HomeMy WebLinkAboutUST-APPL 2/21/2006/~ (UNDERGROUND STORAGE TANKS) FILE # MIKE'S FOOD & LIQUOR #3 ` ' ;f „ '` ~ 2300 PANAMA LANE ,~'~, ~~ .~~ 1 ~--V• ~ PERMIT APPLICATION TO CONSTRUCT/MODIFY Bakersfield Fire Dept. UNDERGROUND STORAGE TANK Environmental Service `~` fete 1715 Chester Ave r Bakersfield, CA 93301 PERMIT NO. ~ -T ~ - U 3~ l Tel: (661)326-3979 TYPE OF APPLICATION (CHECK) O NEW FACILITY MODIFICATION OF FACILITY O NEW TANK INSTALLATION AT EXISTING FACILITY STARTING E _ © PRO ~-~ D CO PLETION GATE ;. ~ O~~ FAGUTY E ~~ D ~~ ~ EXISTING FAGUTI' PERMIT N0. FACILITY AOGtESS ~ ~ E"Q,~ G~ LP E O TYPE OF ~ SINESS N Y h^ / ~ ~~ ~~J v ............. APN M TANKOYHNER ... E ~ ~ 3 GZ ADOfiESS ~N~ ~ GTY ~~~~/~ ~ Q , . CONTRACTOR ~ -- C C~- NSE Np ~~et~.t~/G s n1~C S ~. ~ ~~U Q~' A - O • R.I~/~ ~V I/ CITY /7~V/~9~/~ ~ /~ {~ .t/f7 ../r~ PHONE NO. BAKERSFIELO GTY BUSINESS LICENSE NO D S < ~!a 9 ~ WORKMAN COMP !~ 9 Sa.,,; INSURER /S-~a.~-~ Ln~c ensa-1I {o marts. ~ EFtY DESCRIBE THE WORK TO BE DONE ~ ~,~ ~~ ~.~ of ~Ary ,p~,e.~~T ,'y~,~ ~`~~~.~~' ~o e~,~ GDili c~~- WATER TO F GLI PROVIDED 8Y DEPTH TO SOIL TY EXPECTED AT SITE GROUND WATER ~ ~~'/~ NO OF TANKS /~J~ E THEY FOR MOTOR FUEL SI~IV;L PREVENTION CONTROL AND COUNTER MEASURES PUW ON FILE TO BE IN$TALLEO U ~ Q YES NO OYES ONO THIS SEC710R IS FOR MOTOR FUEL TANK N0. VOLUMEv UIdEA0E0 REGULAR PREMIUM DIESEL AVIATION /`~ finis st~~wn I~ rvn nvn mvIVK rutL ~IUHA(it InnR.'t .,. TANK NO. VOLUME CHEMICAL STORED {NO BRAND NAME) CAS NO IIF KNOWTI) CHEMICAL PREVIOUSLY STORED FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPUGITION OATS fAGUTY NO. N0. OF TANKS FEES i The applicant has received, understands, and will comply 1~th the attached conditions of the permit and a , othe state, local and federal regulations. This forJif has been completed under penalty of perj~and ~th~iest of my knowledge, is true and correel: r i ~ r. ~" APPLI~IWT NAME (PRI ) T SK,NATURE Np THIS APPLICATION BECOMES A PERMIT WHEN APPROVED v w .~ '' UNDERGROUND STORAGE TANKS APPLICATION TO PERFORM ELD /LINE TESTING SB989 SECONDARY CONTAINMENT TESTING /TANK TIGHTNESS TEST AND TO PERFORM FUEL MONITORING CERTIFICATION BAKERSFIELD FIRE DEPT. I-lRL Prevention Services ARM ! 900 Truxtun Ave., Ste. 210 Bakersfield, CA 93301 Tel.: (661) 326-3979 Fax: (661) 852-2171 P~qe 1 of 1 PERMIT NO. ~ `~~~ ^ ENHANCED LEAK DEFECTION I^ LI ^ SB-888 SECONDARY CONTAINMENT TESTING ^ TANK TI(;HTNFSS TEST `~9 Tn PFRF(~RM FI IFI MCINITARINQ CFRTiFiCAI°R71d~_ .,.. SI FACILITY _ ~ ~ f ~ ~ U NAME 8 PHONE NUMBER OF CONTACT PERSON ADDRESS O / _ l ~ ~ ~ ---„`~ :, V OWNERS NAME i -~ US C~ OPERATORS NAME PERMIT TO OPERATE NO. NUMBER OF TANKS TO BE TESTED I PIPIN GOIN TO TE D? YE ^ NO TAN # V ~~l v Vd V i ' TANK T~ST~N6 COMPANY NAME OF TESTING COMPANY NAME 8 PHONE NUMBER OF CONTACT PERSON MAILING ADDRESS i ^' ~ ~ ~ 3a r NAME 8~ PH NE NUMBER OF TESTER OR SPECIAL INSPECTOR CERTIFICATION #: DATE & TIME TEST TO BE CONDUCTED ' ~ JY~ ICC #: TEST METHOD] SIGNATURE OF APPLICA CC'~~ DATE '02~ 6 APPROVED BY ~ DATE ~„a FD 2095 (Rev. 09!05) !' i s ~. _ _ - ~iL_L1NG & PERMIT STATEMENT saxERSFiELn Fig nErr. - ~ ~ Prevention Services 'r^-~ I~JRI 900 Truxtun Avenue, Suite 210 PERMIT NO.: ~Rtr r Bakersfield, CA 93301 Tel_: (6611 326-3979 S Fax: (6611 852-2171 LOCATION OF PROJECT ~ ~ or - ~ • PROPERTY OWNER STARTING DATE __ _ _ COMPLETION DATE O NAME i r ~ ~ O , ^ tb IY i PROJECT NAME - -~ ADDRESS ~ CU a-- PHON NO. a.o 3 -8~0 S ~ PROJECT ADDRESS 1 n U lJ~ CnY, TE ZIP ~~ ~ • •' CONTRACTO NAME - CA LICENSE NO. ~ •- ~ • TYPE OF LICENSE. EXPIRATION DATE PHONE~IQ, ~ ~ ~ /S CONTRACTOR PANY E ~ FAXNO . ADDRESS CnY ZJPCODE 330 ~ J ~ ~ ^ Alarms -New & Modifications - (Minimum Charge) $262 50 ~ . . 9,8 Over 20 000 Sq Ft 013125 =Permit fee Sq Ft x ^ , . . . 9,8 ^ Sprinklers -New & Modifications - (Minimum Char e) $210 00 ; ~ g . 98 ^ Ft Over 5 000 Sq 042 =Permit fee FL x Sq , . . . 98 ^ Minor Sprinkler Modifications (< 10 heads) 00 [Inspection OnIyJ $ 93 ~ . 98 ^ Commercial Hoods -New 8~ Modifications $ 398 26 ~ . 98 ^ Additional Hoods $ 36 00 . 98 ^ Spray Booths -New & Modifications $458 00 '~ . 9a ^ Aboveground Storage Tanks (fnstallation/Insp.-1 ~ Time) $165.00 I 8;? ^ Additional Tanks $ 26,00 ~ 82 ^ Aboveground Storage Tanks (RemovaUlnspection) $109.00 82 ^ Underground Storage Tanks (Installation./Inspection) $878.00 (per tank) 82 ^ Underground Storage Tanks (Modfcation) $878.00 (persite) 8~ ^ Underground Storage Tanks (Minor Modification) $155.00 ~ "~ 8;z ^ Underground Storage Tanks (RemovaQ $675.00 (per tank) 8+t ^ Oi{we{{ (installation) $ 72.00 ~' is 84 Mandated Leak Detection (testing) I uel Monit. Cert. $ 81.00 (per site) ---~~ ! 82 93.00 ' ~ ^ After hours inspection fee .$122.00 - 8~ ^ PyroteChniC - (Per event, Plus Insp. Fee @ $90 per hour) $60.00 + (5 hrs. min. stand -by fee /Inspection) _ $510.00 !