HomeMy WebLinkAboutAD 81-1 Engineers Report,, ASSESSMENT DISTRICT No. 81-1 FAIRVIEW CITY OF BAKERSFIELD Mary. K. Shel Mayor Counci (members ,, Vernon D. Strong Arthur Rockoff ~~ ~ ThomasD• Payne JohnM,Means James J. Barton Donald K.~ Ratty J. M. Christensen Phil ip~ Kelmar -City .Manager J . Da l e Haw l e ~ - Super intendent~ of Streets Y ~~ Professional Services brown ~ Nazarek -Bond .Counsel Willdan Associates -Assessment Engineer ' Prel~m~nary royal app b y the Cit Council of the City of Bakers- Y field on the daY of 1981 • Philip Kelmar, City Clerk City of Bakersfield oval b the Cit Council of the. City of Bakersfield Final appr y Y on the .day of 19 82 . 1 -~ ~. Philip Kelmar, City Clerk ~- City of Bakersfield ASSESSMENT DISTRICT No. 81-1 FAIRVILW CITY OF 6AKERSFI ELD TABLE OF CONTENTS ,~ En ineer's Report tSubmittal Sheet) ~; 9 a Part I Plans ~ Specifications (Off ice of the :City Engineer} Part II Cost Estimates. Assessment Roll -Submittal Sheet) Part III a} Individual Assessments b} Certificates c} Method of Assessment i` . Part IV Diagram Part V Description of Work Page 3 4 4 9 10 14 ~s Assessment .District No. 81-1 Fairview City of Bakersfield ENGINEER'S REPORT Pursuant to the Provisions of Section 10104 of The Streets E Highways Code Pursuant to thee. provisions of the Municipal .,Improvement Act of 1913, being Di ision 11 of the- Streets and Highways Code of the State of California, and in accordance with ..the. Resolution of Intention, being Reso1 ution No. ~, adopted by the City. Council of the ~I CITY OF BAKERSfIELD~ ' f r referred to as the "Cit ") , in connection with the proceedings (hereina to Y - for ASSESSMENT DISTRICT NO. 81-1 FA I RV I'Ew (hereinafter referred to as the "Assessment District") , 1, J . Da a Hawley, ' rewith the Re rt for the Assessment District, consisting of five submit he Po (5) parts as follows: PART 1 ifications for the ro ,sed improvements are filed herewith Plans and spec ~P Po and made a art .hereof. Said. plans and specifications are on fide in the P Office of the City ,Engineer. PART ! I An estimate of the cost of the proposed improvements, including inciden- osts and ex uses in connection therewith, is set forth on the lists to I c pe herein and is on ~ le in the Office of -the City Engenner. PART I11 A ro osed assessment of the total amount of the costs and expenses of P P the ro osed improvements upon the several subdivisions of land within P P the assessment district, in proportion to the estimated benefits- to be re- ceived b such subdivisions, from said improvements, is set forth -upon Y the assessment roll filed herewith and made a part hereof. 1 PART IV A dia ram showin the assessment district, the boundaries and the dim- 9 9 ensigns of the subdivision of land within said assessment district, as the xisted at the time of the passage of the Resolution of Intention is same e filed herewith and made a part hereof and a part of the assessment. PART V ri tion of the -work for the .proposed improvements are fi lid ,herewith Desc p a arthereof. Descr tion of alI rights-of-wa}~, easements and and .made p P lands to be ac uired, if necessary, is set forth on the. I fists thereof `and q are' on file in thee Office of the City Engineer. .Dated this day of 19 82 . .1.. Dale Hawley Superintenden of Streets City of Bakersfield 2 Assessment District No. 81-1 Fairview City of Bakersfield COST ESTIMATES Preliminary Confirmed ., 7 Assessment Assessment r~ Cost of