HomeMy WebLinkAboutMD Packet 1-07,.~ ~ , NOTICE OF EXEMPTION T0: County Clerk COUNTY OF KERN 1415 Truxtun Avenue Bakersfield, CA 93301 ~; ~, M~ 1-0`7 Appendix I ~~; . :,. Maintenance Distric~t~~ ~~~}~-~~~Dl~r~:,~~Qn 7 Ma and Proj ect Title : ' ~ ' ~ ' ~~ ~'~}~~` p Assessment Diagram. ~ ~ ~ ~~~'° ~ ~ ~~~`~' r Project Location-Specific : Generally. bound by Carrier Canal on the north, Real Road on the east, Stockdale Highway on the s-outh and parcels fronting California Avenue on the West. Project Location-City: Bakersfield Project Location-County: Kern Description of Project: Maintenance of public street median landscaping improvements. Name of Public Agency Approving Project: CITY OF BAKERSFIELD Name of Person or Agency Carrying Out Proj e~,t :~ DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS Exempt Status: (Check One} Ministerial (~Sec~. 210.80 (b) (1 } ; 1526.8 (a) ; Declared Emergency (Sec. 21080 (b} (4}; 15269 (b} (c); Emergency Project (Sec. 21080 (b) (4) ; 15269 (b} (c} ; x Categorical Exemption. State type and section number. _. . Section 15305 Statutory Exemptions. State .code number. Reasons why project is exempt: Minor alteration in land use limtations~with formation of Maintenance District 107-86 Sec. III Lead Agency ,-~ Contact Person:DEWAYNE STARNES Area Code/Telephone/Extension:(805) 326-3581 If filed by applicant: 1. Attach certified document of exemption finding. 2. Has a Notice of Exemption been filed by the public agency approving the project? Yes x No ' /~ ~ Date • ~"~~"'~"~ Signature. gineer IV-Design x Sign by Lead Agency Date received far filing at OPR: x Signed by Applicant A:NOE110$.1~ JAS:jas Nogad~ ~t0~oi^~Mt ACT 0 4 X993 Pad b~- Cou~- t~rlc ee snd for 30 dhts ~sat~, h~rtu~nt is Section 211 S2tC~. Public Reeour<,~t Cads 323'7 D~ .~~. ~ ... ~. f ~' :'}~~ ° } iu. a { "~ ~~~~ .~+. .. . ~.~.~~~"~~ ll~ 0~ ~~A~~'~~~~~~` January 24, 1994 Marion .Shaw Public Works Director's Off ice 1501 Truxton Avenue Bakersfield, CA 93301 Re: Proposed Maintenance District Dear Marion: Please allow this to serve as written request for information concerning Maintenance District No. 1, Division 7. As owner of Bakersfield Plaza, I feel that we should be involved in the decisions surrounding the District. Please forward a current budget, financial statement, landscape plans, and also a timetable as to when these items are to be completed. I look forward to working with you in the future on this project. Thank you for your courtesy and prompt attention. Should you have any further questions, please feel free to contact me at your convenience. Sincerely, BAKERSFIELD PLAZA CO. David Theroux Property Manager DET:ga2 Albert B. Glickman & Associates Shopping Center & Real Estate Development 9864 Wilshire Boulevard Beverly Hills, California 90210-3115 (310) 274-8222 FAX (310) 274-0237 • B A K E R S F I E I; D PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT 1501 TRUXTUN AVENUE BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA 93301 (805) 326-3724 November 18,1992 ED W. SCHULZ, DIRECTOR • CITY ENGINEER SUBJECT: CALIFORNIA AVENUE LANDSCAPE MAINTENANCE DISTRICT Dear Property Owner: The City of Bakersfield is proposing to improve the traffic movement and road surface condition along California Avenue between Stockdale Highway and Real Road by reducing the existing landscaped median by 4 feet and overlaying the existing road surface with new asphalt. The project will require the removal of several existing pine trees in order to accommodate. the lengthening of left turn lanes. To offset the loss of landscape trees and reduction in landscaped median width, the City proposes not only to replace the landscaping which is lost, but to upgrade the medians with several new trees, shrubs, a new automatic irrigation system and replace the asphalt within the median with decorative stamped colored concrete. The estimated construction cost for total street improvements, including landscaping is approximately $S 14,000.00 and will be borne by the City. The net effect will be wider travel lanes and the beautification of California Avenue. The typical theme tree is Japanese Pagoda; the- typical theme for shrubs and ground cover are: Oregon Grape, Woods Dwarf, Cape Honey Suckle and Spring Rapture Monrey. As a result of the upgrade and enhancement of the landscape improvements, an increase in the maintenance cost will be incurred and the City of Bakersfield is requesting your support of a Maintenance District for California Avenue.. There are several existing and established Maintenance Districts through-out the City. The formation of a Maintenance District is a standard policy with the City for the purpose of maintaining new landscape improvements and is necessary whenever these type of improvements are added. The total square footage of landscaping for this project is approximately 22,000 square feet. The estimated annual cost to maintain landscaping improvements for this project is $7,b58.00. This. cost will be fairly apportioned to all property owners within the boundaries of the proposed district. It is estimated that the cost to each parcel ~ in the proposed district will be approximately $40.00 with an additional cost for those parcels which front California Avenue. Atypical parcel with one hundred feet of California Avenue frontage would pay an additional $25.00. Enclosed are copies of a typical plan of the landscape improvements proposed for enhancement of California Avenue and a map showing the boundaries of the proposed district. Also enclosed is a self addressed post card which you may indicate your support or opposition to the proposed Maintenance District. Please check one of the boxes on the self addressed card and return it to the City by December 4,1992. Once all cards have been received, you will be advised of the next steps regarding this project. Should you have any questions or need additional information on this project, please call Lauren Dimberg or DeWayne Starnes at (805) 326-3724. These improvements will result in an aesthetic enhancement of