HomeMy WebLinkAboutBUSINESS PLAN~~ J ~- ~' f James E Slau hter~DMD .~ g ~l~_-_-1 ,f.uY_y_` 2023_ Brundage Ln _ _ _ _ _ ~ ,, ~. `~ SLAUGHTER DMD INC JAMES E Manager JAMES E SLAUGHTER Location: 2023 BRUNDAGE LN City BAKERSFIELD CommCode: BFD STA 06 EPA Numb: SiteID: 015-021-002312 BusPhone: (661) 322-7918 Map 123 CommHaz Minimal Grid: O1B FacUnits: 1 AOV: SIC Code:8021 DunnBrad: Emergency Contact / Title Emergency Contact / Title JAMES E SLAUGHTER / PRESIDENT / Business Phone: (661) 327-9181x Business Phone:.( ) - x 24-Hour Phone (661) 330-1488x 24-Hour Phone ( ) - x Pager Phone ( ) - x Pager Phone ( ) - x Hazmat Hazards: React Contact JAMES E SLAUGHTER Phone: (661) 327-9181x MailAddr: 2023 BRUNDAGE LN State: CA City BAKERSFIELD Zip 93304 Owner JAMES E SLAUGHTER DMD Phone: (661) 327-9181x Address 2023 BRUNDAGE LN State: CA City BAKERSFIELD Zip 93304 Period to TotalASTs: = Gal Preparers TotalUSTs: = Gal Certif'd: RSs: No ParcelNo: Emergency Directives: ENT'D A U G O 1 2007 PROG H - HAZ WASTE GEN based on my inquiry of those individuals respon;,ib,e sor obtaini ng the information, !certify under penalty cf ia~v That f h ex ave personally amined and am familiar ~~ith thesnformati submitted and ' on 3~:lfevQ the information is true, accurate, and con' lete. Si +ature - ° -_~_____dttit,` -. Date -1- 07/16/2007 ~n _i s F SLAUGHTER DMD INC JAMES E SiteID: 015-021-002312 ~ ~ Hazmat Inventory By Facility Unit ~ ~ MCP+DailyMax Order Fixed Containers at Site ~ Hazmat Common Name... SpecHaz EPA Hazards Frm DailyMax Unit MCP WASTE FIXER R L 5.00 GAL Min -2- 07/16/2007 r. _ `i, ~, -3- 07/16/2007 ~w F SLAUGHTER DMD INC JAMES E ~ Inventory Item 0001 COMMON NAME / CHEMICAL NAME WASTE FIXER Location within this Facility Unit DARKROOM STATE TYPE PRESSURE Liquid TWaste ~mbient SiteID: 015-021-002312 ~ Facility Unit: Fixed Containers at Site ~ Days On Site 365 Map: Grid: CAS# TEMPERATURE CONTAINER TYPE Ambient PLASTIC CONTAINER Largest Container 5.00 GAL AMOUNTS AT THIS LOCATION Daily Maximum 5.00 GAL Daily Average 5.00 GAL ti1~G1~tCU~u~ C:V1~lYUN~1V~15 %Wt. RS CAS# Silver No 7440224 ri[-~GHttL H~5~5~1~1~1V1J TSecret RS BioHaz Radioactive/Amount EPA Hazards NFPA USDOT# MCP No No No No/ Curies R / / / Min -4- 07/16/2007 .r t F SLAUGHTER DMD INC JAMES E SiteID: 015-021-002312 ~ Fast Format ~ ~ Notif./Evacuation/Medical Overall Site ~ ~ Agency Notification Employee Notif./Evacuation 04/11/2007 VERBAL EXIT THROUGH FRONT DOOR Public Notif./Evacuation 04/11/2007 VERBAL EXIT THROUGH FRONT DOOR i.u~ciyclll..Y 1.1CU1l.CL.L r1C111 -5- 07/16/2007 J L+y i F SLAUGHTER DMD INC JAMES E SiteID: 015-021-002312 ~ Fast Format ~ ~ Mitigation/Prevent/Abatemt Overall Site ~ ~ Release Prevention 04/11/2007 ~ SECONDARY CONTAINMENT Release Containment 04/11/2007 SECONDARY CONTAINMENT Clean Up 04/11/2007 