HomeMy WebLinkAboutMD Packet 1-04M~ 4-oy NOTICE OF F.~~N~I'ION ~~lDORSE~,~,d~x ,\ T0: (~ Off ice of Planning and Research 1400 Tenth Street, RQOm 12I Sacramento, CA 95814 X County Clerk County of Kern 1415 Truxtun Ave. Bakersfield, CA 93301 Project Title: P~iaintenance District No.2~ map and assessment diagram. .._~ Project Location-Specific: Generally bound by Snow Rd. on the north, Calloway Dr. on the east, Ha~eman Rd. on the south and Allen R on t e west. Project Location-City: Bakersfield Kern Description of Project: Assessment District for the maintenance of public street median landscaping, public park and other public street landscapinG. Name of Public Agency Approving Project: City of Bakersfield -Public Works Department Name of Person or Agency Carrying Out Project: E~cempt Status: (Check One) X DeWayne Starnes Ministerial (Sec.21080(b)(1); 15268); Declared Emergency (Sec.21080(b)(3); 15269(a)); ~PYgency Project (Sec.21080(b)(4); 15269(b)(c)); Categorical Exemption. State type and section ntm~ber. Statutory Exemptions. State code nua+ber. Reasons why project is exempt: Minor alteration in land use limitations with .formation of maintenance district 107-86 Sec. III Lead Agency Contact Person: D_e_W_avne Starnes .Area Code/Telephone/Extension: ~~05-326-3581 If filed by applicant: 1. Attach certified document of exemption finding. 2. Has a notice of ex ion been filed by the public agency approving the- project? Yes No e ~ ~ ~~ f ~ ~ 4 -~ Title : ~ fs , ~~~-S S lgnatur .~ Date . ~ ~~' ~' ((Signed by Lead Agency Date received for filin at OPR: ._ - ~I ~~' 0 ~1 TAD ~ ~. ~ I Si ed licant ~~S ~. ised October 1989 - gn by ~ ~ ~~~~~~ fiQ~ ~. ~~g Project Location-County: Sec . 15305 _.____ NOTICE OF EXII~'TION Appendix I ~, ~~~~ s~ a r ~ u~ ~~;. . : ; .a i ~ ~19 ~ TO: [~ Office of Planning and Research 1400 Tenth Street, Room 121 Sacramento, CA 95814 X Coanty Clerk County of~ fern 14].5 Truxtun Ave. Bakersfield, CA 93301 ~ „~ ~. i `I~ r~ `.' ..~~ .~ ;t ; ~ ~ ~ d%., i< ~4 ~ hL., ~~ FI~JM: (Public agency) City of Bakersfield 1501 Truxtun avenue Bakersfield, CA 93301 Project Tithe: r~iaintenance District No.2~ map and ass_ essment diagram. ~~ri~.rr~r~~ ~~~i Project Location-Specific: generally bound by Snow Rd. on the north, Calloway Dr. on the east Ha~eman Rd. on the south and A11en R on t e west. Project Location-City: Bakersfield Project t,ocation-County: Kern Description of Project: Assessment District for the maintenance of public street median landscaping, public park and other public street landscaping. . Name of Public Agency Approving Project: City of` Bakersfield -Public Works Department Name of Person or Agency Carrying Out Project: F.~cempt Status : (Check One ) X DeWayne Starnes Ministerial (Sec.21080(b)(1); 15268); Declared Emergency (Sec.21080(b)(3); 15269(a)); Eaiergency Project (Sec.21080(b)(4); 15269(b)(c)); Categorical E~cemption. State type and section nimiber. Statutory E~cemptions. State code number. Reasons wh ro'ect is exert: Minor alteration in land use limitations with formation i entice district . of ma tit 107 8b .Sec. III Lead Agency Contact Person: DeWavne Starnes Area Code/Telephone/Extension: Sec . 15305 805-326-3581 If filed by applicant: 1. Attach certified document. of exemption finding. 2. Has a notice of ex tion been fi ed by the public agency approving the- ro~.'