HomeMy WebLinkAboutBUSINESS PLAN 9/13/2006~ -'f AL-MART 2601 FASHION PLACE ----- - -----f~ -----~ UNIFIED PROGRAM INSPECTION CHECKLIST SECTION 1: Business Plan and Inventory Program • C ~" Prevention Services a £ R s ,: , D 900 Truxtun,Ave., Suite 210 F/RE Bakersfield, CA 93301 ~ . aR~M Tel.: (661) 326-3979 Fax: (66.1) 872-2171 FACILITY NAME l -~-c w INSPECTION DATE - INSPECTION TIME a 1~a ~3-©6 ~ ins ADDRESS j ~ © ~45U1 t ou ~ HONE NO. ~`t 3 ~ ao O OF EMPLOYEES ~ Ofd FACILITY CONTACT Sf~ J BUSINESS ID NUMBER 15-021-a©~ ~~q rrrr o ~S~ Section 1: Business Plan and Inventory Program ~ ~~~ _ _- --- ROUTINE ^ COMBINED ^ JOINT AGENCY ^ MULTI-AGENCY ^ COMPLAINT ^ RE-INSPECTION C V (c=compliance OPERATION V=Violation COMMENTS ^ APPROPRIATE PERMIT ON HAND 4 I~ ^ BUSIneSS PLAN CONTACT INFORMATION ACCURATE C~ ^ VISIBLE ADDRESS ^ CORRECT OCCUPANCY C~ ^ VERIFICATION OF INVENTORY MATERIALS ~, ^ VERIFICATION OF QUANTITIES I~' ^ VERIFICATION OF LOCATION ^ PROPER SEGREGATION OF MATERIAL ^ VERIFICATION OF MSDS AVAILABILITY I~ ^ VERIFICATION OF HAZ MAT TRAINING O/'1 llJ~ ^ VERIFICATION OF ABATEMENT SUPPLIES AND PROCEDURES 6 ^ EMERGENCY PROCEDURES ADEQUATE ^ CONTAINERS PROPERLY LABELED ^ HOUSEKEEPING ^ FIRE PROTECTION ^ SITE DIAGRAM ADEQUATE & ON HAND ANY HAZARD~OU/S WASTE ON SI E? EXPLAIN: Was ~~ ENO QUESTIONS REGARDING THIS INSPECTION? PLEASE CALL US AT (661) 326-3979 • J~I.~t.tM~l GLt~i`f~~/ Inspector (Please rint) Fire Pr vention / 1s` In /Shift of Site/Station # ~ Busine s esponsible arty (Please Print) White -Prevention Services Yellow -Station Copy Pink -Business Copy FD 2155 (Rev. 09/05 ~~~ :... tl ~~s~ 1, BAKER$F~IELD. FIRE DEPARTMENT Location . ~.~-~~ ~ ?r.., ~f =~~-... ,. ~ ~, ~. ~ ~ Q~ d `t ~ , .Name 3 y;L ,~_- _ ~ - - ;; You -are hereby required to make the following ~ '~ ~ corrections at the above location: . 3 .~ ~.. :3; -;~' 'g ;: ,y ''`.1 ;;, it ..,.-~ ~:._II l l')y ~, UNIFIED PROGRAM CONSOLIDATED FORM FACILITY INFORMATION /~~~ BUSINESS OWNER/OPERATOR IDENTIFICATION ~` (((JJJ ' L IDENTIFICATION FACILITY ID# I BEGINNING DATE loo ENDING DATE 10l 06/10/2006 06/09/2007 BUSINESS NAME(Same as FACILITY NAME or DBA- Doing Business As) 3 BUSINESS PHONE 1°2 Wal-Mart Store #1624 (661) 873-7120 BUSINESS SITE ADDRESS 103 2601 Fashion Place CITY 104 ZIP CODE 1os C~' Bakersfield 93306 DUN & BRADSTREET 106 SIC CODE (4 digit #) 107 OS-195-7769 5311 COUNTY 108 Kern BUSINESS OPERATOR NAME: 109 BUSINESS OPERATOR PHONE 110 Wal-Mart Stores, Inc (479) 204-2280 II. BUSINESS OWNER OWNER NAME: 111 OWNER PHONE 11z Wal-Mart Stores, Inc. (Attn: Licensing) (479) 204-2280 OWNER MAILING ADDRESS 113 702 Southwest 8~' Street CITY 114 STATE 115 ZIP CODE n6 Bentonville AR 72716-0500 III. ENVIRONMENTAL CONTACT CONTACT NAME ~ 17 CONTACT PHONE 118 Jamie Huens, Environmental Manager (479) 204-8453 CONTACT MAILING ADDRESS 119 702 Southwest 8~' Street w U,v CITY 12o STATE I2I ZIP CODE 1zz Bentonville AR 72716-0500 -PRIMARY- IV. EMERGENCY CONTACTS -SECONDARY- NAME u3 NAME 128 Bill Johnson John Jones TITLE 124 TITLE 129 Store Manager Assistant Manager BUSINESS PHONE 125 BUSINESS PHONE 130 (661)873-7120 (661)873-7120 24-HOUR PHONE 126 24-HOUR PHONE 131 (800)530-9924 (800)530-9924 PAGER # 127 PAGER # 132 NA NA ADDITIONAL LOCALLY COLLECTED INFORMATION: APN :130-161-62-00-2 133 Environmental Contact E-Mail Address: janet.lynn~a,wal-mart.com Property Owner: Wal Mart Stores, Inc. Billing Address: 702 Southwest 8~'. Street, Bentonville, AR 72716-0500 Certification: Based on my inquiry of those individuals responsible for obtaining the information, I certify under penalty of law that I have personally examined and am familiar with the information submitted and believe the information is true, accurate, and complete. SIGN U OF OWNER/ PE T R DESIGNATED REPRESENTATIVE DATE 134 NAME OF DOCUMENT PREPARER 135 [.C ~ /~ ~ Shaw Environmental, Inc. NAME OF NER (print) 136 TITLE OF SIGNER 137 Wayne Doherty Fire Protection & OSHA Corporate Compliance Mngr. tis ryu .r o ~ g 35~~ w ;i.5 Emergency Response/Contingency Plan (Hazardous Materials Business Plan Module) Authority Cited: HSC, Section 25504(b); Title 22, Div. 4.5, Ch. 12, Art. 3 CCR All facilities that handle hazardous materials in specified quantities must have a written emergency response plan. In addition, facilities that generate 1,000 kilograms or more of hazardous waste per month, or accumulate more than 6,000 kilograms of hazardous waste on-site at any one time, must prepare a contingency plan. Because the requirements are similar, they have been combined in a single document, provided below, for your convenience. This plan is a required module of the Hazardous Materials Business Plan (HMBP). If you already have a plan that meets these requirements, you should not complete the blank plan, below, but you must include a copy of your existing plan as part of your HMBP. This site-specific Emergency Response/Contingency Plan is the facility's plan for dealing with emergencies and shall be implemented immediately whenever there is a fire, explosion, or release of hazardous materials that could threaten human health and/or the environment. At least one copy of the plan shall be maintained at the facility for use in the event of an emergency and for inspection by the local agency. Within some Counties, hospitals and police agencies have delegated receipt of these plans to the local agencies administering Hazardous Materials Business Plans, so additional copies need not be submitted. However, a copy of the plan and any revisions must be provided to any contractor, hospital, or agency with whom special (i.e. contractual) emergency services arrangements have been made (see section 3, below). 1. Evacuation Plan: a. The following alarm signal(s) will be used to begin evacuation of the facility (check all that apply): ^ Bells; ®Horns/Sirens; ®Verbal (i. e. shouting; ®Other (specify) Public Address System b. ®Evacuation map is prominently displayed throughout the facility. Note: A properly completed HMBP Site Plan satisf es contingency plan map requirements. This drawing (or any other drawing that shows primary and alternate evacuation routes, emergency exits, and primary and alternate staging areas) must be prominently posted throughout the facility in locations where it will be visible to employees and visitors. 2. a. Emergency Contacts*: Fire/Police/Ambulance ......................................... Phone No. 911 State Office of Emergency Services .............................. Phone No. (800) 852-7550 b. Post-Incident Contacts*: Fire Department Hazardous Materials Program ................... Phone No.: (661) 326-3911 County of Kern Environmental Health Services Department ...... Phone No. (661) 862-8700 California EPA Department of Toxic Substances Control ............ Phone No. (916) 255-3545 Cal-OSHA Division of Occupational Safety and Health .............. Phone No. (559) 445-5302 San Joaquin Valley Air Quality Management District ............... Phone No. (661) 326-6900 Fresno Regional Water Quality Control Board ......................... Phone No. (559) 445-5116 * These telephone numbers are provided as a general aid to emergency notification. Be advised that additional agencies maybe required to be notified. c. Emergency Resources: Poison Control Center ....................................... Phone No. (800) 876-4766 Nearest Hospital: Name: San Joaquin Community Hospital Phone No.: (661) 395-3000 Address: 2615 Eye Street City: Bakersfield 3. Arrangements With Emergency Responders: If you have made special (i.e. contractual) arrangements with any police department, fire department, hospital, contractor, or State or local emergency response team to coordinate emergency services, describe those arrangements below: Specialty response for an emergency response contractor is coordinated by the Wal-Mart Home Office at (479-204-8453) or 24-hr Alarm Central at (800-530-9924), considering the nature and magnitude of the release. Page 2 of 8 .r, ~ rr Emergency Response/Contingency Plan (HMBP Module) 4. Emergency Procedures: Emergency Coordinator Responsibilities: a. Whenever there is an imminent or actual emergency situation such as a explosion, fire, or release, the emergency coordinator (or his/her designee when the emergency coordinator is on call) shall: i. Identify the character, exact source, amount, and areal extent of any released hazardous materials. ii. Assess possible hazards to human health or the environment that may result from the explosion, fire, or release. This assessment must consider both direct and indirect effects (e.g. the effects of any toxic, irritating, or asphyxiating gases that are generated, the effects of any hazardous surface water run-off from water or chemical agents used to control fire, etc.). iii. Activate internal facility alarms or communications systems, where applicable, to notify all facility personnel. iv. Notify appropriate local authorities (i. e. ca11911). v. Notify the State Office of Emergency Services at 1-800-852-7550. vi. Monitor for leaks, pressure build-up, gas generation, or ruptures in valves, pipes, or other equipment shut down in response to the incident. vii. Take all reasonable measures necessary to ensure that fires, explosions, and releases do not occur, recur, or -spread to other hazardous materials at the facility. b. Before facility operations are resumed in areas of the facility affected by the incident, the emergency coordinator shall: i. Provide for proper storage and disposal of recovered waste, contaminated soil or surface water, or any other material that results from a explosion, fire, or release at the facility. ii. Ensure that no material that is incompatible with the released material is transferred, stored, or disposed of in areas of the facility affected by the incident until cleanup procedures are completed. iii. Ensure that all emergency equipment is cleaned, fit for its intended use, and available for use. iv. Notify the California Environmental Protection Agency's Department of Toxic Substances Control, the County of Kern Hazardous Materials Compliance Division, and the local fire department's hazardous materials program that the facility is in compliance with requirements b-i and b-ii, above. Responsibilities of Other Personnel: On a separate page, list any emergency response functions not covered in the "Emergency Coordinator Responsibilities" section, above. Next to each function, list the job title or name of each person responsible for performing the function. Number the page(s) appropriately. 