HomeMy WebLinkAbout06-30000036 ENCROACHMENT PERMIT CITY OF BAKERSFIELD PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT 1501 TRUXTUN AVE BAKERSFIELD CA 93301 (661) 326-3724 TO THE CITY ENGINEER OF THE CITY OF BAKERSFIELD CALIFORNIA: ""-~ Pursuant to the provisions of Chapter 12.20 of the Bakersfield Municipal Code, the undersigned appiies for a permit to place, erect, use and maintain an encroachment on public property or right of way as therein defined. Application Number . . . . . Property Address . . . . . . Application type aescription 06-30000036 Date 12/08/06 2600 EL BERRENDO AV~ PW - ENCROACHMEN~ PERMIT Owner Contractor OWN~R Permit ..... Additional desc . Phone Access Code Permit Fee Issue Date . . . ENC~OACHMENT PER~=~ 621706 150.00 12/08/06 Val~ation o Qty Unit C~arge Per 1.00 150.00CO EA PW ~NCROAC3MENT Extension 150.00 Special Notes ana Comments 4' decorative fence w~th wrough~ iron fencing,brick pilascers not over 4' high. Fee s~mmary Charged Paid Credited Due ----------------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- Permit Fee ~otal 150.00 150.00 .00 .00 Grand Total 150.00 150.00 .00 .00 Applicant acknowledges the right of the City Engineer, pursuant to the Bakersfield Municipal Code Chapter 12.20 to revoke the permit at an ime. ?171/lCe !1o()rr Print Name I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT I HAVE MADE AN INVESTIGATION OF THE FACfS STATED IN THE FOREGOING APPLICATION AND FIND THAT THE MAINTENANCE OF SAID ENCROACHMENT (1) WILL (NOT) SUBSTANTIALL RE WITH THE USE OF THE PLACE WHERE THE SAME IS TO BE LOCATED AND (2) WILL (NOT) , NSTIT E A HAZARD TO PERSONS USING SAID PUBLIC PLACE; SAID APPLICATION IS THEREFORE RANTED (DENIED). Said permit shall expire on date stated above. Signature of Additional Terms on the Back Applicant agrees that if this application is granted, applicant shall indemnify, defend, and hold harmless CITY, its officers, agents and employees against any and all liability, claims, actions, causes of .action or demands whatsoever against them, or any of them, before administrative or judicial tribunals of any kind whatsoever, arising out of, connected with, or caused by applicant, or in any way arising from, the terms and provisions of this permit or the placement, use (by applicant or any other person or entity) or maintenance of said encroachment, whether or not caused in part by a party indemnified hereunder, except for CITY's sole active negligence or willful misconduct. The applicant further agrees to maintain the aforesaid encroachment during the life of the said encroachment or until such time that this permit is revoked. Applicant further agrees that upon the expiration of the permit for which this application is made, if granted, or upon revocation thereof by the City Engineer, applicant will at his own cost and expense remove the same from the public property or right of way where the same is located, and restore said public property or right of way to the condition as nearly as that in which it was before the placing, erection, maintenance or existence of said encroachment. Applicant further