HomeMy WebLinkAboutORD NO 3870v ORDINANCE NO. 3 8 7 0 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING SECTIONS 17.60.020, 17.60.050, 17.60.060, AND 17.60.070 OF TITLE 17 OF THE BAKERSFIELD MUNICIPAL CODE RELATING TO SIGNS WHEREAS, the City of Bakersfield initiated a proposal to amend Title 17 of the Bakersfield Municipal Code, specifically, Sections 17.60.020, 17.60.050, 17.60.060, and 17.60.070 of Chapter 17.60 regarding the sign regulations, and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission through its Secretary set Thursday, September 3, 1998 at the hour of 5:30 p.m. in the Council Chambers of City Hall, 1501 Truxtun Avenue, Bakersfield, California, as the time and place for a public hearing before said Commission on said ordinance, and notice of the public hearing was given in the manner prescribed in the Municipal Code and the California Government Code; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission adopted Resolution No. 89 -98 recommending approval of the proposed ordinance amendments and forwarded its recommendation to the City Council; and WHEREAS, the City Council through its City Clerk set Wednesday, September 23, 1998 at the hour of 7:00 p.m. in the Council Chambers of City Hall, 1501 Truxtun Avenue, Bakersfield, California, as the time and place to consider said ordinance, and WHEREAS, the ordinance was found to be exempt from the provisions of CEQA and the law and regulations as set forth in CEQA and the City of Bakersfield's CEQA Implementation Procedures have been duly followed by city staff and this Council; and WHEREAS, the City Council, at said public meeting, considered the ordinance, all relevant facts, and public testimony, and the Council adopted the findings made by the Planning Commission as contained in their resolution. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED by the Council of the City of Bakersfield as follows: Je. Pmhaq beau aw. ewe -i 1. OGIG:fdAL it SECTION 1. Subsection D. of Section 17.60.020 is hereby amended to read as follows: 17.60.020 Permits. D. Exceptions: The Building Director may, in writing, grant exceptions to the following sign regulations provided it has been determined that strict application of the provisions of this chapter places an unnecessary hardship in satisfying the purposes of this chapter: 1. Reduction of the minimum sign setbacks or minimum distance between signs of not more than ten feet. 2. Signage on properties having no street frontage provided that any such sign permitted shall not exceed the regulations as delineated by the zone district in which they are located. 3. Additional on -site residential project identification signs, not to exceed two additional per project; or an increase in sign area of one residential identification project sign to sixty four square feet. 4. An increase of a monument sign located within a commercial or industrial zone district to sixty square feet in area and twelve feet in height, provided the total number of monument signs per street frontage shall not exceed two signs and no pylon sign exists along that street frontage or will be permitted. SECTION 2. Subsection E. of Section 17.60.020 is hereby amended to read as follows: 17.60.020 Permits. E. Modification of regulations not permitted: Signs shall only be permitted provided they meet the regulations of the zone district in which they are located for that type of sign. With the exception of subsection D. of this section or Section 17.60.030 regarding comprehensive sign plans, no waivers of, exceptions to, or modification of any regulation of this chapter shall be permitted. de PbMp 17W­rdwd OhlLi9 _� SECTION 3. Subsection C. of Section 17.60.050 is hereby amended to read as follows: 17.60.050 Sign location restrictions. C. Permanent freestanding signs, except monument and directional signs, shall be prohibited in the following areas: The Truxtun Avenue corridor between the west right -of way line of State Highway 99 and the east right -of -way line of Coffee Road, a width of five hundred feet from the right -of -way of Truxtun Avenue or between the north right -of -way line of the Cross Valley Canal and the south right -of -way line of the Carrier Canal /Santa Fe Railroad, whichever distance is greater. 2. Along or within one thousand feet of the right -of -way of State Highway 178 east of Oswell Street, commencing at a point five hundred feet east of the centerline of Oswell Street. 3. Along or within one thousand feet of the right -of -way of Alfred Harrell Highway. 4. Along or within one thousand feet of the right -of -way of Stockdale Highway west of California Avenue /New Stine Road, commencing at a point eight hundred feet west of the centerline of California Avenue /New Stine Road. 5. Along or within one thousand feet of the right -of -way of Panorama Drive. A map delineating these corridors prohibiting freestanding signs is shown at the end of this chapter. SECTION 4. Subsection A.3. of Section 17.60.060 is hereby amended to read as follows: 17.60.060 Sign development standards. A. General regulations: The following provisions shall apply to all signs unless otherwise stated in this chapter: 3. Where signs are permitted to be illuminated, the following regulations shall apply: JE P �h2N_17 .EOM_obvlptl n 3 oa;n n!ar a. Floodlighting) s permitted only when such lighting installed on private property or property maintained by a maintenance district, and is hooded or shielded so that the light source is not a nuisance or detrimental to persons viewing such area, nor affect or interfere with vehicular traffic, pedestrians, or adjacent properties in any manner. b. Outlining of a building by means of exposed neon tubing is permitted only where the amperage does not exceed thirty milliamperes. Outlining of a building by means of exposed incandescent lighting is permitted if the wattage does not exceed forty watts per bulb and the units of lights forming the line marking the outer limits or edges of a building, or window or roof of a building, are at least two feet apart. Exposed bulbs forming a part of a sign are permitted provided they do not exceed fifteen watts per bulb, signs in the C -2, C -C, C -B, M -1, M -2 and M -3 zone districts may be allowed up to forty watts per bulb. Neon signs shall not exceed thirty milliamperes. Bulbs providing indirect lighting not visible from off the premises of the sign are not subject to this subsection. Exposed reflector -type lamps forming part of a sign or used to illuminate a sign are prohibited in all instances. d. Flashing signs are only permitted in the C -2, C -C, C -B, M -1, M -2, and M -3 zone districts and shall not exceed a total of sixty milliamperes for neon signs, and ten wafts for incandescent signs. SECTION 5. Subsection B. of Section 17.60.020 is hereby amended to read as follows: 17.60.060 Sign development standards. B. Regulations by zone district - sign matrix: The following tables identify the signs permitted in each zone district. In addition to the following regulations, all signs shall be in compliance with all other provisions of this chapter: JE. P:1chapt 1]B].