HomeMy WebLinkAboutBUSINESS PLAN )/ ,( \ i 'I, Ii " NOBLE ELEM SCHOOL ! [ 1015 NOBLE AVENUE ! ,- __H -.:. ~~_:n:':':::-_'_"'::- -____ J \j ~. BAKERSFIELD CITY SCHOOL DISTRICT Education Center - 1300 Baker Street Bakersfield, CA 93305-4399 Department of Maintenance & Operations FIRE DEPARTMENT MARSHAL'S REPORT School kJob \.p C~ ' lOf,:) Nop,:,vt: &.:tt Drill Exit Time: Minutes Date f( l -Se:;( ~ Y-6 ;L Seconds Drill Rating: Outstanding Average ~ Unsatisfactory The rating given for your fire drill is based on the eight factors listed below. Those factors checked .indicate ways by which your fire drill may be improved. 1. Promptness of movement and 5. Principal or representative on exit time. station. 2. Orderliness of exit. 6. Rooms reported empty. 3. Care of ill, crippled, etc. 7. Exit doors open. ~ Lines clear of building. 8. Class doors closed. 4. Remarks: Signed ~~ Fire Marshal White - Fire Department Canary - School Pink - Maintenance & Operations FORMS/30-Q-119 (REV. 10/98) ..-, ~..~ . -..'" '~---'~-:"'lf'o'.~r':",...- ,..-..---.]~...,.:l~...... SCHOOL INSPECTION CHECKLIST " , , ~~ei'sll~!fJ. .~~ Dept. ~eveilti()n Services ~()O Tn,lxtun Ave.. Ste. 2H) ~ak~I"sfteI~~ CA 9330 I . Tel: (661)326-3~19 .f , INSPEctlqN..DATE :"',,f\...-'/ INSPECTION TIME "'.,>/s- -'1." 1./1) PI10NE NO. <tJ3l- f'; '+10 COIVIMI;NTS SCHOOL NAME No GI-f. SeA 00 L.. No6L-t AJE. INSPECTION DATE 56 - 01 C V = omplance OPERATION ADDRESS 10/5 ...>:,~" ';..", I I I EXIT STAIRS 0 ILLUMINATE EXIT & DIBECTIONS SIGNS 0 NON-COMBUSTABLE WASTE CONTAINERS 0 HOUSEKEEPING ELECTRICAL ROOM 0 ' ELECTRICAL - USE OF EXTENSION CORQS , ,I, 0 HOUSKEEPING GENERAL. HOUSKEEPING BOILER ROOM I CLEARANCES 0 CLEARANCE AROUND ELECTRICAL PANEL BOARD 0 FIRE DRILLS/RECORDS 0 FLAME RETARDENT DECORATIVE MATER1~L 0 ASSEMBLY AREAS 0 FIRE ALARM SYSTEM (SERVICED) /2111 0'" SPRINKLER SYSTEM (SERVICED) COMMERCIAL HOOD SYSTEMS FIRE APPARATUS ACCESS IS 0 STAGE AREA ,Jf- ). ''"''J t \:::.\,f (:1: i',( ,.:l,L ~() e e )). -1f.J l1AI/t U,f-J c~\J, "5 ( 0 r..Jf:JCtf.;.") .~Vi-L.. ". 5??rr.( ",d 0i~_l.Jf .tle) VIOLATION NOTICE CORRECTION: ,., ..' ._._--------_._-~ .". ..... ;', '" " ,'." ,'" ,',,, - . ..' ,', - .,,'.' . ",' .,,,<,-.. ---~-----_.,---,_._--,------------------ . ., " . '. " '. . . Q~i2rcN~~~ ::':"811 ... ""0 Inspector E\adge No.lSiation . . . ..','.~.,~. "'ScI'1<lOISite Res~hsltJleP~rty / While -School Copy I"~ Yellgw': $talion Copy Pink - Prevention Services .~ e - .....y ~.--~ ---- ---. -------=- ---------~~-._._._~~--------- ,~~; .oRRECT~ Nc,.ICEb'a~ i' (~i; BA~;~s.r";L~fIRE ~iPrT~~NT N? 02686 ~/ AI: !lee. f0J1 '-A'wd Location /l~,("r ;Ldf.J:!( U1LL. . Sub Div. . Blk. . Lot You are hereby required to make the following corrections at the above location: t . ~\Y . ~, Cor. No 326-3951 ~ ~_____''''__'h~..:..i.....,L....;.:-';';';,,-,,-:~:;r'~_,,"k''''''f~~ > -L~",;""".,,;,_;;,,,,,~i.... _....-:1.,~_._ ",..~~rOO' ~! . i ; -- c-~~~~- - --- -. -.. .... 't.....~~"-_CC --, " . _ " " "1>- ~- : I' "~...a\lb..,", , ,i ~ '':'~''''~~/!ff~m0~' " 't'.4:;~:.:~,;+'~ORRECTreJ~: NCWIC'E"~'~// ) ;: :t ~ I. , \ . I'. ..I i' . ;. . . '('(J:J BA,~E,,~~r!;Eii~,/~",R~E' ,~tRTY,ENT r\~:: 02688 ~ qt..,) .wlkiL cp~~~_ ' ~~ I: -- LocatioI1 /.01..5" A~' :j'-e. . Sub Div. . Blk.. . Lot You are hereby required to make the following correctiol).s at the above location: " 1~ ' ,~ :;:. KIt \. ~ .\ .-\ Completion Date for Corrections-' Date B-It/- 9b .~A 326-3951 .. c__'" ",.;,...>_",,,,:"-~,..,o;""""':'_"__ '. I"~~~""""~~~:::'~:i~~~:;~: "i"~'."-'~'(::" '";~~;;~:~1r"" INSPECTION RE~c5~. (jj= THIS' IS'iN 0 " . '~;'.iJ~'.:"~;~'?1"~:\~~f';'~:;;~;':'~"~~'~::~; "~:~,:r "~~l"\:":f:.t~:;;'~~4.',;~;;'\' ;';"'" :;r,;::: " .;",.