HomeMy WebLinkAboutMD PACKET 1-42r ~8~1~~~~~~ ~~:11 G~1-~~~51~1 i ~Eh~-~II~EE~1~1~ ~ ~~~~E~ ~~~ft~E~ '~HARL~~ ~A~~EY, ~. E. f CSI ~E~T+~~ ~~ ~~~~~ STR~EE'~ SMITE ~~~ 3Af~E~SFIEI~, ~A ~3~~1-~~70 ~hon~: (~~1 ~ $~~-~ 1 ~~ FA~:1~~1 ~ $~~-~~ ~~ ~-m~i~: ~ss~~~.k~rn~~a,u~ ~ EIS C~~~ c ~ f ~ ~-~ PAGE 01 ~~~tJJ~~F J4~~IN~~F1~fT ~1~~IV~'Y ~,~v« ~Rl~~ r~r~ ~n~,~ ~~~~~r~~ ~~mrr~~ni~ ~n~ E~,~n~mi~ Q~v~l~pm~nk ~~~~~m~nk En~ir~~r~~~ ~ 5ur~~y 5~rvi~~~ a~parkm~r~k Envir~nm~ntal Health ~en!ices L~ep~artment Pl~nnin~ a~p~~krr~~nk ~~ads I~~p~a~m~r~k FAX TRANSMITTAL COVER SHEET T~; ~it~ ~~` ~~~~i~~~ ~ L~t~~~ I~i~~~~~ F. ~~E~.; r~~~~ ~~~.~~~ ~ . ~~ Fl~~M: 1~ ~~~ ~~~ ua~~~x ~~~~~~~ ~~c~ud~~, ~~~ ~~v~~ ~~~~t; ~~M~'IE1VT~: ~ ~u~..~~.~~~~,. ~i~ ~`o~~~~r~.."E~~i~:~'~..E~.,~i~~~~'s F~a~t~ ~~t ~~~ ~~t~ ~+~ ~x~ ~~~.~~ z~~u~sti~~ ~i~ ~~~~~v~.1 f~~.~.~ +~~~ ~~t~~~ ~~~ ~~~vi~~ ~~ F~~ e~~~it~.~t._~$~~ ..~.8~ ~, t~~~~ i~ ~ aEf-+`+~ ft. T~i~ iS ~'~~ trig 1~~~~~ z~az~t~~~~. E~~~~~t `i~-~~~ i~ f~~ .~ ~.~.~~~~~zz~~ ~?~~.~~~ M~.ti-~J~~ tr~i1 ~.n~ 1~~~~~a~ r~a.i~t~~~,t~~~. .~'F~Ydr~I I T l [ ~L .rY'fiE,Q /J'~ RL°' ,. L ~' ~" }`j~ k~it~i~f~- ..........._....._ ----- bounty ~urvey~r n ~uil~in~ Ir~,~i~~;ki~n - C7raina~c - Fl~l~i~ - ~~~I~I C~i~tri~ts ~ ~~I~ ~ornpJi~nc~ TTY R~l~y - ~-~~q-735-~~~~ Q8~'1~~~~~~ ~~:11 6~6~1-~~~51~1 ~ EEE PAGE ~~ EXHIBIT "C-3" E(~~iNEE~~ ~EP~f~T - S~MMA1~1~ E'~iMATE ~~I~NTY ~F~Vi~E AREA hl~. 7~Y~ EiSAL YEAR ~~~~ ~ ~~~~ ~ENEI'~AL ~~U~IC~ARIE~: A p~rti~n ~f tha ar~~ b~und+~d err the north by avar~th tar~d~rd load, ~r~ tl~e ~~~tf~ by ~t~~l~dal~ Highway, ~n the ~a~t ~y Mohawk Avanua end ~n tha wait by f~~rd R~~d, hJaw - Trait ~~~~, all ~ha~as, I~~atad s~~,th ~~ new ~o~d and wait of ,Jawatta Avarua, ~EI~1lIE ~R~VI~E~: Land~~a ar~~ }Jtlall Mair~tan~n~a. This a~timata -- ~~ ~a~cal~ -- Traot 5~~~, Unit ~I ~~ ~ar~ls~ whan ~ar-al,~~ad Trait 58,~~ will total ~~~ ~arl~. ~a~ul~r maintanan~a ~f land~~ir~~ ir~~l~rdin~ waadin~, pl~r~t ra~la~arnar~t and ~thar work a~ naad~d. ~~~T ~AL~~JLA~'I~N~~ P'arls within this ur~ty ~~rvi~a ~t~~ ra~aiva ~~~~a ~f tl~a k~anefit fr~r~ this sarvi~a. Each ~~~`~al ra~aiv~as ~~ual ban+~fit f~or~ this s~rvi~a. ESTIMATE AN~IIJAL E~F~~N~E ~~r~tr~ot~d Lan~~o~~in~ Sarvio~s ~ ~,~~~ ~~rnty Admini~trati~-n ~ ~,~5~ Pt~~li+~ati~n~ ~ Legal rrl~-ti+~a~ ~ ~~~ ~~r~tin~eneias ~ ~,~~~ ~ltil-~ _ ~ , ~ ~~ TOTAL ~ ~ ~~ g~~ M1M~M AI~hILIAL ~E~fEh~I~ES P'r~~erty owner ~~ntrib~ti~n ~~~ ~~t~~l~ ~t $~I$~.~~ ~~r ~ar~~l~ ~~,~~t~ T+~TAL ~ ~ ~, ~~~ { The estirn~t~d a~aassrr~ent fir dal gear ~~~-~~~ i~ ~a.