HomeMy WebLinkAboutBUSINESS PLAN ,; - II ____- I tMit .~~~AL!~I~~~O~~~ \ -/ ~ .~ t<J .'-~ i'l I !I -;: '1' ';' I' + MAX OIL --------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------- SiteID: 015-021-000831 + Manager Location: STOCKDALE HWY\RENFRO RD City BAKERSFIELD CommCode: KCFD STA 67 EPA Numb: BusPhone: Map : 101 Grid: 35C (661) 327-3228 CommHaz : High Facunits: 1 AOV: SIC Code:1311 DunnBrad:95-4144326 +==============================================================================+ +=======================================+======================================+ Emergency Contact / Title Emergency Contact / Title JIM VITTITOW ,~I OPS MANAGER / Business Phone: ~) 589-3266x Business Phone:) x 24-Hour Phone : (~) 589-0660x 24-Hour Phone :) x Pager Phone (~~ I ) - x Pager Phone ) x +---------------------------------------+--------------------------------------+ I Hazmat Hazards: Fire ImmHlth DelHlth I +------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ Contact : Phone: (661) 589-3266x MailAddr: 409 VIA DELICIA State: CA City : BAKERSFIELD Zip : 93314-4242 + - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - --------- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - + ~ - Owner . Matrix Oil Corporation 'U"'?/ Phone: (010)) 5 (i.6 1-.4 63~ Ac;Idress: 920 Garden St., "B" S~ate: cl{:jor ~i~ - ro~ 0 Clty . S nta Barbara Calif. 93101 , Zlp : -8-r6e.i! +_________~ a, ,________________________________________+ Period TotalASTs: = Gal Preparer :'- TotalUSTs: = Gal Certif'd: RSs:No parcelNo: +------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ Emergency Directives: PROG A - HAZMAT PROG T - ABOVEGROUND STORAGE TANK !J ,g /, () fe, Date ENT'D APR 05 2006 +==============================================================================+ -1- 03/23/2006 \:. " -9 MATRIX OIL CORP SiteID: 015-021-000831 Manager : JIM VITTITOW Location: STOCKDALE HWY\RENFRO RD City BAKERSFIELD BusPhone: Map : 101 Grid: 35C (661) 589-0660 CommHaz : Moderate Facunits: 1 AOV: CommCode: KCFD STA 67 EPA Numb: SIC Code:1311 DunnBrad:95-4144326 Emergency Contact JIM VITTITOW Business Phone: 24-Hour Phone Pager Phone C i!if I Hazmat Hazards: / Title / OPS MANAGER (661) 589-3266x (661) 589-0660x ((,(,.) ) t17t1 -Sco," x Emergency Contact .J~.$H ,<~pII2'IC,t. Business Phone: 24-Hour Phone Pager Phone (! '/ Fire / Title / ,q.vA'1~ ( "" I ) ~tf9 - 3U.f.x (~~/ ) .:r~1 -~'""ox ("~I )971 -t>~t. OX ImmHlth DelHlth Owner Address City MATRIX OIL CORP 104 W ANAPAMU ST C SANTA BARBARA Phone: (661) 589-3266x State: CA Zip 93314-4242 Phone: (805) 884-9000x State: CA Zip 93101 Contact : JIM VITTITOW MailAddr: 409 VIA DELICIA City BAKERSFIELD Period Preparer: Certif'd: ParcelNo: to TotalASTs: = TotalUSTs: = RSs: No Gal Gal Emergency Directives: PROG A - HAZMAT PROG T - ABOVEGROUND STORAGE TANK BaSed,,.o,n my ingu,iry of those individuals resporub,e for obtaining the information, I certify unde~ penalty of I~.JN that I have personally ~xaml, .ed and " . amiliar with the information "" 11m, t<3 8"'u belIeve H1e information is true c ur t Clnd complete, ' 1'j?'fJ7 Date ENiD JUL 3 ll007 -1- 07/12/2007 t, -3 SiteID: 015-021-000831 1 By Facility Unit 1 Fixed Containers on Site 9 IspecHazlEPA Hazards I Frm I DailyMax IUnitlMCP L 70.00 GAL Mod F L 55.00 GAL Mod F IH L 4200.00 GAL Low F DH L 110.00 GAL Low F L 110.00 GAL Min F L 55.00 GAL UnR f MATRIX OIL CORP p= Hazmat Inventory f== MCP+DailyMax Order Hazmat Common Name... TECHNI-HIB794 140 SOLVENT CRUDE OIL GEAR OIL UNOCAL 7610 GAS ENGINE OIL 40 UNOCAL MP GEAR LUBE LS 85W - 14 -2- 07/12/2007 i. -j -3- 07/12/2007 i'; SiteID: 015-021-000831 9 Facility Unit: Fixed Containers on Site 1 F MATRIX OIL CORP p= Inventory Item 0007 = COMMON NAME / CHEMICAL NAME TECHNI-HIB794 Days On site 365 Location within this Facility Unit NEAR STORAGE TANKS Map: Grid: CAS # STATE - TYPE Liquid Mixture PRESSURE Ambient TEMPERATURE Ambient CONTAINER TYPE PLASTIC CONTAINER Largest Container GAL AMOUNTS AT THIS LOCATION Daily Maximum 70.00 GAL Daily Average 40.00 GAL %Wt. RS CAS # 5.00 Ethylene Glycol No 107211 5.00 Aqueous Ammonia, Conc. Less Than 20% No 7664417 HAZARDOUS COMPONENTS TSecret RS BioHaz Radioactive/Amount EPA Hazards NFPA USDOT# MCP No No No No/ Curies / / / Mod HAZARD ASSESSMENTS p= Inventory Item 0006 = COMMON NAME / CHEMICAL NAME 140 SOLVENT Facility unit: Fixed Containers on Site 1 Days On Site 365 Location within this Facility Unit Map: Grid: CAS # 8030306 STATE - TYPE Liquid Mixture PRESSURE Ambient TEMPERATURE Ambient CONTAINER TYPE DRUM/BARREL-METALLIC Largest Container 55.00 GAL AMOUNTS AT THIS LOCATION Daily Maximum 55.00 GAL Daily Average 27.00 GAL %Wt. RS CAS # 100.00 Stoddard Solvent No 8030306 HAZARDOUS COMPONENTS HAZARD ASSESSMENTS TSecret RS BioHaz Radioactive/Amount EPA Hazards NFPA USDOT# MCP No No No No/ Curies F / / / Mod -4- 07/12/2007 SiteID: 015-021-000831 9 Facility Unit: Fixed Containers on Site 1 F MATRIX OIL CORP p= Inventory Item 0001 = COMMON NAME / CHEMICAL NAME CRUDE OIL Days On Site 365 Location within this Facility Unit S PORTION OF SITE Map: Grid: CAS # 8002059 STATE - TYPE Liquid Mixture PRESSURE Ambient TEMPERATURE Ambient CONTAINER TYPE ABOVE GROUND TANK Largest Container GAL AMOUNTS AT THIS LOCATION Daily Maximum 4200.00 GAL Daily Average 8400.00 GAL HAZARDOUS COMPONENTS ~ CAS # I 8002059 I l~~~oolcrude Oil HAZARD A E SM NT TSecret RS BioHaz Radioactive/Amount EPA Hazards NFPA USDOT# MCP No No No No/ Curies F IH / / / Low SS S E S f= Inventory Item 0003 = COMMON NAME / CHEMICAL NAME GEAR OIL Facility Unit: Fixed Containers on Site 1 Days On Site 365 Location within this Facility Unit NEAR STORAGE TANKS Map: Grid: CAS # 64742-57-0 STATE - TYPE Liquid Mixture PRESSURE Ambient TEMPERATURE Ambient CONTAINER TYPE DRUM/BARREL-METALLIC Largest Container 55.00 GAL AMOUNTS AT THIS LOCATION Daily Maximum 110.00 GAL Daily Average 55.00 GAL %Wt. RS CAS # 100.00 Light Machine Oil No 8020835 HAZARDOUS COMPONENTS HAZARD ASSESSMENTS TSecret RS BioHaz Radioactive/Amount EPA Hazards NFPA USDOT# MCP No No No No/ Curies F DH / / / Low -5- 07/12/2007 SiteID: 015-021-000831 9 Facility Unit: Fixed Containers on Site 1 F MATRIX OIL CORP p= Inventory Item 0004 = COMMON NAME / CHEMICAL NAME UNOCAL 7610 GAS ENGINE OIL 40 Days On Site 365 Location within this Facility Unit CTR OF SITE Map: Grid: CAS # o STATE - TYPE Liquid Mixture PRESSURE Ambient TEMPERATURE Ambient CONTAINER TYPE DRUM/BARREL-METALLIC Largest Container 55.00 GAL AMOUNTS AT THIS LOCATION Daily Maximum 110.00 GAL Daily Average 55.00 GAL %Wt. HAZARDOUS COMPONENTS IChlorinated Paraffin ~ CAS # 01 HAZ A ES NT TSecret RS BioHaz Radioactive/Amount EPA Hazards NFPA USDOT# MCP No No No No/ Curies F / / / Min ARD SS SME S p= Inventory Item 0005 = COMMON NAME / CHEMI CAL NAME UNOCAL MP GEAR LUBE LS 85W - l40 Facility Unit: Fixed Containers on Site 9 Days On Site 365 Location within this Facility Unit Map: Grid: CAS # STATE - TYPE Liquid Mixture PRESSURE Ambient TEMPERATURE Ambient CONTAINER TYPE DRUM/BARREL-METALLIC Largest Container 55.00 GAL AMOUNTS AT THIS LOCATION Daily Maximum 55.00 GAL Daily Average 27.00 GAL %Wt. I HAZARDOUS COMPONENTS G CAS # TSecret RS BioHaz Radioactive/Amount EPA Hazards NFPA USDOT# MCP No No No No/ Curies F / / / UnR HAZARD ASSESSMENTS -6- 07/12/2007 ~ SiteID: 015-021-000831 9 Fast Format 1 Overall Site 1 04/05/2006 F MATRIX OIL CORP I p= Notif./Evacuation/Medical Agency Notification CALL 911 IN CASE OF EMERGENCY. SPILLS EQUAL TO OR EXCEEDING 42 GALLONS, 500 LBS, OR 200 CF MUST BE REPORTED IMMEDIATELY TO BOTH: BAKERSFIELD FIRE DEPARTMENT 911 CALIFORNIA OES 800-852-7500 SPILLS OF ANY SIZE WHICH THREATEN LIFE, HEALTH, OR THE ENVIRONMENT MUST ALSO BE REPORTED. Employee Notif./Evacuation 03/16/1994 IN CASE OF FIRE CALL 911; LEAVE LEASE AREA; UTILIZIE FIRE FIGHTING EQUIPMENT IF POSSIBLE. Public Notif./Evacuation 03/23/2006 CALL 911 IN CASE OF FIRE OR EMERGENCY. FOLLOW DIRECTIONS OF LOCAL EMERGENCY SERVCIES REPRESENTATIVE DURING CLEAN-UP PROCEDURE. Emergency Medical Plan 03/16/1994 EMERGENCY DIAL 911 FOR FIRE OR MEDICAL. -7- 07/12/2007 r.. c. SiteID: 015-021-000831 1 Fast Format 1 Overall Site 1 03/16/1994 F MATRIX OIL CORP I p= Mitigation/Prevent/Abatemt Release Prevention USE OILY DIRT FOR BERMS. IF A SPILL OCCURS IT IS CLEANED UP IMMEDIATELY. Release Containment 03/16/1994 IF A SPILL IS SMALL - SOAK UP WITH DIRT - USE OILY DIRT FOR BERMS OR ROAD PATCH. IF LARGE SPILL - VACUUM TRUCKS RECOVER OIL AND RETURN IT TO TANKS. Clean Up 04/05/2006 NORMAL SPILL CLEAN-UP PROCEDURE FOR OILFIELD. Other Resource Activation -8- 07/12/2007 j";' r,!, F MATRIX OIL CORP I p= Site Emergency Factors Special Hazards SiteID: 015-021-000831 1 Fast Format 9 Overall Site 1 Utility Shut-Offs 03/06/2007 ELECTRICAL - NW CRNR OUTSIDE BLOCK WALL WATER - OUTSIDE E BLOCK WALL BET GATES ON VIA DELICA Fire Protec./Avail. Water 12/28/2006 PRIVATE FIRE PROTECTION - FIRE EXTINGUISHER FIRE HYDANT - CRNR VIA DELICA & VIA CONTENTO Building Occupancy Level 03/23/2006 2 EMPLOYEES -9- 07/12/2007 -..... ,. ~~ SiteID: 015-021-000831 9 Fast Format 1 Overall Site 9 12/28/2006 F MATRIX OIL CORP I F Training Employee Training MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEETS ON FILE AT DOG HOUSE. BRIEF SUMMARY OF TRAINING PROGRAM: THEY ARE TRAINED IN METHODS FOR SAFE HANDLING OF HAZARDOUS MATERIALS. THEY ARE TRAINED IN PROCEDURES FOR COORDINATING ACTIVITIES WITH AGENCIES. THEY ARE ALSO TRAINED IN PROPER USE OF SAFETY EQUIPMENT AND EMERGENCY EVACUATION PROCEDURES. Page 2 Held for Future Use Held for Future Use -10- 07/12/2007 "i' ~, :i' H/I h?/,t. MAX OIL CORP Manager Location: City .- - ~Y;"1 If in :,() lP STOCKDALE HWY\RENFRO BAKERSFIELD RD BusPhone: Map : 101 Grid: 35C SiteID: 015-021-000831 S J 1- 0","'0 (661) ~3%Ztt CommHaz : Moderate FacUnits: 1 AOV: CommCode: KCFD STA 67 EPA Numb: SIC Code:1311 DunnBrad:95-4144326 Business Phone: 24-Hour Phone Pager Phone / / ) ) ) x x x Emergency Contact JIM VITTITOW Business Phone: 24-Hour Phone Pager Phone / Title / OPS MANAGER (661) 589-3266x (661) 589-0660x () x Emergency Contact Title Hazmat Hazards: Contact : -VIM /7-7/70v.J MailAddr: 409 VIA DELICIA City : BAKERSFIELD Fire ImmHlth DelHlth Owner Address City . MAJ( OIL CORP MA7P'/)tOilt!o?1J 920 GARDEN ST B SANTA BARBARA Phone: (661) 589-3266x State: CA Zip 93314-4242 Phone: (805) 884-9000x State: CA Zip 93101 Period Preparer: Certif'd: ParcelNo: to TotalASTs: = TotalUSTs: = RSs: No Gal Gal Emergency Directives: PROG A - HAZMAT PROG T ~ ABOVEGROUND STORAGE TANK (flirt) M4tr 5 cOOl Based on my inquiry of those individuals responsible for obtaining t . e information. I certify under penalty of la at I have personally examin 'd and a -amiliar with the information submitt an elieve the information is true, c at, complete, t//t,tf( Date -1- 02/05/2007 F MAX OIL CORP SiteID: 015-021-000831 9 p= Hazmat Inventory By Facility unit 1 p== MCP+DailyMax Order Fixed Containers on Site 1 Hazmat Common Name.. . I SpecHazIEPA Hazards I Frm I DailyMax IUnitlMCP TECHNI-HIB794 L 70.00 GAL Mod 140 SOLVENT F L 55.00 GAL Mod CRUDE OIL F IH L 4200.00 GAL Low GEAR OIL F DH L 110.00 GAL Low UNOCAL 7610 GAS ENGINE OIL 40 F L 110.00 GAL Min UNOCAL MP GEAR LUBE LS 85W - 14 F L 55.00 GAL UnR -2- 02/05/2007 ~ i, -3- 02/05/2007 SiteID: 015-021-000831 1 Facility Unit: Fixed Containers on Site 1 F MAX OIL CORP p= Inventory Item 0007 = COMMON NAME / CHEMICAL NAME TECHNI-HIB794 Days On Site 365 Location within this Facility Unit NEAR STORAGE TANKS Map: Grid: CAS # STATE - TYPE Liquid Mixture PRESSURE Ambient TEMPERATURE Ambient CONTAINER TYPE PLASTIC CONTAINER Largest Container GAL AMOUNTS AT THIS LOCATION Daily Maximum 70.00 GAL Daily Average 40.00 GAL HAZARDOUS COMPONENTS %Wt. RS CAS # 5.00 Ethylene Glycol No 107211 5.00 Aqueous Ammonia, Conc. Less Than 20% No 7664417 HAZARD MENTS TSecret RS BioHaz Radioactive/Amount EPA Hazards NFPA USDOT# MCP No No No No/ Curies / / / Mod ASSESS f= Inventory Item 0006 = COMMON NAME / CHEMICAL NAME 140 SOLVENT Facility Unit: Fixed Containers on Site 9 Days On Site 365 Location within this Facility Unit Map: Grid: CAS # 8030306 STATE - TYPE Liquid Mixture PRESSURE Ambient TEMPERATURE Ambient CONTAINER TYPE DRUM/BARREL-METALLIC Largest Container 55.00 GAL AMOUNTS AT THIS LOCATION Daily Maximum 55.00 GAL Daily Average 27.00 GAL P %Wt. RS CAS # 100.00 Stoddard Solvent No 8030306 HAZARDOUS COM ONENTS ENTS TSecret RS BioHaz Radioactive/Amount EPA Hazards NFPA USDOT# MCP No No No No/ Curies F / / / Mod HAZARD ASSESSM -4- 02/05/2007 ~ SiteID: 015-021-000831 9 Facility Unit: Fixed Containers on Site, F MAX OIL CORP f= Inventory Item 0001 = COMMON NAME / CHEMICAL NAME CRUDE OIL Days On Site 365 Location within this Facility Unit S PORTION OF SITE Map: Grid: CAS # 8002059 STATE - TYPE Liquid Mixture PRESSURE Ambient TEMPERATURE Ambient CONTAINER TYPE ABOVE GROUND TANK Largest Container GAL AMOUNTS AT THIS LOCATION Daily Maximum 4200.00 GAL Daily Average 8400.00 GAL %Wt. RS CAS # 100.00 Crude Oil No 8002059 HAZARDOUS COMPONENTS TSecret RS BioHaz Radioactive/Amount EPA Hazards NFPA USDOT# MCP No No No No/ Curies F IH / / / Low HAZARD ASSESSMENTS p= Inventory Item 0003 = COMMON NAME / CHEMICAL NAME GEAR OIL Facility Unit: Fixed Containers on Site 1 Days On Site 365 Location within this Facility Unit NEAR STORAGE TANKS Map: Grid: CAS # 64742-57-0 STATE - TYPE Liquid Mixture PRESSURE Ambient TEMPERATURE Ambient CONTAINER TYPE DRUM/BARREL-METALLIC Largest Container 55.00 GAL AMOUNTS AT THIS LOCATION Daily Maximum 110.00 GAL Daily Average 55.00 GAL M EN %Wt. RS CAS# 100.00 Light Machine Oil No 8020835 HAZARDOUS CO PON TS E TSecret RS BioHaz Radioactive/Amount EPA Hazards NFPA USDOT# MCP No No No No/ Curies F DH / / / Low HAZARD ASSESSM NTS -5- 02/05/2007 -'I F MAX OIL CORP p= Inventory Item 0004 = COMMON NAME / CHEMICAL NAME UNOCAL 7610 GAS ENGINE OIL 40 SiteID: 015-021-000831 9 Facility Unit: Fixed Containers on Site 1 Days On Site 365 Location within this Facility Unit CTR OF SITE Map: Grid: CAS # o STATE - TYPE Liquid Mixture PRESSURE Ambient TEMPERATURE Ambient CONTAINER TYPE DRUM/BARREL-METALLIC Largest Container 55.00 GAL AMOUNTS AT THIS LOCATION Daily Maximum 110.00 GAL Daily Average 55.00 GAL %Wt. HAZARDOUS COMPONENTS IChlorinated Paraffin ~ No CAS # 01 HAZARD ASSESSMENTS TSecret RS BioHaz Radioactive/Amount EPA Hazards NFPA USDOT# MCP No No No No/ Curies F / / / Min f= Inventory Item 0005 = COMMON NAME / CHEMICAL NAME UNOCAL MP GEAR LUBE LS 85W - 140 Facility Unit: Fixed Containers on Site 1 Days On Site 365 Location within this Facility Unit Map: Grid: CAS # STATE - TYPE Liquid Mixture PRESSURE Ambient TEMPERATURE Ambient CONTAINER TYPE DRUM/BARREL-METALLIC Largest Container 55.00 GAL AMOUNTS.AT THIS LOCATION Daily Maximum 55.00 GAL Daily Average 27.00 GAL %Wt. I HAZARDOUS COMPONENTS ~ CAS # HAZARD ASSESSMENTS TSecret RS BioHaz Radioactive/Amount EPA Hazards NFPA USDOT# MCP No No No No/ Curies F I / / UnR -6- 02/05/2007 SiteID: 015-021-000831 9 Fast Format 1 Overall Site 9 04/05/2006 F MAX OIL CORP I p= Notif./Evacuation/Medical Agency Notification CALL 911 IN CASE OF EMERGENCY. SPILLS EQUAL TO OR EXCEEDING 42 GALLONS, 500 LBS, OR 200 CF MUST BE REPORTED IMMEDIATELY TO BOTH: BAKERSFIELD FIRE DEPARTMENT 911 CALIFORNIA OES 800-852-7500 SPILLS OF ANY SIZE WHICH THREATEN LIFE, HEALTH, OR THE ENVIRONMENT MUST ALSO BE REPORTED. Employee Notif./Evacuation 03/16/1994 IN CASE OF FIRE CALL 911; LEAVE LEASE AREA; UTILIZIE FIRE FIGHTING EQUIPMENT IF POSSIBLE. Public Notif./Evacuation 03/23/2006 CALL 911 IN CASE OF FIRE OR EMERGENCY. FOLLOW DIRECTIONS OF LOCAL EMERGENCY SERVCIES REPRESENTATIVE DURING CLEAN-UP PROCEDURE. Emergency Medical Plan 03/16/1994 EMERGENCY DIAL 911 FOR FIRE OR MEDICAL. -7- 02/05/2007 SiteID: 015-021-000831 9 Fas t Format 1 Overall Site 9 03/16/1994 F MAX OIL CORP I p= Mitigation/Prevent/Abatemt Release Prevention USE OILY DIRT FOR BERMS. IF A SPILL OCCURS IT IS CLEANED UP IMMEDIATELY. Release Containment 03/16/1994 IF A SPILL IS SMALL - SOAK UP WITH DIRT - USE OILY DIRT FOR BERMS OR ROAD PATCH. IF LARGE SPILL - VACUUM TRUCKS RECOVER OIL AND RETURN IT TO TANKS. Clean Up 04/05/2006 NORMAL SPILL CLEAN-UP PROCEDURE FOR OILFIELD. Other Resource Activation -8- 02/05/2007 '- SiteID: 015-021-000831 9 Fast Format 9 Overall Site 9 F MAX OIL CORP I p=Site Emergency Factors Special Hazards Utility Shut-Offs A) GAS - NONE B) ELECTRICAL - NW CRNR OUTSIDE BLOCK WALL C) WATER - OUTSIDE E BLOCK WALL BET GATES ON VIA DELICA D) SPECIAL - NONE E) LOCK BOX - NO 12/28/2006' Fire Protec./Avail. Water 12/28/2006 PRIVATE FIRE PROTECTION - FIRE EXTINGUISHER FIRE HYDANT - CRNR VIA DELICA & VIA CONTENTO ~uilding Occupancy Level 03/23/2006 2 EMPLOYEES -9- 02/05/2007 ..i '"' l! ~ " f MAX OIL CORP I p= Training Employee Training SiteID: 015-021-000831 9 Fast Format 9 Overall Site 9 12/28/2006 MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEETS ON FILE AT DOG HOUSE. BRIEF SUMMARY OF TRAINING PROGRAM: THEY ARE TRAINED IN METHODS FOR SAFE HANDLING OF HAZARDOUS MATERIALS ~ THEY ARE TRAINED IN PROCEDURES FOR COORDINATING ACTIVITIES WITH AGENCIES. THEY ARE ALSO TRAINED IN PROPER USE OF SAFETY EQUIPMENT AND EMERGENCY EVACUATION PROCEDURES. Page 2 Held for Future Use . Held for Future Use -10- 02/05/2007 / MEMORANDUM August 15, 2006 TO: JAMES D. MOVIUS, PLANNING DIRECTOR MARC GAUTHIER, PRINCIPAL PLANNER JIM EGGERT, PRINCIPAL PLANNER JENNIE ENG, PRINCIPAL PLANNER STEVE CHOATE, WATER ENGINEER I BRUCE DEETER, CIVIL ENGINEER III JIM HOLLADAY, CIVIL ENGINEER III RALPH HUEY, DIRECTOR OF ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES TOM JONES, PARK TECHNICIAN JACK LA ROCHELLE, ASSISTANT PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR MARIAN SHAW, CIVIL ENGINEER IV BOB SHERFY, DEPUTY CITY ATTORNEY II KEN TRONE, PARK CONSTRUCTION & FACILITIES PLANNER STEVE WALKER, TRAFFIC ENGINEER BOB WILSON, PUBLIC WORKS SUPERVISOR II KAREN NORTHCUTT, ENVIRONMENTAL CONSULTANT FROM: JAY SABERON, ASSOCIATE PLANNER SUBJECT: GPAlZC NO. 06-0168, STOCKDALE RANCH SPECIFIC PLAN On Wednesday, July 19, 2006, Staff had conducted a scoping session with Castle & Cooke and Hogle-Ireland to discuss the NOP and the draft Stockdale Ranch Specific Plan. The next meeting for Staff to comment on the final Stockdale Ranch Specific Plan is scheduled for Tuesday, September 1, 2006, at 10 a.m. in the Development Services Building (2nd floor conference room). The purpose of this meeting is to review any changes made to the draft specific plan and comment on the proposed project for the purposes of formulatng the Environmental Impact Report. S:\GPA 4th 2006\06-0168 Stockdale Ranch\Staff memo .doc ~ ~,.:~--- " .J ,,,,~\\.~,l' ':.:5..J J <.\ ,..):~ -:; x~' 'J ~, ~ C/o", AJ,7 A~~;"'} ,_ ))~%z)~ ~, "'1 /I ,) j O. /. ,._,') \ iff , ,.J~' . '''-''' " \7\',') :>"--:(",,. , ' ) >,) ('\\1 '/ \ :t./d'" ~ "&)\\\'\ .)0 "F...) , ) ~( \'1 'f.' ,jI \".. ' "\\) \') J l)~fl " .' ", -'pJl \\ ~~\)V\ )1) '~, O}\r"} /'}I \'_'.\" j;. " , U "'.1;! :.I \. t t, f:;~-.) ~f :J )dli} ,/ i > \.~ ;,~q~) '1 V (.J ~,-.i ~;:_;:::) i~) C t.........b ~) \.._f (,~\~ \(' I ( :., \' ,\ 'I -:~\ \. ) \;;,.i ";1..,, .( r ", ->'{/ /J"'" oj. \, ,')1' ,<" --'~" .... -/f~""'" ,.. ..:~!r/"' '.r,1f . ~> ~'~/ -t" 0 .) .'\. '1) " . }'I. "J ';j \ -,', ()\):))- ; i '"'\ 1 . ... "/'\'..\..(') , -". L ,l., ., ;) '<...\P ''" '~<ij,;~ ,;'b),? (I, ,\.,,):1\" , \\~) '.j ~/.{." I J . J\." ;j , \,,\(., I ,t ("'''' .. 'Y' i,) - I ~ if V-K=. J \:.~ c>~ ~J ;;}(.) .....) , f..;;:J '. .'>;.j ~ ,.",;.:J ,;:,r~ r.:jl- ,'.):.1 ~;. ~~ ':::; >;, ;':' ,. :: I':' ~ " " I'). \. ~,: " 0 Stockdale Ranch Specific Plan Bakersfield, California ':'J;:> 'J' : ) ,') ..:' 'J ;;,) \) - ',) ..1 ,;; ,.J 1'>" , \21 ,; , )\ ) 1'!,' <t-.' ~ ~ '. Il ~.. J ~J .< ,/ ,\ " ') \ t ./ .~ \ ,) ~ .'\ "'" ,~ __ '-'" ":'. ~'~ 1'" .~_) :-, - '-..;; \:; ,I,d /'- ' ,; .,j '"'>" .-. 'J ,) Y (')<) )i)V . ,~' ',.1\') ,>" \ . - ),),) 'e) '!~'-7' I - " . I J !)~. .r".t --;) _j //!) /1 :" 'J../) .; ,) T/ } { /' ,', ;; '-1 i),^' .-}, I ,:;0 \J/)'.:) -:l/') j ) :"i' ., , \,: " JJj "~~. ..tv..' '_. :.,,;..~...,J' ,1/ ,.;: /;) ..,;. \ -....~ .-i-- ~~.r.""- August 200.6 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I STOCKDALE RANCH SPECIFIC PLAN ACKNO\VLEDGEMENTS Bakersfield Mayor and City Council . Honorable Harvey Hall - Mayor . Honorable Irma Carson - Councilmember, Ward 1 . Honorable Sue Benham - Councilmember, Ward 2 . Honorable Mike Maggard - Councilmember, Ward 3 and Vice Mayor . Honorable David Couch - Councilmember, Ward 4 . Honorable Harold Hanson - Councilmember, Ward 5 . Honorable J acquie Sullivan - Councilmember, Ward 6 . Honorable Zack Scrivner - Councilmember, Ward 7 Bakersfield City Manager . Alan Tandy Planning Commission . W. Edward (Ted) Blockley . Tom McGuinnis · RussellJohnson . Barbara Lomas . John S, Spencer · Jeffrey Tkac . Murray Tragish Development Services Department · Stanley Grady - Development Services Director · Jim Movius - Planning Director . Marc Gauthier - Advance Planning, Principal Planner . Jennie Eng - Current Planning, Principal Planner Public Works Department · Raul M. Rojas - Public Works Director . Jacques R. LaRochelle - Assistant Public Works Director August 2006 1 STOCKDALE RANCH SPECIFIC PLAN [This page intentionally left blank] . < ~ 11 August 2006 I I I I -I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I II I I I I I I .1 I I I I I .1 I TABLE OF CONTENTS August 2006 1 Table of Contents Acknowledgements.................................................................................................................................,..............,...., i 1 Introduction ............................ ................................................................... ................................................ ....... 5 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6 1.7 2 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 3 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 3.5 3.6 4 4.1 4.2 4.3 5 5.1 5.2 5.3 5.4 5.5 5,6 6 7 8 8.1 8.2 8.3 8.4 8.5 8.6 9 9.1 PURPOSE ...........................................................................................................................,......,...............,.................... 5 THE VISION ..........................,...,....................................,....................,............................,............................................. 5 SITE BACKGROUND .....................,.............,......................................................,.....,....,..........,.,.............,....................5 PLANNING AUTHORITY .......,................................................"................".....,..................,....................,............,....... 5 CEQA REQUIREMENTS .,.....................................................................................,.............................,..........,...,......... 6 CONSISTENCY WITH THE GENERAL PLAN ...............................................,................,.,.......,....................................6 SPECIFIC PLAN REQUIREMENTS..,..............................................................................,.........................,..............,..... 6 Project Description ...... ......... ,.,.... ............................... ................................. ...... ............................................. 11 LOCATION ,.............,..............................................................................................,..................................:................... 11 SURROUNDING LAND USES ...................................................................................................................................... 11 PHYSICAL CHARACTERISTICS ...................,............................................................,............,................................,.... 11 PROJECT SUMMARY ......,.............,...................................................,.......................................................................... 11 Land Use....... .............,.... ........... ........ ................................... .......,...................,............................. ...... ............ ..15 VILLAG ES... ...... ...... ,.............. ........ ....... ,..... .......... ...................... .... ... ..... .............., ..,.. ........, ............. ............... ........ ..... .15 RELATIONSHIP To THE METROPOUT AN BAKERSFIELD GENERAL PLAN .............,............................................15 STOCKDALE RANCH SPECIFIC PLAN GENERAL PLAN LAND USE DESIGNATIONS ...........................................16 DENSITY AVERAGING ..........,.,.............................,.,.............................,...............,..,.,...........,...,.......,.........................19 DWELLING UNIT LIMITA nON ...........,.................,..........................................."......................................,................19 LIMITATION ON COMMERCIAL AREAS ................................,.........................................,........................................20 Circulation ........ ... ... .......... ........... ........ .................................................. ...... ................... ......... ,....................... 23 THE CONCEPT .,.......,....,.........,...,...........,.,...........,.............................................................................,.......,............... 23 ROADWAY SYSTEM ................,........, ...............,....,. ,..,..................,................................................................,......,..... 23 TRAIL SYSTEM AND PEDESTRIAN ACCESS........,.,. ...............,...............,.........,...................,........ ......................,..... 24 Conservation ,.......................................,.............................................,...........,................................................55 INTRODUCTION......................................................................................."....................,........,.................................,.55 BIOLOGICAL AND NA ruRAL RESOURCES ......,..............,.,...,...............,...............,.......................,..........................55 GEOLOGIC AND GEOTECHNICAL RESOURCES ...................,...............,...........,...,............................................,.....55 STORMW A TER MANAGEMENT ......,...........,.......,..................................,....,..................,........,...............,...............,.55 AIR QUALITY ......................,.................................,........................,.........,.........,................,.....................,.....,...,.....,.56 CULTURAL RESOURCES....................................,.,...........................,..............."....,.................,..............."..,...........,.56 Noise.................................................................................................,....................................,.................,.........59 Safety......................,. ,........ ........... ............................................................................. ....... ,.................................61 Public Services &; Facilities..... ........ .,..........,................................,............................... ................... ..,... ...... 63 WATER SySTEM...............................................,..........................................................,.........,..............,.,....,.............. 63 WASTEWATER DISPOSAL SYSTEM ...............................,..............................,......................,...................,................ 63 SOLID W ASTE........................,....................................,.............................................................,...............,................. 63 SCHOOL F ACILITIES....................................................................................................,..............................................64 PROJECT UTILITY SYSTEMS .:..................................................................................................................,.................64 STREET LIGHTING .,............................................................."....................................................................................69 Parks And Open Space............................................................................................................,................,..... 71 PUBLIC PARKS ........, ...............,.. ......... ..,.... ....... ,......... .... ....... "............ ......~. ... ...... .,... ....,... .............. .........,. .... .... ..... .,..71 TABLE OF CONTENTS 2 9.1.1 9.2 10 10.1 10.1.1 10.1.2 10.2 10.3 lOA 10.4.1 10.4.2 10.4.3 10.4.4 II 12 12.1 12.2 12.3 12.4 12.5 12.6 . 126.1 12.6.2 12.6.3 12.6.4 12.6.5 12.6.6 12.6.7 12.7 12.8 13 13.1 13.1.1 13.1.2 13.1.3 13.1.4 13.2 13.2.1 13.2.2 13.2.3 13.2.4 13.2.5 13.2. 6 13.3 14- 14.1 14.2 Minor Adjustments to Final Park Locations.........................................................,....................... Error! Bookmark not defined PRIVATE PARKS AND OTHER OPEN SPACE .,........................................................................................................... 75 Development Standards ...................................................................,..,........................................................ 79 COMMUNIIT DESIGN ................................................................,..........".............................,.................................... 79 Design Context.............................................................,............:.........................,....,..............,......,.....,..................,.....,...,..........,.......,.................................,... 79 Design Principles ......................,.........................................................,......,.,.,.....,..,......,...,.....,.,.........,..,.,..,..,....,.,.......,............,..............,...............,....,.,.....,.80 RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENT ST ANDARDS.......................,............,....................................................................... 83 COMMERCIAL DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS ..............,..,.....,.........................................................................,........ 86 ADDITIONAL DEVELOPMENT ST ANDARDS..........................................,......,.................................................,..........87 Height of Buildings ' Roof Structure, Chimneys and T owt:rS..............................................................................................................,.......,.,.. 87 Accessory Buildings,..........,..................................................................................,..................,...............................................................................................88 Yard Encroachments ....................................................................................,.........................,...............................................................................................88 Signs ....................................................................................,............................................................,.............................,............................................................,.... 89 Development Phasing ....................................................................................................................................91 Specific Plan Implementation ..........................................,.............................................................,............95 ApPLI CABILIIT ..". ,...... ....... ..... ........ ..... ........... .... ................. ................ .... ...... ...... ......... ... .... .... ..... ...... ..... ..........., ... .,. 95 SEVERABILIIT ....... ............... ....... ....... ..... ...... .............. :....... .... ........... .... ............... ........ .... .... ......... ........ ............... ...,.. 95 INTERPRETATION ....................................................,............................................................:.................................... 95 AMENDMENTS TO THE SPECIFIC PLAN ..............,..................,.......,.....,..........,....................,...............,.................. 95 SUBSTANTIAL CONFORMANCE WITH THE SPECIFIC PLAN ................................................................................. 96 REQUIRED ACTIONS TO IMPLEMENT THE PROJECT,.........,.."...........,.............................,..........::....................,...96 Environmental Impact Report....................................................................................................................:.,....:............................,..................................96 General plan Amendments ................................................,.........................,.......................,......,........,:.,............................................................................96 Approval of Specific Plan .......................................,.....................................,.......,..........,..............,..........,..........................................................................96 Approval of Zoning........................................................................,.......,....,.........,............................................................._.............................................,......97 Approval of SubdiviSion Maps ............................................,.................................................................................................................,........................... 97 Homeowners Association..................................................................,........,...................................................................,...,.................................................97 Architectural Review Committee ,.............................................................................................................................................'....................,................ 97 LANDSCAPE MAINTENANCE .......................,..........................................................................................,....,............ 98 DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT .............................,........................,............................:.,............,................................ 99 Zoning Regulations .................,................................................................................................,...................101 GENERAL PURPOSE ................................................,....,........,..,....,....,..................................................,.................... 101 Application......................................................,.........,...............................................................................................,................................................................ 101 . References........................................,.....,..................................................................................................................................................................................... 101 Resolution of Issues ...,.......................................................................,.............................._.....................................................:............................................. 101 Severability ....................................,..........:..................................................................._..............,.............................................................................................102 GENERAL PROVISIONS.......,........................................................................................................................,...,........102 Zoning Map and Zoning Process................................_..............................................................._...........................................................................,.....102 Compliance with Specific Plan .....:..................:............................................................,..................................................................................................105 H ierarchy ....................................................................................................................._...............,.............................................................................................105 Site Plan Approval Process ............................................................................................................:..............:...................,........................:......................1 05 Legal Nonconforming Uses ............:...........................,.............................................,.......,..........,..................................................,............,.............,.......106 Definitions .........................,.........................................................:..............................._....,.....,..................................................................................................1 06 ZONING DISTRICTS AND PERMITTED USES ....................,......,.........................................................,...................106 Project Financing ........ ...... .............................................. ..... .................................... ... ...... .......'.......:. ,........... 119 BACKGROUND............................................................................................................c.............................................. 119 PROJECT FINANCING ...........................................,..............,.......,........................................................................,.... 119 August 2006 I' I I I I I I I I I I I I I' I I I I I I I TABLE OF CONTENTS I I I 14.2.1 Special AssessmOlt Districts.................................................,........................................................................................................................,................120 14.22 Community Facilities Districts...........................................................................................................................................................................,.........120 14,2.3 Community Services Districts ................................................................................................,.................................................,....................................120 14.2.4 Landscaping and Lighting Districts.........,....................................................................................,...........................................................................120 14.2.5 Debt Financing.....................................................,............................................................................................................................,............................,.........121 14.2.6 Dc:vdopmOlt Agrc:c:mOlt..............................,....................................................................,.........,.................................................,......................................121 14.2.7 U til ity Districts ................................................,...............................................................................................................................,......................................121 I List of Exhibits I I EXHIBIT 1..1.. ANNEXATION AREA ,..............,...............................,......................... ..................,............................................. 9 EXHIBIT 2..1.. REGIONAL CONTEXT MAP .............................. ..........,...................................................................................13 EXHIBIT 2.. 2.. VICINITI MAP ...................................................,.........,...................................................................................13 EXHIBIT 3..1.. GENERAL PLAN LAND USE DESIGNATIONS.............,...................................................................................17 EXHIBIT 4..1.. CIRCULATION PLAN ................................,..................................................................................................... 27 EXHIBIT 4.. 2.. ARTERIAL (STOCKDALE HIGHWAY) .......................,................,.,............................................................... 29 EXHIBIT 4.. 3.. COLLECTOR (WITH NO ON STREET PARKING )........,...........................,.........................,............................31 EXHIBIT 4..4 .. COLLECTOR (WITH ON STREET PARKING )................................................................................................33 EXHIBIT 4..5.. LOCAL COLLECTOR (WITH ON STREET PARKING )...................,................................,............,................. 35 EXHIBIT 4..6.. TOWN CENTER (WITH ON STREET PARKING)...,.......................................,..................,...........................37 EXHIBIT 4..7.. TYPICAL TRAFFIC CIRCLE/ROUNDABOUT ...........,.........,..............................................,....................,......39 EXHIBIT 4..8.. RESIDENTIAL LANE .......................,..............................................................,................................................ 41 EXHIBIT 4..9.. RESIDENTIAL LANES AT INTERSECTION ................,..............................,.................,....,............................. 43 EXHIBIT 4..10.. RESIDENTIAL STREETS (WITH NO ON STREET PARKING) ......,..,...............,.....,..........,........................... 45 EXHIBIT 4..11.. RESIDENTIAL STREETS (WITH PARKING ON ONE SIDE) .........................,...........................,....................47 EXHIBIT 4..12.. RESIDENTIAL STREETS (WITH PARKING ON ONE SIDE) .........,...............................,............................... 49 EXHIBIT 4..13 .. RESIDENTIAL STREETS (WITH PARKING ON BOTH SIDES) .....,.....................,....................,.......,......,......51 EXHIBIT 4..14 .. TRAILS PLAN ................,........,......................................................,....",...,...............,...........,......... ......,........ 53 EXHIBIT 5..1.. STORM DRAIN PLAN ...............,...................,...........................,.......,..... ,......................... ..............,............. ... 57 EXHIBIT 8..1.. UTILITY CONCEPT PLAN - W ATER..................,..........................,............................,..,....,.......................... 65 EXHIBIT 8..2.. UTlLITI CONCEPT PLAN'" SEWER .............................................,.....................................................,.........67 EXHIBIT 9..1.. PUBLIC OPEN SPACE PLAN .,.,.,.....................................................................................................................73 EXHIBIT 9.. 2 .. PRIVATE OPEN SPACE PLAN .,............................................................................................................,.......,. 77 EXHIBIT 11..1.. PROJECT PHASING .................,......,.....................................................................................................,.......,.93 EXHIBIT 13..1.. ZONING MAP ....................,....,.................,..................................................................................................103 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I August 2006 3 TABLE OF CONTENTS. I 4 [This page intentionally left blank] August 2006 I II I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I INTRODUCTION I INTRODUCTION 1.1 PURPOSE The objectives of the Stockdale Ranch Specific Plan are to create a high quality, master planned community which provides needed housing stock and commercial and industrial services for the rapidly growing population of the Bakersfield community and which provides jobs and economic opportunities in a manner consistent with the goals and policies of the Metropolitan Bakersfield General Plan. While meeting these objectives, this Specific Plan seeks to direct orderly growth in, and provide adequate levels of service to the Specific Plan area while also addressing public concerns relating to traffic and circulation, noise, public safety, air quality, and other issues arising from new development. 1.2 THE VISION The new community proposed by the Stockdale Ranch Specific Plan is based on a strong emphasis of good stewardship, self-governance, attention to design detail, and faithful execution of the vision. A key aspect of the planning envisions a community with a system of open space, parks, trail linkages, recreation areas and community facilities. This vision is embodied in a plan for a community where emphasis is placed on open space, architectural diversity, pedestrian and mixed use opportunities and distinct neighborhoods developed in a coordinated, master planned manner so that each element complements other elements of the plan. 1.3 SITE BACKGROUND The project site is located within the City of Bakersfield Sphere of Influence area and requires annexation into the City. The Annexation Area is shown on Exhibit 1-1. Upon annexation, the Specific Plan will serve as the governing planning document for the entire project area as well as providing the zoning designations and development standards, The City of Bakersfield General Plan map will be amended to identify this area as the Stockdale Ranch Specific Plan and land use designations as set forth by this Specific Plan will be shown. 1.4 PLANNING AUTHORITY The Stockdale Ranch Specific Plan has been prepared in conformance with the State of California Government Code Section 65450 et seq., the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA), the Metropolitan Bakersfield General Plan, and all other applicable codes and ordinances of the City of Bakersfield. August 2006 5 6 August 2006. I ' I II I I I I I I I I I I I II II I I I I INTRODUCTION 1.5 CEQA REQUIREMENTS To comply with the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) an Environmental Impact Report (ErR) has been prepared for the Specific Plan. Later projects which are consistent with and implement the Specific Plan (such as subdivision maps) and which fall "within the scope" of the project analyzed in the EIR should require no further environmental action. Accordingly, pursuant to Government Code Section 65457, it is anticipated that no additional ErR or negative declaration will be required for "any residential project, including any subdivision, or any zoning change that is undertaken to implement and is consistent with a specific plan." 1.6 CONSISTENCY WITH THE GENERAL PLAN The Stockdale Ranch Specific Plan serves as the planning tool for the implementation of the Metropolitan Bakersfield General Plan. The Specific Plan was developed based on guiding principles set forth in the Metropolitan Bakersfield General Plan and is in compliance with provisions of the General Plan, Upon adoption of the Stockdale Ranch Specific Plan, the Metropolitan Bakersfield General Plan Land Use Map will be revised to designate tite project area as the Stockdale Ranch Specific Plan. Refer to Chapter 3 Land Use for a detailed discussion of the Specific Plan General Plan land use designations. 1.7 SPECIFIC PLAN REQUIREMENTS Section 65450 et seq. of the Government Code s.ets forth basic requirements and provisions for Specific Plans. Section 65451 of the Government Code requires that specific plans include text and a diagram or diagrams that specify all of the following: · The distribution, location and the extent of the uses of land, including open space within the area covered by the plan. · The proposed distribution, location, and extent and intensity of major components of public and private transportation, sewage, water,. drainage, solid waste disposal, energy, and other essential facilities proposed to be located within the area covered by the plan and needed to support the land uses described in the plan. · Standards and criteri;1 by which development will proceed, and standards for the conservation, development, and utilization of natural resources, . where applicable. · A program of implementation measures including regulations, programs, public works projects, and financing measures necessary to carry out the first three paragraphs. I il I I. I I I I I ,I I I I I I I I I I I INTRODUCTION · A statement of the relationship of the specific plan to the general plan. The Stockdale Ranch Specific Plan has been developed in accordance with these provisions. August 2006 7 INTRODUCTION 8 I' I II II I I I: I I I I I I I ' I II I I I I I [This page intentionally left blank] August 2006 I I ' I I I II I I I :1 I I II I I I I I I I I I I I I STOCKDALE RANCH SPECIFIC PLAN ~ 0 g 0 ~ <3 0 ~ ~ t:z:: ~ :I: 0 ffi ~ ~ t:z:: ~ ~ ~ ~ 0 :I: ~ Z C"/i ROSEDALE HIGH WAY r-.-..- -.....--. L-_..~ '.'J Q STOCKDALE HIG IWAY ~ ~ Vj PROJECl rSITE ~ ~ ." ...'~I ~ i- ,.,/.' ...--.....-"""" , r. ! I ~ u r-.-.' !-..-..j , r-.-..-.....- ..- / .....J ,.,.,/,.,., . .-........ '-'. /.'. /'... /'.'