California Avenue which will be. a direct benefit to the properties in the area and add a great improvement to our community. We look forward to dour support of this project. Very truly yours; E. W chul Pu is Wo Di ector - B- ~ DeWayne Starn -Civil Engineer III November 18,1992 SUBJECT: CALIFORNIA AVENUE LANDSCAPE MAINTENANCE DISTRICT Dear Property Owner: The City of Bakersfield is proposing to improve the traffic movement and road surface condition along California Avenue between Stockdale Highway and Real- Road by reducing the existing landscaped median by 4 feet and overlaying the existing road surface with new asphalt. The project will require the removal of several existing pine trees in order to accommodate the lengthening of left turn lanes. To offset the loss of landscape trees and reduction in landscaped median width, the City proposes not only to replace the landscaping which is lost, but to upgrade the medians with several new trees, shrubs, a new automatic irrigation system and replace the asphalt within the median with decorative stamped colored concrete. The estimated construction cost for total street improvements, including landscaping is approximately $5.14,000.00 and will be borne by the City. The net effect will be wider travel lanes and the beautification of California Avenue. The typical theme tree is Japanese Pagoda; the typical theme for shrubs and ground cover are: Oregon Grape, Woods Dwarf, Cape Honey Suckle and Spring Rapture Monrey. As a result of the upgrade. and enhancement of the landscape. improvements, an increase in the maintenance cost will be incurred and the City of Bakersfield is requesting your support of a Maintenance District for California Avenue. There are several existing and established Maintenance Districts through-out the City. The formation of a Maintenance District is a standard policy with the City for the purpose of maintaining new landscape improvements and is necessary whenever these type of improvements are added. The total square footage of landscaping for this project is approximately 22,000 square feet. The estimated annual cost to maintain landscaping improvements for this project is $7,b58.00. This cost will be fairly apportioned to all property owners within the boundaries of the proposed~district. It is estimated that the cost to each parcel in the proposed district will be approximately $40.00 with an additional cost for those parcels which front California Avenue... A typical parcel with one hundred .feet. of California Avenue frontage would pay an additional $25.00. Enclosed are copies of a typical plan of the landscape improvements proposed for enhancement of California Avenue and a map showing the boundaries of the proposed district. Also enclosed is a self addressed post card which you may indicate your support or opposition to the proposed Maintenance District. Please check one of the boxes on the self addressed card and return it to the City by December 4,1992. Once all cards have been received, you will be advised of the next steps regarding this project. Should you have any questions or need additional information on this project,- please call Lauren Dimberg or DeWayne Starnes at (805) 32b-3724. These improvements will result in an aesthetic enhancement of California Avenue which will be a direct benefit to the properties in the area and add a great improvement to our community. We look forward to your support of this project. Very truly yours; E. W chul ''~~ Pu is Wor DuPector DeWayne Starne~ -Civil Engineer III «D f , ~.~'A _ f1 4 B A K E R S F I E L D PUBLIC. WORKS DEPARTMENT 1501 TRUXTUN AVENUE BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA 93301 (805) 326-3724 November 18,1992 ED W. SCHULZ, DIRECTOR • CITY ENG[NEER SUBJECT: CALIFORNIA AVENUE LANDSCAPE MAINTENANCE DISTRICT Dear Property Owner: The City of Bakersfield is proposing to improve the traffic movement and road surface condition along California. Avenue between Stockdale Highway and Real Road by reducing the existing landscaped median icy 4 reef a.na o~verla~~Fi~rg brie existing road srirrace with new aslihait. Y le pro jec~ wil require the rE~moval of several existing pine trees in order to accommodate the lengthening of left turn lanes. To offset the loss of landscape trees and reduction in landscaped median width, the City proposes not only to replace the landscaping which is lost, but to upgrade the medians with several new trees, shrubs, a new automatic irrigation system and replace the asphalt within the median with decorative stamped colored concrete. The estimated construction cost for total street improvements, including landscaping is approximately $514,000.00 and will be borne by the City. The net effect will be wider travel lanes and the beautification of California Avenue. The typical theme tree is Japanese Pagoda; the typical theme for shrubs and ground cover are: Oregon Grape, Woods Dwarf, Cape Honey Suckle and Spring Rapture. Monrey. As a result of the upgrade and enhancement of the landscape improvements, an increase in the maintenance cost will be incurred and the City of Bakersfield is requesting your support of a Maintenance District for California Avenue. There are several existing and established Maintenance Districts through-out the City. The formation of a Maintenance District is a standard policy with the City for the purpose of maintaining new landscape improvements and is necessary whenever these type of improvements are added. The total square footage of landscaping for this project is approximately 22,000 square feet. The estimated annual cost to .maintain landscaping improvements for this project is $7,658.00. This cost will be fairly apportioned to all property owners within the boundaries of the proposed .district. It is estimated that the cost to each parcel in the proposed district will be approximately $40.00 with an additional cost for those parcels which front- California Avenue. Atypical parcel with one hundred feet of California Avenue frontage would pay an additional $25.00. La.:r.v:.