HomeMy WebLinkAbout06-30000022 ENCROACHMENT PERMIT CITY OF BAKERSFIELD PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT 1501 TRUXTUN AVE BAKERSFIELD CA 93301 (661) 326-3724 TO THE CITY ENGINEER OF THE CITY OF BAKERSFIELD CALIFORNIA: Pursuant to the provisions of Chapter 12.20 of the Bakersfield Municipal Code, the undersigned applies for a permit to place, erect, use and maintain an encroachment on public property or right of way as therein defined. Application Number . . . . . Property Address . . . . . . ATN (11 Digits) : Application type description 06-30000022 Date 200 SONORA ST 010-321-23-00-0 PW - ENCROACHMENT PERMIT 6/07/06 Owner Contractor 4M INVESTMENTS 1019 PANORAMA DR BAKERSFIELD OWNER/BUILDER CA 93305 BAKERSFIELD CA 93301 Permit . . . . . Additional desc . Phone Access Code Permit Fee . . . Issue Date . . . ENCROACHMENT PERMIT 558775 150.00 6/07/06 Valuation o Qty Unit Charge Per 1. 00 150.0000 EA PW ENCROACHMENT Extension 150.00 Special Notes and Comments INSTALLING A FENCE Fee summary Charged Paid Credited Due ----------------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- Permit Fee Total 150.00 150.00 .00 .00 Grand Total 150.00 150.00 .00 .00 Applicant acknowledges the right of the City Engineer, pursuant to the Bakersfield Municipal Code Chapter 12.20 to revoke the permit at any time. ~-t> f~ Signature of Applic t (Ownerl Agent) /1//1 A,IO ~m as . Print Name - X'1ft/] C S75~soV) ~I )) I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT I HAVE MADE AN INVESTIGATION OF THE FACfS STATED IN THE FOREGOING APPLICATION AND FIND THAT THE MAINTENANCE OF SAID ENCROACHMENT (1) WilL (NOT) SUBST ANTIALL Y INTERFERE WITH THE USE OF THE PLACE WHERE THE SAME IS TO BE LOCATED AND (2) WILL (NOT) ~,ON ,UTE A HAZARD TO PERSONS USING SAID PUBLIC PLACE; SAID APPLICATION IS THEREFORE~ ~ ,~(DENIED). Said permit shall expire on date stated above. -~.- ~ ~ - Signature of City Engineer -----...., Additional Terms on the Back '. . . ;'j ~ Applicant agrees that if this application is granted, applicant shall indemnify, defend, and hold harmless CITY, its officers, agents and employees against any and all liability, claims, actions, causes of action or demands whatsoever against them, or any of them, before. administrative or judicial tribunals of any kind whatsoever, arising out of, connected with, or caused by applicant, or in any way arising from, the terms and provisions of this permit or the placement, use (by applicant or any other person or entity) or maintenance of said encroachment, whether or not caused in part by a party indemnified hereunder, except for CITY's sole active negligence or willful misconduct. The applicant further agrees to maintain the aforesaid encroachment