HomeMy WebLinkAboutMD Packet 1-03NOTICE OF EXEMPTION T0: County Clerk COUNTY OF KERN 1415 Truxtun Avenue Bakersfield, CA 93301 Project Title: assessment diagram. yy A 1 ~ '',; 1 i~ ~r-~~ ' Appendix I ':~ ~ ~~~ Project Location-Specific: generally bound by Olive Drive on the north the Cit Limits on .the east Ha eman Road on the south and Fruitvale Avenue on the west. _____ Project Location-City: Bakersfield Project Location-County: Kern Description of Project: Addition of territo to this Maintenance District for the maintenance of street median and public street landscapin;. Name of Public Agency Approving Project: CITY OF BAKERSFIELD Name of Person or Agency Carrying Out Project : DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS Exempt~Status: (Check One} Ministerial (.Sec. 21080 (b} (1} ; 15268 (a} ; . Declared Emergency (Sec. 21080 (b} (4}; 15269 (b} (c); Emergency. Project fSec. 210.8.0 (b} (4}; 15269 (b} (c);~ x Categorical Exemption. State type and section number. Section 15305 _ Statutory, Exemptions. State code. number. Reasons why. project is exempt: Minor alteration in land use limitations with formation of Maintenance District 107-86 Sec. III Lead Agency Contact Person:DEWAYNE STARNES Area Code/Telephone/Extension:(805} 326-3581 If filed by applicant: 1. Attach certified .document of exemption finding. 2. Hasa Notice of Exemption been filed by the public. agency approving the project? Yes x No Signature: Date: Enginee IV--Design x Signed by Lead Agency Date received for filing at OPR: x Signed by Applicant A:NOE1106.1 JAS:jas ~aT~c~ of ~~vi~oN~r~~~~~ ~ocu~r .r.-. -,r.E~,~ POSTED OY C~ ~ °~~ ~l~RK FOR PERIOD FROM .~.._.~. . 2It (C), Pl~~l$~ ~~y~~.~~;~.:~~ CODE ~ c "Ve~ ~V~WC.~ HOl4~S ~~3 JANUARY l1, 1991 ~iR. ~c~N H~GGATT CITY ~~ BAK~RS~I~L~ 101 TRUXT~N AVE. BAK~RS~IL~~, CA. R~:ST'R~~TSCAP~ -TRACT ~~1~ - ~ ~1~AR i~R. H~GGATT, ~, ~~~ ~~ i aQcl~~ -~° /`~ 2 AS PAR vUR T~L~PH~N~ CvNV~RSATI~N ~N JANUARY 7,1991, (~UL~ LIKE Tt~ R~~U~ST THE INCLUSIvN v~ THE N~GI STR~FTSCAP~ AREA LIJCAT~~ t~N T"H~ SOUTH SI~~ ~~ t~L 1 V~ SPRINGS ~R. , BAST SI~~ ~1~ ~RUITVAL~ AVM, AT THE Ct?RN~R ~~ ~"LIV~ SPRINGS ~R. ~ ~RUITVAL~ INTO THE ~XSISTING i~IINTANANC~ DISTRICT ~~R TRACT 501. TNT AREA BORDERS THE Nt3RTN (7F 7H~ CITY RFI"~NTI~N BASIN AN'D CONTAINS APPROXIMATEIy 3550 SQ. ~T., A~'D LANDSCAPING CON~(7RMS Td THE ~XSISTING STR~~TSCAP~. THANK y~U ~vR YOUR C~NSI~~RATIi~N. SINC~R~Ly, ~~~in~ G~RAL~ ALMGTZ~N 3333 Wible Road • Bakersfield, CA 93309 • 832-1478 • Lic. # 475861 March 12 , ~ 9 ~ C ~ ty of fake rsf i e ~ d Pubs i c V~orks Department X501 Truxtun Avenue Da~ersfield, OA ~3~01 Re e Tract 5421 Dear Ted: ~~-~~~ I.n a~ccord~n.