~vu c~ v r.~r~n:rJ vx u ~~l/YLUt~ ~1'iiiu Ul t--G -c--luJL~I~I'G !!l-~1!!1'V G11-G1-6,J 1J'! V~'U~Vr1 iill Gl-liCi-1l:~IYlCiI1~. UL California Avenue and a map showing the boundaries of the proposed district. Also enclosed is a self addressed post card which you may indicate your support or opposition to the proposed Maintenance District. Please check one of the boxes on the self addressed card and return it to the City by December 4,1992. Once all cards have been received, you will be advised of the next steps regarding this project. ~ Should you have any questions or need additional information on this project, please call Lauren Dimberg or DeWayne Starnes at (805) 326-3724. .These improvements will result in an aesthetic enhancement of California Avenue which will be a direct benefit to the properties in the area and add a great improvement to our community. We look forward to your support of this project. Very truly yours; E. W chul Pu is Woi Di~ector DeWayne Starne~ -Civil Engineer. III ~ - t~. January 11,1994 Building Industry Association of Kern County 6901 McDivitt Drive Bakersfield, CA 93313 Attn; Patrick J. Collins Re: California Avenue Maintenance District Dear Mr. Collins: , We have received. and reviewed your letter of December 7, 1993: As you may know, before any new street landscaping is added to the City, a Maintenance District must be formed. In order to improve traffic circulation. along California Avenue, the City .budgeted for construction which would entail the narrowing of the .median islands along California Avenue and pavement resurfacing, This presented an opportunity to enhance, the beautification of California Avenue by adding new landscaping. Because adding new landscaping to California Avenue was. proposed by the City, additional steps to the formation process were implemented. These steps basically included obtaining property owner response to the proposal prior to any formation procedures. A positive response from property owners would result in the City proceeding with the Maintenance District formation. A negative response would have resulted in the termination of District proceedings and the elimination of any new landscaping along California Avenue. In November of 1992 the City sent letters to all of the property owners within the proposed California Avenue Maintenance District, This letter contained information relating to the reasons for the median reconstruction and the City's desire to enhance and beautify California Avenue by the addition of ,new landscaping. This letter also requested property owner input on the formation of a Maintenance District to pay for the maintenance of the proposed enhanced median island landscaping. A strong majority of those who responded were in favor of enhancing California Avenue and indicated support of establishing a district, This district would pay for maintenance of the new landscaping. Maintenance of the existing landscaping is being paid for by the City. The new landscape plan is designed to enhance and beautify the area in compliance with the present adopted standards for median island landscaping. Since the .properties within the proposed district will receive the greatest benefit from the increased landscaping, the owners are being asked to pay for the maintenance of the landscaping, All property owners were duly notified of their proposed assessment and of thetwo hearing dates, one to hear testimony and the other forthe protest hearing which was held on September 8,1993, At the time of the hearing. we received written protests amounting to approximately 17% by area of the proposed district. A 50% protest by area is required for the district to fail.. In addition to the increased landscaping, the median surface will be replaced with "stamped concrete" to give it a cobblestone look. All construction costs for this project will be borne by the City and only the maintenance .cost of the landscaping will be passed on to the property owners. Very truly yours, E. W. SCHULZ Public Works Director A:letter~calmdbid,3 ~ ~~,~ ~ V r~~ ~ ALAN TANDY ~ ~= ~, CITY MANAGER '~~~ ~ ~ ~~~ ~~~ IND TRY ASS ~C11iU us ~. ~_, ~._ F KERN CaUNTI~ ~y ~~. ~ v 6901 McDIVITT DRIVE, SUITE C BAKERSFIELD, CA 93313 -2047 -:- 805/832.3577 FAX 8051832-0258 (~ ,~~I~. . ~ ~~ ~~ ~~ 1°~ c.U F',C'~-.. CAF December 7 , 19 9 3 ~ `~~~~~ ~~~~ 4~~ ~s~ ~ , 4~,~~~.~ ~ ~ ~ hh~ " q"scl~~.'d°:s:i!~ ~.mv The Honorable Bob Price Ma or ~.~ ~ '~~ ,y ~ X99 -- and Bakersfield City Council r ~ 1501 Truxtun Avenue ~~~~~~ ~ ~ ~~-~~ ~, c ~~d~~ ~~F ~~~~~~~~~ r- -o Bc~~ersf field, C~'~ 93301 --~ ~ _. -~ ... Honorable Mayor and Councilmembers: ~ c: t~ ~ ~ rn to The Commercial/Industrial Council of the Building I ustr~ Asso- ciation of Kern County monitored with interest the establishment of Maintenance District No. 1, Division 7. This district is generally bound by the Carrier Canal on the north, Real Road on the east, Stockdale Highway on the south and includes all parcels fronting California Avenue on the west. Maintenance districts within newly developing areas are not uncom- mon, however, we still question the equity in a selected-few being required to pay for the maintenance of public facilities. The question of establishing maintenance districts simply because the public works department determines that transportation improve- ments are necessary is the issue we wish to address. Especially when the improvement is one of the major arterials in the city. As we understand, expansion needed. to be done to California Avenue to improve traffic flow:,. Along with these traffic improve- , ments new landscaping.would be installed that would now.have to be maintained by the property owners within this new maintenance dis- trict. Several questions come to mind; 1) Who was paying for the maintenance of the existing median? 2) Why was the median land- scaping intentionally changed to require. funding for maintenance over and above. what was currently being spent? 