HomeMy WebLinkAboutBUSINESS PLANBAKERSFIELD CELLULAR ~ ~~-'~- V ST ~~ ~~\ ,o ~~ ,,.,r,, ~,~~) `~ ~. ~• ~= ~~~ UNIFIED PROGRAM CONSOLIDATED FORM FACILITY INFORMATION j / % ~ BUSINESS OWNER/OPERATOR IDENTIFICATION ` (p(~ Pa e 2 of 2 I. IDENTIFICATION FACILITY ID # 1 BEGINNING DATE 100. ENDING DATE lot. (Agency Use Only) 02/01/2007 02/01/2008 BUSINESS NAME (Sazne as FACILITY NAME) 3~ BUSINESS PHONE 1oz. AT&T Mobility - V STREET (14223) (425) 580-4902 BUSINESS SITE ADDRESS 103. 125 V ST CITY .~ ~ 104 ZIP CODE tos. ~ BAKERSFIELD ~B 93304 DUN & BRADSTREET 106. SIC CODE (4 digit #) 1oz 10-202-6754 4812 COUNTY 108. Kern BUSINESS OPERATOR NAME 109 BUSINESS OPERATOR PHONE ~ 1u. AT&T Mobility 425 580-4902 ext. II. BUSINESS OWNER OWNER NAME 111 OWNER PHONE t12 New Cingular Wireless PCS, LLC 425 580-4902 ext. OWNER MAILING ADDRESS 113. P O Box 97061 CITY 114 STATE 115. ZIP CODE 116. Redmond WA 98073-9761 III. ENVIRONMENTAL CONTACT CONTACT NAME Utz CONTACT PHONE Its. Debra Okano 562 468 - 6495 ext. CONTACT MAILING ADDRESS I19. 12900 Park Place Drive, 3`d Floor CITY 1zo. STATE 121 ZIP CODE 1zz. Cerritos CA 90703 -PRIMARY- IV. EMERGENCY CONTACTS -SECONDARY- NAME 123 NAME 12s. Debra Okano Wireless Network Control Center TITLE ~'-~ TITLE 129. Network Manager, Compliance Control Center BUSINESS PHONE 1zs. BUSINESS PHONE 130_ 562 468 - 6495 ext. 800 832-6662 ext. 24-HOUR PHONE* 126. 24-HOUR PHONE• 131 949 338 - 8434 ext. 800 832-6662 ext. PAGER # 127 PAGER # t 32. N/A N/A ADDITIONAL LOCALLY COLLECTED INFORMATION: 133. Billing Address: P O Box 97061, Redmond, WA 98073-9761 Property Owner: New Cingular Wireless PCS, LLC - DBA: AT8~T Mobility Phone No.: (425) 580-4902 Certification: Based on my inquiry of those individuals responsible for obtaining the information, I certify under penalty of law that I have personally examined and am familiar with the information submitted and believe the information is true, accurate, and complete. SIG ' L'RE OF O~i~TER/OPERATOR OR DESI TED REPRESENTATIVE DATE 13a NAME OF DOCUMENT PREPARER [35. 6~- Steven Y Jin NAME OF SIGNER (print) L6. TITLE OF SIGNER 137- Sian Wiltshire Environmental Com liance S ecialist UN-020 - 4/17 wavw.unidocs.org Rev. 07/24/06 .~ .. e JCJ F CINGULAR WIRELESS 14223 NEW SiteID: 015-021-001866 Manager ELIZABETH MARTINEZ Location: 125 V ST City BAKERSFIELD BusPhone: (425) 580-4902 Map 103 CommHaz Low Grid: 31D FacUnits: 1 AOV: CommCode: BFD STA 06 EPA Numb: SIC Code:4812 DunnBrad:10-202-6754 Emergency Contact / Title Emergency Contact / Title CHRISTINA WAGER / WIRELESS NETWORK / CONTROL CENTER Business Phone: (562) 468-6164x Business Phone: (800) 832-6662x 24-Hour Phone (800) 832-6662x 24-Hour Phone (800) 832-6662x Pager Phone ( ) - x Pager Phone ( ) - x Hazmat Hazards: RSs Fire ImmHlth Contact CHRISTINA WAGER Phone: (562) 468-6164x MailAddr: 3851 N FREEWAY BLVD State: CA City SACRAMENTO Zip 95834 Owner NEW CINGULAR WIRELESS PCS LLC Phone: (425) 580-4902x Address PO BOX 97061 State: WA City REDMOND Zip 98073-9761 Period to TotalASTs: = Gal Preparers TotalUSTs: = Gal Certif'd: RSs: Yes ParcelNo: ...._....._ Emergency Directives: PROG A - HAZMAT ~NT~ M~~ ~ 5 2007 Fsased on my inquiry of those individuals responsible for obtaining the inform ti O b~ ~~ a on, I certify under penalty of law th at I have personally examined and am familiar with the informati on submitted and believe the information is true a , ccurate, and complete. I~UIIAR Q 9 2007 't ~"~`~'-Date -1- 01/29/2007 z ~- •:.S' ~ t F CINGULAR WIRELESS 14223 NEW SiteID: 015-021-001866 ~ ~ Hazmat Inventory By Facility Unit ~ ~ MCP+DailyMax Order Fixed Containers at Site ~ Hazmat Common Name... SpecHaz EPA Hazards Frm DailyMax Unit MCP ELECTRONIC STORAGE BATTERY F IH S 2061.00 LBS Low -2- 01/29/2007 -~ F, -3- 01/29/2007 F CINGULAR WIRELESS 14223 NEW SiteID: 015-021-001866 ~ ~ Inventory Item 0002 Facility Unit: Fixed Containers at Site ~ COMMON NAME / CHEMICAL NAME ELECTRONIC STORAGE BATTERY Days On Site 365 Location within this Facility Unit Map: Grid: ------- INSIDE CELL SITE CAS# ~SolidE TMixture ~ Ambient~E ~ A~PeRATURE OTHERONTSPECIFYYPE AMOUNTS AT THIS LOCATION Largest Container Daily Maximum Daily Average 80.00 LBS 2061.00 LBS 2061.00 LBS ruyc~r~LV~~ ~.vrlrv1v1;1V1J aWt. RS CAS# 7.00 Sulfuric Acid (EPA) No 7664939 61.00 Lead ~ No 7439921 17ti[~riRL HJ Jl~J Jl"1JJ1V 1.7 TSecret RS BioHaz Radioactive/Amount EPA Hazards NFPA USDOT# MCP No Yes No No/ Curies F IH / / / Low -4- 01/29/2007 F CINGULAR WIRELESS 14223 NEW SiteID: 015-021-001866 ~ Fast Format ~ ~ Notif./Evacuation/Medical Overall Site ~ ~ Agency Notification 03/31/1998 ~ IN CASE OF A HAZARDOUS SPILL ALWAYS CALL 911 FOR THE LOCAL RESPONSE AGENCY: THEN CALL GOVERNORS OFFICE OF EMERGENCY SERVICES. THEN CONSULT THE CALIFORNIA HAZARDOUS MATERIAL NOTIFICATION GUIDE TO SEE IF ADDITIONAL AGENCIES ARE TO BE NOTIFIED. Employee Notif./Evacuation 08/25/2000 IN CASE OF FIRE EMPLOYEES ARE NOTIFIED TO EVACUATE THE SWITCHING OFFICE AND CLOSE ALL DOORS TO ENSURE PROPER OPERATION OF HALON SYSTEM AND TO ENSURE Nl ONE ENTERS THE OFFICE UNTIL FIRE DEPT AND HAZAROUS RESPONSE TEAM HAS CLEARED EMPLOYEES TO DO SO. Public Notif./Evacuation 03/31/1998 HAZARDOUS MATERIALS USED AT OUR FACILITY DO NOT POSE A THREAT TO THE PUBLIC. Emergency Medical Plan 05/27/1998 MEDICAL TREATMENT FOR EXPOSURE TO MATERIALS USED AT OUR FACILITY CAN BE HANDLED AT CLOSEST EMERGENCY/URGENT CARE MEDICAL FACILITY. -5- 01/29/2007 F CINGULAR WIRELESS 14223 NEW SiteID: 015-021-001866 ~ Fast Format ~ ~ Mitigation/Prevent/Abatemt Overall Site ~ ~ Release Prevention 03/31/1998 ~ ALL REMOTE LOCATIONS ARE VISITED BY QUALIFIED PERSONNEL TO CHECK FOR LEAKS IN PROPANE SYSTEM, BATTERY SYSTEM AND HALON SYSTEM ON A WEEKLY BASIS. Release Containment Clean Up Utner xesource activation -6- 01/29/2007 .