agrees to obtain and keep all liability insurance required by the City Engineer in full force and effect for however long the encroachment remains. Applicant shall furnish the City Risk Manager with a certificate of issuance evidencing sufficient coverage for bodily injury or property damage liability of both and required endorsements evidencing the insurance required. I 'pie read and acknowledge the above, C- Applicant's Initials l' ~ . - BAKERSFIELD PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM TO: Raul M. Rojas, Public Works Director FROM: Marian P. Shaw, Civil Engineer IV, Subdivisions DATE: February 2,2007 SUBJECT: Encroachment Permit Application for: 2600 EI Berrendo Ave. Name of Applicant: George Serban Description of Encroachment:: Wrought iron fence along sidewalk with brick pillers not over 4' high. Builder should observe 60'x60' sight line. Engineering and Traffic staff has reviewed the attached encroachment permit to allow the applicant to build a 4' wrought iron fence with brick pilasters not over 4'high. The applicant has provided proof of appropriate insurance coverage to Risk Management, and has provided signatures of all immediate neighbors stating that they have no objection to the proposed construction. Based on their review, staff recommends approval of the permit. S:\PERMITS\ENCROACH\2600 EI Berrendo Ave..doc J3 ~r O~ - 3 0 11 ~ . - B ~A... K E R S FIE L D PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM TO: Ryan Starbuck, Civil Engineer III FROM: Marian P. Shaw, Civil Engineer IV, Subdivisions DATE: December 22, 2006 SUBJECT: Encroachment Permit Application for: 2600 EI Berrendo Ave. Name of Applicant: George Serban Description of Encroachment: 4' fence with wrought iron, brick pilaster not over 4' high. Please review the attached encroachment permit and return to me at your earliest convenience. 1~/'2-~ IUl~ 51#e1ll.t.'p b1'~iJe. to ~'(l '--ItJ&- L:1 Ll:::!t }A(.JF .s/~ S:\PERMITS\ENCROACH\TRAFFIC\2600 Serrendo Ave..doc ~ . - OB A~ K E R S F I E L D PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM FROM: LU~ Risk Manager Marian P. Shaw, Civil Engineer IV, Subdivisions TO: DATE: December 12, 2006 SUBJECT: Encroachment Permit Application for: 2600 EI Berrendo Ave. Name of Applicant: George M. Serban Description of Encroachment: 4' decorative fence with wrought iron, brick pilaster not over 4' high. Please review the insurance certificate with the attached encroachment permit and return to me at your earliest convenience. S:\PERMITS\ENCROACH\INSURANC\2600 EI Barrendo Aveudoc 7 Evidence of Insurance for Mortgagee Interests .. FARMERS ,- Coverage afforded by the policy is provided by: 95 41 307 Agr. St_ Dist. IlJ Fire Insurance Exchange [J Mid~Century Insurance Company D The Company designated on the second page as number D Farmers Insurance Exchange Mortgagee Name and Address 1st Mortgagee Loan #: 2nd Mortgagee Loan #: Policy Number: 905676056 Named Insured Address George M. Serban 2600 EI Berrendo Bakerfield, CA 93304 Second Mortgagee: Location of Premises (If other than shown above) This form is not the contract of insurance. It