HomeMy WebLinkAboutBUSINESS PLAN 8/13/2007BAKERSFIELD CELLULAR ~ V ~ AY yl ~ YEAGER W _ ~` i .~. q~\ i~~o~ s ~' .:Q, `~.~/ `' '; , 1 1 ;~~:;~ 2. 1 AT&T MOBILITY-SOUTHWEST (14282) SiteID: 015-021-001870 Manager DEBRA OKANO Location: 4408 YEAGER WY City BAKERSFIELD BusPhone: (425) 580-4902 Map 123 CommHaz Extreme Grid: 16D FacUnits: 1 AOV: CommCode: BFD STA 09 EPA Numb: SIC Code:4812 DunnBrad:10-202-6754 Emergency Contact / Title Emergency Contact / Title DEBRA OKANO / NETWORK MANAGER WIRELESS NETWORK / CONTROL CENTER Business Phone: (562) 468-6495xsq,.h~ Business Phone: (800) 832-6662x 24-Hour ~s Phone - 24-Hour Phone (800) 832-6662x Pager Phone (q~}~) ~~~ - g~~~x Pager Phone (N~~ ) - x Hazmat Hazards: RSs Fire Press ImmHlth Contact DEBRA OKANO Phone: (562) 468-6495x MailAddr: 12900 PARK PLACE DR 3RD FLR State: CA City CERRITOS Zip 90703 Owner NEW CINGULAR WIRELESS PCS LLCc~b~A~1 Phone: (425) 580-4902x Address PO BOX 97061 ~®b~l'~ State• WA City REDMOND Zip 98073 -9761 Period to TotalASTs: = Gal Preparers TotalUSTs: = Gal Certif'd: RSs: Yes ParcelNo: Emergency Directives: PROG A - HAZMAT PROG T - ABOVEGROUND STORAGE TANK ENT'D A U ~ 2 0 2007 OE uWd an my inquiry of those individuals respansib!a for cb±ainsng the information, I certify ursd~et penalty of ia~a~ that ! have personally examined and am familiar ~Nith the information submitted and believe the information is true, accurate, and complete. $!/_I312~07 Dath Signature ~ -1- 06/29/2007 F AT&T MOBILITY-SOUTHWEST (14282) SiteID: 015-021-001870 ~ ~ Hazmat Inventory By Facility Unit ~ ~ MCP+DailyMax Order Fixed Containers at Site ~ Hazmat Common Name... SpecHaz EPA Hazards Frm DailyMax Unit MCP PROPANE F P F IH IH L S 250.00 GAL ~6- LBS Hi Low _ 3~1o~5.ao Lis E I ¢c~trra I ate ~ ~ ~~~~~ -2- 06/29/2007 -3- 06/29/2007 r 3 F AT&T MOBILITY-SOUTHWEST (14282) SiteID: 015-021-001870 ~ ~ Inventory Item 0002 Facility Unit: Fixed Containers at Site ~ COMMON NAME / CHEMICAL NAME PROPANE Days On Site 365 Location within this Facility Unit Map: Grid: CAS# Ofl S-'t"Q G6MQ~ltY1C,~9 OlA'~$ t C~Q 74-98-6 STATE TYPE PRESSURE TEMPERATURE CONTAINER TYPE Liquid Tture~Above Ambient Ambient ABOVE GROUND TANK Q~,~r~ AMOUNTS AT THIS LOCATION Largest Container Daily Maximum Daily Average 250.00 GAL 250.00 GAL 250.00 GAL ru~LJtut1JVVJ l.Vl•lrV1VP~1V1J %Wt• RS CAS# • -6~ 93-9 • N ruyuru~L tiJ JL~JJ1.1P~1v1J TSecret RS BioHaz Radioactive/Amount EPA Hazards NFPA USDOT# MCP No No No No/ Curies F P IH / / / (~ Hi ~ Inventory Item 0003 COMMON NAME / CHEMICAL NAME LeO-d-Acic1 ~or~t-~Yi Q.S Location within this Facility Unit IN CELL SITE/Ep~s~- ~~`~ STATE TYPE PRESSURE Solid TMixture ~mbient Facility Unit: Fixed Containers at Site ~ Days On Site 365 Map: Grid: SQQ. Genn~ n~r#itS ~$- DbJ TEMPERATURE CONTAINER TYPE Ambient OTHER - SPECIFY~g~.~.~~.~ ~5 AMOUNTS AT THIS LOCATION Largest Container Daily Maximum Daily Average 140.00 ' `~ :-QQ LBS ~ ~~~j . p(}3~-9~0 LBS 3~ l®~ . 6~z--@~6- LBS '7- ~~a" nrauruuJV V J V Vl•!r V1V Lily 1 J %Wt. RS CAS# 9 Y. -~-8fl Sulfuric Acid (EPA) No 7664939 n~~•-6~9 Lead No 7439921 ~• -~ - - - . -, ritiL~riRL t]J JP~J Jl•11~1V1J TSecret RS BioHaz Radioactive/Amount EPA Hazards NFPA USDOT# MCP No Yes No No/ Curies F IH / / / ~ 5 ~.,. Low -4- 06/29/2007 r i F AT&T MOBILITY-SOUTHWEST (14282) SiteID: 015-021-001870 ~ ~ Inventory Item 0004 Facility Unit: Fixed Containers at Site ~ COMMON NAME / CHEMICAL NAME ~.mT~ /PTT T /^1 n rr. ~~.._.~_..~ ~...~ ~L~.~ 365 E I eG1-1r01 V~ Days On Site Location within this Facility Unit Map: Grid: Z1V nL~T_T AS TT M ~cA~q.# Liquid TMixtur~ Ambient~E~AmbientT~E OTHER NTSPECIFY~~ -}~-~~~ AMOUNTS AT THIS LOCATION Largest Container Daily Maximum Daily Average 4 . 0 0 GAL ar ~, V -9-2-:-6~@- GAL q ~ , d -~-@~8 GAL ruy[~tucLV VJ \.Vl"!t'V1VP~1V 1 J oWt. RS CAS# ~.Of;5~9-9~A Sulfuric Acid (EPA) No 7664939 0~:5$--@~ Water No ~~A 5 ritiGriRL riJ JL~JJI~IP~1V 1 J TSecret RS BioHaz Radioactive/Amount EPA Hazards NFPA USDOT# MCP No No No No/ Curies F IH / / / Low -5- 06/29/2007 r ? F AT&T MOBILITY-SOUTHWEST (14282) SiteID: 015-021-001870 ~ Fast Format ~ ~ Notif./Evacuation/Medical Overall Site ~ ~ Agency Notification 03/31/1998 ~ IN CASE OF A HAZARDOUS SPILL ALWAYS CALL 911 FOR THE LOCAL RESPONSE AGENCY. THEN CALL GOVERNORS OFFICE OF EMERGENCY SERVICES. -THEN CONSULT THE CALIFORNIA HAZARDOUS MATERIAL NOTIFICATION GUIDE TO SEE IF ADDITIONAL AGENCIES ARE TO BE NOTIFIED? G ~~ ` ~ ~ ~~.~ ~ CJ ~~ I i'1 ~ . = Employee Notif./Evacuation ~«cov~ver(s) IN CASE OF ARE NOTIFIE CLOSE ALL DOORS TO ENSUR ER ONE ENTERS IL FIRE DEPT CLE TO DO SO. S 1 ~--Q j S 1111nrn GlYlrl ~G) 03/31/1998 loc~-h`s~ VALUATE THE AND TION OF HALON SYSTEM, AND TO ENSURE NO AND 6fi3~S--R~Q~T.S.E TEAM HAS Public Notif./Evacuation 03/31/1998 HAZARDOUS MATERIALS USED AT OUR FACILITY DO NOT POSE A THREAT TO THE PUBLIC. Emergency Medical Plan 05/27/1998 MEDICAL TREATMENT FOR EXPOSURE TO MATERIALS USED AT OUR FACILITY CAN BE HANDLED AT CLOSEST EMERGENCY/URGENT CARE MEDICAL FACILITY. ~ ~ G~~'r~Y- ~o~wQS~" ~.c~ . °~ ~5 ~~~~~ ~~. C to to l~ l~~ 3 - ~ I t~ -6- 06/29/2007 r F AT&T MOBILITY-SOUTHWEST (14282) SiteID: 015-021-001870 ~ Fast Format ~ ~ Mitigation/Prevent/Abatemt Overall Site ~ ~ Release Prevention 03/31/1998 ~ ALL REMOTE LOCATIONS ARE VISITED BY QUALIFIED PERSONNEL TO CHECK FOR LEAKS IN PROPANE SYSTEM, BATTERY SYSTEM, AND HALON SYSTEM ON A WEEKLY BASIS. _, AG1G0.~7C 1..V111..Q 111111C11L PQr ~ ~ s ~c~v ~r d ~~ ~ ~ t 1 w i t t ~. -~ -e~.p o-a'h.e. r s ~~ v ~ -~--~ a ~~ ~QfI~ , V+S ~ ~i11 1~ $ ~ro ~~' l~ ~ .~~: ~v cct,~l °I l ~ . - L.1 GCill V1.,! V 1.11C1 1CC~V U1_UC 1iC: l.lVdl.1 V11 -7- 06/29/2007 r F AT&T MOBILITY-SOUTHWEST (14282) SiteID: 015-021-001870 ~ Fast Format ~ ~ Site Emergency Factors Overall Site ~ ~Nc~.iai nac,at~.a~ Utility Shut-Offs 08/08/2006 NO UTILITY SHUT-OFFS. Fire Protec./Avail. Water 08/08/2006 PRIVATE FIRE PROTECTION - HALON SYSTEM. Building Occupancy Level 03/10/2006 UNMANNED SITE -8- 06/29/2007 ..- '~ F AT&T MOBILITY-SOUTHWEST (14282) SiteID: 015-021-001870 ~ Fast Format ~ ~ Training Overall Site ~ ~ Employee Training 08/08/2006 ~ MSDS SHEETS ON FILE. BRIEF SUMMARY OF TRAINING PROGRAM: ALL EMPLOYEES THAT HAVE ACCESS TO BATTERY ROOMS AND/OR HALON-PROTECTED FACILITIES ARE FAMILIAR WITH THE MSDS SHEETS FOR THESE HAZARDOUS MATERIALS AND NEW EMPLOYEES ARE MADE AWARE OF THE DANGERS OF THE MATERIALS, THE LOCATION OF THE MSDS FOR THESE MATERIALS, AND TO CONTACT JOE SANDOVAL OR LARRY GONZALES FOR ANY CONCERNS THAT MIGHT ARISE. rayc c Held for Future Use Held for Future Use -9- 06/29/2007 USIU: 9531 ' UNIFIED PROGRAM CONSOLIDATED FORM FACILITY INFORMATION BUSINESS OWNER/OPERATOR IDENTIFICATION I. IDENTIFICATION FACILITY ID# ~ BEGINNING DATE ~~ ENDING DATE 101 1870 8/13/2007 8/13/2008 BUSINESSNAME(SameasFACILITYNAMEarDBA-Doing Business As) 3 BUSINESS PHONE ios AT&T Mobility- South West (14282) 425-580-4902 BUSINESS SITE ADDRESS ios 4408 Yea er Wa CITY ~~ ZIP CODE ios CA Bakersfield 93313 DUN & BRADSTREET 106 SIC CODE (4 digit #) 1 W 10-202-6754 4812 COUNTY ioe KERN BUSINESS OPERATOR NAME ~~ BUSINESS OPERATOR PHONE 110 AT&T Mobili 425-580-4902 II. BUSINESS OWNER OWNER NAME ~~~ OWNER PHONE 112 New Cingular Wireless PCS, LLC; dba AT&T Mobili 425-580-4902 OWNER MAILING ADDRESS 713 PO Box 97061 CITY ~~^ STATE 115 ZIP CODE 116 Redmond WA 98073-9761 III. ENVIRONMENTAL CONTACT CONTACT NAME ~~~ CONTACT PHONE 116 Debra Okano 562-468-6495 CONTACT MAILING ADDRESS 119 12900 Park Place Dr. 3rd Floor CITY 120 STATE 121 ZIP CODE ~~ Cerritos CA 90703 -PRIMARY- IV. EMERGENCY CONTACTS -SECONDARY- NAME t23 NAME i26 Debra Okano Wireless Network Control Center TITLE 124 TITLE ~zs Network Mana er, Com liance Control Center BUSINESS PHONE 125 BUSINESS PHONE 13° 562-468-6495 800-832-6662 24-HOUR PHONE 126 24-HOUR PHONE 131 800-832-6662 800-832-6662 PAGER # 127 PAGER # 132 949-338-8434 N/A ADDITIONAL LOCALLY COLLECTED INFORMATION: 133 Property Owner: New Cingular Wireless PCS, LLC; dba AT&T Mobility Note: Please send to the ATTENTION of EH&S. Please note that all Hazmat related Billing, Permitting and Correspondences need to be mailed to the "Owner Mailing Address" listed above. Certification: Based on my inquiry of those individuals responsible for obtaining the information, I certify under penalty of law that I have personally examined and am familiar with the information submitted and believe the information is true, accurate, and complete. SIGNATURE OF 0 R/OPERATO R DESIGNATED REPRESENTATIVE DATE ~~ NAME OF DOCUMENT PREPARER 135 8/13/2007 Jackie Schnell NAME OF SIGNER (prin ~~ TITLE OF SIGNER 137 Donald Harris Director, EH&S UPCF (1/99) UNIFIED PROGRAM CONSOLIDATED FORM HAZARDOUS MATERIALS HAZARDOUS MATERIALS INVENTORY -CHEMICAL DESCRIPTION one r material r buildin or area ^ADD ^DELETE ®REVISE zoo I. FACILITY INFORMATION BUSINESS