HomeMy WebLinkAboutUNDERGROUND STORAGE TANK(UNDERGROUND STORAGE TANKS) FILE # BAKERSFIELD CITY SCHOOLS 1701 FELIZ DRIVE (See Isol Fei~Z Dr.) RICH ENVIRONMENTAL 56}3 BROOKS CT.- BAKERSFIELD, CA 93308 OFF.(66 ] }392-8687 FAX(661)392-0621 ACURITE TM PIPEL~IE TESTER PRECISION PRODUCT LINE TEST TEST RESULTS DATE: 8-28-06 BILLING: CAL-VALLEY 3500 GILMORE AVE. BAKERSFIELD CA. 93308 r~a~9~ SITE: BAKERSFIELD CITY SCHOOL 1701 FEL1Z DR BAKERSFIELD CA. 93307 PRODUCT PRODUCT MECHANICAL MONITOR PRODUCTS LINE TEST LEAK DETECTORS LEAK DETECTOR UNL-87 -.000-PASS AASS ANNULAR & SUMP DIF,SEL -.000-PASS PASS ANNULAR & SUMP COMMENTS A PRECISION TEST WAS PERFORMED ON PRODUCT LINES AT THE ABOVE LOCATION USING THE ACURITE TM PIPELINE TESTER. I HAVE REVIEWED THE DATA PRODUCED IN CONJUNCTION WITH AES PROTOCOL, AND THEREFORE SATISFIES ALL REQUIREMENTS FOR SUCH TESTING AS SET FORTH BY NFPA-329-92 AND USE 40 CFR PART 280. THE RESULTS OF TESTING ARE SHOWN ON THE FOLLOWING PAGE. INCLUDED WITH THE REPORT ARE REPRODUCTION OF DATA COMPLIED DURING THE TEST WHICH FORMED THE BASIS FOR THESE CONCLUSION. THIS INFORMATION IS STORED IN A PERMANENT FILE IF FUTURE VERIFlCAT10N OF TEST RESULTS IS NEEDED. DECLARE UNDER PENALTY OF PERJURY THAT I AM A LICENSED TANK TESTER IN THE STATE OF CALIFONIA ANll THAT THE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS REPORT IS TRUE AND CORRECT TO THE BEST OF MY KNOWLEDGE. T y: AARON KOOP CERTk 03-1649 ...~ 3 ~ ~' ~.------ .5643 BRQOKS CT $338`I~E7 ~~93~ 348 OFFICE (661) 392-$'6$'7 "& D'3EX (661J 392-0621 AGURIT& 'S~Q JTIPELIN~ TE3TER wo sHE~~ ~ DATE : ~'°2 $ - ° ~° w / o # : Facility Name: ~bJ-~K'c9~j~~E~~~.. Gt i y ~~ N~oL S Facility A~:.3dress :. ~ ~~ j f''~ ~-~ Z ~?,~, ~ z3,gk~,~SF~E~D, ~ Product Line Type (Bressure; •Suction,' Gravity) : f ie~`Js~'R~ Pump Manufacturer: R~•~~' ,~~~X~Zaolat~.on DQechanism: ~~L tIlRL/~ PRODUCT START TIME FND T:I~4E TE$T VOLUME RESULT /READING /READING PRESSURE RATE PASS/ 00:00/GPH 0.0:: ~0/CyPH •(,PSI (.GPIs FAIL un~.-Fr~7~ ~'~ •'03'x. ~~~20 ~0~7 .5~? . nos PASS ~ESc'L ~~15 .v(o~ q~yS ..aCo3 50 -o~~ P~~ . '. I certify that thv abova li;n~ tests were conducted according to the equipment manufacturer's.proc.edures. The results as listed are to my knowledge true and correct,.. The test pass/fail 1s det:ermined-using a threshold o£ 190•ml per. hour {0.05 GPH) rate.at:l 1/2 t$tnes working preasurc or 50 psi which ~., ever is greater. ~ ~1.4l~orJ K ~~ ' .. ~ ~ ~ Tech : r"1 7 State License : # t73 ~/t°y ' Signature; ME'G.CERTIFYCATION:# 60~.~.I~T .f • i .• i • - >I .. .. t • ~ i • , /3~5~` ~2IC~ ENV'IRQ1~'~•'~'r'A r, f 5643 BROOKS CT BAKERSFIELD,CA.93308 OFFICE (661)392-8687 & FAX (661}392-0621 ~CuArtsrAT. =.y?