~ec~? Yes No (~ P ~ .~ ~~ • ~°~ p ~- Title : r'~ . ~ ~~ • ~~ Date. ~ ~~ -~ .~ S1 tune ~~ ~ Si ed Lead A en s~.;~~. to received for filing at OPR: ~ by g oY ~;~~~ ~ ~ o ~~~T~~. ~ I Si ed licant ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ C Revised October 1989 ~~~~ ~~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ N March 16, 1990 Robert E. Smith, Pre~~dent Sequoia Engineering,~Inc. 1430 Truxtun Avenue, Suite 720 Bakersfield, CA ,93301 SUBJECT: POLO GROUNDS ANNEXATION Dear Mr. Smith: The Golden Empire Transit District staff has completed its review of the above-referenced project. As we discussed during our February. 22, 1990 meeting, it is likely that the District .will extend transit service to this project in the future.. It will be necessary, however, to construct bus turn-outs adjacent to the major activity centers located on Jewetta Avenue, Noriega Road and Verdugo Lane. The specific location and dimensions of these facilities will be identified by GET staff during the. site plan review process. In addition to providing appropriate transit facilities, the ro'ect must be designed in a manner which provides convenient p 7 , access to .streets serviced by transit. Failure to provide nei hborhood access will have an adverse impact on transit usage g within the project area. If ~ ou -have any questions or require additional information, y please. advise. Sincerely, /' 1 Chester Moland Operations Manager /dk 1.8.30 Golden State Avenue Bakersfield, California 93301 805 324-9874 North Bakersfield Recreation & Park District 405 Galnxy Avenue, Bakersfield, Ca~~mia 93308 (805) 392-2000 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~~ 1 ' {~ w 3a ~,1 1i ~' ~-. .~ j ~, .u ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ :1 ~ ~~ ,~ f.......:,7 i ~ 1 !. iry r Y ~'~ .7 ~ ~ ~T ~~~rrP j ~ ~~• ~?~ ~ Sin~~~~l~^. G~~. `~ -~2,~v ~ Fae a2i 6-~8 --9/ ~~~ ~ ~~~~ s~G~/rf ,J~.I~~ ? 4 ; 1991 x. d~~k ~a~hr i. ~ ~.t~~ of Bakersf i,e~.~ dark department 15D1 Tun ~~renue. Bakersfield, ~~ 933Q1 R~ : Prapos~d 1~9~.-92 A.sse~sme~t~ far ~ainte~a~.ce District 27 Parcel ~~~-03Q-~~0--~JQ-3 Dear: Fz'ank Pier vaur recent phone ca1.l, this letter is sent to inform ~rau that pare~l ~6?-Q3a-4Q~.04~-~3 is a park .site of apprax~.ate~.y 39..98 . ~c~res . phis site is intended to meet both ne~g~anc~~d and ~omrnur~ity perk needs . It will meet n~ghhcr.hoo~. park ne~.d5 of the ~a~sterr, port~cn cif the Polo ~roun~s De~relapm~~nt as well as ~n area. ~.baut i ~' 2-3/ 4 mile north and crest cf the in~.ers:ect~o~ cf old Farm Road and Norega Rand. It gene~rall~ serves ~omm~nt~ park needs for the Rase~.ale~Gre~~aeres cQnmranit~r~ Since the site is a- .park site, we should not b~e~ assesset~ park ire-lieu fees Sa.ncere ~, ~,olo~ ~, Bywater Superintendent of Plann,i.ng and ~onstruc~~ion ~G~,~ rf 5. A. CAMP C4MPANlE5 POST OFFICE B.IN D SNAFTER, CALIFORNIA 93263 TELEPHONE f $05) 399-4451 ~. / May 29, 1992 MAND-DELIn$RBD Mayor and Members of the City Council City of ~ Bakersf field 1501 Truxtun Avenue Bakersfield, CA 93301 Re: Maintenance District~~No. 1, Division 4 . APN 3bo-11.0-69-00-8 -and 360-1,10-0~.