~, :'" I 'r:\_' '~. : "'" ...fl;..,.., , " . '.BalF~.!sfi~ld Fir~ Dept7: .!t~~,; )'~' . .1. . '1715 Chester Ave. Bakersfield, CA 93301 , ~" .~ 'f .. CUSTOMER 1.0. # - t tl".~,~",;:... ~~...... _.,. " .",....~:,h;/., FEE: 'el-CITY "C:;?J!: 0 COUNTY \'l, FACILITY NAME: \ MANAGER NAME: BUSINESS.OWNER NAME, ADDRESS, ZIP CODE ....- BILL,~P: (IF DIFFERENT F~M ABOVE)-NAME, ADDR~SS, ZIP C?0,"~~;",,:PH NE No. -"'---. - ~ 4~iJo... tl.Mt..U.d-. .~ OCC TYPE OCC.LOAD No. OF FLOORS HI RISE BLDG. -"'. EQ el' I, YES 0 NO <et-. <~,~YES 0 NO~ ~'OL~TIC .../' , I RISER DATE K # oZ.~?~ / .-Lo~M. 3. ~ '\~ ~ .:t~. _ 4. \" \. I." ,\ \ '1', 5. 6. 7. NOTES INSPECTOR: AP No. FIRE SAFETY CONTROL (805) 326-3951 CUSTOMER: ,. ~~~.~.~~~~~~~~~i~I~~~~6~~t~~~~~~~~~;~r~~~~1~~~~~~D~~~~ WHITE ORIGINAL-OWNER ',,yELLOW-INSPECTOR'S COPY PINK-FILE .,.;. .', ~ . r ..F - e " ~~ "-PAX T~nsmittal Cover Sheet - BAKERSFIELD CALIFORNIA Bakersfield Fire Dept. Office of Environmental Services 1715 Chester Ave. · Bakersfield, CA 93301 FAX No. (805) 326-0576 · Bus No. (805) 326-3979 Today's Date 9.~ -9b Time 8: 20 ~- No. of Pages '3, TO: ~ an 4,R-,.,e...,"..,d--,.,.,...'"..,'"... ....-- , COMPANY:' FAX No: ftd?5 r b~ I.... S4/~ ) FROM: ~ ~- Bakersfield Fire Dept. · Office of Environmental Services UL ~ --- ~'- e ~ ~~J t, :" ~ ~,;.. e ; t i I 02686 ') i j ! ! , @ B~ELD Locatio '.t)" Sub Div. Blk. . Lot You are hereby required to make the following corrections at the above location: Cor. No L4'\-) 2. 4. , A(f'PA/9~z-3./ Completion Date for Correctio Datcg-#~:1? 326-3951 - ------. - -- ~) ,~"'-...- ..~ ""!'~\'. .... ~'-~ .. . ~~"" e e CORRECTION NOTICE &9 N~ 02688 ; IR~ENT . ' Sub Div. . Blk. . Lot You are hereby required to make the following corrections at the above location: Completion Date fot' COITe~~ Date g -/1'- 9h Inspector 326-3951 ----- I . ~"",;::;".S'"",.,.r"<l ."i'y....;.., ~y*."'l',,'~,rc't'!:... "i"'" c.. <\' ,<,,,, J,;~i;:C""" Ji;,"'~rA.' ',ili<_,~ ,;.'';;''>:~ "'" ","CLi", ",;.';; '?i.",,-..~.., ';:"i: '" '1;, ~: Ii;;'; ..,>< """,,,,'1:;f...r,,",;,~ "I" ,"';1" ',Mi,;,-,,, ^ '-'flIr:.'it')<'lllifl<',1"'''''"' ~\'l',;,{;", 'il"""" c"'~""'~$1' ;.'I;")I';'~:';.'" . :""O'.j; I r - . . <J;.>t-i:?'f. '~-I.t{~,,~""'"1"'f.,>rfrl'l ';0. ',,"'-V:lFij'~"'~tr'[- W',...;w\..q;;:,...-t.#<-......"~~~'>.<r\,.~~ f-<,,~ "'-t'i!lJ'"!,~...--,,...- V1!""I_P-"- ~'''''..At.';' "" ,~'(.H...""Y~;..,...'''';W.....1~l/''' ,i ,'tV'> ~."';'. ~ c}v.;....'.....-' . ,.- .. '. .-' -'" i~' " )0.. INSPECTION RECOR~ i':':";rt~1tt.D/->--; '>~h%t'D~n~'~ ~:'~_r0'h;:::~, ;-,:. :."JJ;,m,,\:!"" ,- --,-__c_.,_,,_,_,.__.,,__ - ,~;;~Ui:MH&:i:n;;- . Bakersfield Fire Dept. ""''1:! 1 715 Chester Ave. Bak~CA 93301 (!/ (iF' THIS IS NOT A BILL CUSTOMER 1.0. # ENTERED DATE: FACILITY ADDRESS: 8--t7.Cfg- 10/5 I:;le FACILITY NAME: ila..h I e. €:-/ e/l'1 , MANAGER NAME ---par1 Gvf ie r re2- BUSINESS OWNER NAME, ADDRESS, ZIP CODE BILL TO: (IF DIFFERENT FROM ABOVE)--NAME, ADDRESS, ZIP CODE, PHONE No. CITY o COUNTY OCC TYPE OCC LOAD No. OF FLOORS er VIOLATION NOTICE CORRECTION: 1. HI RISE BLDG. YES 0 NO cV" RISER DATE ,1/4 DATE OF REINSPECTION EQ YES 0 NO 0 ". 2. OK (\'0 \/Io/c;t-i'OIlJ . 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. NOTES INSPECTOR: :f<.5..h ;CKJ4 v'\ . AP No. -- FIRE SAFETY CONTROL (805) 326-3951 CUSTOMER: , ,WHITEORIGINAL-OWNER ' YELLOW-iNSPECTOR'S COpy PINK-FILE i~~~;i,"~~~i~_~~~ii~~~~~~~~~~'~.i~~::~~~~~~':'f~i(.;~ :~,,~~~fk~~~~i~~~~~~;~~;~~it.;~~~~~.i~~t~~~~~;~~~iLitlL~~~:;~~i;~~:EQ:l952~~;~t;_.i:~ DATE ~ADDR E;SS I i 8' ) $"- 9.5 J()J5 MJ)I(, i ijYSINESS LICENSE NO. .~',~: 1 t~,l. . .