HomeMy WebLinkAbout07-30000016 ENCROACHMENT PERMIT CITY OF BAKERSFIELD PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT 1501 TRUXTUN A VB BAKERSFIELD CA 93301 (661) 326-3724 TO THE CITY ENGINEER OF THE CITY OF BAKERSFIELD CALIFORNIA: Pursuant to the provisions of Chapter 12.20 of the Bakersfield Municipal Code. the undersigned applies for a permit to place. erect, use and maintain an encroachment on public property or right of way as therein defined. Application Number . , . . . Property Address , . , . . . Application type description 07-30000016 Date 1418 HADAR RD PW - ENCROACHMENT PERMIT 4/26/07 Owner Contractor OWNER Permit . , , . . Additional desc , Phone Access Code Permit Fee . , , Issue Date . , , ENCROACHMENT PERMIT 669119 150,00 4/26/07 Valuation o Qty Unit Charge Per i.oO 150.0000 EA PW ENCROACHMENT Extension 150,00 Special Notes and Comments Wrought iron fence along Maya behindf sidewalk approx 65 ft, along Hadar the length of property, Fee summary Charged Paid Credited Due ----------------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- Permit Fee Total 150,00 150.00 ,aD .00 Grand Total 150.00 150,00 ,aD ,00 ' . '~ '-... ',.I:~ Applicant acknowledges the right of the City Engineer. pursuant to the Bakersfield Municipal Code Chapter 12.20 to revoke the permit at any time. '<;ORJl'T -KAW Signature of Applicant (Ownerl Agent) ~k Print Name I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT I HAVE MADE AN INVESTIGATION OF THE FAcrS STATED IN THE FOREGOING APPLICATION AND FIND THAT THE MAINTENANCE OF SAID ENCROACHMENT (1) WILL (NOT) SUBST ANTIALL Y INTERFERE WITH THE USE OF THE PLACE WHERE THE SAME IS TO BE LOCATED AND (2) WILL (NOT) CONSTITUTE A HAZARD TO PERSONS USING SAID PUBLIC PLACE; SAID APPLICATION IS THEREFORE (GRANTED) (DENIED). Said permit shall expire on date stated above. ,~ Signatl[re of City Engineer --- t\dditionalTerms on the Back Applicant agrees that if this application is granted, applicant shall indemnify, defend, and hold harmless CITY, its officers, agents and employees against any and all liability, claims, actions, causes of action or demands whatsoever against them, or any of them. before administrative or judicial tribunals of any kind whatsoever, arising out of, connected with, or caused by applicant, or in any way arising from, the terms and provisions of this permit or the placement, use (by applicant or any other person or entity) or maintenance of said encroachment, whether or not caused in part by a party indemnified hereunder, except for CITY's sole active, negligence or willful misconduct. The applicant further agrees to maintain the aforesaid encroachment during the life of the said encroachment or until such time that this permit is revoked. Applicant further agrees that upon the expiration of the permit for which this application is made, if granted, or upon revocation thereof by the City Engineer, applicant will at his own cost and expense remove the same from the public property or right of way where the same is located, and restore said public property or right of way to the condition as nearly as that in which it was before the placing, erection, maintenance or existence of said