HomeMy WebLinkAbout06-30000035 ENCROACHMENT PERMIT CITY OF BAKERSFIELD PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT 1501 TRUXTUN AVE BAKERSFIELD CA 93301 (661) 326-3724 TO THE CITY ENGINEER OF THE CITY OF BAKERSFIELD CALIFORNIA: Pursuant to the provisions of Chapter 12.20 of the Bakersfield Municipal Code, the undersigned applies for a permit to place, erect, use and maintain an encroachment on public property or right of way as therein defined. Application Number .' . . . . property Address .,. . . . Application type description 06-30000035 Date 11/29/06 361B SORANNO AVE PW - ENCROACHMENT PERMIT Owner Contractor TESSEMA MEHRETU & ALMAZ A ZERE 361B SORRANNO AV BAKERSFIELD CA 93309 OWNER Permit . . . . . Additional desc .. Phone Access Code Permit Fee . . . Issue Date . . . ENCROACHMENT PERMIT 612457 150.00 11/29/06 Valuation o Qty Unit Charge Per 1.00 150.0000 EA PW ENCROACHMENT Extension 150.00 Special Notes and Comments Wrought iron fence along sidewalk with pillers Fee summary Charged Paid Credited Due ----------------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- Permit Fee Total 150.00 150.00 .00 .00 Grand Total 150.00 150.00 .00 .00 Applicant acknowledges the right of the City Engineer, pursuant to the Bakersfield Municipal Code Chapter 12.20 to revoke the permit at any time. .~~ Signature of Applicant (Owner! Agent) ~M~ftgErV /eSS~MA. Print Name I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT I HAVE MADE AN INVESTIGATION OF THE FAcrS STATED IN THE FOREGOING APPLICATION AND FIND THAT THE MAINTENANCE OF SAID ENCROACHMENT (1) WILL (NOT) SUBSTANTIALLY E RE WITH THE USE OF THE PLACE WHERE THE SAME IS TO BE LOCATED AND (2) WILL (NOT) TITUT A HAZARD TO PERSONS USING SAID PUBLIC PLACE; SAID APPLICATION IS THEREFORE ED) ENIED). Said permit shall expire on date stated above. \ Signature of City Engineer I. Additional Terms on the Back ,. Applicant agrees that if this application is granted, applicant shall indemnify, defend, and hold harmless CITY, its officers, agents and employees against any and all liability, claims, actions, causes of action or demands whatsoever against them, or any of them, before administrative or judicial tribunals of any kind whatsoever, arising out of, connected with, or caused by applicant, or in any way arising from, the terms and provisions of this permit or the placement, use (by applicant or any other person or entity) or maintenance of said encroachment, whether or not caused in part by a party indemnified hereunder, except for CITY's sole active negligence or willful misconduct. The applicant further agrees to maintain the aforesaid encroachment during the life of the said encroachment or until such time that this permit is revoked. Applicant further agrees that upon the expiration of the permit for which this application is made, if granted, or upon revocation thereof by the City Engineer, applicant will at his own cost and expense remove the same from the public property or right of way where the same is located, and restore said public property or right of way to the condition as nearly as that in which it was before the placing, erection, maintenance or existence of said encroachment. . Applicant further agrees to obtain and keep all liability insurance required by the City Engineer in full force and effect for however long the encroachment remains.. Applicant shall furnish the City Risk Manager with a certificate of issuance evidencing sufficient coverage for bodily injury or property damage liability of both and required endorsements evidencing the insurance required. I have read and acknowledge the above. IJII.:C Applicant's Initials ~ . fib 3Of7l ~ - BAKERSFIELD PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM TO: Raul M. Rojas, Public Works Director FROM: Marian P. Shaw, Civil Engineer IV, Subdivisions DATE: January 9, 2007 SUBJECT: Encroachment Permit Application for: 3618 Soranno Ave. Name of Applicant: T essama Mehretu & Almaz A Zere Description of Encroachment:: Wrought iron fence along sidewalk with pillars not over 4' high Engineering and Traffic staff has reviewed the attached encroachment permit to allow the applicant to build a fence behind sidewalk with pillars not over 4' high. The applicant has provided proof of appropriate insurance coverage to Risk Management, and has provided signatures of all immediate neighbors stating that they have no objection to the proposed construction. Based on their review, staff recommends approval of the permit. S:\PERMITS\ENCROACH\3618 Soranno Ave..doc Ofo-l35 ~ . - BAKERSFIELD PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM TO: Ryan Starbuck, Civil Engineer III FROM: Marian P. Shaw, Civil Engineer IV, Subdivisions DATE: December 22, 2006 SUBJECT: Encroachment Permit Application for: 3618 Soranno Ave. Name of Applicant: Tessama Mehretu &Almaz A Zere Description of Encroachment: Wrought iron fence along sidewalk with pilfers not over 4' high. Please review the attached encroachment permit and return to me at your earliest convenience. 1z-1't-91-z-Pob (J.k--. G4- {UttJP S:\PERMITS\ENCROACH\TRAFFIC\3618 Sorranno Ave..doc ~ . - OB .~ K E R S F I E L D PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM 7tJ& iJdZJ TO: ~an, Risk Manager FROM: Marian P. Shaw, Civil Engineer IV, Subdivisions DATE: December 11,2006 SUBJECT: Encroachment Permit Application for: 3618 Soranno Ave. Name of Applicant: Tessema Mehretu & Almaz A Zere Description of Encroachment: Wrought iron fence along sidewalk with pilfers not over 4' high. Please review the insurance certificate with the attached encroachment permit and return to me at your earliest convenience. S:\PERMITS\ENCROACH\INSURANC\3618 Soranno Ave..doc - ,----- - /' ~. i1 ~:-..!:!..j/ '" '''~'T ., ~~1b" ~ 't. fl. a- 0 Ci.'of'f.~&t' APPLICATION FOR ENCROACHMENT PER..~IT' .."" ",.- . TO THE CITY ENGINEER OF THE CITY OF BAKERSFIELD, CALIFOR:.~L.(:"'" d."-- /' Pursuant to the provisions of Chapter 12.20 of the Bakersfield Municipal Code, the undersigned applies for a pennit to place, ere~t, ,use and ~;ain an en~ro~c~ent on pu~lic prop~rty .o~ right-of.way as there41 defined. 1. Full name of aoolicant and comolete address inc1udin2 phone nlU11b~r: ./t1E..}-jf(€Tl J. !:. TIE. 5 <; ~ A 3bi'{ SnRAtJtJfJ !tV'f;" ~,8kJ~1L~~Jf)n/'('.A Cj'33D9- '1,~4~'1c.fc;7f'(}f))-J~ll] . 2. Nature ,?r d:scription of the encroachmen.t for which this application is made:J)llP,1:;.,. ~dt/ritt Jl'tJe ~. -. ~.~. ~~ - --..: ';;l- . -~" ' .. ..!;' ...., .. .-. -- ~ I ~~=ae~~~~Mg~f~5~~ . vA., ~3 "3DC]. '.. 4. Period of time for ~hich the encroachment is to be maintained: ~p t::flm AN € N.. T . -. , . I' -.. . . Applicant agrees that if this application is granted, applicant shall indemnify, defend and hold harmless City, its officers, agents and employees against any and allliabihty. claims, actions, causes of action or demands, whatsoever . against them, or any pfthem, before administrative, quasi-Judicial, or judicial tribunals of any kind whatsoever, arising out of, cOIUlected with, or caused by applicant's placement. erection. use (by applicant or any other person or entity) or maintenance of said encroachment. The applicant further agrees to maintain the aforesaid encroacIunent during the life of.said encroachment or ~til such time that this pennit is revoked. . . .... . . . Applicant' further agrees that upon. th~ expiration of the perimt [~r ~hich this ap~lication i~ mad~, if granted, or.llimn the revocation thereofby the Cltv engineer. aoolicant wifl at his own cost and eXOense remove the same from the Du~lic prooertv or right of way where the same is located, and restore said public property or rismt of way to the condition as nearly as that in which it was before the placing, erection, maintenance or existence or said encroachment. . . . Applicant further agrees to obtain anp. keep all liability insurance required by the City Enginect' in full force and effect . for however' long the encroachment remains. Applicant shall furnish the City Risk Manager with a Certificate of Insurance cvideI:1cing sufficient coverage for bodily injury or property damage liability or both and required endorsements evidencing the insurance required. The type(s) and amount(s) of insurance' coverage is: .." . ~. Applicant ackno.wledges the right of the City Engineer. pursuanlto.BaIsersfield Municipa~_C9dej:h}pJc~2.20 to revoke the pemut at any time. . .. Date: 11:- f).'7-0b . ~ .