HomeMy WebLinkAboutBUSINESS PLAN 2/28/2007TARGET ~ 9100 ROSEDALE HWY. ,~ T _ ~^. + TARGET T-1384 ____________________________~_________= SiteID: 015-021-002230 + Manager Location: 9100 ROSEDALE HWY City BAKERSFIELD BusPhone: (661) 589-0554 Map 102 CommHaz High Grid: 29A FacUnits: 1 AOV: CommCode: KCFD STA 65 SIC Code:5311 EPA Numb: DunnBrad: +__ + Emergency Contact / Title Emergency Contact / Title / TEAM LEADER - - ~N~~ Z ~'. ~*-S Business Phone: (661) 589-0554x Business Phone: ( ) - a x Z 24 -Hour Phone ( ) - x -$S$~x 24 -Hour Phone (~~~ }~ ~ Pager Phone ( ) - x Pager Phone ~ (661) 342-6169x Hazmat Hazards: Fire Press React. ImmHlth DelHlth Contact JENNIFER RYMANOWSKI Phone: (612) 304-4417x MailAddr: PO BOX 111 State: MN City MINNEAPOLIS Zip 55440-0111 Owner TARGET CORP Phone: (612) 304-4417x Address PO BOX 111 State: MN City MINNEAPOLIS` Zip 55440-0111 Period to TotalASTs: = Gal Preparers TotalUSTs: = Gal . Certif'd: RSs: No ParcelNo: Emergency Directives : ~a~ .~ ~~ ~,~ ~ ~ ~~ 2 ~f h~ PROG A - HAZMAT C a~,~a-~. ~ CS--~ PROG C - COMM HOOD ~NTp ~~~ 2 8 ~~0~ -1- 05/22/2006 _;;, + TARGET T-1384 ______________ ________________ ________ _ SiteID: 015-021-002230 + += Hazmat Inventory __________ ________________ ________ ______ _ By Facility Unit + +_= MCP+DailyMax Order _______ ________________ _______ Fixed Containers at Site + Hazmat Common Name... ~SpecHaz~EPA Hazards Frm ~ DailyMax ~Unit~MCP~ PROPANE E F P IH G 510.00 FT3 Hi BLEACH IH L 400.00 GAL Hi PROPANE E F P IH G 378.00 FT3 Hi BLEACH IH L 90.00 GAL Hi CHLORINE/POOL CHEMICALS E R IH DH L 55.00 GAL Hi MOTOR OIL F DH L 33 8--8~0~ GAL Min U.~ 2 ~ 6t~~ -2- 05/22/2006 ~, -3- 05/22/2006 + TARGET T-1384 _______________________________________ SiteID: 015-021-002230 + += Inventory Item 0002 _______________ Facility Unit: Fixed Containers at Site + +_= COMMON NAME / CHEMICAL NAME ______________________________+________________+ PROPANE Days On Site 365 Location within this Facility Unit Map: Grid: +----------------+ AISLE C-28 ( CAS# 74-98-6 += STATE _+= TYPE ___+_= PRESSURE ___+ TEMPERATURE __+___= CONTAINER TYPE _____+ Gas ~ Pure ~ Above Ambient ~ Ambient ~ PORT. PRESS. CYLINDER +__________________________+ AMOUNTS AT THIS LOCATION =________________________+ Largest Container I Daily Maximum I Daily Average 8.00 FT3 510.00 FT3 510.00 FT3 +_______+______________ HAZARDOUS COMPONENTS =_____________+___+_______________+ 100t00IPropane IYes CAS# 749861 +_______+___+______+__________= HAZARD ASSESSMENTS =__+_________+________+_____+ ITSHcoretlNoSlBNooHazl RHod~oactive/Cu~ies FPP HalHrds I %F~A/ USDOT# I HiP += Inventory Item 0005 _______________ Facility Unit: Fixed Containers at Site + +_= COMMON NAME / CHEMICAL NAME ______________________________+________________+ BLEACH Days On Site 365 Location within this Facility Unit Map: Grid: +----------------+ STOCKROOM STORAGE ~ CAS# ~ += STATE _+= TYPE ___+_= PRESSURE ___+ TEMPERATURE __+___= CONTAINER TYPE _____+ Liquid ~ Mixture ~ Ambient ~ Ambient I PLASTIC CONTAINER ~. +__________________________+ AMOUNTS AT THIS LOCATION =________________________+ I Largest Container I Daily Maximum I Daily Average 1.00 GAL 400.00 GAL 400.00 GAL +_______+______________ HAZARDOUS COMPONENTS =_____________+___+_______________+ 100t00IBleach INoSI CAS#7681529 +_______+___+______+__________= HAZARD ASSESSMENTS =__+_________+________+_____+ ITSHcoretlNHSIBNoHazl RHod~oactive/Curies ( EPA HalHrds I %F~A/ I USDOT# I HiP -4- 05/22/2006 ,. + TARGET T-1384 _______________________________________ SiteID: 015-021-002230 + += Inventory Item 0001 _______________ Facility Unit: Fixed Containers at Site + +_= COMMON NAME / CHEMICAL NAME ______________________________+________________+ PROPANE Days On Site 365 Location within this Facility Unit Map: Grid: +----------------+ OUTSIDE NE CRNR LAWN & GARDEN 174-98C6S# += STATE _+= TYPE ___+_= PRESSURE ___+ TEMPERATURE __+___= CONTAINER TYPE _____+ Gas ~ Pure ~ Above Ambient ~ Ambient ~ PORT. PRESS. CYLINDER +__________________________+ AMOUNTS AT THIS LOCATION =_____-____=_____________+ Largest Co270100rFT3 I Daily 378100m FT3. I Daily 378r00e FT3 +_______+______________ HAZARDOUS COMPONENTS =_____________+=__+_______________+ %Wt. RSI CAS# 100.00IPropane Yes 74986 +_______+___+______+__________= HAZARD ASSESSMENTS =__+_________+________+_____+ ITSNcoretlNoSIBN Haz) RNod~oactive/Cu~ies ~ FPP HalHrds I jF~A/ ~ USDOT# ` HiP +_______+___+______+____________________+_____________+_________+___=====I+====_+ += Inventory Item 0006 _______________ Facility Unit: Fixed Containers at Site + +_= COMMON NAME / CHEMICAL NAME ______________________________+________________+ BLEACH Days On Site 365 Location within this Facility Unit Map: Grid: +----------------+ RETAIL SALES AISLE E-24 ~ CAS# ~ += STATE _+= TYPE ___+_= PRESSURE ___+ TEMPERATURE __+___= CONTAINER TYPE _____+ Liquid ~ Mixture ~ Ambient ~ Ambient ~ PLASTIC CONTAINER +__________________________+ AMOUNTS AT THIS LOCATION =________________________+ Largest Container I Daily Maximum I Daily Average 1.00 GAL 90.00 GAL 75.00 GAL +_______+______________ HAZARDOUS COMPONENTS =_____________+___+_______________+ 100t00IBleach INoSI CAS#76815291 +_______+_______O__________________________________________+___+_______________+ +_______+___+______+__________= HAZARD ASSESSMENTS =__+_________+________+_____+ ITSecret) RS`BioHazl Radioactive/Amount ~ EPA Hazards I NFPA I USDOT# ~ MCP No No I No No/ Curies IH / / / Hi -5- 05/22/2006 + TARGET~T-1384 _______________________________________ SiteID: 015-021-002230 + += Inventory Item 0004 _______________ Facility Unit: Fixed Containers at Site + +_= COMMON NAME / CHEMICAL NAME ______________________________+________________+ CHLORINE/POOL CHEMICALS Days On Site 365 Location within this Facility Unit Map: Grid: +----------------+ ALCOVE GARDEN SHOP ~ CAS# += STATE _+= TYPE ___+_= PRESSURE ___+ TEMPERATURE __+___= CONTAINER TYPE _____+ Liquid ~ Mixture ~ Ambient ~ Ambient ( PLASTIC CONTAINER +__________________________+ AMOUNTS AT THIS LOCATION =________________________+ Largest ContiioOrG~ I Daily M55100m GAL I Daily A55r00e GAL +_______+______________ HAZARDOUS COMPONENTS =_____________+___+_______________+ 100t00IHydrochloric Acid IYesl CAS#76470101 +_______+___+______+__________= HAZARD ASSESSMENTS =__+_________+________+_____+ ITSNcoretlNoSIBN Hazl RNod~oactive/Curses I EPA RaIHrDH I jF~A/ ( USDOT# I HiP += Inventory Item 0003 _______________ Facility Unit: Fixed Containers at Site + +_= COMMON NAME / CHEMICAL NAME ______________________________+_______________=+ MOTOR OIL Days On Site 365 Location within this Facility Unit Map: Grid: +----------------+ AISLE C-46 I CAS8020835I += STATE _+= TYPE ___+_= PRESSURE ___+ TEMPERATURE __+___= CONTAINER TYPE _____+ Liquid I Mixture ~ Ambient ~ Ambient ~ PLASTIC CONTAINER +__________________________+ AMOUNTS AT THIS LOCATION =_____-__________________+ Largest Container I Daily Maximum I Daily Average 1.00 GAL 330.00 GAL 55.00 GAL +_______+______________ HAZARDOUS COMPONENTS =_____________+___+_______________+ %Wt. RS CAS# 100.00 Motor Oil, Petroleum Based No I 80208351 +_______+___+______+__________= HAZARD ASSESSMENTS =__+_________+________+_____+ TSecret RS BioHaz Radioactive/Amount EPA Hazards NFPA USDOT# MCP No INo I No I No/ Curies I F DH ( / / / I I Min,l -6- 05/22/2006 9 + TARGET T-1384 _______________________________________ SiteID: 015-021-002230 + +_________________________________________________________________ Fast Format + += Notif./Evacuation/Medical ____________________________________ Overall Site + +_= Agency Notification ___________________________________________ 05/22/2006 + CALL 911 +__= Employee Notif./Evacuation ___________________________________ 10/07/2005 + CODE RED OVER PA SYSTEM. t______________________________________________________________________________t +___= Public Notif./Evacuation ____________________________________ 10/07/2005 + PA SYSTEM & ICOM +__=_= Emergency Medical Plan _____________________________________ 10/07/2005 + BUSINESS HEALTH NETWORK -7- 05/22/2006 + TARGET T-1384 _______________________________________ SiteID: 015-021-002230 + +_________________________________________________________________ Fast Format + += Mitigation/Prevent/Abatemt ___________________________________ Overall Site + +_= Release Prevention ________________________________________________________+ +__= Release Containment ______________________________________________________+ +___= Clean Up ________________________________________________________________+ t______________________________________________________________________________+ +____= Other Resource Activation ______________________________________________+ -8- 05/22/2006 ~ ~ . + TARGET T-1384 _______________________________________ SiteID: 015-021-002230 + +_________________________________________________________________ Fast Format + += Site Emergency Factors =______________________________________ Overall Site + +_= Special Hazards ___________________________________________________________+ +__= Utility Shut-Offs ____________________________________________ 05/22/2006 + NATURAL GAS/PROPANE: W REC RM ELECTRICAL: W REC RM WATER: W REC RM SPECIAL: +___= Fire Protec./Avail. Water ___________________________________ 05/22/2006 + FIRE EXTINGUISHERS, SPRINI:LERS +____= Building Occupancy Level _______________________________________________+ ----------------- ------------------------- -9- 05/22/2006 . , .. + TARGET T-1384 _______________________________________ SiteID: 015-021-002230 + +_________________________________________________________________ Fast Format + += Training _____________________________________________________ Overall Site + +_= Employee Training _________________________________________________________± +______________________________________________________________________________t +__= Page 2 ___________________________________________________________________+ +_=_= Held for Future Use _____________________________________________________+ ------ ------------------------------ ------------------------- +____= Held