-00-0 Dear Honorable Mayor and Council Members: 5u le~entn ~ rotes letter of. May 29, the parcels .have. ~~ g YP been assessed their share o~ tie Ma~.ntenance District costs on the has i s -oaf 4 . ~ d~sl ~. ing units peg R-1 acre . This ntiu~ber ~a in error .as one of the conditions of the anne~at~on ^~ tie bolo ~rau~ds roj e.ct gas that there be an awerac~e density a€ 3 . dwe~lln~ units P per acre. When. the City uses. the incorrect densty,nu~er on the unsubdvded lands it shifts mare of the casts to they than is our ordinances. Accordin 1 ~ the assess~ent~for the a~.lowed by y g Y ~ . Polo~Grounds should be recalculated based on the proper dens~ay. ~~`~~ ~ ' ~~~:~- Sincerel ..~ Y -`~ ~ ~~ S. A. CAMP COMPANIES ,~ ~~'° ~S C. H. ~ of€ree Vice President-Real Estate. ~ - C~I'T: a~ah ~ . 4 M ~ ~ ~. r~ ,..• ` ~+.r ~~ ! w.... ~ ~.'-~ e , i....w. 1 .~'~ ~ W ' ~ , ..~~ i r"JM ~.,.,r... ~. ~ ~ ~ / ~ ~~ 'T ~.. .t . ~ i+~•~ .. .. ~q~ 1 ^~M "1Iw ~. ' ~I ~ ? Q !w ~ ~~`Y . ~ f _ `` . ~ ~' yw!r~ ,~~ `. SEQUOIA ENGINEERING October 11, 1990 INC. CITY OF aAKERSFI.ELD Planning Department 1501 Truxtun Avenue Dakersfield, CA 93301 Attn: ~~~r. Richard Dole Re : Polo Grounds - ~~lai ntenance District File X10. ~8-136 Dear dir. Dole.: Sequoia Engineer:n~g, Inc.., representing the. Polo Grounds Partners, does hereby request that a maintenance district be formed to maintain the proposed bri dl.e trails a,nd~:l ands,c.api ng ~ thro~gho:ut the Polo Grounds .. Please refer to the letter dated October 1, 1990 copy enclosed} for the detailed project des+cription.: Also ~nc'1osed please find the legal descriptyo.n for the project and three project location maps. If you have any questions or require further. information regarding this request please contact our o~~ffice. Thank you. ~ ~R Sincerely, SEQUOIA E~dGINEERI~dG, INC. ~° ~ ~ , Patricia L. Harbison PLN/mna enclosures CIVIL ENGINEERING SURVEYING BANK OF AMERICA TOWER 1430 TRUXTUN AVENUE, SUITE 720 (805) 327.5761 FAX (805) 327.8493 BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA 93301 October 1, 1990 CITY OF BAKERSFIELD Planning Department 1501 Truxtun Avenue Bakersfield, CA 93301 Attn: Mr. Richard Dole Re:~ Polo Grounds Master Equestrian Plan (GPA 4-89, Segment V and ZUA 4954} Dear Mr. Dole: In response to staff recommendations as defined in your letter dated August 30, 1990, we wish to address the issues involved and provide a clear understanding of the focus of this plan. The e uestrian trail is a landscape concept similar to other residentialdev- q elopments with the exception of the additional dedication for the trail area. E uestrians are currently using the streets in. the area. The trail system will q provide a separation between equestrian and vehicular traffic, The trail is an "area" amenity not requiring additional support facilities such as restrooms,stag- ing areas, etc, This concept originated as a community amenity and serves. as an access route for e uestrians in the neighboring areas to the south. With this q understanding, we respectfully submit the following response to staff recommend- ations: 1. North Bakersfield Recreation and Park District .doesn't have an interest in artici ating in this plan, The scope is "area" as opposed to "regional" P P and; therefore, the trail will not extend to the Kern River. 