HomeMy WebLinkAboutBUSINESS PLAN 2/17/2006MESA MARIN PIT STOP 11101 HWy leg _ \ y :.- ~~l ~~ UNIFIED PROGRAM INSPECTIO CHECKLIST ? ~~~~ .SECTION 1: Business Plan and Inventory Program ~ BAHERSFIELD FIRE DEPT Prevention Services 900 Truxtun Ave., Suite 210 Bakersfield. CA 93301 Tel.: (661) 326-3979 Fax: (661) 872-2171 FACILITY NAME ~ NSPECTION DATE NSPECTION TIME - S7 ~- : a~ ` ~ / 7 0 ~ ~: t s ADDRESS HONE NO. O OF EMPLOYEES ~ ~ r~ ~ ~ FACILITY CONTACT ~ USINESS ID NUMBER ~ ,5-oz,-1 I I Section 1: Business Plan and Inventory Program ----- ^ ROUTINE COMBINED ^ JOINT AGENCY ^ MULTI-AGENCY ^ COMPLAINT i^ RE-INSPECTION C V ~ C=Compliance OPERATION V=Violation COMMENTS ^ APPROPRIATE PERMIT ON HAND ^ BUSIfiQSS PLAN CONTACT INFORMATION ACCURATE ,C~ ^ VISIBLE ADDRESS v l~ ^ CORRECT OCCUPANCY ` ^ VERIFICATION OF INVENTORY MATERIALS ~ ,GI ^ VERIFICATION OF QUANTITIES (/ ~ ^ VERIFICATION OF LOCATION C Cy EAB~ ~ E ('~ 2 ~ 2006 ~ Y y ^ PROPER SEGREGATION OF MATERIAL ^ VERIFICATION OF MSDS AVAILABILITY ^ VERIFICATION OF HAZ MAT TRAINING ^ VERIFICATION OF ABATEMENT SUPPLIES AND PROCEDURES C~ ^ EMERGENCY PROCEDURES ADEQUATE ^ CONTAINERS PROPERLY LABELED s ^ „~- HOUSEKEEPING Gv c~ ^ FIRE PROTECTION '~ ,~'--^ SITE DIAGRAM ADEQUATE 8 ON HAND ANY HAZARDOUS WASTE ON SITE? ^ YES ^ NO ~z!L. NO ~ --- - QUESTIONS REGARDING THIS INSPECTIONS PLEA8E CALL US AT (881) 928-3979 ~ti ~~~~~ ~ ~ - . Inspector (Please Print) Fire Prevention / 1" In / Shift of Sile/Station # White -Prevention Sorvices Yellow • Station Copy Pink -Business Copy FD2M8 (Rw. 02/05) .; 10/ 18/2015 03:22 FA}t [~ 401/003 i= A .~ FARWEST „~,w ~ CORR0510I~ --^~ CONTROL. ~~~" CONIPAI~IY July 17, 2006 Job Number JB2006 Mesa Merin Food Mart North East Chevron 11101 Hwy 178 Bakersfield, California 93306 Attention: Mr. Mohamed Muthana III Subject: OperatiorAal Testing of the Cathodic Protection System at Mesa Marie Food Mart lvorth East Chevron ]-1101 Hwy 178, Bakersfield, California Dear Mr. Muthana III: The subject operational testing was conducted on July 7, 2006. The purpose of the inspection was to test the e#yectiveness of the impressed current cathodic proteetion system on four underground fuel storage tanks at the above location. ?he ~4lrolt, 12 Amp rectifier is located in the storage area of the building. Drawings and insralla~eion records of the cathodic protection (CP) system were not made available at time of survey. SURVEY METHODS: The survey canaiated of the following: 1. Inspection of the rectifier and agodes (when locations are known) to insure they are oporatlug psroperly. 2, Measure operational status of the rectifier and all ouirrent outputs. 3, Measure structure-to-soil potentials at available test locations. 4. Troubleshoot any Hated problems and offer recommendations for corrective actions, CATHQDIC PROTECTION CRI'I'EItiA: Ali potential levels measured and recorded are referenced to the criteria for cathodic protection as established by the National ,Association of Corrosion Engineers standard ILP0169-2002, Section 6, Subsection (Criterio:n 1): A negative (cathodic) potential of at least 850 millivolts with cathodic protection applied, as measured with respect to a s$turetsed copper/copper sulfate (Cu/CuSO4) reference electrode contacting ttre electrolyte, is ~idered the eriteria for cathodic protection of buried or submerged steel structirr+es. Voltage drops other than thane across the structxu~e-to.electrolyte boundary must be considered for valid interpretation of this voltag$ measurement. Subsection (Criterion 2) A negative polarized potential of at least $50 millivolts relative to a saturated copper/copper suttate (Cu/CuSf34) reference electrode. Subsection (Criterion 3} A. iRlinimum of 100 millivolts of cathodic polarization between the structure sutf'ace and a stable reference electrode. The fortxration or decay of polarization can be meastn~ed to satisfy this criterion. 