HomeMy WebLinkAboutBUSINESS PLANi _ {• BAKERSFIELD FIRE DEPT. I `~ Prevention Services FIRE PREVENTION INSPECTION `' B EF,RE I ~ D 900 Truxtun Ave., ste. 210 ~/~~ ~RrM r 4 Bakersfield, CA 93301 Tel.: (661) 326-3979 ^ Fax: (661) 852-2171 DISTRICT BLOCK NO. DATE 4 ~ ` 25 1 ~ ~ } EE ~ ~~% FACILITY ADDRESS _ ' ~ ~,.y ~ ~~~•` ~ ~ lJ CITY, STATE , ZIP ~\, J~t ~t`~ ~` h- aC FACILITY NAME ~' MANAGER'S NAME FACILITY PHONE NO. BUSINESS OWNER'S NAME AND ADDRESS CITY, STATE, ZIP OWNER'S PHONE NO.~ BILL TO: (IF DIFFERENT FROM ABOVE) NAME, ADDRESS ~ CITY, STATE, ZIP, BILLING PHONE NO. OCC TYPE OCC LOAD NO. OF FLOORS HIGH-RISE BLDG RISER DATE ^ YES ^ NO CORRECT ALL VIOLATIONS vio~nrioH REQUIREMENTS CHECKED BELOW eo. 1 ~ Remove and safely dispose of all hazardous refuse and dry vegetation on the above premises (U.F.C.) COMBUSTIBLE WASTE /DRY' VEGETATION 2 Provide non-combustible containers with tight fitting lids for the storage of combustible waste and rubbish pending its safe disposal (U.F.C.) COMBUSTIBLE STORAGE 3 Relocate combustible storage to provide at least 3 feet clearance around motor fuse box/fire door (N.E.C.) (U.F.C.) 4 Relocate fire extinguisher(s) so that they will be in a conspicuous location, hanging on brackets with the top to the extinguisher not more than 5 feet above the floor. (N.F.P.A. No. 10) EXTINGUISHERS 5 Provide and install (amount) _____ approved (type & size) __________________ portable fire extinguisher to be j immediately accessible for use in (area) _________________ _____ (U.F.C.) 6 Re-charge all fire extinguishers. Fire extinguishers shall be ser i a o ac~yga~andlor after each use, vvv by a person having a valid license or certificate. (U.F.C.) 7 Provide and maintain "EXIT" sign(s) with letters 5 or more inches in height over each required exit (door/window) to SIGNS - i fire escape. (U. F.C.) g Provide and maintain appropriate numbers on a contrasting background and visible from the street to indicate the ~ correct address of the building. (B. M.C.) (U.F.C.) g Repair all (crackslholeslopenings) in plaster in (location) ______________________________________. Plastering FIRE DOORS/ shall return the surface to its original fire resistive condition. (U.B.C.) FIRE SEPARATIONS . i 10 ~ Remove/repair (item 8 location) _________________________________________________________. Self-closing doors shall be designed to close by gravity, or by the action of a mechanical device, or by an approved smoke and heat sensitive device. Self-closing doors shall have no attachments capable of preventing the operation of the I closing device. (U.F.C.) EXITS 11 Remove all obstruction from hallways. .Maintain all means of egress free of any storage. (U.F.C.) 12 ~ Provide a contrasting colored antl permanently installed electric light over or near required exit (location) ~ __ _______________ _______- ___ to clearly indicate it as an exit. (U.F.C.) STORAGE 1$ Remove all storage and/or