HomeMy WebLinkAbout04/11/2001 AGENDA PACKETBAKERSFIELD CITY COUNCIL AGENDA MEETING OF APRIL 11, 2001 Council Chambers, City Hall, 1501 Truxtun Avenue Pre-Meeting - 5:15 p.m. Regular Meeting - 7:00 p.m. PRE-MEETING 1. ROLL CALL 2. WORKSHOP (15 min) Computer Systems Report (Assistant City Manager Alan Christensen and MIS Director Bob Trammell) (20 min) Demonstration of Fire Department Thermal Imaging Seamh and Rescue Camera. (Fire Chief Ron Froze) CLOSED SESSION REGULAR MEETING 1. INVOCATION by Father Craig Harrison, St. Francis Church PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE by Jasmine Wdght, Student Body President, Palla Elementary School 3. ROLLCALL 4. CLOSED SESSION ACTION 5. PRESENTATIONS a. Presentation by Mayor Hall of Recognition Plaque to Congressman Bill Thomas. Presentation by Mayor Hall of proclamation to Paul Graham, Urban Forester, Recreation and Parks Department, proclaiming April 21, 2001 as "Arbor Day'. Presentation by Mayor Hall of Certificates of Recognition to the National Junior Basketball 5th Grade Boys Championship Team. Presentation by Mayor Hall of Proclamation to Angie Tdgueiro, Co-Chair, Equal Opportunity Committee, Bakersfield Association of Realtors and to Madbel Reyna, Development Associate, City of Bakersfield, proclaiming the month of April, 2001 as "Fair Housing Month". (Ward 7) (Ward 4) (Ward 7) PUBLIC STATEMENTS APPOINTMENTS CONSENT CALENDAR Minutes: March 19, 2001 Special Joint Council/Board of Supervisors Meeting and March 28, 2001 Regular and Joint Council/Redevelopment Agency Meeting, Payments: Payments from March 16, to March 29, 2001 in the amount of $3,938,922.79; and Self Insurance payments from March 16, to March 29, 2001 in the amount of $163,224.45 Resolutions: Amendment No. 1 to Resolution No. 76-00 approving and adopting the City of Bakersfield Operating and Capital Improvement Budgets for Fiscal Year 2000-01 to incorporate previous budget actions approved by the City Council Agreements: d. Tract Maps/Improvement Agreements: 1. Final Map and Improvement Agreement with HarryA. Hardy for Tract 5762, Phase D, loCated west of Wible Road, south of Berkshire Road. 2. Final Map ahd Improvement Agreements with Communities at River Oaks, LLC, for Tra~;t 5999, Phase 1, located west of Buena Vista Road, south of River Run BOulevard. 3. Final Map and Improvement Agreement with Normal Development Corporation !or Tract 5529, Phase 4, located north of Berkshire Road, east of Akers Road. Agreements for DisClosure Counsel Services. 1. Agreement With Pillsbury Winthrop for disclosure counsel services for Assessment District 01-1. 2. Agreement With Pillsbury Winthrop for disclosure counsel services for selected City of Bakersfield financing projects. Agreement with the~ Disney Institute to conduct "The Disney Keys to Excellence" training seminar on September 27, 2001 and to share anticipated registration fees not to exceed $59, li50. -2- 8. CONSENT CALENDAR continued (Ward 1 ) (Ward 5) Bids: Accept bid to award Contract to Standard Industries in the amount of $159,396 for the demolition of Turner Motor Inn and Restaurant at 701 Union Avenue. Accept bid to award Annual Contract to Kern Turf Supply, Incorporated, not to exceed $54,685, for irrigation parts and supplies. Accept bid from Central Valley Truck Center, $469,456.08 for six refuse trucks (1 additional, 5 replacement). Accept bid from Gibbs Truck Centers, $177,418.84 for two replacement dump trucks. Miscellaneous: Easement to Pacific Gas and Electric Co. to supply power to Pacific Bell communication vault in Patriot's Park on the north side of Ming Avenue. Request by Charles Shaterian for Leave Without Pay beyond one hundred eighty days pursuant to Municipal Code Section 2.84.620A. Transfer and appropriate $150,000 Refuse Fund beginning balance to the Equipment Management Fund for the replacement of three side loading refuse truck bodies. Approval of Bakersfield Fire Department donation of retired fire engine to Bakersfield College. Staff recommends adoption of Consent Calendar Items a. through n. (Ward 6) HEARINGS a. Appeal by Bruce and Elaine Dolgin of denial of Transient Outdoor Permit Application for location at 7701 White Lane (Sno-Shack of Bakersfield). Staff recommends approval of appeal. 10. REPORTS Budget & Finance Committee Report No. 1-01 regarding the "Clean Green Yard Machines" electric lawn mower incentive program. Transfer $5,000 Council Contingency to the Non-Departmental Operating Budget within the General Fund for a contribution to the San Joaquin Valley Air Pollution Control District for the electric lawn mower incentive program. To be determined by the Budget & Finance Committee. -3- 11. DEFERRED BUSINESS NEW BUSINESS Ordinance amending Subsections 15.80,100(A) and (B); Subsection 16.1,2.070(B); Subsection 16.16.010 (G); Subsection 16.16.020(A); Subsection 16.16.030(F); Subsections 16.16.080(A) and (B); Subsection 16.16.080(E); Subsection 16.16.080 (G); Subsections 16.20.110(A) and (B); Subsection 16.22,010 (B); Subsection 16.24.090 (C.4); Subsection 16.32.080(E); Section 16.32,100; Adding Section 16.38; and amending Section 16.52. The proposed amendments are the result of recommendations from a development streamlining task force final report. Staff recommends first reading of the ordinance. 13. 14. COUNCIL & MAYOR STATEMENTS ADJOURNMENT Respectfully submitted, Alan Tandy City Manager S:\CounciI~AGEN DA~APR1101 .wpd Apdl 5, 2001 (11:27am) -4- BAKERSFIELD MEMORANDUM April 6, 2001 TO: FROM: THROUGH: HONORABLE MAYOR AND CiTY COUNCIL JOHN W. STINSO~,I~A~SSISTANT CITY MANAGER ALAN TANDY, CITY MANAGER SUBJECT: AGENDA HIGHLIGHTS - April 11,2001, COUNCIL MEETING PRE-MEETING There are two workshops: 1) Computer Systems Report by Assistant City Manager Alan Christensen and MIS Director Bob Trammell; and 2) a report and demonstration of the Fire Department Thermal Imaging Search and Rescue Cameras. CONSENT CALENDAR Consent Calendar items are explained by Administrative Reports. Those that should be highlighted include: Resolutions: Item 8c. Amendment to Resolution approvino and adootin(3 the Ooeratin(~ and Capital Improvement Bud(3ets for FY 2000-01 to incorporate previous bud(let actions acoroved bv the City Council. On June 28, 2000, the City Council adopted the Operating and Capital Improvement Budgets for FY 2000-01. Since then, the Council has taken action to transfer and/or appropriate funds for specific services, and as a result, the respective budgets must be amended to reflect these changes. This item is basically a house keeping matter for accounting purposes. The Budget and Finance Committee recommends approval of the amendments. Aqreements: Item 8e. Aareements