HomeMy WebLinkAboutROI NO 0482HES()LUTlOrI OF IN^lENTION NO, ~o~ RESOLUTION ON' IN'fy1dTION TO CLOSE CERTAIN STREETS AND ALLEYS IN 'PIiE VICINITY OF ^1HI; KERN CUIIIdTY UNION HIGII SCHOOL, IN THE CTT'Y OF' BAIr'r:R5b'IsLD, OALIFURp1IA, BL IT RESOLVrD BY TH'?~ COUNCIL OF T??E CITY OF BAI~isRSFIBLD, as follows: That it is the intention of th.e Council of the City of B~.kersfield. to order tb.e closing of the folloc~~ing described portions of streets and. alleys; and that the lands included within the boundaries of such portions as described, be abandoned: SECTIOPI 1. 13th Street from the eas`erl~•T line of C Street to th.e westerly line of Oleander Avenue; SECTION 2. Oleander Avenue from the southerly line of 14tH. Street, southerly to the extension easterly of the southerly line of Bloc1= 400 excepting and excl~zdinkT a strip of land ten (10) feet in width, the center line of which is the center line of said Oleander Avenue and. r^ans from said extension of tb.e southerly line of Block 400 northerly to a point 36 feet southerly from the southerly line of 14th Street; thence north 380 47' west to its intersection, with. said southerly line of 14th Street; SECTION 3. The alleys in Blocks 400 and 411D, as said alleys and si;reets are shown on t'_~e map entitled "lulap of the City of Bakers- field Kern Oounty Ca_liforriia", filed in the office of the County RPOOrder of k~:ern County, Cal ifornia, November 25, 1898; exceptir_g and excluding a strip of land ten (10) feet in widt'_Z, the center line cf which is the center line of t'~e a.lley in said Block 400 and runs from the easterly line of C Street to a point 28 feet easterly from the westerly line of Oleander Avenue; -1- 3EC`PION 4. An unnamed street lying between Blocks 360 and 361 an<i partict:larly described as follows: beginning at a point in the south line of 14th Street 264 foot west of the west line of F Street and manning tY:ence south 264 feet; thence west 80 feet; thence north. 264 feet; thence east 80 feet to the point. of be~^innirig; as deeded by R. -2cDonald and C.I. NicDonald (wife) to City of Bakersfield on April 4th, 1907; said Deed. is recorded in the office of the County Recorder of fern County CFlifornia in Book 187 of Deeds at page 191; All of the herein proposed wor'_: and improvement~shall be done in pursuance of an act o.f' the Legislature of tl~.e State of Cal iforr.ia, entitled "AIQ ACT TO PROVIDE' FOR TH?; DYING OIPI', OP~1N- ING, EXT'~~NDIIJG, ~iIDENING, STRAIGHT'_;NING OR CL05ING UP, IN l"yHOLE OR IN P11RT ANY S'Ph~Ei, SGZTJAR~' LAI~I~„ =ll~L1~:Y, COiJRT OY }?LACE' i~~lIT13IN Pr"iTJNICIPALITIES ~1T<~D 1J CuIdD~U_N AND i~CQUIKF' ANY t~ND r~LL LAND NECESS- ARY OR CoNV~~NIENT r'UR TFi::'I' PUrrOSE," approved P~Iarch 6th, 1889, and t?ze several acts amendatory thereof' or supplemental thereto. The Daily Report is hereby designated as the daily news- paper published and circulated in said City in which the Street Superintendents notice of t:~e passage of this Resolution shal'1 be publ i sr ed. I HfJ'R~'BY CER`1'IFY that the foregoing Resolution was passed and adopted by the council of tY,e City of Bakersfield., on the S.~ da-7 of October, 1923, by the following vote: Ayes-Austi~ny~B_aer, Cariisle, Carlocl;, GriCrith, Vie, Stoner ~ n ~t r~ ' APPROVy'D this ~da7r ty Cler. and ex-o i io~rk of the of Oct~~, 1923 Council of the City of Bakersfield. iaN-yor~of th.e C ty o ' -Bakersfield. ~n.e-~ - 2- ~p_'[^~c~ ,I- '- b~-1'T7~ 'r"~1~4'1 4~ •--a 5'~ ~_ -'.ii' i'~ i 6r'31O'3M3- ~ tA~ ~J- f Y. ~iY ,y.t>} : ~- ~ ~ -1 t W t (~ }F~t~ r: > ~~ ' ~+~ l +n- „~' -. ~ ~ .. YA7"3, ~~TI ~ Y .F+ $ ) k ~ n - '~,~ ice`.' y x ~y"fy ~ 1 ' _ ~ ~ } - ~ ~ t -'h~ } ~~~ ,R,y ~ y ~ -a, ~ ~ AR +. t4 t$ y 4 ~ i i ~j~ ~. ~j~ RESOLUTIOPT A RN SOLUTIOPi ORDERING TIi,~ CLOSING OF CERTAIAI STREETS AND ALLEYS IN THE CITY OF BAKERnFIELD, CALIFORNIA. BE IT RESOLVED BY THE COTJNCI L OF TH^ CITY OF BAKERS- FIELD, as follolrrs; SVFiEREAS, the Council of the City of Bakersfield. did on the 8th day of October, 1923, pass its Resolution of Intention ATo. 482, declaring its intention to order the following work,and improvement to be made, to-wit; That the following described portions of atreete and alleys be closed and the lands included within the boundaries of such portions be abandoned: Section 1. 