for Future Use ____________________________________________________+ -10- 05/22/2006 TARGET T-1384 SitelD: 015-021-002230 Manager Chef ~ l ~+^ ~~ n Location: 9100 ROSEDALE HWY~ City BAKERSFIELD BusPhone: (661) 589-0554 Map 102 CommHaz Extreme Grid: 29A FacUnits: 1 AOV: CommCode: KCFD STA 65 EPA Numb: SIC Code:5311 DunnBrad: Emergency Contact / Title Emergency Contact / Title - BRYANT SMITH j TEAM LEADER ART MIRELES / t~a~~tac. Business Phone: (661) 589-0554x Business Phone: ( ) - ~ x 24-Hour Phone ( ) - x 24-Hour Phone ( ) - x Pager Phone ( ) - x Pager Phone (661) 342-6169x Hazmat Hazards: Fire Press React ImmHlth DelHlth Contact JENNIFER RYMANOWSKI Phone: (612) 304-4417x MailAddr: PO BOX 111 State: MN City MINNEAPOLIS Zip 55440-0111 Owner TARGET CORP Phone: (612) 304-4417x Address PO BOX 111 State: MN City MINNEAPOLIS Zip 55440-0111 Period to TotalASTs: = Gal Preparers TotalUSTs: = Gal Certif'd: RSs: No ParcelNo: Emergency Directives: PROG A - HAZMAT PROG C - COMM HOOD ^`~ Eased on my inquiry of those individua~s responsible for obtaining the information, I certify under penalty of law that I have personally examined and am familiar with the information submitted and believe the informaiion is true, accurate, and complete. nature Date Si U MAR `Z 8 007 g , -1- 02/16/2007 F TARGET T-1384 SiteID: 015-021-002230 ~ ~ Hazmat Inventory By Facility Unit ~ ~ MCP+DailyMax Order Fixed Containers at Site ~ Hazmat Common Name... SpecHaz EPA Hazards Frm DailyMax Unit MCP PROPANE E F P IH G 510.00 FT3 Hi BLEACH IH L 400.00 GAL Hi PROPANE E F P IH G 378.00 FT3 Hi BLEACH IH L 90.00 GAL Hi CHLORINE/POOL CHEMICALS E R IH DH L 55.00 GAL Hi MOTOR OIL F DH L 330.00 GAL Min r -2- 02/16/2007 -3- 02/16/2007 F TARGET T-1384 ~ Inventory Item 0002 COMMON NAME / CHEMICAL NAME PROPANE Location within this Facility Unit AISLE C-28 STATE T TYPE T PRESSURE _ Gas I Pure i Above Ambient SiteID: 015-021-002230 ~ Facility Unit: Fixed Containers at Site ~ Days On Site 365 Map: Grid: CAS# 74-98-6 TEMPERATURE CONTAINER TYPE Ambient PORT. PRESS. CYLINDER AMOUNTS AT THIS LOCATION Largest Container Daily Maximum Daily Average 8.00 FT3 510.00 FT3 510.00 FT3 t11~GEiKLVU.7 1=V1~1YV1V~1V 1A °sWt. RS CAS# 100.00 Propane Yes 74986 tiHY,Hl[L I~J5J;5~1~1L'1V1-5 TSecret RS BioHaz Radioactive/Amount EPA Hazards NFPA USDOT# MCP No No No No/ Curies F P IH / / / Hi ~ Inventory Item 0005 Facility Unit: Fixed Containers at Site ~ COMMON NAME / CHEMICAL NAME BLEACH Days On Site 365 Location within this Facility Unit Map: Grid: STOCKROOM STORAGE CAS# STATE TYPE PRESSURE TEMPERATURE CONTAINER TYPE Liquid TMixture ~ Ambient ~ Ambient ~LASTIC CONTAINER AMOUNTS AT THIS LOCATION Largest Container Daily Maximum Daily Average 1.00 GAL 400.00 GAL 400.00 GAL riHG1itCLVUD 1.V1~lYV1V~1V 15 $Wt. RS CAS# 100.00 Bleach No 7681529 t1EiGEj2CL 1-~J.7.C~.7~J1~1J/1V 1 J TSecret RS BioHaz Radioactive/Amount EPA Hazards NFPA USDOT# MCP No No No No/ Curies IH / / / Hi -4- 02/16/2007 F TARGET T-1384 ~ Inventory Item 0001 COMMON NAME /.CHEMICAL NAME PROPANE Location within this Facility Unit OUTSIDE NE CRNR LAWN & GARDEN STATE TYPE PRESSURE _ Gas TPure -Above Ambient SiteID: 015-021-002230 ~ Facility Unit: Fixed Containers at Site ~ Days On Site 365 Map: Grid: CAS# 74-98-6 TEMPERATURE CONTAINER TYPE Ambient PORT. PRESS. CYLINDER AMOUNTS AT THIS LOCATION Largest Container Daily Maximum