for Disclosure Counsel Services. The City Council previously approved the Agreement for Disclosure Counsel Services with Cox, Castle, & Nicholson for Assessment District 01-1. Additionally, that firm also represents the City for annual continuing disclosure reports. Recently, the entire bond financing legal team left the firm and joined the law firm of Pillsbury Winthrop. The City must now enter into new agreements with Pillsbury Winthrop to continue the legal services previously provided by Cox, Castle & Nicholson. The agreement for Disclosure Counsel Services for Assessment District 01-1 follows the same terms and provisions as the original contract. All fees are paid solely with Assessment District Funds. The other agreement is for disclosure counsel services for selected City of Bakemfield financing projects. The agreement is for 5 yearn with aggregate fees not to exceed $48,000. Item 8f. Agreement with th(~ Disney Institute to conduct "The Disney Keys to Excellence" training seminar on September 27, 2001 and tO share anticipated reoistration fees in an amount not to exceed $59.150. The department hosted the Disney Keys to Management Excellence customer service training program twice in 2000. The benefits to the City included providing top-quality training locally, enhancing the department's and city's image, and using the net proceeds to purchase equipment for a mobile recreation program. Based on the positive experiences in Bakersfield, they have requested that we host another training on September 27, 2001. The agreement provides for the split of the revenue between the City HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL April 06, 2001 Page -2- and the Disney Institute, with the Institute rece v ng 65% of the base registration fee of $260 per participant. Bids: Item 8a. Bid award for demolition of Turner Motor Inn and Restaurant to Standard Industries in the amount of $159,396. The project is part of an ongoing improvement program to remove dangerous structures. This project consists of demolishing an existing two-story hotel complex located near the southwest corner of Union Avenue and 8~ Street and disposing of the residual material. Nine acceptable bids were received. Staff recommends award to Standard Industries. Item 8h. Bid award for irriqati0n Darts and Supplies to Kern Turf Suoolv, Inc, not to exceed the budqeted amount of $54.685. This project provides irrigation systems for City parks, canals and landscaping by City forces. Two acceptable bids were received. Staff recommends award to Kern Turf Supply, Inc. Item 8i. Bid award for six refuse trucks (1 additional, 5 reolacements) to Central Valley Truck Center in the amount of $469.456.08. Three acceptable bids were received. Staff recommends award to Central Valley Truck Center. Item 8i. Bid award for two replacement dump trucks to Gibbs Truck Centers in the amount of $177,418.84, Ten acceptable bids were received. Staff recommends award to Gibbs Truck Centers. Miscellaneous: Item Bk. Easement to Pacific Gas and Electric Co. to suDolv Dower to Pacific Bell communication vault in Patriot's Park on the north side of Mina Avenue. Pacific Bell has requested underground electric service from PG&E to power the existing Pacific Bell communication vault and facilities at the southerly end of Patriot's Park (approx. 243 feet north of Ming Ave.). City Public Works staff and PG&E agree that the City needs to grant PG&E their own easement for the electric service line. Pacific Bell has previously agreed it would be responsible for the cost of relocating its facilities if required to do so. Item 81. Reauest by Charles Shaterian for Leave Without Pay beyond one hundred eiahty days. Officer Charles Shaterian, who has been on leave without pay since October 23, 2000, is requesting an extension. The Police Department, the Human Resources Manager and the City Manager's office recommend the extension be granted. The Municipal Code states that Council must approve leave beyond 180 days. Item 8m. Transfer and aDorooriate $150,000 Refuse F~jnd beainnina balance to the Eauioment Management Fund for the replacement of three side loading refu~e truck bodies. Currently the Solid Waste Division has three 1997 Maxon refuse trucks. The Volvo cab and chassis's have been performing well, but the Maxon bodies have been labor and repair intensive. Since Maxon went out of business, repairs have been difficult and there are no parts available. Staff recommends approval of the transfer and appropriation in order to bid for three new bodies for installation on the three Volvo Cab and chassis currently in service. HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL April 06, 2001 Page -3- HEARINGS Item 9a. Aooeal of Denial of Transient Outdoor Permit ADolicati0n for location at 7701 White Lane by Bruce and Elaine Doloin {Sno-Shack of Bakersfield3. Sno-Shack of Bakersfield, which is owned by Bruce and Elaine Dolgin, applied for a Transient Outdoor Permit to operate a shaved ice business. They have operated at this location for several years. The Lumberjack building materials store, the primary business operated at this location, has recently closed. The Dolgins wish to continue their seasonal operation at this location and have signed a lease with the current property owners. The Municipal Code requires that the location of a transient outdoor business be on the site of another operating business where the transient outdoor business is secondary in purpose. With the closure of the Lumberjack store, there is no longer a primary operating business at this location, and pursuant to the Municipal Code, staff is required to deny the Permit. The Municipal Code provides for an appeal to the City Council for applicants who may be denied a permit. The Dolgins have submitted an appeal letter. Because of the past operation of the Sno-Shack business at this location, the ability for the appellants to reasonably continue their seasonal operation there, and the unique cimumstances regarding the business closure at the site, staff is recommending the City Council approve the appeal and grant the Transient Outdoor Permit. REPORTS Item 10a. Transfer $5.000 from Council C0ntinqency to the Non-Departmental Operatino Bud(~et for a contribution to the San Joa(]uin Valley Air Pollution Control District for the "Clean Green Yard Machines" electric lawn mower incentive oroc~ram. The San Joaquin Valley Air Pollution Control District would like to enter into a partnership with the City to introduce an electric lawn mower incentive program. Through the program, the district would like to offer 1,200 valley residents a $200 incentive toward the purchase