HomeMy WebLinkAboutBUSINESS PLANI~ .W H z w V V z~ d W E.., i Zvi ~ ~" ~~ M '~ UN~ - ~~ i -- - / i •'•r`~4~~ y W %1; ~'' ..r •. r' ... ~ ~,+ i ``t 11:. •. ~ •~i~ _1 ~~r '.1. ~ ti ~, i.?....5.'~ .iL .~l l4 d;i`~ ,~l,^.~- '. ., w ^9 v ,~~.k.~`w:~ ;- ~j - I I ~f • SC H OOL NAME INSPECTION DATE r~ / ~ 4.-U /}'i 1Y'~ La:'t.1~ ~.- ~ f~§'& d! E s'~ Cu C ~ n.~ (d.~. - -- , ~ ~ ~ -- -- ADDRESS „~, - t INSPECTION IME ~ fi -^~ INSPECTION DATE ... -.. PHONE' NO. ~ C V ncel-•°" OPERATION•~~-,~. atl (v=Vi COMMENTS= . on o N ~' I ^ EXIT OBSTRUCTIO S ' - -- --- ------ -- _-__--- -- -- ----- ~~ ^ / EXIT STAIRS --,{ --- ------- ` ^ ~L-CUMINATE EXIT & DIRECTIONS SIGNS ~ ~ _ _ ~ _ _______ L U ^ __ _ _ NON-COMBUSTIBLE W STE CONTAINERS _______ _ __ r ^ HOUSEKEEPING ELECTRICAL ROOM •Q, ^ ELECTRICAL -USE OF ,EXTENSION CORDS x l~l~ ^ HOUSEKEEPING GENERAL J ^ HOUSEKEEPING BOILER ROOM /CLEARANCES .~'~ ~^~ ^ CLEARANCE AROUND ELECTRICAL PANEL BOARD ^ FIRE DRILLS/RECORDS ~~^ ^ FLAME RETARDANT DECORATIVE MATERIAL ,® ., ^ ASSEMBLY AREAS P" ^ FIRE ALARM SYSTEM ~SERVICED~ °,Q ^ SPRINKLER SYSTEM ~SERVICED~ O ^ COMMERCIAL HOOD SYSTEMS ~`~„~„ r , • _ ,® ^ FIRE APPARATUS ACCESS 4`"~~ 0 ^ STAGEYAREA ~ , 7 . : - VIOLATION NOTICE CORRECTION: a. nUEST10NS REGARDING THIS INSPECTION? PLEASE CALL US AT (661) 326-3979 Inspector Badge No./Station , ` ~' ~ School Site Responsible P~' 0 White -School Copy Yellow -Station Copy Pink -Prevention Services LL „-..-n, w~ r _,%. .,J 'x'Y:-~- ~sv...r.i.~.- - yi ... -. f-. •~ ~ zfc: ~ ` ~' M _ Bakersfield Fire Dept. ' Pr 'ces evention Serve L INSPECTION-CHECKLIST SCHOO .~ ._ ~~-:_~~._~ . .~~~-..~au~s -.: .:: .. ~ r 1715 Chester Ave. • • Bakersfield;•CA 93301 ` ~ Tel: (661)326-3979-. ~, SCHOOL NAME INSPECTION DATE CTION TIME ADDRESS ~, ~ INSPE INSPECTION DATE _ PHONE NO. ncel OPERATION C V ( ti COMMENTS on v=Vioa ^ EXIT OBSTRUCTIONS ------------ -- ----- ^ EXIT STAIRS ----- -------------------- ILLUMINATE EXIT 8c DIRECTIONS SIGNS ^ NON-COMBUSTIBLE WASTE CONTAINERS (~.^f ^ HOUSEKEEPING ELECTRICAL ROOM I~^ ELECTRICAL -USE OF EXTENSION CORDS --------- ---- O~ ^ HOUSEKEEPING GENERAL --- ~ ^~ ^ HOUSEKEEPING BOILER ROOM ~ CLEARANCES ~~ ~ CLEARANCE AROUND ELECTRICAL PANEL BOARD v ^ ^ FIRE DRILLSIRECORDS ---1------ ----- - - Q/~ ^ FLAME RETARDANT DECORATIVE MATERIAL - ^ ASSEMBLY AREAS ^ F - IRE ALARM SYSTEM ~SERVICED~ ^ ^ SPRINKLER SYSTEM ~SERVICED~ ^ ^ COMMERCIAL HOOD SYSTEMS , f ~1 1 ---- - ----- - -------- O/~^ FIRE APPARATUS ACCESS ------- ---------------- ----- ----------- -- ^~ ^ STAGE AREA Y VIOLATION NOTICE CORRECTION: QUESTIONS REGARDING THIS INSPECTION? PLEASE CALL US AT (661) 326-3979 Ins~r Badge No./Station ~' School Site Respo~s+tbl~e Party f White -School Copy Yellow -Station Copy pink -Prevention Services ~ ~ - - ^V" -- .. ~ -_-. ._-~ --. .... 'r' '~• b7W(S'' N+JTMY ~~" '-. :: i~<., :. ~ ;~'.. .. .. ~ ~~ ,~~. ~f vtiw..~"•.ry.nN„-caY^K"'.`A'".