2, The actual construction and dedication of land will be the responsibility of each individual developer. The developer will maintain the area until the tract has been accepted by the City at which time a maintenance dist- rict will assumed the maintenance responsibility. Si na e will state "PEDESTRIAN AND EQUESTRIAN USE ONLY", "NO MOTORIZED g g VEHICLES". Signs should be posted at each access point of the trail. Since the trail is rote rated with the landscape belt, maintenance is g similar, but less than normally landscaped areas. Beyond typical landscape maintenance duties, the trail will require periodic raking to level any shallow areas or minor erosion, By placing a 2" bed of decomposed granite. over the trail, the need for .leveling will be minimal. Waste removal would constitute placing the waste in the .landscape areas as a natural fertilizer or off hauling with grass clippings. SEQUOIA ENGINEERING INC. CIVIL ENGINEERING SURVEYING BANK OF AMERICA TOWER 1430 TRUXTUN AVENUE, SUITE 720 (8Q5) 327.5761 FAX (805) 327.8493 BAKERSFiELD, CALIFORNIA 93301 CITY OF BAI~ERSFIELD ~L~NING DEPARTMENT POLO GROUNDS MASTER PLAN Qctober 1, 1990 ,Page Two 3. Trail maintenance will consist of weed control, waste removal and occ- asional raking and headerboard repair. As stated above, the trail is integrated into the landscape area and will require less maintenance than normally landscaped areas. 4. See letter enclosed. 5. Trails are available to the public at all hours. Signage will indicate the allowed uses as discussed in response ~~2. Should someone commit an offensive action, the city police would be summoned to control the sit- uation. b, Please see landscape plan enclosed. "Equestrian .underpass" is not nec- essary. 7. Decomposed granite is an excellent choice.~• S. The block wall is needed for noise reduction and access control. It is not a privacy screen. The b' high block wall is satisfactory. Should the ad'acent.residential property owners require a greater degree. of pri- J vacy, they can provide additional landscaping in their backyard. 9. Since school access is from a -local street, the trail plan won't inter- face with school activities. At the two commercial corners, the trail will dead-end at the edge of the property line into a bulb shape for a turnaround. North Bakersfield Recreation and Parks District will not commit to an interface at this time so the trail will not provide any Y direct access to the .parks. he trail will not conflict with school sites and will parallel 10. Again, t the perimeter of the park sites. l E uestrians will not require a special crosswalk. They will utilize 1 q standard crosswalk areas. 12. Access at each intersection will be required. are necessary. No ''equestrian" crosswalks rail will ex and-into a bulb shape with the 3'~ 13. As discussed in ~~9, the t P .high rail fence blocking egress. 14. See enclosed plans. 0 osed b' alvanized steel and concrete fence is overkill. The 15. The pr p g Environmental Impact Report requires a 3' high fence. We proposed. to • ' wo rail concrete s stem produced by "Wood-Crete". install a 3 high, t Y See enclosed plan, CITY OF BAKERSFIELD ~,' PLANNING DEPART'~NT ~- POLO GROUNDS MASTER PLAN .October 1, 1990 Page Three l6. Concrete could be dangerous as a continuous element along the trail. .The 2 x 6 redwood is a proven material with the City of Norco since at least 19b4 (they actually install a 2 x 4). 17. Canal crossings. will occur at the intersections of Olive Drive and Calloway Drive, and where Snow Road crosses the canal. Approvals for bridge widening will occur with development and street widening. 