encroachment. . Applicant further agrees to obtain and keep all liability insurance required by the City Engineer in full force and effect for however long the encroachment remains. Applicant shall furnish the City Risk Manager with a certificate of issuance evidencing sufficient coverage for bodily injury or property damage liability of both and required endorsements evidencing the insurance required. I have read and ac~wledge the above. _Applicant's Initials ' 6 ~ ~ . BAKERSFIELD PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM TO: Raul M. Rojas, Public Works Director FROM: Marian P. Shaw, Civil Engineer IV, Subdivisions DATE: May 29, 2007 SUBJECT: Encroachment Permit Application for: Name of Applicant: Description of Encroachment: front & side yards 1418 Hadar Rd. Surjit Kaur Wrought iron fence not over 4' high in the Engineering and Traffic staff has reviewed the attached encroachment permit to allow the applicant to have a 4' fence of wrought iron in the front and side yards. The applicant has provided proof of appropriate insurance coverage to Risk Management, and has provided signatures of all immediate neighbors stating that they have no objection to the proposed construction. Based on their review, staff recommends approval of the permit. S:\PERMITS\ENCROACH\1418 Hadar Rd..doc 07- /0 ~ . - B/\.KERSFIELD PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM TO: Ryan Starbuck, Civil Engineer III FROM: Marian P. Shaw, Civil Engineer IV, Subdivisions DATE: May 8,2007 SUBJECT: Encroachment Permit Application for: 1418 Hadar Rd. Name of Applicant: Surjit Kaur Description of Encroachment: Wrought iron fence 65' long behind sidewalk on Maya St. Please review the attached encroachment permit and return to me at your earliest convenience. S/CJf;/OI .pI7VCff ;H:?/6 HI E-;< c F{;f/(' JY1A-Jq }/flAM ~U)[2F'j.lfFf1T W4- MOP Has b.eelV Corl'€.c-f-ecl S:\PERMITS\ENCROACH\TRAFFIC\ 1418 Hadar Rd,doc ~ . - OB Ai\. K E R S F I E L D PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM TO: Ralph Korn, Risk Manager FROM: Marian P. Shaw, Civil Engineer IV, Subdivisions DATE: May 4,2007 SUBJECT: Encroachment Permit Application for: 1418 Hadar Rd. Name of Applicant: Surjit Kaur Description of Encroachment: Wrought iron fence along side Maya[side street) behind side walk for 65' Please review the insurance c rtificate with the attached encroachment permit and return to me at your earliest convenienc . S:\PERMITS\ENCROACH\INSURANC\1418 Hadar Rd..doc --------;:--- ~Ol APPLICATION FOR ENCROACHMENT PER.\1IT TO THE CITY ENGINEER OF THE CITY OF BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNL-\: Pursuant to the provisibns of Chapter 12.20 of the Bakersfield Municipal Code, the undersigned applies for a pennit to place, erect, use and maintain an encroachment on public property or right-of-way as therein defined. 7' '".... r-~~~~ r ,r :;JUV("",,(,.,;&/ [~ : _.~ , \. ~ "' .: 1. Full name of aoolicant and comolete address includimz phone nwnb~r: S V KZ" 11 kAU ~. J1419' J./-Atx4R RD0PkEK~ pre-Lf> cA (1'1.,1,07, ({"ii-3.q~-ob7" ~\~~-':~2.~::::-3~ 2. Nature or description of the encroachment for which this application is made: ,.' - ' . ' ' feN~E. ~... oudAt IrON . "' -- .. ~~. . . 