NAME (Same as FACILITY NAME or DBA -Doing Business As) 9 AT&T Mobilit -South West 14282 CHEMICAL LOCATION 201 CHEMICAL LOCATION CONFIDENTIAL EPCRA 202 Inside cell site ^ YES ® NO FACILITY ID # t MAP# (optional) 203 GRID# (optional) 204 1870 II. CHEMICAL INFORMATION CHEMICAL NAME 205 TRADE SECRET ^Yes ®No 2os Lead Pb If Subject to EPCRA, refer to instructions COMMON NAME zoo zoe EHS' ^Yes ®No Lead-Acid Batteries CAS# 209 'If EHS is "Yes", all amounts below must be in lbs. 7439-92-1 FIRE CODE HAZARD CLASSES (Compete if required by CuPA) 210 Health: 3 Fire: 0 Reactive:2 HAZARDOUS MATERIAL TYPE (Check one item only) ^ a. PURE ®b. MIXTURE ^ c. WASTE 211 RADIOACTIVE ^Yes ®No 212 CURIES: WA 219 PHYSICAL STATE (Check one item only) ®a. SOLID ^ b. LIQUID ^ c. GAS 21a LARGEST CONTAINER: 140 215 FED HAZARD CATEGORIES 218 (Check all that apply) ^ a. FIRE ^ b. REACTIVE ^ c. PRESSURE RELEASE ^ d. ACUTE HEALTH ®e. CHRONIC HEALTH AVERAGE DAILY AMOUNT 217 MAXIMUM DAILY AMOUNT 218 ANNUAL WASTE AMOUNT 219 STATE WASTE CODE 220 3365 3365 N/A N/A 221 DAYS ON SITE: 222 UNITS' ^ a. GALLONS ^ b. CUBIC FEET ®c. POUNDS ^ d. TONS 365 Check one item onl ' If EHS, amount must be in unds. STORAGE CONTAINER ^ a. ABOVE GROUND TANK ^ e. PLASTICMONMETALLIC DRUM ^ i. FIBER DRUM ^ m. GLASS BOTTLE ^ q. RAIL CAR ^ b. UNDERGROUND TANK ^ f. CANS ^ j. BAG ^ n. PLASTIC BOTTLE ®r. OTHER -Batteries ^ c. TANK INSIDE BUILDING ^ g. CARBOY ^ k. BOX ^ o. TOTE BIN ^ d. STEEL DRUM ^ h. SILO ^ I. CYLINDER ^ .TANK WAGON z29 STORAGE PRESSURE ®a. AMBIENT ^ b. ABOVE AMBIENT ^ c. BELOW AMBIENT 22a STORAGE TEMPERATURE ®a. AMBIENT ^ b. ABOVE AMBIENT ^ c. BELOW AMBIENT ^ d. CRYOGENIC 225 %WT HAZARDOUS COMPONENT (For mixture or waste only) EHS CAS # 1 65-70% 226 Lead (Pb) 2z~ ^Yes ®No z2e 7439-92-1 229 2 7-9% 230 Sulfuric Acid (H2SOa) 29, ®Yes ^ No z9z 7664-93-9 233 s 21-28% 234 Water (H20) 295 ^Yes ®No 29s None 297 q 238 29s ^Yes ^ No zao zat 5 2az za9 ^Yes ^ No 244 gas It more hazardous components are present at greater than 1%by weight if noncarcinogenic, or 0.1% by weight if carcinogenic, attach ad ditional sheets or paper capturing the required Information. ADDITIONAL LOCALLY COLLECTED INFORMATION: gas If EPCRA Please Si n Here UPCF (1/99) UNIFIED PROGRAM CONSOLIDATED FORM HAZARDOUS MATERIALS HAZARDOUS MATERIALS INVENTORY - CHEMICAL DESCRIPTION one e r material r buildin or area ^ADD ^DELETE ®REVISE 200 I. FACILITY INFORMATION BUSINESS NAME (Same as FACILITY NAME or DBA -Doing Business As) 3 AT&T Mobilit -South West 14282 CHEMICAL LOCATION 201 CHEMICAL LOCATION CONFIDENTIAL EPCRA 202 Inside Lead-Acid Batteries ^ YES ® No FACILITY ID # 1 MAP# (opeonap za3 GRID# (optionaq 204 1870 II. CHEMICAL INFORMATION CHEMICAL NAME 205 TRADE SECRET ^Yes ®No 2os Electrol a II Subject to EPCRA, refer to instructions COMMON NAME zoi EHS' ^Yes 181 No zoa Lead-Acid Bette CAS# 209 'If EHS is Wes", all amounts below must be in lbs. 7664-93-9 FIRE CODE HAZARD CLASSES (Complete if required by CuPA) 210 N/A HAZARDOUS MATERIAL 2tt TYPE (Check one item only) ^ a. PURE ®b. MIXTURE ^ c. WASTE RADIOACTIVE ^Yes ®No 212 CURIES: N/A 213 PHYSICAL STATE 2t4 (Check one item only) ^ a. SOLID ®b. LIQUID ^ c. GAS LARGEST CONTAINER: 4 215 FED HAZARD CATEGORIES zts (Check all that apply) ^ a. FIRE ®b. REACTIVE ^ c. PRESSURE RELEASE ®d. ACUTE HEALTH ®e. CHRONIC HEALTH AVERAGE DAILY AMOUNT 217 MAXIMUM DAILY AMOUNT eta ANNUAL WASTE AMOUNT zts STATE WASTE CODE 220 98 98 N/A N/A 22t DAYS ON SITE: z22 UNITS' ®a. GALLONS ^ b. CUBIC FEET ^ c. POUNDS ^ d. TONS 365 Check one item onl ' If EHS, amount must be in unds. STORAGE CONTAINER ^ a. ABOVE GROUND TANK ^ e. PLASTIC/NONMETALLIC DRUM ^ i. FIBER DRUM ^ m. GLASS BOTTLE ^ q. RAIL CAR ^ b. UNDERGROUND TANK ^ 1. CANS ^ j. BAG ^ n. PLASTIC BOTTLE ®r. OTHER -Lead-Acid Battery ^ c. TANK INSIDE BUILDING ^ g. CARBOY ^ k. BOX ^ o. TOTE BIN ^ d. STEEL DRUM ^ h. SILO ^ I. CYLINDER ^ .TANK WAGON 223 STORAGE PRESSURE ®a. AMBIENT ^ b. ABOVE AMBIENT ^ c. BELOW AMBIENT 224 STORAGE TEMPERATURE ®a. AMBIENT ^ b. ABOVE AMBIENT ^ c. BELOW AMBIENT ^ d. CRYOGENIC 225 %WT HAZARDOUS COMPONENT (For mixture or waste only) EHS CAS # 1 40-50% zzs Sulfuric Acid zz7 ®Yes ^ No zzs 7664-93-9 z2s z 50-60% 230 Water 23, ^Yes ®No z32 None 233 3 234 235 ^Yes ^ NO 236 237 q z3e z3s ^Yes ^ No zoo zat g zaz za3 ^Yes ^ No zoa zas It more hazardous components are present at greater than 1% by weight If non-carcinogenic, or 0.1% by weight It carclnogentc, attach ad ditional sheets of paper capturing the required Information. ADDITIONAL LOCALLY COLLECTED INFORMATION: gas DOT Hazard Class (HZsoa): 8.0 If EPCRA Please Si n Here UPCF (1/99) UNIFIED PROGRAM CONSOLIDATED FORM HAZARDOUS MATERIALS HAZARDOUS MATERIALS INVENTORY - CHEMICAL DESCRiPTioN one e r material r buildin or area ^ADD ^DELETE ®REVISE zoo I. FACILITY INFORMATION BUSINESS NAME (Same as FACILITY NAME or DBA -Doing Business As) 3 AT&T Mobili -South West 14282 CHEMICAL LOCATION 201 CHEMICAL LOCATION CONFIDENTIAL EPCRA 202 On Site Com ound, Outside ^ YES ® NO FACILITY ID # t MAP# (optionaq 203 GRID# (optionaq 20a 1870 II. CHEMICAL INFORMATION CHEMICAL NAME 205 TRADE SECRET ^ Yes ®No 2os Pro ane C3H8 If Subject to EPCRA, refer to instructions COMMON NAME 20~ 2os EHS' ^ Yes ®No Pro ane CAS# 209 'If EHS is "Yes", all amounts below must be in lbs. 74986 FIRE CODE HAZARD CLASSES (Compete it required by CUPA) 2to Health: l Fire: 4 Reactivi : 0 HAZARDOUS MATERIAL 2tt TYPE (Check one item only) ®a. PURE ^ b. MIXTURE ^ c. WASTE RADIOACTIVE ^ Yes ®No zt2 CURIES: N/A 2t3 PHYSICAL STATE (Check one item only) ^ a. SOLID ®b. LIQUID ^ c. GAS eta LARGEST CONTAINER: 250 215 FED HAZARD CATEGORIES 2ts (Check all that apply) ^ a. FIRE ^ b. REACTIVE ®c. PRESSURE RELEASE ^ d. ACUTE HEALTH ®e. CHRONIC HEALTH AVERAGE DAILY AMOUNT 2n MAXIMUM DAILY AMOUNT eta ANNUAL WASTE AMOUNT zts STATE WASTE CODE 2z0 250 250 N/A N/A zzt DAYS ON SITE: z22 UNITS' ®a. GALLONS ^ b. CUBIC FEET ^ c. POUNDS ^ d. TONS 365 Check one item onl ' If EHS, amount must be in unds. STORAGE CONTAINER ®a. ABOVE GROUND TANK ^ e. PLASTIC/NONMETALLIC DRUM ^ i. FIBER DRUM ^ m. GLASS BOTTLE ^ q. RAIL CAR ^ b. UNDERGROUND TANK ^ f. CANS ^ j. BAG ^ n. PLASTIC BOTTLE ^ r. OTHER ^ c. TANK INSIDE BUILDING ^ g. CARBOY ^ k. BOX ^ o. TOTE BIN ^ d. STEEL DRUM ^ h. SILO ^ I. CYLINDER ^ .TANK WAGON 223 STORAGE PRESSURE ^ a. AMBIENT ®b. ABOVE AMBIENT ^ c. BELOW AMBIENT 2za STORAGE TEMPERATURE ®a. AMBIENT ^ b. ABOVE AMBIENT ^ c. BELOW AMBIENT ^ d. CRYOGENIC 225 %WT HAZARDOUS COMPONENT (For mixture or waste only) EHS CAS # 1 2zs zz~ ^ Yes ^ No zzs zzs Q 230 231 ^ Yes ^ NO 232 233 g 234 23s ^ Yes ^ No z3s z3~ q 23e z3s ^ Yes ^ No 2ao zat 5 2a2 2a3 ^ Yes ^ No zaa gas II more hazardous components are present at greater than 1% by weight If nontarcinogenic, or 0.1% by weight if carcinogenic, attach ad ditional sheets of paper capturing the required Information. ADDITIONAL LOCALLY COLLECTED INFORMATION gas If EPCRA Please Si n Here UPCF (1/99) ..:, ~-; ~- ,. + CINGULAR WIRELESS 14282 NEW _________________________ SiteID: 015-021-001870 + Manager `L~I~GI ~(,vvr~~- BusPhone: (425) 580-7515 Location: 4408 YEAGER WY Map 123 CommHaz High City BAKERSFIELD Grid: 16D FacUnits: 1 AOV: CommCode: BFD STA 09 SIC Code:4813 EPA Numb: DunnBrad:00-698-0080 Emergency Contact / T'ite~e Emergency Contact / Title / ~G(i~Gl. YVI[wh WIRELESS NETWORK / CONTROL CENTER Business Phone : ~ 1~-`T--~~~-4-~ 2-3+x CS`~ Business Phone : ( ) - x 24-Hour Phone (800) 832-6662x 24-Hour Phone (800) 832-6662x Pager Phone ( ) - x~g~4ly2 Pager Phone ( ) - x Hazmat Hazards: RSs Fire Press ImmHlth Contact Phone: (425) 580-7515x MailAddr: PO BOX 97061 State: WA City REDMOND Zip 98073 Owner NEW CINGULAR WIRELESS PCS LLC Phone: (425) 580-7515x Address PO BOX 97061 State: WA City REDMOND Zip 98073 Period to TotalASTs: = Gal Preparers TotalUSTs: = Gal Certif'd: RSs: Yes ParcelNo: Emergency Directives: PROG A - HAZMAT PROG T - ABOVEGROUND STORAGE TANK Based nn rry inquiry of those individuals responsibly for obtaining the information, t certify under penalty of law that I have personally examined and am famlllar with the information submitted and believe the information is true, accurate, and complete. ~~ o~ Signature Da4 ~N~p AUK a ~ ~Q06 ~°~~ -1- 03/10/2006 1 GENERAL NOTES ~ ® ~_ t 1. Fdl 1HE PURPOSE tf CONS'TRUCIIdI diAW9NG 111E FQLOMNG DE19NInONS SHAll APPLY: _ /* n' / ~---~~~~ /O~~ue (.1~~v1R~~ ~< ~ I , CONITIACTOR - BEOITEL (cDNS'fRYgnd,) ' R A «" # • OWMER - T ,NIiQESS SEANCES O // au sTe Tq 2 ro ~ N A a i u wm A m i na ~0`I °f ~ ~M ~ ~ ~ O / / h /UF AA F rlE Y l c c wE B nc EwsnF ie m NDIT iDNS ANO TD cG ACCOMPLI9IED AS 910Mi ON of CONSTRUCiKN DRAMN6 ANY d6dtmANCY FOUND SHALL B [J / ~ 1 BE BRWLiIT TO 111E AliT711KN OF CONIRACIdi,. ~ yy V ~ ~ U S ALL YATETRAI$ FlAeA91E0 AND NSTAl1ED SHALL ~ W STPoCT ACCORDANCE