18. The plan has been revised as requested. 19. N/A. ~ .. 20. This proposal would locate the trail in undesirable areas (i.e. minimal access for police protection). Also, existing alignment of pipelines is awkward for constructing trails. 21. Signage: "NO .MOTORIZED vEHICLES" "EQUESTRIAN AND PEDESTRIAN USES ONLY" 22. No staging areas are necessary since the trails are resigned to serve the immediate area only. 23. These facilities are not necessary. See item ~~22 above. 24. Again, these facilities are not necessary. See item ~~22 above. 25. The nature trail idea is not within the scope of this plan. 26. Trails do not need names; they are located on streets with names. 27. See letter enclosed. 28. See letter enclosed. 29. The North Bakersfield Recreation and Parks District has no desire~to manage the maintenance of the trail system. If I can be of further assistance, please contact me at your convenience. Sincerely, SEQUOIA ENGINEERING, INC. ~'~ Robert E. Smith President RES/mm enclosures `g ~•'1•i y. e) i~ t'~~1 ~~ ~~ . ,: `~~~~ ~ ~ `~ • ENGINEERING • PLANNING • RVEY N • • SU I G LAND DEVELOPMENT CONSTRUCTION MANAGEMENT ~:-- ~ 4~. ^i \. 0 April 11, 1991 S~90.116 S~90.148 rr~n ~II;~ 9hi~ih~ ~MM!yM. N II~.~ i~~'HiN+n City Clerk .1.~,.7~ ..,~~; 7 City of Bakersfield ,~ ~'" .,7:7,:~~ 1501 Truxtun Avenue ~, ~' ""~ ~,.If,<# Bakersfield, CA 93301 ~a1,7:1. ^~M ~t'I I,I 1,,71, ~'~'~ i N1lllii,l:~b 41i1:ii7. IY~I.1.. ~ 1! t+rl n11n .rr!'~. ~ M 4q ~S'yy h •1~ ~~~ !' ~ Re: Maintenance District ~ ~ - °~~~~ LI y l Dear Mrs. Williams: .. We are in the process of subdividing land in the "Polo" Grounds area of the City of Bakersfield. As a condition of the approved tentative maps we hereby request that a Maintenance District be formed for Tracts 5416 and 5419. Please include all phases of Tract 5416. Please call me if you have any questions regarding this request. Sincerely, Gregory G. Owens DeWalt Corporation cc: Tom Darnell -Public Works GGO:jc corresls-90-116.go { ~, 2340 NILES STREET BAKERSFIELD, CA 93306 (805) 871-3300 • FAX (805) 871-4302 ~~-~~~ September ~, 191 1~en Trone CITY of BAKERSFIEL~ C.S.D._, Rare Division 4101 Truxtun Ave, Bakersfield, CA 9330 Re: Tract 5441 Dear lien: we hereby request that Tract 5441 be annexed into an existing maintenance district, or ~f a district needy to be farmed please proceed with its formation. If you need le al descri tuns ~ p etc., please pall. Sincere 1 y , Randy Bergquist ~ \ 1/ f b ~r~Y V 6, ~~ . ~3 ' ~, f >~ ~~~ N NY , ,~~ ~, w F ~ ~ ~~ h ~ i. 1Y r t ~ 1~ y ~.; r~~ a. ~f 1000 - 21 St STREET • BAKERSFIELD, CA 93301 •8051327-0362 • FAQ 8Q51327.1065 B A K E R S F I E L D PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT 7501 TRUXTUN AVENUE BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA 93301 (805) 326-3724 ED W. SCHULZ, DIRECTOR • CITY"ENGINEER December 21,1993 Attn: Colon Bywater -~ North Bakersfield Recreation and Park District 405 Galaxy Avenue Bakersfield, CA 93308 Re. Parcel360-130-45-00-4 Gentlemen: The above parcel is within City of Bakersfield Maintenance District 1, Division 4 (formerly M.D, 27} and will not be assessed as long as it is used as a public park. Should the use change the parcel may be subject to an annual assessment. Very truly yours, E. W. SCHULZ Public Works Director .; By Marian P. Shaw Civil Engineer III EWSINIPSlId ~ .