~ 84 ^ RE-INSPECTION(S) / FOLLOW-UP INSPECTION(S) $ 93.00 (per hour) ~ ^ Portable LPG (Propane): NO.OF CAGES? $66.00 ~ ^ Explosive Storage . $249.00 ' ' ~ ^ Copying & File Research (File Research Fee $33.OD per hr) ~ 25¢ per page '; ; ea ^ Miscellaneous ; 84 FD 2021 (Rev. 09/05] I • { 1 -ORIGINAL WHITE (to Treasury) 1-YELLOW (to Flle) 1-PINK (to Customer! MUNITUKING SYSTEM C]~IZ`i'IFICAT IUN ~•z33ajy, For Use $y All Jurisdictions Wlthin the State of California 'off Arrrhority Citec4: Chapter 6 7, Health and Safety Code; Chapter I b, Division 3, Title 23, California Code o, fl2egte tons This form must be used to document testing and servicing of triottitoring equipment. A separate certification or rgpo m t a ~reoare for each monitorin~ystem control panel by the technician who performs the work. A copy of this form must be provided to the tank system owner/operator. The owner/operator must submit a copy of this form to the local agency regulating UST systems within 30 days bf test date. A. General Information Facility Name: 1'V1 I I~IG`_~ t' Gc~~ 'r t- ~ ~ V ~~ Bldg. No.: Site Address: ~3'» ~e~,ni.4v-n,A l-,iJ City: 1~r~Ki/(ZS~IELD Zip: ~37J~'~ Facilit}~ :Contact Person: w11 ~~- Contact Phone No.: (_) Make/Nlodel of Monitoring System: 1 ,N L ~arJ Date of Testing/Servicing: ~ I a 1 a(y 1F3. Inventory of Equipment Tested/Certified C'haol: rhC annrnnriate boxes m indicate cnecific eauinment insaected/servlced: 'l'ank ill: V r'1L-~ Tank ID: D1 ~ `~~ Q'In= fatil: Gauging Probe. Model: f w } ~,~ y~) (~n-Tank Gauging Probe. Model: ~ ~~nnular Space or Vaul[ Sensor. Model: L 5 - ~1 fj~Annular Space or Vault Sensor. Model: `J - ["]'Piping Sump /Trench Sensor(s). Model: L.5 • ~ 1~ Piping Stunp /Trench Sensor(s). Model: C. ~j •• ^ Fill Sump Sensor(s). Model: ©Ftll Sump Sensor(s). - Modc1: Q~Mcchanical Line Leak Detector. Model: ~~ ~C.~l~t [~Mechanlcal Line Leak Detector. Model: R ^ Electronic Line Leak Detector. Model: ^ Electronic Line Leak Detector. Model: ^ 1'anl: Overfill /High-Level Scnsor. Modcl: ^ Tank Overfill /High-Level Sensor. ModcI: D Others ci ui ent and model in Section E on P e 2 , ^ Other i uivmenr ~...+. and model in Section E on Pe a 2). '! anl. ID: ~P~~1n~ -`i ~ Teak ID: _ _ J~ [1'In-']'atilt Gauging Probe. Model: ^ In Tank Gaug'sng Probe. ModeL• Q'annular Space or Vault Sensor. Model: L S ~ r} ^ Annular Space or Vault Sensor. Model: I" Piping Sump! Trench Sensor(s). Model: L ~ -'? ^ Piping Stunp /Trench Sensor(s). Model: ^ Fill Stunp Sensor(s). Model: ~ ^ Fill Sump Sensor(s). Model: C~Mechanical Line Leak Detector. Model: F~.~ ~ ^ Mechanical Line Leak Detector. Model: ^ Electronic Line Leak Detectar. Model: ^ Electronic Line Leak Detector. Model: ^ Tank Overfill / HIgh-Level Sensor. Model: ^ Tank Overfill /High-Level Sensor. Mode]: ^ Other (s ecify equipment and model in Section $ on Page 2 . ^ Other (specify equi entt y pe and model in Section B on Pa a 2). Dispenser ID: ~ f .. Di~spBaser ID: '7 f [Dispenser Containment Sensor(s). Model: A+a DRVE CYI~tspenser Cornainment Sensor(s). Model: ~U I~5heeu• Valve(s). Shear Valve(s). ^ Dis enser Containment Floa s and C s . ^Dis enser Containment Floats and Chai s . Dispenser iD:, 3 Dispenser ID• l~llispenser Containment Sensor(s). Model: ^ Dispenser Containment Sensor(s). Model: E~She:~r Valve(s). ^ Sheaz Valve(s). ^ Dispenser Containment Float(s) and Chain(s). ^Dis enser Containment Floats and Chai s . llis enser ID: Diapenaer ID: Dispenser Containment Sersor(s). Model: ~ ~A~ ' ^ Dispenser Containment Sensor(s). Model: Sh2ar Valve(s). CY.> ^ Shear Valve(s). ODisperiser Containment Float(s) and Chain(s). ^Dis enser Containment Floats and Chains . (f the facility contains more tanks or dispensers, copy this form. Include information for every tank and dispenser at the facility. L. Cet~tiflCatiOri - I certify that the equipment ideutitied In this document was inspectedJserviced in auordance with the manufacturers' guidelines. Attached to thfs Certification is information (e.~ manufacturers' checklists) necessary to verify that this information is correct and a Plot Plan showing the layout of monitoring equipment. Ror spy ognlp~tent capable of generating such reports, I have also attached a copy of the report; check all that apply): System set-up A _ o~ report "rectrnician Name (print): ~ R~~O .J ~ PrD~ 33gnattrre.~_. _ _.:-.~-"'~- Certitcation No.: y%~ ~ ~ o~ S y ~ License. No.: JT day (D ~ lQ 1 -V T Testing Company Name: RICH ENVIRONMENTAL Phone No.: ~ 661 ) 392-8687 Site Address: oZ~~O ~~./V f~ tM ~ LytJ Date of TestinglServicing: 3 / a /oCv Page I of 3 t13tU1 Iv4oaitoring System Certification Yy. Y2es:ults of Testing/Servicing Soisware Version Instalted: /V l a !`. ..~.. n rHc 1'..flnurinn n6on41iat• l -~- 3 3~ ~--- v Yzs : ^ o Is the audible atarrn o erational? ~~Yes . ^ o Is the visual alarm o etationa!? ;Yes : ^ o Were all sensors visual ins ected fiutctionall tested and confin-ned o rational? Yes ^ o Were all sensors installed at lowest point of secondary containment and positioned so that other equipment will not interfere with their ro er o eration7 Ci Yes ^ o If alarms are relayed to a remote monitoring station, is all communications equipment {e.g, modem) ~/A operational? [j Yes o For pressurized piping systems, does the turbine automatically shut down if the piping secondary containment ^ NIA monitoring system detects a leak, fails to operate, or is electrically discotuiected? If yes: which sensors initiate positive shut-down? (CFfeck all that apply} ^ Sump/Trench Sensors; Q Dispenser Containment Sensors. Did ou confirm ositive shut-down due to leaks end sensor failure/disconnection? ©Yes; O No. i=.