MTH ALL APPLICABLE CODES REEUUTIONS, AND Ofm0UNt6 SLHCONIRACTd1 SHALL ISSUE ALL Q ~ ~ (' APPROPPoAIE NOTK6 AND COMPLY MM ALL LAWS. OIiflNANCES RULES. REWLAnONS, AND ~® lAVF1A ORDERS Q NIT PUNIC AUT110Wtt REGARONG 7HE PEW ORMANCE OF THE WORK. `"~`"~°"~"~'~L"MTM`""~°A~'°°""`°°``"~`~°°" VICES INC A YECHANICN AND,FIECIPoCAL WOPo( SNALL BE N ACCORDANT MTH ALL APPLICABLE YUMCIPAL AND UTAIiY COMPANY SPECPICATIONS'AND LOCAL .A118501CRONAL CODES, ORDINANCES AND ~ . T&T WIRELESS SER ~ gg / ~ ~ APPLICABLE REWUTNNS ALL WORK SMALL BE N ACCORDANCE MTH NFPA-70, 1999 NAnONAL G/ FlN Ff 7 Z~I ""'Po"°°E "'° ""¢`"°'' °"'Po"°°E SITE NUMBER: C L16 1. DRAMNCS~PRONDFD NETS ATd Nor ro BE SCALID AND ARE NTQAm ro SNOW W1UNE ONLY. # O Q / ~ L./ / ~ O g UNLESS NOIEU O7XOtM5E, THE M'ORK SNALL NCLUDE FLANISHNG YA1p8A15. E011NMF.NT, APPURTFNNICES AND LABOR NECSSART ro WYPLEIE ALL fLSIALURONS AS INOIUIEO dl ' ~ SITE NAME: SOUTHWEST TIS dtAMNfS' , ' ~ ~ 6. MATEIBAL SPECRIEO N 7NE TABLE •RF BILL a YATEPoAIS MLL BE SUPPLIED BY TIS G ,, ~ CONTRAC70R TO 1NE SUBCONTRACTdi. ALL OMEII YATEWALS SHALL BE SUPPLIED [fY THE SIIBLONIRACTa1. , s DRAWING INDEX REV PROJECT INrORMATION 1ALL NSTALL ALL EOUIPYLTTT AI® i%ATEieAlSIN ACCORDANCE MiH 7. TIE 91BCONTRAOhOR MANUFACnNSRS WCOMYENDARQ/S CARESS SPEafKU111Y STATED O7NEAWISL ' g P THE SPEOFl[0 FOUIPYEWT DANNOT BE NSTAi1ED AS SH01N d11HESE DRAMNGS, THE BAK-CL16-01 TITLE SHEET AND G(:NERAL NOTES 0 SCOPE OF WCRK: UNMANNED 1ELEWMMUNICATICNS fAgtJTT MUUIFlCAn AS i SUBCQIIRAC,d1 6NALL PROPOSE AN ALTERNATIVE N6TALIATIUN SPACE FOR APPROVK BY THE ~g ~' SITE ADDRC55: 4400 MEAGER J L ~~DR' ~ ~ ~ ~ BAK-CL76-02 EQUIPMENT LAYOUT PLAN 0 eAKERSiIEID. a B. SUBL'WiRACI01t SNAIL ditOTYNE ACTUAL ROU111/G OF CONDUR, POWFA ANO 71 CABLES, GROUNpNG CARIES AS SNOM/ ON iNE POWEiE, CROUNDNG AND 7ELC0 PVW MAMNC. BAK-CL76-03 CABLES TO BTS CA9INET (NOKIA) 0 LAlITUOL SS.SI50' SUBCONTRACTTTR SHALL UlR12f ElOSN1G TRIMS AND/OA SHALL A00 NEw TRAYS AS NECCSSAAY. SIBfbNiR,lCTai SFIN.L CdifVW THE ACTLIAI RWiNO MTN TFS Cd1T11AC1OR. (IBBU 8 24VDC RF E:ABINET) LONGITUDE: -119.0825' 10. 1NE SUEIOONTRACIOR SMALL PROTECT E705TNG INPROVEYENIS PAI4YENi5, CURBS LANOSCAPINC BAK-CL76-04 ANTENNA CONFIGUF,ATION 0 EIEVATON: -- ANO STRUCTURES ANY DAYII4ED PART SHALL BE REPNRED AT SVDCa1TRACTOR'S EXPENSE TO IFIE SAnSACTwN OF OMVEIi " ~ BAK-CL18-05 BILL OF MATERIALS AND CONSTRUCTION NOTES ~ 0 JURISDICTION qtt OF BAKERSFlELD 11. $IRJCOFfi11ACTOR SItiLL~LEGNIY A i=ROPEALY p~asE aF ALL sauw MATERIALS SUQI AS CURRENT USE TELECOMYUNICAnONS FAgLITY COAAAL'CABIII AND O1HFA ITE]IS REMOVED EROY THE E)OSIINC FAC87TY. ANTENNAS RENOVLT) SMALL eE RETURNED ro ORRSA'S DESId1Atm LOGTKN. ~ BAK-CL76-06 CONSTRUCTION DE?AILS AND NOTES O , PROP05'iD USc TElFCOYMUNIGAnONS F'AOlltt 12 AIBCONIRACRR SMALL lFA4~.PR£?IISES N QFJMI COF/dTKN. 73. NL wNCWTE REPAIR WpM s>tAU to DaNE N ACCOF~WC£ MTN AYCIOCAN CONCRETE NsTTIUTE (Aa) 3d. VICINITY MAP STRUCTURAL REVIEW - ANY NEW CON(REIE N®m FOR THE CONSTRIIrnan 91ALL NAVE 1000 P9 SIRENOTH AT 28 14 DRIVING DIRECTIONS: , STRUCTURAL ANgLY95 5 NOT REOJIREO FOR THIS STE . GAYS ALL CONCIS7NG WORN SHALL E[ DONE IN ACCONANCE M1H ADI 318 CODE CO WEST ON PARK Si TO BEC 1URN RIGHt ON LOg15 S1 (PAW ST.) TVRN LEFT HARO AV<c . REWNEYENR . TO CA-Bl W TO i-608 N TO I- , , . AKC LEFT. RICMT ON B N TO U-99 N TO PANAMA LAN ALL STRUCTURAL SIEFl WORK 91ALL [S DONE N ACCORDANCE MDI RISC SPEtlFICARCN. 13 DISTRICT BLVD. RIGHT ON CONR S MEAGER N'AY. AD U1. LER ON MrDINTT Dii. N1iICH BECOME Z . • ~ APPLICABLE CODES AND STANDARDS CENERAL 18. CdiSTRUCTION SHALL COMPLY MiN SPEC6%A7KN 24823-0]3-lPS-A002-00002 EANCS FT1p COISTRUCnON 6 AIRS x SITES' . . •Vp~avRST = oa m or I LorB" ~ 84 a z CONSTRUCnON S 17. SUBCONTRACION SHHL VEf~Y NL OBSTINQ dYENSTdTS AND CONdnd15 PRIOR ro COMMENgNG ANY MORK ALL OIYEN510N5 OF ETOS7NG CONSIRlICT10N SHOWN ON iNE ORAMNOS MUST ~ . 9 ~ ~3*~ k r II .• ti<' ! R 6h ,~ .. i• Di l~.- c ~1 r + ~ .y ll '. NT$ BUILDING CODE: UNIFORM BULDING CODE 199] VFIUF®. SUBCONTNACTdt SNI1L NOTIFY 7/E CONTRACTfIR OF N1Y d9CREPANgES PRIOR TO ~ I , h vc7iR GT '' C 1 55 ALL WORK IS TO COMPLY MTH THE 1999 CALIFORNIA BUILDING CODE CBC AMENDMCNTS ANO STANDARDS, ( ] INCLUDING D{r FOILOMNG CODES IN ORDEP p' PRECEDENCE' dTDEPoNO YAIEPoAL OR PROCEEOOIC MTH Cpl$igUCfLOM. /' Ur p I .- ~ ... ,..._ ,~~ Vd1 ~ Ln.. ' "--" T F ^ 1g THE ETOSTRIG Q11 91E 6 N Flll1 COEIYFROAL OPQEA710N. ANY CdL57RUCnON YrORK BY SUBCONTPACTOR SMALL NOT dSRUPT 7NE FASNIQ NOFBIK OPEIIAn011. ANY M]ftK ON EXISRNG I PROJECT SITE ~$ I HE 189]: UNIFORM BIDC. CODE STANDARDS AND AMENDMENTS, UNI ORM MECHANICAL CODE ANOARDS ANO EN UNI ORM PLUMBING CODE 6TMDARD ANO A _ r .. a. AMENDM NT ' 0'O ? EQUIPMENT MUST BC COORdNA1FD MTH CONTRACTtlL AT CONTRACTOR'S d'Rdl, WORN MAY BE Grnvla I LIcNa 1 r~. ..... _. .... ... . .... S; LOCAL BVLLDING CODE. dTl / U Ntt CRU NANCeS E SCNEDIIIID FOR AN APPROPRIATE YAVTTETIANCE MNOOW USYALLT N LOW iRAFFlC PERIODS BdIT _._.... ,, ... y{ '•. ~o '' ~ RA~IA-222-1896 f, 607 LOYMEAtl AL BUILDIN.. fiROIINDING AND BONdNG REQUIREMENTS FOR . AFTER Md 19. 9NCC THE CF31 91E 5 ACnVE, ALL SOFTY PRECAUnONS WST BE TAIQN YMEN WORKING tORS PEAYI99d1 d I a p k~ ~ '" Y ' $ .Bi ', McDiv Y1_~r -_.........~ TELECOMNUNICARONS RISC. CONSTRUCDON MANUAL 9th COITION OR LITER. , ARQ1N0 NICH lLVF15 OF ElECiROYAdILTC RAdAl10N. UPON COHIRAC ORK 1NAT COLAD E%POSE THE X Ed11PMENI SNdRD ES 91U1DOWN PRIOR TO PE%MMNG ANY W MDW(ERS TO DANCER. PERSOFIAL RF EIIAOSINE MOMTtlRS IS /IONSED ro BE WORN TO ALERT - iintricl Bivd ~~- NEC (NARONAL ELECTRIC CODE) 1899 (NFPA 70) OF ANY DANITERd15 Fll~ffllSTNE 1 vssr e < .~ I /1r NgfIA ULTRA9TE DARNING BSU3G508002C5T21 OR LATER RENSION ' I p ~ cuTford :~ WHERE THERE IS A CONNCI' BCTWEEN CODES, AN EARLIER NAMED CODE TAKES PRECEDCNCE Ol'ER A LITER • " ulhFJn Pa~Y.k:. 5._.:._..._ NAMED CODE. ~ N,Ttlcn Br(,cs Ur .;v i~ IN ANY SPECIFIC CASE OR CONFLICTS BETWEEN SEC'ONS OF ANY CODE REGPROING MATERIALS. METHGpS OF ' ' Iii ua,RUP' Dr - CONSTRUCRON, ON OTHER REd11REMENIS. THE MOS' RESTR!Cnr SHALL GOVERN. MHERF THERE IS CONFLCT BETWEEN A CENCRAL REOL'IREMENT AND A SPEC'~I1C RECUIREMEN 7, THC SPEgfiC REWIRFMENT SHALL GOY1JtN. A~ M EE G Bectl}el Telecorrrrgnicatione ~ ~~ _ . AT&T Tf(LE SH AND T AWS - Conplex trowtll Project ~ GENER 12900 PARK PLA2A DRIVE 4408 MEAGER ATAT WIRELESS SERVICES. INC. roJn ni ~ roa ccaslmcrcA Iw m ortNA B z,,a CG, AL NOTES CERRITOS, CA 90703 BAXERSFIEID U VSID: 9831 ttB9C PAPK IU3A ORNE GE'RRR09 G MR PLV19016 m THa ~- taUw~w x~uF;a EV v tXYCN(o aNf. I 24997 EW(-C! 16-OI 7 - o ~- ..I os ~o ~ g ~ V H1ilOV 3flill m ~ \\ ~ ~ O W V `E m` v/ ~ to Q ~ a W ~- -- ,s-ol - t- i _- I ~ c. ~ ~C~R~ -C 1 Z ~~. ~ ~1-~ ~ g a - o o ~~ ~~ ~ ~ ~ _~--~ I ,c/l Il ~ ~ ~ ~ 8 ` 1 1 u I \ I _~ ~ ¢ 1 ~G \' ~ \\ ~' °" d n L l ~ ~ ~ ^ K a M ~.a ~l I __ ,~i I ; 0 _• ; ~ ~ o\l g _~ ~ 0. ~~ ~ -~-_ 1 ~ -- , Il N -J •1 I ~ 1 '- I ~ ' - I o OJ U N ~ ~ i -.r- I ~.~ -~ 1 1 OI~'~ ~ L r w u 1 ~ 4 ~~- ~ - -~ z _ ~ - ~- ~ ~ L- ~' O O W a W~~ ~ ~9~ GP U' W ~ w ~ < K~ ~~~, ~I I ~ x J F~ d ~ o < ~ a a a v ( _ ~ ~~ ~~ ~ °~ x ~- ~ >< I a ~ ~ - < }y~a 3 1I ~ ~ Y ~ a~ ` v F F ~ ~$ ~ I 1 I ~~ ~~ ~z I~~a ~ ~7 ~ I o ~ x ~ ~^ -( ~ d~X Iv© t ~ W ~ a gg~^^ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ W ~ ~ ~ ~ ~-~ 'R' ~ .~ ~ o _~ o ~ ~ 011 ~ m ~ a m ~ ~ o o W J zoo ~ 5 6 ~`d R~i< gu ~ ~~~ 7rw z,~mm .I `1'iS~~~-~a~~L~,l~~~ .~ 25 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ev 6 U ~ ~ s m ~ _ vl v, 1c ~ ~- ~W ~ x ~ ~ g wWWw.~ _~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ,:~~ ~' oa I g ~.ig <~ Z~i ~ ~ a a d '~i' o ~ ~ ~ 3 O ~ ~ a J= o ~ ~ a]$i F. ~ a~ $ j 1l ¢¢ q~ aa p~ ~ ~ Z ~ ~ ~B, ~~ ~ W W ka u g ~ 2W 3 6 0- ~ ~ g ~ g U ~ V - ~ ~ << G 4 4 T<~< Z~< ~~ 2 2 y 7. ~ Q~ ~ U ~ < ~p ~ v V ~ 1Ki1 0 ~ ZZ ~Zj] ~ Z O ~ po ~ ~ w c 1 ~ p KK K $~ 6 0 0 V1 6 F (B- 2~ F F ~ G ri ~ W fi dal m m N G? ~~~~< V 6< 1 ~ y ~ 1a ~ G~ ~ O O~ U~~~ 3 d 2 6 K U mmm Q ~ U OOOOOOOOO®~®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®® ®®®®®®®®®®~®®®®®©®®® < 6 < < < 6 < < < < < < t < < < < 6 t 6 < < \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z 2 Z Z 2 Z 2 2 2 Z Z Z Z < < < 6 < < < < < < < 6 \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z < < \ \ 2 Z .oup aV wauN • /\ uuyP WaPwa WIW Ws N WNlwlaa xn aW W W aw VWU~Y pl N Wuox Pawn w'M~IWVx 'F~aal 9aNaa 'MaMBaaw p Iw IW WI MW IwwxM wC.a arwwV aW Ya cw 4wuu1 a. wW 'll4019 !o y.xed uVl o w, N u61auP aW PVn WI'^~P ryVl 'uryaaWwO wNW 'qd u•VIVaaB NNW IMa< IqW w Puw1xV u\ nl N• NIV•M ry LwWutl aryl al•I isu•uyyux a.plua~'w a1VeM P<'200i wY WaJ VIVnPO ~lnlN3G11NOJ IlINJ39 UNIFIED PROGRAM INSPECT~I®N CHECI(LIST SECTION 1: Business Plan and Inventory Program BAKERSFIELD FIRE DEPT Prevention Services a art a ~~te 900 TYuxtun Ave., Suite 210 ~wrr r Bakersfield, CA 93301 Tel.: (661) 326-3979 Fax: (661) 872-2171 