HomeMy WebLinkAboutUNDERGROUND STORAGE TANK #3(UNDEGROUND STORAGE TANK) FILE #3 ~; ARCO STATION #6218 -- -- ! 4203 MING AVE. ~_2$~Q3QB__.. - - JOB CARD POST CARD AT JOB SITE INSPECTION RECORD-USTs B fi R 9 P[ D +F/R! ARTM T BAKERSFIELD FIRE DEPT. Prevention Services 900 Truxtun Ave., Ste. 210 ' Bakersfield, CA 93301 Tel.: (661) 326-3979 Fax: (661) 852-2171 Pale l of ( FACILITY NAME ~ t~ + ~ ~ ~ OWNER 1 ~ ~~ ADDRESS ,r © ~ ~ G•`' ADDRESS-D ~ r ~ CITY STATE ZIP CITY STATE ZIP BAKERSFIELD CA CA PHONE N0. ~ ~ A ~ ~ ~~ y PERMIT N0. ~ ~ ®~ INSTRUCTIONS: PLEASE CALL FOR AN INSPECTOR ONLY WHEN EACH GROUP OF INSPECTIONS WITH THE SAME NUMBER ARE READY. THEY WILL RUN IN CONSECUTIVE ORDER BEGINNING WITH NUMBER 1. D NOT COVER WORK FOR ANY NUMBERED GROUP UNTIL ALL ITEMS IN THAT GROUP ARE SIGNED OFF BY THE PERMITTING AUTHORITY. FOLLOWING THESE INSTRUCTIONS WILL REDUCE THE NUMBER OF REQUIRED ' INSPECTION VISITS AND THEREFORE PREVENT ASSESSMENT OF ADDITIONAL FEES. INSPECTION DATE INSPECTOR TANKS AND BACKFILL BACKFILL QF TANK(S) SPARK TEST CERTIFICATION OR MANUFACTURES METHOD CATHODIC PROTECTION OF TANK(S) PIPING SYS?EM PIPING 8 RACEWAY WlCOLIECTION SUMP CORROSION PROTECTION OF PIPING, JOINTS, FILL PIPE ELECTRICAL ISOLATION OF PIPING FROM TANK(S) CATHODIC PROTECTION SYSTEM-PIPING DISPENSER PAN SECONDARY CONTAINMENT, OVERFILL PROTECTION, LEAK DETECTION LINER INSTALLATION -TANK(S) LINER INSTALLATION -PIPING VAULT WITH PRODUCT COMPATIBLE SEALER LEVEL GAUGES OR SENSORS, FLOAT VENT VALVES PRODUCT COMPATIBLE FILL BOX(ES) PRODUCT LINE LEAK DETECTOR(S) LEAK DETECTOR(S) FOR ANNUAL SPACE-D.W. TANK(S) MONITORING WELL(S)/SUMP(S) - H2O TEST LEAK DETECTION DEVICE(S) FOR VADOSE/GROUNDWATER SPILL PREVENTION BOXES ~ ~ FINAL MONITORING WELLS, CAPS & LOCKS FILL BOX LOCK MONITORING REQUIREMENTS TYPE AUTHORIZATION FOR FUEL DROP CONTRACTOR q~ i ~ ~.~t ~G~PC~ ~ ~QLr ~t21M C _ LICENSE NO. ~~c T ~ S-~ CONTACT KO'*l ~('~U HC,~ PHONE NO. ~ L~ - ~ ,3Q " ZZ 27 FD 2097 (Rev. 09!05) RightFax 12/27/2005 9:18 tlNDERtiRCK»IiD 5TOR0-GE TANK '' ~t~~~.~. PE~rr a~~~ca~noa TO CONSTRUCT~4NSTALL NEW TAN!( (NEON FAAI.fTY~ NEW TALC INSTAt,LATION (E~ST{NQ' FAC3ll'1Y) t MOtriFlCA710N t b MINOR MOWFICAT~+i -FACILITY >i` PAGE 0021006 Fax Server ~-s~~ ~ ~~cd o a ~~~ ~~~D FIRM p~T~ ~revent>~n Services 900 Trwctun Ave., Stt. 210 At>~ Bakersfield, CA 93301 Tel.: (6611326-3979 Fax: (6611852-2171 ENO. 'L'am. m - 0~-3~] . TYpE OF APPL{GAT{ON: O tgW TANK {HSTAII. t NEW FACILITY ,..~_-.. _ _ u-- _-.... r, unrn~~nwrtew ne: ewr~u ert Pegs, d ~ d NEW TANK INSTALLATION /EXISTING FACILITY ~a.+eneunea eenno:er_er~w nc Fsr•_n m ARTex3 DATE 3~l 6~ DATE . `3 ~ ~p6 ac~m Co -l~ CP 2 l 8 Fpm e~nr No. ~ ,,, ~~.;~c,~.-, ACeJTY ADDRE38 ~ P CODE +--E 20 N~~ :~ ~ c ~ 3 e ' ~ ~2~ ~~ ~~ r'r '' ANK OUNeEA Q~cLLQ O 1 ~~~ 1 "3- G !