other obstructions from fire escape landings and stairways stair shafts. (Fire escapes/stair shafts are to be maintained free from obstructions at all times.) (U.F.C.) 14 Extension cords shall not be used in lieu of permanent approved wiring. Install additional approved electrical outlets ELECTRICAL APPLIANCES where needed. (N.E.C.) (U.F.C.) 15~ i Remove multiple attachment cords from specific electrical convenience outlet (one plug per outlet) (N. E.C.) (U.F.C.) OUTDOOR BURNING 16 I Violation of Section 1102 dealin with recreational fires or o en burnin U.F.C. FIREWORKS 17 Violations of Sect' n 7802 U.F.C. or 8.49.040 of the Bakersfield Munici al Code B.M.C. re ardin fireworks. OTHER ~ 18~ ((' / ~ ~c t r- `~`~ 1P ~ 1S ~, d) ~~ L O_~ J rA // 7 ~ 1~_ -F1- p~ ~r" t - ~1 / .~ ^- - 1 G ~. ^-.~-y.x,-t- C ~ i ~ . c 1 " ~ -~ri+~. ~~Y'f-F'G C ~ 7 ?-+~ v +~ C ~-a ~/~ ~-/- l~ L G'~°~- ~ t - l~J ~~ r 1 ~ 4 rwc ~-,. w ; ; ~ ~ t : r~% , ta.j.~- N• -~5 -~-~ >!'~ ~ - ~>/- (_v ~~ ~"~'1> Gi 1l -f_1- L~ ti ~ fr J [-,~1JZ~ ~ _ I `, `, CUSTOMER: ~,J~~~t,y\lX-~ ~ \ l.l%1 C O 7_ ); i+~ , ~'~ 'U. F ~ \ f : G ~ i:. ~_ LEGEND: C F C CALIFORNIA FIRE CODE ~~ _ v (Signature) (Please Print Name Legibly, Tltle) . . . U.B.C: UNIFORM BUILDING CODE ~ ~ ~ 7 L.. I--' ~ ' ~`""~ B.M.C. BAKERSFIELD MUNICIPAL CODE °;~ ' N F P A NATIONAL FIRE PROTECTION AP NO.: INSPECTOR: L-~ ~ . . . . ~~t (Signature) ASSOCIATION ~P~: _ N.E.C. NATIONAL ELECTRIC CODE t'° rcer-iszu White -Customer/Original Yellow -Station Copy Pink -Prevention Services FD 2022 (Rev. 09/05) '"•; NiON.~TORING SYSTEM CERTIFICATION For Use 8y All lurittt'fctims within the S"tau of Cattfornia Autlwrity Cited: Chapter 6. ~ Heotth and Safety Code; t Jtaprer 16, Division 3, Time l3, California Cade .tf Regulations This form must be used to document testing nerd servicing of monitoring ogttiptttent. A stnay~ate eettifieatio_n_or report must 6e ~- aid f~oac_ h ggt„~it~g svsnem contivl ,~nel by the tectm~ician who perfarmc the work. A, copy of this fotm~ must be providod to the teak system owtter/opetator. The owrtet'loperator motet sufxnit a copy of this form to the focal agency r~cgttlating UST systems vnithin 30 days of test date. A. Geaex a2 Lifoexnation Facility Name: Jt~~ ,r, r Bldg. No-' - Site Addr~: 1___3~ 4..s cc~2L~141[t ~tY- ~,-LCc.~~x~r~.~ Tap; `~3'~4~ . Facility Contact )?etsort: - _ - - _-- Contact lshanc No.: (_,_~) Iv)akelModei of Monitoring System: „~'t ~r .~ oy` ~~ ~_ - _ Dete of TestinglServicing: ,~./~Is~~ ~. I,AVetxtory of Egaipment Testti:d/Cerdf~ed chi tier to boxes m t~ta6e t cad• Tanlt ID: ,., j,~~ a'anlc 1~: ,~f - Jyl In-Tank Gauging Probe. Mockl: N1~.t't~ ¢~ In•Tank Ganging Probe. Model: ~ C - - ~ Annular Space tK Vaun Sensor. Madtf: ~g~~e~~tr~ r f~1, Hooter Space or Vault Srnsor_ Model: ~~•~ /~[_~ ter fjZ Piping Sump /Trench Sensor(s). Modt:l: G-..., ~ r~.