HomeMy WebLinkAboutRES NO 056-08 RESOLUTION NO. 0 5 6 0 8 A RESOLUTION APPROVING THE APPLICATION FOR AND EXECUTION OF NECESSARY AGREEMENTS OR DOCUMENTS FOR IMPLEMENTATION OF GRANT FUNDS THROUGH THE ABOVEGROUND PETROLEUM STORAGE ACT GRANT PROGRAM FROM THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA WHEREAS, funding for the Aboveground Petroleum Storage Act (APSA) Program has been made available pursuant to the California Health and Safety Code, section 25270.11 and per the grant agreement, and any amendments, with the California Environmental Protection Agency to implement the requirements of the Aboveground Petroleum Storage Act; and WHEREAS, the City of Bakersfield has received the application package for the Aboveground Petroleum Storage Act grant; and WHEREAS, the Bakersfield Fire Department is the Certified Unified Program Agency (CUPA) for the City of Bakersfield; and WHEREAS, the Director of Fire Prevention Services is the authorized CUPA representative to sign necessary agreements and any amendments thereto for the implementation of Aboveground Petroleum Storage Act (APSA) grant Program; and WHEREAS, the City of Bakersfield will apply for and submit the Application Package released December 10, 2007 by the California Environmental Protection Agency; and WHEREAS, pursuant to statute, the Department is authorized to approve funding allocations for the program, subject to the terms and conditions of the Program Guidelines, Application Package and Standard Agreement; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the City of Bakersfield hereby authorizes the Mayor or City Manager, and his or her designee, to execute in the name of the City of Bakersfield the Application Package, the Standard Agreement, and all other documents required by the Department for participation in the APSA program. ----------000--------- -1 - ~M~-9 J ~ >- n; I- , <:) t) ORIGINAL I HEREBY CERTIFY that the foregoing Resolution was passed and adopted by the Council of the City of Bakersfield at a regular meeting thereof held on APR 0 9 2008 by the following vote: ~ ~ ABSTAIN: ABSENT: COUNCILMEMBER BEN~, CAR~. CO~ HAN~N, SUL~N. SCRI~R, ~ COUNCILMEMBER r\ l~ COUNCILMEMBER v1ny...e- COUNCILMEMBER V'Ah.\.12- L1.fY1 PAMELA A. McCARTHY, CMC CITY CLERK and Ex Officio Cler Council of the City of Bakersfield HARVEY L. HALL MAYOR of the City of Bakersfield S:\ManaMPSAIAPSA RESO.DOC -2 - ~M~-9 ~ ~ >- - I- rn - , (.) t) ORIGINAL ABOVEGROUND PETROLEUM STORAGE ACT (APSA) PROGRAM GRANT APPLICATION 1. Entity Information: Name of Grantee: City of Bakersfield Fire Prevention Services Address: 1501 Truxtun Avenue City, Zip: Bakersfield, Ca 93301 Phone: (661) 326-3070 Fax: (661) 852-2071 E-mail: Hwines@bakersfieldfire.us Name of Grantee Contact (if applicable): Howard W. Wines, Director of Fire Prevention Services Address: 1501 Truxtun Avenue City, Zip: Bakersfield, Ca 93301 Phone: (661) 326-3070 Fax: (661) 852-2071 E-mail: Hwines@bakersfieldfire.us 2. Grant Amount: $73,365.20 Citv of Bakersfield AST ImDlementation Plan The City of Bakersfield will incorporate the implementation of the Aboveground Petroleum Storage Act (APSA) Program into the existing Unified Program regulated businesses within the city's jurisdiction. The number of business regulated under the CUP A program in the City of Bakersfield is approaching1500 and rapidly growing. With the volume of growth Bakersfield has experienced in recent years, it has been a continuous challenge to update and maintain business plans, changes, additions, deletions, etc, on the CUP A. In order to maintain the accuracy of information and consistency in fee scheduling, we need to make this transition a smooth and speedy one. In order to streamline customer service with clientele, contractors, and other government agencies as well as internal service within city departments', relocation of Prevention Services to City Hall is now necessary to implement the Aboveground Petroleum Storage Tank Act (APSA). 3. Work Plan: (Scope of Work) A. Relocation efforts: Relocate Prevention Services to new offices located at City Hall. Currently the Prevention Services division of the Fire Department has a staff of ten employees. The ~M~-9 ~ .