~ - "- 19nature 0 APP ldaiit wner or epresentative) PER.'\IIT I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT I HAVE MADEA..~ INVESTIGATION OF THE FACTS STATED IN THE FOREGOING APPLICATION Ai'iD FIND m-\T THE MAINTENAi~CE OF SAID ENCROACHMENT (1) WILL (NOT) StnJST.<\1"tfrIALLY INTERFERE WITH THE USE OF THE PtiBLICPLACE WHERE THE SA'dE IS TO BE LOCATED A.lVD (2) WILL (N011 CONSTITUTE A HAZARD TO PERSONS USING SAID PUBLIC PLACE; SAID AFPLICATION IS THEREFORE (GRA.'iTED) (DE~IED). S~ PERMIT SHALL EXPIRE Date: SIgnature of Clty Engineer No. 7- J"' . CITY O~ BAKERSFIELD . DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: We the undersigned, have no objection to the construction of a fence beside the sidewalk within the public right of way. 3QJ~ ~()f<oANM{) A~~t;~/lJD ~M6tlRP:TtJ c, {E;'i,s.fJ'1A . (Street for puposed encroachment) (Owners Name) cf,:s61~. 5o-R/tAlAlD 'A'V~. . (Address of purposed encroachment) SIGNED: ....-" 1) Name: "'-:J'U HAr (( Ii' f) to VJ N Address: !?>70b %yQ~o (J~ fJ6 .." N . " ~)u~(;'l1AJkJ- I.. ame.. ~ Address: 3le0'1 1>b ~JOM t... '3)~:::: ~k~~:'j)b I)~ ,4) Name: 14(~A..jh:; ~l~ Address: ~ {O 5 ~ ,,- {MY :#-::P 5) Name: YtLj~. f~ttLlj1 Address: r; .. f ti) Name: ' Address: I j r \ I I 1 Phone: ~~Lf.-~ t.f~7 /dIJs -d..9aL{ Date: ~--30 ~o (~~ Date: tf.... p{)- Bf(J Date~ g.- (30. ~ 610 Date: 8, 2;0 ' O,h Date: Lj'--I:Z"'/tJ.k //'" Date: 9- ~--()C ~ (I I I 1: t/1l2A'rN=f -ro BtU'l1> A 4f r6Er H~GO+ ~WCKS A-NJY /)J}J~(JJVJGfF~r lR.btJ re-IiCIG !tLtfJNG fJ,A-GK... OF !flb A:J)J6SE"N r S D:De EV--Ar&~, (j\ -. ~ ,.. r- ~ ~ . ...- .-:::;':":"':=':::ot:,,,,"~",""-,=--:::=:=--':=":'="':.:><=<"-_.- -....- ,.- ':..':':"-- ~~ " /, ~ ) I I . \ I I f " , ." / ,1 \1 I -..,. I.) ...- , 3' 171 ~DIt:MJNo &Akds"""~~ '~3o t) ~ b=="'.W--- ,-.--.- ~, ..' '.'~. .___-~=c.~-----.~ '-', '.""'; ~~ . ~~ ~! IVH91S dtU.S(j ., ., ...-- .'. .;' - -' .~.,. -.-c:ct=---'--L-f~~' - ~,. .,.--~,-"~ L ~~""'I:::: 00 l'(\ ,~ SoUcNNO "\IE. -'''''''''''''':''''''-'''''''~-=--=''':>o:~","::= ) --- ......._~-==-::::,~.:.'""".==., - e A=12' WITH PARKING A=6' WITHOUT PARKING CENTERLINE OR MEDIAN'_EDGE~ _ LJ r T MAXIMUM ENCROACHMENT CURB LINE D=S X 10 DESIGN SPEEDS D=SIGHT DISTANCE (FT) S=CRIllCAL SPEED (MPH) OR DESIGN SPEED ON THRU STREET. 60' R/W 76' R/W 90' R/W 110' R/W 35 MPH 35 MPH 45 MPH 55 MPH e CONTROLLED INTERSECTION CURB .L1NE / UNCONTROLLED INTERSECTION NOTES DAlE SUBDIVISION DESIGN MANUAl 1. BOTH CRITERIA GOVERN -.. e.o A T AN UNCONTROLLED IGHT DISTANCE REQUIREMENT - e T -INTERSECTION. FOR INTERSECllONS SCIU 2. 'SIGHT LINE REQUIREMENTS APPROVED SHEET NO. PER SEC. 17.08.175 OF CITY OF BAKDm. _.L..D CAUFOANIA THE MUNICIPAL CODE. T-7 ~, ONLY THE INSURANCE COVERAGES INOICATEO BY A SPEciFIC LIMIT Of LIABILITY AND/DR PREMIUM AMDUNT ARE PROVIDED. ''''AN::--''''-'''@ POLICY: 04-X-K71720-0 AGENT: ARMANDO PARTIDA :' ;, ~ "" ~ INSURED: TESSEMA. MEHAETU & POLICY PERIOD: 04-19-2006 TO 04-19-2007 ENDORSEMENTS: FX3.04 06-02 FX91311 06-97 FX9291 01-96 FM91189 01-96 FX91190 10-05 NOTICE OF PREMIUM DUE $748.00 YOUR POLICY DOES NOT PROVIDE PROTECTION FOR LOSS DUE TO AN EARTHQUAKE. TESSEMA, MEHRETU & ZEREOM, ALMAZABREHA 3618 SORANNO AVE BAKERSFIELD CA 93309-5162 11.1....11...11.11...1.1...1.1....11.11....1.1...111..1...11.1 COVERAGES AND LIMITS SEC II E PERS LIAB $300,000 SEC I A BC 0 DWELLING STRUCTURES PERS PROP LIVG EXP $206,800 $20,680 $103,400 $41,360 HOMEOWNERS FORM 3 POLICY PROPERTY LOCATED AT: 3618 SORANNO AVE BAKERSFIELD CA 933095162 F MEDICAL $2,000 o o ~ $1,000 ALL PERIL DEDUCTIBLE :I: ... N AGENT: ARMANDO PARTIDA 661-322-9638 ZONE PROT BC CONST 20 03 FRAME RENEWAL EXTENSION CERTIFICATE AMT DUE INCLUDES GUARANTY TAX T01 . ::t en PACIFIC PROPERTY AND CASUALTY COMPANY 03-03-2006 CORPORATE CENTRE .. 1949 E. SUNSHINE . SPRINGFIELD, MISSOURI 65899-0001 INSURED - TESSEMA, MEHRETU & ZEREOM, ALMAZABREHA THIS IS NOT A BILL. OUR RECORDS INDICATE YOUR PREMIUM IS BEING PAID BY YOUR MORTGAGEE. WE HAVE SENT THEM A BILL FOR THE PREMIUM DUE. 04-X-K71720-0 THIS NOTICE IS FOR YOUR RECORDS. MORTGAGEE - COUNTRYWIDE HOME LOANS,INC ITS SUCCESSORS AND/OR ASSIGNS AMENDED DECLARATION INCLUDED ARMANDO PARTIDA o IF ABOVE INFORMATION IS NOT CORRECT, SEE REVERSE SIDE IM~IID!:'n CF $748.00 04-19-2006 X0478-T 1-143 PRINTED 03-03-2006 04-X-K71-720-0 TESSEMA, MEHRETU & U.-~~-:lUUb 'I: IMPORTANT NOTICE TO CALIFORNIA POLICYHOLDERS The following reVISion has been made to your policy. If a premium adjustment results in a reduction of premium, we reserve the right to apply the unearned premium to the balance owed on the policy as a whole. Please review your policy and amendatory endorsement for complete details. If you have questions about any of these changes or if you want to make any additions or changes to your policy, please contact your local ANPAC4!> representative. AN ~."....~~ ., _ "'- ..... c:....-. Pacific Property And Casualty Company This notice contains only a general description ofthe changes in coverage and is not a statement of contract. All coverages are subject to the insuring agreements, exclusions and conditions of the policy, and applicable endorsements. FM-166 (11-05) U4-X-K1~-1~U-U TE~~EMA, MEHKETU & U4-~~-~UUb Important Notice to Policyholders THIS POLICY DOES NOT COVER DAMAGE FROM FLOOD. FOR INFORMATION ABOUT FLOOD INSURANCE, CONTACT YOUR AMERICAN NATIONAL AGENT OR THE NATIONAL FLOOD INSURANCE PROGRAM. Our current Homeowner and Rental Owners policies contain the following exclusion: Your Homeowner/Rental Owners policy does not cover damage from flood, surface water, waves, tidal water, overflow of a body of water, or spray from any of these, whether or not driven by wind. Additional information regarding flood insurance for your dwelling and/or contents is available from your local American National agent. AN ~ ......- ......-.tcan~ .. ~ '~.~a~ American National Property And Casualty Company American National General Insurance Company American National L10yds Insurance Company Pacific Property And Casualty Company ANPAC Louisiana Insurance Company This notice contains only a general description of the changes in coverage and is not a statement of contract. All coverages are subject to the insuring agreements, exclusions and conditions of the policy. and applicable endorsements. IM-787 (6-05) 04-X-K71-720-0 TESSEMA, MEHRETU & U4-~~-;lUUb ANPAC@ American National Property And Casualty Company American National General Insurance Company American National L10yds Insurance Company Pacific Property And Casualty Company ANPAC Louisiana Insurance Company . and American National County Mutual In~urance Company (serviced by ANPAC ) IMPORTANT NOTICE of Privacy Policy and Information Practices Issued pursuant to California Insurance Code Sections 791 et. seq: and the federal Gramm-Leach-B/iley Privacy Act 15 U.S.C. Section 6501 et.seq. American National Property And Casualty Company, its subsidiaries and its affiliates (ANPAC~,are committed to providing insurance and annuity prooucts and services designed to meet your needs. Your privacy IS important to us. We are doing everything we can to protect