`f Yes ^ o For tank systems th;;t utilize the monitoring system as the primary tank ove~li warning device (i.e. no ~N/A mechanical overfill f:evention valve is installed}, is the overfill warning alarm visible and audible at the tank fill int{s and o crating ra erl ? If so, at what nt of tank ca act does the alarm tri er? °!u (I::l Z eS'~` N o Was any monitoring equipment replaced? lif yes, identify specific sensors, probes, or other equipment replaced and list the manufact.!rer name and model for all re lacement arts in Section B, below. _ G3 Yes" No Was liquid found inside any secondary contaIISmant systems designed as dry systems? (Check all toot apply) D Product• ^ Water, if es describe causes in Secdon E below. -~ Yes ^ o Was monitorin s ste~itt set-u reviewed to ensure ro er settin ?Attach set u re orts, if a livable Yes ^ o Is all monitoring equipment operational martttFactfae~s specifications? ~° In ~ef:tion E below, describe how and vcltien these deficiencies were or will be corrected. k.. Comments: ~ ~YSi"~r-~ I~~~C?5 ~/o'+ ~-}-y¢~~ ~aS1 7'l~~ '~ Page 2 of 3 U3 t U t F. In-Tank Gauging /SIR Equipment:Check this box if tank gauging is used only for inventory control. d Check this box if no tank gauging or SIR equipment is installed. This section must be completed if in-tank gauging equipment is used to perform leak detection monitoring. ^ Yes ^ o Has all input wiring been inspected for proper entry and termination; including testing for ground faults? ^ Yes ^ o Were all tank gauging probes visually inspected for damage and residue buildup? ^ Yes ^ o Was accuracy of system product level readings tested? ~ ^ Yes ^ o Was accuracy of system water level readings tested? ^ Yes ^ o Were all probes reinstalled properly? ^ Yes CI o Were all items on the equipment manufactiu~at's maintenance checklist completed? ~ to tde ,ectton tr, netow, aescr-ne now ana when mese aenciencies were or ww oe correc~ea. G. Line Leak Detectors (LLD): ^ Check this box if LLDs are not installed. r,......i..«e «~.e s,.n,....:..,, ..6e..b~:~t. CI Yes ^ No' For equipment start-up or annual equipmen~t~ertification, was a leak simulated to verify LLD perfgrmance? ^ N/A (Check all that apply) Simulated leak rate: L'~ 3 g.p.h., ^ 0. I g.p.h , ^ 0.2 g.p.h. Yes i1 o Were ail LLDs confirmed operational and accurate within regulatory requirements? Yes D o Was the testing apparatus properly calibrated? Yes ^ o For mechanical LLDs, does the LLD restrict product flow if it detects a leak? ^ N/A ^ Yes 0 o l~N/A For electronic LLDs, does the turbine automatically shut off if the LLD detects a leak? - ^ Yes ..^,/ o For electronic LLDs, does the turbine automatically shut off if any portion of the monitoring system is disabled 1J N!A or disconnected? ^ Yes ~^ o N/ For electronic LLDs, does the turbine automatically shut off if any portion of the monitoring system malfunctions ly A or faits a test? ^ Yes ^ o For electronic LLDs, have alt accessible wiring connections been visually inspected? N/A Yes ^ o Were ail items on the equipmert manufacturer's maintenance checklist completed? - to the aectton ti, uetow, describe how and when these tteficiehcies were or will be corrected. ]K. Comments: ~ T"H-c` 'PK~-'n-k i !Q-,nl~ ~Di~5i~ L L~4K Di-"-~T~zc.Tbf~S Page 3 of 3 a31o1 2~3v r-- 1Vlonitoring System Certification UST Monitoring Site Plan 5 ite Address: ~ ~ ~ O ~~ A ~ F~ m ~ L,~V "~ r4 K e./LS >^ I igti7 ~ ~>9 9,3~ t~ '7 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Vt - - - - - - - - - - - - ---------------- --- ------ -------- A ---- - ----- -------~2------- -c~- ------ -' -------. --- ^- -~ ----- ------~-------- ------ ~-------- -- ~/tL' ----- ----------------------------------------------------- -~------------1-----------------------------------•-- d -----------~]------------------------------------- Date map was drawn: ~ / ~ / D(o IllBtlll i'UCt10IIS If you already have a diagram that shows all required information, you may include it, rather than this page, with your Monitoring System Certification. On your site plan, show the general layout of tanks and piping. Clearly identify locations of the following equipment, if installed: monitoring system control panels; sensors monitoring tank annular spaces, sumps, dispenser pans, spill containers, or other secondary containment areas; mechanical or electronic line leak detectors; and in-tank liquid level probes (if used for leak detection). In the space provided, note the date this Site Plan was preQared. Page of osioo ~ Z ~ ~U ..r---- MONITOR CERT. FAILURE REPORT S[TE NAME: Vh~~~e.S Fooi~ 'f" C.161y ~~ DATE: 3 ~ ~'~ ~ ADDRESS: a~~ l~flaA'v~,fl ~~ TECIINICIAN: ~~~f K`'~Q CITY: k~~41~SFi€~, CA R33~7 SIGNATURE: THE FOLLOWING COMPONENTS WERE REPLACED/REPAIRED TO COMPLETE TESTING. REPAIRS: N rZ~~~ J '~a5sT~1.1~, ~,/-l-uT Da,~rJ 7jz~eS ,vaT ~~ `i"t}"~- t`'k~v~ ~~ t ,~4~t~ I~ r ~~~ L L ~.~-K D~7gc7~R5 ~o ~ r t~ ~r4 K . 