HomeMy WebLinkAboutUST-MONITORING SYSTEM CERT. 7/18/2006 I (.JfiAIj)cytiiU.riJ 5-0-7' ~.'-. iJ~ , 3300 WHITE LANE ~ E-O-J\..f'( j I II II II ;1 1\ !) \ I I J_~ 'I I ! I I I ,\ I . '. ,,( I ,J ,r , '.f1" , ,'\ . , ~'-'.. / j' / i _;/ / Y . "...'I,~,,),~,;..:. ::'h .. __. \ , .r.. <ai'" ,I II 1 1/ ,:. - l' '\ ,.08/29/2005 13:57 5513252529 CAL VALLEV PAGE 02 MONITORING SYSTEM CERTIFICATION For Use By All Jurisdic/ions Withilt the State of California A.uthority Cited: Ch(1pta 6.7. Health atld Safrtty OJtllt; Chapler 16, Division 3, Title 23, Califomia Code of R<!8u/a1j(ms This form muSt be used to document tesllng and servieing of monirori1'lg equipment. A separate c;ertifiealion or N:..QQr.L!lliL~1 be ofe"p8l'ed &r each nlOOilgrin2 system control pan!':1 by (he lcchl'lieian who perlo/'ms the work. A copy of this form mUSI be provided to rhe llmk ~ys\cm owncrfoper<l.lor. The ownerfop-:oralor mU!\l submit a copy of this form to the lOCAl lIgc;ncy reg1.lllIl.in;, UST :;%ICl11~ within 30 day~ or tesl date:. A. Generallnfo..mation Facilil'y N}\me: 11/, ~ C/,f'{:,...V'nl~1 SilC Addre$s; _::;};I~o J,.v/.,,")e t.J,.,. Bldg. No,:__ _ City: /f4l.Ke,V.s:.f1'PI4' Zjp:__~, Contact Phone No.: ( L,_._ ____ Date of Testing/Servicing: 2-1LlI t.!2fi. f.'acility COl\tac[ Person: MakcfModcl or Monitoring System: .JL:g~~ot" 7lS- 3So 'rllllklU: : j!-ln.Tank Gauging Probe, Model: ....t1aCJ.Fs7. \it Annul~r Space or Vault Sensor. Model: stc,q 1Pn~ S~ ~Pipill!! 'sl)lnp IT~Reh Sensot(~). Model: Su..m.e SI;!jS",{' a- ~i11 Sump Sensur(s). MOdel: ~''1f'''' ~ J8Mech~nic~1 Line Utile D<llector, Model: P.1-L_-__~ o Elc,'\ronic Line Lealt DeI,CC\Or. Mod!:l: CJ TOl1k O\'crl'jlll HJgh-uvel Sen~(Ir, Model: a Olhcl \~ eif ui menlt e Rnd model in Section E on p~ 'c 2>. Tnnk 10: I 1ill"1n-TilRk Gauging Probe. Moclel: .-Dlt:l...!k- tit' A!\I1t1Iar' Sp:lce Qr Vault Sensor. Model: .st:~~.C~1( .9~ l2t Pipirl~ Slimp I Trel1ch Scnsor(s). Model: S~4l!h.fPl"" ta' Fill .sump Sel1!1(lr(s). Model: ~~~ ~Mcchanieal Line Lenk Detector, Model: JJt.O '_ ' '" , o Ekc\mnic Line Leal( Detector, Mader: i:J Tllnk Ovc.-!i\l f High-Level Sensor, Model; o OIlier \~ .jf e ul mel,11 :Ie lIt\d model in Section E "" POI e 2), Dispenser ll): ---1.""<.. _ 13 Dis"tms~r CQlllainmenr Sensor(s). Model: s..~, ~'W' li!i-Shcnr Val'v~$). CJ [)i~ ~nscr ConU,linmClllP'loill($ and Chain(s . [)i~peME'I' 11): ;3-V ~ Dlspcnser Conlainmenl SCllsnr(~), Model: ~...LS!ttJflJ"" ~ SMur V,lIv~ts). CJ Di~ cn.~cr Containmtnl Floill(S and Chain s). Dispc:n5er lD: .t::' -p, Ci- Dispenser Cot1lainmcnl Sensor(s}, Modd; _~ C!r She:lr V;ll"el~}, ODis "set COlllainmenl FhIBI(S) and Chllin{s), .lflne IHeilil)' conlnin, more rllllk.s or dispensers, copy this fOTm. Tank ID: ',_ _,__ C In-TlIllk Onull,ing Probe. Modcl: .~ o Annular Space or Vauh Sensor, Moclel: ___, Cl Piping Sump/Tr~nch Sensor(s). Model: _,_ o Fill Sump Scnsor(s). Model: __ ___ o Mechanical Une u:ak Ottector. Mod!:\; _ ,__.___,. o EIt:clronic Line Leak Deb:ctor. Madel: __ __ o "lInk Overfill' High-Level Sensor, Model: _,__ CJ Other ~ if c ui ment an<! model in Section E on p, "c 21. Tank ID: ,_ o In-Tank O~ullin.!l Probe. Mrxlel; _'_' ___ o AnnulllrSpace nr Vault Sensor, Model: ___,___ D Piping Slimp I Trench Sensor(s). Mooel: _ __ Q I<UI SUI11!, SCIUllr(S). Modc:l: __, o Mc:chaniclll Line Leak Detector, Model: Q Blc:;ctmnic Line l..cnk D<:teclor, Model: o Tank Overl'illl High-Level Sensor. Model: . o Other if ui ment I Dnd model in Sc:clhl\1 E OIl "'I~C 2 . \)Ispellser In: ~. __,_. a. r.>ispel'ISCr Containment ScnSOr(s), Moue-I: ~I!J!.:t....Se~ a).-ShcnI'Vnlve(s), D Dis nscr ConlHinmcnt F10111 s) ilnd Chain(st Dispense.. m: if'(-IO , ,__ ._ lit [)ispenser Conlainl11ent Scnsor(s), Model: s.~f' ~,_ t;it-SltcJlr Vnlve(5), a Pis enserCOlltllinment Float ~) and Chllin s . D!spcn~r rD: j.-, _ a-Di~penser Containment 5CnSOI'(1). Model: -~~1'~"Y _ ~Shear Valvc(s). o Oi. ense-r Conf.ainmenl Ploal(S anc;l Chain(s), Include inl'ormation fnr ~Ycry tank ,lOd di.~pcnser Olllle lacililY. C. CertifiC3tion - r certi(" tbat tbe equipmEnt identified in ~his document was inspected/serviced in accl.'rdance with the m~nurllctu~rs' guidellnC$. AUlIehed tn tbis Certificlltion h InfQM_tion (e.g. ll1i1hUrnCluren;' cbcckfi$l:s) nece.....'ll!"Y to verify that rhis inliJm~llinn il; COITl'cl "nd :;\ Pint ,Plan showi,ng t.he layout of n><mltnring eq\Iipmcnt. Fo,: any equipment capable of genernting slIch tcports.l,JjDve lIL,o attached II copy of the rt'2!lrt; (chtlc~ aU tllat apply): a System set.up a Alarm history report T~'X,hnidan NlIll1C (print): F:5rHC ~ fh'11:ilep. . Signature: ~.