of a rechargeable electric mulching-lawn mower that retails for $400. The District's Governing Board committed $200,000 for this project to be offered in Modesto, Fresno, and Bakersfield during April or May 2001. The district has requested a $5,000 contribution from the City for the program. Kern County has contributed $5,000 to the program. On April 5, 2001, the Budget and Finance Committee will meet to review this request and provide staff with a recommendation to forward to the City Council. NEW BUSINESS Item 12a. Ordinance amendinq the Municioal Code reoardino the City's develooment policies and standards resultina from the Develooment Streamlinino Task Force final draft. On October 11, 2000, recommendations for proposed ordinance changes were presented to the Council from the Urban Development Committee's Development Streamlining Task Force. Council referred the proposed changes to the Planning Commission for public hearings and recommendations. On March 15, 2001, the Planning Commission recommended approval of the changes. No one spoke in opposition. Proposed ordinance changes are exempt from the provisions of the California Environmental Quality ACT and the City's CEQA Implementation Procedures in accordance with CEQA Section 15061. Specific changes recommended are detailed in the administrative report. This is the first reading of the ordinance. AT.AC:al cc: Department Heads City Clerk's Office News Media File S:~,AGN_HIGI'~01Apr11 .wpdApril 5, 2001 ADMINISTRATIVE REPORT MEETING DATE: April 11,2001 AGENDAiTEM: 2. a.SECTION: Workshop TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: Honorable Mayor and City Council Alan Christensen, Assistant City Manager April 2, 2001 Computer Systems Report DEPARTMENT HEAD CITY A'I'rORNEY CITY MANAGER APPROVED RECOMMENDATION: BACKGROUND: Assistant City Manager, Alan Christensen, and MIS Director, Bob Trammell will give a report on computer system improvements and services available on-line to the public. Apdl 2, 2001, 4:34pm C:\Documents and Settings\alawrenc\Local Settings\Temp\Com purer Systems Reporl 041101,wp<:l ADMINISTRATIVE REPORT IMEETING DATE: April 11, 2001 IAGENDA SECTION: Workshop ITEM: 2. b. TO: FROM: DATE: Honorable Mayor and City Council Ron Fraze, Fire Chief April 2, 2001 APEROVED DEPARTMENT HEAD CITY MANAGER ~"~7~/*~ SUBJECT: Demonstration of Fire Department Thermal Imaging Search and Rescue Camera (Ron Fraze, Fire Chief). RECOMMENDATION: BACKGROUND: The Bakersfield Fire Department recently received two Thermal Imaging Search and Rescue Cameras from the Bakersfield Scottish Rite Masons. These cameras have been placed in service on the two ladder trucks. The fire department will conduct a presentation on the use and benefits of these cameras. kec April 2, 2001, 11:49am p:'~,dmin Repo~Thermal Imaging Camera Workshop ADMINISTRATIVE REPORT IMEETING DATE: April 11,2001 AGENDA SECTION: Presentations ITEM: 5 o a o TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: Honorable Mayor and City Council Mayor Harvey L. Hall March 30, 2001 DEPARTMENT HEAD CITY ATI'ORNEY ClTY MANAGER Presentation by Mayor Hall of Recognition Plaque to Congressman Bill Thomas. RECOMMENDATION: ARRROVED BACKGROUND: March 30, 2001, 12:15pm ADMINISTRATIVE REPORT MEETING DATE: April 11,2001 AGENDA SECTION: Presentations ITEM: 5.b. TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: Honorable Mayor and City Council Mayor Harvey L. Hall APPROVED DEPARTMENT HEAD March 30, 2001 ClTY ATI'ORNEY ClTY MANAGER ~ Presentation by Mayor Hall of Proclamation to Paul Graham, Urban Forester, Recreation and Parks Department, proclaiming April 21,2001, as "Arbor Day". RECOMMENDATION: BACKGROUND: April 4, 2001, 11:19am ADMINISTRATIVE REPORT IMEETING DATE: April 11, 2001 AGENDA SECTION: Presentations ITEM: 5oc. TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: Honorable Mayor and City Council Mayor Harvey L. Hall March 30, 2001  ROVED DEPARTMENT HEAD rV CITY ATFORNEY CITY MANAGER Presentation by Mayor Hall of Certificates of Recognition to the National Junior Basketball 5"~ Grade Boys Championship Team. RECOMMENDATION: BACKGROUND: March 30, 2001, 9:37am ADMINISTRATIVE REPORT MEETING DATE: April 11, 2001 AGENDA SECTION: Presentations ITEM: 5.d. TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: Honorable Mayor and City Council Mayor Harvey L. Hall DEPARTMENT H EAD._~::~/_ March 29, 2001 ClTY A'rrORNEY Presentation by Mayor Hall of Proclamation to Angie Trigueiro, Co-Chair, Equal Opportunity Committee, Bakersfield Association of Realtors, and to Maribel Reyna, Development Associate, City of Bakersfield, proclaiming the month of April, 2001, as "Fair Housing Month". RECOMMENDATION: BACKGROUND: March 29, 2001,3:18prn ADMINISTRATIVE REPORT MEETING DATE: April 11, 2001 AGENDA SECTION: Consent Ca'lendar ITEM: 8.a. TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: Honorable Mayor and City Council Pamela A. McCarthy, City Clerk April 4, 2001 APPROVED DEPARTMENTHEAD CITY ATTORNEY N/A CITY MANAGER ~ Minutes of March 19, 2001 Special Joint Council/Board of Supervisors Meeting and March 28, 2001 Regular and Joint Council/Redevelopment Agency Meeting. RECOMMENDATION: BACKGROUND: bz S:\Council~admins~ADMINS~APR1101 .wpd Apdl 4, 2001,4:55pm ADMINISTRATIVE REPORT MEETING DATE: April 11, 2001 AGENDA SECTION: Consent Calendar TEM: 8, b. TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: Honorable Mayor and City Council Gregory J. Klimko, Finance Director APPROVED DEPARTMENTHEAD/,V'~"'~,~'/ March 29, 2001 CITY ATTORNEY CITY MANAGER Approval of department payments from March 16, 2001 to March 29, 2001 in the amount of $3,938,922.79 and self insurance payments from March 16, 2001 to March 29, 2001 in the amount of $163,224.45 RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends approval of payments totaling $4,102,147.24 BACKGROUND: s:\acctpay\adminf~l.wpd klg ADMINISTRATIVE REPORT MEETING DATE: April 11, 2001 AGENDA SECTION: Consent Calendar ITEM: 8. c. TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: Honorable Mayor and City Council John W. Stinson, Assistant City Manager March 30, 2001 APPROVED DEPARTMENT HEAD ('~;T=P CITY ATrORNEY CiTY MANAGER Amendment No. I to Resolution No. 76-00 approving and adopting the City of Bakersfield Operating and Capital improvement Budgets for Fiscal Year 2000-01 to incorporate previous budget actions approved by the City Council. RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends adoption of resolution. BACKGROUND: On June 28, 2000, the City Council adopted Resolution No.76-00 approving and adopting the City of Bakersfield Operating and Capital Improvement Budgets for the Fiscal Year 2000-01. From July 