13th Street from the eset- erly line of C Street to the westerly Itne o[ Oleander Avenue; Section 'L. Cleander Avenue from the southerly line of 14th Street, southerly [o the extension easterly o[ the eouth- e.rq' line of Block 400 excepting and ex- cluding a strip of land ten (10) feet In width, the center Ifne of which is the center line of said Oleander Avenue and rune from Bald extension of the southerly line of Block 400 northerly to a point 38 feet southerly from the southerly Ilne~ of 14th Street; thence north 36° 47i west ,to Its Intersection with au a southerly line of 14th Street; 9ectiou 8. The alleys In Blocks 400 and 411D, as Bald alleys and atreete are shown on the map entitled "Map o[ the City o[ Bakerafleld, Kern County. California," ftled in the ottlce of the County Recorder of Kern County, Cali- fornia, November 26, 1858; excepting and excluding a strip of land ten (10) feet In width, the center line of which Is the center line of the alley in said Block 400 and rune from the easterly line of C Street to a point 28 feet ea~t- erly from the westerly line of Oleander Avenue; Section 4. An unnamed street lying between Blocks 880 and 381 and partic- ularly deacrtbed as follows: Beginning at a point in the south Ilne o[ 14th fltreet 284 feet west of the west line of F Street and running thence south 284 feet; thence weal 80 feet; thence north 284 feet; thence east BO feet to the point of beginning; ae deeded by R. McDonald and C. I. McDonald (wife) to City of Rakeraflald on April 4th. 1907; said Deed le recorded 1n the oKice of the County Recorder of Kern County. California, in Book 187 0[ Deeds at page 191; All of the hereto proposed work and improvement shall be done in Dureuance o[ an act of the Legislature of the State o[ California, entitled "AN ACT TO PROVIDE FOR THE LAYING OUT. OPENING. EXTENDING, WIDENING, STRAIOHTENIN6 OR CLOSING UP. IN W H O LE OR IN PART ANY STREET. SQUARE, LANE, ALLEY. COURT OR PLACE WITHIN MUNICI- PALITIES AND TO CONDEMN AND ACQQUIRE ANY AND ALL LAN D NF.CF.SSARY~ OR CONVENIENT FOR THAT PURPOSE." approved March 6th, 1889, and the several acts amendatory thereof or supplemental thereto. For further particulars reference is hereby made to Resolution o[ Intention No. 482. [or the above described work. on flle In the ottlce of the City Clerk o[ the C1ty of Bakerafleld. This notice shall be published for ten (10) days in The Daily Report, bo- Ing [he newspaper designated by said City Council for such publication. Dated at Bakerafleld. California, this 11th da)~ of October. 1923. ~?IHEREAS, the Council hereby finds and determines that no assessment is necessary, the owners of the propert~l within said distriot having laid to the Superintendent of Streets the r_ecessary mone~a to cover all damages, costs and ex°;enses incurred in the clos- in of. said. streets and alleys; and '~"i'HEREAS, the Street Superintendent of the ~ittr of !?akers- field, did thereupon cause notices of the passage of s~.tid Resolution to be posted along said ;orh and published for ten (10) days ir_ the manner and form as required by la~v; and `.`dHE'REAS, no object _ons having been filed. a.rainst said pro- posed ;cork and improvement, and more th(ln ten (10) da~js have elar_sed. after the expiration of the time of the publication of said notice of the passage of said 'resolution, and the ^ouncil of the City of Bakersfield has acquired ,iurisdi^tion to order said ~,~TOrk as proposed -1- in said ~ecolut,ion i,o ?;e dor_°, Ti O.s T:7 ~'.'.r{. :''::~ f I1 1:' ~'_ .. '': RTT J[i'. ~).,_i. ~'ri t'fl Elt S:>i. (`.'~ ,IOr~? r s1 C1 im~~^ovesr,ent to 'rye done a~ aforec.i.d and as epecifi_;a11- descr~?~r~d in ._:.id resolution of Inter ;ion -'o. 482, that i3 s';,r~=.. .._ and. tillers be and. t',-o s~-,rr1e are=~ 'zereb~- declared closed to t~~~e ~-uLl=_c. ---000--- I 3~~:-BY ~;,_=~7'IF'Y that the foregoing Resolution .eras passed a.nd~al~d,o:~ted t- t.~!.e ^,ouncil of the City? of ?a'.~~~_^r~i'ield, on the ~y da~r of Decer~ber. , 19^, 1~~ the follo•~~ir.~ vote; Ayes: Benoo Carliole, Garlock, Corbett, Sohn®on,1~;~?r, "':d~nEr hag>~:.__..._. _... r ........................._................._.. h.bWcr~t:...._._._...._._...._......_ ..._. _ ~_.».._._.._...._ ..................... ,. '.~ -~~~--~ . 