5. Post-Incident Reporting/Recording: The time, date, and details of any hazardous materials incident that requires implementation of this plan shall be noted in the facility's operating record. Within 15 days of any hazardous materials emergency incident or threatened hazardous materials emergency incident that triggers implementation of this plan, a written Emergency Incident Report, including, but not limited to a description of the incident and the facility's response to the incident, must be submitted to the California Environmental Protection Agency's Department of Toxic Substances Control, the County of Kern Hazardous Materials Compliance Division, and the local fire department's hazardous materials program. The report shall include: a. Name, address, and telephone number of the facility's owner/operator; b. Name, address, and telephone number of the facility; c. Date, time, and type of incident (e.g. fire, explosion, etc.); d. Name and quantity of material(s) involved; e. The extent of injuries, if any; £ An assessment of actual or potential hazards to human health or the environment, where this is applicable; g. Estimated quantity and disposition of recovered material that resulted from the incident; h. Cause(es) of the incident; i. Actions taken in response to the incident; j. Administrative or engineering controls designed to prevent such incidents in the future. 6. Earthquake Vulnerability: [19 CCR §2731(e)] Identify any areas of the facility and mechanical or other systems that require immediate inspection or isolation because of their vulnerability to earthquake-related ground motion: Main Store: Auto center contains flammable oils, lubes, etc. Pool section contains oxidizers; McDonalds contains carbon dioxide compressed gases; and layaway contains helium gases; fire sprinkler system check. Page 3 of 8 Fs~nerge'licy Response/Contingency Plan 7. Emergency Equipment: 22 CCR §66265.52(e) [as referenced by 22 CCR §66262.34(a)(4)] and the Hazardous Materials Storage Ordinance require that emergency equipment at the facility be listed. Completion of the following Emergency Equipment Inventory Table meets this requirement. EMERGENCY EQUIPMENT INVENTORY TABLE 1. Equipment Cate or 2. Equipment T e 3. Locations * 4. Descri tion** Personal ^ Cartrid a Res irators Protective ^Chemical Monitorin E ui ment (describe) Equipment, ®Chemical Protective A rons/Coats B2, D3, DS Garden, Photo, back of store Safety ^Chemical Protective Boots Equipment, ®Chemical Protective Gloves B2, D3, DS Garden, Photo, back of store and ^Chemical Protective Suits (describe) First Aid ^ Face Shields Equipment ®First Aid Kits/Stations (describe) B2, D3, D5, F1 Garden, Photo, back of store, Customer Srv. ^ Hard Hats ® Plumbed Eye Wash Stations D3, DS Photo, Maintenance Area ^ Portable Eye Wash Kits (i.e. bottle t e) ^ Res irator Cartrid es (describe) ^ Safet Glasses/S lash Go Les ^ Safet Showers ^ Self-Contained Breathing Apparatuses (SCBA) ^ Other (describe) Fire ®Automatic Fire S rinkler S stems Entire store Ceilin mounted s rinkler s stem Extinguishing ^ Fire Alarm Boxes/Stations Systems ®Fire Extinguisher Systems (describe) Entire store Handheld fire extinguishers throughout store; locations marked b red arrow/ta e ^ Other (describe) Spill ®Absorbents (describe) Various Sill Kits stations throu hout store Control ^ Berms/Dikes (describe) Equipment ^ Decontamination ui ment (describe) and ^ Emer enc Tanks (describe) Decontamination ^ Exhaust Hoods Equipment ^ Gas C Linder Leak Re air Kits (describe) ^ Neutralizers (describe) ^ Ove ack Drums ^ Sum s (describe) ^ Other (describe) Communications ^Chemical Alarms (describe) and ®Intercoms/ PAS stems Entire store Alarm ®Portable Radios Entire store Carried b store mana ers Systems ®Tele hones Entire store ^ Underground Tank Leak Detection Monitors ^ Other (describe Additional Equipment ®Hazardous Waste Accumulation Area Back of store Bucket system, fire cabinet, and aerosol drum have been placed in the back of the store to manage hazardous wastes generated at the store for pick up within 90 days by a licensed CA transportation hauler for proper disposal. (Use Additional ^ * Use the map and grid numbers from the Storage Map prepared earlier for your HMBP. ** Describe the equipment and its capabilities. If applicable, specify any testing/maintenance procedures/intervals. Attach additional pages, numbered appropriately, if needed. Page 4 of 8 ~" ~ Employee Training Plan (Hazardous Materials Business Plan Module) Authority Cited: HSC, Section 25504(c); Title 22, Div. 4.5, Ch. 12, Art. 3 CCR All facilities that handle hazardous materials must have a written employee training plan. This plan is a required module of the Hazardous Materials Business Plan (HMBP). A blank plan has been provided below for you to complete and submit if you do not already have such a plan. If you already have a brief written description of your training program that addresses all subjects covered below, you are not required to complete the blank plan, below, but you must include a copy of your existing document as part of your HMBP. Check all boxes that apply. [Note: Items marked with an asterisk (*) are required.J: 1. Personnel are trained in the following procedures: ® Internal alarm notification ® Evacuation/re-entr rocedures & assembl oint locations* ® Emer enc incident re ortin ® External emer enc res onse or anization notification ® Location s) and contents of Emer ency Res onse/Contin enc Plan ® Facility evacuation drills, that are conducted at least (sped) Quarterly 2. Chemical Handlers are additionally trained in the following: ® Safe methods for handlin and storage of hazardous materials ® Location(s) and ro er use of fire ands ill control a ui ment ® Sill rocedures/emer enc rocedures ® Pro er use of ersonal rotective a ui ment ® Specific hazard(s) of each chemical to which they may be exposed, including routes of exposure (i. e. inhalation, ingestion, absor tion) ® Hazardous Waste Handlers/Managers are trained in all aspects of hazardous waste management specific to their job duties (e.g. container accumulation time requirements, labeling requirements, storage area inspection requirements, manifesting re uirements, etc.) 3. Emergency Response Team Members are capable of and engaged in the following: ^ Personnel rescue rocedures ® Shutdown of o erations ® Liaison with res ondin agencies ® Use, maintenance, and re lacement of emer enc res onse a ui ment ® Refresher training, which is rovided at least annually ® Emergency response drills, which are conducted at least (specify) Quarterly Page 5 of 8 t ~ ~ !:. ' Record Keeping (Hazardous Materials Business Plan Module) All facilities that handle hazardous materials must maintain records associated with their management. A summary of your recordkeeping procedures is a required module of the Hazardous Materials Business Plan (HMBP). A blank summary has been provided below for you to complete and submit if you do not already have such a document. If you already have a brief written description of your hazardous materials recordkeeping systems that addresses all subjects covered below, you are not required to complete this page, but you must include a copy of your existing document as part of your HMBP. Check all boxes that apply. The following records are maintained at the facility. [Note: Items marked with an asterisk (*) are required.J: ® Current em loyees' training records (to be retained until closure o the acili ® Former em to ees' trainin records (to be retained at least three ears after termination o em loyment) ® Training Pro ram s) (i. e. written descri tion o introductory and continuin trainin ® Current co y of this Emergency Res onse/Contingenc Plan ® Record of recordable/reportable hazardous materiaVwaste releases ® Record of hazardous materiaUwaste stora a area ins ections ® Record of hazardous waste tank daily ins ections ® Descri tion and documentation of facilit emer enc res onse drills Note: The above list of records does not necessarily ident~ every type of record required to be maintained by the facility. A copy of the Inspection Check Sheet(s) or Log(s) used in conjunction with required routine self- inspections of your facility must be submitted with your HMBP. (Exception: Available from your local agency is a Hazardous Materials/Waste Storage Area Inspection Form that you may use if you do not already have your own form. If you use the example provided, you do not need to attach a copy.) Check the appropriate box: ^ We will use the Unidocs "Hazardous Materials/Waste Storage Area Inspection Form" to document inspections. ® We will use our own documents to record inspections. (A blank copy of each document used must be attached to this HMBP.) Page 6 of 8 ! Kern County Hazardous Materials Division Annotated Consolidated Storage Map #1 Hazardous Materials Plan = Business Name: WAL-MART STORES, INC. (STORE #1624) Site Address: 2601 Fashion Place, Bakersfield, CA 93306 `' Submission Date: 7/30/04 (Revised 5/3/06) Inspection Date: 7/23/04 A B C D E F G Legend 121012-A5-1624 'C O I ® E storm drains / O ~ i i sanitary sewer ® ! ~ manhole 1 i MAIN { fire hydrants & ENTRlWCE ~,,,~~ i connections PROPANE SOICIICJ`% ~ (RETAIL) i i sprinkler system # valves CUSTOMER - -- ---- --- -- --_ _ ~~ . ------ ---- --- i ---.. - - -- ---.. --- - - -- ~ ~ - #-- --- lectncal shutoff ~~] , ~ ~srr .c^ ~ e 0 CHARCOAL! LIGHTER FLUID ppRTT~ ~ gas shutoff • SEASONAL i ~7~ FREEZER.' i • COp~fANKS water shutoff O 2 PFe ~ ~CLE•NEg ~ ® ® ~ GARD~N 0 i REFRK;ERATED CASES # HERBICIDES pp710 ~ i ~ fire extinguisher INSECTICIDES GARDEN t ~ • ; CENTER I McDONALDS ~ MSDS & MSDS 8 _~ tt~pII ~~pl • I '- ~ ~ COntln en Plan CP j ~ Q ~ safety showers & € eye washers U • { ~ '~ • ~ personal protective 3 J i equipment ll I ~~ ZO j aIVAL-MART STORE #1624 spill containment 8 _ SPORiINGI AI ~ PPE mitigation equipment - GOODS ~ WOOD FlNISH _.,(l?.__ .. ~_...._ _~ ---- .. ~.._. ;._ ........_.....-......_..__...~_._._3-,-._._.. -- ._. _' ! / ` ' _._._.._..__..._.__-._._._...--- __....-._ _....~ -_ _ _._.... ~_...._._._..._._.. first aid LQL • PAINT • ~~ PHOTO !- • •~..~. equipment } CENTER i LEAD-AC D CAR BATTERIES AUTO i g1SED LEAD-ACID CAR emergency MOTOR OIL 3 ~ ~ATTERIES assembly area WINDSHIELDi WIPER FLUID • ~ • ~ UQUID CAR WAX ~ I PASTE CAR WAX i fire exit ,~ ENVIRONMENTAL ~. jCAGE .IpI ~ ~ ~~ • • • hazardous waste HWAC '. KING ccumulatlon area USED C00 a i i OIL AST --------- - - -a -- - - - --- -- I -~11KE---------------------------- HWAC j HEl1UM~~ ~ - PROPANE 3 I ~ PPE 3 ` • cP i E' ~ 1 ~ f ~-COOLER i ~$ _ FREEZER BOTTOM i of wu ;BERNARD STREET' NOT TO SCALE + WAL MART 1624.