~'f0 ~ CODE . LK~NSee Na cc NQ. 1`~ S--,~ L - '7~ ~--15~ '~ZSZos~-~~ ' C ~ -~ -; s , s, Z=2 ``'~- t ~ ,..,. ~ _. Gtr ~{ NO. CRY BU81NES9-LICB'/eE NO. COMP NO. ~ NSSIRER _ 31a ~ ~-- ~-z-z-r _ s i sal- i ~ so-z~ _ 't' - eR1~1Y DESCRIBE T-ee wows TD ae DotiE ., - Z - 2 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~, ,~~.~ ~ o c Ey l .-~-~. ~~ ~..LTn..N~ ~~ ~ 1 .~ s-~.. - ~ r .~ ~..~ ~z~,,,, . Y7ATER TO FACLITY PROYlDEO 9Y Lo TO 5011 TYPE ExPEGTEOAT SRE IV ~ w NO.OF TANe(,4 TO BE INSTALLED "ARE THEY Fit MgTOR WEl SPill PREVENTION GONTRQI. AND COUNTER 11FJlSURE3 PLAN ON FeLE t7 vts ^ ao .B~€5 O rvo ?~ SEC110N f6 FOR NON MOTOR Fl7H. STOR1l~E TiANf{,s TAIpCNO. OtA.AR , lI1ATl0lj The opptaxaiJ hw>!eeneeJVed ra+d will cnnq~ly with the atraiaedeor+dinavn oJ~e per~n4~d m+y otlrrsezce. taoat osadjecienti resulatioru 7ftis jaen. hgr(,beere eon~feoed eaerkr pe-+a-ty' olP~i+oY mid to flee best oJary brow/edge, rs dsie mrd eanrel. i v nPFRavEO er: ~~~n7t aNr wM~:t6dkry THIS APPLICATiQN BECOMES A PERMIT WHEN F02g88 pen. a+on -~ . r~ M a M f7 m m m NN N cv m M ~D .~ M 0 L x a w 0 Q J& F w a E ~_ i,. .INTERNATIONAL BODE ~OLTNCII. • ^ ..s ~~.. ROLANDn NUNEZ - .J/~R .1nlpnna/.a~,Q~ ~a~ ~ov~s~alr.~dl4 d~a~t~ iisa~~iru~iaosae~c+z ~~ C~i~'/~rr.~ ~~~ ~j~aceaw~ ~rn~,a~2aGrul~tli~iiouc~,d~te a~.r4e~tuci~ed~ D~ ~!!l~~vtaliontr.~ `~ ~iun~.~f ~icceeta,~°u/~ c~.viq/Jl.~lvr~ l/Pe/tn~.d~tl~ltewrflria dma~~A2 lw.~lora ~~t aiat/ aJ'vu~iro~,d /r~a~e va gr~°nC, u~dia ~i~,~• .a/G~ c~/q~a/.t~v,, ad. UST INSTALL-ATION/RETROFITTING giren thu day of FebricRry 3, 20D5 t~., .~~ P, Fn~Ji P. Hodgt Jr. l -erciAenC ICC BoacA of T3irte.ton ~ ~ ~~ )amps G Wia [CC Chid Facecvtive 0['6ces 32~20S7-L' 1 Ccrtificntc \utnbcr CODE COL'?v'Ct~~' ti1;Uo Lr L~dii!~,,~ir~.r _ CQP[TRACTORS STATE LICENSE 80ARD ~'~""" ACTNE~ iJCCN`,SI 'w i~'~ ~y,,~ .. 7s~ 75~ ~`• corgi ~~ L M PETRC) LABOR FC?RCE ANC ' A Ei (:1(1 H/1/ Ub,:fU~1,U~b Anv ~hantte of txwirrosc eckk trcsharw must M ropm twrl b tlm Ro¢ab m +rMv+ Ir+ ~tar~, nrs iw~nw io net AonslwrobMr, arxf shots tw rNUVrrod to Mya Mq~s>fax Mon demsrd w4wn wspwdod. rovokod, a rtwalidalal for anv raaEan TMs podgrt nerd n veld Morph the •kprrstion data only •t brrd ~ot+m onv mark~,+ Petil.Yda a.ry:vttaMl 1~- ~~rns»-.troo BuY i.rcraae &'Hr~.l tx arr •a S.fi~igr~ Q P `1J~/!~ • ~D~ to~+-wv January 25, 2006 Tr;nidad MaR~nez TLM Petro l.ebo~ Force I nc. 9165 Baysinger St Downey, CA 90241 Mr. Martinez, Per our conversation earlior this week, please allow this letter to confirm- that the toUovdng listed individuals attended end carnpktad in good standing the OPW EVR Phase I Certification course provided by OPW at your location on 12113105. All d the thirteen Gsted individuals are oertfied for OPW FVR Phase 1 until 12I13/0T. 1) Frenasco Hernandez 2) Rolando Nunez 3) Oavid Beenuides 4) Jose Aden Corrado 5) George Valdez ti) Jorge Juerta 7) Alejandro Cruz 8) Roy Nunez 9) Jose Armando Guzman 10) Jesus Omelas 11) Roberto Torres 12) Frank Ramos 13) Andrus Sanchez Best Regards, Thomas Spindle OPW GLOBAL TECHNICAL SUPPORT 951-847.6 76 c;~~a +~d:S::r7 ~v~3' S? •~~, 6z~~-6~9-9j~: 'QN X~~ ~N: ?itl~~ 2D3tf'. ~~J.