the information about you that we receive. Please read this notice so that you may understand what information we collect, how it is used, and how we protect it. What Information We Collect To provide a financial product or service to you, it is important for us to obtain some personal information about you. Some of the information we get comes directly from you when you fill out applications or other forms. Some information you may provide when you VIsit our web site. We may also receive information from doctors, test laboratories, and other health providers. Some information may come from consumer reporting agencies. The types of information we receive may include: . addresses . social security number . family information . current and past medical history. We may also receive financial information, such as transactions that you make with other financial institutions. In some cases, this information may rightfully be obtained without notice to you or permission from you. What Information We Disclose We do not disclose nonpublic personal information about our current or former customers to any non-affiliated entity, except when the law permits us to. Some examples of the disclosures we are permitted by law to make include: . Those necessary to service or provide an insurance or annuity product that you requested or authorized. . Those made with your consent or at your direction. . Those made to your legal representative; or those made in response to a subpoena or an inquiry from an insurance or other regulatory authority. . Those made to comply with federal, state or local laws. . Those made to protect against fraud. Where allowed by law, such disclosures may be made without further notice to or permission from you. Our Privacy Protection Procedures We protect your information from being viewed by those not authorized to do so. For example, we use secure technologies to maintain the securit~ of information you may provide through our web sites. Only those persons that need this informatIOn to provide you service are allowed access to it. UM-55 CA (3-03) P-1 PACIFIC PROPERTY AND CASUALTY COMPANY '~ :; ~ \.: ~@ POLICY NUMBER THIS AMENDED DECLARATION 04-X-K71-720-0 REPLACES ALL PRIOR DECLARATIONS. IF ANY, AND WITH POLICY PROVISIONS POLICY TERM AND ANY ENDORSEMENTS ISSUED TO FORM A PART THEREOF COMPLETES THIS 04-19-2006 To04-19-2007 HOMEOWNERS POLICY 1949 E. SUNSHINE SPRINGFIELD, MISSOURI 66899-0001 AND SUBSEQUENT RENEWALS (417) 887-0220 AT 12:01 A.M. (STD) NAMED INSURED AND P.O. ADDRESS TESSEMA, HEHRETU & ZEREOM~ ALMAZABREHA 3618 SuRANNO AVE BAKERSFIELD CA 93309-5162 PREMIUM TO BE PAID BY MORTGAGEE LIENHOLDER/MORTGAGEE COUNTRYWIDE HOME LOANS,INC PO BOX 961206, FWTX-22 FORT WORTH TX 76161-0206 SORANNO AVE BAKERSFIELD CA CALL PH #661-322-9638 X0478-T 1-143 SECTION I - $1,000 ALL PERIL DEDUCTIBLE COVERAGE A - DWELLING COVERAGE B - APPURTENANT STRUCTURES COVERAGE C - PERSONAL PROPERTY COVERAGE D - LOSS OF USE SUBJECT TO MONTHLY MAXIMUM OF $4,136 SECTION II COVERAGE E - PERSONAL LIABILITY (EACH OCCURRENCE) .;:(C(jYE:RAGE.I"_+~_MEDI_CA.L> PAYMENTS TO<OTHERS(EACH PERSON) ,. LIMITS $206,800 $20,680 $103,400 $41,360 $300,000 ,$2,000 --~~S~+~~P~~~7~~~S;-:~~;~~~~c------RATING INFORMATION CON~!RouctIO.N',:;FRAME,>'.< .... ..'PROTECTlON: 03 .::.,_~/ ':'1:J").Mn;.y DWELLING, BUILT. IN 1963. DISCOUNTS: PROTECTIVE DEVICE - 10% ZONE: 20 THE LIMIT OF LIABILITY FOR THIS STRUCTURE ( $206~800) IS BASED ON AN ESTIMATE OF THE COST TO REBUILD YOUR HOME, INCLUDING AN APPROXlMATECO~T FOR LABOR AND MATERIALS IN YOUR AREA, AND SPECIFIC INFORMATION THAT YOU HAVE PROVIDED ABOUT YOUR HOME. FOR CONSUMER INQUIRIES OR COMPLAINTS, CONTACT MARIAN SEALE AT 1-800-509-4988. 1ST COUNTRYWIDE HOME LOANS,INC ITS SUCCESSORS AND/OR ASSIGNS PO BOX 961206, FWTX-22 FORT WORTH TX 76161-0206 LOAN NUMBER - 36481057 FX . FM91189 01-96 /I 10-05 N ~ N ~ '" N ~ ~ UI ARMANDO PARTIDA INSURED 1 PRINT DATE: 03-03-2006 .- DECLARATIONS - PAGE 2A DESCRIPTION OF YOUR HOUSE NOTICE - REBUILDING COSTS ESTIMATED UNDER IDEAL CONDITIONS Important information regarding your Declarations Page 2 information for your home. The listed characteristics of your home/dwelling are based on information gathered from you, to assist you in your insurance purchase. The insured value of your home/dwelling, as reflected in the stated Coverage A amount, is based upon estimated cost of rebuilding your home/dwelling, reflecting the rising trend of such costs. This should be considered the minimum cost to rebuild your home/dwelling under ideal conditions. In the event your home/dwelling is destroyed, your policy will only pay additional monies beyond Coverage A subject to the Extended Replacement, and Building, Ordinance, or Law provisions you have purchased and are filed for your state. The actual cost to rebuild or repair your home/dwelling will vary, especially if the information you have provided is incorrect or incomplete. Rebuilding costs can also vary greatly and are dependent upon: (1) the nature and extent of the damage sustained; (2) the availability of skilled labor and materials; and (3) other market conditions which may exist at the time of loss. If the cost of rebuilding your home/dwelling exceeds the Coverage A amount, Extended Replacement, and Building, Ordinance or Law provisions on your policy, those additional costs will not be covered. We strongly encourage you to review the insured value of your home/dwelling and the Coverage A amount listed on your policy carefully. If you wish to purchase additional coverage, make corrections to the infonnation you have provided, or if you modify or remodel your home/dwelling, please contact your agent immediately. Insured: TESSEMA, MERRETU & Address: 3618 SORANNO AVE BAKERSFIELD, CA 93309-5162 Policy Number: 04- X-K71-720-0 ZIP Code Yea,r Built Building Style Building Shape Number "of Stories Number of Families Total Living Area - Main Structure Exterior Walls, Clapboard Roofing, Asphalt/Fiberglass Shingle Attached Structures, Attached Garage - 2 Car Attached Structures, Wood Deck Partitions, Drywall Wall Cover1ngs, Paint Ceilings, Drywall Floor Coverings, Wall to Wall Carpet (acrylic/nylon) Floor Coverings, V1nyl Floor Coverings, Ceramic Tile Interior, Kitchen - Builder's Grade Interior, Full Bath - Builder's Grade Interior, Half Bath - Builder's Grade Interior, Fireplace - Single HVAC, Central Air Condo - Same Ducts Substructure, Concrete Slab 93309-5162 Code 1963 A.D. 1 Story Irregular .. . 1. 00 Stories Single Family 1693 100 100 1 150 100 100 100 80 15 5 1 2 1 1 100 100 Square Feet Percent Percent Quantity Square Feet Percent Percent Percent Percent Percent Percent Quantity Quantity Quanti ty Quantity Percent Percent SH-71490 (11-04) 3 04-X-K71-720-0 .. TESSEMA, MEHRETU & 04-19-2006 AN ~.".