~ ~ ' _'_ Certificalion No.: ~=2S""I)7...S: License. No.: _2'i1''I17D J!f- ..._ _'_ Te"ling COl'npany Namc: J:wl-VtYletr~/...ip~~t: Phone: No,:(S-~>-.J.27-9 .J't./-__ Sit, :\cJdrc,~s: .:J3.Qf)_~p-Ke..csti'd~ t:'-G{. Dale of TCSliI1g/Servicing: _7 I.J~/ tJ~ PaIlC! 1 or ~ O~IDI Monitoring System Certification 't. '\; ~8/29/2006 13:57 6613252529 CAL VALLEV PAGE 03 U. Re.sults of TestinglSen:icing St,J'tware Vel'sion Installed; Com lek the rolfowin checklist: I!t Yes Q No" Is the audible alarm 0 crational? Yes I:) No" IS the visual alarm 0 rational? ~ Yes 0 No" Were all Sen!:()rs visual! ins cled. functional! tested, and confinned () eralional? a. Vel; Q No'" Were <III sensors installed at lowc:st poinl of !:econdary eonta,inment and positionoo so that l'lther equipment will not interfere with their ro ef 0 erat;of'l? o Yes 0 No'" If alarms are relayed to a remote monitoring station. is all communications equipment (e,g. li1Odcm) \ill N/A operational? ~ Yc:< CJ No" For p.'essurized piping systems. does the lLIrbine automatically shut down if the piping secondal)' I.:nnlaillment o N/A monitoring system detects II leak. fails to operate. or is electrically dl~connected7 tf ycs: which Sell!;l)r~ initial!; positi\le sl1ut-down~ (Check all thaI apply) ,j9..SulTlp/1'r~neh Sensors: ,gl....Dispenscr ConlainlllclII ScnM.)r~. Did ou confirm sitive shut-dowll due l,{) leaks i1nd sensor failure/disconnection? Ja-'Yes; D No: o Yes Q No" Fnr tank !lystems that utiliz.e the monitoring system as the primary (link ovedill warning device (i.e, no f11 N/A n'lechankal nv",rfrll prevention valve is installed), is lhe overfill wBfrJing alann vhdble and audible III Ihe tank iii I oim s) :ltld 0 redn el'l "! If $0, at what creent of tank ea aeit does the alarm lri cr? ._ % o Yc.:~'" ~ No Wa.$ any monitoring equipment replaced? Jr yes, identify specific sensors, probes. or other- equipmenl replaced and lisllhe manufacturer name and model for all re lacemcnt 1I11S in Section E, below. Ye~" 0 No Wa<;. liquid found inside any secondary containment systems designed as dry systems'? (eke('/<, flUt/wl (If)ply) CJ Product; Water. If es. describe causes in Section E, below. Iiit"'Ye<;. Q No'" Was rnonilorin ~ st.em se(-u teviewcd to ensure ro r setlirt s1 Attach set 1'I liClll>le ~Ye!{ 0 No* Is all Il'lonilorin ui menr. 0 eraliortal r manufacturer's s ecifica[ions? ., In Section E below, d~scribe how and when these deficiencies wena or will be corrected. E. Comments: -LL...smp-11 ~~~O~"1:: -S~L ~ CfII.d.-,.p;11 S~P.. j.h f'h e. ~.:z-,.(.t:.~'CJtznL Page 2 or3 flJltll " 08/29/2006 13:57 6613252529 CAL VALLEY PAGE 04 F. In-Tank Gauging I SIR Equipment: iif.,.Check this boll. if tank gat',ging is \lsed only fOf inventory comrol. Q Check this box if no rllnl< gauging or SIR equipment js i nstalleo, Thil' section must be completed jf in-tank gauging equipment is used to petform leak detection monitoring, c tJ f1 II h kr ompu;:te 'Ie I) OWlD2C ec 1St: o Yes o No* Has all input wiring been inspected for propcrtmtry and terminalion. including testing for ground fault.,'~ CI Yes Q No"' Were all tank gauging probes visually inspected for damage &lid residue bllild~lp? [J Yel: o No" Was accuracy of system producl level readi "gs tested? Q Ycs CI No" Was accul'acy of system water level readil'gs tested? 0 Yes Q No'" Were all pf(lbc~ reinstalled properly? Oy~ o No* Were all items on the equipment manu[aC[llrer's mainteMoce checklist comprcted? '" In the Section H, below, describe flow and when these deficiencies were 0/' will be cl'lrreeted, G. Line Leak D~tectors (LLT)}: a Check (hi!; bo~ jf LLDs ~re. not inM311ed, t.b f1 It h k." COI'nDlete e 0 OWirl1! ~ ec 1st: aYe!: 0 No* For eClvipmcnt Start-tip or annual eQ1Jipmcl't certification. was l!l leak simulated to verify J~LD pcri'.)rmancc'? 0 N/A (Ched. aillhat apply) Simulated leak ratc: Q.3 g,p,h.; CI 0.1 g.p,h: 00.2 g.p,h. ~ yc;~ 0 No'" Wt!rr. 1111 ) .I.os c('lIlfilmed operational anc;!lICCurale within reg~ll..t(lry requil'cmcms? .0" Y Cl" 0 No" Was the te:'<ling apparalUS properly calibrated? Jill Yes o No* For mechanical LLDs. does the LLD n::stricl product flow if it detecls a leak? o N/A U Yes CJ No" For e1ec[ronic LLDs. docs the turbine automatically ~hut off if [he LLD delecls a leak? QlIl N/A Q Yes t:l No" For r::feclftlnic LLDs. does the turbine automatlcally shut off jf any pon;on or the monitoring systel'l'l is disabled E N/A or disconnected? Q Y\:s Q Nu" For electronic LLDs. docs the turbine automatically shut off if any pOl'li,>" or the monitol'ing sysLem mlllrunclions 9' NI ^ or fails II lesl? 0 Yes o No. Far electronic LLDs, have all acccssiblc wiring connections been visually in~pectcd'? ~N/A 2P Yes o N()* Wec'c all ilems on lhe e.quipl"l'lcnt manufacwrer's maintenance coocldillt complelad? .. III 'he Section H. llell)w, df,lSCI'ibe how and when l;he.o;e dclidcncil$ were or will be corrected, H. Comments:_" Page 3 of 3 113/(11 " 08/2'3/2006 13:57 661325252'3 Monitoring System Certlticatlon Site Address: rr' ....;.....,>r- CAL VALLEY PAGE 05 3~o lVh,t<Jd;.. ~J~J;}~>>~~~it~ PI.an :::A:: ,,/'. :'---,.....' ./..... / , . " - . .;/. . . .'