~rnr B Piping 5emtp f'i'i+endt 5ensaa(s). Mcdra: ~f~y. s,ess,~ ^ Fill SumpSenap(s). Model; ^ 1?ill SampSensot(s). Madtl: - - - ~ Mechanical Line l,.ealt Detector. Model: ~ Mechanical Line [.cak Detector. Mo~L // O l~egtronic J ine Leak Detector. Model: - - --- ~ O Electtotric Line Leak 17etodor Model: - - - ^ Tank Uverfill / tiigtt-L,evcf Sensor. Model: - ^ Tank Qv~afill / ki'igh-Level Sensor. Model: - -~ C] Other ui ent and model in Section E tm 2 . C] Qther i ctrl and model in Section E on Ps 2 . Tattle IDt ~ -_ Tank Im: ,,,_ - fn-Tank Gauging Probe. Model: f2- Q in-Tank Gapgirrg Probe. Model: ' Annular Space or Vault Sensor. Model: ~re~4r~,fL_ O Annu]ar Space or Vault Sensor. Model: - ~ Piping Sump lTt+xtch Sensrn(s). Modc1; 5~~n~ ~r -- 4 Piping Sttttgr /Trrnch Strisot{s). Model: A Fi11 Sump Sensor(s)- Model: ^ Fi115omp 5ensw{s). Model: -- ~i Mechanical Lane Leak Daecttx. Model: P! ~ O Mxhanical Line Leak DCtactor. Model: O EleGhonie Line l~si: Detexxar, Model: D Electronic L;nc Leak Detector. Model: © Tank t7verfilf !High-l.~vtl Sensor. Mode]: Q 'l'ank t]verfill !High-Level 5tnsar. ModeL• - © Others r and model in Section E ore P 2 . ^ Other tot and pander in Section E on P 2 . DisQereseriA: ,~ Z- ~Dispett6c[IU: - 4 Dispenser Canminmeut Sensor(s). - Model: - - -- 0 Rispenser CWttaintttcnt 5ensar(s). Mtadcl: shear Valve(s). a Shwr v87ve(x). a7i set CorAainrrtcnt Float s acid Chain s . C] 1]i set Contajurnet-t PI sand Qsain S . Dispenser 1'U:..~` ~ - -- - - - ID: - D Dispenser Containment Sensor(s). Model: - - ^ Dispenser Containment $ensor(s}. Mudd: - - - - Shear Valve(s). 0 Shear Valve(s). Di set C.oataintnent l7loat s and Chains _ O Di SCr C.otttaintntnt l~l s and Chain s . Df~ser ID: i)lapenstr IID: - l7 i7ispatser Containtent Sensor(s).- Model• 0 Dispateer Cot+tainmCttt Sensor(s). Model: - O Shear Valve(s). 0 Shear Vaivc(s}. RDistfensrx Caattainment k~o®t{s) and gains . D Die pact Containment Fl sand Chains . +2f the facility aantains tttaae tanks ar dispense=s, copy this farm. include informa4itm Par every tank and dispenser at the facility. ~. Ct;YLi~>ICBYJOa - ti eertHy tLat the ettgipment identftied In t6~is doaurrteae was [aspe~ed(serviced In tr<ccardancr with rite menafadoners' gaRddinea Abint$ed to this Ccreii!katrat is iNbrrnsttion (agr rmruutrttgrers' drecldists) rtece~ary to .crifp that Ibis irdantatrtlaf is correct surd a Plot Plan r fbe tayaut adtnotutotie$ egniPmenf. For arq' aNiP~ enpabie d generating snr]t rrQorts, T lour also attaclhed a cop' of the rn~~, (c alt ~1rtt ap~-lp): ~ System SeWtQ ~t'eport Technician Name (print): ~~~"~~~, - Signaturo' U / - Certif'scatiotr No-: ~~'~„~~~ License. No.: 7~-,C! 7, - - - Tesong Company Name: Phone No.:~„&~~ 37_ 7~ $3 ti'j Site Addt~ess: ~7 Date of Testingl5ervicing: -~.~~tz.~ Page ! d 3 t13li:t Monitoring 5ystcam Ct:rtiBcatiion D. Itt~u[ts of TesitiaglServiring Software Version Installed: ~ Z y. ~ r7 Yes O No* Yes ~ No* Yes O No* a Yes No* Yes D No's O NIA ^ Yes ~I., No* ^ N!A D Yes O NoR 03t NIA ~ Yes* D Na xes" o No Yes C7 No* xes ^ No'' ~ >Ga Sett>ion.