.. LEGEND r--'-. : ---I CITY OF BAKERSFIELD BOUNDARY D AREA TO BE ANNEXED EXHIBIT 1-1 ANNEXATION AREA August 2006 . I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I !I PROJECT DESCRIPTION 2 PROJECT DESCRIPTION 2.1 LOCATION The Stockdale Ranch Specific Plan is located directly adjacent to the western boundary of the City of Bakersfield, in an unincorporated area within the central portion of Kern County. The project area is approximately 566 acres and is located to the south of Stockdale Highway and north of the Cross Valley Canal and Kern River Parkway. The eastern boundary of the project site abuts the city limits at Locksley Lane, while the western boundary is bordered by the future extension of Nord Avenue, adjacent to unincorporated land. The proposed West Beltway and Westside Parkway will bisect the plan area, with the Westside ParkwayIWest Beltway Interchange to the northeast of Stockdale Ranch. Exhibit 2~ I is a Regional Context Map showing the location of the Stockdale Ranch Specific plan and Exhibit 2~ 2 is a Vicinity Map. 2.2 SURROUNDING LAND USES A mixture of uses surrounds the Stockdale Ranch Specific Plan project area. To the north of the project site are scattered residential tracts and vacant parcels designated for a range of densities from Rural Residential (2.5 du/ac) to Suburban Residential (4 du/ac). Immediately south of the project site is the Cross Valley Canal and further south is the Kern River. A portion of the southern boundary is bordered by land designated as Intensive Agriculture, with a minimum lot size of 20 acres and the remaining southern portion is bordered by land designated for Open Space-Parks. The eastern boundary of the project site abuts vacant land that will be developed as a new residential housing tract. 2.3 PHYSICAL CHARACTERISTICS The site is generally flat and is characterized by agricultural land production and a small agricultural and heavy equipment maintenance and storage building and yard. Dirt farm roads cross though and around the site, mostly connecting at right angles with the surrounding paved public roads. Three earthen sumps occupy portions of the site. 2.4 PROJECT SUMMARY The proposed project is a comprehensive plan for a high quality, master planned community on a 566 acre site of unincorporated land near the City of Bakersfield. The master plan includes 2,483 residential units, 53 acres of mixed use (including residential units and approximately 359,370 square feet of commercial, office, and retail), and 138 acres of right~of~way. Parks, open space, and school uses will be August 2006 II 12 August 2006 I I I' II I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I PROJECT DESCRIPTION included within the acreage dedicated to residential uses. Approximately 18 acres of public parks will be provided and one school site approximately 12 acres in size. The project includes a request for approval of a General Plan Amendment and adoption of a Specific Plan. In addition the project includes a request for annexation of the project site because it is not currently within the existing City boundary. A Development Agreement is being processed concurrently with the Specific Plan. Land uses and approximate: acreages are shown on Table 2.1: , TABLE 2.1 CONCEPTUAL LAND USE SUMMARY SR-LR (Stockdale Ranch Low Density Residential) SR-LMR (Stockdale Ranch Low Medium Density Residential) SR-HMR (Stockdale Ranch High Medium Density Residential) SR-HR (Stockdale Ranch High Density Residential) SR-RI (Stockdale Ranch One Family Dwelling Zone) SR-R2 (Stockdale Ranch Limited Multiple Family Dwelling Zone) SR-R2 (Stockdale Ranch Limited Multiple Family Dwelling Zone) SR-R3 (Stockdale Ranch Limited Multiple Family Dwelling Zone) SR-TC (Stockdale Ranch Town Center) Right-of-way 72 194 71 38 SR-MU (Stockdale Ranch Mixed Use) Right-of-way Total 53 138 566 I I. I. I I I. I I I I I I I I I I I I I STOCKDALE RANCH SPECIFIC PLAN \{ \, "'.\" \, t "".,.:~\~-~' '--".'., \ \\... '\\\.. '\,-.......... \ \,\ "\ "Shaft~r -'-~\-/ \ \\ \ ",""", \ \ \, \,,-, '--'\ ~ rj~" \ '\ ',.,,\ "'\, \ i (~\.____/l j \ '\, "~"'" " __--.," \, 99 .~ildale ,~ , -.", \ \.. , ,\ Cl ~ ......., '.. -~. 1 ~ ( "\" """, l, ,-,~,,- Rosedale. C)'Gf{;Pac S~'1.~"~~ \'-___~ '\ "_ _ _. _ / ;r 7:Bake!~field ......" "'" "'-,) . "..-.' "./ I "'-, "~ \ .,P-rOj~~t.---) I '\ " ~@-""'. r-./ .~~~" -~~_/Sit~//(/f' '\,' ~ \ . .r"5l$t~'-' \~~--( ,. ' / Panama, ( , """"" \ \ " (/0 'fJLamonl> ~ Patch -;/-..:~ /..;' j / t\ 0\, ( Buena.VJsta / \ . \ Lake Bed_./ J \ \"\."oArvin !,-~,." ."i ~ lordCity \. _f j ~aft Heightso';j, ./ i1. South Taft.( :-1 '\.~. o 2000 Microsoi~ ~ocp...;tndLot. its suppliers. all'righ.ts ;ese[\.cd.-....... f f r--~ ~...../ f \ @ \ Exhibit 2-1: Regional Context Map '..."'........~ -~ ~r""' ----/ /1 //------------.. .,,/ '~ _-----PROJECT .// SITE ~---"" -_..// .r~,//'-- .~= " "'\ /""'----------/---~ ~ / ( ).(,/ ) .-/ " ...--/ ./ ./ /"..-/ /.....r ./"- /" Exhibit 2- 2: Vicinity Map August 2006 . I I I I , I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I LAND USE PLAN 3 LAND USE 3.1 VILLAGES Villages are established as the preferable increments of growth and an effective way to organize the overall project design. The Specific Plan will be developed with three residential villages surrounding the Village Center District. The boundaries of the village areas are depicted in Exhibit 3~ 1. The Village Center District will function as the activity center of the Specific Plan containing retail commercial, offices, and higher density residential uses. Important community service and recreational amenities for the entire development are located in this area. The Town Center (TC) area will function as the core of the Village Center and will be a mixed use zone with opportunities for higher density residential uses intermixed with or above the commercial uses. Live/work opportunities are provided for in this area. The three villages (A through C) surrounding the Village Center District contain varying densities of residential development, These villages support and are provided services by the Village Center. All of the villages will be interconnected by trails and will contain open space and recreational opportunities. 3.2 RELATIONSHIP To THE METROPOLITAN BAKERSFIELD GENERAL PLAN The Metropolitan Bakersfield General Plan recognizes that land use designations used in specific plans may not match those land use designations set forth in the General Plan.l Furthermore, the Metropolitan Bakersfield General Plan states that: To determine exact land use designations within presently existing, or any subsequently adopted, specific plans, it is necessary to refer to those adopted documcnts2. Therefore, upon approval of this Specific Plan, the Metropolitan Bakersfield General Plan Land Use Map was amended to designate the plan area as the Stockdale Ranch Specific Plan and the exact land use designations are provided in Section 3.3 of the Stockdale Ranch Specific Plan. ] Page 11-5 of the Metropolitan Bakersfield General Plan, states that "Adopted city and county specific plans are provided for on the Land Use Plan Map. Where this plan's land use designations do not reflect precisely the specific plan designations, they do approximate the specific plan designations. For example, this plan's "LR" designation (1-7.26 DU/net acre) approximates the Kern River Plan's 5.35 designation (4-8 DU/acre)." 2 Page 1-6, Metropolitan Bakersfield General Plan August 2006 IS 16 August 2006 I I I I I I I I I I II I I I I I I I I LAND USE PLAN 3.3 STOCKDALE RANCH SPECIFIC PLAN GENERAL PLAN LAND USE DESIGNATIONS The land use designations for the Stockdale Ranch Specific Plan are depicted on Exhibit 3~ I and are described as follows: SR~LR - Stockdale Ranch Low Density Residential (SR~LR~less than or equal to 7.26 dwelling units/net acre): Single~family detached and attached housing, including townhomes, typical of tract developments and may include parks, water elements, and churches. SR~LMR - Stockdale Ranch Low Medium Density Residential (SR~LMR~less than or equal to 10.0 dwelling units/net acre). Single~family detached and attached housing, including townhomes, duplexes, zero lot line developments, and small multiple~family structures, such as triplexes, which require a full array of urban services and may. include parks, water elements, and churches. SR~HMR - Stockdale Ranch High Medium Density Residential (SR~HMR~less than or equal to 17.42 dwelling units/net acre). Single~family detached and attached housing, including townhomes, duplexes, zero lot line developments, and small to large multiple~family structures, which require a full array of urban services and may include parks, water elements, and churches. . SR~HR- Stockdale Ranch High Density Residential (SR~HR~less than or equal to 72.6 dwelling units/net acre): Single~family detached and attached housing, including townhomes, duplexes, zero lot line developments, and small to large multiple~family structures. Primarily composed of large multiple~family structures, such as apartment, apartment hotels, and condominiums and may include parks, water elements, and churches. SR~MU - Stockdale Ranch Mixed Use (SR~MU~max. 3.0 FAR): Major commercial centers combining professional office, major retail and commercial support services. This designation provides for intensive development, characteristic of a commercial center within the city. It also provides the opportunity for integration of medium and high density residential uses in conjunction with commercial activities in order to create an active street life, enhance personal safety by ensuring the presence of people in the streets at different times, and promote the . viability of businesses. The designation may include parks and water elements. I II I I I I II :1 II I 'I I I I I I I I I Tf " //1 \~_/'I rp ~ ;j' / /; Y' il/./~ II // / 0, , I fAr ~ )~'// i ~I 1 Il /)///ff1! i!~~W ~ z I ~ 1 1 .;::/ /(/ !i i I /;/ B ~ w , ~:: ~;j// ~/ 1 ll~ ;;f :s ~ ~ , g:J I; -'/' / / 'T 1'1 II u -< 0 ' ....1 1 11// // I' I _1'1_11_11_11_11_:iI/" )"'-11_1~11/f1. "_11_11-11 7l.ii ---~ II III / . / ~------..: : I I "'/A/ ~"\ I! ili - u /. / ~i Jii '//' ,/ \1\1. i ./ /.' Ii j // ." P II SR-MU~// /' / Ii" Ii ~ iil . Ii I / /' Ii ! /' . ,/, 'j , ~ . / I: /// .~ CT /'/.' /// . ~/ / .~ ~/. /o' ~/~~ //~::/~/ /( "~.. ~ .,/# .<';.0 \\ /~ d/ '~~~ '. ~- ~~ /~17 ~' ~::----- ~ \1 ....~ ------.~----- ~-;:::.. \\ I - ~~~-~-~.c'~~~~~~-'-"__CH_~'*_~~-~____~~ ~ : WESTSIDE PARKWAY /~~~---------~:::::~=_~ , ~~~~-~;;S~~~,"L~~~N~~,=-~-'~:-~~==~:==~:-'-'=~==-= =.~= .=~._.jC-=~=____________ ___ ----JI--~lL; 11 f-.II r~- I Ii ;..:lll! i I i ~ ~ i I i! co i I i i: E-' i I ! I [/) II : '! ~li Ii ~ii II II II " !i Ii Ii II ii !! ii II [',:1, ii STOCKDALE RANCH SPECIFIC PLAN . wi I r/) ::J I I I a ~I 1 -.-J STOCKDALE HIGHWAY ~ ~ I 1 w~ 11_11_11__1 _II_II _11_ I I.IW II __1_11_11_11_11_1 ffil ~- ~i z_ I - - _ _ _ J - SR-LR SR-HMR mEan ffi8IHE ffiIIE [! II ~8I ~ [OtiIBffii SR-LR SR-HMR VILLAGE A SR-LMR SR-LMR SR-LMR SR-LMR ----- --j------------------------------- 1-------------------------------- , I __________~~<1_____-~-j I LEGEND I SR-LR I Stockdale Ranch Low Density I SR-LMR I Stockdale Ranch Low Medium Density tSR-HMR I Stockdale Ranch High Medium Density _ Stockdale Ranch High Density ~:':~R,::~U I Stockdale Ranch Mixed Use ,..-..-.. : _ . . .....J Village Boundary .....-." .... Specific Plan Boundary ;_.. EXHIBIT 3-1 GENERAL PLAN LAND USE DESIGNATIONS August 2006 II 'I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I II I LAND USE PLAN 3.4 DENSITY AVERAGING Residential densities for the Stockdale Ranch land use designations are calculated by using the net acreage for each land use designation, in each village. Individual developments may exceed the maximum allowable net density as long as the maximum allowable number of units is not exceeded for the village. To ensure that development is balanced as the project is phased over time and to implement this provision, the following implementation measures shall apply: Implementation Measure L~ 1: At such time that tentative subdivision map approvals reach 75 percent of the total area of a village, the developer shall provide a Conceptual Lotting Plan to the City of Bakersfield Planning Department. The Conceptual Lotting Plan must depict conceptual buildout of the remaining vacant area of the village and must meet the allowable densities for the village3. The Conceptual Lotting Plan must also include a summary table which provides the number of existing and proposed units and a comparison to the dwelling unit limits for the village provided in Table 3.1. Implementation Measure L~ 2: At such time that tentative subdivision map approvals reach 75 percent of the total area of a village, no subsequent subdivision applications submitted for the village shall be deemed complete until a Conceptual Lotting Plan is submitted to the Planning Department. Implementation Measure L~ 3: As part of the annual report submitted to the City of Bakersfield Planning Department, the developer shall provide a detailed dwelling unit count for all villages and a comparison to the dwelling unit limits for the village provided in Table 3.1. 3.5 DWELLING UNIT LIMITATION An important concept of the Specific Plan is flexibility. To allow for flexibility but to ensure that a balance of units is constructed within each village, each village, including the Village Center, has been assigned a minimum and maximum number of residential units. The lower end achieves this balance by requiring that a minimum number of units be constructed within each village. The flexibility is provided by the upper end of the range which represents the maximum number of residential units that may be developed within each village. However, the maximum number of units cannot be constructed in all villages4. The maximum number of units developed in the entire 3 The residential densities shall be calculated by the gross acreage for each land use designation in each village and meet the densities described in Section 3.3 of this Specific Plan. 4 If the maximum number of units is constructed in a village or villages, the number of units in another village or villages must be adjusted so as not exceed a total of 2,483 units for the entire project. August 2006 19 LAND USE PLAN _ Specific Plan area may not exceed 2,483 and all residential development must be in compliance with the zoning shown on Exhibit 13~1 and described in the Specific Plan. Allowing the flexibility to increase and decrease units within the range presented in Table 3.1 provides for flexibility to meet market demands. At the same time, the range and the limit on the total number of units will preserve the village concept and residential densities planned for the villages. The dwelling unit ranges for each village are such that the maximum density allowed for the General Plan Land Use Designation for each village will not be exceeded and by providing a minimum number of units, a minimum density is required. Implementation Measure L~4 The project applicant shall be responsible for submitting a table monitoring this provision at the time each tentative subdivision map is submitted to the City of , Bakersfield Planning Department. The monitoring table shall contain at a minimum, the number of dwelling units for the subdivision( s), by village, and the remaining number of dwelling units for that village. The number of dwelling units shall also be monitored on an annual basis in accordance with the provisions of Section 3.4. TABLE 3.1 DWELLING UNITS Village A Village B Village C Village Center Total 180 96 91 61 428* 393 617 358 370 Total Dwelling Units Not to exceed 2,483 *Note: Total acrea e does not include UMa'or" roads. 3.6 LIMITATION ON COMMERCIAL AREAS Commercial uses within the Stockdale Ranch Specific Plan are limited to a maximum number _of square feet for the Mixed Use land use classification. The following table provides the maximum square feet for the Mixed Use land use designation: TABLE 3.2 COMMERCIAL AREA 20 August 2006 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I II I I I. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I LAND USE PLAN Implementation Measure L~5: The project applicant shall be responsible for submitting a table monitoring this provision at the time each tentative subdivision map is submitted to the City of Bakersfield Planning Department. The monitoring table shall contain at a minimum, the number of square feet for the subdivision( s), and the remaining number of square feet for that land use designation. August 2006 21 LAND USE PLAN 22 [This page intentionally left blank] I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I CIRCULATION 4 CIRCULATION 4.1 THE CONCEPT The circulation system complements the land use plan and implements concepts of Traditional Neighborhood Development. The circulation system consists of roadways, trails, and pedestrian access designed to facilitate attractive, pedestrian~friendly neighborhoods. Traditional Neighborhood Development concepts including narrower streets, shorter blocks, canopy street trees, roundabouts, neck downs and chokers are utilized to calm traffic and achieve this vision. Reducing street widths reduces heat gain and overall ambient temperatures in the community resulting in environmental benefits through energy conservation and reduction of air pollution. Construction and maintenance costs are also reduced, resulting in more affordable neighborhoods. The use of roundabouts also benefits the environment by reducing air pollution through improved vehicular circulation. Roundabouts also provide opportunities for unique landscaping and aesthetic treatments and improved pedestrian circulation. The trail system will provide access to the various elements of the community, including the Town Center, parks, and local schools. These design elements have been incorporated in the Circulation Plan, proposed Street Sections, Trails Plan and the Development Standards in this Specific Plan. 4.2 ROADWAY SYSTEM The backbone roadway system for Stockdale Ranch includes both off~site and on~site public streets. Exhibit 4~ 1 Circulation Plan, depicts this backbone system which consists of arterials, collectors, local collectors, town center streets, and roundabouts. Exhibits 4~ 2 through 4~ 7 provide design details for each of these roadwayss. In addition, sufficient right of way is preserved in the Specific Plan for the future West Beltway and Westside Parkway as shown on the Circulation Plan. The West Beltway is located along a portion of the easterly region of the project area and separates Village B and Village C. The Westside Parkway is located along a portion of the southerly boundary of the Specific Plan along Village A, and separates the Village Center District and Village B. 5 If a deviation from the City's standard street sections is not included in this Specific Plan, it will be requested separately with the subdivision. If the deviation is not requested at subdivision, the City standard shall apply. August 2006 23 24 August 2006 I I I I I I I I I I I I I II I I I I I CIRCULATION Additional interior circulation is provided by residential streets. Exhibits 4~8 through 4~ 13 provide design details for each of the residential streets. The residential streets are designed to create pedestrian~friendly neighborhoods and to enhance safety through traffic calming. Rear access to residential uses through the use of private lanes will be utilized for certain residential products. This eliminates the dominance of garages along the residential streets. The interior roadway system (streets not included in the Circulation Plan) may be a combination of public and private streets, subject to City approval. The use of private streets is a matter directly related to the economic viability of phases of the Specific Plan to be developed in the future, and may be related to then~existing economic, cultural, environmental, or other conditions. Implementation Measure C~ I All public streets shall be constructed by the developer in conformance with the Circulation Plan and street section exhibits provided in the Specific Plan. Implementation Measure C~ 2 Interior streets, not included in the Circulation Plan, will be designed by the developer and approved by the City with subsequent tentative subdivision maps. Residential streets shall be constructed. by the developer in conformance with the residential street sections provided in the Specific Plan. Implementation Measure C~ 3 All residential lanes developed in the project shall be private. Implementation Measure C~4 Private streets and lanes will be maintained by a homeowner's association(s) or other private entity as approved by the City at subdivision. Implementation Measure C~5 The use of access gates on private streets is allowed. 4.3 TRAIL SYSTEM AND PEDESTRIAN ACCESS Bicycle and pedestrian access throughout the project area is an important element in the design concept for the Specific Plan. The trails provide for alternative transportation and recreational opportunities. Exhibit 4~14 depicts the multi~purpose trail system for theproje'ct area. All of the trails are located within the right of way of major streets and are incorporated in the street section exhibits (see Exhibits 4~ 2 to 4~ 7). All project trails shown on the Trails Plan will be ten feet wide and constructed of concrete or asphalt. Additional neighborhood trails providing bicycle and pedestrian connection to parks, schools, water elements and commercial areas will be provided and are an important I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I CIRCULATION element of the more "walkable" community concept. The design and location of these trails will be finalized during the subdivision process. Implementation Measure C~6 The developer shall construct all trails. Trails located within rights~of-way will be constructed at the time associated street improvements are made. Implementation Measure C~ 7 Street improvements plans shall be reviewed by the City to ensure that trails are designed to provide connectivity with existing and future trail segments. Implementation Measure C~8 On~street trails will be maintained by the City or private entity as determined by the classification of the street as private or public. Trails located within open space or parks will be maintained by the same maintenance entity that is responsible for maintenance of that park or open space area and will be determined at subdivision approval. August 2006 25 CrRCULA TrON I 26 I I II I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ' II I I [This page intentionally left blank] August 2006 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - STOCKDALE RANCH SPECIFIC PLAN I I CIl~1 1 I 2~1 1 -.J STOCKDALE HIGHWAY ~ ~ UJ I_'I_II_'I_'I_"_II_'I_'I_'~ :0 Z "'- H "'- 0- Zl I Cl ~I ~I 1;;:1 !;gl 11_11_11_11_11_11_"_11_11 ,'/ -... ? I .~t;~~.:::.-: ,~ / ~:-/':;:' II " // //.. c:' f" ,^ Il:,,~~<~t g ~ '" ,I,j' _.' / II I:' I ~ ~ > I :: /" i ...J::> ; 1 . I j, ,/ . '/ !]! i /' / u <: Cl "_"_"-"-"-"-"-"-"_"_'1_"_"-" -,--,--,--, ,;/-'<~. I; iii / \\ 1i 1M ./ \\:1 C~ 'N I \, i :, , Ii !' II ' Ii II ---------- i.[~Z~~~il:rd~;;~:....;~=:=~=-:=~::.;:.:~;~.. ...-::::,"'---..---------- .. ... ._.. __~._' ..~. __.1:___ '.'--=_=.:""'-"'::'~:-'--'-.~ . ._.___._.____.._..__.~L_._ i " '~j,f,',....~irljl :;'1:""""'-"" .',., ..'....'_.m,'.'_\__ ' ;: , - - - ~;",,"'",/'I i! ~;!! I Ii ....iI! I. ~!!' [i ~i: l I ! ~ il ii ! Ii ;1 I, I; LEGEND _'_I Arterial (Exhibit 4,2) ...- Specific Plan Boundary ~\ i .... Collcctor (Exhibits 4-3. 4-4) ___I Local Collector (Exhibit 4-5) o Roundabout (Exhibit 4-7) EXHIBIT 4-1 CIRCULATION PLAN August 2006 II I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I STOCKDALE RANCH SPECIFIC PLAN ,r-'---'------ WILL INCORPORATE A 10' MULTI- PURPOSE _L___+ TRAIL .-MINIMUM 6' WALL BIKE LANE LrJ~"t,) , ";;-~ ~,Ql"tP o ..: ~ 1>"" €O.~. :~~i~i"> ""_~!"'-~':.',Y ..g.~ \'\,-::-.~ NORTH SIDE ~\, I' ~~- MINIMUM 6' WALL--" I ~ -;~~ ,I . " ._~ I","t ..~ ""~~. 1 ~:.: ' .:7_ t~>.~ BIKE LANE I ~. > ~ 1 ' I I ./ , I i I , ! NORTII Of R.O. W. , , Ii, pN STOCKDALE IIWY 12' l II' : 12' ! 6' !. 6' I., lAND WEST Of R,O,W!. i ) I J I ON NORD AVE. ! -oRivEA:isLE---{-- DRIVE AISLE -{- 'oRlvEAisLE""{- .'---1'iDE"WA('t{----- ---.------~-----( 48' \ --------.------------------------------...-1'- \ I 'I' i n ___..______......_'_._.n._.n..n_.__...__..( i j . I i I ! i : , i j i 10'-25' i 7' I 6'! 12' i 11' i 12' i 7' , 7' ! -1-L^NDSC^P~:-{^NDSC~En_____'{--DRivE-AIsi}.:-.1'..-DRivE'AlSLE'{- DRIVE AISLE f-..----- --f~-.------- f I 48' i 14' I -1--------"~---___-.n_"____------------------------------------1:AN-DS-C^PE-MEDI^'-~ - - - - - - I 110' R.O.W {d_ SIX LANE DMDED EXHIBIT 4-2 ARTERIAL August 2006 . I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I STOCKDALE RANCH SPECIFIC PLAN r"---_-m_.-- 10' MULTI-PURPOSE TRAIL ~ I I Ii' I '! !! i -- 'I" I I ; i i I : i . . : 10' i 9'_14' I 16' : 12' ! 15'-25' ! 12' I 16' i 10'-15' I 5' : 4JLT~puRpo-sE1'LANiisCAPil------DRivE-AlSLE---{---DiUvEAisi.E--l-----i-AN-o-scAPE-MEDiAN----1--oRlvEAIsi-E-1----oRlvi:-AiSLE----<---------LANDSCAPE-----sfoE-wA(K Tj'A'L -- 19'.24': 28' i i' 28' i 15'.20' I .{-----------------------------{----------------------------{- ._{_._________._._._m_._____.m_.___.__{__.___._m______----------------f : 105'-125'R.O.W I -t----..-----..---.-----.-----------.--.---.-.-------.--___.___._.___.___.___m____.___.__________________.___.---------.-f. TYPICAL FOUR LANE DIVIDED WITHOUT PARKING FOUR LANE DIVIDED WITH NO PARKING, A 10' MULTI-PURPOSE TRAIL ON ONE SIDE. KO.W. TO ADJUST/CHANGE WIDTH ON TRANSITION TO EXISTING CITY OF BAKERSFIELD STANDARDS. ~ I 1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1 I I I I 1~1J:.Ll i~IZ 1<e:1~ i~:~ 1r.Ll1~ QI . Vl,ti): ~ -__ I I I '._-;.