. ,J../. '>~9: ' .b..- ~ 'Wl1iK' 4t ' ~ :t): :~ 'p-. ~': :0; Oate map was drawn: 2/ I'll 06. Instructions .t). . . . , ~, :::~:~:::::: . .. .. a , _ . . , .. ." .:I';~. . ~""";J!'. . . . . .. J.i ' . - . ., .'. . . . . , . . .' '. :: ::~ :: : :: .. . . . . . - . T .-.-,.-----. If you already have a diagram that shows all required information, you may include it, rather than this page::, with your Monitoring System Cenification. On your ~ite plro" show the general layout of l:anks and piping. Clearly identify location!; of the following equipment, if installed: monitoril1g system control panels; sensors monitoring ttmk annlJlar spaces, sumps, dispenser pans, spill containers, or other secondary containrnent areas; mechllnical 01' electronic line leak c1etec;rors; ilnd in-rank liquid level probes (if used for leak detection). Tn the space provided, note the date this Site Plan was prepared, rage J:L. of Jt_ 1)5/"0 i~' . " 08/2g/2006 13:57 661325252g CAL VALLEV PAGE 06 v APORLESS MANUFACTURING, INC. LDT -890 Leak Detector Test Record .QL.ot".!'~or CustQD1:T f:j-I/all* ~:.'t::e~d 1J}d) UUH"tr]y C;:::::n 7-/(--04 33oc!A1J1k 41. &:tKet"-l+/(/~Oj.. T;cbnician .d'V't-Uf w: Ih'H~/I!Y ManufiletlJret SubmersibJe Pump Identification Modet No. ~al N1!tDber 1~A<.Ker ~Ifilcturer Leak Detector Identification ~criDl!on Other Style Letlk Detectm !f.&t,ja.r..k'er Diapbragm-typc_ Piston-type 1,/" Tamper-proof seal installed? Yes, No Leak Detector in Submersible Pump Test at DispeDseF."' J. Operating Pu:mp Pressure :32.. pliIi (para. 15) 2. Gall()~ pa hour rate 1~o (para. 22) 3. Line pressure with pump shut off I g psi (pan. 23) 4. Blcedback Test widl pump off _ SS 5. Step-through time to fulllto\V '3 m1 (para. 26) secoads (para. 30) 6. Leak detector sta)'tl in leak search position. (para.. 42) Yas ...-- ,- No LEAK DETRCTOR TEST Nottt: Pass'" l.cBk detedOr fits cv:st prolocOl Fail-- leak dClCCtlOr fails test protocol Pass V FsdI ) Form 890C (9-1 -96) .CQmpJete thermal expansion test before f.tiling leak detector. 1996 Vaporless Manutaeturiog, Inc., Prescott Valley, AZ :: . ~.' ..... " '08/29/2006 13:57 6613252529 CAL VALLEY PAGE 07 v APORLESS MANuFACTURING, INC. 7-1 'l-{)C Techniei!D -rl'V't.<.ce W. 1J:J~'/{'Il!Y }3oe JA4"ik. 4,. &~Wf-t;f/~Ot, LDT-890 Leak Detector Test Record ~ 1J}t:1 Uf.t4t'fn1". eitel/roh ~duct Qmtr~~ W-IIa./Il!F '!,,"t=Ch'f Dat~ ' ca on Je~N;,Ke"" Submersible Pump IdentificatioD Model No. Serial Number Manofaeturer .efd' v.u'e~t- Diaphragm.type_ Piston~type 1./" Leak Detector IdentIfiution ~riDWm Other SnrJe Leak Detector M!mUfacturer Tamper-proof'seaJ installed? Yes No Leak Detector in Submersible Pump Test at Dispenser. 1. Operating Pump Pressure 3lf oai (para. 15) 2, Gallons per hour rate '3.0 (para. 22) 3. Line pressure wi,th pump shut off :2.0 Dsi (para. 23) 4. BIecdbaclc Test with pur.np off Gs _ m1 (para. 26) 5. Step.througb time to full flow '3 seconds (para. 30) 6. Leak detector stays in leak search pQsition. (para. 42) Yes ".- -----. No_ LEAK DETECTOR TEST Nob:: 'aliI"" leak dctcetor fits II:St Proloa:Jl Fail. Leak dcu:elor faiJ!llest pn>t0C0l Pus V Fail ) FOIttI 890C (9~ J -96) .Complete thermal eKpansion test bcfufe failing leak detector. 1996 Vaporless Manufacturing, Inc.. Prescott Valley, AZ '.' ~ 08/29/2006 13:57 6613252529 CAL VALLEY PAGE 08 SWRCB, January 2006 Spill Bucket Testing Report Form 'lJIisform is irrtetttkdfor use by contractors performing QMUQI testing ofusr spill containment &Jructure3. 'rhe co",pJelerilf)Tm and pt'intatll&,/rQm tests (if applicable), .rhouldbe provided tQ the facility ownerIoperator for suh11linal to 1M local I'eguJotory agency. I. F.4ClLlTY INFORMATION Che Date of Testing: Facility Name: Facility Address: Facility Contact: Date Local Agency Was Notified ofTe$ting : Name of Local Agency Inspector (ifpresent dul'-ing testing): Phone: 2. yNamc: -Va. Technician Conducdng Test: Credentials': tif.,CSLB Contracror License Number(s): jib ~ DIce Sl:I'Vice Tech. Cl SWRCB Tank Tester 0 Other (Speq ~ Test Method Used: 1tH ic o Vacuum o Other Test Equipment Used: Vi:5"u .a,; Equipment Resolution; Identify Spilt BuCket (By Tank 1 t6'7 UL 2 3 4 Number. Stored Product. erc.) O('effJ Bucket lnstallation Type: o Direct Bury o Direct Bury o Direct BIJl'y o Direct :Bury m-contained in SumD -'ll-Contained in Swno o Contained in Sumo o Contained in SUttlD Bucket Diameter: la It J(J ./ Bucket Depth: /0" /0" Wait time between applying JtJ #,;1.. I" J1.1. ..... vacuumlwater and start of test: Test Start Time crr): 1'3:CJO n;r;Jv Initial Reading (R.): q.tJ .