HomeMy WebLinkAboutBUSINESS PLAN U ~~ n ~!'~ LEGACY L~ ~~~ 2105 F STREET ~. a BAI{ER~FIE~I.^I)~,~Fy IRE IDEP't'. - --FIRE OR®INANCE VIOLATION. ~~~~ :~.,,~~L.,:..;r~7.T~.~~,:~,~~,~:.,~~..-..~ ~.~~v~.~~~,.zG~~,;:.~a,~~~~~~,~z.~ ~b~' al~~~ f 900 Truxtun Ave.T Ste. 210 Bakersfield, CA 93301 ~~ ~ Tel.: (661) 326-3979 X Fax: (661) 852-2171 CUPANCY DISTRICT BLOCK NO. DATE ' ~/ ( -~- ~ ~ , ~ _ 1 1 TO TITLE FIRM OR UBA / ' ..~ ~ ~,., Cr.' <~' ~ l COMPANY ADDRESS (CITY,'STATE, ZIP) +'"~ --' ~„ ~ ; BUSIN SS PHONE ~ ,'' HOME PHONE CORRECT ALL VIOLATIONS vrout REQUIREMENTS CHECKED BELOW wo. / Y 1 Remove and safely dispose of all hazardous refuse and 'dry vegetation on the above premises (U.F.C.) ' COMBUSTIBLE WASTE DR VEGETATION 2 Provide non-combustible containers with tight tilting lids for the storage of combustible waste and rubbish pending its safe disposal (U.F.C.) COMBUSTIBLE STORAGE 3 Relocate combustible storage to provide at least 3 feet clearance around motor fuse box/fire door (N.E.C.) (U.F.C.) 4 Relocate fire extinguisher(s) so that they will be in a conspicuous location, hanging on brackets with the top to the extinguisher not more than 5 feet above the floor. (N.F.P.A. No. 10) EXTINGUISHERS 5 Provide and install (amount) _____ approved (type 8 size) _________~_______ porttable fire extinguisher to be immediately accessible for use in (area) _________ _ ______ (U.F.C.) 8 Re-charge all fire extinguishers. Fire extinguishers shall be serviced at least once each year, and/or after each use, ' ` - ..,,. "~ by a person having a valid licens"e';or certificate. (U. F.C.) - 7 sign(s) with letters 5 or more inches in height-over each,drequired exit (door/window) to ~°Provide and maintain `EXIT" ~ ~ SIGNS , rfire escape. (U.F.C.) " " _ ? ~ ' g ''~ Provide and maintain appropriate numbers on a contrasting background and visible from the street to indicate the. Correct address of the building. (B.M.C.) (U.F.C.) g Repair all (cracks/holes/openings) in plaster in (location) ____________________~_______________. Plastering FJREDOORS/ FlRE SEPAR T O S t shall return the surface to its original fire resistive condition. (U.B.C.) A I N .,~ " 10 * Remove/repair (item & location) _~___________________ _ _ _ __ ____. Self-closing doors shall be designed to close by gravity, or by the action of a mechanical device, or by an approved smoke and ` heat sensitive device. Self-closing doolrslshall have no attachments capable of preventing the operation of the closing device. (U.F.C.) _.,.~, _, -` ~ ~#°•'s' ~' -" `~ _ EXTfS 11 Remove all obstruction from h?allways.y Ma ntaimalf means of egress free iif any'storage. (U.F.C.) 12 Provide a contrasting colored and permanently installed electric light over or near required exit (location) _______~__~_~___________ to clearly indicate it as an exit.. (U.F.,C.)', 8TORAGE j3°'- Remove all storage and/or other obstructiens from fire escape landings and stairwaysstair shafts.',(Fire ' ~ 'escapes/stair shafts'are to be maintained free from obstructions at all times.) (U. F.C.) ' 14 Extension cords shall not be used inrlieu of permanent approved wiring. 