>E1 below, the visual alarm Were all sensors irtstaJled at lowest poim of secondary containment and positioned so thgt other egaipmertt wiU not interkre with their r oration? if alarms are relayed to a remote monitoring station, is all communications oquipmatt (e.g. modem) operational? For pressttrized piping systems, does the turbine automatically shut down if tht piping secondary contaimnem monitoring system detects a leak. fails to operate, or is eIectricslly discomtected? If yes: which sensors initiate positive Shut-down? (Check all thRt apply) ^ Sumpll'ratdt Srnsars; ^ I3ispcr~ser Containment Sensors. Did ou confirm " 've shut-dawn due to leaks d sensor faiiurtldiscormection? ©Yea; ^ No_ For tank systems that tttilizc the mottitoring system es the primary tank overfifl warning device (i.e. tto rrechanical overfill prevention valve is installed), is the overfill. warning alarm visible and audible at the tank fill 'ttt s and 'n ? If at what rcent of tank cit dpes the alarm tri 7 % Was any taorrtcoring cquipntent replaced? If yes. identify specific senstrrs, probes. or other equipment replacced and list the manufaettuer name and model for all m laoensatt in Section B, below. Was ligtrid found inside any secondary containm~tt systems designed as dry systems? (Check a!1 that opp(y) d Fr+oduct~ 1!d Water. If ves_ describe causes in Section E. below. __._ 9Vas mottitnring system set-up reviewed to ertsnrc tnvAa settings? Attach set up reports, if Is all tltOnitiDiinR equivtnettt opera4~ona1_ pet mattufacdut+er's speraFications7 haw and when these dcSdendes were ar will be 1i. COrIVq~IItBZ Q } C?r r . ~ ~i' ~7'T'~ nrrt ~] 4/~l~f~-7 o~rw:,f ~c'~~sr. }C~~-- Page 2 of 3 031. .i F. In-Tang Ganging / SJ~t iE~u9pment: ~. Check this box ;f tank gauging is used only for invrartory con[rol. q Check [Iris box if no tank gauging ar SIR equipment is installed. ~ This section must be completed if in-tank gauging equipment is used to perform weak detection trnonitaring ^ Yes 4 No# Has all input wiring been inspected far proper entry and temrination. incltxling testing for ground faults? O 'Yes ^ No" Were alt tank ganging probes visually inspected Eor damagt and residua buildup? ^ Yes O Na* Was accuracy of system ptnduct level teadinps teatod7 ^ Yet ^ No* Was accuracy of system water love) readings tested? ^ Yes ^ Na* were all probes reinstalled properly? ^ Yes ©No'r Were all items an the equipment manufacturer's msintenanct checklist oompleted7 * ~ the S ection A, below, describe how and wben tLesre de~eiernies were or will be canrectcd. G. Lune beak Detectors (LLD): ^ Check this boa if Ll..lls arc not installed. Page 3 of 3 a)107. * In the Section A, below, des+etibe how and when these deHdeocaies were ear w71 be corrected. onlrortxq; System Certification UST Nlonitoa-in~ Side ~I~ln Site Add[+ess: V°sJt' ~'1~r . ~f~. _ , . ~__ ~ _. . ,~.. __. . _ ~ r. _ _ . .. ... . ...... . ....... .1,n,r,~, ~ ~,~~~~ .................... . 