Construction: '~ Sanitar Sewer ~f y $)1:8,258 Storm Drain 347, 494 Water Cam an Construction py ~~ 40 000 ,; . TOTAL GU N STRU CT I ON $ 5 b6, 08 5 Des i ~n En i~neer n ~; 9 9 5 $ ZO, ..000 '~ Ci y Prel iminaryEngineering ~ ~ ~ 5,000 ~ Construction Staking -~~~ lnspection~ etc 0, 000 2 ~' ~~ As sessment En ~ i Weer i n g 9 ~ 5 ~ 0.00 ~~~ Bond: Counlsel ~ ~ 14, 000 Printin Postin Pubiishin E Bonds g, 9 g 5, OOa Ri ht-of-Way Engineering 9 1, 500 Interest on Money Advanced 1, 500 fond Servcin 9 10, 000 ~~ SUBTOTAL INCIDENTALS $ 93, 000 SUBTOTAL CONSTRUCTION E INCIDENTALS $659, 085 Project Contingency @8 0 52, 717 (includes 140 of 1 o State Taxi Project Cost for Bond Computation $711, 812: 1 Financing Bond Discount @15 0 137,.271 o~ Reserve Fund @ 100 TOTAL INCIDENTAL COST $382, 998 BALANCE TC ASSESSMENT $949, 083 3 Assessment District No. 81-1 Fairview City of 6akersfield ASSESSMENT ROLL Municipal Improvement Act of 1913 Division 1Z of The Streets ~ Highways Code of the State of Ca I iforn is WHEREAS, on 1982, the. City Council did, pursuant to the rovisions of the Municipal Improvement Act of 1913, being Division P 12 of the Streets and. Highways Code of the State of California, adopt its Resolution of Intention No. for the construction of certain .public im rovement, together with appurtenances and appurtenant work in con- p nection therewith in a special assessment district known and designated as ASSESSMENT :DISTRICT N0. 81-1 FA I R~/ Ew {hereinafter referred to as the "Assessment District"~; anal, 1NHEREAS, .said Resolution of Intention, as required by law, did direct the a ointed Su erintendent of Streets to make. and -file a report con- PP P silting of the following: a~ Plans b) Specifications c} Cost Estimate dj Assessment Diagram showing the assessment district and the subdivisions of land contained therein e~ A roposed assessment of the costs and expenses of the P works of improvement levied upon the pa-reels and. lots of land within the boundaries of the assessment district. For particulars, reference is made to the Resolution of Intention. as pre- viously adopted by the City Council. NOW, THEREFORE, I, J. Dale Hawley, as appointed Superintendent of Streets, and pursuant to the Municipal Improvement Act of 1913, do here- in submit the foi low ing: 4 1 I, ursuant to the provisions of Iaw .and the Resolution of Intention, l P . have assessed the costs and expenses of the works of improvement be erformed in the assessment. district upon the parcels of land to p in the assessment d~str~ct benefitted thereby rn direct praport~on ' lation to the estimated benefits to be received by each of and ~n re said rcels. For particulars as to the. identification of said parcels, Pa reference is made to the Assessment Diagram, a copy of which ~s included herein. 1~ As required by law, a diagram is herein included, showing the assessment district, as well as the boundaries and dimensions of the res ective arcels and subdivisions: of land ,within said district, as P p ~ - the same existed at the time. of the passage of said; Resolution of In ntion each of which subdivisions of land, ar parcels, or lots, re- te , s ectivel ,have been given a separate number upon said diagram p Y and in said Assessment Roll. bdivisions anal. arcels of land and..the numbers therein a5 3) The su p own. on the res ective Assessment Diagram as ..included herein cor- sh p res and with the numbers as appearing on, the Assessment RoIJ as P contained herein. 