HomeMy WebLinkAboutMD Packet 1-06,~ .~ J r~ J . ~ ~ \r \,V P. O. Box 2353 -Bakersfield, California 933D3 - (805) 326-1241 - Fa~c (805) 326-1243 May 1, 1991 City of Bal~ersfield 1501 Tru~tun Avenue , ~3akersfield, Ca, 93301 Attention: Nls. Carol. Williams City Cher. }~ Re: Tract 504 _. Dear V!5 . ~ ~lll3.ai~1s ; _ Tease consider this letter as our request far annexation into the sewer Assessment District 87-1 and. also for annexatiorx into L~.ndsca e r~.aintenance District 9 for the move captioned tract ~ - - - This re uest is~ er the Conditions of ~~proval issued when the q P tentative mad was approved. Thank ou for our consideration. If you need anything further ~' y ~~.ease contact the undersigryed. . -very truly .yours , f e ~''E`'` ~ ~: Wayne L; Vaughn, ~'r. - W~v~/sj1 FEB-22-99 MON ]0:41 C]?Y OF BKFLD WW D[V FAX N0. 805 835 0912 P. 02 B A K E R 5 F I~ E L D P~.fF3LiC WURKS DEPARTMENT 150t TRUkTUN AVENUFs BAICERSFtELD, CALIFORNIA 93301 (805) 32fr3~24 RAlJL M. ROJA~t DtR~C''foR ~ C(T'~ ENGINEER Judy ~ ~? 1997 Lode Ni. wass, Senior En ine r California ~egiot~ai water ua~ t~ Control Board Central ~a11e Region 3 ~ 1 ~ East As lan Avenue Fr~esn~, CA 93 7~~-3 53 ~ Ise: Teets ~ 188 4~#~~, ~58~, X555, ~70~, X707, X745 and ~7Q9 Sewer Se~~rice }ear ~'r. wass: Since our ~or~espondence of J Mary ~ ~,1997~ we have completed smoke testing, of the aho~re aria acid ha~~re performed ~ f~rly intensive revue of oar records relative to connections and fees paid. Results of this effort are as lollows+ Vacant lots = 41 Lots converted to elerne _ Lots connected = 670 Lots not can~ected with Lots not connected, no f Thy attached leer was sent to ail col~nected, to date. Unless other lots on septic will be connected ~er~ ~r~ly yours, RAUL M. RQ~AS Public works Director ~~~~ By Fared L. Kloepper, Was FLK:II school = 3 $ connection fee paid =73 ;es pa.~ ,~~-~ rl''~ ~.eveloped lots that are nat connea~ed, ~`he letter ~es~lte~ in ~ 7 ~o~etties bein ~orrespondcncc is sent to the unconnected ropert~es~ ~t is urd~~ely tf~at the 7 ~~ the end of 1997 as stated ~n our January etter, er ~ana,~er FEB-22-99 MON 10.40 CITY OF BKFLD WW DIV FAX K0, 805 835 0912 ` r.., ; > , "> 8 A K E R S F I E L~ PUB~„IC WORKS D~PARTM~NT ISO 7Rt3XYUN Av~NU& BAKERSfIELD, CALiFORNiA 93301 (SOS 1 326.372a P. 01 R~-UL 11+1. R'(~,fAS, D~RECT4R • CtT~' Ei~GIN££R ~~ reh 31, ~ 9~7 Owner/Resident 13005 Joelie Ct Bakersfield, CA 9331 ~~* Sanitary Sewer Set~icG i ~N ~~1-383-~5 Dear owner: 'his de arttnent re~en ly co~npl~t~d smotce testin the sewer lines to your nel bor~ood~ phis was done. to ascert~~~ whie homes are connected to t e s~t~ita~y sewers. fr was etcrmiried that your lame is not cont~ecte . Whin cur subdivistot~ as on 'n$11 a. toyed for develo ment, much concern was expressed over ~ ~ Y P~ ~ . ~ water tent~ai adverse effect upon grc~u~dwatet from con~entt~.tto~ of septt~ systems* 'I~e State uality Control Board nsented to the development goin forward on the ro~ision that eonditi~ns 1~e ado ted re uit#~g nnectior~ to the sanitary sewer, by a 1 homes, within SQ days ~f sewer service ~ v ` e ' o area in 188. becomr~g ~~`~~ ~bte. S wet se~tce became ~ a~labl to y urt ~~~e encoura a au to c r~nect our home to tl~e sanitary sewers Doing so now ~t your own. tin~i~g y y t o and Iater based u n their tray welt avoid ~e~tzg fo ced to c~nn~,ct bar the water C~ttaltty Cori r 1 Bo , po xtmtn ,You may do t is work y~urs~l~ or throug#t ~~ appro r~~te contractor. A ~ermtt must be ' g ~ t e t 15 Chester Avenue t~or to be *rt~in obtained from the ~tty De~el~~n~ent Set~r~ces f 7epar rn n ,1 P ~ , g the work. Fcrrnit oos ~ 55~+~4 . After connection, annual se~cc charges, rtow $f 10~ will be ~ ~ pay~tbl~. Should ou have an estions, lease l~ee~ f gee to con~ac~ the undersjgned ~t SOSy~~~-31A~9. Y ~~ P ~ety truly yours, CAUL M~ 1~OJ~S Fub~ic Works Director ~*...~ ~• ~ ~ ~' ~ By fired L. doe Wast~v~+~ter l r get ~'LK} 11 h~0~-0~-t888 1~~18 ~ILS0~1 ~ ASSOCIATES ~, • B A K E R 5 F I E L D PUBLIC V~~RKS I3E~~R"~ME1~T Idol TRUX?[~N AWENUE BAKERSEIELD, CALi~~}iZNIA 933UI (845f 3~~31a4 ~082'~5881 ~ P . ®~ i ~ I '~ ii~tr ~ l~ ~ irb ~. SCI~tJL~. DIRECTOR ~ CITY ENGINEER February ~ , 1 X93 John Taft fi9fi lure Court C~ak View Ca~ Re: PMW 11-92 fewer Capacity Deficienctir Dear 1~Ir, Taft: When assessment District 8~-1 vas formed, "~~r~e~ capacity use rights" equivalent to one residerwtial dwelling ~r~it were allocated to the commercial property {ocated at the southwest comer of Stockdale Highway ~r~d Al{en Road, because the property is being developed to a use with a waste discharge that exceeds a $ing{e iatnily resid+~ntial equnra{ant discharge} an additional fee will need to be paid to the City prior to further i~~uance of any building permits on the property and prior to recordation of the CelZificate of Compliance far PMW 11-8~. The fee for ad~ditianal oapecity would be based on #tte original $1,~33.$S residential equivalent as~essmer<st on the property, computed as described belo~r: 1. The p{urnbing future unit count for a planned development of the site will be made by the City Building Dep~~tmerlt* ~. 1"hQ s#and~rd City Wastewater Treatmen# Plant Capacity Fee will be computed for thQ development project, based on the fixture unit count. 3+ The total Capacity Fee wi{{ be divided by the resident~i unit fee in effect at the time, currently $900.~o~residerrtial unit. ~, The ratio computed in item 3 will be multip{led by $1,233.