4114 Armour Avenue, Bakersfield, California 93308 ^ Telephone (661) 323-2077 • FAX: (661) 323-2647 E-mail: sales~farwestcorrosion.cam • Web Sfte: www. farwestcorrosion.com LiC@nge NO, 246232 10/18/2015 03 : 22 FAX f~j 002/003 F ~ FARWEST r' [NP 9YY ~p Y Y CGHI~~Si N w r ~ COl<1TROL ~T~ CQMPANY July 17, 2006 Job Number JB2006 California Code o£Regulations Title 23: Waters Division 3: Water Resources Control Board Chapter 16: Underground Storage Tank Regulations, Article 3, 2b3S_ Ympressed current cathodic protection systems shall be inspected no less than every 60 calendar days to ensure that they are i~ proper working order. JULY, 2006 RESULT'S: The rectifur was found an and operating at the lima of aa~rival. All system components were found to be fully functional ar-d operating ea designed.. During the inspection the rectifier was cycled of~and back an in order to obtain "Instant 41T' potentials. Both initial "an" tank-to-soil potentials end polariz~ad "(?tf" potentials an the tanks indicated an acceptable level of cathodic protection exceeding NACE criteria Please see the attached data sheet fot survey results. RECOMMENDA'T'IONS: 1. head and record the voltage and currerxt outputs of the rectifier at a minimum of every month. If voltage andlor current outputs change more than 10%, please call us to, inspect -the system. 2. We recommend that the entire cathodic protection system be tested annually by a qualified corrosion engineea or technician. 3. A~ changes or modifications to the piping that miglrt require the connection of new equiptae~ should be reviewed by a qualified corrosion engineer tv ensure that the electrical isolation of the system will not be compromised. We trust that the enclosed it~farmation is adequate for your needs. If you have any questions or if we can assist you is any way, please do not hesitate to call our officx at (661) 323-2077. Sincerely, FARWEST CORROSION CONTRQL COMPANY ~~ ioe-Taylor NACE Corrosion Technician #115523 Z 10/18/2015 03:23 FAM I~j 003/003 F A FARWEST ,~ ~ W~? GORROSfON ~c„ „~,~ wEw CONTROL ~~~ OOMPAIVY July 17, 2006 lob Number JB2006 MESA MARIN C~VRQN CATHODIC PRQTECTIpN SYSTEM RECTIFIER INFORMATION Jply 7~ ~OOb LOCATION OF UNIT Inside store a area of buildi MANFACTUREA Good All Electric ' MODELlTYPE JSAYSL 50 - ]21N SERIAL NUMBER 96UT2561 RF.CT'IFiER SHUNT' SIZE: 50 Mi1livQ1t/1 SAm A.C. INPUT RATING: Volts• 120 res• 9.6 >7. c. auTl'UT RAT>ntG: Volts: 50 Am res 12 D. C. OUTi~UT indicated Volts: 15.5 res: 5.1 D. C. aUTPUT tnsesured Volts: 17.29 res: 5.94 TAF SETTINGS: Gaasa~e: B of F Fine: 3 of 6 HOUR METER : 81688.7 1'OTEI~TTIAL DATA m Tan k #i West end: -1577 On -1002 Est end: -1578 Oe -1004 T~-nk #Z West end; -1561 Qn -1009 Eastend: -1558 Oa -1010 Tsa k #3 West end; -1559 Oa -1012 East end; -1560 On -1004 • Tanir #4 West end: - 1554 On -1002 East end: - 1558 (On} -1008 (OfE} 10/1$/2015 03:23 FAX f~j001/003 F R ~ FAFIWEST ~~ w CORRQSIQN '~ -~ CONTROL ~~~ COMPANY July l7, 2006 Jab Number JB2006 Mesa Maria Foal Mart 1\lotUt East Chevron 11101 Hwy 178 Bakersfield, Califat~nia 93306 Attention: Mr. Mohamed Muthaaa III Subject: Operational Testing of t ~e Cathodic Protection System at Mesa Merin Food Matt North East Chevron 31101 Hwy 178, Bakersfield, California Dear l1sr. Muthana III: The subject operational testing was conducted on ruly 7, 2006. 'Ihe purpose of the inspection was to test the effectiveness of the ianprassed ctut~ent cathodic protection system on four undesgraund fuel storage tanks at the above locatigat, The 50 Volt, 12 Amp rectifier is located in the storage area of the building. Drawi4gs and installation records of the cathodic pmtection (CP) system were not made available at time of survey. srlRVl:~r METxons: The survey cansisttd of ~e following: 1. Inspection of the rectifier and anodes (when locations ere known) to insure trey are opersding properly. 2. Measure operational status of the rectifier and all current outputs. 3. Measure structure-to~-soil potentials at evailahle test locations- 4. Tmubleshout any noted problems end offer recommendations for corrective actions. CATHODIC PROTFrC'I10N CYtIYERIA: AB potential levels measured a»d recorded are referer-ced to the criteria for cathodic protection as established by the National Association of Corrosion Engineers standard RPOlfi9-20Q2, Section 6, Subsection (Criterion 1): A negative (cathodic) potential of at least 850 millivolts with cathodic protection applied, as measured with respect to a satuuated copper/copper sulfate (Cu/CuSO4) reference electrode contacting the electrolyte, is considered the criteria for cathodic protection of buried or submerged steel stretctutes. 'Voltage dtgps other than those across the structuro-to-electrolyte bormdary must be considered for valid interpretation of this voltage nrteastuetnetrt. Subsection (Criterion 2) A, negative polarized potential of at least 850 millivolts relative to a saturated oagp~er/copper sulFau (Cu/Cu504) reference electrode. Subsection (GYiterian 3) A minimum of 100 millivolts of cathodic polarization between the structure surface and a stable trrference electrode. The formsiion or decay of polarizatiaia can be measured to satisfy this criterion. 