during the life of the said encroachment or until such time that this permit is revoked. Applicant further agrees that upon the expiration of the permit for which this application is made, if granted, or upon revocation thereof by the City Engineer, applicant will at his own cost and expense remove the same from the public property or right of way where the same is located, and restore said public property or right of way to the condition as nearly as that in which it was before the placing, erection, maintenance or existence of said encroachment. Applicant further agrees to obtain and keep all liability insurance required by the City Engineer in full force and effect for however long the encroachment remains. Applicant shall furnish the City Risk Manager with a certificate of issuance evidencing sufficient coverage for bodily injury or property damage liability of both and required endorsements evidencing the insurance required. I have read and acknowledge the above. _Applicant's Initials ,., -~.. 4 . d-~ ~ ,~<'6 ~ ~r - BAKERSFIELD PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM TO: Raul M. Rojas, Public Works Director FROM: Marian P. Shaw, Civil Engineer IV, Subdivisions DATE: June 15, 2006 SUBJECT: Encroachment Permit Application for: 200 Sonora St. Name of Applicant: Stinson Stationers Description of Encroachment: 6' fence behind sidewalk at Sonora and Butte Sf. Engineering and Traffic staff has reviewed the attached encroachment permit to allow the applicant to build a fence behind sidewalk 200 Sonora St. The applicant has provided proof of appropriate insurance coverage to Risk Management, and has provided signatures of all immediate neighbors stating that they have no objection to the proposed construction. Based on their review, staff recommends approval of the permit. S:\PERMITS\ENCROACH\200 Sonora St..doc o ,,- ~d- .. f..:. i' ~ . - Bi\.KERSFIELD PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM FROM: ;:~t..t. Ryan Starbuck, Civil Engineer III .rfl~~ j2.. Marian P. Shaw, Civil Engineer IV, Subdivisions TO: DATE: June 9, 2006 SUBJECT: Encroachment Permit Application for: 200 Sonora St. Name of Applicant: Stinson Stationers Description of Encroachment: 6' fence behind sidewalk at corner of Sonora & Butte Please review the attached encroachment permit and return to me at your earliest convenience. t> 1/4/0' J friAJU" t~(,. iIt tJU'( t).,c-. .