{~--_._,,+--- I '" ,-. i-' I "\'.,:) I I I I I I 1 I I I I 1 J:.Ll1 ZI ~ I ~: . : ~l . I 01 ~I : 1 1 1 I : 1 ~ ~ E--- J:.Ll Ui o ~ =:> p.. I ~ b ~ :;E EXHIBIT 4-3 COLLECTOR WITH NO ON STREET PARKING *NOTE: MEDIAN OPENINGS NO MORE THAN 1000' APART August 2006 . I I I I I I I I I I I I II I I I I I I I I I !I STOCKDALE RANCH SPECIFIC PLAN r------ 10' MULTI-PURPOSE TRAIL MAY MEANDER WITHIN -~-----__-.l--n---t- LANDSCAPE AREA I k-"u>~ r-pi'~l'L j~J>r~ll.. i ":..fi,,i ~.~ '4:1 '~:';/ i!\ ~.'\ )" .~o , i A "goo i J ;"$;;,,<0 ~t~,.o ~' I V rjlf Ju.. {::~o'."". o' ~ , :':J - . 7t .",'>~..". " I ~~. ~.;. . , ..:' ~;J.o re::::J-i if~<;;'~ ~ '> ~ " <I .;}, .. I ~:t,,1.,~< ,:;jJJ d~IL__'~,'-,;,~,"'~~,'; '-'G,i:;~"~~if;;f . ~ 0 I I I ""I' ",,', '-1";:r~ t~Jf"'.( I I " '/ .1!\~ F7 '~l:-;; ~~ I ~ "~;I! i r 6~ ',II I ~ ~. ~isi ! I ......, l.' l~~ ~ i 4~ : I CP-r--r-I ---f 1--- 'I 11-'1 I : 10' I 8' i 8' 16' I 12' I 15'-25' I 12' . 16' 8' i 10'-15' I 5' ' fJiTI-PURPOSifLANDSCAP{ PARKING'!-ORIVEAISLE 1" oRlvEAISLE'{--u;NDscAPE MEDlAN-~- DRIVE AfsTC1"--ORlVIf'AISLE-{-PARKING'{---LANDSCAPE ---.rs'DEwfcK -.\' TRAIL 26' ~--~-~l J 28' ~_ J 15'-20' ~_ 120'-135' R.O.W -1 5' SIDEWALK MAY----------\ MEANDER WITHIN \ LANDSCAPE AREA \ -{--------c-.------..-'f- i I I i {- i TYPICAL FOUR LANE DIVIDED WITH PARKING FOUR LANE DIVIDED WITH PARKING, AND A 10' MULTI-PURPOSE TRAIL ON ONE SIDE. r-~ it~1 r~-1.~ ~~::rl' ~J I , 1...:1 I~ ~IE-- Z ~ - C/) ...:110 ~I~ Ol~ .~ ~I~ ~ I~ I:E I I I i II I! II \, '^'-, ~ ',,- "" \ II' 1[1 I ! I 1 i 1 )J J R~lO' TYP, f---- I i .~ IZ - I~ ~i~ 10 I . .~ I *NOTE: MEDIAN OPENINGS NO MORE THAN 1000' APART EXHIBIT 4-4 COLLECTOR WITH ON STREET PARKING August 2006 . I I I I I I I II II I I T STOCKDALE RANCH SPECIFIC PLAN /---'---10' MULTI-PURPOSE TRAIL 5' SIDEWALK MAY ----.-. '\ i MAY MEANDER WITHIN MEANDER WITHIN " L_.;:f'r--~~NDSCAPE A~~"\I----s.-?'(NDSCAPE AREA J' r~~\--.,(' I' I '\i~, 'of. '0;,<\ '\ '.! '\ ~ I,. ~~.;; :.?i.\,. :'%.',' ;.t~ .I., A ~ I ".tit c1 ~ J-: t }. . tf'iJ." \ } o l>...J . ,,~'e l" '" ,,' ",;-;:,""'. ~ ...;~ 0 .. ~,.!;~~i..' ",,;~ " D.. I .~ < ";';'~ !;}-~-:-' ~ 0, r ~~1.~* ~ . ~-~ ~ i ' i, i I i j i I I i 10' i 9' 8' I 16' I 12'-22' I 16' i 8' \ 8' I 5' I {ULTI.PURPOsifLANDscArE'j' PARKINU-{ DRIVEA'SLE --f LANDSCArE-MEDIAN-'fDRlvii AISLE-7. PARKING {^NDSCAP{SiD~i.K TRAIL i \ i I I I ! ! ! 1 I 19' ! 24' i I 24' ! 13' I -I'n. . mmm_{ ._.. .nn_+-i'm____m _n . ... .~... nnn-l" i 92'-102' RO.W {.___.___.....n_n......_....___..____.......m._._._...n_._._._._._.m_m_.._._......_._.._...._..___n.___._._..__._._____.._._.__...{- LOCAL COLLECTOR. TYPICAL TWO WAY DIVIDED WITH DESIGNATED PARKING & 10' MULTI-PURPOSE TRAIL R.O.W. TO ADmST/CHANGE WIDTH ~'{\" ON TRANSITION TO EXISTING ~ I CITY OF BAKERSFIEW STANDARDS F= --- l TYP'~' ---------.---- --.--- -- j -- -- -, I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I. I I I..J :~ J;J.:l1 E-- Z' J;J.:l -i t/) ..JI 0 ~: gz 0' ::> . I Po. ~, ~ :~ I::> :~ I I I I I I I I I R.25']" ~. ,- -- -- -- -- -- I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I '~I i~: r i~: / ! 0 I ,_,J;J.:l ~~t/) I Z l~ \~.......L i'_!,...:~ ,;1\.. !', ,> -/.: k\:"k I;> ,~ ';/':(\\' id ",~ I -J ""... I ~ I EXHIBIT 4-5 LOCAL COLLECTOR WITH ON STREET PARKING NOTE: NO DRIVEWAYS WILL BE PERMITTED ON LOCAL COLLEC- TOR WITH ON STREET PARKING NOTE: NO ROLLED CURB WILL BE PERMITTED UNLESS FOR FIRE LANES August 2006 .. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I II STOCKDALE RANCH SPECIFIC PLAN WILL INCORPORATE A -~-~~, 10' MULTI- PURPOSE \ TRAIL +~..\_--~-----? i i i 8' 16' PARKL'IG DIUV13 AISLE 15' EXI'ANDED SIDEWALK WITII TREE WELLS 78' R.O.W 48' 8' EXISTING I'ARKL\;G EXPAND~~:EWALK 1 WITII TREE WELLS ~ TOWN CENTER (MAIN STREET) TYPICAL SECflON. 78' RO.W. 1WO WAY, DESIGNATED PARKING Born SIDES, 0' SETBACK IN COMMERCIAL ZONE, ENCROACHMENI'S AUOWED PER CI'IY STANDARDS I I I I I I I I 1 I I ~i ::31~ ~i~ ~! I I I I ~ R~IO'TYP, I~ 1::3 ~i~ !~ I I I I NOTE: PARKING AREA WILL BE CONCRETE. EXHIBIT 4-6 TOWN CENTER WITH ON STREET PARKING August 2006 . I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I STOCKDALE RANCH SPECIFIC PLAN i i l \ \. , , ". ".~' --'-~:'.':'..' 0...--.... ',::-...........,..--- -.-- " .> , . " :J ' c:- -. . . ." . ~ . - - -."' - - , ' ,. - -'~!.-------'.,.~~~.. . -,,,' . . ,.,.----~,.~ . '-. " \\V./ \ r ( I I I . I . I I TYPICAL TRAFFIC CIRCLE i ! J ---~. J, ._ , .I l. \ \ '; "- """ . ~-. - . ,I } ~J L -~'._'~,:, " /: " " / -,#, -1 I \ 1.1 1 : [ J :! I I' TYPICAL ROUNDABOUT NOTE: THE EXACT CON- FIGURATION OF THE TRAFFIC CIRCLES AND ROUNDABOUTS SHALL BE DETERMINED AT THE TIME OF SUBDIVISION AND/OR ROADWAY IMPROVEMENT APPROVALS. EXHIBIT 4-7 TYPICAL TRAFFIC CIRCLE / ROUNDABOUT August 2006 . II I I I I ! I I I I I I I I I I I I I I STOCKDALE RANCH SPECIFIC PLAN ~ ~ /TRASH CONTAINER PADS : MAY PROTRUDE INTO 20' : DRIVE AISLE PAVEMENT , 20' I /---"'o'Rivri-;';isLii' .j RESIDENTIAL REAR LANE TWO WAY, NO PARKING R=~'.. .__.,., __ _~'____H_.'~\ ..~ ,r- R=25' TYP. !L.._ m'_.'__.__________ !- .--." -.- ------...----------- --..----.. / ~\ \ i I i -I ! -;~,_~Q~____..._..L_ i~ NOTE: RESIDENTIAL LANE PRO- VIDES A MINIMUM 20' WIDE PAVED SURFACE TO COMPLY WITH THE UNIFORM FIRE CODE. PAVED SURFACE MATERIAL MAY BE ASPHALT, CONCRETE, GRASS- CRETE, ETC. i ,-- I ! i i i ; NOTE: RESIDENTIAL LANE TO BE PRIVATELY MAINTAINED. CAN BE PUBLIC IF BUILT TO CITY STAN- DARD AND NO ALLEY TO ALLEY T-INTERSECTION. NOTE: IF A HOME IS LOCATED BETWEEN A RESIDENTIAL LANE AND A STREET, THE ADDRESS WILL BE LOCATED ON THE STREET. IF A HOME IS LOCATED OFF A RESIDENTIAL LANE WITH ITS FRONTAGE ON A COURTYARD AND OR LAKE, ADDRESSING WILL OCCUR IN ACCORDANCE WITH CITY STANDARDS FOR MULTIPLE FAMILY HOUSING. EXHIBIT 4-8 RESIDENTIAL LANE August 2006 II I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I STOCKDALE RANCH SPECIFIC PLAN I I I I I I I , I I I I I I. - -. 1- - -.J. - :r- - .. - - 1- _. - ~2E----------------T----+------_____j2~ -Jg "0 -' - I - ----- 2 I I I I I, -1- ,I II I II :1 I I: II I, I' , ~I I :' I 'I :1 I I,~ I'~ LANE 20' I' I I I I Ii DRIVE AISLE 10' 10' r:.:;.;:r- 00. ~ NOTE: RESIDENTIAL LANE PRO- VIDES A MINIMUM 20' WIDE PAVED SURFACE TO COMPLY WITH THE UNIFORM FIRE CODE. PAVED SURFACE MATERIAL MAY BE ASPHALT, CONCRETE, GRASS- CRETE, ETC. TRASH CONTAINER PADS MAY PROTRUDE INTO 20' DRIVE AISLE PAVEMENT NOTE: RESIDENTIAL LANE TO BE PRIVATELY MAINTAINED. CAN BE PUBLIC IF BUILT TO CITY STAN- DARD AND NO ALLEY TO ALLEY T-INTERSECTION. NOTE: IF A HOME IS LOCATED BETWEEN A RESIDENTIAL LANE AND A STREET, THE ADDRESS WILL BE LOCATED ON THE STREET. IF A HOME IS LOCATED OFF A RESIDENTIAL LANE WITH ITS FRONTAGE ON A COURTYARD AND OR LAKE, ADDRESSING WILL OCCUR IN ACCORDANCE WITH CITY STANDARDS FOR MULTIPLE FAMILY HOUSING. EXHIBIT 4-9 RESIDENTIAL LANE AT INTERSECTION August 2006 . II I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I STOCKDALE RANCH SPECIFIC PLAN -kl 13' . r.~,.m{lit"" ' I. 1 60' R.O.W. : 13' I S' I . , i'- 1 'A'"'1~,,,,,,,w^'1 l' I oj'- TYPICAL RESIDENTIAL STREET, 60' R.O.w. lWO WAY, NO PARKING ~i~ ::31~ ~i~ ~! I I I I EXHIBIT 4-10 RESIDENTIAL STREET WITH NO ON STREET PARKING NOTE: NO DRIVEWAYS OR PARKING WILL BE PERMITTED ON RESIDENTIAL STREETS WITH NO PARKING August 2006 . I i I II I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I STOCKDALE RANCH SPECIFIC PLAN SIDEWALK MAY MEANDER WITHIN LANDSCAPE AREA 24' DRl\'l!AlSlB 32' 60' R.O.W. 1YPICAL RESIDENTIAL STREET, 60' R.O.W. TWO WAY, DESIGNATED pARKING ONE SIDE, MOST 1YPICAL CONDmON NOTE: PARKING AREA WILL BE CONCRETE. EXHIBIT 4-11 RESIDENTIAL STREET WITH PARKING ON ONE SIDE August 2006 . I II I I ! I I !I I I I 'I I I I I I I I I STOCKDALE RANCH SPECIFIC PLAN ;---------------- 5' SIDEWALK MAY I MEANDER WITHIN ! , J, LANDSCAPE AREA .1----"---1'- I I I I I I - 5' i IS' i I I . I f--1' DRIVE AISLE f I I i 20' I 8' ,7'.8' 4'-5' I PARK OR -1L '1'1 PARKING{L^M)~A1'I:{~][)EWAI.1I1,.- I OPEN SPACE 28'. I 12' ' { of { -----.f- i 40' R.O.W I -?-------------~~-----1- TIPICAL RESIDENTIAL STREET, 40' RO.W. ONE WAY, DESIGNATED PARKING ONE SIDE R~IO'TYP, 01 ,Iy -'ji II --.,]11 Ii I !v. ~I I, -i bd EXHIBIT 4-12 RESIDENTIAL STREET WITH PARKING ON ONE SIDE NOTE: THIS SECTION TO BE USED WHEN ADJACENT TO A PARK OR OPEN SPACE NOTE: PARKING AREA WILL BE CONCRETE. August 2006 III I I , I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I STOCKDALE RANCH SPECIFIC PLAN ... SIDEWALK MAY MEANDER WITHIN LANDSCAPE AREA I I I 18' 18' 7' 5' I PAVEMENT PAVEMENT lANDSCAl'E ~IDEWALK. 36' 12' 6C1 R.O.W TYPiCAL RESIDENTiAL STREET, 6C1 R.O.W. lWO WAY, DESIGNATED PARKING BOll{ SIDES R=IO'TYP, NOTE: PARKING AREA WILL BE CONCRETE. EXHIBIT 4-13 RESIDENTIAL STREET WITH PARKING ON BOTH SIDES August 2006 . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - STOCKDALE RANCH SPECIFIC PLAN o II } ''''>'':'7''11 ;;:"-'0"" , " i..~.gi~~~;:"""',,,,,""'........_n_'i_'~=;;=;~;;~Z.. CROSS VALLEY CANAL....------. .......--...........-------.-'.....,---..---.... no ---H-~-.._..-.-.-___. .J! I I .~~~,,]'~ttr--- '.. il ,..1'1; i- il ~j i Ii ~!I! !: t3i! ' 1'1 ~r; r I! II II II Ii ri ii Ij Ii :':::':-':;='::::::':::::-:::':1;:: -_::"~-.-:'::~-=... .'+~"_=-;;:;=::::::..-:::...-..___:_:=::::.:-::::.:7;;:=::::;::::.--.-..-.~-~ LEGEND 10' Multi.Purpose Trail _II- Specific Plan Boundary EXHIBIT 4-14 TRAILS PLAN - - - - "'::'0~ _...__E:t:-..'.._.--' ~ ~ ] August 2006 11 II I I I I I I II I :1 I I I I I I 'I I I I I CONSERVATION 5 CONSERVATION 5.1 INTRODUCTION This section provides an overview of project site resources and management. The Stockdale Ranch Specific Plan is consistent with the standards and policies contained within the Metropolitan Bakersfield General Plan Conservation Element. Unique conservation standards are not included in this Specific Plan. Additional environmental details, including findings or conclusions related to environmental issues are included in the Environmental Impact Report for this project. 5.2 BIOLOGICAL AND NATURAL RESOURCES The site has been farmed for many years border to border with crops such as garlic, wheat, carrots, and potatoes. Eighteen sensitive plant and animal species are known to occur in the vicinity of the project site; however none of these sensitive plant and animal species was found on the project site. The development of this site will not result in the loss of any undisturbed native habitat, any riparian habitat, or any wetlands habitat. The project site is within the Metropolitan Bakersfield Habitat Conservation Plan (MBHCP) boundaries. 5.3 GEOLOGIC AND GEOTECHNICAL RESOURCES The site is located in an area that is generally flat. There are three earthen sumps that lay generally along the southern edge of the project site. The project applicant conducted a geological hazards study during project design. Investigations indicate that ground water should be deep enough to be of no concern to foundation stability. 5.4 STORMWATERMANAGEMENT The storm drain system will be designed to protect structures and facilities within the Specific Plan area and downstream receptors. As phases of the project are developed, the storm drain collection system will be constructed to its master plan configuration, with all required inlets and ultimate pipe sizes. Interim construction of temporary retention facilities will be allowed when construction of the ultimate collection , system has not been completed and is outside of the phase boundaries. Exhibit 5~ 1 shows the conceptual drainage plan. August 2006 55 CONSERVATION 5.5 AIR QUALITY The project will have an extensive system of bicycle lanes and roures, and pedestrian. walking and hiking trails to encourage travel by other than motorized vehicles within the project area. . Design concepts embodied in the land use plan encourage walking and alternative modes of transportation. Residential areas are. designed so that dwelling units are within a reasonable walking distance from neighborhood facilities. This encourages the neighborhood concept as well as reducing air quality impacts through the reduced use of motorized vehicles. The number of cul~de-sacs incorporated into the circulation system is kept at a minimum to encourage pedestrian and bicycle usage. and to reduce motorized vehicle emissions by providing more direct vehicle routes. Vehicle emissions are further reduced by the extensive use of roundabouts instead of traffic signals .throughour the project. Additionally, street trees and parks and landscaping assist in the reduction of air quality impacts. Additional programs/design elements that will further reduce air quality impacts include implementation of dust abatement measures for construction activities. Implementation Measure C~ I Bicycle racks/facilities will be provided at recreation areas, commercial areas and employment centers to encourage bicycle usage. 5.6 CULTURAL RESOURCES The project site has been extensively farmed. Should paleontological or architectural resources be encountered during construction activities, standard mitigation will be immediately implemented. Should human remains be discovered, work shall halt and the coroner shall be notified immediately (\S7050.5 of the Health &. Safety Code). 56 August 2006 ~ I I' I' I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I. ----------------~-- STOCKDALE RANCH SPECIFIC PLAN J~..::~:::::."~'..~. "'I ~n ~' ;;, - ~ I' SR-Rl [I ;!l ~I I ~ "'I I ~:;;: ...... ,I , -_...~.--..,.-_...._.-...-- s~'" ::J~> j::>2 u<o SR-Rl t t VILLAGE C SR-R2 :. WESTSIDE PARKWAY [.-,.. , m.m............ ,...m.....,.... CROSS VALLEY CANAL ,/SR-R2 SR-R2 NOTES: THIS PLAN IS CONCEPTUAL IN NATURE - THE FINAL DRAINAGE SYSTEMS WILL BE BASED ON ACTUAL DESIGN PARAMETERS AND CALCULATIONS TO BE PREPARED AT THE TIME OF DEVELOPMENT. -==..-- THE STORM DRAIN FACILITIES WILL BE CONSTRUCTED PER "CITY OF BAKERSFIELD SUBDIVISION AND ENGINEERING DESIGN MANUAL," DIVISION TWO, DRAINAGE SHALL BE PROVIDED THROUGH A SERIES OF DRAINAGE RETENTION BASINS, INLETS, AND CONCRETE CONDUITS LEGEND Storm Drain Line o Retention Basin Stonn Drain Conduit/Direction of Flow N - - - - Vil1age Boundary - , - - Specific Plan Boundary EXHIBIT 5-1 STORM DRAIN PLAN August 2006 m I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I NOISE 6 NOISE The project site is mostly vacant and used for agricultural purposes. The only significant source of existing noise in the project vicinity is traffic on local roads. The siting of development will take into account noise and noise attenuation. The location of land uses and sensitive receptors, including single family residential uses, will be reviewed and approved by the City for compliance with City and State requirements. Noise exposure for new construction will be reduced, if necessary, to comply with City and State requirements by measures such as the following: · Use of setbacks · Use of barriers · Site design · Building design ~ use of double paned windows and the physical design of the building. Noise standards will be consistent with the provisions contained within the Noise Element of the Metropolitan Bakersfield General Plan. Unique noise standards are not included in the Stockdale Ranch Specific Plan. Additional details regarding environmental noise issues are addressed in the ElR. August 2006 59 60 August 2006 I! I II I I I I II I I, I I I II I, I - I I : I --- I II I: NOISE [This page intentionally left blank] I I I - I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I SAFETY 7 SAFETY The Stockdale Ranch Specific Plan is consistent with the standards and policies contained within the Metropolitan Bakersfield General Plan Safety Element. Unique safety standards are not included in the Specific Plan. Law Enforcement Law enforcement for the Specific Plan area will be provided by the City of Bakersfield Police Department. The City has a newly constructed substation located at Buena Vista Road at the intersection with Deer Peak Drive that will support project residents. Additional technical details related to law enforcement are provided in the EIR. Fire Protection The City of Bakersfield Fire Department provides fire protection, fire prevention services, emergency medical (first responder) and rescue services, arson investigation, and hazardous material coordination. The City of Bakersfield and Kern County maintain a Joint Powers Agreement that determines agency functions within the Metropolitan Bakersfield area. This agreement provides for the closest station response concept. Currently, County Fire Station No. 67 has the responsibility for the "first response" emergency services for the proposed project site. All development within the project area will comply with the requirements of the Fire Department. The water supply system will be designed to meet Fire Department requirements. Additional technical details related to fire protection are provided in the EIR. Seismic and Flood The Stockdale Ranch Specific Plan is consistent with the seismic and flood standards contained within the Metropolitan Bakersfield General Plan to ensure the health, safety and general welfare of the public. Additional technical details related to seismic and flood safety issues are provided in the EIR. August 2006 61 SAFETY 62 [This page intentionally left blank] August 2006 I II II ... I I I I I I I I I I I I, I I I I II ;1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I PUBLIC SERVICES & FACILITIES 8 PUBLIC SERVICES & FACILITIES The Stockdale Ranch Specific Plan area will have a public facility system that complements and enhances the vision and design objectives of the project and that will attract the appropriate market. All facilities will be developed to the required industry standards of the service provider and as required by the applicable government standards. The project developer has worked with the appropriate. jurisdictions and service providers to provide the public facilities and infrastructure at the level appropriate for the project. The project developer intends to continue this process as the project moves forward. 8.1 WATER SYSTEM Potable water for the project will be provided by the City of Bakersfield Water Services Department. The Conceptual Water Plan is shown on Exhibit 8~1. This is the 'backbone" system for the entire project and is one of the key factors in establishing the project phasing. Implementation Measure PS~ I All in~tract water distribution facilities will be shown on subdivision maps and will be designed and constructed in accordance with City of Bakersfield requirements. 8.2 WASTEWATER DISPOSAL SYSTEM Sewer service is provided by the City of Bakersfield Treatment Plant No.3. The Conceptual Sewer Master Plan is shown on Exhibit 8~ 2. This is the "backbone" system for the entire project and is also one of the key factors in establishing the project phasing. Implementation Measure PS~ 2 All in~tract portions of the collection system will be shown on subdivision maps and will be designed and constructed in accordance with City of Bakersfield requirements. 8.3 SOLID WASTE All residential solid waste within the project area will be picked up curbside. All other waste will be picked up in accordance with City policies and procedures. The project does not include any major solid waste disposal components requiring exhibits. August 2006 63 64 August 2006 I I I I I I I I I I I I II I II I i I I I PUBLIC SERVICES & FACILITIES 8.4 SCHOOL FACILITIES The Stockdale Ranch Specific Plan is in the Rio Bravo":Greeley Union School District, Rosedale Elementary School District (Del Rio Elementary School) and Kern High School District (Frontier High Schoolt The portion of the proposed project site between Claudia Autumn Drive and Rider Road is within the Rosedale Union School District. The District provides kindergarten through eighth grade education services to residents of an area encompassing approximately 28. square miles. The District currently operates six elementary schools and two middle schools. The portibnof the project site between Nord Avenue and Rider Road is within the Rio Bravo~Greeley Union School District. The District ()perates one elementary school and one middle. school. The Kern High School District currently operates 16 high schools and is the . only high school district serving the Metropolitan Bakersfield area. Frontier High '. School located on Allen Road, south of Kratzmeyer Road will serve the project site. . Development within the Specific Plan is subject to the payment of school fees in accordance with fees authorized by applicable laws except as otherwise provided for in a separate agreement between the developer and the school district( s). In addition, the developer has conceptually reserved one school site for use within the Specific Plan area. The conceptual school site is approximately 12 acres in size and is located within the residential neighborhood of Village A. It is connected to the project trail system, allowing for easy bicycle and pedestrian access. The exact school site location and exact size are not yet determined. If required, the future school site will be developed in consultation with the Rio Bravo~Greeley Union School District. Off~site school sites and facilities may be utilized in lieu of on~site school sites and facilities where available and appropriate. Implementation Measure PS~ 3 . Prior to approval of the first subdivision map, the developer shall provide the City of Bakersfield with an acknowledgement letter signed by the school district stating that the developer is working with the school district to identify an appropriate school site for new facilities within the plan area. Implementation Measure PS~4 Development within the project area is subject to the payment of school fees at the time of building permit issuance in accordance with fees authorized under applicable laws except as otherwise provided for in a separate agreement with the school district. 8.5 PROJECT UTILITY SYSTEMS All utility lines within the project area will be underground and will be incorporated Within the street right~of-way or within 'utility easements on private property, except ------------------- STOCKDALE RANCH SPECIFIC PLAN 12" I I en ~I I -:z 2"'1 I ~ ~I WATER WELL s~'" :;J~2: j:;J~ u<co STOCKDALEHIGHWAY "', ~ Ii l.l.l! ~L ~ ~I ~ II WATER II. WELL i a-J = = =1' I I II II II 12" 12" N - SR-Rl \6' SR-Rl 8" SR- TC 8" 8" SR-R2 'j WESTSIDE PARKWAY (......... .,................... ,.................... ,.................... ,................... CROSS VALLEY CANAL SR-R2 NOTES: THIS ORA WING IS CONCEPTUAL ONLY LEGEND ~ --w WaterLine . Water Well _ - - - Village Boundary _ _ _ Specific Plan Boundary EXHIBIT 8-1 UTILITY CONCEPT PLAN - WATER August 2006 rI -: - -: -: - - - - -: - - - - - - -: - -: - STOCKDALE RANCH SPECIFIC PLAN II II I = = =11 I I I; II Ii \8" SR-Rl ~il P: I I ;I: ~I I ~I I ~SR-TJ~~ fA ':i S~OJ ::>~;> :5::>2 uo(o , ~I ~ ~I'I Q ffil' STOCKDALE HIGHWAY ~ ~I ...,....----- .... -. -. ... -, I.;lJ ~ - .,---- T - ---- ....,...- -,.....-...--.-..---.,....-.... -~ ~ I OJ ;>. 61i " ; ~ II SR-Rl VILLAGE C SR-R2 21" SR-R2 '1 WESTS IDE PARKWAY [..- ......,................ -"...,...........".,," . ,"""'"'' ."."......."""...".".,....".....".."'----,,,......,,..,, CROSS VALLEY CANAL , --.-----;---- - ,'''- - .... ,;;;;,;;..,- NOTES: THIS PLAN IS CONCEPTUAL ONLY ------ :<: tl OJ '" "" </l OJ '" LEGEND s- - SewerLine -----1 8" Sewer Stub - - - - Village Boundary - , - - Specific Plan Boundary EXHIBIT 8-2 UTILITY CONCPET PLAN - SEWER August 2006 III I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I II I PUBLIC SERVICES & FACILITIES for certain high-voltage lines traversing the project area. The project does not include any utility system major components requiring exhibits. Electric Power Electric power will be provided by Pacific Gas &: Electric (PG&:E). Natural Gas Natural gas will be provided by Pacific Gas &: Electric (PG&:E) and Southern California Gas. Telephone and Internet. Telephone and internet infrastructure and service will be provided and will be installed along with the other utilities. Cable Television Cable television service will be provided and will be installed along with the other utilities. Implementation Measure PS~5 To the extent feasible, all underground utilities will be installed at the same time the street or other improvements are being constructed. 