-~~ --~~ UTILITY SYSTEMS, ROOF AND PROTECTIVE DEVICE RATING EXPLANATION ANPACiIll is dedicated to providing you with ~mpetitive rates while providing excellent coverage against loss to your dwelling. For this reason, ANPAC has developed an updated utility system and roof rating plan. Rating adjustments are determined from various risk characteristics specific to your dwelling. The adjustments are added together and the result is applied to your premium. The final adjusted amount is listed on the declarations page as UTILITY/ROOF CREDIT or SURCHG. The result of the adjustments can be a premium decrease, CREDIT, or increase, SURCHG, depending on (1) whether or not you have updated your heating and air-conditioning, electrical or plumbing system; (2) how long ago the update was made; (3) the age of your dwelling; (4) whether or not you have replaced your roof; (5) how long ago the roof replacement was made; and (6) what material your roof is made from. If you have completely updated your heating and air-conditioning system, electrical system, plumbing system, or replaced your roof within the last nine years, or have a roof composed of 1055 preventiv~ materials, or have a home protective device, then your dwelling is less likely to experience a 1055. ANPAC wants to reward customers who take such 1055 preventive action because we value you as one of our customers. Based on the information we have concerning your dwelling, the summary below shows the amount of adjustment given and the information used for each risk characteristic in the Utility/Roof Rating Plan and Protective Device Credit. For more information on requirements for receiving credit for completely updating your utility system or roof, or having a protective device, refer to the back of this page. If you have any questions, call your American National Representative listed at the bottom of the page. I nformation/Descriotion Year Dwelling Completed or First Occupied: Year Electrical System Updated: Year Heating and Cooling System Updated: Year Plumbing System Updated: Year Roof Replaced: Amount of Adiustment 1963 1963 1963 1963 1999 Roof Construction Material: Asphalt, Composition Shingles Total Utility/Roof Adjustment: Protective Device: CREDIT 10% MaN I TaRED BURGLAR ALARM American National Representative: ARMANDO PARTIDA (661) 322-9638 FM-169 (1-06) 1 INSURED 04-X-K71-720-0 TESSEMA, MEHRETU & 04-19-2006 PACIFIC PROPERTY AND CASUALTY COMPANY CALIFORNIA HOMEOWNERS AMENDATORY ENDORSEMENT THIS ENDORSEMENT CHANGES YOUR POLICY. PLEASE READ IT CAREFULLY. I. As applies to all policy forms, the Common Cause of Loss Deductible provision under AGREEMENT is deleted and replaced with the following: Common Cause of Loss Deductible ! If you incur loss to your property covered under this policy and any other covered property owned by you, from a common cause of loss, we will apply only the highest applicable deductible to the aggregate amount of property damages. If the covered property owned by you is a motor vehicle, the loss must be covered under the motor vehicle's Coverage D - Comprehensive Coverage. Common cause of loss is one occurrence which results in loss to more than one item of covered property owned by you. The properties incurring loss by a common cause of loss must be covered by this policy and another policy that includes a Common Cause of Loss Deductible provision which is issued by Pacific Property And Casualty Company, American National Property And Casualty Company or American National General Insurance Company. ' . This provision does not apply if the common cause of loss results from the peril of earthquake. II. As applies to all policy forms, the following revisions are made in DEFINITIONS: A, The first paragraph is deleted and replaced by the following: Throughout this policy, "you" and "your" refer to the "named insured" shown in the Declarations and the spouse or registered domestic partner if a resident of the same household, and "we," "us," and "our" refer to the Company providing this insurance. In addition, certain words and phrases are defined as follows: B. The following definition is added: "domestic partner" means a person who is in a domestic partnership with the named insured established when both persons to the domestic partnership file and register a Declaration of Domestic Partnership with the Secretary of State of California. III. As applies to all policy forms in SECTION 1- CONDITIONS, the following revisions are made: A. Item 3. Loss Settlement is deleted and replaced with the following: 3. Loss Settlement. Covered property losses are settled as follows: a. Losses to the following types of property will be settled at the actual cash value of the damaged property at the time of the loss: (1) personal property; (2) structures that are not buildings; and (3) all antennas, carpeting, awnings, domestic appliances, and outdoor equipment, whether or not attached to buildings. Our limit of liability and payment for covered losses will not exceed the smallest of the following: (1) the actual cash value at the time of the loss determined with proper deduction for depreciation; (2) the cost to repair or replace the damaged property with material of like kind and quality, with proper deduction for depreciation; or (3) the applicable limit of liability of the policy. FX-91190 (10-05) 1 04-X-K71-720-0 TESSEMA, MEHRETU & 04-19-2006 .. V. As applies to all policy forms in SECTION I AND 11- CONDITIONS, the following revisions are made: A. Item 4. Waiver or Change of Policy Provisions is deleted and replaced with the following: 4. Waiver or Change of Policy Provisions. A waiver or change of any provision of this policy must be in writing by us to be valid. If a premium adjustment is necessary, we will make the adjustment as of the effective date of the change. If the adjustment results in a reduction of premium, we reserve the right to apply the unearned premium to the balance owed on the policy as a whole, rather than tendering a refund of the unearned premium. Our request for an appraisal or examination shall not waive any of our rights. B. Item 5. Cancellation, paragraph b. is deleted and replaced with the following: b. We may cancel this policy only for the reasons stated below by letting you know in writing of the date cancellation takes effect. This cancellation notice may be delivered to you, or mailed to you at your mailing address shown in the Declarations. Proof of mailing will be sufficient proof of notice: (1) When you have not paid the premium, we may cancel at any time by letting you know at least 10 days before the date.cancellation takes effect. (2) When this policy has been in effect for less than 60 days and is not a renewal with us, we may cancel for any reason by letting you know at least 10 days before the date cancellation takes effect. (3) When this policy has been in effect for 60 days or more, or at any time if it is a renewal with us, we may cancel if there has been: (a) conviction of a crime having as one of its necessary elements an act increasing the hazard insured against; (b) discovery of fraud or material misrepresentation; (c) discovery of grossly negligent acts or omissions substantially increasing any of the hazards insured against; or (d) physical changes in the property insured against which result in the property becoming uninsurable. This can be done by notifying you at least 20 days before the date cancellation takes effect. C. Item 9. Death is deleted and replaced with the following: 9. Death. If any person named in the Declarations or the spouse or domestic partner, if a resident of the same household, dies: a. we insure the legal representative of the deceased but only with respect to the premises and property of the deceased covered under the policy at the time of death; b. insured includes: (1) any member of your household who is an insured at the time of your death, but only while a resident of the residence premises; and (2) with respect to your property, the person having proper temporary custody of the property until appointment and qualification of a legal representative. EXCEPT AS AMENDED BY THIS ENDORSEMENT, ALL OTHER TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF YOUR POLICY CONTINUE TO APPLY. FX-91190 (10-05) 3 !lTAT;; or CIHJFORNIA TRAFFIC. COLLISION REPORT "CHP.S55 CARS Page 1 (Rev 8/98) OPI 042 . 'i U Page . 1 of 3 , SPECIAL CONDITIONS NUMBER HIT & RUN CITY JUDICIAL DISTRICT LOCAL REPORT NUMBER lilT AND RUN INJURED FEn PRIVATE PROPERTY 0 BAKERSFIELD BMC N\.N8ER KIllED HIT & RUN COUNTY REPORTING DISTRICT BEAT 05-249534 MI5DEMfANOR 0 [i] KERN COUISION OCCURRED ON: MO DAY YEAR TIME (2400) NCIC. I OFFICER 1.0. Z SORANNO A VENUE, 3618 12/20/2005 2305 1502 832 0 MILEPOST INFORMATION: DAY OF WEEK D NONE !;(. TOW AWAY PHOTOGRAPHS BY: 0 TUESDAY DYES [i] NO 832 0 I 8~T INTERSECTION WITH: STATE HWY REL -I nYES rxl NO X OR 19 FEET EAST OF S REAL ROAD, 1800 BLOCK PARTY DRIVER'S LICENSE NUMBER STATE CLASS ISAF~ VEH. YEAR MAKE/MODEL/COLOR LICENSE NUMBER STATE EQUIP. 