HomeMy WebLinkAboutBUSINESS PLAN~'i ASE ADULT MENTAL HALTH SRVCS _ 2916 EYE STREET ~` \ "~~ ~~ ~ • ~~ ~~~ ~'~~~ , ~ BAKERSFIELD FIRE DEPT. ~~='; ° ~, ~ - Prevention Services / FIRE- PREVENTION INSPECTION B Ep/RE t D 90o Truxtun Ave., ste. 210 ~10~ AIrTM T k r field CA 93301 Ba e s ~C,,,,~ ~ Tel.: (661) 326-3979 ^ ~ Fax: (661) 8 -2171 r, '.. DISTRICT BLOCK NO. DATE ~ ~ ~~ '^^y EE ~~ ~ y° FACILITY ADDRESS ~ ~ ~ Jp ~ p ~ CITY, STATE, ZIP ~ „i V FACILITY NAME , ,r~ ~,J~ ~} ' r O. FACILITY HONE N MAN' ER'S NAB /~_ // ~ ! ( ~{X ( ~~~ („~^ BUSINESS OWNER'S NAME AND ADDRESS cU ~n OWNER'S PHONE NO. ITY, STATE, ZIP BILL TO: (IF DIFFERENT FROM ABOVE) NAME, A DRESS CITY, STATE, ZIP, BILLING PHONE NO. OCC TYPE OCC LOAD NO. OF FLOORS HIGH RISE BLDG RISER DATE ^ YES ^ NO CORRECT ALL VIOLATIONS vio~~TioN REQUIREMENTS CHECKED BELOW No. COMBUSTIBLE WASTE /DRY 1 Remove and safely dispose of all hazardous refuse and dry vegetation on the above premises (U.F.C.) VEGETATION 2 Provide non-combustible containers with tight fitting lids for the storage of combustible waste and rubbish pending its " . ~r safe disposal. (U.F.C.) COMBUSTIBLE•STORAGE 3 Relocate combustible storage to provide at least 3 feet clearance around motor fuse boxlfire door (N.E.C.} (U.F.C.) 4 Relocate fire extinguisher(s) so that they will be in a conspicuous location, hanging on brackets with the top to the extinguishermot more than 5 feet above the floor. (N.F.P.A. No. 10) EXTINGUISHERS 6 Provide and install (amount) _____ approved (type 8 size) __________________ portable fire extinguisher to be immediately accessible for use in (area) _____________________________ (U.F.C.) g Re-charge all fire extinguishers. Fire extinguishers shall be serviced at least once each year, and/or after each use, by a person having a valid license or certificate. (U.F.C.) ~.,~ SIGH s 7 Provide and maintain "EXIT" sign(s) with letters 5 or more inches in height over each required exit (door/window) to . ~ fire escape. (U.F.C.) g Provide and maintain appropriate nu n s g a nd and visible from the street to indicate the correct address of the building. (B. M.C.) (U.F.C.) ~, • g Repair all (cracks/holes/openings) in plaster in (location) ______________________________________. Plastering FIREDOORSI/ FIRE SEPARATIONS shall return the surface to its original fire resistive condition. (U.B.C.) '"~x` ~ ti., 10 Remove/re air item & location P (~ )---------------------------------------------------------. Self-closing , doors shall be designed to close by gravity, or by the action of a mechanical device, or by an approved smoke and heat sensitive device. Self-closing doors shall have no attachments capable of preventing the operation of the closing device. (U.F.C.) EXITS ~ 11 Remove all obstruction from hallways. Maintain all means of egress free of any storage. (U.F.C.) 12 Provide a contrasting colored and permanently installed electric light over or near required exit (location) to clearly indicate it as an exit. (U.F.C.) ------------------------------ STORAGE 13 Remove all storage and/or other obstructions from fire escape landings and stairways stair shafts. (Fire escapes/stair shafts are to be maintained free from obstructions at all times.) (U.F.C.) 14 Extension cords shall not be used in lieu of permanent approved wiring. Install additional approved electrical outlets ELECTRICAL APPLIANCES where needed. (N.E.C.) (U.F.C.) 15 Remove multiple attachment cords from specific electrical convenience outlet (one plug per outlet) (N.E.C.) (U.F.C.) OUTDOOR BURNING 16 Violation of Section 1102 dealin with recreational fires or o en burnin U.F.C. FIREWORKS 17 Vi ations of Section 7802 U.F.C. or 8.49.040 of the Bakersfield Munici al Code B.M.C. re ardin .fireworks. - OTHER 18 ('i1,6. C' .h X ) t ll .~ n ,~ _. ~ fi U~ V.~ t"~F C~ ~ Q ~`. ~. .., CU$TO1t~ER: ~~~~~-~~.r tf C° .~-~/1,./ LEGEND: _..