is a memorandum of coverage limited to mortgagee interests and applicable to the dwelling, building or mobile home at the location above. The provisions of the policy will prevail in all respects. Effective Date 08/1 0/2006 Expiration Date 08/1 0/2007 Examples of Types of Policies Policy Type: IlJ Accidental Direct Physical Loss .... Special Form Homeowner - Protector Plus Homeowner; Landlords Protector; (Special Form) Townhouse Owner; DP-3 D Broad (Broad Form) ..................... Condominium Owner; DP-2; Additional Extended Coverage C Fire, E.C. (Basic Form) ................. C V&MM Policy Limit of Liability: Dwelling, Building or Mobile Home Protection Deductible Applicable to Dwelling or Mobile Home Wind / Hail Deductible (if applicable) Total Annual Policy Premium $ 1,315.92 Balance due: Forms and Endorsements Applicable at Inception III 438 BFU NS $300,000.00 Liability $ 318.000.00 1,000.00 r: All Insured Perils ~ 0.00 ~ Loss of Use IZ Extended Replacement Cost: This policy includes coverage of up to 125% of the dwelling coverage. Agenr Name and Address Lori Miller-Hrovat 2417 Brundage Lane, Bakersfield, CA 93304 9~:I /tJoc~ Authorized Representative President Tide 11/30/2006 3000003(. 25-1460 11-05 Date Copy Distribution: Mortgagee's Copy, Mortgagee's Invoice Copy, Service Center Copy, Agent's Copy .11/0912006 10:42 5870668 BEDFORD PAGE 01 ~ ..~ Contraccor.:'s License # 588701 CO eRm CON "'RUenON IMft bedfordconcrete@aol.com 1262510maniDrive Bakersfield,CA93372 N S. I'" (667)589-0674 Fax(661)589-7778 Specializing in Commercial Concrete Construcrion c...~ \\ \ _ c..\,\t<~ qry9'OO 101 ~ G+?rNCt 91~_C9\'6A""~ Fax Transmittal. Notes: \ us~ TrkJ F~x...~ CO ro3-40 / I (='o(Z- ~.-- \ . Number of pages including cover: Fax Numben \ Re: / .~Ce- -- "fD ~ CttfT' I \~ / ~ l~ e-S1~ <:9"1 ,rl V7~ G(f. (J/'..p ('0~~~ ~ \; & -::, \ ~ s~~ ~ \ t-J :{1-; <\q~ C\ . i. ~!."",\~.\~.\~.l.~.""'\~..~/."')."'.~~ 1~!~I~!~I~I~~I~~\~I~ \ . ~{~09/200~ 10: 42 .~~II, i ~# f.''!~JiG '~'~rl ... 't..~ APPLICATION FOR ENCROACHMENT PER..\f1T .' TO THE CI'lY ENGINEER OF THE CITY OF BAKERSFIELD. CALIFORNL4.: 5870668 BEDFORD PAGE 04 LA~IJc.~ 5'25 Cf-Q ~ 7lf I. . iJ Pursuant to the provisions cfChaptct 12.20 of the Bakersfield Municipal Code, the undenigned applies for a permit to place, er~t, use and ~in an encroa~t on public property or right-of.way as therc~ defined. 1. Full ~ o~aDDli~t and eom~~e~e a'~dr~ss in~Iud~~ ph~ac ~~b~; 'Gco ~Gt: SeR8~N 10,000 C::J.:I.",A Roes€' r-\.~/; . BK<;Pc..j:>. C~ Cf~31\ Cf'79-13(;~ 2. Nature or dCSCriptiOD of the encroachmen.t for which this application is made:~ . - . . Jj I v~~c.,.'v t 0 P€"-J tA'A"c..L uJ/Ti-i' ~OT"'(' , /l.ON"'" pC;Nt..JrvCr ..1 . .. _..,. ---1__ .., .' .... WI .. to . .' E L gflZ:~ o)hJt:> B~<\".'C:A- '13 3 o~i' u 3. Location o~the proposed ClCI'Dachmcnt: ~ ,"00 i ~A.e<:;~ n;~.