17ate ms]~ was drawn: ~f f~p~, ~nst~artion~ If you slr~ady have a diagx-am that Rttows all required infora~tion, you may include it, rather than this page, with your Monitoring System Certification. On your, site plan, show the general layout of tanks anti pipingr Clearly identify locations of the following e~vapment, if installed: tnanitoring systettt control panels; sensozs mozutoring tank annular spaces, sumps, dispenser p8ns, spill containers, or other seeandary cantainraent areas; mechaaic3l ar electronic line leak detectors; and in tank liquid level probes (if used for Leak detection). In the space provided, note the date this Site Piaxt was prepared. Page ~ of ~. Spill Bucket Testing Report For>~n swRC~, January2oos T3ris farcM is lmendedfor use by sorar~lors p~erforntrrig a»mcal tesring of UST syill corttainnte„1 structures. 7~ie co-npletedfrnm mrd primauts from trsts rf appilrvble), should be par~vyrlyded to the fecilfty oxmerlo~atnr for submit~dl to tAe local naguldtory agent,, ~. FACIi.iTV fiTri/1~LfATirrsr Facility Name: _Facility Address; p'acility Contact: Date Local Agerr Name ofLocai A Was ]Notified of Testing ; icy Inspector (ifprerent c 2. Com y Name: Technician Conducting Test; Credentials: l'~CSL$ Contractor License Numbertcl~ ~ a ...., ., Test Method Used: Test f~uipment Used: Identify Spill Bucket I~ucket Installation Type: 8ueket Diameter: Bucket Depth: Wait time between applying vacuum/water and start of test: Test Start Time (T~): Initial Reading (Rt): Test End Tirne (TF); Final Reading (ItR): Test Dtuation {Tx - Tt): Change in Reading (Rr- lt~): Pass/Fail Threshold or Phone: Date TION ^ ICC Service Tech. ^ SWRCB Tattle Tester Q Other 3. SPILL BUCit:ET TESTING iNFORMAI'ION 11~,Nydrostatic ^ Vacuum D Other Equipment Resolution: 1 7 z 8q 3 ~ Bey €Q bir>:ct 13ttry Direct B ^ Contained in Sum ^ Contained in Sttm Containeded in Stun ~, a ^ Direct $wy ~.~ ucrm: " -~. Z5" ~ ~5... Test Result: Pass O Fail Pass Q 7Fa11 1Pa~ Q Heil q Pass d lE:ai! Comments - (includQ i ormalion on re irs made to retnn , acrd reconrrnended o11ow-rr or ailed Nests C~RTIFICA'1<ION DF TEC'H.NI(CiAN RIEySPONSIBLitr FOR C4ND[JCTITIG 'I'HiS TESTING J lcereby cencfy that ell the i>ijornmtioR coatcexed in thlc report lx trice', accurate, acrd fn jarll ca,repllacce with legal regcrlrencents. i Teehn ician's bate: State laws and regulations do not currently require testing to be performed Iry a qualified contractor. However, Iota! requirements may be mare strirtgcatt. ~~ Cal-Palley .lquipment 3500 Gilmore Ave, Bakersfield, CA 93308 661-32T--9341 FA.T~# dtSl-3~S-lSl9 VA.P~~tL$SS 11~ANiJFACT'URING, YNC, ><,DT-890 Leak YTetectorT'est )~te_coxd Contractor gtp~~ -- - ~~ Manufacturer Blble Pump odtl No. Serial Number Manltfacturer ~cG1 ~~..lr ~ Descriytion Diaphragm-type Pistva-type ~ Other Srile Leak Detector Tamper-proof seal insralled7 Yes No Leak Detector is 3ubraerslbae Damp Test $t Dispenser 1. Operatuig Pump Pressure ? 