- F CINGULAR WIRELESS 14223 NEW SiteID: 015-021-001855 ~ Fast Format ~ ~ Site Emergency Factors Overall Site ~ o~/c~.iai na~ctiu~ Utility Shut-Offs 08/08/2005 NO UTILITY SHUT-OFFS. ,_ r.ii.c rtv~c~./1-~vct11. wct~.Ci Building Occupancy Level 03/08/2005 UNMANNED SITE -7- 01/29/2007 1, • , ~~ F CINGULAR WIRELESS 14223 NEW SiteID: 015-021-00186 ~ Fast Format ~ ~ Training Overall Site ~ ~ Employee Training 08/08/206 ~ MSDS SHEETS ON FILE. BRIEF SUMMARY OF TRAINING PROGRAM: ALL EMPLOYEES THAT HAVE ACCESS TO BATTERY ROOMS AND/OR HALON-PROTECTED FACILITIES ARE FAMILIAR WITH THE MSDS SHEETS FOR THESE HAZARDOUS MATERIALS. NEW EMPLOYEES ARE MADE AWARE OF THE DANGERS OF THE MATERIALS, THE LOCATION OF THE MSDS FOR THESE MATERIALS AND TO CONTACT JOE SANDOVAL OR LARRY GONZALES FOR ANY CONCERNS THAT MIGHT ARISE: rayc ~ nc t o t vi r u L ul C U S e nclu tui ruLUte use -8- 01/29/2007 USID: 9539 Bakersfield City Fire Department 900 Truxtun Avenue, Suite 210, Bakersfield, CA, 93301 Phone:(661) 326-3979; Faz: (661) 852-2171 BUSINESS ACTIVITIES I. FACILITY IDENTIFICATION FACILITY ID 1{ 1~ EPA ID # (Hazardous Waste Only) z. BUSINESS NAME (Same as Facility Name or DBA -Doing Business As) 3. AT&T Mobilit - V STREET 14223 II. ACTIVITIES DECLARATION NOTE: If you check YES to any part of this list, lease submit the Business Owner/O erator Identification page (OES Form 2730). Does our facilit ... If Yes, lease com lete these a es of the UPCF... A. HAZARDOUS MATERIALS Have on site (for any purpose) hazardous materials at or above 55 gallons for liquids, 500 pounds for solids, or 200 cubic feet for compressed gases (include liquids in ASTs and USTs); or the applicable Federal threshold ® YES ^ NO a. HAZARDOUS MATERIALS INVENTORY quantity for an extremely hazardous substance specified in 40 CFR Part _ CHEMICAL DESCRIPTION OES 2731 ( > 355, Appendix A or B; or handle radiological materials in quantities for which an emergency plan is required pursuant to 10 CFR Parts 30, 40 or 70? B. UNDERGROUND STORAGE TANKS (USTs) UST FACILITY (Formerly SWRCB Form A) 1. Own or operate underground storage tanks? ^ YES ®NO 5. UST TANK (one page per tank) (Formerly Form B) 2. Intend to upgrade existing or install new USTs? ^ YES ®NO 6. UST FACILTTY UST TANK (one per tank) UST INSTALLATION -CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE (one page per tank) (Formerly Form 3. Need to report closing a UST? ^ y~ ® NO 7 L7 UST TANK (closure portion -one page per tank) C. ABOVE GROUND PETROLEUM STORAGE TANKS (ASTs) Own or operate ASTs above these thresholds: ---any tank capacity is greater than 660 gallons, or ^ y~ ®NO s. NO FORM REQUIRED TO CUPAs ---the total capacity for the facility is greater than 1,320 gallons? D. HAZARDOUS WASTE 1. Generate hazardous waste? ^ I,~ ®NO 9 EPA ID NUMBER -provide at the top of this page 2. Recycle more than 100 kg/month of excluded or exempted recyclable materials (per HSC §25143.2)? ^ YES ®NO 10 RECYCLABLE MATERIALS REPORT (one l 3. Treat hazardous waste on site? . per recyc er) ONSITE HAZARDOUS WASTE ^ YES ®NO 11. TREATMENT -FACILITY (Formerly DTSC Forms 1772) ONSITE HAZARDOUS WASTE TREATMENT -UNIT (one page per unit) (Formerly DTSC Forms 1772 A,B,C,D and L) 4. Treatment subject to financial assurance requirements (for Permit by ^ 1'~ ® NO t2 CERTIFICATION OF FINANCIAL Rule and Conditional Authorization)? . ASSURANCE (Formerly DTSC Form 1232) 5. Consolidate hazardous waste generated at a remote site? REMOTE WASTE /CONSOLIDATION ^ YES ®NO 13. SITE ANNUAL NOTIFICATION (Fomxrly 6. Need to report the closure/removal of a tank that was classified as ^ YES ®NO la Drsc Fore 1196) HAZARDOUS WASTE TANK CLOSURE hazardous waste and cleaned onsite? . CERTIFICATION (Formerly DTSC Form 1249) E. LOCAL REQUIREMENTS ]s. (You may also be required to provide additional information by your CUPA or local agency.) Bakersfield City Fire Department BUSINESS OWNER/OPERATOR IDENTIFICATION I. IDENTIFICATION Pa e 2 of 11 FACILTTY ID # '~ BEGINNING DATE too. ENDING DATE tot. 3/1/2008 311/2007 BUSINESS NAME (Same az FACILITY NAME or DBA -Doing Business As) 3. BUSINESS PHONE toz. AT8~T Mobilit - V STREET 14223 425-580-4902 103. BUSINESS SITE ADDRESS 125 V ST CTTY toa. CA ZIP CODE tos. BAKERSFIELD 93304 DUN & BRADSTREET toe. SIC CODE (4 digit #) toy. 10-202-6754 4812 tos. COUNTY Kern BUSINESS OPERATOR NAME tog. BUSINESS OPERATOR PHONE tto. AT&T Mobili 425-580-4902 II. BUSINESS OWNER OWNER NAME ttt. OWNER PHONE ttz. New Cin ular Wireless PCS LLC 425-580-4902 OWNER MAILING ADDRESS tt3. P O Box 97061 CTTY tta. STATE us. ZIP CODE tte. Redmond WA 98073-9761 III. ENVIRONMENTAL CONTACT CONTACT NAME Its. CONTACT PHONE Ilg. Debra Okano 562 468-6495 CONTACT MAILING ADDRESS tt9. 72900 Park Place Drive 3~d floor CITY t2o. STATE t2t. ZIP CODE Izz. Cerritos CA 90703 _p~ARy_ IV. EMERGENCY CONTACTS -SECONDARY- t23. NAME NAME t~• 90703 Wireless Network Control Center tea. TTfLE TITLE tz9. Network Mana er Com liance Control Center BUSINESS PHONE Its. BUSINESS PHONE t3o. 562 468-6495 800-832-6662 24-HOUR PHONE* Izb. 24-HOUR PHONE* tat. 800-832-6662 800-832-6662 Izr. PAGER # PAGER # t32. N/A NIA ADDITIONAL LOCALLY COLLECTED INFORMATION: t33. Property Owner: AT&T Mobility Phone No.: 425-580-4902 Billing, Permitting, & Correspondence Address: PO Box 97061, Redmond, WA 98073-9761 Certification: Based on my inquiry of those individuals responsible for obtaining the information, I certify under penalty of law that I have personally examined and am familiar with the information submitted and believe the information is true, accurate, and complete. SIGNATURE OF OWNER/OPERATO R DESIGNATED REPRESENTATIVE DATE 134. NAME OF DOCUMENT PREPARER 135. o~ ~ ~~~~~ WIAR 0 9 2007 Thomas Kvigne NAME OF SIGNER (riot) t36. TITLE OF SIGNER 137. Sian Wiltshire Environmental Compliance Speacialist Bakersfield City Fire Department HAZARDOUS MATERIALS INVENTORY -CHEMICAL DESCRIPTION (one e r material r buildin or area) ^ ADD ^ DELETE ®REVISE 200 Pa e 3 of 11 I. FACILITY INFORMATION BUSINESS NAME (Same as FACILITY NAME or DBA -Doing Business As) 3' AT&T Mobilit - V STREET 14223 CHEMICAL LOCATION CHEMICAL LOCATION CONFIDENTIAL tot. EPCRA 2oz. INSIDE CELL SITE ^ YES ®No FACILITY ID # I. MAP # 203. GRID # 204 II. CHEMICAL INFORMATION CHEMICAL NAME 205. TRADE SECRET ^ Yes ® No 206. Lead If Subjec[ to EPCRA, refer m instmctions COMMON NAME 2m. EHS• ^ Yes ® No zos. Lead-Acid Batteries 209. CAS# *If EHS is "Yes," all amo trots below must be in lbs. 7439-92-1 FIRE CODE HAZARD CLASSES (Complete if required by local agency) 210. HAZARDOUS MATERIAL ®a. PURE ^ b. MIXTURE ^ c. WASTE 2t1. RADIOACTIVE ^ Yes ®No 212. CURIES NIA 213. TYPE (Check one item only) PHYSICAL STATE zta. (Check one item only) ®a. SOLID ^ b. LIQUID ^ c. GAS LARGEST CONTAINER 4H 215. FED HAZARD CATEGORIES 216. (Check all that apply) ^ a. FIRE ^ b. REACTIVE ^ c. PRESSURE RELEASE ^ d. ACUTE HEALTH ®e. CHRONIC HEALTH AVERAGE DAILY AMOUNT MAXIMUM DAILY AMOUNT ANNUAL WASTE AMOUNT STATE WASTE CODE 1140 2t7. 1140 215. 