1 DRIVER NAME(FIRST. MIDDLE. lAST) ~ FLED SCENE OWNER'S NAME D SAME AS DRIVER I PEDES- STREET ADDRESS TRn OWNER'S ADDRESS D SAME AS DRIVER PARKED CITY / STATE / ZIP VEFlE DISPOSITION OF VEHICLE ON ORDERS OF: D OFFICER DDRIVER D OTHER B1CY- SEX I~R I EYES HEIGHT WEIGHT BIRTHDATE I RACE CLn Mo Day Year 11 REFER TO NARRATIVE PRIOR MECH. DEFECTS r INONE APP. OTHER HOME PHONE BUSINESS PHONE VEHICLE IDENTIFICATION NUMBER: n CHP USE ONLY DESCRIBE VEHICLE DAMAGE SHADE IN DAMAGED AREA INSURANCE CARRIER POLICY NUMBER VEHiClE TYPE DUNK DNONE DMINOR I nMOD nMAJOR nROU-DVER DIR OF TRAVEL I ~ON STREET OR HIGHWAY SPEED LIMIT CA DOT E S REAL ROAD 40 CAL.T TCP/PSC MCIMX PARTY DRIVER'S LICENSE NUMBER STATE ClASS ISAF~ VEH. YEAR MAKE/MODel/COLOR LICENSE NUMBER STATE 2 DRIVER NAME(FIRST. MIDDLE, LAST) 0 OWNER'S NAME D SAME AS DRIVER I I PEDES- STREET ADDRESS I TRIAN 0 OW.NER'S ADDRESS D SAME AS DRIVER PARKED CITY / STATE / ZIP , VEHI!<..U , 0 DISPOSITION OF VEHICLE ON ORDERS OF: DOFFICER DDRIVER DOTHER BICY. SEX IH~R I EYES HEIGHT WEIGHT BIRTHDATE I RACE ClIST Mo Day Year 0 PRIOR MECHANICAL DEFECTS r lNONE APP r l REFER TO NARRATIVE OTHER HOME PHONE BUSINESS PHONE VEHiClE IOENTIFICATION NUMBER: 0 CHP USE ONLY DESCRIBE VEHICLE DAMAGE SHADE IN DAMAGED AREA INSURANCE CARRIER POLICY NUMBER VEHICLE TYPE DUNK DNONE DMINOR I DMOD ~OR HROLL.OVER I DIR OF TRAVEL I ON STREET OR HIGHWAY SPEED LIMIT CA DOT 1 CAL.T TCP/PSC MClMX 1 PARTY DRIVER'S LICENSE NUMBER STATE ClASS ~SAF~ VEH. YEAR MAKE/MODEL/COLOR LICENSE NUMBER STATE i:~;9~'}~ j,for~~1 ~XCiUS\V ' 'IS" - f - L, t; , 3 . .~ DRIVER -.- .- NAME(FIRST, MIDDLE. LAST) _~ ~T... . " . ' .' n 'leiti-lei' it norH16 :ntDrms."non contaln€( OWNER'S NAME o SAME AS DRIVER , . ' . PEDES, STREET ADDRESS .1ereon \~ ld ue ,UI: i1.:;1 j..;U lV U1:Y UL IV TRn .L <":'It.. ."""U~t....^"'i-BC' - )erson or i1Dency excep. c:.., u_ l! :v' ,"- - OWNER'S ADDRESS o SAME AS DRIV lOUJ'ED.@4 PARKED CITY / STATE / ZIP .-)'f IQVv':. . '." ,_ , ..., r' r-\'TC. ",,-,,~r) , "n' ';;f.J ' . i VEPlE '~iH(;:'::!.-C';t.!... Ln I;!' l! be: U...:" 'Ar,' f\Jl .. ~ I DISPOSITION OF VEHICLE ON ORDERS OF: DOFFICER DDRIVER DTHER I 1:<-...;-"-..1: .~.. -1~ ~~.... - -~.. BICY- SEX I HAIR I EYES HEIGHT WEIGHT BIRTHDATE rACE ClIST Mo Day Year 0 PRIOR MECHANCIAL DEFECTS r 1 NONE APP r !ReFER TO NARRATIVE OTHER HOME PHONE BUSINESS PHONE VEHICLE IDENTIFICATION NUMBER: ( 0 CHP USE ONLY DESCRIBE VEHICLE DAMAGE SHADE IN DAMAGED AREA ~ VEHICLE TYPE DUNK DNONE DMINOR INSURANCE CARRIER POLICY NUMBER I InMOD nMAJOR HROLL.OVER ( DIR OF TRAVEL fON STREET OR HIGHWAY SPEED LIMIT CA DOT - CAL.T TCPlPSC MClMX ... PREPARER'S NAME DISPATCH NOTIFIED REVIEWER'S NAME /~/; C/-Z DATE REVIEWED { KEN SPORER 832 DYES DNO ~NlA / /2- lOb STATE OJ;' CAUFORNIA TRAFFIC 'COLLlSION CODING . CHP ~55 CARS' Page2 (8198) OPI 042 Page 2 of 3 IDATE OF COLLISION (MO. DAY YEAR) I TIME(2400) rCIC. I OFFICER LD. NUMBER 12/20/2005 2305 1502 832 05-249534 OWNER OWNER ADDRESS I NOTIFIED PROPERTY MEHRETU TESSEMA 3618 SORANNO AVE OOvES DNO BAKERSFIELD CA 93309 DAMAGE DESCRIPTION OF DAMAGE 24" WIDE BY 54" HIGH DAMAGE TO SIDE OF RESIDENCElFlREPLACE SEAllNG POSI110N SAFETY EQUIPMENT EJECTED FROM VEHICLE OCCUPANTS WC BICYCLE - HELMET ... L . AIR BAG DEPLOYED o . NOT EJECTED A. NONE IN VEHICLE M. AIR BAG NOT DEPLOYED , - FULLY EJECTED B - UNKNOWN N ' OTHER DRIVER 2 - PARTiAlLY EJECTED I 2 3 1 - DRIVER C - LAP BELT USED P - NOT REQUIRED V.NO 3 - UNKNOWN o - LAP BELT NOT USED W-YES 45 6 2 TO 6 - PASSENGERS E - SHOULDER HARNESS USED CHILD RESTRAINT 7 - STA. WGN REAR F - SHOULDER HARNESS NOT USED Q - IN VEHICLE USED PASSENGER 8. RR. acc TRK. OR VAN G . LAP/SHOULDER HARNESS USED R ' IN VEHICLE NOT USED X-NO 7 9 - POSITION UNKNOWN H - LAP/SHOULDER HARNESS NOT USED S . IN VEHICLE USE UNKNOWN Y-YES 0- OTHER J - PASSIVE RESTRAINT USED T . IN VEHICLE IMPROPER USE K . PASSIVE RESTRAINT NOT USED U - NONE IN VEHICLE ITEMS MARKED BELOW FOLLOWED BY AN ASTERISK") SHOULD BE EXPLAINED IN THE NARRATIVE. ; PRIMARY COLLISION FACTOR TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICES 1 2 3 1 2 3 MOVEMENT PRECEDING I LIST NUMBER (,fOF PARTY AT FAULT TYPE OF VEHICLE COLLISION A vc seCTION VIOLATED: CITED ~S A CONTROLS FUNCTIONING X A PASSENGER CAR / STATION WAGO~ A STOPPED B CONTROLS NOT FUNCTIONING' B PASSENGER CAR W / TRAILER B PROCEEDING STRAIGHT 1 B OTHER IMPROPER ORIVING' C CONTROLS OBSCURED C MOTORCYCLE/SCOOTER C RAN OFF ROAD UNSAFE MOVEMENT LT X D NO CONTROLS PRESENT / FACTOR" D PICKUP OR PANEL TRUCK X D MAKING RIGHT TURN C OTHER THAN DRIVER' TYPE OF COLLISION E PICKUP / PANEL TRUCK W/ TRAILER E MAKING LEFT TURN D UNKNOWN' A HEAD-ON F TRUCK OR TRUCK TRACTOR F MAKING U TURN E FELL ASLEEp. B SIDE SWIPE G TRUCK / TRUCK TRACTOR W/ TRLA. G BACKING C REAR END H SCHOOL BUS H SLOWING / STOPPING WEATHER MARK 1 TO 2 ITEMS) D BROADSIDE , OTHER BUS , PASSING OTHER VEHICLE X A CLEAR X E HIT OBJECT J EMERGENCY VEHICLE J CHANGING LANES B CLOUDY F OVERTURNED K HIGHWAY CONST. EQUIPMENT K PARKING MANEUVER C RAINING G VEHICLE / PEDESTRIAN L BICYCLE L ENTERING TRAFFIC D SNOWING H OTHER': M OTHER VEHICLE M OTHER UNSAFE TURNING E FOG / VISIBILITY FT. N PEDESTRIAN N XING INTO OPPOSING lANE F OTHER:' MOTOR VEHICLE INVOLVED WITH 0 MOPED 0 PARKED G WIND A NON - COLLISION P MERGING LIGHTING B PEDESTRIAN Q TRAVELING WRONG WAY A DAYLIGHT C OTHER MOTOR VEHICLE 1 2 3 OTHERASSOC~TEDFACTORS R OTHER': B DUSK - DAWN D MOTOR VEHICLE ON OTHER ROADWAY (MARK 1 TO 2 ITEMS) X C DARK - STREET LIGHTS E PARKED MOTOR VEHICLE A YC SECTION VIOLATED: CITED YES D F TRAIN I- NO DARK - NO STREET LIGHTS E DARK, STREET LIGHTS NOT G BICYCLE B YC SECTION VIOLATED: OTED YES I- FUNCTIONING. H ANIMAl: NO SOBRIETY. DRUG ROADWAY SURFACE C vc SECTtON VIOLATED; CITED YES 1 2 3 PHYSICAl I- A DRY X I FIXED OBJECT: NO (MARK 1 TO 2 ITEMS) X B WET RESIDENCE D A HAD NOT BEEN DRINKING C SNOWY, ICY J OTHER OBJECT: E VISION OBSCUREMENT: B HBD-UNDERINFLUENCE D SLIPPERY (MUDDY. OILY, ETC.) F INATTENTION': C HBD - NOT UNDER INFLUENCE' ROADWAY CONDITION(S) G STOP & GO TRAFFIC D HBD - IMPAIRMENT UNKNOWN' (MARK 1 TO 2 ITEMSI PEDESTRIAN'S ACTIONS H ENTERING / LEAVING RAMP E UNDER DRUG INFLUENCE' A HOLES, DEEP RUT' X A NO PEDESTRIANS INVOLVED I PREVIOUS COLLISION F IMPAIRMENT - PHYSICAL' B LOOSE MATERiAl ON ROADWAY' B CROSSING IN CROSSWALK J UNFAMILIAR WITH ROAD X G IMPAIRMENT NOT KNOWN . C OBSTRUCTION ON ROADWAY' AT INTERSECTION K DEFECTIVE VEH, EOUIP.: CITED H NOT APPLICABLE D CONSTRUCTION - REPAIR ZONE C CROSSING IN CROSSWALK - NOT H YES , SLEEPY/FATIGUED E REDUCED ROADWAY WIDTH AT INTERSECTION NO SPECIAL INFORMATION F flOODED' D CROSSING - NOT IN CROSSWALK L UNINVOLVED VEHICLE A HAZARDOUS MATERiAl G OTHER': E IN ROAD - INCLUDES SHOULDER M OTHER': B CELL PHONE IN USE X H NO UNUSUAL CONDITIONS F NOT IN ROAD X N NONE APPARENT C CELL PHONE NOT IN USE G APPROACHING / LEAVING SCHOOL BUS 0 RUNAWAY VEHICLE X D CELL PHONE NONE/UNKNOWN SKETCH 0 MISCELlANEOUS REFER TO ATTACHED MAP, INDICATE NORTH STATE OF CALIFORNIA INJURED I WITNESSES I PASSENGERS CHP'S5S CARS Pace 3 (Rev 8/98 OPI 042 age DATE OF COlliSION (MO. DAY YEAR) TIME(2400) NCICII OFFICER 1.0. NUMBER 12/20/2005 2305 1502 832 05-249534 WITNESS PASSENGER EXTENT OF INJURY('X' ONE) INJURED WAS ('X' ONE) PARTY AGE SEX SEAT SAFETY ONLY ONLY NUMBER EJECTED FATAl. SEVERE OTHER VISIBLE COMPl.AINT POS. EOUIP. DRIVER PASS. PED. BIC!. YCllST OTHER INJURY INJURY INJURY OF PAIN [iJ#1 0 33 M 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 NAME f D.O.B. f