PAPER TOWELS. CALL X-RAY SOLUTIONS. Other Resource Activation -6- 07/16/2007 s r;-, ,; F SLAUGHTER DMD INC JAMES E SiteID: 015-021-002312 ~ Fast Format ~ ~ Site Emergency Factors Overall Site ~ especial na~aru5 Utility Shut-Offs 04/11/2007 E SIDE OF BLDG Fire Protec./Avail. Water FIRE EXTINGUISHER 04/11/2007 Building Occupancy Level 04/11/2007 9 EMPLOYEES -7- 07/16/2007 ,, K, F SLAUGHTER DMD INC JAMES E SiteID: 015-021-002312 ~ Fast Format ~ ~ Training Overall Site ~ ~ Employee Training rayc c Held for Future Use aic a. to ivi i~ u~.utc voc -8- 07/16/2007 - a~°~ ~, k :. ~ ~ Prevention Services UNIFI~~' P'~tOGRAM INSPECTION CHECKLIST B A F R s ~ , n 900 Truxtun-Ave., suite 210 - _ - FARE Bakersfield, CA 93301 SECTION -1: Business Plan and Inventory Program ARTM Tei:: (ssl) 326-3979 - Fax; (661) 872-2171 FACILITY NAME ~ INSP TION DATE INSPECTION TIME ADDRESS - ~ X23 ,~~,>`~~.~~~. PHONE NO. ~Z~,r r~ NO OF EMPLOYEES FACILITY CONTACT ~ - - BUSINESS ID NUMBER + ~ ' 15-021- biS ~ a~ -o° 1 E P, f - - -- _. ~' Section 1: Business Plan and Inventory Pt-ogram ___- _ ,- ^ ROUTINE -~ COMBINED ^ JOINT AGENCY -- - __ _ -- ^ MULTI-AGENCY ^ COMPLAINT ^ RE-INSPECTION C V ( C=Compliance OPERATION V=Violation COMMENTS " ^ APPROPRIATE PERMIT ON HAND ^ BUSIIIeSS PLAN CONTACT INFORMATION ACCURATE ^ VISIBLE ADDRESS ^ CORRECT OCCUPANCY ^ VERIFICATION OF INVENTORY MATERIALS ^ VERIFICATION OF QUANTITIES ~, ^ VERIFICATION OF LOCATION ~] ^ PROPER SEGREGATION OF MATERIAL ~~ ^ VERIFICATION OF MSDS AVAILABILITY ^~ ^ VERIFICATION OF HAZ MAT TRAINING ~ V,, ~® ^ VERIFICATION OF ABATEMENT SUPPLIES AND PROCEDURES ^ EMERGENCY PROCEDURES ADEQUATE ^ CONTAINERS PROPERLY LABELED ^ HOUSEKEEPING ^ FIRE PROTECTION ^ SITE DIAGRAM ADEQUATE & ON HAND ,31 Z. ANY HAZARDOUS WASTE ON SITE? -~ YES ^ NO EXPLAIN: ~ g/ 4 t ~' `~ ~~ ~ ~'~' QUESTIONS REGARDING THIS INSPECTION? PLEASE CALL US AT (661) 326- ~ ?ems ~ ~ Inspector (Please Print) Fire Prevention / 1s` In /Shift of Site/Station # - White -Prevention Services ~ Yellow -Station Copy - - Pink -Business Copy ~ - FD 2155- (Rev. 09105 ~' - N ~' T~`~ CITY OF BAKERSFIELD FIRE DEPARTMENT ~ OFFICE OF ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES b •y UNIFIED PROGRAM INSPECTION CHECKLIST ;tt~"'.;,gti~~ 1715 Chester Ave., 3`d Floor, Bakersfield, CA 93301 FACILITY NAME ~ L ~ ~• 4 ~ E ~ ~ m D INSPECTION DATE '7 / ~ ~ ~ °~`~ Sectiion 4: Hazardous Waste Generator Program EPA ID # ~'~ ~ "" t' T ^ Routine ~ Combined D Joint Agency ^Multl-Agency ^ Complaint D Re-inspection OPERATION C V COMMENTS Hazardous waste determination has been made EPA ]D Number ~~ ,,,, ~ r-- Authorized for waste treatment and/or storage Reported release, fire, or explosion within 15 days of occurrence Established or maintains a contingency plan and training Hazardous waste accumulation