HomeMy WebLinkAboutTS-7 Documentation MAINTENANCE DISTRICT TS-7 LEGAL DESCRIPTION A parcel of land situated in the City of Bakersfield, County of Kern, State of California, being a portion of Section 22, T 29 S, R 28 E, M. D. B. & M., and more particularly described as follows: Commencing at the west quarter corner of said Section 22, said point also being the intersection of centerlines of Mt. Vernon Avenue and Bernard Street; thence North OOE 15' 20"West, along the centerline of Mt. Vernon Avenue, a distance of 661.69 feet, to the TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING THENCE (1) Continuing North OOE 15' 20" West, along said centerline of Mt. Vernon Avenue, a distance of 195.38 feet; THENCE (2} North 89E 44' 40" East, a distance of 55.00 feet, to intersect the east right of way line of said Mt. Vernon Avenue; THENCE (3) North OOE 15' 20" West, along said east right of way line, a distance of 50.00 feet; THENCE (4} North 89E 44' 40" East, a distance of 48.00 feet; THENCE (5} North OOE 15' 29" West, a distance of 259.81 feet; THENCE (6) North 05° 27' 40" East, a distance of 27..37. feet, to the beginning of a tangent curve, concave southeasterly having a radius of 38.00 feet; THENCE (7} Northeasterly along said curve through a central angle of 66E 48' 03", an arc distance of 44.30 feet, to the beginning of a reverse curve, concave westerly having a radius of 50.00 feet; THENCE (8} Northeasterly and Northwesterly along said curve, through a central angle of 130E 06' 16", an arc distance of 113.54 feet; THENCE (9) North 00° 42' 05" East, a distance of 8.00 feet; THENCE (10},North 89° 18' 03" East, a distance of 1175.83 feet; EXHIBIT "A" THENCE (11) South OOE 18' 31"East, along said north right of way line, a distance of 1324.32 feet, to intersect the centerline of Bernard Street; THENCE (12) South 89E 20' 34" West, along the centerline of said Bernard Street, a distance of 660.42 feet; THENCE (13} North OOE 16' S5" West, a distance of 661.92 feet; THENCE (14) South 89E 19' 22" West, a distance of 660.14 feet, to intersect the centerline of Mt. Vernon Avenue and the TRUE POINT aF BEGINNING. S:IPROJECTSIMAINDISTITRAFSIGILegaIslTS-7.wpd EXHIBIT "A" MAP AND ASSESSMEM DIAGRAM I FOR TRAFFIC SIGNAL MAINTENANCE a DISTRICT NO. TS-7 (MT. VERNON, BERNARD NE) BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA "°"°~`"` N89'I B'03"E 1319.66' N89Y 8'03"E 11]5.83' 143.83 489.96 685.87' ~ ~ ._ ~~ . i \ ~ ~` ~• \\~ / ~ G / 6 i i \~ N ~ ~ \ \~ c~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ PARCEL B `:~ ~~ ~ J / / L!J ~ ~/ - ~ / w L4 Z PARCEL C W J Q Z . co L1 oM ZM ~~ ' W 3 W S89'19'22"W 660.14 0 00 N N ~ ic') ~- o rn rn z ~ ~ w N N ~T z o. ~ °' v co 3 ~~ ~ ~ i o ~ r ~. o Q 0 Z z 0 m r~ WEST 1 /4 CORNER SECTION 22 T29 S, R 28 E 660.44' N89'20'34"E 1320.88' FILED IN THE OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK THIS DAY OF . 20_, CITY CLERK OF THE CITY OF BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA AN ASSESSMENT WAS LEVIED BY THE CITY COUNCIL ON THE LOTS, PIECES AND PARCELS OF LAND SHOWN ON THIS ASSESSMENT DIAGRAM. SAID ASSESSMENT WAS LEVIED ON THE DAY OF . 20_; SAID ASSESSMENT DIAGRAM AND THE ASSESSMENT ROLL WERE RECORDED IN THE OFFICE OF THE DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS OF SAID CITY ON THE DAY OF . 20_. REFERENCE IS MADE TO THE ASSESSMENT ROLL RECORDED IN THE OFFICE OF THE DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS FOR THE EXACT AMOUNT OF EACH ASSESSMENT LEVIED AGAINST EACH PARCEL OF LANG SHOWN ON THIS ASSESSMENT DIAGRAM, CITY CLERK OF THE CITY OF BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA DISTRICT BOUNDARY PARCEL A ~o 0 Z 660.42' I ' w BERNARD STREET FILED FOR RECORD THIS DAY OF 20_, AT _.M., IN BOOK OF ASSESSMENT DISTRICTS AT PAGE IN THE OFFICE OF THE COUNTY RECORDER OF THE COUNTY OF KERN, STATE OF CALIFORNIA. JAMES W. MAPLES COUNTY ASSESSOR-RECORDER BY CHIEF DEPUTY RECORDER RECORDED IN THE OFFICE OF THE DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS THIS DAY OF . 