~~ Rer ~a~r~o~l four a total ~f ~~~~~. An a~sa~~rnent will ba ~o~lle~cted ~t ~u~h tirr~a a~ when ~arvi~e is no I~n~er p~r~vidad thr+~~+~F~ ~~A ~'~1, ~~E ~~ f~~ multi-u~~ trail, lar~d~~~ and wall r~aintenanea, PLEASE IV~~'E: Yr~~ appr~ve~d an a~s~~srnant ~Jightly higher than v~ri~at is naa~ed t~ r~vic~e this aa~rl~e ~lurtr~~ tha u~e~mir~~ fis+~l y$ar. By a~pr~avin~ this hi~f~er rata, if a m~d+~st inorea~e in the ass+~~srr~er~t baee~~s neeas~arY in the f~tur+a, ern aunty will ba ~hle to ra+du~ th$ a~~~n~es ~~~~~iata~ with Rr~p~a~ t~wnar b~llet~r~~. Th+~ !aw ~rovide~ that +~nder n+~ eimatans will ~~ to ba I ~ beln ~ ~ ~ ~ I~r~d t~ a~~aad th+~ ~~naunt indi~~ted w with~r~t ~ruRer~ ~wn+~r ap~r~val in tha ferrr~ ~f ~r~~th~er ballet. Any su+~Jua ~Il~eetad wi11 ba piad in raserves in ~rda~ t+~ rnir~imiza futu~`e rata ir~~reaae~. ~IITH ~~~R I~NEL~ EALL~T ~N 1` l~,E,1~t~L1 AI~r~~~~EC~ A!U AEMEh~T NAT T~ E EEC ~~~~.~~ FED EAREL EEC ~EAF~ F~I~ LAN~~AI~'E ANa 11VALL MAI~ITENA~IE. ,... PLEASE ~EA~ ~'HE 11~l~~~I~I.AT~~N ~N THE ~~~IEF~SE ~~ THIS ~EP~RT ~~~~~.~a~,~~ ~1~~ ~ ~8~1~~~~~~ ~~:11 ~6~1-~6~~51~1 ~ ESE P~~E ~~ Y~~ h~v~ ~~~n ~~r'~t this n~ti h~~u~~ y~au ~~~ the ~r~~~~~ ~w~+er ~f ~~~~r~ fir ~ ~r~~~ ~f ~r~~~rty I+~~~t~~f ire tl~~ ~r~p~~~~ ~-~ur~~~ry ~t~r~~ir~r~ ~f ~~unt ~rvi~~ Ares hl~. ~~ ~ e ~~n~ ~f ~~r~~f~t h~~+ ~ ~~~ .~}~ I~nd~~~l~~n~ end ~v~ll I'rl~lr~t+~n~n. P'I~~~~ r~vi+~w th+~ ~n~l~~~ inf~~rn~t'r~rl irk ~r~~r tad f~mili~ri~~ yvur~~lf with the n~t~r~ ~f tl~i~ ~~~~~~m~r~t ~n~ the ~~rvi ~r~vi~~~. T~ k~~ fta~~~~ ~~ ~ N~. ~~ . ~ ~. N~TIE ~ HE~E~Y ~IVE~ that the ~~-~r~ ~f ~~~rvi~~~~ will +~~r~~~~t ~ u~li~ h~~rin ~ ~ ~r~ th+~ ~r~~~~~1 t~ ~~~~t an a~~~~~rr~~r~t ~~ la~rc~l~ within the ~r~~~~~~ ~~t~r~~i~-r~ Qf ~~n~ cif E~n~fit (~~~ ~ in ~~r~ty ~r~rr~~ Ar~~ I'~I~. ~~, ~r~ t~~~~~4th d~~ ~f I~~rr+~r~~~rt ~~C~, ~t the h~u~ ~f ~~~~ ~.m. in the ~h~rrlh~-~~ ~f the ~~~rd ~f ~~~rvi~~r, Fiat Fl~~r~ I~~rr~ ~a~un A~mir~i~tr~tiv~ ~~r~t~r, ~ ~ ~~ Tr~~t~r7 Av~n~t+~, E~k~r~fi~l~, ~~Iif~rni~l, ~n~ ~t ~~i~ time ~h~~l h~~r ~n~i ~~n~ic~~~ III ~~~~~ti~n ~nc~ ~r~t~~ts, if ~~~r, tea ~~i~ ass~~~rr~~r~t. ~ri~r t~ the h~~~in~ a p~k~li~ inf~rm~tinn~l m~~tir~~ ~vill ~+~ hl~f~ in ~r~~r t~ ~~c~l~irl tl~~ ~r~~~~~~i ~~~~~~~~nt ~r~~ ~n~w~r ~n~ ~~+~~ti~n~ r~~~r~in~ tl~~ ~~~~~~~I~nt, Thy ~u~~i~ inf~rml~t~~r~~l m~~tin~ v~ill ~~ h~l~ an the ~~t~ ~~y of ~~t~~-~r, ~~~~, ~t ~~~~ ~.r~, at the ~~~li~ ~rvi~~s Euil~ir~~, nth Fl~~r anf~r~r~~~ I~~-am, ~~Q~ `Illy tr~~t, E~I~~r~fi~l~, ~lif~rni~. ~r fir y~~,r ~+~nv~ni~r~~~ ~r~~ m~~ III ~~~ -~~-~10~. ~IVITH Y~~J~ II~IEC~ EALL~T ~1V FILE, Y~~ AEFI~~VEa AN AE~MEhJT F~~ THE ~~~~~~~ F1~~1L YEAR, AI~I~ F~~ THE YEAF~ F~-LL~1~vl(~, IwJ~T T~ E~~EE~ '~~~~,~~ P~~ P`A~EL fi~~ YEAR F~~ LA~If~~~"I~l A~I~ 1NALL MAI~ITE~IA~I~E. ~LEAE ~EAL~ THE IIWF~~MATI~hI ~N THE RE11~~~E ~F TH~~ (~~TI~E I~;INt~TI~EI~~~~L~Id.1NPd X104 Mf± ~8~'1~~'~~~~ ~~:11 ~6~1-~6~~51~1 !~ ~ EES EXWIBIT "C-4" EN~~E~R'~ F~E~~I~T ~ ~~lMA~1~ ETII~~'~E U1~TY E~ill~~ SEA h~~.1~.1 ~ FINAL YEAR ~~~~, ~~~~ PAGE ~~ ~ENE~AL ~~UNaAI~IE~: A p~rkicn cf the area beund~d ~n the n~rkh ~ ~~enth standard ~a ~~uth by t~~l~dai$ Hi l~wa ~n the east ~ M ~ edp en tha ~ Y~ ~ hawk Av~nua and on the west h~ hlard i~c~d~ New - Tract ~~.