'mil, ^~er ~ and ~~-(; ~.cio ~?r~,-~-t[ie ;ounci.l of the !;it-:~ of ?akcrsfiold. ~i?P-0"T'?D t'_Zis ~ Y da-• of o~~.P/Z~, ].92^. _'~'?0' o the 7i.t~, o P,a~'T-~`~ e AF'b'IDAVIT OF POS`T'ING NOTICES OF FLJBLIC aVORYS. STA'PE OF' CALIFOti't~IA, ) COUNTY OF K}s'RN. ) ss. VuALTE'R F'AR~NT, being duly sworn deposes and says: That he is now, and was during all the times herein mentioned, a citizen of the united States over the aFe of eighteer. years; That after the adoption of Resolution of Intention No. 482 of the Council of the City of Bakersfield on the 8th day of October, 1923, pursuant to orders and instructions of the Street Superin- tendent of said City, he personally posted conspicuously along the lines of said contemplated work and improvement and upon all the streets and h.i~*hways existing; within the district proposed to be assessed, notices of th.e passage of said Re sol~ztion headed "NO`1'ICE OF PIJBLIC 'd'~ORF:S", said heading being in letters each of Which was not less than one inch in height, a copy o.f said notice being; annexed hereto and made a part hereof for all. purposes; 'Phat he personally posted said notices by fastening them with metal tacks to posts, fences, vualls or trees, at an elevation of about five feet above the ground, so that they 4^aould be sure to attract the attention of passersby and be easily readable; That all of said notices were posted less than 300 feet in distance apart from each. other, and that not less than three of said notices in all vrer•e posted on each and every street and highway proposed to be improved and on each and every street and highway situated tivithin th.e district proposed to be assessed for said improve- men t . That copies of said notice in time, form, manner and number as required by law were posted on all the streets, lanes, alleys, highways, and. right of way proposed to be improved and lying vuith- in the district proposed to be assessed, That he completed. all the work oP posting? all of said notices on the 15th day of uctober. 1923, whereupon he made this affi davit and. filed it with the City Clerk of th City ~' Be.kersfield. Subscribed and sworn to before me this /,9L{c9-&-;~ o f _ o ~V: 1923 . Clerk of the Cit~r\of Bakersfield. .., ~~, , ~. ~•" NOTICE is hereby given, that on the 8th day of October, 1923, the Council of the City of Bakersfield, passed its Resolution of Intention No. 482, to order the following work to be done, to-wit: That the following described portions of streets and alleys be closed and the lands included avithin the boundaries of such portions be abandoned: Section 1. 13th Street Yrom the east- erly line of C Street to the westerly line of Oleander Avenue; Section 1. Oleander Avenue from the southerly line of 14th Street, southerly to the extension easterly of the south- erly line of Block 400 excepting and ex- cluding a strip oP land ten (10) feet in width, the center line of which is the center line of said Oleander Avenue and runs from said extension of the southerly Iine of Block 400 northerly to a point 36 feet southerly from the southerly line of 14th Street; thence north 38° 47i west to its intersection with su ,l southerly Iine of 14th Street; Section 3. The alleys in Blocks 400 and 411D, as said alleys and atreeta are shown on the map entitled "Map of the City of Bakersfield, Kern County, California," filed in the office of the County Recorder of Kern County, Cali- fornia, November 25, 1858; excepting and excluding a strip of land ten (10) feet in width, the center line of which is the center line of the alley in said Block 400 and runs from the easterly line of C Street to a point 28 feet east- erly from the westerly line of Oleander Avenue; Section 4. An unnamed street lying between Blocks 360 and 361 and pat•tic- ularly described as follows: Beginning at a point in the south lhae of 14th Street 264 feet went of the west line of F Street and running thence south 264 feet; thence west 80 feet; thence north 264 feet; thence east 80 feet to the point of beginning; as deeded by R. McDonald and C. 1. McDonald (wife) to City of Bakersfield on April 4th. 1907; said Deed is recorded in the office of the County Recorder of Kern County, California, in Book 187 of Deeds at page 191; All of the herein proposed work and improvement shall be done in pursuance of an act of the Legislature of the State of California, entitled "AN ACT TO PROVIDE. FOR THE LAYING OU'C, OPENING, EXTENDING, WIDENING, STRAIGHTENING OR CLOSING UP, IN W I-I O LE OR IN PART ANY STREET, SQLTARE, LANE, ALLEY. COURT OR PLACE WITHIN MUNICL PALITIES AND TO CONDEMN AND A('QUIRF. ANY AND ALL LAN P NECESSARY OR CONVENIENT FOR THAT PURPOSE." approved March 6th. 1889, and the several acts amendatory thereof or supplemental thereto. For further particulars re[erence is hereby made to Resolution of Intention No. 482, for the above described work, on file in the office of the City Clerk of the City of Bakersfield. This notice shall be published for ten (10) days in The Daily Report, be- ing the newspaper deeignated by said City Council for such publ[cation. Dated at Bakersfield, California, this 11th day of October. 19@3. / ,. 1 e .l .:_ Street Superintendent of the City of Bakersfield