~ C.F.C. CALIFORNIA FIRE CODE (Signature) (Please Print Name Legibly, Title) U.B.C. UNIFORM BUILDING CODE ~ '"~'`~ ~' ~ B.M.C. BAKERSFIELD MUNICIPAL CODE / '"' c~--~..- INSPECTOR: ~ ~_~ AP NO.: {/' N.F.P.A. NATIONAL FIRE PROTECTION r _v (Signature) ~-'°~r ~ ASSOCIATION _~ ~.,`~" N.E.C. NATIONAL ELECTRIC CODE White -Customer/Original Yellow -Station Copy Pink -Prevention Services FD 2022 (Rev. 09/05) -•-~ 1/1212006 12:29 6616360573 ASC_ADULT COMM_SERV_ PAGE 02 SELF-CERTIFICATION CHECKLIST .~•~s~s~~~-e.rm~rr.ra.m.~.,;.+-w..,-,.~a.,~.. .-ii~; ~ H 8 P °~ IflaL Fire Prevention ~, ^RT~ BAI~,ERSFIELD FIRE DEBT. Preventitan i~rvices 9aa Tt,~aut>. Ate., Suite 210 Bakera>"ield, CA 9330] Tel.: (661) 326-3979 Fax: (Brit.) 852-2171 FACLLnY NAME:/~„~~i r. 1 ~ !' J J ~ ~ ,4CORES3: C ,/-I'et1~dtl h Cily, Slate Crod9~ ~. Q. ~~ ~ ~ 1 ELF•CLRT~IC,ITI~~~ ~~ NONE NUM94y- 3~- C~Sf~~ FaCylr~c conrYnC.' ~„l. ~~ ~-Iar~ '~ ~1~ nx NuM a ~3(~-.d~~3 ;;,~. s', .~i~i'w~:isii~..~:i~i~~~~o~t~i~ia~Vin~: R~su~~ iii-rrri~i~,~~p~~t. .rte. INSTRUCTTOTT3: Plcasc verify mad check each item as appropriate. Include cnmmenfs an each line or si the t)ottom as necessary. eontplt;ted, make a second copy for your teco*ds and mail the original to the address abrne. Fair to return wilt resul[ in inspection. Y N OPERATION ~ - ~--~ --~' - -- • - - ^ Spent fluorescent tubes Saved in a SUilable container and recycling' !R rely on an oubide agecuy Qnr the retyeing, please irldlcafe fhe name, atldres9, and pnane numter of the agenpy Ihet R!mOup6 your h,b~.) me: hphp 1Jo.: odrt~: ^ Waste batteries saved in suitable container far reaycfing" •~ f~ ^ Discarded electronic devices saved for recycling' ~,~~ ^ Discarcied items containing Mercury saved for r>cycling* ~f 1 ^ piscarcled non-empty aerosol spray cans saved for n~yG'ng" ^ Current armually serviced °ABC Type" fire extinguisher every 75 feet of travel Q Exten3ipn cards n uS~ed in place of what should be permanent wiring ^ AD exits indicated by exit signs, nat more than 1Q0 feet apart, if occupant load is 100 or more ^ Minimum of 30 indY9S of clearance in front of electrical panels ^ Caver plates installed on alb electrical outlets, switches, and junopon boxes (na exposed wirtng) © Flammat-le and combustible malarial stored properly and no# adjacent to a sauroe of Ignflion (check hot water h~aalel' and futrtace are$) ^ DO you use or store: any hazardous materials on site? ^ poes your building have a monitored fire alarm system? ^ DoE.g your building have a fire supptession (sprlnklet) system? "Racy at the Kfgm County Special Waste Faculty. 4951 Standard Stn3et. Bakersfield. CA 93308. P hone: (6811 862.6422 COl~Ad~17S_ .W~.' vy t]L ~Y~1'I~A~.~„E~_.~~.__.~j~g1.t.Yl.-.. glIE.STION$ REGARDING THIS CHECKL,ISTT P~easa ea~,r, u6 aT (88`x) 828-3879 Sr~hire Fo z, saw cRev. o9roa) ~°~.:~D -y~NO R l' GGt ~~ r-t'~'~. Busrnesa SNe 1 Renpohyibre PArty (P~gase PAnt) :~=- 1$!1212006 12:29 6616360573 ASC_ADULT COMM_SERV_ PAGE 01 .~.~~ ~C~.ll~t ~OT~1II111I11~ l,7GNl.GGS F~.X Transmittal Form ,2916 Eye Street, ~"~ Bakersfield, CA 93301 4 _ _ _ ~~~ Te F.rom ~~ Name Phone:66I-636-OS?0 Or~nlzatlon Namdpcpt•. 1?ax: 661-636-0573 cc; F-mail: Phone number. ~~ ~,~~~ ~ r Phone 66l-63b-0570 Fur number,; Fax; 661.636.0573 E.maik lJrgenc For Review Please Commcnc Please Reply MGSSega: Cate sent lime sent, Number aF pages including Wver page; ~,! ~ CONFIDENTIALITY NOTICE The documents aGCOrxillpanying this teJecopy transmission contain C~NFIDEIVTIAI, INFt)1~2.MAT1'QN . 6clonging to the sender that is legally privileged, Tho it1fo>!m8tion is intended only for the use of the individual or entity identif ed above. .if you are not the intended recipiem, you are hereby notified that any disclosure, copying, distribution, use, or taking of action on i~Jiance an the corttettts of the telecopied =QNF1I]EIJT7AL INFORMATION is strictly prohibited. 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