~~, all phas~st E~cated ~~~th cf new F~~~d and w~at cf ~l~w~tta Avenue. ERVI~L PR~VI~EC~: Multi-use `~r~il ~iainten~~~ and L~nd~cap~ and' wall Maint~n~nce. This e~timat~ ~- Tract ~~~~, I~nlt ~l ~~~ p~r~~ls . Ulf hen Tract cam I~#e ~- 4~ ~ ar ~ p p ~~ls. ~e~~l~r ma~nten~n~~ ~f m~alt~-u~~ tails ir~ciudin~ fence rr~aint~~an+, rr~aint~r~ance cf ire Mien a ui m+~nt we~e~i~~, pfa~t repl~r~~mer~t tr~~l~ ~r~d litter c~ntr ~ ~ ~ p ~i, +~radin~ end +ather werl~ ~~ needed, +~~T tw~lL~L1~Tt~N~: P'srrc~l~ wi~in this ~nty service a~a rec$iv$ ~ Q~~1~ ~f th+s ~ene~ fr~rr~ this serrrice. Es~~ parcel re+iv~~ equal ~en~ft ism this service. E~TIII~ATE Af~IVUAL EpEhIE~ ~antracte~ L~nd~ape 1 Trail ~~rrricaa ~eunty Arlmin`r~tr+~~en Ru~li~cati~ns ~ Leq~l latices ~errtirr~enciea .. ~~~ T~T~L MA~II~Ut~ ANNUAL I~EVE~I~E~ ~rep~rt~r owner +~ntrihuti~r~ ~~~ parcels at ~~~~~~~ par ~sr~~~} TOTAL ~,~~~ ~ ,~~~ ~ ~~ ~~~~ ~. ~~~~~ ~~~~~ $ 18,400 ~ ~ 8,4~~ The ~~timated assessment fir fis~l year ~~~~-~~~~ i~ ~~ par+~els at ~~I~~,~~ per p~r~el fer a total ~f $~~,~~~.~~. if neceasary, the ~~l~nc~ of ~e ~~pen~es will he paid from reserves. RLE~4~ NOTE: feu ~p~praved an ss~+~$~ment sli~htl~t higher than wh~# i~ needed t~ p~r~vid+~ thin service ~dur~r~~ the upc+~min~ ~~cal year. By ~ppr~vin~ this hi+~l~~r` rata, if a me~~~t increase in ~~ a~sessrr~ent h~~~emea nece~~~~ in tha f~~r~, I~crrr +~unt~r will a~l~ t~ ~~du+~e the ~~c~~nses ass~~i~tad with p~p~ owner ~all~trn~. Tha law pr~vEdes that und~~ ne circur~st~r~ce~ will your rite be ~Ilawed to exceed tl~~ arr7crint ii`rdic~ted hel~rw without pr~per#y c-wnar app~~val in the f~~'n ~f an~th~r ~~Ilet. Any surplus calle~ted will ~e placed in reserves in +~rder to minimize future rats incr$ases. WITM YC?UR SIGNED BALLOT dN FILE, $200.(1Q PER PARCEL P~~ YEAR MAIIVT~NANCE. ~~U AI~P'I~~-VE~ AIV A~ME~lT hl~T T~ E~~ ~~~ MULTI-USE TF~AIL, L~NC~Af~E ANI~ VIlALL'~ PL~E I~EA[~ THE INF~~MATI~I~ ~~ THE ~EVEI~,~E ~F TH1 ~ER~~ 85~~~~~T.~1~T ~' Q8~1~,~~~~3 ~~:11 ~~1-~6~~51~1 ~ EIS P~~E ~~ _~~~ j ~'~~ F~av~ Haan giant this r~~ti l~~u~~ yap are tl~~ bra art aw~~r ~f r~~ard fir ~ ar ~ Y ~ I ~f ~r~~ar#y lat~~ in tl~a ~t~p-a~a~ h~~nr~ary a~tabli~hrr~$nt of ~~~r~t arvi ~4raa !V~ Y 7~ , ~an~ ~f Ear~afit (~~. ~ ~ ~~~ , ~ ~~, multi-~r~a trail, lands in ~n~ wall m~ir~tanar~~a. Rlaa~~ r~ ~ ~ ~ wi~vu tl~~ +~n~la~ad ~r~f~rr~at~~~ in ~rdar tc~ far~ili~ri~a yaur~alf with tha nature of this a~~~~~mar~t and tha ~arvi~a ~ravid~d, N~'~~~ IS HE~EB~' ~I~l~I~ Mat the ~~ard of ~~arlri~ar~ will n~~ a ~hli~ hearir~ ~n tf~~ t ~ ~ ~ ~~~~al to ~~~ an a~~a~~rnar~t n~ ~ar~al~ v~itlhin tha ~r~p~~ad ~stak~li~hr~+~nt of ~ar~~ ~f B~r~~fit H~~ ~ ~ ire ~~n#y ~rvi~~ Arai I~I~. ~~ , an tha ~~tt~ ua ~-f N~v~~t~~r ~~C~ at tJ~~ Y , h~~r ~f .