- GI.b \f Test End Time (T y)= 14:10 ''I:w Final Reading ~): q-()" t1.n .. Test Duration (T F - T u= It.v. I hI". Change in Reading (R.. - Rt): ./JF. -9 PasslFail Threshold or Criteria: -.f$' - . 2S'" Test-~alt: ' /it- Pass OFaU J!rbs ,0 :F3i1 o I'8ss o Fail U,Pa. ' 0 Fall 3. SPILL BUCKET TESTING INFORMATION Comments - (include i'1fonnation on reJ!!lirs made prit>r to testing, mzd recolWlfe1fded fol!.C1W-!!p fo! failed tesIs) CERTmCATJON' OF TECIlNIClAN RESPONSmLE FOR CONDUCTING THIS TESTING I hereby r:enJh ,"tIt tdIlhe btjimntmM totJtllhled ill this TtlpDJ'I Is true" lICCII""'e~ and in fll1l ctimpllance with leglll nquiremtmts. Technician)s Signature: "'r>c;u~<<- 4.- ~ Oate:. 7~/8"----.o (; I State laws and regulations do not c:urTently require testing to be performed by So quali'6ed contractor. H~ver. local requirements may be m.ore stringent. ...., r .' ~ 08/29/2006 14:02 6613252529 CAL VALLEY PAGE 01 CAl-VALLEY EQUIPMENT 3500 GILMORE AVE. BAKERSFIELD, CA 93308 ' (661)327-9341 FAX: (661)325-2529 CONTRACTOR'S L1C.#784170 A HAZ Fax ; To: "llYn C:Lr DeAL From: !3:.~ ~~ Fax: CZ.s ~~df1/ POIIge$: d- INCLUDING COVER Att: ~J' !/ /J{k w{}ocI Date: ~~9 (p~ r As CC: o Urgent 0 For Review Cl Please Gomment 0 Please Reply 0 Pie.. Recycle Comments: L:) ff/~ If)f 19~ s+-- ~rrl(~ ;;- -j .. , " 08/29/2006 14:02 6613252529 CAL VALLEY PAGE 02 " CAl VALLEY EQUIPMeNT 3500 Gilmore Ave BakBlsfield, Ca 93308 881-327-9341 Fax 861-325-2529 IMPRESSED CURRENT CATIIOOIC PROmcnON CERTfFICAnON DATE: .~ ~ - 2--0-6 SITE:f--;-2. m" bt' L CONTACT~ /0/ J9n..Sr PHONE: I1a.KecsB..~/dl C~ w.B ('6t.1tt(}~'( ~Vi'cc.f fnsIallatlon Date: MOdel" 20c05- .0<. _ SeIiaJ#:.Jl!f17l/7'7 Hours:...1I() JIltJe.:rer- f'res~VOTtage: ;?$ Amps: __Z Adjustment:" .tZ ~a..\(1"~ COurse: c.. Fine: '/ ~ I ~ I ~f ~~1-~.t~;~l~f~~rl~:ifl~~~ I hereby certify thst the minimum syStem potential requirements for Imprnssed Current Cathodic Protection: . ~f. HaVe t3een Met I ~ J Have Not Been Met for the .systems nm,renced above: taken In accordance with the minimum standan:ls of the Natlonsf AssoctatJon of Corrosion engineers, and as done to oon'Iply with EPA end state DirectiveS -zJ~L ~ J..h'bf1fp-....... Technlciatl PE!ffonnJng Test APPLICATION TO PERFORM ELD / LINE TESTING / S8989 SECONDARY CONTAINMENT TESTING /TANK TIGHTNESS TEST AND TO PERFORM FUEL MONITORING CERTIFICATION BAKERSFIELD FIRE DEPT. D Prevention Services 900 Truxtun Ave., Ste. 210 Bakersfield, CA 93301 Tel.: (661) 326-3979 Fax: (661) 852-2171 UNDERGROUND STORAGE TANKS Page 1 of 1 PERMIT NO. I 1\ - 3,?.g FACILITY Big Country Chevron o LINE TESTING 0 SB-989 SECONDARY CONTAINMENT TESTING IiJ TO PERFORM FUEL MONITORING CERTIFICATION SITE INFORMATION I NAME & PHONE NUMBER OF CONTACT PERSON o ENHANCED LEAK DETECTION o TANK TIGHTNESS TEST ADDRESS 3300 White Lane OWNERS NAME Sullivan's Petroleum OPERATORS NAME Same I PERMIT TO OPERATE NO. IS PIPING GOING TO BE TESTED? 0 YES VOLUME o NO CONTENTS NUMBER OF TANKS TO BE TESTED TANK # 1 87 UL 2 91 UL TANK TESTING COMPANY NAME OF TESTING COMPANY Cal-Valley Equipment I Bruce w. Hinsley 661-327-9341 MAILING ADDRESS 3500 Gilmore Ave. Bakersfield, Ca. 93308 Bruce W. Hinsley 661-327-9341 CERTIFICATION #; 006-05-1178 DATE & TIME TEST TO BE CONDUCTED July 18, 2006 12:00 SIGNATURE OF APPLl7fNT ~_ _4</ /f 1 .. /2 /). lJHt.S ADD. APPROVED BY ~t J (,fJI'i~. pj ./ ICC#: ~ ~~ . . ~.7 -UT DATE July 7, 2006 A DATE "7f (of () ~ I FD 2095 (Rev. 09/05) :-;1' ~i!~~~.~~-iS"lOfil!'~'';;l;:,,:-.~~11 UNDERGROUND STORAGE TANKS ::.;: ,;,.': ~'.~ ~;/_. BAKERSFIELD FIRE DEPT. Prevention Services 900 Truxtun Ave., Ste. 210 Bakersfield, CA 93301 Tel.: (661) 326-3979 Fax: (661) 852-2171 APPLICATION TO PERFORM ELD I LINE TESTING I S8989 SECONDARY CONTAINMENT TESTING frANK TIGHTNESS TEST AND TO PERFORM FUEL MONITORING CERTIFICATION ~ '~~ Page 1 of 1 LINE TESTING rn S8-989 SECONDARY CONTAINMENT TESTING PERMIT TO OPERATE NO. DYES B' NO C NTENTS \ CDO 'TAN)(iE;$'i1t.1~CP~RANY, , NAME & PHONE NUMBER OF CONTACT PERSON ~ -~~~~ MAILING ADDRESS ./J \ 1~ ~ ~. NAME & PHONE NUMBER OF TESTER OR SPECIAL INSPECTOR ~ C\\C\-~~C\ DATE & TIME TEST TO BE CONDUCTED . '5 .