- to ~ r--1~)? f~Ru(Z/3~ ~p- S:\PERMITS\ENCROACH\TRAFFIC\200 Sonora St..doc ;;-'i ,.. ~ . - B..C\.KERSFIELD PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM TO: Luda Fishman, Risk Manager FROM: Marian P. Shaw, Civil Engineer IV, Subdivisions DATE: June 7, 2006 SUBJECT: Encroachment Permit Application for: 200 Sonora St. Name of Applicant: Stinson Stationers Description of Encroachment: 6' fence behind sidewalk at corner of Sonora & Butte. Please review the insurance certificate with the attached encroachment permit and return to me at your earliest convenience. S:\PERMITS\ENCROACH\INSURANC\200 Sonora St..doc JUN-E2-06 09:16AM FROM-Stinson's ~ -..... IN':l-2006 0i:,~ F~:SOC WAREHOUSE 661-327-5299 T-157 P,003/008 F-770 b,:M~CJJ llt~' 8 6-Jf r~ ~Jil ~J 1...il1 APPUCATIONFOR ENCROAClDlENT .PlRMIT . TO THE CITY ENGINEER OF Tlm'Crn! OF BAKERSFIELD. CALIFORNIA.: Pursuant to Ihe provisions of Chapter 12.20 of the Bakersfield Municipal Caclc, the undcaigacd appliC! fot a permit _. to place. erel)l. use and maiA~ an C11C'Oubm=t on public property gr right~t.WilY 15lhcn:in defined. '" I 11 .., ' I . ... .' . 1. :Full ~ of acnlkant and comDlcte address in~ludina phone nwnber. ~;n~r) ?ra.41an t:!Y~ r"l'.. jibe inklM'" &1 Ro..k...~#,:'.e,ld I (!A- q. 3-:Sb S- (u.'lu:3~-3. J U, 1/ 2. Nature or cbgiptio: oCrhc CUCtOachmcn.t far which this appUcation is made: feo '" e..,. , . :.. . . m~">'S 'cr?g,~ZS- - . . . - . --<lIIIIRl 3. LocaIi":~tho~~:....:.:m.-: .1~ ---~lL - ?iO-k~l}/eldcA · ~-~ ,100. ru,l..# e. _~ef'?.c.~ i.ld, ell ' l' . 4. Period of time for which the encroachmcDt is to be maintained: ~aTf ~ 12..r~p - ' .. .. .. _. J.~... . ........ ^~licant agrees that if this application is ~. app'1icant shall iDdannify, defend and hold harmless Cit:y, its officers. agent5 and employccs a~.n~ and allliabilitf. cluims, a~tiom, causes DC action or demands, whatsoever again$ them, or any p,tUlcmt before admimsttative. quasi-;ludiciah orjudici81 tribw:aah oEan)' kind wPUDcvert aris~ out at: cozmccted WIth. or caused by ~licaat's placemeat,. erectiOn, use (b)" applicant or my ather =- ar entity} ormaintcnallGC oraie! cm:~ The applicant further agrees to maintain the aforesaid cncmac during me ~fe o[said CS1C1'9achment or ~ such time-that this permit is revoked. . . .,.. APpUcan( filnher ~ tl1atUPOn.~ expiration oflhc pcrimt r~r~ chis ap~licanon ~ mad~ if' ~te~, or'Ymn t . I!l'CO . r twillA hi 0 c d e vet esamefmm~eDUblie ~ or nght 0 way w ere ~ &~ 1S ea and RSto.rc Sill pub ic property or rieht a way to the condition as .aearlY as tJmt in whiCh it wu before the pIKing, erection. maintman~c or existence oEsaid encroachmel1t. . . -. . ~p'licant Curther agrees to obwuand keep al11iabili~ wwancc=required by the Ci~ EDgiDeet in full torce linn cfl'ecr . J;0l' howevl:f' long !he eneroachmem remains. Applicant shaI.l fimlish the City Iilik ldm1a'gcr with B Certificate of Iasuram::e ~cing JUtlic:icnt COVGraF fot boCtily iPj~ or Pl'OPcrt1 damage liab, ility or both and required cndot'SeIJICD~ eVidencing the insurance required. The type(S) and 3mQunt(s) oFinsuruce'covcrage is: .." . . - - . - .