~~... ~'1'pt~l> t ,. ~:r;,'SU'..,~p{C-~.~ ,.-.rpF""T'(~~.,~'~'V'^h'!~' ,t,"l~~p'Y ti?,,,y ~.. IM".t4v~ ~r ~ vnonhl r~l'Y~+.t'N-JtiL 9 a`.,r rr~( "~nsr~.,A,.r ~r..~sird~n,rr,,.~'lhi'rT+^r.,aF4r'r~.~SlurJp<.x.,~^'e,~ INSPECTION RECORD - Bakersfield Fire Dept. ... 1715 Chester Ave. THIS IS NOT A BILL Bakersfield, CA 93301 I ~ ~~ CUSTOMER I.D. # ENTERED DATE: ~ °~' - UL F/AC' ILITY ADDRESS: C._.•O/Yl ~ ~ ZIP: ~""a,,, ,~ FEE: ~,.-'®"~ ITY O COUNTY FACILITY NAME: 2 Z. 7 "~t~~ c T `1' 3~pi , ~~ MANAGER NAME: BUSINESS OWNER NAME, ADDRESS, ZIP CODE FACILITY PHONE ~S2 - S,SD, j BILL TO: (IF DIFFERENT FROM ABOVE)-NAME, ADDRESS, ZIP CODE, PHONE No. OCC TYPE OCC LOAD 2 yv No. OF FLOORS ~ HI RISE BLDG. YES O NO EQ YES O NO~` RISER DATE ~''~ VIOLATION. ~~E CORRECTION: ~ . DyQ~ DATE OF REINSPECTION S. ~ . • , , ~ ~ ~~~ .- 4. f- , ,` 5. ,j 6. 7. NOTES CUSTOMER: ~,-'~`-"-"" ` FIRE SAFETY CONTROL INSPECTOR: `i -~ AP No. (805) 326-3951 WHITE ORIGINAL-OWNER YELLOW-INSPECTOR'S COPY PINK-FILE . ,.. 4 .. .. - c 4 ,~.:~ ~~~.,, ._:~~. ~a ..,.,...t,,. tr .n.~~. ,,~_ .,r4:_h_.:,a.,s~+. _...m,M.t_ .., 3~..ba. s, .,..aims .,...y...,:.. ,...~_,._ra4....,n s:....,.r.~..~..,..k, ,,.". _ ., ..m .,+-. FI~$459,.... - .~, .a::. ... c.raA Jo4^.a`-~'"^,.,^`P"~,...na~ ~+N~,-°`~„'+._:Ji.~c+3:-.+-q^F>~j.y,..rJS:~'°""~~~:L,.x.~w,'~`~';d .a..~.vH"~,~~'"~.,.~'~~e„yL.tir*rs:..rva.;~~i,~~"L'r..k.,r-v'iR'a;r:.yj4+."~'Govrr~'S"'k oh, v.~~ _ fl'>'` vir d.;.i. ~ -"'.y.%w.:M.:~.:._, INSPECT~,O,~I RECORD { a '~~~ _' _ ,, . . `Bakersfield Frire Dept. 1715 Crhester Ave. ~~-~ ~~j~THIS~,IS NOT A BILL Ba fi , C~ 9 301 • ~C : ~~ ,~:'~ s i F ~~i ~~. ,-~,. :. STOMER~ID: #.. CU ., ENTERED ~~ -~. ~ ', ~ -t $ rR+. y, T' ~i~t DATE• ~-:_. FACILITY ADDRESS;, ~` ZIP: ,y>~ FEE: SCI-fS' O COUNTY ,~~. _ _~ ~''~ ~ ~ ~ ,-~ ~ ~ , ~ _ m FACILITY NAME: , c r .;MANAGER NAME: ~ -G FACILITY PHONE ~'S'"Z ^~.~~ ~ ' IP CODE °'BUSINESS OWNER NAM ;~AD RES , _ " BILL'"TO: (IF DIFFERENT FROM ABOVE)-NAME, ADDRESS, ZIP CODE, PHONE No. ,OCC~ YPE OCC LOAD No. OF FLOORS Hl RISE BLDG. EQ. RISER DATE J £ `' .~} ~~ ~ YES O NO ~ YES . O NCB ~/f~- . VIOLATION NOTICE CORRECTION: DATE OF REINSPECTION 1• ~ - • - 2. ~ ---ti._ ~~ 4 4 5. _. _ . 6. ~ _ ..-. .... ~ ., . :.:' 7. ' ~ NOTES ~.fi~,..~C CUSTOMER: FIRE SAFETY CONTROL ~ (805) 326-3951 INSPECTOR: AP No. WHITE ORIGINAL-OWNER YELLOW-INSPECTOR'S COPY ' PINK-FILE { ~ .. ~. .3',.:~,s~tt!%.~ ~w..,~.~kk ~":~,hyak.l,-,i~,:n.a~du;,,.~.,'«.~.~:as~~r,~:i;:..a-..s~,~.Sam.~.:.rrl~swiiPaz.,t,,~-u4raFe+~iw..:...~;t1's;.:a...~1~k,~:ewdS'a.W:.t,t..wc_:,S.i:..:i.~<:M,~,a!as.:P.l~:"~nda~V~,~~r..c'~,k,t.tr.~`.u.~~:~~s...ass.z,_.a~.u~t~a..~+:,i,el?;'. '.~" ~~.., aFD1,952 ~.,74i:~r pry _hi ,, is °_` ~,~ --~. _....._:.. __.- ._.~ ~ Security Systems Inc. i~aztie. Address:_ '~..~ t.~. --- ~~--~--- G~:':~ ~ • ____--.-~.._...____Ciry: -~._..~1~ r'A~ •, • ~ System NOT under warranty f late .~~ .i ~ l~(;~L"1 ~v Panel Type: ~ ~~'~" "~ ~t _ 7 FS"'?78.r Fire & Smoke t.