HomeMy WebLinkAboutBUSINESS PLAN~ BKFLD ORTHO~IC MED ~GRP B ~,' 2634 G STREET i BAKERSFIELD ORTHOPEDIC MED GRP SiteID: 015-021-002274 Manager DIANE ARECHIGA Location: 2634 G ST City BAKERSFIELD BusPhone: (661) 323-8121 Map 102 CommHaz Minimal Grid: 24D FacUnits: 1 AOV: CommCode: BFD STA Ol EPA Numb: SIC Code:8011 DunnBrad: Emergency Contact / Title Emergency Contact / Title ALFRED COPPOLA MD / OWNER DIANE ARECHIGA / PRACTICE MGR Business Phone: (661) 323-8121x Business Phone: (661) 323-8121x 24-Hour Phone (661) 322-8121x 24-Hour Phone ( ) - x Pager Phone ( ) - x Pager Phone ( ) - x Hazmat Hazards: React Contact ALFRED COPPOLA Phone: (661) 323-8121x MailAddr: 2634 G ST State: CA City BAKERSFIELD Zip 93301 Owner ALFRED COPPOLA MD Phone: (661) 323-8121x Address 2634 G ST State: CA City BAKERSFIELD Zip 93301 Period to TotalASTs: = Gal Preparers TotalUSTs: = Gal Certif'd: RSs: No ParcelNo: Emergency Directives: PROG H - HAZ WASTE GEN Based on my inquiry of those individuals responsible for obt i i a n ng the information, I certify under penalty of law that I have person exa ll i m a y ned and am familiar with the information submitted and beli eve the information is true, accurate, and complete. S~ natu ' y re Date ENT D AUG 2 Q ~~~7 -1- 06/29/2007 F BAKERSFIELD ORTHOPEDIC MED GRP SiteID: 015-021-002274 ~ ~ Hazmat Inventory By Facility Unit ~ ~ MCP+DailyMax Order Fixed Containers at Site ~ Hazmat Common Name... SpecHaz EPA Hazards Frm DailyMax Unit MCP WASTE FIXER R L 10.00 GAL Min -2- 06/29/2007 -3- 06/29/2007 F BAKERSFIELD ORTHOPEDIC MED GRP SiteID: 015-021-002274 ~ ~ Inventory Item 0001 Facility Unit: Fixed Containers at Site ~ COMMON NAME / CHEMICAL NAME WASTE FIXER Days On Site 365 Location within this Facility Unit Map: Grid: DARKROOM CAS# STATE TYPE T PRESSURE TEMPERATURE CONTAINER TYPE Liquid Waste I Ambient ~ Ambient ~STIC CONTAINER AMOUNTS AT THIS LOCATION Largest Container Daily Maximum Daily Average 10.00 GAL 10.00 GAL 10.00 GAL HAZARDOUS COMPONENTS %Wt. RS CAS# Silver No 7440224 r3HGKRL HJ JL`.7.71~1L'1V 1.7 TSecret RS BioHaz Radioactive/Amount EPA Hazards NFPA USDOT# MCP No No No No/ Curies R / / / Min -4- 06/29/2007 F BAKERSFIELD ORTHOPEDIC MED GRP SiteID: 015-021-002274 ~ ~ Notif./Evacuation/Medical OveralloSite ~ ~ Agency Notification P~LLI~)1 V~/CC LVV l.1l / P~VdUUdl.l Vil r U1.J11C: 1VV l.1l . / r,VdUlld t,lUi1 ~uic1_ycuuy 1.1CU1l:dl rldll -5- 06/29/2007 F BAKERSFIELD ORTHOPEDIC MED GRP SiteID: 015-021-002274 ~ Fast Format ~ ~ Mitigation/Prevent/Abatemt Overall Site ~ ~ Release Prevention itG1Cd:JG 1..V111.0.11111IC111. 