- ..... r - - ... - -. ~ ~ y Applicant acknowledges the right of the City EngbLcer, purs~t to~fi~ MunicipEltCadc~Jcr>>.20 to . revoke the permit at my time. . . . , , ~/' ~ Date: is:. /.(;)f. . ' ' ~ / 1 '-!igDi~ of App t or ~iientauvc) PER.'mT 1 DIlDY CERTUY THAT 1 HAVE MADEA,..'t( L'WESnGAnON 01 THE FAC1'S S1'ATED JlIf THE rOUCiOlNG APPLICATION AND 'FIND 'l"HAT tHE MAINTENANCE OF SAID ENCROACHMENT (n WILL mOT) SUBST.o\NrWLY J:NTERPEllE WITH THE USE or TSE PUBLIC PLACE WIBRI. TD SA."IE IS TO BE LOCATED AND ~) ~OT) CO:fSTITUTE A HAZARD TO PEllSONS tI-sING SAJD PUBLIC PLACE; SAJD APPLICATION IS FORE (GJU.~1'ED) (l'JENJID). s~ PERMIT SHALL EXPIRE ~ . Datc: No. glgo.ature of City .cnsineer JUN-~~-06 09:17AM FROM-Stinson's ~ ~ ~ - IN-1~2B06 0f:E3P FROM=SOC WAREHOU~1:. L: ~. A_,2t Wlnt PARKING 1..,6' WI'n40UT PARKING -~- LA MAXIMUM ENCROACHMENT D 2- r;o ... D-S X 10 D=SICHT DISTANCE (n) SI5CR1nCAL sPEED (MPH) OR DESIGN SPEED ON lHRU S"IREET. 661-327-5299 T-157 P. 007/008 F-770 ... .."" r . 61 CENTERUNE OR L3 MEDIAN _EDGE ~ r CI~"" \ I T- CURB UNE DalCN SPEEDS eot R/W 35 MPH 76- R/'!I 35 MPH ,at RjW 45 MPH 110' R/W 55 MPH CONTROLLE"D INTERSECTION _A CURB UNE NOTES 1. Bom CRITERIA COVERN AT AN UNCONlROUED T -INlEftSEel10N. 2. SIeHT UNE REQUIREMENTS PER SEC. 17.08.17S OF THE MUNICIPAL CODE. 1 I ,,V~I SUBOlWIIOM DESIGN "ANUM. R GHT DISTANCE REQUlflEMEN FOR INlERSEC'TlONS ,.,., ~ IM---~ Y ~ ~ .... lID. T-7 JUN~~2:06 09:17AM FROM-Stinson's IN-1-2006 l.iJl~23P FROM:SDC WRRE1-DtJSE .'a j 661-327-5299 T-157 P.006/008 F-770 63~'::1 s r-O ,-.A (> .' .....~..- ------..----.....-'-"'-------"'----...-----..--. -----...--.----- \\\ i-tS " ~~ ~ ,.r _7"};1- I <- , ~H I > ~ \ i ; ~ .... I - -. lrJ. ,/V DI::J~~~; ~~4 ~ _ ' ..-- \fJ _ · . 1V' - -Y, --- -== - -~- I \ . \ " 0 \ \ . . \ , \ , \. , \ - . . .- ::;. - .&- JUN-02-06 09:16AM FDnILSt' I ~, ,,7::; l\ulYr I nson s IN-1-~ at: 2EP FROM: see wAREHQUSE. __ L 661-327-5299 T-157 P,002/00S F-770 t:l.:rtl:;lQ..J~ . . crrv O~ BAKERSfiELD . DEPARTMEtIT OF pUBLIC WORKS TO WHOM IT MAV CONCEFtN: . If" - II J{ We the undersigned. have no objeatlon to the con5tiU[iUon of a fence bes1de the sidewalk within 'the public right otway. ~O\f) ~a.. / ~&o bLLH e. (street ~ pupo8ed encroachment) Bv: e, n --r.Y\ 1-Yn. ~o.A~~ (Owners Name) of JiD ~l4 ~4r;:"sJcl J ~A_ (Address of purposed encr,oachmsnt ) pnane(LtU4 I) '3 d-.-:3 - 70 l J.. SIGNED: 1)- ~c:>-,. _ \- \ _ .1 pam: .1,.0/1> '" Adlft'8S$: ~UJpf:1 D~~ ST"".. ~1oC-. GA-- ~(""". . . 2) N..- ".:... oc...QS"" t(...", l"l-Os" QJIa: f,- 7- 0 (f:.- .i\ddross: ~ 2,R Q..~ ,QJD 1 ~ T' . 