FACILITY NAME~~~` ~ /~ ~ / ~/~ ~ NSPECTION~7DATE INSPECTION TIME ADDRESS //~'N~/)}~~i A ~ / HONE NO. OOF//~yt L~OfYEES FACILITY CONTACT ~4~fr~. ~O ~ S USINESS ID NUMBER 15-021- 4~jl~7~ Section 1: Business Plan and Inventory Program ROUTINE ^ COMBINED ^ JOINT AGENCY ^ MULTI-AGENCY ^ COMPLAINT ^ RE-INSPECTION C V ~ C=Compliance OPERATION V=Violation COMMENTS ^ APPROPRIATE PERMIT ON HAND ^ BUSIfI@SS PLAN CONTACT INFORMATION ACCURATE I ~~ ~~~ ~~ ~~'~(Y d~'f `~ U /~~~~ ^ VISIBLE ADDRESS ' ^ CORRECT OCCUPANCY ^ VERIFICATION OF INVENTORY MATERIALS ^ VERIFICATION OF QUANTITIES ^ VERIFICATION OF LOCATION ^ PROPER SEGREGATION OF MATERIAL ^ VERIFICATION OF MSDS AVAILABILITY ^ I VERIFICATION OF HAZ MAT TRAINING ^ VERIFICATION OF ABATEMENT SUPPLIES AND EDURES ^ EMERGENCY PROCEDURES ADEQUATE I ^ CONTAINERS PROPERLY LABELED I ^ HOUSEKEEPING ^ FIRE PROTECTION ^ SITE DIAGRAM ADEQUATE 8 ON HAND ~ ANY HAZARDOUS WASTE ON SITE? ^ YES NO EXPLAIN: -- - - QUESTIONS R~iI~RDING THIS INSPECTION? PLEASE CALL US AT (661) 326-3979 (! Inspector (Please Print) Fire Prevention / 1s' In /Shift of Site/Station # usmes ool Site Res arty (Please Print) White -Prevention Services Yellow -Station Copy Pink -Business Copy FD2049 (Rev. 02!05) UNIFIED PROGRAM INSPECTION CHECKLIST SECTION 1 Business Plan and Inventory Program Bakersfield Fire Dept. Enironmental Services 1715 Chester Ave Bakersfield, CA 93301 Tel: (661)326-3979 ;INSPECTION DATE ~ INSPECTION TIME FACILITY NAME ADDRESS I PHONE No. No. of Employees ____.---_.-__~ L ~j C~..-- ~ ' FACILITYCONTACT tBusineSS ID Number 15-021- G b (~ ~~ Section 1: Business Plan and Inventory Program Routine ^ Combined ^ Joint Agency ^Mnlti-Agency ^ Complaint ^ Re-inspection V nce~ OPERATION ti COMMENTS IV=Vioa on ^ APPROPRIATE PERMIT ON HAND I ^ BUSINESS PLAN CONTACT INFORMATION ACCURATE ' ^ VISIBLE ADDRESS ^ ----- CORRECT OCCUPANCY ------ ----- ^ VERIFICATION OF INVENTORY MATERIALS ~ ---- -- = ------------ ---- -- -- - - - --- -- ---------------------- ^ ^ VERIFICATION OF QUANTITIES ~' y ^ ^ VERIFICATION OF LOCATION ~ ~ - - - --- - ---- - - - - -- -----------~------- ^ PROPER SEGREGATION OF MATERIAL ---- --- ---- i - - ---- --N --- -- ^ VERIFICATION OF MSDS AVAILABILITYE ^ VERIFICATION OF FIAT MAT TRAINING ^ VERIFICATION OF ABATEMENT SUPPLIES AND PROCEDURES ~ `' - -- - ------------ ----- ^ ^ EMERGENCY PROCEDURES ADEQUATE --------- ~--------- C ------ i -- -- --- -------------------------- ONTAINERS PROPERLY LABELED ^ - HOUSEKEEPING -~---f --~--- ----- --- - ^ FIRE PROTECTION ^ SITE DIAGRAM ADEQUATE 8c ON HAND ANY HAZARDOUS WASTE ON SITE: ^ YES ~NO "~ n ,~ EXPLAIN: QUESTIONS REGARDING THIS INSPECTIONS PLEASE CALL US AT ~F)G'I ~ 3Z6-3979 ---------~c_o~ --- ----- -- -- ---~'-~-~ --- Inspector Badge No. White -Environmental Services Yellow - Statbn Copy '~.' __ Business Site Responsible Party Pink -Business Copy c^ p L~ ,_ ~:; CINGULAR WIRELESS 14282 NEW 1°J°l~~ Manager ELIZABETH MARTINEZ Location: 4408 YEAGER WY City BAKERSFIELD CommCode: BFD STA 09 EPA Numb: SiteID: 015-021-001870 BusPhone: (425) 580-4902 Map 123 CommHaz Extreme Grid: 16D FacUnits: 1 AOV: SIC Code:4812 DunnBrad:10-202-6754 Emergency Contact / T' le Emergency Contact / Title CHRISTINA WAGER / WIRELESS NETWORK / CONTROL CENTER Business Phone: (562) 4 8-6164x Business Phone: (800) 832-6662x 24-Hour Phone (800) 3 -6662x 24-Hour Phone (800) 832-6662x Pager Phone ( ) x Pager Phone ( ) - x ....... ___. Hazmat Hazards: R s Fire Press ImmHlth ___....... Contact CHRIS I WAGER ~ Phone: (562) 468-6164x MailAddr: 3851 N REEWAY BLVD ~ State: CA City SACRAN~E O // Zip 95834 Owner NEW CINGULAR WIRELESS PCS LLC Phone: (425) 580-4902x Address PO BOX 97061 State: WA City REDMOND Zip 98073 -9761 Period- to TotalASTs: = Gal Preparers TotalUSTs: = Gal Certif'd: RSs: Yes ParcelNo: Emergency Directives: PROG A - HAZMAT n ~"\ PROG T - ABOVEGROUND STORAGE TANK ~" ENT'D q PR 13 2007 Based on my inquiry of thQe~ ih~ividuals responsible for t~k~teining the Ir~f~aFr~~iioA, I certify under penalty of lavr tP~at I have personally examined and art familiar with the information submitted and believe the information is true, acc 'e, and complete. ' a °V ignature Date -1- 01/29/2007 ~. F CINGULAR WIRELESS 14282 NEW SiteID: 015-021-001870 ~ ~ Hazmat Inventory By Facility Unit ~ ~ MCP+DailyMax Order Fixed Containers at Site ~ Hazmat Common Name... SpecHaz EPA Hazards Frm DailyMax Unit MCP PROPANE ELECTRONIC STORAGE BATTERY E F P F IH IH L S 250.00 3913.00 GAL LBS - H Low -2- 01/29/2007 -3- 01/29/2007 s F CINGULAR WIRELESS 14282 NEW SiteID: 015-021-001870 ~ ~ Inventory Item 0002 Facility Unit: Fixed Containers at Site ~ COMMON NAME / CHEMICAL NAME PROPANE Days On Site 365 Location within this Facility Unit Map: Grid: ---- INSIDE CELL SITE CAS# 74-98-6 Liquid TPureE ~-AboveSAmbEent AmbientT~E ABOVEOGROIINDRTANKE AMOUNTS AT THIS LOCATION Largest Container Daily Maximum Daily Average 250.00 GAL 250.00 GAL 250.00 GAL nr~~r-ucL~u~ winr~lv~;ivta sWt. RS CAS# 100.00 Propane Yes 74986 riHGKKL A55i5J51~11'~1V 15 TSecret RS BioHaz Radioactive/Amount EPA Hazards NFPA USDOT# MCP No No No No/ Curies F P IH / / / Hi ~ Inventory Item 0003 Facility Unit: Fixed Containers at Site ~ COMMON NAME / CHEMICAL NAME ELECTRONIC STORAGE BATTERY Days On Site 365 Location within this Facility Unit Map: Grid: INSIDE CELL SITE CAS# STATE TYPE PRESSURE TEMPERATURE CONTAINER TYPE Solid TMixtur~Ambient ~ Ambient OTHER - SPECIFY AMOUNTS AT THIS LOCATION Largest Container Daily Maximum Daily Average 157.00 LBS 3913.00 LBS 3913.00 LBS tit~~titcLVUS ~vi~irvlv~iv~l-5 sWt. RS CAS# 7.00 Sulfuric Acid (EPA) No 76.64939 60.00 Lead No 7439921 t1HG1~KL 1-~J5~JJ1~1~1V1J TSecret RS BioHaz Radioactive/Amount EPA Hazards NFPA USDOT# MCP No Yes No No/ Curies F IH / / / Low -4- 01/29/2007 5 F CINGULAR WIRELESS 14282 NEW SiteID: 015-021-001870 ~ Fast Forma€ ~ ~ Notif./Evacuation/Medical Overall Site ~ ~ Agency Notification 03/31/1998 ~ IN CASE OF A HAZARDOUS SPILL ALWAYS CALL 911 FOR THE LOCAL RESPONSE AGENCY: THEN CALL GOVERNORS OFFICE OF EMERGENCY SERVICES. THEN CONSULT THE CALIFORNIA HAZARDOUS MATERIAL NOTIFICATION GUIDE TO SEE IF ADDITIONAL AGENCIES ARE TO BE NOTIFIED. Employee Notif./Evacuation 03/31/1998 IN CASE OF FIRE EMPLOYEES ARE NOTIFIED TO EVACUATE THE SWITCHING OFFICE AND CLOSE ALL DOORS TO ENSURE PROPER OPERATION OF HALON SYSTEM, AND TO ENSURE NO ONE ENTERS THE OFFICE UNTIL FIRE DEPT AND HAZARDOUS RESPONSE TEAM HAS CLEARED EMPLOYEES TO DO SO. Public Notif./Evacuation 03/31/1998 HAZARDOUS MATERIALS USED AT OUR FACILITY DO NOT POSE A THREAT TO THE PUBLIC: Emergency Medical Plan 05/27/1998 MEDICAL TREATMENT FOR EXPOSURE TO MATERIALS USED AT OUR FACILITY CAN BE HANDLED AT CLOSEST EMERGENCY/URGENT CARE MEDICAL FACILITY. -5- 01/29/2007 F CINGULAR WIRELESS 14282 NEW SiteID: 015-021-001870 ~ Fast Forma€ ~ ~ Mitigation/Prevent/Abatemt Overall Site ~ ~ Release Prevention 03/31/1998 ~ ALL REMOTE LOCATIONS ARE VISITED BY QUALIFIED PERSONNEL TO CHECK FOR LEAKS IN PROPANE SYSTEM, BATTERY SYSTEM, AND HALON SYSTEM ON A WEEKLY BASIS. Release Containment P; ~~-'." dean up %-~ a Other Resource Activation -6- 01/29/2007 F CINGULAR WIRELESS 14282 NEW SiteID: 015-021-001870 ~ Fast Format ~ ~ Site Emergency Factors Overall Site ~ Special tiazarus Utility Shut-Offs NO UTILITY SHUT-OFFS. 08/08/2006 Fire Protec./Avail. Water 08/08/2006 PRIVATE FIRE PROTECTION - HALON SYSTEM. Building Occupancy Level 03/10/2006 UNMANNED SITE -7- 01/29/2007 F CINGULAR WIRELESS 14282 NEW SiteID: 015-021-001870 ~ Fast Format ~ ~ Training Overall Site ~ ~ Employee Training 08/08/2005 ~ MSDS SHEETS ON FILE. BRIEF SUMMARY OF TRAINING PROGRAM: ALL EMPLOYEES THAT HAVE ACCESS TO BATTERY ROOMS AND/OR HALON-PROTECTED FACILITIES ARE FAMILIAR WITH THE MSDS SHEETS FOR THESE HAZARDOUS MATERIALS-AND NEW EMPLOYEES ARE MADE AWARE OF THE DANGERS OF THE MATERIALS, THE LOCATION OF THE MSDS FOR THESE MATERIALS, AND TO CONTACT JOE SANDOVAL OR LARRY GONZALES FOR ANY CONCERNS THAT MIGHT ARISE. Page z Held for Future Use Bela zor r~uLUre use -8- 01/29/2007 USID: UNIFIED PROGRAM CONSOLIDATED FORM FACILITY INFORMATION BUSINESS ACTIVITIES Pa e 1 of _ I. FACILITY IDENTIFICATION FACILITY ID # 1 EPA ID # (Hazardous Waste Only) 2 BUSINESS NAME (Same as Facility Name of DBA-Doing Business As) 3 AT&T Mobilit -SOUTH WEST (14282) II. ACTIVITIES DECLARATION NOTE: If you check YES to any part of this list, please submit the Business Owner/Operator Identification page (OES Form 2730). Does our facilit .. If Yes, lease com lete these a es of the UPCF.... A. HAZARDOUS MATERIALS Have on site (for any purpose) hazardous materials at or above 55 gallons for liquids, 500 pounds for solids, or 200 cubic feet for compressed gases ®YES ^ NO 4 HAZARDOUS MATERIALS INVENTORY (include liquids in ASTs and USTs); or the applicable Federal threshold _ CHEMICAL DESCRIPTION (OES 2731) quantity for an extremely hazardous substance specified in 40 CFR Part 355, Appendix A or B; or handle radiological materials in quantities for which an emer enc lan is re uired ursuant to 10 CFR Parts 30, 40 or 70? B. UNDERGROUND STORAGE TANKS (USTS) UST FACILITY (Formerly SweCS Form n) 1. Own or operate underground storage tanks? ^ YES ®NO S UST TANK (one page per tank) (Formerly Form B) 2. Intend to upgrade existing or install new USTS? ^ YES ®NO 6 UST FACILITY UST TANK (one per tank) UST INSTALLATION - CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE (one page per tank) (Formerly Form C) 3. Need to report closing a UST? ^ YES ®NO 7 UST TANK (closure portion-one page per tank) C. ABOVE GROUND PETROLEUM STORAGE TANKS (ASTs) Own or operate ASTs above these thresholds: ---any tank capacity is greater than 660 gallons, or ^ YES ®NO 8 NO FORM REQUIRED TO CUPAs ---the total capacity for the facility is greater than 1,320 gallons? D. HAZARDOUS WASTE 1. Generate hazardous waste? ^ YES ®NO 9 EPA ID NUMBER -provide at the top of this page 2. Recycle more than 100 kg/month of excluded or exempted RECYCLABLE MATERIALS REPORT (ome recyclable materials (per HSC 25143.2)? ^ YES ®NO 10 per recycler) 3. Treat hazardous waste on site? ONSITE HAZARDOUS WASTE ^ YES ®NO 11 TREATMENT -FACILITY (Formerly DTSC Forms 1772) ONSITE HAZARDOUS WASTE TREATMENT -UNIT (one page per unit) (Formerly DTSC Forms 1772 A,B,C,D and L) 4. Treatment subject to financial assurance requirements (for ^ YES ®NO 12 CERTIFICATION OF FINANCIAL Permit by Rule and Conditional Authorization)? ASSURANCE (Formerly DTSC Form 1232> 5. Consolidate hazardous waste generated at a remote site? REMOTE WASTE /CONSOLIDATION ^ YES ®NO 13 SITE ANNUAL NOTIFICATION (Formerly DTSC Fonn 1196) 6. Need to report the closure/removal of a tank that was classified as ^ yES ®NO 14 HAZARDOUS WASTE TANK CLOSURE hazardous waste and cleaned onsite? CERTIFICATION (Formerly DTSC Form t2a9> E. LOCAL REQUIREMENTS Is (You may also be required [o provide additional information by your CUPA or local agency.) UPCF (1/99) UNIFIED PROGRAM CONSOLIDATED FORM ' FACILITY INFORMATION BUSINESS OWNER/OPERATOR IDENTIFICATION Page _ of I. IDENTIFICATION FACILITY ID# ~ BEGINNING DATE ~~ ENDING DATE tot BUSINESS NAME (Same as FACILITY NA~1E or DBA -Doing Business As) s BUSINESS PHONE toz AT&T Mobility- SOUTH WEST (14282) 425-580-4902 BUSINESS SITE ADDRESS tos 4408 YEAGER WAY CITY 104 ZIP CODE tos CA BAKERSFIELD 93313 DUN & BRADSTREET toy SIC CODE (4 digit #) toy 10-202-6754 4812 COUNTY 108 Monterey BUSINESS OPERATOR NAME 109 BUSINESS OPERATOR PHONE tto AT&T Mobility 425-580-4902 II. BUSINESS OWNER OWNER NAME ttt OWNER PHONE tt2 New Cingular Wireless PCS, LLC 425-580-4902 OWNER MAILING ADDRESS t is PO Box 97061 CITY t to STATE t is ZIP CODE t tb Redmond WA 98073 III. ENVIRONMENTAL CONTACT CONTACT NAME t t~ CONTACT PHONE t is Debra Okano 562-468-6495 CONTACT MAILING ADDRESS t t9 12900 Park Place Dr. 3`d Floor CITY t'-0 STATE t'-t ZIP CODE tz2 Cerritos CA 90703 -PRIMARY- IV. EMERGENCY CONTACTS -SECONDARY- NAME tzs NAME t28 Debra Okano Wireless Network Control Center TITLE l24 TITLE t zv Network Manager, Compliance BUSINESS PHONE t'-s BUSINESS PHONE tso 562-468-6495 800-832-6662 24-HOUR PHONE t'-6 24-HOUR PHONE tst 949-338-8434 800-832-6662 PAGER # 127 PAGER # t3'- ADDITIONAL LOCALLY COLLECTED INFORMATION: tss I Certification: Based on my inquiry of those individuals responsible for obtaining the information, I certify under penalty of law that I have personally examined and am familiaz with the information submitted an d believe the information is true, accurate, and complete. SIGNAT F OWNER/OPERATOR O DESIGNATED REPRESENTATIVE DATE [34 NAME OF DOCUMENT PREPARER t35 ~ ~ Nicholas Oswood NAME SIGNER (print) 136 TITLE OF SIGNER 137 Sian Wiltshire Environmental Compliance Specialist UPCF (1/99) ' ~ ~ UNIFIED PROGRAM CONSOLIDATED FORM HAZARDOUS MATERIALS HAZARDOUS MATERIALS INVENTORY - cxEMicAL DESCRiPT><oN (one a e er material r buildin or area) ^ADD ^DELETE ®REVISE 200 Page _ of _ I. FACILITY INFORMATION BUSINESS NAME (Same as FACILITY NAME or DBA -Doing Business As) 3 AT&T Mobilit -SOUTH WEST (14282) CHEMICAL LOCATION 201 CHEMICAL LOCATION CONFIDENTIAL EPCRA 2oz In cell site ^ YES ® NO 1 MAP# (optionap '-03 GRID# (optional) 20a FACILITY ID # II. CHEMICAL INFORMATION CHEMICAL NAME 205 TRADE SECRET ^ Yes ®No zob Lead (lead-acid batteries) If Subject to EPCRA, refer to instructions COMMON NAME ''-07 EHS* ^ Yes ®No zos Lead Pb CAS# '-09 *If EHS is "Yes", all amounts below must be in lbs. 7439-92-1 FIRE CODE HAZARD CLASSES (Complete if requ'ved by c[rnA) 2l0 213 HAZARDOUS MATERIAL 2l1 TYPE (Check one item only) ®a. PURE ^ b. MIXTURE ^ c. WASTE RADIOACTIVE ^ Yes ®No 212 CURIES 215 PHYSICAL STATE 21a (Check one item only) ®a. SOLID ^ b. LIQUID ^ c. GAS LARGEST CONTAINER 153 FED HAZARD CATEGORIES 216 (Check all that apply) ^ a. FIRE ^ b. REACTIVE ^ c. PRESSURE RELEASE ^ d. ACUTE HEALTH ®e. CHRONIC HEALTH AVERAGE DAILY AMOUNT 217 MAXIMUM DAILY AMOUNT 218 ANNUAL WASTE AMOUNT '219 STATE WASTE CODE 220 3682 3682 N/A z21 DAYS ON SITE: 2zz UNITS* ^ a. GALLONS ^ b. CUBIC FEET ®c. POUNDS ^ d. TONS 365 (Check one item onl •) * If EHS, amount must be in ounds. STORAGE CONTAINER ^ a. ABOVE GROUND TANK ^ e. PLASTIC/I~tONMETALLIC DRUM ^ i. FIBER DRUM ^ m. GLASS BOTTLE ^ q. RAIL CAR ^ b. UNDERGROUND TANK ^ f. CAN ^ j. BAG ^ n. PLASTIC BOTTLE ®r. OTHER -Batteries ^ c. TANK INSIDE BUILDING ^ g. CARBOY ^ k. BOX ^ o. TOTE BIN ^ d. STEEL DRUM ^ h. SILO ^ 1. CYLINDER ^ p. TANK WAGON 223 STORAGE PRESSURE ®a. AMBIENT ^ b. ABOVE AMBIENT ^ c. BELOW AMBIENT 2'-a STORAGE TEMPERATURE ®a. AMBIENT ^ b. ABOVE AMBIENT ^ c. BELOW AMBIENT ^ d. CRYOGENIC 225 oIoWT HAZARDOUS COMPONENT (For mixture or waste only) EHS CAS # 1 226 z27 ^ Yes ^ No 22s r_9 Z 230 231 ^ Yes ^ I~rO 232 233 3 23a 235 ^ Yes ^ NO 236 237 .~ 238 239 ^ Yes ^ NO 2a0 241 5 za2 2a3 ^ Yes ^ No 2aa zas If more hazardous components are present at greater than 19c by weight if non-carcinogenic, or 0.19 by weight if carcinogenic, attach additional sheets of paper capturing the required infortttation. ADDITIONAL LOCALLY COLLECTED INFORMATION zab If EPCRA Please Si n Here UPCF (1/99) ' ~ UNIFIED PROGRAM CONSOLIDATED FORM HAZARDOUS MATERIALS HAZARDOUS MATERIALS INVENTORY - cxEMicAL vESCRiPTioN (one a e er material r buildin or area) ^ADD ^DELETE ®REVISE ''-00 Page _ of I. FACILITY INFORMATION BUSINESS NAME (Same as FACILITY NAME or DBA -Doing Business As) 3 AT&T Mobilit -SOUTH WEST (14282) CHEMICAL LOCATION '20l CHEMICAL LOCATION CONFIDENTIAL EPCRA '2oz In cell site ^ YES ® NO FACILITY ID # 1 MAP# (optional) '203 GRID# (optional) Zpq II. CHEMICAL INFORMATION CHEMICAL NAME 205 TRADE SECRET ^ Yes ®No lob Electrol to (lead-acid batteries) If Subject to EPCRA, refer to instructions COMMON NAME Zo7 2os Electrol to sulfuric acid EHS* ^Yes ®No CAS# zo9 7664-93-9 *If EHS is "Yes", all amounts below must be in lbs. FIRE CODE HAZARD CLASSES (Complete if required by CUPA) 210 HAZARDOUS MATERIAL TYPE (Check one item only) ^ a. PURE ®b. MIXTURE ^ c. WASTE ''-11 RADIOACTIVE ^Yes ®No 2t2 CURIES 213 PHYSICAL STATE 215 (Check one item only) ^ a. SOLID ®b. LIQUID ^ c. GAS '214 LARGEST CONTAINER 4 FED HAZARD CATEGORIES 216 (Check all that apply) ^ a. FIRE ®b. REACTIVE ^ c. PRESSURE RELEASE ®d. ACUTE HEALTH ®e. CHRONIC HEALTH AVERAGE DAILY AMOUNT 2u MAXIMUM DAILY AMOUNT ZIS ANNUAL WASTE AMOUNT Zl9 STATE WASTE CODE 220 92 92 N/A z21 UNITS* ®a. GALLONS ^ b. CUBIC FEET ^ c. POUNDS ^ d. TOYS DAYS ON SITE: 365 '-''-2 (Check one item only) * If EHS, amount must be in ounds. STORAGE CONTAINER ^ a. ABOVE GROUND TANK ^ e. PLASTIC/NONMETALLIC DRUM ^ i. FIBER DRUM ^ m. GLASS BOTTLE ^ q. RA[L CAR ^ b. UNDERGROUND TANK ^ f. CAN ^ j. BAG ^ n. PLASTIC BOTTLE ® r. OTHER -Batteries ^ c. TANK INSIDE BUILDING ^ g. CARBOY ^ k. BOX ^ o. TOTE BIN ^ d. STEEL DRUM ^ h. SILO ^ 1. CYLINDER ^ p. TANK WAGON 223 STORAGE PRESSURE ®a. AMBIENT ^ b. ABOVE AMBIENT ^ c. BELOW AMBIENT 224 STORAGE TEMPERATURE ®a. AMBIENT ^ b. ABOVE AMBIENT ^ c. BELOW AMBIENT ^ d. CRYOGENIC 225 %WT HAZARDOUS COMPONENT (For mixture or waste only) EHS CAS # 1 40-50 z2b Sulfuric acid 227 ®Yes ^ No 2zs 7664-93-9 229 2 50-60 23o Water 231 ^ yes ® NO 232 233 3 234 235 ^Yes ^ NO 236 237 4 '-3s 239 ^Yes ^ No zao za1 5 ''-a'- '243 ^Yes ^ No Zaa zas If more hazardous components are present at greater than 19c by weight if non-carcinogenic, or 0.19 be weight if carcinogenic, attach additional sheets of paper capturing the required information. ADDITIONAL LOCALLY COLLECTED INFORMATION 'zab If EPCRA Please Si n Here UPCF (1/99) ' ~ UNIFIED PROGRAM CONSOLIDATED FORM HAZARDOUS MATERIALS HAZARDOUS MATERIALS INVENTORY - cxEMicAL DESCRiPTioN (one a e r material r buildin or area) ^ADD ^DELETE ®REVISE ''-00 Page _ of I. FACILITY INFORMATION BUSINESS NAME (Same as FACILITY NAME or DBA -Doing Business As) 3 AT&T Mobilit -SOUTH WEST (14282) CHEMICAL LOCATION ''-01 CHEMICAL LOCATION CONFIDENTIAL EPCRA 202 In cell site ^ YES ® NO I MAP# (optional) 203 GRID# (optional) '20q FACILITY ID # II. CHEMICAL INFORMATION CHEMICAL NAME 205 TRADE SECRET ^Yes ®No 206 Pro ane If Subject to EPCRA, refer to instructions COMMON NAME zo7 zos EHS* ^Yes ®No Pro ane CAS# 209 *If EHS is "Yes", all amounts below must be in ]bs. 74986 FIRE CODE HAZARD CLASSES (complete if required by CoPA) 210 4 HAZARDOUS MATERIAL 2t1 TYPE (Check one item only) ®a. PURE ^ b. MIXTURE ^ c. WASTE RADIOACTIVE ^Yes ®No 212 CURIES 2I3 PHYSICAL STATE 21a (Check one item only) ^ a. SOLID ®b. LIQUID ^ c. GAS LARGEST CONTAINER 250 215 FED HAZARD CATEGORIES '-16 (Check all that apply) ^ a. F[RE ^ b. REACTIVE ®c. PRESSURE RELEASE ®d. ACUTE HEALTH ®e. CHRONIC HEALTH AVERAGE DAILY AMOUNT 217 MAXIMUM DAILY AMOUNT ''-18 ANNUAL WASTE AMOUNT 219 STATE WASTE CODE 220 250 250 N/A z21 DAYS ON SITE: 222 UNITS* ®a. GALLONS ^ b. CUBIC FEET ^ c. POUNDS ^ d. TONS 365 (Check one item onl •) * If EHS, amount must be in ounds. STORAGE CONTAINER ®a. ABOVE GROUND TANK ^ e. PLASTIC/NONMETALLIC DRtiM ^ i. FIBER DRUM ^ m. GLASS BOTTLE ^ q. RAIL CAR ^ b. UNDERGROUND TANK ^ f. CAN ^ j. BAG ^ n. PLASTIC BOTTLE ^ r. OTHER -Batteries ^ c. TANK INSIDE BUILDING ^ g. CARBOY ^ k. BOX ^ o. TOTE BIN ^ d. STEEL DRUM ^ h. SILO ^ I. CYLINDER ^ p. TANK WAGON 223 STORAGE PRESSURE ^ a. AMBIENT ®b. ABOVE AMBIENT ^ c. BELOW AMBIENT 22a STORAGE TEMPERATURE ®a. AMBIENT ^ b. ABOVE AMBIENT ^ c. BELOW AMBIENT ^ d. CRYOGENIC 225 %W'T HAZARDOUS COMPONENT (For mixture or waste only) EHS CAS # 140-50 '-''-6 Sulfuric acid 227 ®Yes ^ No z2s 7664-93-9 '2z9 2 50-60 230 Water 231 ^Yes ® NO 232 233 3 23a 235 ^Yes ^ NO 236 237 4 z3s z39 ^Yes ^ No zao za1 5 2a2 ~ 243 ^Yes ^ No zaa za5 If more haiardous components ere present at greater than 19o by weight if non-carcinogenic, or 0.191 by weight if carcinogenic, attach additional sheets of paper capturing the required inforttra[ion. ADDITIONAL LOCALLY COLLECTED INFORMATION za6 If EPCRA Please Si n Here UPCF (1/99) Emergency Response/Contingency Plan (Hazardous Materials Business Plan Module) Authority Cited: HSC, Section 25504(b); Title 22, Div. 4.5, Ch. 12, Art. 3 CCR All facilities that handle hazardous materials in specified quantities must have a written emergency response plan. In addition, facilities that generate 1,000 kilograms or more of hazardous waste per month, or accumulate more than 6,000 kilograms of hazardous waste on-site at any one time, must prepare a contingency plan. Because the requirements are similar, they have been combined in a single document, provided below, for your convenience. This plan is a required module of the Hazardous Materials Business Plan (HMBP). If you already have a plan that meets these requirements, you should not complete the blank plan, below, but you must include a copy of your existing plan as part of your HMBP. This site-specific Emergency Response/Contingency Plan is the facility's plan for dealing with emergencies and shall be implemented immediately whenever there is a fire, explosion, or release of hazardous materials that could threaten human health and/or the environment. At least one copy of the plan shall be maintained at the facility for use in the event of an emergency and for inspection by the local agency. Within Santa Clara County, hospitals and police agencies have delegated receipt of these plans to the local agencies administering Hazardous Materials Business Plans, so additional copies need not be submitted. However, a copy of the plan and any revisions must be provided to any contractor, hospital, or agency with whom special (i.e. contractual) emergency services arrangements have been made (see section 3, below). 1. Evacuation Plan: a. The following alarm signal(s) will be used to begin evacuation of the facility (check all that apply): ^ Bells; ^ Horns/Sirens; ®Verbal (i.e. shouting); ®Other (specify) b. ^ Evacuation map is prominently displayed throughout the facility. Note: A properly completed HMBP Site Plazz satisfies contingency plan map requirements. This drawing (or any other drawing that shotivs primary azzd alternate evacuation routes, emergency exits, and primary arzd alternate staging areas) must be prominently posted throughout the facility in locations where it will be visible to employees and visitors. 2. a. Emergency Contacts*: Fire/Police/Ambulance ......................................... State Office of Emergency Services ............................. . b. Post-Incident Contacts*: Bakersfield Fire Department California EPA Department of Toxic Substances Control ........... . Cal-OSHA Division of Occupational Safety and Health ............. . Air Quality Management District ....................... . Regional Water Quality Control Board .......................... . Phone No. 911 Phone No. (800) 852-7550 Phone No. (661) 326-3979 Phone No. (510) 540-3739 Phone No. (408) 452-7288 Phone No. (415) 771-6000 Phone No. (510) 622-2300 * These telephone numbers are provided as a genera[ aid to emergency notification. Be advised that additional agencies may be required to be notified. c. Emergency Resources: Poison Control Center ....................................... Phone No. (800) 876-4766 Nearest Hospital: Name: MERCY MEDICAL CENTER-SOUTHWEST Phone No.: 661-663-6100 Address: 400 Old River Rd City: BAKERSFIELD 3. Arrangements With Emergency Responders: If you have made special (i.e. contractual) arrangements with any police department, fire department, hospital, contractor, or State or local emergency response team to coordinate emergency services, describe those arrangements below: UPCF (1/99) Emergency Response/Contingency Plan (HMBP Module) 4. Emergency Procedures: Emergency Coordinator Responsibilities: a. Whenever there is an imminent or actual emergency situation such as a explosion, fire, or release, the emergency coordinator (or his/her designee when the emergency coordinator is on call) shall: i. Identify the character, exact source, amount, and area] extent of any released hazardous materials. ii. Assess possible hazards to human health or the environment that may result from the explosion, fire, or release. This assessment must consider both direct and indirect effects (e.g. the effects of any toxic, irritating, or asphyxiating gases that are generated, the effects of any hazardous surface water run-off from water or chemical agents used to control fire, etc.). iii. Activate internal facility alarms or communications systems, where applicable, to notify all facility personnel. iv. Notify appropriate local authorities (i.e. call 911). v. Notify the State Office of Emergency Services at 1-800-852-7550. vi. Monitor for leaks, pressure build-up, gas generation, or ruptures in valves, pipes, or other equipment shut down in response to the incident. vii. Take all reasonable measures necessary to ensure that fires, explosions, and releases do not occur, recur, or spread to other hazardous materials at the facility. b. Before facility operations are resumed in areas of the facility affected by the incident, the emergency coordinator shall: i. Provide for proper storage and disposal of recovered waste, contaminated soil or surface water, or any other material that results from a explosion, fire, or release at the facility. ii. Ensure that no material that is incompatible with the released material is transferred, stored, or disposed of in areas of the facility affected by the incident until cleanup procedures are completed. iii. Ensure that all emergency equipment is cleaned, fit for its intended use, and available for use. iv. Notify the California Environmental Protection Agency's Department of Toxic Substances Control, the County of Santa Clara's Hazardous Materials Compliance Division, and the local fire department's hazardous materials program that the facility is in compliance with requirements b-i and b-ii, above. Responsibilities of Other Personnel: On a separate page, list any emergency response functions not covered in the "Emergency Coordinator Responsibilities" section, above. Next to each function, list the job title or name of each person responsible for performing the function. Number the page(s) appropriately. 