'Install additional approved electrical outlets ELECTRICAL APPLIANCES where needed. (N. E.C.) (U.F.C.) ~ - _ "' 15 ` ~ Remove multiple attachment cords from specific electrical convenience outlet (one plug per outlet) (N.E C:)' (U.F.C.) OUTDOOR BURNING 18 Violation of Section 1102 dealin with recreational fires or o en burnin U.F.C. FlREWORKS 17 Violations of Section 7802 U.F.C. or 8.49.040 of the Bakersfield Munici al Code B-M.C. re ardin fireworks. OTHER 18 f' /t` ~, ~~ "fP fa 1 ~ P ,pe a r9 t~,.t . f :Jr~da.'i'~ i`f •~,. "~t ~ ~./?..~ 'i''.l /. f:~~r "s .-#~ ~°~.;~..4 .;&_~ !a"",~., /_j [...i'``~~~.~" . . G` ~; '`~"'.31 f ~j ~ ~ ? ~ ,~, t ~ /'~, x'r.1 r:~.-l i~{..i l;f; frs.1? d f.. /! 1"0~,. ~~ ,'`'T't. ~:s r'?~f ~~1. ~i}.x'"~ t f / ~~ ~ ~'3 4 l~ ,y/ / ~n , r' ~ 1' '. ` ~} ~ .'.r7r ~ F 'r . ^^' F'e ~'.,L.d..:f ~/ ~, r .'} l j ('' 1, '~~wS' '~ ~ +"~ -.' t r,-~", i 1 ~ ~- ~ - ~ , l~0 ~-~~ ,,~ , %' . ~ 1 ~,, , !~ d ON (DATE) J 1'~ ? / - lJh AN INSPECTION WILL BE MADE, IF NO COMPLIANCE HAS BEEN MADE, ADDITIONAL ~' REGULATORY ACTION MAY BE N PERSON RECEMNO NoTicE of v16uTaN t ~ ~ I ITIATED. } ~ / / s ' 1 A I D T NATO AFTER VIOLATIONS ARE CORRECTED, RETURN THIS ~ BrfORDER OF THE FtltE CNIEF ~,~. "~ ~~ ~ ~ r, „ ~ DATE ~ /- ~ NOTICE BY MAIL OR IN PERSON TO: ,/ -----• .~ylr+'~ ~ i°~,f ~(~,~..- / BAKERSFIELD FIRE DEPT. _ INSPECTOR sIGNATURE WBPECTOR SIGNATURE OFFICE OF PREVENTION SERVICES ~O~G` cF.c. cALIFORNa ewE ~ 800 TRUXTUN AVE., SUITE 210 u.ac. uNroRM etltLtxNO cooE BAKERSFIELO, CA 9.101 aM.c. eacERSReLO MUNICIPAL coDE NFpA NATIONAL RRE PROTECTION ASSOCIATpN ~~ . N.EC. NATIONAL ELECTRIC CODE ~ . yYVhlte'+ Customer/Original Yellow-Station Copy Pink-Prevention Services FD1918 (REV. StlS6) P~R~~ C~~IGII~R;~~ . ^'-± -1'"xyi:s-+- G tJ+,f'q.?. d. ."L r,, xr `~ J?`t f,+`.gi''ac~v4 ~„".Ktiv-~a`1 ~.~`3` t fir' ~~`a4 r5 ~ 5' :'Uri. _ . _""~''K-:"~i..~j , i''~t ~M1 ?Y •''3a,' s~ .emu n..;;~5 '3, `4 ,. , , ~ ~d E'^! . _ .. `~ . RE DEPT. BAKERSFIELD FI `~ ~~ ~~ B E. R~S F 1 -D; "+`~evention`Senric_es~~ -FIRE, PREVENTION INSPECTION FARE 90o Truxtun t~~e., Ste: 2i.o :- _ D ARTM T Bakersfield, CA 93301 ~' ' ~ Tel.: -(661) 326-3979 ^ Fax: (661) 852-2171- .. _ _t. . ~~ . , ~. ,' KBF-7320. ' ._ _.-_.._ . ~~OR .0~~~~Inal ....,• DISTRICT BLOCK NO. ~ DATE (~{ gyp' j`} ~ EE : (~' J -,,,/' ' -' M ( FACILITY ADDRESS tt~~''" ~ !""r~. r~"' - - CITY, STATE, ZIP {~ ^;~ ~'~ - ~ ~' •• FACILITY NAME -~ ~ T ~ ~ ~ • ~ ~7 x ~f ~' ,t~ MANAGER'S NAME ~. ~ FACILITY PHONE NO. BUSINESS OWNER'S NAME AND ADDRESS t . CITY, STATE, 21P OWNER'S PHONE NO. . BILL T0: (IF DIFFERENT FROM ABOVE) NAME,'ADDRESS CITY, STATE, ZIP, BILLING PHONE NO.' . OCC TYPE OCC LOAD NO. OF FLOORS HIGH RISE BLDG RISER DATE ^ YES . ^ NO CORRECTACLVIOLATIONS wo~~noe '~ ~ ~ - ~ REQUIREMENTS- CHECKED BELOW eo. ' ' COMBUSTIBLE WASTE /DRY 1., Remove and safely dispose of all hazardous refuse ,and dry vegetation on the above premises (U.F.C.) ' VEGETATION 2''~ Provide non-combustible containers with tight fitting lids for the storage of combustible waste and rubbish pending its safe disposal. (U.F.C.) ' COMBUSTIBLE STORAGE. 