1..1 C dl1 ll~J V 1.1101 iCC~VUI C:C HLl.1Vdl.l Vll -6- 06/29/2007 F BAKERSFIELD ORTHOPEDIC MED GRP SiteID: 015-021-002274 ~ Fast Format ~ ~ Site Emergency Factors Overall Site ~ .7~CC:ld1 rid'Gd11.15 V 1.1111.y J11U1..-V11~7 1'11C .CL VI..CI:.~Y'1V 0111. WG1 l.C1 D U11U111y VI: I: U~JCLIIC: ~/ LCVC1 -7- 06/29/2007 ~- F BAKERSFIELD ORTHOPEDIC MED GRP SiteID: 015-021-002274 ~ Fast Format ~ ~ Training Overall Site ~ ~ Employee Training rayc c. nciu ivi ru~.uic Vic _~ , r_ 11G 11A 1Vl 1'IA l.U1C V~7C -8- 06/29/2007 ;~ BAKERSFIELD ORTHOPEDIC MED GRP Manager : ~ (GL~ ~ ~''f e CG1 ly ti Location: 2634 G ST City BAKERSFIELD CommCode: BFD STA Ol EPA Numb: SiteID: 015-021-0022'74 BusPhone: (661) 323-8121 Map 102 CommHaz Minimal Grid: 24D FacUnits: 1 AOV: SIC Code:8011 DunnBrad: .............. Emerg n y Co tact j Title }~--~~'~ ~ ~ ~~Q , ~1 • a • / D ~ h fib mergency C ntact / ,Title ~ t ~ ~ ,~4-r-e-c~~ a / I~ +raG-h e~e 1Ma~.nna~~ Business hone : ((~(~ () 3~-3 - g~~- x Business Phone : ( ) - x 2 4 -Hour Phone (~~ ~ ) 3 a-oj - ~~ a--~ x 2 4 -Hour Phone ( ) - x ` Pager Phone ( ) - x Pager Phone ( ) - x Hazmat Hazards: React _. Contact : f~--I~Yfd ~~~~~~ ~ ~• . • Phone: (661) 323-8121x MailAddr: 2634 G S State: CA City BAKERSFIELD Zip 93301 II,^, Owner ~}-~~~,(,~ ~~p~oW , !h• Phone: (661) 323-8121x Address 2634 G ST State: CA City BAKERSFIELD Zip 93301 Period to TotalASTs: = Gal Preparers' TotalUSTs: = Gal Certif'd: RSs: No ParcelNo: Emergency Directives: PROG H - HAZ WASTE GEN Based on my inquiry of those individuals ~ ^^ 2 6 2007 °(+(~ Ev responsible for obtainin the information I certif ~~ 1 V g , y under penalty of law tha4 I have personally examined and am familiar with the information submitted and believe the information is true, accurate, and complete. ~~ ~ S«c~- "~ ~ Si gnature Date -1- 01/25/2007 F BAKERSFIELD ORTHOPEDIC MED GRP SiteID: 015-021-002274 ~ ~ Hazmat Inventory By Facility Unit ~ ~ MCP+DailyMax Order Fixed Containers at Site ~ Hazmat Common Name... SpecHaz EPA Hazards Frm DailyMax Unit MCP WASTE FIXER R L 10.00 GAL din -2- 01/25/2007 -3- 01/25/2007 F BAKERSFIELD ORTHOPEDIC MED GRP ~ Inventory Item 0001 COMMON NAME / CHEMICAL NAME WASTE FIXER Location within this Facility Unit DARKROOM Days On Site, 365 Map : Grid • --- CAS# Liquid TWaste ~-AmbRent~E ~ AmbientT~E ~PLASTOICTCONTAINERE AMOUNTS AT THIS LOCATION Largest Container Daily Maximum Daily Average 10.00 GAL 10.00 GAL 10.00 GAS riHGi1KLVU5 C;V1~1rVlv~lv'1'~ %Wt. RS CAS# Silver No 7440224 riE~GHttL AJSL';551~1L'lv-1'7 TSecret RS BioHaz Radioactive/Amount EPA Hazards NFPA USDOT# MCP No No No No/ Curies R / / / Mir SiteID: 015-021-002274 ~ Facility Unit: Fixed Containers at Site ~ -4- 01/25/2007 F BAKERSFIELD ORTHOPEDIC.MED GRP SiteID: 015-021-002274 ~ Fast Format ~ ~ Notif./Evacuation/Medical Overall Site ~ ~ Agency Notification ' _- Glll~JlVyCC 1VV1.11. / ~VdCUdl.1V11 _~_ ~ i.