4114 Armour Avenue, Bakersfield, Califarn+a 93309 • Telephone {661} 323-2x77 • FAX: (66~t} 323-2647 E-mail: sales ~fnrwestcorrosion.com Web Site: www. farwestcorrosion.coin License No. 248232 _ .. ~10I1$I2015 03:24 FAX ~ 002/003 A FARWEST '~W CORROSION ~ «. ~ E:~ . CONTROL _ ~~Y COMPANY July 17, 2006 lob Number JB2006 California Code of Regulations 'T'itle 23: Waters I]ivision 3: Water Resources Control Board Chapter 16: Underground Storage ',i'ainlc Regulations, Article 3, 2635. Imipressed cuRent cathodic protection systems shall be inspected no lass than every 6l) calendar days to ensure #ha# they are in proper working order. JULY, 2006 ItlrsuLTS: The rectifier was found on and operating at the time of arrival. All system componenu were found to be fully functional and operating as designed.. During tine inspection the rectifier was cycled off and ba~ek on in order to obtain "Instant OfP' potentials. Both initiSl "Un" tank-ta-soil potentials and polarized "OfI" potentials on the tgnks indicated an acceptable level of cad~odic protection exceeding NACE criteria. Please gee the attached date sheet for survey results, ]ZECUIVIIV~TDA3Tt]~1VS: 1. IEtead end recar~d file voltage and current outputs of the rectifier at s minimum of every month. If voltage aadfor cut~t+ent outputs change more than 10'/0, please call us to inspect the system. 2. We recammemd that the entire cathodic protection system be tested annually by a qualified corrosion engineer or technician. 3. Aay cltaageg or modif~catiotls to the piping that miglxt require t}xe canrtection of new equipment should be reviewed b]' a qualified corrosion engineer to ensure that the electrical isolation of the system will not be compromised. We trust that the enclosed information is adequate for your needs. If you have any questions or if we can assist you in any way, please do not hesitate to call our afiice sit (661) 3232077. Sincerely, RARWEST CORROSION CONTROL COMPANY ~-~ Joe Taylor NACE Corrosion Technician # 113523 2 O ,~ ~ 10/18/2015 43:24 FA}t I~ 003/003 F A FARWPST ~ ~~ W CORROSIQN ~ ,,,~. ~~4°°°" ~ CONTROL sY ~:T~ COMPANY July 17, 2006 Jab Number JB2006 SSA MARIN C~VRON CATHODIC PROTECTION SYSTEM RECTIFIER INFORMATION July 7, 2096 LOCATION OF UNIT Inside a area of bttildin 1VlANFAC'I'[.TREIt Good AI! Eiactric MODELfTYPE JSAYSL 50-121N SERIAL NUMBER 96UT2561 RECTIF~R SHUNT $I~: 50 Milliva1t/15Am A„C. INPUT RATING: Volts: 120 Am s: 9.6 D. C. OUTPUT RATIl~TG: volts: so Am 12 D. C. OUTPUT indicated Volta: 15.5 es: 5.1 D. C. OUTPUT measured Volta: 17.29 es: 5.94 TAP SETTINGS: . Coarse,: B of F Fine: 3 of 6 HOUR METER : B1~$8.7 PO'PE1V`T1AL BATA m Taok #1 west cnd: -1577 on -1002 East end: -1578 Oa -1004 Task #2 west end: -15b1 Ott -1009 O East end: -1558 On -1010 Tan k #3 West end: 1559 On -1012 O Est end: -15G0 On -1004 O Tan k #4 west ead: - 1554 On -1002 East ~~: -1 s58 cao) -1008 (oft E R S F I F/RE ARTR December 1, 2005 RONALD J. FRAZE Mesa Marin Pit Stop FIRE CHIEF 11101 Hwy 178 Bakersfield, CA 93306 Gary Hutton, FINAL REMINDER NOTICE Senior Deputy Chief Administration ~ RE: Necessary Secondary Containment Testing Requirements by 326-3650 , December 31, 2005 of Underground Storage Tank (s) Located at Deputy Chief Dean CIason the Above Stated Address Operations/Training 326-3652 Dear Valued Customer, Deputy Chief Kirk Blair Over the last six months this office has continued to send reminder notices regarding Fire Safety/I'revention Services secondary containment testing. 326-3653 Code requires that all secondary containment systems must be tested 6 months post construction and every 36 months there after. 2101 "H" Street Senate Bill 989 became effective January 1, 2002, section 25284.1 (California Bakersfield, CA 93301 Health & Safety Code) of the new law mandates testing of secondary containment OFFICE: (661) 326-3941 components upon installation and every 36 months, thereafter, to insure that the FAX: (661) 852-2170 ! systems are capable of containing releases from the primary containment until they are detected and removed. Our records indicate that your facility is due prior to December 31, 2005. RALPH E. HUEY, DIRECTOR ~ PREVENTION SERVICES Those sites that have not been tested and have not pulled a permit prior to December 31, FIRE SAFETY SERVICES • ENVIRONMENTAL 8ERVICEB 2005, will have their permit to operate revoked. 