HomeMy WebLinkAboutENV SITE ASSESSMENT-PHASE 1 #1(ENV. SITE ASSESSMENT- PHASE I) ~ ~~bSKING / 99 PROJ. 3120 HOSKING ROAD ~~ '~=~ .,~ ~~ ,~~ _~ ~~~ -' ~_~ ~~ ,~ ,, ~~ FILE #I ~ ~= DATE: July 31, 2006 TO: Don Anderson, Real Property Manager Financial Services Department FROM: Ralph E. Huey, Director Fire Dept. -Prevention Services BY: Howard Wines, Hazardous Materials Specialist /Professional Geologist No. 7239 Fire Dept. -Office of Environmental Services SUBJECT: Phase I Site Assessment of Property at 3120 Hosking Road. SUMMARY A Phase I Environmental Site Assessment has been performed in accordance with the scope and limitations of ASTM Practice E 1527 for the subject property. This assessment has revealed no evidence of any recognized environmental conditions in connection with the property. SITE DESCRIPTION The legal description and site map are attached. The property is currently developed as a single family rural-suburban residence with shed-type outbuildings. RECORDS REVIEW Standard environmental record sources did not list the site as having any environmental regulatory history. There are two petroleum pipelines within one mile of the subject property: a 10" Shell crude oil pipeline running north-south along Wible Road, 200' west of the subject property; and a 6" crude oil line operated by Kern Oil Refinery running east-west along Panama Road, one mile north of the subject property. There are no active and 2 abandoned oil wells within one mile of the property. The abandoned wells are identified as Shell-KCY "Dennan" drilled in 1958 to a total depth of 11, 031 feet and Texas Crude Exploration "Delfino" drilled in 1988 to a total depth of 14,700 feet. Both of these abandoned wells were drilled approximately one-half mile north of the subject property. There are no listed federal or state hazardous waste sites within one mile of the property. The closest known site where a release of petroleum products has occurred is the former Kern Valley Packing Company, located at 7100 South H Street approximately one mile east of the subject property. The release was detected in 1990 during the installation of spill containment to the fill pipes of the Underground Storage Tanks (UST) on site. The release was investigated and determined to have only impacted the first five feet of soil directly above the UST. f Mr. Don Anderson July 31, 2006 Page Z The closest known groundwater contamination site is at the 7-Eleven Store #163291ocated at 1701 Pacheco Road approximately 2.25 mi. northeast of the subject property. The site is currently undergoing post-remediation monitoring under the regulatory oversight of the Kern County Environmental Health Services Department. The closest Underground Storage Tank (UST) is at the Howard's Mini Market located at 3200 Panama Road, approximately one mile north of the subject property. The USTs were installed in 1983 and were upgraded with interior lining in 1998 with no subsequent history of any leakage. AERIAL PHOTOGRAPHY Aerial photographs dating back to 1937 were reviewed for subject property and surrounding area. There appeared to be previous residential-type structures in the vicinity of the site prior to 1956, pre-dating the existing structures. The triangular shape of the property was. due to the location of a former irrigation canal adjacent to the east. SITE RECONNAISSANCE The property is currently developed as a single family rural-suburban residence with shed-type outbuildings. There was no visible evidence of any recognized environmental conditions. FINDINGS There are no indications of any recognized environmental conditions in connection with the subject property. REFERENCES Aerial Photographs, Kern County Engineering & Survey Services Department. 1937-present. Bakersfield Fire Department, Certified Unified Program Agency (CUPA) regulatory files and associated state agency Internet resources. Attachments S:\CORRESPONDENCE HAZ\2006-07\PHASE I}120 Hosldng.DOC r ,h ~.