¢ M.wy 4 _ nl 11ii.;'lt ntiA�_ 1. Signs permitted in the Residential and Agricultural /Open Space Zone Districts (R, E, A, OS, MH, TT, FP-P, DI Zones): 1W}ME $%a style ° MU'gb"* '. '. maxim m Mobs 01103111046 r L9011"$eBlk WO11X iEamurks Numb" Arse ad& Minted' (ailgOWSx.17A4 ON) a. Name Plate Wall or door I per residence I sq. ft. Below Yes a. Shall be on premises. Shall identify only the name and /or sneer address rooftine b. Sign shall be amched to of the occupant. and paullel with the front well or front door. b. Armnnenl ID (over 4 uNU) Wall or monument 1 per meet 32 al. ft. each 20' for wall sign Yes Shall be setback 10' from a. Copy limited m project rume and address frontage and 6 ft. for property lines, except those onl, monument sign bonding public streets where b. Signs shall not be internally lighted. an setback is required. c. Building wall sign shall not exceed a Note: Wall signs horizontal length greater than 70% of ale may exceed the lirwr fronuge elevation But sign is placetl. height man. if d. If skyline signs are utdaed, such signs as well building is 3 or as aft other wall signs shall be subject to Sec more wines per 17.60.070 F. skyline sign standards. c. Neinhborhond Subdivision ID Subdivision 2 per major 32 sq. ft. each 6 ft. No Signs shall be located at the a. Copy limned top tect/ neighborhood name wall or monument entrance not m caused signs 812 enhances where arterial only; use of developer /subdivitler name or (c Pa ) lutles parks) entrances and/Or Collector saws 10 O. or Commercial advertising Is S 8 prohibited. intersect with local sneers b. City Parks Div. shell approve of all material info the development. used in the sign to assore continued mainlerunwe. d. Ted Sisms i. Residential Project ID Freesundhtg 2 per subdivision 32 sq. ft. 12 ft. No Shall be within ale a. Limbed to new pmjects only. (oo-sire) (multiple Dhases of a newt shall be subdivision or project. Signs b. COPY may include direction to model considered a shall he pmNhited on lots homes /sales office, the developerAmilder's single developed with residences. rume, logo, prices, and any other information subdivision) relamd to home sales. e. All signs shall be removed within 30 days after the initial sale /rent of the last unit in the projectl subdivision tract. or 2 years after recordation of the final map, whichever occurs first The Bldg Director may great up to 2 time extensions not in exceed 1 year each ........... .._ ....... ._._....... .____ ............. _ ...... ._ ....... ......... ........... .. .............._.. ii. Residential See section 17.60.070 A. sub /project directional off -site O F J mb_t�.eo a o�a.vw C SIP TYIW MP SW " Mss6altuu quo m mammrudm LOERO n RewriiMts aqm a s " R Sldeminl/Ag cigar - com. iii. Real Estate (sale, rent, lease) Freestanding 1 per parcel 6 Sq. fl. 6 fl. No a. Shall be on premises a. Copy shall pertain to advertise the sale, rent being sold, rented or or lease and not for the purpose of leased, commemul advertising of a business. IS. Shall be setback 10' b. Signs shall be removed with in 10 days after from prop" lines, the sale, lease or exchange has been except Nose housing completed. public streets where no ... ..................................................................................................... ............................... setbeck,is re9uired:......... iv. Real Estare (open house) Freestanding 6 per residence 3 sq. ft. 6 Fl. No Off -site directional signs a. The maximum duration of the use of these (I ad site, 5 off- site directional) shall act be located more signs shall not exceed 3 consecutive days Nan 1 mile from the open each week. house. b. Use of A -frame signs are petrained provided Lucy are not located in the public rightof- way or maiatained parkway/landscape area. c. Balloons, pennants, streamers and banners may be used N conjunction with ombe signs ............................................... ............................... ................................... ............................... but not affsite siym. ..................... r ... ............................... v. Garage, yard and Freestanding 2 per residence 3 sq. ft. 6 fl. No Off-site Sign shall not a a. No property shall be allowed sigrage for estate sales (I on -site, 1 off -site) placed within dghtof-way more Nan 2 sales per calendar year. and shall tat be affixed in b. The maximum duration of the use of these any mummer to airy utility signs shall not exceed 3 consecutive days. Pole, street sign, fence, etc. c. Balloons, permnts, streamers and banners MY be used in conjunction with onsite signs ........... ................ _. ............ .... ........ --- ....... ._........ _. ........... ...._ ......... .__ ........... ............. ...... tMACSoffsjte AISMy ...... ......... .. ....... ___._. vi. Concoction Mome Freestanding 1 per project or 4 sq. fl. 6 fl. No a. Shall be on premises. a. Copy limited m type of construction occurring Improvement residence b. Shell be setback 10' on -site and name of cote including to from property lines. b. Sign shall be removed within 10 days after ...__ ................... ... ........... ..__— ........... ..._ ............. _ _....... _... .......... .. ......... --- ...... - ............ ............. __ .......... ___ wmpletion of project........_..___....._.._.... it. Future Use Freestanding I per 32 sq. ft. 12 fl. No a. Shall be on premises. a. Copy limited 0 identify furore use consistent undeveloped re peel b. Shall be setback 10' with existing zoning and may include from all property lines. ownership ID. b. Sign shall be removed upon initial occupancy of site or buildin . ��T c',rrV o T 5. rw; .1 L' Slip a Rigniallft Nisaxi - Also Heck , A7kwNtY (B6409p4 �ep.7T. :USB} Residemml/Ag signs - com. viii. Model Freestanding Signs: Sales office - Sales office - No Signs for sales o ffice am a. Limited in new projects only. Homeama Sales Office and Flags 1 per sales 24 sq.ft. 8 ft. model homes shall be b. Copy limited in mme of development and /or office located on the lot containing company name /logo. I per model Model home - Model home - said office or model. c. All Bags shall be removed within 30 days home 8 sq.ft. 4 ft. after the coital sale of the last unit in the Flags: Flags may located anywhere projecUmbdivisam tract or 2 years aRer Flag - 15 sq.ft. Flag - 25 ft. oa the project site where the recordation of the final map, whichever 20 per subdivision (pole height) new homes are being occurs first. The Bldg Director may good u comhucted for appropriate to 2 time exmmiom .10 exceed 1 year each identification of the project, if such Flags are necessary m complete all model homes or sales office, sales . Provided they are not d. Signs shall be removed when model home is located within any street sold, sales office closed, or per subsection c lightof -way or public above, whichever occurs first. parkway. Flags shall be e. Special event permits are not required for prohibited on developed lots balloom (as limited per 17.60.070 B.3.) or with occupied residences or banners 6 ft. or less in height if only used on 106 not owned by the Saturdays and Sundays. builder /developer .................. — ..... ...... _.................. .