7"hF~ y jv~e~ ~ PARTSINTALLED: `R~ ~~v ~ ~ x ~ u ~ z ~n ~ ~~-fib` FX t u~ rvl.u.`~ 'M~; SIGNATURE: THE ABOVE NAMED PERSON TAKES FULL RESPONSIBILITY OF NOTIFYING THE APPROPRIATE PARTY TO HAVE CORRECTIVE ACTION TAKEN TO REPAIR THE ABOVE LISTED PROBLEMS AND NOTIFYING RICH ENVIRONMANTAL FOR ANY NEEDED RETESTING. THIS ALSO RELEASES RICH ENVIRONMENTAL OF ANY FINES OR PENALTIES OCCURING FROM NON-COMPLIANCE. A COPY OF THIS DOCUMENT HAS BEEN LEFT ON-SITE FOR YOUR CONVIENENCE. 1 Z~~C' RICH '11?'VIR~~ '~ ETA T, '5643 BROOKS CT SAR8RSFI8LD,CA.93308 OFFICE (661)392-8687 & FAX (661)392-0621 e sR~,y+~s ~n~TSeTOR TgsT Facility Name: 6'}11k-~5 ~~~ ~ L?t~yca~ W/0#: Facility Address :~~~~ ~~4n~~,vNA t-ry L~4K~sFIF.c~,~~ ~~~~7 Product LiIIe Type (Pres+~ure, Suction, t3ravity) P2~55~~~ PRODIICT LEAK DETECTOR TYPE TEST TRIP PASS saRVw NUMH$R BELOW PSI OR L/D TYP ~~ ~'K~ 1~ $BRIAL # i~/- 17A~~+~ N~ f / [-~r~jl g ' L/D TYPS ~K~~ SERIAL # U~'1 RED A~c.Q YSS ~j ~~~ P p.n~ ~`- ~ L/D TYp Y$S 8AS5 T ` _ SERIAL # Vn `Z~171~1-C.. ~j ~~ ^ 7 A~j"~ ~~. V 1 E, ~ L/D TYPE Y8S PASS SERIAL # NO FAIL I certify the above tests were conducted on this date according to Rad Jacket pampa field test apparatus testing procedure an limitations. The Mechanical Leak Detector Ta+st peas./ fail is determined by using a low flow threshold trip rate of 3 gallon per hour or less at l0 PSI. I acknowledge that a13 data collected is true and correct to the beat of my knowledge. Tech : ia-F~3..,) k ~~ Signature. Date• Y:'~ R I ~ E11tST,~$.QNME3~TA~c 5643 BROOKS CT SABCERSFIBLD,CA.93308 OFFICE (661)392-8587 & FAIC (661)392-0621 MECHANICAL ~BAK D '1'RCTOR T&ST W/0#: Facility Name . V1~1 E~C~S ~~°77 ~'" ~. ~~,ve Facility Address: o230b l~F1NA'mA La ~4K'~5~/~~D, G~ ~1~3~ Product L3.D,e Type (Pressure, Suction, Gravity? PRODUCT LEAK DETECTOR TYPE TEST TRIP PASS ssRIAL NUl488R BELOW P3I OR L/D TYPE R'~~ ~ G ,$3~ ` 58RIAL # ~ ~ ~ NO ~ ~'S ! FAIL P~w-• ~ i J ~ L/D TYPB R9 ~A S , SBRIAL # c~~I c~ NO (~ ~ - FAIL 1F'~L L/D TYPB Y88 PASS $SRIAL # NO FAIL L/D TYPB YBS PASS SBRIAL # NO FAIL I certify the above tests were conducted on this date according to Red Jacket Pumps field test apparatus testing procedure an limitations. The Mechanical Leak Detector Test pass / fail is determined by using a low flow threshold trip rate of 3 gallon per hour or less at 10 B5i. i acknowledge that all data collected is. true and correct to the best of my knowledge. 3-a-~c~ Signatur Date: a~ MIKE UNOfAL 23x0 PANAMFt Lr14iE BAY:ERSFIELD, CA 933x7 SITE # 90001 3f 2!2004 10:3' AM ALAKM HISTGkY kEPOkT 2!19•'2@06 6842 AM BVSTEM FRIL PROSE SYNC 7ANF: NO. 1 2!20f2005 05:44 AM SVBTEM FAIL FROBE SYNC TANK N0. 1 2.':.'if~665 03~ 53 PM SYSTEM FAIL FLOAT MI5~ING TANK: NO. 3 ~fif?00r~ 01 58 PM POWEk DOI~N 3fif200b 02:05 Pti P04lER UP 3t2!210e 09:11 AM DIESEL SUMP ;;f~!2.606 0?: 13 AM SUPEk SUMP ;;f•~f2006 09~ 16 AM SPLIT ANUUJ;; 312f2006 0419 AM UNL ANULAR v%2!2005 69:20 AM UtJL 3UMP s ! -2'~.~ o i I I i 'ANAh1R LArdE # EiC~cJl~1 it+;:~~~ At9 Ic~70h'Y kEPDRT ' w3f,i4' Aw IL C 1 I.~5:44 Ati IL 1 0::;:53 Pt9 IL S I tr u N !P1F 1P ~LU:a iR MIKES Ui~,GGAL ?300 PANAt4A LANE BAKERSFIELD, CA X3307 SITE # 0+001 ~i2i2006 10:39 AP1 c•YS'(EM SETUP REPORT SOFTWARE VERSION 0.'3910 LOCATION i MIKES LOCATIGN 2 UNOCAL STREET 1 '230x3 ~~'i REET r PANAMA LANE CITY i BAK.ERSFIELD r_ITV 2 :_TATE , C:A -SIP CODE '33307 'SITE # 00061 VOL UNITS GALLONS LE!~cL UNITY INCHES ~_+1:~.E. PM TEt9P UNITS FAHRENHEIT Tih1E STYLE 12 HOUR DATE STYLE MM'DDiYY t32: ++5 F't~ GAYLISHT SAV ENABLED SET TIME 10:46 AM SET GATE 63~62~2066 ~~:11 Ffl'~ N0. TANKS ~ ~ 3 LEAK LIMIT 2.00 k+'?: iT, Af9 THEFT LIMIT 10.00 DELIU LIMIT 200.00 SNTNL h10DE OFF ~=+9: lr, At9 STNRT SNTNL 12~ 00 At9 EN[? StiTNL 12:00 At9 DELIV DELAY 15 ~J9:1'3 Atq REPORT DELII~ ENABLED ~~\ REPORT ALRRS ENABLED REPOP,T TESTS ENABLED 04°~'~3 AM ~ Nu. OF ALARMS 10 PRINT INTERVAL 1t~.40 Mi~DE CHAN 1 NATIVE BAUD CHAN. 1. . -.: 120K~ DATA BITS 1 STOP BIT~~ 1 1 PARITY 1 NONE SEGUP,ITY 1 AccESS 1 PHONE 1 6biu6c~0822 REDIAL 1 ENABLED ACCESS 2 PHONE 2 REDIAL 2 DISABLED ACCESS 3 PHONE REDIAL 3 DISABLED ACCESS 4 PHONE 4 REDIAL 4 DISABLED DIAL DELIV 1 DIAL ALARM GIRL LEAK. 1 MIKES UNOCAL 2300 PANAMA•LANE BAKERSFIELD CA 9330? SITE # 00001 3f2i2@06 10:43 AM TANK SETUP REPORT TANK NO. 1 1@@00 GAL UNLEADED REG TANK TYPE TRNK DIMS 8X27 TANK SIDE 10000 TANK SHAPE CYLINDER DIAMETER 95.00 LENGTH 324.00 PRODUCT l~N LEADED REG OFFSET P 1.25 OFFSET W 0.00 MANIFOLD NONE PROBE STD 101 FLOATS 2 FLOAT TYPE GRSOLINE GRRDIENT 8.5353 SENSOR LENGTH 101 HIGH LIh1IT 85.00 LOW LIMIT 1532.00 HIGH HIGH 90.00 LOW LOW 7.00 WATER LIMIT 3.00 TEMP COMP API 6Bi54B API GRAVITY 63.50 ALPHR 320.00 N0. RTDS 5 RTD LOC 1 11,49 RTD LOC 2 30.93 RTD LOC 3 45,81 RTD LOC 4 60.47 RTD LOC 5 77.19 STRAPPING DRTA INCHES GALLONS 0.006 0.0 10.000 561.1 2e.@@6 1532,6 30.000 2711.0 A0.600 4004,? 50.000 5346.3 00.000 6676.1 70.000 7932.5 50.000 9041.7 50.000 gggg,g MIKES UNOCAL 2300 PANAMA LANE: BAKERSFIELD. CA 93307 SITE # 00001 3i2i2d06 id:44 A TANK SETUP REPORT TANK N0. 