ADDRESS TELEPHONE HERSCHEL SULLIVAN (06/14/1972) 2208 BRADFORD ST BAKERSFIELD CA 93304 (661 )397-5642 , TAKEN TO: I (INJURED ONLY) TRANSPORTED BY: i i DESCRIBE INJURIES: 0 VICTIM OF VIOLENT CRIME NOTIFIED 0# 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 I NAME f D.O.B. f ADDRESS TELEPHONE (INJURED ONLY) TRANSPORTED BY: TAKEN TO: DESCRIBE INJURIES: 0 VICTIM OF VIOLENT CRIME NOTIFIED 0# 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 D I I NAME f D.O.B. f ADDRESS TELEPHONE (INJURED ONLY) T,RANSPORTED BY: TAKEN TO: DESCRIBE INJURIES: 0 VICTIM OF VIOLENT CRIME NOTIFIED 0# 0 D 0 D 0 0 0 0 0 D I I NAME f D.O.B. f ADDRESS TELEPHONE I (INJURED ONLY) TRANSPORTED BY: TAKEN TO: I DESCRIBE INJURIES: I I 0 VICTIM OF VIOLENT CRIME NOTIFIED 0# 0 0 D 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 I I NAME f D.O.B. f ADDRESS TELEPHONE (INJURED ONLY) TRANSPORTED BY: TAKEN TO: DESCRIBE INJURIES: 0 VICTIM OF VIOLENT CRIME NOTIFIED 0# 0 I I 01 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 D I I NAME f D.O.B. f ADDRESS TELEPHONE (INJURED ONLY) TRANSPORTED BY: TAKEN TO: DESCRIBE INJURIES: 0 VICTIM OF VIOLENT CRIME NOTIFIED PREPARER'S NAME II.D. NUMBER IMO. DAY YEAR REVIEWER'S NAME I MO. DAY YEAR KEN SPORER 832 12/20/2005 P 3 of 3 .i- ~ . FlEitiAL DIAGRAM PAGE_OF_ [ '12-20-0s.... ;"'"2305 : "" ~02~;mm";;.~'.~T~--~~;;;;._.~'=~~.=~ ALL MEASUREMENTS ARE APPROXIMATE AND NOTTOSCALE. (APPROX.SCAlE: 1INCtr~20FEE1) ------------------------ 191 191 ~ S. REAL ROAD (1800 BLOCK) INDICATE NORTH AOI 1-----------1 13618 SORANNO AVEi . I ! -; MEASUREMENTS TAKEN FROM THE NlE CORNER OF S. REAL ROAD AT SORANNO AVENUE AOI 19'+ 451 [_' -- DRAWN BY: K. SPORER CHP 555. PAGE 4 ofFICER L1l.i MO. DAY v1f' ~i'~~REViEWEi:fsNAME'-='==~'==-='=.-~o:-'----":='='I.-- .-"'0. -DAY YR. 832 -.J 12-20-05 i~=="===~_,__c==-L,,=:_=_,-,-=,__=-_,=~-,--j c. Bakersfield Police Department Supplementary Accident Report Sheet of Case No. 05-249534 STATEMENT OF WITNESSES AND REMARKS: DATE 12/20/05 PARTY #1 : Fled scene. FIXED OBJECT #1: A residence. WITNESS #1 - SULLIVAN: stated he was in the north alley in the 3700 block of Soranno standing near his vehicle when he saw Vehicle #1 pull out of a parking stall near him. He said as Vehicle #1 began to drive eastbound in the north alley, Vehicle #1 lost traction, fishtailing sidewalks back and forth on the pavement which was wet. Witness #1 stated Vehicle #1 appeared to be driving in a reckless manner at which time he walked toward the exit to the alley which exits onto South Real Road. As Witness #1 walked toward the exit, he saw Vehicle #1 fishtail again due to water in the curb as the driveway exits onto South Real Road. As Vehicle #1 fishtailed, it continued out of control with the rear end sliding back and forth until Vehicle #1 crossed eastbound across South Real Road striking the residence at 3618 Soranno. After Vehicle #1 struck the side of the residence, Party #1 backed up and fled southbound on South Real Road. Witness #1 stated there was substantial damage to the front of Vehicle #1 as the entire front bumper, including the license plate, was left embedded into the side of 3618 Soranno Avenue. Witness #1 further stated it appeared that there was something wrong with Vehicle #1 as it seemed the vehicle was unable to shift out of possibly second gear. Witness #1 said Party #1 drove at about 25 miles per hour southbound down South Real Road and then turned westbound on Wilson Road. Witness #1 described Party #1 as possibly a Hispanic male, 18-20 But did not get a very clear view of Party #1, mostly seeing him from behind and adding that Vehicle #1 had tinted windows. Witness #1 described Vehicle #1 as a newer possibly 2002-2004 black or dark blue Ford Mustang. Witness #1 was not able to see the license plate as the vehicle fled. INVESTIGATION: The 1800 block of South Real Road is a north/south street having one lane of travel in each direction. The two sides of the roadway are separated by white skip striping. There are no traffic control devices in this area. The area of impact was determined from the damage to Fixed Object #1, as well as from the position of the bumper which was embedded into Fixed Object #1. dictated: dgw 12/23/05 1333 T I declare under penalty of perjury that the foregoing is true and correct to the best of my knowledge. OFFICER K. SPORER #832 Name Number 1 .:; -. ;i. Sheet of Bakersfield Police Department Case No. 05-249534 Supplementary Accident Report STATEMENT OF WITNESSES AND REMARKS: DATE 12/20/05 On 12/20/05, at 2308 hours, I was dispatched to 3618 Soranno Avenue regarding a hit- and-run accident that just occurred. Upon arrival, I spoke to Witness #1 and obtained his statement. I spoke with the property owner, TESSEMA, who stated he had been inside his residence, 3618 Soranno Avenue, when he heard the sound of a collision outside. He said he did not realize that a vehicle actually struck his residence until a neighbor knocked on his door and then he went outside. While I was at the scene of the accident, I took photographs of the damage and bumper and submitted the film to the Bakersfield Police Department Crime Lab for processing. I seized the front bumper, including the license plate for Vehicle #1 and booked them into the Bakersfield Police Department Property Room as evidence. I ran a records check on the license plate that I located on the bumper, California license #4SSW430, which returns to a 2001 Ford, two door; registered to SCOTT BROCAILLE and SALLY PIEARCY 8217 Woodside Street, 93311. I also located a driver's license for Scott Brocaille, #A5364180, with a date of birth of 02/21/72. I noted that his driver's license was suspended or revoked. After discovering the address for Vehicle #1, I drove to 8217 Woodside Street in an attempt to locate either the vehicle or possible occupants. When I arrived, I noted the vehicle was not present. I knocked on the door but received no answer. While there, I noticed another vehicle in the driveway, a 1998 Hyundai Elantra, green, California license #4FCG536. That vehicle returns to Sally Piearcy at this address. I returned to my vehicle where I waited in the area for approximately 15 minutes but Vehicle #1 did not return to the residence. Prior to leaving the scene of the accident, I measured the damage to the wall which was 17-39 inches above ground level and was approximately 24 inches wide. There was a . large crack in the structure of the fireplace that measured up to 54 inches above ground level. dictated: dgw 12/23/05 1333 T I declare under penalty of perjury that the foregoing is true and correct to the best of my knowledge. OFFICER K. SPORER #832 Name Number 2 ...;, ' " Ii Bakersfield Police Department Supplementary Accident Report Sheet of Case No. 05-249534 STATEMENT OF WITNESSES AND REMARKS: DATE 12/20/05 CONCLUSIONS & ACTIONS: The primary collision factor was determined to be Party #1 in violation of eve 22107 (unsafe turning movement). Party #1 is also in violation of eve 20002a (hit and run). No further details pending follow up by Hit and Run Detail. dictated: dgw 12/23/05 1333 T I declare under penalty of perjury that the foregoing is true and correct to the best of my knowledge. OFFICER K. SPORER #832 Name Number 3 .STATE<O,F GAL!FnRNIA "-rnAFFIc' COLLISION REPORT CHP 555 CARS Page 1 (Rev 8/98) OPI 042 , ~PECIAl CONDITIONS DUI lNJUr.y NUMBER INJURED HIT & RUN FELONY n CllY BAKERSFIELD NUMBER KILLED =~E~ COUNTY o D KERN COLLISION OCCURRED ON: z o ~ <: C,) o ...J so. REAL RD(1800 BLK) MILEPOST INFORMATION. nAT INTERSECTION WITH. fXlOR !OI FEET NORTH OF SORANNO A V (3600 BLK) DRIVER'S LICENSE NUMBER STATE PARTY 1 85706462 CA DRIVER NAME(FIRST. MIDDLE. LAST) ~ JACK FRANCIS ROGERS PEDES. TRn PARKED VEnE BICY' CLn OTHER STREET ADDRESS 3309 REEDER A V CITY I STATE I ZIP BAKERSFIELD I HAIR M I BRN CA I EYES IGRN SEX HEIGHT WEIGHT BIRTHDATE Me Day 0712211976 5-11 190 HOME PHONE BUSINESS PHONE o (66] )832-6967 INSURANCE CARRIER POLICY NUMBER NONE . DIR OF TRAVELI ON STREET OR HIGHWAY N I SO. REAL RD PARTY DRIVER'S LICENSE NUMBER PARTY DRIVER D PEDES. TRn PARKED VEnE BICY. CLlST D OTHER o STATE 2 DRIVER NAME(FIRST, MIDDLE, LAST) o PEDES. STREET ADDRESS TRIAN o ~~~:6~~ CITY! STATE I ZIP o BICY- SEX CLIST D IH~R Me I EYES HEIGHT WEIGHT BIRTHDATE Day OTHER HOME PHONE BUSINESS PHONE o INSURANCE CARRIER POLICY NUMBER DIR OF TRAVEL I ON STREET OR HIGHWAY DRIVER'S LICENSE NUMBER STATE 3 STREET ADDRESS :n;,:~;c CITY' STATE I ZIP ... . .