~' ; 4. Period of time for ~hich the encroachment is to be JTIaint:dncd: J ----A / -. . ... '-. . : .. A,pph"cant agrees that if this application is ~tcd, applicant shall indemnify, defend ind hold hannless Cily, its officers, agcDts and emS;::cs a~ any aD.d a11Iiabilitr. claims, actions, causes of action or demancl!, whatsoever against them. Of any !Jf bcfor~ administrative., quasi-Judicial, or judiciallribuaals oraoy kind whatsoever, arising out o~ coancctcd with, ar caused by 8I'2licant's placcmcat, erection, use (by- BP.Plicant Dr any other persan or entity) or mAIntcnaJlc:e oCsaid encroachmei1t. The applicant further agrees to maintain. tlie aforesaid cncroacliment during tlie life o(said encroachment or ~ suc:h time that this permit is.revoked. . . ... ~ ", ., ~.' ..... . II . Applicant further a~ lhat up.cn.the apiration of the mt far which this application is made,1;~~~r~~ therevocationm~fbx~Cf~. 'c 'twi . wnca e vet e e u lie prol'~ or right 0 way w ere . e same IS located, an res~re said pu lC property or right 0 way to the condiuDn as Dear y as ttlat in wbiCh it was before the placing, erection, inalntcmmc;c ar existence or said Cllcn:lac1uncnt.. . . . . . I . " AP1?Ucant further agrees to obtain an~ keep al1li.ability insurance required by the City Eniincct in full forer: and effect . for however'loag the encroachment remains. Applicant sball funiish the City Risk M"~cr with a Cenificatc of Insurance cvi~ciag sufficient co\'. =rage for bodily inj~ or property damage liability Df both and required endorsemcn~~ l;Vldencing the i.tlsura.nce required. 'Ibc type(S) and amou.nt(s) o(inswanC:C'CDvcragC is: . """' - ,.. - -. .. 1. App~~tht acknp,wledges ~ right of the City Engineer, 'Puts.uaIl,~. to..~fie1d Municipal,C9de "Ch>>~..J2.20 to re~QMO e pcm;ut at any tlme. . .. Date; . ~/-II-06 -' A....o-o-r-\tv\. ~ . I '--Slgna.~ 01 Appl1dant (Owner or Representative) I I 1'ER.'\IlT . I HERDY CERTIlY THAT I HAVE MADE ~'t4 INVESTJGAnON OF THE FACTS STA.TED IN THE FOaIGOJNGAl'PLICADON AND FIND THAT THE MAINTUfANCE OF SAID INCROACBMEN1' (1) WILL (Non St1BSTANTw..L Y INTERFERE WITH THE USE OF THE PUBLIC PLACE WHERE THI SAo)IE IS TO BE LOCATED AND ~) "WlLL (NOT) CONSTlTUTE A HAZARD TO PERSONS tjS~G SAID PUBLIC PLACE; S..uD APlLICAUON IS THEREFORE (G~"frED) (DEmED). SAID PERMIT SHALL EXPIRE I . " . . Date: SlgDaturC of City Engineer No. , ~~/09!200G-- 10: 42 5870558 .;.";1"":""" :'..--;.. .....,.,..,.. ,.-",.,"',"., . I.' . { " CITf Dt=: BAKERSFIELD I. DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS i . -I TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: I ' I. We the undersigned . have no objection to the construction of a fence be,side the r sidewark within 'the public right Of way. I r i' BEDFORD PAGE 1215 2:L P~E:J> $; ~L ~E;~OO ~"c- (S~t for puposed encroachment) By: 8ErJut: &€-f2-8~tv (Owners Name) I I CJf 2. ~ 0 0 ~ L ,'6 E-l2:.l"- ~ 'Vi) c) . (Addf1!SS of J:lu'?Osed en~achment ) Phane: cr '79-- 7:S Gf{ SIGNED: i 1) Name: li1.LL ~J HerA( Address: s~ib f/L f4tR"'~ '-J{ ~nName: " J~ ~ce-~ . ..!\ddross: -.36/8 '?~;al/?) ;;N- i '. ---r>' .: 3) Name:' <1-. : ' B' Address: 4) Name: Pi Address: "~. ::ll I . , 5) Name: ' 11 =;'11]1< :, : Address: _ _ 6 I .