0 n9. N/A z2o. UNITS• ^ a. GALLONS ^ b. CUBIC FEET ®c. POUNDS ^ d. TONS 22t. DAYS ON SITE 365 222. (Check one item only) ' If EHS, amount must be in pounds. STORAGE CONTAINER ^ a. ABOVEGROUND TANK ^ e. PLASTIC/NONMETALLIC DRUM ^ i. FIBER DRUM ^ m. GLASS BOTTLE ^ q. RAIL CAR ^ b. UNDERGROUND TANK ^ f. CAN ^ j. BAG ^ n. PLASTIC BOTTLE ®r. OTHER ^ c. TANK INSIDE BUILDING ^ g. CARBOY ^ k. BOX ^ o. TOTE BIN Batteries ^ d. STEEL DRUM ^ h. SILO ^ 1. CYLINDER ^ p. TANK WAGON 223. STORAGE PRESSURE ®a. AMBIENT ^ b. ABOVE AMBIENT ^ c. BELOW AMBIENT 224. STORAGE TEMPERATURE ®a. AMBIENT ^ b. ABOVE AMBIENT ^ c. BELOW AMBIENT ^ d. CRYOGENIC 225. WT HAZARDOUS COMPONENT (For mixture or waste ofily) EHS CAS # I, zzb. zz7. ^ Yes ^ No 22g. zz9. z, 230. 231. ^ Yes ® No 232. 233. 3, 234. 235. ^ YCS ^ NO 236- 237. 4 z3g z39. ^ Yes ^ No 240. 2a1. 5• 2az. za3. ^ Yes ^ No zaa. 2a5. if more hazardous components are present at greater than 1% by weight if non<arcinogenic, or 0.196 by weight if carcinogenic, attach additional sheets of paper capturing the required information. 246. ADDITIONAL LOCALLY COLLECTED INFORMATION Lt art.tcri, r[canc ~rgri ric.c. Emergency Response/Contingency Plan (Hazardous Materials Business Plan Module) Authority Cited: HSC, Section 25504(6); Title 22, Div. 4.5, Ch. 12, Art. 3 CCR All facilities that handle hazardous materials in specified quantities must have a written emergency response plan. In addition, facilities that generate 1,000 kilograms or more of hazardous waste per month, or accumulate more than 6,000 kilograms of hazardous waste on-site at any one time, must prepare a contingency plan. Because the requirements are similar, they have been combined in a single document, provided below, for your convenience. This plan is a required module of the Hazardous Materials Business Plan (HMBP). If you already have a plan that meets these requirements, you should not complete the blank plan, below, but you must include a copy of your existing plan as part of your HMBP. This site-specific Emergency Response/Contingency Plan is the facility's plan for dealing with emergencies and shall be implemented immediately whenever there is a fue, explosion, or release of hazardous materials that could threaten human health and/or the environment. At least one copy of the plan shall be maintained at the facility for use in the event of an emergency and for inspection by the local agency. A copy of the plan and any revisions must be provided to any contractor, hospital, or agency with whom special (i.e. contractual) emergency services arrangements have been made (see section 3, below). 1. Evacuation Plan: a. The following alarm signal(s) will be used to begin evacuation of the facility (check all that apply): ^ Bells; ^ Horns/Sirens; ®Verbal (i.e. shouting; ®Other (specify) FACILITY IS NOT MANNED b. ~ Evacuation map is prominently displayed throughout the facility. Note: A properly completed HMBP Site Plan satisfies contingency plan map requirements. This drawing (or any other drawing that shows primary and alternate evacuation routes, emergency exits, and primary and alternate staging areas) must be prominently posted throughout the facility in locations where it will be visible to employees and visitors. 2. a. Emergency Contacts*: Fire/Police/Ambulance ......................................... Phone No. 911 State Office of Emergency Services .............................. Phone No. (800) 852-7550 b. Post-Incident Contacts*: Bakersfield City Fire Department California EPA Department of Toxic Substances Control ........... . ...... Phone No. (661) 326-3979 Cal-OSHA Division of Occupational Safety and Health ............. . Kern Couty APCD California Water Quality Control Board .......................... . Phone No. (916) 255-3545 Phone No. (408) 452-7288 Phone No. (661) 862-5250 Phone No. (916) 341-5250 * These telephone numbers are provided as a general aid to emergency notification. Be advised that additional agencies maybe required to be notified. c. Emergency Resources: Poison Control Center ....................................... Phone No. (800) 876-4766 Nearest Hospital: SAN JOAQUIN COMMUNITY HOSPITAL 661-395-3000 2615 Eye Street 3. Arrangements With Emergency Responders: If you have made special (i.e. contractual) arrangements with any police department, fire department, hospital, contractor, or State or local emergency response team to coordinate emergency services, describe those arrangements below: NONE Emergency Response/Contingency Plan (HMBP Module) Page 8 of 11 4. Emergency Procedures: Emergency Coordinator Responsibilities: a. Whenever there is an imminent or actual emergency situation such as a explosion, fire, or release, the emergency coordinator (or his/her designee when the emergency coordinator is on call) shall: i. Identify the character, exact source, amount, and areal extent of any released hazardous materials. ii. Assess possible hazards to human health or the environment that may result from the explosion, fire, or release. This assessment must consider both direct and indirect effects (e.g. the effects of any toxic, irritating, or asphyxiating gases that are generated, the effects of any hazardous surface water run-off from water or chemical agents used to control fire, etc.). iii. Activate internal facility alarms or communications systems, where applicable, to notify all facility personnel. iv. Notify appropriate local authorities (i. e. ca11911). v. Notify the State Office of Emergency Services at 1-800-852-7550. vi. Monitor for leaks, pressure build-up, gas generation, or ruptures in valves, pipes, or other equipment shut down in response to the incident. vii. Take all reasonable measures necessary to ensure that fires, explosions, and releases do not occur, recur, or spread to other hazardous materials at the facility. b. Before facility operations are resumed in areas of the facility affected by the incident, the emergency coordinator shall: i. Provide for proper storage and disposal of recovered waste, contaminated soil or surface water, or any other material that results from a explosion, fire, or release at the facility. ii. Ensure that no material that is incompatible with the released material is transferred, stored, or disposed of in areas of the facility affected by the incident until cleanup procedures are completed. iii. Ensure that all emergency equipment is cleaned, fit for its intended use, and available for use. iv. Notify the California Environmental Protection Agency's Department of Toxic Substances Control, The County of _Kern's Hazardous Materials Compliance Division, and the local Fire Department's Hazardous Materials Program that the facility is in compliance with requirements b-i and b-ii, above. Res~onsibiliries of Other Personnel: On a separate page, list any emergency response functions not covered in the "Emergency Coordinator Responsibilities" section, above. Next to each function, list the job title or name of each person responsible for performing the function. Number the page(s) appropriately. 5. Post-Incident Reporting/Recording: The time, date, and details of any hazardous materials incident that requires implementation of this plan shall be noted in the facility's operating record. Within 15 days of any hazardous materials emergency incident or threatened hazardous materials emergency incident that triggers implementation of this plan, a written Emergency Incident Report, including, but not limited to a description of the incident and the facility's response to the incident, must be subrmtted to the California Environmental Protection Agency's Department of Toxic Substances Control, The County of _Kern's Hazardous Materials Compliance Division, and the local Fire Department's Hazardous Materials Program. The report shall include: a. Name, address, and telephone number of the facility's owner/operator; b. Name, address, and telephone number of the facility; c. Date, time, and type of incident (e.g. fire, explosion, etc.); d. Name and quantity of material(s) involved; e. The extent of injuries, if any; f. An assessment of actual or potential hazards to human health or the environment, where this is applicable; g. Estimated quantity and disposition of recovered material that resulted from the incident; h. Cause(es) of the incident; i. Actions taken in response to the incident; j. Administrative or engineering controls designed to prevent such incidents in the future. 6. Earthquake Vulnerability: [19 CCR §2731(e)] Identify any areas of the facility and mechanical or other systems that require immediate inspection or isolation because of their vulnerability to earthquake-related ground motion: Battery Racks Emergency Response/Contingency Plan 7. Emergency Equipment: Page 9 of 11 22 CCR §66265.52(e) [as referenced by 22 CCR §66262.34(a)(4)] and the Hazardous Materials Storage Ordinance require that emergency equipment at the facility be listed. Completion of the following Emergency Equipment Inventory Table meets this requirement. EMERGENCY EQUIPMENT INVENTORY TABLE 1. Equipment Cate o 2. Equipment T e 3. Locations * 4. Descri tion** Personal ^ Cartrid a Res irators Protective ^ Chemical Monitoring E ui ment (describe) Equipment, ^ Chemical Protective A rons/Coats Safety ^ Chemical Protective Boots Equipment, ®Chemical Protective Gloves Tech Truck Universal S ill Kit and ^ Chemical Protective Suits (describe) First Aid ®Face Shields Tech Truck Universal S ill Kit Equipment ®First Aid Kits/Stations (describe) On-Site ^ Hard Hats ^ Plumbed Eye Wash Stations ^ Portable Eye Wash Kits (i.e. bottle ry e) ^ Res irator Cartridges (describe) ^ Safet Glasses/S lash Go les ^ Safety Showers ^ Self-Contained Breathing A aratuses (SCBA) ^ Other (describe) Fire ^ Automatic Fire S rinkler S stems Extinguishing ^ Fire Alarm Boxes/Stations Systems ®Fire Extin fisher Systems (describe) On~Site Common Fire Extin uisher ^ Other (describe) Spill ®Absorbents (describe) Tech Truck Universal S ill Kit Control ^ Berms/Dikes (describe) Equipment ^ Decontamination ui ment (describe) and ^ Emergenc Tanks (describe) Decontamination ^ Exhaust Hoods Equipment ^ Gas Cylinder Leak Re air Kits (describe) ^ Neutralizers (describe) ^ Ove ack Drums ^ Sums (describe) ^ Other (describe) Communications ^ Chemical Alarms (describe) and ^ Intercoms/ PA Systems Alarm ^ Portable Radios Systems ®Tele hones Tech Truck Cell Phone ^ Under ound Tank Leak Detection Monitors ^ Other (describe) Additional ^ Equipment ^ (Use Additional ^ Pages if Needed.) ^ * Use the map and grid numbers from the Storage Map prepared earlier for your HMBP. ** Describe the equipment and its capabilities. If applicable, sped any testing/maintenance procedures/intervals. Attach additional pages, numbered appropriately, if needed. Employee Training Plan (Hazardous Materials Business Plan Module) Authority Cited: HSC, Section 25504(c); Title 22, Div. 4.5, Ch. 12, Art. 3 CCR Page 10 of 11 All facilities that handle hazardous materials must have a written employee training plan. This plan is a required module of the Hazardous Materials Business Plan (HMBP). A blank plan has been provided below for you to complete and submit if you do not already have such a plan. If you already have a brief written description of your training program that addresses all subjects covered below, you are not required to complete the blank plan, below, but you must include a copy of your existing document as part of your HMBP. Check all boxes that apply. [Note: Items marked with an asterisk (*) are required.J: 1. Personnel are trained in the following procedures: ® Internal alarm/notification ® Evacuation/re-en rocedures & assembl oint locations* ® Emer enc incident re ortin ® External emer ency res once or anization notification ® Locations and contents of Emer enc Res once/Contin enc Plan ® Facility evacuation drills, that are conducted at least (sped) TWIC@ Y@arly (e.g. "Quarterly'; etc.) 2. Chemical Handlers are additionally trained in the following: ® Safe methods for handling and storage of hazardous materials ® Location(s) and ro er use of fire ands ill control a ui ment ® Sill rocedures/emer ency rocedures ® Pro er use of ersonal rotective a ui ment ® Specific hazard(s) of each chemical to which they may be exposed, including routes of exposure (i. e. inhalation, ingestion, abso tion) ^ Hazardous Waste Handlers/Managers are trained in all aspects of hazardous waste management specific to their job duties (e.g. container accumulation time requirements, labeling requirements, storage area inspection requirements, manifesting re uirements, etc.) 3. Emergency Response Team Members are capable of and engaged in the following: ® Personnel rescue rocedures ® Shutdown of o erations ® Liaison with responding agencies ® Use, maintenance, and re lacement of emergenc res onse a ui ment ® Refresher training, which is rovided at least annuall ® Emergency response drills, which are conducted at least (specify) TWIC@ Y@arly (e.g. "Quarterly", etc.) Record Keeping (Hazardous Materials Business Plan Module) Page 11 of 11 All facilities that handle hazardous materials must maintain records associated with their management. A summary of your recordkeeping procedures is a required module of the Hazardous Materials Business Plan (HMBP). A blank summary has been provided below for you to complete and submit if you do not already have such a document. If you already have a brief written description of your hazardous materials recordkeeping systems that addresses all subjects covered below, you are not required to complete this page, but you must include a copy of your existing document as part of your HMBP. Check all boxes that apply. The following records are maintained at the facility. ~Note.• Items marked with an asterisk (*) are required.J: ® Current em to ees' trainin records (to be retained until closure o the acility ® Former a loyees' training records (to be retained at least three ears a ter termination of em loyment) ® Trainin Pro am(s) (i. e. written descri tion o introducto and continuin trainin) ® Current co of this Emer ency Res onse/Contin enc Plan ® Record of recordable/re ortable hazardous materiaUwaste releases ® Record of hazardous materiaUwaste stora a area ins ections ^ Record of hazardous waste tank daily ins ections ® Descri tion and documentation of facility emergency res onse drills Note.• The above list of records does not necessarily identify every type of record required to be maintained by the facility. A copy of the Inspection Check Sheet(s) or Log(s) used in conjunction with required routine self- inspections of your facility must be submitted with your HMBP. (Exception: Available from your local agency is a Hazardous Materials/Waste Storage Area Inspection Form that you may use if you do not already have your own form. If you use the example provided, you do not need to attach a copy.) Check the appropriate box: ® We will use the Unidocs "Hazardous Materials/Waste Storage Area Inspection Form" to document inspections. ^ We will use our own documents to record inspections. (A blank copy of each document used must be attached to this HMBP.) ._ RECORD GENERAL NOTES RECEIVED = a' s' A~BUILT ~ . ~ ~ _.~ -~~~ `~ AUG 2 0 2003 ~Ct a ,~ t iME PURPOSE Or CONSTRUCDON DRAMNG, THE iOLLOMNG OEFWIOONS SMALL APPLY: CONTRACTOp _ BECHTCL U /,^ g0 v ` O , a SUDCONTRACTOR -GENERAL CONiRAC10f1 (CONSIRUCDON) ~TA~ 'OnGR~~IN(~'jOyY~IINC, ' ~ ~ OVNER - A18;1 MRCLE55 SERNCES na vl _ AT &T ` 2. PRIOR TO ME SUOW590N a BIOS ME BIOpNG SUBCONTRACTOR SHALL VlSlf INE CELL SITE TO FAMIUAR12E MM ME E%ISTINC CONpTIONS AND TO CONFIRM MAT ME YgRK CM BE /~ ~ NAME F-~ CnRD po~~M ACCt»APLISHED A$ SHOWN ON TNC LON5IRUCRON DRAMNGS MY pSCREPANCY fp1ND SHALL _ BE BROUCH7 TO ME AT1EN110N W CONTRACTOR, .Y,YYY~~ STGNATITRE - 3. ALL MAIERIµS NRNISNED MD INSTALLED SMµI BE IN STRICT ACCOROMCE MM ALL 1900 GRO ~~ APPLICABLE CODES, RCWILATONS. MD OROINANCCS. SUDCONMACTOR SHALL ISSUE ALL APPROPRIAiC NOTICES MD COMPLY 11tH µl LAWS ORDINANCES RUUS REGULATIONS MO Q , , , LANTUL OROCRS a ANY PUDLIL AUMORIfY R[GARDWG MC PENfORYMCE Di THE WpIK. ~~r, ~,~~ ~so~ AT&T WIRELESS SERVICES I N C ALL WORN LARRICO OUf 91µL C01MLY MM CALAORNIA BUEDWG CWE, LATEST EDITION. . ~~ NECHMICµ AND ELLLTNCAL WORN 511µL BE W ACCORDMCE MM ALL APPLICABLE MUNICIPAL AFA UTUTY COMPANY SP[GFIGRONS AND LOCAL NRISDICDDNµ CODES OROWANLES AND APPUOABIE REGULARONS, µL WORK SHALL BC W ACCORDMCE MM N(PA-70. 1999 NADONµ C I24 SITE NUMBER ELEC IRIC CODE AHD CµGORNIA ClEC1RIC CODE. • I. DRAMNGS FRONDED HERE ME NOT TO BC SCALCO MD ARC WTENDED TO SHOW W7LINC ONLY. BRUNDAGE SITE NAME S UNLESS NOICD OTHERMSE 'ME WORN SMALL INCLUOC NRNISNING MATERIALS. EWIPNENT, APPURTENANCES MD BAKOR NECESSARY 70 COMPLETE µL NSTALLATONS AS INDICATCD ON : THE DRAMNGS B. YATENIAL SPECWICO IN THE TABLE -Rf BILL 0( MATERIALS MLL BE SUPRICO BY ME CONTRACTOR TD INE $UBCONTRACIOR, µl OMEP MATERIALS SHALL BE SVPPLICO BY DRAWING INDEX REV PROJECT INFORMATION THC SUBCONTRACTOR. ). THE SUBCONTRACTOR SHALL WSTALL ALL EDUIPMENT AND MATERIµS IN ACCORDANLC MM MMUFACTURER'3 RECOYNCNDA710NS UNLC55 SPECEICALLY STATED OMERMSE gAK-CL24-0T TRLE SHEET AND GENERAL NOTES O SCOPE OF WORK: UNNMNED TClEC01XMUNICATONS FACXJ7Y YOOInCATONS . SITE ADDRESS: 125 V STREET, BAKCRSfIEID, CA L 8. If ME SPEWFlED EOUIPYENi CANNOT BE INSTALLED AS SNONN ON MESE DRAMNGS. ME $UBCONIRACTpt SHALL PROPOSE AN ALTCRNATIVE INSTALLATipi SPACE FOR APPROVµ BY THC BAK-CL2402 FLOOR PLAN AND DETAIL 0 CWTRACTOR. BAK-CLZ4-O.3 CABLE TRAY LAYOUT AND ELEVATION O UPNOE: 75.}5581' 9. SUBCONTRACtOR SMALL DETERMINE ACTUAL ROUTING O( CONDUIT, POWER AND fl CABLES GRWNOING CABLES AS SHOWN ON THE POWER, GRWNDINC AND TELCO PLM DRAWING. SUBCONTRACTOR S 1 D O BAK-Cl24-CM ANTENNA CONFlGURATION ~ 0 LONWIUOE: -f19.W508' HALL U L C EXISTING RAY5 MD/OR SHALL AUD NEW TRAYS A$ NECESSARY. SUBCONiRACTOR WALL CONFIRM THE ACTUµ POU fINC MIN THC CONTRACTOR, [L[yA,~: - BAK-Cl24.05 RF BILL OF MATERIALS 0 10. 111E SUBCONTRACTOR SHALL PROTECT E105TNC MPROVEMENfS PAVEMENTS CURBS, LMOSCAPIHG ,A1RISpLRON BAKFRSnELD, G MD SMUCNRES MY DAMAGED PART SHALL BE REPAIRED AT SUBCONTRACTOR'S E%PENSC TO BAK-Cl24-O6 CONSTRUCTION DETAILS O ME SATSFACIION OF OWNER. CURRENT USE TELECOMMUMCATONS fA0U1Y II. SUBCONTRACTOR SHALL LEGALLY Q PROPERLY d5PO5E OF ALL SCRAP MATERIALS SUCH AS COAATµ CABLES MD OMER ITCYS REMOVED FROM THE CYSONG fACNTY. ANTENNAS REMONTI .__-.... .. ..._ _ PROPOSED USE 1ELEC04MUNIGDONS iAOIITY ' ..__.-_._... _ _. . ._ SHALL RE REIUfINCO 10 OWNER'S DESIGNATED LOCATION. __ . -- ^_ __ . _. _. - .... .... ~V VICINI MAP STRUCTURAL REVIEW IZ. SI/BCONTRACiOR 91ALL LEAVE PREMISES W CLEM CONpDON. I 1 13, µl CONCRETE NEPAIR WORK SHALL BE DONE W ACCORDMtt MM AMERICM CONCRETE DRIVING DIRECTIONS: INSTIUTC (ACT) 301. NO STRUCNRAL MµY95 6 REQUIRED Fp1 MK SINE. 14. MY NEW CONCRETE NECOEO TOR TMC CONSiRVCOON SHALL HAVE 4000 P51 SMENCM AT 2B FROM SACiIANEHfO TAKE HWY 99 SWM f0 HWY 58 EAST 70 UNION AVENUE NORM, GAYS. ALL CONCRC TNG NORM SHALL 8E DONC IN ACCOROANCC MM AO 318 CODE LEfI ONTO I5T S7REET. IN ALLEY BEHND V STREET. REQIIREYEN75. r I5. µL STRIKTMRAI SIER woRK SMALL BE DONE IN ACCaxDAHCE WM Also SPECRTGRON. Z APPLICABLE CODES AND STANDARDS B CONSTRUCTION SHALL COMPLY MM SPEC6 GTg P B 3 - I . 1 N 2182 -037-3A S-ADOZ-00002, GENERAL CONSTRUCTION SERNCES FOR LONS1RUCiKN OF AWS 3G SITES - ~ ~ HT`S 1 F R W 7 . BLINDING CODE: UNI M BURA O C CODE 99 IY. SUOCONTRACTOR SHALT. KRI(Y ALL E%ISTINC DIMENSIONS MD CONDIMNS PPoOp TO COYMENCINC ~ ALL WORK IS TO COMPLY MM ME 1989 CAUFOHWA BUKOWC CODE(COC) AMENDMENTS AND STANDARDS MY WORK. ALL pMEN90NS Of E%ISTNG CONSTRUCTION SNONN ON ME ORAMNGS WST BE N:RIFlEO. $UBCDF1alACld1 SHALL NODfY ME CONTRACTOR Or MY OISCRCPMCIES PRIOR TO WCLUONG MC FIXLOMNG CODES W ORDER dF PRCCFOCNCE: ORDERING 4AltkIAL OR PROCEEDING MM CONSTRUCTION. ME 1997: UNIi0R4 BLDG. COOS STANDARDS MD AY[NDMENTS UNIFORM MECHANICAL CODE STANOMOS MD AMENDMENTS UNIIptY F1RC COOS SIANDM05 AND AYCNDYENTS; UNIFORM PLUM&NC CWE sTMDMDS MD IB. THC EMSDNG ttLL 91E IS IN FULL COMMERCIAL OPCRATION. ANY CONSINUCRON WORK BY PROJECT SITE AMCNDMEN75; LOLL BURDINO COOL pTY/COUNTY ORDWANCES SUBLON1RACidl SHALL NOT pSRUPT ME E%ISTNG NORMAI OPERATION. ANY WORK 011 E%ISTINC ' `.~4 EIXAPMENI MUST BE COONOWATEO WITH CONMAC TOR, Af CONIRALTOR S OPDON, WORK MAY BE SCNEDULEO DURWG M APPROPRIATE YANf[NANGE WWOOW USUA Y FF T P OD 2ND SiREtf RA/CIA-222-1906 f, 807 CONMERpµ BWIDING GRWNDW6 AND BONDING REOUIREMEHTS TOR N LOW RA IC ERI LL S KTER MIOwGHi. 7ElECOYNUMLATONS 19. SINCE THC ttLL 9IE IS ACTK, ALL SAFETY PRECAVDONS MUST BE TAKEN YMEN WORKING ~ AISC. CONSTRUCTION NMUAL, 9U EpRON Oil LATER MOUND HIW1 LEVELS Oi CLECTROMAGNETC RAWADOH, UPON CONiRAC70R'S PERMISSION, 157 $TRECI NFC (NARONµ EIECTRM CODE) 1999 (NFPA ]0) EWIPMENI SHOULD BE SHUTDOWN PRION lU PERfORMNG ANY WptK MAi COULD EXPOSE THE NORKERS t0 DANGER. PERSONµ RF E%POSURC MONITORS IS ADNSEO TO BE WORN TO AIERT Di MY DANGEROUS E%POSURE LEN:LS. C. BRUNDAGE LANE Nptu ULTRA9IE ORAMNC BSU7850B002CSi07 OR LATER RENSION BRUNDAGE LMC WHERE MERE LS A CONNCT BETWEEN CODES, AN EARLIER NANEO (AGE TAKES PRCCEOENCE OVER A LATER NAMCO CODE. Q N ANY SPEOnL CASE Oil CONNLTS OETWEEN SECTIONS OF ANY CODE REGARbWC MATERIALS, METHODS Oi CONSTRUCRON. Ofl OMER REOIBREYENTS ME POST RESTRICBVE SMALL GOVERN. WLIEAE MERE IS CONRIC7 BETWEEN A GENERAL REOUWEMENi MO A SPEC9"IC REOlARENEN T, ME SPECIITC REONREMENT $Hµ1 A GOVERN. BecJFte! Telecommunlwtlons AWS - IG ProJea BRUNDAGE ~ A1A1S 3G UPGRADE 5 CENTER COURT OR S TE SITE NO BAK-CL24 ~~- AT&T TiTLE SHEET AND „ UI 600 1776 ERRITOS LA 90703 . 125 V STREET GENERAL i~DTES , C 16 8601 BANCR$nELD, G. AT6T NRPELEBS SERVICEB. INC. - TEL: (562) 9 916-8651 Sfi 2 I Iy11D $.INN BiREET LO9AIATESFL rA °P'"111p ""~' ~ ' (A%: ( ) ___.. rxr. A4 s rIDKN asDNm w ATA BAK-CL24-01 0 6 5 1 3 2 1 ~I Lo, a ++-a-R+ aRAD Ian CanAaclaN a w au II-H-Ot 45TH IaA IaTNV p W[ RLNSMq N CHK , LtGtNU FIRE EXTINGUISHER N/A' U FIRE SUPRESSION/HALDN N/A UQ FIRE SUPRESSION/FM 700 N/A 0 EMERGCNCY UGIITS N/A OS FIRST AIO KIT N/A ~ EMERGENCY EYE AND SKIN WASH STATION OQ BATTERIES/GEL CELL STAC.Kf.O qMp/HR BATTERY DISCONNECT ___,_.__ qMP N/A (9~ 24VDC POWER BOAHU _3qQ___ qMp. N/q (i D~ <6VDC POWER BOARD ______ AMP. N/A U DC TO DC CONVERTER N/A i7 INVERTER 1 ______ AMP N/A ® INYERTF.R 2 ____ qMP QQ COMMERCIAL AC METER N/A Q ELECTRICAL SERVICE ENTRANCE PANEL 2~y A N/A ® COMMERCIAL AC SERVCE DISCONNECT N/A I© AC TRANSFORMER _____ KVA N/A I® COMMERCIAL AC LOAD CENTER _~(jQ_ AMP IB AC MAIN BREAKER PANEL _ __ POSITION N/n ® AC SURGE SUPRESSOR ____ PRI ____ SEC TRANSFER SNITCH/MANUAL N/A ~ TRANSFER SWITCH/AUTOMATIC N/A ® PORTABLE GENERATOR PLUG N/A ~i STANDBr GENERATOR _____ KW N/A ® AC LEC BOOSTER (S) N/A ® E%fERNAL SECURITY UGH7INC N/A ® TONER OBSTRUCTION LIGHTING CONTROL BOX N/A ® CFCI OU iIET ® IIVAC UNIT ® iHERMOSTAT/HVAC CONTROLS N/A ]I HUMIDIFIER N/A I~ DE HUMIDIFIER (ROOM) N/A ® DE HUMIDIFIER (COA%/WAVEGUIDE) N/A ® SUMP PUMP ® CABLE ENT'HANCE PANEL N/A ® QUARTER WgVE STUB (OWS) ® TELCO BOARD: _____ % _____ N/A ~ TELCO GROUND BAR: _____ % _____ ® MASTER GROUND BAR (MGB): _____ X ___ N/A ~ POWER PLANF RETURN BAR: ____ % ____ Q NIU (5) N/A ~ CU$ (S) N/A ~ PNONE (POTS) N/A ~~ 66 BLOCK N/A ~ O5X PANEL ____ POS. N/A ~ MDF AQ ALARM DEMARCATION ® REC FIFIER __~__ AMP N/A Q VENT INTAKE LOUVER N/A ~f CONTROL UNIT 51 NEW NOKIA BTS EQUIPMENT Bechtel ielecontmunTcatlons AWS • JG Project 17785 CENTCR COURT DR.. SUITE 600 CERRITOS. CA 90707 TEL: (562) 916-6601 FA%: (562) 916-8651 6 -T AS'BV~L 1 I~ ~®Q at q ~' ' 21 O 79 - EKISTINC NORTEL EQUIP. IUNSBIlv ~SY'OWER COjy1Nf[JNICAI - ~ ~ ~u.,,p~r5 ~t,a iNAT(TRE i WOGRO / - ,v CG/+~~/ ~°~Q~,,,....a-e~+-' ~ O c Nq(IA WILL SUPPLY AND ~(1 7~~~~~ INSTATE THE ANCHORS AND REl~1TED HARDWARE ( ~ ;( FOR THC DTS CABINET _ ~ O ~~~ ~~kv FLOOR PLAN NoIE: SECTOR A SUBCONTRACTOR TO VERIFY HORIZONTAL O' DISTANCE DETNEEN T'Ap (2) ADJACENT TDiM ANTENNAS. MI5 DISTANCE SHALL BE A GSN MINIMUM OF 36`. TX2/R%Z T%1/RXI R%2 iDMA T%I/R%I w~ ~Z SECTOR C 240' I - NO GS4 TXI/RX1 -- EXISTING TO REMAIN R%2 EXISTING TO BE REMOVED ~~~~~~ NEW .AIMPER Q NEW ANTENNA E%ISTINC ANTENNA BFI EXISTING COAX CABLE [~ NEW COAX CABLE BRUNDAGE SITE NO. BAK-CL24 175 V STREET flAKf.R5F1ElD, CA. 5 I ~ iDMA T%2/R%7 NONOPOLE TDMA T%1/RXI ~.. TDMA T%2/RX2 EXISTING ANTENNA TO RE REPLKED WITH NEW GSM ANTENNA. (7YP 3) GSM T%I/Rkl R%2 SECTOR B 120' 71 t1 A• ~S A'• E UIPMENT DIMENSIONS NOKIA ULTRASITE BTS INDOOR CABINET TDMA TX,/R%, ANTENNA PLAN NOT TU SCALE ~`. AT&T AT6T WIRELESS SERVICES, INC. 11ez! In B. wB1 BTAB[i LosAxoEMS. u D iI-BY-D1 6511(0 !DA CDBSiIM[DDB Sl SA BBC D1 DB Bew[r Wt[ _ RLV6l01E By pi J ~~~ TRUE ECG Q NORn1 6 ~~DRenl N07E © I 1. SUBCONTRACTOR TO VERIFY IF BREAKERS ~ IN THE OFF POSITION ARE SPARE OR ACIIVE. SUBCON TRACTOR REARRANGE E%ISTING ELECTRICAL CIRCUITS IN THE PANEL TO MAKC ROOM FOR TWO (2) ADJACENT SLOTS FOR NEW BREAKER IF REOUIRCD. ® IF THERE ARE NO AVAILABLE SLOTS. NEW SUB-PANEL SHALL BE INSTALLED 8Y THE SUBCONTRACTOR. SEE DETAIL 3 SHEET 6. LEGEND - EXISTING NEN EONPMENT 2 AWS 3G UPGRADE FLOOR PLAN AND DETAILS 1 C 8 A UNIFIED PROGRAM INSPECTION CHECKLIST SECTION 1: Business Plan and Inventory Program FA~ILI[rl/~' Z,T ~ L~/` ~I~Q7` L~`/S ~~ ~ V r/ ADDRESSD'DRESS r ~.~ V ~t FACILITY CONTACT Prevention Services A ~ E_R s F , >:~ „ 900 Truxtun Ave.; Suite 210 c FIRE Bakersfield, CA 93301 D~ ARTM ~T Tel.: (661) 326-3979 Fax: (661) 872-2171 INSPECTION DAT INSPECTCION TIME 7'-/S'~~ , J G311L. 'SA`G'' OF EMPLOYEES 15-021-0l,~$~~ I. L,~~r~~,IF ~s c1~~~,y r ,-- Section 1: Business Plan and Inventory Program ~_ ~1~~~ ROUTINE ^ COMBINED ^ JOINT AGENCY ^ MULTI-AGENCY ^ COMPLAINT ^ RE-INSPECTION i C V (~==compnance) OPERATION ~ COMMENTS ~ V=Violation ' ^ ^ APPROPRIATE PERMIT ON HAND ^r ^ BUSIneSS PLAN CONTACT INFORMATION ACCURATE •I I ~' ^ VISIBLE ADDRESS ~ ^ CORRECT OCCUPANCY • ^ ~ VERIFICATION OF INVENTORY MATERIALS ^ ^ VERIFICATION OF QUANTITIES ~ ^ VERIFICATION OF LOCATION j ~ Pr ^ PROPER SEGREGATION OF MATERIAL i ^ ^ VERIFICATION OF MSDS AVAILABILITY I ^ ^ VERIFICATION OF HAZ MAT TRAINING E19~ J i ^ ^ VERIFICATION OF ABATEMENT SUPPLIES AND PROCEDURES B' ^ EMERGENCY PROCEDURES ADEQUATE ^ f~ CONTAINERS PROPERLY LABELED ^ HOUSEKEEPING ~^ FIRE PROTECTION j ^ ^ SITE DIAGRAM ADEQUATE & ON HAND ANY HAZARDOUS WASTE ON SvITOE? ^ YES C3%~d'O EXPLAIN: ,~~'' ~~ ~~`iT QUESTIONS REGARD ON? PLEASE CALL US AT (661) 326-3979 Inspector (Please Print) Fire Prevention / 1~' In /Shift of Site/Station # - White -Prevention Services Yellow -Station Copy Business Site /Responsible Party (Please Print) Pink-Business Copy FD 2155 (Rev. 09/05 •ll l "'1 tt '' `~ + CINGULAR WIRELESS 14223 NEW _________________________ SiteID: 015-021-001866 + Manager ~~i~~e~ ~M~ti~- BusPhone: (425) 580-7515 Location: 125 V ST Map 103 CommHaz Low City BAKERSFIELD Grid: 31D FacUnits: 1 AOV: CommCode: BFD STA 06 SIC Code:4813 EPA Numb: DunnBrad:00-698-0080 Emergency Contact / Title Emergency Contact / Title T / ~li~lje,~, VVt WIRELESS NETWORK / CONTROL CENTER Business Phone : ~916T-5~5z 4~ 3~~ ~5~2 Business Phone : ( ) - x 24-Hour Phone (800) 832-6662x 8-6 ~`f /~l 24-Hour Phone (800) 832-6662x ° Pager Phone ( ) - x Pager Phone ( ) - x Hazmat Hazards: RSs Fire ImmHlth Contact Phone: (425) 580-7515x MailAddr: PO BOX 97061 State: WA City REDMOND Zip 98073 Owner NEW CINGULAR WIRELESS PCS LLC Phone: (425) 580-7515x Address PO BOX 97061 State: WA City REDMOND Zip 98073 Period to TotalASTs: = Gal Preparers TotalUSTs: = Gal Certif'd: RSs: Yes ParcelNo: Emergency Directives: ~ PROG A - HAZMAT ENT'D AUG 0 ~ 2006 Based on my inquiry of those Indiv(dU81s responsible for obtaining the information, I certify under penalty of law that I have examined and am familiar with the informa4aioln submitted and believe the information is true, accurate, and complete, Sig lure Da~~ Apo 1~5`~~ -1- 03/08/2006 .J i ~ - -- GENEAAI_ NOTES ~~ , ~~~:. ~, ~~ I. FOR THE PURPLE OF CONSTRUCRON DNAMNG. THE fOLLOMNG DFFlMnOHS SHNL, APPLY: CONTRACTOR - BEOI/EI - ~ -~~. ~- ~ ~/ wBCW niACTVR - CENQiAL CONTRACTOR (CONSTRUCnO!) ~ ` u /' [ ' LL I ~ -YT LL OYMER - AT3T WWr FR S[RVICES 2 PRIOR 1O THE: wOM15901 OF B105, iHC BIOLANG SUBCONTRACTOR 9fALL N9T iNE CF71 4TE 10 V7 ~ ~L~V ~ C.tJn"1 C A T ~ T FAMILIARIZE MiH 71E EO571NG CONOInONS AND 1D CONFlRY THAT 1HF WORK CAN DE 1 . L ACCONPUSHED AE 910WN ON THE COH;TRUCnON OUMNGS. ANY OISG,EPAHCY FOUND 91PL' BE BROUGHT TO 111E AT1ENnON OF CONTRACTOR. 7. ALL MAIEAlAlS FRRN91E0 ANO WSTALLEO SHNL eE IN STRICT ACCORDANCE MiH ALL ~ ' APPLICABLE CW_~ RCCIA,ATI0N5, Arm OROWANCES. wBCONiRACTOR 411NL 1591E ALL - I APPROPRIAF NORCES AND COMPLY MT1 AL' UWS, ORDINAN0:5, RULES, REGULATIONS, ANO LAWFUL ORDERS Of ANY PUBLIC AUTHO,ITY REGMOING iNE PERFORMANCE Di THE WORK. ALL WOIK CNiPoEU Ni SHALL COMPLY MiN CALIFORNIA BUILDING LODE. UTESi EDInON. MECNAMCN AND ElEC7RICAl MORK 91ALL BC IN ACCOTtDNICE MiH ALL APPIJCABIE MUNICWN ~ R E ~ AT & ~~~ ~r E S S SE N qs V ~ C ~ S Alm UIWIY COMPANY 9rEL9lCAOONS'ANO LOCAL JJRISOICTIONN CNCS, ORDWANQS ANO T ^ ~' L ~ ~ {IJ E { f APPLICABLE RENUn015 NL WORK SHALL BE IN ACCORDANCE MTH NFPA-70, 1999 NAlTO1N ~ ~~~~ ELEC,RK: Copt Arm CN1f0iNIA ELECTRIC CODE S~! TE ~+! r~ Signature D NUMBER G 4 p {. ORAMHCS PROWOED HERE ARE NOT l0 BE SCALED AND ARE INTENDED TO SHOW OURWE OTQY. : LG Gen Cont actor ', MNLE59 ND,ED D,HD,MSE. T1[ WT)i1K SHALL INL1°~ FURNISH"` MATERIALS. EWIRAEH ` APPURTENANCE; AND LABO'. NECS'5AHY TO COMPIE,E ALL INS,ALURONS A9 INDIGTF,C ON S ! T E N B R U N Q AG E ~ Construction AME THE'ORAMNGS' : m 8. MAIFAIN SPF.CIFIEI W THE. IABIE' 'RF BW. Oi' MATERIALS' MLL tlE wPRlE1J BY THE ~ '' Engineerinn 9 CONTRACTOR TC 'ME wBCON iHAC iCF, AL OTHER NAlEPoA15 SHAG' Bvz wPPLIEO 9Y _- MC wBC0/TRACTOR. '. n1E wbG]H7RACTOR 91N1. u,STALL ALL EWIPIMFNT AIm 4ATERINS IN ArrnkDANC MTN DRAWING INDEn REV PROJECT 1NFORMA'TI,DN , ~ MANUF'ACTURER'S RECLIAMLNDATKTt9 UNLESS SPEOFlCAL" STALED OTHERM9:. J \ 1 fl IF THE 5'ECIFIm EWIPMEHi CANNOT DE INSTALLED A5 SHOWN M' 'H^:. OUAMNGS, n1C •UBCONTRACTOP. SHALL PROPOiP AN ALTERNAnVT INSTAL IAnON SPa:a FtM APPROVAL BY THE gAK_~„2a-01 T(iLE SHEET AND G'ciV tRAL NOTES Q SCOPE ^v WOIIX: UNMANME. TElECOMWNIGiIONS fACIf1Y VOOIFICAnONS CONTRACTOR. 9. wBCONTRACTOq SHALL OCTERNINE ACTUAL ROUnNG 0' COIDUIT, AOWLR AHD T1 CADIsS. BAK-CL24-02 EQUIPMENT LAYbUi PLAN 0 41E ApORE55: 125 V. 51R. cT BAKF.RSF4:ID, CA CAOUNOING GAUGES AS 910NN ON OiE POMCR, GROUNDING AN0 TELCO PLAN ORAMNC. wBC0H1PALT0R 9!A:L UnLIZE E%ISTWG TRATS ANO/OFt SNNL AUO Ntw 'itAYS As NtCLSSARY. BAK-CL24-Q~ CABLES TC BTS CAE:INET (NOKIA) I 0 LAn]UOE: ~ 76.2919• wOWNTRACTOt SHALL CONFIRM THE ACNAL RWTING MTN n+. cL1.1TRACr9rt ~ (IBBU d 24VDC RF CA3INET) LONGITUOF.: -119.01]3' 10, THE SUBCON iRAC19R SHNL PRO7C.CT 00511NG IMPROVEMENTS. PASE.NENTS, CURBS, :AUOSGPWf. I ANO STRUCTURES. ANY CAMAGEp PART SHN7. BE REPNREO AT wBCONTMCTOR'S El6'EI ISF TG HAK-CL24-04 ANT'cNNA CONFIGURATION ~ 0 ELEVATION: -- ! LP.E SAP.SFAC110N 0 OWNER. '~ B ' ' BAK-CL24-OS HILL OF MATERIALS A.NO CONSTRIJCTfON NOicS O .LRISCXCnON L11Y 6 9N(EHSflELO it. SU CCNTAACTT]R 91AL ILCALLY Q~ PROPERLY DISPOST OF ALL. SCRAP MATERIALS wo! AS CONCH CABLE AND OTNEA IlFMS REMOVED TAOM M- F%ISRNG FA('9.ITY ANTENNAS REMOVED I M NRRET:i VST 'TLL"COMMUNICATOTIS FAOLITY _ I ~ 4fALL a< aEPJRNEC Tc nWNEns UE901ATE.U.LOCAnaN. ~ 6AK-CL24-08 CONSTRUCTION DETAILS AND NOTES I D PHOPGSEL 'JSE ,FJ.FCOMMUNICAnONS FzquiY 12 $UBGUNTRACiOR 9iALL lEA' ~'AREYISE I W . S~ aEAN (:RIO TON. 17. ALL CONCRETE REPAIR W'CFEt SHKL BE OCHE IN ACCORDANC MTH AMERICAN cDNCRETE 'r!('pNITY MAP STRUCTURAL REVIEW i WSnME (AC) 301. I 1{. ANY NEW CONOiETF. nFEOEC FOR THE COHSTRUCnON SHALL HAY.. IOW P9 STRENGTH AI 28 DRIVING DI RECTIO N$: ~ DAYS. ALL CfnCRETING WURK SHALL iC 001E Ih ACCORDANC MTH ACI 718 C'YJE REWIkEYENiS. . FROM SACHAMEHTP AKE IF.R ON,D IST STREE:, IN HWY 99 SCJ7H 'O HWY 5B AS ?O UNION AVENUE YOiRt .LLLT' BENWD V SITEFf s,RULTURN ANN Y4s Is NaT REOUn1FD roR THE Ar. 15. ALL STRIICNRN SitTL WORK SHALL BE DONE W ACfAROANC~ MIY RISC SPEp RCA nON I IB. cvHSTRUCnaN E;.IALL crA1PLY w7N sPEartLAnoN 2{623~`1o-3P5-AOOZ-00001. "CENERN I LGNSmucnor: aERN¢^ FDR cavsTRULnoN ~ Aws z: 9TE5 • NAArovBS EI _ >- ~ ~ m :-~9oa . c z APPLICABLE CODES AND STANDARDS . m 1 A a ~I)_ s ~- ~ :i. SURCONntACTOR SNAIL YEMFY ALL EIOSnNG DIMEN9CN5 AND CONOnONS PPoOF 7O COAL 4CINC I ~ ~. ,, ~-~~ 1 HT`S BVILDINC. CODE: UMFCRM BUIIDWC CODE 1997 I 1 ANY MVYD(. ALL DRAEN90N5 Cr CNISRNG CONSIRUCO01 SNOMi UN THE DRAwYCS M!'- D'. VER9LLO. wUCOVTRALTOR 91ALL NOnFY THE CONTRACTOR OF ANY DISCRFPANCIF9 PY.OR !O I ~ WA -- 1 °I ~ 7 U ~ j Nl WMK 15 TO COMPLY MTH. 711E 1999 CNIFORNIA BUILD1Ni: l'ODE(~OC) AMENOMEM1'"i ANC :,i ANGAR05 ORDFAWC MATERIAL OR PROCEEpNG MR/ CONSTRUCTION. yy,~ _ ., ~: _ ~ , IN0.UOMG THE FOLLOMNC CODES IN OMEN OF PRECEDENCE: ID. THE E%ILRNO CELL 511E 5 IM NLL COMMERdK OPtAA110N. ANY CONSiRUCTIOF. WORK BY _ S 1T 9 'I - } ~1t7eJ@CT'SITE"'{ ~`O ~ R1E 199], UNIFORM BLDG. LCOC STANDAFtOS AND ANENOMENTS: UNIFORM MECHANICN CODE STANDARDS ANO SUBCONTRACTOR SHALL NOT 09,UPT 1HE E%ISDNG NORMAL OPERAn01. ANY VOID( dJ E%ISnNC 'WIPMENT MUST BE COOROINATRI MTh' CONIAACT L T ' ` 2wG - ~~ `W a1S ~! - ` AMENDMENTS. UNIFORM F1RC CODE SiAN0AR05 AND AMCNOYENTS: UNIFORM PLUNTLNG CCOF. STANDAR05 ANO ' O . A CONIRACIOR S OPnON, WORK MAY BC SCXEOUlEO FOi AN APPROPWAIE MAINIENANC MNOOW UwALLY W LOW TRNRC PERIWS A,TER MIDNIGHT. ~ S Y O 91) WMon.s.