====______=____________________________ SiteID: 015-021-001189 + WI 1(iq v+~ ~O1'~nS~+'- Manager BusPhone: (661) 873-7120 Location: 2601 FASHION PL Map 103 CommHaz High City BAKERSFIELD Grid: 22A FacUnits: 1 AOV: CommCode: BFD STA 08 EPA Numb: SIC Code: DunnBrad:71-0415-188 Emergency Contact / Title Emergency Contact / Title R / STpR.E MANAGER / SUPERVISOR Business Phone: (661) 87.3-7120x Business Phone: 2 4 -Hour Phone 2 4 -Hour Phone ''r ~~ "'" " ' " "~ Pager Phone ( - x ~ 5 99 Pager Phone ( ) - x~ 9 +------------------ _ 3a~ -lg Z~-------+------------------- ~~-av_5~o-9 z~------+ Hazmat Hazards: Fire Press React ImmHlth DelHlth Contact Phone: (661) 873-7120x MailAddr: 702 SW 8TH ST State: AR City BENTONVILLE Zip 72716-0500 Owner WAL MART STORES INC Phone: (661) 873-7120x Address 702 SW 8TH ST State: AR City BENTONVILLE Zip 72716-0500 Period to TotalASTs: = Gal Preparers TotalUSTs: = Gal Certif'd: RSs: No ParcelNo: Emergency Directives: PROG A - HAZMAT PROG H - HAZ WASTE GEN ENT'D g p R 2 7 2006 Based on my inquiry of those individuals responsible for obtairnng the information, I certify under penalty of law that I have personally examined and am familiar with the information submitted and believe the information is true, accurate, and complete. ,~ !5-~~ Sig ture Date -1- 03/10/2006 `1~~ Annotated Consolidated Storage Map #1 Hazardous Materials Plan a Business Name: WAL MART (STORE #1624) Site Address: 2601 Fashion Place, Bakersfield, CA 93306 {~ ~~-'P Submission Date: 7/30/04 A B C D Inspection Date: 7/23/04 104258-A44 E F G Legend i ~ I ® storm drains Q ~ ® sanitary sewer S manhole 0 PROPANE ~l ~ fire hydrants & connections ~( ~ ~ (RETAIL) ( ~ ( ~ ~ PHOFD'~ sprinkler system valves ICJ ~~ _ "'~"" ~ ~""j "'~'~ "'.~- ~ -•- ~ electrical shutoff • SEASONAL ) ~ • gas shutoff SPUPPU. ® ® ~ • COpT ANKS water shutoff O ~ GARDE N GARDEN I ~ ~ • fire extinguisher PATiO CENTER ` McDONALDS MSDS & Msos a _ _ j ~ ~ • `~_ _ • ~ Contingency Plan CP 0 !~ ~ safety showers & Q I ({ I eye washers i • • personal protective g ® equipment Z I I I spill containment & uipment ation e miti O = _!A ~ SPORTING GOODS j ~ ~ ~ • • ~ • • ~ ~~.-~~..-~®~ q g first aid equipment PAINT AUTO BATTERIES assembly area ( ~ • ~ • f it •~ ~ ENVIRONMENTAL CAGE ire ex •® ~ ®• ~ s ~ ~~ ~ ~ E E ~ D ~ ' ~ ~ STO PANE I HELIUM 00 aa~ ( • M50.56 ~ • ~ EI O BOTTOM OF HILL ~ ~ BERNARD STREET ® NOT TO SCALE 3 4 5 UNIFIED PROGRAM INSPECTION CHECKLIST SECTION 1 Business Plan and Inventory Program • Bakersfield Fire Dept. Environmental Services 900 Truxtun Ave., Suite 210 Bakersfield, CA 93301 ' Tel: (661) 326-3979 FACILITY NAME . WSPECTION DATE INSPECTION TIME ADDRESS PHONE No. No. o/Employees t .. FACILITYCONTACT / /'~ Business ID Number Section 1: Business Plan and Inventory Program Routine ^ Combined O Joint Agency ^Mutti-Agency O Complaint ^ Re-inspection C V noe~ OPERATION (V mo t l COMMENTS - o a o n ^ APPROPRIATE PERMIT ON HAND ^ BUSINESS PLAN CONTACT INFORMATION ACCURATE • ^ VISIBLE ADDRESS ~. ^ CORRECT OCCUPANCY ^ ~ VERIFICATION OF INVENTORY MATERIALS ^ VERIFICATION OF QUANTITIES ^ .VERIFICATION OF LOCATION ^ PROPER SEGREGATION OF MATERIAL ^ VERIFICATION OF MSDS AVAILABILITYE ,~ ^ VERIFICATION OF FIAT MAT TRAINING ^ - VERIFICATION OF ABATEMENT SUPPLIES AND PROCEDURES ~ -- -- -- ,~ ^ EMERGENCY PROCEDURES ADEQUATE ~ ^ CONTAINERS PROPERLY LABELED i ^ HOUSEKEEPING ^. FIRE PROTECTION ~ `~ ^ SITE DIAGRAM ADEQUATE $t ON HAND I ANY HAZARDOUS WASTE ON SITE: ~ YES l ~"NO EXPLAIN: • QUESTIONS REGARDING THIS INSPECTIONS PLEASE CALL US AT (ss~? 326-3979 --- ------ ~ ---- - -----~U`--- - -------._---------._-_ ____... Inspector (Please~Print) Fire Prevention 1st-InlSldk of Site White -Environmental Services Velknv -Station Copy Bu mess Site Responsible Party (Please Print) rn Pink • Business Copy ~~ ~~~® ROLF JENSEN & ASSOCIATES, INC. FIRE & SECURITY ENGINEERING CONSULTANTS December 6, 2005 FACSIMILE NO. (661) 852-2171 Mr. Dave Weirather Bakersfield Fire Department ` -Preventios~~Servic:rs- - --- - . _ ~- _- . _ _ _ _ - _ . _ ~ . -- -~ _ _-- - -.. - - ~~Q 900 Truxtun Avenue, Suite 210 ~~ a ers le 01 EAST HILLS MALL RE OVATION - BAKERSFIELD, CA REVIEW OF SMOK ONTROL BASIS OF DESIGN REPORT Dear Mr. Weirather: This letter is being sent to advise that Rolf Jensen & Associates, Inc. (RJA) has completed our review of the smoke control basis of design report for the subject project. The referenced report provided conceptual and theoretical background and justification for selection of the design fire scenarios and the proposed smoke control methodology. This report did not contain detailed calculations for sizing and locations of the proposed smoke vents, nor did it contain specifics of the proposed control and operational sequencing, but it is understood that the final rational analysis report will contain all of . these details. Based on out review we recommend approval of the report. If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to call. Sincerely, Charles W. Siegmann III, P.E. Associate Manager Cc: Phil Burns -Bakersfield Building Department CWS:cs L38258/WEIRATHER 120605 -Basis of Design Report Review Letter 7676 HAZARD CENTER DRIVE, 5TH FLOOR, SAN DIEGO, CA 92106-4508 USA. +1 619 497-2665, FAX +1 619 497-2666 www. rjagroup. com A SUBSIDIARY OF THE RJA GROUP, INC. UNIFIED PROGRAM INSPECTION CHECKLIST SECTION 1 Business Plan and Inventory Program Bakersfield Fire Dept. Enironmental Services 1715 Chester Ave Bakersfield, CA 93301 Tel: (661)326-3979 FACILITY NAME INSPECTION DATE INSPECTION TIME ADDRESS PHONE No. No. of Employees ----- Z ~ o ~ - ----~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ --- ~ ~ -- - - ---- --- ------------ ------ 87 3 - 7 ~ 2 0 3 ~? ------ - FACILITYCONTACT Business ID Number p~ . 15-021-b0 (~ ST5 Section 1: Business Plan and Inventory Program Routine O Combined O Joint Agency OMulti-Agency O Complaint O Re-inspection C V \V=Vioatpiolnncel OPERATION COMMENTS ^ APPROPRIATE PERMIT ON HAND Jd~ U- BUSINESS PLAN CONTACT INFORMATION ACCURATE ~- ~ ^ VISIBLE ADDRESS ^ CORRECT OCCUPANCY ^ VERIFICATION OF INVENTORY MATERIALS ' ^ VERIFICATION OF QUANTlTlES ^ VERIFICATION OF'LOCATION ^ PROPER SEGREGATION OF MATERIAL ^ VERIFICATION OF MSDS AVAILABILITYE ^ VERIFICATION OF HAT MAT TRAINING ^ VERIFICATION OF ABATEMENT SUPPLIES AND PROCEDURES ^ EMERGENCY PROCEDURES ADEQUATE ^ CONTAINERS PROPERLY LABELED ^ HOUSEKEEPING ^ FIRE PROTECTION ^ SITE DIAGRAM ADEQUATE & ON HAND ANY HAZARDOUS WASTE ON SITE: OYES ~d. rvc~ S1~~~-,, J,`V//,,~ ' / EXPLAIN: ~ ~ ~'~~Gl~-CJ ~-y~/~) V QUESTIONS R ARDING THIS INSPECTIONS PLEASE CALL US AT ~66'I ~ 3X-3979 Inspe for Badge No. White -Environmental Services Yellow -Station Copy Business Site Responsible Party t~ /_1_ Pink -Business Copy V -:, ~5~~ WAL-MART .1624 - - SiteID: 015-021-00118 9 Manager : WILLIAM JOHNSON HuePhons: (661) 873-71 Location: 2601 FASHION PL Map 103 ConunHaz ghgh City :.BARERSFIELD Grid: Z2A FaCIInits:' 1 AOV; ConunCode : BFD STA O S SIC Cocl.e EPA Plumb: C,yj.L q~O.S~.S~3 % DuanBrad:73-0415-188 Emergency contact / Title WILLIAM JOHNSON / S er a cY Contact /~¢~Tit1e Lin J ~ ~0 ~~ TORE ~7ANAGER . ~}jc D/1~~ / ~ Business Phone: (661) 873-7120x Business Phene: (t(ol- 24-Haut Phone ;'(800) 530-9924x 24-Haar Phone (800) 530-9924xF'l73 Pager Phone : ( } - x Pager Phone ( )_ - x 710 Hazmat.Hazards: Fire Press React ImmHlth De1H1th Contact : -Tr .rv ;~.VS ~ O..J Zc%4k~ fiVVjL, COwti°LJr~N~.EPhOAe: (479) 204-$4g3X MailACtdr: 702 SW 8TH ST ~~/~~~ State: AR ~S'j~ City BENTONViLLE Zip 72716-0500 Owner WAL-MART STORES INC Phone: (479) 204-2280x Address 702 SW 8TH ST State: AR City BENTONVILLE trip 72716-0500 Period : 3 ?~! ao0 ~ to r'J~/~f' ~a ~ TotalAS2's : ~ _ ~. J~d9 Cial Preparer : ~~` ~,dd.~, ~,,/~. TotalUSTs : _ ~ Gal erta.f'$: 7~/'i/~L115 ?~~41~i~J5 !~ ~• ~i!/~. ~!lNti°Llr~ RSs: /C; No 7 , ~ ParcelNo: Emergency Directives: Pf20G A - HAZMAT ~ROG ~ TE G / ... ^ ~ r / v V ~ i 1 . ~ ~N~''D ~ ~4 ~ ~ ~ ~ p~7 . _1_ 02/20/2007 ;~_- ~, 1*Mart ~ (wed, 18 /apr 2007 16:25.55.05 •. ~ WAL-MART 1634 ~ Hazmat Inventory ~ MCP+DailyMa.x Order SitESID: 015-021-007.189 ~ By Facility Unit 9 Fixed Containers oa 3ite ~ Hazmat Co~rz Atame.._ SpecHaz SPA Hazards Fret DailyMax Unit MCP LNSBCTICIDE F ].A DH S ,tDob,00 LBS Ext PROPANE ::' `'° . "'~ E F P IH• c3 /a-OO ~>~-~dn FT3 Hi PROPANE -~ _ 8 F P IH L (~ / ~ Hi POOL CHLORIDE IH DH $ 260,00 LBS Hi W71QD3HIBLD WA3Hffi2 COiJCi3NTRATE DH L ~j',~.3~'.00 C3AL Hi TRIGHLORO-S-T'RIAZINERTRTONB IH DH S , 550.00 LBS Mod WOgD FINISH L -~,3frC'.40 ~r CAL ~MOd IPI3EC'PIC7.DE F IH DH L ) 130.00 GAL Mod CHARCOAL LIC3HTER FLUIIS ' F IIi DFi L , j ~~. 00 GAL Mod FAINT THINNER.. F DH L x.73.00 GAL Mod ALGACID$ F R.IH DH L 70.00 GAL Mod LEAD ACID BATTERIES S ~ a2pp1~G9~'. DO L8S Low R.EFRIGBRANT P IH Q 440.00 L88 Low ANTIFREEZE L 200.00 GR2, Low MOTOR OIL F DH L ' [ jpplaf?tJ'. 00 COAL Min CARBON DIOXIDE '; F 1? •IH G 1275.00 FT3 Mtn HELIUM F' p IH Q y$~.6~8'G.00 FT3 Min TASTE BATTERIES ..~ `' '~ IFi 9 750.00 LDS Lh7,R. HERBICIDE ~ ~ IH DH L 370.00 GAL Dian i~ - ~ 1*Mart (wed, 18 apr 2007 16:25:55 -0500) (022151eb8a09480fab284 a ccac ax p WAI,-MART 1624 SitelD: 015-021-001189 ~ ~ Inventory Item 0015 Facility Unit: Fixed Containers on Site ~ COMMON NAM£ / CHBMICAL NAME INSECTICIDE - Days On Site 365 Location within this Facility Unit Map: Grid: GARDEN CTR CAS# ~soZia ~Mixtur~Ambient~ ~ Ambi~1~ ~ CONTAINER TYPE AMOUNTS AT THIS LOCATION s-~ Lar st Container Dail Maximum Daily Avexa e ~ 2 0.O 0 LB3 a2 O d D .b8~8~c99~ LBS ~ / Ot? f7 3G~A-~6'@ LBS liAGA.KIx]U~ C.VP7PUNLiN'i'S $Wt. RS CAS# 63.00 Napthalene No 64742956- 10.00 Ersdosulfan (SPA) No 115297 17.00 o-Xylene, m-Xylene, p-Xylene No 1330207 tu~LtseeL t~ aaa5riuivia - TSecret RS BioHaz Radioactive/Amount EPA Hazards NFPA USDOT# MCP No NO No No/ Curies F YH DH /;/ / $Xt ~ Inventory Item 0010 Facility Unit: Fixed Containers on Site ~ COMMOI3 NAME / CHEMICAL HAMS PROPANE DayB On site 365 Location within this Facility Unit Map: Grid': GARDEN CTR CAS# STATE TYPE PRESSURE TEMPERATURE CONTAINER TYPE Gas TPure ~-Above Ambient .Ambient _~RT. PRESS. CYLIND~ AMOUNTS AT THIS LOCATION. Lar ~ ~ Cont6~ 99rFF3 / ~~y .