~ i r ~t,:/jI2'?,/t:76 D~te:/I.b'./c1 ~ / T , Date: pate: .jl--c),~ cJ :' rl /!Y fJ J{ J'J p'f' f1 e f1/Df\' , QetOi li- z- ~ ___ C) 6 I) Name: - Address: , pate: . cL B~W ~~L~~~O N~(l..T'1-f G' L- Po Ie- 12.e;=-L:> 1;7 ! I 1 I 't ( I I 1- 1~1109/200~ . ,tl . I~ . tll [11" . II. J I, t.:1 a' t t I ! I 1 10:42 5870668 BEDFORD . . ENCROACHMENT pEKMJT INStJ1tA.~CE REQUIlEMENTS 1) Type azid. AmoUl'lt o!lnsurance Caverage for &:8 installation at COnlwc:tioil I) for residences Homeo\Nlll!n coverage in an ImCJunt oflt tWit 5100,000 2) for bu.sinases I Ccrwemal General Liability CQy!!'age in an amount of at last S'OO,ooO , II) .Additional Insured Verbiage T~ City ClfB~fie1d. ks mayor, CDunei1. employees. aSllllU md voJunsecra are added as additiollll iI1sw'eds ~ respects to (i.e. ~ ~alicm of.. chain link f~ee lit \501 TIUXNft A~e.J. .' f {>-, ~ M-l"=- 0- ~ I rvc:;...... f2.. ~ (2..V.~~ ~G LO "-) c~ 'I f' ' A r \"\-0(2. v f\-'T"" - ~,\..\.- '\ L... Oi~"'O~ J.... tl'l geM M>%e- . ~~'1-C(C)~~ PAGE 06 . . TRANSMISSION VERIFICATION REPORT TIME 11/le/2ee6 23:12 NAME FAX TEL SER.# ee0G5J544981 DATE, TIME FAX NO./NAME DURATION PAGE(S) RESULT MODE 11lle 23: 11 5891778 ee:e1:13 e4 OK STANDARD E01 . 11/191200.6. 10: 42 ~ .. :1 5870558 BEDFORD PAGE 02 "/ /l C-r:_01.tr ~rJ..f:~tL~J f ~ (/ I -e. '1-U " r ~,~ .. h 6 I"k..! (J (,.J;I,. ~/ _;:: '7. .$_~ r ,.:..~. f.rc. / rl ":J.;q5J +/61''- .()- ~-'-~_-f.. ~ r~ ,/' fL~ CA.--/... I . .., .,'~ (~ cJ ~.__b ~5 (! hSy",,,,,,,,, ~~._.- _.17Cf ~ ~;3_b~__,,__--~ \, e6-~ ~ 'I . 1 , ',j , I I ; I =-r---r=. --- , 1 " I ---............- r ~ : H ~ .".... ,",.-..., .' : : -----~l ---r-- " :1 -'-- ' . ~ I : , I .... --,... ,. .-,n. , , i 1 -............- , ;'. I ) '--" I ,; , ~ ' . i:; ; ! ~ . I i I';':'" -- ~..' ,"-"- " " ,!j .',........... I" " I' I' I'. "",,~L iJ ~ I . \':' 1 , ' '.._" ___._J31Q_f~~,LL -...-.-..-----...--....-.-.....-. ',. ..._.______.......1,'.,. .- .---.---.-.....-..' 'i! ...,.,. ,_.-=--lL~--- .-. ,j' i iL ..... .__....___.".__._.,... . .._______0____._" "M " --.... ,-' .," ---------"'---.... -- ,.,- 11/0~/2006 10:42 5870668 -., . . .... . ~ .i i A=12' WITH PARKING A==6' W1lHOUT PARKING I' i MMtMUM ENCROACHMENT D 4S X 10 , D~SIGHT DISTANCE (FT) JCRI11CAL SPEED (MPH) OR o IGN SPEED ON iHRU SlREET. BEDFORD T PAGE 08 CENTERUNE OR MEDIAN _EDGE ~ _ CURB UNE DESIGN SPEEDS 60' R/W 76' R!W 90. R/W 110' R/W 3S MPH 35 MPH 45 MPH, 55 MPH i i. CONTROLLED INTERSECTION CURB LINE / UNCONTROLLED INTERSECTION NOTES 1. BOTH CRITERIA GOVERN AT AN UNCONlROLLED T -INTERSECTION. 2. SIGHT UNE REQUIREMENTS PER SEC. 17.08.175 OF THE MUNICIPAL CODE. ~ CITY IMGINED SUBDIVISION DESIGN MANUAL. IGHT 015T ANCE REQUIREMEN FOR INTERSECll0NS CITY OF BAI<EAIIPIIE!LD CALPOPINIA L3 r lIA1I -&.I) -- lIll&f. lIIlE1' 110. T-7 NORTH tL .8t!?!? tND o A lit / < -..J o f5 ft o Q Lif 350' __ -.-__-i--..---'-. -- _. Il. I', 11~ ! ,. \1' i ~ ~ , :j :1;1 ill Iii j ~ : ~. ,d ~ I/IJ(J l~.;~ 'jj , 1 ~ : 'Ii :11 ~ i ! , o. j :\! ~ 1 I ~ iil : ~ ~, '.1 ~ ! I :1: -----i".~ 11/09/2006 10:42 e . I'"~ .' , !, I t _, !; 'il .j .:. ri .,1 ..I, I:: ." . " 'i: ":! .J' I; . ~ ~ ;"l: " : ~ " ., ::1; :: 'i' I ',: I .~, 0-.-...-_...-__.. 5870668 BEDFORD PAGE 03 ijl -C) \ \ \, t ~, .... .:.,':'1 " ;. ::: .: ," '. 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