~~ to compute the total Assess~nertt district a~,, CapacRy ee. , 5.`.~~'-w,, The original assessment of $1,~3~,8~ will be deducted from the total fee as computed per tram 4 and the v, '~_ _ _ ~N.,'`,~ _ ~ di#~erance paid in cash as pert of the fees paid with the building permit. v~,D i*;~3' CCI;:+:'1L~ ~33~~Cr ~w ~~i~~~Gi, a3a~S~ 4«iic ~i1~ji~i~'~r~, Uzi ~~~~~ EJ,~-J4~~ ~f ~~Y`~a~'~® ~ic3iTr1~S ~y ii~~~ ~?`~f1CC i~ you have any questions. Very truly yaur~, ~d W. Schu{z City Engineer gy: Arthur Lee {~ ore engineer {u -Design CC: Wilson & Associates l~ewis Engineering 4~~ 1 III, Sierra Madre, Suite X01 1 ~ 4fi E. Main Street presno, Ca. 93?~2 Ventura, Ca. X3001 d~: ~n ~ ITS' S~IA~R.G4P TOTAL P,O~ pry • \` BAKE R S F I E L D ~~ PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT 1501 TRUXTUN AVENUE BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA 93301 (661) 326-3724 RAUL M. ROJAS, DIRECTOR • CTfY ENGIlVEER December 9,1999 Mr. & Mrs. Eric Trigueiro 14415 Via Contento Bakersfield, CA 93312 Attention: Julie Trigueiro Subject: Property Tax Bill Dear Mrs. Trigueiro; Thank you for coming in to talk to me last Friday. I enj oyed talking to you about some of the issues that concern your neighborhood, and look forward to speaking to you again. I am returning the property tax bill -that you left with me; I have retained a copy so that staffcan look into the Consolidated Maintenance District line item listed. You should be hearing from them within the next couple of weeks. If you would like myself and Marian to come and talk to your neighbors, our offer stilistands -please contact Marian P. Shaw at (805) 32b-3579. . Very truly yours, / ~ G%% QUES R LAROCHELLE Engineering Services Manager Enclosure G:IGROUPDATITRSSITrigueiro T'ax.wpd cc: Lauren Dimberg Marian Shaw ~.. > ~. ., THIS IS NOT ABILL -ASSESSMENT IS THROUGH YOUR PROPERTY TAXES CITY OF BAKERSFIELD NOTICE OF HEARING ON MAINTENANCE DISTRICT N0. 1 DIVISION G True Spirit Homes & Centercal Properties, Inc 8010ak Street Bakersfield, CA 93304 APN's attached Your proposed assessment for 1992-93 is (see attached) NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Public Works Director of the City of Bakersfield has caused to be prepared and filed with the City Clerk a Report, in writing, which provides the basis for the be-nefit assessment for maintaining street median landscaping, well site walls and landsca in and pg other public street landscaping improvements to be borne by all parcels of property within proposed Maintenance District No. 1, Division ~6 generally described as a district within the Ci of Bakersfield generally bounded by the north boundary of Tract 5084 on the north, Jenkins .Road on the east, Stockdale Highway on the south, and Renfro Road on the west. Said Director's Report sets forth the amounts. to be provided in the budget for maintenance and operation, a description of each parcel of property in the proposed maintenance district b a Y description sufficient to identify the same, and the amount of assessment to be levied for the Fiscal Year 1992-93 against each parcel of property. Said report shall be o en to ublic ins ection at the p p p Public Works Director's Office, 1501 Truxtun Avenue, Bakersfield, California. Any interested owner objecting to the establishment of the district or the boundaries of the district or the fairness of the benefit formula or the amount~of assessment on an of .his or her areel Y p or parcels of property to be assessed, or the reservation by the City of its right to elect to perform the work of maintenance by City forces, may file with the City Clerk at or before the hour fixed for hearing a protest, in writing, signed by him/her, describing the parcel of ro er so that it ma be p p tY Y identified, and stating the grounds of his/her protest, and may appear at said hearing and be heard in regard thereto. Said Director's Report will be heard by the Council at its meeting to be held on Wednesday, the 15th day of JULY, 1992 at 7:00 p.m., or as soon thereafter as the matter may be heard, in the regular meeting place of said Council, City Hall, 1501 Truxtun Avenue, Bakersfield, California, at which time and place said. Council will examine said Report and hear protests, if any. If you need additional information, please contact the City Parks Division at 326-3117. Dated: 07/02/92 Carol Williams CITY CLERK, City of Bakersfield MAINTENANCE DISTRICT N0.1 DIVISION 6 FOR TRUE SPIRIT HOMES FISCAL YEAR 1992 - 1993 Total Assessment Parcel No. ~ Assessment 409-010-14- 00 -3 $ 8044.10 409-170-01 -00 -2 $ 39.08 409-170-03- 00 -8 $ 39.08 409-170-04-00 -1 $ 39.08. 409-170-05 -00 -4 $" 39.08 409-170-07 -00 -0 $ 39.08 409-170-08-00 -3 $ 39.08 409-170-09 -00 -6 $ 39.08 4Q9-170-10 -00 -8 $ 39.08 409-170-11 -00 -1 $ 39.08 .409.-170-12 -00 -4 $ 39.08 409-1.70-13, -00 -7 $ 39.08 409-170-14 -00 -0 $ 39.08 409-170-16 -00 -6 $ 39.08 409-170-17--00-9 $ .39.08 409-170-18-00 -2 $ 39.08 409-170-19 -00 -5 $ 39.08 409-170-20 -00-7 $ 39.08 409-170-21 -00 -0 $ 39.08 409-170-22 -00 -3 $ 39.08 409-170-23 -00 -6 $ 39.08 409-170-24 -00 -9 $ 39.08 409-170-25 -00 -2 $ 39.08 409-170-26 -00 -5 $ 39.08 409-170-27 -00 -8 $ 39.08 409-182-02-00 -2 ~ $ 39.08 409-182-03 -00 -5 $ ,39.08 409-183,-01 -00 -6 $ 39.08 409-183-02 -00 -9 $ 39.08 409-183-03 -00 -2 $ 39.08 409-183-04 -00 -5 $ 39.08 409-183-05 -00 -8 ~ $ 39.08 409-183-06 -00 -1 $ 39.08 . 409-184-02 -00~ -6 $ 39.08 40.9-184-03 -00 -9 $ 39.08 409-184-04 -00 -2 $ 39.08. 