3) Why should pro- . perty owners within this district be singled out to maintain a median along an arterial bearing some of the heaviest traffic volume in the city? 4 } If the city could not afford to maintain the landscaping, why was it designed to require more than minimal attention? As a city policy, the Commercial/Industrial Council of the Build- ing Industry Association of Kern, County does not support the establishment of landscape maintenance districts in .developed areas when the city initiates traffic improvements. These traffic flow_decisions are not the responsibility of property owners adja- cent to the transportation corridor. Maintenance costs based on city traffic improvements are a commitment that the city makes, and should not be shifted to adjacent property owners. s .Honorable Mayor and Bakersfield City Council ~r ~ December 7, 1993 Page Two It is also a concern of this group that the costs associated with a landscape maintenance district, once established, will inevit- ably escalate. Thank you for allowing the BIA of Kern County the opportunity to comment on this issue. Sincerely, 1 Patrick J. lins, Chairman BIA Commercial/Industrial Council PJC : amm . .¢irryyv'h ~f i. B A~K~E R S F~I E~L D PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT 1501 TRUXTUN AVENUE BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA 93301 {805) 326-3724 ED W. SCHULZ, DIRECTOR • CITY ENGINEER January 12,1994 Building Industry Association of Kern County 6901 McDivitt Drive, Suite C Bakersfield, CA 93313-2047 Attn: Patrick J. Collins RE: California Avenue Maintenance District Dear . Mr. Collins; We have received and reviewed your letter of ~ December 7, 1993 regarding the street landscaping proposed for California Avenue and the related maintenance district. In order to improve traffic flow along California Avenue between Oak Street and Stockdale Highway, the City budgeted for reconstruction of this street which would entail the narrowing and complete reconstruction of the median islands along California Avenue. This presented an opportunity to enhance the beautification of California Avenue by adding new landscaping, but as you may know, bef ore any new street landscaping is added to the City, a maintenance district must be formed. Because adding new landscaping to Calif ornia Avenue was proposed by the City, additional steps to the. maintenance district formation process were implemented.. These steps basically included obtaining- property owner response to the proposal prior to any formation procedures: In November of 1992, the City sent letters to all of -the property owners within the proposed California Avenue Maintenance District. This letter contained information relating to the reasons for the median reconstruction and the City's .desire to enhance and beautify California Avenue by the addition of new landscaping. This Fetter also requested property owner input on the formation of a maintenance district to pay ,for the maintenance of the proposed enhanced median island landscaping. A strong majority of those who responded were in f avor of enhancing Calif ornia Avenue and supported establishment of a district to pay for maintenance of the newlandscaping. A positive response from property owners would result in the City proceeding with ~ the maintenance district f ormation. A negative response would have resulted in the termination of district proceedings and the elimination of any new landscaping along California Avenue.. Building Industry Association of Kern County RE: California Avenue Maintenance District January 11,1994 Page 2 The new ~ landscape plan is designed to enhance and beautify the area in compliance with the present adopted standards f or median island landscaping. Since the properties within the district as formed receive the greatest benefit from the increased landscaping, the owners are being asked to pay for the maintenance of the landscaping. All property owners were duly notified of their proposed assessment and during two hearings .regarding the matter, we received .only two negative comments, and written protests amounting to approximately 17% by area of the proposed district. A 50% protest by area is required for the district to fail. In addition to the increased landscaping, the median surface will be replaced with "stamped concrete" to give it a cobblestone look. This surface. will be maintained, by the City. All construction costs for this project will be borne by the City and only the maintenance cost of the . landscaping will be passed on to the property owners. We hope this responds to your concern as to the formation of this district. I want to also assure you that the .City has the same concerns as your organization in not placing an unnecessary financial burden on a segment of our community, but the process that was used in phis project was appropriate and I'm certain the end result will be a very positive project for the Calif ornia Avenue commercial corridor. Very truly yours, ~~ ED W. SCHULZ Public Works Director cc: City Manager Alan Tandy Councilmembers ' ~~N TANDY CITY MANAGER BIA R INDUSTRY ASS~CIA~14 ~~o~ r ~ vF KERN COUNTI~ ,~ •- 690t McDIVITT DRIVE, SUITE C BAKERSFIELD. CA 93313 -2047 -:- 805/832-3577 FAX 8051832-0258 ~ `~jF~ p~~GL ~, 1~q~ 1~v V v r ~. ~+ December 7, 1993 A ~~ ~'~ ;~~ ,, ~:~ The Honorable Hob Price, Mayor ~ ~ ~ rn '~~ ~ and Bakersfield Cit Council ~ ~'~ '~ ~ ~- ~~~ ~~~ ~' ~ ~ ~ 1501 Truxtun Avenue ~ Bakersfield, CA 93301 -''~~~;;~'~'.~~' ;: ~ .~.~ ~ ,--y,`~a,., `~ ~ Honorable Mayor and Councilmembers: ~ ~w~ c: ~- m The Commercial/Industrial Council of the Building I ust~ Asso- ciation of Kern County monitored. with interest the e stablishment of Maintenance. District No.. 1, Division 7. This district is generally bound by the Carrier Canal on the north, Real Road on the east, Stockdale Highway on the south and includes all parcels fronting California Avenue on the west. , Maintenance districts within newly developing areas are not uncom- mon, however, we still question the equity in a selected few being required to pay for the maintenance of public facilities. The question of establishing maintenance,districts simply because the public works department determines that transportation improve- ments are necessary is the issue we -wish to address. Especially when the improvement is one of the major arterials in the city. As we understand, expansion needed to be done to California Avenue to improve traffic flow. Along with these traffic improve- ments new landscaping. would be ,installed that would now. have to be maintained by the property owners within this new maintenance dis-. trict. Several questions come to mind; ~.) Who was paying .for the maintenance of the existing median? 