~e ~~th Punning Department condition ~o. 5 shown on s~he~t 10 of the T~ntativ~ Tract Conditions for the above `_referenc~d trait, please add this par~e~ to Maintenance District No. 22. sincerely, ',~ Randy Bergpuist RB : ml ' {`~hR g 4 tA91 1000 - 21 St STREET • BAKERSFIELD, CA 93301 •8051327.0362 • FAX 8051327.1085 MAINTENANCE DISTRICT N0. 1 DIVISION 3 LEGAL DESCRIPTION A parcel of land situated in California, being a portion of South, Range 27 East, M.D.B.&M., follows: the County of Kern, State of Section- 15 and 16, Township 29. more particularly described as Beginning on the north line of Parcel Map No. 4400, as filed in Parcel Map Book 21 at Page 35, in the Office of the Kern County Recorder, at a point on the west right of way line of Fruitvale Avenue. The said point being 55 feet west of the east quarter corner of Section 16, said point being on the Corporate Boundary of the City of Bakersfield; THENCE (1) N. 00°00'21" E., along the west right of way of Fruitvale Avenue which is the west line of the east 55 feet of said Section 16, a distance of 1992.45 feet to the north boundary of Tract No. 3662, as f filed in Map Book 2 5 at Page 112 in the Office. of the Kern Counfitj R.PCOrder; THENCE (2) Easterly along said north line, a distance of 25 f eet to the west line of the east 3 0 f eet of said Section 16; THENCE ~3) Northerly- along the west right of way of Fruitvale Avenue and said west line of the east 30 feet of Section 16, a distance of 604.32 feet to the south line of the north 55 feet of -said ~ect-i nn 16; THENCE ~4) Easterly along said south line, a distance of 30 f eet to the east line of said Section 16 and also the west line of Section 15, T. 29 S. , R. ~~ E. , M.D.B.&M.; -~ THENCE (5) S. 89°Q~'S4" E., along the south line of ~,he north 55 feet of said Section 15 and said south right of way of Olive Drive, a distance of b35 feet to the West boundary of Tract No. 3217, a~ filed in Map Book 17 at Page 66 in the office of the Kern County Recorder; THENCE ( 6 ~ S . 00 ° 29' 54" W. , along said west line; a distance of 515.99 feet to the southwest corner of said Tract No. 3217; THENCE ~7) S. 89°46'54" E., a distance of 517.99 feet; EXHIBIT A 1 THENCE (8) S. 00°29'54" E., a distance of 89.00 feet; _ THENCE (9} S. 89°46'54" E., a distance of 112.00 feet to the east line of Lot 7 of the "Sales Map of Lands of Kern County Land Company" as filed in the office of the Kern County Recorder on April 8, 1892; THENCE (10) S. 89°46'54" E., along the north boundary line of Tract No. 5421 a distance of 660.32 feet; THENCE (11} S. 00°30'1.0" E., along the east boundary line of Tract No. 5421 a distance of 672.02 feet; THENCE (12) N. 89°42'28" W., along the south boundary. line of Tract No. 5421, a distance of 660.26 feet; THENCE (13 ) S . 