5' psi (para. 15) 2. Gallons per hazer rare . _. ~ (para. 2,~) 3. Line pressure with pump shut off 1$ psi (para. 23) 4, 131eedback Test with Pump ot3~,~j~ _ rnl (Para. 26) 5. Step-through time to full flaw ~ seconds (para. 3t)) 6. Leak detector stays in leak seart:la pasitian. (paxa.42) Yes~_ No ~.EAK UETECTOit TEST' Note: Pass ~ L.eak detector frt4 test prooocol X11 ~ Leak detector I~iis test pre~col P$$S ~( Fall Farm 890C(4-]-9h7 •Complete thermal expansion te# before failiag Icak detector. I996 Vaporltss Mannfaoturing, [ac.. Prcaeott Palley, AZ -~_ CYE Cal-Yatley Equipment 3500 Gilmore.~v~ Bakersfield, C :4 93308 661-32~ 93d1 F.SGY# 661-32S-2Sa9 VAP~RLESS MANUFA.CTUR~IVG, IIIVC. LDT 9ta eak betect x Test Re ord Caotractar Customer Manufacturer Model No, I~anufaca~rer -proof seal installed? Yes LeSlt Dt?1 Desc~on Ili$pbragm-type Piston-type Test at Dispenser ' Ntunb Other S le Leak betectar l . Operating Puynp pressure 2 ~pS2 ~. 15) 2. Gallorta per hour rage 3 _ _(para. 22) 3. Line pressure with putt shut a#l' si (per, ~3) 4. Bleedback Test with pump off~~~ ~~ (per. ~d) S. Step-through time to full flow _ ~ .`seconds (par$. 30) 6. Leak detector stays in Leak search position. {para.42) Yes~~ Na LEAK D~TEGTOR TESL' Nate: Pass - leak detector fits test profaool ~4 =Leak detector fails test pmtooai Pass~_ FsJ'1 Form 890(;(9-1-96) '`CarnplcM thermal expansion test bofore failing lC.Alc dett:etnr. 1996 Vaporler,~ Mano~cttuing, Inc., Prescott Valley, AT AYE Cal-Ya11ey E~eipr,~ent 3SOQ Gilmore Ave. Bakersf e1c1, C,4 9330$ 661-327-9341 F~GY# 66I-.~2S-2S29 VAPOItL1';SS MANUFACTURING, INC. - LAT-890 Leak Detector Tes#_I_tecaard Contractor G~stomer - DatE .~//~fo 7 11.E Techtt~icfan - Ntann acwrer JMJ(~anfju£$ciurer~j 1 n~lvde2 No. Description Diaphragm-type Pisban-type r seal inscalzed2 Yes Test at Dispenser Serial Nt~tber t]thcr 5tylc J ealc I7ete~tor 1. t~pcratirtg Pump Presstur Z,.~ vsf (para. 15) 2. Gallons per hawt rate 3 (para. 22) 3. Line pressttre with pump shut ott'_ l 5 _ nsi (para. 23} 4. $3eedback Test with pump off 1 S[~ ml (para. 2ti) 5. Step-through time to full flaw_____,j seconds (para. 30) G. Leak detector stays in leak search pasitian, (para,42) Yes~~_ _ No LEAK ET~CTOR TESL' ..~_ Note: Pass ~ Leak deteetnr tits hest protocol Fa,7 - Leak detxror tit,'Is tra! protocol Pass~,,,,_ Fgfl form 890C(9-1-96) `Complete them7al expmtsion test before failing leak dctecror. 1996 Vapdrlesa Martu#acturing, inc., Prescott Valley, Az ~. o~ ~~ ~° o ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~o a~ ~+.~, ? ~ ae ,~ ~ ~_ a ~- o; ~° A m r Q ~l a ~ 3~ ~ o ~ ~ eti ~~ r ~m '~ f~ ~. ,~ .~ .m ~o a .. 9aP&y ~ q3p ei je$ r7l e ~1 to !.g ~! 