3 Relocate combustible sforage~o~,provide at least 3 feet clearance around motor fuse boxlfire door (N. E.C.) (U.F.C.) • 4 Relocate fire extinguisheF(s) so that they will be iri a conspicuous location, hanging on brackets with the top to the extinguisher not more than~5 feet above the flodr. , (N.F.P.A. No. 10) ( ' EXTINGUISHERS ~ 5 Provide and install (amount) _____ approved,(type & size),__________________ portable fire extinguisher to be ' immediately accessible for use in (area). _____________________________ (U.F.C.); g , Re-charge all fire extinguishers. Fire extinguishers shall be serviced at least once, each year, and/or after each use, by a person having a valid license or certificate. (U.F.C.) ' 7 Provide and maintain "EXIT" sign(s) with Ietters,.5 or more .inches in height over each required exit (doo~lwindow) to ` SIGNS fire escape. (U.F:C.) g Provide and maintain appropriate numbers on a contrasting background and visible from the street to indicate .the . correct address 'of the building. (B.M.C.) (U.F.C.) -_ ~g Repair all (cracks/holes/openings) in plaster in (location) __ ___________ __ ' __. Plastering -- ---------- ~FIt2E'@QORS/ - shall return the surface to its original fire resistive condition ) F~IZE SEPARATIONS ` . . J 10 Remove/repair (item & location) ____________________________________________ _______. Self-closing • doors shall be designed to close by. gravity, or by. the action of a mechanical device, or by an approved smoke and heat sensitive device. Self-closing doors shall have no attachments capable of preventing the operation of the .closing device. (U.F.C.) EXITS ; 11 Remove all obstruction from hallways. Maintain all means of egress free of any storage. (U.F.C.) .. , , . 12 Provide a contrasting colored and permanently installed electric light over or near required. exit `(location) , • . ______________________________ to clearly indicate it as an exit. (U.F.C.) STORAGE 13 Remove all storage and/or other obstructions from fire escape landings and stairways stair shafts.. (Fire escapes/stair shafts are to be maintained free from obstructions at all times.) (U.F.C.) 14 Extension cords shall-not be used in lieu of permanent approved wiring. Install additional approved electrical outlets ELECTRICAL APPLIANCES where needed. (N.E.C.),(U.F.C.) ' 15 Remove multiple attachment cords from specific electrical convenience outlet (one plug per outlet) (N.E.C.) (U:F.C.) oUTDOORBURNING 16 Violation of Section 1102 dealin with recreational fires or o en burnin U.F:C. FIREWORKS r~ ~ `, 17 n s of Section 7802 U.F.C-. Violatio or 8.49.040 of the Bakersfield Munici al C ode B.M.C. re ardin~ ~ fireworks. OTHER ~~ ~.~ ~ - a1'7 ~ i1.8 l / ,~ ] ...&a 6 .d ~ ~ ~ ~ ~' ~~ - •! ~ ,. ~ ~ - ~. ~. t l ~'~ ~ ~ ~"`~~`~ ~~ ~~!~ ? ~` ~M~ %'`~~ ~'~`°~` ~'~ [ ~ ~ : d' ~' } ~" =~'{~ -, .- .., ... ~ ,~ -.tea ,..' r' s . ' ~ ,.. ~ w ~ t ~ ~ ~ , e - .. ! / f / ~ ~ J~ /i / d n ).ry ('~ \ p \ Q .'?( ~ /'- ( 1\1`~ ^. ` `^` \\ / w~j`}'rj( j/ ~{ /x }// p })~ ~ / f+ ~__, }J~ ..~""'"~k~.\f 4 1° ~~.Jt9"""<'u""..o ~~/ f.:J[ L:e'3ria~'{, , ) \\ g/ .- . ` CUSTOMER: ~~ #~ E ~ ~ ~/ 1~~ t LEGEND:. .. , : a ,,;,, „~,,,_ /'`p'~(Signafur~) ~ "(Please Print Name Legibly„^yTltle) t '" ~ C:F C. CALIFORNIA FIRE CODE , U.B.C. UNIFORM BUILDING CODE B C M BAKERSFIELD MUNICIPAL ODE ..~ ~ ~~tl~~~ . . . C ~ It AP NO.: ,INSPEGTOR': .. N.F,P.A. NATIONAL FIRE PROTECTION r ", ($I natUre) _~'` ASSOCIATION' , g N.E,C. NATIONAL ELECTRIC CODE Yellow Station Copy Pink-.Prevention Services FD2022 (RBV,09105) ' ..