~.4-@0 F'T3 ~ (~ p~ A-4A~,-99e FT3 gWt. ioo.oo Propane RS i C.AS# Yef3 74986 xA7-.Axu Ass$ssr~z's TSecret RS BioHaz. Radioactive/Amount EPA Hazards NFPA USDOT# MCP No No No !Ro/ Curies F P IS / / / ~ Hi HAZARDOUS COMPOTTFsNTS -4- ~ 02,/2012007 l*Mart (wed, 18 apr 2007 16:25:55 -0500) (022151e68a09480fab a ccac ax F WAL-MART 1524 SitelD: 015-021-001189 ~ ~ Invezttory Item 0011 Facility Unit: F3.xed. Containers on Site ~ COMMON NAME / CHSNIICAL NAMB PROPAN& Days On Site 365 Location within phis Facility Unit Map: Grid: SNV CAGE ~ G,~'.rlL/~iJ~'~ ~w•~.. ~y~ CA8# STATE TYPE -~~"" __//""'' ~PRES'" _S`URB TSMPBRATURS CONTAINER TYP$ Liquid TPure Above Ambient Ambient PORT. PR88S. CYLINDER AMOUNTS AT THIS LOCATION Largest Container Daily Maximum Dail Average oz,3 e, ~ ~ -~g.a.-aa~.~s G ~a cam" ~ y~7 y G~ ~ Inveritary Item 0027 Facility Unit: Fixed Containers on Site ~ COMMON NAA~ / CHEMICAL NAME POOL CHLORINE Days On Site GRANULAR 365 Location within this Facility unit Map: Grid: SEASONAL DFsPT CAS# E URS ~ ~ TURS CONTAINER TYPE ~soz a e,~,,t TMix ture~ Ambi ~ ~ ~ ~O --- AMOUlC'P8 AT 6 LO ATIO . N THI C Largest Container Daily Maximupt Daily Average 20.00 L$S Z60.00 L85 170.00 L8S DOCJ HAZAR S COMPONENTS ~Wt. RS CAS# 70.00 Calcium Hy»ochloxite Na 7778543 rsa~Arw x~ sr~ssrus~+-r~ TSecret RS BigHaz Radioactive/Amount SPA Hazards NFPA USDOT# MCP No No No No/ ~ Curiee IH DH / J / 8i i HAZARD Ass$s~sM~NTS TSecret RS BioHaz Radioactive/Amount SPA Hazards NFPA U3DOT# MCP No No No ~ No/ Curies F P. IH / / ~ Hf al*Mart (wed, 18 Apr 2007 16:25:55 -0500) (022151eb8a09480fab2848ef9 3ccac Fax age o p WAL-MART 1624 BitelD: 015-021-001189 ~ ~ Inventory Item o012 Facility Unit: Fixed Containers on Site ~ COMMON NAME / CHEMICAL NAMB WINDSEi2ELD WASHER CONCENTRATE Days Ori S3.te 365 Location within this Facility Unit Map: Grid: ALPI~O DEPT CA3# STATE --- TYPB PRESSURE TEMPBFlATURS CONTAINER TYPE Liquid TMixture~Ambient ~ AmbientPLASTIC CONTAINER - - AMOUNTS AT .THIS LOCATION Largest Container Daily Maxiwum Daily Average 1. o a GAZ -- ~~.e~e-; e o GAL 3p .mss : o o caw t:~u~ cvrirvr~~ro~r~ $wt. Rs cAS# 95.00 Methanol No 67561 2.00 2-Aminoethanol No 111422 HAZARD A$SESSMSNT9 r3ecret RS HioHaz Radioactive/Amount $PA Hazards NFPA USDOT# MCP No No No No/ Curies DH / / / Hi ~ Inventory Item 0009 -.. Facility IInit: Fixed Containers on Site ~, COMMON NAME / CHBMICAI, NAME TRICHLORO-S'TE2IAZINERTRIONB Days On Site 3 65 Location within this Facility Un,a.t Map: Grid:: ssASaNAL n$P'r cas# Solid TMixture Ambien~~E ~ AmbieAtT~ ~_' CONTAINER TYPE AMOUNTS AT THIS LOCATION Largest Container ~ Daily P4aximum ~ Daily Average 37.00 LB3 550.00 LB3 400.00 LB3 HAZAaDOUS coMPONSNTs cwt . ~ Rs C.AS# 100.00 Trichloro-~-triazinetrione No 87901 HAGAlit~ As ssssM~rrrs T&ecret RS SioHaz Radioactive/Amount EPA Hazards NFPA USDOT# MCP No No No No/ Curies Zii DH / / / Mod -s- a2/2e/2oo7 a Mart wed, 18 Apr 2007 16:25:55 -0500) (022151eb8a09480fab2848ef9d3ccac7) Fax 16618522171 page 7 of 2 5 ~ WAL-MART 1624 SiteID: 015-021-001189 ~ ! ~ Inventory Item 0001 Facility Unit: Fixed Containers on Site ~ CONIIAON NAME / CHEMICAL NAME WOOD FIIJISH Days On Site 365 Location within this Facility Unit Map: Grid: PAII3T DEPT CAS# STATE TYPE PRB38URE TSMPBRATURE CONTAINER TYPE Liquid Mixture Ambient Ambient METAL CONTAINR-NONDRUM •-- AMOUNTS AT THIS LOCATION Largest Container Daily Maximum Daily Average 5 . ov GAI, ~~-ip.aev . oo awL l ~ .~e~. oo GAL tJAGAKJJUUS L"VMPVNJSN'1."`3 $Wt. RS CAS# 55.00 Mineral Spirits No 8030306 5.00 Mineral Spirits No 8030306 9.00 Heavy Naphthenic Petroleum No 0 9.00 Highly Refined Base OiI No 64741975 ttttc~esxu r~, ~.~tsa.~sr~vi~ TSeCret RS BioHaz Radioactive/AmpUAt BPA Hazards 1~PA U3DOT# MCP No 2Jq No No/ Curies / / / Mod P Inventory Item 0014 Facility IInit: Fixed Containers on site ~ COMMON NAME / CHEMIrnT. NAME INSECTICIDE Days On Site 365 Location within this Facility Unit Map: Grid: GARDEN CTR CAS# STATE TYPE PRESSURE TEMPEEtATUREt CONTAINER TYPE Liquid TMixture ~-Ambient ~ Ambient ~ PLASTIC CANTAINER e AMOUNTS AT TI3I8 LOCATION - Largest Container Daily Maximum Daily Average 1.00 GAL 130.00 QAL 85.00 'GAL liAY+AXUVU~ 4'VML+VNlSAV't"",`3 twt. xs cAS# 63.00 Napthalerxe No' .64742956 17.OQ o-Xylene, m-Xylene, p-Xylene No 1330207 ttAYGAKl7 AS SFSSSNiENTS TSeCret RS BioHaz .Radioactive/Amount BPA Hazards NFPA USDOT# MCP Na No No No/ Curies F IH D8 / / / Mod -7- 02/20/2007 i f. is ~~ J Wal*Mart (wed, 18 Apr 2007 16:25:55 -0500) (022151eb8a09480fab2848ef9d3ccac7) Fax 16618522171 page 8 Of 25 ~ L~AL-MART 1624 SitelD: 015-021-001189 ~ P Inventory Item 0006 Facility IIait: Fixed Containers on site ~ wMr~oN NAMfi / CHEiN1ICA2, NAM$ CHARCOAL LIGHTER FLIIID Days On Site, 365 Location within this Facility Unit Map: Grid: S$P,SONAL DEPT CAS# ~Liqu d TMixture ~-Amb~ent~ ~ Ambient~$ ~LAST~ICTCQNTAINSR ~~~ AI~UNT3 AT THIS LOCATION Largest Container ~ Daily Maximum ~ Daily Average 0.5 0 GAL 5'D _S~9 : 0 0 C3AI, ~ O .~' o o GAL HAZARDOIIS COA"IPONSNTB . ~Wt. ~ RS CAS# 100.00 Aliphatic Hydrocarbons No 64742887 NV /.a KIJ h.. la ~~a7~Y1~ ___- _ T3ecret RS SiaHaz Radioactive/Amount EPA FEazards NFPA IISDOT# MCP No No No No/ Curies F IH DH / / / Mod Pa Inventory Item 0008 Facility Onit: Fixed Containers on Sitc ~ CONII~f013 NAME / CHEMICAL NAME PAINT THINNER Days On Site 365 Location within this Facility Unit. Map: Grid: PAI1+7T bEI'T CAS# STATE TYPE PRE33IIRB TEMPERATURE CONTAINER TYPE Liquid TMixture ~~Ambient ~ Ambient PLASTIC CON'i'AINSR 6 -- AMOIINTS AT THIS LOCATION Largest container Dail Maximum Daily Average ].. 00 GAL ~Q x.00 QAL ~2,O.Er~ 00 G1AL . xAaARDOVS coMPON~NTs ~Wt. R$ CAS# 100.00 Mineral Spirits No 64741419 HAZARn Ass~ssM~-rs TSecret RS BioHaZ Radioactive/Amount SPA Hazard8 NFPA IISDOT#. MCP No No No No/ Curies F AH / / / Mod -8- 02/20/2007 Wal*Mart (wed, 18 Apr 2007 16:25:55 -0500) (022151eb8a09480fab2848e• Fax 16618522171 page 9 0 F WAL-MART 1624 SitelD: 015-021-001189 ~ ~ Inventory Item 0016 FACility IInit: Fixed Containers on Site ~ CO1rII~SON NAME / CiiEMICAL NAME ALGACIDE Days On Site 365 Location within this Facility Unit Map: Grid: SEASONAL DEPT CAS# STATE TYPI3 PR$SSURE TEMPERATURE --~ CDNTAIN1s'R TYPE Liquid TMixture ~-Ambient ~ Ambient PLASTIC CONTAIIdIsR -~•s AMOUNTS AT THIS LOCATION Largest Container Daily Maximum Daily Average 1.00 GAL 74.00 GAL 45.00 GAL r~At~u~ cvmrvr~r~v-r5 ~Nt. RS CAS# 10.00 Alkyl Di.methylbenzylammonium Chloride No 6842485]. 1.30 Ethanol NO 64175 Y'!A'LaAlCU A. tiuLryS-ti"1r1P:tY"1'S TSecret RS BioHaz Radioactive/AsnOU1St EPA Hazards NFPA USDOT# MCP No No Na i3o/ Caries F R IH DH / / / Mod Inventory Item 0003 Facility Unit: Fixed Containers on Site ~ = COMMON NAME / CHSMICAL NAME LEAD ACID BATTERIES Days Oa Site 365 Location within this Facility Unit Map: C3rid: ADTO DEPT CA5# ~Solid$ 4 Mt e ~Amb~en~~E ~ Ambi nth ~oTF~ ~sPE~cIF~$ AMOUNTS AT THIS LOCATI013 Largest Container Daily Maximum Daily Average 30 . oo LBS 7 z,o~o .~a.a.e$. oo LBS 3 4ao-se$e . oo Lss HAGAF3.7V1).5.` C.'UMk'VNISNTS icWt . ~ R5 CA3# 10.00 Sulfuric Acid (SPAS No 7664939 53.00 Lead 130 74,39921 t~s4wiul ~ xs~~rsrav-r~ TSecret RS BioHaz Radioactive/Amount EPA Hazards NFPA UBDOT#~ MCP No No' No No/ Caries j / / Low -9- 02/20/2007 Wal*rnart r (wed, 18 Apr 2007 16 f WAL-MART 1624 ~ SiteTD: 015-021-001289 ~ ~ Inventory Item 0019 Facility Unit: Fzxed Containers on Site ~ COMMON NAME / CHEMICAL NAME REFRIGERANT Days on Site R4040A - 365 >,:: Location within..this Facility Unit Map: Grid: CQOL$R CASES:. &' i~TALIC-IN L~RBEZBR ON STORE FLR & STOCKROOM CA5# ~GaTATB ~M~ur~~AbovESAa~ietl~ Ambi~T~ OTHER ~SBSCIFY PE -- AMOUNTS AT THIS LOCATION Largest Container ~ Daily Maxituum I Daily Average 40D.00 LBS 400.DD LBS 1 400.OQ LBS HAZAR}70U8 COMPONENTS ~Wt. RS CAS# 52.00 1,1,3-Trifluoroethane No 420462 --- . ruic,~xu esytss~r:nivrs -- PSecret RS BioHaz Radioactive/Amount= ~FPA Hazards= ~IFP --*i =II3DOT#~ ~1CP= No No No No/ Curiae P IH / / / Low ~ Inventory Item 0002 Facility Unit: Fixed Containers on Site ~ COMMON NAME / CHEMICAL NAME ANTIFREEZE Days On Site 36S Location within this Facility l7nit Map: Grid: AUTO DEPT CAS# .~ STATE TYPE PRESSURE TEMPERATORE 'CONTAINER TYPB ~Liguid TMixture~~Ambient ~ Ambient PLASTIC CONTAINFtiR _~-~ AMOUNTS AT TFTIB LOCATION Largest Container Daily Maximum ~ Daily Average 1.00 GAL 200.00 GJ~iL 130.00 GAL xAZARDous coMpaN~rrs cwt . xts c~,s# 95.00 Ethylene Glycol No 107211 FzAZARn Ass$ssM~rrs TSeeret RS BioHaz Radioactive/Amount BPA Hazards 3dFPA USDOT# MCP No No No No/ Curies / ~ / Low -10- 02/20/2007 Wal*Mart (wed, 18 Apr 2007 16:25:55 -0500) (022151eb8a09480fab2848ef9d3ccac7) Fax Page o ~. F WAL-MART 1624 SitelD: 015-021-0017.89 ~ ~ Inventory Item:•0007 -= Facility Unit: Fixed Containers on Site. COMP40N NAME / CH~LTCAL NAMFs MOTOR OIL ~ Days On Site 365 Location within this Facility Unit Map: Grid: AUTO DEPT ~ CAS#• STATE TYPE PRk~SSURB TEMPBRATURE CONTA7~iER TYPB ~Lim/~ d Tbfixture~Ambient ~ Ambie:at ~LASTIC CONTAINER AMOUNTS AT TFFI3 LOCATION Largest Container Daily Maxicmua Daily Average 1.25 cAL ynpy3.8a:.oo r,AL ~ 0 0 ~. oo cAL HAZnRnOIIS COMPONENTS $Wt. RS CAS#• 100.D0 Petroleum Distillate, Straight Run diddle No 64742650 nravaw na ~nti~,na~rx~ - T$@cret R3 BioHaz RadioactiveJAmount BPA Hazards NF'PA USDOT# MCP No NO No No/ Curies F DH /. / / i~[isl ~ Inventory Item 0004 FaCi~.ity Unit: Fixed Containers on Site ~ COMMON NAME / CHEMICAL NAME CARBON DIOXIDF3 Days On Site 365 Location within this Facility Unit Map: vrid: MCDONALDS CAS# 124-38-9 ~~sATB TPureB ~AbaRvesAmbient ! TCrYOgena~c B IN9UL.TANR~CRYOGRNT~ AMOUNTS AT THIS LOCATION Largest Coatairier Daily Maximum Daily Average 425.00 FT3 1275.00 Ft3 830.00 FT3 HAZARDOUS COI~ONBNTS ~Wt: RS CA3# 100.00 Carbon Dioxide No 124389 ru~[~rucu e~ ses~s~ia -- T3ecret RS BioHaz Radioactive/Amount SPA Hazards I~FPA USDOT# MCP No No No No/ Curies F P ~ / / / Min wal*Mart (wed, 18 apr 2007 16:25:55 -0500) (022151eb8a09480fab2848ef9d3ccac7) Fax 16618522171 page 12 of 25 F i+4AL-MATtT 1624 SiteID: 015-021-0 01189 ~ ~ Inventory Item 0005 Facility Unit: Fixed Containers on Site ~ COMfKON NAME / CHEMICAL NAMB HELIUM Days On Site 365 Location within this Facility Unit Map: arid: LAYAWAY CAS# 7440-59-7 STAT$ TYPE PRESSURE TEMPERATURE CONTAINER TXP$ Gas TPure ~-Above Ambient Ambient PORT. PR888. CYLIND~ x AMOUNTS AT THIS LOCATION Largest Container Daily Maximtna Daily Average o2y~fr39a.00 FT3 y~g x699'.00 FT3 ~t{i{.4e9.00. FT3 --- HAZAitDOUS COMP~NTS ~Wt_ RS CA3# 100.00 Helium No 7440597 F3AZARD ASSBSSNlBNTS -- TSecret RS BioHaz Radiodctive/Amount EiPA Hazards NFPA USDOT# MCP No No No No/ Curies F P IH / / / Min ~ Inventory Item 0018 COMMON NAMB / CHEMICAL NAME WASTE SATTSgIES USED LEAD-ACID CAR BATTERIES Location within this Facility unit ` ~ cAas STATE --- TYPE PRESSURE Solid T67aste Ambient Facility Unit: Fixed Containers on Site q Days On Site 365 Map: Grid: cAS# TEMPERATURE CONTAINER TYPE Ambient ~THER - SFSCTFY AMOUNTS AT THIS LOCATION Largest Container Daily Maximum Daily Rvex'age 30.00 LB5 750.04 LBS 450.00 LBS ru~r~ux~ub cvM~RENTs ~wt_ Rs cAS# 34.00 Lead ~ No 7439921 34.00 Sulfuric Acid (8PA} No 7664939 31.00 Lead Dioxide No 1309600 -12- 02/20/2007 Wal~Mart ~wea, 18 Apr 480fab2848ef9d.3ccac7) Fax 16618522171 page F WAI.,-MART 1624 SiteIDs 015-021-001189 ~ ~ Inventory Item 0013 Facility Unit: PiXed Containers on Site ~ co~oN NAME / CHEMI~`nr, HERBICIDE Days On Site 365 Location within this Facility Unit Map:. (arid: GARDEN CTR CA3# STATE TYPE PRESSURE TEMPERATURE CONTAINER TYP$ Liquid TMixtur~Ambient ~ Ambient --~ PLASTIC G~ONTAIN'HR - AMOUNTS AT THIS LOCATION Largest Container Daily t~[aximum Daily Average 1. oo GAL amp 390- oo GAL /~S' s49' oo GAL HAZARDOUS COMPONENTS ~ -, 25~o0~Glyphosate• INo ~ X38641940 i•YA7,ARD ASSESSMENTS TSecret RS Ba.aHaz Rad~.oactive/Amount ~ EPA Hazards NFPA USDOT# MCP No No No No/ Curie6 IH DH / / / DY1R -13- 02/20/2007 e Apr 16:25:55 -0500) (022151eb8a09480fab2848ef9d3ccac7) Fax 16618522171 page 14 of 25 _... 