HomeMy WebLinkAboutMD Packet 5-44Pti~ 5-Ny PROPOSITION 218 BALLOT CITY OF BAKERSFIELD CONSOLIDATED MAINTENANCE DISTRICT This assessment ballot is for the use of the property owner of the parcels} identified below,, which are ' i of Bakersfield Consolidated Maintenance District ~CMD}. This proposed. to be included ~n the C ty a be used ~o ex ress either su ort for or opposition to inclusion within the CMD. assessment ballot m y p pp ' ssessment ballot must be si ned below by the owner or, if the owner is not an To be counted, this a g individual, by an authorized representative of the owner. [TO CAST THIS BALLOT, PLEASE RETURN THIS ENTIRE PAGE QFFlCIAL ASSESSMENT 3Al~LOT wner: ~'~r ro~ywcbl~ L ~K~ ~o~~~~G s ~. ~. ~ Property O . . V ~~~ ~~~f~dtwc~ f9M~ ~~~1 Property description. ~s r ~oTS /f ~/'~ ~~ 7N~` SA~G~S /y14~ f?~ +L,~r~r9,~ c ~ ~~I~K w . ~~~~~ ~~d co~rP~N~' ~~ S~cr~nK I!, -7',3Q.~ /R~g~ r!D~ (address, lot/block~ract or other legal descri~ti4n) The individual annual assessments for fiscal year 2004-2005 shall not exceed $~ 46 70 per uivalent dwellin unit. In each subse uent ear, annual assessments may increase by eq g q y the cost of living reflected in the .Las Angeles~Riverside-Orange County All Urban Consumer's Consumer Price Index. ASSESSMENT BALLUT MEASU1tE . Shall the City Council of the City of ~~akersf elcl incldde the above described ~ Yes property within the Consolidated Maintenance District and levy an assessment not to exceed 0 No the amount set forth above? 4 Owner Signature: V' ,, Title (if representing owner): ~ ~H~4G~'~ Cv ~o~r ~ ono c~K~ N°~ ~ ~~~ s ~ ~ ~ ~ ~+~ `' Date: '~~ P1ANNlNG APPt1GAT1QN PACKET - LANp p1VJS14N SUPPL~M~NT January 2, 2048 FfLED KERN CCU~TY NOTICE OF EXEMPTION T0: County Clerk COUNTY OF KERN 1115 Truxtun Avenue Bakersfield, CA 93301 Appendix I FED 0 8 2008 ANN K..~ARIVE T AUDITOR C~ L ~COU TY OLERK ,.._...~ BY _~`nEPUTY Project Title: Adding Territory (Area 5-44, E. White, S. Washington NW or Tentative Tract No. 6871) to the Consolidated Maintenance District. Project Location-Specific: The area is generally bounded by a line approximately 1,320 feet north of E. White Lane on the north, S. Washington Street on the east, E. White Lane on the south and a line approximately 1,320 feet west of S. Washington Street on the west. Project Location-City: Bakersfield Project Location-County: K_ Description of Project: Maintenance of public park, street and median landscaping improvements. ~~ Name of Public Agency Approving Project: CITY OF BAKERSFIELD Name of Person or Agency Carrying Out Project: DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS Exempt Status: (Check One) Ministerial (Sec. 21080 (b} (1);15268 (a); Declared Emergency (Sec. 21080 (b} (4); .15269 (b} (c}; Emergency Project (Sec. 21080 (b} (4};15269 (b) (c}; x Categorical Exemption. State type and section number. Section 15305(f) Statutory Exemptions. State code number. _- Reasons why project is exempt: Minor alteration in land use limitations with addition of territory to an existing Maintenance District, CEQA guideline, City of Bakersfield Resolution No. 212-92. Lead Agency Contact Person: Marian Shaw Area Code/Telephone/Extension: (661) 326-3579 If filed by applicant: 1. Attach certified document of exemption finding. 2. Has a Notice of Exempti n e filed by the public agency approving the project? Yes x No _ Si nature: Date: l ~ 2_008__ g Title: Marian P. Shaw. Civil Enaineer IV x Signed by Lead Agency Date received for filing at OPR: x Signed by Applicant Lice of Environmental Doc eo No Noes-44.aoc osted by County Clerk on P r Pursuant to and for 30 days thereafte , C Public Resources Cede Section 21152( ), i~$ LETTER OF TRANSMITTAL PROVOST& 1800 30t hStreet, Suite 280 PRITCH~R ? Bakersfield, CA 93301 661616-5900 FAX 661616-5890 .~ . email: @ppeng.com An Employee Owned Company DATE: 01/07/08 Job No: 1786-06B1 SUBJECT: Consolidated Maintenance District Tract 6871 City of Bakersfield -Public Works Dept. Attn: Mr. Thomas Trammell 1501 Trux#un Avenue J Bakersfield, CA 93301 WE ARE SENDING YOU ~ Attached ^ Under separate cover via the following items: ^ Shop drawings ^ Copy of letter ^ Prints ^ Plans ^ Samples ^ Specifications ^ Change order ^ Other: Copies Date No. DESCRIPTION 01102/08 Check in the amount of $2,450.40 01/02/08 Letter requesting inclusion in CMD 01102/08 Official Assessment Ballot 01/07/08 CD of approved Tentative Tract 6871 THESE ARE TRANSMITTED as checked below: ^ For approval ~ Foryouruse ^ As requested ^ For review and comment ^ FOR BIDS DUE ^ Approved as submitted ^ Resubmit copies for approval ^ Approved as noted ^ Submit copies for distribution ^ Returned for corrections ^ Return corrected prints ^ PRINTS RETURNED AFTER LOAN TO US Remarks: COPY T0: SIGNED: John T Duffy, P.E. If enclosures are not as noted, kindly notify us at once. W:1ClientslCottonwoodVilhs -1786117860661 TR 68711DocumentslCorrespondencelSENTICity of Bakersfield1080107 -Consolidated Maintenance District Application.doc .4 { COTTONWOOD LAND HOLDINGS LLC 1055 Wilshire Boulevard, Suite 868 Los Angeles, California 94017 (213) 977-0543 Fax: (213) 977-0648 January 2, 2008 City of Bakersfield -.Public Works Department Attn: Marian P. Shaw 1501. Truxtun Avenue Bakersfield, California 93301 Dear Ms. Shaw: RE: Inclusion of (choose aye of the following) ' tact dap a ` ~~ ~ ~.~ ~~ '°~'~r No. w8?/. in a Maintenance istrict We, the undersigned, as owners of the property included within (choose one of the following) tact Ma p,~~ • P cer • No. ~ 7/ hereby request that the property be included within the Consolidated Maintenance District. This request is in accordance with the requirements of Bakersfield Municipal Code Section 13.04.021. ' ck for ~ `~~~~~ as re wired b the .City to cover the costs of this inclusion into the Bnclosed ~s a the $ q Y Consolidated Maintenance~District. Furthermore, our engineer will supply you with a computer disk copy of the map- for your use. We also waive our right to .any and all hearings in accordance with the Brown Act, the Bakersfield Municipal Code, andlor any other law, concerning the formation of or inclusion in the maintenance district. We have signed and are returning the enclosed. Proposition 218 ballot (~f~icial Assessment Ballot) F indicating our consent to the assessment. R spectfully, ~,. . .u Manager