3) Narne: T~? f(-;"s-f&" . .' Qale: fa. ;"7. -cJ b AddreSS: ~" - C; D n:~ r c< ""- t-- ~ .4) Name: ~~~ ~~ (~~ g,a..; C,/7 /0 L Addte!:S~ ~ ;;;t:,30 ~IV LfO ~.' \ 5) Name: 0 4N-6B- () 'S 4D-. '? ~ . gai.:. ~ - 7 -0 b AddNss :~...~ ;;;~~I/~ ')Name: __!;2~ _ _ _~_-- oate:.rr7--c?t5"- Address: ~4':. r'~y~ SI ~ j \ l- I 'I ~ n r ( r r \ r J UN-OZ-06 09:18AM FROM-Stinson's 661-3Z7-5Z99 T-157 P.008/00B F-770 I '-_.f~ " , ACmJD.. CERTIFICATE OF LIABILITY INSURANCE g&'I8~"l 5/2J20G& I'NIIIUCP ,. C&G1U,27-1.ua 1HII :f!.. _~ AS A una Of' INt.c;llI._T~ ONLY IJib CCNPIM NO RlOHTS UPON TMI ceRTJIlICAlI 1f.u.... h.,.. a AdDCia~. ttOLDEJt. noe ~u DOD NOT ~.A.~ OR a30a B~. g~~~ i\t:~ -nu!O 11ft' BaklN:_n.ld c:a. U30' IE C ~ tWe' II!ILIIID v..u- traavaac. (:QlllIDoIDV .~bdOll ftau~. ~ --.. 11dlJamf!' ~l" ..~ I~~..~ .~.'j..1d Cf. t3J05 'not! I'a.IGIIlll OF 1N&uR.UK:R L15TUl1Iet.CIW JiA,YE aeN 1111!1ua) TO TIC I~ JI/JIMeO ASDVE FOR THe POLICY nRSOO 11IIDltA-re NQTWlTHSToUIl:lINO M<< Ila6c;1J1R1UBn'. ,... Of! eotmmQN all' /tNI ~OR 0'ftlP cecuMen' WITH ~l"'TCWHlQt TttS C!~F1~TE MAV ,. IIS1JeO gft MAV PeRt" 't'4i 1NSl.IIlAIC& ~ IV 'ft.IE JIOUCIf$ ~~ID ~~I$ S!.IUif:T 'I'C .w.L 1tIE 11iJIMI. I!lCQ.UlllCMS -.1\1. ~ OF ~ PQLlCeS. sreUJdl1$ IMVNIoW . EI:) P/lID .' _ 'lYft!W-ca 1CII.Ie\'...... ~ .. ~UARnY ~onIi807 12/1'-/1005 u/n/aaCl4r t!!!! I., 1.GOO.000 Z =ri1lW!1UTV . !$ :SUO,GGO I-- 0 Q"tMS_ S CQ;Ult MSElIP---ll/IO -, ~ 5.000 i --..... '$ 1.000.000 , r ~-:J~rr~~=' ' -_.. . ~.oOO.IlDO I . s 2.DOO.OOO , .. ~Uba.In' aYQGlI18fOt r 12}01./3ooiS p/01/aDD6 ClDI'tIlI"!PIII/!G\,I!"'" " 1........ \ .!1Nf"",", (&a~ - ,Il"LCMNIIJ~ 8l:lUlL'r fM,J:/AY ~1iVnZ po.r~ . ,.... ~ MIRIID .AIIl'Ot IlClI:lIU' IDUUW ~ IIC1r1-011MD f,U1l:lS I ""-*-'1 4i \ -- ~DMUdIl . (PW~ H~ I I ~,..y.!A..QCIIll!I'IT ; I lilt Alml oME\ mII'I '" I\IX; , .uro~ .... , ~UMlUJY 's EJ oc::wJl 0 ~IMB~ :. ~~t i , -~.., , I IV IIIIi'UI'IIIIW UMUtY ..,~ . E.I. \!'AQit o\t:CClIlIO' (IF;iCIEPt<€i.IlI.~ -- .1iAaR.C't!l t !!:--.....- ! -j. D-..m'-""'-IO'U.... I ~ ..-llIU......llI'M&~tIOIItIV8I~lIIJlCIM,tGDB;tIr~~ ~ -:tad. '.IilI' De Dw~au.0'6 .t: . dI.dn 1UlJI; I~. at; Ull1 '1e'~ .. ~ q' till:!! :auar.1&._;a.. La~, COUllCU. -.pI.,..... ..... NUl 'WIIl..,.~ .~ .ll'l&:1.we4 .. ~UJ.aDlll ~ ~2 na-~ tcr u. ~ LLlIlI1U-. ...cl 0I!l.lY' ntIJ "1M- .. I:IIlIt GIl9RU_ cd tt. JI.-4 ~.s. .~~ rea ~ I'~ wu.r. "'1' m .. ,. IaT --~. ~ a. c:iq- ot ak....U.14 ~ ...... fW ,... IoIIoW "UG1IIIIIaI ~ _ ~ ....... 'n4I. .....nat ~TlI. "'Km'. '7HI: __ ___ wM. _IIB1Wfl 10 ..... UD1 'I'E1,ad:wa ..... l!!... MltIilllPTlltl toVJI:if ftI1tE:~ ~_10 _\MI'. "" ~.~4. C!A ,n01 ....... to DC ~ IIWoI. IJlfCllIIO DlUGAlQII ell. .:.IlIIIUTY OJ' "" 1M ~ lMr --- .aunIGIIIII5D...~1JW ~~ ~ ~.;~ Rld'Iard WlIaonICO II . ACORD (HMIII) ...~ AlII ~"""'''-'In;.~ -.co. CGRPOnTICft 1_ 1IIIQIl..' \ \ I t. \1