2 5004 GA DIESEL TANK TYPE TANK DIMS 8X'~? TANK SIZE 500 TANK SHAPE CYLINDEl~ GIAt4ETER y6,p LENGTH 162.0 PRODUCT GIESE(1 OFFSET P 1.9'~ OFFSET W 0.6@ MANIFOLD NONii PROBE STD 161 FLOATS 2 - FLOAT TYPE OIL. r GRADIENT 9.0190 SENSOR LENGTH 10I HIGH LIMIT 85.0@ LUW LIMIT 1000. d@ HIGH HIGH 90.@@ LOit LOW 7.00 WATER LIMIT 3.00 TEMP COMP API 6Bi54B API GRAVITY 32.8@ ALPHA 45.0a N0. RTDS 5 RTD LOC 1 11.49 RTD LOC 2 30.93 RTD LOC 3 45.8 RTD LOC 4 60.47 HTD L0C 5 77.1y STRAPPING DATA INGHES GALLONS 0.000 0.0 10.0b0 280.5 20.00@ 766.u 30.00@ 1355.5 40.000 '2002.; 50.000 '2673.1 6©.000 3338.0 10.060 3960.E 66,add ;452d.e 90.000 4944.9 c~ `-":CHG IN~!TP,Y DAILY 'Ii9E1 IN!!TR 1210 PM 'i IhlE2 ItJG+Tf~ 12$0 AP1 '(Ih1E~ INl!TR 12:00 AM '_,CHD iNURC DAI LY TiP1E1 IN~JRC 5:00 AM Titlcy Ih1URC Z:60 FN TIhtE3 INI,ikC 1]:09 F11 SCHC~~ DLHST NONE •fIMEl DLHST 1200 A>i TIME2 DLHST 12:00 AM "i if4c3 I~LHST 12:90 AN SCH[7 ALHST NONE TlfiEl ALHST 12:60 AM T`iP1c""~ ALHST f2:00 AM TI.ME3 ALH~~T 12:00 AM SGHi~ AC:T AL NGNE TIf9E1 AGTAL 12:00 AM TIP1Ei AL'TAL 1^c:00 AM Tit4E:3 ACTAL 12:00 Aft '=CND ALST NGNE TIME1 ALST I20E1 APi T1t'iE~ ALST 12:09 AM 7IME3 AL::T 12:0G3 Ati CONFIDENCE 99.0: LEAt: TEST i9. 10 ~~CHD TEST TANK 1 NGNE TAN~~: NGNE THNK •~ NGNE TIt4E TE'~T TANK i 12:ta0 AM THNK 11:00 At1 TtiNK ~ 12:00 AM ALAKhi TTME01)T 0 HIGH LIM DFF LGI~~ LTP1 OFF NIGH HIGH OFF LCiW LCibJ OFF 4JATE? LIM DFF LEAK LIM OFF ~YSFAIL OFF THEFT DFF RELA',' T Ii'IEDUT 15 HI~3H LIi't GFF L}~ld LIM GFF HIGH HIuH GFF LGW LO~b OFF i,};~TER LIf4 GFF LEAF: Llht GFF 3Y:~FAIL pFF THEFT OFF STD ALARt1 ALARM 1 GN ALARM 2 GN ALARM 3 ON AL;~RM 4 GN ALARM v ON ALARM o GFF ALAP,Pt ? DFF ALARM 8 OFF ,TD RELAY ALARM 1 OFF ALARM 2 DFF ALARM 3 GFF ALARN 4 DFF ALARM 5 GFF ALARM 6 OFF AL~+Ri9 7 OFF ALARM t3 OFF STD ALAkt9 i UNL ANULAR ALARM 2 SPLIT ANULUS ALARM 's UNL SUMP ALARM 4 SUPER SUMP ALARM 5 DIESEL SUMP ALARM 6 STD 6 ALARM ~ STD 7 ALARM 8 STD 6 SENSOR T4'PE SENSOR 1 STD ~~EN:3DR 2 STD SEN:3GR 3 STD SENSGR 4 -STD SENSGR 5 STb SENSGk 6 STD SENSOR r' STD SENSOR 6 ~ STD MIKES UNOCAL ~ • ~ 2300 PANAMA LAME BAKERSFIELD, CA 93307 SITE # 00001 3r='2096 10:45 AM TANK SETUP REPORT TANK N0. 3 50$0 GAL ' UNLEADED SUP TANK TYPE ' TANK DIMS oX16 ! TANK 5IZE 5068 . TANK SHAPE CYLINGER ' DIAMETER 96.00 LENGTH 162.00 PRGDUCT UNL EADED SUP GFFSEr P ~.@@ GFFSET W 0.60 CIANIFOLD NGNE PRGBE STD 101 FLOATS ~ FLGAT TYPE GASOLINE ' GRADIENT 9.020? . SENSOR LEN&TH i01 HIGH LIMIT 65.00 LGW LIMIT 1000.00 HIGH HIGH 90.00 LGif LOW 7.90 WATER LIMIT 3.99 TEMP COMP AP I b6~546 API GRAVITY 51.30 ALPHA 320.00 NG, RTDS 5 RTD LOC 1 11.49 RTD LGC 2 30.93' ' RTD LOC 3 4g, B1 RTD LOC 4 60.47 kTD LOC 5 ~a +~ STRAPPING DATA INCHES GALLONS 0.600 0.0 10.000 28@.S 29'008 766.3 30.090 1355.5 40.060 2902.3 50'000 2673.1 60.889 3338.0 79.000 3966.3 89.000 4520.6 90.600 4944.9 ,. - - - - - i-~..3~~ .. ,. «~ ~i; . wn~:,ry 2002 Page Y"~- Secondary Contaiume>a# Testing Report Form - 'f` This,7vrrn is fnte~ded jor use by cortlraetors perfortretrSgpQrfodJF tQStltt~ of US?'seCOrtdary po~llaltuneltt systQV~ts. Uso the aporcpriare pages of this form to report resa+lrs for all componsttts tested The completed form, wrluen tesiproCedure,~ and ,o~-,.uouts from tests ~f opplicable), should be provided to the facility owner/operatorfor submittal to the 1oea1 regulatory agency. 2. FACILITY INFORMATION Facility Name: ~1 ~ If,t ~~ "~' Lf l~~ a Date of T 3 ~ - ~ Co i'aci I iry Address: p~ ~ p a f F,~c} fr+,~4 '~ J4 'F S ILL C.,~1 G1 v o Facility Contact; ~ Phone: llate Local Agency Was Notified of Testing Name of Local A~eacY inspector (tf'present during tcstingl: 2. TESTING CONTRACTOR INFORMATION ~,om an Name: R,ZCH ENVTRONMEN'BAL ~ 1'ecfuticianConductingTest: ~-~Q>3y~} K5'a~ ~ C: edentiats: ~ CSLB Licensed Contractor ^ SWRCB Licensed Tank Tester License Type. C611D40 - IacenseNumber: 809850 Ivlanufaccurer - ctu~re Traini~ ~nponentfsL Date Trainia Ex Tres INCON .~ INCON TS-STS _ l 3. SUMMARY O F TES T RESULTS Component Pass Fall Not Tested •~~~ Mae Component pA~ Fail Not T ted Repairs Made t~-'1L'~7 ~jiL S~lfi tack ^ ^ ^ ^ .© Q ^ . PR~~ - ~ ~ ~1 r.~ - 1~ ~x D a D ^ o D ^ ~ ~D3'r'~L Fll_~ ILL ~~ ^ ^ D 0 0 ^ D ^ ^ 0 ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ j; O D D D D D D ^ u O D ^ D O D ^ ^ ~~ ^ ^ D 0 D ^ D D ~__ ^ ^ ^ ^ D ^ ^ ^ ~_ ^ D D D ^ ^ ^ 0 ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ Q ^ ~: 0 ti l i_ydrostatic testing was perfipcmed, describe what was done with the water after completion of tests: RECYCLE AND REIISE'l2 - - ~~ CERTIFICATION OF TECHNICL4N R$SpQNSIBLE FOIL CONDUCTING THIS TESTING 7b tt:e best~ofmy knoovlcdgc, tlse facxs stated Jn t/i}s dase~unt are aecWrate and In full contptlance wi!!t legal i+egrrirsrnaits 1'ecnitician's Signature; Date. 3 -a - U S W RCH, January 2002 q_ cPTi.T JnVF;RFiLL CONTAINMENT BOXES 1.2 `3~G Page o`- f Facility is Not With S illlOverf~ll Containment Boxes D SQIIUOv~rfill Containment Boxes are 1'reaont, but were Nat Vested D Test Method Developed By: ~ Spill Bucket Manufiactetrer Industry Standard fl professional Engineer 0 Other (Sped} Test Method Used: 0 Pressure Q Vacuum ydrostatic ~ Other {Spec ) Test Equipment Used: Equipment Resohttion: Spill Box # $ r7 5pili Boz # ~ ~ Spill Box # DSC. Splll Box # Bucket