HomeMy WebLinkAbout06-16-08 MINUTES �K PLANNING COMMISSION TE 11111 N l.1 Pre-Meeting — June 18, 2008 — 12;15 pamn Council Chambers, City Hall, 1501 Truxtun Avenue 1, ROLL CALL Present: Commissioners Johnson, McGinnis, Tragish, Stanley, Andrews Absent: Commissioners Tkac, Blockley 2. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE: 3. PUBLIC STATEMENTS: None. 4„ CONSENT CALENDAR: 4.1 Non-Public Hearing Items These items will be heard at the regular meeting. 4.2 Public Hearing Items These items will be heard at the regular meeting. 5. PUBLIC HEARINGS—Vestin Tentative Tract Ma !Site Plan Review 5.1 Vesting Tentative Tract Map 7152(McIntosh &Associates) 5.2 Vesting Tentative Tract Map 7153(McIntosh &Associates) Staff report given, no commissioner comments. 5.3 Site Plan Review 08-0259(Cornerstone Engineering) Staff report given, Commissioner McGinnis stated that his concern was with recycling of the industrial-type waste and their arrangement with CalTrans to use the product to water the ice plants along the highway. He commented that this falls just outside the 1,000 foot range and inquired if with the extra added cost to this project that this 1,000 foot requirement could be waived so as not to kill the project. Staff responded that they felt that it was important that industrial, as well as residential, be on sewer. He asked if they would waive that 1,000 foot requirement in the futu re to wh ich staff responded it wou Id have to be on a case by case basis. Commissioner Tragish inquired if any of the surrounding developments are attached to the sewer, to which Staff responded that the only other businesses in the Vicinity are a motor winding shop and a what use to be a canned food warehouse, neither of which are on this sewer. Staff pointed out that this would afford them the opportunity to connect and possibly offset some of this gentleman's costs. Commissioner Tragish inquired if the applicant had been made aware from the beginning, with their application, that there would be a possibility that they would have to hook up to sewer. Staff responded that this was stated as a condition on the Site Plan Review and therefore, yes they were advised. Commissioner Tragish inquired what the objection is to them having a septic. Staff responded that the Director has a philosophical difficulty with having them on a septic system when they are just about 60' away. Pre-Meeting Minutes of Planning Commission — June 16, 2008 Page 2 Commissioner Tragish stated for Thursday night he would like Staff to explain what the specific objections are to this applicant being on septic and if there is a health, safety and welfare issue. Commissioner Stanley inquired if the required lift station would make it more feasible for the other businesses in the location to hook into the system. Staff responded that it is a possibility that that could be done. Commissioner Stanley inquired if in the Site Plan Review process other businesses have been given a waiver. Staff responded in the past two years this is the first time, that they can recall, someone requesting a septic system. Commissioner Andrews inquired what type of incentives there might be to encourage the other businesses to hook up. Staff responded that they will check to see if there are any options to provide an incentive. Staff pointed out that if these businesses tried to expand their business they would be required to hook into the sewer line. Commissioner Andrews stated that without any incentives to connect he does not see why they would want to connect. Commissioner Johnson inquired as to the out-piece on the map. Staff responded that they will check for Thursday's meeting. Commissioner Stanley inquired what types of changes the other businesses would have to make to require them to hook into the sewer. Staff responded that for commercial buildings, if they are adding onto the structure, they will need a building permit and they would have to hook up. 6. PUBLIC HEARINGS— GENERAL PLAN AMENDMENTS/Land Use Element Amendments 1 Circulation Element 1 Zone Changes 6.1 a General Plan Amendment 07-0761 (McKinzie Real Estate) 6.1 b Zone Change 07-0761 (McKinzie Real Estate) Staff report given, Commissioner Johnson inquired if the substreet will punch all the way through to Union. Staff responded in the affirmative. 6.2a General Plan Amendment 07-1541 (KSA Group Architects) 6.2b Zone Change-07-1541,(KSA Group Architects) Staff report given, Commissioner McGinnis inquired why Mall View Road is completely drawn out. Staff responded that it is a private street, but is essentially a drive aisle for Home Depo, whereas Mall View Road shows, on the East Hills Mall Map, as a street lot. Commissioner McGinnis inquired if the PCD overlay on this will alleviate some of the fears about this concern with Mall View Road. Staff responded they will have to look a the traffic study before Thursday. Commissioner McGinnis inquired if this project would be built at the grade of the existing East Hills Mail. Staff responded that the architect for the project is nodding yes, however staff is not sure if they can guarantee that at this point. Staff commented that the point on the east side may be, but as it moves to the west staff is not sure it will be at the same grade. Commissioner McGinnis asked for clarification on the traffic situation before Thursday. Commissioner Johnson commented that his experience is this area has traffic issues that he will be concerned with. Commissioner Andrews commented that the traffic around Home Depo and out to Mt. Vernon is a concern. 6.3a General Plan Amendment 07-2271 (ordiz-Melby Architects) 6.3b Zone Change 07-2271 (Drdiz-Melby Architects) Staff report given, Commissioner Johnson stated that he will remove himself from this item as he attends this subject church. No other Commissioner comments were made. 6.4a General Plan Amendment 08-0590 (Mark J. Smith) Pre-Meeting Minutes of Planning commission -- June 16, 2008 Page 3 6.4b Zone Change 08-0590 (Mark J. Smith) Staff report given, Commissioner Tragish recused himself from this item. No commissioner comments made. 6.5a General Plan Amendment 08-0812 (E & R Surveying & Consulting) 6.5b Zone Change 08-0612 (E & R Surveying &Consulting) Staff report given, Commissioner Johnson inquired as to the primary access on the street in between the church property and the parcel in question, and if the parcel develops before the church are they going to be required to go to the road that doesn't currently exist. Staff responded in the affirmative. 7. COMMUNICATIONS: Staff stated they have Kate Shaw, an Associate Planner, in the audience. 8. COMMISSION COMMENTS: None. 9. ADJOURNMENT: There being no further business the meeting was adjourned at 1:01 p.m. Robin Gessner, Recording Secretary JAMES D. MOVIUS, Secretary Planning Director July 17,2008