900 Truxtun Avenue, Suite 210 ~ This office does not wish to take such action, which is why we will continue to send monthly Bakersfield, CA 93301 reminders. OFFICE: (661) 326-3979 j FAX: (661) 852-2171 Contractors are already booked several weeks in advance. I urge you to schedule your ~ testing date as soon as possible to avoid possible revocation of your permit to operate. David Weirather Fire Plans Examiner ~ Should you have any questions, please feel free to call me at (661) 326-3190. 326-3706 Sincerely, Howard H. Wine8, III RALP • HIJEY, Director of Prevention Services Hazardous Materials Specialist 326-3649 Steve Underwood Fire Prevention Officer SU:db i~ i + MESA MARIN PIT STOP _________________________________ SiteID: 015-021-001211 + Manager MOHAMAND M MUTHANA II Location: 11101 HWY 178 City BAKERSFIELD BusPhone: (661) 366-4886 Map 104 CommHaz Moderate Grid: 20D FacUnits: 1 AOV: CommCode: KCFD STA 45 EPA Numb: SIC Code:5541 DunnBrad: Emergency Contact / Title Emergency Contact / Title MOHAMAND M MUTHANA / MANAGER~QO~(kM1e< DAHHAN M 'MUTHANA / OWNER`QG,tk~~~ Business Phone: (661) 366-4886x Business Phone: (661) 366-4886x 24-Hour Phone (661) 978- ~ 24-Hour Phone ( b~ )~l7$ -~Z-x Pager Phone ( ) -°I2 $ Pager Phone ( ) - x Hazmat Hazards: Fire Press ImmHlth DelHlth Contact MOHAMAND M MUTHANA III, Phone:- (661) 366-48.86x MailAddr: 11101 HWY 1?8 State: CA City BAKERSFIELD Zip 93306 Owner MOHAMAND M MUTHANA II Phone: (661) ~`i-0115x Address 430 BAKER ST State: CA ~7~ City BAKERSFIELD Zip 93305 Period to TotalASTs: = Gal Preparers TotalUSTs: = Gal Certif'd: RSs: No ParcelNo: Emergency Directives: PROG A - HAZMAT PROG C - COMM HOOD PROG U - UST Based on my inquiry of those indlvldu~ls responsible for obtaining the information, I certify under penalty of law that I have per$onally examined and am famili the information submitted and b e the infor a41on is true, accurate, and c te, ~ot4~. gna re ~ Date £~~ ~~ N,~ ~, 2~ os -1- 04/03/2006 .1,.,.. . /1'~`~4~~ Ted ~~ 1 ~ ~~ to y 1 ~+~ - , .iii FACILITY NAME ~~S/~ Il"1 !.l CITY OF BAKERSFIEt.U FIRE DEPARTMENT OFFICE OF ENVIRONMENTAL SF.RVIC:ES UNIFIED PROC:RAIV'I INSPECTION CHECKLIST 1715 Chester Ave., 3"' Floor, Bakersfield, CA 93301 ~2~~1 f ~`7 S~~ INSPECTION DATE ~ `f7 LG~ Section 2: Underground Storage Tanks Program ^ Routine Combined ^ Joint Agency ^Mu1ti-Agency ^ Complaint ^ Re-inspection Type of Tank ,SJ-~ _ li: ct.,.~!! Number of Tanks Type of Monitoring ~ ~ Type of Piping f~~~ly L.~.~tjl OPERATION C V COMMENTS Proper tank data on the Proper owner,'operator data on tale Permit tees current Certification of Financial Responsibility Monitoring record adequate and current ~ ~`,7~ .~ ~ y~~c Maintenance records adequate and current S,g ~ E~7 Failure to correct prior UST violations AA Has there been an unauthorized release? Yes /(S~ No Section 3: Aboveground Storage Tanks Program TANK SIZES Type of Tank AGGREGATE CAPACITY Number of Tanks OPERATION Y N COMMENTS SPCC available SPCC on file with OF,S Adequate secondary protection Proper tank placarding/labeling Is tank used to dispense MVF? If yes, Does tank have overtill/overspill protection'? C=Compliance V=Violation Y=Yes N-NO Inspector: (~/~ ~_~~ Office of Environmental Services (6G1) 32G-3979 /J~ C Business Site Res onsible Part p Y White -Env. Svcs. Pink -Business Copy n ,,... F. ... .. _....:.. _.:r ,; -. . is ..,,o,<.,... ._ -. - .. ... ... - -. .... ~v'-_if,4 ...... w ~. _ .. .. ... . ... ~ ~_-., .. ~„ ' ~.a/. R '''r~ I°lE~~r h'hF,' I I'd I F' I T ~'P_7P f 9r=iR}'ET ' l I l U 1 HI,.I't' 1? 5 Eli=i}:EF'~ ~F I ELD . i'ri '~~j~UF I FEIN I'~. ~'liiiF~ '=+''~ I ~f"1 ' :_ i:~TEr•I .-~'1~~"I'I _J:' }?EP~=>k'T ;~ i;l~I_ F'UI'J~_`T I ~ Pd~. P•J•J}<:19~I. - - +,ttlLLlt°lE = 5~4Ur i~,tiLS ULLHGE = 4 J?'~ ' ~i~il.5 .Li. ',:t?3LUI'9E = 53? ~ GALS HEIGHT = 5i-1.!-, `:' 1 FICHES UJr;TEk 't+ClL = ~J ~ ~iLS l+Ji~TEk = 0 . rill I t'JGHE:~ T '~:L~IF:=~1:1 - ULLHGE - ~' ~~ } l r. Gi~Lb Tt"' '~,;~>L'l II"lE _ ~'85:~1 rar;L " HEIGHT = ll .c? It'~ICHES t„IFTEI•< +,+';iL = IJ ~_ar'~;L WhTER = 0 . Cu.l I hJCHE_ . TEP'1F' _ ? 1 . '~: LEG F T :; :'=ILIPEI<: Uf J I_Er;CiEL! _ III_Lrii~E = r,6Fih i;HL', 9U3; IJLLrt_E= c 4=~ i; _,6.~ ~iiL~ t°IE 1 1' ' - ~ BHT HE I . ~~1 I PJ~_ HL--,_ ~ l.~.JNTE}s , tr; 1. U ~=~i=;L`~~ ' TEP~1F' = E~y . 4 UEi:a F T 4:F'LU~, LILLrGE _ ? y 1 1 GrL:~ ~U`~; ULLHGE= Gyl'' i3~LS T~_ '~ts'~I Ur'tE _ '~'uFy GtiLS , HEIi:~HT = '~4.'?? If,Jt;HE:~:.. b~Ji=1TER .