HomeMy WebLinkAboutRES NO 050-08 RESOLUTION NO. 0 5 0 - 0 8 RESOLUTION ADOPTING THE PANAMA- BUENA VISTA BRIDGE AND MAJOR THOROUGHFARE AREA AND MAKING FINDINGS RELATIVE THERETO. RECITALS WHEREAS, Chapter 16.32.060.F of Title 16 of the Bakersfield Municipal Code and Section 66484 of the California Government Code, provides for a procedure by which the City Council may assess and collect fees for the purpose of defraying the cost of constructing bridge crossings or major thoroughfares identified in the transportation circulation element of the Metropolitan Bakersfield 2010 General Plan, and; WHEREAS, Buena Vista Road and Panama Lane are designated as a major arterial collectors for the Southwest area; and WHEREAS, The City of Bakersfield desires to provide safe and adequate transportation infrastructure for a rapidly developing hub of commerce for its citizens, and; WHEREAS, the City has a project to widen and construct the Northbound lanes of Buena Visa Road and the Eastbound lanes of Panama Lane beginning from their intersection as shown on the attached Exhibit "C"; and WHEREAS, the City desires to recoup the cost of construction from the subsequent development within the Panama - Buena Vista Bridge and Major Thoroughfare Area; and WHEREAS, the estimated cost of construction is set forth in Exhibit "A" and the reimbursement fee schedule is set forth in Exhibit "B" both of which are attached hereto. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the City of Bakersfield as follows: 1. The foregoing recitals are true and correct and are incorporated herein. 2. The Council hereby finds that, as to the Panama - Buena Vista Bridge and Major Thoroughfare Area, as described in the plans (on file in the Public Works office), map and fee schedules attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference, subdivision and development of property within such area will benefit from the construction of said facilities, and that the fees provided are fairly apportioned either on the basis of benefits conferred on property for subdivision or on the need for such facilities created by the proposed subdivision and development of other property within such area. 3. adopted. The Panama - Buena Vista Bridge and Major Thoroughfare Area is hereby < ~-)f::., o( , ." C:\Documents and Settings\ttrammell\Desktop\PSA\Adopting Resolution for BMT A.doc .>- f-- c) r""'(C ..^j.ll.......~ I HEREBY CERTIFY that the foregoing Resolution was passed and adopted, by the Council of the City of Bakersfield at a regular meeting thereof held on MAR 1 2 2008 by the following vote: ~ ~: ABSTAIN: ABSENT: COUNCILMEMBER: COUNCILMEMBER: COUNCILMEMBER: COUNCILMEMBER: / / / ~ .......-- ~ --- CARSON, BENHAM, WEIR, COUCH, HANSON, SULLIVAN, SCRIVNER ~ rI~ r'\~ ~ PAMELA A. McCART , CMC CITY CLERK and Ex Officio Clerk of the Council of the City of Bakersfield HARVEY L. ALL Mayor of the City of Bakersfi APPROVED as to form VIRGINIA GENNARO City Attorney By: ROBERT M. SHERFY Deputy City Attorney C:\Documents and Settings\ttrammell\Desktop\PSA\Adopting Resolution for BMT A.doc f_~ 1._) '.1 i'.,':, Exhibit A Panama Lane & Buena Vista Road WideninQ Description Unit Unit Cost Quantity Unit Cost Cost Roadway Excavation CY $10.00 1900 $10.00 $19,000.00 Curb & Gutter LF $15.00 1850 $15.00 $27,750.00 18" RCP LF $50.00 1100 $50.00 $55,000.00 Manholes EA $4,000.00 3 $4,000.00 $12,000.00 Catch Basins EA $4,000.00 2 $4,000.00 $8,000.00 Sawcut AC LF $2.00 1850 $2.00 $3,700.00 Subarade Prep SF $0.15 51000 $0.15 $7,650.00 Class 2 AB TON $40.00 1350 $40.00 $54,000.00 Type B AC TON $60.00 1670 $60.00 $100,200.00 $287,300.00 Enaineerina (6%) $17,238.00 CM/Materials Testina (5%) $14,365.00 Continaency (5.1 %) $14,764.00 Sub-total $333,667.00 Less TIF credit I -$101,667.00 Total r $232,000.00 S:\PROJECTS\Bridge District\Exhibits\panama-bv exhibit a & b.xls '" n Z:. ~. pagf'1 1-- C) 0<)' . Ii Panama - Buena Vista Bridge and Major Thoroughfare Area Total Cost = Total Acreage = Fee per Acre = $232,000 17.54 acres $13,227 Notes: 1. This fee is to be paid at the time of the issuance of building permit. 2. Future parcelization is contemplated by the owner of the property within this district. 3. This fee is to be based upon the net area of the individual parcel for which the building permit is issued. S:\PROJECTS\Bridge District\Exhibits\panama-bv exhibit a & b.xls Exhibit B '< .... 3/10/:?O08 ,11\ Exhibit B Panama - Buena Vista Bridge and Major Thoroughfare Area Total Cost = Total Acreage = Fee per Acre = $232,000 17.54 acres $13,227 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 $13,227 $14,153 $15,144 $16,204 $17,338 $18,552 $19,850 $21,240 $22,726 $24,317 $26,020 $27,841 $29,790 $31,875 $34,106 $36,494 Notes: 1. This fee schedule is based upon an inflation factor of 7% annually. 2. This fee is to be paid at the time of the issuance of building permit. 3. Future parcelization is contemplated by the owner of the property within this district. 4. This fee is to be based upon the net area of the individual parcel for which the building permit is issued. S:\PROJECTS\Bridge District\Exhibits\panama-bv exhibit a & b.xls Page 1 C1 r-- c) Exhibit tiC" I j . f f... . ......T........1fl tj ...... .... ...... .... .. . Ii. - ),=1! r) ..-.~o fil rTr .... i / "\frr / ..... .... .... ..... .. ./.../. '.. ri/f!~'" . I.. i.................... ....... .............. ...... . I . .......... ......... .... ........ . .... I. .... 'rf ............ ............... ....... i I ~m' .' ..... "m ..... I ..... J ...... 4!~ 0' "0'" 0 ! -c~J L'I! .! .:=: i} T! ! I! ! ! iI~!! I; I [i~' :/~ '- DIE r= ,.. .... jV............. ...... ................... "'1 ............................. ................... ...... ;' II It .................... .................. lill 1 124 I /r ....... ;......... ...:c.................... ....... r". ............... ... ... "... ...:...... f... ... "r ...... ............. I........ ....... fT...... /1)// ............... \ IT\ ......//111] I ....1..]\:.... , {~/J\:~~ ,1\ . .,/" r.............. PANAMA LN I)J~. Limits of Improvements ........ I..... Cl ex: ~ en :> -, I ! . 'r:'\ 25 30 r.~:l] I'r/ ... Legend Panama Buena Vista BMTA Parcels i I I " ", . .... ..T' /''''; 'T Panama - Buena Vista Bridge and Major Thoroughfare Area