~~ . ~ • EXHIBIT "A" LEGAL DESCRIPTION That portion of Lots 25 and ~ 26 in Section ~ 25, Township 30 South, Range 27 -East, M.D.M., in the City of Bakersfield, County of Kern, State of California, according to Kern County Sales Map No. 1 of Lands of J.B. Haggin filed May 3, 1889, in the Office of the County Recorder of said County described as follows: Beginning at a point on the South line of said lot 26 distant 468 feet East of the Southwest corner of'said Lot; thence Northwesterly to a point on the East line of that certain Parcel of Land conveyed to Robert Rogers, et ux, as joint tenants,.y deed recorded .lone 18, 1-941 i:n: F3ork 962; pogo 2J3 r~f.Off:cia! Rec:~rds, said tn~int berg distant 1~~1 feet fast pf the West line of. said Section 25; thence Southwesterly along the East line of said Parcel of land conveyed to said Rogers to the South line of said Lot 26; thence East along the South line of said Lot 26 to the point of beginning. EXCEPTING THEREFROM that portion described as follows: Beginning at a point on the South line of said Lot 26 distant South $9°47'45" East, 275.00 • feet from the Southwest corner of said Lot; thence North parallel with the West line of said Lot, 358.26 feet to a point in the Easterly line of that certain Parcel of land described by deed and recorded ~APr:;I 12; 1950 in Bopk 1'100, Page 52 of Official Records, thence North 28°15'56" West along fast said line, 346.31 feet to this most Northerly comer of said recorded Parcel; thence South 08°56'56" West along the Westerly line of said recorded Parcel, 670.47 feet to a point in the South line of said Lot 26; thence South 89°47'45" East 268.28 feet to the point of beginning. • Assessor's Parcel Number: 515-110-04-00-7 Description: Kern, CA 9I-Present Year.DoclD 2004.126570 Page: 2 oP 2 Order: Don Anderson Comment: 15-~ m ~+ 01 .S2 W LOTS 23, 24, 25, & 26 OF SEC. 25 T.30S. R.27E. ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ~___----~ r--------'~ 69 62 02 1 ~66~ I 69 I \S5% I -_- - - -C'--r-----'---T-'_~-C--T1------- ~ --~-~~- TR4CT ~ 2= i ~ PH.3 2a I GRANITE PEAK ST. zD.aa 6095 zo.cD r-------~ -. I r--------I ssl. I, I 1 \62 j ~ j j ~ ~ zo oD I 169j ( I ~ zo 00 ~ I ~- I ~-------~ I v e GRAN/TE HILLS I ST ~ ~ ~ 1~ 1 v I I TRACT ~ 1 60 _ I II 6095 6° ~ TRACT 6c~95 ~ j~ I TRACT Z I ~ I I 1 y I~~ I 6095. ~' I I ac ~, I I I p I II c,~ I I I I I Q 0 I s° 1~61~j PH. 11 ~ ~ ~^1 I ~ ;6g1 ~ 66 `/ ~ ss i V a b l/lLLA R/OGE I WY. b o i Q W ~ i ~ ~ i ~ v PH. 4 ~ I I .~ ~. I ~ ~ I II Z a0 /58\ e° ~ ~ I V ~ ~ l i ~ ° cb \._ / I I Sngs ,L ~ I O Q II I I \~ ~`J l 1 J68J8 740 I ~V I~• I ry 13 N 11 H I 1.97AG r,~ 293 ~^J J66.J1 - o ~' 45 7°° KERN DELTA CANAC 12 ~ 14 ~ h 222 I 10 1.19AC. e ~ h I J OIAC. o ~ ; 6.~ ---W/8~~-- , ~ b b h h 1. v I I ~ PH.S 1 I I I I I I I I I - _ KfRN °£LTA _ - -I _CAN4t _ r o I ©~I o 5,~-11 7' = 200' BK. 514 I II II Q 1 ® O I `3 32826 1 3 7SAC. I T I 3, I ~'6 I 5 O 3.2BAC. 6 e ~ 16 ~ SW GDR. SEL: 2J -~ ~ ~~ ~~~~. ~~ NOTES DISCLAIMER ' REVISED ~=Record of Survey s for This mo0 assessment purpqoses Il s not to be onl Bk.20 Pg.140 y. construed as portraying Se le'nber 26, 2005 p 515-110-12 legal ownership or 515-110-,3 divisions of land for Jl1R{SDICTION 515-„0-,4 w n~ng or f lo subdivision CITY Of BAKERSFIEl0 04 ASSESSORS MAP N0. _ 515-11 COUNT( OF KERN :1 - w.> W ~Y `~'~ f; ~ ~~ Memorandum Property Management Division DATE: April 1, 2006 TO: Howard Wines, Hazardous Materials Specialist Registered Geologist No. 7239 FROM: Donald M. Anderson, Real Property Manager SUBJECT: Hosking/99 Project - APN 51 5-1 10-04 - 3120 Hosking Road Request for Phase I Environmental Site Assessment The City of Bakersfield is, acquiring a single residence to facilitate the future construction of the Hosking Road/Highway 99 Interchange (map and legal attached). _. Please prepare a Phase I Environmental Site Assessment for this property. If you need further information, my extension is 3061 . Thank you for your assistance. DMA/s Attachments Cc: Nelson K. Smith, Finance Director Ralph E. Huey, Director of Prevention Services ,- Jacques R. LaRochelle, Assistant Public Works Director