1 F WAL-MART 1624 SiteID: 03.5-.021-OOJ.189 ~ Fact Format ~ ~ Notif_/Evacuation/Medical Overall Site ~ Agency Notification 04/27/200& STORE MANAGEMENT IS RSPONSIBLE, 1TT ADD3:T3:ON, SAFETY, LEC}AL, AND LOSS PREVENTION WILL BE NOTIFIED. 1} 311 AND 2) 500-852-7550. Employee Notif./Evacuation 04/28/1992 PA SYSTEM OR BY VOICE IF PA IS IINACCLSSIBLB. PLANS AND RODTSS ARB POSTffi) MANAGEMENT AND SAFETY AND LOSS PREVSNTI013 TEAMS WILL COISDUCT E'~IACIIATION. Public Notif./Evacuation 04/28/1992 PA SYSTEM OR BY VOICE.IF PA IS UNACCESSIBLB. PLANS AND ROTJTBB ARS POST$D. MANAGEMENT AND SAFETY AND T..OSS PREVENTION TEAMS WILL CONDUCT EVACUATION. Emergency Medical Plan 04/28/1992 FIRST AID AS NECESSARY. PUBLIC HOSPITALS Aim ICY NlSAICAI. SERVICES. -14- • 02/20/2007 j Wal*Mart (wed, 18 apr 2007.16:25:55 -0500) (022151eb8a09480fab2848ef9d3ccac7) Fax 16618522171 page 15 of 25 p WAL-MART 1624 siteID: 015-021.-001189 ~ Fast For¢iat ~ ~ Mitigation/Prevent/Abatemt Overall site ~ Release Prevention 04/28/1992 PROPER IDENTIFICATION, PROPER STORAGE, TRAIIOING IN IiANDLING. ALSO MHRCHANDISE IS PACKAGED IN SMALL QUANTITIES. _ .Release Containment 04/27/2006. AN ASSOCIATE WILL REMAIN WITH TFFS RELEASE WHILE ANOTHER ASSOCIATE GE'L'S APPROPRIATE CLEANING AIDS. CUSTOMERS AND OTHER ASSOCIATES WILL BE DIRECTED AWAY FROM THE AREA. CONTAINED WITH ABSORBENT MATSRT}-L. Clean Up 04/27/20D6 FOLLOWING MANUFACTURERS RBC'OMMENi~ATIOIJS, DBPENDFd3T ON TSIPE, QIIANTITY AND MIXTUR73, IF ANY. ABSORBENT (KITTY LITTER} L1SBD FOR SMALL SPILLS. COPTTACT FTl?Tx DEPT FOR LARGE SPILLS. ve.i3er ~esvuz-ce HCL1VdLJ,.OA -15- 02/20/2007 Wa *Mart (wed, 18 Apr 2007 16:25:55 -0500) (022151eb8a09480fab2848ef9d3ccac7) Fax 16618522171 page 16 of 25 ,. • ,, p WAL-MART 1624 SitelD: 015-021-001189 ~ Fast Format ~ ~ site Emergency Factors Overall Site ~ ~p~c.iai nazaras Utility Shut-Offs 01/12/2007 A) II,ECTRICAL - CTR OP' S HACPC WALL B) WATER - N$ CRNR FRONT WALL C) SPECIAL - NONE D) LOCK BOX - NO Fire Protec./Avail. Watex 01/12/2007 PRIVATE FIRE PROTECTION - ADTOMATIC SPRINKLER SYSTEM AND FIRE EXTINGIIISHERS. NEAREST FIRE HYDRANT - 75FT NE OF SNTR. --~-- Building Occupancy Level 03/].0/2006 = 250 EMPLOYEES f i. Wa Mart wed, 18 apr 2007 16:25:55 -0500) (022151eb8a09480fab2848ef9d3ccac7) Fax 16618522171 page 17 of 25 n p WAL-MART 1624 SitexD: 015-021-001189 ~ Fast Format ~ P Training Overall Site ~ Smploy'+ee Trairiixsg 04/27/2006 MSDS 3H$ETS ON FILfs'. BRIEF SUMMARY OF TRAINIDTG PROGRAM: CONSISTS OF WRITTEN PROGRAM AND AUDIO VISIIAL TRAINING. MSDS SHEETS ARB ON SITE. SAFETY AND 7.,035 PREVENTION TEAM ON SITS. SAFETY ORIENTATION. SAF$TY PROGRAM ON HAZARDOUS MATERIALS, INCLUDING RIGHT-TO-KNOW RND VARIOUS MATERIALS PROM MANUFACTURERS- . rage a rieta for ru~ure uae I1C111 1VL 111LU.LG VFiC -17- 02/20/2007 i ~: 'i __....... __......_ ................._........._._.........._.........,..,.....,...:.............._................._......................... _........ l: wal*Mar~ LINIFI~D PROGRAM CONSOLIDATED FORM HAZARDOi1S MATERIALS HAZARDOUS MATERIALS INYENTQRY -- cr~M>icAL DE,scRn~r~ox ~>a~ ~ ~~ ®ADD ^DEIE'CS ^REVISL ~° I. FACILITY INFORMATION $U5II'IBSS NAME (Same as PACQ.TTY NAMB or D8A -Doug Busiaeas As) s Wal-Mart Store #1624 CHgMiCAL I.oCAT'ION 3a1 CF[6MTCAL LOCATION CONFII~tDYfIAL BPCRA Eellind store back b loadin dock. ^ YBS ® No 1 MAPII <aRmq ~ dAIDA (olfiaaoq 7ba FACILfi'1' m # Ma #1 G4 II. CH>LMICAL INFORMATION CHEMICAL NAME 'YRADB SIICRBT Yes No ~ If 6~ 0 2'A'CItA. AR(10 hurivoHoN COMMON NAME EHS• ^ Yes ®No ~ IJsOd Cookin Oil CAS# ~ •if BHS is "Yes". alt amalats below must be in tbs. PFRB CODl3 HAZARD CLASSFsS (Caa~tele J coQaisd by cuPA) to HAZARDOUS MATBRiAL ]I1~ TYP43 (Chock a~oe lam oniy) ^ a. P[7RE ^ 0. MIXTVRB ®c. WASrid ~ ~ RADK)AC17VB ~ Yei ~ 24D 212 - CURIES 217 PHYSICAL STATE (CLack ODe itam ~mly) ^ a. SOI.1D ®b. LIQUID ^ F GAS 1t{ ~ LARGEST CONTAINER ISO g8110n5 215 F® HAZARD GATEGORIES 216 (Check ell 0fat apply) ®e. FIItE ^ h RSACTIV& Q t. PRFSSURfi RELEASH I~ d ACUTE HfJILTR ^ 0. CHRONIC HEALTH AVF.aAGBDAiLY AIdOUNT 217 MAXIMUM DAILY AMOUNT 218 ANNUAL WASTE AMOUNT ' 119 STATE WASTE CODE ~ 80 ons t 50 gallons NA NA 221 DAYS ON S[t~: 222 UNrP3• ®e. GALLONS ^ b. CUBIC PEEP CI c POUNDS ^ d TONS 365 days ta>~ one ae», ont • u amama mou e. ~ STOQtAGE CONTAINER ®a. ABOVE GROUND TANK [] e. PLASTICMONMETALI.IC DRUM ~ i FIBER DRUM (] is GLASS BO7TL8 ^ q-RAILCAR t~ b• UNDHRGROUND TANK ~ C C:AN ~ ^ } eAG Q a. PLASTIC HOTTER ^ r. O'I'RP.It ~ . Q u TANK INSIDB IlUII.D1NG ^ Y, CARBOY ^ k IlOX ^ o. TOTE BIN ^ d 9T88LDRUM ^ h. S1CA ^ i CYL,AIDER ^ p. TANK WAGON' ~; S7012AGB PRESSURH ®a AMB11pNT ^ b. ABOVB AMBIHNT ~] c. BELOW AMBIHIdT 31l STORAGE TEMPERATURE ®a AMStYxrl' ^ b. ABOVb A[riH11$IP Q e. BELOW AMBffi9T ^ d CRYOti@TIC 233 9bWT HAZARDOUS COMPONENT (Por mixture or Waste only) EEIS CAS # 1 65 x26 Soybean oil 2r7 ^ Yes ®No na 8001-22.7 2x9 z is 230 Nonyl Pllenoay Polyethoxy Ethanol 23i ^ Yes ®No 232 NA zs3 3 334 233 ^ Yes ^ Nv 236 aS~ 4 2ss 239 ^ Yes ^ No 2~0 24l S ~ 2a3 ^ Yes ^ No ~ us awe Laxaedvas avapaocob are Pmna of putor Ihn 39 iy rd~t if aso.deapeok, w 0.19 h2 wtf{bt Ntan, atad ~AeeO Of ppr ~ lMa eeao4v11 iMa ADDITIONAL LOCALLY COLLbCr6D INFORMATION 346 Used cooking oil is picked up 6y vendor for retydiag on s regu4r llssie. (wed, 1$ apr 2007 16:25:55 -0500) (022151eb8a09480fab2848ef9d3ccac7) Fax 16618522171 page 18 of 25 Revised: 03/23!2007 18 1*Mart (wed, 18 Apr 2007 16:25:55 -0500) (022151eb8a09480fab2848ef9d3ccac7) Fax Page O ~. Emergency Response/Contingency Plan (Hazardous Materials Bnslness Plan Modnle) Authority Cited: HSC Section 255t14(b); Title 22, Div. 4.5, Cl:. l2, Ari. 3 CCR Al! facilities that handle hazardous materials in specified quantifies must have a written etnexgerny resppoonnse plan. In addition, facilities that generate 1,000 kilograms or more of hazardous waste per month, or accumulate more than 6,000 kilograms of hazardous waste on- site at any ome time, must prepare a contingency plan. Because the requirements are similar, they have been combined in a single document, provided below, far your convenience. This plan is a required module of the Hazardous Materials Business Plan (HMBP). H you already have a plan that uteets these requirements, you should not oontplete the blank plant, belovr, bnt you must include a copy of your etdsting plan es park of your HMBP. This site-specific Emergency ResponselConfingency Plan is the facility's plan for dealing with emergencies and shall be implemented immediately whenevea there is a fire, explosion, or release of hazardots materials that could threaten human health and/or the environment. At least one rnpy of the plan shall be meintaiaed at the fadlity for ilea in the event of an emergency std far taspection by the local agency. Within some Counties, hospitals and police agencies have delegated recet'pt of these plans to the local agencies adrnittistering Hazardous Materials Business Plans, so additional copies need not be submitted. However, a copy of the plan and any revisions must be provided to any contractor, hospital, or agency with whom special (i.e. contractual) emergency services arrangements have been made (see section 3, below). 1, Evacuation Plan: a. The following alarm signal(s) will be used to begin evacuation of the facility (check old that apply): ^ Bells; ®HornciSirena; ®Verbat (i.e. shouting); ®Other (spec#fy) Public Addre~ System b. ®Evacuation map is prominently displayed throughout the facility. Note: A properly completed HMRP Site Plan sarisJies contingency plan map requirements. 73tis drawing {or any other dmwing that shows primary and alternate evacuation routes, emergency exits, and primary and alternate staging areas) inus2 be promnently posted throughout the facility fn locations where tt will be visible to employees and visitors. 2. a. Emergency Contacts: Fire/PotlcdAtnbulance ......................................... Phor~ Nn. 911 State Office of Emer;ettcy Services ............: ~................. Phone No. (800) 852-7550 b. Past-luc3dent Contacts': Fire Department Hazardous Materials Program ...........:....... Phone No.: (661) 326391! County of Kern Enviroarnental Health Services Department ...... Phone No. (661) 862-8700 California EPA Department of Totdc Substances Control ............ Phone No. (916) 255545 Cal-OSHA Division of Occupational Safety and Health .............. Phone No. (559) 445-5302 ~. San Joaquin Valley Air Quality Msnnoa,.wnt Diatrkt ............... Phone No. (661) 326-6900 >: Fresno Regional Water Quality Control Board ......................... Phone I>io. (559) 4455116 a Tkeae teteplione armtbrr9 are prov3dert as o Se-te-ai aid to aorsrge~eiy not(tlttalol:. Be advlved tlc~ addtYionat agendw orgy be to ba not(11ad. . G Emergency Resources: Poison Control Center ....................................... Phone No. (800)876-A766 Nearest Hospital: Name: San joagnin Community Hospital Phone No.: (661) 395-3000 • Address: 2615 Eye Bfreet City: Bakersfield 3. Arrangements With Emergency Responders: If you have made special (i.e. contractual) arrangements with any police department, fire department, hospital, contractor, or State or local emergency response team to coordinate emergency services, describe those arrangements below: S~eciaity response for an emergency response contractor is coordinated by the Wal-Mart Home Office at (079-204-8453) or 24.hr Alarm Central at (800-530-9924), considering the nalare and magnitude of the release. Revised: 03f23/Z1707 19 l*Mart (wed, 18 Apr 2007 16:25:55 -0500) (022151eb8a09480fa62848ef9d3ccac7) Fax 16618522171 page 20 of Emergency ResponaelCoatiageary Plan (RMBP Module) 4. Emergency Procedares: Emergency Coardinajcn 12esnonsibilities: e. Whenever there is an imminent or actual emergency situation such as a explosion, fag. or release, the emergency coordinator (or his/ieer designee whe>s the emergency coordinator is on call) shall: i. Identify the character, exact source, aunt, and areal extent of nay released hazardous materials. ii.. Assess possible hazards to human health or the environment that may result from the explosion, fire, or release. This assessment must consider both direct and indirect effects (e.g. the ejjsecrs of any toxic, irruYUing, or asphyxiating gases that are generated the e.