3 H 9 e 8 r~~ ~ c ~, .J ~ ~ ~ C ~ tin ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~ ~ Q a~rj ~arM ~ 6s~ ~ 61 Q] 'yob' -- -- , - i ~ 1'h W C~ r w~F~r ~ N~w~ ~ r~ .,I 1 g~ $ W1 1 P~+ ~ ~ m~ ~ ~ ~+ r ~ -+ H rcn ~~ w H ~+ ;T~ USA LIQUORS SiteID: 015-021-000409 Manager TAHER M ALKADASHEE Location: 1720 S UNION AVE City BAKERSFIELD BusPhone: (661) 832-0457 Map 124 CommHaz Moderate Grid: 08A FacUnits: 1 AOV: CommCode: BFD STA 05 EPA Numb: SIC Code:5541 DunnBrad: Emergency Contact / Title Emergency Contact / Title ALI MOHMED ALKORIN / OWNER / Business Phone: (661) 832-0457x Business Phone: ( ) - x 24-Hour Phone (661) 833-8919x 24-Hour Phone ( ) - x Pager Phone (661) 397-6713x Pager Phone ( ) - x Hazmat Hazards: Fire ImmHlth DelHlth Contact TAHER M ALKADASHEE Phone: (661) 832-0457x MailAddr: 1720 S UNION AVE State: CA City BAKERSFIELD Zip 93307 Owner ALI MOHMED ALKORIN Phone: (661) 832-0457x. Address 1720 S UNION AVE State: CA -.City BAKERSFIELD Zip 93307 Period to TotalASTs: = Gal Preparers TotalUSTs: = Gal Certif'd: R5s: No ParcelNo: Emergency Directives: PROG.A - HAZMAT PROG C - COMM HOOD ENT'D J U L ~ 3 2007 PROG U - UST c-a`'r;•' on mY inquiry of tt;ose ;ndi ~ -' ai ni a - rg she i;~torrnatinn, f certitY ~ ~'~~ruft ot -~''•~~~ Y a=~ t,•at I hp• n~a ;o peC~onaliy `ri;~.cd and am tar -,'Gar with. thn i.rtormation ^u5r=+°Ttr~d and h91iGV a t 'e information is true, ccu ate, and comp;et ~. ~:~ _ 5i~r.ature __. _ Da c 1- 07/16/2007 F USA LIQUORS SiteID: 015-021-000409 ~ STORAGE CONTAINER DATA (UST FORM A) Last Action Type: - FACILITY/SITE INFORMATION Business Name: USA LIQUORS Cross Street Business Type: Org Type: Total Tanks 3 IndnRes/Trust: No PA Contact: Dsg OwnjOper BRUCE HENSLEY ICC Nbr: 1064437-UC PROPERTY OWNER INFORMATION Name Phone: ( ) - x Address: City State: Zip: Type INDIVIDUAL TANK OWNER INFORMATION x Name Phone: Address: City State: Zip: Type INDIVIDUAL BOE UST Fee# UNKNOWN Financ'1 Resp: STATE FUND Legal Notif Business Mailing Address Date:10/27/1999 Phone: (2 6) 657- x Name:ALI M ALKORIN Tt1:OWNER State UST # 1998 Upg Cert#: 00733 -2- 07/16/2007 F USA LIQUORS SiteID: 015-021-000409 ~ ~ Hazmat Inventory By Facility Unit ~ ~ MCP+DailyMax Order Fixed Containers_on Site ~ Hazmat Common Name... 5pecHaz EPA Hazards Frm DailyMax Unit MCP REGULAR GASOLINE F IH DH L 10000.00 GAL Mod PREMIUM UNLEADED GASOLINE F IH DH L 10000.00 GAL Mod UNLEADED GASOLINE F IH DH L 10000.00 GAL Mod -3- 07/16/2007 f ~ -4- 07/16/2007 l' F USA LIQUORS SiteID: 015-021-000409 ~ ~ Inventory Item 0001 Facility Unit: Fixed Containers on Site ~ COMMON NAME / CHEMICAL NAME REGULAR GASOLINE Days On Site 365 Location within this Facility Unit Map: Grid: UST CAS# 8006-61-9 STATE TYPE PRESSURE TEMPERATURE CONTAINER TYPE Liquid Mixture Ambient Ambient UNDER GROUND TANK AMOUNTS AT THIS LOCATION Largest Container Daily Maximum Daily Average 10000.00 GAL 10000.00 GAL 5000.0.0 GAL riHGI-1ttllUUS C:VMYUN~N'1'S %Wt. RS CAS# 100.00 Gasoline No 8006619 l1LiL~tiRL HJ JP~J JI~IP~1V 1 J TSecret RS BioHaz Radioactive/Amount EPA Hazards NFPA USDOT# MCP No No No No/ Curies