~ _ u _i,r~iLS _ ' I,JtiTER - - _" " U . UU I NCHE ~ti F pJT' ... ,. ,.. ,. .. h `UNIFIED PROGRAM INSPECTION CHECKLIST _;` ~~ss SECTION 1: Business Plan and inventory~Program ~ BABE1itSFIELD FIRE DEPT Prevention Services 900 TrLixtun Ave., Suite 210 Bakersfield, CA 93301 Tel.: (661) 326-3979 Fax: (661) 872-2171 FACILITY NAME ,. NSP CTION ATE NSPECTION TIME ~ ADDRESS HONE NO. O OF E LOYEES FACILITY CONTACT USINESS ID NUMBER 15-021- I f Section 1: Business Plan and Inventory Program ~~~~ ^ ROUTINE OMBINED ^ JOINT AGENCY ^ MULTI-AGENCY ^ COMPLAINT ^ RE-INSPECTION C V (c=Compliance` OPERATION V=Violation J COMMENTS ^ APPROPRIATE PERMIT ON HAND ~^ BUSIneSS PLAN CONTACT INFORMATION ACCURATE ~^ VISIBLE ADDRESS ^ CORRECT OCCUPANCY VERIFICATION OF INVENTORY MATERIALS ^ . VERIFICATION OF QUANTITIES ^ VERIFICATION OF LOCATION ^ PROPER SEGREGATION OF MATERIAL ^ VERIFICATION OF MSDS AVAILABILITY ^ VERIFICATION OF HAZ MAT TRAINING ^ VERIFICATION OF ABATEMENT SUPPLIES AND PRO DURES ^ EMERGENCY PROCEDURES ADEQUATE ^ CONTAINERS PROPERLY LABELED BAIT ^ HOUSEKEEPING ^ FIRE PROTECTION SITE DIAGRAM ADEQUATE & ON HAND ANY HAZARDOUS WASTE ON SITE? ^ YES ^ NO EXPLAIN: - _ _ _. INSPECTION? PLEASE CALL US AT (881) 328-3979 (Please Print) Fire Prevention / 1" In /Shift of Site/Station r} White -Prevention Services Yellow -Station Copy pink - 8uainese Copy FD2049 (Rev. 02!05) ~~ ,~~tw~~' `'~~~ CITY OF BAKERSFIELD FIRE DEPARTMENT `6 ~ F ro~ OFFICE OF ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES ~`~ ~'~~` UNIFIED PROGRAM INSPECTION CHECKLIST \\`=;w ~gti,,~~~~ 1715 Chester Ave., 3rd Floor, Bakersfield, CA 93301 ~.~i~i FACILITY NAME V" S` ~ INSPECTION DATE ~T o11~ Section 2: Underground Storage Tanks Program ^ Routine ~-combined ^ Joint ency ^ Multi-Ag c C plaint ^ Re-inspection Type of Tank ~~~_'~° SQ~ Number of Tan s Type of Monitoring {~~ fe, Type of Piping OPERATION C V COMMENTS Proper tank data on the Proper owner/operator data on file Permit fees current Certification of Financial Responsibility Monitoring record adequate and current Maintenance records adequate and current Failure to correct prior UST violations Has there been an unauthorized release? Yes NO Section 3: Aboveground Storage Tanks Program TANK SIZE(S) Type of Tank AGGREGATE CAPACITY Number of Tanks OPERATION Y N COMMENTS SPCC available SPCC on file with OES Adequate secondary protection Proper tank placarding/labeling Is tank used to dispense MVF? If yes, Does tank have overfill/overspill protection? C=Compliance Violation Y=Yes N=NO Inspector: Office of Environmental Services (805) 326-3979 White - inv. Svcs Pink -Business Copy Responsible Party L F/RE ~ARTM T Ronald J. Froze Fire Chief Gary Hutton Senior Deputy Chief Administration 326-3650 Deputy Chief Dean Clason Operations/Training 326-3652 Deputy Chief Kirk Blair Fire Safety/Prevention Services 326-3653 PREVENTION SERVICES Ralph Huey, Director 900 Truxtun, Suite 210 Bakersfield, CA 93301 VOICE (661) 326-3979 FAX (661) 852-2171 November 1, 2006 Mr. Mohamand M. Muthana Mesa Morin Pit Stop Market 11101 Hwy. 178 Bakersfield, CA 93306 REMENDER NOTICE Re: 10 Year Inspection on Four Interior Lined Tanks due 02-13-07 Dear Mr. Muthana: Our records indicate that you are fast approaching your 10 Year Inspection date which is due on February 13, 2007. The California Code of Regulations, Title 23, Division 3, Chapter 16. Underground Tank Regulations, Section 2663(h) states: "If a steel tank is lined for the purpose of satisfying the requirements of Section 2662(c) or if any tank is repaired using the interior lining method, it shall be inspected by a coating expert or special inspector within 10 years of lining and every five years thereafter. Within certification of the inspection shall be provided by the tank owner and the party performing the inspection to the local agency within 30 calendar days of completion of the inspection." You have until February 13, 2007 to have the necessary interior inspection completed. This inspection shall be performed under permit through this office. As a courtesy I am including contractor information so that you may have this performed in a timely manner. Should you have any questions, please feel free to call meat 661 - 326-3190. Sincerely, RALPH E. HUEY, DIRECTOR OF PREVENTION SERVICES .. ~ ~ ~~'~ By: Steve Underwood, Fire Prevention Officer REH/SU/db cc: Ross Sessions, (Sessions Tank Liners, Inc.) o ,~ fi Toy Sessiot7~l SP CtAL INS~!ECTION REPQRT Site: M868 Merin Chevron Food Mart Address: 91 i 01 Highway 178 Bakersflt3ld, CA Date: January 4, 2007 'ftte softtiwing results far the above facatitm represent the ow~dusrorts of the Special Inspection, whictit ere to be presented to the regulatory agency. Tank No. 1-North t:apaaty 10,000 gallons Dimensions 7'11"x27' Product Fuel CCR Title $3-663 ~ ~ P (bj Tank has been