4 NOTICE l5 HEREBY GIVEN that serial bonds to represent the unpaid assessments and bear interest at the rate of not-to-exceed twelve per- cent 11 o er .annum will be issued hereunder in the manner pro- .. ( )p ... vided in the Improvement Bond Act of 1915, Division-10 of the. Streets and Hi hwa s Code, the Fast installment of which bonds shall mature g Y a maximum of and not-to-exceed fourteen (14) .years from the second l next succeeding ten (10~ months from their date. day of Ju y g rovision of Part 11.1 of said Act, providing an alternate pro- The p cedure for the advance payment of assessments and the calling of bonds. shall .apply to these proceedings, 5 B virtue of the authority contained in said Municipa{ Improvement ~ y Act of 1913, and by further d~rect~on and order of the City .Council, I hereb make the following assessment to cover the costs and ex- Y enses of the works of improvement for the assessment district based P on the costs and expenses as set forth below: 5 Estimated .Cost of .Construction Estimated Incidental Costs 6 Expenses Tota I Estimated Cost Less Contributions Balance to Assessment Pre! iminary Approva I $ 566, 085 382, 998 $ 949, 083 _~ $ 949, 083 Final Approval i ' ars as to the individual assessments and their descriptions, For part~cul reference is made to the ASSessment Roll attached hereto. st-s and ex en es of the works of improvement have been asses- 6) AI I co p e1s of land: within the assessment district in a manner sed to al I pa rc hich is more clearly defined in the Method of Assessment, a copy w -of which is contained herein. DATED: 1982 SY: ,1. Dale Hawley Superintendent of Streets City of Bakersfield 6 Assessment District No. 81-1 Fairview City of Bakersfield ASSESSMENT ROLL mt As Assessor's Owners Preliminary Confirmed # Number Name/Address Assessment Assessment 1 175-010-05-00-6C Genevieve Myers $195, 210.71 $ Hilltop Developers Inc 1830 Brundage. Lane Bakersfield 93304 2 175-014-07-O1-1C Covington Brothers Tech 118,149.11 1451 East. Orangethorpe Fullerton 91631 3 175-420-08-00-5C Greenfield Unified School -0- District 4 175-02`4-10-00-OC MTL Development Co E 158, 999.17 4216 Limited 2813 Niles Street: Bakersfield 93306 5 175-030-05-00-9C Gior is Grassotti 9 115, 517.19 899 West Fairview Road Bakersfield 93301 6 5-030-07-00-50 17 H-Bar Development Co Inc i 16, 861.75 91 l 19th Street Bakersfield 93301 7 - 30- 08- 00- 8C 175 0 MTL Development Co 103,182.49 ~ Eugene F. Cassady E Co 307 Vista Verde Way- Bakersfield 93309 8 175-030-15-00-8C Perr N. Jones, jr Y 3,156.79. 917 Fairview Road Bakersfield 93307 9 75-030-16-00-10 1 Challenge Builders Lnc 63, 374.86 $ Department of State i 106 Ca I ifornia Avenue Bakersfield 93303 1 Asmt Assessor's Owners Preliminary Confirmed # Number Name/Address Assessment Assessment 10A 175-030-17-00-4C James M. Johnson ~ 1, 441.10 1031 West Fairview Road Bakersfield 93307 10B 175-030-18-00-8C James M. Johnson 218.90 DBA J ~ C Accountants 1031 West Fairview Road Bakersfield 93307 11 175-030-19-00-OC Kamen v. Solano 8 4, 798.99 Mary L. Sol ano 1101 West Fairview Road Bakersfield 93307 11 1.75-030-20-00-1C Challenge Bui ders. Inc 58, 061.34 o Mrs G. B, Obela 1206 California Avenue Bakersfield 93303 13 175-030-13-00-1C City of Bakersfield -0- 1501 Truxtun Avenue Bakersfield 93301 $949,083.00 8 I, Philip Kelmar, as City Clerk, do hereby certify that the foregoing assessment, to ether with.the diagram attached. thereto, was