8.6 STREET LIGHTING Street lighting is provided in nearly all developed areas of the City of Bakersfield. Lighting which is not provided by the City of Bakersfield is provided either by governmental agencies or private ownership. City development standards require street lights at intersections, and at midblock, where streets are greater than 600 feet in length, with the exception of some industrial areas in which street lights are only required at intersections. In new developments, the City does not install street lights. The City requires that developers install the lights and dedicate them to the City. Implementation Measure PS ~ 6 The developer/project applicant will install street lighting in accordance with City policy and will dedicate them to the City or applicable homeowner's association(s). Street lights within public right~of~way will be maintained and operated by the City. Street lights outside of the public right~of-way will be maintained and operated by the HOA. Implementation Measure PS~ 7 Specific lighting design and standards, including commercial and industrial project lighting will be shown on subsequent tentative subdivision maps and/or improvement plans and are subject to approval by the City of Bakersfield. \ August 2006 69 PUBLIC SERVICES &: FACILITIES [This page intentionally left blank] 70 August 2006 I II I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I II ! I II II I I :1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I PARKS AND OPEN SPACE 9 P ARKS AND OPEN SPACE Parks, Open Space, and recreation facilities are very important elements in the Stockdale Ranch Specific. Plan. The parks and open space include open space areas, parks of various sizes, and trails. The Stockdale Ranch development will provide public and private parks, open space, and water elements. Residential areas will include features such as water elements, 'pocket parks', and green strips to be determined by the developer at the time of subdivision mapping. These public and private parks, water elements, and "green strip" open space areas, provide park area that is in accordance with the North of the River (NOR) Recreation and Park District's requirements. Implementation Measure P~l All park and open space areas will be improved by the developer. 9.1 PUBLIC PARKS The Specific Plan is located within the NOR Recreation and Park District and the District's sphere of influence. That portion of the project area from Claudia Autumn to JA~mile westerly of Claudia Autumn is located within the District. The remaining project area is located within the District's sphere of influence and will be annexed. In accordance with the District's park land requirements, a minimum of 18 acres of public park area will be provided for the Stockdale Ranch project. Public parks will be provided in accordance with the acreages and general locations established by the Public Open Space Plan (Exhibit 9~1). The final locations and sizes of the public parks will be established in consultation with the NOR Recreation and Park District and will be shown on subdivision maps. The public parks must be a minimum of six (6) acres in size but may be sized greater than six (6) acres. Typical amenities include restrooms, tot lots, courts with no sport lighting, water elements, trails, shade structures, landscaped areas, and/or other park or open space elements, or combinations thereof. The Specific Plan accommodates one elementary school within the project boundaries. The exact school site location and exact size are not yet determined. If required, the future school site will be developed in consultation with the Rio Bravo~Greeley Union School District. Off~site school sites and facilities may be utilized in lieu of on~site school sites and facilities where available and appropriate. However, if the school site is located onsite, one of the six (6) acre public parks will be located adjacent to the school. Public parks will be improved by the developer and will be dedicated to the NOR Recreation and Park District. The following provisions have been established to August 2006 71 PARKS AND OPEN SPACE ensure that the public park requirement is met and to provide a mechanism for monitoring construction timing. Implementation Measure p~ 2 Public parks will be dedicated to the North of the River (NOR) Recreation and Park District. The .exact locations and sizes of the individual public parks will be determined in consultation with NOR Recreation and Park District and will be shown on subdivision maps. Unless otherwise approved by the NOR Recreation and Park District, the public parks must be located and sized in accordance with the Public Open Space Plan (Exhibit 9~1). Implementation .Measure p~ 3 The developer shall submit a table that monitors the public park acreag~ provided with each applicable tentative subdivision map. The monitoring table shall require at a minimum, the total acreage of public park area provided in the village ( s) and the remaining acreage necessary to reach the 18 acre total. Implementation Measure P~4 Public park improvements within the individual villages shall be completed on or before the time that approximately sixty percent of the area within a village has been approved for tentative subdivision. The area of each village is defined in Table 3.1. This provision shall be monitored by the developer through the annual progress report required by the Development Agreement. ' Implementation Measure P~5 Subject to approval by the NOR Recreation and Park District, the developer may propose to have the public park areas maintained by the homeowner's association and/or maintenance district. 72 August 2006 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I II I I I I -: -: - - - - - - - - - - -: -: -' - - -' - STOCKDALE RANCH SPECIFIC PLAN . . " -~-:~-- "c!';~'~"">-' - -- _;,/C' ":~-'.~_:_""-~..=..~-!:_~...:..I!-!.:.:...~:'.:_.:.-_.-,. ~[~Y~{ig~ITm~~::-:::::'=:'=,~~~~;::~~';;;~~" ---.....--- .......::::;-.:::-c ".... ~.~._._._.~:'7;:_-:;:~;;':::":;;~:_~;'_::-::;:_-'-- // I I ~ ~~II [il UJI 1 STOCKDALE HIGHWAY ~ :;: ~11_11_"_II_II_II_II_II_II_ll_II_II_II_II_II_II_11 UJ- ~i <>:- o- Z. . -I ~I o ~I :;:1 i/ /; if /~'/ /.- ~B UJ ::>i:> :5::> Q2 VILLAGEA .~--~H....-- _._--_._,.._~j II i , I I : i i I. i i. ! I i i -==-:~~-=~_::~.:j! ~rH~------ :1 tJ II r -"-"'-" ii ;:i' I !i il Ii I Ii 'i Ii Ii !I _ _~ _~.,~:)\ _ _ _ _-.-.--!-m.--,-.-.-----..~~_=~~.".:~-.=:..=_:==..~_=_ )e,,,c-/-! i Public Park Summary Minimum Acres by Village Village ABC Center Total Public Park Acres To Be Provided Public Parks 12 6 18 ac. LEGEND ~ NJ c=J Public Open Space Village Boundary _II. Specific Plan Boundary EXHIBIT 9-1 PUBLIC OPEN SPACE PLAN August 2006 II I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I PARKS AND OPEN SPACE 9 .2 PRIVATE PARKS AND OTHER OPEN SPACE In addition to public parks, this project will provide an abundance of private parks and other open space and recreational areas. Eight two~acre recreation centers will be provided. These private recreation centers may contain swimming pools, spas, tennis courts, community buildings, picnic areas, tot lots and other similar community and neighborhood facilities. The amenities contained in each individual recreation center will be programmed to meet the specific recreation and community facility needs of the village in which they are located. The private recreation centers will be located within Villages A, B, and C. Other open space areas will be provided within the various villages. This will include mini parks, pocket parks, and other similar elements. However, details for these open space areas will be providfd with individual subdivision maps. Exhibit 9~ 2 Private Open Space Plan provides a plan for the general locations and sizes of the major private park elements that are described in detail in this section. Implementation Measure P~7 The final locations and sizes of the private parks will be designed by the developer with individual subdivisions, which are subject to review and approval by the City. The private parks will be constructed in conjunction with surrounding development and will be maintained by a homeowner's association(s) and/or other maintenance district. August 2006 75 PARKS AND OPEN SPACE 76 I II I I I I I I I I .. I II [This page intentionally left blank] I II August 2006 I I II I I \ I I I -, -' - - - -' - - - - - - -' -, -' -~ - -. - STOCKDALE RANCH SPECIFIC PLAN I -I Cl 231 ~I ';;:' '" ; i: / /1 ! // ,/ // " // /;;//, ;/' ...' /' <(:z 0::;;", ='='> <(!-- ...J='''' I I ~ ~~II ~"'I I STOCKDALE HIGHWAY '" :;: ~11_11_1I_11_11_11_11_11_11_lj"II_II_II_II_II_II_11 "'- ~j "'- O- Z. iii m = VILLAGE A iii iii -'::~-~"'::.!_:.~~"':_IIII"':-!:-~"'::"'~IIII":':~:'.:,.;,-~.-'-.' '"'..:=--::;;.,,/ .-/ '/ iii _'____.___L..._ __..._.u,'...._.____.__ -_..~.__., .__~._M._._~.____.__.m._ ___u__._. :::::...-:_ I: _~=__..==~.:__.---- u___ :Ir~~:_ i -....~--~~=:::==-.:-tt~1tr_ .--.-..:':1c--~~T~=~:.:=::-:-:=::: I i ~ II r _. ---.---..-..---.-.----';.\.... j ""'" i I !! ~!i! ; Ii "'1, II 1: !, i: :1 II II IJ Public Park Summary Minimum Acres by VilIage* Village ABC Center Total Public Park Acres To Be Provided Private Parks 8 4 4 16 ac. LEGEND ~ i iii Recreation Centers Village Boundary _II. Specific Plan Boundary EXHIBIT 9-2 'PRIVATE OPEN SPACE PLAN August 2006 . I I I ,I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS 10 DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS 10.1 COMMUNITY DESIGN A key aspect of the planning vision for the project is building a community that celebrates the City of Bakersfield's and San Joaquin Valley's older historic neighborhoods with their rich architectural diversity and beautiful landscapes. Additionally, the Stockdale Ranch Specific Plan is based on a strong emphasis of attention to design detail and execution of the vision. The plan envisions a master planned community that is pedestrian oriented and features a system of open space, parks, recreation areas and community facilities. Included as part of the Specific Plan are development standards which cover key aspects of development including site development, street design, permitted uses, landscape and open space to ensure that development will be consistent with the vision and planning principles established in this Specific Plan. 10.1.1 Design Context Detailed Architectural Design Guidelines for all development within the Specific Plan will be provided with the Declaration of Covenants, Conditions and Restrictions (CC&Rs) during the subdivision phases of this project. The Architectural Design Guidelines will address in detail; themes, building forms, architectural styles, color combinations, compatible materials, etc. The Architectural Design Guidelines will supplement the development standards included in this Specific Plan to ensure that developments will reflect a variety of compatible elements to avoid monotonous neighborhoods and will embody the goals and principles established within the Specific Plan. In addition the CC&Rs will contain provisions for the establishment of an Architectural Review Committee (ARCt The purpose of this committee is to ensure that the Architectural Design Guidelines for all development within the Specific Plan, and any other restrictions or standards imposed by the CC&Rs are administered in conformance with the CC&Rs. Standards adopted pursuant to the CC&Rs will provide the minimum basis for review by the Architectural Review Committee. Implementation Measure DS~ 1 As a condition of recordation of any subdivision map, each lot shall have recorded appropriate CC& Rs approved by the Planning Department and the City Attorney pursuant to Bakersfield Municipal Code section 16.36.020. The CC&Rs shall include Architectural Design Guidelines consistent with the design principles and development standards contained in the Specific Plan. 6 Additional details regarding the ARC are provided in Chapter 12 August 2006 79 DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS I II Utilizing the street sections provided in the Specific Plan, a hierarchy of different internal thoroughfares (roads, streets and pathways) shall be established that are pedestrian friendly, traffic~calmed, and include attractively landscaped parkways, pedestrian crossings and good overall connectivity to effectively distribute traffic throughout the community. Attractive street trees that provide canopies and landscaping along the streets and roads are an important element of the design fabric of the community. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Implementation Measure DS~ 2 The City shall not be responsible for reviewing development proposals for consistency with the Architectural Design Guidelines. However, ARC approval is required by the City prior to the issuance of building permits unless otherwise provided for in the CC&Rs. 10.1.2 Design Principles The following, design principles shall be used to guide the creation of the detailed Architectural Design Guidelines for developments within the West Ming Specific Plan area. Architecture The architectural styles for buildings in each of the villages shall provide a blend of building forms, massing, scale, and character that creates a pedestrian~oriented environment meant to be viewed and experienced on~foot rather than from the car. Streetscape facades shall be comprised of a series of human~scaled wall segments, rather than monolithic wall expanses, to provide a comfortable and pleasant pedestrian experience. Articulation of building openings, roof, parapet and floor lines and changes in wan plane shall be used to provide visual interest and contrasts in light and shadow. Many design techniques can be utilized to achieve these objectives such as the use of porches faciIig the street, and in some areas, buildings with rear loaded garages. Architectural styles for the commercial components of the project shall provide for a feeling of compatibility of design within each commercial development. The designs shall provide for interesting and pedestrian friendly development. 10,1.2.2 Streets Streets are intended to be an integral part of the community design and require careful design of the roadway, parkway landscaping and the architectural treatment and location of the homes fronting on that street. An important design element in some areas is the careful siting of the garage so as not to dominate the street scene. Similarly, it is important to create architectural interest and variety in the streetscapes by designing diverse but harmonious building types and elevations. 80 August 2006 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I II DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS Entryways Major entrances into the development from Heath Road, Wegis Avenue, Nord Avenue, and Claudia Autumn Drive shall be identified by the creation of entry features. These entry features will establish a visual statement as to the intended character of the Specific Plan area and will clearly identify project entrances for moving vehicles. Entry features shall utilize a combination of natural and hardscape landscaping, decorative walls or subdued signing that will be privately maintained. Each of the neighborhoods located off the major collectors shall be identified with individualized signing and/or enhanced landscape treatment. Signing should be developed within landscape areas or on decorative wall surfaces. Parks, Open Space and Recreation Parks, open space and recreational facilities are featured elements of this Specific Plan. These outdoor spaces, particularly parks and recreational facilities, shall offer attractive and inviting pedestrian scale features, spaces, and amenities such as: · Seating areas and shade structures; · Water elements; · Attractive landscaping; · Tot lots; · Connected pedestrian walkways; and · Street trees. As discussed in further detail in the Parks and Open Space chapter, the open space network will include a variety of distinct parks including; · Public parks; and · Private recreational centers. In addition a bicycle and pedestrian trail system shall serve as a unifying link between parks, open space areas and activity centers. The trail system is discussed in more detail in Chapter 4. The guidelines shall include language to ensure that internal neighborhood trail systems are connected to the main trail system described in this Specific Plan. Lighting The use of diverse lighting types and methods ensure that the Specific Plan area's unique character is apparent during the day when the fixtures are plainly visible and August 2006 81 DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS II II · Designing and building homes to exceed 2005 California Title 24 standards by a minimum of 15 percent and meet the California Green Builder Requirements, which includes professional design and 3rd party independent testing. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I at night when the fixtures illuminate walkways, buildings, landscaping, signage, and parking. However, lighting design must balance the need to complement community design elements with the need to address public safety. In addition it is important that all lighting fixtures are appropriate in scale, intensity, and height to the use it is serving to further contribute to the pedestrian experience and to minimize impacts on adjacent uses. To the extent possible, lighting shall be designed to minimize spill over and to be energy efficient. Green Building Techniques Green Building is a benefit to the community and the region. It provides for resource efficiency and is an environmentally sensitive approach to building. Higher energy efficiency means less utility operation, and less utility operation means less air and water pollution. It also encourages conservation of water resources, preserving of the old growth forests, and recycling as much construction waste as possible. Green building techniques shall be utilized by the builder(s) and include: · Adopt building Industry Institute's (BII) waste reduction guidelines and work with local jurisdictions to divert 50 percent of construction waste from landfills to recycling. Where diversion and recycling are unavailable, builders shall agree to work without penalties with jurisdictions and the BII to overcome market barriers. · Reduce water consumption by utilizing innovative indoor plumbing designs and outdoor drip/mist irrigation for landscaping. · Reduce wood use by employing engineered wood systems where practicable. 82 August 2006 I DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS I I 10.2 RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS Table 10.1 outlines the General Development Standards for the Stockdale Ranch One Family Dwelling Zone (SR~Rl); Table 10.2 outlines the General Development Standards for the Stockdale Ranch Limited Multiple Family Dwelling Zone (SR~R2), and Table 10.3 outlines the General Development Standards for the Stockdale Ranch Limited Multi~Family Dwelling Zone (SR~R3). May be reduced to five feet if not more than forty-five percent of the lot is covered by buildings or structures 2 To ensure that vehicles parked in garage driveways do not block lane access, garage openings must be set back a minimum of 20 feet to accommodate said parking, or the garage openings must be set back at 8 feet to allow adequate maneuvering area to and from the lane without presenting the opportunity to park in the driveway. Garages that are set back at 8 feet must incorporate roll up doors. The CC&R's for each residential tract will contain detailed parking restrictions. The CC&R's for tracts which permit garage setbacks which are less than those required by City ordinances will prohibit parking parallel to the street in residential driveways. The CC& R's will contain provisions permitting the association to assess fines against offending residents, and to tow ille all arked vehicles. I I I I I II I I I I I I I I I August 2006 I TABLE 10.1 SR~RI DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS 3,150 sf 35 feet 90 feet 35 feet 15 feet 2,000 sf 23 feet 80 feet 35 feet 15 feet 20 feet 20 feet 25 feet or 200;0 of the depth of the lot, whichever is less! 8 feet or 20 feet 5 feet 5 feet or 20 feet 5 feet None 10 feet 10 feet 10 feet 10 feet 3 feet 3 feet 3 feet 3 feet. 83 DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS I Ii TABLE 10.2 SR~R2 DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS I I Minimum lot area 3,150 sf 15 feet 2,000 sf 3,500 sf; 1,600 sf per unit for 3 or more units 23 feet 35 feet 80 feet 60 feet 35 feet 55 feet 15 feet 10 feet 20 feet 20 feet 5 feet 10 feet I Minimum lot width Minimum lot de th Maximum building hei ht Front yard setback to main structure Front yard setback to ara e 0 enin Rear yard setback 35 feet 90 feet 35 feet I I 20 feet Rear or side yard setback to garage o enin Side yard setback, interior lots Corner lot side yard setback Distance between buildings, including buildings on ad'acent lots Distance between dwelling unit and accesso buildin Distance between accesso buildin s May be reduced to five feet if not more than forty-five percent of the lot is covered by buildings or structures 2 To ensure that vehicles parked in garage driveways do not block lane access, garage openings must be set back a minimum of 20 feet to accommodate said parking, or the garage openings must be set back at 8 feet to allow adequate maneuvering area to and from the lane without presenting the opportunity to park in the driveway. Garages that are set back at 8 feet must incorporate roll up doors. The CC&R's for each residential tract will contain detailed parking restrictions. The CC&R's for tracts which permit garage setbacks which are less than those required by City ordinances will prohibit parking parallel to the street in residential driveways. The CC& R's will contain provisions permitting the association to assess fines a ainst offendin residents, and to tow ille all arked vehicles. 25 feet or 20% of the depth of the lot, whichever is less! 8 feet or 20 feet I 5 feet or 20 feet 8 feet or 20 feet I 5 feet None None I 10 feet 10 feet 10 feet 10 feet 10 feet 10 feet I 3 feet 3 feet 3 feet I 3 feet 3 feet 3 feet I I I Ii II . I I 84 August 2006 II I DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS I I I TABLE 10.3 SR~R3 DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS I 15 feet 2,0.0.0. sf 6,0.0.0. sf; 1,250. sf per unit for 5 or more units 23 feet 35 feet 80. feet 60 feet 35 feet 55 feet 15 feet 10. feet 20. feet 20 feet 5 feet 10 feet I ~inill1umlotarea 3,150. sf I ~inimum lot width ~inimum lot de th ~aximum building hei ht Front yard setback to main structure Front yard setback to aara e 0 enin Rear yard setback 35 feet 90 feet 35 feet I 20 feet I Rear or side yard setback to garage o enin Side yard setback, interior lots Corner lot side yard setback Distance between buildings, including buildings on adjacent lots Distance between dwelling unit and accesso buildin Distance between accesso buildin s May be reduced to five feet if not more than forty-five percent of the lot is covered by buildings or structures. 2 To ensure that vehicles parked in garage driveways do not block lane access, garage openings must be set back a minimum of 20. feet to accommodate said parking, or the garage openings must be set back at B feet to allow adequate maneuvering area to and from the lane without presenting the opportunity to park in the driveway. Garages that are set back at 8 feet must incorporate roll up doors. The CC&:R's for each residential tract will contain detailed parking restrictions. The CC&:R's for tracts which permit garage setbacks which are less than those required by City ordinances will prohibit parking parallel to the street in residential driveways. The CC&: R's will contain provisions permitting the association to assess fines a ainst offendin residents, and to tow ille all arked vehicles. 25 feet or 20% of the depth of the lot, whichever is less! 8 feet or 20 feet 5 feet or 20 feet 8 feet or 20 feet 5 feet None None I 10 feet 10 feet 10. feet 10. feet 10. feet 10 feet I I 3 feet 3 feet 3 feet 3 feet 3 feet 3 feet I I I I I I I August 20.0.6 85 None 65 feet None None None None I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I II I I DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS In addition to the development standards outlined in Tables 10.1, 10.2, and 10.3 the following will apply to all development projects proposed within the Stockdale Ranch One~family Dwelling Zone (SR~ Rl), the Stockdale Ranch Limited Multiple Family Dwelling Zone (SR~R2), and the Stockdale Ranch Limited Multi~Family Dwelling Zone (SR~R3): . All permitted and conditional uses shall be subject to site plan review as provided in Chapter 17.08 of the Bakersfield Zoning Ordinance, with the exception of one~family dwellings which do not require site plan review. . Off~street parking and loading shall be subject to the requirements of Chapter 17.58 of the Bakersfield Zoning Ordinance. T ownhomes shall be subject to the parking requirements for "Multiple~family dwellings and condominiums". Deviations from Chapter 17.58 may be approved as modifications in accordance with the provisions of Chapter 17.64 of the Bakersfield Zoning Ordinance. 