^- "~' I' BUI~G C/LASS/TYPE9.F OCCUPANCY L - OCCV ~AU..y I I, B(J~~;~/~ /01 C/7 Sc.AClo/ o :./,d..u. ;~INESS PHON~.r / ... '-It ()lJ " '" eJ) - S'1// ,--*^ 'i. V}9.lON NOTICE ISSUED? I' DATE OF REINSPECTION ( 1') (2) INSPECTOR I ~L?, GPJ.yd? ~ ZIP CODE -BLOCK NO. F E Q 5' C)O PERMIT REQUIRED PERMIT NO. YES 0 NO 0 BUSINESS NAME Uo6/~ ~,{()() / D 1$""1- 93705 BUSINESS MGR.lRESPONSIBLE ??~. 5i/?/?€.5 HOME PHONE - .131- 5L//1 SQUARE FOOTAGE OCCUPANT LOAD (3) 'r- 6 /-::s" .. J2?-J<J5"1 , - ",.".' L.<,,'....-.,..:'" ",-^'"~. ~ J~ ,~..''"'"_.... p,r, .....>_...'""....,,~.., ...'- .'," .-,,1,. ...,,,,__ .. !~- J.., .t) , lie }ID~ Q IlCI o U W ClC , 2 o i= u W a. en z - I I- a. , W Q WI ClC .".:. .. ......,.~,.~.'.~\., , > '+ c"~~......,.;.f<,~..:, .'-"'<~ __.._._,~~;J..,;,,_.~~~"--_,;,'-:....~ INSPECTIO~f\fRE:'C~ -- f.,.,',.-7_ '. 1" . .~ .r- -...../J,~....::'.'l,;."f,."') ~..-'~T~" '.!'l'"" "~~"i , ! '~'\f' ''"'"'rf" r.", . "~."...tr'!"h (\ ?n,,'~"'\lf\l;r?~f\_'.{))'::'Ii:.i' ....:"~1r,.....,I..'-:\;:r)r - 4.1;f:~~"""'-l""M:;'';-,'Glh'- .'t._(fr(l....."'f,<).::-:.; ...,...,,-<;:.A"*,,~}~f" ~'}.,f~:"f~it":;'1f~'~t:::V{\'~':'10('T..::t'J'''''''r'' ," ~'l.-i~;?.it~~\~_. . J.,..: '~r \_1.i'. ;~ . ~ '\. :i,,),,;, ~,... .' ili /;';'\;';:':";;:I'~~'I':"'~"''''-' ,:',,;"':"';{'-. . ~t '. ,i Lir THIS IS NOT A BILL Bakersfield Fire Dept:'- 1715 Chester Ave. Bakersfield, CA 93301 CUSTOMER 1.0. # ENTERED FACILITY NAME: FEE: ~TY ~.? [J COUNTY 6~/-&:/ DATE: -1.5=-97 FACILITY PHONE ~}.os- RISER DATE 1< 3. , , I ' 4. ! 5. 6. 7. NOTES INSPECTOR: AP No. 1 FIRE SAFETY CONTROL (805) 326-3951 CUSTOMER: WHITE ORIGINAL-OWNER YELLOW-iNSPECTOR'S COPY PiNK-FILE .~. .J"; FIRE CHIEF MICHAEL R. KELlY ADMINISTRAnVE SERVICES 2101 oW Street Bakersfield. CA 93301 (805) 326-3941 FAX (805) 395-1349 SUPPRESSION SERVICES 2101 OW Street Bakersfield. CA 93301 (805) 326-3941 FAX (805) 395-1349 PREVENnON SERVICES 1715 Chester Ave, Bakersfield. CA 93301 (805) 326-3951 FAX (805) 326-0576 ENVIRONMENTAl SERVICES 1715 Chester Ave. Bakersfield. CA 93301 (805) 326-3979 FAX (805) 326-0576 TRAINING DIVISION 5642 Victor Street Bakersfield. CA 93308 (805) 399-4697 FAX (805) 399-5763 "'~4' '\.;- ~ -- .. fi~"" L - BAKERSFIELD FIRE DEPARTMENT August 18, 1997 Mr. Dan Gutierrez Noble Elementary School 1015 Noble Ave. Bakersfield, CA 93305 Dear Mr. Gutierrez: Subject: Yearly Fire Mandated Inspection Items to be corrected: 1 at Wing Area 1) Repair overhead light fixture in corridor; lamp fixture is broken, and electrical wires are exposed. 2) Provide overhead light shield outside of Room #1. 3) Room #B4: provide fire extinguisher and sign on door. 4) Provide extinguisher sign on door for Room #B8. Ball Room 1) Repair overhead external light fixture, and provide cover. Room #18 1) Provide strap to electrical conduit on outside comer of building. 'YO~de W~ ~~on? ~ ~ W~" ;.~., .~. -- --- - .9" .~ ~ Kitchen 1) Repair mixer electrical plug; exposed wires. Custodial Room 1) Fire extinguisher needs to be serviced. NOTE: there are a number of rooms that need fire extinguisher sign attached to exit doors to show location. Items to be corrected by September 9, 1997. bf:' L H.E. Ang~or ~ Fire Safety Control ~ .,,' .. HEAld s:\Letters (Anger)\lOlS Noble -2- '" BAKERSFIELD CITY SCHOOL DISTRICT Education Center - 1300 Baker Street Bakersfield, CA 93305-4399 Department of Maintenance & Operations FIRE DEPARTMENT MARSHAL'S REPORT School 1'J nblp-/ Date 0/24#2- ~f" Drill Exit Time: Minutes ~ Seconds Drill Rating: Outstanding v Average ~ Unsatisfactory The rating given for your fire drill is based on the eight factors listed below. Those factors checked indicate ways by which your fire drill may be improved. 1. Promptness of movement and 5. Principal or representative on exit time. station. 2. Orderliness of exit. 6. Rooms reported empty. 