- .. -.~~:.. ..,., ., ,. ... ;.,.-... SEX IH~R i'.. I eYES' . .. ,... ....,..., '..., . . . ., HEiGHT'. -. 'WEIGHT'. I~ :lllRT~ATE' HOME PHONE BUSINESS PHONE INSURANCE CARRIER POLICY NUMBER DIR OF TRAVEL I ON STREET OR HIGHWAY PREPARER'S NAME DISPATCH NOTIFIED B TOLER 924 DYES CLASS I SAFETY lEer c 93309 I RACE Year Iw SPEED LIMIT 45 CLASS I SAFETY I RACE Year SPEED LIMIT CLASS .~e~,' I RACE SPEED LIMIT DNO DN/A BMC REPORTING DISTRICT Me DAY 07/08/2006 DAY OF WEEK SATURDAY . VEH. YEAR Page 4 of JUDICiAl DISTRICT LOCAl REPORT NUMBER BEAT 06-] 40681 YEAR TIME (2400) NCIC . I OFFICER 1.0. 1502 I 924 PHOTOGRAPHS BY: [i] NONE 0630 TOW AWAY [iJ YES D NO STATE HWY REL n YES !xl NO MAKE I MODELl COLOR LICENSE NUMBER STATE 91 LEXUS 40 WHI CA 2VDB775 OWNER'S NAME D SAME AS DRIVER JACK RAY ROGERS OWNER'S ADDRESS [!] SAME AS DRIVER DISPOSITION OF VEHICLE ON ORDERS OF: 0 OFFICER DDRIVER [!] OTHER BARNEITS TOWING - (661)87]-8423 PRIORMECH.DEFECTS rX lNONEAPP. r lREFERTONARRATIVE VEHICLE IDENTIFICATION NUMBER: CHP USE ONLY VEHICLE lYPE 01 I CA CAL-T DESCRIBE VEHICLE DAMAGE DUNK DNONE DMINOR I fXlMOD nMIl.JOR nROLL-OVER DOT SHADE IN DAMAGED AREA ODIJ TCPIPSC MCIMX VEH, YEAR MAKE I MODa I COLOR STATE OWNER'S NAME OWNER'S ADDRESS LICENSE NUMBER D SAME AS DRIVER D SAME AS DRIVER o OFFICER DDRIVER o OTHER PRIOR MECHANICAL DEFECTS DISPOSITION OF VEHICLE ON ORDERS OF: r lNONEAPP 11 REFER TO NARRATIVE CHP USE ONLY VEHICLE TYPE VEHICLE IDENTIFICATION NUMBER: SHADE IN DAMAGED AREA I CA CAl.T DESCRIBE VEHICLE DAMAGE DUNK DNONE DMINOR DMDO [JIl.JOR HROll.OVER I I DOT TCP/PSC MClMX ISAFETY ~~,. ',./.':": ;0:, . ~. L~:;..,/ -, ~ .,,> .j NAME(FIRST, MIDDLE, LAST)~/)1 hMt<<---J.e~?r'-~,__ __ ___ . '.'; . ;.,. ,:. . -- .... ..,'. ..' . ....., .... 'c' .. VEH. YEAR MAKE I MODELl COLOR STATE OWNER'S NAME OWNER'S ADDRESS LICENSE NUMBER Rr", ~ r""ff~.~~: '~'t ,~ ) Os~'As\w'iER& b=. ,~. ..". ___~ "'- DSAME AS DRIVER DISPOSITION OF VEHICLE ON ORDERS OF: UOFFICER TIDRIVER DTHER PRIOR MECHANCIAL DEFECTS ilNONE APP. r flEFER TO NARRATIVE VEHICLE IDENTIFICATION NUMBER: CHP USE ONLY VEHICLE lYPE I CA CAl-T DESCRIBE VEHICLE DAMAGE SHADE IN DAMAGED AREA DUNK DNONE DMINOR nMOD nMAJOR nROLL-OVER DOT TCP/PSC c (j 7 - 1.3 -d'C.. MClMX REVIEWER'S NAME :5(.-F. l'/, J1f~ I DATE REVIEWED _~ .J,"u, 7 -/3 0(;... ~. .STATEoOf CALIFORNIA . .' TRAFFIC COLLISION CODING CHP 555 CARS Page2 (8/98) OPI 042 Page 2 01 4 ~ 1r*\TE OF ~~L1SION (MO. ,'JAY YEAR) T1ME(2400) rCIC. I OFFICER 1.0. NUMBER 07!08/2006 0630 1502 924 06-140681 OWNER OWNER ADDRESS I NOTIFIED PROPERTY MHRETU CHEKOLE TESSEMA 3618 SORANNO AV OOVES DNa BAKERSFIELD CA 93309 DAMAGE DESCRIPTION OF DAMAGE 3' SECTION OF WALL AND WATER LINE DAMAGED SEATING POSITION SAFETY EQUIPMENT EJECTED FROM VEHICLE OCCUPANTS MlC BICYCLE - HELMET A. L. AIR BAG DEPLOYED 0- NOT EJECTED A . NONE IN VEHICLE M - AIR BAG NOT DEPLOYED 1 . FULLY EJECTED B - UNKNOWN N - OTHER DRIVER 2 - PARTIALLY EJECTED 123 C - LAP BELT USED P - NOT REQUIRED V-NO 3 - UNKNOWN 1 - DRIVER D . LAP BELT NOT USED W-YES 45 6 2 TO 6 - PASSENGERS E - SHOULDER HARNESS USED CHILD RESTRAINT I 7 - STA. WGN REAR F . SHOULDER HARNESS NOT USED a - IN VEHICLE USED PASSENGER i 8 - RR. OCC TRK. OR VAN G . LAP/SHOULDER HARNESS USED R - IN VEHICLE NOT USED X-NO 7 9 - POSITION UNKNOWN H . LAP/SHOULDER HARNESS NOT USED S - IN VEHICLE USE UNKNOWN Y.YES o - OTHER .J. PASSIVE RESTRAINT USED T . IN VEHICLE IMPROPER USE K, PASSIVE RESTRAINT NOT USED U - NONE IN VEHICLE ITEMS MARKED BELOW FOLLOWED BY AN ASTERISK *\ SHOULD BE EXPLAINED IN THE NARRATlVE. UST :~=::I~P6-}I~l~~~~~TfARULT TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICES 1 2 3 TYPE OF VEHICLE 1 2 3 MOVEMENT PRECEDING COLLISION 1 A vc SECTION VIOLATED: CITED ~~S X A CONTROLS FUNCTIONING X A PASSENGER CAR / STATION WAGON A STOPPED 23152(A) B CONTROLS NOT FUNCTIONING' B PASSENGER CAR W / TRAILER X B PROCEEDING STRAIGHT OTHER IMPROPER DRIVING' C CONTROLS OBSCURED C MOTORCYCLE/SCOOTER C RAN OFF ROAD B D NO CONTROLS PRESENT / FACTOR' D PICKUP OR PANEL TRUCK D MAKING RIGHT TURN C OTHER THAN DRIVER' TYPE OF COLLISION E PICKUP / PANEL TRUCK WITRAILER E MAKING LEFT TURN , D UNKNOWN' A HEAD - ON F TRUCK OR TRUCK TRACTOR F MAKING U TURN E FELL ASLEEP' B SIDE SWIPE G TRUCK I TRUCK TRACTOR W/ TRLA. G BACKING , C REAR END H SCHOOL BUS H SLOWING / STOPPING WEATHER (MARK 1 TO 2 ITEMS) D BROADSIDE I OTHER BUS I PASSING OTHER VEHICLE X A CLEAR X E HIT OBJECT J EMERGENCY VEHICLE J CHANGING LANES B CLOUDY F OVERTURNED K HIGHWAY CONST. EQUIPMENT K PARKING MANEUVER C RAINING G VEHICLE / PEDESTRIAN L BICYCLE L ENTERING TRAFFIC D SNOWING H OTHER': M OTHER VEHICLE M OTHER UNSAFE TURNING E FOG / VISIBILITY FT. N PEDESTRIAN N XING INTO OPPOSING LANE F OTHER:' MOTOR VEHICLE INVOLVED WITH 0 MOPED 0 PARKED G WIND A NON - COLLISION P MERGING LIGHTING . B PEDESTRIAN Q TRAVELING WRONG WAY X A DAYLIGHT C OTHER MOTOR VEHICLE I 2 3 OTHER ASSOCIATED FACTORS R OTHER': B DUSK - DAWN D MOTOR VEHICLE ON OTHER ROADWAY (MARK 1 TO 2 ITEMS) C DARK - STREET LIGHTS E PARKED MOTOR VEHICLE X 1!~;1,~~ A vc SECmN OOLATEO CITED ~ YES 0 DARK - NO STREET LIGHTS F TRAIN 1(f8 2~::'~'m X NO E DARK - STREET LIGHTS NOT G BICYCLE CITED YES FUNCTIONING' H ANIMAL: NO SOBRIETY, DRUG ROADWAY SURFACE C VC SECTION VIOLATED: CITED = YES 1 2 3 PHYSICAL X A DRY X I FIXED OBJECT: ~~;~; (MARK 1 TO 2 ITEMS) B WET HOUSE D A HAD NOT BEEN DRINKING C SNOWY - ICY J OTHER OBJECT: E VISION OBSCUREMENT: X B HBD - UNDER INFLUENCE 0 SLIPPERY (MUDDY, OILY, ETC.) F INATTENTION': C HBD . NOT UNDER INFLUENCE' ROADWAY CONDITION(S) G STOP & GO TRAFFIC D HBD - IMPAIRMENT UNKNOWN' (MARK 1 TO 2 ITEMS) PEDESTRIAN'S ACTIONS H ENTERING / LEAVING RAMP E UNDER DRUG INFLUENCE' A HOLES, DEEP RUT' X A NO PEDESTRIANS INVOLVED I PREVIOUS COLLISION F IMPAIRMENT. PHYSICAL' B LOOSE MATERIAL ON ROADWAY' B J UNFAMILIAR WITH ROAD G IMPAIRMENT NOT KNOWN I CROSSING IN CROSSWALK C OBSTRUCTION ON ROADWAY' AT INTERSECTION K DEFECTIVE VEH EQUIP.: CITED H NOT APPLICABLE 0 CONSTRUCTION - REPAIR ZONE C CROSSING IN CROSSWALK - NOT RYES I SLEEPY / FATIGUED E REDUCED ROADWAY WIDTH AT INTERSECTION NO SPECIAL INFORMATION F FLOODED' D CROSSING. NOT IN CROSSWALK L UNINVOLVED VEHICLE A HAZARDOUS MATERIAL G OTHER': E IN ROAD - INCLUDES SHOULDER M OTHER': B CELL PHONE IN USE X H NO UNUSUAL CONDITIONS F NOT IN ROAD N NONE APPARENT C CELL PHONE NOT IN USE G APPROACHING / LEAVING SCHOOL BUS 0 RUNAWAY VEHICLE D CELL PHONE NONE/UNKNOWN SKETCH 'FOR SKETCH DIAGRAM, SEE PAGE 4 0 MISCELLANEOUS INDICATE NORTH '.0 STATE Of" CALIFORNIA INJUREQ i WITNESSES I PASSENGERS ,CHP 555 CARS Pace 3 (Rev 8/98 OPI 042 age 0 DATE OF COLLISION (MO. DAY YEAR) TIME(2400) NCICII OFFICER I.D. NUMBER 07/08/2006 0630 1502 924 06- 140681 WITNESS PASSENGER EXTENT OF INJURY('X' ONE) INJURED WAS ('X' ONE) ONLY AGE SEX PARTY SEAT SAFETY ONLY EJECTED FATAL SEVERE OTHER VISIBLE COMPLAINT NUMBER POS. EOUIP. INJURY INJURY INJURY DRIVER PASS. PEO BICL YCLIST OTHER OF PAIN 0# D 29 M 0 D [K] D [K] 0 0 0 D 1 1 G NAME I D.O.B. I ADDRESS TELEPHONE JACK FRANCIS ROGERS (07/22/1976) 3309 REEDER A V BAKERSFIELD