20,. DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC WORKS BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA EXHIBIT ~ B~ LINE TABLE LINE LENGTH BEARING L1 195.38' N00'15'20"W L2 55.00' N89'44'40"E L3 50.00' N00'15'20"W L4 48.00' N89'44'40"E L5 259.81' N00'15'29"W L6 27.37' N05'2T40"E L7 8.00' N00'42'05"W CURVE TABLE CURVE DELTA LENGTH RADIUS C1 66'48'03" 44.30' 38.00' C2 130'06'16" 113.54' 50.00' MAINTENANCE DISTRICT TS-7 (Mt. Vernon, Bernard NE) CITY OF BAKERSFIELD BENEFIT FORMULA Each parcel shall be assessed a percentage of the total operating and maintenance cost proportional to the trips generated by that parcel, adjusted for prior year fund balance or deficit. The amount to be assessed to each parcel is calculated as follows: (1) Calculate the total number of trips generated by each building using the City Average Daily Trips (ADT) rates. (2) Add the total number of trips (1) of all buildings in each parcel. (3) Add the total number of trips (2) of all buildings in all parcels. (4} Divide the total number of trips of each parcel (2} by the total number of trips in all parcels (3). This is the proportionate share of the total assessment for each parcel. (5) Multiply the result of (4) times the total cost of the district for each parcel. This is the amount to be assessed to each parcel. Assessments are based on traffic generated by each parcel. Traffic generation rate for a shopping center is the same for all buildings. Therefore, assessment is proportional to the square footage of each building. Assessment amounts could vary substantially during the initial development within the district. Since only the developed parcels will generate traffic using the signalized intersection, those parcels will be responsible for the entire cost. The maximum yearly assessment for all property within Maintenance District No. TS-7 (Mt. Vernon, Bernard NE) shall not exceed $3,000. S:IPROJECTSIMAINDISTITRAFSIG1FormulaslTS-7.wpd EXHIBIT "C" EXHIBIT "D" TRAFFIC SIGNAL MAINTENANCE DISTRICT TS-7 (Mt Vernon, N/Bernard) Said assessment is made in accordance with the benefit formula attached hereto. 2006-2007 .; .~ BUDGET Gross Budget Amount Required $2,600.00 City Staff Services or Contract, Supplies, Materials and Utilities) Estimated Beginning Fund Balance/(Deficit) $0.00 Less: City Contributions $0.00 NET AMOUNT TO BE ASSESSED $2,600.00 S:IPROJECTSIMAINDISTITRAFSIGIEXHIBITSITS-7D 06.07 EXHIBIT "D" EXHIBIT "D" TRAFFIC SIGNAL MAINTENANCE DISTRICT TS-7 (Mt Vernon, N/Bernard) Said assessment is made in accordance with the benefit formula attached hereto. 2007-2008 BUDGET Gross Budget Amount Required $2,600.00 (City Staff Services or Contract, Supplies, Materials and Utilities) Estimated Beginning Fund Balance/(Deficits $0.00 Less: City Contributions NET AMOUNT TO BE ASSESSED $o.oo $2, 600.00 S:IPROJECTSIMAINDISTITRAFSIGIEXHIBITS D E1TS-7D 07-08 EXHIBIT "D" .~ EXHIBIT "E" ASSESSMENT ROLL MAINTENANCE DISTRICT N0. TS-7 (Mt. Vernon, Bernard NE) FISCAL YEAR 2007-2008 Total Assessment 12901060005 $0.00 12901061008 $2,006.94 12901064007 $37.70 12901065000 $21.06 12901066003 $37.70 12901067006 $48.36 12901069002 $280.80 12901070004 $0.00 12901071007 $34.58 12901072000 $132.86 Date: City Clerk and Ex Officio Clerk of the Council of the City of Bakersfield EXHIBIT "E" S:IPROJECTSIMAINDISTITRAFSIG(EXHIBITS D EITS-7E 07-08 EXHIBIT "E" ASSESSMENT ROLL MAINTENANCE DISTRICT N0. TS-7 (Mt. Vernon, Bernard NE} FISCAL YEAR 2006-2007 Total Assessment 12901060005 $0.00 12901061008 $2,006.94 12901064007 $37.70 12901065000 $21.06 12901066003 $37.70 12901067006 $48.36 12901069002 $280.80 12901071007 $34.58 12901072000 $132.86 Date: City Clerk and Ex Officio Clerk of the Council of the -City of Bakersfield s:IPROJECTSIMAINDISTITRAFSIGIEXHIBITSITS-7E_06-07 EXHIBIT "E" `' "J V ~ .__. ~ ~~ ~ ~ ~ :~/Id _ _ ~b'/Vb'~ 0 8 i ,., :. , _ . ~ _,, : `ter - - - ~- ~ - o~ ~ .. .. ~ . _ ~ _~` N ~., ~,, .\~ rj Q ~. ,_i xc ~g.~~ ~ , O I~ ~ ~ V,J ^~~. ~ k~l Q ~ V V I ~ b ~ Y' 06 Z !F 111 ~ N ..! I u W a0 N V! N N U 1.,.1 d d' >~ 0 N >;; ` 1 L '807 ~ Q o. ~I ~ N ~ ~° I ~ N (J~ ~ ~~ ~~~ ~~ ~ . 0 N .. O ~ ~ a Q V^ V i I i I I ~. 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Vernon, Bernard NE} FISCAL YEAR 2005-2006 Assessor's Parcel No. Total Assessment ~ z.~_ v I ~ - ~^~ _ ~~~~~ 129-010-61 - ~ ~- ~ $2,065.19 129-010-64 $48.07 129-010-65 $26.92 129-010-66 $47.98 129-010-67 $53.85 129-010-68 $357.99 Total $2,600.00 Date: City Clerk and Ex Officio Clerk of the Council of the City ofBakersfield EXHIBIT "7-E" Name Sq Footage Home Depot ~~ ~ ~ ~` . 115058 0.794303--~ ~/ Del Taco -- ~ ~~ 2678 0.01 8 Starbucks ~p ~- ~ ~~ 1500 0.010. ~ J BX , ~~ ~- ~ 2673 0.0184. ,/ Car Wash ~-6~ 3000 0.02074 ~ Office Max~Shops ~--~~" 19945 0.1376~-- 144854 1 .,.._ ... o - Of N . - o O N ~, ~~ •~ I" N D J '1 0 0 u W N o~ ~ Yo mM N N N U W ~n v mod' Z O ~N ~3 ~. ~ ~ r~ ~ o t~ 4~ N . I `~' Q ~. 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