Cisaried so that no residue remains on ttfe tank wells X (cj (A) Determine that tank has been vacuum tested at a X vaarum of 5.3 inches of Hg for not less than orm minute. (8j Witness ultrasound best -average of 7546 or X greater of original thickness. Visually Checked the iMemsl luting for dlsCOntinuity, )( compression, tensron cradcing•and aorraslon. Test for thidcrress and i,ardnass of the lining in x accordance with nationally recognized industry odes. Test the tinir~ using an electrical resistance Holiday X Detector in axordance wish nationally recognized ir~ustry codes. Holidays located. repaired and re-bested (dj Tank is suitable for continued use for a minimum of five {5j years X (e) Yank is su~abte for cx>rttinued use for a minimum of fire (5j years ONLY rt it is relined, or other improverr>ents are made. ('f) 71te tank Lining is na longer suitable for continued use and efiaU be closed in accedence with Article 7. ~n9 Dart Larorhom N'rafiessionei Engineer Robert Paul P_E. STAMP Address 2243 Aspen Mirror Way Suite 204 l.eughlin, NV 89p29 Signabta~ Registered Professional Engineer Nv. Connsion 111 ~oFfSSlopgl E>~iration Date: 3f31/24tl8 ~°~';~r" p .'1y ~ ~ ti0. ill a c~'wl~~'R®S~g To: Sessions SPECIAL {NSPECTIQN ,RE=QRT Site: Mess Mann Chevron Food MaR Date: January 4, 2007 Address: 11101 Highway 178 Bskersheld, CA. The following results for the above location represent the Cancusions of the Speciai Inspection which are to be presented to the regulatory agency. Tank No. 2-Plorfhwest Capaaty 10,000 gallons Dimensions T11' x 27' Product Fuel CCR Title 23-Z~3 PASS FAIL (b) Tank has been cleaned so that no residue resins on the tank watts X (c) {A~ Determine that tank has beef vadrum tested at a X vacuum of 5.3 inches Of Hp for not less than one minute. (B) Witness ultrasound test -average of 7556 or X greater of original thickness. Visuelty checked fhe inten~al IMing for diswntinuity, X compression, tension cracking and oorosion. Test for thickness and hardness of the lining in X aoc:ordance with nationally recognized industry codes. Test the lining using an electrical resistanoB Holiday X Detector in aovoniance with nationally n3oognized industry codes, Holidays located, repaired and ra-tested {d) Tank is suitable for continued use for a minimum of five (5j years X (e) Tank is sortable for continued use for a minimum of five (5) years 11 Y if it is relined, or other improvements are rr>ade. (f) The tank lining is na longer suitable for continued use and shall be closed in at~cordanoe with Article 7. Costing Inspector pan Lawitom Professional Engineer Robert Paul P.E. STAMP Address 43 r Way Suite 204 Laughlin, NV 69029 Sign®ture: Q~ f Ip~r Registered Professional Engineer No. Corrosion 111 ~~~ e~RT p~G Expiration Date: 3/31/x008 ~ ~, ~ No. 111 ~ ~~ ~~rt~?RO~~~.•~ r. To: Saseions SPECtAi. INSP~CTiON~REP,~RT Site: Mesa Merin Ctrevron Food Mart Address: 11101 Highway 178 Bakersfield, GA Date: January 4, 2007 The fol{ovvin® r+esu{ts for the above lot~tion re~serrt the fusions of the Spea'tai tnspeation rrhictt era to be presented to the regulatory agen~7r. Tanis No. 3-Southeast Capacity 10,400 galtflns Dimensions 7'11" x 2T Product duel CCR Title 23-2863 PASS (bj Tank has been cte~ed so that no residue remains on the tank walls X (cj (A} Detemgne that tank has been vacuum tested a- a X vacuum of 5.3 inches of Hg for not less than one minute. (B} IMtness ultrasound teat ~avere~ of 75°6 or X greater of original thickness. Visually checked th8 iatemai iistin8 tar di~reirwity, X compression, tension cradan~ and corrosion. Test for thickness and hardness of the Uninp in X accordance with nationally recognized industry codes. Tact the lining using an eledricai resistance Holiday X Qebector in accordance with natiorraliy rra~nized indushy aodes, Holidays located, repaired and r+a-tested (dj Tank is suitable 1+or continued use for a minimum of five (5j years X (ej Tank is suitable for continued use f~' a minimum of five (5j yews ONLY if it is refined, or other improvert~arrts are made. (~ The tank lining is ~ long suitable for continued use and shalt be dosed in BccOrdarice with Article 7. Coatis Inspector Dan Laefiom Professiaral Engineer Robert Paul P.E. , T~MPr Address 2243 Aspen fNirror Way Suite 204 Laughlin, NV 89029 Si~agne: Registered Professionsi Engineer No. Connsion 111 QR f~ Expiration Date: 3J31/2008 ~ ~~R ~qG~~ Na Ill sjA~ RRDS,.Rt-~, ~.