~°'~ ~r~ ~ ~. i `i •,,- i Central Station Monitoring ®"`des ^ No j I':;.; l,~.lr1~:~sG~ of the Preventative Maintenance Program is to ensure the alarm system is working properly. It provides the inspection of all !i,~vicS;S and to make any necessary adjustments to reduce the chance of a malfiurction. We do recommend that your system be ?~jt'n+~ssionally checked on a yearly basis and you should test your alarm system monthly. `._,.. Maintenance Check Please Check All Boxes That Apply ~`,~' ~~ 3~x .~'.~axy [~l~T/A _,____ Tn4pect all window and dom• contacts __.. r-1''%'~'~. all indaca.tor lights _ _-____ Cl~.eck n:aai.n standby rechargeable ?:~;~±f.e~ly -replace if necessary __.._.. ,r"sct:rc<rte panic stations __ {,.lrec]: ~~ri•,.•eless panic and battery - .'eplace. if necessary ___..__ %_;~_p~,c;t_and. clean all smoke detectors _. -. .~.,}te a.l soy:rzrciinn devices - '- ___ , (:i:ec;; Lire (?ttttons on keypad remotes _ __. ''r;:r;sr.~if a].arrn signals to the Central tii;atic?n 1."j]~13,!~Tl~ ~~AIi•NINGllFCALS! ~~" • ~_ Check all devices at premise ____ Check for hard-gaskets, sticking ,nrioveable parts _.r~ Check all stand-by batteries & charging ,circuits heck alarm, trouble indicator lights Check supervised lines ____ Check bells/horns '^;_ Check ma`nual-pulI stations- - - - - - - Check heat detectors Check PIV/VSRJOSY/etc. ___ Check all retard adjustments 35 seconds Must trip by 90 seconds _ Check smoke detectors ~- Make sure all wiring is secured properly _ Gheck pressure switches ~~~''`Check all fire alarm cones Check fire control panel ___~,,,:a G'~heck to see that central receives pr open fire, and trouble signals _____ Other -put notes under comments ,^, ^ Access Contr®1 ~-i~1'%A Check and input control panel _~ Chock stand-by battery -replace if necessary ~ ,~ Check egress sensors ;; ~ ____ Check. wire connections ~_ Check all strike & magnetic bolder v Check. card read. _____ OtYrer -put notes under comments ! ^ CCTV ['s~iifi~i/A ' ! Check & clean camera housing as needed _ Check operation of recorder -record & i playback -clean heads if needed. IIeads not cleaned __ heads cle~rrrcd ~ ~~ Check operation of monitor controls: ____. brightness, contrast, V--hold, H-hold _.~ Check camera brackets; make sure trait. is secure Check transformers _~ Check condition ol• wiring i r * * *This fawn shout) be sent to your Insurance ~(Re tXj~nmedtately * ** Service 'Technician: :~:~•~ _-~_____:Customer Signature ~ ~ ____•_-______ _ 7`in~e Arrived: Time~Left: If~ou have anyguestions, please don't hesitate to wntact your sales representative or the service dep-artment. ':;O2U I_!SA IVIARIE COURT • BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA 93313 • (661) 397-5511 • LiC #472338 ~ ? ;. ;j • ~ 'i fi~~~ State: ~~ .l."•a Zip: tM'R '~.r. ~ (, .~ ~ _ .. '• __ _ __ --°- ~ f ,~ U System-under warranty Acct#: .~ ~_~.}^ Residential ~~Comrnercial