5. Post-Incident Reporting/Recording: The time, date, and details of any hazardous materials incident that requires implementation of this plan shall be noted in the facility's operating record. Within 15 days of any hazardous materials emergency incident or threatened hazardous materials emergency incident that triggers implementation of this plan, a written Emergency Incident Report, including, but not limited to a description of the incident and the facility's response to the incident, must be submitted to the California Environmental Protection Agency's Department of Toxic Substances Control, the County of Santa Clara's Hazardous Materials Compliance Division, and the local fire department's hazardous materials program. The report shall include: a. Name, address, and telephone number of the facility's owner/operator; b. Name, address, and telephone number of the facility; c. Date, time, and type of incident (e.g. fire, explosion, etc.); d. Name and quantity of material(s) involved; e. The extent of injuries, if any; f. An assessment of actual or potential hazards to human health or the environment, where this is applicable; g. Estimated quantity and disposition of recovered material that resulted from the incident; h. Cause(es) of the incident; i. Actions taken in response to the incident; j. Administrative or engineering controls designed to prevent such incidents in the future. 6. Earthquake Vulnerability: [19 CCR §2731(e)] Identify any areas of the facility and mechanical or other systems that require immediate inspection or isolation because of their vulnerability to earthquake-related ground motion: UPCF (1/99) Emergency Response/Contingency Plan 7. Emergency Equipment: 22 CCR §66265.52(e) [as referenced by 22 CCR §66262.34(x)(4)] and the Hazardous Materials Storage Ordinance require that emergency equipment at the facility be listed. Completion of the following Emergency Equipment Inventory Table meets this requirement. EMERGENCY EQUIPMENT INVENTORY TABLE 1. Equipment Cate o 2. Equipment T e 3. Locations * 4. Descri tion** Personal ^ Cartrid e Res irators Protective ^Chemical Monitorin E ui ment (describe) Equipment, ^Chemical Protective A tuns/Coats Safety ^Chemical Protective Boots Equipment, ®Chemical Protective Gloves and ^Chemical Protective Suits (describe) First Aid ®Face Shields Equipment ®First Aid Kits/Stations (describe) ^ Hard Hats ^ Plumbed E e Wash Stations ^ Portable E e Wash Kits (i.e. bottle n~ e) ^ Res irator Cartridges (describe) ® Safet Glasses/S lash Go Les ^ Safet Showers ^ Self-Contained Breathin A aratuses (SCBA) ^ Other (describe) Fire ^ Automatic Fire S rinkler S stems Extinguishing ^ Fire Alarm Boxes/Stations Systems ®Fire Extin uisher S stems (describe) ^ Other (describe) Spill ®Absorbents (describe) Control ^ Berms/Dikes (describe) Equipment ^ Decontamination E ui ment (describe) and ^ Emer enc Tanks (describe) Decontamination ^ Exhaust Hoods Equipment ^ Gas C Linder Leak Re air Kits (describe) ^ Neutralizers (describe) ^ Ove ack Drums ^ Sum s (describe) ^ Other (describe) Communications ^Chemical Alarms (describe) and ^ Intercoms/ PAS stems Alarm ^ Portable Radios Systems ®Tele hones ^ Under round Tank Leak Detection Monitors ^ Other (describe) Additional ^ Equipment ^ (Use Additional ^ Pages if Needed.) ^ * Use the map and grid numbers from the Storage Map prepared earlier for your HMBP. ** Describe the equipment and its capabilities. If applicable, specify any testing/maintenance procedures/intervals. Attach additional pages, numbered appropriately, if needed. UPCF (1199) Employee Training Plan (Hazardous Materials Business Plan Module) Authority Cited: HSC, Section 25504(c); Title 22, Div. 4.5, Ch. 12, Art. 3 CCR All facilities that handle hazardous materials must have a written employee training plan. This plan is a required module of the Hazardous Materials Business Plan (HMBP). A blank plan has been provided below for you to complete and submit if you do not already have such a plan. If you already have a brief written description of your training program that addresses all subjects covered below, you are not required to complete the blank plan, below, but you must include a copy of your existing document as part of your HMBP. Check all boxes that apply. [Note: Items marked with an asterisk (*) are required.]: 1. Personnel are trained in the following procedures: ® Internal alarm notification ® Evacuation/re-entr rocedures & assembl oint locations* ® Emer enc incident re ortin ® External emer enc res onse or anization notification ® Location(s) and contents of Emer enc Res onse/Contin enc Plan ® Facility evacuation drills, that are conducted at least (specify) (e.g. "Quarterly", etc.) 2. Chemical Handlers are additionally trained in the following: ® Safe methods for handlin and stora a of hazardous materials ® Location(s) and ro er use of fire ands ill control a ui ment ® Sill rocedures/emer enc rocedures ® Pro er use of ersonal rotective a ui ment ® Specific hazard(s) of each chemical to which they may be exposed, including routes of exposure (i.e. inhalation, ingestion, abso tion) ^ Hazardous Waste Handlers/Managers are trained in all aspects of hazardous waste management specific to their job duties (e.g. container accumulation time requirements, labeling requirements, storage area inspection requirements, manifesting re uirements, etc.) 3. Emergency Response Team Members are capable of and engaged in the following: ® Personnel rescue rocedures ® Shutdown of o erations ® Liaison with res ondin a encies ® Use, maintenance, and re lacement of emer enc res onse a ui ment ® Refresher trainin ,which is rovided at least annuall ® Emergency response drills, which are conducted at least (specify) (e.g. "Quarterly", etc.) UPCF (1/99) Record Keeping (Hazardous Materials Business Plan Module) All facilities that handle hazardous materials must maintain records associated with their management. A summary of your recordkeeping procedures is a required module of the Hazardous Materials Business Plan (HMBP). A blank summary has been provided below for you to complete and submit if you do not already have such a document. If you already have a brief written description of your hazardous materials recordkeeping systems that addresses all subjects covered below, you are not required to complete this page, but you must include a copy of your existing document as part of your HMBP. Check all boxes that apply. The following records are maintained at the facility. [Note: Items marked with an asterisk (~`) are required. J: ® Current em to ees' trainin records (to be retained until closure o the acili ) ® Former em to ees' trainin records (to be retained at least three ears a er termination o em to ~ment) ® Trainin Pro ram(s) (i.e. written descri tion o introducto acid continuirt trainin) ® Current co of this Emer enc Res onse/Contin enc Plan ® Record of recordable/re ortable hazardous material/waste releases * ® Record of hazardous material/waste stora a area ins ections * ^ Record of hazardous waste tank dail ins ections ® Descri tion and documentation of facilit emer enc res onse drills Note: The above list of records does not necessarily identilj~ every type of record requcred to be macntamect by the Jactttry. A copy of the Inspection Check Sheet(s) or Log(s) used in conjunction with required routine self- inspections of your facility must be submitted with your HMBP. (Exception: Available from your local agency is a Hazardous Materials/Waste Storage Area Inspection Form that you may use if you do not already have your owra form. If you use the example provided, you do not need to attach a copy.) t/necx the appropriate box: ® We will use the Unidocs "Hazardous Materials/Waste Storage Area Inspection Form" to document inspections. ^ We will use our own documents to record inspections. (A blank copy of each document used must be attached to this HMBP) UPCF (1/99) GENERAL NOTES I' ®. 1. FOR 7ME PURPOSE a CQ/STRIICIION DRAWIN4 llE FalOWiNC DEF96nON5 91ALL APPLT: Ca1TTUCTOR - eEOTTtL ~--~~~ ~1 ) n - /ate'(/ ue [~It~-vle/N 5`ir.~ suamNTRACTOR - aIERAL oa1TRACroa (cansmucnoTO OWNER - ATer wtlE,LESSgRYpES Q // S ~ 2 PRIOR ro THE 9mrspN DF BDS,' T1E BODING 9A9CONTMCIOIt 91M1 N9T 1HE CELL 91E ro ~ a / FAYElAR1II w1N TIE E10511NO CONd110N5 AND ro CQNFwI THAT TKE waa CAN BE ~ ~ a~~µ~ FOUND 91ALL I BEBE BRWOR roTO TE ATIENT011 CUNTRAOIOR, U ~ / ,,.. .. 3 ALL MATF16A15 FUMSIIED AND NS1AlLE0 91111 BE w STwCT ACOOROANCE w1H ALL p ® ~ V ~ ~ U APPUCABIE CODES RELLlAl10NS AND ORONANfZS. 96COI/7RACfgi 91ALL 1591E ALL APPROPwAIE N0116F5 AND Ca/PLY wM ALL TAWS OIDMANCES, RIRES REq.IlARa1S AND ~®. Q ~ ~ y IAYFIS ORDERS OF MY PUH1C AU1/10RRY REGYiOwG 11E PERfORYANCE OF n1E WORT(. ,~ ~N `"6~a~r s~"` `D~" ~N "~'"A BD~N` ~E. u,EST E~n°". YEdiAMCAL AND,FIECii6hll RlawT 91A11 BE w ACCORDMCE wTl ALL APPLICABLE WNIaPAL AT~T WIRELESS SERVICES INC AND U11UIY COYPAPY SPEfi1CAnONS'AND LOCAL AA'6501CTONAL CODES ORDRIMCES AND APPLIUwE REODUTIONS Ml MIX6( 91/71. BE N ACCOTDANCE w1N NFPA-70, 1999 NATONAL ' . -I Z4 5 a/ f (N ~ ELECTRIC cpDE Aro cuanwllA, DECTwc caoE 1 C L16 SITE NUMBER {. aUwNGS' PRDVDLD IIE7S ARE NDT ro BE SpY1D AID ARE N,ETDFD ro SNDw QUICHE OM.T. : 7-F' y ` / L O S IR6E55 NOTED OTEIIMISE 71E wORK SMAl1 NCLUOE FIRw19wN' YAiF16AL5, EWIPMENT. APPURT7/MaS, YID LABOR NECESSARY ro COMPLETE ALL NSTALLJ1na15 A5 NaCATEO DN 0 O l 7 II ~ ~ SITE NAME: S O U T I"i W E S T 7NE aIAwNGS' 6 YAIFAIAL 9aEaF1E0 N TIE TABLE •RF 9LL W YA7ERULL5' MDL BE SUPPUm BY 11E CONIRACIOR ro TIE 91BWNTRACRaL ALL OTHER MATERIALS suLL BE SIIPPLIm BY ~ '' ~ ~` 1HE SUBGONIRACIgL , 7. 