3. Location of the proposed encroachment: J Lt II?" HIiDItK R D 8Al(tiJe..gfIELO CA- C( ';' 7,tJ~ 4. Period of time for which the encroachment is to be maintained: pal? m A-N ENT C{loQ.. F\rEf?) Ap'plicant agrees that if this application is granted, ap,plicant shall indemnify, defend and hold hannless City, its officers, agents and employees against any and allliabIhty, claims, actions, causes of action or demands, whatsoever against them, or any pfthem. before administrative. quasi-Judicial, or judicial tribunals of any kind whatsoever, arising out of, cOIUlected with. or caused by apI'licant's placement, erection, use (by applicant or any other person or entity) or maintenance of said encroachment. The applicant further agrees to maintain the aforesaid encroachment during the life of.said encr~achment or ':Ultil such time that this pennit is rev?ked. . '. ' '.' , l . ~ . . . Applicant' further agrees that upon,the expiration of the perInit for which this application is made. if granted, or 'Y1'ZQn the revocation thereofbvthe Cltv engineer. aoolicant will at his own cost and exoense remove the same from the oublic prooertv or right of way where the same is located, and restore said public property or ri2ht of way to the condition as nearly as that in which it was before the placing, erection, maintenance or existence of said encroachment. Applicant further agrees to obtain and keep all liability insurance required by the City Engineer in full force and effect , for however'long the encroachment remains. ApplIcant shall furnish the City Risk Manager with a Certificate of Insurance cvideI.1cing sufficient coverage for bodily injury or property damage liability or both and required endorsements evidencing the insurance required. The type(s) and amount(s) of insurance'coverage is: f~e.M,e-f( }N~iJRANC& Co \fE-I?. Ac;,lS;;:;. ~ I:;?v .000. DO , I' - . ~. Applicant acknowledges the right of the City Engineer,pursuantto.B~ersfieJ~~cipal,C9de j:h}p;e~..J.2.20 to revoke the permit at any time. ' Date: l{ [2kttJ +- ' QuRji-r Kf):J'(2 , e '--SIgnature of Applldant (Owner or Representative) PER.~IIT I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT I H..\ VE MADE A.~ INVESTIGATION OF THE FACTS STATED IN THE FORECOINGAPPLICATION AJ.~D FIND TIL.\TTHE MAINTENA.~CE OF SAID ENCROACBMENi (1) WILL (NOT) StJBSTAl~TIALL Y INTERFERE WITH THE USE OF THE PljBLIC PLACE WHERE THE SA;'IE IS TO BE LOCATED A~ (1) Wll..L (NOT) CONSTITUTE A HAZARD TO PERSONS USING SAID PUBLIC PLACE; SAID AlPLICATION IS THEREFORE (GRA.~TED) (DENIED). SAI:D PERMIT SHALL EXPIRE Date: ~ity Engineer No. .~ crri' O~BAKERSFIELD ) :OEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: We the undersigned, have no objection to the construction of a fence beside the ' sidewalk within the public right of way. 1'/\ PtYA 51 1- HAt) pd~ RD (Street for puposed encroachment) cA--q.53o~ of ll{\~ HA'l>AR €9 ef)-t(p.R..) f((5LJ> (Address of purposed encroachment) Bv: 5UR'J'1-r ~1(A\J R ( (Owners Name) Phone:6bL-3~l[-DD7 C) ('32.3- ~2.~-343'1) SIGNED: 1) Name: iJ4~~ tZt1~/l ..d Address: . tJ) &:/ fill /JIlA I< d r 2) Name: ...~S~ Address: r1-- /~v-v 4-J,' . 3) Name: ('rJoYJ CC,ci'1<~(y)l..re..~' Address: l!