3. Care of ill, crippled, etc. 7. Exit doors open. 4. Lines clear of building. 8. Class doors closed. Remarks: Signed ~ rJ;!fA II ' Fir~ha! , ((;0 -f1l ~~ White - Fire Department Canary - School Pink - Maintenance & Operations FORMS/30-0-119 (REV. 10/98) I BAKERSFIELD CITY SCHOOL DISTRICT Education Center - 1300 Baker Street Bakersfield, CA 93305-4399 Department of Maintenance & Operations FIRE DEPARTMENT MARSHAL'S REPORT School .No b-l e Date 5/30/ cJ3 -6q Drill Exit Time: Minutes L- X] Seconds Drill Rating: Outstanding Average Unsatisfactory The rating given for your fire drill is based on the eight factors listed below. Those factors checked indicate ways by which your fire drill may be improved. 1. Promptness of movement and 5. Principal or representative on exit time. station. 2. Orderliness of exit. 6. Rooms reported empty. 3. Care of ill, crippled, etc. 7. Exit doors open. 4. Lines clear of building. 8. Class doors closed. Remarks: Signed ~dk Fire Marshal ~ ~~kA /Ira- P/U^~~ White - Fire Department Canary - School Pink - Maintenance & Operations FORMS/30-0-119 (REV. 10/98) ----.,-- BAKERSFIELD CITY SCHOOL DISTRICT Education Center - 1300 Baker Street Bakersfield, CA 93305-4399 Department of Maintenance & Operations FIRE DEPARTMENT MARSHAL'S REPORT School ~LLP Date ~/29~5 . 2-1 Drill Exit Time: Minutes IJ > Seconds Drill Rating: Outstanding Average / Unsatisfactory The rating given for your fire drill is based on the eight factors listed below. Those factors checked indicate ways by which your fire drill may be improved. 1. Promptness of movement and 5. Principal or representative on exit time. station. ~2. Orderliness of exit. 6. Rooms reported empty. 3. Care of ill, crippled, etc. 7. Exit doors open. 4. Lines clear of building. 8. Class doors dosed. Remarks: Signed Fire Marshal ~~~ U-. ~? d-4?~ White - Fire Department Canary - School Pink - Maintenance & Operations FORMS/30-0-119 (REV. 10/98) BAKERSFIELD CITY SCHOOL DISTRICT Education Center - 1300 Baker Street Bakersfield, CA 93305-4399 Department of Maintenance & Operations FIRE DEPARTMENT MARSHAL'S REPORT School Nob~ c;;: ~ J.. ~ ( Date I ~ (2-CS (as Drill Exit Time: Minutes '3 Seconds 2.0 Drill Rating: Outstanding Average ~ Unsatisfactory The rating given for your fire drill is based on the eight factors listed below. indi~ by which your fire drill may be improved. 1. Promptness of movement and ' exit time. Those factors checked 5. Principal or representative on station. 2. Orderliness of exit. 6. Rooms reported empty. 3. Care of ill, crippled, etc. 7. Exit doors open. 4. Lines clear of building. 8. Class doors closed. Remarks: Signed J ~pljtY/l(p' VP/tz,Crl4t'Z P1re Marshal White - Fire Department Canary - School Pink - Maintenance & Operations FORMS/30-0-119 (REV. 10/98) "- ";'~~--, - - -<"--- BAKERSFIELD CITY SCHOOL DISTRICT Education Center - 1300 Baker Street Bakersfield, CA 93305-4399 Department of Maintenance & Operations FIRE DEPARTMENT MARSHAL'S REPORT School l!/o6~ f:~& OZ Date 9~~s ~ Yf;:; Drill Exit Time: Minutes Seconds Drill Rating: Outstanding ~ Average Unsatisfactory The rating given for your fire drill is based on the eight factors listed below. Those factors checked indicate ways by which your fire drill may be improved. \/1. Promptness of movement and exit time. 5. Principal or representative on station. 2. Orderliness of exit. 6. Rooms reported empty. 3. Care of ill, crippled, etc. 7. Exit doors open. 4. Lines clear of building. 8. Class doors closed. Remarks: Signed Fire Marshal ~--?