p A ,~~~tact Person , ,! ~,,.. ~ ~' ~J ~~ ~o ~ ~~ filed by applicant: exemption ~inding• in ~ h cert~f Bpd document o~ ubl~c agency approV ~ ~, Attac : Lion bAOn iiled by the p 2, Nas a notice o~ exemp the ro' e~t ? Yes _____ f ~?o _____ p ,: , to deceived . ~ or Filing ~,~.-~ . 1z ~ Sa~nptur° G R'i 7i~1~ ~ ~ ar~~ 1°~5 ~ Revised ~anu , ,~ U , F1LCG TE~f~ECO '92 DEC 15 AM II: 25 CITY CLERK December 13, 1982 City Council City of Bakersfield 1501 Truxtun Avenue Bakersfield, CA 93301 Gentlemene This letter is written to request that you establish a maintenance district under Chapter 13.04 of Ti t1 e 13 of the Muni ci pa1 Code of the City of Bakersfield for certain public improvements in the area generally described as Campus Park. See attached maps Tenneco Realty Development Corporation is the owner of this property which consists of~approximately 440 acres including road gays and easements which either are or wi 11 be dedicated to the City. The assessor's parcel involved is numbered 357~030~19. This property is zoned far high, medium, and law residential development and commercial development in accordance with the City of Bakersfield's General Plan. The public improvements proposed to be maintained by the district are, i n general , street 1 andscapi ng, walls, signs and parks. Sincerely, TENNECO REALTY DEVELOPMENT cORPORAT~ON ~~"~ C. H. Tolfree Vice President pb enc~ ~It evio ent ATenneco Company P0. fax 9360 Ba~cerafield, California 93369 (fi051 X35 -fi000 December 16, 192 ,C1T~` CLr~iC City Council City of Bakersfield 1501 Truxtun avenue Bakersfield, CA 96301 Gentlemene This letter is written to request that you establish a maintenance district under Chapter 13.04 of Title 16 of the Muni ci pa1-Code of the City of Bakersfield for certain public ir~provements in the area generally described as The Oaks. See attached maps Tenneco Realty Development Corporation is the owner of this property which consists of appraximately X60 acres including read ways and easements which either are or will be .dedicated to the City. The assessor's parcels involved are numbered 357-020-14, 657-020-10, 357m020-7, and 357-030-19. This property is zoned for high, r~edium, and law density residential development i n accordance with the City of Bakersfiel d a s General Plan. The public improvements proposed to be maintained by the district are., i n general , street 1 andscapi ng, wal 1 s, signs, and, parks . sincerely, TENNECO REALTY DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION ,~' C. Ne Tolfree Vice President FILED TEC~NECO '82 L1Fr I5 AM I I: Z5 pb ~e~,nec e~ty ~e~~,r~t ATenneCO Company P0. Box 93~Q Bal~erafield, California 9339 Ia051 a35-sa®o r~~~ ~~2 e~~ 15 a~+~ i i : ~5 CI i Y CLERK December 13, 1982 TENNECO yil A °k S City Counci l City of ~akersfi el d 1501 Truxtun Avenue ~akersfi el d, CA 93301 Gentlemen: This letter is written to request that you establish a maintenance district under Chapter 13 a 04 of Title 13 of the f~uni ci pal Code of the-City of Dakersfield for certain public improvements in the area generally described as Naggin Oaks. See attached maps Tenneco Realty Development Corporation is the owner of this property which consists of approximately 240 acres including road ways and easements which either are or wi11 be dedicated to the City. The assessor°s parcels involved are numbered 35~-020-10 and 357-020-7`. This property is zoned for medium and low density residential development in accordance with the City of Dakersfield°s General Plan. The public improvements proposed to be maintained b tie district are, in general, street landscaping, walls, signs and an .~ ~5 • P ~'~ S~ ncerely, TENNECO REALTY DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION C. H. T lfree Vice President pb December 13, 1982 k-t_ D,~ (o City Council City of Bakersfield 1501 Truxtun Avenue Bakersfield, CA 93301 Gentlemens This letter is written to request that you establish a maintenance district under Chapter 13.04 of Title 13 of the Municipal Code of the City of Bakersf i e1 d for certain public improvements i n the area generally described as Parkside Village South. (.see attached maps Tenneco Realty Development Corporation is the owner of this property which consists of~approximately 180 acres including road gays and easements which either are or will be dedicated to the pity. The assessors parcels involved are numbered 35.7-020-11, 357-020-7, and 357-030-17. This property is designated for medium density residential development i n accordance with the City of Bakersf i el d' s General P1 an . The publ i c improvements proposed to be maintained by the district are; in general, street landscaping, walls, signs and open space, ie. parks. Sincerely, TENNECO REALTY DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION ~; .~ C. H. T free Vice President pb ~~~~ Tenneco deal#y v l t ATenneCO Company P0. Box 9386 Bakersfield, Califarnia 93389 (B05( B35-640a o~ '32 -0EC 15 AM I I: ZS CITY CLEnK December 13, 1982 „~ ~ ~ ~ City Counci 1 City of Bakersfield 1501 Truxtun avenue Ba ke rs f i e 1 d, CA 93301 fi Gentlemena This letter is written to request that you establish a maintenance di sari ct under Chapter 13.04 of Title 13 of the Municipal Code of the City of Bakersfield for certain public improvements i n the area generally described as Stockdale Centre. See attaehed maps Tenneco Realty Development Corporation is the owner of this property which cansists of approximately lC0 acres including road ways and easements which either are or will be dedicated to the City, The assessor's parcel invoiced is nu~bered 351-010-33. This property i s zoned for cor~merci a l development i n accordance with the City of Bakersfield's General Plan. The public improvements proposed to be maintained by the district are, in general, street landscaping, walls, signs and parks. Sincerely, TENNECO REALTY DEUEI.OPMENT CORPORATION C. N. Talfree vice President pb PORTER ROBERfiSON ENGINEERING & SURVEYING, INC. March 28, ~oo~ Mr. Dan Anson City of Bakersfield Public Works Department 1501 Truxtun Avenue Bakersfield, CA 93301 Re: Parcel Map Waiver No. 06-1084 Dear Dan, Please find attached the official assessment ballot for Parcel Map Waiver No. 06-1084. PARCEL MAP WAIVER NO.06-1084; JC/CP DEVELOPMENT, INC. A CALIFORNIA COPORATION RON FROEHLICH, PRESIDENT 7 LOTS If you have any questions please feel free to contact me. Thank you for your time and attention in this important matter. 'ncerely, ~~ ~~ ~ Sara Van De Valk 1200 - 21st STREET • BAKERSFIELD, CA 93301 • 661/327-0362 • FAX 661/327-1065 ,e y C t !-~~~0 O~S7 !, 1Y/6S ~1 LL~ ~~Io~! 1 fB 1~ ATenneco Company P0. Box 938 Bakersfield, Caligornia 93389 (8051 835 - 6000 'B2 DES IS AM19 Ii: [~ ,~~~~ t.~~~~~i December 13, i9B2 ~, ~Ni~~ .~ City Council City of Bakersf i el d 1501 Truxtun Avenue Bakersfield, CA 93301 Gentlemen: This letter is written to request that you establish a maintenance district under Chapter 13.04 of Title 13 of the Municipal Code of the City of Bakersfield for certain public improvements i n the area generally described as Parkside village South. See attached maps Tenneco Realty Development Corporation is the owner of this property which consists oaf approximately 1SO acres including ,road ways and easements which either are or wi 11 be deli Bated to the City. The assessors parcels involved are numbered 357-020-11, 357-020-7, and 357-030-17. This property is designated for medium density residential development in accordance with the City of Bakersfield's General Plan. The public improvements prap~sed to be maintained by the district are, in general, street landscaping, wa11s, signs and open space, ie. parks. Sincerely, TENNECO REALTY DEVELOPMENT ~4RPORAT~ON . ;~` C. N. free Vice President pb Tenn c Really ~ Selo nn~nt ATenneCO Company P0. Box 9330 ®akersfield, California 93339 0051 335 -fi000 December 13, 1982 ~~~~ City Council City of Bakersfield 1~Q1 Truxtun Avenue Bakersfield, CA D3301 Gentlevene This letter is written to request that you establish a maintenance di sari ct under Chapter 13.04 of Title 13 of the 1~uni ci pa1 Code of the City of Bakersfield for cer~ai n public improvements i n the area generally described as Carpus Park. See attached snap} Tenneco Realty Development Corporation is the owner of this property which consists of appraximately 440 acres including road ways and easements which either are or will be dedicated to the City. The assessor's parcel involved is numbered 35~~030-19. This property is zoned for high, medium, and low residential development and commercial development in accordance with the City of Bakersfield`s General Plan, The public improvements proposed to be maintained by the district are, i n genera 1, .street 1 andscapi ng, walls, signs and parks. Si nce~~ly, TENNECO REALTY DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION C"~/~ C. H. Tolfree Vice President i.,. ~ LJ '82 DES 15 Aid II: 25 pb Tenneco Realty v to rn n A Tenneco Company eo. Box93~o Bakersfield, California 9339 oao51 ass-sooo December 139 192 CIiY CL~~~~ City Council City of Bakersfield 1501 Truxtun Avenue 6akersfield9 CA 93301 Gentlemen: This letter is written to request that you establish a maintenance district under Chapter 13.04 of Ti t1 e 13 of the Muni ci pa1 Code of the City of Dakersfield for certain public improvements in the area generally described as The Oaks. (See attached maps Tenneco Realty Development Corporation is the owner of this property which consists of approximately 4~0 acres including road gays and easements which either are or wi11 be dedicated to the City. The assessor`s parcels invalved are numbered 357-020-149 357x020-109 357-020-79 and 357-030-19. This praperty is zoned for high, medium9 and low density residential level opment i n accordapce with the City of ~akersfi e1 d `s General R1 an . The public improvements proposed to be maintained by the district are9 i n general. 9 street 1 andscapi ng, wal 1 s 9 signs, and, parks . Sincerely, TE~~ECO REALT`~ DE~ELOPME~T CORPORATION ~~ C. H. Tolfree Vice President T~~~~~~ F '82 DES 15 AM I I: Z~ pb ~'en~ co eat e~ to rnent ATenneco Company P0. Boy X380 Bakersfield, California 9338 (~05 1835-6000 December 13, 198?_ City Council City of Bakersfield 1501 Truxtun Avenue Bakersfield, CA 93301 Gentlemen: ,CITY CLERK ~~~c~~ This letter is written to request that you establish a maintenance district. under Chapter 13.04 of Title 13 of the Municipal Code of the City of Bakersfield for certai n publ i c improvements i n the area generally described as Stackdale Centre. -(See attached maps Tenneco Realty Development Corporation is the owner of this property which consists of approximately 16Q acres including road ways and easements which either are or will be dedicated to the City. The assessor`s parcel involved is numbered 35~~010~33. This property is zoned for commercial development in accordance with the City of Bakersfield's General Plan. The public improvements proposed to be maintained by the district are, in general, street landscaping, walls, signs and parks. Sincerely, TENNECO REALTY DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION ~~ ~~ C. H. Tolfree Vice President ~1~~~ '82 DEC 15 AM II: 25 pb °T nneco fealty vela rti rat ATenneco Company P0. eox 9380 ~aker~~ie4d, Cali#arnia 93389 1805 I X35-6000 December 13, 1982 City Counci 1 City of Bakersfield 1501 Truxtun Avenue ~akersfii el d, CA 93301 Gentlemeno C1~Y LE~~ This letter is written to request that you establish a maintenance district under Chapter 13°04 ofi Title 13 of the Municipal Cade of the City of Bakersfield for certain public improvements in the area generally described as Haggin Oaks. (See attached r~ap~ Tenneco Realty Development Corporation is the owner of this property which consists of approximately 240 acres including road ways and easements which either are or will be dedicated to the City. The assessor`s parcels invalved are numbered 357-020-10 and 357-020-7. This property is zoned for medium and low density residential development in accordance with the City of Bakersfield`s General Plan. The public improvements proposed to be maintained by the district are, in general, street landscaping, walls, signs and plans. . sincerely, TENNECO REALTY DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION C ~~ C. H. T 1free Vice President ~~~~ ~~~~~ ., ~~~ ear, i 5 ~~>> i i : t5 pb ~ . ~~~ ~:~ s ~~ A T~nreca Ca~r~~n~ ~'.0. Bax ~38Q g~kersfie~d, C~{ifarni~ 93~89.938~ f~a~~ f~35-~a~o October 1: , . ]. ~ S ~ ~~~~~o~ t.~ :.+~ i 1 u .~ ,.~ .+.. a. ~....~. ~.a f vii .,~ ..i ..~ w .... yr"" r i ~, r r K .. , ~Ga~" Mr. saalf ~.eld a . ~'ou ~i l~. reca3.l our conversation and correspondence ear:~er this year conoern.~.ng the foxn~ation of five (5~ maintenance . d~.stricts. Enc~.osed are copies of the almost final draft of docur~ee:nts required to set up the districts . ~o~~ wil:~ note that the map and assessment diagrar~s are not . included, and property descriptions in 'the documents are riot fi~..ed in. Thee detai~.s ~~ill be taken ..care of and . r~vie~red with the Public Works department in the near fu tune . Mea~~- ~~hile , we' r•e submitting the drafts for your consents A ~ be~.E~,~e the fol~.~owin~ ~.nformati.or~will en.ab~.e ~a~ ~~ quickly d~:.sc~~~ the df~renc~s .,Nand similarities in: the dive s~~s ~f . -dc~c~~~e~t~s . r~ocumer~t~ ion three of the five pro~aosed dis~.ricts are ide~ti~ ~~~. except for the property descriptions and titles. Thas~ aye entitled, The Oaks r ~aggin oaks and PAEC~ ~ ~ There wild. be res t.C~e nt ia1 ~.e~el.opr~ent only and parks , as we1~1 as street land- sGa~zng, to be m~a:intained -in those distr_ic:ts. The ~toc~-da~.e Cen~re district documents differ because that distr~.ct ~ri~.l inc3.ude only, cor~m~rcia~. development and no parks w~.l~. be m~.~.n-~ tamed . Final~.y, the ~ Campus dark. ~str:i.ct ~r.ill inr~ude oo~nmer~ c.~.al and residential development, .and ~~i11. mainta~,n parks. as w~e~~. as other ~.andscap~.ng. Naturally the dacur~.ents for t~.at distr. ict differ .from the - other two varieties of districts . The pr .~nc .pal areas of difference are the benefit asse~sr~ent ~orr~ulas r reasons therefor ~ in the Public director' s Report} ~ and the ~.ist ~:~ im rovemen-~s to be maintained. p . - - -- . :, ~f .these documents r~eet with your approval, and once the Pu~~.ic ~~'orks ~epart~nent approves the maps and descript~.ons, we would like to put. the z~natter before the Council as soon as poss~.ble. We wi l ~. submit a f orr~al letter to that effect when we hear from yQ"a • P:t,ea se inform ~zs o.f the appropr. late numbers for the d i str lots ~o ~~e may f nab: i ~e the maps . ~~ . ~r~hur ~ . ~aa~.~i.a1.c~ ~ssistan~ City' .~~~a~r~a~r kaga 2 ~l~ae dan ~ ~ ha~i~ate to gall i~ :~ur~ha~r ~.n~ax~ma ~.iar~ ~.~ ~a~~~~ . nary ~ Y ~rau qua ~er~ ~. Ande~~au ~a~~pa~ate ~au~.~el En~~.asure~ cc. ~usa~ ~ahar~ Larry WilZia~s MEMORANDUM ~ MAY 3 1989 s T0: ~ TOM DARNELL, ENGINEERING TECHNICIAN I FROM: JIM MOVIUS PRINCIPAL PLANNER SUBJECT: TRACT 5035 As discussed on April 19, 1989 the above tract is released. by the Planning Department from their obligation, under Planning Department condition number 11, to provide a letter of commitment from an adjacent property owner to provide park acreage. Said condition is worded as follows: Prior to recordation of the final map the applicant shall secure a form of commitment acceptable to the. City Attorney's Office from __ the .adjacent property owner to the west,committing himself to making property designated on .the concept plan available for a park site. This decision is based on the following facts: `' A. The developer on Tract 5035 has already paid in-lieu fees to North Bakersfield Parks and Recreation Department and has therefore satisfied their park . requirement obligations. l B. The park site .is .depicted on. the property to the west of Tract 5035 on the approved conceptual plan for "'McIntosh General Plan" area south of Brimhall Road. C. The owner of said property to the west of Tract 5035 refuses to provide such a letter. .gyp ,. _. iy r.....,:'. g.:.. ~~,Rf...~`'iF Y'' v, :mow. u ~ ... .. .. y y . 7f ~, ~ twp~~ f ~~~ ,Fp~y~;7 {/ R fr ~_~R S F ~~0.. ~ ! j ' Pi ~NY1 1c '~' .~ ~ ~ gy p~ gp ~ i ~ 1' ;, . .. K i( § ~ ,* rt 4~ ~ . Cs . ~~~ ~if 4 ~ A> .~ A f , r C t~tr~': Jyy.~ ~` !r ~ ~:~ 4( ~ ~ i ~ .. _ ~ w ~,.'~ i ., ,~ ~` r ~ F r ~K ~t ~ - ' ~ a ~ ~v.d+• ~'`,..iwl,.c l ''~` .:~.. ~ L ~ ~S..r..1 4~r' t f"~y ,^ .,. ~ ^~ v ~~ ^( f ~~ +w. S~ ~^, 7 !• ~f ~ ~ '~"~' ~ r~~ ~~ ~.~~~~~ ~ ~~~, ~~~ ~ ;`L I ~' ~+~ { ~ ~ r ~ ~ w~' ~ ~..rd ,,,~ la ~ ; ,.~ ~ ~ r ~ ~ I I } ~~ ~,'~~ G / "~~ /iv'v,.~t ,a i . r'~~f I' A'r~ ~ ~ ~~. 3 ~~ r ~......_ _.. _ .. _ ...... ! k ' ~ ~ ~ ~/L. 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J r r ,r""' ~ ~ 2. , i~ '• ~ f' ~ f 111 ~ ~ ; ~," {An..: pp ~..r^ ~ ~ ~ +~.~A Rea ~~ ~~ j } 11 f~~ V ~ /f{{ ~ /qr"~ „"Tw.•. ` - - ~ r r ~~ 6 ~ "`~°" ~ ;.. ~ ¢ ~ ~ 1 ~ w' ,~..rye~~JJ' ~ 4 i'r/. ~ I~~ V '~a~ ,l~ 57 I~ d `yR.i.e ~~ ' ~ ~eltllGlorih EXHIBIT "A" MAINTENANCE DISTRICT NO. 21 ____ ._ tROSEDALE} BOUNDARIES OF DISTRICT LEGAL DESCRIPTION A Parcel of land situated in the County of Kern, State of California, being a portion of Sections 28, 29, 30, 31, 32 and 33, Township 29 South, Range 27 East, M.D.B.&M., more particularly described as follows :. Beginning at a point on the west line of said Section 32, said, point lies S.00°43'19"w., 209.3$ feet from the west quarter corner of said Section 32, said point being on the Corporation Boundary of the City of Bakersfield; THENCE S.88°59'59"w., along said Corporate Boundary, 40.07. feet to intersect the west line of the. east 40.00 feet of said Section 31, said point being the True Point of Beginning; THENCE tl) Department from said corporate boundary along a line parallel with the east line of said Section 31, N.00°43'22"E., 2847.67 feet more or less to intersect the north line of said Section 31; THENCE t2) N.00°14'43"E., 30.00 feet to a point on the north right of way line of Brimhall Road tCo. Rd. No. 589); THENCE t3) East. along said north right of way line 10.00 feet to a point on the west right of way line of Calloway Road tCo. Rd. No. 360).; THENCE t4) Along said west right of way line of Calloway Road, N.00°14'43"I~., 1072.20 feet to a point on the westerly prolongation of the south line of parcel 1 of Parcel Map 3582 recorded in Book 16 of Parcel Maps at Page 70 in the Office of the Kern County Recorder; THENCE t5) 5.89°46'49"E., 1322.58 feet to the southeast corner of Parcel 2 of said Parcel Map; THENCE (6) N.00°14'.01"E., 220.36 feet to the southwest corner of Lot 22 of the Sales Map of Lands of Kern County Land Company filed August 20, 1890, in the Office of the Kern County Recorder; Page 1 of 3 Maintenance District No. 21 Legal Description EXHIBIT "A" - Continued THENCE t7) N.00°12'49"E., 646.33 feet along west line of said lot 22; THENCE t8) S.89°48'11"E., 661.06 feet to a point on the east line of said lot 22; THENCE t9) N.00°12'29"E., 711.23 feet to a point on the south right of way line of the Atchison Topeka and Santa Fe Railroad; THENCE t10) S.89°47'39"E., along said south railroad right of way line, 660.98-feet to a point on the north- south midsection line of said Section 29; THENCE tll) N.00°13'20"E., along said midsection line, 2579.11 feet to the south right of way line of Rosedale Highway tState Route VI KER 58); THENCE tl2) along said south right of way line, S.89~°43'16"E., 2098.65 feet; THENCE t13) continuing along said south right-of-way line, S.8?°49'16"E., 305.20 feet; . THENCE tl4) Lion line o THENCE t15) THENCE t16) THENCE (17) THENCE t18) of -way 1 i ne 5.88°31'16"E., 241.15 f said Section 28 ; N.89°32'14"E., 266.50 5.89°57'16"E., 34?.40 N.88°00:'44"E., 250.20 S.89°42'16"E., 201.93 of Calloway Canal; feet to the west sec- feet; feet; feet; feet to the west right- THENCE t19) southerly along said west right of way line , parallel with and 150.00 feet westerly as measured per- pendicularly from the existing Calloway Cana l . centerline, to the intersection of the north line of the SW ~ of the NW ~ . of said Section 28 ; THENCE t 20) N. 89 ° 47' 26 "W. , .along said north. line to a point which is 797.18 feet bearing S.89°47'26"E., from the north 1/16 corner of said Sections 28 and 29 and being on the. east right of way line of~the Friant-Kern Canal; then continuing along said east right of way line on the follov~~ing (l9) nineteen courses: Page 2 of 3 ~~ tc t Maintenance District No. 21 Legal Description EXHIBIT "A" - Continued THENCE (21) S.09°13'00"E., 238.20 feet; THENCE {22) S.46°48'00"E., 320.70 feet; THENCE (23) S.45°00'00"W., 40.80 feet; . THENCE {24) S.45°00'00"E., 50.00 feet; . THENCE (25) N.45°00'00"E., 51.00 feet; THENCE {26) 5.47°12'00"E., 594.20 feet; THENCE (27) S.00°22'00"W., 305.20 feet; THENCE {28) S.00°22'00"W., 100.00 feet; THENCE {29) S.89°36'00"E., 15.$0 feet; THENCE {30) S.00°56'00"W., 35.00 feet; THENCE {31) S.00°56'00"W., 571.90 feet; THENCE t32) S.03°14'00"W., 400.50 feet; ' THENCE (~33) S.02°06'00"E., 349.60 feet; THENCE (34) 5.00°22'00"W., 250.80 feet; THENCE {35) S.O1°48'00"W., 400.10 feet; THENCE (36) S.00°22'00"W., 500.00 feet; THENCE {37) 5.04°38'00"E., 172.00 feet to the south line of said Section ~ 28; THENCE (38) along said south line S.89°36'00"E.,.85.00 feet; THENCE {39) S.00°22'00"W., 939.48 feet more or less to a point on the Corporate Boundary of the City of Bakersfield; .- THENCE (40) South and west along the various courses of the .said Corporation Boundary to the true point. of beginning. Containing 980.57 acres of land, more or less. DH/meg M MAIN 4 MD2I.EXA.1 6/01/89 Page 3 of 3 1 o F '~' ,' , ,..._ i i ~~11 ref-A 1 ~~`T ~ 1~1~1~ ~ t D I S i r~ i i i 1~~. ~ I BAXERSFIFLD CALIF R n NlA FOR FISCAL YEAR 19 8a -1989 ~45~ U4L C ulON W4Y J v 7 0 J Ate A39ES9JiENT NAS LEVIED 8Y THT CITT COUNCIL ON TtiL LOTB, PIECES AfiD PtHC£L5 OF LAND.ssH01fl~-OI; TRIB°A68E88YENT DIL- GRIY. -•.AID°A86LSSi(LKT-iAS LL'9IEU ON ?RL DAY OT IA67; SAID' AS8E89IiLii? ~'?Z`AA>< AKD t ~R~",'']t~LL MERE RECORDED IK THL OTTICL OJ TAR DEPARTItENT OY PUBLIC RORKB OT RAID CITY ON TAt WY Ot ., IOET. RLILRLKCL I1 NADL '!~'~`11c A85Ps~~'Lh'F'f'A~LZ"Z(T~RDLD Ili THt OlT1CL OT THL DLPARTYCI~T' OT PUBLIC tORXB TOR THE tXACT AMOUNT OT IACH A89E881tLNT LEVIED AGAIti3T JrACi{ PARCEL OT LAND 6HD1-N ON TIiIB ABSE9S- Ii.:KT DIAGRAM. ITI' LERk OF THE I OP BA1(ERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA TILED FOR RECORD THIS DAY OY ; DISTRICTS _ IN THL OF aF~O~'iHE COUA7Y RECORDED OE THE COQRiY-~SY KERN, S?ATE OY CALIFORNIA, GALE s CMSr40 by r. RECORDED IN THE OFFICE OF THE DLPARTNEAT OF PUBLIC IrURKS TH15 DAY OF 1947. $AKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA IILED IN THE OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK THIS p,AY OP ~, 1987, "_"' 5l-KERSFIELD, CtiLI!'OR!~Il: ~"«T ~'~ ~ C~ v~LG~~ y Cd~ld L ~ ~•~~ r• ,~-