~d i.111: ..CtJ~ PHIL•TITE ENTEfiF'Ri5E5 .., .. .r/l.a...•..,.r./ . r,. ,... .n. u• r : h,...... rlv. r..l.. .....~ . ,...~,. Ziid wdIS:I~ 9©'rjz SZ 'u~f 6~~~-Sz9-ELL: '~!~ kti~ ~i: 3Jti~~ J~3ti~ D~l~d 'r:~'1: •.O~i IS.1gIILi' dX E I i i PERMRNO. `~- ~$ O` ^-7 FJdHANCED U?AIC DETECTION ~^ .L1NE TESTING ^ SB-989 SECONDARY CONTAINMENT TESTING 1 1 TGAl1C TrL1TA1CCC TCS7 1 If TA OGRLIIGR6 CI IGI AA11h11T~1RIA1G CFRTICIC~TIf1AI ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ - O/ O/ GVVO ~: Y! YAIIL. Vvt! vvc. ran uct vci UNDERGROUND STORAGE TANKS / f3AKJt:K~r'iLLli !~'1KL LZ':Yt'. B 8 9 D ., . , . FfR/' Pre4e><ttioii Services APP_LICAT_ION - ~tRr~r r Bakers5eldnCA 93301 210 TO PERFORM ELD I uNE TESTING ~ Tel.: (661) 326-3979 I SB989 SECONDARY CONTAINMENT TESTING ~`~; (661} 852-2171 (TANK TIGHTNESS TEST AND TO PERFORM FUEL MONITORING CERTIFICATION Page 1 of 1 5i'fE IN ORMATION FACILITY , NAME & PHONE NU `ER OF CONTACT PERSO ~ ~~ ADDRES ~ CA OWNERS NAME - =-- - - _ - - r ~----- OPERATORS. NAME PERMIT TO OPERATE NO. NUMBER OF TANKS TO BE TESTED IS ING GOING O BE TESTED? D YES NO ANK VOLU E - CONTENTS -- - - -- - - TANK TESTING COMPANY "_ -- NAME OF TESTING COMPANY - NAME 8 PHONE NUMBER OF CONTACT PERSON a - -2 1- 1Sl MAILINCa ADDRESS A L /~'tG /Y NAME & PHONE NUMBER OF TESTER OR SPECIAL INSPECTOR CERTIFICATION ii: DATE lt< TIME TEST TO BE CONDUCTED : J~ ICC ~: TEST METHOD SIC.,NATURE DF APPLI DATE wo N M APPROVED BY DATE ~ FD 2095 (Rev. D9/05) Received Time Jun. 5. 9:41AM Jun. 19. 200b 8:28AN~~ West Star Environmental, . inc. No. 4573 F, 2/5 lVI(~J,vl1 VKl1v~ ;, Y ~ 1 N~ C~1ZT~FICA~'1VIr1 For U,te By rtlt Jurisdictions Ariihtn the :state of Califnrrria Authority Cite& Chapter tS 7, .Health and Safety Cade; Chaps#er 16, Division 3, Tit e 23, California Code of Regulatia»s This form must be used to document testing and servicing of monittliang equipmen_ A se~argte certification or report t0,~t be Plepar+ed for each. monitoring system control panek by the technician who performs the work. A copy of this form must be provided to the tank system owner/operator. The owner/operator must subu'+it a copy of this farm to the local agency regulating UST systems within 30 days of test date. A. General Infarmatian - - Facility Name: 12ANA ENT1rIiPRISES CORD ,..._ 13~1dg. rld.: Site Ad 4203 M1NG AVE., Ctty BAKERSFIELD Zt dress. 'p' FsLGility Comact Person: MA[tK SATER ........... -- Contact Phase No.: ( ti61 1 ~4-IU7a$ Make/Made1 ofMonibarirtg System: VEEDER R04T ('fl.S-350) ...... _. Date of Te~ing/Servicing: ~ l5 p6 H. Inventory of Equipment Vested/Certifred Chcdc ttrc annronriate Loges m tudiexte soccifie eauinRmt itnoceted/servtctd: TsWt 110. UNLEADED ~`a~k ~ F.br~E2 ®ln-Taseek Ganging Probe. Iulodel: yEi~sR, R[~3' (]'5.330) Is:-T aug~ng Pro ~ • r+F R~r (tr,S.