10.3 COMMERCIAL DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS Table 10.4 outlines the General Development Standards for the Stockdale Ranch Town Center Zone (SR~ TC) TABLE lOA COMMERCIAL DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS In addition to the development standards outlined in Table 10.4, the following will apply to all development projects proposed within the Stockdale Ranch Town Center (SR~ TC) zone: · All permitted and conditional uses shall be subject to site plan review as provided in Chapter 17.08 of the Bakersfield Zoning Ordinance. · Off~street parking and loading shall be subject to the requirements of Chapter 17.58 of the Bakersfield Zoning Ordinance. Townhomes shall be subject to the parking requirements for "Multiple~family dwellings and 86 August 2006 I II I II I : I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS condominiums". Deviations from Chapter 17.58 may be approved as modifications in accordance with the provisions of Chapter 17.64 of the Bakersfield Zoning Ordinance. · Live/work developments? shall provide parking in accordance with Chapter 17.58 of the Bakersfield Zoning Ordinance. Parking spaces for the residential portion of the development must be located on site. Parking spaces for the ground floor office/retail/commercial area may be provided on a separate lot located within 500 feet of the building, and may be uncovered. If the ground floor office/retail/commercial area is converted to a separate dwelling unit, the parking for that dwelling unit may be provided on a separate lot located within 500 feet of the building, and may be uncovered. · All buildings used exclusively for dwellings purposes shall comply with the provisions of the SR~ R3 zone. · Open storage of material and equipment permitted in the SR~ TC zone shall be surrounded and screened by a solid wall or fence, including solid gates where necessary, not less than six feet in height. Materials shall not be stacked above the height of the screening. · Where a one~family dwelling project or residential zone faces a parking lot, driveway, delivery area and/or loading area of a commercial development, adequate screening shall be installed. Screening shall include a wall or fence that is a minimum of six feet in height as measured from highest grade and a landscape area at least seven feet in width. Trees shall be installed in this landscape area in accordance with Section 17.61.020 K of the Bakersfield Zoning Ordinance. · Roof top areas of commercial structures shall be completely screened from view by parapets or other finished architectural features constructed to a height of the highest equipment and unfinished structural element or architectural feature of the building. 10.4 ADDITIONAL DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS 1004.1 Height of Buildings ~ Roof Structure, Chimneys and Towers A. No penthouses or roof structures for the housing or screening of elevators, stairways, tanks, ventilating fans, or similar equipment shall exceed the height limits outlined in the Specific Plan Zoning Regulations. Towers, steeples and architectural features associated with Conditional Uses in the SR~Rl, SR~R2, and 7 See Section 13.2.6 for the definition of a Live/W ork unit. August 2006 87 DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS SR~R3 zones may, in conjunction with the approval of the Conditional Use Permit, be permitted to exceed the maximum height limits outlined in the respective zones, up to 15 feet. In addition, towers, steeples, and architectural features may be allowed to exceed the maximum height limits, up to 15 feet, within the SR~ TC at the time of approval of a site plan review. B. Radio and television masts, flagpoles, public utility poles and lines, chimneys and smokestacks may extend not more than thirty feet above the height limit outlined in the Specific Plan Zoning Regulations; provided that the same may be safely erected and maintained at such height in view of the surrounding conditions and circumstances. C. Overlooks into residential rear yards shall be subject to the requirements of Bakersfield Zoning Ordinance, Section 17.08.090. 10.4.2 Accessory Buildings A. Accessory buildings or structures may be located within an interior side or rear yard area in any residential zone district or project of a residential nature, provided they do not exceed a height of seven feet, and/or an area of one~hundred twenty square feet. B. Accessory buildings or structures exceeding a height of seven feet and/or an area of one~himdred twenty square feet in any residential zone district or project of a residential nature, shall not be located nearer than five feet, or the applicable setback distance, whichever is less, to any interior side or rear property line. C. Accessory buildings and structures within the Stockdale ranch mixed use and open space zones shall be subject to the applicable development standards of the zone within which the accessory building is to be located. D. No accessory buildings or structures shall be located within any required street side yard or front yard area. 10.4.3 Yard Encroachments A. Cornices, canopies, carports, eaves, patio or porch covers, or other similar architectural features not providing additional floor or interior space within the building may extend into a required front, side or rear yard not to exceed three feet. This encroachment may include structural supports to the ground, however, the open area of the longest wall and one additional wall of a carport, patio, porch or similar enclosure shall be equal to at least sixty~five percent of the area of each wall. Openings may only be enclosed with insect screening or similar material that allows unrestricted outside air circulation. B. Open unenclosed, uncovered porches, platforms or landing places which do not extend above the level of the first floor of the building, with the exception of guard rails as may be required by the building director, may extend into any front,side, or rear yard not more than six feet. C. Deviations from the yard encroachment provisions may be approved at the time of site plan review. 88 August 2006 II II I I I I II I , I II II I I I I I I I II I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS D. Detached garages may be constructed along a rear and/or side yard property line, and may include a second story for a den, office, artist studio, or similar accessory use. 10.4.4 Signs A comprehensive sign plane s) shall be developed for developments within the Specific Plan in accordance with the Bakersfield Zoning Ordinance, Section 17.60.030. August 2006 89 90 August 2006 II I I I I I I I I I I II I I I II I II I I DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS [This page intentionally left blank] I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I DEVELOPMENT PHASING II Development Phasing The various areas of the Specific Plan will be developed in phases as shown in Exhibit ll~ 1. The phasing was designed to accommodate the installation of the required infrastructure. The project developer shall have the right to determine the timing of development, provided all infrastructure necessary to serve that portion or phase of the project is in place prior to occupancy of that portion or phase of the project. The phasing plan reflects current conditions, but may change at the discretion of the developer, subject to Planning Director and Public Works Director review and approval, over the extended development horizon of the project. The Phasing Plan as described in this Specific Plan may be adjusted to reflect changing market conditions or differing infrastructure needs. The various streets and other circulation elements and infrastructure extension items will be developed incrementally. The amount of the increment built shall be as required to serve the area being developed. August 2006 91 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - STOCKDALE RANCH SPECIFIC PLAN I II ""_/.]',' {'I';;.,.:oC.'~ // / 1/1 '-"'0/' I ')\ X / Cl /1/ // '" .:// I , 6' 1 I/!/ /1' J/il rr~~.:;/'l "'I 0::1 I ", /,' // 'I Ii' //1 CIl:O 1 :I: !i/;IJ /;/ ,// II " 1// -J.. ~ ~I 1 ~I I 1/:;/ ,.; 1 Ii /// STOCKDALEffiGHWAY ~ ~ gjl 1 'II,,';; / i: ii II I '" II_II _II_II _11_111- I I _11_11_11 _11_11_ 11_'l/t~ 1_111_11_11_11 ~I- ~i/If~~~~ Iliff -< . ~" "[' Cl / j' .' ~ // ~ z- I' ' , , I PHASE 4 ~/f // II ;' , , I' ~/ /'1 /~' ,h' II /// // II I ~ //,-' PHASE 2 I i '~, // /~I II '/// /<;/ ~ : \ Vie / // ! ! I:: \ ~>" /--:; I' , ';/" /;5-" /' ! ~:::- '''~~/ /l/>'''- i i, ;Y ..-;;:;C'.;c/ /'::-"1U" , I' ~/ _._~:/ ,.-::::::::/ \\ / I -:?,;::._.~~/ // ~ I I ~~~~~~==~~-==fl~~~- CONCURRENTLY IN DIFFERENT Ii i;;ij I PHASES. II ~ii II ii If II Ii II Ii Ii ~~'" :l~> :'i;;>o;: u-<Cl PHASE 3 PHASE 1 LEGEND D Phase I D Phase 2 D Phase 3 D Phase 4 ..._ Specific Plan Boundary N EXHIBIT 11-1 PROJECT PHASING August 2006 II I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I SPECIFIC PLAN IMPLEMENTATION 12 SPECIFIC PLAN IMPLEMENTATION The Stockdale Ranch Specific Plan was prepared and adopredin accordance with all provisions of State law and City of Bakersfield ordinances, policies, and procedures. 12;1 ApPLICABILITY The policies and development standards of the Stockdale Ranch Specific Plan shall govern all development within the specific plan area. The development standards contained herein provide specific standards for land use development within the Specific Plan area. The Specific Plan supersedes the otherwise applicable City of Bakersfield Zoning Ordinance unless stated herein to the contrary. Whenever the provisions and development standards contained herein conflict with those contained in the City of Bakersfield Zoning Ordinance, the provisions of the Specific Plan shall take precedence. Where the Specific Plan is silent, the City of Bakersfield Zoning Ordinance shall apply. 12.2 SEVERABILITY If any provision or portions of any provision of this Specific Plan or its application to any person or circumstance are held to be invalid, the remainder of the Specific Plan and the application of that provision to other persons or circumstances shall not be affected. 12.3 INTERPRETATION If an issue, condition or situation arises or occurs that is not sufficiently covered or provided for in these regulations so as to be clearly understandable, those other regulations of the Bakersfield Zoning Ordinance that are applicable for the most similar issue, condition or situation shall be used and implemented. This provision shall not be used to permit uses not specifically\authorized by these regulations or to modify the objectives of this Specific Plan. The City Planning Director shall resolve the issues, conditions or situations in a manner that is consistent with the goals, policies, and standards established in this Specific Plan. The intent is to resolve ambiguity in the regulations and ensure consistent application. 12.4 AMENDMENTS TO THE SPECIFIC PLAN Proposed amendments to the Specific Plan shall be processed in accordance with provisions of City of Bakersfield Codes and Ordinances and California State Law. Amendments to the Plan shall be permitted so as to permit the orderly development of the lands subject to this Specific Plan. August 2006 95 SPECIFIC PLAN IMPLEMENTATION 12.5 SUBSTANTIAL CONFORMANCE WITH THE SPECIFIC PLAN It is recognized that as more detailed plans are prepared to implement the Specific Plan, certain minor adjustments to provisions of the Specific Plan may be required. These minor adjustments may be approved administratively at the discretion of the Planning Director provided that they are in substantial conformance with the Specific Plan and further provided that the following requirements are met: · The minor adjustment does not increase the number of dwelling units that can be constructed or the intensity of development of non residential development. .. Specific Plan land uses and zones as shown in Exhibits 3~ I and 13~ I are not amended. · All applicable provisions of State Law are complied with. · The determination of substantial conformance is principally related to clarifying administrative issues and not changing standards or the plan objectives. All proposed adjustments or modifications to the Specific Plan that. are determined to not be in substantial conformance with the Specific Plan by the Planning Director, shall be processed as amendments to the Specific Plan. 12.6 REQUIRED ACTIONS TO IMPLEMENT THE PROJECT 12.6.1 Environmental Impact Report The EIR has been processed concurrently with the Specific Plan and must be certified as complete prior to approval of the Specific Plan. Certification of the Environmental Impact Report (EIR) and approval of a Mitigation Monitoring Program (MMP) and Statement, of Overriding Considerations must be approved concurrent with this Specific Plan, It is intended that the EIR will adequately cover all anticipated actions required to implement the Specific Plan. 12.6.2 General Plan Amendments Approval by the City Council of a General Plan Amendment is necessary to implement the Stockdale Ranch Specific Plan. The General Plan Amendments have been processed concurrently with the Specific Plan and will be approved prior to approval of the Specific Plan. 12.6.3 Approval of Specific Plan Approval of the Stockdale Ranch Specific Plan will occur by resolution by the City Council. 96 August 2006 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I II I I I I I I i I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I SPECIFIC PLAN IMPLEMENTATION 12.6.4 Approval of Zoning The Specific Plan Zoning must be approved in accordance with provisions of City of Bakersfield ordinances for each development provided for by a subdivision map. Zoning actions follow approval of the Specific Plan. 12.6.5 Approval of Subdivision Maps Subdivision Maps must be approved in accordance with proVIsIons of City of Bakersfield ordinances. Approval of Subdivision Maps follows approval of the Specific. Plan. 12.6.6 Homeowners Association The developer shall establish a Homeowners Association( s) and/or Maintenance District( s) to maintam all common landscape areas, including private parks and private streets. Homeowners association(s) and/or Maintenance District(s) may also maintain landscape areas in public parks and public streets, subject to approval by the City and the provisions outlined in Section 12.7. As a condition of recordation of any subdivision map, each lot shall have recorded appropriate CC&Rs approved by the Planning Department and the City Attorney pursuant to Bakersfield Municipal Code section 16.36.020., which provide for the maintenance of these areas, through the use of a homeowner's association (HOA), maintenance districts, community service districts, community facilities districts, or the like, or a combination of these financing tools. In addition, the CC&Rs will include architectural, landscape and development guidelines and standards consistent with the objectives and standards contained in the Specific Plan. 12.6.7 Architectural Review Committee The responsibility of the ARC is to, review architectural submittals for the homeowner's association to ensure consistency with the Architectural Design Guidelines contained within the CC&R:s. This Specific Plan contains a number of design principles which are to be implemented through the review of plans submitted to the Architectural Review Committee. However, it is not the responsibility of the ARC to review or approve subdivisions, parcel maps, zoning, Specific . Plan amendments, etc. The committee shall be established under the provisions of the Conditions, Covenants and Restrictions (CC&Rs) to be recorded by the developer and approved by the City of Bakersfield as indicated in Section 12.3.6. There will be a minimum of two (2) ARCs for the Stockdale Ranch project. One or more will review and approve architectural submissions for all. residential development and one or more will review and approve architectural submissions for all mixed use development. Each ARC will consist of not less than three (3) nor more than five (5) persons as fixed from time to time by the Board of Directors of the master homeowner's association for each of the two areas. The developer, as to residential and commercial development will appoint all members of ARC until five (5) years August 2006 97 SPECIFIC PLAN IMPLEMENTATION after the close of escrow of the first property within the last phase of development in the portions of the project overseen by that particular ARC, or until 90% of the residential properties within the entire Stockdale Ranch project have been sold to the ultimate buyers of such properties, whichever shall last occur. As part of the annual report submitted to the City of Bakersfield Planning Department, the developer shall report on the status of appointment responsibility for the ARC. The status report shall contain at a minimum the number of residential properties that have been sold and/or the date of. the close of escrow for the.first property within the last.phase of' development in the portions of the project overseen by each applicable ARC. 12.7 LANDSCAPE MAINTENANCE Subject to approval by the City, the developer may elect to have all landscaping within the City's public parks and/or rights of way in the project, including landscaping at intersections along road segments and/or within road medians, maintained by one or more homeowner's associations established by the developer. Traditionally,. these landscape areas are maintained by the City of Bakersfield. The primary benefits of such landscaping flow to the residents rather than to the public at large and private maintenance of such landscaping will allow for integration of a common landscaping theme and more economical maintenance. To implement this concept, a homeowner's association(s) would be established which will be responsible for the maintenance of all common landscape areas and landscape areas within the public rights-of-way. These homeowner's associations maybe separate from other homeowner's associations, or they may be the same. The exact form of such associations shall be established at the time of approval of the subdivision maps, and may include master homeowner's associations, sub~ homeowner's associations, and/or homeowner's associations set up only for the purpose of landscape maintenance. These homeowner's association(s) may not be dis'solved or discontinued without prior City approval. Should private maintenance of landscaping within public rights of way be approved by the City, prior to approval of each final subdivision map associated with the Stockdale Ranch Specific Plan, the developer will convey by grant deed, an easement to the City of Bakersfield for the use of the streets, as permitted by Government 'Code section 65870 et seq. and Bakersfield Municipal Code Chapter 12.60. This grant deed will grant to the City the right to use the streets for parking, ingress, egress, emergency access and light and air access, public services including water, sewer, electricity, cable and other utility lines, delivery of public services, including trash collection, landscaping and open space use but will exclude the right to maintain the landscaping and open space use. The grant deed will include the fact that right to maintain landscaping and open space are reserved to the developer, and that such reserved rights shall be granted to the appropriate homeowner's association. The 98 August 2006 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I II I I II I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I SPECIFIC PLAN IMPLEMENTATION declaration of covenants, conditions and. restrictions. (CC&:Rs) associated with that subdivision will state that these reserved rights constitute a portion of the common area, for which the association has the duty to maintain. The Developer will also grant to public service and utility providers such easements as may be necessary for the installation of utility lines and delivery of public services for the project. . Although the above~described method is preferred, in the event this process is not followed, and such streets are offered for dedication instead, then the City shall accept the offered streets upon completion of any improvements, and then enter into appropriate license agreements, right~of~way agreements, and/or easements which allow the homeowner's association to maintain the landscaping and open space contained within the public rights~of~way. Prior to contracting with private companies to maintain landscaping and open space within City rights of way, the homeowner's association will be required to execute and deliver to the City an encroachment permit or other agreement from or with the City, in a form acceptable to the City, requiring that the homeowner's association indemnify and provide insurance to the City for any claims, losses and liabilities arising out of such private maintenance. Nothing in this Specific Plan shall prohibit such associations from contracting with private companies to perform maintenance of the landscaping and open space. 12.8 DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT In 1979, California enacted legislation authorizing local governments to enter into binding agreements with respect to development project approvals. This legislation was mainly intended to alleviate the longstanding problem of uncertainties in the multilevel government approval processes for complex and long~term development projects. The intent was to assure a developer that once a project was started, it would be permitted to be completed as approved, regardless of any intervening changes in local ordinances, regulations, or the makeup of the local governing body. A development agreement has been submitted and is being processed concurrently with this Specific Plan. Notwithstanding any other provision of this Specific Plan, development agreement means a development agreement as provided for by Government Code ~65864 to ~65869.5 or other similar form of document, agreement, or condition ( s) as may be desired at the discretion of the City of Bakersfield. August 2006 99 100 August 2006 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I SPECIFIC PLAN IMPLEMENTATION . [This page intentionally left blank] I I I I . I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ZONING REGULATIONS 13 ZONING REGULATIONS 13.1 GENERAL PURPOSE The Stockdale Ranch Specific Plan Zoning Regulations are adopted for the purpose of promoting the health, safety and general welfare of the future residents and employees of the Stockdale Ranch Specific Plan by providing zoning districts and development and use standards for implementaqpn of the Specific Plan. Whereas this section includes the Permitted Uses (Table 13.1) for the Stockdale Ranch Specific Plan, the Development Standards can be found in Chapter 10 Development Standards. The Stockdale Ranch Specific Plan Zoning Regulations have the following objectives: · Implement the provisions of the Stockdale Ranch Specific Plan. · Provide maximum opportunities for innovative, high quality community design and site planning consistent with orderly development and protection of sensitive and natural resources. · Identify only those uses and development standards unique to the Stockdale Ranch Specific Plan. 13.1.1 Application The Stockdale Ranch Specific Plan Zoning Regulations shall be applied only in the Stockdale Ranch Specific Plan area. 13.1.2 References Any reference to Zoning Regulations shall mean the Stockdale Ranch Zoning Regulations. The City of Bakersfield Zoning Ordinance is referred to as the Bakersfield Zoning Ordinance. 13.1.3 Resolution of Issues The development standards contained herein provide specific standards for land use development within the Specific Plan area. The Specific Plan supersedes the otherwise applicable City of Bakersfield development standards/regulations unless stated herein to the contrary. Chapters 17.10 through 17.54 are superseded in their entirety by these Zoning Regulations. Whenever the provisions and development standards contained herein conflict with those contained in the City of Bakersfield Zoning Ordinance, the provisions of the Specific Plan shall take precedence. Where the Specific Plan is silent, the City of Bakersfield Zoning Ordinance shall apply. August 2006 101 ZONING REGULATIONS If an issue, condition or situation arises or occurs that is not sufficiently covered or provided for in these regulations so as to be clearly understandable, those other regulations of the Bakersfield Zoning Ordinance that are applicable for the most similar issue, condition or situation shall be used and implemented. This provision shall not be used to permit uses not specifically authorized by these regulations or to modify the objectives of this Specific Plan. The City Planning Director shall resolve the issues, conditions or situations in a manner that is consistent with the goals, policies, and standards established in this Specific Plan. The intent is to resolve ambiguity in the regulations and ensure consistent application. 13.1.4 Severability _, If any provision (or portions of any provision) of the Stockdale Ranch Zoning Regulations or their application to any person or circumstance is held to be invalid, the remainder of the Stockdale Ranch Zoning Regulations and the application of that provision to other persons or circumstances shall not be affected. 