__........... . __..... ......_ ............. .... _.. . ......... viq Biggs:....... ix. Special See Section 17.60.010 B. Event x. Political See Section 17.60.010 C. Election e. Aariculmml prod.c6 Freestanding 1 per parcel 32 sq. ft. 8 ft. No a. Shall be on premises. a. COPY limited in products produced on the b. Shall be setback 10' property or agricultural related affiliation. and from property lines, may also include name of owner, except those fronting b. Sign is only permitted in the A and R -S cane Public streets where no districts. seback is re aired. f Churches and Uses are subject to the CH (Church) one sign standards pursuant to Section 17.60.060 B].c. hook c',rrV o T 5. rw; .1 L' n" z; i6C11`B'�, 2. Signs permitted in the GO (Professional and Administrative Office) Zone District: sip TYW a. Residents] Lim '. sifir '.. ;., mdw. I 11MUhum Muhmm mumbnon t ot�an BntP?e�ues Reolarks Numb" '. Axes HOW AauMd7 {ahunec Bee. i7�6V951!) Subject ro the residential sign standards pursuant to Section 17.60.060 B.I b. Business ID WNI No limit; total Street elevations: 25 ft. Yes Sign shall not project above a. Fach business shall be cmitlN a minimum of combined area of 1 sq. ft. per roo0irm of building. 16 sq. ft.. of wall sigrege per elevation. all signs, shall linear foot of Note: Wall signs b. Sign shall not exceed a horizontal length not exceed me the business may exceed the greater than 70% of the linear business maximum area elevation sign height maximum frontage. Per elevation, is located or if budding is 3 or c. If skyline budding signs are proposed, such 100 sq. ft., more stories per signs as well as all other wall signs shall he whichever cs skyline sign subject to Secton 17.60.00 F. I... standards. Noo -sheet elevations: 0.5 sq. ft. per linear form of the business' elevation sign is located or 32 q. ft., whichever Is .......................... .......................... less Pylon or Monument a per street fonage 32 s ft.. 8 ft. Yes a. Shall be setback 25' a. Business or center is limited to use of either each from property lines, pylon or monument. except those fronbng b. Business or center name is homed to being Public screen where no listed on only tote sign per street fronmge. setback is required. c. If center name incor,reass the name of an b. Minimum 50' between on -sire business in any form, said name shall ._.......... --- ...... .___ ............. __ .............. --- ...... . --- .......... --- ....... _._......... ....... _... siB4::..... __ ................. .......rwybe allow�_pgpthe_r si%RS.Per item b, _.__.. Window 1 per street 8 sq. ft. Below 2nd Yes Ground Floor windows only. Area limitation and location does not apply to fonmge floor or 15', customary noncommercial holiday decorations whichever maintained pursuant to 11.60.080 R. ..................... ............................... u less Shingle I per elevation 6 sq, ft. 8 ft. min. Yes Shall be at entrance(s) Sign shall be oriented for sidewalk pedestrian ground utilized by the Public during traffic perpendicular to the store front. .......... ___ . ................. _...... .__.. clearance .... ......... ..... ...... _.._ .M1USircss hou is, ..__ ............ .....__..........___........ .............._...._........... Name Plate 1 per loading 2 sq. ft. 6 ft. No Adjacent to or on door of a. Copy shall be limited to business /tenant (wall or door) enhance each loading entrance of each name, mount. b. Sign is IimitN to loading entrarke only, no[ blic entrance. G C -O signs - cow. c. Budding ID (molding on on si @) Wall NUM)PO 2 per building Auto 10 sq. ft. each HOW 10 ft. Ag Yes Wall only a. Illumination shall be indirect or backlit intemal lighting is prohibited. b. Copy shall pertain only m the name of the building to assist in Providing direction to the public, commercial name / advertising copy is loodubitiod. d. Temromry &M i. Real Entire Freestanding, 1 per saleable or 32 sq. ft. 12 ft. No a. Shall be on premises a. Copy shall pertain to advertise the sale, rent wall or window leasable space being sold, reined or or lease and not for the purpose of leasnd. commercial advertising of a hostess. b. Shall be setback 10' b. Signs shall be removed within 10 days after from property lines, the sale, lean or exchange has bun except Nose fronting complied. public struts where no ............... .. ..... ... ......................... ........_........___......._.....__..._. ........._....._............. iUbck is reggired:......... . it. Comlmcdoa Freestanding I per project 32 sq. ft. 12 ft. No a. Shall be on premises, a. Copy bound to type of construction facing street b. Shall be setback 10' occmrtg ou -sire and new of company from property lines. including logo. b. Sign still be removed within 10 days after ............. _.._........... --- ... ........ __............. .--- ........... _ ..... ... _.._ ......... —..... ..... _ ........... __ ............. ........ completion of ................. _._. in. Future Facility, Use Freestanding, 1 per street 32 sq. ft. 12 ft. No a. Shall be on premises. a. Copy limited m identify future use consistent or Tenant wall or window frontage b. Shall be setback 10' with mining, or tumre occupancy and may from property lines. include ownership identification. b. Sign shall be removed upon occupancy of ............. .......... ...... .................. ._ _.__.......... --- ... .......... _ ...... .._... ....... ._.............. .. _ ...... — ........... .__............ — ... buildingorsite... ..................... --- ......... . iv. Promotional Wood. I per building 25% of window Below 2nd Yes Ground Floor windows only. a. Copy limited m promoting merehandiu, elevation, act m area per building Floor or services, sales, em. of business activity. exued 2 building elevation or 32 10', which- Business identification is prohibited except as elevations sq. ft., whichever ever is less permitted under 2.b. is less b. Area livdtadan does not include business identification under 2.b. c. Area limitation and location does not apply to customary non- wmmeroial holiday decorations maintained for a reasonable time Burin a holudev season. v. Special Escort ...... See_Septioq tl.60.0]0 B,__._„ ._ -... -___........