- . TO: Ses~iCnS SPEC1~iL INSPECTION REPORT Site: Mesa Merin Chevron Food Mart Date: January d, 200? Address: 111 fl 1 Highw~ly t 7i3 Bakersfield, CA The following results for the above location rePreserrt the,rxmciusions oI the Special lion which are to be presented to the regulseory agency Tank No. 45outh Capsaty 10,000 gallons Dimensions 7'11" x 2T' Product Fuel CCR Tit!te 23 2663 ~ Pl ~ (b) Tank has been cd®aned so that no residue remains on the tank walls X (c) (A) Determine that t~k has been vacuum tested at a X vacuum of 5.3 indtes of Hg for not less than qne minute. (B) Witness ultrasound test -average of 7596 or X greater of original thickness. Visueiry checked the int~rfal lining tot disex~ntinuity, X compression, tension crsdcing and c~OrnnSion. Test forthidu~ess and hardness of the lining in X acoordence with nationally recognised industry odes. Tact the lining using ~ eteeltrical resistance Holiday X Detector in aoaordance with natiorralty recggnized industry codes, Holidays located, repaired and re-tested (d) Tank is suitable for continued use for a minimum of five (5) years X (®) lank is suitable for continued use for a minimum of furs (5) years ONLY if it is relined, or other improvements are made. (f) The tank lining is no longer suitable for continued use and shall be dosed in accordance with Artide 7. Coating Inspector Dan I_awhom Professional Engineer Robert PSI P.E. s ~P Address 2243 Aspen Mirror Way Suite 204 Laughlin, NV 89028 signature: Registered Professional Engineer No. Corrosion 111 ~ >ssro ~ Expiration Date: 3131/2008 ~ ~~oe~aT p~G<~~ ~ No, 111 e CITY OF BAKERSFIELD FIRI+ DEPARTMENT OFFICE OF ENVIRONMEN'T'AL SERVICES UNDERGROUND STORAGE TANK CATHODIC PR~YECTION '~ PERFORMAf~E LIST ~ AS OF JUN~~ 2006 ~ NAME OF FACILITY ADDRESS 7-11 3601 Stockdale Hwy. Beacon Liquors 6495 So. Union Avenue Chris Liquors 2732 Brundage Lane Circle Deli 1416 Golden State Hwy. *Day-Night 355 Chester Avenue Defi-Mart 9628 Rosedale Hwy. Fastbreak 4800 White Lane Fiesta Liquors 2023 Baker Street *Howards 3200 Panama *Howards 3300 Planz Road Jim's Mobil 3200 F Street 34"' Street Arco (Temp Closed) 1102 34"' Street Lucky 7 3301 Wible Road Lucky 7 726 So. Union Avenue Lucky 7 714 Niles *Lucky 7 2601 So. Chester Avenue Mesa Marin Pit Stop 11101 Hwy. 178 Theirs Food Market 3401 So. Chester Avenue Baker Station Market 631 Baker Street E-Z Stop 101 19'~ Street *Wholesale Fuels 2200 E. Brundage lane CATHODIC PROTECTION PERFORMANCE LIST MAY 06.doc NO. OF TANKS 3 3 3 2 2 3 4 3 4 3 3 3 3 4 2 2 4 2 3 3 b ~~ PROJECTION INSTALLATION DATE 11-16-96 10-17-98 12-22-97 11-03-95 11-16-98 03-23-92 12-01-98 04-27-99 01-12-98 06-15-98 07-17-97 10-13-91 12-15-98 11-12-94 08-O1-97 05-21-97 02-13-97 11-23-97 08-14-98 08-26-99 09-03-98 DATE OF LAST TEST 9-10-02 09-13-02 10-22-05 08-28-02 05-25-99 09-24-04 10-10-02 08-29-02 10-22-05 10-15-05 OS-23-06 11-18-05 11-07-02 11-02-01 08-17-99 08-16-02 05-23-01 07-01-03 08-26-03 10-15-05 ., ~ E R S F I l~/RE ~1 R TM RONALD J. FRAZE FIRE CHIEF Gary Hutton, Senior Deputy Chief Administration 326-3650 Deputy Chief Dean Clasen Operations/Training 326-3652 Deputy Chief Kirk Blair Fire Safety/Prevention Services 326-3653 2101 "H" Street Bakersfield, CA 93301 OFFICE: (661) 326-3941 FAX: (661)852-2170 D May 15, 2006 Mr. Mohammand Muthara Mesa Marin Pit Stop 11101 Hwy 178 Bakersfield, CA 93306 NC~'~ICE OF VIOLATION & SCH~~IULE FOR COMPLIANCE Re: Failure to Perform or submit Three Year Cathodic Protection Certification Dear Mr. Muthara: Our records indicate that ya~Ur three year cathodic protection certification is past due. If you have performed this test, please forward those results to my attention immediately. If you haven't performed this test you are in violation of Section 2635 2(a) of the California r/t~de of Regulations, Title 23, Division 3, Chapter 16 . Underground Tank Regulations. "Field-installed cathodic protection systems shall be designed and certified as adequate by a corrosion specialist. The cathodic protection system sfyell be tested by a cathodic protection tester within 6 months of installation and at least every 3-years thereafter." Therefore, prior to June 12, ~b06 you will perform the necessary testing as . required by Code. Failure to comply may result in revocation of your Permit to Operate. RALPH E. HLiEY, DIRECTOR PREVENTION SERVICES FlRE SAFETY SERVICES • ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES 900 Truxtun Avenue, Suite 210 Bakersfield, CA 93301 OFFICE: (661) 326-3979 FAX: (661) 852-2171 David Weirather Fire Plans Examiner 326-3706 Howard H. Wines, III Hazardous Materials Specialist 326-3649 Again, if you have recently performed this certification test, please forward the results to my attention and disregard this notice. Should you have any questlor7s, please feel free to call me at 661-326-3190. Sincerely, Ralph E. Huey, Director of Prevention Services ;: C~ By: Steve Underwood, Fire Prevention Officer REH/SU/db u~~~~~ - ~ ~~~ aJ~l~ ~~?