13.2 GENERAL PROVISIONS 13.2.1 Zoning Map and Zoning Process The Stockdale Ranch Specific Plan Zoning Regulations implement the Specific Plan General Plan Land Use Designations for the property as shown on Exhibit 3~L The proposed zoning for the properties within the Specific Plan area are adopted by map within the Specific Plan as shown on Exhibit 13~ I Zoning Map, and shall be more specifically defined upon subdivision. Minor adjustments to the zoning district boundaries are subject to review and approval by the Planning Director or his/her designee. They do not require an amendment to the Specific Plan. The following constitutes a minor zoning district boundary adjustment: · An adjustment to the boundaries of a zoning district or districts shown on Exhibit 13~ 1 which is undertaken to merely refine the Zoning Map as more detailed boundary information is available. Zoning district boundaries may need to be adjusted as a result of final alignment changes to defining features ofthe project such as streets, the canal, and easement areas. 102 August 2006 I! II I I I I I I I I I I I II I I I II II I I, I I I I I I I 1 I: I I I I I; I I' II \' , , SR-RI '[ 11, Ie ~ , ! /f i 'I I 1/ I II / // ! 1/ I I! / / / // .(,>/ / /;l /::/ ,,' / / / /.',' /' / \~:::.::::::::::,,~';'! STOCKDALE RANCH SPECIFIC PLAN ../ \ \ #~~. ~ \~~:~::::,.-!''''< /,"4 ,..~/'/" ~-:::..------ /~~-;l? :~j~~~7~i~~~~;;,,~~~:,~;:;~~O~I=;~~;~:~;~~::~::n-~;::/ SR-R2 ====~~~=~~=~-=-~==~~~~~=~.~~t~~==--------h&- _____n. ---.-------.-n-~lrl-- .__ ., ;..::1: i ii ~I! ! Ii coii I " ,-I: i ii r--i! i i i [/) j I '[ ~:i :1 ~jl ii il Ii " I, ~,! ! i ii II JI II II ![ ~, 01 ~, / //;,/ ,,</ /;/ --:/ SR-RI VILLAGEA SR-R2 Wi I ~ ~I I I 0 wi I --.J STOCKDALE HIGHWAY ~ ~ I , w:!-II_II_II_II_II_II_II_I.....I. _11_11_11- .1-11_1 ~I ~- ~j z_ I - - _ _ _ J - LEGEND I SR-RI I I SR-R2 I _,-I -~ Stockdale Ranch Town Center Zone SR-R2 SR-R2 Stockdale Ranch One Family Dwelling Zone '. ''"\i :1 . Stockdale Ranch Limited Multiple Family Dwelling Zone , I: \\ 'i II ,I I: I' Stockdale Ranch Limited Multiple Family Dwelling Zone 'I, I', :.! t~ , ( r--..--. : _ . . .--J Village Boundary ,,' ." " ~l .....-.. - ...I Specific Plan Boundary r_.. I i jl ~ EXHIBIT 13-1 ZONING MAP ." August 2006 III I I I I I I I I I I I ! I II I I I I I I ZONING REGULATIONS · An adjustment that will not increase or decrease the overall acreage of individual zoning districts so as to change the intent of the Zoning Map or modify the development policies and standards required by the Specific Plan. A table of acreages has been prepared based on preliminary calculations of the zoning districts as depicted on Exhibit 13~ 1. It is anticipated that minor adjustments to the zoning district boundaries will not result in gross acreages that deviate more than 5 percent from those provided in Table 13.1. · Minor zoning boundary adjustments shall not increase the number of dwelling units. The number of units must meet the dwelling unit limitations established in Section 3.5 of this Specific Plan. TABLE 13.1 PRELIMINARY ZONING DISTRICT ACREAGES SR-Rl SR-R2 SR-R3 SR- TC 72 265 38 53 13.2.2 Compliance with Specific Plan All construction within the Stockdale Ranch Specific Plan shall comply with the provisions outlined herein, and relevant City of Bakersfield Zoning Ordinance provisions. Building and other construction permits shall be issued by the City only after it has been determined that said permit applications are consistent with the applicable provisions of the Stockdale Ranch Specific Plan and the Specific Plan Zoning Regulations outlined herein. ARC approval is required by the City prior to the issuance of building permits unless otherwise provided for in the CCfstRs. 13.2.3 Hierarchy The hierarchy of applicability shall be first to the Stockdale Ranch Specific Plan and these Specific Plan Zoning Regulations, and then to the applicable provisions of the Bakersfield Zoning Ordinance, and other City codes and ordinances. 13.2.4 Site Plan Approval Process The Site plan approval process for all developments requiring site plan review shall be in accordance with Section 17.08.080 of the Bakersfield Zoning Ordinance. August 2006 105 ZONING REGULATIONS 13.2.5 Legal Nonconforming Uses Legal nonconforming uses, including agricultural uses, may be continued and maintained on lands within any zone until such lands are developed for uses permitted by such zone. 13.2.6 Definitions Definitions shall be in accordance with section 17.04 of the Bakersfield Zoning Ordinance except as modified or supplemented herein. Lane Lane means a private way or dedicated right of way of twenty feet or less in width that provides secondary access to abutting properties. A lane may provide access to rear loaded garages for one~family dwellings or townhomes. Live/Work Development Live/Work development means a development that provides for a live/work environment with ground floor office/retail/commercial in the same building as a one-family dwelling unit or condominium. The ground floor office/retail/commercial area may be used as a separate dwelling unit. T ownhome T ownhome means a one~family dwelling located on a legal lot of record that is attached to one or more adjacent one~family dwellings that are each located on their own legal lot of record. . , 13.3 ZONING DISTRICTS AND PERMITTED USES The Stockdale Ranch Specific Plan Development Plan will be implemented by designating properties within the Specific Plan area in accordance with Exhibit 13~ 1 Zoning Map. The zoning districts are described generally as follows: · Stockdale Ranch~One Family Dwelling Zone (SR~RI): The Stockdale Ranch~One Family Dwelling Zone provides for low density one~family dwellings and. townhomes. Parks, schools, and other public uses such as fire and law enforcement protection facilities are also allowed in this zone. . Stockdale Ranch~Limited Multiple~Family Dwelling Zone (SR~R2): The Stockdale Ranch~Limited Multiple~family Dwelling Zone provides for lower to medium density detached and attached housing as well as one~family dwellings townhomes, and multiple family dwellings. Parks, schools, and other public uses such as fire and law enforcement protection facilities are also allowed in this zone. · Stockdale Ranch~Limited Multi Family Dwelling Zone (SR~R3): The Stockdale Ranch~Limited Multi Family Dwelling Zone provides for medium 106 August 2006 II Ii I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ZONING REGULATIONS to higher density housing, primarily attached. Parks, schools, and other public uses such as fire and law enforcement protection facilities are also allowed in this zone. · Stockdale Ranch~Town Center Zone (SR~TC): The Stockdale Ranch~Town Center Zone will implement the core of the Stockdale Ranch Specific Plan community. It allows for a mix of commercial, office, and residential uses, both vertically and horizontally, that will allow for the creation of an active community core with an active street life and a vibrant business center. Live/work developments are provided for in the SR~ TC zone. The following table lists permitted, and conditional uses in each of the Zoning Districts. "Conditional" refers to uses requiring approval of a Conditional Use Permit. August 2006 107 ZONING REGULATIONS I I 108 I I I I I II I I -I I: II I I I I I I I II I II [This page intentionally left blank] August 2006 -;-;-~_._._- -'-'--- _'__'_~__;_ TABLE 13.2 PERMITTED USES P=Permitted, P/D = Permitted b Plannin Director, C=Conditional Use Permit August 2006 ZONING REGULATIONS p p p p p p p c p p 109 ZONING REGULATIONS c field or basketball stadiums or p p p p p p p p p p cleaners P p P C C C P P P churches C C C P 8 Christmas tree sales are not allowed within 300 feet of residential homes. no August 2006 --: -; -: -: -; - - -: -: -' - - - :- ,-' , , - - - -: -: -: -: -: -: -: -' - -' -' -, -: _,_~ -: - -; - ZONING REGULATIONS August 2006 p p p p p p p p p c c c p p p p c 111 ZONING REGULATIONS 112 P pot confined P P air P P C C C C P P P P P P P P P P and cocktail lounges P P P P P/D P C August 2006 - -' -: - -' - - -. -- - -' -, - - .- - - - -' _J _~_ - -' -' -' -: - -: -: -: -;-;- -~ -: -' ZONING REGULATIONS Laundromat Le al services libra li uor store live/work develo ment Locksmith Lodge halls and private clubs, excepting clubs the chief activity of which is a service customaril carried on as a business Lodge halls and private clubs, where the chief activity is a service customaril carried on as a buisness Lu a e and leather oods Lumbe ards Machine shops ( except punch presses of over twenty tons rated ca acit , dro hammers and automatic screw machines Machine shops, including punch presses and automatic screw machines Mana ement and ublic relations services Manufacturer of arts and crafts, billboards and advertising structures, electric neon signs, ceramic products, clothing or garments, cosmetics, perfumes and toiletries, drugs and pharmaceuticals, electronic instruments and devices, radios, televisions, phonographs, business machines, food products (except the rendering or refining of fats or oils), furniture, musical instruments and toys, prefabricated buildings, shoes, soap (cold mix onl textiles. Manufacture, compounding, assembling or treatment of articles or merchandise from the following previously prepared materials: bone, cellophane, canvas, cloth, cork, feathers, felt, fiber, fur, glass, hair, horn, leather, paper, plastics, precious or semiprecious metals or stones, shell, textiles, tobacco, wood, yards and paint not employing a boilin rocess Medical, dental, psychiatric and other health practitioner offices and clinics, including chiropractic, acupuncture, massage therapy and blood banks. Medical and dental laboratories Milita sur Ius store p p p p p p p p p p p p p August 2006 113 ZONING REGULATIONS 114 P drive in P P P P P P P P P P P C P P P P P P ""Lighting of these parks shall be limited to safety (lighting required by federal, state, or local agencies, including street lights), security (such as motion activated lights), and architectural andlor landscape accent fixtures. Parks (public or private) for passive and active recreational use, including permanent and temporary recreation facilities for organized and unorganized uses, with outdoor recreation or sports facility lighting. This includes, but is not limited to illuminated softball diamonds, soccer or football fields, playground equipment, tennis and basketball courts, aquatic facilities, restrooms and group icnic facilities. Parkin ara e or surface lot Pet and et su I store, includin services Pest control services pharmacies in con'unction with medical clinics c c c c P P P August 2006 - - -; - - -' -' -: - - - _. - - ;- - '- - - -' -: -'- _: _1 -' -' -: -: -, -: -~ -, -: - --; -' ZONING REGULATIONS c c P P C C C P C with chapter 17.65 of P P P P P P P August 2006 115 P P the P!D P P/D P P P P P P P P P P P ZONING REGULATIONS Sidewalk use, including but not limited to outdoor seating, subject to P issuance of an encroachment permit Skating rinks p Sporting goods, including bicycles, camping equipment, firearms, p skiing and golf Stone monument works Storage spaces for transit and transportation equipment Swap meets, flea markets and auction houses C Taxidermist P Telecommunications administration p Television, radio and cable broadcasting stations P Temporary offices not to exceed two years, plus one year extension P subject to approval of planning commission Temporary promotional activities as defined in the Bakersfield P Zoning Ordinance Tennis courts, including associated clubhouse p p p p Tire rebuilding, recapping and retreading plants Title and escrow offices p Tobacco store P Tool rental and equipment T ownhomes P P P P Trade, vocational or specialized school P Trails, Pedestrian, bicycle, equestrian. P P P P Travel Agencies P Truck repairing and overhauling shops Trusts and investment agencies P Used merchandise, including antiques, books, furniture, thrift shops, P and pawnshops Variety store P Veterinary services Veterinary (small animal only), excluding kennel services P Video arcade P Video disk/tape rental P Vocational and specialized schools providing technical and cultural training Warehouses 116 August 2006 - -:- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ------------------- ZONING REGULATIONS August 2006 117 ZONING REGULATIONS > [This page intentionally left blank] 118 August 2006 - -' -, - - - -, -, - - - - -' -' - - - - - I I I I I- I I I I I II ; I I I I I I I I PROJECT FINANCING 14 PROJECT FINANCING 14.1 BACKGROUND California Government Code Section 65451 sets forth the basic content of specific plans and one of the requirements is to include information relating to project financing. 14.2 PROJECT FINANCING The development of the Stockdale Ranch project, at full build out, will require the construction of infrastructure that is prohibitive to fund with the first phase of development, and therefore, the project will be developed in phases. Each phase's infrastructure will be added to and complement the infrastructure developed before it. The build out of the project is anticipated to take approximately 15 years. The phasing plan as described in this Specific Plan may be adjusted, subject to Planning Director and Public Works Director review and approval to reflect changing market conditions or differing infrastructure needs. Once constructed, the infrastructure improvements will consist of elements for use by the general public, as well as elements for the exclusive use of the residents of the area. After construction, long~term maintenance of the improvements will be required, and the party bearing the obligation to maintain those improvements will vary depending on whether the improvement is for the general public or exclusively for the residents of the Specific Plan area. Although various techniques are available for financing the required infrastructure, the developer anticipates using private financing in conjunction with public financing for the development costs. Since as previously discussed, certain elements of the infrastructure will be for the use of the general public, public financing may be appropriate for these elements. The project developer shall be required, as a condition of approval of a final map of any phase or neighborhood, to secure the City's approval of the financing method proposed for both . the development and maintenance of the improvement, if it is to be financed by any means requiring City approval. The selected public financing mechanism shall be approved by the City prior to the recordation of the final map. The selected financing mechanisms must be in place as required by the financing vehicle. If the City does not approve public financing, the developer must utilize private financing. . Since the build out of the project is anticipated to take approximately 15 years, it is impossible to determine that far in advance any specific public financing tool that may be requested. The developer may use any of the listed funding mechanisms so long as it is August 2006 119 PROJECT FINANCING done in compliance with City ordinances and State Law. Variables that are input into determining the viability of any public financing tool include: At this point in time, possible public financing tools include the following: 14.2.1 Special Assessment Districts Special Assessment Districts, such as those created under the Improvement Act of 1911, or the Municipal Improvement Act of 1913, and funded pursuant to the Improvement Bond Act of 1915, provide a method for long term financing of public infrastructure and facilities. The assessment district includes the area where the real property owners will benefit from the provision of the planned facilities. A lien based upon a formula for allocating benefit among the properties within the assessment district is placed against each parcel of property within the district. The public entity establishing the benefit assessment district issues and sells the bonds to finance the upfront costs of constructing the improvements. The bonds are then repaid over their term from assessments levied against the properties in the district in addition to the property taxes due. The assessments are collected with the property taxes on an annual basis and used to redeem the bonds that have been recorded as a lien against each property in the district. 14.2.2 Community Facilities Districts A Community Facilities District may be used to finance the planning, design, purchase, construction, or expansion of any real or other tangible property with an estimated useful life of at least five years. Examples of these facilities include, but are not limited to, parks and open space facilities, school sites and structures, libraries, public utility facilities, and other government facilities. 14.2.3 Community Services Districts A Community Services District can be used within a specific area to finance services associated with such items as traffic and circulation, street lighting, law enforcement, fire protection, and facility maintenance. They offer the opportunity to ensure the payment obligation rests with the area utilizing the infrastructure improvements. 14.2.4 Landscaping and Lighting Districts The Landscaping and Lighting Act of 1972 provides for the creation of assessment districts to finance the cost of installing and/or maintaining landscaping, lighting facilities and ornamental structures. Like a benefit assessment district, properties within the district are assessed a share of the costs to the district on the basis of the benefit provided to the real property. 120 August 2006 I II I I I I I I II I I I I I II I I I Ii II I I I I I I I I I I I il I' I I I I I I PROJECT FINANCING 14.2.5 Debt Financing Statutory authority empowers public entities to issue a variety of securities/bonds to incur debt. The proceeds can be used for any public improvement for which the City would otherwise be authorized to spend City funds, where that expenditure is greater than the amount generally available from the annual tax levy. Examples include General Obligation Bonds, Revenue Bonds and Tax Allocation Bonds, amongst others. Use of this option will generally be limited to those improvements with a citywide benefit, where the desire is to install the improvement in advance of the City having the available cash for payment. 14.2.6 Development Agreement A development agreement is a contract between a local government and a developer. It specifies in detail the responsibilities of each side, and typically includes a commitment by the local government to vest rights to develop the project in accordance with the existing policies, rules and regulations, and a commitment by the developer to install or develop certain improvements, or to make certain payments. As stated in Government Code Section 65864: "The agreement may also include terms and conditions relating to applicant financing of necessary public facilities and subsequent reimbursement over time." 14.2.7 Utility Districts Utility districts, such as those that supply potable water, electricity, sewer, solid waste disposal, and communication facilities, are empowered to create their own bond indebtedness, based upon the ability to earn revenues from operations. In addition, bonds may be issued for the raising of money for capital improvement projects, within strict guidelines. Arrangements with existing utility districts may be made that utilize their funding methods, or the project developer may create its own utility district if feasible and appropriate (such as for the on~site sewer treatment plant). In this event, the availability of the bonding right of the created utility may be pursued. In addition, many utility companies charge user fees, which are payable at the time of initial hook~up to the utility, and constitute a one time charge by the utility for the provision of services to the user. The utility then uses these funds to expand, enlarge, maintain or modernize its facilities and service lines. The project developer is anticipating that financing arrangements with the utility districts will be required due to the enormous scope of work required in providing the infrastructure required by a project on the scale of the Stockdale Ranch project. August 2006 121 PROJECT FINANCING 122 [This page intentionally left blank] August 2006 I I Per Â~'(1"nz?7!JJ7!::247!::~~~~~~ Permit 10 #:: 015-000-000831 ~!f"fl'¡ ; ( : )~¡""":~(;;-';~::"'. I ",c., ~ : . <"',,1" ..,' ",. ' MAX OIL INC (HOUGHTON LEA$.Ef ;(,«~;Lfc:':';l;~:?::;',l¡):". .,' ^ LOCA ilON: STOCKDALE HWY\RENFRO RD;r'('¡\ i:À' \:~~~K€~~~ìËL~ì' ',,¡!< ,} ;¡~:ti//<:~",,: ¡( :" ~'~:':;,;~.. i:~ _,of>. Issued by¡ , \ it [ , I Operü.te to Hazardous Materials/Hazardous Waste Unified Permit ~ CONDITIONS OF PERMIT ON REVERSE SIDE This permit is issued for the following: It! Hazardous Materials Plan [ o Underground Storage of Hazardous Materials o Risk Management Program o Hazardous Waste On-Site Treatment .4.' f' ":·.~,;,_:,rr6ð:\ , ", .~~\ ~ ~~$ ;"" ~1 ' :: .." 1::,', ' , . ; q," Ë i ,. ..~. ," }., .~: ~ I \" ¡ , ~i '-, .t\. <';V "\.:-. ,." "..t ~ J '- 'i:(¡. \., t.·V!; \,' I',,' '.¿ "~ç:' i;,1 \"'~"'~.;;.~:;,ú~ø~,:/:l Bakersfield Fire Department OFFICE OF ENVIRONMENTAL SER VICES 1715 Chester Ave., 3rd Floor Approved by: Bakersfield, CA 93301 Voice (661) 326-3979 FAX (661) 326-0576 Expiration Date: Issue 'Date June 30, 2003 .I~" . HMIIIP PLAN. lVlA-P- -~ Business Address: ~ . FACILITY DIAGRAM Maxoil Incorporated On Via Delica N.E. of Stockdale Hwy. & Renfro Road SITE DIAGRAM Business Name: For Office Use Only First In Station: Inspection Station: Area Map .:; of NORTH \} DETAIL, 'A' 1- Crankcase Oil Not Regulated 2- Gear Oil ·Not Regulated CD CD CD 3- 140 Cleaning Solvent Combustible Liquid 4- WT-944 Flammable Liquid 5- Empty Drums Oils; Solvents 000 008 øøø Note: Chemicals & locations may change (at random)' q,' . :--- /v1tJ¡zrf t' ¡Jo¡r1#Y HMt'IP SITE DIAGRAM ¢ Business Name: Sus,iness Address: PLAN e MA.P FACILITY DIAGRAM Maxoil Incorporatpn On Via Delica N.E. of Stockdale Hwy. & Renfro Road For OHice Use Only First In station: Area Map .:; ot NORTH 0 Inspection Station: HOUGHTON WELL# ?f6 LOCATION ¿;JI¿·tA1E¿L ELE¿ r.e/¿A,¡ft/#- .:5/¡v-r .ÞPUJ~ X /1/0 ¡A//if¡9Z .#1/ 6?Ai c74-"7t? X /ÍJ?E .?I flydll.flJ·í N;rø?'¿Ç /Þ#e:L x ~ ~ " ,/ CI,4lLG , 7(oS/H..G5 .¡' . X h12¡Ç ~ Hydfll+N T' HMMP PLAN. MA.P SITE DIAGRAM ¢ Business Name: FACILITY DIAGRAM Maxoil Incorpora~pn On Via Delica N.E. of Stockdale Hwy. & Renfro Road For Office Use Only Business Address: First In Station: ' Inspection Stetion: Area Map it of NORTH 0 HOUGHTON WELL# 7'7 ¿?¿'. þ/v"e,¡Ç #PM~ X éLEC//Z/C A.w¿?TZ. .5h 1// Z;",,v;o! , LOCATION ~ ¿J/¿¿v¿f2c... \L ~ \\ X ~ ~ " /Jð ~. \ß ØIifGl- 1 ¡Va SlY.:> &b¿¡t! U/4?L- ~7t//2¿ ··ffip-rÇ3. .,. X fí¡2~ ¡lydJz.ll~f ..... . .,-".,;" ¡ I , ] I i i. .~ HMMP PLANe MAP SITE DIAGRAM ¢ FACILITY DIAGRAM Business Name: Maxoil IncorporatAn On Via Delica N.E. of Stockdale Hwy. & Renfro Road For Office Use Only Bus.iness Address: First In Stetion: Area Mep it of NORTH 0 Inspection Stetion: L' ~ kv¡;ç )#P1b!7 . fíu; ft>!/){2MJT ' HOUGHTON WELL# ~~ ffifi1'~ LOCATION tJ¡¿Wé¿L x f"tffV;~)?/cf)ø!ø X ~~7 4'¡J~pJ tJ° ¿,ùlt1efl. Nt) 6111 ¡:¡;7t4ø¡;:: /d;m53- .' 8~'/E ¡ß¿é)C.J! P!/A?t- '. kV/Z'E ß/??~ ...... ·~ ~. <f' 'i' fi ---. ':~-'i It e ~t~TI~-rl ~8ðBl 2'- 1996 ~ge / \ // ~/ ('B / 1 ~ 09/18/96 MAX OIL INC (HOUGHTON LEASE) 215-000- Overall Site with 1 Fac. Unit General Information "-j Location: STOCKDALE HWY\RENFRO RD City : BAKERSFIELD Map:101 Haz:2 Type: 3 Grid: 35C FlU: 1 AOV: 0.0 Contact Name JIM VITTITOW Business Phone: 24-Hour Phone Pager Phone Title / OPERATIONS MANA (805) 589-3266x (805) 589-0660x () x Mail Addrs: City: Comm Code: Administrative Data 100 N BRAND BLVD '~Sol GLENDALE 215-001 BAKERSFIELD STATION 01 D&B Number: 95-4144326 State: CA Zip: 91203- SIC Code: 1311 Owner: MAX OIL INCORPORATED Address: 100 N BRAND BLVD ~( City: GLENDALE Phone: (818) 240-3580 , State: CA Zip: 91203- Summary I, VIm Jj f'1í~~ Do hereby certify that I have (Type '" prittt 1'k"'O \) reviewed the attached hazardous materials manage- ment plan for 1~~"fIL ~c.-and that it along with ( ame of BUll neas) any corrections constitute a complete and correct man- agement plan for my facility. . \¡.;. '>, /() :;r,Ç? 