__.....-.___.._... ...._ ............._............ vi. Political ..._ ........... _.._ ............ - ____ ............ __... Sin Section 17.60.070 C. Election T r� JPPkhapl_' 7 W cc ok wpo C 3. Signs permitted in the C -1 (Neighborhood Commercial) Zone District: F�R�sidann.l so sire Ml fwdad, widlmarm ". 14 u6 1Uumkaglna Iacail0mRfsWnctlow RertaAks Nmi Am tie fit iilloaked4 ielsa gee sec. iR.dU dw Subject to Ne residential sign saMards pursuant to Section 1].60.060 B.l wall No limit; tool Street elevations: 30 ft. Yes Sign shall not project above a. Each business shall be entitled a minimum of combined area of t sq. ft, per oo0ine of building. 16 sq. ft. of wall signage per elevation. all signage shall linear foot of Note: wall signs b. Sign shall trot exceed a hommnal length not exceed the the business' may exceed the greater than 70% of the linear business maximum area elevation sign height maximum toning, Par elevation. is located or if budding is a If skyline building signs are proposed, such 150 sq. ft., more than 3 signs as well as all other wall signs shall be whichever is mortis, per subject o Section 1].60.0]0 F. less. skyline sign standards. Non -street elevations: 0.5 sq. ft per linear foot of the business' elevation sign is located or 75 q. ft., whichever is ................ _. _. .......... —_ _ _. _.. _........ less.. .......... ............. Pylon or 1 per street pylon - Pylon - 25 ft. Yes s. Shall be setback 25' a. Business is limited to either pylon or Monument frontage if pylon; 150 sq. ft, from poperry lines, monument signs; however if center d per street Monument - Monument 8 ft. except those fronting identification is provided on a pylon then frontage if 32 sq. ft. each. - public streets where an monuments are permitted. setback is required. b. Business or center name is limited o being on monument. b. Minimum 50' distance oNy 1 sign per street homage. required between signs. c. Pylon sign that does not have a minimum clearance of 8' from me ground o the Whom of the sign face shall not exceed the maximum height & area of a monument sign. d. If the center Mme incorporates the Mme of an on site business in any form or vanadon, said business shall not be allowed on other signs per item b. e. See Section 1].60.0]0 D for pylon sign requirements if proposed as a freeway oriented si n C� 3% _ o 10 it tea 'rice ', s�B sfyw " ALs�11Rm ' htaxilmam ,, biexia�n iBm�Retbn LRtstfoa Reerrktl�n kp ' aa�,. ' �OWr11= tt1�608Rd sec, t7.6D058) C-1 sighs - roar. b. Business ID Window 1 per street 8 N. ft. Below 2nd Floor Yes Gmund Floor windows only. Area limitation and location does not apply in (coat) frontage or 10', whichever customary nomommereial holiday deOcram re .......___.......__ .............. ............. .__._ ... .......... !? I, e; s__ ..... ...... _ ............ - ... ............ .... _.mainpipM_pyrsuant b.l]:fi0:080_R:..............._. Readedroard/ 2 per business 32 sq. ft.. 12 ft. Yes a. Shall not be portable. Copy limited to indicating prices, merchandise. MenuboaN each b. Shall not be ed plac or or services offered; off¢ial public services (well or maintained upon any Y provided on premises; credit cards hotmred; freesmming) sidewalk area. directions in customers; and like matters. Use of .__._........___.... ._.... ...... __........ — ........... ....... --- ........ - ...................._...... ..........__.........__.._._... _sgeemers pe�uupb and banners. are.P.rohibihd:.... Shingle 1 per elevation 6 sq. ft. 8 ft. min. Yes Shall beat entmnoe(s) Sign shall be oriented for sidewalk pedestrian groom utilized by public during Rabic perpendicular m the store front. ........__ -- ... I once businesshuurs. Name Mate 1 per Imal 2 sq. ft. 6 ft. No Adjacent m or on door of a. Copy shall be Iimitm ro business /terms[ (wall or door) entrance each loading enhance of each rume. tsrent. b. Sign is limited m loading moraine orly that is rat the business' ublic enhance. c. Building rD wall I per building 10 sq, ft.. 10 ft. Yes Wall only a. Blum artioo shall be indirect or backlit; (multiple inmmal lighting is buildings b. Copy shall pertain only Only to the mm of on sirs) building i th Providing dhecnon to the oassist Public, commercial nameladvertising copy p is Prohibited. d. Temporary Illm i. Real Estate Freestanding, 1 per saleable or 32 sq. ft. 12 ft. No a. Shall be on premises a. Copy shall pertain in advertise the sale, rent wall or window ].able space being sold, rented or or lease am not for the purpose of leased. coommial advertising of a business. b. Shall be setback 10' b. Signs shall be renmved within 10 days after from property lines, the sale, lease or exchange has been except those (ranting completed. Public sheers where ............. ___....... ................... --- ................ ....... _.._............. ........ - ... ...... _.._ .....!!9.u(bmck_is_ required....... ... ii. Construction Freestanding 1 per project 32 sq. ft. 12 ft. No a. Shall be on premises. a. COPY limited to type of construction occurring facing street b. Shall be setback 10' on site am name of company including logo. from property lines. b. Sign shall be removed within 10 days after nom letion of projea. GI i y,y .t. =s 11 A 94PTAW Sip M- * wxi'm M i.. nnaB e.u.0 1 t, u ®f:kf m. Rik. Nmbw Udebt ANOwar (Ow C -1 ogur - Cont. d. nmm.N at= (cont.) in. Furore Freesmading, 1 per shat 32 sq. ft.. 12 R. No a. Shall be on premises. a. Copy limited to identify fhture use comistent Factory, Use wall or window rondo, b. Shill be setback 10 widt zoning, or future occupancy and may or Tenant from property lines. include ownership identification. b. Sign shill be removed upon occupancy of __buthin, or ne. ................... ............................... iv. Promotional Window 1 per building 25% of window Below 2nd Yes Ground Floor windows only. a. Copy Round m promoting merchandise. elevation, not to area per building Boor or services, sales, etc. of business activity. exceed 2 building elevation or 32 t0', which- Business identification is prohibited except elevatiom sq. ft.., ever is less. as permitted under 3.b. whichever is less b. Area limitation does not include business identification under 3.b. c. Area foramina and location does tot apply to customary non- commmcial holiday dxomtions maintained pursuant to ........ ... .._........ _... ... ......................... .......... ............... .._ ...... ........................................ ..._ IJ.60, 080. R......" "'.__._..._.._................. V. Special See Section 17.60.010 B. Event vi. Political See Section 17.60.010 C. Elation v'7Y 12 4. Signs permitted in the C -2 (Regional Commercial) Zone District: $l'tY a. Residential '',8iep sKyfe X-r-M : I1L oepl®t I tqukYmllhlDn L.,.00.kmhidkw Ranwi e Number i Am new A81rte6? ialaaaelssec. 