11A: 5u6mN7RACmR SHALL Nsrui ALL EOUPYdT AND YATE76AIS w ACCORDANCE w1H DRAWING INDEX REV PROJECT INFORMATION YANIFACIURFR•S REYb161EIDA110N5 IRe.E55 9N7LP1CALLY SEATED OTIIERWIBE. ' S P 1HE 9'EgFED EalN11FM CANNOT BE p5TM1ID AS 910NN a1 THESE DRAMNGS 111E BAK-CL18-Oi TITLE SHEET AND Gr:NERAL NOTES 0 scoPE Oi WO(tK: UNMANNED IElECONMUNICAT10N5 fAgUTY MODIFICAn A SUBCONR1ACTat 9MLL PROPOSE M K1T]wATTVE R4TALLA710N SPACE FOR APPRWAL BY 111E ~~ SITE ApORESS HOB MEAGER S~BUI ~ ~ BAK-CL78-02 EQUIPMENT LAYOUT PLAN 0 L aMERSnm. cA 9. SUBCONTXACIat 91M}. OEIDWIIE ACTUAL ROL/11NG W CONDI/1 PORFR AND n CABLES. OROUNOINC CABLES M S1DM1 ON 111E POWER, T710LIN06N: AID 1600 PLAN DRAwNG. SUBCONTRACTOR SWL. uIERE E1657NO TRAYS AND/OR 91u1 ADD NEw TRAYS AS NEassARr. BAK-CL16-03 CABLES TO BTS CA&iNET (NOKIA) 0 UONOE: 55.31fiO• 9sCONiRACia1 SHALL cD1aM61 TIE ACTUAL POUIV, wTN 71E cONTRACiDR (IBBU & 24VDC RF CABINET) LONaNDE -119.0827' 1a 1!E 91BOOIIiRAC10R 91u1 PROTEGE E7651NG wPROVOENTS PAVFNE7ITS CutBS LANDSCAPING AID STRUCTURES ANY DAMAGED PYFT SHALL BE REPANED AT 91BCONIAACTORS E10'ENSE ro gpK-CL78-04 ANTENNA CONFIGURATION 0 mYAnpN' 111E SAT6FACIION R OTHER. SUBOONI1UCIaT SNYl'lECY1Y A MTOPET6 Y a5PO5E a ALL Saint MATERIALS SUFJI AS ii gAK-Cl18-05 BILL OF MATERIALS AND CONSTRUCTION NOTES 0 JJRISDIOnON aTY OF BMER.FlEID . . CDAIOY.'CABIES AIO OTER IlEYS REMOVED TROY TIE E765RNC FACILITY. ANTENNAS REMOVD CURRENT USE iF1FCOMMUNIUnONS FAgUTY slur BE RETURNED ro owlnrs DmLNATEO IxAnoN. BAK-CL78-OB CONSTRUCTION DEY~AILS AND NOTES 0 PROPOSF~ USE TE]ECONYUNIUnONS FAGUTY ~ . 12 SUBCONiRACTa/ 9WL IEAr~,PppI15LS w CLEAN Ca1a110N. 13. YL caNgErE REPAN wales s1Y1 ff DaNE N ACCaDMCE w1H AMERICAN CONgTEIE VICINITY MAP STRUCTURAL REVIEW wsntLlTE (Aa) 3oL - 1{, ANY NEW Ca1aElE N®m FOR 1NE CONS7RUCTa/ 9UV1 /LIVE {000 P9 STRENOIH AT 2B DRIVING DIRECTIONS: ~ DAYS ALL CONQE'iNG W016f 91N1 BE GONE w ACCORDAI/CE w1N Ap 318 CODE ~~~~ CO WEST ON PARK ST. TO BEC HMO AV£ TURN LEFT, iVRN RIGHT ON LOCUS ST, (vALN STJ 51RDGNRAL ANAlY95 6 NOT REQUIRED FOR 7M5 97E. TO CA-9I W ro I-805 N ro I -3 N TO U-99 N TO PANAMA LANE EA?, TAKE IETT. RIGHT DN 15. N1 STRUCTURAL S7EEl NOI6( 91Y1 BE OOIE w ACCOROMQ w1N A19C SPEgFiCAOON. DISTRICT BLVD. RIGHT ON CONR AD lN. LER ON McDIN1T DR, WWgI BECOMES YEAGEFi WAY. _ 00002 •fFTIERAt ~S AOOZ o APPLICABLE CODES AND STANDARDS - - , 16. tonrnwrna 9IALL COMPLY ww SPECPICATTON 11673-033- CCNSIRUCTIaI SFRNGES Fai CONSTRIICTIa1 Q AWS 3G 97ES' n _ NAn F, l?N.'~U D ' 19 I ~ :.. 90alw T 7 I Z 17. $UBCa1TU1CTOR 91Y1 VEwFY TILL pBSIwG aYEN90N5 AND CONDITIONS PROR ro CpAMENgNG ... .. . ~l 4 ISLl a , ~ y ~ Fi Oly~ .,per. yny Or ~ " ~ ' • L HT'S BUILDING CODE: UNIFORM BUILDING COpE 199] ANY FIOIWC YL a1EI19a15 6 E705INC Ca15TWCTON 910FR1 aT 1HE DRAwNGS MUST BE COMRUCiM 91ALL NOT6Y TE WNTRACTOR OF ANY OISgiEPANGES PRIOR TO .I ~ y ~ n.., Q{ . _i. ~% C ~j 4 6tlvwyin CI ALL WORK IS TO COMPLY wTN THE 1999 CALIFORNIA BUILDING COpE(CBCj AMENDMENTS M'p STAND RDS VDIIF®, 9JB ORDERNG MATET6AL OA PROL7iFONO w1H OONSIAUCTIaI ., ~~.°19 Dr. :'S""o 3 ( . ..._... _.._.~ ~......_.__..a I A , INQUDINC THE fOLLOwNG CODES IN ORDER Of PRECCDENCE: WnWL - 16. 1NE ETaSTNG Q71 9TE 6 N FIAL OOIOQROAL WERA1N71L ANY Ca6iRUCi1TX! WORK BT I IY " THE 199]: UNIFORM BIDC. CODE STANDARDS AND AMENDMENTS; UNir ORM MECHAIItCAI CODE STANDARDS AND r AMENDMENTS NIF R F SUBCONIRACTa1 SHALL N07 OT961PT 17E EASTNO Ma61AL OPERAPOH. ANY WORK OH EIOSTNC ' PROJECT SITE :} ' ,' ; U O M IRE CODE STMDMDS ANG AM NDMENTS; UNIFORM PLUMBING CODE STN:DMDS ANO AMENDMENT OC D EOUIPYENT MUST BE COORONAIID wTH COHiNACTOR AT CONTRACTORS a+TON, MORN YAY 8E Sa1EDULID fal M APPROPPoAIE MAwIET1ANLE IM/DOw USUYLY w LOW iRAFFlC PERIODS : ......... ... ~~, Alcllai Ln ` o., ' S; L AL BUIL ING CODE qiY/CWNTY CRGINMGS. ~~ ~Dpa1T, ~ ~ ;, jc nA /ElA-227-1986 F, 607 COYMERGAL BVRDING GROJNdNC ANU BDNDINC REWIRCMCNTS FOR a P ~ i 1FIECOMMUNICATONS 19. SNCE THE all 97E 5 ACTVE. ALL SAFET' PRECAU110N5 WST BE TAKEN wEN WORKING ' ... , MCf)rvOl Dr N AI S PERY590N, MOUND MNN LEVE75 6 ElEC11R0YAGNETD RApAna/. UPON CONTRACTOR ._. .~ ~ ._ ~. ~ SC. CONSIRUCTON MANU 9lh EDITON OR UiER. EWIPYENT SMOWD ~ SHUTDOWN PwaR ro PERFaWNO MY Nab( THAT COULD EWOSE THE tlORIQRS ro DMLE0. PERSaIAL RF EID091RE YOMTORS 6 ADV1sFD TO BE HORN TO ALERT I "' Dishlct Rkd NEC (NAnONAL ELECTRIC CODE) T999 (NFPA 70) a' MY OMOEROUS DN09RE LEVELS, 4, .~ ( i , I '~~ NOKIA ULTRASITE DRAWING BSU36608002CST21 OR UIER REN90N ' Pi 'j ~ GasforE u M11ERE MERE IS A CONNCT DEIWEEN CODES. M CM!lER NAKED CODE TAKES PRECEDENCE OVER A U1ER • " ~nninun Psr.'d; NAKED CODE. ~~~ MCd:n L4O6G Ur, _. I! IN MY SPECIf1C CASE OR CONFLICTS BETWEEN SECTaIS Q ANY CODE. REf.MDING MAT-cRIALS METHODS OF fRacuo :l_aq: Dr . CONSTRUCTION, OR OTHER REWIRCNENTS. THE NOSi RESTiRICIK SHALL GOVERN. WHERE THERE IS CONFlJGT ii - BE iWEEN A GENERAL REWIRENENT MO A SPEGFlC RECUIHEMENT, THE SPEdfIC REWIREMEN? SHALL GOVERN. tf lT l n ~ t ~~~ AYrS COA(PLEx GROWTH ca orLe a e ec«rv L aedT ' AT&T TfflE SHEET AND AWS - Corr~llex GtroLVMI Project S~ E ~~ ~~ ~- GE E 17900 PARK PLAZA DRIVE H08 MEAGER BN(ERSF1ElD U ATBT WIPIELESS SERVICES. INC. ro/a2/d Lmlm rrn wmnucnw (W Gsv oAmA>7 mIG SNi C4 N RAL NOTES CERRROS, CA 90703 , USID: 9531 IIa9C PARK PIMA DRRYE c6RRrros a "L~0M5 °' "' __ ~ scut u o6mMn: Ar 24691 BNC-C! 1 6 ~DI p _ ~ o b Z Q. O K ~ J O } ~g $ u Euao~ (,n J. y \ a o w V „ ~ ~ ~ - /A v/ ~ ~ a ~ a ~ W s-.o~ i _-- ~ _ . F .. - - - _ S_~_ - _ .:. ' ZT_ 1-- ~I i ..- , ~ ~ -I -~ ..__ --- - _ -- - - - ~ ----- - - 1 --- - -._ ~ s I I ~ f ~ ° ~ ~ ~ __._ ~ ~ .Z/l :l 1~ i - a L _- a ~ ~ td _ a ~ Wx ~~ ~ z ~ @ - a y ~ ~ ~ I- OJf ; L c~ . -~ I - ~--\ ~~ ~ g ~~, I ~ ~ ~ ~~ - . ' ~ ` ` ~ i ~~ U vg _ ~. c LL >~ :~ ~ N • I ; 1 i _ ~ L s . I ~V Q ~ `~ III IIIII~ rI ~~ liX i '_ ~ ~ ,. , p ` i o ~ o~ w a ~s ~~9q G ~ g ~~ W W ~ _~ ~ ~ ~I I _~ x ~_ ~ I J K d d d d~ ~ I F Y ~. 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M MXWX•X Xul .WW F+ W rWw w n M•.u ~.•n w •XrXyYw y.wn 'lnwe y.p•.w .X Nu uN Lw ww w•~u».M •••~e.• ~N.awy .w wurl y..••. us aYy wXaw I• L+b•~E •w •.s •w•x 4 XM•1 •III N.n !uF•^.I MYt '••I•nWNX wNW M •Jwen WYW xxNX Y•Iw N ~wnwN •X •1 Nu nrysy n LeNYWe wllwu.•lul IryN•yXUas •uleVNa 'x••••w• 4YeV w 'i00i u~1 vry PIw•B O ~M1Xl0~xOJ lllxll9 ~ ~ ~~13~ UNIFIED PROGRAM CONSOLIDATED FORM FACILITY INFORMATION ~ /~~~ l BUSINESS OWNER/OPERATOR IDENTIFICATION Pa e 2 of 2 I. IDENTIFICATION FACILITY ID # t BEGINNING DATE 100 ENDING DATE Io1. (Agency Use Only) 02/01 /2007 02/01 /2008 BUSINESS NAME (Same as FACILITY NAME) 3. BUSINESS PHONE 102 AT8~T Mobility -SOUTH WEST (14282) (425) 580-4902 BUSINESS SITE ADDRESS 103. 4408 YEAGER WAY CITY 104 ZIP CODE Ios. BAKERSFIELD 93313 DUN & BRADSTREET to6. SIC CODE (4 digit #) 10~. 10-202-6754 4812 COUNTY EN 108. Kern BUSINESS OPERATOR NAME 109 BUSINESS OPERATOR PHONE I Io. AT&T Mobility 425 580-4902 ext. II. BUSINESS OWNER OWNER NAME t t 1. OWNER PHONE uz. New Cingular Wireless PCS, LLC 425 580-4902 ext. OWNER MAILING ADDRESS l I3. P O Box 97061 CITY Ita. STATE IIS. ZIP CODE 116. Redmond WA 98073-9761 III. ENVIRONMENTAL CONTACT CONTACT NAME 117 CONTACT PHONE ns. Debra Okano 562 468 - 6495 ext. CONTACT MAILING ADDRESS 1 tv. 12900 Park Place Drive, 3rd Floor CITY 1zo. STATE IzI. ZIP CODE 1zz. Cerritos CA 90703 -PRIMARY- IV. EMERGENCY CONTACTS -SECONDARY- NAME 1z3. NAME 1--8 Debra Okano Wireless Network Control Center TITLE 124 TITLE 1z9. Nerivork Manager, Compliance Control Center BUSINESS PHONE 125. BUSINESS PHONE 130. 562 468 - 6495 ext. 800 832-6662 ext. 24-HOUR PHONE* 1'-6. 24-HOUR PHONE* 131. 949 338 - 8434 ext. 800 832-6662 ext. PAGER # 127- PAGER # 13z N/A N/A ADDITIONAL LOCALLY COLLECTED INFORMATION: 133. Billing Address: P O Box 97061, Redmond, WA 98073-9761 Property Owner: New Cingular Wireless PCS, LLC - DBA: AT&T Mobility Phone No.: (425) 580-4902 Certification: Based on my inquiry of those individuals responsible for obtaining the information, I certify under penalty of la~v that I have personally examined and am familiar with the information submitted and believe the information is true, accurate, and complete. SIGN OF O~VIv'ER/OPERATOR IGNATED REPRESENTATIVE 134. DAT~ NAME OF DOCLJ;vIENT PREPARER 135. j ~'l~~ ~~ Steven Y Jin NA_ViE SIGNER (print) 136. TITLE OF SIGNER 137. Sian Wiltshire Environmental Com liance S ecialist UN-020 - 4/17 www.unidocs.org Rev. 07/24/06