2) Why was the median land- scaping intentionally changed to require funding for maintenance over and above what was currently being spent? 3},Why should pro- perty owners within this district be singled out to maintain a median along an arterial bearing some of the heaviest traffic volume in the city? . 4 } I f ~ the city could not afford to maintain the landscaping, why was it designed to require more than minimal attention? As a city policy, the Commercial/Industrial Council of the Build- ing Industry Association of -,Kern County does not support the establishment of landscape maintenance districts in developed areas when the city initiates traffic- improvements. These traffic flow decisions are not the responsibility of property owners adja- cent to the transportation corridor. Maintenance costs based on city traffic improvements are a commitment that the city makes, and should not be shifted to adjacent property owners.. ~; Honorable Mayor and Bakersfield City Council December 7, 1993 Page Two It is also a concern of this group that-the costs associated with a landscape maintenance district, once established, will inevit- ably escalate. Thank, you for allowing the 8IA of Kern County the opportunity to comment on this issue. sincerely, l Patrick J. lips, Chairman BIA Commercial/Industrial Council PJC:amm s B A K E R S F I E L D PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT 1501 TRUXTUN AVENUE BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA 93301 . ($OS) 326-3724 ED W. SCHULZ. DIRECTOR • CITY ENGINEER February 7,1994 Albert B. Glickman & Associates 9864 Wilshire Boulevard Beverly Hills, California 90210-3115 Attention: David Theroux Property Manager Subject: California Avenue Resurfacing and Median Project Dear Mr. Theroux; Thank you for your interest in the California Avenue resurfacing and median project. Asa .first phase of this project, the City installed a storm drain along California Avenue to dispose of the nuisance water generated by the irrigation of various adjacent. property owner's landscaping. This nuisance water would enter the street at driveways and cause deterioration of ,the pavement. The cost of this portion of the project was $214,000.00. The construction project which will narrow the medians and resurface California Avenue will be advertised for bids on approximately February 23,1994. This project includes irrigation system installation and hardscaping (See item 3 below -this "ha.rdscaping" is called out as "typical red stamped concrete. pattern"). Construction should start on this project by about April 30,1994 and should take no more than 120 working days. The installation of the landscaping will be done by City forces after the project is complete. The budget for this project is $980,000.00. As per your request, .please find enclosed the following items: 1. The City of Bakersfield .letter dated November 18,1992. sent to all property owners in the district describing the improvements to California Avenue and requesting a response for support or opposition for the proposed district. 2. A Map and Assessment Diagram for Maintenance District No.1 Division 7. . 3. The proposed typical landscape median theme. 4. Two sheets from the preliminary landscape plans for the California Avenue Median. . (These plans should give you a good overview of the project and how the improved circulation and median will affect your property). Very truly yours, Ed W. SCH:ULZ Public V~orks Director By: ~ c ues R. LaRochelle Design Engineer Attachments C94:1CALIF_MD\GLICKMAN.LET JLR:mps:mps B A K E R S F I E L D PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT 1501 TRUXTUN AVENUE BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA 93301 (805) 326-3724 ED W. SCHULZ, DIRECTOR • CITY ENGINEER November 18,1992 • SUBJECT: CALIFORNIA AVENUE LANDSCAPE MAINTENANCE DISTRICT Dear Property Owner: . ,;The City of Bakersfield is proposing to improve the trafTic movement and road surface condition along California Avenue between Stockdale Highway and Real Road by reducing the existing landscaped median by 4 teen a.na overlaying the~existiug road surface with new as~eatt. the project will require the removal of several existing pine trees in order to accommodate the lengthening of left turn. lanes. To offset the loss of landscape trees and reduction in landscaped median .width, the City proposes not only to replace the landscaping which is lost, but to upgrade the medians with several new trees, shrubs, a new automatic irrigation system and. replace the asphalt within the median with decorative stamped colored. concrete. The estimated construction cost for total street improvements, including landscaping is approximately $514,000.00 and will be borne by the City. The net effect will be wider travel lanes and the beautification of California Avenue. The typical theme tree is .Japanese Pagoda; the typical theme for shrubs and~ground cover are: Oregon Grape, Woods Dwarf, Cape Honey Suckle and Spring Rapture Monrey. As a result of the upgrade and enhancement of the landscape improvements, an increase in the maintenance cost will be~incurred and the City of Bakersfield is requesting your support of a Maintenance District for California Avenue. There are several existing and established Maintenance Districts throughput the City. The formation of a Maintenance District is a standard policy with the .City .for the purpose of maintaining new landscape improvements and is necessary whenever these type of improvements are added. The total square footage of landscaping for this project is approximately 22,000 square feet. The estimated . annual cost to maintain landscaping improvements for this project is $7,658.00. This cost will be fairly. apportioned to all property owners within the boundaries of the proposed district. It is estimated that the cost to each parcel in the. proposed district will be approximately $40.00 with an additional cost for those parcels which front. California Avenue. Atypical parcel with one hundred feet of California Avenue. frontage would . pay an additional $25.00. y .