17400.0118) Subject to the residential sign standards pursuant to Section 17.W.060 B.1 b. Busiress ID Wall No limit; Intel Street elevations: 30 ft. Yes Sign shall not project above a. Each business shall be traded a minimum of combined area of 2 sq. ft per roof ire of building. 16 sq. ft. of well signage per elevation. all sigmge shall linear foot of Nom: Wall signs b. Sign shall not exceed a hontontal length not exceed the the business' may exceed the greater than 10% of the linear business maximum area elevation sign height maximum frontage. Per elevation. is located or if building is c. If skyline building signs are proposed, such 250 sq. ft., more Nan 3 signs as well ss all other wall signs shall be whichever is stones per subject to Section PL WA/0 F. less. skyline sign standards. Non - street elevations: 1 sq. ft, per linear foot of the business' elevation sign is Insured or 125 sq. ft., whichever is ......___ ......... ......_...___.._._............_ less:_-_ ..___........................._ ___ ..... _...__...... ....................................... ......... ..__..._ .___..................... _.._ -_...... Pylon or 1 per street pylon - Pylon - 35 ft. Yes a. Shall be seback 25' a. Business is lindted in either pylon or Mountain Immage if pylon; 240 sq. ft. from property lines, monument signs; however if center except those fronting identification is provided on a pylon then 4 per strut Monument - Monument - 8 k public struts where no monuments are parrakeet. frontage if 32 sq. ft. each, setback is required. b. Business or center name is hndres] in being on monument. b. Minimum W' distance only 1 sign per street frontage. required between signs. c. Pylon sign that does not have a minimum clearance of 8' fmt the grouts in the bouom of the sign fare shall not exceed the maximum height & area of a monument sign. d If the center name incorporates the mme of an on -site business is any form or variation, said business shall not be allowed on other signs per item b. c. See Section 1].60.0]0 D for pylon sign requirements if proposed as a freeway oriented sl U: y l c JE. P:�hast 17K ortl wps, -U Sga— , twe 13 0 y: G ..d: fl` 14 C s wa®io.f L a-Uhm— Remarks C -2 signs - cant. b. Business ID Window 1 per street 8 sq. ft. Below 2M floor Yes Ground Floor windows only. Area limitation and location does rot apply ro nand frontage or 10', whithever customary noncommercial holiday detonations ........._ ............................................. ............................... i...... ......... .................................. ............................... . mainuinM.Pnrsuanka . 17.60.080.R . :......... Renderboard/ 2 per business 32 sq. ft.. 12 ft. Yes a. Shall not be portable. Copy limited to indicating prices, merchandise, Menubmad each b. Shall not be placed or or services offered; official public services (wall or maintained upon any provided on premises; credit cards honored; fieestandmid) sidewalk area. directions to cusmmers; and like matters. Use of .......__.._ ..............._____..._........__..____... __....._....................... ..........__.._....._. ____......... .....sgeamers,g „rmaptsaM.benpers are.Rrphibited, -... Shingle I per elevation 6 sq. ft. 8 ft. min. Yes Shall be at entrance(,) Sign shall he oriented for sidewalk pedestrian ground utilized by public during trafftc perpendicular m the stare hunt. ...........__...._..._ ....................___ ____ .................. ....... clearance ... ............................... business hope. ................. .......... ........ ... _......_____.. ......__....................... Name Plate 1 per loading 2 aq, ft. 6 ft. No Adjacent to or on door of a. Copy shall be limited in business /tram (wall or door) entrants each loading entrance of each eve. Wand. b. Sign is limited to loading entrance only that is not the business' public entrance. c. Bar Idine M Wall 2 per building 10 sq. ft.. 10 ft. Yes Wall only a. Illumination shill be indirect or backlit; (multiple internal lighting is prohibited. buildings b. Copy shall pertain only to the name of the on site) building m assist in providing direction to the public, commercial mame/a b ertising copy is prohibited. c. Sao Section 17.60Af0 F if Building ID sign is purpeadi as a skyline building sign. d. TTY Siena i. Real antic Freestanding, 1 per saleable or 32 sq. ft. 12 ft. No a. Shall be on premises a. Copy shall pertain m advertise the sale, rent wall or window leaseable space being sold. rented or or lease and not for the purpose of leased. commercial advertising of a business. b. Shall be setback 10' b. Shas shall he removed within 10 days after from property litres, the sale, lease or exchange has been except those fronting compltted, public street; where ..... ....___ .............__......_.. _._.....________....... ...............__.............. an setback is ...q uired ..__.............________... it. Construction Freestanding 1 per project 32 sq. ft.. 12 ft. No a. Shall be on premises. a. Copy limited ro type of construction occurring facing street b. Shall be setback 10' on site and name of company including logo. from property lines. b. Sign shall Ise removed within 10 days after m letion of project. 0 y: G ..d: fl` 14 C VP TYPe std *6 MffiJ11111ma 1u1OB1 t r A m Rp ,ate C-2 sigl6 - CON. d. I t� Siam hunt.) u. Furore Freestanding, 1 per street 32 sq. ft. 12 ft. No a. Shall be on premises. a. Copy limited m identify furore use consistent Facility, Use wall or window frontage b. Shall be setback 10' with zoning, or future occupancy, and may or Temn[ from property lines, include ownership identification. b. Sign shall he removed upon occupancy of ................................................................................... ............................... ._ — building or site:_______, iv. PromoticnaI window I per building 25% of window Below 2nd Yes Grouts Poor windows randy. a. Copy limited to promofing mmchaMise, elevation, rut to area per building Poor or services, sales, etc. of business activity. exceed 2 building elevation or 32 10', which- Business identification is prohibited except elevations sq. ft.. whichever ever is less. as permitted under 3.b. is less b. Area limitation does not include business identification under 3.b. c. Area limitation and location does not apply an customary rwnwmmemul holiday decorations auianined pursuant to 17.60080 R. v. SPUial See Section 1].60.0]0 B. Event....................... vi. Political See Section 12.60. W0 C. Election e. l�yli QpQr See Section I7.60.070 E. Advertisine I II (b'Ilbo and -.c s 15 S. Signs permitted in the Industrial Zone Districts (M -1, M -2, M -3 zones): 011il e ! h� OW"Numhw Alta HHgSf Subject to the residential sign standards pursuant to Section 17.60.060 B.1 F Wall No limit; and Street elevations: 30 b. Yes Sign shall not project above a. Fsch business shall be entitled a minimum of combined area of 1.5 sq. R. per roulaw of building. 