HomeMy WebLinkAboutUST-REPORT 8/27/2007a ~~ `LUCKY 7 STORE " _ _- - ~. 2501 White Ln ~ ~ ~_ ,/ J ;; ~ . d r -- ~, , ~ ~~ ~~ ~ ~~ ~ ,~ u ~~~~~1~ fy\ . ~~ !/I J - 1 ,~ ~~ 1~ /' ~,\ a ~~ \ . %, ` 1' i ~ . ~i .j ~ 3 i ~ ~~, i I ~ ~ ~,~ i~ ~ ~~ -~ '~ UNDERGROUND STORAGE TANKS UNIFIED PROGRAM CONSOLIDATED FORMS APPLICATION UST FACILITY (STATE FORM A) TYPE OF ACTION. (Check one item only) ^ t. NEW SITE PERMIT ^ 2. INTERIM PERMIT BAKERSFIELD FIRE DEPARTMEiNT ~~ Prevention Services ~~ s a x s n t n 1600 Truxtun Ave., Suite 401 ~~ !~'JR! Bakersfield, CA 93301 a1RTM r Phone: 661-326-3979 . Fax: 661-85 - i Page 1 of 2 ) ~ ~ 1 ~ ~/~, ~ i a5~ ` 1 / ~ ^ 3. RENEWAL PERMIT ^ 5. CHANGE OF INFORMATION (Specify change- ^ 7. PERMANENTLY CLOSED SITE ^ 4. AMENDED PERMIT bcal use only) _- ^ ^^ -! ^ 8. TANK REMOVED 400 i i. FACILITY/SI TE INFORMATION USINESS NAM (Same as FACILITY AME or DBA-Doing usines As) s AGILITY ID No ~ f ~/ ~. EAREST CROSS STREET aoi AC IT WNER TYPE 1. CORPORATION ^ 4. LOCAL AGENCY/DISTRICT' p ~ ~. ~ / `\ ~ ~ ^ 2. INDIVIDUAL ^ 5. COUNTY AGENCY' ^ 3. PARTNERSHIP ^ 6. STATE AGENCY' ` ~ ~ ^ Z• FEDERAL AGENCY' ao2 USINESS'TYPE T RC G 2 4 2007 f ^ 2. DISTRIBUTOR ^ 4. PROCESSOR ^ 6.O THER En, p p,~ 1~ OTAL NUMBER OF TANKS Is facility on Indian Reservatio If owner of UST a public agency: Give the EMAINING AT SITE aoa Trust lands? ^ Yes o aos Name of supervisor of division, section or office hich operates the UST. (This is the contact arson for the tank records.) (Please print Contact person's name) ao il. PROPERTY OWNER INFORMATION - ROPERTY OWNER NAME - ~ aor O aoe J _ t~ AILING OR STREET ADDRESS - aos ~ 4~ 3 ~ ~ ~ °~~ c ~ ~, ~ ITY t 410 STA - at O at ROPERTY OWNER TYPE f7"~CORPOFt N ^ 2. INDIVIDUAL ^ 4. LOCAL AGENCY/ DISTRICT ~ ^ 6. STATE AGENCY O 3 .PARTNERSHIP ^ 5. COUNTY AGENCY ^ 7. FEDERAL AGENCY ars III. TANK OWNER INFORMATION ANK OWNER NAME ata ~ ~ HONE ais r `` ~1 Vr rp~~ f ` ~ V AILING OR STREET ADDRESS t ass o~ I c.3S ~ - ~~ , 3~ ~. ~ ~~~~~T~r ITY 41 STA E - - aye ZIP CODE ats ANK OWNER TYPE r CORPORA ON ^ 2.INDIVIDUAL ^ 4. LOCAL AGENCY/ DISTRICT 6. STATE AGENCY a 3. PARTNERSHIP ^ 5. COUNTY AGENCY ^ 7. FEDERAL AGENCY azo IV. B ARD OF E UALIZATION ST T RAGE FEE Y (TK) HO 4 4 Call (916) 322-9669 if questions arise 421 V: PETROLEUM UST FINANCIAL RESPONSIBILITY ^ 1.SELF-INSURED ^ S. LETTER OF CREDIT ^ 9. STATE FUND & CD INDICATE METHOD(S) ^ 2. GUARANTEE ^ 6. EXEMPTION ^ 10. LOCAL GOVT MECHANISM ^ 3. INSURANCE ^ 7. STATE FUND ^ 99. OTHER: ^ 4. SURETY BOND ^ e. STATE FUND & CFO LETTER azz VI. LEGAL NOTIFICATION AND MAILING ADDRESS heck one box to indicate which address should be used for legal notifications and mailing. Legal notifications and mailings will be sent to the tank owner unless box 1 or 2 is checked. ^ 1. FACILITY ^ 2. PROPERTY OWNER ^ 3. TANK OWNER az .VII. APPLICANT SIGNATURE ertification: I art that the information rovided herein is ue and accurate to the best of m knowled e. IGNATURE OF APPLICANT ~ apa ATE a25 PHON az ~ .~ ~ 02 ~ ° ~ -~3 72Z AME OF APPLICANT (print) ~~, pp ` lC az~ TITLE O APPLIC NT /~ az TATE UST FACILITY NUMB R (For local use on) a2s 1998 UPGRADE CERTIFICAT NUMBER (For local use only) as r" FD 2093 (Rev. oslo5) UNDERGROUND STORAGE TANKS UNIFIED PROGRAM CONSOLIDATED FORMS INSTRUCTIONS UST FACILITY (STATE FORM A) Complete the UST- Facility page for all new permits, permit changes any facility information changes. This page must be submitted within 30 days of permit or facility information changes, . unless approval is required before malting any changes. Submit one UST -Facility page per faality, regardless of the number of tanks located at the site. This form is completed by either the permit applicant or the local agency underground tank inspector. As par of the application, the tank owner must submit a scaled facility plot plan to the local agency showing the location of the US Ts with respect to buildings and landmarks [23 CCR 2711(a)(8)], a description of the tank and ping leak detection monitoring program (23 CCR 32711(a)(9)], and, for tanks containing petroleum, documentation showing compliance with state financial responsibility requirements [23 CCR2711(a)(1 i )]. Refer to [23 CCR 2711 ] for state UST information and permit application requirements. (Note: The numbering of the instructions follows the data element numbers that are on the UPCF pages. These data element numbers are used for electronic submission and are the same as the numbering used in 27 CCR, Appendix C, the Business Section of the Unified Program Data Dictionary.) Please number all pages of your submittal. This helps your CUPA or local agency identify whether the submittal is complete and 'rf any pages are separated. 1. FACILRY lD NUMBER -Leave this blank. This number is assigned by the CUPA. This is the unique number which identifies your facility. 3. BUSINESS NAME - Entes the full legal name of the business. 400. TYPE OF ACTION -Check the reason the page is being completed. CHECK ONE ITEM ONLY. 401. NEAREST CROSS STREET -Eater the name of the cross street nearest to the site of the tank. 402. FACILITY OWNER TYPE -Check the type of business ownership. 403. BUSINES S TYPE -Check the type of business. 404. TOTAL NUMBER OF TANKS REMAINING AT SITE - Indicate the number of tanks remaining on the site after the requested action. 405. INDIAN OR TRUST LAND -Check whether or not the facility is located on an Indian reservation or other trust lands. 406. PUBLIC AGENCY SUPERVISOR NAME - If the facility owner is a public agency, enter the name of the supervisor for the division, section or office which operates the UST. This person must have access to the tank recorcts. 407. PROPERTY OWNER NAME-Complete items407-412 for the properly owner, unless all items are the same as the Owner Inforrnaton (items 111-116) on the Business Owner/Operator ideMificaton page. 408. PROPERTY OWNER PHONE-Owner/Operator identrfication page, if the same. 409. PROPERTY OWNER PROPERTY OWNER MAILING OR STREET ADDRESS-Owner/Operator identificaton page, 'rf the same. 410. PROPERTY OWNER CITY-Owner/Operator identficaton page, if the same. 411. PROPERTY OWNER STATE-Owner/Operator identifcaton page, if the same. -Owner/Operator identrficaton page, if the same. 412. PROPERTY OWNER aP CODE-Owner/Operator identficaton page, rf the same. 413. PROPERTY OWNER TYPE -Check the type of property ownership. 414. TANK OWNER NAME -Complete items 414 419 for the tank owner unless all items are the same as the Owner Information (items 111-116) on the Business Owner/Operator Identification page), if `;, 3 S R S P 1 ~ Ir/R! ARTM T ~.....~. BAKERSFIELD FIRE DEPARTMENT , Prevention Services ;~ 1600 Truxtun Ave., Suite 401 Bakersfield, CA 93301 Phone: 661-326-3979 • Fax: 661-852-2171 Page 2 of 2 the same. 415. TANK OWNER PHONE -0wner/Operator identrfication page, 'rf the same. 416. TANK OWNER MAILING OR STREET ADDRESS- Owner/Operator Identification page (OES Form 2730), if the same. 417. TANK OWNER CITY-0wner/Operator identrfication page, 'rf the same. 418. TANK OWNER STATE-Owner/Operator identrfication page, 'rf the same. 419. TANK OWNER ZIP CODE-Owner/Operator identrfication page, if the same. 420. TANK OWNER TYPE -Check the type of tank ownership. 421. BOE NUMBER -Enter your Board of Equalization (BOE) UST storage fee account number. This fee applies to regulated USTs storing petroleum products. This is required before your permit application can be proms. If you do not have an account number with the BOE or if you have any questions regarding the fee or exemptions, please call the BOE at (916) 322-9669 or write to the BOE at Board of Equalization, Fuel Taxes Division, P.O. Box 942879, Sacramento, CA 94279-0030. 422. PETROLEUM UST FINANCIAL RESPONSIBIUTYCODE - Checkthe method(s) used by the owner and/or operator in meeting the Federal and State financial responsibility requirements. CHECK ALL THAT APPLY. If the method is not listed, check (r other) and enter the method(s). USTs owned by any Federal or State agency and non - petroleum USTs are exempt from this requirement. 423. LEGAL NOTIFICATION AND MAILING ADDRESS - Indicate the address to which legal notficatons and mailings should be sent. The legal notifications and mailings will be sent to the tank owner unless the facility (box 1) or the property owner (box 2) Is checked. 424. SIGNATURE OFAPPLICANT-The business owner/operator of the tank facility, or officially designated representative of the owner/ operator, shall sign in the space provided. This signature certifies that the signer believes that all the information submitted Is accurate and complete. 425. DATE CERTIFIED - Enter the date that the page was signed. 426. APPLICANT PHONE -Enter the phone number of the applicant (person certifying). 427. APPLICANT NAME -Enter the full printed name of the person signing the page. 428. APPLICANT TfTLE -Enter the tle of the person signing the page. 429. STATE UST FACIUTYNUMBER -Leave this blank. This number is assigned by the CUPA as follows: the number is composed of the two digit county number ,the three digit jurisdicton number, and a six digit facility number. The facil'ily number must be the same as shown in item 1. 430. 1998 UPGRADE CERTIFICATE NUMBER -Leave this blank. This number is assigned bythe CUPA. FD 2093 (Rev. o9/os) i b Gerardo & Robin Fuentes P.O. Box 9245 Bakersfield, CA 93389 April 18, 2006 Gina Ham Lucky 7 Market 2501 White Lane Bakersfield, CA 93304 Dear Gina: This letter is to inform you that we have formed a Corporation and that the rent checks and any other correspondences will need to go to a new name and address effective immediately. Gerardo and I can still be reached at our usual phone numbers. The new name and address is as follows: , , n~_~ r _ ~' .. a .... r: ~~. 111. / ,, Gamino Real, LP ~= t-~ 7"Y ~,F. 13061 Rosedale Hwy, Ste G, PMB 137 t~ Bakersfield, CA 93314 If you have any questions or concerns, please call Gerardo at 661-904-7087 or Robin at 661-904-9443. Thank you for your cooperation with this change. Regards, . ~~ ~ _ ?~~~ 4.,~,,~t.~.Q.M~ ~ .: _.__ _ .__..,.. ..Robin-Faerttes--_~..,_ __..__~_~ _ _ ~~:._~__.~.:_____.. ___~_ ___._ l~//tE ~II~TM T July 11, 2006 Ms. Gina Ham Lucky 7 2501 White Lane RONALD J. FRAZE Bakersfield, CA 93304 . FIRE CHIEF Re: Designated Operator Gary Hutton, Senior Deputy Chief i Dear Ms. Ham: Adminisdration i 326-3650 ' On April 24, 2006, this office conducted its annual facility inspec#ion at the above- . 1 referenced address. Deputy Quef Dean Clason Operations/Training ~ During that inspection, it was noted that you had no been using a Designated 326652 ; Operator which is required bylaw. Deputy Chief Kirk Blair i This office, to ensure that you are following the provisions Title 23 of the California Fire Safety/PreventionSarvices ; Code of Regulations, is requesting copies of your designated operator written 326-3653 , report for the following months: 2101 "H" Street April-2006, May-2006, June-2006. Bakersfield, CA 93301 f OFFICE: (661) 326-3941 ' Please send copies to my attention by August 1, 2006 at the following address: / FAX: (661)852-2170 j ' (A~ ~ Steve Underwood, Fire Prevention 4ff'icer . •'V ~ 1 Bakersfield Fire Department ~ 900 Truxtrun Avenue, Suite 210 RALPH E. HLTEY, DIRECTOR ~ Bakersfield, CA 93301 PREVENTION SERVICES ~~"''~""`~ 1 Failure to comply will result in another site visit inspection and Notice of Violation. 900 Truxtun Avenue, Suite 210 ~ Bakersfield. CA 93301 i OFFICE: (661) 326-3979 I Should you have any questions, please feel free to call me at 661-326-3190. FAX: (661)852 2171 ~ - f _ Sincerely, _ David Weirathsr - - - - Fire Plans Examiner ( Ralph E. Huey, 325-3706 ; ~ DIRECTOR OF PREVENTION SERVICES Howard H. Wines, ill ~ Hazardous Materials Specialist 326-3649 I ! By: stave Underwood, Fire Prevention Officer REH/SU/db - ' Designated Underground Storage Tank {UST) Operator Monthly Visual Inspection Checklist Facili Name: ~ -Date: ~- 6 O Facili Address: p ~ t-~, Ci - e (d C Z• Code: ~ p Desi Hated UST erator Conductin the ection: •.wGt Gf • International Co Council Cert•fi anon #: ~Z° Ex iration Date: ~ / i 3 / D Si nature: Phoae: -- 3 Z Z v vc i i - - v ~ vec_ rv @ rvo. rvw =Hoc Anoucame Item MONITORING PANEL /ALARM HISTORY Y N NA 1 Monitorin s tem is owered on and in ro er o satin mode, 2 Monitorin s stem is not currentl showin an alarms or warnin s. ' ~ ~ 3 Alarm history report /log for the.previous month is available, and has been reviewed by the Desi Hated UST erator. (Attach a co o the alarm histo re ort /lo to this orm i availabble. ~ 4 Each alarm for the revious month-has been res onded to a ro riatel . ~~ 5 Sensors located in tank-to containment su shave not alarctted in the ast month. Sa _ List all tank-top sumps where alarms occurred in the past month: Note:.Sumps where an alarm l~at occurred in the past month must be inspected unless a qualifred service technician responder/ to, and properly addressed, the cause ojthe alarm. Attach documentation verifying appropriate service to this report. I sum ins ection is re aired, rewrd results in item 6, beto-+~ U5T SYSTEM INSPECTION • _ 6 Tank-top containment sumps are free of water, debris, and hazardous substance. Sensors are located properly. Note: Visual ins ection o sum s fs onh~ r Fred in sum s where an alarm has occurred in the ast month or which there is no service record. Y N - Y N Sum Location: Sum Location: Sum Location: Sun: Location: Sum Location: Sum Location: 7 Sill containment structures are free of water, debris, "and hazardous substance. Y N NA Y N NA Tank 1-Contents: N L ~/ Tank 3-Contents: ~P L Tank 2 -Contents: i/ Tank 4 -Contents: 8 Under-dis enser containment areas are free of water, debris, and hazardous substance. Sensors are Located ro erl . Y N NA Y N NA _ Dis enser / / 2 ~ Dis enser 9 / ! 0 Dis etuer 3 / 4 ~l Dis enser 11 / 12 Dis enser S / 6 Dis enser 13 / 14 Dis enser '7 / 8 Dis enser 1 S / l6 PAPERWORK WSPECTION Y N NA DATE DONE 9 Monitorine s stem certiftcation has been co feted within ast 12 months. 10 Second containment tests have been co feted within the re aired timeframe. J 1 1 Sill containment structur"e bucket) testin was com feted within the ast ear. Y: 12 Tank tiehtness testine was co feted within re aired timeframe. ~/ ~13 Line ti hmess testin was com feted within re aired timeframe. 14 Other re aired testin maintenance was com feted within re wired timeframe. (List test/maintenance items beloti~~.l Test/Maintenance: Test/Maintenance: Test/Maintenance: FACILITY EMFLOYEE .TRAINING Y N NA 1 S All facilit em to ees have received the re aired on-the-'ob trainin within the ast ear. _ 16 All facilit em to ees hired within the ast 30 da shave received the re aired on-the-'ob trainin . Dote: Any answer o,C "N" should be explained in the comment section on the following page, aad will require follow-up action. " Page 1 of 2 ~ September 2004 ~ritS:. ~j/ VISii~' O~~Ie ~T ~~ 8' Cl~ ~'.i1~ifDXt13$ .5. COiZnGi~ _ ~~. 10i GOnj~ Of ~ e~EtC The DesigoatediTST°,Qo~ amt tom' the.mc~xvisu~~ ~-ma~;roq The UST Owner ~~ -: ~ a~tt~chments ~ ~ pYeirious..i2 TLe ~ may, off-eke ~ a redly ~.~ t:•. i.~~~'. . , ~.~. :~~~ s~ ,~ WP Officejet 7310xi Personal Printer/Fax/Copier/Scanner Log for Apr 26 2006 12:27PM Last Transaction Date Time Tvpe Identification Apr 26 12:27PM Fax Sent 8522171 Duration Pages Result 0:48 1 OK - Designated Underground Storage Tank (UST) Operator Monthly Visual Inspection Checklist r Facili Name: (,~ ~ Date: ~ S- .~..~' Facili Address: ~'(`~ `fit I {=~ Cit r =~ ~ Zi Code: Desi Hated UST O erato Conductin the Ins ection: ~ International Co Council Cert'fi ation #: ~ Ex iration Date: 2„ / / p Si nature: Phone; - - ZZ 1~ l~ ~/ ~ ~ ' Y = Yes, N = No, NA =Not Applicable Item MONITORING PANEL /ALARM HISTORY Y N NA } Monitorin s stem is owered on and ut ro er o eratin mode. 2 Monitorin s stem is not currentl showin an alarms or warnin s. 3 Alarm history report /log for the previous month is available, and has been reviewed by the Desi Hated UST O erator. (Attach a co o the alarm histot re ort /lo to this orm i available. J 4 Each alarm for the revious month has been res onded to a ro riate! . 5 Sensors located in tank-to containment sum shave not alarrtted in the ast month. Sa _ List all tank-top sumps where alarms occurred in the past month: Nate: Sumps where an alarm bas occurred in dre past month must be inspected unless n qualified service technician responded ro, and properly addressed, the cause of the afar»r. Attach documentation verifying appropriate §ervice to dris report. l sum ins ection is re uired, record results in lien: 6, below. UST SYSTEM INSPECTION 6 Tank-top containment sumps are free of water, debris, and hazardous substance. Sensors are located properly. Note: Visun/ins ection o sum s is onJv re uired in sum s where nn alarm has occurred in the nsr month or whi~li there is no service retard. Y N Y N Sum Location: Sum Location: Sum Location: Sunz Location: Sum Location: Sum Location: ~ S il} containment structures are free of water, debris, and hazardous substance. Y N NA Y N NA Tank 1 -Contents: ~ L - '~ Tank 3 -Contents: 5 •C~1' t- Tank 2 -Contents: ~(~ _ Tank 4 -Contents: 8 Under-dis enser containment areas are free of water, debris, and hazardous substance. Sensors are located ro er] . Y N NA Y N NA Dis enser I / 2 / Dis enser 9 / 10 Dis enser 3 / 4 / Dis enser 1 / / 12 Dis enser S / 6 Dis enser l3 / ! 4 Dis enser 7/ 8 Dis enser 1 S/ I b PAPERWORK INSPECTION Y 1\' NA DATE DONE 9 Monitorine s stem certification has been tom leted within ast 12 months. 10 Secondar containment tests have been tom leted within the re uired timeframe. ~f 1 1 Sill containment structure bucket) testin was tom leted within the ast ear. E/ 12 Taal: tiehtness testing was tom leted within re uired timeframe. ~ 13 Line ti htness testin was tom leted within re uired timeframe. ~% 14 Other re uired testin /maintenance was tom leted within re uired timeframe. (List test/maintenance items beloti~~.) Test/Maintenance: Test/Maintenance: Test/Maintenance.• FACILITY EMPLOYEE TRAINING Y N N 15 All facilit em to ees have received the re uired on-the-'ob trainin within the ast ear. -- 16 All facilit em to ees hired within the ast 30 da shave received the re uired on-the-'ob trainin 1/ ~ Note: Any answer of "N" should be explained in the comment section on the following page, and will require follow-up action. Page 1 of 2 September 2004 Designated Underground Storage Tank (UST} Operator Monthly Visual Inspection Checklist Facili Name: ~ G ~ ~ ~ .Date: ..-- p Facili Address: p ' Ci ; ~ t- -•-.P Z' Code: ~ O Desi Hated UST O erator Conductin the ection; International Co Council Ce 'fi anon #: «. Ex iratian Date: / - / Si nature: - Phone: -~ ~- ~' Z. ' - Y ~ Yes, N o No, NA = Not A livable Item MOMTORING PANEL /ALARM HISTORY Y N NA 1 Monitorin s tem is owered on and in ro er o ratio mode. 2 Monitorin s tem is not current) sbowin an alarms or warnin s. 3 Alarm history report /log for the previous month is available, and has been reviewed by the Desi Hated UST rator. Attach a co o the alarm histo re ort /lo to this orm i available. 4 Each alarm for the revious month has been re onded to a ro riatel . 5 Sensors located in tank-to containment su shave not. alarrrted in the ast month. Sa _ List alI tank-top sumps where alarms occurred in the past month: Note: Sumps where an alarm has occurred in the post month must be inspected unless a qualified service technician responded ro, and properly addressed, the cruse ojtbe alarm. Attach documentation verifying approprfate ?erviee to this report. ! sum ins ection is re aired, rernrd resulu fiat item 6, belox: UST SYSTEM INSPECTION 6 Tank-tap containment sumps are free of water, debris, and hazardous substance. Sensors are located properly. Note: Yisual ins coon o sum s is only fired in rum s where an alarm has occurred in the ast month or whidr there is no service record. Y N - Y N Sum Location: Sum Location: Sum Location: Sum Location: Sum Location: Sum Location: 7 Sill containment structures-are free of water, debris, and hazardous substance. Y N NA Y N NA Tank 1-Contents: („ - Tank 3 -Contents: ~ - Taak 2 -Contents: L .- V' Tank 4 - Contents:- 8 Under-dis eraser containment areas are free of water, debr is, and hazardous substance. Sensors are located ro rl . Y N NA Y N NA Dis eraser 1 / Z Dis eraser 9 / 10 Dis e-uer 3 / Q Dis eraser !! / 12 Dis eraser S / 6 ~ Dis eraser 13 / 14 Drs eraser 7 / 8 Dis eraser !S / 16 PAPERWORK INSPECTION Y N NA DATE DONE 9 Monitorine s stem certification has been co -feted within ast 12 months. t 0 Seconda containment tests have been com feted within there ' ed timeframe. 11 Sill containment structwe bucket) testis was co feted within the ast ear, 12 Tank ti htness testine was co feted within re aired timeframe. c/ 13 Line ti tress testis was co feted within re aired timeframe. 14 Other re aired testi maintenance was co feted withia re aired timeframe. List test/main[enance items belotiv.) Test/Maintenance: Test/Maintenance: Test/Maintenance: FACILITY EMPLOYEE TRAINING Y N NA 15 All facilit em to ees have received the re aired on-the-'ob trainin within the st ear. 16 All facili em to ees hired within the ast 30 da have received the re aired on-the-`ob trainin . C hole: Any answer of "1\*" should be explained in the comment section on the following page, and will require follotir-up action. Fage I of 2 September 2004 DESIGNATED {USA OPERATOR MONTHLY VISUAL INSPECTION CHECKLIST ---- ~..~ UNDERGROUND STORAGE TANK Page 1 of 2 H 8 R_3 F_1. D P~~ts AQf/ T Bakersfield Fire Dept. Environmental Service 900 TYuxtun Ave., Ste. 210 Bakersfleld> CA 93301 Tel: (661)326-3979 Fax.: (661) 852-2171 FACILITY NAME: GATE: FACILITY ADDRESS: ' ` (~-~ CITY: r- ~ lZ ~ ZIP CODE: 3~(J DESIGNATED UST OPERTOR CONDUCTING THE INSPECTION: ~ ~ ~ r~ I~ ~ ~\ INTERNATIONAL CODE COUNCIL CERTIFICATION #: t"~, ~ g~ ~3~ ~£XPIRATION DATE: ' 2 !' ~l Q b I SIGNATURE: PHONE NO: (6*il~ } J?. q "'~ Z Z `_ ~~ Y =Yes; N = No: NA =Not Appiicat3e ITEM MONITORING PANEL !ALARM HISTORY Y N NA 1 Monitoring system is powered on and in Proper operating nmde. 3 Ann tdstory reporf/log for the previous rrgr-tt1 is available. and has t>e~ reviewed by the 4 Ead- alarm for the previous month has been responded to appropriatey. 1~ List all tank-top sumps where stenos axumed in the past month: Note: Sumps where an alarm has oxumad ro the past month must be inspected unless a qualified service technk~an responded to, and propeAy addressed, the cause of the alarm. Attach documentation verirytng appropriate service ro this report. >f sump inspection Is required recorpresufis in item 6, below. UST SYSTEM INSPECTION Tank-top containment sumps are free o(water, debris, and hazardous substance. Sensors are located properly. Note: Visual inspection o/sumps is orNy required in sumps where an alarm has occurred in the past mor-th ror which there is no service record Sump location: Sump location: Sump location: Sump Location: Su-rrp location: Sump location: T SpNI containment stnscdsres are free of water. debHs, and hazardous substance. Y N NA Y - N NA Tank 1- Contents: ~,/~ L ._.~ . '+,/ Tank.3 -Contents: S P ~ ~L-Ci Tank 2 -Contents: l ~. ~/ Tank 4 -Contents: 8 Undend~ rmer eorrtainment areas ar e free of water debris and hazardous substance. Sensors era located ro Y N NA Y N NA Dispenser 112' Dispenser 9110 Dispenser 3/4 Dispenser 11h2 Dispenser 518 Dispenser 13/14 Dkpenser 7l8 Dispenser 15118 PAPERWORK INSPECTION -- 9 Monitoring system certification has been completed within oast t2 months. 10 Secondary containment tests have been completed within the reouired timeframe: ~ 11 Spilt containment structure (lxulcetl testing was compteted withinthe osst veer.. V 12 Tank tightness testing was completed within reguired timeframe. 13 Line tightness testing was corndeted within reguired timeframe. ~ 14 .Other required testindmaintenance was completed within required timeframe. Ust test/maintenance it TesUMaintenance: Test/Maintenance: FACILITY EMPLOYEE TRAIMNG zY N N 15 All (edit em have received the wired on 'ob trainin :within the st ear. 16' Altfecii' em ees bleed within the ast 30 da s have received the Lired on- b lrainin . Notts Any snswsr of "N" should b• •xpissin~d in th• comment section on the following pao~, and wilt rsquirs follow-u action. TAI!( - HAIi~RBFIFL~D FIRYy DEP?. - . _ pt+eveat~an Services •~~ go0 ~ikwctun Ave., see. aia PERMIT APPLIGAT1rJN `~~ a~i~K ~ meld, CA 93301 TO CON'~RtJCTaN$TALLNE~NTANI( (NEWFAtXIRYI! '~ T'~1.: (6G1) 3~5-3979 NEINYANK IN8'1'ALLATION (DINING FACILITY) r "~+, ~: (661j 852-2171 Moal~~cATIOa~aMOOI~+caTlow-Facxc~tY f{ TN19 iECT10N IS FOR MOTOR iUEt r~eacno. um~ tE~EO wut pEMaxe es~ vwtroN T~ a~++~ ~~~t ou~wra,~~i Nk anecik~dc+o~adidwa e1ld~ penMtrmrd a-yodYe,rarlR lavl and~isdarar ~ 11Fr:,r6.e~A~tre~,co~eroaw.d~p~j'Q~P"rJ~Ylam+~orbeeesrofm7'r.IaavraEdc+~r~ ~ r j novwove~ e+~: APFwcn-1r wwQ ~rann> ~K`G,~rrY'1 ~'~'~"r s~or~rua ~~ rte/ TFN.S Ai'PWCATpN A P6RMiT' WIZEN APPRpVEp ~ ~ /~ ~ ~IwITRa ~ ,~,~ ~., ors T..de ne wnn~ ~nwT~nv. ~ New T~Y1[ IYSTAI_l I ME1N>:ACILJTY s NEW TANK INSTALLATION / EXfBTil~ft3 FACILITY E R S F I F/RE ARTM T RONALD J. FRAZE FIRE CHIEF Gary Hutton, Senior Deputy Chief Administration 326-3650 Deputy Chief Dean Clason Operations/Training 326-3652 Deputy Chief Kirk Blair Fire Safety/Prevention Services 326-3653 2101 "H" Street Bakersfield, CA 93301 OFFICE: (661) 326-3941 FAX: (661) 852-2170 RALPH E. HUEY, DIRECTOR PREVENTION SERVICES FIRE SAFETY SERVICES • ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES 900 Truxtun Avenue, Suite 210 Bakersfield, CA 93301 OFFICE: (661) 326-3979 FAX: (661) 852-2171 David Weirather Fire Plans Examiner 326-3706 Howard H. Wines, III Hazardous Materials Specialist 326-3649 July 11, 2006 Ms. Gina Ham Lucky 7 2501 White Lane Bakersfield, CA 93304 Re: Designated Operator Dear Ms. Ham: On April 24, 2006, this office conducted its annual facility inspection at the above- ; referenced address. During that inspection, it was noted that you had not been using a Designated Operator which is required bylaw. This office, to ensure that you are following the provisions Title 23 of the California Code of Regulations, is requesting copies of your designated operator written report for the following months: April-2006, May-2006, June-2006. Please send copies to my attention by August 1, 2006 at the following address: Steve Underwood, Fire Prevention Officer Bakersfield Fire Department 900 Truxtrun Avenue, Suite 210 Bakersfield, CA 93301 Failure to comply will result in another site visit inspection and Notice of Violation. Should you have any questions, please feel free to call me at 661-326-3190. Sincerely, Ralph E. Huey, DIRECTOR OF PREVENTION SERVICES By: Steve Underwood, Fire Prevention Officer REH/SU/db UNDERGROUND STORAGE TANK BAI~RSFiELD FIRE DEPT. Prevention Servsces PERMIT APPLICATION = :' : I 900 Tru~ctun Ave., Ste. 210 TO CONSTRUCT-INSTALL NEW TANK (NEW FACILITY) I ~lRt Bakersfield, CA 93301 NEW TANK INSTALLATION (E)fiSTING FACILRYy / /t>r ~ Tel.: {661) 326-3979 MODIFICATION / 8 MINOR MODIFICATION - FAGtl7Y ~ Tr$x: (661j 852-2171 PERNR llp. , ( 1 1 1 ~ ~! ~ Papo 1 of 1 TYPE OF APPLICATION:. NEW TANK INSTALL I NEW FACILITY .es NE1N TANK INSTALLATION r EXISTING FACILITY C=ec< o,:~ ::~.-: 0-:1 ? ~ MODIFICATION OF FACILITTY ec MINOR MODIFICATION OF FACILITY ARTING GATE ~`' l ~ ROPOSED COMPLETION OWTE 6 ~, S aoo6 r ~~ Do AGILITY NAME T- _ Xc STING FACILITY PERMIT ND, P n _ ILST~~ [ ~I `~~~ ~ ~:~~+~JL.GY'a~>G ~ ~ ~~v`~ I PE OF BUSINESS ,~ k Lyv~V21'1 f,e.c~c~ S-Ear-e -~- aS S-Ea{01'1 ANK OWNER HONE NO DRESS O c ~_ J ~e-rs~~lle~~ 17 r. eskers .std c.A- P CODE 33~~ . ~TRA~C(TOR~ O.n .-~~/"U~~pq. Np. P CO E NONE N0. ERSFlELD CITY BUSINESS LICENSE NO. O COtiIP NO. NSUi~R BRIEFeL~Y DESCRIBE THE W ORK TO 8E DONE FYI. f- 2 h36iJ D ~ ~~S6~a. 1 vU We~autt~ EN~t-S r'e tisv- ~D,l S~. f~I.err, Tb (4~n1 r 1._, t ,~ i[Q,~7.e ' 1 A , -7 WATER TO FACILltY PROVIDED BY OEPfN TO GROUND WATER SOIL TYPE EXPECTEDAT SRE NO.OF TANKS TO BE INSTALLED ARE THEY FOR MOTpR Fl1EL ~1Li PREVENTK~! CONTROL ANO OOIAJfER MEASURES PLAN ON FlLE .eS YES C NO .eS YES d NO TANK NO. -;ss src-~~ :s =ca xox ~~c-o.^, -:;_= s-c~ac-s -axis _ ~TANKNO. ME LEADED GULAR REMIUM ~~ ESEL 1MTKNJ FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPLICATION DATE FACILITY NO. NO.OF TANKS FEES f The oppliamtt hos raceive4 aderstmrdsti and will comply wide fke auoched oanditions ojthe petxtit and mry other state, local andjedero! regvlario+es. Tleis jorm 1~ been canrplettd eereder penalty ojpetyeery, and to floe best ojmy beowhadge, is tree and eomcL // i APPROVED BY: APPLK'ANT NAME IPRINT) APPLICJWi THIS APPLICATION t3ECOME3 A PERMIT WHEN APPROVED FD 2086 (Rtw. 99/05) z•d 966L 689 SSS Ii~H-uazueu~ eI0=60 90 6Z ueyi Apr 28 48 12:27p _ -~ p.1 Dt:sygnated ~3ndergxourtd Storage 'l'ank (C3ST} 4peratar 1Vlonthty ~Jistt~~ Inspection Checklist ~.aCill Marne: ~StC' ~. FsfCili Address: •S ~; " ' . _... • ' t-tc City "` ~ fa - -,, - C_. ......... ~, Zr Gode:_ 7?esi sated UST O orator Coteduetin the l cction: '` ~ f^ , ~ lnrcruatioaatl Co Cotutcii Ce 'fi t%on #. E iration T}a!¢~ ~ f ~ ~ ! C? Si nstute: phnnr: ~- - ~ • ~ ~ tiyt _ _ ~_ Y ~ ~lS, N ~ 1v0. jVA +~ Tr4t R Float tem _ MOMITORINtx ~'E]L ! AY.ARM 1~IS'X'ORX Y N NA .............. l Monittz~t s itm is ovytrcd oa and in er o , tnt made. 2 M4S1~itOYiu 3 m 1.4 pot Cut7eutl S 8n ali~rms OT W$tII171 5. • 3 Alarm 3ustory report /lag for thc.prtvinitt- xz~nth is stvsiiabiq and hss been re,niewod by fife Desi Hated UST racar_ .4rtaeh a co a rJre 0~trtm Iristo re per /!a to this or7rr + avlti/able. 4 EaGl1 alatm iqr [hc rcvious rti+7Rtft bas bCen~r onc~td to a o ria[Uv, ~/ S Sensors located in tank- cantaitvYtent s s hd'VC uor atarrtlcd ip the ast rraonttt. Sa .Lis't all fork tAp surttp,€ where alarms oeCUtret~ Jr the past neonth: Note: Srrnrps where an 4frrrm Mss accnn~d in the past mairlli mus[ bl fnspeaed wilcrs s qualified servr~ne iseCkni~rtrn reypondod ro, nod property urldrersewC life omre o~tlre alarnt attach doCrrM+Jirttdori vtrifj+irrg Opprapriate seredee to rhfs rrprxr. I s~ uvs etion iJ aired, ~etorN rtsuhs br item d b~iaW_ u'sx SYS mtSPEGTJtoN 6 Tanit-top contaitttneni sumps arc frse ai water, deb-is, and 3tazardous substasscc, Setuors are latatpd properly. -'} Nare_ f isuut in dap Q srm s is onty rr enret~ +n srr s ~~r rtR aJnrwr Jms 4tcvrred !e flee qsr naaarla nr whteh 11rer~:s no ierv:te rc~vrnd. Y N Y N $um L47CtrtiD~rt: S3trrA 1.pC4tion: 5,....., l.,n.. r:.,n . c .~.,. r ~~,..:,,_ . f 7 S il! CvutainrnCnt structures arc fret of water, X Tank I -' Carrterrts; ~ r / _ Tarilt 2 -Contents- - ~/ $ EJndcr-dis enser contairxmrlftt 87ca5 ate free of Y Uis enser 1 / 2 ti/ Dis rarer 3 f 4 ~,/ Dfs enser 316 Dis user 7/8 PAPERWpI 9 Mpnitorix~4 s tt:tn certtficatioa has bee t Q Sccondarv containtnrnt tests have betn 1 i Sill ct>,ntaitunent structure backct tea 12 Tank tightness tes[7;tx~ was C feted w i 3 Lino ti moss tcst~r- was co feted w,' I~ Oti~cr rr aired trsrirA tt7aintetrance was TesrlMa intertQr.te: TaOf/Mn i a ~awnHro arc !~ DATE DQ,'~E i c aired timeiiargr:, u 1 hip the ast car. 'r' fe. d" e' ilea ritrrefratrie, I,Grst tesdmuin[etranceiterx~ 6e1o lraeaLir~r sn~>alLO xa~ax>~Irl~rc x 1\ ,Va 1.5 Afi taaility employe€s have received the required on-#~t=~h ttaininoti within the past ~teax•, .• E G RIl facility employees hired within the past 30 daYS !ya!be teatived the reouited on-tbt-lob tYainin4. 1`otc: Any anS+Ner a! "i`I" should be explained in the comltitYl~trt sectipn an the toIla~ring page, sad wvill require follow-up action. Pageti 1 of Z Septcmbrr 2W4 California UST Inspector Certification As of November. l , 2005, a total of 412 persons had obtained ICC UST Inspector Certificates. We ~, recommend that, when an UST inspector signs UST facility inspection reports, the inspector also include his or her ICC UST Inspector Certificate numbers Other ICC California UST programs: Designated UST Operators - 3592; UST Service Technicians - 787; UST Installers with a California address -545. UST Program Contact: Laura Chaddock (Ichaddock at7waterboards.ca.4ov; 916-341-5870). ICC Certified UST Inspectors Upon request from the local agencies, the State Water Board instructed the ICC to temporarily remove the list of certified UST Inspectors from their website. Apparently, some test centers required inspectors to provide their home addresses when they took the exam. This personal information was then passed along to ICC and placed on the website as contact information. Currently, the ICC is working on posting the list without home addresses. In the interim, please call the ICC at 1-888-422-7233, ext 33815 to verify an inspector's status. To minimize to amount of calls to the ICC, please check their website regularly to see if the ability to search for a certified UST Inspector has been restored. UST Program Contact: John Elkins (ielkinsCa~waterboards.ca.oov; 916-341-5668). Single-Walled UST Survey On September 22, in cooperation with the CUPA Forum Board, we sent to the primary UST contact at each local agency a survey to gather information on the number of UST facilities with single-walled UST systems (SW tanks with SW piping, SW tanks with DW piping, and/or DW tanks with SW piping). Additionally, information was requested on the number of SW UST systems that serve as the only fueling location for large rural geographical areas. We later extended the deadline to respond to December 1, 2005, with the understanding that agencies that have not responded by then will be recorded as not having any single-walled USTs. We expect to provide summary information to the UST Issue Coordinators later in December. UST Program Contact: Terry Snyder (tsnvderCa~waterboards.ca.aov; 916-341-5385). Department of Toxic Substances Control RCRA LQG Identification lists While there is no definitive list of all RCRA LQGs available, DTSC can provide a two-part Excel spread sheet that will go a long way in helping you identify the RCRA LQGs in yourjurisdiction. This fist was culled from manifest submitted to DTSC between July 1, 2004 and June 30, 2005. If you are interested in receiving this type of information, please send a note to Mickey Pierce (moiercena dtsc.ca.oov) with RCRA LQG in the subject line or message. The Unified Program Section is interested in your comments and suggestions regarding the monthly newsletter. Please provide comments and suggestions to cuaaCa~calena.ca.aov, Cal/EPA Unified Proaram Home Pape December 2005 Unified Program Newsletter IN THIS ISSUE: Cal/EPA New Staff, Departed Staff 8 Hiring Staff SWRCB New State Water Board Staff New Monitoring System for AB 2481 UST Systems California UST Inspector Certification ICC Certified UST Inspectors Single-Walled UST Survey DTSC RCRA LQG Identification lists New Staff, Departed Staff & Hiring Staff We are very happy to announce that Loretta Ransom, our new Staff Environmental Scientist, started in our office on December 12, 2005. Loretta comes to us from the Department of Toxic Substances Control where she has been a scientist and supervisor for many years. Throughout her career, Loretta has also worked with the Department of Justice, the Department of Health Services, and the Integrated Waste Management Board. Her extensive background in the environmental sciences and justice will help us with the Unified Program development into the future. Dennis Karidis has left the Unified Program and taken a position with the Sacramento County Environment Health Department. He's now part of the Sacramento CUPA. Dennis' enthusiasm and expertise will be sorely missed. The Unified Program will be recruiting for Dennis' now vacant position. The position description summary is as follows: The Environmental Scientist conducts evaluations of CUPA programs through out the state, writes draft and final evaluation reports, provides technical assistance to CUPAs, develops and presents training for CUPAs, assists in Unified Program regulatory development or revision, responds to questions from the public, and other governmental agencies, participates in, and often leads, workgroups and committees developing program improvements or on special projects, writes reports as assigned on various topics, and prepares correspondence as necessary. Please visit htto://www.sob.ca.gov/ under menu item Employment to determine eligability. The position notification is at htto://www.sob.ca.aov/Emolovment/more info.cfm?recno=252910. For additional information, please contact Jim Bohon at 916-327-5097 or jbohon(a~caleoa.ca.oov. State Water Resources Control Board New State Water Board Staff We are pleased to announce that Mr. John Elkins has accepted a position with the State Water Board UST Program's UST Leak Prevention Technical Unit. John has been an Environmental Specialist with the Sacramento County for 4 years, and recently served as the lead program staff for the County's UST Program. John brings to the State Water Board his knowledge of the UST regulatory requirements, hands-on experience with UST installation, leak detection, and compliance inspections. The local agency perspective and UST expertise he brings to the State Water Board will be valuable. Please join us in welcoming John, who can be reached at Llkins anwaterboards.ca.gov; or 916-341-5668. New Monitoring System for AB 2481 UST Systems On November 17, 2005, the Franklin Fueling Systems SCM was added to LG-113. This is a vacuum- based monitoring system acceptable for use on USTs installed on or after July 1, 2004. The system will be marketed as "Incon TS-SCM" and "EBW AS-SCM". A table showing all of the monitoring systems that have been listed in LG-113 for use on USTs installed after July 1, 2004 can be found on the "Hot Topics" section of the UST Program web page (htta://www.waterboards.ca.oov/ust/). UST Program Contact: Scott Bacon (sbaconC~waterboards.ca.aov; 916-341-5873). T ~~ ;, UNDERGROUND STORAGE TANKS ~' ....ye. i.~,.r.~.i_tif/n+l~J~:Y:~.:lrb:~ri'NNxluL'xY.hfLdemlRltl~.V~Y.Y9iNiQNN1bNN.1Ltie+:.t.ltiWS'CtbYG.Nti4'' j J APPLICATION ~-' TO PERFORM ELD !LINE TESTING ! SB989 SECONDARY CONTAINMENT TESTING (TANK TIGHTNESS TEST AND TO PERFORM FUEL MONITORING CERTIFICATION ~~ BAKERSFIELD FIRE DEPT. w~Rt Prevention Services • A_ ~[Tr f 900 Truxtun Ave., Ste. 210 Bakersfield, CA 93301 Tel.: (661) 326-3979 Fax: (661) 852-2171 Pie 1 of 1 PERMIT NO. ~~ ~~ ^ ENHANCED LEAK DETECTION t^ LINE TESTING ^ SB-989 SECONDARY CONTAINMENT TESTING n TANK TI(;HTNFSS TFST IXl Tn PFRF(~RM FI1FI MONITnRINC; CFRTIFICATI(~N SIT INF RMATI N FACILITY ~ NAME S PHONE NUMBER OF CONTACT P~ERS~ON 3 Z ~`~ 6 ' ADDRESS ~ a - ~. OWNERS NAME OPERATORS NAME PERMIT TO OPERATE NO. NUMBER OF TANKS TO BE TESTED IS PIPING GOING T B T TED? ^ YES ^ NO TANK # V E CON ENTS ~.~ TANK,;TESTING COMPANY NAME OF TESTI COMP Y NAME 8 PHONE NUMBE OF C NTACT PERSON ~ r~' i ~ 2 -'S 7 MAILING ADDRESS r - ~- NAME 8~ PHO NUMBER OF TESTER OR SPECIA INSPECTOR CERTIFICA ION #: DATE & TIME TEST TO BE CONDUCTED - .~. ICC #: TEST METHOD SIGNATURE OF APPLICANT ~r DATE j ~ 1 / ~ ~ V APPROVED BY DATE ..... ~ ~ '-G~ /% ~ FD 2095 (Rev. 09/05) BIB"~:ING & PERMIT STATEMENT PERMffT NO.: f/R~ ~Rrr r BAKERSFIELD FIRE DEPT. Prevention Services 900 Truxtun Avenue, Suite 210 Bakersfield, CA 93301 . LOCATION OF PROJECT ~ - • PROPERTY OWNER STARTING DATE ~ COMP ION DATE _` ~-~1.~ 1 \ v NAME PROJECT NAME O ~ ADDR ~ ~ PHONE NO. PROJECT ADDRESS ~ C ~ A ZIP CODE • •• CONTRACTOR NAME . _( _ ~~' NO. ~ ~' • TYPE OF LICENSE. EXPIRATION DATE PHQN~,NO~ ~~~ ~~ ~` /vv~° l/.C,~, 7 7 CONTRACTOR COMPANY NAME - --- - - r_` FAX NO. / ~ ~ ~~~ ADDRESS ~ ~ t ,~ ~ ^ - CrTY /j ZIP C(}B~ ~ O J • • ~ ^ Alarms -New & Modifications - (Minimum Charge) $262 50 • . 98 FL Over 20 000 Sq 013125 = Pennif fee FL x Sq ~ ^ . , . . 98 ^ Sprinklers -New & Modifications - (Minimum Charge) $210 00 ~ . 98 ^ Ft Over 5 000 Sq FL x .042 =Permit fee Sq ~ . . , . 98 ^ Minor Sprinkler Modifications (< 10 heads) 00 [inspection Onlyj $ 93 ~ . 98 ^ Commercial Hoods -New & Modifications $ 398 26 ~ . 98 ^ Additional Hoods $ 3ti.00 ~ 98 ^ Spray Booths -New & Mod cations $458 00 ~ . 98 ^ Aboveground Storage Tanks (Installation/lnsp: 1~' Time) $165.00 82 - ^ Additional Tanks $ 26.00 82 ^ Aboveground Storage Tanks (Remove/llnspection) $109.00 82 ^ Underground Storage Tanks (Installation.llnspedion) $878.00 (pertank) 82 ^ Underground Storage Tanks (Modfication) $878.00 (persite) 82 ^ Underground Storage Tanks (Minor Modification) $155.00 82 ^ Underground Storage Tanks (Remova>1 $675.00 (pertank) 84 ^ Oitwell (Installation) $ 72.00 84 Mandated Leak Detection (Tes " g /Fuel Monit. Ce 81.00 ) 82 ^ Tents $ 93.00 (per tent) 84 ^ After hours inspection fee $122.00 ~ ~ ^ Pyrotechnic - (Per event, Plus Insp. Fee @ $90 per hour) $ 60.00 + (5 hrs. min. stand -by fee /Inspection) _ $510.00 84 ^ RE-INSPECTION(S) /FOLLOW-UP INSPECTION(S) $ 93.00 (per hour) 84 ^ Portable LPG (Propane): NO.OF CAGES? $66.00 ~ ^ Explosive Storage $249.00 84 ^ Copying & File Research (File Research Fee $33.00 per hr) 25¢ per page ; ~ ^ Miscellaneous : ~ FD 2021 (Rev. 09/05) 1 - nRIGINAL WHITE Ito Treasury) 1-YELLOW (to File) 1-PINK (to Customer) F/RE ARTM December 1, 2005 RONALD J. FRAZE Lucky 7 FIRE CHIEF 2501 White Lane Bakersfield, CA 93304 Gary Hutton, FINAL REMINDER NOTICE Senior Deputy Chief Administration RE: Necessary Secondary Containment Testing Requirements by 326-3650 ~ December 31, 2005 of Underground Storage Tank (s) Located at the Above Stated Address Deputy Chief Dean Clason i Operations/Training 326-3652 Dear Valued Customer, Deputy Chief Kirk Blair Over the last six months this office has continued to send reminder notices regarding Fire Safety/Prevention Services secondary containment testing. 326-3653 Code requires that all secondary containment systems must be tested 6 months post construction and every 36 months there after. 2101 "H" Street Senate Bill 989 became effective January 1, 2002, section 25284.1 (California Bakersfield, CA 93301 Health & Safety Code) of the new law mandates testing of secondary containment OFFICE: (661) 326-3941 components upon installation and every 36 months, thereafter, to insure that the FAX: (661) 852-2170 systems are capable of containing releases from the primary containment until they are detected and removed. Our records indicate that your facility is due prior to December 31, 2005. RALPH E. HLTEY, DIRECTOR PREVENTION SERVICES Those sites that have not been tested and have not pulled a permit prior to December 31, FlRE SAFETY SERVICES•ENVIRONMENTAL 8ERwcES 2005, will have their permit to operate revoked. 900 Truxtun Avenue, Suite 210 ~ This office does not wish to take such action, which is why we will continue to send monthly Bakersfield, CA 93301 ~ reminders. OFFICE: (661) 326-3979 FAX: (661) 852-2171 Contractors are already booked several weeks in advance. I urge you to schedule your testing date as soon as possible to avoid possible revocation of your permit to operate. David Weirather Fire Plans Examiner ~ Should you have any questions, please feel free to call me at (661) 326-3190. 326-3706 Sincerely, Howard H. Wine8, III RALPH E. HUEY, Director of Prevention Services Hazardous Materials Specialist 326-3649 Steve Underwood Fire Prevention Officer SU:db J~ ~ ~~a~ ~ ..~1'T.ose ~J11<a~ ~~~~ TD~arsfu~ r