/~ ~""'- ~ <S:',<v~ ~ White - Fire Department Canary - School Pink - Maintenance & Operations FORMS/30-0-119 (REV. 10/98) BAKERSFIELD CITY SCHOOL DISTRICT Education Center - 1300 Baker Street Bakersfield, CA 93305-4399 Department of Maintenance & Operations FIRE DEPARTMENT MARSHAL'S REPORT School W C) bk- C~ Date \2-tl~ l 03- Drill Exit Time: Minutes 2--- Seconds '55 Drill Rating: Outstanding Average ~ Unsatisfactory The rating given for your fire drill is based on the eight factors listed below. indicate ways by which your fire drill may be improved. ~romPtness of movement and exit time. Those factors checked 5. Principal or representative on station. 2. Orderliness of exit. 6. Rooms reported empty. 3. Care of ill, crippled, etc. 7. Exit doors open. 4. Lines clear of building. 8. Class doors closed. Remarks: ! I. Signed -J!f;ho/J/C Fi e Marshal Vela!; CVue- L White - Fire Department Canary - School Pink - Maintenance & Operations FORMS/30-0-119 (REV. 10/98) BAKERSFIELD CITY SCHOOL DISTRICT Education Center - 1300 Baker Street Bakersfield, CA 93305-4399 Department of Maintenance &-Operations FIRE DEPARTMENT MARSHAL'S REPORT School ;(/ok/'-- rk~~ cR. Date 0/r ~' 3:5 Drill Exit Time: Minutes Seconds Drill Rating: Outstanding Average ~'/ Unsatisfactory The rating given for your fire drill is based on the eight factors listed below. indicate ways by which your fire drill may be improved. ~omPtness of movement and exit time. Those factors checked 5. Principal or representative on station. 2. Orderliness of exit. 6. Rooms reported empty. 3. Care of ill, crippled, etc. 7. Exit doors open. 4. Lines clear of building. 8. Class doors closed. Remarks: Signed ~V7~ lf4;neg-- ire Marshal White - Fire Department Canary - School Pink - Maintenance & Operations FORMS/30-0-119 (REV. 10/98) BAKERSFIELD CITY SCHOOL DISTRICT Education Center - 1300 Baker Street Bakersfield, CA 93305-4399 Department of Maintenance & Operations FIRE DEPARTMENT MARSHAL'S REPORT School /ftj~ Date /o.49/0v" , r ' d'V I' Drill Exit Time: Seconds Average V-" Unsatisfactory The rating given for your fire drill is based on the eight factors listed below. Those factors checked indicate ways by which your fire drill may be improved. 1. Promptness of movement and exit time. ~Orderliness of exit. 5. Principal or representative on station. 6. Rooms reported empty. 3. Care of ill, crippled, etc. 7. Exit doors open. 4. Lines clear of building. 8. Class doors closed. Remarks: Signed H / r C--X' C{Due..:X~ CJ\ S> Fire Marshal White - Fire Department Canary - School Pink - Maintenance & Operations FORMS/30-0-119 (REV. 10/98) BAKERSFIELD CITY SCHOOL DISTRICT Education Center - 1300 Baker Street Bakersfield, CA 93305-4399 Department of Maintenance & Operations FIRE DEPARTMENT MARSHAL'S REPORT School \J dlLe- Date q l so I ~ ~ Drill Exit Time: Minutes s Seconds Drill Rating: Outstanding Average ,/ Unsatisfactory The rating given for your fire drill is based on the eight factors listed below. Those factors checked indicate ways by which your fire drill may be improved. 1. Promptness of movement and 5. Principal or representative on exit time. station. /2. Orderliness of exit. 6. Rooms reported empty. 3. Care of ill, crippled, etc. 7. Exit doors open. 4. Lines clear of building. 8. Class doors closed. Remarks: . C\r'\ \ t-.l'-" Signed ,~\\ ('t-~\. or-X\(l,<:... Fi Marshal White - Fire Department Canary - School Pink - Maintenance & Operations FORMS/30-0-119 (REV. 10/98) BAKERSFIELD CITY SCHOOL DISTRICT Education Center - 1300 Baker Street Bakersfield. CA 93305-4399 Department of Maintenance & Operations FIRE DEPARTMENT MARSHAL'S REPORT Minutes Seconds ~~ / ' J/O Drill Exit Time: .~6/ ~~~y o? Date School Drill Rating: Outstanding ~- Average Unsatisfactory The rating given for your fire drill is based on the eight factors listed below. Those factors checked indicate ways by which your fire drill may be improved. 