~x Dk3T~CTOR TEST WORK SHEET W/0#: Facility Name: ~~ t' L' G ~Ty `~~~~~- 5 Facility Address: ~ ~~ { h E~- f ~- ~~' Product Line Type (Pressure, auction, Gravity) PRODUCT LEAK DETECTOR TYPE TEST TRIP PASS sBxIAL NUMBER BELOW PSI OR L/D TYPE ~ ~~ ' SERIAL # Vi1 ~C~.~Ia4~t~ NO /y( `j/ FAIL 7 U~41 ` ~ L/D TYPE ~~ v4~JCLT- ~ SS ~ SERIAL # ~ °~ ~ NO ~yPsr FAIL _ _ ~I~.k~ L/D TYPE YES PASS SERIAL # NO FAIL L/D TYPE YES PASS SERIAL # NO FAIL z certify the above tests were conducted on this date according to Red Jacket Pupa field test apparatus testing procedure an limitations. The Mechanical Leak Detector Test pass / fail is determined by using a low flow threshold trip rate of 3 gallon per hour ar less at 10 PSI. ` S acknowledge that all data collected is true and correct to the best of my knowledge. Tech: ~'~i~'"J ~.pc,j Signature: ~ Date: _ ~•: UNDERGROUND STORAGE TANKS APPLICATION TO PERFORM ELD /LINE TESTING I ~ SB989 SECONDARY CONTAINMENT TESTING u /TANK TIGHTNESS TEST AND TO PERFORM FUEL MONITORING CERTIFICATION PERMIT NO. T ~ - ~ 83 wi~i ARrAI T BAKERSFIELD FIRE DEPT. Prevention Services 900 Truxtun Ave., Ste. 210 Bakersfield, CA 93301 Tel.: (661) 326-3979 Fax: (661) 852-2171 Page 1 of 1 ^ ENHANCED LEAK DETECTION ^ LINE TESTING ^ SB-989 SECONDARY CONTAINMENT TESTING ^ TANK TIGHTNESS TEST ~ TO PERFORM FUEL MONrTORING CERTIFICATION SITE INFORMATION FACILITY BakerSfleld Clty $Ch001 DISC. NAME a PHONE NUMBER OF CONTACT PERSON ADDRESS 1701 Feliz Dr. OWNERS NAME Bakersfield City School Dist. OPERATORS NAME Same PERMIT TO OPERATE NO. NUMBER OF TANKS TO BE TESTED IS PIPING GOING TO BE TESTED? ^ YES ^ NO TANK # VOLUME CONTENTS 1 87 U/L 2 Diesel TANK TESTING COMPANY NAME OF TESTING COMPANY Cal-Valley Equipment Bruce W. Hinsley 661-327-9341 MAILING ADDRESS 3500 Gilmore Ave. Bakersfield, Ca. 93308 Bruce W. Hinsley 661-327-9341 CERTIFICATION #: 006-05-1178 DATE & TIME TEST TO BE CONDUCTED AUg USt 4, 2006 08:00 ICC #: SIGNATURE OF APPLIC T i ~`~~ ,~.~ DATE June 7, 2006 APPROVED BY ~ DATE FD 2095 (Rev. 09105) _~_ 3~3 c~ ~ CAL UALLEW PAGE 02 08/08/2006 08:42 6613252529 MtJNI'~'~RT.N~ SXST~M. CERT~FICAT'~~N For Use By Alt Jraisdicrtianss Within the Stave o, f Cali a Authority Cited.• CJrupter 6.7, hTeulth andSa, fury Code: Chapttar 16. Ilivision 3, ?7tfe 23, Califnr»ia Cede of Regututiorrs 1Ztis trsrm must Ix taped to docuuter-t testing end scavicing of monitoring cquipmetrt. a e..a••,••• exrttfi~tiext ar rnxxt mist be _eaidt rnonitarin~ system_oorrtrel ,~ by the teCltrtidan who perfontta the work. A copy of this form tmtst be provided m the tank syst® pwttcr/aperatat. The ownerlapel'stor mu9t submit a copy of this £otm to tt+e loco! agerwy regulating UST' systEms witItiu~ 30 days of te8t date. A. General Ttt~ormetian Facility Name: Baiuerafieit! City School Dist. _ B~dg.1!io.: Site Addt~ess: -flier~tr. 1 ~ 0 1 f"G r_1 Z ~ _ City Bs~kersfield Zip: Ftrciaity Contact Persotr Ctmlact i'haate No.