$ecu of arty hazardous surface water run-off from water or chemical agents used to control fire, etc.). ill. Activate internal facility alarms or communications systems, where applicable, to notify all facility personnel. iv. Notify appropriate local authorities (t.e. call 911). v. Notify the State Office of Emergency Services at 1-800-852-7550. vi. Monitor for leaks, pressure build-up, gas generation, or ruptures in valves, pipes, or other equipment shut down in respotse to the incident vii. Take all reasonable measures necessary to ensure that fires, explosions, grid releases do not occur, recur, or spread to other hazardous materials at the facility. b. Before facility operations are resumed in areas of the facility affected by the incident, the aru~gency coordinator shall: i. Provide for proper storage and disposal of recovered waste, cornarninated soli or surface water, or any other material that results from a expbseon, fine, or release at the facility, ii. Ensure that no material that is incompatible with the released material is transferred, stared, or disposed of in at+eas of the facility affected by the incident until cleanup Procedures are completed. iii. Ensure that all emergency equipment is cleaned, fit for its intended use, and available for use. iv. Notify the California Environmental 1?rotecdon Age~y's Departcnertt of Toxic Substances Control, the County of Kern Hazardous Materials Compliance Division, and the local fire department's hazardous materials program that the facility is in compliance with requirements b-i and b-ii, above. $~.soonsibilities of Other Personnel: On a scpazate page, list any emergency response functions not covered in the "Emergency Coordirmtor Responsibilities" section, above. Neat to each function, list the job title or name of each person responsible for performing the fanetion. Number the page(s) appropriately. 3. Post-Incident Reporting/Recordln$: The time, date, and details of any hazardous materials incident that requires implementation of then plan shall be noted in the facility's operating record. Within 15 days of any hazardous materials emerge~y incident or tlneatetred hazardous materials emergency incident that triggers implementation of this plan, a written Emergency Incident Report, including, but trot limited to a description of the incident and the facility's response to the incident, must be submitted to the California Environmental Protection Agency's Department of Toxic Substances Control, the County of Kam Hazardous Materials Compliance Division, and the local fire department's hazardous materials program. The report shall include: a. Name, address, and telephone number of the facility's owner/operator; b. Name, address, and telephone number of the facility; c. Date, time, and type of incident (e.g, fire, e~rplosion, etc.); d. Name and quantity of material(s) involved; e. The extent of injuries, if any; f. An assessment of actual or potential hazards to human health or the environment, where this is applicable; g. Estimated quantity and disposition of recovered material that resulted from the incident; h. Cause(es) of the incident; i. Actions taken in response to the incident; j. Administrative or engineering controls designed to prevent such incidents in the fnttue. 6. Earthquake Vulnerability: [19 t:CA $2731(e)] Identify any areas of tht facility and mechanical or other systems that require immediate ittspecdon or isolation because of their vulnrrabilery to earthquake-related Bound motion: Revised: 03/23/200'/ 20 Wal*Mart (wed, 18 Apr 2007 16:25:55 -0500) (022151e68a09480fab2848ef9d3ccac7) Fax 16618522171 Page 21 Of 25 Emergency Response/Coatingency Plan 7. Emergency 1quipment: ~ 22 CCR §66265.52(e) [as referenced by 22 CCR §66262.34(a)(4)J trod the Hazardous Materials Storage Ordinance require that emergency equiptttent at the facility be listed. Completion of the following Emergency Equipment Inventory Table meets this requirerttent. I. Egnipateat Cate o Z. Equiprlaent 3. I,ocatioas + 4. Descri Lion++ Personal ^ Carttid e R irators Ptrotective Chemical Moan 'meat deserlbe Equipment, Chemical Protective A (Coats B2, D3 DS Garden Photo back of store Safety Chemical Protective Boots Equipment, ® Chemical Protective Gloves B2,173, DS Carden, Photo, back of store and ^ Chemical Protective Suits describe First Afd Face Shields Equipment ® Firat Aid SitrlStations describe) B2 D3, D5, Fl Garden, Photo, back of store, Customer Srv. Hazel Hats Plumbed E Wash Stations D3, DS Photo, Maintenance Area Portable E e Wash Ki[s (i.e. bottle ) ^ Re iratm-Cartrrd describe Safe Glasses/S lash Go es Safe Showers Self-Contaixd Breathing Apparatuses SC13A Other describe Fire Automatic Pine S S stems Entire store Ceilin mounted rinklcr S m E+r!~n a~ tchin~ ^ Fim Alarm Boxes/Sta~ons Systems ' ®FitE Extinguisher Systems (describe) Entire above Handheld fire extinguishers throughout store- locations marked b ned arrow/ta Other(descrlbe Spill ®Absorbents describe Various S iii Kits stations throe ut store Coatrnl Berms/Dikes describe Egtriptirent 13econtamilratfoa a t describe) and E cnc Tanks (describe Decoatumiaati on ^ Exheast Roods Equipment ^ Gaa finder Leak 'Kits describe Neutralizers describe Ove 17rutns ^ S (describe) Other (describe) Cotnmuoicatlo ns ^ Chemical Alarms {describe) and lnterooms/ PA 5 stems Entire store Alarm Portable Radios Entire store Carried stare mane >s Systetm Tel ones Entire store Under anti Tank Look Detection Monitors ^ Other describe Additional Equipment ®Hazardous Waste Accumulation Area Back of atme Buclxt sysieto. rue cabinet and aerosol drum gave bcen placed in the back of the aleae to manage hazardous wasters gsenetated at the stags for pick ap wither 90 days by a licensed CA transportation hauler for ru di oral. Revised: D3l23/2007 21 Wal*Mart (Wed, 18 Apr 2007 16:25:55 -0500) (022151eb8a09480fab2848ef9d3ccac7) Fax 16618522171 page 22 O Employee Training Plan • (Hazardous Materials Business Pin Module) Authority Cited: NSC, Section 25504(c}; Title 22, Div. 4.5, Ch. 12, Art. 3 CCR All facilities that handle hazardous materials must have a written employee training plat. This plan is a required tn+odule of the Hazardous Materials Business Plan (HIMBP). A blank .plan has been provided below for you to complete and submit if you do not already have such a plan. It you already Lave a brfef written tilescrlpfion of your ttsimug prngram that addresses all subjects covered below, you ere not requred to complete the bLutk plan, below, bat yon mast include a copy of year existing document as part of your H1VViBP. i Check all boxes that apply. (Note: Items marked with an asterisk (*) are required J: 1. Personnel are trained in the following procedures: Internal alarm/notiScadon * Evacuation/re-cn cedures & assembl oint locations* incident ® External emer a res use or 'zation notification. Locations and contents of Bmer nc Res onse/Contin nc Plan ® Facility evacuation drills, that are conducted at least (specify} Quarterly WM Training Procedures (cont.): Training procedures for new employees is through the Wal-Mart Computer Based Learning Program at the facility, and include on the Job Gaining. Training procedures are refreshed annually for hazardous materials storage, labeling, record keeping, and handling :requirements; the Hazardous Materials Business Pian is reviewed by applicable new employees, bo all applicable employees on an annual basis, and is available for all associates review in the Manager's Office, Env6onmental Manager's Quide. Material Safety Data Sheets are available online via the Wal-Mart web for review or primed out for onsite reference. Personnel and Claims associates track training records and manifests. respectfully. Training records and manifests are available for review upon request with the store manager. ire driAs are performed monthly to assure evacuation mutes sixl meeting place; and the Auoomatre Pire Sprinkler System is Checked by a licensed vendor quarterly. 2. Chemical Handlers ate additionally trained in the following: Safe methods for handlin and stets a of hazardous materials • Location a and use of fire ands ill control ui merit S ill ocedttres/emer a dares Pro use of 1 otective u" meet Specific hazard(s) of each chemical to which they may be exposed, inclading routes of exposure (i.e. inhalation, ingestion, abso ' n Hazardous FVaste Hsndlers/Managera are trained in all aspects of hazardous waste management specific to their job duties (e.g. container accumulation time requirements, labeling requirements, storage area inspection requirements, manifesting requirements, etc.) Hazardous Waste Accumulation Area with bucket system, fire cabinet, and sernsot drum have been plan-ed in the back of the stare to manage hazardous wastes generated at the store for pick up within 90 days by a licensed CA transportation hauler for proper disposal. All applicable employees have been trained in the procedures of the Hazardous W sate Accumulation Arta. Training records are available upon request at the store. Sntail quantity spills -associates are trained to use personal protective equipment, to clear the at+da, notify management, absorb the spill, place in a labeled and dated self~iosing bag. and place in a plastic, color-coded bucket with sealing lids, labeled with type of material aril accumulation start date, and placed in the Hazardous 'baste Accumulation Area in the back of the store receiving area for 90 days pending pick-up from a licensed CA transportation hauler for.,ptriper disposal. barge spills -employees are not trained emergency responders; employees are inatrocted to cai1911aruI the store manager for emergency assistance; and the store manager will notify Wal-Mart Home Office at (479-204-8453) or 24-hour Alarm Centre! (800-530-9924 to oast an Bmer ency R use Contractor, if neces