~/~~f~I.AA w~.n I~~w~nn w~ n {t tw~nnl w~n~ .ter •L .. ~.~. ..~.•~w~...• ~ ~ ln.v w..~- -~ C. nri ~ f' La1b1VJL1. s.lv wrav0 Vt u ~~tlibcai jJ'i~iu Vl flit IQUUJVct~/G l111~11VYtililGll~J ~J1Vl.JVJ1i~i lUl ~ulldii~ClllCtl~ UL California Avenue and a map showing the boundaries of the proposed district. Also .enclosed is a self addressed post card which you may indicate your support or opposition to the proposed Maintenance District. Please check one of the boxes on the self addressed card and return it to the City by December 4, 1992. Once all cards have been received, you will be advised of the next steps. regarding this project. Should you have any questions or need additional information on this project, please call Lauren Dimberg or DeWayne Starnes at (805) 326-3724. These improvements will result in an aesthetic enhancement of California Avenue which will be a direct benefit. to the properties in the area and add a great improvement to our community. We look forward to your support of this project. Very truly yours; E. W hu Public Wor Dviector DeWayne Starne~ -Civil Engineer III MAP AND ASSESSMENT DIAGRAM FOR MAINTENANCE DISTRICT N0.1 DNISION 7 BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA r'~ I ~; .I ., ~I II ,I AN ASSESSMElIt wAS lE1AE0 BY THE ptt COUNCIL ON n+E LOTS. PIECES AN0 PARCELS OF LAND SHONM ON THIS ASSESSMENT OIACRAM. 5A10 ASSE53frEMT wAS IENED ON 1HE DAY OF . 1992 ; SAlO ALIT DIAGRAM ANO THE AS5E391ENT ROLL WERE RECORDED N THE OFFICE OF THE DEPARTMENT OF PUOUC wDlacs OF SAlO pTY ON THE OAY OF .1991. REFERF~ICE I'S MADE TO THE AS5E591ENT ROLL. RECORDED IN THE OFFICE Oi THE DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC NORKS FOR THE EXACT AMOUNT QF EACH ASSESSMENT LEVIED ACNNST EACH PARCEL OF LAND SHOwN ON THIS ASSESSMENT DIAGRAM. CITY CLERK OF THE CITY OF BAKERSFIELD. CALIFORNIA FILED FOR RECORO THIS DAY OF 1991 •, AT _,M., IN 900K OF ASSESSMENT DISTRICTS AT PACE IN THE OFFICE OF THE COUNtt~ ' RECORDER OF TFiE COUNtt Oi KERN. STATE OF CALIFORNUI, ~ALE_S. ENSTAD COUNtt CLERK RECORDER er CHIEF OEPUtt RECCROER RECORDED IN.tI+E OFf1CE of 1HE DEPARTMENT OF PueuC wDRKs THIS DAY ~ t 992 . FILED IN THE OFFICE OF THE ptt CLERK TiNs DAY OF 1992 . CITY CLERK OF'1HE dtt aF .BAKERSFIELD. CAIFDiIN1A ALE: 0262JART SNQT t .~ ~ c: ,~ , Q ~, _ Recording Requested By: ~. City of Bakersfield ., Public Works Department And When Recorded Mail To: City Engineer City of Bakersfield 1501 Truxtun Avenue Bakersfield, CA. 93301 Attention: DeWayne Starnes ` U~'J~ ~V~V r ~Ul ~~~ a viii ~ ~. Y ~~ ~ * o CITY OF BAKERSFIELD MAINTENANCE DISTRICT N0. 1 DIVISION 7 ASSESSMENTS FISCAL YEAR 1993-1994 .h~+y, ''~„ ~: PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR c:Main.D.18 EXHIBIT "E" ASSESSMENT ROLL. MAINTENANCE DISTRICT N0.1 . DIVISION 7 FISCAL YEAR 1993 - 1994 Assessment Parcel No. as shown on Map 'Exhibit "B" : 020-010-36-00-4 020-010-41-00-8 . 020-010-45-00-0 020-020-05-00-7 020-110-09-00-5 020-110-10-00-7 020-120-23-00-8 020-120-26-d0-7 020-120-32-00-4 020-401-03-00-8 020-401-04-00-1 020-401-05-00-4 020-401-06-00-7 020-401-07-00-0 020-402-01-00-9 020-402-02-00-2 ~. 020-402-03-00-5 020-402-04-00-8 020-402-05-00-1 020-402-06-00-4 020-402-10-0.0-5 020-410-02-00-1 020-410-03-00-4 020-410-.04-00-7 020-530-36-00-5 331-023-02-00-6 331-023-03-00-9 331-023-05-00-5 331-023-08-00-4 . 331-023-09-00-7 331-023-11-00-2 331-023-12-00-5 331-023-17-00-0 331-023-18-00-3 331-023-19-00-6 Bt~oK6910 PacE 330 Total Assessment $ 84.7& $ 180.86 $ 160.49 $ 95.20 $ 61.77 $ 66.48 $ 189.22 $ 103.04 $ 100.16 $ 40.36 $ 40.36 $ 40.36 $ 40.36 $ 79.53 $ 40.36 $ 40.36 $ 40.36 $ 40.36 $ 82.14 $ 71.70 $ 139.08 $ 114.79 $ 114.79 $ 106.43 $ 114.79 $ 8.1.62 $ 176.94 $ 40.36 $ 114.79 $ 126.54 $ 83.71 $ 150.83 $ 40.36 $ 40.36 $ 40.36 1 Bo~~6910 PAr,E 331 ~.; Assessment Parcel No. as shown on Map Exhibit "B": 331-032-06-00-4 331-032-08-00-0 331-032-16-00-3 331-032-17-00-6 331-032-20-00-4 331-032-21-00-7 331-032-22-00-0 331-032-23-00-3 331-032-24-00-6 331-032=25-00-9 331-032-26-00-2 331-032-27-00-5. 331-032-28-00-8 331-032-29-00-1 3:31-032-30-00-3 331-032-32-00-9 331-032-33-00-2 331-032-34-00-5 331-032-35-00-8 331-032-36-00-1 331-430-01-00-1 331-430-02-00-4 331-430-03-00-7 331-430-04-00-0 .331-430-~05-00-3 _331-430-06-00-6 331-430-07-00-9 . 332-253-12-00-9 332-253-13-00-2 332-253-14-00-5 332-253-15-00-8 332-253-16-00-1 332-253-17-00-4 ~ 332-253-18-00-7 332-253-1~9-00-0 332-253-29-00-9 332-321-06-00-8 332-321-07-00-1 332-321-12-00-5 332-321-16-00-7 332-321-17-00-0 332-321-18-00-3 332-322-04-00-9 332-322-06-00-5 332-322-12-00-2 Total Assessment $ 199".40 $ 159.97 $ 87.89 $ 113.48 $ 98.60 $ 67.78 $ 80.32 $ 101.21 $ 40.36 $ 157.62 $ 40.36 $ 40.36 $ 40.36 $` 40.36 $ 126.54 $ 40.3.6 $ .40.36 149.00 $ 140.90 $ 151.87 $ 193 .66 $ 40.36 $ 40.36 $ 110.61 $ 122..10 $ 144.56 $ 40.36 $ 40.36 $ 40.36 $ 40.36 $ 40.36 $ 40.36 $ 40.36 40.36 $ 40.36 $ 40.36 $ 40.36 $ 40.36 $ 40.36. $ 40.36 $ 40.36 $ 40.36 $ 214.25 $ 66.74 $ 82.93 2 .y 1 BOQK 6910 PAGE 332 Assessment Parcel No. as shown on Map Total Exhibit "B": Assessment 332-322-13-00-5 $ 40.36 332-323-03-00-3 $ 82.67 332-323-05-00-9 $ 40.36 332-323-07-00-5 $ .62.82 332-323-08-00-8 $ 139.08 332-331-03-00-2 $ 109.57 332-331-05-00-8 $ 4.0.36- 332-331-06-00-1 $ 178.77 332-332-06-00-8 $ 40.36 332-332-07-00-1 $ 40.36 332-.332-11-0~0-2 $ 40.36 332-332-13-00-8 $ 40.36 332-332-20-00-8 $ 40.36 -332-332-21-00-1 ~ $ 40.36 332-332-22-00-4 $ 40..35 