Daily Average 270.00 FT3 378.00 FT3 378.00 FT3 HAZARDOUS COMPONENTS °sWt . RS CAS# 100.00 Propane Yes 74986 t1LjGKKL 1-~55L"~5~1~1L1V 15 TSecret RS BioHaz Radioactive/Amount EPA Hazards NFPA USDOT# MCP No No No No/ Curies F P IH / / / Hi ~ Inventory Item 0006 ..Facility Unit: Fixed Containers at Site ~ COMMON NAME / CHEMICAL NAME BLEACH Days On Site 365 Location within this Facility Unit Map: Grid: RETAIL SALES AISLE E-24 CAS# Liquid TMixture ~mbRent~E ~ AmbientT~E ~ PLASTCICTCONTAINERE AMOUNTS AT THIS LOCATION Largest Container Daily Maximum Daily Average ,1.00 GAL 90.00 GAL 75.00 GAL - -- -- -- --- I11iGL-ittLVUJ l..Vl"lYV1V~1V l.7 %Wt. RS CAS# 100.00 Bleach No 7681529 I1L~iGtilCL tiJ .7~J~71.1P~1V 1.7 TSecret RS BioHaz Radioactive/Amount EPA Hazards NFPA USDOT# MCP No No No No/ Curies IH / / / Hi -5- 02/16/2007 F TARGET T-1384 SiteID: 015-021-002230 ~ ~ Inventory Item 0004 Facility .Unit: Fixed Containers at Site ~ COMMON NAME / CHEMICAL NAME CHLORINE/POOL CHEMICALS Days On Site 365 Location within this Facility Unit Map: Grid: ALCOVE GARDEN SHOP CAS# Liquid TMixture I AmbRient~E ~ AmbientT~E I PLASTCICTCONTAINERE AMOUNTS AT THIS LOCATION Largest Container Daily Maximum I Daily Average 1.00 GAL 55.00 GAL 55.00 GAL ru~c~s-ucLVUJ ~.urirulv~lylJ •°sWt. RS CAS# 100.00 Hydrochloric Acid Yes 7647010 riliGHKL HJ J~JJ1~1~1V1J TSecret RS BioHaz Radioactive/Amount EPA Hazards NFPA USDOT# MCP No No No No/ Curies R IH DH / / / Hi ~ Inventory Item 0003 Facility Unit: Fixed Containers at Site ~ COMMON NAME / CHEMICAL NAME MOTOR OIL Days On Site 365 Location within this Facility Unit Map: Grid: AISLE C-46 CAS# 8020835 STATE TYPE PRESSURE TEMPERATURE ~~ CONTAINER TYPE Liquid TMixtur~mbient ~ Ambient I PLASTIC CONTAINER AMOUNTS AT THIS LOCATION Largest Container Daily Maximum Daily Average 1.00 GAL 330.00 GAL I 55.00 GAL 1~~~~.~.~a COMPONENTS ~Wt• RS CAS#. 100.00 Motor Oil, Petroleum Based No 8020835 r1CiL~riRL HJ ~L' J.71.11'.~1V 1 J TSecret RS BioHaz Radioactive/Amount EPA Hazards NFPA USDOT# MCP No No No No/ Curies F DH / / / Min -6- - 02/16/2007 F TARGET T-1384 SiteID: 015-021-002230 ~ Fast Format ~ ~ Notif./Evacuation/Medical Overall Site ~ ~ Agency Notification 05/,22/2006 ~ CALL 911 Employee Notif./Evacuation 10/07/2005 CODE RED OVER PA SYSTEM. Public Notif./Evacuation 10/07/2005 PA SYSTEM & ICOM Emergency Medical Plan 10/07/2005 BUSINESS HEALTH NETWORK -7- 02/16/2007 F TARGET T-1384 SiteID: 015-021-002230 Fast Format ~ Mitigation/Prevent/Abatemt Overall Site Tel ~-~~ -T__-__-~L_ _~ V1.11C1 1CCaVUiLC HLl.1Vdl.lVll -8- 02/16/2007 F TARGET T-1384 SiteID: 015-021-002230 ~ Fast Format ~ ~ Site Emergency Factors Overall Site ~ .~~c~.lal nac.al_u~ Utility Shut-Offs 05/22/2006 NATURAL GAS/PROPANE: W REC RM ELECTRICAL: W REC RM WATER: W REC RM SPECIAL:. Fire Protec./Avail. Water 02/16/2007 FIRE EXTINGUISHERS AND SPRINKLERS 17U11u111y VIa.:U~JCtlll:y LCVC1 1 1 / ~~ 5 ~e~~n ~~~e15 ~ ~~euu~,b 1~ -- M~rc.`na~~~l ~ - 5~ ~~ e.. -9- 02/16/2007 .. F TARGET T-1384 SiteID: 015-021-002230 ~ Fast Format ~ ~ Training Overall Site ~ ~ Employee~Training .