Revised: 03!23!2007 22 e Apr 6:25:55 -0500) (022151eb8a09480fab2848ef9d3ccac7) Fax 16618522171 page 23 Of 25 3. Emergency Respo~ase Team Members are capable of and engaged in the foIlowing: Personnel t~escue ocedut+es Shutdown of o lions Liaison with in a ties Use, tnaintenancc, and lacemettt of a enc r e ~ ment Refresher trainia ,which is rovided ai least anrucall "' Sxneagency response drills, which are conducted st least (spseFry) Quarterly Wal-Mart Store emergency coordix-ators will be avafilable at tine staging area to assist emergency responders. Revised: 03/23/2007 e apt 6:25:55 -0500) (022151eb8a09480fa62848ef9d3ccac7) Fax 16618522171 page 24 of 25 Record Keep3ing (Hazardots Materlale Business Phrn Module) All facilities that handle hazardous materials trust maintain records associated with their management. A summary of your recordkeeping procedures is a required module of the Hazardous Materials Business Plan (HMBP). A blank summary has been provided below for you to complete and submit if you do not already have such a document. if you already have a brief written desct'lption of your hazardous materials recordkeeping systems that addresses alt subjects covered below, you are not required to complete tltiis page, but you must include a copy of your eaisting document as part of your HMSP. Check all boxes that apply. The following records are maintained at the facility. (Note: Items marked with an asterisk (*) are required.]: Currant a to ' trainin records to be retained until closure o the iJ' Fortner cm to ees' traini records (to be retained at least three ars a er termination o e nt Ttainin m(s (i.e. written desert Lion intraducto and continuin train' Current co of this E e Re nselCantin enc Plan " Rerotd of recardabte/re ble hazamdous materiallwaste releases Rocord of hazardous materiaUwaste stare area ins 'ors * Record of hazardous waste tank dais actions * Desert tion and documentation of facili ernes nay res nse drills fYote: ire avOYe trsr of reeoros noes nor neceasan~y ~~,~~,ty crc.r .~~c J +wv....~y»...... ... w ..--...---..-_ _,, ..--~-_---~- A copy of the Inspection Check Sheet(s) or Log(s) used In conjunction with required routine self- inspections of your faciity must be submftted with your HMBP. (Exception: Available from your laced agency is a Hazardous Materials/Wasre Storage Area Inspection Form that you may use if you do not already have your ownform. If you use the example provided, you do nai need to attach a copy.) ~e a o bate bos will use the Unidoes "Hazardous Materials/Waste Storage Amu Inspection Form" to document inspections. will use oar own documents to record inspections. (A blank copy of each docttmertt used tnrtst be attached fo WM Rerord Keeping (cont.): The Hazardous Materials Business Plan is available for all associates review in the Manager's Office, Environmental Manager's Guide. Material Safely Data Sheets are available online via the Wal-Mart web for review'or printed out for onstte reference. Personnel and Claims associates track training records and manifests; respectfully. Training records are available for review upon request with the store manager. Revised: 03/23/2007 ~ al*Mart c .. ' .~ a ffi ~. 3 A x U m Q (wed, 18 Apr 2007 16:25:55 -0500) (022151e68a09480fab2848ef9d3ccac7) Fax 16618522171 page 2 5 of 25 ~; 11J 0 :% U ti .~ ~ w ~ ~ ~o ~ ~ ~- ~~ m o ~ Q ~ ~ °~ r S m Z d Q ~ o ~ ~ a F j®o J ~ a c N E ~1~4000• .e ,~ ~ ~s ~ i s ~ a ~ E~4 ~Q~®f c b ~ @ ~ ~ gg a~ ~ ~. ~ ~ ~~ ~„ `E ~ ~ . ~6 8 ~s a ~~ 1 I ' i I ~ i I i '~ t , gg a ' ~ G ~O r i G ti _.~_._._._._..-- --~_... . l + _---~__.~._.._.._..l--__ .._..____._....___._~ o } ~ _._.~~...__..._Q..._._. . i ~' ~ § ~ °~ ~ ® ~~ f ~ i ~ ~ ~ ...... ,.., ... _ _. .. ~ w I ~ i ~ . . . E -~--...~.._ i _' I v } ~ ~ --- --~j-_..~.1R.- ~ --- Q ~_ ~ f« { i ~ --~-- - ~------. ___._. ~ * -~- ~ : ., ®~ ~ ~ ® •~ ~ ~ ~ ,~ ~ ~ ~ #____. O r E ..__ .._...._ _. o ~ .i ~ ~ _~ _.p ._ .~ . i._ ._... _.~ ~ n~ ~ ~~. _._ ~ .~___..._. ~~ -, i g k ~ ~ 'O z ~ ~ ~ i ~ j 3~H'Id NOW~ } !/d } Y m DC ~ Revised; 03J23l2007 .. - -- 25 1_. -~~ _ /;' = WAL-MART 1624 SiteID: 015-021-001189 Manager WILLIAM JOHNSON Location: 2601 FASHION PL City BAKERSFIELD BusPhone: (661) 873-7120 Map 103 CommHaz Extreme Grid: 22A FacUnits: 1 AOV: CommCode: BFD STA 08 EPA Numb: CAL920555237 SIC Code: DunnBrad:71-0415-188 Emergency Contact / Title Emergency Contact / Title WILLIAM JOHNSON / STORE MANAGER JOHN JONES / ASST MANAGER Business Phone: (661) 873-7120x Business Phone: (661) 873-7120x 24-Hour Phone (800) 530-9924x 24-Hour Phone (800) 530-9924x Pager Phone ( ) - x Pager Phone ( ) - x Hazmat Hazards: Fire Press React ImmHlth DelHlth Contact O J WARD ENV COMP MGR Phone: (479) 204-8579x MailAddr: 702 SW 8TH ST State: AR City BENTONVILLE Zip 72716-0500 Owner WAL-MART STORES INC Phone: (479) 204-2280x Address 702 SW 8TH ST State: AR City BENTONVILLE Zip 72716-0500 Period to Preparers Certif'd: ParcelNo: TotalASTs: _ TotalUSTs: _ RSs: No Gall Gal Emergency Directives: PROG A - HAZMAT PROG H - HAZ WASTE GEN PROG T - ABOVEGROUND STORAGE TANK ~NT'p pC ~° 1 ~ ~~©7 t: r;i~ tTl'/ ICC~Glrl `Jfi i`,. ;° i)iC~l', ~....:?'~ rE'-,_ ;~ ;fir O}.` ~.-,i-~~ ale i°ifGviT.c^,`:'?i. C^"';`/ cn: :. ,~sn~liy a. }a~.r: th2t 1 hG~,~e ~;:~rear.?41;~ ex:~-n:n`.~ cr,c+ am tamiliu.r with the ?nformaYinn su`~m~tiaa and belie~~e ti'ie inicrrn tion is tr~2, accurate, anc coi~glete. ~j ~ ~~ ~~ d -/~.-1- - -/ ~ 7 Sign<<~ re Date -1- 10/08/2007 ~- F WA.L-MART 1624 SiteID: 015-021-001189 ~ ~ Hazmat Inventory By Facility Unit ~ ~ MCP+DailyMax Order Fixed Containers on Site ~ Hazmat Common Name... SpecHaz EPA Hazards Frm DailyMax Unit MCP INSECTICIDE F IH DH S 2000.00 LBS Ext PROPANE E F P IH G 1200.00 FT3 Hi PROPANE E F P IH L 612.00 FT3 Hi POOL CHLORINE IH DH S 260.00 LBS Hi WINDSHIELD WASHER CONCENTRATE DH L 55.00 GAL Hi TRICHLORO-S-TRIAZINERTRIONE IH DH S 550.00 LBS Mod WOOD FINISH L 150.00 GAL Mod INSECTICIDE F IH DH L 130.00 GAL Mod ALGACIDE F R IH DH L 70.00 GAL Mod CHARCOAL LIGHTER FLUID F IH DH L 50.00 GAL Mod PAINT THINNER F DH L 40.00 GAL Mod LEAD ACID BATTERIES S 7200.00 LBS Low REFRIGERANT P IH G 400.00 LBS Low ANTIFREEZE L 200.00 GAL Low CARBON DIOXIDE F P IH G 1275.00 FT3 Min HELIUM F P IH G 488.00 FT3 Min MOTOR OIL F DH L 400.00 GAL Min WASTE COOKING OIL L 150.00 GAL Min WASTE BATTERIES IH S 750.00 LBS UnR HERBICIDE IH DH L 250.00 GAL UnR -2- 10/08/2007 -3- 10/08/2007 =~ ~ F WAL-MART 1624 SiteID: 015-021-001189 ~ ~ Inventory Item 0015 Facility Unit: Fixed Containers on Site ~ COMMON NAME / CHEMICAL NAME INSECTICIDE Days On Site 365 Location within this Facility Unit Map: Grid: GARDEN CTR CAS# STATE TYPE PRESSURE TEMPERATURE CONTAINER TYPE Solid TMixture Ambient ~ Ambient BAG AMOUNTS AT THIS LOCATION Largest Container Daily Maximum Daily Average 20.00 LBS 2000.00 LBS 1000.00 LBS HAZARDOUS COMPONENTS SWt. RS CAS# 63.00 Napthalene No 64742956 10.00 Endosulfan (EPA) No 115297 17.00 o-Xylene, m-Xylene, p-Xylene No 1330207 t1E~GHttL E~7~JL",~J1~1J;1V 15 TSecret RS BioHaz Radioactive/Amount EPA Hazards NFPA USDOT# MCP No No No No/ Curies F IH DH / / / Ext ~ Inventory Item 0010 Facility Unit: Fixed Containers on Site ~ COMMON NAME / CHEMICAL NAME PROPANE Days On Site 365 Location within this Facility Unit Map: Grid: GARDEN CTR CAS# STATE T TYPE PRESSURE ~~ TEMPERATURE ~~~ CONTAINER TYPE ~ ~GaS I Pure Above Ambient I Ambient I PORT. PRESS_ CYLINDER I AMOUNTS AT THIS LOCATION Largest Container Daily Maximum Daily Average 238.70 FT3 1200.00 FT3 600.00 FT3 nric~ti~u~uua ~.urlrulvr,ly t ~ %Wt. RS CAS# 100.00 Propane Yes 74986 rla`iGHlCL HJ ~7~.7.71~1J~,1V 1~J TSecret RS BioHaz Radioactive/Amount EPA Hazards NFPA USDOT# MCP No No No No/ Curies F P IH / / / Hi -4- 10/08/2007 F WAL-MART 1624 SiteID: 015-021-001189 ~ ~ Inventory Item 0011 Facility Unit: Fixed Containers on Site ~ COMMON NAME / CHEMICAL NAME PROPANE Days On Site 365 Location within this Facility Unit Map: Grid: ENV CAGE FOR FORKLIFT & FLOOR BUFFERS CAS# Liquid TPureE -~AboveSAmbEent AmbientT~E PORTCOPRESSERCYLINDER AMOUNTS AT THIS LOCATION Largest Container Daily Maximum Daily Average 238.70 FT3 612.00 FT3 477.40 FT3 t1HGAKLV U.7 lLV1~lYV1V L" 1V 7 J oWt. RS CAS# 100.00 Propane Yes 74986 t1E~GlittL 1.7.71;.7 w71~1L' 1V 1 TSecret RS BioHaz Radioactive/Amount EPA Hazards NFPA USDOT# MCP No No No No/ Curies F P IH / / / Hi ~ Inventory Item 0017 Facility Unit: Fixed Containers on Site ~ COMMON NAME / CHEMICAL NAME POOL CHLORINE Days On Site GRANULAR 365 Location within this Facility Unit Map: Grid: SEASONAL DEPT CAS# STATE TYPE PRESSURE TEMPERATURE CONTAINER TYPE Solid TMixture ~mbient ~mbient BAG AMOUNTS AT THIS LOCATION Largest Container Daily Maximum Daily Average 20.00 LBS 260.00 LBS 170.00 LBS nt~c~s~tc.uvu~ ~.V1~irVlvr,ly 1 ~ oWt. RS CAS# 70.00 Calcium Hypochlorite No 7778543 I1HGt1CCL H. 7J1/JJ1~11,1V 1.7 TSecret RS BioHaz Radioactive/Amount EPA Hazards NFPA USDOT# MCP No No No No/ Curies IH DH / / / Hi -5- 10/08/2007 F WAL-MART 1624 SiteID: 015-021-001189 ~ ~ Inventory Item 0012 Facility Unit: Fixed Containers on Site ~ COMMON NAME / CHEMICAL NAME WINDSHIELD WASHER CONCENTRATE Days On Site 365 Location within this Facility Unit Map: Grid: AUTO DEPT CAS# Liquid TMixture ~ Ambient~E ~ AmbientT~E ~STICTCONTAINERE AMOUNTS AT THIS LOCATION Largest Container Daily Maximum Daily Average 1.00 GAL 55.00 GAL 30.00 GAL tY1~Gt1ttLVU~ 1.V1~lYV1V~1V1J °sWt . RS CAS# 95.00 Methanol No 67561 2.00 2-Aminoethanol No 111422 t~~.