Diameter: ( '' 1 ~ ' ` 1 ~ ~' Bucket Depth: j y ' ` ) y " /y ~~ Wait time between applying pressure/vacuum/water and startin test. /V + ~ /U ~R 1 /v Test Start Time: 1 a : ov A-m f ~ ; ~of}rn ja : az ,4r~ Initial Reading (Ri): ~ P '/a )D ~~ ~~ ~~/ Test End Time: ~ l : ~ /~ v+~ 7 l : v E~A-l~ / l : ©a A-v~ ~ Final Reading (RF): jt~ 1/a JO ~/ Ja t/ Test Duration: ~ c'~Q ( }•~oc: {~ J }-f o v~ Change Ira Reading (RF-R~: O + ` p ~' D " I PasslFail 't'hreshold or ' Criteria: ~ „ O ~. ~ ~, Test Result: C~Pass Q Fail Pam 0 Fail @~Pass Q Fail 0 Pass ^ Fail Cowments - {include information on repairs made prior to testir~ acrd recivmmended follow-up for foiled tests) 1 rz 3~~ SB989 .TESTING FAILURE REPORT SITE NAME: I'Y11 ~~5 F~oD ~- L I Qy ~ DATE: 3 -a - v c~ o~~cro P~~~4m A Ln1 '1'F.[ ~nvrC'iANe A,~~J kv-r~ ~ BAt~Qs~~~ , ~ ~3~ ~ THE FOLLOWING COMPONENTS WERE REPLACED/RE~'AIItED TO COMPLETE TESTING. REPAIItS• y_ LABOR: ~'~'''~ PARTS INTALLED: /U~"~ NAME: SIGNATURE; THE ABOVE NAMED PERSON TAKES FULL RESPONSIBILITY OF NOTIFYING THE APPROPRIATE PARTY TO HAVE CORRECTNE ACTION TAKEN TO REPAIR TAE ABOVE LISTED PROBLEMS AND NOTIFYING RICH ENVIRONMANTAL FOR ANY NEEDED RETESTING. THIS ALSO RELEASES RICH IN,NVIRONMENTAL OF ANY FINES OR PENALTIES OCCURING FROM NON-COMPLIANCE. A COPY OF THIS DOCUMENT HAS BEEN LEFT ON-SITE FOR YOUR CONVIENENCE. l2-~~0 fs~~~.~r~G ~ PERMIT STATEMENT s~r~u~~'~ut~ parr' T Preveat3oa sesviaes r ~i<t~hlt~' lvu.: ~ r~rs 900'IYuxtun Avenue, Suite 210 Rrw r Bakersfield,~CA 93301 LOCATION OF PROJECT ` r PRO!'IFRTY ~~ ' _ rAIY f iNG DAl"k COMPLETION DATE • ,. IJAt~E 1 t { p I r l 4 ` V _ - -- ?ROJEC7' NA1vIC +~' . ' ~' ~ ADDRESS ~ ~Sd ~N~` CJ ~ ~~ YkOJECI',a00itESS ... :; ~ CfTY TE ~ CONTRACTORiNAME 1 CA LICENSE NO. t TYPE pF LICENSE EXPWATlON DATE PHONE ~ ~~ ~ 7 _ J ,, - CUiy'rt7ai; rUR.C,O(~fPANY F~ "~ a d~ ~:i .tDURtSJ ~, CnY ZIP CODE Q `~ u 50 ^ Alarms -New & Mod[fications - (MiNmum Char e) x$262 • ~ ~ g . ~ F Ff Over 20 000 S 013125 = AevrrrJt fee FL X Sqr ~ ^ i ^ I . , q. rinklers -New & Modifications - (Minimum Char e) S , . $210 00 ~ ~ g p . 98 ? ^ 000 Sq FL Over 5 Sq FL x OW2 = Permitfee 1 , . . f ^ Minor Sprinkler Modifications (< 10 heads) $ 83.00 [Inspection Onlyj ~ ~ . ; ..._ I ^ Commercial Hoods - New ~ Modifications $ 398 26 ~ . ~ ^ ~ Additions! Hoods ~ 36 00 ~ ~ I . 9d t7 Spray Booths -New & Modifications 3458.00 ` - 99 }r ^ Above round Sfora a Tanks (lnstallaBonltnsp.•t~ Time) $165.00 82 p Additional Tanks $ 26.00 82 © Aboveground Storage Tanks (RemavaUlnspection) $1.09.00 ~ 82 ^ Underground Storage Tanks (/nsfa(lation.nnspedion} 3878.00 (pertarrk) 82 ^ Underground Storage Tanks (Modification) $878.00 (persiteJ 82 Q Underground a Tanks (Minor Mod>ticatioA) 3155.00 82 ^ Underground Stora a Tanks (RemovaQ $675.00 (pertank) ` 8A ^ Qilwelf (tnstaUation $ 72.00 ~ 8a Mandated Leak Detection (Test'sng) I Llel MoniL Cert. $ 81.00 (ersite} '"`-'~ 82 . 8a ^ After hours inspection tree $12200 - 8a ~ U l____ ^ Pyrotechnic - (Per euient, Plus Insp. Fee @ S90 per hour) RE-1NSPECTION(SJ /FOLLOW-UP INSPECT/ON S $60.00 + (5 t]fli. min, stand -by fee nnspection) _ $510.Q0 383.00 (per hour) 84 &t ^ Portable LPG (Propane}: NO.OF CAGES? $66.00 84 ^ Explosive Storage $249.00 t34 ^ ~ Copying & File Research (File Research Fee 333.00 per hr) 25¢ per page ' 64 Cl Miscellaneous ; N eA FD 7021 {fir. 081D5) --.-..•_. .•-••-.• ,.. ~_. __.._.. . vv.. new/ .~.. C~iel 1_GINK !}n ['~iefM1YA iZ33~ ;w IskvDERGROUND STORAGE TANKS ~'~ ~: ~P~LICATIOiV '~` ~:: TO PERFORM ELD f LINE TESTING ? i 1 SB989 SECONDARY CONTAINMENT TESTING lTANiC TIGHTNESS TEST AND TO PERFORM FUEL h10NlTORING CERTIFICATION BAKI~RSFIELD FIRE pF~P'P. ~-tt~ Prevention Services A~T~ 9Q0'I~uxtun Ave., Ste. 210 Bakersfield, CA 93301 Tel.: (bbl) 32b-3979 Fsx: (661) 852-2171 Pape 1 of 1 PERtvll l' NO. ~~ 03 ENHANCED LEAK DETECTION ^ L ^ S8-9ee SECONDARY CONTAlN1J1ENT TESTINC3 ~~I cCC tear Tl1 oCGCADnA CI ICI sAAA11T/1CIA1/] f GDTICi!`A'~ITIM~ FACilill' 1 S ~ ~ ~' NAME i PHONE NUMBER OF CONTACT PERSON ' ADDRESS ~ ~ ~ ~1 ~'7 v f OVVNERS NAME f ~ ~~ ~ OPl=RATOt2S NAME PERWIT TO OPERATE NO. NUTlBER OF TANKS TO BE TESTED T # ~ ~O `TANK~'1`~817NG CO6gPANY - ';n„:4" •~ NAME OF TESTING COMPANY _ ~~^ ~ ~ NAME PHONE NUMBER OF CONTACT PERSON i mSAILING ADDRE S NAIViE 8 PH NE NUMBER OF TESTER OR SPECIAL INSPECTOR CERTIFICA710N al': DAl'E & TIME TEST TO BE CONDUCTEA ~ti ICC S: TEST METH44 8lGNA1'URE OF APPLICANT Cr''~,~ DATE ~!' 6 APPROVtD BY DATE FD 2095 (Rev. 09/05) t E R S F I D F/RE ARTM T April 10, 2006 Mr. Daljinder Chauhan Mike's Food & Liquor 2300 Panama Bakersfield, CA 93307 RONALD J. FRAZE REMINDER NOTICE FIRE CHIEF - Re: Guidelines for Unsupervised Dispensing Gary Hutton, Senior Deputy Chief Deaf Mr. Chauhan: Administration 326-3650 It has come to our attention that many convenience stores who sell gasoline, like yourselves, are closing late at night. If you are using card readers and leaving Deputy Chief Dean Clason your fuel pumps on, this is defined in the California Fire Code as: "Unsupervised Operations/Training Dispensing." 