time frames Containers in good condition and not leaking Containers are compatible with the hazardous waste Containers are kept closed when not in use Weekly inspection of storage area Ignitablelreactive waste located at least 50 feet from property line V -~ Secondary containment provided Conducts daily inspection of tanks Used oil. not contaminated with other hazardous waste /~ ~ Proper management of lead acid batteries including labels Proper management of used oil filters /`~ Transports hazazdous waste with completed manifest Sends manifest copies to DTSC x _ ~ ~ S d' ~~ ~, _ ~ Retains manifests for 3 years Retains hazazdous waste analysis for 3 years Retains copies of used oil receipts for 3 years Determines if waste is restricted from land disposal t;=~ompuance v=vtaadon Inspector: ,~'~ ~~'~ ~ ~ Office of Environmental Services (661) 326-3979 White -Env. Svcs. 1 usi s ite Respo 'ble Party Pink -Business Copy SLAUGHTER DMD INC JAMES E SiteID: 015-021-002312 Manager : .'~iR~'1n~) E _ ~I.~1`UUi}~12~ D6'+~ ~ Location: 2023 BRUNDAGE LN City BAKERSFIELD BusPhone: (661) 322-7918 Map 123 CommHaz Minimal Grid: O1B FacUnits: 1 AOV: CommCode: BFD STA 06 EPA Numb: SIC Code:8021 DunnBrad: Emergency Contact / Title- ,~ Emergency Contact / Title JAMES E SLAUGHTER / DMD ~~~ nC+`f~ / Business Phone: (661) 327-9181x Business Phone: ( ) - x 2 4 -Hour Phone (jay( ) 3'TjJ - ~~`p~ x 2 4 -Hour Phone ( ) - x Pager Phone ( ) - x Pager Phone ( ) - x Hazmat Hazards: React Contact JAMES E SLAUGHTER Phone: (661) 327-9181x MailAddr: 2023 BRUNDAGE LN State: CA City BAKERSFIELD Zip 93304 Owner JAMES E SLAUGHTER Phone: (661) 327-9181x Address 2023 BRUNDAGE LN State: CA City BAKERSFIELD Zip 93304 Period to TotalASTs: = Gal Preparers TotalUSTs: = Gal Certif'd: RSs: No ParcelNo: Emergency Directives: PROG H - HAZ WASTE GEN ~N`~ ~~,~ ~ ~ ~QO~ ~a=.~ r •;.~.~ ors my inryuiry 4f fho ,ca iildivid~rtsl~ rP,~~-'(7tiS;;aF)i{.~ 'ty~p Cp~'tCtf!'lil1~ tt1~ Idlt~Y'rn i €it gn, I CE3rtity Un{76r ('~~il(~i(~f Pit ~t?w fa1t7Y i Yt,~V@ ~@rSQn~~iy e~an~inc~i anti arr f ~miH~r with the information subrr,itted antra believe the Info rmation is true, accurate, and compiste. Sig : ture~'---- Z ~(- 0' Da e -1- 02/06/2007 sF SLAUGHTER DMD INC JAMES E SiteID: 015-021-002312 ~ ~ Hazmat Inventory By Facility Unit ~ ~ MCP+DailyMax Order Fixed Containers at Site ~ I Hazmat Common Name... ISpecHaz,EPA Hazards) Frm I DailyMax IUnitIMCPI WASTE FIXER R L 5.00 GAL Minl -2- 02/06/2007 -3- 02/06/2007 .F SLAUGHTER DMD INC JAMES E ~ Inventory Item 0001 COMMON NAME / CHEMICAL NAME WASTE FIXER Location within this Facility Unit DARKROOM STATE TYPE PRESSURE Liquid TWaste -~mbient SiteID: 015-021-002312 ~ Facility Unit: Fixed Containers at Site ~ Days On Site 365 Map: Grid: CAS# TEMPERATURE CONTAINER TYPE Ambient -~STIC