~~~~ UNDERGROUND STORAGE TANKS -..~ APPLICATION TO PERFORM ELD /LINE TESTING / 56989 SECONDARY CONTAINMENT TESTING !TANK TfGHTNESS TEST AND TO PERFORM FUEL MONITORING CERTIFICATION PERMIT NO. t~C ~~~ B B R 3 F i - D ~e~aa ARf/Y f BAI~ERSFIEI,D FIRE DEPT. Prevention Service 900 Truxtun Ave., Ste. 210 Bakersfield, CA 93301 Tel.: (661) 326-3979 Fax: (661) 852-2171 Page 1 of 1 ^ ENHANCED LEAK DETECTION ^ LINE TESTING ~SB-989 SECONDARY CONTAINMENT TESTING ^ TANK TIGHTNESS TEST ^ TO PERFORM FUF_L MONITORING CERTIFICATION crrG iniFnRnnnrinni FACILITY ~ NAME & PHONE NUMBER OF CONTACT PERSON DDRES~ 0 r ~ ~ Q33o! _! 10 WNERS NAME PERATORS NAME PERMIT TO OPERATE NO. UMBER OF TANKS TO BE TESTED IS PIPING GOING TO BE TESTED? YES ^ NO I TANK# VOLUME CONTENTS l ~nlcr' a Unld 3 un rd ps ~ AME OF TESTING COMPANY -- - TANK TESTING CQMPANY NAME PHONE NUMBER OF CONTACT PERSON ~n-c.. 3 - 99 AILING ADDRESS 933oa2 AME & PHONE NUMBER OF TESTER OR SPE AL IN ECTOR ~(a1-39~- ~~' CERTIFICATION #: b b lag - oSa3S~3~ DATE & E TEST TO BE CONDUCTED i aoo~ ~ ;~D gym` CC #: ~~- uT EST METHOD IGNATURE OF PLICANT ATE ~ ~ _3 ~~ PPROVED BY ~ „~ DAT 3 FD2106 -. ~~L:~f~~ ~t ~~~~'~ o~~dQ~~~~~~ -- °°. oArE ~ ~ ~ ~ Bakersfield Fire Dept. PREVENTION SERVICES Fire Safety Serv®ces • Environmental Services 900 Truxtun Ave., Suite 210 Bakersfield, CA 93301 Tel: (661)326-3979 USTfA ~T PERMIT; TANK.TESTING ~~~;'~ ,~ 2 ~TATE SURCHARGE 86 TENTS. LPG: FIREWORKS. POWDERlOTHER PERMITS 84 COPIESIREPORTS , 89 FOLLOW-UP INSPECTION INSPECTOR; DATE TIME SPENT: CHARGE: ~} ~` ""' CHARGES CODE: REASON and DATE FOR INSPECTION: LOCATION OF INSPECTION: a BUSINESS NAME: ~ ~^; 4aw~ ~,;,..- ~ ~. TELEPHONE NUMBER(S) ~~ ,.,, ~~ ~ ~, ° BILL TO: PAY BY: NOTES: rg ~- (((~~~~q ~p^~ €~ TSE 4 ~ ..n ~` .~..w'~^'^~~•f .....raA ~".f ~ j f(/y > W~' ~ Eli ~~ 6~' b~.'4...3y. ..- . ~~ CUSTOMER SIGNATURE: INSPECTORlRE GNATURE: ,~ _^"~ ORIGINAL WH(TE: FINANCE CUSTOMER PINK OFFICE: YELLOW F01734 (rev. 12103) _....---- __..._.~~.._~.~~_.. ____.....y__.__.______._~.._„..~__, _ _~__.~_ ~.._._.....s~~_..__ ~ c• j ,... i'; > ~ ~',.~ ..... ~ .i .. :... .. .. i ~ SE~-E~~~'t'S"i`Lil~ CERT~fiLCATIOI~f F(~~I`~Vi ~`. . ,~'~ , ;DA'L'E ) D - ' .. . ~•... FACiLLTY XDflL?FLJ /., ~~.',- I. 4r ~` ~ ~, _ ~ Tarok 3 ~'~rrLc 4. l ~~~ ~ ~ ran _ _ ``j;:: _ _ - . - - ,.; ,~j~, ~ ~ ~~ ~, } ;, i t~~} ~~: ; . ~i~rs n1s,_ ~~ ~~ ~~ ,: ,. ~4e ~~, .; . S Stu) ~~~ ~ ~ - . ~``~~ SE~{?N~~` ~YSTLM ~EILTIFiCATI{IN ~'QR~t ... ~,,; .. FACXI:rt'X`Y ADDR~R$ . I ~.1<:'~tJ ~t~ ~,~,t. ~ ~;.:. . ~. ~~: ~ I T~xrltiric Summa . '~, ~~: . 5eti~ ~ ~ ~ Swnp 2 Sump 3 Sump ~ ~~° s~ ~-~ ~~ . ~. , - .. ~ Ht~t '~~'r;; ~ ! df Water - - ~_ ='} ~s ~ '~Vatax ~e~rt ~",me ~ ; . \;~ ~= ~ '~Vster Height ~ - ;:,. ~ .~ ,;Ati ~,, . ~~, ~~ ' ;~:; a .~`.~ ~~ ~~;; ~~~~ ,. =, >; . :, - r.. ~ (~rE[ft BQCitets z - `~'" (?vomit-.I: ` ... ;:..: (~v~t~t ~ `~ (?e~ert~~13 `~) t~vtx~~l 4.~ L ~~.~~ ~-.aofl ~ ~: 8:ao g~ z ~ =sii Water - .~: . . ~'-9 ,. - ~ '~ ,~ ~ 7) D ; ,..~ 1. ~ ~ ~.~ ~i~ g . 35-.~ -;;- ~ g; 3s ~ s Water $e~ei c~ :..-~(p ~ /~~ . ,. ~ !.~ q . ~ {~ 1~,-~ ~_ 7a1 toy J -~ o -' : ~ ~t~ 3(S~g~nture) ._ . ~A~ ~ : ~ ~~55 ~ ." t~~5 ~~~...~ ~- .. - rd~ 1' , fi~•.F `~ ~~. I. ; **~~ ~•/K ; } .. N~ SEC~?NDA~~ ~S~'STEM CE'R`~FICA'~'I{)N FORM i.: ~ ~ .. a,;, ~ DATE ~ ti ~~ ~ "'~ I Fl~CYL iD WI 1'1~tQ~.tn1 i~i~`f>~"~P ~~' : ~ FACILITY ABDR~SS _ 1 t (D~• _ c.t I ,$, -- - -- ;~ '~;~. ?;~ . ~;;= ~~~: _ ,~~ .: _;, ., ~:.~~, ~;,:~. ~::' ~ ~;:~~ ., .t... _'.>.` .. b=, ,. . .:~ i'~t41• ~'. ,, ~~,:: ~. D#BP~~• ~; .DISI'~BE~ 2 DINS'ER 3 I?I~'PENSER 4 ST,~r ~ 9.~ err o~' - 1~i'ATFR ?`~I ~! ' ,~ CATER ~A~ • . . ~BRTtFICATION ~51~NA'~'UREj fK`? ~ ~ ~<I ~. ~. r. ~; ;-:. `> i r i::~ p '~ A f~~ ~ I ~ ~. k i~t i•~t• . "a***F'444, ~ M~ .: b; , .'f. 4. ~E ,~ ~t ~, ~! }~,+: i' . ll'•` 4 '" :j {•;; i. ~i• .' ~ (. ~,i ~:. D~3]@'^~ :`'. 6 D~EN3SR T DISPER 8 t ~ ~ ~..:.... • . .. ~~ 1 ~~~~~ .. r ~; ~>'~' ~3~_ ,`. ~~, ~L~ ~S "----.-_ ~l~(5 SB989 TESTING FAILURE REPORT SITE NAME : (r ~ ~ ~ ~iN ~{ ~ ~~ DATE : l ~I~I I ADDRESS : ~ C ~ ~ I TECHIJICIAN: CITY: SIGNATIIR£ SITE CONTACT: THE FOLLOWING COMPONENTS WERE REPLACED/REPAIRED TO COMPLETE TFIE SB989 --- TESTING. LIST Off' P~ARtTS REPLACEDJREPAIREA: REPAIRS : ) vO~U LABOR :~ ~ ~ V~ . PARTS INSTALLED:~U~~