00 ° 29' 14" W. , along the east line of lot 10 of said "Sales Map, " a distance of 1330.88 feet to the north line of lot 22; THENCE (14) Easterly along said north line, a distance of 660.00 feet to the east line of said Lot 22; THENCE (15) Southerly along said east line, a distance of 1320.00 feet to the south line of Lot 22; THENCE (16 ) Westerly along the south, line of Lots 22 , 23 , and 24 of said "Sale Map, " a distance of 1988.26 feet to the west line of said Section 15; THENCE (17) continuing westerly, along a prolongation of course 16, a distance of 30.00 feet, to a point on the west right of way of Fruitvale Avenue. The said point being the west line of the east 30.00 feet of Section 16, T. 29 S. , R. 27 E. , M.D.B.&M. ; THENCE (18) N. 00°00'11" E. along the last named west line a distance of 1386.18 feet; THENCE (19 ) S . 89 ° 07' 34" W. a distance of 1386.18 feet to the True point of Beginning. Iega111ega11-3 Jan. ~, ,ss3 EXHIBIT A jas 2 AMENDED ASSESSMENT DIAGRAM FOR I MAINTENANCE DISTRICT N0.1 DIVISION 3 p BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA v Y~~~~ ~ u~ (FORMERLY MAINTENANCE DISTRICT NO. 22~ scuc ~.rm f p(~) (s) ~ ~~ ~ OLIVE DRIVE FlLED M THE OFFICE OF THE dTY CLERK THIS DAY 30' 6 5 4 3 2 1 of ___ ....1993 . 7 I SUN ME ADOW t- AVE w (3) 8 ~ CITY CLERK of THE CITY OF R FI I W 20 20 21, 22 (6 23N } BAKE S ELD, CALIFORNIA I 9 A 8 '~ 1O to Q RR H119 24 Y ~ W RECORDED IN THE OFFICE OF THE DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS 11 0 Q 25 Q W THIS DAY OF .1903 . (2) I 12 Q ~ ~ (7) 14 18 26 Y ~ (9) a 8} {1a) DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC YYORKS ~ .KIMBERLY 13 a 15 16 17 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA AVENUE 1 WE STLA KE DRI VE SUMP 32 31 3 0 ~~ s5 ~ ~ 29 P CHURCH 44 43 42 41 40 39 3 8 37 36 5 28 52 66 2 15 16 Z DISTRICT AND ~' S3 I P.M. 67 45 46 47 48 4 9 50 51 52 53 3 ~, 14 17 Q 27 CORPORATE BOUNDARY 8549 6B _ 54 4 ~ 13 18 r 26 (11) 54 I OLIVE KNOLLS DRI VE ~ ~ 6?' I 69 55 5 12 19 25 X6 S5 PARCEL 1 70 ~ 64 0 63 62 61 60 59 5 8 57 56 6 J ~ 11 r BROOKDALE AVENUE Y 20 Q 56 I 71 102 115 116 129 130 7 ~ 10 21 m 24 72 103 114 8 .9 22 23 77 76 75 74 73 ~ 117 1 28 131 104 113 0 127 } 132 ( } 1 MADONNA AVENUE o 105 } 118 a 12 (} W ~ 112 Z 119 126 ?~ 133 FLED FOR RECORD THIS OAY OF Q 1993 , AT _ M., IN BOOK OF ASSESSMENT Z 78 79 80 81 82 83 ~ 106 111 U 120 125 Z 134 DISTRICTS AT PAGE IN THE OFFICE OF THE COUNTY W -~ f9 RECORDER OF THE COUNTY OF KERN, STATE OF CALIFORNIA. y Q 107 110 z 121 124 ~ 135 IQ 89 88 87 86 85 84 ~ 108 109 ~ 122 123 ~ 136 GALE S. ENSTAD ~ COUNTY CLERK RECORDER J SPRING VALLEY DRIVE ~ 137 . 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 10 101 139 138 13 BY CHIEF DEPUTY RECORDER.. . ~ 7 8 ( ) BOUNDARY ~ 6 ~. 