1. Promptness of movement and 5. Principal or representative on exit time. station. 2. Orderliness of exit. 6. Rooms reported empty. 3. Care of ill, crippled, etc. 7. Exit doors open. 4. Lines clear of building. 8. Class doors closed. Remarks: c~~__/ ~/ /~:Yr ./n cy 0~~ /J/14 ~ /7P~. SigneJ!i~(Ji8 V~krs rLfe-t Fire Marshal White - Fire Department Canary - School Pink - Maintenance & Operations FORMS/30-0-119 (REV. 10/98) ~~ ,/ BAKERSFIELD CITY SCHOOL DISTRICT Education Center - 1300 Baker Street Bakersfield, CA 93305-4399 Department of Maintenance & Operations FIRE DEPARTMENT MARSHAL'S REPORT School ~'k I t^krrlh? kr J;iL; Minutes 3 Date ~~;/os- .? Drill Exit Time: Seconds Drill Rating: Outstanding Average ....------- Unsatisfactory The rating given for your fire drill is based on the eight factors listed below. Those factors checked indicate ways by which your fire drill may be improved. ~- Promptness of movement and exit time. 5. Principal or representative on station. 2. Orderliness of exit. 6. Rooms reported empty. 3. Care of ill, crippled, etc. 7. Exit doors open. 4. Lines clear of building. 8. Class doors closed. Remarks: Signed ~I \1>::}(1 )D. Fire Marshal White - Fire Department Canary - School Pink - Maintenance & Operations FORMS/30-0-119 (REV. 10/98) BAKERSFIELD CITY SCHOOL DISTRICT Education Center - 1300 Baker Street Bakersfield, CA 93305-4399 Department of Maintenance & Operations FIRE DEPARTMENT MARSHAL'S REPORT School j/ot~ c~~ ~7 7---... Date / /..7'7/bS- f I '2-:{ . Drill Exit Time: Minutes Seconds Drill Rating: Outstanding Average Unsatisfactory The rating given for your fire drill is based on the eight factors listed below. indicate ways by which your fire drill may be improved. ~ Promptness of movement and exit time. Those factors checked 5. Principal or representative on station. 2. Orderliness of exit. 6. Rooms reported empty. 3. Care of ill, crippled, etc. 7. Exit doors open. 4. Lines clear of building. 8. Class doors closed. Remarks: Signed 1/{/ j(t C/c/?e!e,(j)// Fire Mars11'81 0 '- u ePJ tJJl White - Fire Department Canary - School Pink - Maintenance & Operations FORMS/30-0-119 (REV. 10/98) ;""'i "~ BAKERSFIELD CITY SCHOOL DISTRICT Education Center - 1300 Baker Street Bakersfield, CA 93305-4399 Department of Maintenance & Operations FIRE DEPARTMENT MARSHAL'S REPORT School M/I C~~/ Minutes ...< Date Drill Exit Time: Seconds Drill Rating: Outstanding Average ~ Unsatisfactory The rating given for your fire drill is based on the eight factors listed below. indicate w~ys by which your fire drill may be improved. ~ Promptness of movement and exit time. Those factors checked 5. Principal or representative on station. 2. Orderliness of exit. 6. Rooms reported empty. 3. Care of ill, crippled. etc. 7. Exit doors open. 4. Lines clear of building. 8. Class doors closed. Remarks: Signed M' ~ \ \"" {.;~ ~ DVCJ,flC\S Fire Marshal White - Fire Department Canary - School Pink - Maintenance & Operations FORMS/30-0-119 (REV. 10/98) 'I"" -<~,..':"', "-'""'-t'<'-f~'~t~^..~,-,~.~",,;i~~".N:',,~';>'~J~:rn~:~~ ';"h.l'.-.~l~:"'..;_.;;_:,...";.;_,.,,.J' ,:.",:1....., ,~""",. / ,_,,,':;'<'_~d ~:., ^-,;;,.,':'''.y,i""~.,, <..;"",~~,.~l.,:;:;~'(l<p.:.t't-'~~J\..""'-L.i;',."",;, ,'0" ,".. I INSPECTIE>N RECORD "'''- ",., ~_... Bakersfield Fire Dept. 1 715 Chester Ave. Lir THIS IS NOT A BILL Bakersfie1d,CA93301 CUSTOMER 1.0. # ENTERED .I ? DATE: /j~/6'0). FACILITY ADDRESS: /U6 ~ /o<t" i1.!ott Sctv-o/ fJ,t/ ZIP: oS FEE: -&- -g:CITY [J COUNTY FACILITY NAME: MANAGER NAME: BUSINESS OWNER NAME, ADDRESS, ZIP CODE BILL TO: (IF DIFFERENT FROM ABOVE)-NAME, ADDRESS, ZIP CODE, PHONE No. FACILITY PHONE 63/ - :;'Y/,dJ OCC LOAD No. OF FLOORS HI RISE BLDG. EQ 9~ YES [J NOjL, YES [J NOx... VIOL~TION .NOTICE C.oRRECTION: ..