332-332-23-00-7 $ 40.36 332-510-01-00--1 $ 55.77 332-510-02-00-4 $ 55.77 332-510-03-00-7 $ 55.77 332-510-04-00-0 $ 55.77 332-510-10-00-7 $ 55.77 332-510-11-00-0 $ ~ 55.77 332-510-12-00-3 $ 55.77 332-510-13-00-6 $ 55.77 *5401 Business ,Park South $ 40.36 *1400 Easton Dr. $ 40.36 * These parcels are commom lot parce ls .that do not have A.P.N.'s. These lots will be billed directly by the City. DATE: /-~~/~ CITY~CLERK and Ex Officio Clerk of the Council of the City of Bakersfield 3 AFFIDAVIT OF MAILING STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) ss. COUNTY OF KERN ) John Stinson, being first duly sworn, deposes and says: That he is now and during all the time herein mentioned the Engineering Technician for the City of Bakersfield, California. That on the 18th day of November, 1992, he deposited in the Clerks Office, notice, a copy of which is attached hereto, addressed to each person whose name and address appears on the attached list, which list contains the .names and addresses of the owners of all property along each and every street upon which the property proposed to be assessed for the maintenance of certain local improvements within Maintenance District No. 1, Division ~7, California Avenue) as shown upon attached map. . ~,, JOHN A. STINS~N ENGINEERING TECHNICIAN, CTFY OF BA1~.R.S'FiF1 n ENGIl`~~RING 1501 TRUXTUN AVENUE BAKERSFIELD, CA 93301 • B A K E R S F I E L D PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT 1501 TRUXTUN AVENUE BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA 93301 (SOS) 326-3724 November 18,1992 ED W. SCHULZ, DIRECTOR • CITY ENGINEER SUBJECT: CALIFORNIA AVENUE LANDSCAPE MAINTENANCE DISTRICT Dear Property Owner: The City of Bakersfield is proposing to improve the traffic movement and road surface condition along California Avenue between Stockdale Highway and Real Road by reducing the existing landscaped median by 4 feet and overlaying the existing road surface with new asphalt. The project will require the removal of several existing pine trees in order to accommodate the lengthening of left turn lanes. To offset the loss of landscape trees and reduction in landscaped median width, the City proposes not only to replace the landscaping which is lost, but to upgrade the medians with several new trees, shrubs, a new automatic irrigation system and replace the asphalt within the median with decorative stamped colored concrete. The estimated construction cost for total street improvements, including landscaping is approximately $S 14,000.00 and will be borne by the City. The net effect will be wider travel lanes and the beautification of California Avenue. The typical theme tree is Japanese Pagoda; the typical theme for shrubs and ground cover are: Oregon Grape, Woods Dwarf, Cape Honey Suckle and Spring Rapture Monrey. As a result of the upgrade and enhancement of the landscape improvements, an increase in the maintenance cost will be incurred and the City of Bakersfield is requesting your support of a Maintenance District for California Avenue. There are several existing and established Maintenance Districts through-out the City. The formation of a Maintenance District is a standard policy with the City for the purpose of maintaining new landscape improvements and is necessary whenever these type of improvements are added. The total square footage of landscaping for this. project is approximately 22,000 square feet. The estimated annual cost to maintain landscaping improvements for this project is $7,658.00. This cost will be fairly apportioned to all property owners within the boundaries of the proposed district. It is estimated that the cost to each parcel in the proposed district will be approximately $40.00 with an additional cost for those parcels which front California Avenue. Atypical parcel with one hundred feet of California Avenue frontage would , pay an additional $25.00. Enclosed are copies of a typical plan of the landscape improvements proposed for enhancement of California Avenue and a map showing the boundaries of the proposed district. Also enclosed is a self addressed post card which you may indicate your support or opposition to the proposed Maintenance District. Please check one of the boxes on the self addressed card and return it to the City by December 4,1992. Once all cards have been received, you will be advised of the next steps regarding this project. Should you have any questions or need additional information on this project, please call Lauren Dimberg or DeWayne Starnes at (805) 326-3724. These improvements will result in an aesthetic enhancement of California Avenue which will be a direct benefit to the properties in the area and add a great improvement to our community. We look forward to ,your support of this project. Very truly yours; E. W chu Pu is Wo Di ector B .~ DeWayne Starn -Civil Engineer III AFFIDAVIT ~F MAILING STATE OF CALIFORNIA) ss . COONTY OF KERN) C1~ROL WILLIAMB, being first duly sworn, deposes and says:. . That she is now and during all the time herein mentioned the duly appointed and. acting Clerk of the City of Bakersfield, said County and~State. 20th ~ July 1993 That on the day of , .._.., she deposited in the United States Mail, with. postage prepaid, a notice, a copy of which is attached hereto, addressed to each- .person whose name and address appears on the attached list, which contains the names and addresses of the owners of all property- .subject to the assessment. ' eted not less than 45 da s That such mailing was compl y subse went to the date set for hearing on this matter before the q Council of the City of Bakersf field. , ,~ s~ f C__.ARO ~ WILLIAMS CITY CLERK and Ex-officio Clerk of the Council of the City of Sakersf field, CA BY : ``-~~', ,, DEPUTY C CL ESTABLISH MAINTENANCE DISTRICT N0. 1, DIVISION.? CALIFORNIA AVENUES ~ROI 1108~~ ~~~ ~ss~ ~~~~~~~ ~~.L~.~ ~~~~1x~ i~~ ~~~~ ~f~-i + r S~ ~~~~ Maur prapa~ed ~~~e~~men~ far ~9~3~-~~~ ~~ 5~.7?. ~~~"I~~ ~~ ~I~REBY ~I~~hl ~h~t the Puh~li~ ~#ark~ ~irectar a~ the ~~~~ a~ ~aker~~~e~d h~~ ~~~~~ed ~~ he prepared end filed ~s~th the ~i~t~ ~~erk ~ ~~epar~ In ~ri~~ng~ t~h~l~h pra~ride~ the be~~.