~ ~ 4 - ~ AMEHUMENiS; LOCH BOLDING l OOE; CITY/CNNTY OmINANCES. RA F IA-222-199b F 807 C'JMMEROAL BUILDING GROUNgNC AND BONDIN RE - - - y __ b a ' ~ / . , G CJIREYENiS FO, TElELWMUNK AnONS 19. ONCE THE CEIl 9,F. IS ACRVE. ALL SAFETY PRECAIInONS MUST BE TAKEN WHEN MV,KING - - L r :,} ~, '. I . ARNND HIGH LEV415 OF ELECTROMAGNETC RADIAnON. VPON CONTRACT02'S FERM1590N, ENIPYENl 91NL0 BE 9iU TOOMJ PRIOR 10 PEAFORNING ANY WORK THAT COULD ^(POSL 11~ Bfun9d9 y_B^`^~°N _ 4 '. ~~~_ MSC. CON57RUC,ION NANUN. 9N mInON OR UTII,. MOItKERS i0 DANCER. PERSONAL RF EXPOSUTE MOMTORS 15 AONSm TO BE WORN 10 ALERT 0 ANY DANGEROUS E11PO9,RS LEVELS _ S 5; _~~ Taia[nCZi ~, `^ NEC (NARONN REC,RIL CODE) 1999 (NFPA 7p) e;~':emu Y , U_- - ,_`; / L n~ro9 .~J~ CAUImR Or n ~-~ --'---_- NOKIA L'LTRA4TL' OHAMNC Uw7650B002CST21 OR LATER RE'A90N s "~A:' _ i5 _ -`_ _- -.__. c_a W.zD..... I'~ rTrrxr_WaY ~ --I M1CRE THERE IS A CONNCT 9FIWEEN OWES AN EARLIER NAMED CODE TAKES PAECF.UENCE OVER A U1ETt NAMED CME. MfeGnC Or 1f3 . _ "' ~ IN ANY SPECIFIC CAST OR CONILCTS UEIWELN SECRONS ar ANT CODE REGARDING MATEAIAL. METHODS OF b2n00 AAZeO r CONSTRUCnON'. OR OTHER 4FOOREMENTS. THE MOST RESIRICRVE SHALL, CAVERN. WHERE THER- 15 CONNCi BEMEE.N A GF.NERN REOUIREMENi AND A SPECR'IC REQUIREMENT, THE SPECIFIC RENIREMENi SHALL GOVERN. 8eci,1'e! TckecomrnE~elbne I HFiUNDAGE AN5 - Complex CroErN, Project ~ sRE No. CL24 ( = AT&T ~~ I I I 1 I I 11 I AWS COMPLEX GROM?H TfTLE SHEET AND 12900 PARK PUZA DRIVE I E ~ (C 6 ' 1 ATBT WIRELESS SERVICES. LNG zC/vic~ naa; armnlCTw fen cy wmAn ANC M ca I GENERAL NOTES A R 7 F1 7 CERRITCS. CA 90703 i USID: 9533 n9C9 PARK PLwxA oravE LEAWTOS U C ~~ 0zzz m (oxc Rrvl ~- CPaWU1c xIAI ~ . I i _ 1 oE9cMn jMTNw: Arc ~ 2{897 FMK-CL2a-Ot 0 ! ~ • LEGEND FIRE EXPNGUISLIER ' N/A IO FIRE SUPRESSION/HAI.ON N/A Q FlRE SUPRESSION/FM 200 N/A (~ EMERGENCY UGH TS Q FIRST AID KIT N/A C EMERGENCY EYE AND SKIN WASH STATION ~' 2" Qi BATTERIES/GEL CELL AMP/HR ~ ~_---~ I N/A Q BATTE2Y DISCONNECT AMP ~ Q 24VDC POW<R 90ARD tnn P ~~ ' \ II,..G,. TRU E _ AM I / ` r-- - ~ R NO TH N/A ® 481.OC POWER BOARD _- AMP / ( ( I j N/A I n DC 70 OC CONVERTER N~ __;_^i ~' N_ ~ - --- v ~- ~ f - ! ~ I N/A 1® INVERTER 1 AMP - --I-.~-~ I ' __ - ~ _-- ` --- - _ U T ~ - T/T' "~ h'/A 0 INVERTER 2 AMP ~ 11 JO ! V / O O O ! 4t ~~ ! ~ I N/A © ~COMMERCIAI AC METER YI ~ i _ r" -i ~ NSA ~ ELECTRICAL SERVICE ENTRANCE PANEL J O ~• i (..~.,-_ _- _ ' ~ ~...... 29 ( COMMERCIAL AC SERVICE DISCONNEC' ^ ~ ---y--ti i NpR i. URTL t ~ NCmEI r N i N oRTEI I i ! I NIA N I ~7 AC TRANSFORMER __ KVA I L~ O i I- i _...._ _J _ ~ I , I __.! ___.._ .. A ~BU~~T /A ~ COMMERCIAL AC LOAD CF.NTFR _ AMP ^ . ICI _...... r ~; ~ •a: AC MAIN BR~AK° ANE! 2GOA ~~ ` ~ i / ; C' • I _ ~ ' C7. IgnQtllr@ Date 4:G`:il). F''~l•'ty N/A AC SURGE SUPRL SSOR __ PRI SEC ~' ~ ' ' ~ l ~ ~I6" I t i I CD _~ f 1 C . t ® TRANS ICH ER SW~ /MANUAL ~ ~ _ _` ~'iiT ---- - _ ~_- ~ ~ , ,y ~ _ _ - ~ ? Gen. Co~~tr3C E ~-_ ~~ ~~ / N A N/A iTiANSFTR SWSTCH/AUTOMARC ® P ' I ~ ~ I/ I O7 1 ~ ~ ii j / jj 1oj ~y I ~ i j 5 ~ CiOnEr~L°U~:TIC"~ __~ - ' N/A OFiTA6(c GENERATOR PLUG ~ STANDBY GENERATOR KW /~ j v---- IV-" i~--y ~ ! -'O~ i m Engineering N/A j N/A • ~ AC LEC BOOSTER (S) ~? EXTERNAL SECURITY LIGHTING , I O © i~ I FUT 68U I 4VD !I ~ ~ Il 2 C~ I I ~ !! N/A N/A I ~ 'OWER OBSTRUCRON LIGHRNG CONTROL BOX ~ OFCI OUTLT ~ . -'-' '.' -"-- ~ ""'1 -_ -._~ -_-- l5 _ ~ ~ ® HVAC UNIT i .. I THEPMOSTAi /NyAC CONTROLS ~._C. _._ N/A ]t HUMIDIFlER' ~ ' N/A 5~ DE HUMIDIFlEP.' (ROOM) N/A G~ DE HUMIDIFlER (COAX/WAI~cGU1D[) N/A ~i SUMP PUMP ~ ~ CABLE ENTRANCE. PANEL/ PORT ' N/A ~S QUARTER WAVE STUB (OWS) ® TELCO BOARD: ~:- X -_ I N/A ~ I ~ TELCC' :.'ir DUN.. HAR: ___. ` v ~ i~ MASTER GROUND 6AR (MGB): t>~ X '" N/A i ® POWER PLANT RE?URN BAR: X 41 NIU (S) FLCUR ?Lp,N (GROUND) N/A F~ PHONE (POTS] N/A ® 66 BLOCK N/A ® OSX PANEL POS. N/A ~y MDF © ALARM DEMARCATION' I(/~ ARCUS RECRF'IER LEGEND N/A ® Yc'NT INTAKE LOUVER -- EXISTING ' N/A ® CDNTROL UNIT - NEW EQUIPMENT ---- FUNRE A Bechtel Teferortmuticationa BR<R~AGE I AWS COMPLrOC GRON?H AWS - Corr lez C~owlh Project StTE NO CL24 I AT~T ~ I I EOUIPMEM LAYOUT P~ p ~ 1290C PARK PLAZA RIV . '2S v SiRE I D E CEFRITOS CA 9 70 . ~~ 2AKERSFlEUI, G ATd7 WIRELE66 SERVICES INC. to/u/ai mun tox a.mm ~X« t~ m wm..n Inm t ~" ~ } . 0 VSIC: 95}} I ump pppR p~4 spyE GFIUYIO9,G ar, r a.~mora ~ pM pp~~ w4ew _ _ o [aKa n1c Iwwrn: •uc 24il7 CAX{:Ia-D3 _ D :i" . . UNIFIED PROGRAM INSPECTION CHECKLIST SECTION 1 Business .Plan and Inventory Program • Bakersfield Fire Dept. Environmental Services 900 Truxtun Ave., Suite 210 Bakersfield, CA 93301 Tel: (661) 326-3979 FACIL ADDRESS PHONE No. No. of Employees ~~ -~----- s t------------------- ---.- _-------- ------- ---- - -- -- -- ._ --- -- ~-- ---- - - 3 - ~ ~ ~ -- I----- ~- FACILITYCyNTACT Business 10 Number t/d~ ~.~//~00 !~~ L 15-021- 00/~~~ Section 1: Business Plan and Inventory Program ~utine O Combined ^ Joint Agency ^Mnlti-Agency ^ Complaint ^ Re-inspection ~_J C V \V=Vwationnoel OPERATION COMMENTS ^ ^ APPROPRIATE PERMIT ON HAND ^ ^ BUSINESS PLAN CONTACT INFORMATION ACCURATE H ^ VISIBLE ADDRESS ~ i _ _ _ . _... - __ _.. __... - LT L7 CORRECT OCCUPANCY ^ ^ ~ VERIFICATION OF INVENTORY MATERIALS ^ ^ VERIFICATION OF QUANTITIES ^ ^ VERIFICATION OF LOCATION _._. ^ ^ PROPER SEGREGATION OF MATERIAL --- i ^ ^ -------- VERIFICATION OF MSDS AVAILABILITYE - --------...--- -- --- III ^ ^ -- - -- - --_ .._.-._...._ .. -- ---..__._ ._ ...._ VERIFICATION OF FIAT MAT TRAINING ..-7 _. _... _. - ^ ^ VERIFICATION OF ABATEMENT SUPPLIES AND PROCEDURES ^ ^ EMERGENCY PROCEDURES ADEQUATE ---- ^ ^ -------...__ _-------.._..-----_------------- --------------------_..._ .-_ CONTAINERS PROPERLY LABELED ..I ...-- ---.. __ _ _...- -- - - -- --. _ . __ -- - --__ __ __ ---. _. _ --- - ^ ^ HOUSEKEEPING ^ ^. FIRE PROTECTION - - -- ^ ^ SITE DIAGRAM ADEQUATE ~ ON HAND ANY HAZARD/O,US, /WASTE~,ON/SITE~: OYES ^ NO ExPLAIN: (/~ N ~i~'?V ~O ~~ ~ ~s~ • QUESTIO REGARDING THIS INSPECTION? PLEASE CALL SAT 661 326-3979 ,~ ~ -- ----%__~~~C-------------Y,~-~~___~~.~--- - _ - - In ctor Please Print Fire Prevention tst-In/Shi t sPe ( ) ft o Slte White - EnvironmenUl Services Velkn~r -Station Copy Business Site Responsible Party (Please Print) 8 N Pink -Business Copy ~