~ DATE OF REINSPECTION 1. l!::,pdJa,r L y// tnl-rr- 1--- f)""A.h~ ,..A- f -' --:::7 2. ((.,PC.I~ CI___J /o~ K LI",c -r/,~&. I f~~1 0:" 505E: 3. f)ovv:~ t:;~ E )<7;~5lA,~/,..r>(' 2A 1{J,3~ jV\"'l.~ ---r;,.",N( ~('""T OCC TYPE RISER DATE /'V/A 7S" 4. 5. 6. 7. NOTES FIRE SAFETY CONTROL (805) 326-3951 CUSTOMER: INSPECTOR: o. jJ. 7 PiNK-FILE -'-~.~F~~:t..:~~"i\;r'f.:)~~V"",'(J~~J~~~<fI" h"~~"~~~~.r~~~~'i~t:,..rv;.i.~''''J\..~~~~~;,~y,~~~.-;:;~,~i},~,~~V'"l:i:~,.;:,~:.- ,:,..~~.~,.",.~~,' ..;,):'; ~,t5..<~,(. .:.i-;_;;~l}.~A,~,'-r~, ~\7",..y\iI-.It.'11.__..r,..;';_'t,~'~'-';'f~"""'''-i.\~t~ -~ ..~:... pl' INSPECTION RECORD Bakersfield Fire Dept. 1 715 Chester Ave. Bakersfield, CA 93301 Lir THIS IS NOT A BILL CUSTOMER 1.0. # ENTERED " ,i FACILITY NAME: MANAGER NAME: BUSINESS OWNER NAME, ADDRESS. ZIP CODE BILL TO: (IF DIFFERENT FROM ABOVE)-NAME. ADDRESS. ZIP CODE, PHONE No. /?J/5 m6Je ZIP: '.~i', , ~TY '} D COUNTY FACILITY ADDRESS: FACILITY PHONE Ii ~ / -5411 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. INSPECTOR: 9 FIRE SAFETY CONTROL (805) 326-3951 ~~~t~::';~~~~:.:~~~fl~~~~,3:~~~~~r~~:'::)~w~,~ -.;.~~.~ .,,:~. ~-, ~ ''l' ,'. ~..- i4 '-' ~.."?-;_~~rt;t;..~':?""1 ~V'..j) ~ _.' .' - '"", ,". . '} " ~- Bakersfield Fire Dept. Prevention Services 1715 Chester Ave. Bakersfield,:'Ei\ 933Cp Tel: (661)326-3979' SCHOOL INSPECTION CHECKLIST SCHOOL NAME INSPECTION DATE ~, ~( d{X) L -1J10-(l.( E ' AilE- <0 .." - Z ; - 0 INSPECTION TIME ADDRESS ft.L-Ik'-l~~-'---'_----'-- PHONE NO. I - s- INSPECTION DATE C v (c=comPlianCe) V=Violation OPERATION COMMENTS 'gf D EXIT OBSTRUCTIONS - rJf -DEXIT STAI-;~-'--------- !t QJ D ILLUMINATE EXIT & DIRECTIONS SIGNS r:I D NON-COMBUSTIBLE WASTE CONTAINERS D D HOUSEKEEPING ELECTRICAL ROOM riD riD ELECTRICAL - USE OF EXTENSION CORDS HOUSEKEEPING GENERAL .(1f D HOUSEKEEPING BOILER ROOM / CLEARANCES -"~-~---'~-"----~-------------'-'---- 121 D CLEARANCE AROUND ELECTRICAL PANEL BOARD , D D FIRE DRILLS/RECORDS :..7..-'---------'-'--------..,-- ------,---,--,-----,-.. ___."'___,.._....m__, ,-,----,-,--.......---,--- 0' D FLAME RETARDANT DECORATIVE MATERIAL "" ~, .--A'------------.---~-.-..----~-----------....-----.-------.-....- iZI D ASSEMBLY AREAS . -Ci-O--FI~~-~~~~-~-;~~~~~(;;;VICE~)-------n- ! l2i D SPRINKLER SYSTEM (SERVICED) I p1 D COMMERCIAL HOOD SYSTEMS -----.-----_._--~_._._.._-----------_._~---_._~-------- IB D FIRE APPARATUS ACCESS 'r ----,-'-'-------.-....---------- ---'--..,'------------..-n----,,-J' "--------..-c..'u _u_____..____. n___.._'_..__,___ 'n' .. ,_______.___''''___n'____'__,___,_._u__ 9' D STAGE AREA . ~----_.__._---- ------_._----------~------~---~-------- -- ----~--------------- .--...-------- .__._--------_._-----~- .-----.-----~.------,--.----. ------------ -- ----- -t------ --------------- ---- ---- VIOLATION NOTICE CORRECTION: . ~ - - - -- -----~------------ -- -- ---------~~ --- ---~-- -- - ---- - --- - - -- --- OUESTIONS REGARDING THIS INSPECTION? PLEASE CALL US AT (661) 326-3979 LId- CiJ)ln~-_-~11-5b In~pector V Badge NoJStation 't~ ___; _ i 4U~- ______n______ School Site Responsible Party " I'- White - School Copy Yellow - Station Copy Pink - Prevention Services Cl u. Ii- ,:;;.~ "~- _ ..~_~'~~~.::,.,*~~~:1i-j'-~:'" :.il..:....__ l,>!ii~:i-< "-"'-__~~-:M - ",~~~-- .~,,~,c"c ~_.";,,,~ ~'i:7.~' ,): :<~G: ~;~~~;.;.~:,;"~~~i<~~ ~~:~~,~-,~.~';:}~~;'~:;:":.:~.,,,".;<~;- ;=:;"'-<:~~~l%!~?~::r~~~~:;~-":'.~ {;'~~~,:e~:!:~7rl'::';;:r,"'-.~~;:;'9.~:J'~~'~'~"~~0:::;';.y~4\.I.- ~~~; T~~~ -,,~,~,~,~:'~'~7D~,,'~\;:~~~,~Jr~~-'~~7~~ ..:,;~r:..~' \.,.. " , , mfJ'_ :;~,!l. 111111 ll't''I:"I ~ ~~ Bakersfield Fire Dept. Prevention Services .' 