CA 93309 (661 )832-6967 (INJURED ONLY) TRANSPORTED BY: TAKEN TO: BPD KERN MEDICAL CENTER DESCRIBE INJURIES: ABRASION TO LEFT SIDE OF FOREHEAD D VICTIM OF VIOLENT CRIME NOTIFIED 00# 1 D 36 M D D D D D D 0 D D I I NAME I D.O.B. I ADDRESS TELEPHONE CARLOS ALANIS (J 1/25/1969) 427 PRICE ST BAKERSFIELD CA 93307 (661 )833-8036 (INJURED ONLY) TRANSPORTED BY: TAKEN TO: DESCRIBE INJURIES: D VICTIM OF VIOLENT CRIME NOTIFIED 00# 2 0 49 M 0 0 D D 0 D D D D I I NAME I D.O.B. I ADDRESS TELEPHONE MHRETU CHEKOLE TESSEMA (05/16/1957) 3618 SORANNO BAKERSFIELD CA 93309 (66 ))834-9457 (INJURED ONLY) TRANSPORTED BY: TAKEN TO: DESCRIBE INJURIES: 0 VICTIM OF VIOLENT CRIME NOTIFIED 0# D 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 D I I NAME I D.O.B. I ADDRESS TELEPHONE (INJURED ONLY) TRANSPORTED BY: TAKEN TO: DESCRIBE INJURIES: 0 VICTIM OF VIOLENT CRIME NOTIFIED 0# D 0 D 0 0 D 0 D D 0 I I NAME I D.O.B. I ADDRESS TELEPHONE (INJURED ONLY) TRANSPORTED BY: TAKEN TO: DESCRIBE INJURIES: 0 VICTIM OF VIOLENT CRIME NOTIFIED 0# 0 I I 0/01 0 0 0 D 0 D 0 I I NAME I D.O.B. I ADDRESS TELEPHONE (INJURED ONLY) TRANSPORTED BY: TAKEN TO: DESCRIBE INJURIES: D VICTIM OF VIOLENT CRIME NOTIFIED PREPARER'S NAME /1.0. NUMBER IMO. DAY YEAR I REVIEWER'S NAME IMO DAY YEAR B TOLER 924 07/08/2006 P 3 I 4 -. ., STATE OF CALIFORNIA '. SKETCH DIAGRAM . CHP 555 Pal!e 4(Rev. 8-97) OPI042 . DATE OF INCIDENT 07/08/2006 TIME 0630 NCIC NUMBER 1502 PAGE 4 OF 4 OFFICER 1.0. NUMBER 924 06-140681 ALL MEASUREMENTS ARE APPROXIMATE AND NOT TO SCALE UNLESS STATED (SCALE= 351 STOP SIGN ~ PREPARED BY B TOLER 1.0. NUMBER 924 20' 20' AOI V-1 REAL RD (1800 BU<) DATE 07/08/2006 AOI '"~ .101' .3618 Soranno ~ SORANNO AV (3600 BU<) REVIEWER'S NAME ~ lNDICATE NORJH DATE ,,~ ' <0 Bakersfield Police Department Supplementary Accident Report Sheet of Case No. 06-140681 .. STATEMENT OF WITNESSES AND REMARKS: DATE 07/08/06 PARTY #1: ROGERS stated that he was traveling eastbound on Soranno Avenue and stopped for the stop sign at Real Road. He said he intended on making a left turn onto northbound Real Road. As he accelerated away from the stop sign, the ground was wet and he accelerated heavily in an attempt to skid the rear wheels. He said the rear wheels of his vehicle began skidding and he lost control of the vehicle and continued northbound on Real Road until skidded into the driveway at 3618 Soranno Avenue and collided with the residence. FIXED OBJECT #1: The residence at 3618 Soranno Avenue. WITNESS #1: ALANIS stated that he heard tires squealing in the intersection of Real Road and Soranno Avenue, followed by the sounds of a collision. He went outside to see what had happened and observed Vehicle #1 rolling back slowly in the driveway of 3618 Soranno Avenue. He said it appeared that the vehicle had collided with the residence. Witness #1 stated that as he approached Vehicle #1 he could see the driver, who he identified as ROGERS, still sitting in the driver's seat of Vehicle #1. He said Party #1 was throwing cans out the passenger side window. Upon reaching Vehicle #1 Witness #1 could see that the cans were Budlight beer cans and an unidentified orange drink can. Witness #1 said that there were no other subjects in or around Vehicle #1. WITNESS #2: TESSEMA stated that he was inside of his residence at 3618 Soranno Avenue when he heard the sounds of a collision with his residence. He said he immediately went outside and found Party #1 still in the driver's seat of Vehicle #1. He stated that Party #1 was trying to restart Vehicle #1 but it would not start. He said there were no other subjects in or around Vehicle #1 and Party #1 admitted to him that he was driving the vehicle at the time of the collision: INVESTIGATION: The area of impact was determined by the damage to the Fixed Object #1. Soranno Avenue is an east/west residential roadway with one lane of travel in each direction. The lanes are not delineated. 3618 Soranno Avenue is a residence on the northeast corner of Real Road and Soranno Avenue with a west facing driveway on the northwest corner of the property onto South Real Road. The roadway is made of well-traveled asphalt with no abnormalities. The intersection of Real Road and Soranno Avenue is controlled by posted stop signs for eastbound and westbound Soranno Avenue. I examined the scene for physical evidence and noted there was a small amount of water flowing in the west gutter of the roadway. Dictated: 07/08/06 kdc 07/08/06 ndm 07/12/06 1714 T I declare under penalty of perjury that the foregoing is true and correct to the best of my knowledge. OFFICER B. TOLER #924 Name Number ~. .. ~ Sheet of Bakersfield Police Department Case No. 06-140681 Supplementary Accident Report STATEMENT OF WITNESSES AND REMARKS: DATE 07/08/06 At approximately 0630 hours on 07/08/06, I was dispatched to 3618 Soranno Avenue regarding a non-injury collision. Upon arrival, I contacted Party #1 and obtained his statement. I also contacted Witness #1 and Witness #2 and obtained their statements. Upon making contact with Party #1, I noted him to be exhibiting the objective symptoms of alcohol intoxication. He had bloodshot and watery eyes, slurred speech, impaired balance and motor skills, and he had the moderate odor of alcohol on his breath. I asked him how much alcohol he had consumed and he stated, "A lot." I asked him how much was "a lot," and he told me he had been drinking since approximately 2130 hours on 07/07/06, and had not stopped drinking until approximately 0530 hours on 07/08/06. He said during that time he had consumed approximately three 32-ounce beers and a pint of vodka. Party #1 said he knew he had consumed too much alcohol to be driving. I had Party #1 perform the standard field sobriety tests listed on the DUI influence report, which he failed to complete as demonstrated. Refer to the worksheet for further information. I had Party #1 perform a Preliminary Alcohol Screening Test, the results of which were .182 percen~. I determined that Party #1 had consumed too much alcohol to safely operate a motor vehicle and placed him under arrest for CVC 23152(a) (driving while under the influence of alcohol). Due to the fact that Party #1 was involved in a collision and had visible abrasions to his forehead, I informed him that he would be transported to Kern Medical Center for medical clearance prior to being booked into the Kern County Jail. I advised Party #1 that he would need to submit to a blood or breath test as required by the law. Party #1 chose a blood test and he was transported to Kern Medical Center by Officer R. Slayton. Upon arriving at the hospital, Party #1 stated that he did not wish to provide a blood test and would submit to a breath test. I advised Party #1 that due to the fact that he was at Kern Medical Center a request to do a breath test was not practical and he would be required to submit to a blood test as he had originally chosen. He then submitted to the blood test. I inspected Vehicle #1 and found that the brakes and steering appeared to be in working order at the time of the collision. CONCLUSIONS & ACTIONS: The primary collision factor was determined to be Party #1 in violation of CVC 23152(a) (driving while under the influence of alcohol), with an associated factor of CVC 22106 (unsafe starting). Party #1 was also found to be driving without a valid license, in violation of CVC 12500(a) (unlicensed driver). He was subsequently booked into the Kern County Jail for CVC 12500(a) (unlicensed driver), and CVC 23152(a) (driving while under the influence of alcohol). No further details. I declare under penalty of perjury that the foregoing is true and correct to the best of my knowledge. Dictated: 07/08/06 kdc 07/08/06 ndm 07/12/06 1714 T OFFICER B. TOLER #924 Name Number 2