~~ p~,r~. ~n tl~a hamhar ~f tl~a E~~rd of ~~~rvi~~r~, First Flair Darn ~~n~ Adr~ir~i~tr'~tiwa ar~tar, ~I ~i ~ ~ Tr~~t~n A~ranu~, ~al~ar~fiald alif+~r`t~i~ and at ~a~d t~r~~ ~I~all h~a~ end ~~n~ic~ar all ~~ja~ti+~n and rc~t~~t~ if an to paid a~~ ~ ~ ~, ~mant. F~r~i~r t~ the I~~arin~ a ~u~~~~ inf~rmatianal maati~~ will ~+~ bald in ~rd~~ t+~ a~ lair tea ~rQ~-~~~d a~~as~m~nt ar~d an~war ~n~ ~~~~ti+~r~s ra~ardir~~ tl~a a~~a~~rn~nt. Thy ~hli~ inf~rr~~ti~nal m~~ ' ~ tiny will ba held ~n tl~~ ~~t~ day' ~f ~~#~~~r, ~~~~, of ;~~ ~.r'r'~. a# tha R~,~li~ ~rvi+~~~ ~~ildin~, nth Fl~~r ~~nf~ran~a f~a~r~, 7'~~ `M' tract, ~a~~rfi~ld ~alifarr~ia. ~r far ya~r nvat~i~r~~~ y~~ may Il ~ ~~~~-~~~~. UVITH ~~UR II"~JE~ ~ALL~T ~hI FILE, ~~~ APP~~VEC~ AH AE~~IEI~IT F~I~ THE ~~~~1~-~~ Flr~i.,~ 1~EA~, A~IU F~l~ THE SEAR E~LL~tiIVIN, NAT T~ E~EE~ ~~~.~4 f~El~ ~AI~~EL RED ~EAI~ F~~ MULTI-USE TFIL, LAI~~~ApIN AI~C~ WALL MAlI~1TEf'~AI~E. ELEAE ~~A,U THE iI~F~~IVIATI~I'~ Ohl ~"HE ~1=V~RE ~F THE N~TI~E H:1hti~TI~E15~~~MLT.V~~I~ ~1~0 MF ~8~'1~~~~0~ ~~:11 661-~6~~51~1 ~ EES P~~E ~~ EXHIBIT "C-3" E~I~II~EE~~~ RER~~T- ~~MMA~Y E"T~MAT~ ~~~~1TY ~HVI~ A~F,A I'+«. ~~.~ FI~#L'~EA~ ~~~~-~~~~ GENERAL ~~~IfV~AI~IE~: A pnrti+~n of the arse ha~r~de~ ~n the n~-rth h ~e~renth t~ndard ~~uth h t~cf~dal~ Hi hw~ ~n th y Head, cn the ~ ~ y' ~ aaat try Mchawl~ #r~et ~r~d an the ~veat by hard R~~d, I~~w ~ Tra~f 5~~1, ill pha~e~, i~~ate~ aa~th ~f alive drive and ~~~t cf All~t~ Road. ~E~I~~~E ~~~11f~E~: Landa+ca~r~ and UV~lI Maint~r~ance. This ~~tir~ate -- ~p ~arcel~ -~ Tract ~~~1, lJnit 1 Whin d~vel~~~d, Tract ~~~1 will tat~,l ~~~ p-~rcal~. Re~~l~,~ maintenance oaf lar~d~capin~ ir~~ludin~ weeding, ~~ant re~lac~ment e.n~l cth+~r wcrl~ a~ needed, ~~T ~AL~~ILATI~N: R~r~ela within this ccur~t~r ~~rvice er~~ receive 1 ~~~ cf the ~~n~fit frcrr~ this ~ervicn. Ea+~h p~~~el receives ~q~al hen~~it frern this aerv'rce. ESTIMATE AI~IwLIAL EPEhl~E ~~ntracted L~nd~~capin~ ~enrice~ ~,~~ ~ ~aUr~ty Admini~traticn ` ~ a7~~ ~ ~~ P ~u~licati~n~ & Le al Naticss ~cr~tir~~an+~i+~~ 1 ~~~~ ' TOTAL ~ 1 ~ ~T~ ~ N ~ ~~~~ w ~II~MIJM AN~l~IAL EEI~ENLIE~ ~ ~r~Rerty ~wr~er ~ntr~~uti~n ~ ~ ~ ~ l~, ~ ~ ~7~ p~,r~el~ ~t $t~~.0~ R~r ~arcel~ 1 ,~~~ ~ ~ ~" TOTAL 1 ~,~~~ The e~timat~l a~~~a~ment fir fiscal year ~~~~-~~~~ is ~~ p~r~~ia at 1 ~1.