-. r UJJ111. tvV 1..11 ~ P~V0.l.U0.L1.V11 L,LllCtl~. Clll:y 1~1CU1C:d1 t'1d11 -5- 01/25/2007 F BAKERSFIELD ORTHOPEDIC MED GRP SiteID: 015-021-002274 ~ Fast Format ~ ~ Mitigation/Prevent/Abatemt Overall Site ~ ~ Release Prevention Release Containment l.1Cdi1 UEJ V 1~11C1 ncw-av ul_~.a t]lr l.lVQl.l Vll -6- ~ 01/25/2007 F BAKERSFIELD ORTHOPEDIC MED GRP SiteID: 015-021-002274 ~ Fast Format ~ ~ Site Emergency Factors Overall Site ~ ar~~l.al nd~ds_u~ ,,,- V V111 Vy w71111L-V11w7 .~ i'11c r1 Vl.cl.. ~tiV d11. YVd I~Ci Du1.L 1A 111y VI:I~U~Jd11C. ~/ LCVf'1 -7- O1/25/~007 F BAKERSFIELD ORTHOPEDIC MED GRP SiteID: 015-021-002274 ~ Fast Format ~ ~ Training ~ Overall Site ~ ,G lll~J1 V~/CC 1L C11111111J. rayc c. nciu tt~i rul. u.cC VAC 17c 11.1 tvt rul. U.LC V5C -8- Ol/25/Z007 S + BAKERSFIELD ORTHOPEDIC MED GRP ______________________ SiteID: 015-021-002274 + Manager Location: 2634 G ST City BAKERSFIELD BusPhone: (661) 323-8121 Map 102 CommHaz Minimal Grid: 24D FacUnits: 1 AOV: CommCode: BFD STA O1 SIC Code:8011 EPA Numb: DunnBrad: Emergency Contact / Title Emergency Contact / Title / / Business Phone: ( ) - x Business Phone: ( ) - x 24-Hour Phone ( ) - x 24-Hour Phone ( ) - x Pager Phone ( ) - x Pager Phone ( ) - x Hazmat Hazards: React Contact Phone: ( ) - x MailAddr: 2634 G ST State: CA City BAKERSFIELD Zip 93301 Owner ,Phone: ( ) - x Address 2634 G ST State: CA City BAKERSFIELD Zip 93301 Period to TotalASTs: _ Gal Preparers TotalUSTs: = Gal Certif'd: RSs: No ParcelNo: Emergency Directives: ~ PROG H - HAZ WASTE GEN Based on my inquiry of those individuals -. ~~~f ~ ~~'v ~ s ;006 responsible for obtaining the information, I certify under penalty of law that I have personally examined and am familiar with the information submitted and believe the information is true, accurate, and complete. Signature D to -1- 05/10/2006 ~.uor~~~• .. ~~ ~~ ~ ~ ~ r-_ _'~+ UNh~i~D PROGRAM INSPECTION CHECKLIST - ~~ ~ _->~ ' Prevention Services 9ooZYuxtunAve., Suite2lo ~- ~-~~~.~r = ~- A A e R s F,_ n ~~~ F~Re Bakersfield, CA 93301 SECTION 1: Business Plan and Inventory Program aer~ ;'~ Tel.: (661) 326-39793~c,nn; ~~ Fax: (661) 872-2171 FACILITY NAME ~ INSPECTION DA E INSPECTION TIME ADDRESS ~ , ~ . 3 ` PHONE N0. NO OF EMPLOYEES z b I G s+ FACILITY CONTACT ~ BUSINESS ID NUMBER .. 