326-3652 Unsupervised dispensing is allowed when the owner or operator provides, and is Deputy Chief Kirk Blair accountable for daily site visits, regular equipment inspection and maintenance, Fire Safety/Prevention Services including any unauthorized release or spills, posted instructions for safe operation 326-3653 of dispensing equipment, and posted telephone numbers for the owner or operator. Signs prohibiting smoking, prohibiting dispensing into unapproved 2101 "H" Street containers and requiring vehicle engines to be stopped during fueling shall be Bakersfield, CA 93301 conspicuously posted within site of each dispenser. OFFICE: (661) 326-3941 In addition, a sign shall be posted in a conspicuous location reading: FAX: (661) 852-2170 In case of spill or release: RALPH E. HUEY, DIRECTOR 1) Use Emergency Pump shut-off PREVENTION SERVICES 2) Report the accident FIRE SAFETY SERVICES • ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES 900 Truxtun Avenue, Suite 210 3) Fire Department Telephone Bakersfield, CA 93301 4) Facility address OFFICE: (661) 326-3979 FAX: (661) 852-2171 During the hours of operatioh~ stations having unsupervised dispensing shall be David Weirather provided with a fire alarm transmitting device. A telephone not requiring a coin to operate is acceptable. The fuel leak detection system must have a remote or Fire Plans Examiner phone modem to insure off-site monitoring during hours of unsupervised 326-3706 dispensing. During hours ofi darkness, sufficient lighting must be maintained so Howard H. Wines III that all signs associated with fueling operation are conspicuous and readable. A , Hazardous Materials Specialist gallon container of an absorbent material used for spills must be made available 326-3649 to the public during hours of unsupervised dispensing. Afire extinguisher with a minimum 2A, 26, and 2C rating must be located on dispenser island during hours of unsupervised dispensing: =ti ' To: Mailing List of Valued Customers ~ Reminder Notice Re: Guidance for Unsupervised Dispensing e April 10, 2006 Page 2 If you are currently having hours of unsupervised dispensing, you must comply with the above-mentioned requirements. . Starting April 15, 2006, this office will conduct rahdom checks of all fueling stations within the city limits for compliance. If you shut your station down after normal business hours and are not pumping fuel, please disregard this reminder notice. Should you have any questions, please feel free to call meat 661-326-3190. Sincerely, Ralph E. Huey, Director of Prevention Services ~ ~.. C I~Ll;Lt4'c~ By: Steve Underwood, Fire Prevention Officer REH/db F/RE ARTM T March 31, 2006 RONALD J. FRAZE FIRE CHIEF ~ Mr. Daljinder Chauhan Mike's Food & Liquor Gary Hutton, 2300 Panama Lane Senior Deputy Chief Administration Re: Failure to Perform !Submit Annual Fuel Monitor Certification 326-3650 Deputy Chief Dean Clason 1~+C~TICE OF VIOLATION & Gperations/Training SCI~EDULE FOR COMPLIANCE 326-3652 Dear Daljinder Chauhan, Deputy Chief Kirk Blair Fire Safety/Prevention Services Our records indicate that your fuel monitor certifications is due/past due on 326-3653 03-07-06. You are or will be in violatit~n of Section 2638(a) California Code of Regulations, 2101 "H" Street ~ Title 23, Division 3, Chapter 16. Bakersfield, CA 93301 OFFICE: (661) 326-3941 "All monitoring ~tiuipment shall be installed, calibrated, operated FAX: (661) 852-2170 and maintained itr accordance with manufacturers instructions, and ' certified every 12 months for operability, proper operating condition, i and proper calibration." RALPH E. HLTEY, DIRECTOR PREVENTION SERVICES ' Therefore you have 30 dais (Apri127, 2006) to comply. Failure to comply may FIRE SAFETY SERVICES • ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES result lri.revocation of your permit to Operate. 900 Truxtun Avenue, Suite 210 Bakersfield, CA 93301 OFFICE: (661) 326-3979 Should you have any que~tit~ns, please feel free to contact me at 661- 326-3190. FAX: (661) 852-2171 Sincerely yours, David Weirather Fire Plans Examiner Ralph E. Huey, 326-3706 ~, Director of Prev tion Seiw(ces ' /~ ~ _. Howard H. Wines, III Hazardous Materials Specialist By: Steve Un erwood 326-3649 ! Fire Prevention Officer REH/SU/db "SerUing the Community ~'or~l~lore 7CanA Century" UNDERGROUND STORAGE TANKS .~. -,~ /~~~L1CQ1~1®N TO PERFORM ELD I LINE TESTING i SB989 SECONDARY CONTAINMENT TESTING _. YANK TIGHTNESS TEST AND TO PERFORM FUEL MONITORING CERTIFICATION PERMIT NO. ~1 ~ ~S~ F~Re AR'P~ ~ DAKERSFIELD FIRE DEPT. Prevention Services 900 Truxtun Ave., Ste. 210 Bakersfield, CA 93301 Tel.: (661) 326-3979 Fax: (661) 852-2171 Page 1 of 1 ^ ENHI~NCED LEAK DETECTION ^ LINE TESTING ~ SB-989 SECONDARY CONTAINMENT TESTING ^ TANK TIGHTNESS TEST ^ TO PERFORM FUEL MONITORING CERTIFICATION SITF INECIRNIATI(~N ._ - ... FACILITY ~ ~ ~` NAME & PHONE NUMBER OF CONTACT PERSON DDRESS a3Do ~-~Q-- ,~~-Je w CA~ 9330 ~ (OWNERS NAME AERATORS NAME PERMIT TO OPERATE NO. NUMBER OF TANKS TO BE TESTED IS PIPING GOI NG TO BE TESTED? ^ YES ^ NO TANK# VOLUME CONTENTS ~~ Q -l AM OF TESTING COMPANY ,, ~ ~ TANK TESTING COMPANY -. NAM & PHONE NUMBER OF CONTACT PERSON ~~ 3y-~ AIL jG ADDRESS ! ~ ~ ~ 933ca~2. NAME & PHONE MBER OF TESTER OR ECIAL I SPECTOR - o?