+~~ pier ~~~cel fer a t~t~l ~f ~ ~ ~~'~. if n~c~~ the hal ~ ~ ' ry, once of the ~~~ene~~ gill he ~~id frnrr~ r~~~rve~. P~~~A~E h~~TE: ~~~ are l~eir~~ aa~ed tc a~pr~~v~ an a~~~~~ment sli htl hi her than wh t ' p~~vide this ~ervi Burin ~e . . ~ y ~ ~ i~ nee~~~ t~ 9 ~cmin~ f~~cal year. EY apprnv~n~ this h~~har rate, if a made~t increase i~ the $~~~~ament ~~~~me~ n+~ary ire the f~ture~ Fern ~cunty will b~ able to r~l~~e the eer7sea a~~~ciated with Rr~Re~ owner hall~ting. Th+~ few pr~vide~ that ender nc ~irc~rrr~~tar~cca will yc~r rate ha ~liewed tc exceed the ~rn~unt indicated h~i~w withn~# lar~~~rty owner a~pr~val in the fcrn~ ~~ ~n~ther ~~ll~t. Any ~urplu~ c~liacted wilt ~~ ~la~~d in re~~rve~ in eider tv minimize f~t~r~ rate in~rea~as. The current ~~aer~~nt far fi~~~l year ~~~1,~~~ varies ~~ tract. WITS THE ~ALL~T ~l~~l.~E~, Y~~iARE HEWN A~E~T~ AEF~~t~VE AN A~E~~I~EI~T Nt~T T~ E~~E~~ 1~~.~~ EEFf ~AR~EL PEH ~~AR FAR LAh~C~~AP`E aNC~ UIlALL MAI~ITEN AIDE. ~'LEAE REAa THE fhlF~~iMATI~~V ~N TWE RE~EF~E ~E'r`'lil~ FtE~~RT ~~ ~~~~~t~,r~ ~~r~~ai m~ ~S~'1~~~~~~ ~~:11 ~~1-~6~51~1 ~ EES PACE ~~ You h~v~ ha~~ sent this En~~naar~ ~~ art t~~ti~e end ~ ~ a ~I~~t t~~u~~ ~~u a~r~ the pr~~~~,r c~wnar of r+~~~rd fir ~ ~ar~~l ~f pr~p+~rt]r l~c~t+~+d in the r~ v~a~ b-~un ' ~~un ~~rvi~ ~ ~ dart' ~~n~~~n ~-f tY ~ ~r~a ~I~. t 1 r ~~n~ of B~r~efit N~. ~ ~1.~ l~nd~~a ~ ~ ~a ~ ~,nd will rr~~~rltanan~~. FI~~~~ ravi~~r th+~ ~n~l~~~d ~nf~rl~at~nr~ ~n ardor #~ farriiliari~~ ' tl~~ n~rtur~ yaur~~l~ with ~rf th~~ ~~~a~~m~r~# and #ha ~~rvia+~ ~r~~idad. ~I~-TI~E tE H~RE~1~ ~I~IEN that the ward ~f ~u ~rvi~~r~ will aanduat a ~ , ~n the ~, ~u~lia h~~rin~ pra~a~~a1 to ana~t an a~~a~~mant ~n p~ar~~l~ ~n the ~r~po~~d a~t~~~ian of Cana of ~an~fit f~a. ~ within aunty ~nri~~ Aria I'~la. ~~ an tha 1 . ~~h dad ~f ~e~~rnl~r, ~~~1, at the h~~~ ~f ~.~~ p~.m. ~n tha hamh~~~ +~f the ~aar~ u ~rvi~ar ' . , ~ ~, E~r~t Fl~~r, I~~n ~~u~ty A~Irrrfn~~tr~tiva ~~ntar, l ~ 1 ~ Trutun Av~nua, ~~I~ar~fial~ kalif ~rn~a, ~r~d at ~~~d time shall hoar aid aar~~i~+~r all a~j~atian~ and r~ta~t~ if an t~ paid a ~ ~ Y' ~~a~m~~t. ~~ that #~~ ~rap~~~y awn~~~,~a~ ~uRRart ~r ~rata~t paid a~~a~sm~nt a h ~Mlat ~~ ~r~~lud+~d hararn. In ardar t~ ~~ ~ralid, the ~allat mu~r b~ ~i~nad, datad and a ~alaatian ~t~aal~~d. Tha rrru~t h~ hallat shall ha rnail~d ar d~liv~er~d ~u~h that tha era raa~-ivad h tt~a En ir~~~rin ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~urvay ~~~aa~ ~e~artm~nt at (~~~t ~ hour ~~f~r~ tha hl~~rin ar tha filar of tha Saar f +~ ~ d ~ u~~erviar~ n~- Tatar than the tima of #ha ha~rir~g. ~t ~ai~d h~~rin the ~r~ata~ in favor ~f ar~d ~ a~~d to thi ~ ~~ ~ a~a~~rn+~nt in tha ~ra~o~ad ~xt~n~i~r~ ~f ~an~ ~f E+~r~afit Hsi ~ w~th~n a~un~r ~r,r~~~ Araa Ida. ~'1 will k~a t~~ulat~i. If a rn~'~ri ' J tY ~rc~ta~t ~~~t, the a~~~~amant will rrat ~~ im~a~~d. ~'ria-r to tha h+~arin~ a ~u~lia ir~f~rr~atiar`Mal m~~tin ~vill ba held in and ' 9 ~r t+~ ~~~lain the p~ra~~~ad a~~asrn~n~t and ar~~w~r ~r~y ~qua~tian~ ra~ardin the a~~~~~rr~~nt. The ' infarrr~atian I ~ pu~lia a rna~t~n~ will ba held an the 1 ~tl~ day of h~~v~m~~r, +~~1, at ~:~~ . m. ~# tha ~u~lia ~rvi~a~ ~uildin nth 1=1~or ~ _ ~ . ~, ~nfarana~ R~~r~, ~~~~ M treat, ~~l~ar~f~alr~, ~alif~rnia. ~r fear your c+~nv~n~ana+~ you rrw~y gall ~~1-~~~-~1 ~~-. tiJ1IlTl~i THE EALL~T E~I~L~Et~, '~~~ ARE ~EIhJ A~E~ Tt~ ~E ~F'p~~1FE AN MENT F~~ TIDE ~~~1~~~~ FIAL '~E~R~ ~(~~ F~~ TH F~f~L~wl E 1~EA~ I'~I~, I~I~T T~ E~EE~ ~~~.