-35pt Ammlar. Space or Vault Sensor. Modet_ VEEDLR R04'1' Ct't-5 350) AttRlilar Space Or YBnlt SCnSar M VEL'DER ROCY!' (11,8-350) ® Piping Samp /Trench Sensar(s}_ 14tadel: y~ER ttooT (TLS-35~ Piping Sump /Trench Sensor(s). ModtL• yEEDER AQO~tsTLS-35o} ~k~t 1 Sump Seosot(s~ lldodel: VbrtaFtttt~oo't'(7't.s-350) Fitl S~mmp Seffior{s). Madxl: v~E.us.[tROtiT(Tts-35a) ^ Mechanical Lie Least Dete~or. Model: Mechanical Line Leak 1)etecttrr. Model: ~ Ekie Lute Lea1c DeGoctoL Model: yEFDEx RCbtlPf (Tt.S~ Electronic Line Leak Deeeebor. Model: _ - ~ Tattle Over6tl / iiigb-Lever Sensor. Model: Tani Ove~ll /High-Level Senor. Mpdet: ~..-, . _-_ . Othar .f and trtodel it4 Sectiatt 8 ott ~ Otbcr and marfe'1 Itt 9ecdon E an Z ~- Taak ID• ~ Sl-~1VE '~`~hk ID• P ' In-Tank Gattguig Pmbe. Model: V~nEx R00't (TL~35o) In-'faak Ganging Pmhe. Model: Yt~oEtt aioo'r ctzs-350) ® Amular Space Or Vanli Stnsar. .Model: Vt~DER RCl[]T (TLS-350) A~nlar Space Of Vault 'bEt1$pa. Model; VF.EDElt 1tO0rF (Tt.~350} Piping Sump t Trench Sensoi(s}. MO~I: VZrIiDEA_RODT (1L5-35~ ~ipjng Suklp ~ TeCriC11 SenSOU(g}. MOdpl: ~F~ R00'1' fIIS-350) Ft1l Smnp Sensor(s~. Modt:l: vrsE~aeR 1100/' {T[.5-350} gi11 Sump Settspr(g}. : 'V66t~R ROOT (Tis-35u) Mechmnical Lint: LeaTr Debedar Model: 14lechanical Lme Leak Detector. DlSodel: Electronic Lie-e Leak Detecmr. Mallet: _ E}ectrottic Line Leak Detector_ Model: VP~# ftllil7' (Tl.;'r3St1) Tan{; OverFill /High-Level Sensor. Model- Wank aver-Fill / High-Level Sensor. A4ade1: UHter ni and model in Section E aQ 1?a a tither ai mans and model 1!t 3ecOlQt1 E Ott ~ I3ispense~r 1Dj~ Q1,_ 38c4 Dispco~r Containeat Sensor(s)_ Model: V&BDER R04T f~-s-3~) l~ispense~r Containment Seaser(s). Modet; yEmTSt xt7oT ('n,~3s0) Shear Va[ve(s). ~he~ Valve(s). Di Coetammeat s s . er Containment s Aispenser 1D- 5&b ~spenser ID- 78tki Dispe~er Contaimnert Sensoi(s~ Model: v~EnER ROQT (14.~-350) Dispenser Containment Se ilsOt(s). Model: VEEDER ROa1P( Ct.3~350) _ _ Shear Valve{s~ $tlear Valve(s). 17i Sec C S aII COntai San spencer W- 9& i0 ~ Dispenser Contaiilittt:Ult +SenSOr(8}. Mel: V8Fl7S1R RdOT('F1 S-350) - - ' - . sR RCIO r (1 Dispenser Contaimtent 5ensos(s}. Model: VBEDF L5-350) Ispenser IQ-118ti2 -- 5'lIC'ar Value(S}. __ Shear ~f81VE~$}- Dispraser Cmtaimnent Pivot(s) and Cbaia(s}. ~ t ~~$} and g~. • if the facility cotrtaies mrn`e tanks cr rtisneraPre rnrw thin form inchvtr- infneiwis4;rn frr a.,P,,. taa.lr nn.l ri:ono..oa- .,+ rl... rte.-:~:._. C. Certtficatlon - I certify that the equiprnettt identified in this docuttii~ltt was inspected/serviced in aeccrdauce with the manufacgtc~ guidelines. Attached to this Certification is infotttzation {e.g. ma~iii=acturers' clte<c?