- ~'lo ERTIFICATION #: o a Sly ^o So~l3~. AT & TIME TEST TO BE CONDUCTED o?o~S ; 004' CC #: S ~ y 9a ~ c~ - u T' EST METHOD .s~.>^-~.-~ IGNATURE OF AP L CANT DATE ~1 r OS A ~~++., ~1~1~ ~ .a~~~~~~.r.a~k~~:~.RP~ E~ ~, 11~ E+ oa -~irQMl~v~ ~ Q -- PPROVED BY 1 r ~~ ~~¢,~~ DATE 2 ~ ~ B B R 3 I D FD2106 r-` ~ °f' q 119~e i~ ~ €$ ate= €~ ~ ~ i~ ~ ~-(C~ ~ A C°a ~ ~ A 3~3 ~-5' .+~""~~ *"v;e..~, ~`` .~. ~~~~~''`~~ ~ ~`~ . R 3 -.~~_B R ~ T~ ~~~~~ ~ ~~ ~_ ~2,~RTS:I~EC~, Ct1 ~~5~#J ~ To ~~~~:~~~~ ~~~ ~ ~#~~ TES T #s~~ ~ e~.: f66 ~ l 32~-3°79 I j~98J S~'~G~3~A~Y CC3I~TAii~6i~tESJ`+.+. [ ~STti~G Fes: {~b I} f3~2-2 ! l 1 /TAtl~ T#1i~SS a EST Ai~R'J'T o PE~PO€~-,sf ~€~~~ ci ~ 4G { j P;i#~A~! p ~;~3~~~ t.:c<~i a ~~`~A E 1C€V I ~fl E 0 y . ! y~ [''p t ~ Fr`lHA; #C~C -~.AK DET~CT!ON ~ I Lit~~ TES ~ i\G ~(, SS-989 S~CG^dDhRY CON?,41NjviEPs- TES ~ S'~G T?,~3K PGH ~ I~+~SS TEST ~ i O P~R!=CR~vi FUEL h,lON ! T Oi=f~nlG Gc!= :' !FiC=i ~ ir?i',; - ~~Jt-.1HIVi„ JF! FACII ! i Y ~~ ~ ~ ~NA~~~ ~ ?P?G:~,~ #tLi~~EF. GF C~~s s AC? ~~~'Su#~ 4U(~ ~' L-~-Lt~b2~ ~ ADDR~Sg U ~ ~~ ~p ~, ~ ~ ~~,,~ (i ~; ° ` ;4tiN~RS NAhltE i __ _ - '~ - - -- -- - - - - -- ~A ~,. TC~. '~~. ~t,~~l, a~~'yr ~?AAJ#~e7F TEST##+?.r'--. CO#VPPANY 1i~,§R~ = a`x i~i-i~~dE i5€~`#t~?~zr= Jn C;L;:.,=~i,~ i-'~~SVAa ---- - #44Alt~ G ADDRESS ~ ~ 'NAPE a ~#~o#~= ~~nsL~ ©~ ~ ~s?F~t er, ~c#Az #~S€'ECTOR ;c=~ ~ iF~cAT~aN r: ~~ ~ f~bl -39~- ~'~~'~ I oS a~ Sly ~ ~.~ 5~.`~s~.. _ DAT & TIME TEST ! Q 3E COI~dD#1C ~ ED 3CG `: ~`CEcT ~~ET.~'OD ~e.ear~.2~t, l y2,rt~~L~ ~'~ ! ~0os 9; ooh'! ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~;l (~ - (-t T' ; ~~t~-~°-~ S{GSVATuRE C3P AP L#CnAty ~ ,DASE ~ 3) p ~O PPROVED 8`! TE FL~2? Oo ~~t,.~~~~9 ~t ~E~~'~ ~T~~~ ~~~ GATE ~ t Bakersfield-Fire IDept, PREVENTION SERVICES Fire Safety 5ecvices •.FnvironmentaeSewices 900 Truxtun Ave:; Suite 210 Bakersfield; CA 93301 Tel: (661) 326-3979 . UST/AST PERMIT, TANK~TESTING 82 ~~ ~ STATE SURCHARGE 86 , TENTS, LPG. FIREWORKS, POWDER/OTHER PERMITS 84 COPIES/REPORTS ' 89 FOLLOW-UP INSPECTION INSPECTOR: DATE TIME SPENT: CHARGES: ~- CHARGES CODE: REASON and DATE F. .~'""` E! FOR INSPECTION: '' LOCATION OF INSPECTION/~: ~a e^ ~ ,. ,+ ,,.~4.d k..~ ~ .c.*•..r°^E'!t~"~~.+'~f~"f..'k7!*.r'.~*a° ~_ s ' '~c ~r+r; l' BUSINESS NAMEt' ~ ,,....,,»~+ ~g TELEPHONE NUMBER(S): f ~ ~ ~ ~ '~L BILL TO: "' PAY BY: ~'"'"""'s ~ ~?. ~ . ~:1~ { NOTES:. ~d ~- , - . e,.., •... ~ ~. . ,CUSTOMER SIGNATURE: tN~~TOFt`/F2ECENERSIGt~A#Tl1RE,~ ~, },~ ORIGINAL WHRE: FINANCE CUSTOMER PINK OFFICE: YELLOW FD1734 (reV.17J03} ~~o ,. . ~~ ~ 5~#3-~~5'i'STEM C~RT'~YCA'I'ION FQN,11tI f. ..~ ' s` FA4ii,T'i'Y At~?R~ 'q Y., r .. ~ ~ L~ ~~ iI~TA~hrSpstoe '` ~~t :;: ~. ~.. tJ.. 7r ~.$~~.>~ ~'arkZ ~ Trunk? Ta~7k 4 ~~ ;; ~ T1rae ;..~;~ SS'A` :.ARM :;~ ~~:~ ~: ~ Pe~eewrt :~. ~~ ~ _~t. ~:: 5.. ~. ~. ~ i 4 ~i ~ . ~V /A r y0~ / /~ ~, _ _ ~ . .~ kk 1k[. J~tr -,~~e i. 4'. ,6~•T.~ .t; ~ ,. 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FRAZE FIRE CHIEF Gary Hutton, Senior Deputy Chief Administration 326-3650 D Deputy Chief Dean Clason Operations/Training 326-3652 December 1, 2005 Mike's Food & Liquor 2300 Panama Bakersfield, CA 93307 FINAL REMINDER NOTICE RE: Necessary Secondary Containment Testing Requirements by December 31, 2005 of Underground Storage Tank (s) Located at the Above Stated Address Dear Valued Customer, Deputy Chief Kirk Blair Over the last six months this office has continued to send reminder notices regarding Fire Safety/Prevention Services secondary containment testing. 326-3653 Code requires that all secondary containment systems must be tested 6 months post construction and every 36 months there after. 2101 "H" Street Senate Bill 989 became effective January 1, 2002, section 25284.1 (California Bakersfield, CA 93301 Health & Safety Code) of the new law mandates testing of secondary containment OFFICE: (661) 326-3941 components upon installation and every 36 months, thereafter, to insure that the FAX: (661) 852-2170 systems are capable of containing releases from the primary containment until they are detected and removed. Our records indicate that your facility is due prior to December 31, 2005. RALPH E. HUEY, DIRECTOR PREVENTION SERVICES Those sites that have not been tested and have not pulled a permit prior to December 31, ~ 2005, will have their permit to operate revoked. FlRE SAFETYSERVICES•ENVIRONMENTALSERVICES 900 Truxtun Avenue, Suite 210 ` This office does not wish to take such action, which is why we will continue to send monthly Bakersfield, CA 93301 reminders. OFFICE: (661) 326-3979 FAX: (661) 852-2171 ~ Contractors are already booked several weeks in advance. I urge you to schedule your testing date as soon as possible to avoid possible revocation of your permit to operate. David Weirather Fire Plans Examiner Should you have any questions, please feel free to call me at (661) 326-3190. 326-3706 j Sincerely, Howard H. WIneS, III RALP • I~UEY, Director of Prevention Services Hazardous Materials Specialist 326-3649 Steve Underwood Fire Prevention Officer SU:db ~J~Lrrit~ ~ Z~ts~stc~sif~ ~ ..~1~~ ~/ljan ~~~i~ ~i~es~