~ REFt ~AREL F~E~ 1~~~1R FAH LAN~AP~ At~IG WALL M ~ ~INTENAI~~E, - W IN TI ~~ - ~ ~~~~ ~h~t~~~py the bail~t ar~~ ~~r~d #~ ~th~er ~wr~nr Ra#t~m the ~I~n~~ ballets ~n a ~eal~d ~n~el~ rnafl~~l ~~AI.L~T~", ~~~A hlo. 7~" ~~un ~e ~ ~~ l~~ and "Trs~# ~~~1 "~n tl~e a~t~id+~. 1Nhar~ th ~ ~ rv~~~ Araa I~In, +~r~ l~ m~r~ than one ~f ~ r~~~r~ owner, if m~r~ fan ~n~ (~~ ballet car ~h~tn nay i~ r~o~iv~d, tha ~ir~l~ par~~l vote will be pr+~p~r`tiar~at~l ~ lit a~c~of~in t~ th ~f ~~rn~r~hi~ ~f aa~h v~#in+~ ~wr~er. ~~r a~a~ la~ if ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ p~t~~nta~a v'~t~ fir n~ a ainst said aa~es P ~) ~4 ~~ +~wn+~r~ vats' ~aoh ballet co~nt~ as 1,~~ ~t ~ ~ ~m~-r~t. FLEE ~~AL~ THE IIIl1=~~M,AT~~N ~~ THE ~EVEI~E ~~ T ~f~ hl~TfE H;~N~TI~$31NLNI~.~I~D fi~~iF101 MF ~8~1~~~~~~ ~~:11 6~1-~6~51~1 ~ ESE PAGE ~~ EXHIBIT °C-4" ENiN~ER" RE~~RT - ~MI~AR'~ ETII~ATE ~UNT1~ ~ER~I~E ARC NCB. 71.1 ~ Fl~AL if EAR ~~~~-.~~~~ ~Et~ERAL E~UhtCtA~IE~: A p~rtiun of the area h~~r~ded ~n the north ~uuth ~y ~t~~t~da~~ I-li hw n ~y av~r~th t~r~dard Read, ~n the 9 ~y, a ti~a ea~# ~~ M~haw(~ street end are the w~at by ~-lurd ~~~d, I~~w - Tr~~t ~~~~ a a(I ~ha~ee, luuated ~uuth of ~liv~ ~riv~ and ~aet of Allen pad, ~ER~ttvE Pi~~VI~E~: l~Jlulti-use Trail I~laint~nanue, Lands a end 1Na~ ' This astrrn~.te -~ Tr~~t ~~ 1 ~` ! lNa~nt~nanne. ~ ~ wh~r~ Trent uomp(~to -- ~~~ par~~ls. ~e~ular rnair~tenanue of multi-use tr~il~ innl~din~ f~nue m~inten~;nue ~ , , w~~din~~ plant r~ lan~~ent tr~~h an , rr~~int+~n~nue ~f i~ri~ati~n $~u~~rr~ent, R ~ litter ~untrc~Jt ~radiri~ and ether ws~r~ a~ r~eedo~. ~T ~AL~~JLdTf~N~: F~ruel~ within th~~ coup ~enri~e ar~~ reo ' a , Eaoh #Y ~~~e 1 ~~ ~~ of the hen~fi# fr~r~rr ~~~ ~~r~nue. paruel r~s~eive~ +~+qual ~~r~ef~t from thf~ eerUl~e. ~~TIMATE Af~~J#JAL E~E~~E untras~te~l Traif and ~andapin~ erviue~ ~uuntY A~drniniatratis~rt ~u~litis~ne ~ I„uga( I~~ti~e~ ~~r~tinger~~ie~ l.ffii(_ i# ~~ "~~TAL I~IA~tMUM Al~f~l~lAL ~EWE~IUE~ ~rc~perty~ owner ~+antri~ution ~~~~ ~~r~el~ at ~~40.~~ per ~arG~l~ T~r~L $ ~1,8~~ $ 3~~ ~~ ~ ~~!" ~~ ~ ~~~ 7~ ~ ~ . ~~ 4 ~ ~ ~~ ~~ ~~~~ the e~#lmat ae~~~~n~e~t fur fi~~~l year ~~~~-~~~~ i~ ~~ ~ruela ~seee~ment gill ~$ ~l t P ~t ~.~~ par ~ar~~-1 ~~r a to#~l ~f ~~.