'i e e 09/18/96 MAX OIL INC (HOUGHTON LEASE) 215-000-000831 Page 2 Hazmat Inventory List in MCP Order 02 - Fixed Containers on Site PIn-Ref Name/Hazards Form Max Qty MCP 02-002 PROTREAT WT SERIES, 944, 961, 990 Liquid 165 High ~ Fire, Immed Hlth, Delay Hlth GAL 02-006 140 SOLVENT Liquid 55 Moderate ~ Fire GAL 02-001 CRUDE OIL Liquid 4200 ,Low ~ Fire, Immed Hlth GAL 02-003 GEAR OIL Liquid 110 Low ~ Fire, Delay Hlth GAL 02-004 UNOCAL 7610 GAS ENGINE OIL 40 Liquid 110 Minimal ~ Fire GAL 02-005 UNOCAL MP GEAR LUBE LS 85W - 140 Liquid 55 Unrated ~ Fire GAL 02-007 WT-944 Liquid 100 Unrated ~ Fire, Immed Hlth, Delay Hlth GAL 02-008 S-428 SCALE, INHIBITOR Liquid 100 Unrated ~ Fire GAL ~ e e 09/18/96 MAX OIL INC (HOUGHTON LEASE) 215-000-000831 Page 3 02 - Fixed Containers on Site Hazmat Inventory Detail in MCP Order 02-002 PROTREAT WT SERIES, 944, 961, 990 Liquid 165 High ~ Fire, Immed Hlth, Delay Hlth GAL CAS #: 67-56-1 Trade Secret: No Form: Liquid Type: Mixture Days: 365 Use: OIL TREATMENT Daily Max GAL ----r-- Daily Average GAL --r-- Annual Amount GAL -- 165 I 100.00 I 495.00 Storage r Press T Temp -:ì Location DRUM/BARREL-METALLIC Ambient Ambient NEAR STORAGE TANKS - Conc l 100.0% Methanol Components r= MCP --¡Guide High I 28 02-006 140 SOLVENT ~ Fire Liquid 55 Moderate GAL CAS #: 8030306 Trade Secret: No Form: Liquid Type: Pure Days: 365 Use: CLEANING Daily Max GAL ----r-- Daily Average GAL --r-- Annual Amount GAL -- 55 27.00 220.00 Storage r Press T Temp -:ì DRUM/BARREL-METALLIC Ambient Ambient I Location - Conc l 100.0% Stoddard Solvent Components r; MCP --¡Guide Moderate 27 02-001 CRUDE OIL ~ Fire, Immed Hlth Liquid 4200 Low GAL CAS #: 8002059 Trade Secret: No Form: Liquid Type: Pure Days: 365 Use: RESALE Daily Max GAL ----r-- Daily Average GAL --r-- Annual Amount GAL -- 4,200 I 8,400.00 I 460,000.00 Storage ABOVE GROUND TANK r Press T Temp -:ì Location Ambient Ambient SOUTH PORTION OF LOCATION - Conc l 100.0% Crude Oil Components ~ MCP --¡Guide Low I 27 e e 09/18/96 MAX OIL INC (HOUGHTON LEASE) 215-000-000831 02 - Fixed Containers on Site Page 4 Hazmat Inventory Detail in MCP Order 02-003 GEAR OIL ~ Fire, Delay Hlth Liquid 110 Low GAL CAS #: 64742-57-0 Trade Secret: No Form: Liquid Type: Pure Days: 365 Use: LUBRICANT Daily Max GAL ----r-- Daily Average GAL --r-- Annual Amount GAL -- 110 55.00 I 220.00 Storage r Press T Temp -:ì Location DRUM/BARREL-METALLIC Ambient Ambient NEAR STORAGE TANKS - Conc -, 100.0% Light Machine Oil Components r; MCP --rGuide Minimal I 27 02-004 UNOCAL 7610 GAS ENGINE OIL 40 ~ Fire Liquid 110 Minimal GAL CAS #: o Trade Secret: No Form: Liquid Type: Pure Days: 365 Use: LUBRICANT Daily Max GAL ----r-- Daily Average GAL --r-- Annual Amount GAL -- 110 I 55.00 I 2,640.00 Storage DRUM/BARREL-METALLIC r Press T Temp -:ì Location Ambient Ambient CENTER POINT OF LOCATION - Conc l 0.0% Chlorinated Paraffin Components r; MCP --rGuide Minimal I 7 02-005 UNOCAL MP GEAR LUBE LS 85W - 140 ~ Fire Liquid 55 Unrated GAL CAS #: o Trade Secret: No Form: Liquid Type: Pure Days: 365 Use: LUBRICANT Daily Max GAL ----r-- Daily Average GAL --r-- Annual Amount GAL -- 55 I 27.00 I 220.00 Storage r Press T Temp -:ì DRUM/BARREL-METALLIC Ambient Ambient Location - Conc Components MCP ---rGuide e e 09/18/96 MAX OIL INC (HOUGHTON LEASE) 215-000-000831 02 - Fixed Containers on Site Page 5 Hazmat Inventory Detail in MCP Order 02-007 WT-944 ~ Fire, Immed H1th, Delay H1th Liquid 100 Unrated GAL CAS #: Trade Secret: No Form: Liquid Type: Mixture Days: 365 Use: WATER TREATMENT Daily Max GAL ----r-- Daily Average GAL --r-- Annual Amount GAL -- 100 I 50.00 I 100.00 Storage PLASTIC CONTAINER r Press T Temp ~I Location Ambient Ambient CENTER POINT OF LOCATION - Cone l 0.0% Methanol Components r; MCP ---¡Guide High I 28 02-008 S-428 SCALE, INHIBITOR ~ Fire Liquid 100 Unrated GAL CAS #: Trade Secret: No Form: Liquid Type: Mixture Days: 365 Use: WATER TREATMENT Daily Max GAL ----r-- Daily Average GAL --r-- Annual Amount GAL -- 100 I 50.00 I 660.00 Storage PLASTIC CONTAINER r Press T Temp ~ Location Ambient Ambient 100' WEST OF CENTER POINT. - Cone Components MCP -¡-Guide e e 09/18/96 MAX OIL INC (HOUGHTON LEASE) 215-000-000831 00 - Overall Site Page 6 <D> Notif./Evacuation/Medical <1> Agency Notification CALL 911 IN CASE OF EMERGENCY. SPILLS EQUAL TO OR EXCEEDING 42 GALLONS, 500 LBS, OR 200 CUBIC FEET MUST BE REPORTED IMMEDIATELY TO BOTH: BAKERSFIELD FIRE DEPARTMENT 911 CALIFORNIA O.E.S. 1-800-852-7500 SPILLS OF ANY SIZE WHICH THREATEN LIFE, HEALTH OR THE ENVIRONMENT MUST ALSO BE REPORTED. <2> Employee Notif./Evacuation IN CASE OF FIRE CALL 911; LEAVE LEASE AREA; UTILIZIE FIRE FIGHTING EQUIPMENT IF POSSIBLE. <3> Public Notif./Evacuation CALL 911 IN CASE OF FIRE OR EMERGENCY. FOLLOW DIRECTIONS OF LOCAL EMERGENCY SERVCIES REPRESENTATIVE DURING CLEANUP PROCEDURE. <4> Emergency Medical Plan EMERGENCY DIAL 911 FOR FIRE OR MEDICAL. e e 09/18/96 MAX OIL INC (HOUGHTON LEASE) 215-000-000831 00 - Overall Site Page 7 <E> Mitigation/Prevent/Abatemt <1> Release Prevention USE OILY DIRT FOR BERMS. IF A SPILL OCCURS IT IS CLEANED UP IMMEDIATELY. <2> Release Containment IF A SPILL IS SMALL - SOAK UP WITH DIRT - USE OILY DIRT FOR BERMS OR ROAD PATCH. IF LARGE SPILL - VACUUM TRUCKS RECOVER OIL AND RETURN IT TO TANKS. <3> Clean Up NORMAL SPILL CLEANUP PROCEDURE FOR OILFIELD. <4> Other Resource Activation , . .. . ,- e e 09/18/96 MAX OIL INC (HOUGHTON LEASE) 215-000-000831 00 - Overall Site Page 8 <F> Site Emergency Factors <1> Special Hazards <2> Utility Shut-Offs A) GAS - NONE B) ELECTRICAL - NORTHWEST CORNER OUTSIDE BLOCK WALL. C) WATER - OUTSIDE EAST BLOCK WALL BETWEEN GATES ON VIA DELICA. D) SPECIAL - NONE E) LOCK BOX - NO <3> Fire Protec./Avail. Water PRIVATE FIRE PROTECTION - FIRE EXTINGUISHER FIRE HYDANT - CORNER OF VIA DELICA & VIA CONTENTO <4> Building Occupancy Level ~ ~ ~ ~ , . e e 09/18/96 MAX OIL INC (HOUGHTON LEASE) 215-000-000831 00 - Overall Site Page 9 <G> Training <1> Employee Training WE HAVE 2 EMPLOYEE AT THIS FACILITY WE HAVE MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEETS ON FILE AT DOG HOUSE. BRIEF SUMMARY OF TRAINING: THEY ARE TRAINED IN METHODS FOR SAFE HANDLING OF HAZARDOUS MATERIALS. THEY ARE TRAINED IN PROCEDURES FOR COORDINATING ACTIVITIES WITH AGENCIES. THEY ARE ALSO TRAINED IN PROPER USE OF SAFETY EQUIPMENT AND EMERGENCY EVACUATION PROCEDURES. <2> Page 2 <3> Held for Future Use <4> Held for Future Use It e CITY of BAKERSFIELD FIRE DEPARTMENT FIRE SAFETY CONTROL & HAZARDOUS MATERIALS DIVISIONS 1715 CHESTER AVE. . BAKERSFIELD. CA . 99301 R,E. HUEY HAZ·MAT COORDINATOR (805) 326·3979 R,B, TOBIAS, FIRE MARSHAL (805) 326-3951 February 27, 1995 Mr. Norm Kusche MaxOil Inc. 100 North Brand Blvd, Suite 200 Glendale, CA 19203 RE: Containment wall around oil tanks at Tract 5084. Dear Mr. Kusche, The Bakersfield Fire Department is satisfied that our condition in the staff report for ZUA 4678 requiring a concrete block wall"capable of containing the greatest amount of liquid released from all oil tanks" has been met. Sincerely, 4¥cæ~ Ralph E. Huey . Hazardous Materials Coordinator cc: Bill Alexander / "-""~, '. , BAKERSFIELD CITY FIRE DEPARTMENT ~ HAZARDOUS MATERIALS DIVISION· ~ 2130 "G" STREET rft- BAKERSFIELD, CA. 93301~- HAZARDOUS MATERIALS MANAGEMENT PLAN INSTRUCTIONS: 1. To avoid further action. return this form within 30 days of receipt. '2. TYPE/PRINT ANSWERS IN ENGLISH. 3. Answer the questions below for the business as a whole. 4. Be brief and concise as possible.' SECTION 1: BUSINESS IDENTIFICATION DATA RECEIVED J4N 2 ' , HA 4. 1994 2. Mt¡ 1'. . DIll. BUSINESS NAME: Haxoi 1 Incorporated On Via Delica LOCATION: Hought.on Lease, N. E.. of Stockdale Hìo1y. & Renfro Rd. MAILING ADDRESS: 100 N. Brand Blvd., Suite. 50 1 CITY: Glendale STATE: ~ ZIP:91203 PHONE:818 240-3580 DUN & BRADSTREET NUMBER: FIN 95-4144326 SIC CODE: PRIMARY ACTIVITY: Crude Oil Producer OWNER: Maxoil Incorporated MAILING ADDRESS: 100 N. Brand Blvd., Sui te 501 Glendale, Ca. 91203 SECTION 2: EMERGENCY NOTIFICATION: CONTACT TITLE BUS. PHONE 24 HR. PHONE 1. Jim Vittitow Operations Mgr,. 805 589-3266 805 589-0660 2. Phil Carpenter Pumper 805 589-3266 805 871-6981, .1 . Bakersfield Fire Dept. .ardous Materials Division e HAZARDOUS M~TER!ALS MANAGEMENT PLAN . , 'yr. ".1;- '. ..., SECTION 3: TRAIN1NG: NUMBER OF EMPLOYEES: 2 MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEETS ON FIL~: Yes BRIEF SUMMARY OF TRAINING PROGRAM: They are trained in methods for safe han?lin~ of ha~a:d~us m~terialS. They are trained in procedures for coordinating activities w~th agencies. They are also trained in proper use of safety equipment and emergency.evaC'';lation procedures. ~t\ . ",.. .. t·~ . .- J',;: ~. . . 1" - ~.I~_~.l\ ~'t; . -' ',..\ _~ - F ~\i\ .~'j;"\ ";' ),., SECTION 4: EXEMPTION REQUEST: . . \ CERTIFY UNDER PENALTY OF PERJURY THArMY BUSINESS IS EXEMPT FROM THE REPORnNG REQUIREMENTS OF CHAPTER 6.95 OF THE "CAUFORNIA HEALTH & SAFETY CODE" FOR THE FOLLOWING REASONS: WE DO NOT HANDLE HAZARDOUS MATERIALS. . . WE DO HANDLE HAZARDOUS MATERIALS, BUT THE QUANTITIES AT NO TIMEEXCEED THE MINIMUM REPORTING QUANnnES. OTHER (SPECIFY REASON) SECTION 5: CERTIFICATION: I, ,1; m v; t.t.; tow CERTIFY THAT THE ABOVE INFOR- MATION IS ACCURATE. I UNDERSTAND THAT THIS INFORMATION WILLSE USED TO FULFILL MY FIRM'S 08UGA TIONS UNDER THE "CALIFORNIA HEALTH AND SAFETY CODE" ON'HAZAROOUS MATERIALS (DIV. 20 CHAPTER ,6.95 SEC. 25500 ET AL.) AND THÄT I CCURATE INFORMATlON.CONSTlTUTES PERJURY. TITLE / ~/ r-- fJ. DATE .....~...- Operations Manager. , 2. ::": ':-. :'.:'-, :..... ...... FOt590 ,.,~.-....: ~.- . e Bakersfi~ld Fire Dept. _ Hazardous Materials Division. HAZARDOUS. MATERIALS MANAGEMENT PLAN Facility Unit N arne: Maxoil Incorporated SECTION 6:' NOTIFICATION AND EV ACUATlON PROCEDURES: A. AGENCY NOTIFICATION PROCEDURES: Call 911 Spills equðl to or exceeding 42 gallons, 500 lbs, or 200 cubic feet must be repQrted immediately to both: ~~akei~field Fire Department 326-3979 CA DES 1-800-852-7~00 spills of any size which threaten life, bealth or the environment must also be reported. B. EMPLOYEE NOTIFICATION AND EVACUATION: In case of fire call 911; leave leðse area; utilize f~re fighting equipment if p6ssible~ C. . PUBLIC EVACUATION: Call 911 in case of fire or emergency. Follow direc£ions of local emergency services rep~esentative during cleanup procedure. D. EMERGENCY MEDICAL PLAN: Emergency dial 911 for fire or medical. '.- 3; ítIl$ .~. . . e' Bakersfield Fire Dept. e Hazardous Materials Division .(, "-;J .... ...... '~~ HAZARDÖUS MATERIALS MANAGEMENT PLAN SECTION 7: MITIGATION, PREVENTION AND ABATEMENT PLAN: A. RELEASE PREVENTION STEPS: Use oily dirt for berms. If a spill occurs it is cleaned up immediately. B. RELEASE'CONTAINMENT AND/OR MINIMIZATION: If a spill is small - soak up ,with dirt '~ use oily dirt for berms or road patch. If large spill - vacuum trucks recover oil and return it to tanks. C. CLEAN-UP PROCEDURES: Normal ~pill cleanup procedure for oilfield. SECTION 8: UTILITY SHUT-OFFS (LOCATION OF SHUT-OFFS AT YOURFACIUTY): , NÁTURAL GAS/PROPANE: None ELECTRICAL: N.W. Corner outside block wall WATER: Outside east block wall between gates on Via Delica SPECIAL: LOCK BOX:. YES@ , IF YES. LOCATION: SECTION 9: PRIVATE FIRE PROTECTION/WATER AVAILABILITY: A. PRIVATE FIRE PROTECnON: Pumpers carry' hand held extinguishers in vehicles to sU~press smag-.l fiWtrEr1RvÆLÀBft.rn,léFfu~~y~tN1j~ers at: tank farms. Corner of Via Delica & Via Contento .......... 4. H~P SiTE DIAGRAM 6ÇJ FACILITY DIAGRAM Business Name: UA-X' £}¡¿ ~¿¿;Rß¿J?/??'é1J Bus.iness Address: JJI£' (J¡;' 5"1'ðC,t2JA-t£ #p.Jy I hAfRò ~.#t) / .-,~ PLAN - For Office Use Only MAP Area Mep it of NORTH 0 First In Stetion: " x' /. Lt1/Z1é. C¿~ ßr .5)1 111' /J ~ ~ I~ ~ ~ ~ Inspection Stetion: <3A7¿ .,.'. . , " :J:]JU: 7Ã/II.£~ /'7.P¿:- /J;CI4- r ~I . ~œ. , .' )NOct.. f'('.t-tr· ~ß:f!,.çn- C?::J oP=/c.C ~-:{-: ~:(Go D~ ~(.p. CJl.Al3 . ~J>-. " " s<p,",-, ¡CoM''': I ., p6T7>"" A O· SH~ -.: ,. , 00 ()~ IpUMPS " Che1JlqfL . sõP. V (~~ S-i./Z:,i }Jer1¡;'E6. YAJ:to/l.. ôeo' ,----,---, DClEII N L-1---J PI r ,sLö p " TI'IAJKS ®®@ ®®® j <t 3 )¿ g po ¡ ; \ ¡/cJt/6/-1:7i?Al ÛAJ~ ~/IA " "I. ~. ~; '~ \!} ~ ~ VI j ~ ~ ~ t// ¡4 L/I µ /I-¿>¿:;R A ~ ~ X ..' ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~ ~ 'to N ~ ~ ~ 1\ i~ t~ . ~ (/¢ ~ .;.. 1//,4 {!ð/Ú7"eN7b , I I,,·...., " - -.. . - . f BA.RSFIELD ·CITY ,FIREeEPARTMENT . HAZARDOUS MATERIALS DIVISION 2130 "G" STREET BAKERSFIELD, CA. 93301 (805) 326-3979 HAZARDOUS MATERIALS INVENTORY FACILITY DESCRIPTION I \ , CHECK IF BUSINESS IS A FARM [J I I 1 BUSINESS NAME' Haxoil' Incorporated i I \ FACILITY NAME \ \ SITE ADDRESS , I ! \ CITY Ba'cersfield \ I NATURE OF BUSINESS Crude Oil Producer \ SIC CODE Houghton Lease Tank Farm On Via Delica. N.E. of Stockdale Hwy. & Renfro Road STATE California ZIP 93312 DUN & BRADSTREET NUMBER FIN 95-4144326 OWNER/OPERA TOR " \ ' \ MAILING ADDRESS \ CITY Glendale \ Maxoil Incorporation PHONE 818- 240...:35RO 100 N. Brand Blvd., Suite 501· STATE California Z\ P 9 1 20 3 EMERGENCY CONTACTS NAME Jim Vittitow TITLE Operations Hanaqer BUSINESS PHONE 805589-3266 24-HOUR PHONE 805 589-0660 NAME Phil Carpenter TITLE Pumper BUSINESS PHONE 805 589-3266 2.4-HOURPHONE 805 8716981 S4ø0lT'0lt ~ I SIôI:Z ~ION V l.E?C ST.a.NQ.AÆ BAKERSFI",O· CITY FIRE DEPAFtJVlENT HAZARDOUS MATERIALS INVENTORY "'- Page_of_ 9- :usiness Name Address CHEMICAL DESCRIPTION 1) INVENTORY STATUS: New l 1 Addition ( ] Revision l 1 Deletion ( J Check if chemical is e NON TRADE SECRET ( 1 TRADE SECRET [ J , 2) Common Name: 3) DOT /I (optional) Chemical Name: AHM [ J CAS /I , \ 4) PHYSICAL &. HEALTH PHYSICAL HEALlli HAZARD CATEGORIES Fire [ ] Reactive ( I Sudden Release of Pressure ( ] Immediate Health (Acute) [ ] Delayed Health (Chronic) ( 1, 5) WASTE CLASSIFICATION (:I-digit code from DHS Form 8022) USE CODE 6) PHYSICAL STATE Solid ( 1 Uquid ( 1 Gas ( ) Pure l I Mixture [ ) Waste [ ) Radioactive ( I CHECX AU. J'7.4AT APPt.., 7) AMOUNT AND TIME AT FACIUìY UNITS OF MEASURE 8) STORAGE CODES Maximum Daily Amount: Ibs [ ) gal [ I it3 ( J a) Container: Average Daily Amount: curies [ ) b) Pressure: Annual Amount: c) Temperature: Largest Size Container: /I Days On Site Circle Which Months: All Year. J, F. M. A. M. J. J. A. S. 0. N. D 9) MIXTURE: Ust COMPONENT CAS/I %wr AHM i the three most hazardous 1) [ ) chemical components or any AHM components 2) [ ) 3) ( J 10) Location CHEMICAL DESCRIPTION 1) INVENTORY STATUS: New l l' Addition ( 1 Revision ( ) Deletion ( ) Check if chemical is a NON TRADE SECRET [ J TRADE SECRET [ ) 2) Common Name: 3) DOT /I (optional) Chemical Name: AHM [ 1 CAS/I 4) PHYSICAL &. HEALTH PHYSICAL HEALlli HAZARD CATEGORIES Fire ( ) Reactive [ ] Sudden Release of Pressure [ J Immediate Health (Acute) [ ] Delayed Health (Chronic) ( 1 5) WASTE CLASSIFICATION (3-digit code from DHS Form 8022) USE CODE 6) PHYSICAL STATE Solid [ ] Uquid [ J Gas [ J Pure [ ] Mixture [ ] Waste [ J Radio active [ J CHECX ALl. rHAT .APPl Y , 7) AMOUNT AND TIME AT FACIUTY UNITS OF MEASURE 8) STORAGE CODES : Maximum Daily Amount: Ibs [ 1 gal [ ! 1t3 l ! a) Container: Average Daily Amount: curies ( ) b) Pressure: Annual Amount: c) Temperature: Largest Size Container: # Days On Site Circle Which Months: AJI Year. J, F, M. A. M. J. J, A, S. 0, N. D 9) MIXTURE: Ust COMPONENT CAS /I %wr AHM the three most hazardous 1) [ ) chemical components or any AHM components 2) , [ ) i , 3) l 1 \ , i 10) Lc¡cation , I certJ/y under penalty Of law, that I have personally exammea and am famli,ar With the mtomaoon SUDmltted on thiS and all attacned aocuments. I Delleve the submitted information is true, accurate, and complete. PRINT Name & Title of Authonzed Compe.ny Representative Signature Date ...~ 181a NGQte'41 \ÐCIT~JICJW ·:~. BAKERiflELD CITY FIRE DEfàâRTMENT H~RDOUS MATERIALS INVE~ORY , PageLof£ ~/ 3úsiness Name /"fAX'OI¿ f.A/C? AddressOItJ t-1Á íJðL/C'A Al, tAJd ðF t4¡¡'//I /fAd'#/Z"';' CHEMICAL DESCRIPTION 1) INVENTORY STATUS: New ( ] Addition [ J Revision ¡XI Deletion ( J 1 . / 2) Common Name: ¿'RtloE OIl.- Chemical Name:tJJ2vdE LJ/l- /' Check if chemical is a NON TRADE SECRET TRADE SECRET ( 1 3) DOT # (optional) AHM [ J CAS # 8'()O US''; 4) PHYSICAL & HEALTr1 HAZARD CATEGORIES PHYSICAL Fire ¡)( Reactive [I Sudden Release of Pressure [ ] HEALTH Immediate Health (Acute) ['I Delayed Health (Chronic) (, J 5) WASTE CLASSIF1CA1l0N (3·digit code from DHS Form 8022) USE CODE ¥s- 6) PHYSICAL STATE Solid [J Uquid ~ Gas ( ] Pure ¡X Mixture [ CHECX.A.U. THAr APA"Y Waste [1 Radioactive [ J 7) AMOUNT AND llME AT FACIUTY Maximum Daily Amount: Average Owly Amount: Annual Amount: Largest Size Container: # Days On Site "/Ó()O I/óo i,!¿ðððO 92000 .:f'S- UNITS OF MEASURE 100 [ ) gal JXí 1'c3 [ ] curies [ ] 8) STORAGE CODES a) Container: b) Pressure: c) Temperature: 07- I '/, Circle 'Nhich Months: A. M. J. J. A. S. O. N. 0 9) MIXTURE: Ust the three most hazardous chemicaJ components or any AHM components COMPONENT CAS # %WT AHM [ ) [ J [ ] 1) 2) 3) , '0) Location Sø v / 7/0/1/" ð~ ¿:Q.c/17/';,v /, CHEMICAL DESCRIPTION 1) INVENTORY STATUS: New [ l Addition [ ) Revision Vt1' Deletion [ ] 2) Common Name: VNI>CAL 76ft) t!?191. ~/,¡4JE L'/IL 9'0./ Chemical Name: C/2Af¡JICeA:f¿:- OIL- Check if chemicaJ is a NON TRADE SECRET TRADE SECRET [ ) . , . 3) DOT If (optional) AHM ( ] CAS # 4) PHYSICAL & HEALTH HAZARD CATEGORIES Fire PHYSICAL Reactive [) Sudden Release of Pressure [ ) HEALTH Immediate Health (Acute) [1 Delayed Health (Chronic) [ ] 5) WASTE CLASSIFICA1l0N (3-digit code from DHS Form 8022) USE CODE 2- ~ 6) PHYSICAL STATE Solid [I Uquid ~ Gas [ J Pure tl Mixture [) Waste [I CHECX AU. rHAT APPl 'f Radioactive [ ) 7) AMOUNT AND llME AT FACIUTY Maximum Daily Amount: Average Daily Amount: Annual Amount: Largest Size Container: # Da)'$ On Site //0 S-ç UVD sç- 3('~ UNITS OF MEASURE 100 [ ] gal ~ 1'c3 [ J curies ( ] 8) STORAGE CODES a) Container: (!)~ b) Pressure: I c) Temperature: 1/ Circle 'Nhich Months: J. F. M. A. M. J. J. A. S, 0, N. 0 9) MIXTURE; Ust· the three most hazardous chemjcaJ components or atly AHM components COMPONENT 1) aL #1.17 /,¿ &.EAl6?A/24¡ , 2) ¿'Au~i?//I//f/¿:Z) p~#/A.lj CAS # J'IJ/l-'9S"-1 /II¿/VE %WT AHM [ ] [ J [ ] 3) e leve the ..... h;'" j/;{7/7lJ~ tJ¡?ß?.47Ød. #I11Z. PRINT Name & Title of Authorized Company Representative /-1 í -5'1, Date "-~ IGQ ~., UJlCsrAfiiQNlDJIIOW BAKERSFIa¿..D CITY FIRE DEPA~ENT HAZAR~US MATERIALS INVENTdI'rv . , ~:..., Page.Z:of 3....~ Address ()/lJ ØAlJEZ/t!A tv, ENd /J¡:- ØA ¿" /lIA/ßA- ' ~usiness Name ÞI~ e?/L .-7Ã/¿, \1, I" . ¡ i 1) INVENTORY STATUS: New [ ] Addition [ I Revision [ i I; 2) Common Name: PWCCAL ,Ñ/ P 6EniZ /v8'E ¿5 \ , \1 4) PHYSICAL & HEALTH HAZARD CATEGORIES Fire \ 5) WASTE CLASSIFICATION ¡, I 6) PHYSICAL STATE CHEMICAL DESCRIPTION Deletion [ 1 5SW-/Vo /' Check if chemical is a NON TRADE SECRET TRADE SECRET [ ] 3) DOT # (optional) Chemical Name:6'Ç'-"'7-z. L(/g~, <::í'tÑí Solid [ ] 7) AMOUNT AND TIME AT FACIU1Y Maximum Daily Amount: Average Daily Amount: Annual Amount:' Largest Size Container: # Days On Site 9) MIX11JRE: Ust the three most hazardous chemical components or any AHM components AHM [ J ,CAS # PHYSICAL Reactive [1 Sudden Release of Pressure [ ] HEALTH Immediate Health (Acute) [1 Delayed Health (Chronic) [] (3·digit code from DHS Form 8022) ZG? USE CODE Uquid pó , Gas [ ] Pure P<í Mixture [ J o-IEOC AU. mAT .A.PPl Y Waste [] Radioactive [ ] s-ç Z-, 'Z.Z-O Ss- ~~ UNITS OF MEASURE Ibs [ ] gal ~ ft3 [ ] curies [ ], 8) STORAGE CODES a) Container: P¿' b) Pressure: / c) Temperature: ¥ Circle Which Months: J, F, M, A, M. J. J. A. S, 0, N. 0 C%ONENT 1) ¡f1¿þ/¡$1 /ß' W6é'.I?~ , 2)hý(7'/ZÙ//~7l3b &:n-7'b,¡WJ 3~LV/;()1' ..o¿:'wA%Æb FE'J/¢VAL t.:7/z, AHM [ ] [ ] [ ] CAS # ðó/t -9s-- , ¿,f/?f/Z- S7-0 h'l?-1Z- ¿2-7 %wr 10) Location CHEMICAL DESCRIPTION 1) INVENTORY STATUS: New [ r Addition [ ] Revision ] ~eletion [ ] Check it chemical is a NON TRADE SECRET TRADE SECRET [ ] /' 3) DOT # (optional) 2) Common Name: /1/0 ..5óLV'éA)'/ Chemical Name: 4) PHYSICAL & HEALTH HAZARD CATEGORIES I 5) WASTE CLASSIFICATION i 6) PHYSICAL STATE Solid [ ] 7) AMOUNT AND TIME AT FACIU1Y MlI)(imum Daily Amount: Average Daily Amount: Annual Amount: Largest Size Container: # Days On Site 9) MIX11JRE: Ust· the three most hazardous chemjcal components or any AHM components 10) Location 1'-~tll8l AHM [ 1 CAS # /UO-r Ré'~, Fire PHYSICAL Reactive [] Sudden Release of Pressure [ ] HEALTH Immediate Health (Acute) [J Delayed Health (Chronic) [ ] (3-digit code from DHS Form 8022) USE CODE ~1š Uquid ~ Gas [ ] Pure M' Mixture [ ] OoIEO< ALl rHAr APPt,y Waste [1 Radioactive [ I 5"5 2-7 z..z-o 5r ~¿;"r UNITS OF MEASURE lœ [ ] gaJ.K] ft3 [ J curils'''[ I 8) STORAGE CODES a) Container: ð6 b) Pressure: / c) Temperature: ~ M. A. M. J. J, A, S. 0, N, 0 Circle Which Months: COMPONENT 1) .5-r07:)I::>~b .5:oLv6..IT 2) CAS # ~or-z. -9/ - ~ %wr 100 AHM [I [ I [ ] 3) IIIIUJCM" \.Ð'CIT~ IJIOW / ~ ;: .~: BAKER~IELD CITY FIRE DE~RTMENT H~RDOUS MATERIALS INVEMORY , Page.3.of~ ; / / / / ?dsiness Name filA-'K t1/L.z;iIC, Addresst?AJ ØlllJEUCA t.ù. EAJ,h i>F ØA£4#Ad#r1 CHEMICAL DESCRIPTION 1) INVENTORY STATUS: New [ J Addition [ I Re~ision ~ Deletion [ J 2) Common Name: tA.J 7' - .y~ t../ V' Chemical Name:' ..5¡"'/Zh4<!:r~r Check if chemical is a NON TRADE SECRET TRADE SECRET ( ) 3) DOT /I (optional) AHM ( J CAS # 4) PHYSICAL & HEALTH HAZARD CATEGORIES Fire PHYSICAL Reactive [) Sudden Release of Pressure [ ] HEALTH , Immediate Health (Acute) p<r Delayed Health (Chronic) .IX1 5) WASTE CLASSIFICATION (3·digit code from DHS Form 8022) USE CODE 4/ 6) PHYSICAL STATE Solid [ Uquid y(¡ Gas ( ] Pure [J Mixture þ(í Waste (J OlEO( AU. 1UÀT APPL" Radioactive [ ) 7) AMOUNT AND TIME AT FACIUTY Maximum Dajly Amount: Average Oajly Amount: Annual Amount: Largest Size Contajner: # Days On Site /ðO :5"0 /t!'J¿) /00 ,Shr UNITS OF MEASURE Ibs ( ) gal rXí ft3 ( ] curiel í ), 8) STORAGE CODES a) Contajner: / 0 b) Pressure: / c) Tempera1ure: 'f Circle Which Months: A, M, J, J, A, S. 0, N, D 9) MIXTURE: Ust the three most hazardous chemical components or any AHM components COMPONENT 1) #~ThA/VOL- 2) ::7$êJP,?¿JþÆ7Vòc..- CAS # c'7-.s-(. -/ 67-,3-0 %Wr AHM ( J ( ) ¡ ] 3) 10) Location &A/7é7'Z CHEMICAL DESCRIPTION 1) INVENTORY STATUS: New [ r Addition [ ) Revision ) Deletion.l J 2) Common Name: .S-¥Z¡ SC/-7-¿l..; ;fAlNISI'7tJ)~ \/ Check if chemical is a NON TRADE SECRET [ TRADE SECRET ¡ ) 3) DOT I; (optional) Chemical Name: .5cA£é' ..:z;vH/ß/ ;1?AfL AHM ( I CAS # 4) PHYSICAL & HEALTH HAZARD CATEGORIES PHYSICAL Fire «í Reactive [) Sudden Release of Pressure [ ) HEALTH Immediate HeeJth (Acute) [1 Delayed Health (Chronic) [ ) 5) WASTE CLASSIFICATION (3-digit code trom DHS Form 8022) USE CODE /¡// 6) PHYSICAL STATE Solid (J Uquid ¡XJ Gas [ ] Pure [] Mixture ~ Waste [ J C/EO<.AL.L I'UAT A.PPt.Y Radioactive [ ) 7) AMOUNT AND TIME AT FACIUTY Maximum Daily Amount: Average Oajly Amount: Annual Amount: Largest Size Container: # Days On Site /&0 So ~D /00 S¿..r UNITS OF MEASURE Ibs [ ] gal KI 1t3 [ ] curies [ J 8) STORAGE CODES a) Container: / ð b) Pressure: ~ c) Tempera1ure: ~ Circle Which Months: ~ J, F, M. A, M, J, J, A, S, 0, N, D 9) MIXTURE: Ust, the three most hazardous chemjcal components or ar.y AHM components COMPONENT 1) /!yd'dD<h¿C/e/f:. k/4 2) .so~#v~' Aý/?ðX IdE CAS # 7¿~7-19/-/ /~/{)- 73 - Z- %WT AHM [) [ ) [ ] :3) el/eve the Vj;' v: 77ï10~. ¿;''¡?ß49Pû\.Ó µ6JTL- PRINT Name & Title of Authof¡Zed Company Representative /-/1-9'(, Date ,.........z t1ilJ:l 1IIiECIO't'll \DCIT~POUIIII BAKERSFJ.iLD CITY FIRE; DEPAIMENT HAZA~OUS MATERIALS INVENT Y , .:....- Page_~f ¡;'-" 3usiness Name Address CHEMICAL DESCRIPTION 1) IN'ÆNTORY STATUS: New [ ] Addition [ ] Revision [ ] Deletion [ ] Check if chemicaJ is a NON TRADE SECRET [ ] TRADE SECRET [ ] 2) Common Name: 3) DOT # (optional) Chemical Name: AHM [ J CAS # 4) PHYSICAL &. HEALTH PHYSICAL HEALTH HAZARD CATEGORIES Fire [ I Reactive [ J Sudden Release ot Pressure [ ] Immediate Health (Acute) [ ] Delayed Health (Chronic) r I 5) WASTE CLASSIF1CATION (3·digit code from DHS Form 8022) USE CODE 6) PHYSICAL STATE Solid [ I Uquid [ J Gas [ ] Pure [ ] Mixture [ ] Waste [ I Radioactive [ I CHECX.AU. TUAT APPlY 7) AMOUNT AND TIME AT FACIUTY UNITS OF MEASURE 8) STORAGE CODES Maximum Dajly Amount: Ibs [ ] gal [ ] ft3 [ ] a) Contajner: Average Dajly Amount: curies [ I b) Pressure: AnnuaJ Amount: c) Temperature: Largest Size Contajner: # Days On Site Circle Which Months: All Year. J. F. M. A, M, J, J, A, S. O. N, 0 9) MIXTURE: Ust COMPONENT CAS# %wr AHM the three most hazardous 1) [ ] chemical components or any AHM components 2) [ ] 3) [ ] 10) Location , I CHEMICAL DESCRIPTION I \ 1) IN'ÆNTORY STATUS: New[ r Addition [ ] Revision [ ] Deletion [ ] Check if chemical is a NON TRADE SECRET [ ] TRADE SECRET [ ] 2} Common Name: . 3} DOT # (optionat) Chemicat Name: AHM [ ] CAS # 4) PHYSICAL &. HEALTH PHYSICAL HEALTH HAZARD CATEGORIES Fire ( ] Reactive [ ] Sudden Release ot Pressure ( ] Immediate Health (Acute) ( ] Delayed Health (Chronic) ( ] 5) WASTE CLASSIFICATION (3-digit code trom DHS Form 8022) USE CODE 6) PHYSICAL STATE Solid ( J Uquid ( J Gas [ ] Pure [ ] Mixture [ J Waste [ ] Radioactive [ ] OfECXAU. rHAr.APPl.J" 7) AMOUNT AND TIME AT FACIUTY UNITS OF MEASURE 8} STORAGE CODES Maximum Dajly Amount: Ibs ( ] gal ( 1 ft3 ( J a) Contajner: Average Dajly Amount: curies [ ] b) Pressure: Annuai Amount: c) Temperature: , Largest Size Contajner: # Days On Site Circle Which Months: All Year, J. F, M. A. M. J, J. A; S. 0, N. D 9) MIXTURE: Ust COMPONENT CAS # %wr AHM the three most hazardous 1) ( I I chemical components or , , , allY AHM components 2) .' ( I I ~ 3) [ ) 10)' Location cerTIfy Under penalty or law, that I have personally eXBlTllned and am familiar WI!tI !tie IntomatJon suomltted on this ana all al1ached documents. I oeileve the submitted information is true, accurate, and complete. PRINT Name & Titfe of Authorized Company Representative Signature Date '-...cw3Q. 1S8:1 ~" t..iJIIÇS1'JifICWIOfIICIUII