1,2000 through December 31, 2000, Council has taken action to transfer and/or appropriate funds for specific services and as a result, the respective budgets must be amended to reflect these changes for the first six months of the fiscal year. The fiscal year 2000-01 Amended Budget is $308,222,690, with the Operating and Debt Service (which includes the Community Development Block Grant) Budget and transfers totaling $225,745,090, the Capital Improvement Program totaling $ 76,097,408, and the Bakersfield Redevelopment Agency Budget totaling $ 6,380,192. On March 8, 2001 the Budget and Finance Committee reviewed the summary of actions taken by the Council during the first six months of the fiscal year and recommended, forwarding the Amended Budget to the full Council for approval. A detailed listing of the items approved by Council action (Exhibit "A"), which amends the 2000-01 budgets, is attached. March 30, 2001, 9:52am S:\Darnel~admins~2000~mend 1-00-01 flnalcouncilapproval.wpd ADMINISTRATIVE MEETING DATE: April 11, 2001 REPORT AGENDA SECTION: Consent Calendar ITEM: 8.d. TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: (1) (2) (3) Honorable Mayor and City Council APPROVED Jacques R. LaRochelle, Interim Public Works Director DEPARTMENT HEAD/~_..~- // March 7, 2001 CITY ATTORI~Y .~~ CITY MANAGER ~ Tract Maps/Improvement Agreements: Final Map and Improvement Agreement with Harry A. Hardy for Tract 5762 Phase D located west of Wible Road and south of Berkshire Road. (Ward 7) Final Map and Improvement Agreements with Communities At River Oaks, LLC, for Tract 5999 Phase 1 located west of Buena Vista Road and south of River Run Boulevard. (Ward 4) Final Map and Improvement Agreement with Normal Development Corporation for Tract 5529 Phase 4 located north of Berkshire Road and east of Akers Road. (Ward 7) RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends approval of the agreements. BACKGROUND: These Agreements are entered into to secure the improvements required for Subdivision Maps. Such improvements include, but are not limited to, streets, sewer, storm drain, and landscaping on or adjacent to the property being subdivided. I NOTE: THE IMPROVEMENT AGREEMENTS ARE FILED IN THE CITY CLERK'S OFFICE FOR REVIEW. March 26, 2001, 8:28arn G:\GROUPDAT~ADMINRPT~2001~Aprl I\MAPS&IMPAGR.wpd TD ADMINISTRATIVE REPORT MEETING DATE: April 11, 2001 AGENDA SECTION: Consent Calendar ITEM: 8. e. TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: 1. Honorable Mayor and City Council Bart J. Thiltgen, City Attorney March 30, 2001 Agreements for Disclosure Counsel Services. APPROVED DEPARTMENT HEAD/~ CITY ATTORNEY ~ MANAGER Agreement with Pillsbury Winthrop for disclosure counsel services for Assessment District 01-1; and Agreement with Pillsbury Winthrop for disclosure counsel services for selected City of Bakersfield financing projects. RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends approval of the agreements. BACKGROUND: The City Council previously approved the Agreement for Disclosure Counsel Services with Cox, Castle & Nicholson for disclosure counsel services for Assessment District 01-1. Additionally, that firm also represents the City, on an as needed basis, for annual continuing disclosure reports in compliance with Securities and Exchange Commission Rule 15C2-12 for various City financing projects. Recently, the entire bond financing legal team with Cox, Castle & Nicholson (which includes Bruce Graham, the individual attorney who works on these matters for the City of Bakersfield) left the firm and joined the law firm of Pillsbury Winthrop. Hence, the City of Bakersfield must enter into new agreements with Pillsbury Winthrop to continue the legal services that had previously been provided by Cox, Castle & Nicholson. The Agreement for Disclosure Counsel Services for Assessment District 01-1 follows the same terms and provisions in the original contract with Cox, Castle & Nicholson. All fees paid are paid solely with Assessment District funds. The other agreement (for disclosure counsel services for selected City of Bakersfield financing projects) combines several agreements that the City Attorney's Office previously entered into with Cox, Castle & Nicholson to provide legal services to guarantee that the City's annual reports on various bond issuances comply with SEC regulations. Under this agreement, Pillsbury Winthrop will billthe City on an hourly basis. The agreement is for 5 years, with aggregate fees not to exceed $48,000. With one exception, all fees paid under this agreement are paid for exclusively with Assessment District funds. RMS:dlr S:\COU NCl L~Admins\PillsburyWinthrop. ContDiscAgrs.wpd March 30, 2001, 11:11am ADMINISTRATIVE REPORT MEETING DATE: April 11, 2001 AGENDA SECTION: Consent Calendar TEM: 8. t:. TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: Honorable Mayor and City Council Stan Ford, Director of Recreation and Parks March 30, 2001 A,,P~ROVED DEPARTMENT HEAD ~z~.~----~- CITY ATTORNEY ~ ClTY MANAGER Agreement with the Disney Institute to conduct "The Disney Keys to Excellence" training seminar on September 27, 2001 and to share anticipated registration fees in an amount not to exceed $59,150. RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends approval of the agreement. BACKGROUND: The department hosted The Disney Keys to Management Excellence customer service training program twice in 2000. This event was conducted by the Disney Institute of Walt Disney World® Resort in Orlando, Florida. The benefits to the city included providing top-quality training locally, enhancing the department's and city's image, and using the net proceeds to purchase equipment for a mobile recreation program. The programs were enjoyed by attendees from as far away as San Diego and Oakland. Based on their positive experiences in Bakersfield, the Disney Institute has requested that we host another training on September 27, 2001. They also mentioned that they will be using our training as a benchmark for future training conducted throughout the United States. The upcoming program will cover topics such as creativity and innovation, developing customer loyalty, and quality service. Contractual provisions call for the Disney Institute to: · produce promotional brochures and information · offer media assistance ADMINISTRATIVE REPORT Page 2 provide program materials arrange for qualified presenters and all necessary videos provide room decorations The department will: distribute promotional brochures secure a meeting facility provide audiovisual equipment handle registration coordinate meal functions The agreement also provides for the split of revenue between the city and the Disney Institute. The Disney Institute will receive 65% of the "base" registration fee of $260 (i.e. excludes portion of registration fee for food). For the September training, the department is estimating about 250 participants. The agreement will be sent to the Disney Institute for final signature and then returned. For the first two events, Disney accommodated the city by signing off on the agreements prior to their being presented to Council. S:~,dmins'tMgtexcel0901 admin,wpd March 30, 2001 ADMINISTRATIVE REPORT MEETING DATE: April 11, 2001 AGENDA SECTION: Consent Calendar ITEM: 8 o g. TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: Honorable Mayor and City Council Jacques R. LaRochelle, Interim Public Works Director April 3, 2001 APPROVED DEPARTMENT HEADy~_ CITY ATTORNEY ~')~' C T¥ MA.AOER Z75 Accept bid to award contract to Standard Industries in the amount of $159,396.00 for the Demolition of Turner Motor Inn and Restaurant at 701 Union Avenue. (Ward 1) RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends acceptance of Iow bid and award of contract. BACKGROUND: This project is part of an ongoing improvement program to remove dangerous structures within the City of Bakersfield. This project consists of demolishing an existing two-story hotel complex located near the southwest corner of Union Avenue and 8th Street and disposing of the residual material. Currently, the existing hotel structures located at 701 Union Avenue are in a state of great disrepair. The buildings were constructed in 1956 and housed a two-story hotel and restaurant. The City of Bakersfield ordered the complex vacated in 1988 due to degrading structural conditions. The property owner was issued a 30-day work notice in June 2000 to repair or demolish the hotel and restaurant complex. The owner failed to comply with the conditions of this work notice. It has also been discovered that objects located in the interior portions of the buildings (floor tiles, roofing materials, etc.) contain cancer causing materials such as asbestos. After the proposed demolition is completed, the hazardous materials will be disposed of per Federal Government regulations and the vacant lot will be graded to match the existing ground of the nearby buildings. This project was budgeted in the 2000-2001 fiscal year Capital Improvement Program. The Engineer's Estimate for the work is $225,000. Nine (9) acceptable bids were received on Friday, March 30, 2001, as listed below: Standard Industries 215 Rucklite Road Ventura, CA 93002 (Out of Town) Total Bid in the amount of $159,396.00 jcu Apdl 3, 2001, 4:10pm G:\GROUPDAT~DMIN RP'r~00 l~Apr 11L~,dminReport_701 Union.wpd ADMINISTRATIVE REPORT Page 2 Karcher Environmental, Inc. 2300 E. Orangewood Ave. Anaheim, CA 92806 (Out of Town) Irwin Excavation 11941 S Union Ave. Bakersfield, CA 93307 (County) Gilliam & Sons, Inc. 9831 Rosedale Hwy. Bakersfield, CA 93312 (City) Brittan Industries, Inc. 260 Fairfax Rd Bakersfield, CA 93307 (County) Valley Tree & Construction 4233 Quinn Road Bakersfield, CA 93386 (City) International Environmental Corp. 1792 Callens Rd, Suite D Ventura, CA 93003 (Out of Town) Kroeker, Inc. 4627 S. Chestnut Ave. Fresno, CA 93725 (Out of Town) CST Environmental, Inc. 404 N. Berry St. Brea, CA 92821 (Out of Town) Total Bid in the amount of Total Bid in the amount of Total Bid in the amount of Total Bid in the amount of Total Bid in the amount of Total Bid in the amount of Total Bid in the amount of Total Bid in the amount of $175,000.00 $202,750.00 $2O9,472.00 $215,987.00 $216,999.00 $239,701.00 $260,698.00 $276,600.00 jcu April 3, 2001, 4:10pm G:\GROU PDA'ISADMINRPT\2.001V~,prl %AdminRepo~_701 Union.wpd ADMINISTRATIVE REPORT MEETING DATE: April 11, 2001 AGENDA SECTION: Consent Calendar ITEM: 8. h. TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: Honorable Mayor and City Council Gregory J. Klimko, Finance Director March 28, 2001 APPROVED DEPARTMENT HEAD ~4~ CITY MANAGER ~ Accept bid to award annual contract to Kern Turf Supply, Incorporated, not to exceed the budgeted amount of $54,685.00, for irrigation parts and supplies. RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends acceptance of bid and award of contract. BACKGROUND: This contract provides PVC pipe, sprinkler heads and fittings for installation and repair of irrigation systems for City parks, canals and landscaping by City forces. Invitations to bid were sent to nine (9) vendors. Two (2) acceptable bids were received. Departments estimate quantities and types of supplies and repair that may be required for the upcoming year. Actual supplies and repair is not known until the need arises. The unit prices of two (2) bidders were compared to determine the Iow bidder, and the lowest prices offered by Kern Turf Supply, Incorporated. P:~ADMIN~2001ADMIN\C01_041 IC.wpd GJK:DW:Ijrn March 28, 2001, 3:35pm ADMINISTRATIVE REPORT MEETING DATE: April 11, 2001 AGENDA SECTION: Consent Calendar ITEM: 8. i. TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: Honorable Mayor and City Council Gregory J. Klimko, Finance Director March 28, 2001 APPROVED DEPARTMENT HEAD CITY ATTORNEY~.//~) CITY MANAGER Accept bid from Central Valley Truck Center $469,456.08, for six refuse trucks (1 additional, 5 replacement) RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends acceptance of bid. BACKGROUND: Three (3) bids were received March 16, 2001, as follows: Central Valley Truck Center 2707 South East Avenue Fresno, CA 93725 in the amount of Golden State Peterbilt 1450 South Union Avenue Bakersfield, CA 93307 (City) in the amount of Jim Burke Ford 2001 Oak Street Bakersfield, CA 93301 (City) in the amount of $469,456.08 $479,837.22 $485,775.72 P:~ADMIN~2001ADMIN\C01_0411A.wpd GJK:DW:Ijm March 28, 2001, 1:59pm ADMINISTRATIVE REPORT IMEETING DATE: April 11, 2001 AGENDA SECTION: Consent Calendar ITEM: 8..j. TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: Honorable Mayor and City Council Gregory J. Klimko, Finance Director March 28, 2001 APPROVED DEPARTMENT HEAD ~/~ CITY MANAGER ~ Accept bid from Gibbs Truck Centers $177,418.84 for two replacement dump trucks. RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends acceptance of bid. BACKGROUND: Ten (10) bids were received March 9, 2001, as follows: (City) in the amount of Gibbs Truck Centers 3525 Buck Owens Boulevard Bakersfield, CA 93308 (City) in the amount of Jim Burke Ford 2001 Oak Street Bakersfield, CA 93301 Central Valley Truck Center 2707 South East Avenue Fresno, CA 93725 TEC of California 14085 Valley Boulevard Fontana, CA 92335 Bakersfield Truck Center Highway 99 @ 7~ Standard Road Bakersfield, CA 93380 (County) Rush Truck Centers of California 1620 West Mission Road Escondido, CA 92029 Ruckstell body Contech body Data Manufacturing body Golden State Peterbuilt 1450 South Union Avenue Bakersfield, CA 93307 in the amount of Central California Kenworth 2900 Gibson Street Bakersfield, CA 93308 in the amount of in the amount of (City) in the amount of (County) in the amount of $177,418.84 $184,149.14 $188,071.76 $190,278.10 $198,803.86 $193,056.86 $194,530.28 $210,790.00 $214,665.54 $228,562.19 P:~ADMIN~001ADMIN\C01 _0411B.wpd GJK:DW:Ijm March 28, 2001, 1:51pm ADMINIST TIVE REPORT MEETING DATE: April 11, 2001 AGENDASECTION:iTEM: 8. k. Consent Calendar TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: Honorable Mayor and City Council APPROVED Interim Public Works Director DEPARTMENT HE~ R. LaRochelle, March 29, 2001 CITY ATFORNEY../~~"'''' CITY MANAGER ~ Easement to Pacific Gas and Electric Co. to supply power to Pacific Bell communication vault in Patriot's Park on the noah side of Ming Avenue. (Ward 5) RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends approval and consent to recordation of easement. BACKGROUND: Pacific Bell has requested underground electric service from P.G.&E. to power the existing Pacific Bell communication vault and facilities at the southerly end of Patriot's Park on the noah side of Ming Avenue. Although Pacific Bell has an existing easement that extends from their vault to a P.G.&E power source in the park (approx.243 feet noah of Ming Avenue), City Public Works Staff and P.G.&E. agree that the City needs to grant P.G.&E. their own easement for the electric service line. The existing Pacific Bell communications vault in Patriots Park contains Pacific Bell's fiber-optics equipment. The original easement granted by the City has been enlarged to include an above ground cabinet to house additional fiber-optics equipment. Additional upgrading of the Pacific Bell facility requires a permanent underground power line that will connect to an existing P.G.&E. power source in the park approximately 243 feet north of Pacific Bell facility. Pacific Bell has previously agreed it would be responsible for the cost of relocating its facilities if required to do so by a public project. March 29, 2001, 1:14pm G:\GROU PDAI~ADMIN RP'P200 l~Apr 1 l\Easement-MingAve-PacBell.v~:)d ! ADMINISTRATIVE REPORT IMEETING DATE: April 11, 2001 AGENDA SECTION: Consent Calendar ITEM: 8. I. TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: Honorable Mayor and City Council Carroll Hayden, Human Resources Manager March 30, 2001 APPROVED DEPARTMENT HEAD /~ ClTY ATTORNEY ~ ClTY MANAGER ~ Request by Charles Shaterian for Leave Without Pay Beyond One Hundred Eighty Days pursuant to Municipal Code Section 2.84.620A. RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends extending leave without pay until May 23, 2001. BACKGROUND: Charles Shaterian, Police Officer, has been on leave without pay since October 23, 2000. Officer Shaterian is now requesting an extension beyond one hundred eighty days. Pursuant to Municipal Code Section 2.84.620A, the City Council must approve leave beyond one hundred eighty days. Staff has reviewed the request and recommends an extension of leave without pay from April 23, 2001 until May 23, 2001. The Police Department, the Human Resources Manager and the City Manager's Office recommend the extension be granted. March 29, 2001, 3:22pm S:~ADMINRPT~Extend medical leave,wpd ADMINISTRATIVE REPORT IMEETING DATE: April 11, 2001 AGENDA SECTION: Consent Calendar ITEM: 8.m. TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: Honorable Mayor and City Council Jack LaRochelle, Interim Public Works Director March 29, 2001 APPROVED DEPARTMENT HEAD//~ CITY ATrORNEY~ _/~ CITY MANAGER ~ Transfer and appropriate $150,000 Refuse Fund beginning balance to the Equipment Management Fund for the replacement of three side loading refuse truck bodies. RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends approval of transfer and appropriation. BACKGROUND: Currently the Solid Waste Division has 3 1997 Maxon automated side loading refuse trucks. Although the Volvo cab and chassis's have been performing well, the Maxon refuse bodies have been labor and repair intensive. Maxon went out of business in 1998 which make repairs very difficult since there are no pads available. This means that all pads have to be fabricated which usually entails a long turn around time. This places an undue hardship on the Solid Waste Division and the Fleet Services Division. The Fleet Services Division is recommending that $150,000 be appropriated and 3 new bodies be bid for installation on the 3 Volvo cab and chassis's that are in service. G:~GROUPDAT~ADMINRP'F~0OI~Apr 1 l'~ThreeRefuseChassis.wpd ADMINISTRATIVE REPORT IMEETING DATE: April 11, 2001 AGENDA SECTION: Consent Calendar ITEM: 8.n. TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: Honorable Mayor and City Council Ron Fraze, Fire Chief March 23, 2001 APPROVED DEPARTMENT HEAD~ ClTY MANAGER ~ Approval of Bakersfield Fire Department donation of retired fire engine to Bakersfield College. RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends approval of donation. BACKGROUND: The Bakersfield Fire Department has recently retired one fire engine from its fleet and wishes to donate the engine to Bakersfield College. The engine will be housed at the Olive Drive Fire Training Facility and will be used for Fire Academy training. At no time will the engine be used as an emergency response vehicle. Bakersfield College assumes ownership of the engine and the Kern County Fire Department will assume its maintenance. The engine is valued at approximately $5,000. kec March 23, 2001, 10:32am p:~adrnin repo~engine donation to BC ADMINISTRATIVE REPORT MEETING DATE: April 11, 2001 AGENDA SECTION: Hearings ITEM: 9 -a. TO: Honorable Mayor and City Council APPROVED FROM: John W. Stinson, Assistant City Manager DEPARTMENT HEAD ~ DATE: April 2, 2001 CITY ATTORNEY ~- SUBJECT: CITY MANAGER Appeal of Denial of Transient Outdoor Permit Application for location at 7701 White Lane by Bruce and Elaine Dolgin [Sno-Shack of Bakersfield] (Ward 6) RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends approval of appeal. BACKGROUND: Sno-Shack of Bakersfield, which is owned by Bruce and Elaine Dolgin, applied for a Transient Outdoor Permit to operate a shaved ice business at 7701 White Lane. They have operated at this location for several years. The Lumberjack building materials store, the primary business operated at this location, has recently closed. The Dolgins wish to continue their seasonal operation at this location and have signed a lease with