~~. Ns~ ~ len ed f~a~:al dear ~~-~~~~ for ~~E t~ ain~+~ P'ha~~ t duet nut +r~tain a 1~I(hen ~can~tr~~tiun ~~ the multi-use trail i~ m (~ted a multi-~~e trail. p ~ ae~~~~m+~r~t will he uha~r~ed un ~Il parn~i~. ~'LEAE ~V~TE~ Yutt ire beir~~ asl~~d to ~ rove an a~~eesm provide this aer~iue Burin t ~'p ant ~I~~ht(y l~~~her thin wl~a# i~ needed t~ ~ hie uprnin~ fi~s;al year. ~y app~rr~vin~ this hi~l~er ra#e, if a m~deat it~~re~a~~ ire the ee~munt he~un~e~ ~eue~~~ry in ~e fu~r~, $~ ~uunty wiN ~e ably to reduce the ex e ~ . property a~vner h~lluting. The I~uv provides that under na ~ir~u p ~~ee a~~ouiat~ w~ amaurit indiuated ~eluw ~ m~tan~e~ will your rats ae ali~wed tc~ +~xc+~~d the virfth ut ~r~p~r~y uwr~~r ap~r~-val ~n the ~~rm ~i` an~th~r b~rl~t. Any ~urplu~ ~ulle~ted will b$ pl~ue~d i~ r+~~er~ee ire order #u rrtiinirni~e i'utur~a gate ~nurea~~~. `fh~e nurrent ~~eement fir fi~n~l year ~~~ -~~~ v~rie~ ~ trant. y V~i`~F! T~iE EALL~7T E~I~L~EC~! 4'~lJ ARE EEI~l AI~EG ~~ A~~PR~VE A~ A~~~M~~lT ~~T T~ El~~EG .~~ P"El~ F~AP~~EL RJR ~`EaR EAR ~ M~LT~-ICE `~RAlt~x LA~JI~~AF~E ANA wALL AI~JTEh~ANE. P'LEAE REACH THE tNF~R~1ATl~~t ~N THE REI~EF~E ~F 'THt RE~~RT ~8,~1~~~~~3 ~~:11 ~~1-8~~51~1 ~ EES P~~E ~~ ,,\ ~'~-~ haVa hen ~~r~f #hi~ En~i~a~r~ R~~~rt: n~ti~~ and hall~# ~au~~ ~u are #h~ rc~ ~ Y p ~ +rty ~v~rr~~r ~f r~+~~rd fir a ~ar~al ~f ~r~l~~ Icat~d in tl~a ~r~~~a~~ ~c~~~dary ~~tan~i~r~ ~~ ~ur~ty ~anri~~ A~~a N~. ~'1, ~~n~ ~-f ~anaf(t ~J~~ 1 ~ X71.1 ~~, multi-~~a tra(f land~~a ~ and wall rriaintnn ~ ~n~a. P~I~a~+~ r~v~~w #f~~ ar~~l~~ad it~fnrr~ati~ar~ ire ~rd~r t~ far~((iariza ~~ur~~lf with tha natura ~f this a~~~~~rr~ant and the ~~rvi~~ p~r~vidad. hl~Tl~~ t~ FfERE~Y' ~~VEI~I that fh+~ R~~rd ~f u~r~i~~r~ will ~~r~d~u~t a ~~li~ haarin ~~ tha r ~ ~ ~ ~~~~( t~ ~n~.~t ~I~ a~~e~~rr~ant ~~ ~ar~~l~ in tha ~r~~~~~~ ~~t+~n~~~r~ ~f ~~I~~ ~f ~~n~~if 1~~. 1 ~ within ~~unty ~rvi~~ Aran N~. ~~ , +~n the 11 ~h ~a ~f ~~~~rn~~ ~~~1 . at th h+~u r Y ' ~ ~~ ~.~~ ~.m. rn tha ~h~tm~at~ ~f tlla E~ard +af u ~rvi~~r~, Fiat Fl~~r l~~rn .. ~ , ~~nt~ Adm~n,~trati~a ~~ntar, 111 ~ Truxtun Av~n~,a, Eal~~r~fi+~ld, aiif~r~i~ and at ' time ~ ~ paid Thal! hear and ~~n~id~r III ~k~~ant~~n~ ar~d ~r~ta~t~, ~f and, t~ ~a~d ~~~as~rr~ant. ~ that fh~ pr~~a~Y nwrtar~ mad ~u~~~rt ~r ~r~t~~t paid a~~~~~r~rant a ~all~t i ' h~r~ir~, In a ~ ~n~l~d~d ~rdar t~ ~~ valid, th+~ h~~l~t mutt ~~ ~~~n~d, ~~~~~ ~n~ a ~~1~~4~~n rr~~~t ~~ ~ha~~~d. Thy hall~t shall h~ maila~l ~r rl~~iv~r~d Huh tha# tha ~r~ r~~~ived E ~ ~' ~y fh~ n~~n~ar~n~ ~ ~rtira~ ervic~~ ~a~artr~~nt at l~a~t 1 h~~ur k~~ra tha h~arin ~r the larf~ ~f the ~~ard ~f u ~ ~ ~+~~r~~~r~ n~ later than the #irr~~ ~f the haar~n~. At paid h~ar~n~ th$ v~t~~ in tav~r ~f and ~~~~~ad t~ this ~~~a~~m~nt in tf~a p~r~ ~~~d axt~r~~ia~n ~f ~~n~ ' N~.1 ~ ~ ~f ~ar~~f ~t ~ with~rr ~~nt~ arvi Aran IVY. ~1 will ~-~ tahulatad. If a rna~~ri r~t~~t a~ci~t~ the ~~ a a~~~~~mar~t will r~~t ~a ~m~~~ed. Prier t~ tha h~ar(n~ a ~~~lin inf~rm~#i~nal ~na~tin will ~~ hald i~ ~rdar r ~ t~ ~x~ ~~~ n the p ~~~~~d a~~n~~rn~nt and a.n~w~r ar~y ~ua~t~~n~ r~~~rdin #h~ a~~~~~r~e~l~tf. Th ' ~r~~~rrn ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ub-(i~ ~#~~nal r~~~tin~ will h~l~l ~r~ tl~~ 1~t1~ dad of N~v~am~r, ~~~1, at ~F~~ .m, at the Pu~li~ ~nri~a~ ~ui(din nth FI ~ ~ ~, gar ~~nf+~r~r~~~ R~~-m, ~'~~ M tra+~t, ~akar~f~~ld, alif~rn~a. ~r fir yaur ~~n~rar~i~n~a ~~u rrray gall ~~~-~~~-~1~~, w~TH THE EAL~.