-JIS flAl)f)R t<.OA~ .4) Name: ~ S~u\ I'd Jv- Address: 1419 . H:\(,(~r (2J.. . 5) Name:~V\~C1 V€~ Address: \ ~ ~ ,- 6) Name: ~('..JetL-ll/ -t/ -I-/-mli...rv Address: 1__0? -jJ),fj ~ M- Date: rp~7 Date: ~I ~~'7 oale:1/~'fjo 7 Dati; L~I [fl- . . Date: y /1J~ 10-1 I I oale:~k yjO) / / J ~ I ~ \ 1 I 1 ( f . I ~ I DEC-12-2004 04:33 From: To: 3980670 P.l/1 Evidence of lasurance for Mortgagee Interests .. FAR MER S. Coverage afforded Ity tile pelky Is pr.wided by: 95 41 Sr. J);"r 365 A3t, 171 Pin: In"urance Exchange n Mid,Ccntury Insurance C'.ompany o The Company designated on the socond page as number U Farmers Insurance: I1xchange Morrgag<< Nam(" and Add~ COUNTRYWIDE HOME LOANS rNC ISA()A A TIMA II{) BOX 2962 11HOENIX AZ 85062-2962 1 lOt Mortgagee loan ff: 94232757 2nd Mortgaga: luan #: Policy number; 922249423 SURJIT KAUR. A MARRIED WOMA N, SOLE AND SEPERA I'll Nallll:J 111Su1'l!d 1418 HADAR RD Second DlOClgaga:: Addras BAKERSflELDCA 93307-7241 Locarion of Pn:1II i!o1:5 (If ocher than ~howu above) Th.is form is .oOl the wntrad ofinsuranc:c., It is a. memorandum of coverage: limited to mortgagee interes~ and applicable to Lhe dwelling. huilding or mobile home :it the location above. The provisions of the policy will prevail in all Jt'5pects. F.ffi:crivr dafe 07122tlO05 Expiration dare 04/29/2007 Examples of Types of Policies ~ Accidental direct Physicall.os., oon Spel;lll Form Homeowner. Protector 1'(115 I lomeowne..; l.ondlorw Prott!CtOt; (Special [orlll) TownhQuse Own~.c; Dp-.3 U Broad (Bruad foIID) ..................... C.ondominiuOl Ownrr; DP-2; Additiollal Extl"Ildcd Coverage o Fire. E.e. (Basic form) ................. DP-l n V &, MM Policy Type: Paley limit of liaIIi&ty: Uwdling. building or mobile hom~ protection Deductible applicable to dwdling Qr mobile home Wind I hail deductible (if applicable) Total Annual Policy Premium $ 454.08 hnDs and eadtrse8eats ....&mWe .. iKeptiod , Iil 438 BFU NS S42.CAOIS ISlED, CA023A 'ST~Ll, E4040 1ST ED. [;4207 I:-n hI>, H,(144MTHED. E60462NDF.D F.6048 1ST ED, E6119 1ST EO, 1:-:"268 1ST 1":1), H61061ST J::D. 116114 2ND m. H62211ST ED. J6063A 2ND F.D, S9049 lKIJ I'll. ~'9Im 1ST ED. 25 $ 152,000.00 $500 III All insur<;d perils o Balam;c due: $ 517.10 b!l Loss of use [;lI Extended replacemelll COSl; TIlis polic..)' includes coverage of up to 125% of rh(' dwelling covcr~. I J E.xtended repl..lt:emeJlt w,,'t: This policy includes coverage: of lip to 150% of the dwdlillg l:UVCragC. ~nt NalllC: ;IIIU Address Maximo GlITCill Sanchez 9616 Rosedale Ilwy Bakerslield CA 93312-210 I YM~ ^\lthorized Rqmsmtacivc Presid~nt TIde 0412312007 1},lK 2S-1460 MI6 (oav Distn1lution: Mllrtllanee'~ rGOV, MortnDnec's invoire rllllV, Wvite r I!ftter tftIW AMIlf'( tnnv 1'(114 c.ountquvide- HOME LOANS Account Number 094232151 , Statement date i~l ;L-.__ Property address 1418 Hadar Road MONTHLY HOME LOAN STATEMENT I TOCONTACTUS lor I n me payments I & account details: customers.countryWide.com \ Customer Service: (800) 669-6607 . I, General information: www.countrywlde.com New home loan. i , ! rehnance or I home equity loans: (BOO) 686-0145 II 01 08611 01 AT 0,308 ~AUro 15 0 1159 93301-7141 MSR CA AM 0000--0--2- M 17664 IN 34 Pll8120 SURJIT KAUR 1418 Hadar Rd Bakersfield CA 93307-7241 11.111.,11...11.11,"1"11111.1..1.1.1. .1...11111111111111.1.1 . . . . . .. .. . . .. .