~ 1 ~~ ~. rayc ~ n~lu tVL rul,lAlC Uwe nClu iui ru~ure use -10- 02/16/2007 1. Prevention Describe the kinds of hazards associated with the materials present at your business. Provide information on the steps taken at your business, or the policies or procedures now in place, to help prevent an accidental release of a hazardous material. In order to prevent a release from occurring, all employees are trained on proper hazardous material handling and storage procedures. All hazardous materials are kept in their original containers and whenever possible smaller items are stored in lip cut containers so as to prevent any accidental spills. Department personnel visually inspect products on a dail by asis. 2. Mitigation Describe the procedures to be followed to reduce the severity of a release or threatened release of a hazardous material at your business. In the event of a spill, the area will be immediately isolated and the manager on dut, be notified. If the spill is less than 5 gallons the spill kit will be obtained and Alert One will be contacted for chemical specific clean up and PPE advisement. Trained employ will then don the proper PPE and clean up the spill utilizing the items in the spill kit Storm and sewer drains will be diked or blocked. The spilled materials will be ut in a five-gallon bucket, labeled and stored as waste in accordance with local state and federal regulations. If the spill is larger than 5 gallons or if the spill requires a clean ~ beyond the capabilities of store employees 9-1-1 will be contacted. 3. Abatement Describe what you would do to stop and remove each hazard? The proper disposal, spill and leak procedures for each hazardous material at the facility are detailed in the facilitti's Environmental Operations manual Trained employees will then don the proper PPE and clean up the spill utilizing the items in the spill kit Storm and sewer drains will be diked and or blocked. The spilled materials will be put in a five- ~allon bucket and placed in DOT approved containers. These containers will be properly labeled as directed in the Environmental Operations Manual and stored in accordance with local, state and federal regulations. Disposal containers will be kept in good condition and stored away from high traffic areas electrical hazards drains and fire exits All hazardous waste will be disposed of by outside contractors at RCRA approved facilities. 4. Evacuation Describe the procedures to be followed for immediate notification and evacuation of your facility. If evacuation or emer ency notification is necessary, employees and guests will be notified via the public address system, and verbal means. In the event of a power failure, verbal means will be used to notify guests. The manager on duty or a representative from Alert One will notify the administering agency and or the local fire department. In the event of an evacuation of the facility, employees would escort guests to the nearest emergency exit. Employees will then meet at a designated evacuation staging area in the store parking lot. Once the store manager has determined that the facility is com lp etely evacuated a headcount will be conducted. Employee Training: Summary of training program: During employee orientation target's hazardous materials management program is discussed which covers all aspects of hazardous chemicals. This program involves: 1. identifying potentially hazardous chemicals 2. educating each employee on hazardous chemicals 3. minimizing the risk of employee and guest due to hazardous materials The booklet Alert One flip chart gives information on chemicals at Target, emergency procedures, spill procedures, first aid information and the toll free hazard hotline. UNIFIED PROGRAM- INSPECTION CHECKLIST ~; ~Ar~. '..