16 sq. R. of wall signage per elevation. all slgoage shall linear foot of Note: Wall signs b. Sign shad not exceed a horimntal length not exceed the the business' may exceed the greater than 70% of the linear business ma imum area elevation sign Might maximum frootage. per elevation. is located or if budding is c. If skyline building signs are proposed, such 175 sq, ft., more than 3 signs as well as all other wall signs shall M whichever is stones per subject to Section 1].60.0]0 F. less. skyline sign standards. Non -street elevations: 0.75 sq. ft. Par linear foot of the business elevation sign is located or 100 N. b., whichever is ........................... less .............. _. ........ . Pylon or 1 per street Pyhm - Pylon - 30 R. Yes a. SM11 be setback 25' a. Business is limited ro either pylon or Monument frontage if pylon; 175 sq. fl. from property lines, monument signs: however if center except Nose fronting identification is provided on a pylon then 2 per street Monument - Monument - 8 ft. public streets where no monuments are permitted. forage if 32 sq. ft. each. setback is required. b. Business or center name is limited to being on monument. b. Minimum 50' distance only 1 sign per street frontage. required between signs. c. Pylon sign that does not have a minimum clearance of 8' from the ground to the bottom of the sign face shall not exceed the maximum height & area of a monument sign. d. If the center name Incorporates the Same of an n -sim business In any form or variation, said business shall not be allowed on other signs per item b. e. See Section 1].60.0]0 D for pylon sign requirements if proposed as a freeway ricnted sign. a' J i3 16 A A Ig":. sip s.. . M"hwilik, ' igmahanbu Ivicaddall P Number : Ara:a !, HeklIkt A0ot9ed7 1a�uuste 8W. 17•+5@@983 M signs - coru. b. Business ID Window 1 per street 8 sq. ft. Below 2nd Boor Yes Grouts Floor windows only. Area limitation and location does not apply In (coot) frontage or 10', whichever customary mo.commercial holiday decorations .......................... ......................_. ......... is less.....__ _....______......... .................. Readerbro rd/ 2 per business 32 sq. ft.. 12 ft. Yes a. Shall not be portable. Copy limited to indicating prices, merchandise. Menuboard each b. Shall not be placed or or services offered; official public services (wall or maintained upon any provided on premises; credit cards hummed; h hxna ing) sidewalk area. directions to cusmmers; and like matters. Use of ..........._ .............._............_...._..........__............_..__....._..........__....__....__......... ....................... ............... ... sgemhaoa' eMantsand banpets. ere.PSphibited:.... Shingle 1 per election. 6 sq. ft. 8 ft. min. Yes Shall be at e.trarice(s) Sign shall be oriented for sidewalk pedestrian grouts nabzed by public during tr ffc perpendicular in the store front. ._.......... _..._plezrapce ._ ........ _busigss ban. _ ................. ................... Name Plate 1 par mg r load' 2 s ft. 6 ft. No Ad t m or on door of ding a. Co hill be Wticed m budness/temad, py s (wall or Floor) entrance each each loading entrance of each tenant. b. limited to loading entrance only that u not the business' public enhance. not the c. Buildm , ID Wall 1 per building 10,q. ft.. 10 ft. Yes Wall only a. Illumination shall he indirect or backliry (multiple intemid lighting is prohibited. buildings b. Copy shall pertain only to the name of the on site) building to assist in providing direction to the public, commercial rmme /advertising copy is prohibited. c. Son Section 17.60.070 F if Building N sign is purchased as a skyline buddin sign. d. Ttoncormary an- i. Real Estate Freestanding, 1 per saleable or 32 sq. ft. 12 ft. No a. Shall be on premises a. Copy shall pertain to advertise the sale, rent wall or window I ... file spue being sold, rented or or lease and not for the purpose of leased. commercial advertising of a business. b. Shall he setback 10 b. Signs shall be removed within 10 days after ftom property lines, the sale, lease or exchange has been except Nose fronting completed. public strews where _....._.____........ _ ............._....._.. .__.............____ _... ._............ ..... no setbackis regging ...... .... _ ............ __ ...... ___ ................ ...__._.. ii. Construction Freestanding 1 per project 32 sq. ft.. 12 ft. No a. Shall be on premises. a. Copy limited to type of construction occurring facing street b. Shall be setback 10' om -site and tome of company including logo. ftom property lines. b. Sign shall be removed within 10 days after m liam m of project. 1's] :?I _ Ca 17 A i Skid Type mmgmmr mubi m 11ieskm liwmNu ilm Lmau1fon Ami'kfliaag Nmphke AFRA HOW Allower 1T aeeasw 17.9.059! M aigur - corn. d. smu ng,v Siam o ont.) ii. Fewre Freestending, 1 "'treat 32 sq. 0. 12 ft. No a. Shall be on premises. a. Copy limited to identify future use consistent Facility, Use wall or window frontage b. Shall be setback 10' with zoning, or future occupancy and may or Tenant from property line, include ownership identification. b. Sign shall be removed upon occupancy of ..................... ................................................ ............... wildig r sire:......................... .............. __- a v. Promotional Window t cer building 25% of window Below, 2nd Yes Grouts floor windows only. a. Copy limited to promoting mercM1andise, elevation, not in area per building floor or services, sales, etc. of business activity. exceed 2 building elevation or 32 10', which - Business identification is prohibited except elevations sq. ft., whichever ever is less as permitted under 3.b. is less b. Area limiestion does not include business identification under 3.b. c. Area limitation and location does not apply to custamary rani- commercial holiday decorations maintained purswm to .................... ..... .................... .... ______ ..___ .............. _---- .... .................. _ ..... ......... __ "' "'__................ ... ._IJ_ M. 080_ R:..... .__........_..........____._... v. Special See Sod on 10.60.070 B. Event...... ................................ ............................... .................. . ................... .........._. vi. Political See Section 17.60.070 C. Election e. f tdoor See Section 17.60.070 E. Advenisin¢ (billboard) 0C, i r T 1' Yc In 6A 6. Signs permed in the C -B (central business) aAIOC-C (commercial center) zone districts shall be subject to the C -2 sign standards pursuant to Section 17.60.060 BA., except as follows: a. Agricultural uses permitted by the Planning Director under Section 17.26.011 B. shall be subject to the residential and agriculture /open space sign standards pursuant to Section 17.60.060 B.1. b. Signage for uses defined within a specific plan for the C -C zone district pursuant to Section 17.26.011 shall be allowed as part of and in accordance with the provisions of the specific plan. If signage is not identified in the specific plan, then a comprehensive sign plan shall be approved; however, one sign indicating the probable future use of the site may be permitted prior to the approval of either plan pursuant to the C -2 regulations. Signs permitted where there are overlay or combination zones (P, CH, HOSP, AD, AA, FP -S, SC, PE) shall be subject to the sign standards of the underlying zone district unless otherwise permitted as follows: a. Signs within the FP -S (Floodplain Secondary) zone where it is not used as an overlay or combining zone, shall be subject to the residential sign standards pursuant to Section 17.60.060 B.1. b. Signs within the P (Automobile Parking) zone where it is not used as an overlay or combining zone, shall be subject to the same standards which are applicable to the adjacent zone where the parking use is incidental to and intended to serve the use in such adjacent zone. C. Within the CH (Church) zone, churches, sanctuaries and Sunday schools shall, in addition to that permitted by the residential sign standards pursuant to Section 17.60.060 13.1., be allowed one illuminated or nonilluminated monument sign for each street frontage not to exceed an area of thirty two square feet and a height of eight feet; and one nonilluminated wall sign for each street frontage not to exceed an area of thirty two square feet and a height of twenty feet. Monument signs shall be setback twenty five feet from all adjacent property lines. There shall be no setback of any sign from property lines fronting a public street. d. Within the HOSP (Hospital) zone, hospitals, sanitariums, rest homes, convalescent homes, maternity homes and homes for the aged shall, in addition to that permitted by the residential sign standards pursuant to Section 17.60.060 6.1., be allowed one illuminated or nonilluminated monument sign for each street frontage not to exceed an area of thirty two square feet and a height of eight feet, and one illuminated or nonilluminated wall sign for each street frontage not to exceed an area of thirty two square feet and a height of twenty feet. Monument signs shall be setback twenty five feet from all adjacent property lines. There shall be no setback of any sign from property lines fronting a public street. JE. P1hau 7BJ.a_ OR. hairA! (40 v B. Signs permitted in the P.U.D. (Planned Unit Development) and P.C.D. (Planned Commercial Development) zone districts: a. Residential development shall be subject to the residential sign standards pursuant to Section 17.60.060 B.1. unless otherwise conditioned by the Planning Commission or City Council. b. Commercial development shall be subject to the C -1 sign standards pursuant to Section 17.60.060 B.3. unless otherwise conditioned by the Planning Commission or City Council. de Ramp izmm o wN 20 a.p.�...we b �7 OE13NA! c 9. Signs permitted in the Bakersfield Auto Mall area shall be permitted as follows regardless of the underlying zone district, (a map delineating the area these regulations apply is shown at the end of this chapter): ,. Tom° a. Residential 9�n Styk Marimlr At>IS7aaom. ' Mar�lm Nue/iuwlioa I,aaHps Heairietioas armada Npmbtr .arse HAX fallen ae,Set.V 0.11") Subject to the residential sign standards pursuant to Sxtion 17.60.060 B.1. Is. seamen ID Wall No limit: total Each building 30' Yes Sign shall not project above a. Each business shall be entitled a minimum of combined area of elevation: me methane of the budding. 50 sq. ft.. of wall signage per elevation. all sigrlge shall 2 sq. ft.. per Note: Wall signs b. Sign shall not m eeed a horizontal length not exceed the War foot of may exceed the greater then 70% of the Imam business maximum area the business height maximum frontage. Par elevation. elevation sign if buiding is 3 or c. If skyline building signs are proposed, such is located or more stories per signs as well as all other wall signs shall W 450 sq. ft., skyline sign subject to Sxtion V.60.070 F. whichever is students. .._..... ......... .. ...... less .........................___. ..........__..............__... __.......................................__......_......... "..____.........._..._.....__.. Pylon or 2 per street Pylon - 300 sq.ft. Pylon - 50 ft. Yes a. Shall be setback 25' a. Business is limited m either pylon or monument frontage if pylon: Wwl of all pylon from pmpery lines, morement sips; however if center signs per street except those fronting idemification is provided on 1 pylon and were frontage) Public stools where no is no 2nd pylon, then morn meets are setback is required. permitted. 4 per sleet Monument - Monument - 8 ft. b. Minimum 50' distance b. Business or Omer name is limited to being on heart, if 32 sq. ft. each. required betwan sips. only I sign per street frantage. monument. c. Pylon sign that does not have a minimum cleareno of 8' from me ground to me Whom of the sign moon shall not exceed me ma.:imum height & area of a monument sign. d. If me center Dame incorporates the Dame of an on -site business in any form or variation, said business shall not he allowed on other signs per item b. e. See Sxtion 17.60.0]0 D for pylon sign requirement if proposed as a freeway .._ ................ ............................... .......................... ............................... ................ urienrM.sign:........... ........... Window 1 per sueet 8 sq. ft.. Below 2nd Floor Yes Ground floor windows only. Area limitation and location does not apply m formage or 10', whichever customary noncommercial holiday dxmtions is less I I mainlined msmo [ to 1].60.080 R. Or r D. 21 4 G n 22 hwww "& Mewed .Mso.M ....... Auto Mall - coat. b. Business ID Readerboordl 2 per business 32 sq. ft.. each 12 R. Yes a. Shall not be portable. Copy limited m indicating prices; merehandise or (conq Menotma d b. Shall not be placed or services offered; official public services provided (wall or maintained upon any on premises; credit cards honored; dimetions to freestanding) sidewalk area. costumers; and like matters. Use of streamers, pennants and banners is prohibited. ................. ................................................................................ Shingl e 1 per elevation ............................... 6 sit. ft.. 8 ft. min. Yes Shall be at en r nce(s) Sign shall be oriented for sidewalk pedestrians ground utilized by public during traffic perpendicular in the store font. .................................................. .. ...... ......... legrence ....... . buslhess fours:._ ........ __ ... .................... ... .............. r loading Name Flap 1 pe g 2 ft. 6 ft. sq. No Adjacent m or on door of a. Copy shall be limited m bWnessm nant (wall or door) entrance loading entrance of each name. mount. b. Sign is limited in loading entrakee only that is not the business' public ewavice. c. Buildin¢ ID Wall 2 per building 10 sq. ft. 10 R. Yes Wall only a. Illumination shall be indirect or backlit: (multiple interest lighting is prohibited. buildings b. Copy shall pertain only in she name of the on site) building m assist in providing direction 10 the public, commemal name /advertising copy, is prohibited. c. See Section 17.60.0'!0 F if Building ID sign is Drowsed as a skyline Imildink sign. d. SSi a. Shah be on premises a. Copy shall pemin to advertise the sale, rent i. Real Estate Freestanding, 1 per saleable or 32 sq. R. 12 ft. No being sold, rented or or lease and not for the purpose of wall or window leaseable space leased. commercial advertising of a business. b. Shall be setback 10' b. Signs shall be removed within 10 days after fiom property likes, the sale, lease or exchange has been except those boning completed. public sheets where no .... setback is required: .................... ............................. ii. Consumption Frcestandmi; 1 per project 32 sq. ft. 12 ft. No a. Shall be on premises. a. Copy limited to type of conuumction occurring facing street b. Shall be setback 10' on -site and name of company including logo. from all progeny lines. b. Sign shall be removed within 10 days after com letiou of moiect. n 22 C�3 23 F4 U Sign stylo , Mnhmm maim m NEnLvtm mamwallan L aWuR"or"M kcaaavka , mmobw Ai%n H*ht Allowed iawloa Sec. 17 OAM Auto Mall - con1. d. Tdroomm St. (cone) ii. Future Freestanding, I per street 32 sq. ft. 12 ft. No a. Shall be on premises. a. Copy limited an identify future use consistent Facility, Use wall or window frontage b. Shall be setback 10' with inning, or future occupancy and my or Tenant from all property lines. include ownership identification. b. Sign shall be removed upon occupancy of . ............................... .............................................................................. ...................... . ................ ...... uilain &pr site:............ iv. P rhufioral Window t per building 40% of window Below 2nd Floor Yes Ground Boor windows candy. a. Copy limitnd to pmmnfing merchandise, elevation area or 10', whichever services, sales, em. of business activity. per building is less Business identification is prohibited except elevation as permitted under 4.1b. b. Area limitation does rmt include business identification under 4.6. c. Area limiaaon and location does ant apply m customary, rmv<ommetcial holiday decorations nainaired pursuant to ❑.0.080 R. v. Specnl See Section 1].60.0]0 B. Event ................__....................... _................. ...__..._............................. ___.................................... --- ...................... vi. Political See Section 17.60.070 C. Election e. Ca scar See Secfiun 1].60.0]0 E. Advertising (billboard) C�3 23 F4 U SECTION 6. J Subsection D.1. of Section 17.60.070 is hereby amended to read as follows: 17.60.070 Specialized signs. D. Freeway oriented signs: Freeway oriented signs identify premises where food, lodging and places of business engage in supplying goods and services essential to the normal operation of motor vehicles, and which are directly dependent upon an adjacent freeway. These signs shall be subject to the following regulations: Signs shall be within the C -1, C -2, PCD, M -1, M -2 or M -3 zone districts; and shall also be within one of the rectangular areas two thousand feet in width and three thousand feet in length, the center of which is concentric with the intersection point between the centerline of the freeway and accessible surface street, said intersections identified as follows: a. State Highway 99 and Airport Drive, except that said rectangular area shall extend south to Gilmore Avenue. to State Highway 99 and State Highways 581178 (Rosedale Highway /24th Street), except that said rectangular area shall extend north to Gilmore Avenue. C. State Highway 99 and California Avenue. d. State Highway 99 and Ming Avenue. e. State Highway 99 and White Lane. f. State Highway 99 and Panama Lane. Maps delineating the specific rectangular areas are shown at the end of this chapter. JE'. P:1cfa�— 1I W 24 R� L V SECTION 7. 4 Subsection F.A. of Section 17.60.070 is hereby amended to read as follows: Skyline building signs: Wall signs for a building that is three or more stories may be permitted that exceed the height limits delineated by the zone district in which it is located, to provide long distance visual identification of a building or its primary tenant, subject to the following regulations: 1. Signs are permitted in the C -0, C -1, C -2, C -C, C -B, PCD, M-1, M -2, and M -3 zone districts. SECTION 8. This ordinance shall be posted in accordance with the Bakersfield Municipal Code and shall become effective thirty (30) days from and after the date of its passage. Je. v mn.O »m m e,e..ma 25 ". gq�µ�y 141[Po IT (l I HEREBYTERTIFY that the foregoing Ordinan4was passed and adopted by the Council Qhe City of Bakersfield at a regular meeting thereof held on OCT = 1 m° , by the following vote: AYES: COUNCILMEMBER CARSON, DEMOND, SMITH, MCCERMOTT, ROWLES, SULLIVAN, SALVAGGIO NOES: COUNCILMEMBER Afb,C ABSTAIN. COUNCILMEMBER ABSENT: COUNCILMEMBER nnP APPROVED: BOB PRICE, MAY CITY OF BAKERSFIELD CITY CLERK and EX OFFICIO of the Council of the City of Bakersfield APPROVED AS TO FORM: ROBERT SHERFY, CHIEF ASSISTANT CITY ATTORNEY By: c tl JE'. E1M0 17 W ortl.xT1 26 r I J FREEWAY ORIENTED SIGN MAP HWY. 99 AND AIRPORT DR. INTERCHANGE / r4tE- 23I Ci 09805 ,.any =y m ' �CCS = 1 = W o,a 1rl —I� LL -4 I I m L y L- r r - o 400 � I rl I I T295, R27E 09805 ,.any =y m V v FREEWAY ORIENTED SIGN MAP HWY. 99 AND H58/HWY.178 INTERCHANGE L 23 STATE N,O , M 26 T29S, R27E 0 1 +00 SCALE IN FEET 89804 I I I I I I 9 1_1__I L II r I —I —i ___J L L I I I — III w - - - - -- 3 IIII — " I I 1 1 I EN I I a I L L I L 1 J;`A e e H I I D / vaer �_L�__ / / /// (d 4 AFFIDAVIT OF POSTING DOCUMENTS STATE OF CALIFORNIA) ) ss. County of Kern ) PAMELA A. McCARTHY, being duly sworn, deposes and says: That she is the duly appointed, acting and qualified City Clerk of the City of Bakersfield; and that on the 26' day of October , 1998 she posted on the Bulletin Board at City Hall, a full, true and correct copy of the following: Ordinance No. 3870 , passed by the Bakersfield City Council at a meeting held on the 21" day of October 1998 , and entitled: ORDINANCE AMENDING SECTIONS 17.60.020,17.60.050, 17.60.060 AND 17.60.070 OF TITLE 17 OF THE BAKERSFIELD MUNICIPAL CODE RELATING TO SIGNS. /s/ PAMELA A McCARTHY City Clerk of the City of Bakersfield By: DEPUTY City Clerk S \DOCUMENTWOPOSTING October 26, 1998 a Iifji�]Ra�L.