<IiStS) necessary to verify that this infotritation is eornxt and a Plot Plan showing the layout of monitoring Qyuipment: Fbr any equipment capable ofgeneratiug such reports, I have also attached a copy of the report; (check art tha# appty}: 0 System ttwl-Rp ®Al i~staty repotrt Tech>lic;ian Name (print): II~SC]PIESi(3.!JEL)A S~natu Cetiification No.: 8922 Liar~itse. . p5142 Testing Company Name: ~~ Star Envitpnm~ntal ~~~ Phone Number. (559)277-9378 Site Address: $8 W. Jertniter Suite 101 I Fresno CA 9972 ., a(e of Testtn Servi ' Q6 115 I OG P~ ~: Monitoring System Certification Page 1 of 4 oitol LJun._1.9:__ 200b1 B:_29AfV>~~West Star Environmental, Cnc. No. 4573 P. 3/5 7 Software Version lnstalled: -.._. ComQlete the fo e[ieclclist: .. ... !~ Yes ~]N0~ Is the audible alarm operatiotlal? • Yes ~ IYO e a op on ®Yes No* ere sensors visa y mspec ctta „, Y test an ooit irme operation ® Yes ^ No*~ ere sensors at owest P°~ o ~e+io ary containment an position so o r equipateat not uderfere with their proper operatta~a? [ ~ Yes No* It' alarms are re yed to a retxxate tnotuta i~g station, is communicattartrs equtpmetit e.g. m ) , operational? , _..: , . NO t for presstmze Piptag systems, ~: a tut' ia+; automatically shut down ~ the piping secit>tdary srontaintnent lectri t ll disco t rl i il d? If i h d t t l k f t t i i i ~ Yes e, or e o a s e ca y ~ee mgati s es: a t c oring system e ec s a ea , a sensors n t ate ®Dis l£rench S eussr C ~ S s tammetit Sens Il h l u iti t d ? Ch F t h NJA p a ip ensor ; ors. Q ~, - own ( ec o a~p ou pos ve s u s Did u confirm shut~o~rii due to l~allta and sensor tailureJdisconaection? I~Yes; dNYb. rjp* For tanks th®t ntilrre the systi~ ~ tlt~s warming device (te. no mrcttanicai r~vtr>~ll, p~reveatioa va[vc ^ Yes NJA installed}, is t3ie overfill warmm~ alarm vist'ble etdld audible at the tank S11 point(s) and aperatiug praperriy? If ~, a:t what percent of tank a does the alarm trr~er? 9d [j Yes* No* ~~ any monitoring egtti~pme~rt lxaloen2 If yes, identify spaci~ic sensors, probes, ar other equiprreeat replaced and Ii.Rt the msmutacEmer xpanut said mode! ~ au t ~ Scx~un fr befaw. ~ Yesg TTo* as insi a aolr s c~ estt systems sign as .systems ec 1 art app l3 Water. IP es, escrib~ causes ia.. tion B 6elaw. Yes Na' as momttintig system st+t-up revlt:aC tta cn~urc proper settuigs? Attar set up reports, app e . ..... ®Yes Na# . Is elf monitoring eq~ent ope~tional per it'Infacturers specifications? * Tzt Section E below, describe how and when these deficiencies Wef'o or will fya corrected. E. ComIDerits: 7'ESTIA ALL FII,L BUCKETS 87 87#x, ~7 St.AND 9I ALL PASSI;b. Page 2 of ~ D31D1 t Jun. 19. 