9 AN ASSESSMENT WAS LEVIED BY THE CITY COUNdL ON THE LOTS, 5 PIECES AND PARCELS OF LAND SHOWN ON THIS ASSESSMENT DIAGRAM. I CHURCH I 10 SAID ASSESSMENT WAS LEVIED ON THE DAY aF ~) I 4 I .1993 ;SAID ASSESSMENT DIAGRAM AND (19) I I I I (18) I I I I I I I (17} PARCEL MAP 8549 11 THE ASSESSMENT ROLL WERE RECORDED IN THE OFFICE OF THE PARCEL 2 ~ 3 DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS OF SAID CITY ON THE DAY 55' ~ 2 12 OF .1993. REFERENCE IS MADE TO THE - ASSESSMENT ROLL RECORDED IN THE OFFCE OF THE DEPARTMENT OF rSE CDR. OF NW 1/4 1 13 PUBLIC WORKS FOR THE EXACT AMOUNT OF EACH ASSESSMENT LEVIED SECTION 15 T. 29 S., R. 27 E. AGAINST EACH PARCEL OF LAND SHOWN ON THIS ASSESSMENT DIAGRAM. OLIVE SPRINGS DRIVE 14 R 26 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 (14} dTY CLERK OF THE CITY OF 25 pQ U22 14 BAKERSFELD, CALIFORNIA ~ 15 20 21 27 _. _-..22...._....,..21..... _ 28 24 23 13 16 19 ~ 22 29 ~ 26 23 20 12 17 18 a 23 30 ~ 25 24 , , 30 11 ~ 19 LEGEND VALLEY ~ ' CREST ~ DRIVE 10 18 ®ADDITION OF TERRITORY ~ 28 27 26 25 24 31 32 33 34 35 TO DISTRICT CHURCH 9 0 ~I 17 (2) LEGAL DESCRIPTIQN 8 N 29 30 31 32 39 38 37 36 z 16 COURSE NUMBERS PARCEL MAP 8549 7 z ~ 33 40 Q (15) , aTERRA VISTA C GOLDEN HILLS CT. 15 N 34 41 PARCEL 3 ~ 38 37 36 35 ~ 14 DISTRICT AND 5 w~ 42 43 44 45 J CORPORATE BOUNDARY ~ = 13 Q z 4 J 39 54 53 52 51 50 49 48 47 46 ~I 3 __ cal 12 TIMBERCREEK_ DRIVE 11 DISTRICT ANO 2 -CORPORATE BOUNDARY 1 40 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 _ __ r HAGEMAN ROAD 55' ` (16 } r,~c oro~~ sn~r ~ or r J fJ,AP AND ~,SSESSMENT DIAGRAIJ, FOR I~~AINTENANCE DISTRICT IJ0.22 BAKERSFIELD, CALIFOf~NIA FOR FISCAL YEAR 1981-190p arvc ccive C?~ FILED IN THE OFFICt OF THE CITY CLEitK THIS DAY pF 1957. 6AKERSFILLD, CALIFORNIA RECORDED IN THE QFFICE OF THE DEPAR'I?IENT OF PUBLIC HORK THIS DAY OF 19x7 --~~6~-~''pU$LTC~A~ BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA '~1 C ~~ i ~ ~ ~' I FILED FOR RECORll THIS DAY OF 1lBT, AT .~{ ,-TN BOOK. DISTRICTS~FA~~ ~' IN THE OFFI~THE COUNTY RECORDED OF THE 000~~''iYZSF KERN, STATE OF CALIFORNIA. GALC ~. CNSTAQ DY AN A95ESS~lFNT .MRS LEVIED 8Y THE CITY COUNCIL ON Tf!>r LOTS PIECES AND. PARCELS OF LAND 8HO1fN 0* THIS A1lBE8911ENT DIA- GRAM. BALD A66ESSpEt~T tIAS LEVIED 05 THE DAY OF 1987; QAID ASSESSMENT ~STlTGAAM lND Tf1E'~~,, A'ERT-'1~LL MERE RECORDED IN 711E OFFICE OF THE DEPARTlfEN? OF PUBLIC MOR};S Of RAID CITY ON THE DAY OF 1987. REFERENCE I9 MADE IlE ASS~~FT-ribLL~~bROED IN THE OFFICE OP 711E DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC MORKS FOR THE EXACT A6t0UNT OF EACH ASSESSI'ENT LFl'IED AGA1N37 EACH PARCEL OF LAND SHOMN ON T}}IB ASSESS- l::N? DIAGRAM. ZI y LERii F NE I P BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA EXHIBIT C G ~~~ mmmrrru nmmrnrrnr~mmmmnn~ ., .~ .. .. A I.M h O.{ . ~' N M~' M I..! W IIM M H .., M a ., (~z~ W IM AM~yR IN I... p .~ W M . w ~.t r M M J.~ ~' (~~) IWww11l1Wllwwwu~uurww~uw~uww~irwlwu~rta~rrarlrlrwulwt.~.u >~!c%141~~ 1~C14a s~ctr i a r