~ far the benefit ~~~e~~~en~ far ~~in~~ain~/nc~ ~~ree~ ~~nd~c~ping end a~her~ la~~l pub~l~ impravemen~~ ~a be barns btu ill p~r~el~ of praper~~ ~i~hln "~~in~en~n~e ~i~~ric~ ~a. ~~ l~iwi~ian '~ ~ener~ll~ banded by the farrier ~an~l an the narth~ ~e~l ~a~d an the ~,~~~- ta~kdale Mighc~at~ an the ~auth, and ~~~ parcels ~Fran~in~ dal ifarnia ~~-en~te an the f.~e~~"~ inc ~+~~ ing Maur praper~~. ~~id ~irec~ar'~ ~epar~ ~~~~ far~h the a#~a~.•n~~ ~a ~~ ps a~~ded ~n the b~sd~e~ far ~a~n~enance and apera~ian, ~ de~crip~ian of each parcel of praper~~ in the prapa~ed maintenance di~~ric~ ~~ ~ de~crip~ian ~~.fficien~ ~a iden~i~~ the ~~~1e~ and h ~ Nr iii a ~ n ~ ~ 'W( ~ 71N MIS M ~ ~ Mi iii 7M~ i i ~ ~ a ~ 71. ~ iw i ~ ~ ~ ~ 1.( r ~ i i 7M ~ ~ .1[ iM 'Ipi ~ ~ 1M ~ r ~ f f ~• w~ ` ~ ~' ~ 7117 ~ n Mf lw h p 7111 r i1- iM i. iK ~ p r ~ p 'i1r r ~ ~ • ~7M7 ~ ~ r 7M p 7K r ~ Ni h lYi ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ p ~ w ~ ~ •••FFF p ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 7 i MC p it is ~ ~ a i i illi the " ub 1 ~~ ~arkiK ~irec~ar r5 t~ffice~ 1~Q1 T'r~ax~~n ~VenUe~ I~t~ker~~ieldl ~n~ in~ere~~ed a~ner ab,~ec~in~ ~a e~~abii~hmen~ a~ the di~~ric~ ar the b~~ndarie~ a~€ the di~~ric~ ar ~~e fairne~~ a~ the benefit farm~ia ar the amac~n~ a~ the a~~e~~men~ an and of hip ar her parcel ar p~rce~~ a~ ^praper~u ~a be a~~e~~edt ar the re~er~a~ian b~ the ~it~ of i~~ ri~h~ to ele~~ ~a perfarm the wark of ain~enance ~~ Gi~y farce, may ~~~~ ~si~h the ~~~~ clerk ~~ ar bef are the hair fixed far he~arinq ~ pra~e~~~ in writin~~ ~i~ned by himther, de~cri~in~ ~~e parcel of praperty ~a ghat ~~ m~~ ~~ iden~ifiedl and ~~~~~~~ the ~ra~nd~ of hi~jher pra~e~t~ and m,~c~ appear ~~ paid hearing and be heard in regard ~here~a. ~~b~~c Te~~iman~ far the abase men~ianed di~~ric~ ~ha~/l be heard ~~ the ~acsnc ~/ 1 ~ug~s~~ ~'~, 1'9~~~ 7': C~C~~'. ~#. ~ in ~h a ~aunc ~ I ~hamb erg. ~'he de~~~m~~ed re~en~e ~~ ~e r~~~ed far ~hi~ ~i~ca~ t~~+~r far ~ain~enance ~i~~ric~ ~ ~ivi~ian ~' i~ ~r ~'~~i. ~"~. laid ~irec~ar'~ ep~r~ wi~~ ~~ herd ~~ the Ca~nc~~ ~~ i~~ meeting ~~ he held an ~ep~ember $r 193, 7: ~t~ P. ~l. 1 ar r35 Haan ~herea~F~er ~~ the ma~~er mad be heard, sn the ~aunc~l ~hamber~~ ~x~c~ fall, 1~~1 ~rux~c~n ~~enue~ ~aker~f~e~Id, ~a~/3'~arn~a~ ~~ ~h~ch ~~me and place ~a~.d Caunc~l~1 ~~.ll examine ~afd ~epar~ and hear prate~~~E if any. If yac~ need addi~ianai infarma~ian, p~,ea~e can~ac~ Frank ~'abbri ~~ the ~~~~ Parks ~i~i~ian ~~ ~~~~~~11?'. J~a~cd: ~~'tl~l~~ ~aral ~li~.~iam~ ~~~~' ~#..~~~C, ~~~~ ~~ ~aker~~~e~~d CALIFORNIA AVENUE LANDSCAPE MAINTENANCE DISTRICT In November 1992 the City of Bakersfield sent all property ,owners within the proposed Maintenance District boundaries a letter outlining the proposed additional landscaping improvements along California, Avenue. To briefly summarize, the ~ City was proposing to improve traffic movement and road surface condition along California Avenue. This would be accomplished by reducing- the overall median width by 4 feet :and overlaying the road surface with new asphalt. In addition, the City was proposing to add approximately 22,000 square feet of new landscaping.. The total cost to the City for this project is approximately $514,000.00. Along with the November letter there was a self addressed stamped postcard which was to be filled out by the property owner as to their support or opposition to the proposed Maintenance District. Enough positive support was received for the City to begin formation. procedures for the Maintenance District. The Notice which is enclosed includes further information with respect to the cost for your parcel and the dates for hearing protests to the formation of this proposed district. Should you. need any further information regarding Phis matter, please feel free to call me at (805) 326-3581. MAP AND ASSESSMENT DIAGRAM FOR MAINTENANCE DISTRICT NO. 1 DIVISION 7 BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA w .~ ~i h~M ~„ :~ ~~ 3~ ;7 r .~ .~, "~ ~~. M ~~ ~ ~~' d~~,93 h* ~ ,A 16~~ ~ n ,9y. ;~ ~ yry ~~~e~~ ~' '~ tN ~ ,~ b^ ~'~ n a ^ N N00'47 "W ~ ~ 157.34' r .poi , '~~'~ "'~ •`' ~" ~" DISTRICT BOUNDARY e1.oa,95,~os 3 ~.S6fON ~ ~" ~ ~'~ „~^' s + ~ ~" ,~ ~R ~ W ~ ~ ~ ~~~ ~ w ~' ~~ ~5~~ ~ ~ ~ aZti ~ Z ° W ~ ~ ~ ~ Q , t OLl ~ P ~ Q BUSINESS CENiQt OR g ,~ _ .£Z,Z I. N00'31'1 ~ Z ~ ,22'!92 ~ ~ 365.52' ~ Z . # Q m 3 00,00.00N ~_ N m ~ '~ z W ,1'9'SZl .r ~ ~ U Q8 ~ 3.OO,pa00N . N 500'28'49'E o N STOCKDALE 1N Z AN ASSESSMENT WAS LEVIED BY THE qTY COUNCIL ON THE LOTS, PIECES AND PARCELS OF LAND SHOWN ON THIS ASSESSMENT DIAGRAM. SAID ASSESSMENT WAS LEVIED ON THE DAY OF . 1993 ;SAID ASSESSMENT DIAGRAM AND THE ASSESSMENT ROLL WERE RECORDED IN THE OFFICE OF THE DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS OF 5AID qTY ON THE DAY OF .1993. REFERENCE IS MADE TO THE ASSESSMENT ROLL RECORDED IN THE OFFICE OF THE DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS FOR THE EXACT AMOUNT OF EACH ASSESSMENT LEVIED AGAINST EACH PARCEL OF LAND SHOWN ON THIS ASSESSMENT DIAGRAM. CITY CLERK. OF THE CITY OF BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA DISTRICT BOUNDARY ~~ f ~~~ "~ ~' $01'29'4 sOr '2rE ,w 133.88' 3 241.17' «,~ NOt 7' 9'W Yt . m ~~~~ ,r~i ~ tin 1 . 1' ~E'~, I: w ~' ~ SCALE: 1 "= 500' N ~ Gl N ~ ~ o o~ W M ~ h h~ IW b h ~~ w td N; fl .~~ • d? r, ~.' i i ~ ~~ 1Y r N ~ N _NU~ ~N. ~h~ ~ FILED FOR RECORD THIS DAY OF 1993 , AT - M., IN BOOK OF ASSESSMENT DISTRICTS AT PAGE IN THE OFFICE OF THE COUNTY RECORDER OF THE GOUNTY OF KERN, STATE OF CALIFORNIA. GALE S. ENSTAD COUNTY CLERK RECORDER BY CHIEF DEPUTY RECORDER RECORDED IN THE OFFICE OF THE DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS THIS DAY OF .1993 . • DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC WORKS BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA FILED IN THE OFFICE OF THE qTY CLERK THIS DAY OF .1993 , CITY CLERK OF THE CITY OF BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA EXHIBIT nB~ ' ruE: 0262JART SHEET 1 or 1