200b 8:29AM West Star Environmental, Inc. No. 4513 P. 4/5 ~; F. ~n-Tank gauging/ SII~ Equipment: ~ Check this box if tank gauging is used only for inventory COlltrol. • (~ Check this box if no tank gauging or SIR equipment is installed. This section must be completed if in,tank gauging equipimient is used to perfarln leak detection monitoring, Complete the following checklist: ® Yes D No* input ~ en mspecte or proper ~mry an termltlauon, me testing or gra~un Yes No• Were all talc ganging probes visually inspect ,;,,, ,far damage and residue bnildap4 ~ Yes No* Was accuracy of system product eve .....bested? Yes Nn' Was acettracy of system water a rea tags ~ Yes Yes IVo' nto* Were all reinstalled r , Were all items on the egmpment man act s tnaimenance checklist completed? C. Lane Leak Detectors (LLD) : ^ Check this box if I;~,Ds are not installed. c,om ~ei e ilia folio checkllsG ... ~ Yes ~ xox Far egAiptnent start up or anal ~ ~tion, etas a leak sixoulttbert bD verify LLD ~'! ~^ N/A (+G' arl char gp~ply) Simulates leak ratL~; 3 glih.; Q ~-1 g.P.h- C~ 0.2 gp,h. ® Yes p No Were all LLUs coolFirmed operational sad acclittlte within regulatory requirements? Yes Noy Was the teslitl ar'atus esdlibt'atGd2....,,,, ^ Yea ~ N/A F4r mechanlCal LI.Ds, does the LLD restrict prriduct flow if it detects a leak? ® Yes ^ N/A Far electronic LLDs, does fire turbine autontatiCtilly shut offif the LIi) detects s leak? ® Yes ~O• 8 Far electrottie LLDs, does the tlubana autvtuaEi+~llly shut off if any portion of the monitdrtng system is disab]ed NIA ~ disconnected? ~ y~ F ectronic LLDs, does t~ ttubiac automatitt~~- shut o$'if any portion of the monitoring system. malfunctions ^ NIA ~~ ~ Yea Q NIA For electronic LLDs, have all accessible wiring +~dnuections been visually inspected? Yes No= ere ]tams 0I1 the egntpmettt man $ itfat>ltetlance C e 1st coin '' In the Seetia>r A, below, describe how and when these deficienci~sl were or will be eorrected. H. Comments: Page 3 of 4 carol y_,,,,,....;.-w . - -. Jun. 19. 200b 8:30AM West Star Environmental, I.no. Monitoring System Certification No. 4573 P, 5/5 UST Monitar~~ Site Plan Site Address: 4203 MING AVE. ----------r-~,_..,------~.,.......~.....~,~y,~------------~---,,.~_ _ ~..r__~- ---------- _,... _------ A-_ _..~~~__....~._.~-,,., ,•~,~__.,,_ ---------~,~--------- -....~ L fir ~-~~r~r~w~~~~~~~r.~~.ws~~~~\Mr ~~~~IYtiYY.r ~Yrli'f~~~~~~r....~~ ~..~i~r-=~~ ~~~~rr-~w~r~~~~~~rw.~~•~nl.T~~ww.Y~~~~~~ti~iliillLi` ~~.~rr ~ ~ _ ..u+r~~~.~.~~~~~~.~rr~~~~~~~~~r~1~w~~~f~H~r ~Y'1T.~~-~~.~~~~~~r~~~~~i~~~~r-~~r ~~ Date map was drawn: , ~ 06 Instrac 1 ps If you already have a diagram that shows al] required inforrritit]on, you may include it, lather d= this page, with your Monitoring System Certifiication. On your site plan, show ~e general layout of tanks and piping. Clearly identify locations of the following ecpripm~+++_, if insmlled: monitoring system control panels; sensot~s monitoring tank annular spaces, sumps, dispenser pans, spill containers, or other secondaiy containment areas; mechanical or e]eckronic line leak detectors; and in-tank liquid level probes (if used for leak detection). )n tho space provided, note the daze this Site Plan was prepared. Page ~ of 4 osrou