F IH DH / / / Mod ~ Inventory Item 0002 Facility Unit: Fixed Containers on Site ~ COMMON NAME / CHEMICAL NAME PREMIUM UNLEADED GASOLINE Days On Site 365 Location within this Facility Unit Map: Grid: UST CAS# 8006-61-9 Liquid TMixtur~ Ambient~E ~ AmbientT~E ~ UNDEROGROIINDRTANKE AMOUNTS AT THIS LOCATION Largest Container Daily Maximum I Daily Average 10000.00 GAL 10000.00 GAL 5000.00 GAL %Wt. 100.00 Gasoline RSI CAS# No 8006619 r1tiL~tiLCL 1'iJ JP.~J J1.1LilV1J TSecret RS BioHaz Radioactive/Amount EPA Hazards- NFPA USDOT# MCP No No No No/ Curies F IH DH / / / Mod HAZARDOUS COMPONENTS -5- 07/16/2007 ~. L. t F USA LIQUORS SiteID: 015-021-000409 ~ ~ Inventory Item 0003 Facility Unit: Fixed Containers on Site ~ COMMON NAME / CHEMICAL NAME UNLEADED GASOLINE Days On Site 365 Location within this Facility Unit Map: Grid: UST CAS# 8006-61-9 STATE TYPE PRESSURE TEMPERATURE CONTAINER TYPE Liquid TMixtur~mbient ~ Ambient ~ UNDER GROUND TANK AMOUNTS AT THIS LOCATION Largest Container Daily Maximum I Daily Average 10000.00 GAL 10000.00 GAL 5000.00 GAL - r1r~~xrcLVU~ 1:V1~lYV1Vr;1V15 %Wt. RS CAS# 100.00 Gasoline No 8006619 riAGAtCL A751'~5~1~1J;1V 1 TSecret RS BioHaz Radioactive/Amount. EPA Hazards NFPA USDOT# MCP No No No No/ Curies F IH DH / / / Mod -6- 07/16/2007 T F USA LIQUORS SiteID: 0-15-021-000409 ~ Fast Format ~ ~ Notif./Evacuation/Medical Overall Site ~ ~ Agency Notification 05/31/2007 ~ EMERGENCY 911. CALL FIRE DEPT 326-3911. CALL CALIFORNIA SPILL REPORTING HOT LINE 800-852-7550. Employee Notif./Evacuation VERBAL. 10/25/2000 Public Notif./Evacuation VERBAL. 10/25/2000 Emergency Medical Plan CALL 911 TO TRANSPORT TO KERN MEDICAL CENTER ON FLOWER ST. 10/25/2000 -7- 07/16/2007 f `~ X F USA LIQUORS SiteID: 015-021-000409 ~ Fast Format ~ ~ Mitigation/Prevent/Abatemt Overall Site ~ ~ Release Prevention 12/17/1991 ~ TEXACO HAS VERY MODERN EQUIPMENT FOR RELEASE PREVENTION, AS THEY INSTALLED AND OWN ALL EQUIPMENT. Release Containment 12/17/1991 EQUIPMENT IS ALL EQUIPPED TO MINIMIZE ANY TYPE OF RELEASE OR SPILL. Clean Up 05/31/2007 A PRODUCT OF ABSORBANT MATERIAL IS KEPT ON HAND FOR EVEN THE SMALLEST OF SPILLS. V1.11G1 i\G~AV UtVG -AVl.1VQl.l V11 -8- 07/16/2007 ~: ._ F USA LIQUORS SiteID: 015-021-000409 ~ Fast Format ~ ~ Site Emergency Factors Overall Site ~ _, ,_ .~Nc~.iai nac,aiu~ Utility Shut-Offs GAS - BACK OF BLDG ELECTRICAL - BACK RM INSIDE MAIN BLDG WATER - FRONT OF MAIN BLDG 05/31/2007 Fire Protec./Avail.-Water 01/19/2007 PRIVATE FIRE PROTECTION - NONE. NEAREST FIRE HYDRANT - CRNR OLD YARD RD & S UNION AVE. Building Occupancy Level OWNER OPERATOR NO EMPLOYEES 03/30/2006 -9- 07/16/2007 ~ ~~~ F USA LIQUORS SiteID: 015-021-000409 ~ Fast Format ~ ~ Training Overall Site ~ ~ Employee Training 01/19/2007 ~ MSDS SHEETS ON FILE IN OFFICE. BRIEF SUMMARY OF TRAINING PROGRAM: WE ARE BOTH FAMILIAR WITH EMERGENCY PROCEDURES. ra~~ . ~ ~ r _ 11G1u tvt t ul..U1C U.7C Held for Future Use -lo- 07/16/2007