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . .. CUSTOMER BULLETIN You may now qualify for up to $171,0871. A Countrywide'!li Home Loans Consolidation Refinance2 offers qualified home owners: . .1cct"ss to cash fast . FelveJ' nWllthl..,. bill pa_.,.ments . umsolidated debt Call your personal Loan Consultant now, toll-free, at 1-888-548-1178, then press 2. 5am-8pll/ (1\1on-Fri) and 6am-5pm (Sat & Sun) PST 'Property valuation used to e:iJtimate pohmtial home equity is bazled on stati~ic-.aJ data. I~ not au appr,..i~al i1nd ~-hl)uJd nor hp. rehect on for .1l~Y purpose other th.u) ~lhle I/).;]fl qU.:lhflC:alJono ;,:"Refina!1(o.ing lllaY in(:rea..""t' (ht' tot d) nun1btr of monthly P.i.1YHkl11:) and the total amount paid when t:om.l-'.i.u"t-d In your eUlTeot sltuattou. Reiltri{"tlon~ may cll-\ply Pootaam gUideline;; 5ubJOC1 w change. SoUlt" pxductf' not a\.'allabl~ If1 aU ;Rate5. Thb is nQt il ronumtmenl toO Itlld. Allnghl$ 1~1"Vt'J. 1766-1 HOME LOAN SUMMARY Home loan overview as 01 03Il5/2OO1 Principal balance $113,464,35 Escrow balance $914,45 late Charge if payment received after 04/1612007 $33,85 Date Payments received 02/05/2007 $972.10 03/0sn007 972.10 Amount due on 04/0112001 as 01 03/GS1ZU07 Home loan payment due 04/01/2007 (see next page for account details) $972.10 r NOTICES The New Seller's and Buyer's Advantage If you are looking for a new home, CountrywideQ!> wants to help you, To learn more about the variety of resources we offer visit www.countrywide.com or call1-SOO-519-9832, Want more fleXIbility? Counuywide's ollline payment servicp-, MortgagePay on the Web, allows you to make your payments around the clock, ViSIt cUSlomers.countJyWide.com and check o ut the demo to o;ee just how easy it is, Calls may be monitored or recorded to ensure quality service, We may charge you a fee for any payment returned or rejected by your financial institution. subject to applicable law. Coulltrywide is required by law to iofonn you tbat litis COIDfl1uaicatioa is from a debt collectDr. ,------------------------- -,---_._---------- ---------------------------'----'------'-- Escrow account expenses We are responsible for The payment of the followmg escrow items with the exception of The Items marked with an asterisk (*). The payment of the items marked with an asterisk {*J is the responsibility of The homeowner. \ ; 20f4 \ HOME LOAN : DETAILS Mombly payment breakdown as of 03Jl)5I2001 Principal and/or interest payment Escrow payment amount Total monthly home loan payment $6-'6.94 295.16 $912.1Q Description Homeowners insurance County taxes County taxes Payee Farmers Insurance Group Kern County Tax Collector Kern County Tax Collector Loan type and term Loan type Contractual remaining term Interest rate Upcoming dates Scheduled escrow account review 30 Yr Conventional 28 Years, 4 Months 5.750% 07/2005 Policy number/Tax ID 922249423 51635302009 51635302009 Frequency Annual Annual Annual Next due date 04J29{2007 11/3012007 03l31n007 Amount due 454.08 971-44 971-44 Home loan activity since your last statement Date Descriplion Principal Interest Escrow 