filed in g my office on the __._ day of 1981. City Clerk City of Bakersfield State of California 1 Phili I{elmar, as -City Clerk, do hereby certify. that the foregoing p assessment, together: with the diagram attached .thereto, was approved and confirmed b the City Council of the City of Bakersfield on the _ Y day of 1981. City Clerk City of Bakersfield State of California i, J. Dale Hawley, as Superintendent of Streets of said- City, do here- b certif that a certified copy of the foregoing assessment, together Y Y with the dia ram attached thereto, was recorded in my office on the 9 day of 1982. Superintendent of Streets City of Bakersfield State of Ca I i for n i a 9 Assessment District No. 81-1 Fairview City of Bakersfiel d METHOD OF ASSESSMENT es re u i re that the cost of the assessment district be distributed The statut q on st the various ro erties "in proportion" to their benefit". The stat- am g P p tes do not set forth rules for the determination of benefit. The courts, u owever throu h the years, have established by appellate decisions many h g ' nefit is determined or not determined. Most of these rules by which be of set forth what is benefit, but rather set forth what is not bene- rui es do n ' enera! the benefit inures to the land and not necessarily to the fit. In g , cific use spe that the land happens to have at the time of the assessment. The amount nt should of the assessme enhance the value of the land when ' i hest economic put to its h g use. When the assessment district provides • improvements necessary for 5 to ermit !and p them to subdivide or otherwise ' rovides a means b which. such costs may be shared equitably develop, it p Y ro ert owners independent of the time that any particular property by a 11 p p y owner elects to develop or subdivide his property. ° ' n of the water, the construction contract consists of a With -the exceptio ' it riced bid items, the. total of which will be the project con- series of un p ' struction cost. Contractors inevitably have different criteria pertaining ' ' to the pricing f the various units of o work, the total being the significant figure, ' the receive since y or lose the job on that number. It is unusual that the idder is also I ow b low on every unit of work. The eng ineer's 10 ' which is taken from the average of the costs of a number of estimate ro'ects is therefore, more reflective of the relationship of the costs P 1 e various units than is the bid of any single contractor. For between th • ' imate of the cost of the various units of this reason, the engineer s est i I be used as the, basis for the assessment with the final assess- work w l • a e b which the successful bid varies with merit ad1 usted by the percent g y the total construction estimate. Sewers _.r.._ ' in the benefit to the various properties, the for the purpose- of estab I ~ sh g ion of the ro'ect is divided into three categories, ~. e. , I Ines sewer port P 1 ' 'rect service to abutting properties, off-site dines needed to providing d~ fi ted ro erties which provide. no other .direct.. benefit to reach the bene t p p sessment district,. and oversizing. n those cases where the sewers the. as e assessment arcel in the streets, future streets or .easements, traverse th P wer lines will be utilized to serve the immediately .,adjacent prop- such se ' constitute collection lines which would be required for the arty, the lines ro art Thee parcel, in such cases, is .assessed for he development of a p p y '~ r the distance the Tine traverses the parcel. To this cost of an 8 sewer fo , , ' d the cost of an Ys or laterals installed for the spec~f~c amount i s adde y ' arcel. The remaining costs, i. e. , that of oversizing and benefit of the p ' been distributed to all .properties on the basis of the area off-site work has l which ma eventually be developed. For those several of such parce y ' in a develo ed state and not furnished sewers on their prupert~es already P ' oad such arcels are assessed for off-site and oversizing side of Fairview R P only. Water rk within this ro'ect consists of installing a 12" AC main The water wo P 1 ' oad from South H Street to the Easterly side of the proposed in Fairview R ' tion of Osborne Street. The nine will be on the Northerly future intersec ' ' w Road and will be tunnelled or jacked under Kern Island side of Fairv~e iminar estimates prepared by the California .Water Service Channel. Prel Y r inasmuch Com n indicate a total cost for this work of $b5,175; howeve , Pa Y 11 as the water company wi ii pay that portion of the costs in excess of an 8" main, the total estimated- cost to the assessment district i s $40, 3 3 3 . It is customary for the water company to charge for main installation on a front foota a basis and to grant reimbursement if other properties utii ize 9 the main. !n this instance, there are six properties which will currently or eventu- ail benefit from the. installation of this 12" main. Referring to .these as Y assessment parcel numbers, these are numbers 3, 4, ) , 10, 8, and 11. Assessment Parcel 3 is the Greenfield Union School property and cannot be assessed under current regulations. The cost of placing ,this { ine un- der the Kern Island Channel and carrying it in Fairview across the front- s e of the school site is estimated at $15, 004. This amount. is assessed g . on a frontage bass to aII the benef~tted parcels including that portion of Parcel 1 Easterl of where this. line terminates. The. extension of this ;line Y in Fairview Road in front of Parcel 1 will be accomplished by the developer of that ro ert at a later date; however the entire frontage benefits :from P p Y the access provided.. by-the channel crossing .work. The balance of the costs is assessed on an area basis to the benefitted parcels where the line is installed because of the relative size of the parcels on ,the North and South sides of Fairview .Road benefit is more related to area than to front foots e. Since the I ine is instal led on the Northerly side of the g street, those properties on the Southerly side are credited- in the ,amount of 500 each, ,which is the estimated cost to bring service from this line across the paved street to the Southerly side properties. Drainage The drainage work consists of improving the sump (Parcel 13~ and ex- tendin the storm drain line Northerly across Fairview Road through Par- g hat cel 1 to the common property i~ne of Parcels i and 2. it ~s assumed t the drainage work to be performed by this assessment district fulfills any develo ment obli ations which the assessment parcels might have toward p g . completion of the system being constructed and that no future drainage char es will be imposed upon these properties for the construction of 9 the s stem proposed. The basic method of assessing this drainage is on Y an area or acres a basis, since the area, when developed, will be pro- g , portions l to the drainage run-off. This method of assessment is further backed up by City regulations which collect drainage fees on an acreage basis as a condition of development. There are several modifications to a straight area assessment necessitated b either law or special circumstances. Farce! 1 had previously con- Y . structed a portion of this proposed drainage system. to order to provide 12 e uit in that circumstance, Parcel. 1 is credited against its assessment q Y the estimated cost of that portion of .the system which it has previously constructed. Parcels B, 14 and 11 were not assessed for the proposed drainage sys- em. These arcels are in a developed state. In an appellate court t p decision relative to the assessment. of drainage to various ;types of prop- i s Harrison vs the Count of San Mateo) , the court generally found ert e ( Y that if the r inci al reason far the. assessment is to accommodate run-.off P P enerated by developed property rather than protect the property from. 9 .flood -hazard, the property was -note: benefitted in the manner required for spe- ial assessments and consequently could not be assessed. On the other c the Subdivision Ma Act specificai y permits Iocai jurisdic#ions to hand, P lev drains a fees on properties as a condition of development where the y g ur se of ..such, fees is to provide facilities to accommodate run-off. The P P~ therefore of the drainage fee and, in this case, the drainage as- theory, , sment is to fulfill the obligation which the property otherwise would ses , v in rovidin drains a facil ities as the result of its development. ha e p g 9 if at some future time, Parcels 8, i0, and 11 should redevelop, the City v on those ro ernes whatever drainage fee regulations were in could ley p p effect at that time. 13 SHEET I OF 2 SHEETS DIAGRAM ASSESSMENT DISTRICT N0.81-I (FAI RVI EW CITY OF BAKERSFIELD COUNTY OF KERN, CALIFORNIA ~ro ~ sc.. A.!/ ~lf~'fd1~K,v1 If/~I!' lENE/J ~Y JJ~C C/rY Qx,4c~C'it OC/ 7~ LOrJ; ~~t`t'ES ~v0 ~~tQ~~S G~ GO~c/O ,SNO~f'/~/ A!/ ~y/S ~~!!`JJ'~E~/l ,CV~G~G4,Gl. S~oi~ ~I,~IE'fJ'NE-(/T ~G.4.t LErrEO Gw J~ Li~lr A~_._. /!_, SiiG ~9JJ'- EJl~NT LY,4GCs~F1 ,/d//, ~4fJ'E.l~',NGr~/T ~L A'/f~ ,CEO /~/ T•vE GYfiCG' A~ lJrE SU~G'~~~c/1~-vG~! p~ J~.tf.Ers A~ SA~,O C/!Y Gl/ ~iN~ L~r Q~__._,_„ %I . ,tEfE~PEtJCE /S ,N.IQ.'' TO 7~ AfJ'f'fJ'~lE,~r ~Y1 ~12~FOE0 /~/ 7~L' q~fir'E Q~ !~E ~~EiurE~crDE~u1 A~ sr,~.r f~ r~ ~r.~cr .e,Na~,c/~' a f,K'N ,~,rE,us~u! tfriE,O ~lc~/w,~~ E,~r~ ~CE1 A~ G4~o SwA~~ Cw r~rs ,t~PfE.~',NE,vT ao~~te,N cirv CGf.~iC, urr ~ ,etorE,tsfiEto ~CAe~o ~ ~ A~icE a~ Jam' str~,eivrE~c~.N su~eic/rC,u~~ur Of ~r~~s C/1v Of ,~I~rE~tSfiEl,D F/!~'~O r~11 r~vE of~''~CC G~ J~L~ C~rY Cl t~,u' A'~ 1~ C~rv ~ .et.~,~E,esficu~ r~rf c~or a<- ~_ Ci~y ctE,te~ - city a~ ,ew,r~trf~ f~ED 1~Yit Gy1~ Of , /! AT l~irE ~~E ar O~CY1,~t' , ,N /~lr ,~.C ~l9GE O~ ,~pPS Ar ~1•~~'~~ G/.ST~Z/C7~' /,l/ 7NE OffiCE ~ r~NE CYX/,l/1Y ~tZ'G~.~ /~/ 7.vE cnu~c/rr Of ~Gc/ sT,4rE A~ GOL/fJ~C~//.4! C~Y/.t/rY~IR'Gil~:'~ ~' ~ CLY/~trlY SHEET 2 OF 2 SHEETS k~ ;; ,~~ ~, C:~ a~'~Ke•~~'eb I i,. ,Assessors No - /T6•G?0.07 .n ~r..fj',-bn B.a,ffler's Tern. V " 2,' 7,'x 2 ~~ 0 ~ l OT ~ f~ /~o~- O LOT T ~ ,o«i .... ~.~.~ Sri.:'.*aP ere. coeis /nc b I ~ ki ~ o o ,,. ~ ' / •tio. =ssc~w~ rf . ;S:%1r'~A9 ~'ss~-sso^s , ~~ -:'7JDZG•/C ~ V ~ ~ ~,, . a o ~;r~.~ .~~. iq T.~x .~s~ ~ .. / ~ V+ !~ ~ /,~L'1Q7 e'r~, iwN sAMr~Ew w~awtwr~..,......_ ............... ~_..,~ ... ; rj` ~ ~~C ' r ~ n ,, r It ~1C'1_.~._._...~..~~-! ~ ,' D~ r~~ l1rs~-.~scrr : 'ra .'.'s;~' i~ M'I 1 'R • "r r r ~ ~ ~ 'r i r W t N' r v • ~~)'i .(r '• ~ ~ ~ ~i ; Corr r ~.!/v 9~'3 J/' "'~ 4.'~~ ~ ' 2G6r~ .~ h , f ~~~ ~ . r. • '~ ~ ~'~ ~A ' ~ ' 1 AIbAEt ANO 1 w ~ . ' ~ war ~ ~ . r ' r O ,~ . , w ,~ , ~ ~ , , 3 w Q ~ . I ~ ...S3G'SS.Y'r ns „.7..? .:?I~ 0 ti ~ ~ ~ • ~ y . ~ ~ (~v ~~.• 1 1 w ~ ~~ Iy ~~~ CiG/~'d 7/dSSG,"/ w f A~SSEtG t AYfNVE ~~ N-~ ~~ .--a. ~,~~ 1• Q ~ W;r1 ~ ~ 0 Q rifrtiG'r'5 ~~ '" a ~r ''.w 1r ' .' of .~S•O : j~!~,i ~~' ~l/ C/~o'. C/?G'C /~ • , • C` ~ ,~ + A Aw ~.~ CITY I QF 8vr;o~r'S /x ,~ .. •, P ArE LOT i5 r ..,: ~ u ~ r n n / f t%~ ~Kr '~ r~ it ~. v •. qtr .%/,T4 LTI~C/~~X.~1Gt;J j ~ ~OT ~~T ~~ZGLT/' ~ ~ - -/UO2~ _ ~1 " ` .. \r /• r .. .. ~ ' `, ~ ~ ~ ~ LOT I6 ~ i C ass~icrs,l6 ~/.SG~~iJ •. I M C[EApr .~rl ~. r+sSe~sorsilo • \' ~ M ~, ~ ~ ` „ ~ ,'~Q~' '~ ~% Ol ~ ~ 00 0 i0p t00 ~ EE1 ~ ~ 8 .39Qx \ L e+cnc -. _ ~ ` ~ ~ ~ Jim Line O tr" - ( /~OQ~' ~~ ~• Sr(r~~d%ar.n Lear n [~ ; 3 9Gx / r y I ~ Dpi./•t • daraU:+~r r ' ' ~ I h V A.uts.tme~,1 Rrirr/ rGe<i~dri •' F ~/ 't f "Me w 1 "'' - 3 I t ' „ I ~ nM""a"a Cily ~vun~~y. t/'rc- ~ ' ~ MAMA _ . ..~ .._ - --• EANf -.. .._... .. _. __._ ~ I 1 ~ (~1C' ~ 1 15 Assessment District No. 81-1 Fairview City of Bakersfield DESCRIPTION OF WORK The general description of work consists of the construction of sanitary sewer facilities, storm drains, domestic water facilities including all ap- purtenances thereto, located in a portion of the following I fisted streets or easements and as shown on an easement .map which is on file in the Office of the City Engineer, City of Bakersfield. Sanitary Sewers: Construction of a sanitary sewer commencing at an existing sewer man- hole in Panama Lane at H Street; thence easterly approximately 130 feet; thence easterly in Panama Lane approximately 550 feet; thence northerly approximately 980 feet; thence easterly approximately 100 feet; thence northerly approximately 154. feet; thence easterly approximately 550 feet; thence northerly to Russell Avenue approximately 630 feet where the main continues northerly and easterly together with necessary appurten- ances thereto. The easterly main consists. of an 8-inch VCP which ter- minates approximately 880 feet easterly of Midas Street; the northerly main consists of a 12-inch ABS which continues northerly to Fairview Road approximately 900 feet where the main continues both easterly and westerly. The westerly main consists of an 8-inch VCP which continues westerly approximately 200 feet; thence northerly approximately 650 .feet; thence easteri approximately 300 feet; thence northerly approximately Y 1 50 feet. to its terminus. The easterly main commences in Fairview Road at the intersection of Midas Street and continues easterly approximately 1450 feet to its terminus. Storm Drain: A 42-inch RCP storm drain commencing in Fairview Road approximately 1450 feet east of Midas Street; thence westerly in Fairview Road approxi- mately 830 feet; thence a 48-inch RCP southerly approximately 870 feet; thence westerly approximately 300'; thence southerly approximately 910 feet; thence a fi4-inch RCP westerly approximately 200 feet to its ter- minus together with necessary appurtenances thereto. 1fi Water facilities: A 11-inch water main commencing at the intersection of South H Street and Fairview Road; thence easterly in Fairview Road approximately 19?0 feet to its terminus together with necessary appurtenances thereto. 17