CONTAINER AMOUNTS AT THIS LOCATION Largest Container Daily Maximum I Daily Average 5.00 GAL 5.00 GAL 5.00 GAL - t1AGKKLVUS C;V1~lYV1V~1V"1"5 °sWt. RS CAS# Silver No 7440224 rit~~tj.rcL ta~5~aai~i~iv 1"~ TSecret RS BioHaz Radioactive/Amount EPA Hazards NFPA USDOT# MCP No No No No/ Curies R / / / Min -4- 02/06/2007 ~F SLAUGHTER DMD INC JAMES E SiteID: 015-021-002312 ~ Fast Format ~ ~ Notif.JEvacuation/Medical Overall Site ~ 1'iyClll:y LVVl.llll.:dLlV11 i_ rlll~JlVyCC 1VV1.11. / L~VdC:Udl.1V11 r UlJlll: 1VV l.ll / P~VdC.:Udl.l Vll Emergency Medical Plan -5- 02/06/2007 =F SLAUGHTER DMD INC JAMES E SiteID: 015-021-002312 Fast Format ~ MitigationjPreventjAbatemt Overall Site ~ Release Prevention Release Containment ~..L CGL11 V~J Other Resource Activation 9 -6- 02/06/2007 :F SLAUGHTER DMD INC JAMES E SiteID: 015-021-002312 ~ Fast Format ~ ~ Site Emergency Factors Overall Site ~ o~7c~la1 aza~.cas_u5 V 1.1111~y J11U 1.-V115 ~. 1'11c r1Vl.c l~~L"~V Ci11 WCLLCL 171.1111A 111y VVV U~JGilll:y LCVC1 -7- 02/06/2007 ;F SLAUGHTER DMD INC JAMES E SiteID: 015-021-002312 ~ Fast Format ~ ~ Training Overall Site ~ ~lllYlVyCC 11.d1i1111C,, rayv G iic~.u ivi L-u~..ul.c voc Held for Future Use -8- 02/06/2007 .~, + SLAUGHTER DMD INC JAMES E ___________________________ SiteID: 015-021-002312 + Manager Location: 2023 BRUNDAGE LN City BAKERSFIELD CommCode: BFD STA 06 EPA Numb: BusPhone: (661) 322-7918 Map 123 CommHaz Minimal Grid: OlB FacUnits: 1 AOV: SIC Code:8021 DunnBrad: Emergency Contact / Title Emergency Contact / Title JAMES E SLAUGHTER / DMD / Business Phone: (661) 327-9181x Business Phone: ( ) - x 24-Hour Phone ( ) - x 24-Hour Phone ( ) - x Pager Phone ( )~ - x Pager Phone ( ) - x 9„ Hazmat Hazards: React Contact JAMES E SLAUGHTER Phone: (661) 327-9181x MailAddr: 2023 BRUNDAGE LN State: CA City BAKERSFIELD Zip 93304 Owner JAMES E SLAUGHTER Phone: (661) 327-9181x Address 2023 BRUNDAGE LN State: CA City BAKERSFIELD Zip 93304 Period to TotalASTs: = Gal Preparers TotalUSTs: = Gal Certif'd: RSs: No ParcelNo: ~ Emergency Directives: ~ PROG H - HAZ WASTE GEN ~'NT°p JAN 2 7 ~ 006 ~aaed on my inquiry of those individuals re~Ronaible for obtaining the information, I certify und+~r penalty of iaw that I have exarntned and am familiar with the information submitted- and L~elieve 4he information is true, aCCUrat~3, a~1d compl@ , Sig ~ kure OGP Date -1- 05/22/2006 sso~, ~` '~~'` CITY OF BAKF.RSF[ELD FIRE DEPARTMENT ~~ OFFICE OF ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES . ~ ~~ UNIFIED PROGRAM INSPECTION CHECKLIST Lw ~g~,i~ 1715 Chester Ave., 3rd Floor, Bakersfield, CA 93301 FACILITY NAME ..5~`N`~ ~' St.~a~~t-l7~- B~91NSPECTION DATE ~l 3l ~~~ _ ADDRESS ?