02l05noo7 February payment Sl31.99 544.95 295.16 O3I05J2oo7 March payment 132.62 544.32 295.16 ""Ending balaace $113.4&4.35 $914.45 -NOTE' The en<llnQ balence is prabably not tile same as tlIe emOUlll [0 payoff VOllf loan, For payoff Information, VOU may use our 24-hour automated IIlformBllan system at HIOI~669-58:J3. Iro CONTACT US CREDIT REPORTING NOTICE We may report information about your account to credit bureaus. late payments, missed payments or other defaults on your account may be reflected in your credit report for up-to-the-minute information about the account, use our 24-hour automated information system. To ask us about this statement or account information. call 1-&-653-6183 Monday-Friday, oAM-5PM Pacific Time. Calls may be monitored and/or recorded for service quality purposes. Se habla espanol. 1-800-295-0025. Please bllVe the account number available when you call. f Or write to us at l The address for general inquiries and all RESPA Qualified Wrinen I Requests is: CountryWide Home loans. Ann: . " Customer Service SVB-314 POBox 5170.. Sim~ ValleY,--Cf\ 93062-5110 Tax Oept SV-24 POBox 10211, Van Nuys, CA 91499-6089 insurance Dept PO. Box 961206. FTWX-22 Fort Worth, TX 76161-0206 Payments, Ann: Reminance Processing POBox 10219, Van Nuys, CA 91410-0219 Overnight delivenes 400 CountryWide Way. Simi Valley. CA 93065 Our website customers.countrywide.com Your account informabon IS available 10 Spanish on the site menlloned above, ucensed by me Oepanmenr or CorpotalJO.flS. undef me Califorma Rest1ennal Mortgage lendUJCj Act. ~ Equal HouslOglender. <<12001 CtlUf1tfVWide Home Loans I 4500 Park G"'. C ' , "'. r..,,,,,a alabasas, CA 91302, Trade!>""'IC. marts are tIIel"operty III Coul1trjWide Financial Corporatlon, Inc. and/or Its subsidianes Toral 97210 97210 !!!!!!!!!! - - - ~ - ~ ~ - - - - !!!!!!!!!! == == - - - iiiiiiiii !!!!!!!!!! . Apr 24 07 02: 40p Tarlok Sin~h & Kulbir Kau 323-462-1325 p.l PLOT P ~ / 70 . E)(lsting ... t 1, Stor'9t ~ 31 ~i 6/1 4-10~ .. --,... ~ j~ '\l.C - '1 10 , 3lt 45 . Existing Single FamDy Residence I ~ 55 ..... .. fll- 01..-1 Ir ,4, 1 J ~ ~\o' -- ..." c 2..\ en 1 f'atlo - .. ,0 r"1 20 Existing '" ~ ! Garage f+- '\8 -- ; t ~ .... 7' I'-' ~ 2{ . ,. ~ 50 ~ ... b ~ ,/ Driveway 3' "to' 5 \ Of.. "WALK i, ~ N~~', S\I~ it y:..~;:('" ~d6~~S: ,~\~ ~n~( ~Q'N!t; f\e\t\ CI'i t\330 V\L\)V\f: (bb\) 3 f(, -Ol.- (,aL (32-}) 3 2.S-3lf D a\-e: 1 o41~ &II NO"1\,\ 3 ~ > :P o \E CURB \-\J\OI\R RD npr ~~ U7 12:04p Tarlok Sin~h & Kulbir Kau 323-462-1325 Ff'IR-CS.2i1J7 18:58 Fr 0lIl: To: 323 462 1325- p.ll P.l....' --~ ~ .. .. ...... "-'" . --- ---'-.. ...----.. '''--... ----... .....-----.---.---W.. Home: Surnm;gy ~~.... _ ~d. j 1n~teC:l1 D1!ejl~.I.~~~n ~ I C~_.... · . IIiIIIU fCtIoII ~___'6' Sound: Yes ~ilf Effecti.Vj 0.6te:' 04/~512007: ..,'i!I=. . : ~= I.~ ..7..08 . I ~~. tNlfG ~~;\~e(j::~~~~-~~~~;~~:~.. '~<~"_ "._. -->_'~~ . _ -.: :.~ ~~.__~- ~': ._ ~ ~.~~. :':' ; _.;,'_,~:'~0.:'-'.~~. . ':~~~~f~~.}..~~:~~ ICMAAAK ~18!i!1 selact actiOn ~..:'~~~~~~~~~~~.' su.~ ~GdIon OSlDSlt!M2 ~ ... ..........-.--... -.-". ________.. . .__--a....... ~-_.__...-._-~~~------ . t. - . . . - . , '" - - . - - . 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