• ( - lufa)odModel ofMoaitori~ttg System: Ranerl X761Veeder-Boat TLS~Q Date of Testing/Serwicing: 81~4f'2006 B. ~tuvelatory of a:goi~ment TestedlCertified ' to boxes to trrdiarte s cTic a ent ins cttidlservked: Tack [D: 787 UL T#nk ID: ® In-Tank [~ugittg l~tabe. .Model: GaR. (] [o-Tank Gauging Probes Model: _ 1~ Attttular Space a VeaEt Sexeaor, Mod$ Float Switch 0 Ananler Spaap ar Venlt Sensor. Madd: ® ~+B ~P ~'h~ 3enAOr(s). Model: t"loet Sv~17 ^ PipiaB Same 1 Tradr Senaoe(s). Mudd; r] Pi)1 Bump Sorgm(ak Model: _ [~ Fi11 Smnp Settsar(a} blodeL• ® Madaaicel LmeLeak )Sda~far, Model: p1.U ^ Moehxaieel Line Leek Deta~ior. Modal: __ _ LI 131ecG^onie Lina Leak bvtaeoor. Modal: ©F31eeU~onic iirre Leak Dotacoor_ Model: _ ^ Task Oven6ll ! Hid-I,CVd Semaot_ Mudd: ^ Tank (?v~er011 f Higk-I.evcl Seasor_ Mude1; _ _ _ ^ OF6cr (specefY exluipntent type eud Aaodel in Sewvon E tar Page Z} ^ QtLer (specifj' e+quipmrnt t3'Pe end modal to 3eetinrr E a®Fage 2). T'e~tk ID' 2 D$1. T•lelt 1D: _ - - ~ 7n-Tenlt Gangorg Py+obc. Modoi: CaIR. ^ In--Tank C,nuging Probe. Model: ® Annular Sprat or Viult Sea~ee. Mudd: Flue! Switch 0 Aturular Space ar Vmh Seoaa: Model: ~ Piping Sump / Trvrdt Srsrcur(s). Madd: FIOat t3vMltCh Q Piping Sump 1 Trench Saoorts} Model: Q FiB Sump Searaar(a~ Madcl: C] FrTI 3rnnp Sa+eoi(s). Medd: ~ ]Wleehem;asl Gina Leak Derodgr. Model- PLD Q Medraniml Line Leak l]e#eotar. Model: Q E1oeh~Oatie Liao J..eak Dctecoor. Modal: ^ I61eCeneic Line I~ae1c Deeectur. Madrt: ~] Tnnk Orerfii{ 1 H+~L,evcl $easa~r. Mudd: ^ Tank OverStl / Higlri,ceet Samor. Macld: ^ (httcr (ape~r equipment type and mvdet in Seatiroa E on 1'agC 2). C104tee (epeaitj~ e~nipmeet typr: and otode! io Sectiae E on FIt®e Z). ld4ep~ser ID: 1 ~Z Iltapa,ser ID: ® sQ Carrtarame~tt $casru(s). Model: Plar,>t 3wk=h Q Diapeaiser Centaiartunt Seasa(a). Model: ~ Shear Yalva(s). (] Sltesr Yaive(s}. ^ t]ispersac Gortlem+s+ent Float(s) pad Chain(s). ^ Dispanaer Cortisintrtod dat(a) and Chain(s). Diiapgaser lb: 7 ~ _ _ Dispenser ID• ®Dispetraer Gortteitet~rt Sen6or(s}. Mudd' t'IoAt t~MIHtC [r] 17iaptnaQ Contaianneat 3enaor{s). Modei: ~ Shear Yatve{s). ^ Shear Yalve(4~ ^ Dtspenaes CAntt+innarntFlart(s) end Chain(s)- Q Dirpeeryrr CmttenrmRrrt I•lort(s) and Chaie[s} D~pettser lb: - - D4apeneor ID: _ _ Q Diapanser Gaetteimnerrt 3eneat(s). Model: [] Di~>s~ GdHaimrtmt 5cnsor[s). Model: ^ Shtaff