(~ 1:>- ~ I- , o :;, u, L , ABOVEGROUND PETROLEUM STORAGE ACT (APSA) PROGRAM GRANT APPLICATION new location in City Hall is a different configuration than the current location; therefore the furniture currently being utilized does not provide accommodation in the new location. Not to mention, the current furniture is hand me downs - odd end pieces of furniture from city surplus. City Management requires uniformity of furnishings within City Hall. This relocation effort would require the following: Ten sets of office furniture at approximately $1,500 each set totaling $15,000. B. Digitizing CUPA Records: In order to implement the additional data management associated with the Aboveground Storage Tank program, all CUP A data will henceforth be handled electronically. 1. Contract out to Delta Imaging Services at approximately $15,000. Weare housing eight years worth of CUP A documents that need to be scanned into Laser fiche. This process will assist us facilitate the retention and retrieval of Hazardous Material Business Plans; changes and updates; inspections; incident records; etc. 2. Digital Scanners, printers, Cameras and photo paper: Five digital scanners at approximately $200 each; five digital cameras at approximately $150 each; five camera printers at approximately $120 each; 10 packages of photo paper at approximately $25 each; totaling $2,600. These items are necessary in order to streamline the maintenance of CUP A records in a timely fashion to increase efficiency of department as well as effectiveness for public access. C. ProfessionaVConsulting Services: Fire Prevention Services will be entering into agreement with BLD Consultants to perform a two phased service: 1. Extract response management system data from our current GUI software program and load into Fire RMS software program which will enable us to more effectively and efficiently manage resources, measure compliances with objectives, plan and report decisions while sharing information. 2. Extract data of regulated businesses from CUP A-SEED software and load into the Unidocs online Hazardous Material reporting system. Create a link between the two programs which will effectively and efficiently be used to enter new business; and allow businesses to update business plan information and inventory on-line. This service will cost approximately $15,000. D. Disaster Preparedness: The City of Bakersfield has an immediate need to update its Disaster Preparedness Plan in coordination with the implementation of the APSA. $25,000 would be utilized for additional Professional/Consulting Services. E. Library Update: To keep fire inspectors and supporting staff members abreast of public safety fire codes to provide better safety and service to our community, the library needs to be updated with the purchase of one NFP A Comprehensive Consensus Codes Set at approximately $500; and four fire and building code book sets at $66.30 each, totaling $765.20. ~ ~Ak~~ o ~ >- 2 ':::: (.) -- '-'I L "<\ m , t) ABOVEGROUND PETROLEUM STORAGE ACT (APSA) PROGRAM GRANT APPLICATION 4. 1m Ie mentation Timeline: ACTIVITY Jan-Mar A r-June Jul-Sejlt 08 08 08 X X X Oct-De Jan-Mar 08 09 Apr-June 09 A. RELOCATION B. DIGITIZING C. CONSULTING SERV D. CAPITAL IMP E. LmRARY UPDATE X X X X X 5. Projected Budget: Direct Proe:ram Costs: Personnel Service: Professional/Consultant Services: Robert Olsen Associates Supplies, Materials (less that $5,000 per item): 1. Scanners, Cameras, Printers, paper 2. Ten sets of office furniture @ $1,500 each 3. NFP A Comprehensive Code Set 4. Four Building Const. & Safety Codes, 2003 Edition - $66.30 ea Equipment ($5,000 or more per item): None Professional/Consultant Services: Delta Imaging Professional/Consultant Services: BLD Consultant TOTAL: Jul-Sejlt 09 Oct-Dee 09 $N/A $25,000.00 $ 2,600.00 $15,000.00 $ 500.00 $ 265.20 $ 0.00 $15,000.00 $15.000.00 $73,365.20 6. CERTIFICATION I certify under penalty of petjury that the information I have entered on this application is true and complete to the best of my knowledge and that I am an employee of the applicant authorized to submit the application on behalf of the applicant. I further understand that any false, incomplete, or incorrect statements may result in the disqualification of this application. By signing this application, I waive any and all rights to privacy and confidentiality of the proposal on behalf of the applicant, to the extent provided in this program. "3 !r1- ~ Date: lM +tovI~ W tNES :rrr Printed Name of Representative: City of Bakersfield, Fire Prevention Services Applicant: ~ ~Ak~ o ~ 3>- - I- m - r- ~ c;:, b