~Z~ 6~R~^r~~ PHONE NO. FACILITY CONTACT ~tZ. St~/~-t~iC^'~ BUSINESS ID NO. 15-21U- INSPECTION TIME ~ NUMBER OF EMPLOYEES "~ Section 1: Business Plan and Inventory Program /~ `~~~~ ~° ~D~z/ ^ Routine ~-Combined ^ Joint Agency ^MuIti-Agency ^ Complaint ^ Re-inspection OPERATION C V COMMENTS Appropriate permit on hand C~S~ C'v,K,f'r~t(~ ~ ~~ Business plan contact information accurate Visible address Correct occupancy Verification of inventory materials t~StE ~t>~.Z Verification of quantities ~~` Verification of location I,~S rn~~ f)k ~,~. Proper segregation of material Verification of MSDS availability Verification of Haz Mat training Verification of abatement supplies and procedures Emergency procedures adequate Containers properly labeled Housekeeping Fire Protection ~-ASC SC~2./tC~ G7~'+~~ Ef<T•+~C~i Site Diagram Adequate & On Hand C=Compliance V=Violation Any hazardous waste on site?: Yes ^ No Explain: ~~'~ ~~'xc.~- Questions regarding this inspection? Please call us at (661) 326-3979 White -Env. Svcs. Yellow -Station Copy Pink -Business Copy Bu ine s Site esponsible Party Inspector: Wt^~ • . 1~ r f~ _ _ ~ _ J1LM~~S ~. e~I~~UGKTEI~, DMD, INC.., ,~ 2023 Brundage Lane ' James E. Slaughter, DMD Bakersfield, CA 93304 ~ Phone: 661/327-9181 Fax 661/327-5649 -ullu ~ ~ C W ;~ _-~ ~/~P FACILITY NAME ~ ~'C~ ~% CITY OF BAKERSFIELD FIRE DEPARTMENT OFFICE OF ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES UNIFIED PROGRAM INSPECTION CHECKLIST 1715 Chester Ave., 3'd Floor, Bakersfield, CA 93301 S~Z ~~n INSPECTION DATE ~ 1 ~ j / a Section 4: Hazardous Waste Generator Program EPA ID # ^ Routine ~ Combined ^ Joint Agency ^hulti-Agency ^ Complaint ^ Re-inspection OPERATION C V COMMENTS Hazardous waste determination has been made ,s~tL (~~5 G52L EPA ID Number (Phone: 916-324-1781 to obtain EPA ID #) Authorized for waste treatment and/or storage Reported release, fire, or explosion within 15 days of occurrence Established or maintains a contingency plan and training Hazazdous waste accumulation time frames Containers in good condition and not leaking Containers are compatible with the hazardous waste Containers aze kept closed when not in use Weekly inspection of storage azea Ignitable/reactive waste located at least 50 feet from property line Secondary containment provided -- a(~ ~j.F/kr~f~ ~!~ Conducts daily inspection of tanks Used oil not contaminated with other hazardous waste Proper management of lead acid batteries including labels Proper management of used oil filters Transports hazazdous waste with completed manifest Sends manifest copies to DTSC Retains manifests for 3 years Retains hazardous waste analysis for 3 years Retains copies of used oil receipts for 3 years Determines if waste is restricted from land disposal C=Compliance/ ~~V=Violation Inspector: V _ ~ ~~~ Office of Environmental Services (661) 326-3979 White -Env. Svcs. Pink -Business Copy ~~ Business to Responsible Party