2 - .x a, 15-021-ot S - 0 Section 1: Business Plan and Inventory Program ^ ROUTINE ~+ 1 COMBINED ^ JOINT AGENCY ^ MULTI-AGENCY ^ COMPLAINT ^ RE-INSPECTION C V ~ C=Compliance OPERATION V=Violation COMMENTS L9 ~6J APPROPRIATE PERMIT ON HAND \ >~~ e CA G f y~,~ ~ Q p i t, ^ BUSIneSS PLAN CONTACT INFORMATION ACCURATE ^ VISIBLE ADDRESS ^ CORRECT OCCUPANCY ^ VERIFICATION OF INVENTORY MATERIALS ^ VERIFICATION OF QUANTITIES ^ VERIFICATION OF LOCATION ^ PROPER SEGREGATION OF MATERIAL ^ VERIFICATION OF MSDS AVAILABILITY ^ VERIFICATION OF HAZ MAT TRAINING - ^ VERIFICATION OF ABATEMENT SUPPLIES AND PROCEDURES l ^ EMERGENCY PROCEDURES ADEQUATE u U®~ ^ CONTAINERS PROPERLY LABELED ^ HOUSEKEEPING ^ FIRE PROTECTION lS~ ` ~y~0f\ Os ~~y 1 ~ ] i "mil ~+ h, ^ SITE DIAGRAM ADEQUATE & ON HAND ANY HAZARDOUS WASTE O(N1 SITE? ~~YES ^ NO EXPLAIN: ~ ~"S~ ~- `~ ~~ E GZ ~7~ QUESTIONS REGARDING THIS INSPECTION? PLEASE CALLUS AT (661) 326-3979 G ~c~~l ~^~- - Inspector (Please Print) Fire Prevention / 1~' In /Shift of Site/Station # Business Site I espon ible y (Please Print) White -Prevention Services Yellow -Station Copy Pink -Business Copy FD 2155 (Rev. 09/05 ~~ ~4~` T~ e CITY OF BAKERSFIELD FIRE DEPARTMENT ~~ ~~ OFFICE OF ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES ~~' , ~ UNIFIED PROGRAM INSPECTION CHECKLIST ~.~~ ~~~ 1715 Chester Ave., 3'd Floor, Bakersfield, CA 93301 FACILITY NAME~~~~'~~~-b ~' +~-~t'N o ~'cD ~ C. INSPECTION DATE '~ I t ~' / 0 7 Section 4: Hazardous Waste Generator Program EPA ID # ~'~ £ ~- ~ t' ^ Routine ~ Combined ^ Joint Agency ^hulti-Agency ^ Complaint ^ Re-inspection OPERATION C V COMMENTS Hazardous waste determination has been made EPA ID Number ~~c ~„`, ~--r' Authorized for waste treatment and/or storage Reported release, fire, or explosion within 15 days of occurrence Established or maintains a contingency plan and training Hazardous waste accumulation time frames j~,~ ~,o,, b~jS Containers in good condition and not leaking Containers are compatible with tote hazardous waste R Containers are kept closed when not in use Weekly inspection of storage area Ignitable/reactive waste located at least 50 feet from property line ~ ~, Secondary containment provided Conducts daily inspection of tanks Used oil. not contaminated with other hazardous waste N Proper management of lead acid batteries including labels Proper management of used oil filters TtJ ~ Transports hazardous waste with completed manifest Sends manifest copies to DTSC vuyti ~ ~ ~ ,S~ Retains manifests for 3 years ~ ~ ~~ Retains hazardous waste analysis for 3 years Retains copies of used oil receipts for 3 years ~J~ Determines if waste is restricted from land disposal =c;ompuance v=vtotatton Inspector: ~ ~<G~,i~ j +-~~ Office of Environmental Services (661) 326-3979 White -Env. Svcs. Business Site Re nsible Party Pink -Business Copy