the current property owners S.A. Camp Companies and Carosella Properties. They are intending to operate from April 22 to September 22, 2001. The Bakersfield Municipal Code section 5.56.031, subsection 6, requires that the location of a transient outdoor business be on the site of another operating business where the transient outdoor business is secondary in purpose. With the closure of the Lumberjack store there is no longer a primary operating business at this location and pursuant to the Bakersfield Municipal Code, staff is required to deny the Transient Outdoor Permit. The Municipal Code provides for an appeal to the City Council for applicants who may be denied a permit. The Dolgins have submitted an appeal letter which states their reasons for the appeal, which include: continuing a viable business at this location, providing employment for young people and providing a service to an established clientele. Because of the past operation of the Sno-Shack business at this location, the ability for the appellants to reasonably continue their seasonal operation there and the unique circumstances regarding the business closure at the site, staff is recommending the City Council approve the appeal and grant the Transient Outdoor Permit. S:~lOHN\Sno-Shack Admin.wpd April 2, 2001, 11:23am ADMINISTRATIVE REPORT MEETING DATE: April 11, 2001 IAGENDA SECTION: Reports ITEM: !0.a. TO: Honorable Mayor and City Council APPROVED FROM: John W. Stinson, Assistant City Manager DEPARTMENT HEAD ~'"~ DATE: March 30, 2001 CITY ATTORNEY CITY MANAGER SUBJECT: Budget and Finance Committee Report No. 1-01 regarding the "Clean Green Yard Machines" electric lawn mower incentive program. Transfer $5,000 Council Contingency to the Non-Departmental Operating Budget within the General Fund for a contribution to the San Joaquin Valley Air Pollution Control District for the electric lawn mower incentive program. RECOMMENDATION: To be determined by the Budget and Finance Committee. BACKGROUND: On April 5, 2001 the Budget and Finance Committee will review this request and provide staff with a recommendation to forward to the City Council for action at the April 11, 2001 meeting. Due to anticipated growth and development the San Joaquin Valley faces significant air quality challenges in attaining health-based standards for ground-level ozone by 2005 as required by the federal government. Small gasoline -powered engines are considered a major source of this region's air quality problems because they emit very high levels of carbon monoxide, volatile organic compounds and nitrogen oxides. For this reason, the San Joaquin Valley Air Pollution Control District would like to enter into a partnership with the City of Bakersfield to introduce an electric lawn mower incentive program for the city. Similar incentive programs have been successfully conducted in Seattle, Portland, Baltimore, Pennsylvania, Tucson, Phoenix, Ventura, San Diego, Sacramento, the Los Angeles Basin and the San Francisco Bay Area. Through the Clean Green Yard machines program, the San Joaquin Valley would like to offer 1200 valley residents a $200 incentive toward the purchase of a rechargeable electric mulching-lawn mower that retails for approximately $400. The District's Governing Board has committed $200,000 for this project April 4, 2001, 10:54am S:~Darnel~dmins~cgreenyardmachines41101.wpd ADMINISTRATIVE REPORT to be offered in Modesto, Fresno, and Bakersfield during April or May 2001. By investing $5,000 in this project, the City of Bakersfield will provide an opportunity for the local residents to make a significant impact on air pollution and reduce material going to green waste disposal. In return for a $5,000 investment in the clean air partnership, the District would recognize the City of Bakersfield on all pre-event materials, advertisement, promotions, and publicity, as well as on site recognition and media coverage during the three trade-in events to be scheduled this spring. Through sponsorship of the clean Green Yard Machines program, the City of Bakersfield would continue its tradition of investing in San Joaquin Valley's air quality improvement efforts. Kern County has made a contribution of $5,000 to the program. Apdl 4, 2001, 11:00am S:~Darnel~dmins~cgreenyardmachines41101.v, pd ADMINISTRATIVE REPORT MEETING DATE: April 11, 2001 AGENDA SECTION: New Business ITEM: ] 2. a. TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: Honorable Mayor and City Council Development Services - Planning March 23, 2001 APPR~rVED DEPARTMENT HEA~ CITY ATTO RN E~.~ CITY MANAGER~' '~/~2 An ordinance amending Subsections 15.80.100 (A) and (B); Subsection 16.12.070 (B); Subsection 16.16.010 (G); Subsection 16.16.020 (A); Subsection 16.16.030 (F); Subsections 16.16.080 (A) and (B); Subsection 16.16.080 (E); Subsection 16.16.080 (G); Subsections 16.20.110 (A) and (B); Subsection 16.22.010 (B); Subsection 16.24.090 (C.4); Subsection 16.32.080 (E); Section 16.32.100; Adding Section 16.38; and amending Section 16.52. The proposed amendments are the result of recommendations from a development streamlining task force final report. (All wards) RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends first reading of the ordinance. BACKGROUND: Proposed ordinance changes implement recommendations from the "Development Streamlining Task Force." These recommendations were presented to the City Council from the Urban Development Committee on October 11, 2000. Council referred the proposed changes to the Planning Commission for public hearings and recommendations. The following table summarizes the issues presented in the task force meetings that resulted in the recommendations: Ord. Section Issue(s)/Reasoning Summary of Proposed Changes Section 15 80 100 Because the cost of the appraisal sometimes exceeds the To allow for the subdivider of a project of 20 (Park Land In-L¢eu Fee) park land in-lieu fee, it was agreed that the developer of a lots or less to request and accept an estimate small subdivision should be allowed to request and accept an of the fair market value of park land to be estimate of the value in lieu of an appraisal dedicated in lieu of conducting an appraisal Section 1612070 (B) CELSOC wanted to be able to delay payment of the TO allow payment of maintenance district fees (Fees) maintenance district fees until the parcel map waiver (PMW) concurrently with the recordation of the records, sfnce so many of the projects underlying the PMW ceriificate of compliance for parcel map do not get developed waivers. April 3, 2001, 12:00PM ADMINISTRATIVE REPORT Page 2 Ord. Section Issue(s)/Reasoning SummarY of Proposed Changes Subsecbon 16.15010 (G) There was discussion about consideration of requests for To require requests for deferral and waiver of (Filing) deferral or waiver of improvements Added the requirement improvements be submitted in writing with that requests for waiving improvements be submitted in map appricatio~. writing Subsection 1616020 (A) Allows submittal of maps using modern mediums and To allow tentative maps to be submitted on (Fon~) advances in technology various other acceptable mediums. Subsection 16 16 030 (F) Need for distances and bearings to allow plotting on the GIS To allow electronic data to be submitted to (Information Shown) system Allows electronic submittal of data provide the bearings and distances indicafing the map boundaries. Subsection 16 16 080 (A) and CELSOC expressed concerns that the current policy of an To alIow an initial 3 year map life and (B) (Map Life) initial 2 yr map life with two, 2 yr, extensions and a 1 yr additional 3 year and 2 year extensions of time extension (7 yrs total) does not work well with multi-phased for approved tentative maps. (8 yrs. Including projects, created unnecessary time for staff and expense for 5 year extension). the applicant Subsection 16 16 080 (E) To add a reference to the Subdivision Map Act and to allow Ordinance change to add the reference to the (Map Life) fees to be added into the requirement of $125,000 in Subdivision Map Act and add the word ~fees" improvements to extend the expiration date of an approved to improvements in the section stating the map. requirement of $125,000 in improvements to extend the expiration date of an approved map Subsection 16 16 080 (G) Need to clarify that all phases of an approved tentative map Clarifying the area to be covered by a Revised (Rev/sedMap) are required to be included in a revised tentative map Tentative Map Section 1620.110 (A) and (B) Existing notes required on final maps do not appropriately To aIlow for Cify Council approval on the (Map Preparation) reference maps approved under appeal to City Council statement of Planning Director required on final tract maps. Subsection 16 22 010 (B) Relating to preparation of final parcel maps and surveying Requiring a field survey conforming with the (Final Parcel Map Preparation) requirements The proposed change provides an exception Land Surveyor's Act except for parcel maps in for large lots exceeding 20 acres which all parcels exceed 20 acres which may be compiled from recorded or filed data. Subsection 16 24 090 (C4) The existing ordinance did not clearly delineate time periods TO delineate the period in which the vested (Vesting Rights Timeframe) regarding vesting rights. There was discussion about time rights continue after submittal of a building 2eriods and it was agreed that the time periods contained in permit application. the Uniform Building Code for expiration of permits should govern Subsection 16.32.080 (E) The section cited in the ordinance read 15.32060 where the To correct the section cited (Improvements/n Subdivisions proper section cited should have been 16 32 060. for which Final Map/s Reqmred) Section 1632 100 Concerns were expressed about the additional cost of Modif~ the ordinance to remove the (Survey Requirements- providing monuments on street center lines when they may requirement to monument street center lines a Monuments) not be necessary :hase boundaries, and will instead allow witness corners. Section 16 38 The task force discussed the issue of tot mergers and the Add a new section (Section 16.38) to allow lot (Merger of Parcels) ~olicies of other iurisdictions and the need for a more mergers simplified process Section 1652 The task force discussed proposed changes to this Requires appeal must indicate reasons why (Appeals) ordinance section They were concerned about granting the appeal is made Language was added Development Services Director the authority to deny appeals clarifyin§ that no right of appeal exists where and that everything should be appealable to the City Council. the appellant seeks to appeal any local, state Staff suggested and the task force agreed that as an )r federal law artemative a criteria could be developed and placed in the ordinance listing those matters which were not appealable ( ie contrary to law) *Detailed ordinance changes are highlighted in the attached resolution. April 3, 2001, 11:56AM ADMINISTRATIVE REPORT Page 3 At the March 15, 2001 Planning Commission meeting, the Planning Commission recommended approval of the proposed ordinance amendments to City Council. No changes to the Development Streamlining Task Force recommendations were made. No one spoke in opposition. The Urban Development Committee of the City Council requested the formation of a task force composed of a broad range of people who have an interest in or are involved and impacted by development processes to review ways to streamline and make the City's development policies and standards more efficient and responsive. The objective of this task force was to review current development policies, procedures and standards and identify ways to streamline current processes and simplify regulations without compromising the purpose of the regulations. Further, it was hoped that those involved in the process would develop a greater understanding of the demands, restrictions and requirements that all parties experience. The Urban Development Committee recommended that the proposed ordinance changes on those issues which were resolved be forwarded to the Planning Commission for the required noticed public hearings and recommendation to the City Council for their approval. On October 11,2000, the City Council accepted the report of the Urban Development Committee and referred these items to the Planning Commission for recommendation. All of the participants in the task force were mailed copies of the Planning Commission staff report and proposed ordinance changes. According to the City of Bakersfield Development Streamlining Task Force Final Report (October 2000) presented to Council on October 11, 2000, the following issues will require further study between staff and the development industry: Allowing parcel map waivers where site will be developed through additional review process (to provide for phased tract maps). The extension of vested rights. · Graded roads with gravel base-regarding off site sewer facilities. · Encroachment permit streamlining. Proposed ordinance changes are exempt from the provisions of the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) and the City of Bakersfield's CEQA Implementation Procedures in accordance with CEQA Section 15061. P:~admin~001~Apr~4-11 -ord.wpd April 3, 2001, 11:56AM