%t'; .,'kCX;iN:t1:Y.:lR.w.'i x.+7a'e*. Yl ., i .• t '. .:-.N-r::...-. o-.. .. ,x ... , .. ., i... -. .SECTION 1: Business Plan and Inventory Program ~~i~ ~Rrir r ~,n~~`~ BAKERSFIELD FIRE DEPT Prevention Services 900 Truxtun Ave., Suite 210 Bakersfield, CA 93301 Tel.: (661) 326-3979 Fax: (661) 872-2171 FACILITY NAME p /~ ~r- \ ~ ~ ~~ t~t/ NS`P'E~CTI N DAT ^'~ v ~'~ 4 / NSPECTION TIME ADDRESS ~O ~oSE 17ALE ~ ~ HONE NO. 5S~ ' OSS, O OF EMPLOYEE Ct~ FACILITY CONTACT"~,~,\` // L. L~l~ p t\ USINESS ID NUMBER 15-021- ~.~.,~U Section 1: Business Plsn and Inventory Program ^ ROUTINE ^ COMBINED ^ JOINT AGENCY ^ MULTI-AGENCY ^ COMPLAINT ^ RE-INSPECTION C V ~ C=Compliance OPERATION V=Violation COMMENTS -~) ^ APPROPRIATE PERMIT ON HAND ~ ^ BUSIt1QSS PLAN CONTACT INFORMATION ACCURATE C.~~^^'s~~ p _, ('LU ^ VISIBLE ADDRESS ^ CORRECT OCCUPANCY ^ VERIFICATION OF INVENTORY MATERIALS ~~ CSt ~ ^ VERIFICATION OF QUANTITIES C/ '(~ ^ VERIFICATION OF LOCATION SL ~ - ~~ ~ ^ ^ PROPER SEGREGATION OF MATERIAL VERIFICATION OF MSDS AVAILABILITY o0~ - - --- --_ - _ -- __ . R-._._ _---- - - -----"-----_ ---- --- --- -----... -------- ~~ "~~~~ ~Z-c-~t ^ VERIFICATION OF HAZ MAT TRAINING ~ ~ l ,~ "' l ^ VERIFICATION OF ABATEMENT SUPPLIES AND PROCEDURES ^ EMERGENCY PROCEDURES ADEQUATE ^ ^ CONTAINERS PROPERLY LABELED ~ /~ - v i"~~ ~D ^ HOUSEKEEPING `~ ^ FIRE PROTECTION ~ ~6G~' \ ~a-- ~yo6-k ~``~' ~ t '° Wz' ^ SITE DIAGRAM ADEQUATE 8 ON HAND ANY HAZAR`D``OUS WASTE ON SITE? ^ YES ^ NO EXPLAIN: 1L~~~ J °' ~ S c ~ u'' S S ~ ~L t ~_ , QUESTIONS REGARDING THIS INSPECTIONS PLEASE CALL U8 AT (881) 328-3979 ~~~~ . Inspects (Please Print) Fire Prevention / 1" In / Shift of Site/Station # Bus It rte R sible Party (Please Print) White -Prevention Sorvieea Yollow -Station Copy Pink - Buaineoe Copy FD20~9 (Rw. O~IOS) BAKERSFIELD FIRE DEPT 41.N I F-,'E D PROGRAM I N S PECTiO N CHECKLIST -, ~ Prevention Services ~l~a 9001Yuxtun Ave., Suite 210 :~~~.~.,_:~~,~ .,.. ~,-, . ,~,,., ~.~}: ,. ,~_ <,-.~ ..,.,;,. ..~.f~.: Y ,.~~,... ,~.,. ~Rr~ s Bakersfield, CA 93301 SECTION 1: Business Plan and Inventory Program ~ ~ Tel.: (661) 326-3979 Fax: (661) 872-2171 FACILITY NAME NSPECTION DAT E NSPECTION TIME _ /y V ~ ~+ ~!~ ADDRESS HONE NO. O OF EMPLOYEES l0 w ~'~~ s~Y a -~Uv FACILITY CONTACT USINESS ID NUMBER / 15-021- Section 1: Business Plan and Inventory Program . ROUTINE ^ COMBINED ^ JOINT AGENCY ^ MULTI-AGENCY ^ COMPLAINT ^ RE-INSPECTION C V ~ C=Compliance OPERATION V=Violation COMMENTS __ ^ APPROPRIATE PERMIT ON HAND LAY . O BUSit1eSS PLAN CONTACT INFORMATION ACCURATE ^ VISIBLE ADDRESS ^ ~ CORRECT OCCUPANCY ^ VERIFICATION OF INVENTORY MATERIALS ^ VERIFICATION OF QUANTITIES ^ VERIFICATION OF LOCATION ^ PROPER SEGREGATION OF MATERIAL ^ VERIFICATION OF MSDS AVAILABILITY ^ VERIFICATION OF HAZ MAT TRAINING ^ VERIFICATION OF ABATEMENT SUPPLIES AND `PROCEDURES ^ EMERGENCY PROCEDURES ADEQUATE ^ CONTAINERS PROPERLY LABELED ^ HOUSEKEEPING ^ FIRE PROTECTION ^ SITE DIAGRAM ADEQUATE & ON HAND ANY HAZARDOUS WASTE ON SITE? EXPLAIN: QUESTS REGARDING THIS INSPECTION? PLEASE CALL US AT (661) 328-3979 r~md,/ ~,t ~~/~ Inspector (Please Print) Fire Prevention / 1°~ In /Shift of Site/Station p ^ YES ~NO White -Prevention Services Yellow -Station Copy Pink -Business Copy FD2049 (Rev. 02!05)