~c~ r-~~ 5~~ari~lyla TSecret RS BioHaz Radioactive/Amount EPA Hazards NFPA USDOT# MCP No No No No/ Curies DH / / / Hi ~ Inventory Item 0009 Facility Unit: Fixed Containers on Site ~ COMMON NAME / CHEMICAL NAME TRICHLORO-S-TRIAZINERTRIONE Days On Site 365 Location within this Facility Unit Map: Grid: SEASONAL DEPT CAS# STATE TYPE PRESSURE TEMPERATURE CONTAINER TYPE Solid TMixture ~ Ambient ~ Ambient BAG AMOUNTS AT THIS LOCATION Largest Con37100rLBS Daily 550100m LBS I Daily 400r0,0e LBS ntaarucLVU~ ~.vrirvlvr,tvt~ oWt. RS CAS# 100.00 Trichloro-s-triazinetrione No 87901 titiGt~ttL HJ ~ ~.7.71~1~1V 1 a TSecret RS BioHaz Radioactive/Amount EPA Hazards NFPA USDOT# MCP No No No No/ Curies IH DH / / / Mod -6- 10/08/2007 F WAL-MART 1624 SiteID: 015-021-001189 ~ ~ Inventory Item 0001 Facility Unit: Fixed Containers on Site ~ COMMON NAME / CHEMICAL NAME WOOD FINISH Days On Site 365 Location within this Facility Unit Map: Grid: PAINT DEPT CAS# STATE TYPE PRESSURE TEMPERATURE CONTAINER TYPE Liquid TMixtur~mbient ~ Ambient METAL CONTAINR-NONDRUM AMOUNTS AT THIS LOCATION Largest Container Daily Maximum I Daily Average 5.00 GAL 150.00 GAL 100.00 GAL •- t1AGElt<11 V U 5 l: V1~lY V1V I;1V 1 J %Wt. RS CAS# 55.00 Mineral Spirits No 8030306 5.00 Mineral Spirits No 8030306 9.00 Heavy Naphthenic Petroleum No 0 9.00 Highly Refined Base Oil No 64741975 riAGLiKJJ H5 ~L' ~ 51~1J~;1V 1 J TSecret RS BioHaz Radioactive/Amount EPA Hazards NFPA USDOT# MCP No No No No/ Curies / / / Mod ~ Inventory Item 0014 Facility Unit: Fixed Containers on Site ~ COMMON NAME / CHEMICAL NAME INSECTICIDE Days On Site 365 Location within this Facility Unit Map: Grid: GARDEN CTR CAS# Liquid TMixtur~mbient~E ~ AmbientT~E ~PLASTICTCONTAINERE AMOUNTS AT THIS LOCATION Largest Container Daily Maximum I Daily Average 1.00 GAL 130.00 GAL 85.00 GAL nr~c,ts~LVUa LvrirvlVlJlvla %Wt. RS CAS# 63.00 Napthalene No 64742956 17.00 o-Xylene, m-Xylene, p-Xylene No 1330207 !lt]Gti1CL ti. 7JJ;iJJ1•LJ;1V1J TSecret RS BioHaz Radioactive/Amount EPA Hazards NFPA USDOT# MCP No No No No/ Curies F IH DH / / / Mod -7- 10/08/2007 F WAL-MART 1624 SiteID: 015-021-001189 ~ ~ Inventory Item 0016 Facility Unit: Fixed Containers on Site ~ COMMON NAME / CHEMICAL NAME ALGACIDE Days On Site 365 Location within this Facility Unit Map: Grid: SEASONAL DEPT CAS# STATE TYPE PRESSURE TEMPERATURE CONTAINER TYPE Liquid TMixtur~mbient ~ Ambient ~ PLASTIC CONTAINER AMOUNTS AT THIS LOCATION Largest Container Daily Maximum Daily Average 1.00 GAL 70.00 GAL 45.00 GAL HAZARDOUS COMPONENTS oWt. RS CAS# 10.00 Alkyl Dimethylbenzylammonium Chloride No 68424851 1.30 Ethanol No 64175 L1HGtitCL Ei J .7 P~.7.71~1P~1V 1.7 TSecret RS BioHaz Radioactive/Amount EPA Hazards NFPA USDOT# MCP No No No No/ Curies F R IH DH / / / Mod ~ Inventory Item 0006 Facility Unit: Fixed Containers on Site ~ COMMON NAME / CHEMICAL NAME CHARCOAL LIGHTER FLUID Days On Site 365 Location within this Facility Unit Map: Grid: SEASONAL DEPT CAS# Liquid TMixture ~ Ambient~E ~ AmbientT~E I PLASTOICTCONTAINERE AMOUNTS AT THIS LOCATION Largest Container Daily Maximum Daily Average 0.50 GAL 50.00__ GAL I 30.00 GAL ru~c~ruu~v~o ~.vrlrvlv~lV1S oWt. RS CAS# 100.00 Aliphatic Hydrocarbons No 64742887 L1ti[~riRL 1-1 J JL~J.71.1P~1V 1 J TSecret RS BioHaz Radioactive/Amount EPA Hazards NFPA USDOT# MCP No No No No/ Curies F IH DH / / / Mod -8- 10/08/2007 F WAL-MART 1624 SiteID: 015-021-001189 ~ ~ Inventory Item 0008 Facility Unit: Fixed Containers on Site ~ COMMON NAME / CHEMICAL NAME PAINT THINNER Days On Site 365 Location within this Facility Unit Map: Grid: PAINT DEPT CAS# STATE TYPE PRESSURE TEMPERATURE CONTAINER TYPE Liquid TMixture ~mbient ~ Ambient ~ LASTIC CONTAINER AMOUNTS AT THIS LOCATION Largest Container Daily Maximum Daily Average 1.00 GAL 40.00 GAL 20.00 GAL I1LiG1~lCLVU.7 LV1~lYV1VL"1V1.7 %Wt. RS ' CAS# 100.00 Mineral Spirits No 64741419 tll-1GI~ltCL E~JJI:,J~I~lJ~,1V1J TSecret RS BioHaz Radioactive/Amount EPA Hazards NFPA USDOT# MCP No No No No/ Curies F DH / / / Mod ~ Inventory Item 0003 Facility Unit: Fixed Containers on Site ~ COMMON NAME / CHEMICAL NAME LEAD ACID BATTERIES Days On Site 365 Location within this Facility Unit Map: Grid: AUTO DEPT CAS# ~SolidE TMixture ~mbRent~E ~ AmbientT~E OTHERONTSPECIFYYPE AMOUNTS AT THIS LOCATION Largest Container Daily Maximum Daily Average 30.00 LBS 7200.00 LBS I 3600.00 LBS i+s'~urv.~t~VlJa t.Vl•lrV1VP~1V1S %Wt• RS CAS# 10.00 Sulfuric Acid (EPA) No 7664939 53.00 Lead No 7439921 rlti[~riRL tiJ ~J L' JJ1.1P~1V 1.7 TSecret RS BioHaz Radioactive/Amount EPA Hazards NFPA USDOT# MCP No No No No/ Curies / / / Low -9- 10/08/2007 F TnIAL-MART 1624 SiteID: 015-021-001189 ~ ~ Inventory Item 0019 Facility Unit: Fixed Containers on Site ~ COMMON NAME / CHEMICAL NAME REFRIGERANT Days On Site R4040A 365 Location within this Facility Unit Map: Grid: COOLER CASES & WALK-IN FREEZER ON STORE FLR & STOCKROOM CAS# STATE TYPE PRESSURE TEMPERATURE CONTAINER TYPE Gas TMixtur~-Above Ambient Ambient OTHER - SPECIFY AMOUNTS AT THIS LOCATION Largest Container Daily Maximum Daily Average 400.00 LBS 400.00 LBS 400.00 LBS HAZARDOUS COMPONENTS %Wt. RS CAS# 52.00 1,1,1-Trifluoroethane No 420462 t1HGHKL L~Ja1;J~1~11;1V 1.7 TSecret RS BioHaz =Radioactive/Amount= =EPA Hazards= =NFPA~ =USDOT#= =MCP= No No No No/ Curies P IH / / / Low ~ Inventory Item 0002 COMMON NAME / CHEMICAL NAME ANTIFREEZE Location within this Facility Unit AUTO DEPT Facility Unit: Fixed Containers on Site ~ Days On Site 365 Map: Grid: CAS# Liquid TMixture ~ Ambient~E ~ AmbientT~E ~ PLASTICTCONTAINERE AMOUNTS AT THIS LOCATION Largest Container Daily Maximum Daily Average 1.00 GAL 200.00 GAL 130.00 GAL riL-~GtitC.LV U .7 1. V 1~1Y V1V L' 1V 15 %Wt. RS CAS# 95.00 Ethylene Glycol No 107211 ril-1GEjtCL H. 7.7L"J51~1L"1V1J TSecret RS BioHaz Radioactive/Amount EPA Hazards NFPA USDOT# MCP No No No No/ Curies / / / Low -10- 10/08/2007 F WAL-MART 1624 SiteID: 015-021-001189 ~ ~ Inventory Item 0007 Facility Unit: Fixed Containers on Site ~ COMMON NAME / CHEMICAL NAME MOTOR OIL Days On Site 365 Location within this Facility Unit Map: Grid: AUTO DEPT CAS# Liquid TMixture ~ Ambient~E ~ AmbientT~E ~ PLASTOICTCONTAINERE AMOUNTS AT THIS LOCATION Largest Container Daily Maximum Daily Average 1.25 GAL 400.00 GAL 200.00 GAL iZtiGtilCLVVJ 1..V1~lYV1Vr.1V1.7 %Wt. RS CAS# 100.00 Petroleum Distillate, Straight Run Middle No 64742650 I1tiGHtCL ti. 7.7ISJJ1~11~,1V1J TSecret RS BioHaz Radioactive/Amount EPA Hazards NFPA USDOT# MCP No No No No/ Curies F DH / / / Min ~ Inventory Item 0020 Facility Unit: Fixed Containers on Site ~ COMMON NAME / CHEMICAL NAME WASTE COOKING OIL Days On Site 365 Location within this Facility Unit Map: Grid: REAR OF STORE BY LOADING DOCK CAS# Liquid TWaste ~ AmbRent~E ~ AmbientT~E ABOVEOGROUNDRTANKE AMOUNTS AT THIS LOCATION Largest Container Daily Maximum I Daily Average 150.00 GAL 150.00 GAL 80.00 GAL iar~urucLV V.7 L.V1•!t'V1V Lily 1 S %Wt. RS CAS# 85.00 Soy Bean Oil No 8001227 15.00 Nonyl Phenoxy Polyethoxyethanol No r1r~GrtiRL t'~. 7.7rJJJ1.1P~1V l iJ TSecret RS BioHaz Radioactive/Amount EPA Hazards NFPA USDOT# MCP No No No No/ Curies / / / Min -12- 10/08/2007 F WAL-MART 1624 ~ Inventory Item 0018 COMMON NAME / CHEMICAL NAME WASTE BATTERIES USED LEAD-ACID CAR BATTERIES Location within this Facility Unit ENV CAGE SiteID: 015-021-001189 ~ Facility Unit: Fixed Containers on Site ~ Days On Site 365 Map: Grid: CAS# SolidE I Waste ~mbient~E ~ AmbientT~E OTHERONTSPECIFYYPE AMOUNTS AT THIS LOCATION Largest Con30100rLBS Daily M50100m LBS I Daily 450r00e LBS r1s~~.vtcLUUa ~:ulnrulvl,ly 1 ~Wt. RS CAS# 34.00 Lead No 7439921 34.00 Sulfuric Acid (EPA) No 7664939 31.00 Lead Dioxide No 1309600 t1E~GHKIJ L-~.7.~ L" .>.71~1L" 1V "15 TSecret RS BioHaz Radioactive/Amount EPA Hazards NFPA USDOT# MCP No No No No/ Curies IH / / / UnR ~ Inventory Item 0013 Facility Unit: Fixed Containers on Site ~ COMMON NAME / CHEMICAL NAME HERBICIDE Days On Site 365 Location within this Facility Unit Map: Grid: GARDEN CTR CAS# STATE TYPE PRESSURE TEMPERATURE CONTAINER TYPE Liquid TMixtur~Ambient ~ Ambient ~STIC CONTAINER AMOUNTS AT THIS LOCATION Largest Container Daily Maximum Daily Average 1.00 GAL 250.00 GAL 125.00 GAL nsic~r~rcLVU~ ~.urlrvlvlJivla oWt. RS CAS# 25.00 Glyphosate No 38641940 riEiGL~tCL Hb ~1;J~71~1L'1V15 TSecret RS BioHaz Radioactive/Amount EPA Hazards NFPA USDOT# MCP No No No No/ Curies IH DH / / / UnR -13- 10/08/2007 F WAL-MART 1624 SiteID: 015-021-001189 ~ Fast Format ~ ~ Notif./Evacuation/Medical Overall Site ~ ~ Agency Notification 04/20/2007 ~ STORE MANAGEMENT IS REPONSIBLE, IN ADDITION, SAFETY, LEGAL, AND LOSS PREVENTION WILL BE NOTIFIED. 911 AND 800-852-7550. Employee Notif./Evacuation 04/20/2007 PA SYSTEM OR BY VOICE IF PA IS INACCESSIBLE. PLANS AND ROUTES ARE POSTED. MANAGEMENT AND SAFETY AND LOSS PREVENTION TEAMS WILL CONDUCT EVACUATION. Public Notif./Evacuation 04/20/2007 PA SYSTEM OR BY VOICE IF PA IS INACCESSIBLE. PLANS AND ROUTES ARE POSTED. MANAGEMENT AND SAFETY AND LOSS PREVENTION TEAMS WILL CONDUCT EVACUATION. Emergency Medical Plan 04/28/1992 FIRST AID AS NECESSARY. PUBLIC HOSPITALS AND EMERGENCY MEDICAL SERVICES. -14- 10/08/2007 F WAL-MA.RT 1624 SiteID: 015-021-001189 ~ Fast Format ~ ~ Mitigation/Prevent/Abatemt Overall Site ~ ~ Release Prevention 04/28/1992 ~ PROPER IDENTIFICATION, PROPER STORAGE, TRAINING IN HANDLING. ALSO MERCHANDISE IS PACKAGED IN SMALL QUANTITIES. Release Containment 04/27/2006 AN ASSOCIATE WILL REMAIN WITH THE RELEASE WHILE ANOTHER ASSOCIATE GETS APPROPRIATE CLEANING AIDS. CUSTOMERS AND OTHER ASSOCIATES WILL BE DIRECTED AWAY FROM THE AREA. CONTAINED WITH ABSORBENT MATERIAL. Clean Up 04/27/2006 FOLLOWING MANUFACTURERS RECOMMENDATIONS, DEPENDENT ON TYPE, QUANTITY AND MIXTURE, IF ANY. ABSORBENT (KITTY LITTER) USED FOR SMALL SPILLS. CONTACT FIRE DEPT FOR LARGE SPILLS. v~iici itc~vui~.c til:l~lVCYl.1V11 -15- 10/08/2007 F WAL-MART 1624 SiteID: 015-021-001189 ~ Fast Format ~ ~ Site Emergency Factors Overall Site ~ .~Nc~..iai na~aiua Utility Shut-Offs 04/20/2007 ELECTRICAL - CTR OF S BACK WALL WATER - NE CRNR FRONT WALL Fire Protec./Avail. Water 01/12/2007 PRIVATE FIRE PROTECTION - AUTOMATIC SPRINKLER SYSTEM AND FIRE EXTINGUISHERS. NEAREST FIRE HYDRANT - 75FT NE OF ENTR. Building Occupancy Level 03/10/2006 250 EMPLOYEES -16- 10/08/2007 c F WAL-MART 1624 SiteID: 015-021-001189 ~ Fast Format ~ ~ Training Overall Site ~ ~ Employee Training 04/27/2006 ~ MSDS SHEETS ON FILE. BRIEF SUNIl~lARY OF TRAINING PROGRAM: CONSISTS OF WRITTEN PROGRAM AND AUDIO VISUAL TRAINING. MSDS SHEETS ARE ON SITE. SAFETY AND LOSS PREVENTION TEAM ON SITE. SAFETY ORIENTATION. SAFETY PROGRAM ON HAZARDOUS MATERIALS, INCLUDING RIGHT-TO-KNOW AND VARIOUS MATERIALS FROM MANUFACTURERS. YdC~. C G Held for Future Use nc.iu ivi. ru~uic ~5c -17- 10/08/2007 } - ~ "•~ F'a.~'Ati; F 2 x ;..~ _ l.lil/2008 10:57 PAGE 001/001 Fax Server b~ROPANE EXGi-lANGESTORAGE TANOC(5) ~.~ ~~ Ww~x~.a.:,*;res~x~nvo,ee~xmtorr~xwr~e;w~Yr,:+;r:nn•nacrz~srpw,es^!a~!W ;~; ;~,. FOR ihiST.ALLATIUN ! REMOVAL OF PRC)PANE. EXChtAN~E TANKS} :~ iN~l'A~LL r REMOVE PER~4iT: # ~~~~ FACILITY ~ ^^ 400 Truxtun Ave., Ste. 210 ~-l~A Bakersfield, CA 93301 ~It;ir,~ Tel.: {66Y) 326-3974 Fax.: (561} 852-2171 1 Page 1 of 1 ~\~ ll~ / --,~~,. . r-. ADDRESS^ ' ~ _ 6 d i rA 5 %~ l nrv ~IAG~ OPERATORS NARRE --^-_-~._.. -..__-_-__._._...- ___ ___ _ W ~" Lei ~ 1 _ ------------------ -- ---- -_~--_. __. ~. -.._._.. C7WNERS NAME _ - ~~~~~~~ ------- - ----------------------~--- ----1 NUM9ER OF CAGES TO BE INSTALLED,! REMOVED ~w,_ ------ - ------ ~ / Q, ~~ l -~-- /.~~J ~-~~-61.x- ~.~ _ TOTAL NO. QF TAP1K3 I VOLUA{I!r ;, ~~ ~3, - ~ ~ _~„ . . . ^ _ ~, - __ -~_. NAMk OF COMPANY INSTALLING 6 ! 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