1715 Chester Ave. Bakersfield, eA 93301 Tel: (661)326-3979 SCHOOL INSPECTION CHECKLIST SCHOOL NAME ,', INSPECTION DATE S.. Ii'~[) t' ______ INSPECTION TIME (J 9. '00 PHONE NO, UJ."" ) -~ 54/0/ --I( c v ( C=Compliance ) V=Violation OPERATION t"'" 1 {--fA I' j I j 1-, j V f v COMMENT'S 0/ 0 EXIT OBSTRUCTIONS Gi 0 EXIT STAIRS o Iii ILLUMINATE EXIT & DIRECTIONS SIGNS ~~.lLje/',;; I.u~_ IU:6--1__________ :~ [J' 0 NON-COMBUSTIBLE WASTE CONTAINERS ~I 0 HOUSEKEEPING ELECTRICAL ROOM , ..~ (g' 0 ELECTRICAL - USE OF EXTENSION CORDS (g" 0 -HOUSEKEEPING GENERAL , .""".~' r;J' 0 HOUSEKEEPING BOILER ROOM / CLEARANCES IY" 0 CLEARANCE AROUND ELECTRICAL PANEL BOARD 101 0 FIRE DRILLS/RECORDS -,--'_.-'_.._-'-'-'-'--------'-'----------'-----'_._--'-'-.. ..- g,g FLAME RETARDANT DECORATIVE MATERIAL J --------------~._._-_.._-----_..__._------------_._,~_.---. af 0 ASSEMBLY AREAS c::r 0 FIRE ALARM SYSTEM (SERVICED) __~~..__~PRIN~~~_S~~=~~~SERVICED )_~ ll3.______ o ___~__ C~~~~:~IAL ~~~D SYS~EMS . NlB______ 0' 0 FIRE APPARATUS ACCESS ..----.-,- -- ------,---- - --, - -------------- --- - -- --, -~11 -,--- ----.- -""---.......-,-,.------,--, ,,_,_____,______________,__,___,__u___ 01 0 STAGE AREA _.,-------~~-~--~~~~..~~- ~~~~~~=~=~~-=-=~~ -~--~~-=-- -_..==~--'~---~-:~-~-~,~~--~~-~=~~~-~:_--~-=~---~--=~-_.,.:== I VIOLATION NOTICE CORRECTION: -' / ~ .' I j. , ------,-----,---------------Ei'.e (I,.Li.(;.4L--C!LL-'EI--.f.~!{J.Li(!L--i::.m-t'::~_2. ------------------------------ QUESTIONS REGARDING THIS INSPECTION? PLEASE CALL US AT (661) ;;;./5 ___l~ ///,;/ . ~~~Lf:l;'-t'k~'7 -------,--,--112--,--- "lnspector Badge NoJStation 32.-3~;I~vk/~_ .' & - '~ol Site "Responsible party~ White .. School Copy Yellow - Station Copy Pink . Prev~ntion Services :; .... a u. L 1;~~:~i~~?'~i.a,'h~~)i~:'~~~':;''''~';'':'''!'~}~)::-~~~~~7;;;.l~~~2;::;::5~~r;~<~,;s.~~':;'~~~""';';:';:"';:~I;'~'<t.V;,..ry",,'1T~'~-: -...,:>..., 'iii~'~I'~,,,,,,~,,,,~,$~"!l"'~'J;':, . , ...'.. , Bakersfield Fire Dept. Prevention Services 1715 Chester Ave. Bakersfield: 02\.-93301 Tel: (661)326-3979 . .F SCHOOL INSPECTION CHECKLIST SCHOOL NAME INSPECTION DATE /VO gt..,L-SCtlooL, INSP~IO~ ~~ - oi___,_,___ ADDRESS lOll:; N- ~ - liVE 2- tL (4 s: __2. 7tXJ ~JLqO __ I) hL~t,., INSPECTION DATE 4- ,l PHONE NO, S- - 2<;-' 0 (o~/- SL./-/O ,>:$'" C -CJ V (c=comPlianCe) OPERATION V=Violation ,( Ii3 EXIT OBSTRUqlONS If COMMENTS r, 0 I ~ "'l' r;f 0 , -rt 0 EXIT STAIRS ~p~ ILLUMINATE EXIT & DIRECTIONS SIGNS NON-COMBUSTIBLE WASTE CONTAINERS ~' 0 HOUSEKEEPiNG ELECTRICAL ROOM ;; no QrE~;C-:;'RIC~~-=n~;E-; EXTENS~ON ~ORD~---- S'i-E- --/(f'fll Cdf 0 ----- g 0 HOUSEKEEPING GENERAL ,1(11 0 HOUSEKEEPING BOILER ROOM jp CLI~ARANCES oril'- C~EARA~~~~~ND -E~~~TRICAL PANE~~~;~ 1~ 0 FIRE DRILLS/RECORDS ,~,5ro-- F~;;;-~~;-~~~~~ DE~OR~T1;~-MATE--;;~~n_-- _ ,.JD' 0 ASSEMBLY AREAS '\ .J}f 0 FIRE ALARM SYSTEM (SERVICED) '---;;:;.r--''''~.-----m'' "______n"'___,__,___~_,_____ .'____n"""""__'__ ~,___nn___'n"'___,_"'''''___'''___'''..,______n__n____'_____,_________ o ~ SPRINKLER SYSTEM (SERVICED)' H Uo\.. F (f\ GIN r --( I rJ (/1 r [-1' C 121 A, -dO-""C~~~ER;~~~-;';~;~~~STEMS _n_,,,,,___ 'nn_ -- -::::7--~n-------..n--m------,.--"''''--n--------' 'b!I 0 FIRE APPARATUS ACCESS I 'CJ' 0 STAGE AREA "......., VIOLATION NOTICE CORRECTION: ,;;- .---S.ff-tI+----r~LdfQ" ,-,iL:LJ111w~L.AJanL.f--J._.-ADlleWJ2J-tn-~",_,_.__,,_,____,___._____,___,___ QUESTIONS REGARDING THIS INSPECTION? PLEASE CALL US AT (661) 326-3979 , v4/~"ul ,n i (I . L I i I / /Il. "':... fl.1- ",_D.___n'nu'_______..5X,/L ,2=-- --,Ul,+c~-,-ck.._~.{~+/~ Iid:----n'''' Inspector // Badge No.lStation T! I School Site Responsible part~/ I I / White - School Copy Y<:"ow - Station Copy./ Pink - Prevention Servi&s ... "" Ci "- ~,.- ".I