\IV'\. SIGNATURE OF APP TEST METHOD , .-:- APPROVED BY FD 2095 (Rev. 09/05) RONALD J. FRAZE FIRE CHIEF Gary Hutton, Senior Deputy Chief Administration 326-3650 Deputy Chief Dean Clason Operationsffraining 326-3652 Deputy Chief Kirk Blair Fire Safety/Prevention Services 326-3653 2101 "H" Street Bakersfield, CA 93301 OFFICE: (661) 326-3941 FPlX: (661)852-2170 RALPH E. HUEY, DIRECTOR PREVENTION SERVICES ARESAFETYSE~S'E~RONMENTALS~CES 900 Truxtun Avenue, Suite 210 Bakersfield, CA 93301 OFFICE: (661) 326-3979 FAX: (661) 852-2171 David Weirather Fire Plans Examiner 326-3706 Howard H. Wines, III Hazardous Materials Specialist 326-3649 December 1, 2005 Big Country Chevron 3300 White Lane Bakersfield, CA 93309 FINAL REMINDER NOTICE RE: Necessary Secondary Containment Testing Requirements by December 31,2005 of Underground Storage Tank (s) Lo~ted at the Above Stated Address Dear Valued Customer, Over the last six months this office has continued to send reminder notices regarding secondary containment testing, Code requires that all secondary containment systems must be tested 6 months post construction and every 36 months there after. Senate Bill 989 became effective January 1, 2002, section 25284.1 (California Health & Safety Code) of the new law mandates testing of secondary containment components upon installation and every 36 months, thereafter, to insure that the systems are capable of containing releases from the primary containment until they are detected and removed. Our records indicate that your facility is due prior to December 31, 2005. Those sites that have not been tested and have not pulled a permit prior to December 31, 2005. will have their permit to operate revoked, This office does not wish to take such action, which is why we will continue to send monthly reminders. Contractors are already booked several weeks in advance. I urge you to schedule your testing date as soon as possible to avoid possible revocation of your permit to operate, Should you have any questions, please feel free to call me at (661) 326-3190, Sincerely, 7L 7iI:;;~Hon S~;re' Steve Underwood Fire Prevention Officer SU:db wg~~~~~..rk.~ N ;i' " SWRCB, January 2002 Page ~ of .:::1- Secondary Containment Testing Report Form This form is intended for use by contractors performing periodic testing of UST secondary containment systems. Use the appropriate pages of this form to report resultsfor all components tested. The completedform, written test procedures, and printouts from tests (if applicable), should be provided to thefacility owner/operator for submittal to the local regulatory agency. 1. FACILITY INFORMATION Facility Name: Big Country Chevron I Date of Testing: December 1, 2005 Facility Address: 3300 White Lane, Bakersfield, Ca. 93309 Facility Contact: Sullivan Petroleum I Phone: ,.~,," \ - ~ 'Z."04~J Date Local Agency Was Notified of Testing : November 28,2005 Name of Local Agency Inspector (if present during testing): 2. TESTING CONTRACTOR INFORMATION Company Name: Sunset Mechanical Technician Conducting Test: Ken Brus Credentials: M CSLB Licensed Contractor C SWRCB Licensed Tank Tester License Type: C-36 C-IO I License Number: 589517 Manufacturer Training Manufacturer Component(s) Date Training Expires Incon TS-STS Inspection Equipment 1/12/08 Veeder Root Monitoring System I 6/12/06 AO Smith Secondary Piping 6/19/06 ICC Cal. UST Service Tech 12/21/06 Component Pass Fail Not Repairs Component Pass Fail Not Repairs Tested Made Tested Made AI>.' ',l" ... .4 C> 'S~,cc~'" \ ~ 0 n 0 ..lOt.: <<- \ ., ~ 0 0 0 L.; AMI',) LLAQ.. Jt.;; ~ 0 0 0 :1bt."" A 3 - 't ~ 0 0 0 [J [] 0 0 (1.r.c-, # 5,-€, [!t 0 0 0 P'!=,>,Nf-;: 2..u....\ .... 1 ~ ~ LJ 0 j,n<_., _.~ B1 0 0 [] L.J ......, Q.. (J.t.)'" ? ~ 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 [] 1'\ t:R.<l. 4 I ~ 0 [] 0 '"",....,.- C;'l'\Ac.' ~ 0 0 0 "r:.P-.~ ~ '::J '81 0 [] 0 PH"~L1~: ~lU\'(~' io4 ~ ~ 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ~B. ~ , ~ 0 0 0 C"'] 0 0 0 l'lI=R"" ~ ~ 0 0 0 ~ 0 [] 0 0 0 0 0 0 :-1 0 [J 0 0 0 C 0 3. SUMMARY OF TEST RESULTS If hydrostatic testing was performed, describe what was done with the water after completion of tests: ,^,IAT~Q.. I=bL.,.a:;:....-:-I~tS kJR~ t>il.MP'G..D 'l1J1"6 ~,'J. ~r,OCA~!J'"TAUic:. ~~ ~eh~;;::;;: ArJr:-io~ ~i'f..:.~~A( CERTIFICATION OF TECHNICIAN RESPONSIBLE FOR CONDUCTING THIS TESTING To the best of my know/edge, the facts stated in this document are accurate and in full compliance with legal requirements ,Technician's Signature: ~~ ~ Date: D'i:<'... I - Of; SWRCB, January 2002 Page ~ of -.::L Test Method Used: 4. TANK ANNULAR TESTING ~ Tank Manufacturer 0 Industry Standard o Other (Specify) C Pressure IA1 Vacuum o Professional Engineer Test Method Developed By: C Hydrostatic Equipment Resolution: 0 -';)0 ~G Tank # Tank # Is Tank Exempt From Testing?1 Tank Capacity: Tank Material: Tank Manufacturer: Product Stored: Wait time between applying pressure/vacuum/water and startin test: Test Start Time: Initial Reading (R1): Test End Time: Final Reading (RF): Test Duration: Change in Reading (RF-R,): Pass/Fail Threshold or Criteria: Test Result: Was sensor removed for testing? Was sensor properly replaced and verified functional after testing? iiNo C Yes CNo DYes DNa <' t () M.~ . ,$ M..... . ..., ~. - .0" IIG. ~ Pass D Fail ~ Pass D Fail D Pass D Fail D Pass D Fail !a Y es ONo DNA aYes DNo DNA DYes DNo DNA DYes DNo DNA ~Yes CNo DNA ~Yes DNo DNA DYes CNo DNA DYes DNa DNA Comments - (include information on repairs made prior to testing, and recommendedfollow-up for failed tests) I Secondary containment systems where the continuous monitoring automatically monitors both the primary and secondary containment, such as systems that are hydrostatically monitored or under constant vacuum, are exempt from periodic containment testing. {California Code of Regulations, Title 23, Section 2637(a)(6)} 'i' SWRCB, January 2002 Page ---3..- of ~ 5. SECONDARY PIPE TESTING Test Method Developed By: Test Method Used: 2I'Piping Manufacturer o Other (SpecifY) ~Pressure o Industry Standard o Professional Engineer o Vacuum o Hydrostatic [] Other (Specify) Test Equipment Used: l..J., GS~ F/u..E 0 NE lSf; r:.RuG~ CoJ/(',.k.. Equipment Resolution: Piping Run # Piping Run # Piping Run # Piping Run # Piping Material: Piping Manufacturer: Piping Diameter: Length of Piping Run: Product Stored: Method and location of i in -run isolation: Wait time between applying pressure/vacuum/water and start in test: Test Start Time: Initial Reading (R,): Test End Time: Final Reading (RF): Test Duration: Change in Reading (RF-R,): Pass/Fail Threshold or Criteria: Test Result: TEST ~oT S. IS Mt ~ . tS M't\J , j I ~ CO A .-...,. ~.:L:. H :OO~~ c::. P~'.:L l~.:, ~ FM 5 PS:t:. 60 ""It..:> l''''Z.:C'l>c.P....... ps-z 60 I 'IV...,. -{;I -'~ ~ Pass D Fail D Pass D Fail D Pass D Fail ~ Pass D Fail Comments - (include information on repairs made prior to testing, and recommendedfollow-up for failed tests) SWRCB, January 2002 Test Method Developed By: Test Method Used: 6. PIPING SUMP TESTING ~ Sump Manufacturer D Other (Specify) D Pressure D Other (Specify) Test Equipment Used: ::tklCoA.> l~ ~ ~IS D Industry Standard D Vacuum Sump Diameter: Sump Depth: Sump Material: Height from Tank Top to Top of Highest Pi in Penetration: Height from Tank Top to Lowest Electrical Penetration: Condition of sump prior to testing: Portion of Sump Tested I Does turbine shut down when sump sensor detects liquid (both roduct and water)?' Turbine shutdown response time Is system programmed for fail-safe shutdown?' Was fail-safe verified to be o erational?' Wait time between applying pressure/vacuum/water and starting test: Test Start Time: Initial Reading (R1): Test End Time: Final Reading (RF): Test Duration: Change in Reading (RF-R,): Pass/Fail Threshold or Criteria: Test Result: Was sensor removed for testing? Was sensor properly replaced and verified functional after testing? t S 6" " ~Yes DNa DNA -'0 St:;.<:.. SYes DNa DNA ~Yes DNo DNA 30 ,....,....,. PIO'\ '5 -.. i7 -~ -t 7-4 '4 ~es DNo DNA o 'i) t,.<:... . iX.Yes DNo DNA )dYes DNo DNA 6<::" 3'" '\N " . l IS lVt,tV. + 002.-' ~ Pass D Fail ~Yes DNo DNA ~Yes DNo DNA Page~of~ D Professional Engineer IK Hydrostatic Equipment Resolution: .:t . OC?_ '. Sump # DYes DNo DNA DYes DNo DNA DYes DNo DNA D Pass 0 Fail DYes DNo DNA DYes DNo DNA Sump # DYes DNo DNA DYes DNo DNA DYes DNo DNA o Pass 0 Fail DYes DNo DNA DYes DNo DNA Comments - (include information on repairs made prior to testing, and recommendedfollow-up for failed tests) I'Z..:\;"- p- c\ r- ..... I -, .0004 " + . O~2 . ,# ~ Pass 0 Fail ~Yes DNo DNA ~Yes DNo DNA I If the entire depth of the sump is not tested, specify how much was tested, If the answer to ill!Y afthe questions indicated with an asterisk (*) is "NO" or "NA", the entire sump must be tested, (See SWRCB LG-160) " SWRCB, January 2002 Page~of~ 7. UNDER-DISPENSER CONTAINMENT (UDC) TESTING Test Method Developed By: ~ UDC Manufacturer D Industry Standard D Professional Engineer o Other (Speci/y) Test Method Used: o Pressure D Vacuum iil Hydrostatic D Other (Specify) Test Equipment Used: t..)(' l~.. - f'...., Equipment Resolution: ~ . 00"2.. ~, UDC # l~'2- UDC # ~-, (.I UDC #5-<; -I' <6 UDC # 9 . 1 l::) it./2 UDC Manufacturer: -r'OTA t. (~B"T'", ('n"iT Tt't1'"'R L C'6 U., -rO-r~l (' 1"'}f',,)"'T . UDC Material: ~ I 0 .. to L1 , L\ 1"...c. r:: l~'" n 1!!1 ,.. ,:::~ ~,~~<.; .A<.c;:. I:::,C... c ~, ..o.~<" UDC Depth: 'R 2) ~- "'1\,-1'\ ...., ~~ ..., ,~O ", 30 .:, i\c ,~. Height from UDC Bottom to Top q. q q " of Highest Piping Penetration: - . q " q" q , Height from UDC Bottom to Lowest Electrical Penetration: 7 - , .., '. '7 -, -,-. '7 " "7 -. Condition of UDC prior to testing: GoOOO Goo~ 6oCt::l bcOC ~CD CO~ Portion ofUDC Tested + itS ~, 4- IS .~ -+ IS':' +15" + IS -, + 15. " Does turbine shut down when UDC sensor detects liquid (both ~ Yes DNo CJ NA Ki Yes DNo DNA iYes DNo DNA jj. Yes DNo DNA product and water)?' Turbine shutdown response time - 30 6<=.<., -3.Z\ '3, <- - ~O "~CL.I-;'k\~,o.t', "i\b (;cr_J -,~ 'd, Is system programmed for fail- t1l Yes DNo DNA ijQYes DNo DNA ~Yes DNo DNA ~Yes DNo DNA safe shutdown?' Was fail-safe verified to be ~Yes DNo DNA IlYes DNo DNA ~Yes DNo DNA ~Yes DNo DNA operational?' Wait time between applying , pressure/vacuum/water and 15 M,IU. is M,w\t . 1'$ M If". IS M,N is' >>vi IN l~ i'\1..... starting test Test Start Time: It: I ~ A..... II ~ f <jif It> ,-"" II 'I~A" ',:11;1\,... I. '. .., 't ,.." " :<{4 liS; Initial Reading (R,): 5,'2.<1',- '. S ' 'iiCl I, " b. -=u..~'=\' 4.9&*30' 4.Z6t.f7'. Z,'it~"'2' Test End Time: II :~~ 11M II'.~~ ~,\.oo " ., ~~ ~. · It : 'is?. ,. r. II ~~q "u, II' Sc~^ '1 Final Reading (RF): ~, ~q,,,,,", ~ 4015f '. l~ qf, 4 J . .:; q rt'2;l . 4.. '7(..'46, . 2,~iq Test Duration: I _'(' i1A, t'\.I , , 5 w. "" '"' Il.o ,... l~ ,... ,W\I /{' "",t<<; . I~M,.... Change in Reading (RF-R,): fl{ -+ . non j -, 1+ "~o...."'7.." -' .iI"'>,","" J ., - . (J('V'o.J ., -r. Pass/Fail Threshold or Criteria: -:!' ' l"JrJ L_ <,' + .n~.., - , ..:1. oo'"!. '. +.00-' lj ~ . CY'\2 " f .CC'2. " Test Result: ~ Pass D Fail Is: Pass D Fail ~ Pass D Fail B Pass D Fail Was sensor removed for testing? .fIl Yes DNa DNA ~Yes DNa DNA ~Yes DNa DNA 8Yes DNa DNA Was sensor properly replaced and ~Yes [1 No DNA !j Yes ONo DNA I;t Yes DNo DNA a'! Yes DNo DNA verified functional after testing? Comments - (include information on repairs made prior to testing, and recommendedfollow-upfor failed tests) 12e.PlA CE: 1l ~H' ~A~,")t;;-R.. 'VAl..v.i:.:.<i :I::N "'TE:~T' R~"'\"'S ' I If the entire depth of the UDC is not tested, specify how much was tested, If the answer to ill1Y of the questions indicated with an asterisk (*) is "NO" or "NA", the entire UDC must be tested. (See SWRCB LG-160) SWRCB, January 2002 Page~of~ 8. FILL RISER CONTAINMENT SUMP TESTING Facility is Not Equipped With Fill Riser Containment Sumps D Fill Riser Containment Sumps are Present, but were Not Tested D Test Method Developed By: It1 Sump Manufacturer D Industry Standard D Other (SpecifY) Test Method Used: ::::: Pressure 0 Vacuum D Other (SpecifY) , Test Equipment Used: -:r N G 0 l\) .,.~-; - ~TS D Professional Engineer ~ Hydrostatic Equipment Resolution: :t, 007. " ( Fill Sump # ~~ '. 4' 1'7 h Fill Sump # Fill Sump # Sump Diameter: Sump Depth: Height from Tank Top to Top of Hi hest Pi irig Penetration: Height from Tank Top to Lowest Electrical Penetration: Condition of sump prior to testin : Portion of Sum Tested Sump Material: Wait time between applying pressure/vacuum/water and startin test: Test Start Time: Initial Reading (R,): Test End Time: Final Reading (RF): Test Duration: Change in Reading (RF-R1): Pass/Fail Threshold or Criteria: Test Result: Is there a sensor in the sump? Does the sensor alarm when either product or water is detected? Was sensor removed for testing? Was sensor properly replaced and verified functional after testing? ''7 " f \8'. is jVfl~ , ~s :.., ~, ., ,N. - .o~o +.0<:'\0<... .. -t . 0 o~ '. r ,007 " Pass o Fail ~ Pass D Fail o Pass o Fail D Pass D Fail ~Yes uNo ~Yes DNo o Yes uNo DYes DNo l\!Yes DNo DNA !!!.Yes DNo DNA DYes DNo DNA DYes DNo DNA Yes DNo DNA Ii Y es DNo DNA DYes DNo DNA DYes DNo DNA !iIII Yes DNo DNA ~Yes DNo DNA DYes DNo DNA DYes DNo DNA Comments - (include information on repairs made prior to testing, and recommendedfollow-up for failed tests) .. SWRCB, January 2002 Page -.2 of ~ 9. SPILL/OVERFILL CONTAINMENT BOXES Facility is Not Equipped With Spill/Overfill Containment Boxes 0 Spill/Overfill Containment Boxes are Present, but were Not Tested 0 Test Method Developed By: 2S.Spill Bucket Manufacturer 0 Industry Standard o Other (Specffj;) Test Method Used: u Pressure o Other (Specify) Bucket Diameter: Bucket Depth: Wait time between applying pressure/vacuum/water and startin test: Test Start Time: Initial Reading (R1): Test End Time: Final Reading (RF): Test Duration: Change in Reading (RF-R,): Pass/Fail Threshold or Criteria: Test Result: - " IS ""t~. ~ Pass 0 Fail o Professional Engineer o Vacuum ~Hydrostatic Equipment Resolution: :!. OO"L -., Spill Box # '2.. 11- ~ , 't. ". Spill Box # Spill Box # \s j\A 1 '" ' '. + .600 ; .,. :t . D02. -... I!t. Pass 0 Fail o Pass 0 Fail o Pass 0 Fail Comments - (include information on repairs made prior to testing, and recommendedfollow-up for failed tests) ~ ,~ ::~:;.~)Ui~.rr~:11'! C;HCUI~ClJ"~ 3~';()fj (>Ii-! T Tr.: :"'Ai-i[ ~:;11~G=;?~:~;F I E,_l) C~i. ':)3309 1. -661-S2?~-eI4S7 .~. --r~.6~ -.:322-01:.6i1 ;. 2/t; 1.....;:~3121::, :~~;J.}.1F' :_:=hl< .~;.~~:::;7 l~:T l1f<T!:D TEST STARTED ][G I ;"1 ;._i::UCL. END 7Ir'-iE ::::;'.4J) ;)'::1 TE EJiD LEUEi... ',::1",( ':"Hf;':E:3HOU) TEST h~ESUL T C;[=~~;S-2 TES'" ~~TARTED Tc~:;7 :~rTr1f~:TED BEG I ~~ LEUEL ::}~D 7If'i~ END DATE ::}.;D . :'-',;.'"J "_i.~_ '....c~l,.. LEAK THRESHOLD ....r-....,.... :;......1' i~;;:E3U;_ T OF8S-~ 1:01 Pr; W'~'''.,.._-r' : f:...:i I ,-'::fPOfH 12: 46 ;-r11 1. 2.....0:i. .....20~35 ::.. 3233. n~ 1 : 0 i Pt,~ :::: I 13 CCiUj'~TR"'1 ;:::-;\~:..Jf;,~Ot4 JM~\~~~r~~~~~~:~~309 .'. '-66 ~ ~- :~~22 -f!6E.0 t2/0t/20(~:j :i1l3232 IN (i. 0~]2 I l'-~ PAS~:::Er) 12/0: c'2€10~:; ~;:;ur1F' _Z:j::lK 12: 46 Pt"; 1 ::::/Cll /20.35 4. 8167 I~~ i,: (31 PM 12/0]......2005 4" B169 l~~ er. (102 If'oj ?I:,SSED ""-,-.,' :3",";'i~:Tt~l:; rES", ~:;T f,};;:TE,) 3rG:~ ;..~ ;~.ZI.;EL END T I r1E .-. ... .~,- ':::..i"-.i!.,J :)hi\:... E~~D :.~t:.}.lEL '".::Si!, ~t~Hr:;~ESHCLD TEST RESULT ~;;~~~l;l~l~~i~!:~ TEST :;:;TART(D TE':;;~ :::;.~ ARTi::D BEG It", L.EI.IEL. ~].,jl) 7: !1E END DATE 1. ;>'''(1 ':, /'2~j0:J 1~.; 5';: ~~:HD ;_~::t..:t:L LE~I< THI<:ESHOL.D f!i', "':";:;?::~ ~:E\SUL -; UOC9-1f) ::~;Ui'1F' ,..::::/=tt< ~~E:~:rj' 1~C:PORT OFE;- ;, ;:...:::0' :~;'7;;I~~Ti=!) STARTED TES--:- :3CG I ;"~ ,-: '1'-: ....::..,.'t:..l.... t..',L' '7 Ii";;:: ;~:;; '<[4 T::: Et'~D i_E!JEl.- l_ '.:~A< H~:'~I<ESHGLj) Tr:s-: RE::3&,T UDC11 ;.2 TEST f;THK:TED "T'F:::;7 ::;T i1RTf.:D RFm~; L.EIJEL. ~:~F) :- ~\'~[ E't.~[) D~I;E i~i'~~;<{~i~~E\HGL.C' ':;~::.T i~:l::~~UL-r l1. ~ 44 At1' 12/'():/2~.30~:.; 4. 2E.4? :~t.i ;. 1 : ~i'3 Mt'~ 1. 2,/(~ 1 /2(if15 4.2646 rr-: 7;::SI. ~::;T~TCD TEST STARTED ~jEG I 1'~ 1_cJJEL END T!~iE ::~J'~f) C)r::! TE a,!D LEl.JE:'" ~.._:::f4i< T~-!~~ESHOL..0 TEST RESUL..'; a. a~i2 I~~ PfiSSEC. ClFt~-2 'i :44 I1r"; ~,2;01>2005 . ,:. 8~'::?2 I t~ "'": , .-",';3 Ht" i ~:":~~;i~3~:~' 0. 002 I ~.~ [;)A~;::;[D TEST STARTED T!::ST ;~:;7HRTED SEOUl L.El.JEL :=:~~D -:- J". ME am DATE :-:,["rl ; ;:-;j[! LE.A:< -THRESHOL[) T;:;:;T f~~E:SUL T 12~ :~E. po' '-.'~,-'''''' i i:"::) I ~~:EPORT P::;-~i. 12: :2~ i?t1 12...'(il/2f.10::; 6" :350t3 ~ ;,~ 12: 3(1 pr~ ~.2/~7jl/~085 6" 8505 I~.; ,j. 002 Ir~ PASSED ;:'::;-2 ~2:2J. pt1j :,2/(,1/2005 G" '1755 It~ 12: 36 ?r1 i2/ttl/2005 :s. J.752 IN o It ~::1!3~:~ I t.~ ~:'ASSE:l) 12:21 r't'1 12/131/213[15 3. t.804 IN 12:36 Pt') 12/01/21305 3.6803 F; 0.002 IN PASSED 12:21 Ptl\ : 2/01/20135 3.6205 IN 12: 36 Pf1 12/01/2005 3.6206 Ir-l 0.002 Ii', PASSED GIG C8UN7~Y CHEURON 33~1t2; ~)H I.it: i...AI'~E 3f1;<;::~:S;= I r:lj) GA. ':;33~19 1-(:~6l-827 -0487 ~. '-E,t;.1.-.32:'~'{i660 12/121 ; ,."20\:1:5 ~ 1 ~ 33 f,r,~ UDCl-2 ~:;u;.~;:) ~._;:f11< T;~~::T ~El':'ORT ; :.:.:~': 3T:1RTED TEf;T STARTED . r':.''''J.,''' )..E:UE:" END TIflE ,:\iD ;)H~.[ Et'~D Lt:1.)EL. ,_,::..Hr, '~-;-1l~:ESHOL.j) TES; RE::;t.:;_:- UC{:~5'-4 TEST STARTED -;-CST ~~rfARTEl) BEGH.i LEl.JEL ::::~'.i[) j I ;'1C D-lC, CI11 TE ::)~CI Li:~~.)::L. LEAK THRESHOLD ~.r::ST i~~SUL T U[)C~j-t. TeST ::~Tf1RTEC' TEST STARTED !3EG I ["i :_J:.UEL U~i) TIME ::::..~[; ;)(1'i'"E Et'~D LEt..JEL. :_~~!1K -r;-;RESHOLD !'EST RESULT :,~:DC7-~::; :i, : ~ 1 :~; (1111 12/01.....2fH2l~~ 5. 2916 i~'~ :, 1 ; 33 fit" ~_ 2/0 1. /20iZ15 5. 21316 I~~ ~3.[l02 Ii~ ?ASSED i1: 1:3 fW'; 12,/01./2005 5.4017 I f~ 11 ~ 3~:; A~1 12/0,/2005 5. 4018 It~ (1. 002 H,; :"'rlSSED 11~1::; Ar1 12/01/2005 6.. S~6:::;9 IN 11 : 33 Hr', l2/01/'2005 6.964l It-.' ~~1. ~1(12 I ;-4 PASSEr.) ....f"- 11 ~ )}3 ni''"; TEST STMR\~~)._ "'l"' 10 I'-lT.' 1'-) /Vll /2B05 ~'r-::3T., ',3,~ 1:2.'"<', ,_ i:..., i) " 4.983f: IN .~EG I ~i ..~3: l.,1::"L ~ ~ . --:-.- ~. ...~ ':' "J!) ,T i'." .. L . ';:.~~'Ii")l '~N-' ;.:"' '.''':TF- 12/0 ~ /:Lti U~J t. if Un .... ':~~.,jf) : ~=:'"1 !f-""\ 1,. 986~~ 1"~};4 :..EAf< THRESHOLD b.00.:. .I." 7I:.ST ~E~3UL T ~)H::;SED