HomeMy WebLinkAboutRES NO 276-07(1) , James W. FitChit Assessor- Recorder SABRINA Recording Requested by: Kern County Official ecords 4/21/2008 and for the benefit of Recorded allhe requesl 01 11:39 AM CITY OF BAKERSFIELD Public And When Recorded Mail to: DOC#: 0208061546 Stat Types: 1 Pages: 5 City Clerk I ~II ~II ~III~ III ~II Fees 0.00 CITY OF BAKERSFIELD Taxes 0.00 1501 Truxtun Avenue Others 0.00 Bakersfield, CA 93301 PAID $0.00 RESOLUTION NO. 276-07(1) A RESOLUTION OF THE COUNCIL ORDERING THE VACATION OF A M STREET, 0 STREET, 13TH STREET, P STREET AND TWO ALLEYS. 'QM~"9 ~ ~ >- - I-- ~ 2> <:::J ORIGINAL L. .. AMENDMENT NO.1 RESOLUTION NO. 276-07 (I) AMENDED RESOLUTION OF THE COUNCIL ORDERING THE VACATION OF A PORTION OF "M" STREET, "0" STREET, 13th STREET, "P" STREET, AND TWO ALLEYS WHEREAS, on WEDNESDAY, December 12, 2007, the Council of the City of Bakersfield, pursuant to the provisions of the "Public Streets, Highways and Service Easements Vacation law," Government Code Sections 8300 et seq. of the Streets and Highways Code of the State of California, passed and adopted Resolution No. 276-07 ordering the vacation of the 7.25 foot wide strip of land on the Northeast comer of "M' Street and California Avenue and "0' Street between California Avenue and 14th Street, and 13th Street between "N" Street and "P' Street, and "P" Street south of 13th Street and 198.41 foot long, and 20 foot wide alley north of California Avenue between "N" Street and "0" Street, and a 33 foot wide alley north of California Avenue and between "0" Street and "P" Street; and WHEREAS, for the above-described project, it was detennined that the proposed vacation is exempt from CEQA, pursuant to Section 15061 (b) (3) of CEQA Guidelines (General Rule) in that there is no possibility lhat the proposed action could have a significant effect on the environment; and WHEREAS, in accordance with Bakersfield Municipal Code Section 2.28.120, the proposed vacation was found to be consistent with the Metropolitan Bakersfield 2010 General Plan pursuant to Government Code 65402 by the Planning Director on November 6,2007. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the City of Bakersfield as follows: 1. The above recitals are true and correct and are incorporated herein. 2. This Resolution is adopted pursuant to Section 8300, et seq. of the Streets and Highways Code of the State of California. 3 The portions of "0" Street between 14th Street and California Avenue, portions of 13th Street between "0' Street and "P" Street, Portions of "P" Street located near the southwest intersection of 13th Street and "P" Street and portions of the Alley between "0" Street and "P" Street of the vacation area shall be reserved as a non-exclu~,ve ~a~~:'St~~~ra~~~~ha~~e~:'~IIP~erp~f:;~t:~ ~~~:~ ~;:~~~t"~~i b:h:r:~~: t~~~ ~~; (per separate instrument). C. emas\Amendment to Resolution 276-07.doc . S 0 St 13 St-Maya In S:\Street VacatlOns\M t- - 'Qf>..I(~~ ~ ~ >- """ 5 & ORIGINAL - I - 4. The existing 6-inch sewer lines in the two alleys located between 13th Street, "P" Street, California Avenue and "0" Street, within the proposed vacated area, are to be priv;.itely maintained upon recordation of final resolution for this street vacation, as shown in Exhibit "0". .L.. 5. Except as provided herein, all provisions of Resolution No. 276-07 shall remain in full force and effect I HEREBY CERTIFY that the foregoing Resolution was passed and adopted, by the Council of the City of Bakersfield at a regular meeting thereof held on APR 0 9 Z008 _ by the fOllowing vote: ---------------{)(){)--------------- ~ NOES: ABSTAIN: ABSENT: ///V'.,/ /,/ COUNCILMEMBER COUCH, CARSON, BENHAM, WEIR, HANSON, SULliVAN, SCRIVNER COUNCIlMEMBER COUNC/lMEMBER COUNC/lMEMBER APPR()VED APR 0 9 Z008 HARVEY L. LL Mayor of the City of Bakersfield APPROVED as to form VIRGINIA GENNARO City Attorney By: ~1rJ. ~ dmenl to Resolution 276-07.doc C"nemas\Amen - 51-051-[3 51-Maya I S:IStreel VacatlOns\M 'Qf>..K~-9 ~ <11", 'V iii >- r- 2':: 0 - -ORIGINAL . . 1 ,.,. - - - 8.00' ~ 33.25'/ -----1 / I I I I ----1 l[) (() ,.....: ,..... - ,..-, HlI ~/ (I.) I . I P I I ------1 .- LEGEND: _--- R/W TO REMAIN AFTER VACATION _ _ _ _ _ _ R/W TO BE VACATED I 100 50 0 ~ 25 100 I McINT~~ &AssocIATES LMCl___ .awt.tJlIQIIIII1llII .~ 2001 lIIiEELlN CT. BAKERSfiELD, CA 93J09 (661) 834-481\ . CITY OF BAKERSFIELD AREA. OF UTlLTT'f EASEMENT RESER'J A110N PER CITY STREET VACATION SCALE: 1" = 1 00' JOB NO. 00-155.01 DATE: 3-21-08 ~AI( ,,\'-.~ \-\<J. ~IJ.\Q ~ JSl~ DONE BY: GC ::.... ~ ~ 6 RIGINAL o o I I I~---I r------l I : :r: : I I' , , I I I , , I I I I I I 'I I I I I I I , ~ I I I , ~ I I I ~ I I I I I I I I I VI I I ~ I II I j, I I , I I I ~n____~~. - ___ ~ I I ct .0. STREET I 1- - -- - - - - .1':. ... - .. ~I I 1_____, r-- I I i-----;; I F:~~q' I I I ' ,- () I I I ~O()~ I -<;uo~ I I , I <oz~ )>)><Sj I I I I ()-i~ I )>O~"1J I I I I I gZ8~ I ~ I ~ ' zO'- I r- I I ~cF) ,VIm I ~I I I :;:j"1J~ < I, . I r;l2;J~ I I 1- ~ ~-II I r::j ;; ;u I I I I I )>r;ic:: I I I::J: I z z I I oS6~ I I I en I I ~b I I l:a I L_~__~ L_____~~ I ffi( -t- - .-_~ _ . . _... -r;;-- - ~____ - - I \ I 1 --~~c~. "1 ~ I I ~ --- --- 8 "'11~ " " I --- -.--..~.,. " " ~ : ~ .... 1'_ . - - - _r:" _ STREE_T (') > r- =n o ::J:J Z ); > < m z c: m (Jl o o o o MciNTOSH &~~~~ 2001 ~EElAN Cl BAKERSFIELD, CA 9JJD9 (661) 8J4-4814 CITY OF BAKERSFIELD PRIVATE SEWER PIPELINE PER CITY STREET VACATION EXHIBIT "0" 1- - I I I I I I I I I I , I I I L__ Ul () F:Z r':lQ ~" ]:J --- ~ E- Ii -t ~::I: o 0_ SCALE: 1" = 1 00' JOB NO. 00-155.01~f>..1( DA TE: 3- 25-08cS< '9<11 FILE NO. EM11::... ~ DONE BY: GC t:: ~ <..) t:l AL