Valve(s)- ©5herr Vaiva(a). D Contairar+om Ftoat[s) and G9rainis). ^ Dispettsd' Coateituncnt 1Flont[e} cad Cfiaia(s). *Ifthe fAeitity eOtttains more tanks tX dispensers, copy this form. htClttde in#ormatiop fior evpy tonic and diapetlser at the fecitity. ~. ~t'Ifi$C~lL7a1Q - I certify that the egaipaAeert identifeed in thfs daeulttent wile inaptebedlaervioed iq arecot+dttoee vVitb the manuPpetarelrs' gutdelenra. AttytChed 1b this Certilicatiau is ieforgtsttion (e.g. manuficturera' c6) Iaee:ea9ety to veri~ tb>.t this in#ormatirot is Corrrct rind :Piet 1!ltln aho~wiQg tlte: Isynut of magitoritllg erlni roent for ssry t!gaiptneet cable of glnetatitt~ andl reports, 14ave also nthtched a copy o#tLe rieport (direnk ntt lArat! apply): ~] Stem st:t Ttp [~ Alarm hlistplry report Techrtician Nsme gti,po 1N. I•iinsley - Si~tature: ~,.~ L -- CcrtiBcation Na.: 76t120803 _ Licenst:. No.: X847 TO A ~~ Testettg trampatny Name: Cnt-YaileY Eq~~ntoM Phone No.: 661) 3~7-A34A Side Address: _7701__Feliz Der Baket+ltf-rsld~(:al. Datc of TesiingJServicsng: 81412Q06 iPage i ~ 3 08/08/2006 08:42 6613252529 CAL VALLEY 11~onil~aring S]'stom CerNtcstioa D. Results aiFTestil~g/Servilcing Sciftvrare Vers4an Unsrailed: NfA PAGE 03 E. Camme~ts: A small amount df ws~r vas found in both the 87 UL and Dsl. turbine sumps. The site V~fiH remrn+e the w®ter_ Pale ~ aff 3 ~ In Sectioa E below, deser~,be bow and wl~ea t6e~e deP~eieacles were or wpla be coXrctted. - CAL VALLEY PAGE 04 l 08/08/2006 08:42 6613252529 l Moniterlsg System Certification _ I ~+'. Ifn-Tsrtk Ganging /SIR Equipment: [,8 Check this box if teak gauging is used only :fvr inventdsy control. ^ Check this bwt ifno tanl~ gauging or 5TR equipment is installed. This section natist be eampltyted if ire-tank gauging equipmetrt is used to peFfo~ leak detection monitozing- Complete the following cbeektisfw G. Line beak Ae~tectom (~,LD): ^ Check this box if LLDs aro not installed, Cttm lete the l'ollowin ~eeklist: [~ Yes ^ No* Far equipment start-up es~ at-nual egtriptneot certification, was a leak simulated to verify LLD ~aace? >"7 l!J/A (Cfteck at! Fhtu appFy} Simulated leak rate: ^ 3 g.p.h.; ^ 4.1 g.p.h ; ^ Q.2 g.p.lt. ^ Yes ^ No'" Weae all I.LDs caaifirmed operational and accurate within regulatory requiremertta7 ^ Yes ^ No* Was dte testing apparatus properly calibrated? ^ Yes Q No* k'as mechanical LLDs, does the LLD restrict product flow i~Fit detects a leak? ^ N!A ^ Yes ^ No* Far electronic LLUs, does the turbine automatically shut off iftlae LLD detects a leak? ^ N/A ^ Yes ^ No* Far elediroriic LLDs, does the turbine auttmtatically shut off if any portion of the monitaring system is disabled ^ N/A or discormccted? ^ Yes ^ No* For electronic LLDs, dies the turbine automatically shut off if a~ay portion of the monitoring system ^ NIA maJ.turn~iotts ar fails a test'? ^ Yes 4 No* For electronic LLL7s, have ail accessible wiring coittte~ioms been visually inspectod7 C1 NIA D Yes ^ Na* Were all items on the equipment manufacturer's maintenance checklist completed? * In the Section H, below, describe taw artd wben these de8eie~aetes were or wlll be corrected. H. Commcnta: the ea Hn a a er v-n p rtes. * In the Scotian H, below, describe haw snd t+vben these defieieecies were ar wiQ be corrected. 8/0812006 08:42 6613252529 CAL VALLEY PAGE 05 Mooifiprl~g SYsdem Certlllca~tion Site Addnees: UST ~.Vial~itolr~>ag Site Phan ,~ _ ._ _,- ~ _ , .. .i _ .:: ::::::::::::::::::: ~ a.~,tr_::::::::::::::: hate map was a,~,: ~.1.~/ 0~, I~strtactlong if you already have a dia~tam that shows all re~uir+ect informateon, you may include rt; rather than this Page, with yoetr Motuto;[intg System C,erti$cation. On your sitc plan, show tha genezal layout of tanks and pipirxg. Clearly idctttifiy locations of the following eciuipmemt, if installed: roottiforirtg system control panels; sensors manattyting tank. atmular spaces, suta3ps, dispenser pans, spi11 containers, or other seconidary containment sroas; mechanical or electronic Iine leak detectors; $nd in-tank liquid Level pirobes (if used 1`or leak deteetiairi). In the space provided, note tfxe date this $itc k'Ian was pi+eparec[, Pane ~~ of ~ pip 08/08/2006 08:42 6613252529 CAL VALLEY PAGE 06 CERx'IFICA'r'ION OF TECl~11lICIAN ~SPIaIMTSIB~,E FOR OONDUCT[NG "~1'S •['ES'1['ING I kereby cert~ tli®r atl rbe injorr~o~ coatatnederi rlyts -~*t ~s ~~ ~~ ~a;,~,~rtt co~-l;~ce +ofeh rr ~g~r;rerrrexts. Technician's s~l~tuCe• ~,., ~•,.- ~~_ ~ .Date•~, is '??^+~' State laws and regulations da not c~aT•eritly rogairc testin . may fie tllore S~trittg~t 8 t4 be P~fiormad by a qualified contractor. However, heat t'cquur~menes SWRCB, January 2006 Sp~iIl Bucket Testing Depart Form errs, fwrrr is -xaerra-edjor rrse by conrracrors p~erforning ~nr~,l r~sr;ng of UST s~ai11 co~rar,,,,~eu srx~cr:a~s. The coAr,~l~ted font and p*irrtoras,~ro~r, tests (rf r~vFlicableJ, shoatld 1~e provided 1o the faociltty owner/aPe-~atar ftir srrb~iua! [o tJre local ,~gzclatory c~~Y- • ° 08/0812006 08:42 6613252529 CAL VALLEY PAGE 01 ~ ~ CAL-VALI..EY EC.>!UIPNIENT 3500 GII~MORE AVE. BAKERSFIELD, CA 93308 (669}327-934'1 FAX: (B61}325-2529 CONTF~A,CTQR'S L.1C.#78497p A F1AZ To. ~ gym: c.,C.;,,d~ Fs~c `''° ~ ~ ~~ ~~ INCLGDING COVEF't Att; ~~' Re: CC: Urgent D for Review ^ Please Comment Q Please Reply ^ Please Recycle ~omment~s: