HomeMy WebLinkAboutBUSINESS PLAN ~ i~ ASPIRA FOSTER'S FAMILY SVCS. ~~ 2603 G STREET ----! --- " ~ BAKERSFIELD FIRE DEPT. ~g ~. Prevention Services FIRE PREVENTION INSPECTION >t E~/RE t D 900 Truxtun Ave., Ste. 210 ~~ v ARTM T Bakersfield, CA 93301 Tel.: (661) 326-3979 ^ Fax: (661) 2-2171 !f DISTRICT BLOCK N0. DATE <'%_ / ~ . ~"S / FEE ~~ . t~ FACILITY ADDRESS ~ ~ /~ ~_ ~~ ` CITY, STATE, ZIP FACILITY NAME ~~~, (, ~ _~,,' ~~ r T _~n,,~ t t\ ~--„ `~ r ~'" 7 L ~!I MANAGER'S NAME FA ITY PHO~ BUSINESS OWNER'S NAME AID ADDRESS CITY, STATE, ZIP OWNER'S HONE NO. BILL TO: (IF DIFFERENT FROM ABOVE) NAME, ADDRESS CITY, STATE, ZIP, BILLING PHONE NO. OCC E OCC LOAD NO. OFF ORS HIGH RISE B G RI ER DA ^ YES NO CORRECT ALL VIOLATIONS VIOLATION REQUIREMENTS - CHECKED BELOW No. DRY IBLE WASTE 1 Remove and safely dispose of all hazardous refuse and dry vegetation on the above premises (U.F.C.) COMBUST / VEGETATION 2 Provide non-combustible containers with tight fitting lids for the storage of combustible waste and rubbish pending its safe disposal. (U.F.C.) COMBUSTIBLE STORAGE 3 Relocate combustible storage to provide at least 3 feet clearance around motor fuse box/fire door (N.E.C.) (U.F.C.) q Relocate fire extinguisher(s) so that they will be in a conspicuous location, hanging on brackets with the top to the extinguisher not more than 5 feet above the floor. (N.F.P.A. No. 10) EXTINGUISHERS 5 Provide and install (amount) _____ approved (type 8 size) _ __________ portable fire extinguisher to be ~ immediately accessible for use in (area) __ _ ~_~ _____ (U.F.C.) `- ~ ^g1` ~ Re-charge all fire extinguishers. Fir t n i hers shall be serviced at least once each year, and/or after each use, ;; ~ - a i lid li e tifi t U F C ) , f1 5 b h •- - .~, ! ., ( ;u- t r person av ng a va nse or cer ca e. ( . . . - y c 1 ~- t' ., rear- 7 ., Provide and maintain "EXIT_" sign(s) with letters 5 or more inches in height over each requiredylexit (door/window) to SIGNS ~ :,,;:.,...~ fire escape. (U.F.C.) ~- j~yr~-'•-~-' ~ ~'f-.r.~ g Provide and maintain appropriate numbers on a contrasting background and visible from the street to indicate the correct address of the building. (B. M.C.) (U. F. C.) g Repair all (cracks/holes/openings) in plaster in (location) ______________________________________. Plastering FIREDOORSI EPARATIONS FIRE shall return the surface to its original fire resistive condition. (U.B.C.) S 10 Remove/repair (item 8 location) _________________________________________________________. Self-closing doors shall be designed to close by gravity, or by the action of a mechanical device, or by an approved smoke and heat sensitive device. Self-closing doors shall have no attachments capable of preventing the operation of the closing device. (U.F.C.) EXITS 11 Remove all obstruction from hallways. Maintain all means of egress free of any storage. (U.F.C.) 12 Provide a contrasting colored and permanently installed electric light over or near required exit (location) ______________________________ to clearly indicate it as an exit. (U.F.C.) STORAGE 13 Remove all storage and/or other obstructions from fire escape landings and stairways stair shafts. (Fire escapeslstair shafts are to be maintained free from obstructions at all times.) (U.F.C.) 14 Extension cords shall not be used in lieu of permanent approved wiring. Install additional approved electrical outlets ELECTRICAL APPLIANCES where needed. (N.E.C.) (U.F.C.) 15 Remove multiple attachment cords from specific electrical convenience outlet (one plug per outlet) (N.E.C.) (U.F.C.) OUTDOOR BURNING 16 Vio lion of Section 1102 dealin with recreational fires or o en burnin U.F.C. FIREWORKS 17 0l lions of.Section~7~802 U.Fr.C. or 8.49.040 of therBakersfield Munici al Code B.M.C. re ardin fireworks. ~^ i ~ a (^ ~ r ~ i ~ ~ ~ OTHER 18 ~3!-.. ", As a` 1C. A ~'.~ l..'Ph .% u ~ F 3~~ L n 11 ~}~/ ([~~~ / / ~ ~ h' ~a ~ l1 t`rt+~_~ ~ 1 ~l~y~`~t ~~Ir'~a, .~i _ ~: J~.~. ~ ~1~ r~ ~ 0. ~~ ~ J\s% / ~/r ~~ ~ LY_~ ~ ~ / jj A ~ ~ ~ / ~R ( ~a r* r°L.:C ~ ,X ,~"'l Y ~ ~~~ ~1 ~ C ) 1 1 ~ t r/ tt~./~ `~ r,,.-.. rT" r :i C f : 1". S l j ~~ .k l P !1L. ~ `~ t /I..-.`_ _ A . , ~ . ~4.: ; , ~~ c _..~~ ,...~ , ~ ` ~(..~}i ~'~4'~. ~ i ~ :.'t c '~,,rl,' -'~:. `~._g ~l ~-`~:.~'~ ~` 1'•S:S1 t ~ 1L id .~ ~~;;,. ~ id ~ ~ ~.~ `~. ~~.-~' f ~l !' 1 ~ 1 1 CUS OMER: ~-~~I ~(~ ~}~t!' ~ LEGEND: ~ ~(Signat~re) ', (Please Print Name Legibly~Title) '~ C.F.C. CALIFORNIA FIRE CODE U.B.C. UNIFORM BU{LDING CODE B•M.C. BAKERSFIELD MUNICIPAL CODE ~ ~`-'~"~vti^-' ~~ '- ~ ~~ ~ ( ---- AP NO ~ INSPECTOR N F P A NATIONAL FIRE PROTECTION ; i ~.~..- ---- .: : (Signature) : ~==''"'>.~ - ~~ i ~y~'-,/ . . . . ASSOCIATION N.E.C. NATIONAL ELECTRIC CODE "~ I rtor-r~[u White -Customer/Original Yellow -Station Copy Pink -Prevention Services FD 2022 (Rev. 09/05) ~. .,_ Rug 13 07 04:37p Rspira WRRP 6613238090 p. s _ , Q ^ ~ ~ ~ Y ~ ~~~~~ ~ ~Y~w ~l'<llllJHtJYLf'Y~: ~~, .r'1 .r( ~ Daly City ~, l ~ ~ I ~ ~ r Aspiru Uffif'~:a•: I~nirfi~~l~l rice ~u~non~y game , `^ P r,,:,t,t~ ~L.~y 1 1 ~ l V (i ,;nttfla IIiIL, Address (~riwrr 14t•ni h Telephone Number 1'''`' ltivcr`' 5~,cr~urn na, Salim,. S:u, An~lrcus mat', ltcrt,:,rJirw tiara fronriFr<~ Aspira Foster & Fami[v Services _ ~;mra ~1nn (Name of program} ~,~~~~•~ r~~",, Sruckzun was inspected this date far compliance with iacal requirements, and is hereby grant~~!'~"""I i~''~~ l urlf,ck fire clearance to operate an outpatient alcohol and/or other drug treatment program at: ~,,,,T.,r;, Vi.;i, I i~, ~t;O3~"C" St- suite 'tO~ Bakersfield CA 93301 (Address Qf program -'- please include suite numbers if applicable} J ~~-.'''~,S inspector's name (typed ar printed), telephone number (Signature and/ r//ank of inspector granting clearance) / C~ "-~ (Inspection date) ~ ~ /1`/``J1C./`/11 T, V`~ ~~ A~~ (/ ~~ aFfiwal sepl here ~.~~-_. llspirr I~nstcr & Family Sf:rvif:cs A f)ivision c,f M.L3.I I„ Inc. '1603 ~~ ti~rc'~r, 5uiic 100 Huk~rsfif•lcl, CA 93301 I'ilcmc: (661) 323-123.3 F:ix: (66i) .32.3-13Q2 ~~ Rug 13 07 04:37p Rspira WRRP 6613238090 p,4 :,TATE OF CALIFORNIA• HEALTII AND FIUMAN SCRVIC[9 AGENCY ARNOLD SCHWAR7_ENEGGER, GovEhtNOFt DEPARTMENT pF ALCOHQi~ AND DRUG PROGRAMS 1700 K STREET ,:" ~~ SACRAMENTO, CA 95814.4037 j~,':,;;?„ . TOD (D1B) 445-1842 ~~~ ~•.r'~, ' (9111) 322-2811 \`;D~,:;'` TO: LOCAL FIRE AUTHORITY FRAM: RE5IDENTIAL AND OUTPATIENT PROGRAMS COMPLIANCE BRANCH DEPARTMENT OF ALCOHOI. AND DRUG PROGRAMS SUBJECT: FIRE CLEARANCE The Department of Alcohol and Drug Programs {ADP} licenses and certifies residential alcohol andlor other drug treatment programs and certifies outpatient programs. In an effort to promote program safety, these programs are required by state regulations and certification standards to obtain a fire clearance from local fire authorities. The Department requires the Std. 850 form for residential programs. However, for outpatient programs, any clearance issued on official stationary or fire department forms is acceptable. Attached is a sample form, which may also be used. Please feel free to copy the form onto your letterhead when requests are received by your office for fire clearance, or you may use the form as typed and affix an official seal. Thank you for your cooperation and assistance to these programs and to ADP in our efforts to keep our programs fire-safe. If you have any questions, please contact the Residential and Outpatient Programs Compliance Branch at 1916) 322-2911, Attachment ~, Rug 13 07 04:36p Rspira WtZRP E613z3t3D90 p•1 FAX ASPIRA FUSTER & FAMILY SERVICES • Balccrsfield WRAP 2603 "G" STREET #100 • BAKERSf IELD, CA 9330'! PHtJNE: (G61} 323-1233 • FAX: (661} 323-$1790 Date: ,~~~~- - Nutnbcr ofpage5 including coves' clrcct; ~! Pbao.e: nax phone: CC: from: ~ y Pl~oitc: ~r_ ~ \~ rax hou ~ ~~ REMARKS: © l3rgcnt. For your review ^ Rcl>Iy ASAP ~ Please Cvrnmetlt The iu[armalion coutain.od iu this transuiissian may he confidettlial, I{ is aultxided only for the use of ille individual to whom it is addressed. Yf~u are not tlic intaided rccipitrit, or the aiipfoyec or agca,tcyrespousihle to dclivCr it {u tlw iateadcd recipient, you :ire i~cxcbynotifiocl that :uryuse, dis^,pujualion, distribution ox copying ofthis ComiuutiiCation is strietIyprolalbitcd. If yotl have rcxcivcd this facsimile ixi cdrror, plt:asC itnnlCdiatcly notify Uia sender by tclepLunc. Thank you. ADG-02' 10/01!01 ~;~ r ~ Rug 13 07 04:37p Rspira WRRP 6613238090 p.2 • STATE OF CALIFORNIA- HEALTH ANp HUMAN SERVICES AGENCY ARNDLD SC.HWARZENEGGFR, GOVERNOR - --- DEPARTMENT OF ALCQHOLAND DRUG PROGRAMS 1700 K STREET SACRAMENTO, OA 95814-4037 TOD (~1B) 44a-1S142 (916}322-2011 TO: LOCAL PLANNING DEPARTMENT FROM: RESIDENTIAL AND OUTPATIENT PROGRAMS COMPLIANCE BRANCH DEPARTMENT OF ALCOHOL AND DRUG PROGRAMS SUBJECT: ZONING APPROVAL The Department of Alcohol and Drug Programs certifies residential and outpatient alcohol and/or other drug treatment proggrams. These programs are required by certification standards to obtain a local building use permit, zoning approval, or a letter indicating that zoning approval is not required by the local authorities. Attached is a sample form which indicates the information required by the Department in order to process applications for program certification. Please fee! free t4 capy this form onto your letterhead when requests are received by your office for zoning approval, or you may use the farm as typed and affix an official seal. Thank you for your cooperation and assistance to these programs which provide a valuable service to our communities. If you have any questions, please contact the Residential and Outpatient Programs Compliance Branch at (916) 322-2911. ,;. i` `~J Attachment _ ~ ~ :a. _ 9 Rug 13 07 04:37p Rspira WRRP 6613238090 p.3 q kieulk~f.urtr.r~: ~ Ru,isin~ ho;CJ N I ~ G AP P RaVh#~ 1;:~~^ ~~:~ ~'~ :I I IlR'i ~ ~Iry' fill {~11~11I 1'I'i~tin:5 ~Ilit )y ~.1r{UGICI;I FI111: Local {Manning Department Name cirl,vcr nc:lcr: L:In~ l:lptl~'h cl;lklllnll Address l ,ll) Riven, slIC I~:I I,iC,I.,. ~:ain:n tinn .4nJrras Telephone Number slln 1~:•rn~ll,lln:. tian l~rln~(.ccl~ ti:~r:rn Ana ~:uirl Rn,a S;.1lclu,Ill Tlt,lualn~l Cl,llc~ (Name of program) Tllrl"` v~~nrllfa ^ this document indicates local approva{ for bui{ding use v~til~l~a ^ is not required to obtain a use permit to operate ^ a residential or ^ an ou#patient aicoho{ and/or other drug treatmen# program at: (Address of program) (Name, title, and telephone number of individual confirming compliance [typed or printed]) (Signature of local planning department representative) ~' (Date signed} Official :.eal hwv ~+[)irl FUSTY ~L family 5rrvicr+ A I,)iviyic)n clf M,~.I-L, Inc. 2~O.i Ci tirracr, Suitc: 1001 Liakersf'iel~l, CA 93301 1'hunc: (Cifi]}.323-1233 Fax: (6G1) 323-1302 ~; _ ,. _, Rug 13 D7 ^4:37p Rspira WRRP fi613238090 p.5 .^-..TATF_ pF CALIFORNIM HEALTFI AND Ht1MAN SERVICES AGENCY ARNOLD SCHWARZENEGGER, GOVERNOR DEPARTMENT OE ALCC7H0~ AND DRUG PROGRAMS 1700 K wTREET "'" '""' %'~' ~'~, SACRAMENTO, CA o581n-n032 1.•~•.w l'. TDD (91 B) 445-1942 1~~~.~ ' (916) 3:2.2911 \"~°: Dear Prospective Applicant: As part of the state certification process, zoning approval and a fire clearance are required from local authorities far the address at which substance abuse services are to be provided. (Note: Zoning approval is not required for certification of residential programs with a treatment capacity of six yr IESS, unless outpatient services are also provided.) The Residential and Outpatient Pragrams Compliance Branch (I~OPCt3) of the Department of Alcohol and Drug Programs (ADP) has been made aware that it is often difficult for a providerr to obtain zoning approval or a fire clearance due to a lack of understanding by local authorities regarding what information will satisfy these requirements and what form the approval should take (letter, form, etc.). In an effort to assist providers in clarifying the requirements for local authorities, and perhaps provide a form on which local authorities can notify ADP that approval has been obtained, ADP is enclosing samples of a zoning approval form and a fire clearance which you may provide to your local zoning and fire authorities. Also enclosed is a transmitta! letter which explains what forms of notification are acceptable to ADP. Please feel free to take or mail the zoning approval form, fire clearance, and their transmittal letters to local authorities when you request these clearancES. The Department of Alcohol and Drug Pragrams hopes that these forms will expedite your inspection/approval process. If you have any suggestions far improvements to the forms ar have any questions, you may contact ROPCB at (916) 322-2911.