409-184-05 -00 -5 $ 39.08 409-184-06 -00 -8 $ 39.08 409-184-07 -00 -1 $ 39.08 1 409-184-08-00-4 $ 3.9.08 409-184-09-00-7 $ 39.08 409-184=10-00-9 $ 39.08 409-184-14-00-1 $ 39.08 409-184-15-00-4 $ 39.08 409-184-16-00-7 $ 39.08 409-191-01-00-5 $ 39.08 409-191-.02-00-8 $ 39.08 409-191-03-00-1 $ 39.08 409-191-04-00-4 $ 39.08 409-191-05-00-7 $ 39.08 409-191-06-00-0 $ 39.08 409-191-07-00-3 $ 39.08 409-191-08-00-6 $ 39.08 409-191-09-00-9 $ 39.08 409-192-03-00-8 $ 39.08 409-192-04-00-1 $ 39.08 409-192-05-00-4 $ 39.08 409-192-07-00-0 $ 39.08 409-192-08-00-3 $ 3.9.08 409-192-09-00-6 $ 39.08 409-192-10-00-8 $ 39.08 409.-192-11-00-1 $ 39.08 409-192-12-00-4 $ 39.08 409-192-13-00-7 $ 39.08 409-192-14-00-0 $ 39.08 409-192-15-00-3 $ 39.08 409-193-01-00-9 $ 39.08 409-193-02-00-2 $ 39.08 409-193-03-00-5 $ 39.08 409-19.3-04-00-8 $ 39.08 4,09-193-05-00-1 $ 39.08 409-193-06-00-4 $ 39.08 409-193-07-00-7 $ 39.08 409-193-11-00-8 $ 39.08 409-193-12-00-1 ~ $ 39.08 2 THIS IS NOT ABILL -ASSESSMENT IS THROUGH YOUR PROPERTY TAXES CITY OF BAKERSFIELD NOTICE OF HEARING ON MAINTENANCE DISTRICT N0. 1 DIVISION 6 1953 Associates Inc. c/o Tri Star 3101 Sillect Avenue North # 102 Bakersfield, CA 93308 409-183-11-00-5 409-192-01-00-2 409-192-02-00-5 Your proposed assessment for 1992-93 is $ 39.08 per parcel NOTICE IS HEREBY. GIVEN that the Public Works Director of the City of Bakersfield has caused to be prepared and filed with the City Clerk a Report, in writing, which provides the basis for the benefit assessment for maintaining street median landscaping, well site walls and landscaping and other public street landscaping improvements to be borne by all parcels of property within proposed. Maintenance District No. 1, Division 6 generally described as a district within the City of Bakersfield generally bounded by the north boundary of Tract 5084 on the north, Jenkins Road on the east, Stockdale Highway on the south, and Renfro Road on the west. Said .Director's Report sets forth the amounts to be provided in the budget for maintenance and operation, a description of each parcel of property in the proposed maintenance district by a description sufficient to identify the same, and the amount of assessment to be levied for the Fiscal Year 1992-93 against each parcel of property. Said report shall be open to public inspection at the Public Works Director's Office, 1501 Truxtun Avenue, Bakersfield, California. Any interested owner objecting to the establishment of the district or the .boundaries of the district or the f airness of the benefit f ormula or the amount of assessment on any of his or her parcel or parcels of property to be assessed, or the reservation by the City of its right to elect to perform the work of maintenance by City forces, may file with the City Clerk at or before the hour fixed for hearing a protest, in writing, signed by him/her, describing the parcel of .property so that it ma be Y identified, and stating the grounds of his/her protest, and may appear at said hearing and be heard in regard thereto. Said Director's Report will be heard by the Council at its meeting to be held on Wednesday, the 15th day of JULY, 1992 at 7:00 p.m., or as soon thereafter as the matter may be heard, in the regular meeting place of said Council, City Hall, 1501 Truxtun Avenue, Bakersfield, California, at which time and place said Council will examine said Report and hear protests, if any. If you need additional information, please contact the City .Parks Division at 32b-3117. Dated: 07/02/92 Carol Williams CITY CLERK, .City of Bakersfield THIS IS NOT ABILL -ASSESSMENT IS THROUGH YOUR PROPERTY TAXES CITY OF BAKERSFIELD NOTICE OF HEARING ON MAINTENANCE DISTRICT N0. 1 DIVISION 6 Sammy Wilkerson & Anthony Evans 14113 San Jose Avenue Bakersfield, CA 93312 409-181-01-00-2 409-181-02-00-5 409-181-04-00-1 409-181-OS -00-4 409-182-04-00-8 Your proposed assessment f or 1992-93 is $ 39.08 per parcel NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Public Works Director of the City of Bakersfield has caused to be prepared and filed with the City Clerk a Report, in writing, which provides the basis for the benefit assessment for maintaining street median landscaping, well site walls and landscapin and g other public street .landscaping improvements to be borne by all parcels of property within proposed Maintenance District No. 1, Division 6 generally described as a district within the City of Bakersfield generally bounded by the north boundary of Tract 5084 on the north, Jenkins Road on the east, Stockdale Highway on the south, and Renfro Road on the west. Said Director's Report sets forth the amounts to be provided in the budget for maintenance and operation, a description of each parcel of property. in the proposed maintenance district by a description sufficient to identify the same, and the amount of assessment to be levied for the Fiscal Year 1992-93 against each parcel of property. Said report shall be .open to public inspection at the Public Works Director's Office, 1501 Truxtun Avenue, Bakersfield, California. Any interested owner objecting to the establishment of the district or the boundaries of the district or the fairness of the benefit formula or the amount of assessment on any of his or her parcel or parcels of property to be assessed, or .the reservation by the City of .its right to elect to perform the work of maintenance by City forces, may