~T EN~L~~t~, ~~~J A~~ EEI~1 AI~E~ T~ AEP~~VE A~EME~IT AN F~I~ THE ~~~~1~~~~ FINAL ~'EAH, ANA F~~ THE '~E~4R ~'~LL~wl~l+, I~~T T~ EEG ~4~,~~ F~F~ P'AR~EL DER l~E~ 1= T ~ ~R ~I~LTI-~E 1~41L} ~AhlI~APE A~C~ FALL M~41NTEf~~NE. M - VIA I~! T ~ ~ - ~ ~a ~ ~hct~~p~Y tha ~~Il~t and ~~nd to ~th~~r ~wr~~r~. ~+~tum th$ ~I~n~d ~~Ilo-t~ i~ ~ ~aal~d ~nva~a~~ I~arl~~~ w~ALL~T", "~~ N+~. 71' ~~~un ~ruic~ A~~~ IVc. 71 }and "Tract ~8~1 "art tf~~ aut~i~~, Wh~r~ there i~ rr~~ra t ~ harp one ~1 ~ r~co~ owner, ~ rt~~re th~r~ ~n~ {~} hailct +~~ ~h~t~ ~~~y i~ rived, the ~in~l'~ parcel v~t~ will ~~ ~r~pcrtl~~~tely ~p~lit ~c~~rdi~ t~ the rc~nt~ e +~~ ~wr~er~hi~ ~f each v~#in~ owner. ~~r ~xampl~; if two ~ ~~QfQ ~vm r ~ ~ ~ v~t~ fir +ar ~ air~~t paid 4 } ~ ~ v+~te, oaoh h~ll~at +count~ ~~ ~g ~f ~ 9 ~~~~~sm~nt. ~'~.~AE HEA~- THE II~fF~J~M~ITI~N ~H THE R~`~ER~ ~F TH(~ ~ TIE W:1hI~TI~E1~~~1h1M1.`I`.~N~ 1~117~1 h~~ MAP AND ASSESSMENT DIAGRAM FOR ADDITION OF TERRffORY (AREA 1-42, OLIVER, OLD FARM 4) TO THE CONSOLIDATED MAINTENANCE DISTPoCT BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA NOT TO SCALE r.--- FILED DI 1HE OFFICE OF THE qTY CLERK 1FNS DAY FN.ED FOR RECORD THIS DAY OF OF - 20~ 2Q_, AT ~61.~ N BOOK OF ASSESSI~IT DLSIRICIS AT PAGE D THE OFFICE OF THE COUNTY RECORDER OF 1FE COUNIY OF KERN SiAIE OF CALIFORNIA. a o 0 o~ Q~ o~ ~~ ~~ i i I i q1Y q.ERK OF THE qTY OF BAIq:RS~.D~ CALIFORNIA AN ASSESSMENT WAS LEVIED BY 1FIE CIIY OOUNCN. ON TF~ LOTSr PIECES AND PARCELS OF LAND SHOWN ON 1HIS ASSESSt~NT DIAGRAM. SAD ASSESSMENT WAS LEVIED ON 1HE DAY OF - 2Q_; SAD ASSESSwQlT DIIVGRAM AND 1FE ASSESSMENT ROLL WERE RECORDED IN 1HE OFFICE OF 1HE DEPARIMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS OF SAD CITY ON 1HE DAY OF . ZQ~ REFERENCE IS MADE 10 TFIE ASSESSMENT ROLL RECORDE4 IN 1HE OFFlCE OF 1HE DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS FOR THE EXACT AMOUNT OF EACH ASSESSMIENT LEVER AGANST EACH PARCEL OF LAND SHOWN ON 1HIS ASSESSMENT DIAGRAM. CITY CLERK OF 1HE CITY OF BAKERSFlELD~ CALIFORNIA SNOW ROAD D ,, I' I~ ~~ II ,, ,~ ,~ ~~ ~ A I L--------- --------- - r--------------------------------------- i i i i i i i I i i I i i JADES W. FiTCH OOUNTY ASSE590R-REODRDER BY CHEF DEPUTY RECORDER RECORDED BI 1HE OFFICE OF IHE DEPARIMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS 1HIS DAY OF • 20~ DNIECIOR OF PUBLIC WORKS BAKERSFEID~ CALIFORlNA EXHIBIT 'B~ MD1-42 sIF~T, d t