file with the City Clerk at or before the hour fixed for hearing a protest, in writing, signed by him/her, describing the parcel of property so that it ma be Y identified, and stating the grounds of his/her protest, and may appear at said hearing and be heard in regard thereto. Said Director's Report will be heard by the Council at its meeting to be held on Wednesday, the 15th day of JULY, 1992 at 7:00 p.m., or as soon thereafter as the matter may be heard, in the regular meeting place of said Council, City Hall, 1501 Truxtun Avenue, Bakersfield, California, at which time and place said Council .will examine said Report and hear protests, if any. If you need additional information, please contact the City Parks Division at 326-3117. Dated: 07/02/92 Carol Williams CITY CLERK, City of Bakersfield 409-181-03-00-8 409-182-01-00-9 THIS IS NOT ABILL -ASSESSMENT IS THROUGH YOUR PROPERTY TABS CITY OF BAKERSFIELD NOTICE OF HEARING ON MAINTENANCE DISTRICT N0. 1 DIVISION 6 Kern Landmark Construction Inc. P. 0. Box 1706 Bakersfield, CA 93302 409-183-07-00-4 409-183-08-00-7 409-183-13-00-1 409-183-14-00-4 409-184-11-00-2 409-184-12-00-5 Your proposed assessment for 1992-93 is $ 39.08 per parcel NOTICE IS HEREBY GNEN .that the Public Works Director of the City of Bakersfield has caused to be prepared and filed with the City Clerk a Report, in writing, which, provides the basis for the benefit assessment for maintaining street median landscaping, well site walls and landscaping .and other public street landscaping improvements to be borne by all parcels of proper within ro osed tY p p Maintenance District No. 1, Division 6 generally described as a -district within the City of Bakersfield generally bounded by the north boundary of Tract X084 on the north., Jenkins Road on theeast, Stockdale Highway on the south, and Renfro Road on the west. Said Director's Report sets forth the amounts to be provided in the budget for maintenance and _~peration, a description of each parcel of property in the proposed maintenance district by a description .sufficient to identify the same, and the amount of assessment to be levied for the Fiscal Year 1992-93 against each parcel of property. Said report shall be open to public inspection at the Public Works Director's Office, 1501 Truxtun Avenue, Bakersfield, California.. .Any interested owner objecting to the establishment of the district or the boundaries of the district or the fairness of the benefit formula or the amount of assessment on any of his or her arcel p or parcels of property to be assessed, or the reservation by the City of its right to elect to perform the work of maintenance by. City forces, may file with the City Clerk at or before the hour fixed. for hearing a protest, in writing, signed by him/her, describing the parcel of property so that it may be identified, and stating the grounds of hisyher protest, and may appear at said hearing and be heard in regard thereto. Said Director's Report will b~e heard by the Council at its meeting to be held on Wednesday, the 15th day of JULY, 1992 at 7:00 p.m., or as soon thereafter as the matter may be heard, in the regular meeting place of said Council, City Hall, 1501 Truxtun Avenue, Bakersfield, California, at which time and place said Council will examine said Report and hear protests, if any. If you need additional information, please contact the City Parks Division at 326-3117. Dated: 07/02/92 Carol Williams CITY CLERK, City of Bakersfield THIS IS NOT ABILL -ASSESSMENT IS THROUGH YOUR PROPERTY TAXES CITY OF BAKERSFIELD NOTICE OF HEARING ON MAINTENANCE DISTRICT NO. 1 DIVISION 6 Probuilt Development 1730 Olive Street Bakersfield, CA 93301 409-183-09-00-0 409-193-08-00-0 Your proposed assessment for 1992-93 is $ 39.08 per parcel NOTICE IS' HEREBY GIVEN that the Public Works Director of the City of Bakersfield has caused to be prepared and filed with the City Clerk a Report, in writing, which provides the basis for the benefit assessment for maintaining street median landscaping, well site walls and landscaping and other public street landscaping improvements to be borne by all parcels of property within proposed Maintenance District No. 1, Division b generally described as a district within the City of Bakersfield generally bounded by the north boundary of Tract 5084 on the north, Jenkins Road on the east, Stockdale Highway on the south, and Renfro Road on the west. Sand Director's Report sets forth the amounts to be provided in the budget for maintenance and operation, a description of each parcel of property in the proposed maintenance district by a description sufficient to identify the .same, and the amount of assessment to be levied for the Fiscal Year 1992-93 against each parcel of property. Said report shall be open to public inspection at the Public Works Director's Office, 1501 Truxtun Avenue, Bakersfield, California. Any interested owner objecting to the establishment of the district or the boundaries of the district or the fairness of the benefit formula or the amount of assessment on any of his or her parcel or parcels of property to be assessed, or the reservation by the City of its right to elect to perform the work of maintenance by City forces, may file with the City Clerk at or before the hour fixed for hearing a protest, in writing, signed by him/her, describing the parcel of property so that it may be identified, and stating the grounds of his/her protest, and may appear at said hearing and be heard in regard thereto. Said Director's Report will be heard by the Council at its meeting to be held on Wednesday, the 15th day of JULY, 1992 at 7:04 p.m., or as soon thereafter as the matter may be heard, in the regular meeting place of said Council, City Hall, 1501 Truxtun Avenue, Bakersfield, California, at which time and place said Council will examine said Report and hear protests, if any. If you need additional information, please contact the -City Parks Division at 326-3117. Dated: 07/02/92 Carol Williams CITY CLERK, City of Bakersfield THIS IS NOT ABILL -ASSESSMENT IS THROUGH YOUR PROPERTY TAXES CITY OF BAKERSFIELD NOTICE OF HEARING ON MAINTENANCE DISTRICT N0. 1 DIVISION 6 John Balfanz 10309 Sunset Canyon Drive Bakersfield, CA 93311 409-170-02-00-5 409-183-10-00-2 409-193-09-00-3 409-193-10-00-5 Your proposed assessment f or 1992-93 is $ 39.08 per parcel .NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Public Works Director of the City of Bakersfield has caused to be prepared and filed with the City Clerk a Report, in writing, which provides the basis for the benefit .assessment for maintaining street median landscaping, well site walls and landscaping and other .public street landscaping improvements to be borne by all parcels of property within proposed Maintenance District No. 1, Division 6 generally described as a district within the City of Bakersfield generally bounded by the north boundary of Tract 5084 on the north, Jenkins Road on the east, Stockdale Highway on the south, and Renfro Road on the west. . Said Director's Report sets forth the amounts to be~provided in the budget for maintenance and _~peration, a description of each parcel of property in the proposed maintenance district by a description sufficient to identify the- same, and the amount of assessment to be levied for the Fiscal Year 1992-93 against each parcel of property. Said report shall be open to public inspection at the Public Works Director's Office, 1501 Truxtun Avenue, Bakersfield, .California. Any interested owner objecting to the establishment of the district or the boundaries of the district or the fairness of the benefit formula or the amount of assessment on any of his or her parcel or parcels of property to be assessed, or the reservation by the City of its right to elect to perform the work of maintenance by City forces, may file with the City Clerk at or before the hour fixed for hearing a protest, in writing, signed by him/her, describing the parcel of property so that it may be identified, and stating the grounds of .his/her protest, and may appear at said hearing and be heard in regard thereto. Said Director's Report will be heard by the Council at its meeting to be held on V~ednesday, the 15th day of JULY, 1992 at 7:00 p.m., or as soon thereafter. as the matter may be heard, in the regular .meeting place of said Council, City Hall, 1501 Truxtun Avenue, Bakersfield, California, at which time and place said Council will examine said Report and hear protests, if any. If you need additional information, .please contact the City Parks Division at 326-3117. Dated: 07/02/92 Carol Williams CITY CLERK, City of Bakersfield THIS IS NOT ABILL -ASSESSMENT IS THROUGH YOUR PROPERTY TAXES CITY OF BAKERSFIELD NOTICE OF HEARING ON MAINTENANCE DISTRICT NO. 1 DIVISION 6 J. L. Gray 5101 Office Park Dr. #101 Bakersfield, CA 93309 409-184-01-00-3 Your ro osed assessment f or 1992-93 is $ 39.08 p p NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Public Works Director of the City of Bakersfield has caused to be prepared and filed with. the City Clerk a Report, in writing, which provides the basis for the benefit assessment for maintaining street median landscaping; well site walls and landscaping and other public street landscaping improvements to be borne by all parcels of property within proposed Maintenance District No. 1, Division 6 generally described as a district within the City of Bakersfield generally bounded by the north boundary of Tract 5084 on the north, Jenkins Road on the east, Stockdale Highway on the,. south, and Renfro Road on the west. Said Director's Report sets forth the amounts to be provided in the budget for maintenance and operation, a description of each parcel of property in the proposed maintenance district by a __.~description sufficient to identify the same, and the amount of assessment to be levied for the Fiscal Year 1992-93 against each parcel of property. Said report shall be .open to public inspection at the Public works Director's Office, 1501 Truxtun Avenue, Bakersfield, California. . Any interested owner objecting to the establishment. of the district or the boundaries of the district or the fairness of the. benefit formula or the amount of assessment on any of his or her. parcel or parcels of property to be assessed, or .the reservation by the City of its right to elect to perform the work of maintenance by City forces, may file with the City Clerk at or before the hour fixed for hearing a protest, in writing, signed by him/her, describing the parcel of property so that it may be identified, and stating the grounds of his/her protest, and may appear at said hearing and be heard in regard thereto. Said Director's Report will be heard by the Council at its .meeting to be held on Wednesday, the 15th day of DULY, 1992 at 7:00 p.m., or as soon thereafter as the matter may be heard, in the regular meeting place. of said Council, City Hall, 15,01 Truxtun Avenue, Bakersfield, California, at which time and place said Council will examine said Report and hear protests, if any. If you need additional information, please contact the City Parks Division at 326-3117. Dated: 07/02/92 Carol Williams CITY CLERK, City of Bakersfield THIS IS NOT ABILL -ASSESSMENT IS THROUGH YOUR PROPERTY TAXES CITY OF BAKERSFIELD NOTICE OF HEARING ON MAINTENANCE DISTRICT N0. 1 DIVISION 6 Wayne Vaughn 801 Oak Street Bakersfield, CA 93304 409-170-06-00-7 Your proposed assessment for 1992-93 is $ 39.08 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Public Works Director of the City of Bakersfield has caused to be prepared and filed with the City Clerk. a Report, in writing, which provides the basis for the benefit assessment for maintaining street median landscaping, well site walls and landscaping and other public street landscaping improvements to be borne by ..all parcels of property within proposed Maintenance District No. 1, Division b generally described as a district within the City of Bakersfield generally bounded by the north boundary of Tract 5084 on the north, Jenkins Road on the east,. Stockdale Highway on the south,. and Renfro Road on the west. Said Director's Report sets forth the amounts to be provided in the' budget for maintenance and operation, a description of each parcel of property in the proposed maintenance district by a _description sufficient to ..identify the same, and the amount of assessment to be levied for the Fiscal Year 1992-93 against each parcel of property. Said report shall be open to public inspection at the Public Works Director's Office, 1501 Truxtun Avenue, .Bakersfield, California. Any interested owner objecting to the establishment of the district or the boundaries of the district or the f airness of the benefit f ormula or the amount of assessment on any of his or her parcel or parcels of property to be assessed, or the reservation. by the City of its right to elect to perform the work of maintenance by City forces, may file with the City Clerk at or before the hour fixed for hearing a protest, in writing, signed by him/her, describing the parcel of property so that it may be identified, and stating the grounds of his/her protest, ,and may appear at said hearing and be heard in regard thereto.. Said .Director's Report will be heard by the Council at its meeting to be held on Wednesday, the 15th day of JULY, 1992 at 7:00 p.m., or as soon thereafter as the matter may be heard, in the regular meeting place of said Council, City Hall, 1501 Truxtun Avenue, Bakersfield, California, at which time and place said Council will examine said Report and hear protests, if any. If you need additional information, please contact the City Parks Division at 32b-3117. Dated: 07/02/92 Carol Williams CITY CLERK, City of Bakersfield THIS IS NOT ABILL -ASSESSMENT IS THROUGH YOUR PROPERTY TAXES CITY OF BAKERSFIELD NOTICE OF HEARING ON MAINTENANCE DISTRICT NO. 1 DIVISION 6 Raymond & Debra Mann 13812 Las Entradas Bakersfield, CA 93312 409-181-06-00-7 Your proposed assessment for 1992-93 is $ 39.08 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Public Works Director of the City of Bakersfield has caused to be prepared and filed with the City Clerk a Report, in writing, which provides the basis for the benefit assessment for maintaining street median landscaping, well site walls and landscaping and other public street landscaping improvements to be borne by all parcels of property within proposed Maintenance District No. 1, Division 6 generally described as a district within the City of Bakersfield generally bounded by the north boundary of Tract 5084 on the north, Jenkins Road on the .east, Stockdale Highway on the south, and Renfro Road on the west. Said Director's Report sets forth the amounts to be provided in the budget for maintenance and operation, a description of each parcel of property in the proposed maintenance. district by a description sufficient to identify the same, and the amount of assessment to be levied for the Fiscal Year 1992-93 against each parcel of .property. Said report shall be open to public inspection at the Public Works Director's Office, 1501 Truxtun Avenue, Bakersfield, California.. Any interested owner objecting to the establishment of the district or the boundaries of the district or the fairness of the benefit formula or the amount of assessment on .any of his or her arcel p or,parcels of property to be assessed, or the reservation. by the City of .,its right to elect to perform the work. of maintenance by City forces, .may file with the City Clerk at or before the hour fixed for hearing a protest, in writing, signed by him/her, describing the parcel of property so that it may be identified, and stating the grounds of his/her protest, and may appear at said hearing and be heard in regard thereto. Said Director's Report will be heard by the Council at its .meeting to be held on Wednesday, the 15th day of JULY, 1992 at 7:00 p.m., or as soon thereafter as the matter may be heard, in the regular meeting place of said Council, .City Hall, 1501 Truxtun Avenue, Bakersfield, California, at which .time and place said Council will examine said Report and hear protests, if any. If you need additional information, please contact the City Parks Division at 326-3117. Dated: 07/02/92 Carol Williams CITY CLERK, City of Bakersfield THIS IS NOT ABILL -ASSESSMENT IS THROUGH YOUR PROPERTY TAXES CITY OF BAKERSFIELD NOTICE OF HEARING ON MAINTENANCE DISTRICT N0.1 DIVISION 6 Greg & Pauline Lancaster 209 Beech Street Bakersfield, CA 93304 409-184-13-00-8 Your proposed assessment for 1992-93 is $ 39.08 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Public Works Director of .the City of Bakersfield has caused to be prepared and filed with the City Clerk a Report, in writing, which provides the basis for the benefit assessment for maintaining street median landscaping, well site walls and landscaping and other public street landscaping improvements to be borne by all parcels of property within proposed Maintenance District No. 1, Division 6 generally described as a district within the City. of .Bakersfield generally bounded by the north boundary of Tract 5084 on the north, Jenkins Road on the east, Stockdale Highway on the south, and Renfro Road on the west. ' Said Director's Report sets forth the amounts to~be provided in the budget for maintenance and operation, a description o'f each parcel of property in the proposed maintenance district by a _~description sufficient to identify the same, and the amount of assessment to be levied for the Fiscal Year 1992-93 against each parcel of property. Said report shall be open to public inspection at the Public Works Director's Office, 150.1 Truxtun Avenue, Bakersfield, California. Any interested owner objecting to the. establishment of the district or the boundaries of the district or the fairness of the benefit formula or the amount of assessment on any of his or her parcel or parcels of property to be assessed, or the reservation by the City of its right to elect to perform the work of maintenance by City forces, may file with the City- Clerk at or before the hour fixed for hearing a protest, in writing, signed by him/her, describing the parcel of property so that it may be identified, and stating. the grounds of his/her protest, and may appear at said hearing and be heard in regard thereto. Said Director's Report, will be heard by the Council at its ~ meeting to be held on Wednesday, the 15th day of JULY, 1992 at 7:00 p.m., or as soon thereafter as the matter may be heard, in the regular meeting place of said Council, City Hall, 1501 Truxtun Avenue, Bakersfield, California, at which time and place said Council will examine said Report and hear protests, if any. If you need additional information, please contact the City Parks Division at 32b-3117. Dated: 07/02/92 Carol Williams CITY CLERK, City of Bakersfield THIS IS NOT ABILL -ASSESSMENT IS THROUGH YOUR PROPERTY TABS CITY OF BAKERSFIELD NOTICE OF HEARING ON MAINTENANCE DISTRICT NO. 1 DIVISION 6 Magaret Vaughn 2201 Haggin Oaks Blvd. Bakersfield, CA 93311 409-183-12-00-8 Your proposed assessment for 1992-93 is $ 39.08 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Public Works Director of the City of Bakersfield has caused to be prepared and filed with the City Clerk a Report, in writing, which provides the basis for the benefit assessment for maintaining street median landscaping, well site walls and landscaping and other public street landscaping improvements to be borne by all parcels of property within proposed Maintenance District No. 1, Division b generally described as a district within the. City, of Bakersfield generally bounded by the north boundary of Tract 5084 on the north, Jenkins Road on the east, Stockdale Highway on the south, and Renfro Road on the west. Said Director's Report sets forth the amounts to be provided in the budget for maintenance and operation, a description of each parcel of property in the proposed maintenance district by a '~~escription sufficient to identify the same, and the amount of assessment to be levied for the Fiscal Year 1992-93 against each parcel of property. Said report shall be open to public inspection at the Public Works Director's Office, 1501 Truxtun Avenue, Bakersfield, California. Any interested owner objecting to the establishment of the district or ,the boundaries of the district or the fairness of the benefit formula or the amount of assessment on any of his or her ,parcel or parcels of property to be assessed, or the reservation by the City of its right to elect to perform the work of maintenance by -City forces, may file with the City Clerk at or before the hour fixed for hearing a protest, in writing, signed by him/her, describing the parcel of property so that it may be identified, and stating the grounds of his/her protest, and may appear at said hearing and be heard in regard thereto. Said Director's Report will be heard by the Council at its meeting to be held on Wednesday, the 15th day of JULY, 1992 at 7:00: p.m., or as soon thereafter as the matter may be heard, in the regular meeting place of said Council, City Hall, 1501 Truxtun Avenue, Bakersfield, California, at which time and place said Council.will examine said Report and hear protests, if any. If you need additional information, please contact the City Parks Division at 32b-3117. Dated: 07/02/92 Carol Williams CITY CLERK, City of Bakersfield . THIS IS NOT ABILL -ASSESSMENT IS THROUGH YOUR PROPERTY TAXES CITY OF BAKERSFIELD NOTICE OF HEARING ON MAINTENANCE DISTRICT NO. 1 DIVISION b William & Louise Ray 6701 Donnell Ct. Bakersfield, CA 93.309 409-170-15 -00-3 Your proposed assessment for 1992-93 is $ 39.08 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Public Works Director of the City of Bakersfield has nd filed with the Ci Clerk a Re ort, in writin ,which provides the basis for caused to be prepared a ~' p g. the benefit assessment for maintainin street median landscaping, well site walls and landscaping and g other ublic street landsca in im rovements to be borne by all parcels of property within proposed p p g p Maintenance District No. 1, Division 6 generally described as a district within the City of Bakersfield enerall bounded b the north bounda of Tract 5084 on the north, Jenkins Road on the east, g Y Y rY Stockdale Highway on the south, and Renfro Road on the west. ' 's Re ort sets forth the amounts to be rovided in the budget for maintenance and Said Director p p o eration a descri tion of each arcel of roperty in the proposed maintenance district. by a p ~ p p p descri tion sufficient to identify the same, and the amount of assessment to be leveed for the Fiscal .p . Year 1992-93 a ainst each arcel of property. Said report shall be open to public inspection at .the g p Public Works Director's Office, 1501 Truxtun Avenue, Bakersfield, California. An .interested owner ob'ectin to the establishment of .the district or the boundaries of the y J g district or the fairness of the benef it f ormula or the amount of assessment on any. of his or her parcel or arcels of ro er to be assessed, or the reservation by the City of its right to elect to perform ,~ p p p tY the work of maintenance b Cit forces, may file with the City Clerk at or before the hour fixed for Y Y a in a rotest in wrttin si ned b him/her, describen the arcel of property so that it may be he r g p ~ g~ g Y g P identified, and statin the grounds of his/her protest, and. may appear at said hearing., and be heard in g regard thereto. Said Director's Report will be heard by the Council at its meeting to be held on Wednesday, the 15th da of JULY 1992 at 7:00 p.m., or as soon thereafter as the matter may be heard, in the Y re ular meeting place of said Council, City Hall, 1501 Truxtun Avenue, Bakersfield, Calif ornla, at ~ . which time and place said Council will examine ,said Report and hear protests, ~f any. If you need additional information, please contact the City Parks Division at 326-3117. Dated: 07/02/92 Carol Williams CITY CLERK, City of Bakersfield EXHIBIT "E" ASSESSMENT ROLL MAINTENANCE DISTRICT N0.1 DIVISION 6 FISCAL YEAR 1992 - 1993 Assessment Parcel No. as shown o n M ap Total Exhibit "B ": Assessment 409 -010 -14 -00 -3 $ 8044.10 409 -170 -01 -00 -2 $ 39.08 409 -170 -02 -00 -5 $ 39.08 40.9 -170 -03 -00 -8 $ 39.08 4Q9 -170 -04 -00 -1 $ 39.08 409 -170 -05 -00 -4 $ 39.08 409 -170 -06 -00 -7 $ 39.08 409 -.170 -07 -00 -0 $ 39.08 409 -170 -08 -00 -3 $ 39.08 409 -170 -09 -00 -6 $ 39.08 409 -170 -10 -00 -8 $ 39.08 409 -170 -11 -00 -1 $ 39.08 409 -170 -12 -00 -4 $ 39.08 409 -170 -13 -00 -7 $ 39.08 409 -170 -14 -00 -0 $ 39.08 409 -170 -~5 -00 -3 $ 39..08 .409 -170 -16 -00 -6 $ 39.08 409 -170 -17 -00 -9 $ 39.08 409 -170 -18 -00 -2 $ 39.08 409 -170 -19 -00 -5 $ 39.08 409 -170 -20 -00 -7 $ 39..08 409 -170 -21 -Od -0 $ -39.08 409 -170 -22 -00 -3 $ 39.08 409 -170 -23 -00 -6 $ 39.08 409 -170 -24 -00 -9 $ 39.08 409 -170 -25 -00 -2 $ 39.08 409 -170 -26 -00 -5 j $ 39.08 409 -170 -27 -00 -8 $ 39..08 409 -181 -01 -00 -2 $ 39.08 409 -181 -02 -00 -5 $ 39.08 409 -181 -03 -00 -8 $ 39.08 409 -181 -04 -00 -1 $ 39.08 409 -181 -05 -00 -4 $ 39.08 409 -181 -06 -00 -7 $ 39.08 409 -182 -01 -00 -9 $ 39..08 1 Assessment Parcel No. as shown on Map Total Exhibit "B": Assessment 409-182- 02-00-2 $ 39.08 409-182- 03-00-5 $ 39.08 409-182- 04-00-8 $ 39.08 409-183- 01-00-6 $ 39.08 409-183- 02-00-9 $ 39..08 409-183- 03-00-2 $ 39.08 409-183- 04-00-5 $ 39.Q8 409-183- 05-00-8 $ 39.08 409-183- 06-00-1 $ 39.08 409-183-07-00-4 $ 39.08 409-183- 08-00-7 $ 39.08 409-183- 09-00-0 $ 39.08 409-183- 10-00-2 $ 39.08 409-183- 11=00-5 $ 39.08 -409-183- 12-00-8 $ 39.08 409-183- 13-00-1 $ 39.08 409-183- 14-00-4 $ 39.08 409-184-01-00-3 $ 39.08 409-1'84- 02-00-6 $ 39.08 409-184- 03-00-9 $ 39.08 409-184- 04-00-2 $ 39.08 409-184-05-00-5 $ 39.08 409-184-06-00-8 $ 39.08 409-184- 07-00-1 $ 39.08 409-184- 08-00-4 $ 39.08 409-184- 09-00-7 $ 39.08 409-184- 10-00-9 $ 39.08 409-184- 11-00-2 $ 39.08 409-184- 12-00-5 $ 39.08 409-184- 13-00-8 $ 39.08 409-184- 14-00-1 $ 39.08 409-184- 15-00-4 $ 39.08 409-184- 16-00-7 ~ $ 39.08 409-191-01-00-5 $ 39.08 409-191- 02-00-8 $ 39.08 409-191- 03-00-1 $ 39.08 409-191- 04-00-4 $ 39.08 409-191- 05-00-7 $ 39.08 409-191- 06-OQ-0 $ 39.08 409-191- 07-00-3 ~ $ 39.08 409-191 -08-00-6 $ 39.08 409-191 -09-00-9 $ 39.08 409-192 -01-00-2 $ 39.08 409-192 -02-00-5 $ 39.08 409-192-03-00-8 $ 39.08 409-192 -04-00-1 $ 39.08 2 Assessment Parcel No. as shown on Map Total Exhibit "B": ~ Assessment 409-192-05-00-4 $ 39.08 409-192-07.-00-0 $ 39.08 409-192-08-0.0-3 $ ~ 39.08 409-192-09-00-6 ~ $ 39.08 409-192-10-00-8 $ 39.08 40~-192-11-00-1 $ 39.08 409-192-12-00-4 $ 39.08 409-192-13-00-7 ~ $ 39.08 409-192-14-00-0 $ 39.08 409-192-15-00-3 $ 39.08 409-193-01-00-9 $ 39.08 40.9-193-02-00-2 $ 39.08 409-X93-03-00-5 $ 39.08 409-193-04-00-8 $ 39.08 409-193-05-00-1 $ 39.08 409-193-06-00-4 $ 39.08 4.0.9-193-07-00-7 $~ 39.08 409-193-08-00-0 $ 39.08 40.9-1.93-09-00-3 $ 39.08 ~. 409-193-1,0-00-5 ~ $ 39.08 409-193-11-00-8 $ 39.08 409-193-12-00~-1 $ 39.08 Total $ 12, 030.26 DATE: CITY CLERK and Ex Of f icio Clerk of the Council of the City of Bake~rsf field 3